Non-calorie snacks. Diet PP snacks: recipes for the road, for beer and wine

House of advice about snacks. It is traditionally believed that any drink containing alcohol is a poison. Nobody argues with this statement, but one small amendment needs to be made: alcoholic beverages, including beer, are harmful if you drink more than they should. If you sometimes allow yourself to relax with a glass of beer, a glass of good vodka or a glass of wine, then you will not cause any harm to the body.

There is another myth - beer makes you fat. It is worth saying that a good foamy drink brewed from natural ingredients contains fewer calories than milk. In addition, it has such useful elements:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • iron.

Magnesium is responsible for the psycho-emotional health of a person, which is why people who do not deny themselves a foamy drink, while knowing the measure, are always in a good mood.

How to drink beer and not gain weight

A beer belly does not threaten you if you choose the right snacks. Snacks for beer are very popular today:

  • salted catfish sticks;
  • pollock back;
  • sea ​​fish fillet cut into strips;
  • squid rings;
  • Shanghai octopus and so on.

Such snacks are sold literally in tens of grams, that is, no matter how much you love them, you are unlikely to eat a lot of them. During salting, nutrients are retained in the fish, respectively, such snacks are very useful in small quantities.

Low calorie snacks

If you are preparing for a party and want to surprise your friends with something unusual, you can find many recipes for cold or hot beer snacks with a low percentage of calories. So, chicken wings will not bring you extra pounds if you soak them raw in a special marinade: a mixture of marjoram and basil herbs, wine vinegar, olive oil, tomato paste and hot sauce. Notice there is no mayonnaise. Then put them in the refrigerator for a while, and then cook them on the grill yourself.

Other low-calorie snacks can be made in the same way:

  • Instead of potato chips, buy corn or salted popcorn;
  • make sandwiches on small pieces of bread;
  • cook pizza on wheat and corn flour;
  • chop up more light salads.

You can come up with millions of ideas, experienced housewives will tell you a lot of recipes. Try not to drink a lot of beer, for this, buy expensive varieties in order to enjoy the taste to your heart's content. Don't forget salty snacks.

It has long been known that beer itself does not contain many calories. They negatively affect the figure of snacks for a drink, which, as a rule, are very high in calories. If you love beer and care about your figure, this does not mean that you should forget about the taste of an intoxicating drink. Just choose low-calorie snacks with beer that will not affect your weight.. We will present you several options for beer food that do not contain a lot of calories.

First of all, take care of preparing snacks yourself. So, if you bought live beer with friends or just for yourself, then prepare your own snacks at home that will be fresh and will not contain additional fats. For example, chicken is an excellent dietary snack for beer. Boiled chicken is the first product of those who follow diets. So why not boil the chicken breast and serve with spices to chilled live beer?

And low-calorie, and satisfying, and healthy. We also advise you to pay attention to chicken wings. Properly selected marinade, which may consist of spices, lemon juice or vinegar, will not add even a gram to your weight. And wings cooked on the grill or in the oven will be a fragrant addition to fresh and tasty beer.

If you are not satisfied with meat as a snack, then you can cook chips yourself. After all, chips are different for chips. You can make your own vegetable chips in the oven and serve them with diet sauces. So, carrot and beet chips are very original. A tomato sauce made from fresh vegetables and spices will perfectly complement these dietary, but at the same time very tasty, snacks.

If you are not going to experiment with making natural chips, you can buy diet crackers from the store that do not contain a lot of calories. You can spread cottage cheese with greens on crackers and get a light and healthy snack. Crackers can be replaced with bread made from coarse wholemeal flour. Such bread is very useful for the body and will not harm the figure.

By the way, cooking sauces for an appetizer can become a real art. Purchased sauces, especially mayonnaise, are very high in calories and are contraindicated for you if you follow your figure. Replace mayonnaise with low-fat cream, adding the same spices and herbs to them. As a result, you will get a low-calorie and tasty product that will allow you to avoid several kilograms. In addition, sauces based on tomato juice or tomato pulp are very tasty and healthy. By adding your favorite spices to it, you get a full-fledged sauce for meat or chips.

If you have any special diet recipes of your own, feel free to share them with us. But whatever the snack, the main thing is tasty and fresh beer, which you can buy in our stores. If you don’t want to cook a snack yourself, then our salespeople will always advise you on a ready-made snack in Svezhev stores, which will not harm your figure!

When buying a bottle or two of foamy beer, a rare person does without a traditional snack. The choice is full of all sorts of things like snacks (crackers, chips, nuts, etc.).

Dried fish (vobla, blue bream, white bream, bream, etc.), and of course, crustaceans (crayfish, shrimp, crabs, etc.) are also held in high esteem among beer lovers. In a word, you can find something for beer for every taste. Consider the most popular snacks that will make drinking a fragrant drink enjoyable.

  1. These crunchy treats are loved by people of all ages. Optionally, you can buy chips with the taste of bacon, mushrooms, sour cream and herbs, cheese, crab, onions. There are on sale chips with the taste of lamb giblets with pepper and baked beans, although you can’t find such products on the shelves of domestic stores. In defense of potato products, one can name their variety, pleasant taste. Perhaps this is where the benefits end. The chips contain a lot of salt, fat, their calorie content is about 520 kcal. In addition, not all manufacturers make chips from natural potatoes. Often used are potato or corn flour, potato flakes. The composition of one of the chips popular in Russia is as follows: dehydrated potatoes, vegetable oil and vegetable fat, rice flour, wheat starch, modified rice starch, emulsifier, salt. The use of chips is fraught with problems with the stomach, intestines, a large amount of salt has a bad effect on the bone and heart systems. Chips are undesirable for children, losing weight and allergies. Although with reasonable use, you can occasionally treat yourself to golden slices.

    By the way, you can cook chips at home on your own, and it’s very simple. This will require several medium or large potatoes, salt and spices. Peel the potatoes, wash, cut into circles as thin as possible. Line a microwave tray with parchment paper and arrange the potatoes in a single layer. Set the oven power to 700 watts. Bake the homemade chips for about 5 minutes, until the potatoes are light golden brown. Such chips will certainly be less harmful, especially if you do not get carried away with seasonings and spices. Only the potatoes must be cut very thinly.
  2. Crackers, croutons- the advantages of purchased crackers in their cheapness and abundance of flavors. However, they are no less harmful than chips. They also contain flavoring additives, dyes, which negatively affects the state of the liver and stomach, often allergic reactions on the skin appear from crackers.

    If you have a beer party, you can easily make crackers at home from a loaf of light wheat or Borodino bread. It is done like this: your favorite bread is taken, the crust is either cut off or left. Bread is cut into squares (straws). You can sprinkle the sliced ​​bread with salt or crumble a little bouillon cube into future croutons (no need to add salt, the cube itself is very salty). Bread is placed on a baking sheet in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. Homemade crackers are dried for about 10 minutes.

