Five little-known facts about life and a feat of Alexander Matrosov. Matrosov Alexander Matveyevich, Hero of the Soviet Union: the truth about the feat

In the postwar years, many events had to restore the grains. Raising archival documents, historians pumped into contradictions - some data were falsified, some had significant discrepancies. One of the events of the Great Patriotic War, which caused disputes in historical circles was the feat of Matrosov. Growing the ambrusura, he fulfilled the combat task at the price of his life.

Biographical information

According to the official version, Alexander Matveyevich was born in Dnepropetrovsk in 1924. Also relative to the origin of Alexander historians put forward two other theories. In one of them, it is argued that the sailors was a led from the Samara province - the village of High Chalk. Another version completely refutes not only the birthplace of the soldier, but also his name. According to the assumptions of the assumptions, Alexander was called Shakiryan Yunusovich Muhamedyanov and was born in the Bashkir Republic, afterwards he himself came up with his new name and surname. In one, all theories converge - sailors grew under difficult conditions. He spent his childhood in orphanages. In 1943, he fought at the front as a volunteer. Discrepancies concern not only the biography of the hero, but also the very feature, which modern historians are interpreted in different ways.

Official version of events

According to official sources, researchers restored the chronology of events. In February 1943, having received an order to attack the village of Chernushki (Pskov region), the 2nd battalion, which fought Alexander, was put forward to the forefront. On the approaches to the village, they stumbled upon the fire of the enemy - the approach was reliably closed three machine guns, two of them neutralized the assault group and armor-friendly. The sailors, together with the Red Army, P. Ogurztsov accepted an attempt to neutralize the third machine gun. The cucumbers were injured, hope was only on Alexander. And he did not let down - enjoying the ambrusura, he threw two grenades. It did not bring any results, and then Alexander her own body covered the ambrusura - only then the enemy machine gun was silent. This act cost him life.

Alternative versions

Along with the usual official version, there are others. In one of them, historians are questioned by the rationality of such an act - in the presence of other ways to close the ambrusura, similar actions seem really strange. Many argue that the human body could not be an obstacle to the enemy machine gun. According to the surviving fighters, Alexander tried to close the soldiers from the fire, who were behind, but not a machine gun.

There are very exotic hypotheses: alleged Alexander stumbled (perhaps, was injured) and accidentally closed the ambrusura.

It is very difficult to get to the truth after the expiration of so many years. But one can say one thing: the fellow of Matrosov became an indicator of courage and inspired many redarmeys. Suffice it to say that more than 400 soldiers committed a similar act, but these feats did not receive speakers. In any case, Alexander Satrosov is a hero, whose name will be inscribed forever in the history of the Great Patriotic War.

Alexander Matrosov (1924-1943),

private Rifle Shelf, Hero Soviet Union,

soldier closedby himself The machine gun of the fascist.

The feat of Alexander Matrosov entered the history of the Great Patriotic War against the fascist invaders.
It was 1941. The youth sought to the front, on the fight against the enemy. Alexander Matrosov is enrolled by a volunteer in the cadets of the infantry military school.

Cadets, knowing military science, committed long-term marchs, lived in dugouts in winter at 40 degrees. In connection with the hardest position at the front under the city of Stalingrad, the cadets were ahead of schedule from the school.

February 27, 1943. Walked fierce battle at the village of Chernushki Pskov region. The soldiers fell under a strong machine-gun enemy fire. Enemy machine-gun fire interfered with the promotion of our troops.

Dzot is a field defensive structure, name according to the first letters of words: wood-earthen firepoint.

One enemy machine gun was suppressed by an assault group of machine gunners and armorboards, the second machine gun is another group of Soviet fighters. And the machine gun from the third dressing continued to fake all the hollow in front of the village.

Guardsmen did not know fear in battle. A few attempts were made to suppress the firing point of the enemy. Take the Dzot failed. Three car guns tried to lie down closer to Jotto. All three fell dead by brave.

Place the feat of A. Matrosova

And then he rose a connected commander of the company - Guard ordinary Alexander Sailors. Alexander, with a machine gun and grenades, began to make his way to Dzoto.

