Ritual of healing life and family. Muslim food prayer

Hi dear

Today I want to touch on a serious and not quite regular theme- purification of the karma of the Family.

Often during I advise to perform birth practices when I see the strong influence of the Family on the personality. Although to be honest, they will not be superfluous for anyone.

For all of us, life is made up of karma, relationships with parents, experience real life and generic programs. For some, the latter are manifested clearly, for others, they may not notice. But be that as it may, we all have ancestors with their own destinies, often tragic, especially if we take into account the realities of the last century. We inherit not only eye color and wisdom, but also pain and destructive scenarios.

As a result, we can face problems in our own lives that go exactly according to the Genus: infertility, illness, complicated relationship with the opposite sex, with children. Our success, our personal life, well-being and life scenarios depend on the strength of the Family.

But it is important to know that the karma of the Family can be cleansed and filled with the birth canal with divine love and joy.


“With the degeneration of the Family, the forefathers will fall, because the descendants stop bringing them water and food” Bhagavad Gita (1.40)

What is needed for the ritual:

  • wax church candle
  • new bag of rice
  • two new plates. It is better to mark them so that you know which plate is for offering food to God and which is for the ancestors. No one should eat from these plates. It's better to hide them immediately;)

Preparation for the ritual:

It is advisable to do this practice in the morning, when the energy is the most blissful. Before that, it is important to buy up, put on clean clothes. The kitchen should also be clean, you can wipe the floors.

The ritual itself

Put rice to boil. You don't need to salt it and you can't try it. While the rice is cooking, read prayers over it to fill it with pure energy. In Christianity, the prayers "Our Father", "The Living in Help", "Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross", in Vedic tradition- Maha-Mantra, chapter 9 of the Bhagavad-Gita. Rice is not to be tasted.

When the rice is cooked, pour it into a plate for God, put it in front of the image of God and read a prayer to bless the food.

Prayer for offering food in the Christian tradition:

“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, bless our food and drink with prayers. Your Most Pure Mother and all Your Saints, as if blessed be you forever. Amen"

After the prayer, cross the food.

Vedic food offering mantra (recited three times each verse):

Namo Om Vishnu padaya
krishna prestaya bhutale
Shrimate bhaktivedanta
Swamin ichi namine

Namaste sarasvati deve
Gaura Vani Pracharine
Pashchatya desha tarine

Nama maha vadanyayya
Krishna prema pradaya te
Krishnaya Krishna Chaitanya
Namne gaura-tvishe namah

Namo brahmanya-devaya
Go-brahmanya-hitaya cha
Jagad-dhitaya krishnaya
Govindaya namo namah

Now wait 5-10 minutes for the Lord to bless the food. Then pour the rice into the ancestral bowl. Put it in another place, light a candle and invite the ancestors to eat. Can you say these words: "I invite members of my Family to come and eat"

While the candle is burning, it is advisable to stay in the room and pray for 20 minutes. You can just talk to your ancestors, ask for help, advice - do as your heart tells you. Then thank Rod: “I thank you for taking this food. Now you can return to your own time and space." and bow down.


This food should not be thrown away and eaten by living people. Take it outside, put it on the ground or feed the animals, preferably black dogs or crows.

What else is important to consider:

This practice is not favorable to do on critical days. You can do the practice in parallel for the Family of the husband. To do this, just put another plate and change the invitation a little: "I invite the members of the Husband's Clan to come and eat"

What else can we do for Rod

  • read prayers or give the fruits of reading to the Family or one ancestor. Before reading the prayer, say: “Now I will read a prayer such and such, I give the fruits of this prayer to my ancestor such and such / ancestors”
  • put a candle in the church, order a commemoration
  • educate others about the importance of honoring ancestors
  • make a donation. It is very important to know that the money will go to good use. If there is no such confidence, it is better to donate food
  • remember the departed kind words tell stories about them
  • make a family tree. I already wrote a post on this topic. He . In it, I shared my experience, a convenient program and useful links.

Auspicious days for childbirth

  • Saturday
  • on the waning moon, best of all in Amavasya - the 30th, last day of the lunar month
  • Maslenitsa week
  • days of departure and appearance of ancestors (dates of death and birth)
  • Pitru Paksha. In 2017, Pitru Paksha will start on September 5th and end on September 19th.

Thanks for your interest in this topic. In the stories of Childbirth, each of us has a lot of suffering that we feel, which lie like a stone in our hearts. But by doing generic practices, we can cleanse the Family from pain and at the same time feel how we are moving away from destructive scenarios and thoughts, how we are filled with love and gain strength to draw wisdom from our ancestors and give them our gratitude and love. We have every opportunity to make our Family stronger, and our life and the life of our descendants more prosperous. What I wish for each of us!