    If desired, you can make crackers with butter (any vegetable) and garlic. To do this, take the bread, cut it thinly enough. Pour the oil (about 80-70 ml per medium-sized loaf of bread) into a convenient container. Grind the garlic, send to the oil, if desired, add salt and black pepper there. Add sliced ​​bread to garlic oil for a short while, remove and place on a hot baking sheet at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. These crackers dry for about 10 minutes. They should be stirred occasionally. In such an appetizer there will be much more benefit than in the store. By the way, you can take not necessarily fresh bread - a little dried up will be easier to cut.

  3. nuts(usually salted peanuts and pistachios) - salted nuts are undesirable for people with vascular diseases and those prone to allergies. Peanuts are also undesirable for diabetics, people suffering from gout, ulcers and gastritis of the stomach, high blood pressure, and obesity. But nuts also have benefits: they are nutritious, are an antioxidant product, beneficial for immunity, contain many vitamins (for example, groups B, PP, D, E). But you should not get carried away eating nuts, because they are very high in calories. In 100 g of peanuts as much as 626 Kcal, in pistachios - 556 Kcal.
  4. - dried squids are actually composed of protein (about 62 g per 100 product). Their meat has many benefits - it contains iodine, cobalt, iron, copper, calcium, manganese and other components. But unscrupulous manufacturers of salted and dried squid add preservatives that are harmful to human health to the product. Although occasionally you can still treat yourself to a small pack of squids, in any case, it is better to prefer them to the same chips and crackers.

    By the way, dried squid rings are homemade. It will take 0.5 kilos of chilled squid carcasses, 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, a couple of bay leaves, black peppercorns (a few things), water 0.5 liters. Squids will need to be peeled, after scalding with boiling water. Heat the water so that the salt dissolves, add bay leaves and pepper to it. Put in squid brine for 12 hours. Then remove the marine life from the water, dry with napkins, cut. Cover the baking sheet with parchment, turn on the oven at 60 degrees, dry the meat for 3 hours.
  5. Crab sticks(crab meat) - a budget option for those who love seafood, but want to save money. They are made from white fish meat, egg and vegetable protein, starch, flavor enhancers. Some sticks of minced fish (surimi) contain negligible - less than 15-20%, it is better to refuse such a product altogether. In addition to relatively harmless additives in crab sticks, there are also quite harmful ones (for example, E 121, E 123, E 240). The calorie content of such a product is low - only up to 100 Kcal per 100 g, however, crab sticks are often consumed with mayonnaise, which, of course, does not make them diet food. In general, you should not eat crab meat or sticks for people with a tendency to allergies, gastrointestinal problems.
  6. - in such a product there is calcium, zinc, manganese, vitamins of groups B, PP, C, A. But they should not be eaten by people with a diseased gallbladder, stomach, intestines. They contain a lot of salt, which is fraught with swelling, increased thirst, and bone problems.

    By the way, such a dish can be made at home if there is a smokehouse. This will require the ears themselves (300-500 g), onions (3 heads) and garlic (3 cloves), salt (1 tablespoon), ground black pepper (to taste). Ears should be rinsed with water, onions and garlic should be peeled, washed, chopped. Rub the ears with salt, pepper, garlic and onion. Smoke for 25-30 minutes over medium heat. Ready ears cool, cut, sprinkle with herbs if desired.
  7. Smoked fish There are many benefits in fish. It contains amino acids, vitamins A, B, C, D, E. A good fish for the heart, skin, vision. True, there is an opinion that during smoking, harmful carcinogens appear in the fish, causing cancer. But in small quantities, smoked fish is not only not dangerous, but also healthy and tasty. At the same time, it is better to give preference to cold-smoked fish, because it is she who retains the maximum amount of useful substances, since it is not exposed to high temperatures that “kill” useful substances. By the way, when buying, it is advisable to make sure that the seller is honest by asking for documents for the fish. Often in stores and markets neglect the rules and terms of storage. By the way, the calorie content of the product is only 184 Kcal.
  8. Dried fish- in such a fish (as well as in a smoked one, by the way) contains a lot of fluorine, calcium, phosphorus. But it is better to buy such a snack for beer in the store, not in the market. In addition, fish with a smell is generally required to be abandoned, it will certainly have a detrimental effect on the stomach and intestines. The calorie content of such a product is low - in fish, for example, only 88 Kcal.
  9. Hunting sausages, frankfurters, sujuk- in all these delicious products for beer, unfortunately, there are a lot of preservatives, soy, fat and offal (like sinews and skins). In Russia, sausages and sausages are allowed for sale, in which the meat content is only 10%. Even in expensive meat products, often at best, no more than 50%. Often there is no need to eat sausages (preferably no more than 1 time per week). But after all, drinking beer every day is harmful, so you can treat yourself occasionally.
  10. - this product is very tasty, but undesirable for frequent use due to the large amount of salt in the composition. Dried meat is not recommended for people with gout, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    At home, you can make jerky like this: take beef pulp (sometimes they take chicken, pork, venison), 1 liter of water, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, a couple of bay leaves, ground red (it will take more) and black pepper, black peppercorns. Heat the water to a boil, put the bay leaf, peppers, salt. Cool the brine and put the uncut meat into it. Put the container with meat in brine for 2 days in the refrigerator. Remove the meat from the brine, dry and put under oppression for 1.5-2 hours. Grate the meat with drained brine again with red pepper, wrap in clean gauze and refrigerate for a week in a saucepan with a lid. Then unfold the meat, if desired, rub it again with spices, wrap it in a new clean gauze and hang it in a well-ventilated place for two weeks.
  11. Shish kebab, kupaty, barbecue meat, grilled wings- on a fine day, especially if it happened on the weekend, you can cook delicious meat on skewers or grill, barbecue. Meat contains vitamins A, B, PP, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium. But you should avoid excessively overcooked meat pieces, because it is in the crust that the most harmful carcinogens that threaten cancer are in the crust. In addition, charcoal meat is quite difficult for the digestive system. To make barbecue (barbecue, kupaty, etc.) tastier, it is better to marinate them yourself, not trusting marinated meat sold in jars in stores. Under the guise of quality meat, they often sell rotten, expired, whose taste and smell is masked by vinegar and spices. By the way, ready-made barbecue is best served not only with a glass of foam, but also with fresh herbs and vegetables.
  12. (like "pigtail" or "sausage") - this product is rich in vitamins A, D, E. It contains a lot of fatty acids, useful substances (calcium and phosphorus). But only high-quality cheese of such a plan is useful, although unscrupulous manufacturers go to all sorts of tricks, for example, giving the product a piquant smell and taste due to the “liquid smoke” flavoring and flavorings.

    Cheese cooked according to all the rules (hot or cold smoked) is usually not dangerous, while a product with harmful additives is fraught with allergic reactions. By the way, smoked cheese should not be abused by those who strive to lose weight. Due to its salinity, such a product causes intense thirst, which is fraught with drinking an increased amount of beer. You should not eat low-quality cheese for people with kidney and stomach problems. The calorie content of the product is about 320-400 Kcal.
  13. - there are a lot of vitamins (B, D, E, K), microelements (sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, etc.) in river inhabitants. Good cancers for the liver and kidneys, bile ducts, heart, immune system. In addition, boiled crayfish are also very tasty. True, only those that were alive before the cooking process.