Dzot did not let go ahead the battalion, company, comrades. He knew, in battle the road every minute and tried faster to get to the dumplings. But the enemy noticed him. Puli rested snow ahead and behind him. It was dangerous to move. But, as soon as the machine-gun fire was thrown to the side, Alexander continued to be ahead. Already close enemy firepoint.
One after another Guardsman threw two grenades on Dzot. They broke themselves at the dotota himself. For a second calm, sailors rose and made a jump forward. Again, outbreaks of shots seemed from the ambrusuras. He again fell. There was no grenade. The cartridges in the disk remains quite a bit.

Passed a minute. The sailors threw the automatic machine and gave an ambruso line. In jot, something exploded, a machine gun of the enemy Smallk.
Alexander rose to his whole height, threw up an automatic head over his head and shouted his comrades: - "Forward!". The fighters got up and rushed forward. But again came to the enemy jot. I had to heal them again.

Rancing forward, with his breasts, the heart of his sailors lay down on the firing point of the enemy and drowned the jot. The way forward was open.

The village of Chernushki was taken. The flag of our Motherland was watered over this little village, Alexander Sailors and his comrades gave their lives.
The divisional newspaper was told about the feat of the ordinary Guards Rifle Shelf, then the central press. This feat has become a symbol of courage and military valor, fearlessness and love to their homeland.

Alexander Matrosov was awarded a posthumous title Hero of the Soviet Union.
Similar feats in the Great Patriotic War made more than 400 people.

Matrosov Alexander Matveyevich was born in 1924 in the city of Ekaterinoslavl. Now this city is called Dnepropetrovsk. Grew and brought up in children's house Ulyanovsk region. He graduated from 7 school classes. And he began working as an assistant to the teacher of the Labor Colony of Ufa.

When the Great Patriotic War began, Alexander Satrosov had repeatedly turned to the draft board with a request to send him to the front volunteer. In 1942 he was called in the army. At first he passed the training course in the Infantry School under the city of Orenburg. From January 1943, together with the cadets of the school, he was finally sent to the front.

Alexander Matrosov served as part of the 2nd Separate Rifle Battalion of the 91st Separate Siberian Volunteer Brigade named after I.V. Stalin.

On February 27, 1943, the 2nd battalion received the task to attack the supporting point in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Chernushki (Lokansky district of the Pskov region).

When our soldiers left the forest to the edge, they immediately fell under the fierce fire of the Germans. These are three fascist machine guns in Zotes prevented our approach to the village.

For the destruction of enemy machine guns, groups of two people were sent. One firepoint destroyed a group of automatic gunners. The second machine gun suppressed an assault group of armor-seizers. But the third machine gun never stopped shooting the edge. All attempts to bring it out of order were vain.

Feat Alexander Matrosov

Then to destroy him was instructed by ordinary Peter Cucumbers and Alexander Matrosov. They crawled toward Jota. On the approaches to him, ordinary Peter Ogurtsov heavily wounded. Then Alexander Satrosov decided to bring the case to the end. He crawled to the sump ambrusura on the side and threw a grenade into it. Machine-gun shooting has ceased. But as soon as our fighters began to attack the enemy, the enemy fire resumed. Then Alexander rose, the jerk rushed to the dumplings and closed his embrasure with his body.

So, at the cost of your life, he helped perform the combat challenge of the unit. Thanks to him, the support point was taken by our troops. Alexander Sailors was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, posthumously. And it was a hero of just 19 years old.

Each generation has its own idols and heroes. Today, when the podium is put on the pedestal of honor and pop stars, and the examples for imitation are scandalous representatives of Bohemia, it's time to remember those who really deserve eternal memory in our history. We will talk about Alexandra Matrosov, with the name of which the Soviet fighters were going to the meat grinder, seeking to repeat his heroic feat, sacrificing his lives in the name of the independence of fraud. Over time, memory erases small details of the events and makes paints more faded, making their own adjustments and explanations to what happened. Only many years later, it became possible to reveal some mysterious and subsequent moments in the biography of this young man, who left such a significant mark in the glorious Annals of our Motherland.