    It is worth noting their low calorie content (only 97 Kcal), which cannot but please gourmets who watch their weight. The price of crayfish is high, but their taste is worth it. Crayfish are usually boiled in salted water with dill. But sometimes white wine, kvass, beer and even milk are taken as the basis for brine. With spices, the choice is also great: you can put in boiling water, for example, bay leaf, cumin, allspice.
  14. Shrimps- there is a lot of iodine in sea relatives of crayfish. Only 100 g of boiled shrimp fill the daily requirement of an adult for iodine. They contain vitamins A, C, D, E. Zinc and selenium contained in shrimp are good for male potency. Preference should be given to shrimp in the package, which will indicate the area of ​​​​their catch and the date. The most delicious are those boiled shrimp that went on sale unpeeled. The calorie content of shrimp, like crayfish, is low - 90 Kcal. In addition, for the price they are usually cheaper than crayfish.
  15. - this product, which has its own advantages. For example, tomatoes (a traditional ingredient in pizza) contain lycopene. This substance helps fight cancer, vascular and heart diseases. However, pizza should not be abused - it has a lot of fat, and the calorie content of the product is high. If desired, pizza can be purchased frozen, ordered at a restaurant, or cooked on your own with any filling - cheese, ham, mushrooms, seafood, vegetables.

  16. Fried onion rings in batter- this snack is good for beer and is prepared very quickly, and all the ingredients are cheap. Even an inexperienced cook can easily make it. To prepare onion rings in batter, you will need 2 medium onions, 0.5 cup flour, baking powder at the tip of a knife, a pinch of pepper and salt, 1 egg, 0.5 cup milk, vegetable oil for frying. Onions should be cut into rings and put in cold water for half an hour to leave the bitterness. Then lay out the rings on a paper towel. Prepare the batter: beat the egg and milk with a whisk or mixer, add this mixture to the baking powder, salt, pepper and flour. Mix. Dip the onion rings in the batter and send to a hot frying pan with oil. Fry until golden crisp appears. When the dish is ready, put the rings back on a paper towel to drain the excess oil.
  17. sandwiches with slightly salted fish, caviar, sausage, cheese, vegetables and lettuce, liver, cottage cheese pate - sandwiches, of course, are tasty, and they are prepared quickly. But healthy food is not included. If you want to serve sandwiches with beer, you can replace the usual bread with bread rolls. The most useful include sandwiches with lightly salted herring (or red fish, for example, pink salmon, chum salmon), tomatoes and boiled eggs. Another option is sandwiches with caviar and a thin layer of butter. Still relatively light - sandwiches with vegetables (radish, cucumber, tomato, herbs). It is better to refuse sandwiches with sausage or ham. It was said above how little use there is in sausages.
  18. Seeds- the cheapest and most inexpensive option to have a bite of a drunk mug of beer. The benefits of sunflower seeds in their composition - there are vitamins A, B, E, D. They are rich in zinc, magnesium, potassium, iodine, selenium. These small grains are an excellent natural antioxidant and a storehouse of trace elements and vitamins. Seeds are beneficial for immunity, heart muscle, skeleton, skin condition, nails and hair. True, the most useful seeds are those that have not been thermally processed. But even in the fried product there are many useful properties. It is advisable to buy unpeeled seeds, with intact husks, if possible unroasted. By the way, for losing weight, seeds are a dangerous product, since their calorie content is as much as 700 Kcal per 100 g of product. But given that hardly anyone eats kilograms of seeds, why not click on a handful of delicious “black gold”.

Proper nutrition is not a rejection of holidays and pleasant evenings with a glass of wine or even beer. Of course, you will have to give up fatty snacks, sandwiches, chips and salted nuts. But don't worry! There are a lot of snacks that are low in calories, but at the same time contain many useful and nutritious foods. These are snacks from dietary cheeses, vegetables, fruits, various snacks from low-fat meats, as well as fish. The choice is so huge that you are sure to find dishes that you like.

Diet snacks for weight loss

If you are on a diet and do not want to break your diet for weight loss, then during the holidays you can always prepare diet snacks that fit perfectly into any feast. We offer 7 great snacks that won't break your diet.

  • Vegetable rolls with low-fat curd cheese.
    This is the perfect appetizer for vegetable lovers. You can use zucchini or eggplant, the main thing is to fry vegetables on a grill pan without using oil. Filling - low-fat cottage cheese, for example, Philadelphia, any greens. This snack contains very few calories, but is rich in fiber and protein.
  • Lavash with vegetables and chicken
    Lavash is a favorite product of all those who lose weight; snacks, cakes and many other dishes are prepared from it. Lavash with vegetables is an excellent alternative to fatty cold salads served during feasts. Just brush pita bread with low-fat yogurt or low-fat cream cheese, add boiled chicken pieces and your favorite vegetables.
  • Minced meat roll with egg
    The ideal diet snack for weight loss is minced chicken roll. This dish contains little fat, practically does not contain carbohydrates. This dish is a solid source of protein, so you can include it in your diet without a doubt. Just boil 3 eggs in advance, they will serve as our filling. Take 500 grams of minced meat, add salt, pepper, herbs to taste and 2 eggs. Knead properly, beat off the minced meat a little and lay it on a baking sheet. Don't forget the parchment! Put boiled eggs in the middle and carefully wrap our roll. Bake for about 40 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.
  • vegetable caviar
    An excellent dietary snack that will suit any festive table is vegetable caviar. It doesn't matter what ingredients you cook it with, the main rule is the minimum use of vegetable oil. Vegetables absorb oil very quickly and strongly, so vegetable caviar, cooked not according to a dietary recipe, is a rather high-calorie dish. To avoid this, use just 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil when preparing this dish.
  • Tomatoes with low fat cheese
    Tomato is one of the lowest calorie vegetables. 100 grams of tomato contains only 20 calories, which means that this vegetable is an ideal basis for snacks. Just cut the tomato into circles, grease with natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream and sprinkle with cheese, such as suluguni. Low calorie snack is ready!
  • Canape with mozzarella
    Light dietary snacks are various canapes with mozzarella. This cheese contains about 280 percent per 100 grams and still has a whopping 28 grams of protein! An ideal product for weight loss and proper nutrition and a great alternative to fatty cheeses. Use cherry tomatoes with mozzarella! You can add a leaf of any greenery, then your canapes will get a sophisticated look!
  • Eggs stuffed with herbs
    A simple diet snack that is not only low in calories, but also perfectly satiates. Boil the eggs, cut into two halves, take out the yolk and knead it with a fork. We chop the greens, finely chop the cucumber, mix with the yolk and season with a small amount of natural yogurt. It remains only to stuff the eggs with the filling - and the low-calorie snack is ready!