Anticipating angry reactions to those who are inclined to leave the facts in the form in which they were set forth with the Soviet media, it is necessary to immediately make a reservation that the studies conducted by historians and memoirs are in no way detract from the merit of a person whose name is the streets for more than half a century cities. No one sets his goal of his outline, but the truth requires the establishment of justice and disclosure genuine facts and names that were distorted at one time or just left without attention.

According to the official version, Alexander was from Dnepropetrovsk, who passed the Ivanovo and Meleksessian children's homes of the Ulyanovsk region and the Ufa labor colony for children. On February 23, 1943, his battalion received the task of destroying the supporting point of the fascists near the village of Chernushki, which in the Pskov region. However, the approach to the settlement was covered with three machine-gun calculations, covered in zotes. For their suppression, special assault groups were sent. Two machine guns were destroyed by the joint forces of machine gunners and armorboards, but attempts to silence the third were not crowned with success. In the end, ordinary Peter Cucumbers and Alexander Satrosov crawled to him. Soon the Ogurtsov was hardly wounded, and the sailors came to the ambrusura already alone. He threw a pair of pomegranate, and the machine gun is fallen. But it was worth the Red Guards to climb the attack, as shooting rang again. Saving his comrades, the sailors with one rapid throw found himself at Zotka and closed the bodies of the body. The moments received enough for the fighters to come closer and destroy the enemy. The feat of the Soviet soldier was told in newspapers, magazines and movies, his name became a phraseology in Russian.

After long searching and research work People who engaged in the study of the biography of Alexander Matrosov, was obvious to the fact that only the date of birth of the future Hero of the USSR deserves, as well as the place of his death. All other information was contradictory enough, and therefore deserved more close consideration.

The first questions arose when at an official request for the place of birth in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, a clear answer was made that the birth of a child with that name and surname in 1924 was not registered by any registrar. Further search B. soviet time The main researcher of the life of Matrosov Rauf Jaevich Nasyrov led to public censure of the writer and accusing him to revision of heroic pages of military time. Only much later he was able to continue the investigation, the result of which was a number of interesting discoveries.
Following the hardly noticeable "bread crumbs", the bibliographer initially on the basis of eyewitness testimonies suggested, and then practically proved that the real name of the hero is Shakiryan, and the Genuine Place of His Birth is a small village of Kunakbaevo, which is located in the participation of Bashkiria. Studying documents in the participation of the city council made it possible to find an entry about the birth of a certain Muhamedyanova Shakiryan Yunusovich on that very day, on which the official biographical version of the life of Alexander Matrosov, February 5, 1924. A similar misconception of data on the place of birth of the famous Hero brought to the idea of \u200b\u200bverifying the authenticity of other biographical data.

No one of the close relatives of Shahiryan at that time was no longer alive. However, during further searches, children's photographs of the boy were found, which miraculously remained from the former fellow villagers. A detailed consideration of these pictures and comparison with later photos of Alexander Matrosov, allowed scientists from the research institute of judicial examinations in Moscow to give the final conclusion about the identity of people depicted on them.

Few people know that there is another Alexander Satrosov, the namesake of the principal article, also became the hero of the Soviet Union. Born on June 22, 1918 in the city of Ivanovo, during the Great Patriotic War, he served to senior sergeant, commander of the platoon of an intelligence company. In the summer of 1944, the sailors together with other scouts captured the bridge on the Belarusian River Svisloch, who was the influx of Berezia. More than a day, a small group held it, reflecting the attacks of the fascists, before the approach of the main forces of our troops. In that memorial battle, Alexander survived, safely ended the war and died in his native Ivanovo on February 5, 1992 at the age of seventy-three years.

During conversations with fellow soldiers, Alexander Matrosov, as well as residents of the village, where he was born, and former pupils of children's homes, the picture of the life of this was gradually began to take shape famous man. Father Shakiryan Muhamedyanova returned with Civil War disabled and could not find a permanent job. In this regard, his family experienced large material difficulties. When the boy was only seven years old, his mother died. It became even harder to survive, and often a father together with a little son asked alms, threshing in neighboring yards. Very soon there was a stepmother in the house, with which young Shahiryan was never able to go down the characters, running out of the house.

Through the charming, the boy fell into the receiver-distributor for children along the NKVD line, and from there and was sent to modern Dimitrovgrad, which was then called Meleks. It is in this orphanage that he first appears as Alexander Sailors. But in official documents, under this name, he was recorded when he entered the colony located in the village of Ivanovka, on February 7, 1938. There, the guy called the fictional place of birth and the city in which he, according to his own words, was never. Based on the documents issued to him in all sources, it was subsequently indicated by this information about the place and date of birth of a boy.

Why did Shakiryan recorded under the same name? His fellow villagers recalled that in fifteen years, in the summer of 1939, he came to himself on small homeland. At the teenager was the hopelessness and striped vest under a shirt. Already then he called himself Alexander Matrosov. Apparently, he did not want to indicate his real name in the colony because he knew about a universal ill-associated attitude to the nationals. And when it is symbolized to the marine symbolism, invent the corresponding name, as they did at that time, many sleepwear did, did not work. However, in the shelter, they also remembered that Sasha was called not only a shuriki-sailor, but also Shuriki Shakiryan, as well as "Bashkir" - because of the dark-skinned teenager skin, which again confirms the identity of the two considered personalities.

As fellow villagers, the pupils of the shelter responded about Sasha as a bobbin and cheerful guy who loved to rapate on the guitar and Balayak, he could beat the chchelet and played the best "in grandmother". They even remembered the words of his native mother, who spoke at one time, that because of their dexterity and excessive activity, it will be either pleasing well done or a criminal.

In the generally accepted version of the biography of the Hero, it is said that the sailors worked for some time a joiner on furniture factory In Ufa, but as he fell into the labor colony, to which this enterprise was attached, it was not said anywhere. But this segment of his biography contains colorful references to what an excellent example for peers was Alexander while he became one of the best boxers and skiers of the city, which beautiful poems wrote. To create a consuming effect in a fictional story, a lot is mentioned about the active work of Matrosov as a polyterator, as well as the father of the hero, being a communist, died from a fist bullet.

An interesting fact associated with the fighter's feat was the presence of at least two almost identical Komsomol tickets in the name of Alexander Matrosov. Tickets are stored in different museums: one - in Moscow, the other - in the Great Luki. Which of the documents is genuine and remained unexplained.

In fact, in 1939, Matrosov sent to work on the Kuibyshev car repair plant. However, he soon escaped due to unbearable working conditions. Later, for non-compliance with Sasha's regime, along with a friend was arrested. The following documentary certificate of life guy appears in almost a year. For violation of the subscription conditions that he will leave Saratov during the day, according to archival data, on October 8, 1940, Alexander Matrosov was sentenced to the Frunzen District People's Court to two years of conclusion under Article 192 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. Interesting the fact that on May 5, 1967, the Supreme Court of the USSR returned to the cassation consideration of the Matrosov case and canceled the sentence, apparently not to blame the name of the hero with the impartial details of his life.

Actually, after the decision of the court, a young man and fell into the working colony of Ufa, where he was fully departed. At the very beginning of the war, Seventeen-year-old Alexander, as well as thousands of his peers, sent a letter to the name of the defense addict with a request to send him to the front, expressing his passionate desire to defend his homeland. But he came to the forefront only at the end of February 1943, along with other cadets of the Krasnocholm school, where the sailors were credited in October 1942 after the colony. Due to the difficult situation in all the fronts, the released non-trimmed cadets in full force were sent as a reinforcement to the Kalinin Front.

Here is a new inconsistency of real facts with the officially adopted biography of this person. In accordance with the documents, Alexander Matrosov was enrolled in the Rifle battalion, which was part of the 91st separate Siberian Volunteer Brigade, wearing the name of Joseph Stalin, February 25. But in the Soviet press, it is indicated that Alexander Matrosov made his feat on February 23. After reading this later in the newspapers, Matrosov's fellow soldiers were extremely surprised by this information, because in reality a memorable battle on the Pskov region, not far from the village of Chernushki, which the battalion in accordance with the order of the command was to be repeated from the Germans, occurred on February 27, 1943 .