Diet snacks on the go

Are you going on a trip, but you don’t foresee the opportunity to have a full lunch or dinner? Then you need to take care of this in advance and prepare diet snacks for the road that will help you stay on track.

  • Diet sandwiches with chicken
    Forget about sandwiches with sausage and cheese, and even butter to boot. If you want to make a snack, then it is best to use boiled lean meat and whole grain bread. Boil chicken fillet (it contains the least calories, only 114 calories per 100 grams), cut whole grain bread and make sandwiches. Don't forget to add lettuce leaves.
  • Granola with natural yogurt
    A great alternative to candy bars that are full of empty calories. Pour the granola into the container and don't forget to take natural yogurt with you. When you feel hungry, fill the granola with yogurt and you will have a great appetizer.
  • Ovsyanoblin
    How to replace breakfast, lunch and dinner on the road? One of the best low calorie snacks is oatmeal! Make the oatmeal ahead of time: Simply mix together 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, and 2 tablespoons of milk. Bake in a non-stick pan without oil. Ready-made oatmeal can be easily taken on the road by wrapping it in foil.
  • Lavash with fat-free cottage cheese
    You can also prepare a low-calorie snack on the road from pita bread. The filling for the snack will be low-fat cottage cheese. Spread the pita bread, grease it with dressing (1 egg and 1 tablespoon of low-fat sour cream) and pour the cottage cheese (do not forget to salt it a little beforehand). Bake should be about 15-20 minutes. This low calorie snack tastes great when served cold!
  • Eggs with vegetable sticks
    Among the light dietary snacks on the road are eggs with vegetables. Just boil the eggs, cut into two halves, salt, pepper, put in a box. We also send vegetable sticks from carrots and celery there. The perfect appetizer for the road is ready!

Diet fish snacks

Among the dietary snacks, fish snacks should also be noted. Fish contains few calories, but it is rich in protein, which makes it an indispensable product if you practice proper nutrition.

  • Cucumber rolls with red fish
    For this appetizer, you will need cucumber, low-fat cottage cheese and red fish. We cut the cucumber into thin strips, spread with curd cheese, put a piece of fish and wrap it in a roll. It turns out real rolls, but without rice. Since this appetizer is dietary, it is better to use lightly salted fish in this recipe so that there is no fluid retention.
  • Tomatoes with cod
    A canned fish diet snack is a great option if you don't have time. And in order not to violate proper nutrition, we will take tomatoes as the basis of our snack. As a filling, we will use cod liver and granular cottage cheese. We mix cod liver with cottage cheese, add chopped greens and spread the resulting mass on circles of tomatoes.
  • Steam fish roll
    A steam roll will also be a good diet fish snack. For its preparation, it is good to use white fish, it contains a little fat. Take 400 grams of minced fish and 2 eggs, salt and pepper to taste. Mix, and even better, beat in a blender. Add 50 grams of frozen chopped spinach to one part of minced meat.
    We spread the white part of the minced meat on cling film, put the green part on top and carefully wrap it into a roll. Wrap the roll with foil and cook in a double boiler for 20 minutes! Then let cool and wrap with nori leaves, after wetting them with water.
  • Beetroot with herring
    Another great appetizer recipe is beetroot with herring. To prepare this dish, you will need boiled beets (small), herring, boiled eggs. Cut the herring into small pieces and add a little onion. Mash boiled eggs with a fork, salt and pepper. We cut the beets into circles, put a layer of eggs on top, a layer of herring on top! Diet fish snack is ready!
  • Pate with herring and apple
    Want to make a low calorie fish snack? Be sure to try the herring and apple plows. Take these two ingredients in equal proportions. Try to choose low-fat herring, rinse several times if necessary. In a blender, beat half the herring and half the apple. Add a little natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream to the resulting mixture. This pâté should be served with whole grain bread.

The lowest calorie beer snack

Nutritionists have long noticed that while drinking beer, we get a large number of calories from the snack, rather than from the drink itself. What can replace such delicious, but harmful chips, salted nuts and crackers?

  • Boiled shrimp in shell
    The most low-calorie beer snack is boiled shrimp. 100 grams of shrimp contains only 95 calories per 100 grams, but the protein content reaches 19 grams! To prepare a snack for beer, take shelled shrimp, water, a couple of cloves of garlic and any greens. Add salt and garlic to the water, as soon as the water boils, send the shrimps there. Cook no more than 2-3 minutes and get it! Low-calorie beer snack is ready!
  • Boiled squid rings
    Another diet snack for beer is squid rings. But in order for the dish to turn out to be truly dietary, the squid should be boiled, and not fried in batter. We clean the squid carcass, wash it and cut into rings. We lower the squid rings into boiling salted water, and cook them for only a minute and a half! If desired, greens or bay leaves can be added to the water.
  • Chicken wings in soy sauce
    An excellent option for snacks for beer can rightly be considered chicken wings, only we will cook them in a dietary way, and not fry them in batter. In 50 ml of soy sauce, mix any spices of your choice, 2 cloves of garlic and 2 grams of grated ginger. If desired, you can add sweetener to the sauce to taste. We take the wings (about 6 pieces), cut them into two parts and make cuts on the skin so that the sauce is better absorbed. Soak with sauce and bake in the oven for about 20 minutes!
  • Vegetable pp beer snack
    An excellent low-calorie snack for beer is vegetables. Carrots, celery stalks, bell peppers are best suited. It is good to eat such an appetizer with soy sauce mixed with lemon juice, any spices and garlic. Just cut the vegetables into strips and crunch without harming your figure!
  • chickpea nuts
    Salted nuts lovers can breathe a sigh of relief! Finally, they can enjoy the taste of nuts, which are not only tasty, but also healthy. All you need is chickpeas, which are an ideal dietary staple due to their high fiber and protein content. Take 250 grams of chickpeas and boil it. Then let it dry while you make the sauce. Mix 3 tablespoons soy sauce with 1 teaspoon dried garlic and 1 teaspoon turmeric. Just season the dried chickpeas with sauce, mix and bake in the oven for about 30 minutes. If you want your beer snack to be crunchy, you can bake a little longer.

Low calorie wine snacks

Diet snacks for wine are also varied and easy to prepare. You can easily enjoy a glass of wine without harming your figure if you prepare the following snacks

  • Cold veal
    The best diet snacks for dry red wine are meat. But we will give up fatty meats and cook veal. 100 grams of veal contains only about 96 calories. For a veal snack, you only need veal fillet, grainy mustard, garlic, salt, pepper and any spices to taste. Mix mustard and spices, apply the mixture on the fillet and leave to marinate for a couple of hours. Bake the veal fillet in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for about 50 minutes. Cool and cut into thin slices.
  • Appetizer with apple and blue cheese
    For this low-calorie snack, we need any whole grain bread, some blue cheese and an apple. We spread the bread with a thin layer of cheese, put apple circles on top. Diet snack for dry white wine is ready!
  • Sandwiches with red caviar
    An excellent appetizer for wine is sandwiches with red caviar. There are only 17 calories in 1 teaspoon of red caviar! Take a whole grain baguette, cut it into slices. Instead of butter, we will use low-fat cottage cheese. We spread the cheese with a thin layer and put the caviar on top. The perfect appetizer for wine is ready!