Why so important date It was changed not only in newspapers, but also in many historical documents describing the Great Feat? Everyone who grew up in Soviet times is well known as the government and many other official bodies love to timing different, even the most minor events for memorable anniversaries and dates. So happened in this case. The approaching anniversary, twenty-fiveth anniversary of the founding of the Red Army, demanded "real confirmation" for inspiring and raising the moral spirit of Soviet soldiers. Obviously, it was decided to coincide the feat of the fighter Alexander Matrosov to a memorable date.

Details of how the events were developed in that terrible February day, when a courageous nineteen-year-old young man was killed, described in detail in many articles and textbooks. Without stopping at this, it is worth noting only that the feat of Alexander Matrosov in official interpretation clearly contradicts the laws of physics. Even one bullet released from the rifle, hitting a person, will definitely knock him down. What is there to talk about the machine-gun queue to the emphasis. The human body at all can serve at least some serious obstacle for machine-gun bullets. Even the first notes of front-line newspapers read that Alexander's corpse was found not on the ambrusura, but in front of him in the snow. It is unlikely that the sailors rushed to her with breasts, it would be the most absurd way to defeat the enemy jot. Trying to reconstruct the events of that day, researchers stopped at the next version. Since there were eyewitnesses, sawing Matrosov on the roof of the joot, most likely he tried to shoot or throw machine-gun calculation by grenades through the window for ventilation. He was shot, and the body fell on the dosushin, breaking the possibility of removal of powder gases. Dropping the corpse, the Germans knew and stopped fire, and Matrosov's comrades got the opportunity to overcome the spacious space. Thus, the feat really took place, the cost of life of the sailors ensured the success of the storming of his squad.

There is also an erroneous opinion that the feat of Alexander was the first of its kind. However, it is not. Many documented facts have been preserved, as in the early years of war soviet soldiers Run to the firepoints of the enemy. The first of them were Alexander Pankratov - Political tank Rota, donated on August 24, 1941 at the attack of the Kirillov Monastery near Novgorod and Jacob Paderin, who died on December 27, 1941 at the village of Ryabinich in the Tver region. And in the "Ballad of Three Communists" Nikolai Semenovich Tikhonova (author famous phrase: "HAVIKI BE ABOUT THIS PEOPLE ...") Describes the battle near Novgorod on January 29, 1942, in which three fighters rushed at enemy dots - Gerasimenko, Cheremnov and Krasilov.

Requires the fact that even by the end of March 1943 at least thirteen people - the fighters of the Red Army, inspired by the example of Alexander Matrosov, carried out such an act. In just over the war years, a similar feat was made more than four hundred people. Many of them were posthumously awarded and received the title of Heroes of the USSR, but their names are familiar with meticulous historians, as well as lovers of historical articles of wartime. Most of the brave heroes remained unknown, and subsequently they had fallen out of the official chronicles. They hit the dead fighters of assault groups, who fought on the very day next to the sailors and managed not only to suppress the net of the enemy, but also by exploring the fascist machine guns, open a retaliatory fire on the enemy. In this context, it is very important to understand that the image of Alexander, in honor of which monuments were built and the streets are built in the cities throughout Russia, just identifying all nameless soldiers, our ancestors who gave lives for victory.

Initially, the hero was buried where he fell, in the village of Chernushki, but in 1948, his remains were reburied on the cemetery of the city of Great Luki, located on the banks of the river. The name of Alexander Matrosov was immortalized by order of Stalin dated September 8, 1943. In accordance with this document, it was first forever listed on the first company's list of the 254th Guards Regiment, where Sasha served. Unfortunately, the leadership of the Red Army, creating an epic image of a fighter, despicable death in the name of the salvation of his comrades, pursued another rather unpleasant goal. Neglecting art preparation, the bosses encouraged the Red Army team to go to the deadly frontal attacks on the enemy's machine guns, justifying the meaningless death of people with an example of a brave soldier.