  • Avocado paste
    Another simple low-calorie wine snack is avocado paste. Take a ripe avocado, cut into pieces and chop with a fork. Add salt, pepper, a little lemon juice and any spices to your taste to the resulting paste. Serve this avocado paste with whole grain bread.
  • fish balls
    A very simple, low-calorie snack that pairs perfectly with white wine. Take boiled white fish (about 400 grams), transfer to a blender, add salt, pepper, a little lemon juice and spices to taste there. To make our fish mass hold together, add low-fat cottage cheese to the blender. Add as much cheese as is enough to mold the resulting fish soufflé into balls. Send the balls to the refrigerator for 2 hours. Sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving.

As you can see, the list of appetizers is huge! Be sure to try diet snacks and share your impressions!


  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tablespoon of sour cream with a fat content of 20%;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 1-2 teaspoons of seasoning (you can take Italian herbs, suneli hops or other universal seasonings);
  • several sprigs of dill;
  • 70 g of hard cheese;
  • 1 thin pita.


Crack the egg into the sour cream and stir until smooth. Add salt, seasoning and finely chopped garlic and mix well again.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Lubricate pita bread on one side with sour cream sauce and cut into small rectangles. Lay them out on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Sprinkle each piece of pita bread with grated cheese.

Bake chips at 160-170°C for 5-7 minutes. It may take a little less time, so periodically look at the condition of the chips. They should brown and become crispy.

2. Chicken balls in teriyaki sauce


For chicken:

  • 450 g minced chicken;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 teaspoons corn or potato starch;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 teaspoons fresh grated ginger;
  • 2 teaspoons soy sauce;
  • salt - to taste;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • a few lettuce leaves;
  • 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds.

For sauce:

  • 80 ml of water + 2 tablespoons;
  • 120 ml soy sauce;
  • 110 g of liquid honey;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • ½ teaspoon fresh finely chopped ginger;
  • 2 tablespoons corn or potato starch.


Add egg, starch, chopped onion (reserve a little for decoration), minced garlic, ginger, soy sauce and spices to the minced meat. Mix well and place on a greased baking sheet. Bake at 220°C for 15-20 minutes.

Pour 80 ml of water, soy sauce and honey into a saucepan, add chopped garlic and ginger. Dissolve the starch in the remaining water and pour into the saucepan. Cook the sauce over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until it thickens.

Remove the saucepan from the heat, put the chicken balls into it and stir until they are completely covered with the sauce. Cover the dish with lettuce leaves, put chicken balls on them and sprinkle with sesame seeds and chopped green onions.

3. Cheese and onion rings


  • 2 large onions;
  • 3-4 thin slices mozzarella (or other cheese that melts well)
  • 250 g flour;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 230 g breadcrumbs.



  • 200 g ready;
  • 3 tablespoons of butter;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • several sprigs of parsley;
  • 100 g mozzarella (or other cheese that melts well).


Cut the dough into small pieces 2-3 cm wide and place in a bowl. Add melted butter, chopped garlic, chopped parsley and grated cheese to them and mix well. It is more convenient to do it by hand.

Place about 3 pieces of dough into each compartment of the cupcake pan. Put the mold in an oven preheated to 190 ° C for 15 minutes. Serve the buns hot.


  • 2 tablespoons of corn starch;
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 300 g of peeled shrimp;
  • 200 g breadcrumbs;


Mix starch, lemon juice, pepper and salt. You can use other spices of your choice. Put the shrimp in this mixture, mix and leave for half an hour. Then roll the shrimp in breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil until golden brown.


  • 350 g of broccoli inflorescences;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 1 egg;
  • 70 g breadcrumbs;
  • a few green onion feathers;
  • 70 g of hard cheese;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • some vegetable oil.


Dip the broccoli in boiling salted water for 2 minutes. Remove the florets with a slotted spoon and finely chop with a knife. Put them in a bowl, add beaten egg, breadcrumbs, chopped onion, grated cheese, chopped garlic, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly and refrigerate for 15-20 minutes.

Shape the mixture into small rounds and place on a greased baking sheet. Send to the oven preheated to 200 ° C for 8-9 minutes. Then turn the vegetable croquettes over and bake for the same amount of time.


  • 450 g ground beef;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ½ teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 100 g cheddar cheese;
  • 120 g flour;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 150 g breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.


Mix minced meat with salt, pepper and minced garlic. You can use other seasonings as per your taste. Peel the onion and cut it into rings about 1 cm thick. Use your hands to separate them from each other.

Put about a tablespoon of minced meat in each ring and distribute it over the onion "basket". Put a small cube of cheese on the meat and cover with another spoonful of minced meat. Press the minced meat with your hands so that it does not crawl out over the edges of the onion. Repeat the same with the rest of the rings.

Roll each ringlet in flour, dip it in beaten eggs and roll in breadcrumbs. Then dip again in eggs and roll in breadcrumbs. Place the rings in parts in the hot oil and fry over medium heat for about 5-6 minutes until golden brown.

Place them on a paper towel to drain off the grease. Serve burgers with ketchup or.


  • 1 chicken breast;
  • 120 g breadcrumbs;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 300 g barbecue sauce.


Cut the breast across the grain into several pieces. Mix breadcrumbs with salt and pepper. You can add other seasonings of your choice.

Dip the chicken in the barbecue sauce and roll in the breadcrumbs. Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet and place in preheated oven at 190°C for 15 minutes. Then brush the chicken pieces on both sides with the sauce and bake for another 10 minutes.


  • 1 baguette;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • a few tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • a few sprigs of basil;
  • 150 g of hard cheese;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.


Cut the baguette into slices. Cut the garlic in half and rub it on the bread slices on both sides. Place the baguette on a baking sheet and drizzle with oil.

Cut the tomatoes in half, remove the seeds and cut into small cubes. Mix them with shredded, grated cheese, spices and a little oil. Leave for 10 minutes.

Then spread about a tablespoon of this mixture on each baguette slice. Bake the bruschettas at 180°C for a few minutes until the cheese is melted.


  • 15 eggs;
  • 120 g flour;
  • 50 g breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 2 tablespoons of mustard;
  • 1 teaspoon hot sauce;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 1 teaspoon paprika.



  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • 100 g of carrots in Korean;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 1 small package of chips (it is desirable that the chips are the same size);
  • a few sprigs of dill.


Grate the cheese on a coarse or medium grater. Mix it with carrots and mayonnaise. Spread about a tablespoon of the resulting salad on the chips and sprinkle with chopped dill.

One of the most common misconceptions is that beer contributes to weight gain. However, it is not. the calorie content is even lower than in milk, and trace elements such as magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc are even higher. People who drink beer have 30% more vitamin B6 in their blood than non-drinkers.

The question arises, why do people who drink beer gain weight? In fact, people gain weight not because of beer, but because of those snacks that are usually consumed with beer. Fried chicken wings, potato chips, sandwiches... All these foods are very high in calories and make their "invaluable contribution" to the formation of a "beer" tummy.

We bring to your attention 7 ideas on how you can replace traditional beer snacks.

1. Chicken wings: going down

Traditional chicken wings are very high in calories and fat: one wing contains about 160 calories and 11 g of fat. In order not to give up your favorite snack, cook grilled chicken wings yourself. To do this, pickle a kilogram of raw wings.

For the marinade, you will need a mixture of herbs (marjoram, basil), half a cup of olive oil and wine vinegar, a quarter cup of tomato paste and two teaspoons of hot sauce (if you prefer spicier food, put more). Place the wings in the refrigerator for an hour and then grill them. Cooked this way, one wing will only contain about 66 calories and 5 grams of fat. Feel the difference!

2. Chips chips strife

Swap potato chips for corn chips. They contain plant sterols that lower cholesterol levels. You can make your own corn chips.

To do this, you will need 50 g of finely ground cornmeal, 50 ml of hot water, 1-2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, salt and red pepper. We mix cornmeal with vegetable oil, salt, season with hot red pepper, pour very hot, almost boiling water and mix until a rather batter is formed.

We cover the baking sheet with baking paper, put the dough on it, spread it with a spatula to get the thinnest possible layer, trying to make it the same thickness everywhere. We put the baking sheet in the oven, heated to 180 ° C, for about 10 minutes. It is better not to be distracted from the oven, as the dough is very thin and can quickly burn. We take out the baked dough from the oven and, while it is hot, cut it into triangles, transfer the parchment with the chips to the wire rack to cool the chips.

Chips can also be replaced with crunchy vegetables. Cut carrots, celery, bell peppers into strips and serve with the “right” sauce - you won’t find a better snack!

3. Sauces - skim the cream!

Cream sauce tends to be high in calories and fat. Try replacing it with low-fat natural yogurt (without sugar, of course). Cut cucumbers, herbs into yogurt, salt and pepper to taste. If the soul still asks for something fatter, then cook guacamoule - an appetizer made from mashed avocado pulp.

For cooking, you will need a ripe avocado, 2 small tomatoes, half an onion, parsley and the juice of half a lemon. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin, seeds and cut only the dense pulp. Peel the avocado, remove the pit and mash with a fork until smooth. Finely chop the parsley and onion, which we add to the avocado along with the tomatoes and lemon juice. Mix everything well, add salt and pepper to taste.

4. Fantasies about pizza

Ordering pizza at home may be easier, but hardly healthier. Making pizza at home is not that difficult. Buy a pizza base from the store and make your own toppings. You will need: 2 teaspoons olive oil / 120 g Italian chicken sausage, coarsely chopped / ¼ tsp. minced fennel seeds and minced red pepper / 1 medium red bell pepper, cut into 1.5 cm strips / 1 medium red onion, cut into 1.5 cm strips / A little cornmeal to sprinkle the pan / ¼ cup pizza sauce (commercially available) in jars) / 120 g finely chopped partially skimmed mozzarella cheese (about ¾ cup).

Preheat the oven to 230°C with a rack on the bottom. Pour 1 teaspoon of oil into a large non-stick skillet and heat over medium heat. Add sausage and saute for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally, until browned. Add fennel and red pepper and fry for 1 more minute. Put everything on a plate. Add the remaining teaspoon of olive oil to the skillet with the bell peppers and onions. Saute for 10-12 minutes until soft and lightly browned.

While the bell peppers and onions are cooking, place the pizza crust on a baking sheet dusted with cornmeal and place in the oven for 6 minutes. After that, remove it from the oven, if bubbles form on the dough, pierce them with a fork. Lubricate the crust with pizza sauce, leaving a 1.5 cm indent around the edges and sprinkle with cheese (½ cup). Top with the onion and bell pepper, sprinkle with the remaining cheese, and bake for 10 minutes or more, until the cheese is melted and golden and crispy. After that, let it cool slightly and cut into 8 pieces.

5. If you like it hot…

Most dishes that use chili are very heavy and are made with ground beef. Try replacing beef with turkey, which is more lean and lean, by adding chopped zucchini, carrots, or spinach.

You will need: 450 g minced turkey meat / 1 pc. peeled and grated carrots / ⅔ pc. chopped onion / ⅔ pc. chopped celery / 1 garlic clove, minced / 2 tsp. chili powder / 1 tsp paprika / 1 tsp ground cumin / ⅛ tsp. ground hot pepper / 1 chopped tomato / salt and pepper

Heat a 3 liter non-stick saucepan over high heat. Add minced turkey, season with salt and pepper to taste. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes until minced meat is browned. Transfer the minced meat to a bowl, cover with cling film and keep warm. Reduce heat to low, add carrots, onions, celery and garlic.

Cook for 3-5 minutes until vegetables are soft. Add ground red pepper, paprika, cumin and cayenne pepper. Cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Turn the heat to medium, add the tomato, some fat and bay leaf. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes, covered with a lid. Add roasted turkey and simmer for 5 more minutes. Remove from heat and remove bay leaf before serving.

6. Sandwiches are different ...

Whether you prefer large sandwiches or small sandwiches, the rule is to use as little bread as possible. There are a variety of whole grain breads or pita breads on the market today. Use them to reduce calories.

Pumpernickel (dark wholemeal rye bread) with Swiss cheese: 3 slices of Pumpernickel with 1 slice of Swiss cheese – 148 calories total

¼ cup low-fat cottage cheese 1 tbsp. l. chopped fresh green onions 6 whole grain crackers

Mix cottage cheese with onions and spread on crackers.

7. The only thing better than beer is... beer!

As mentioned at the very beginning, beer, when consumed in moderation, has very impressive virtues (drinking one glass of beer a day, and two for men). However, instead of ordering an endless number of glasses of light beer with friends, order a glass of dark and thicker beer. 0.35 liters of this beer contains only 126 calories.

Beer is one of the favorite medium-alcohol drinks among Russians. Scientists have proven that its use, within reasonable limits, of course, not only does not harm the body, but also benefits. Today we will talk about what low-calorie beer snacks you can cook. The recipes are not complicated at all, but the dishes are very tasty and healthy.

Simple beer snacks

Among the most delicious dishes that are combined with a foamy drink, we have chosen for you the most easy to prepare. In addition, they are also low-calorie snacks. We advise you to cook for beer. What do we need?

  • Onion.
  • Egg.
  • Wheat flour - 150 grams.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Sunflower oil.

The recipe is very simple. Take an onion and cut it into rings. Next, we prepare the batter. Break the eggs into a saucepan or bowl, beat them well. Gradually add flour, mix everything well. You can add 3-4 tablespoons of beer, the finished dish will be more fragrant. Add salt and pepper to taste. Heat up a frying pan, pour oil on it. Dip onion rings in batter and fry on both sides in a pan.