Even when finding out of this story The hero, which many generations of the inhabitants of our country know as Alexander Matrosov, after clarifying his personality, place of birth, individual pages of the biography and the essence of the most heroic act, his feat is still indisputable and remains a rare sample of unprecedented courage and valor! The feat of a very young young man who stayed at the front only three days. We sing brave madness ...

Information sources:
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Alexander Satrosov - Hero of the Soviet Union, who made a great feat during the war against Nazi Germany.

During the fighting, Alexander helped his colleagues, closing them from machine-gun fire, which suppressed the offensive of the Red Army forces.

After his attain, he became known in the ranks of the Red Army - he was called hero and considered an example of courage. Alexander Matrosov received the highest award - the hero of the Soviet Union, but already posthumously.

early years

Alexander was born on 5.02.1924 in the big city of Yekaterinoslavl and spent all his childhood in the orphanage. Then Alexander was transferred to the Ufa Children's Labor Colony, where after the end of seven classes became an assistant to the educator.

There is no detailed information about all the childhood Matrosov, since many documents and records suffered during the fighting in 1941-1945.

Participation in hostilities

FROM early age Alexander loved his homeland and was a real patriot, so as soon as he began with the Germans, he immediately began to take attempts to go straight to the front, fight for his country and stop the invaders. He wrote numerous telegrams in which he asked to call him in the army.

In September 1942, Matrosov called on a volunteer, sent to the Krasnocholm Infantry School under Orenburg, where he mastered the fighting skills. At the beginning of next year, I went straight to the forefront - to the Kalininsky front. From 25.02.1943, he served in a 91 separate Siberian volunteer army in the 2 rifle battalion.

Heroic death in battle

In one of the battles - February 27, 1943, Alexander heroically died in the battle. It happened not far from the small village of Chernushki, which is in the Pskov region. The Soviet army fell and as soon as a thick forest was held, it turned out to be on a well-skilled uder, where there were practically no shelter. Thus, part of Alexander fell under the dense fire of the enemy.

The Germans attacked with three machine guns well prepared for the defense, which were not allowed to make the soldiers of the Red Army and one step. To destroy the dzota, three groups of two fighters were created in each. The soldiers managed to destroy two of the three subtles, but the third did not want to succumb to the third and continued to lead an active fire on the positions of the strength of the Red Army.

A large number of soldiers died, and then Alexander, together with his comrade P. Ozurtsov, decided to destroy the Dzot. They crawled straight to the enemy, from where he shot a machine gun. The cucumbers were injured almost immediately, the sailors continued to approach the enemy position. Alexander managed to successfully go to the dumplings from the flank and throw the Germans inside the strengthening by two grenades, after which the machine gun was finally silent, and therefore it was possible to continue the offensive further.

However, as soon as the soldiers of the Soviet Army rose from the ground, a powerful fire was repaired from Zotka. Alexander would not think that he immediately jumped right on the machine gun and closed his comrades his own body, after which the offensive was successfully continued and the Dzot was soon destroyed. Such feats were made before 1943, but for some reason the country's attention was attracted. At the time of death, Alexander was only nineteen years old.


After the heroic feat of Alexander Matrosov was recognized in the whole of the Red Army, his image became propaganda. Alexander's personality became a bright example of valor, courage and courage, as well as love for their colleagues and homeland. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander was awarded in the summer of the same year - June 19. Also sailors for their bravery earned the honorable award - Order of Lenin.

After the end of the war, the memory of the fellow of Matrosov did not subside anything, but on the contrary. The authorities built a memorial complex on the spot of the death of a young soldier, where people could come and put flowers in memory of the deceased hero. Also around the country, dozens of monuments of the sailorov were established, the streets were named after him.

The feat of Matrosov was covered in and in literary works And of course, in cinema. Among the cinematic tapes were, both documentary films and artistic.

  • During the Great Patriotic War, other fighters made similar feats. In total, during the fighting, similar feats were made by the same four hundred soldiers of the Red Army. I wonder, but one of these heroes even managed to survive after such a dangerous step - the rest sacrificed themselves;
  • After the heroic death of Matrosov, the number of similar feats has increased significantly, the soldiers were inspired by the feat of Alexander.