Another interesting snack is the following products:

  • chicken wings;
  • pepper;
  • salt;
  • ketchup;
  • garlic;
  • sunflower oil.

Let's prepare the wings first. They must be thoroughly washed, then cut off the smallest part, we do not need it. Dry the wings thoroughly so that they absorb the marinade better. We prepare it as follows: add finely chopped garlic, pepper and other spices to ketchup. We mix everything well. Put the wings in a large bowl and spread the marinade on them. We leave for a few hours. You can even leave it overnight so that the wings are well marinated. Grease a baking sheet with oil and lay the wings on it. Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes.

Fish for beer

What is the most popular snack among beer lovers? Of course, fish. And it is also the most diverse. The most popular fish for beer is vobla; bream; peled; flounder; tyulka, etc.

Crab sticks in puff pastry

In order not to suffer over the question of what to cook for beer, we offer you another simple and tasty dish. What do we need for it?

  • Crab sticks - 2-3 packs.
  • Flour - half a glass.
  • Puff pastry.
  • Black pepper.
  • Egg.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Sunflower oil.

The recipe is very simple, and you will spend quite a bit of time, but this appetizer is very tasty and satisfying. We need ready-made puff pastry. Cut off small pieces from it and roll them into strips. We take a crab stick, wrap it with dough and put it on a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil. Beat the egg, add some salt and pepper. We mix everything well. All crab sticks wrapped in strips of dough lie on a baking sheet. Brush them with the egg mixture and place in the oven. After 10-15 minutes, when the sticks are reddened, you can take it out and serve it to the table. The most interesting thing is that when cold, this appetizer is no worse than when it is hot.

Cheese cookies with nuts

We offer you another delicious and simple snack. To prepare it, we need the following ingredients:

  • hard cheese - 100-150 grams;
  • butter - 100 grams;
  • wheat flour - one glass;
  • Red pepper;
  • salt;
  • nuts (you can use any) - 1 cup.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, then cut the butter into cubes (it should be frozen). Add flour, salt and pepper to the mixture. Knead the dough, pinch off small pieces from it. Nuts need to be crushed in a mixer. Roll round pieces of dough in nuts. We put the cookies on a baking sheet, do not forget to coat them with butter. Remove from the oven as soon as the cookies are browned.

Cheese balls

Another delicious beer snack. Read carefully and memorize the recipe, because once you try this dish, you will certainly want to try it again. So what do we need? The product list will look like this:

  • The main ingredient is, of course, cheese. We need 200 grams of it;
  • flour - half a glass;
  • eggs - 2-3 pieces;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • sunflower oil - 150-200 grams.

We will tell you in detail how to cook this wonderful dish. Take any hard cheese and grate it on a fine grater. If you do this on a large one, then the balls will turn out not so airy. Break the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks. Take a mixer and beat the egg whites with it. When you get a stable foam, put the grated cheese into it. We mix everything well. Add some flour, salt, pepper or other spices to the resulting mixture. Next, knead the dough, make balls out of it. Roll them in flour. Pour vegetable oil into a deep saucepan or bowl. Let's start frying the balls. Make sure they are cooked through on all sides. We put the finished products on a paper towel so that it absorbs excess fat. The original snack for beer is ready. This recipe is also good because you can not be afraid to experiment and add new ingredients to it every time: garlic; ham; herbs, spices and more.

Shrimps in batter

Seafood is one of the most common beer snacks. Many people love shrimp. Usually they are boiled with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice. We suggest you cook shrimp in batter. This is a very tasty and healthy dish. We will need:

  • shrimp - 1 kilogram;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • water - half a glass;
  • wheat flour - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • sunflower oil.

Let's start cooking. In the store, shrimp are sold frozen, you need to defrost them. This is very easy to do. Take them out of the fridge a few hours before cooking. Now you need to clean the shrimp. We tear off the head, the shell and everything unnecessary. Next, we prepare the batter. To do this, mix the following products in a bowl: flour, eggs, salt, soda, pepper. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Dip the shrimp in the batter and place in a frying pan filled with oil.


We hope that now you will not have problems with what to cook for beer. Simple and delicious recipes for snack dishes will take their rightful place in your collection.

For people who are used to drinking beer at home, it is useful to know recipes for dishes that go well with beer. Such food should be simple and quick to prepare. I bring to your attention the ten best beer snacks according to the editors of our site. When compiling the rating, we were guided by the taste and popularity of the proposed dishes among connoisseurs of the foamy drink.

1. Sausages

Without this snack, no self-respecting German would drink beer. It is prepared very simply: you need to cut the sausage, grease the middle with mustard, put a slice of cheese inside and bake for several minutes in the oven or microwave.

In addition to sausages, you can cook hot sausages in the same way or fry pieces of bacon with spices. During a picnic, meat products are cooked on the grill.

German tradition

Pros: Delicious and filling.

Disadvantage: sausages pump quickly.

2. Seafood

Shrimps, smoked or felted salted fish, crayfish and other seafood go well with beer. Many Russian beer lovers drink their favorite drink only with seafood and do not recognize other snacks.

Advantages: most seafood is sold ready-made and harmoniously complements the taste of beer.

Drawback: Very salty foods make you thirsty and want to drink more beer.

Crayfish with beer - a traditional Russian snack

3. Fried chicken wings

With the right preparation, this is one of the best snacks for beer. Wings should be juicy and fatty.

Recipe: roll the chopped parts in flour, fry in vegetable oil, brought to a boil. Add salt and other spices to taste. Wings are best eaten before they are cold.

Advantages: hot beer snack with excellent taste turns out.

Disadvantage: relatively long preparation time.

4. Salted nuts, chips, crackers, french fries

This group is also called "junk food" (from the English junk food - "junk food"). High-calorie, but of little use, and in large quantities even harmful foods that you should not get involved in.

Advantages: sold everywhere, do not require cooking;

Disadvantages: interrupt beer taste, harmful to health.

French fries with beer should not be heavily seasoned

5. Garlic bread

You can cook a dish like crackers yourself, and it will turn out tastier and safer.

Recipe: rub the garlic with salt and pour in a few drops of vegetable oil. Add finely chopped parsley (optional) and ground black pepper. Then cut the loaf into slices 1 cm thick. Spread the slices with garlic, wrap in foil and put in a hot oven for 10 minutes.

Benefits: natural spicy snack.

Disadvantages: requires cooking, not suitable for people with stomach problems.

The main thing is not to overdo it with garlic

6. Cheese salad

So far little known in Russia, but very tasty homemade beer snack. Recipe: grate 100 grams of cheese on a fine grater, squeeze 1 head of garlic, chop the boiled egg into small cubes and season with 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise. You can also add tomatoes and herbs to the salad. More on video.

original solution

Advantages: original, tasty, cheap.

Disadvantages: requires separate preparation, rather spicy dish that spoils quickly.

7. Onion rings

Recipe: cut the onion into thick rings. Make a batter out of flour, eggs, pepper, cumin and salt. At the last stage, roll the onion in batter and fry in a deep fryer.

Advantages: availability and low cost.

Disadvantage: does not pair well with white beer.

8. Stuffed eggs

A non-standard beer snack that can surprise guests.

Recipe: boil 5 eggs, cut in half and carefully remove the yolks. From the yolks, herring fillet (1 piece), butter (100 grams), one onion and a green apple, prepare minced meat. Stuff the eggs with minced meat and decorate with herbs.

Advantages: originality, beautiful appearance.

Disadvantage: takes a long time to cook and spoils quickly.

Non-standard dish for beer

9. Boiled potatoes

Everyone knows how to cook potatoes, so it makes no sense to publish the recipe. Simply mash with hearty meat seasoning.

Hearty beer snack

10. Sour cream

For some reason, many people are skeptical about beer with sour cream, and gourmets know how delicious this combination can be. Cold beer and fresh fat sour cream perfectly complement each other, I recommend trying it.

Unusual but tasty

As a bonus, we offer another beer snack recipe - homemade cheese sticks, more on the video.

As a person who has been leading a healthy lifestyle for a long time, successfully losing weight and getting healthy on it, and at the same time loving a good life and delicious food and drink, I decided to do a small investigation on the topic of a wonderful drink BEER.

They don’t slander anything at him, the poor - and the blame for the beer belly, and for cellulite, and for the hangover. But I am categorically against such an attitude towards beer, and I want to defend it here. If you want to listen to me, climb under the cut, there are a lot of letters and conclusions. Oh yeah, don't be afraid, no ads! I don't sell beer in my spare time, not at all. :)

So health. By the way, beer is a completely natural product. There are no food colorings with scary letters E, no additives of unknown origin and flavor enhancers. For a long time I have preferred a glass of beer in a bar to a glass of cola or bottled juice, where there is so much sugar alone that you never dreamed of.

Slimming. Beer is one of the lowest calorie drinks. Yes, yes, I myself fell off my chair when I found out that there are fewer calories in 100 ml of beer (on average 50 calories) than in 100 ml of the notorious dry red wine (about 80 calories). So drinking a glass of beer in 250 ml, you will consume only 150 calories.

And where, then, is the beer belly? And this has long been known to everyone. Snacks "for beer" is often the cause of all troubles. I, as an ardent supporter of a healthy lifestyle, decided to find a compromise for myself - and I found it, I am an extremely stubborn lady. For you (well, for myself, my beloved), I have compiled a hit parade of snacks "for beer". I beg:)

In last place, of course, all sorts of chips and other pringles and chitos with doritos sit firmly. I think that there is no need to dwell on the topic of their harm, the amount of chemistry and useless fat. And about the calories contained there, I generally keep quiet.

On the penultimate, fifth, place are seeds and all sorts of nuts. However, it is a natural product. True, this is where their advantages end, since seeds and nuts can be useful if they are unsalted and unroasted. And those are not served with beer :) For example - in 100 grams of seeds - an average of 600 calories, in 100 grams of peanuts and pistachios - 640 calories. And most of those calories are fat. Do we need it? Well, maybe yes, but very rarely and quite a bit.

In fourth place is our friend, popcorn. Also, in principle, a natural product. Its plus is that in 100 gr it is a LOT, you can’t eat that much. In the average bucket, which is sold in the cinema, it will be 50 grams. There are not so few calories in it - in poured with oil there are about 420 per 100 grams. If we make it at home from simple grains, without oil, and then only add a little salt, we get a product with a calorie content of about 320 calories per 100 grams. Don't forget to brush your teeth afterwards! HLS applies to them too! :)

Vobla, a friend of my harsh days, perched in third place for obvious reasons. Fish is a useful thing, in it all the calories (and there are not even very many of them - 150-180 calories per 100 g) are mainly protein. There are a lot of vitamins and minerals in fish, and even its fat is good for us, healthy lifestyle fans. But we do not forget about the amount of salt in this very wobble! About the fact that it retains water in the body, and does not have a very positive effect on metabolism. Therefore, in wobble, we also know when to stop!

In second place sits - oooh! there sits one of the ingenious inventions of the Israeli food industry! Of course, they did not invent anything, but blew away the healthy Asians in body and spirit, but I do not mind. In short, we sell this miracle under the name ADAMMA in frozen form, and it is ... soybeans in pods. I would never have believed that I would eat it and rejoice! Preparing this case is extremely simple - either in the microwave, or in a few minutes in boiling water. This is a completely natural, and even terribly useful product. There are only 125 calories per 100 grams, there is iron and calcium, dietary fiber and complete protein. In short, a wonderful thing. After cooking, you can lightly salt the pods, and burst at your pleasure. The main thing - as always - do not overdo it. Protein in large quantities is not absorbed, and gives discomfort and heaviness in the stomach. Our doctors and nutritionists advise eating 200 grams of this Adamama (that is, pure soy) per day, no more. But we're not going to, are we? :)

And the Oscar goes to... And in the most honorable first place I have... His Majesty the ARTICHOKE! You won’t believe how wonderful this vegetable is on its own, and it’s even more beautiful with beer, and I found out about this just a month ago, when my future husband dragged four healthy prickly cones from the super and said that we would eat them! I - do not be a fool - climbed for information on the Internet. And in the process of eating artichokes and researching about him, this is what I found:
- An artichoke is a flower (which is touching and funny in itself) in which the bases of the petals are eaten, tearing them off one by one, and sucking out a small amount of pulp. As well as the bottom, which remains after gnawing all the petals.
- The artichoke contains only 45 calories per 100 grams, and in one artichoke of eaten pulp, as a rule, no more than 100 grams. Moreover, the process of eating is addictive, and one artichoke can be methodically gnawed for an hour.
- And an artichoke contains more dietary fiber than a bowl of oatmeal!! And about vitamins and minerals, I finally can not say anything.
- Cooking an artichoke is easy - buy a fresh one, put it in a saucepan, fill it with water, salt the water and pour the juice of half a lemon into it. Cook on medium heat for 40-50 minutes.
Here is such a wonderful vegetable, this artichoke. Well, for lovers of seeds - a great way out, the husks remain mountains :))

In the end, I want to make a reservation - about beer and about alcohol in general. By no means am I encouraging you to drink alcohol. In everything you need to know the measure, and everything must be approached reasonably. And if we decide to drink it, then let's do it meaningfully, and without harming our health.
When losing weight, it is important to remember that alcohol leads to dehydration - so it is necessary to drink plenty of water before and after drinking it. In addition, in some people, the use of any alcohol slows down the metabolism, which is far from conducive to weight loss.
I won’t talk about driving a car under a closet and beating faces - I don’t like reading notations. But you need to know the measure in everything. And you can eat artichokes. :)

Have a good continuation of the week, and tasty and healthy beer!