When a person is in trouble, he begins to look for help on the side. After all, many are sure that only external support can help change lives for the better. However, few people think about the real reasons for failure. And this happens from the wrong connection of a person with his roots and family. It is the energy of the ancestors that is in direct relationship with reality.

The human race is an incredibly strong energy, it is she who gives vitality to every person, wisdom and fortitude. As long as a person is not connected with his own kind, nothing good happens to him. At first glance it seems that everything is going well, but as soon as something happens, everything comes to an end. If a person does not feel support inside, then he begins to look for it on the side, and this is wrong. Internal destruction occurs, new disappointments begin, life does not add up.

You can correct your destiny if you connect with your kind. A person will be able to enter his center, feel freedom and integrity, begin to feel harmony within himself. You will no longer need to look for something on the side, because the energy flows will go continuously and evenly. A person will feel unity with the Universe, will absorb all the best that their ancestors had. At the same time, he will fulfill his own path and tasks, realize the value and significance of his own existence. There will be no more dissatisfaction with the ancestors, because a system will appear in which everyone is equal and united.

Meditation for healing the karma of the family

Meditation is performed while standing, feet pressed against each other. You should close your eyes and breathe calmly. Then you need to exhale all the tension accumulated in the body. It is necessary to feel like a participant in the Universe, to feel how light and energy penetrate into the head. The whole body seems to be washed and cleansed, the energy flows circulate in full rhythm. After that, you need to clearly imagine how parents stand on both sides and put their hands on the shoulders of their child. Behind them are grandparents, and behind them are great-grandparents, and so on.

If a person does not know his ancestors. then it's no big deal. You just need to designate human figures in your thoughts. It turns out a kind of pyramid, at the top of which there is a person. You have to greet the oldest man and invite him to come forward. You should wholeheartedly ask him for forgiveness for bad deeds and actions, ask him to clear karma and treat him with respect. Well, when forgiveness is received, he must bless the person, and he will feel how the family was filled only with bright karma, there are no more obstacles to new achievements.

It is also worth doing with a female elder. It is worth asking her for forgiveness and blessings. You can thank your parents from the bottom of your heart, call your grandparents, envelop them with love and understanding. Then a person will know that he is not alone in this world, that he will always be supported.

Healing the Family Through Forgiveness

Generic energy is the most powerful force of all that exists. That is why the answer to the question of why you need to correct your destiny suggests itself. Generic strength shows how a good relationship in the family and how the ancestors used to live. If in the family there were only good people who did not commit terrible deeds, then the person will have a good fate. Well, if there were murderers, suicides, nervous and evil people in the family, then karma will affect everyone. There may even be deaths for individual members of the family.

Very often, problems with the birth are a complex of other problems. However, sometimes there is an extremely negative influence along the lines of both parents. To understand what is happening, a person needs to study their ancestors and their lives. After all, each clan brings with it restless souls who cannot find peace and influence the life of their ancestors. Usually, this realization comes when a person is very ill or dangerous situations arise.

Some are sure that if a person changes his own vision of the world, then birth diseases will go away, but this is not enough, you need to work on it specifically. A person must develop spiritually in order to get rid of the negative influence of the family. It is necessary to distinguish between light and dark energies, do not forget that a person also influences his future children and grandchildren, can become the head of a generation in the future. When purifying the energy of the ancestors, a person will begin to feel strength and intuition will appear.

In every family, without exception, there were ups and downs, good and bad things happened, and therefore all this has an impact on the fate of descendants. That's what the genetic memory and code are given for. A person must clearly understand that he can take a lot from his kind. It is possible to obtain only positive qualities, but for this it is necessary to purify the ancestors and negative energies. There is no need to be arrogant and arrogant about the roots, because a person is a consequence of the life of his ancestors, without them he would not exist at all.

If a person feels guilty before a generation, then it is imperative to ask for forgiveness before relatives, repent, only this must be done with a pure heart and from the soul. Soon there will be a tangible result of these actions, life will noticeably change for the better.

Also very important role play relationships with living relatives. It is necessary to ask them for forgiveness and talk about your love for them, show care and participation in the lives of loved ones. It will become easier to live both physically and psychologically. The power of the family will begin to nourish a person with energies, make him an honorary guardian.

It must be remembered that everyone is able to purify his family and heal him and himself. Only then the power of the family will protect a person from troubles, constantly nourish with vital energy.

Family tree

You can draw a kind of pyramid of the seven tribes on paper to visually represent it. You need to take a large sheet and carefully draw the silhouettes of people there, even if the person does not know his ancestors. In place of each person it is necessary to put a natural stone. Only then will it be possible to personally turn to each of the ancestors and ask them for forgiveness and help.

It is necessary to clearly formulate the question, and then touch the stone at the level of intuition. Then the answer will come in the form of a thought, in which there will be the right decision. You can communicate with your ancestors, imagine that they exist in reality. This practice and meditation helps to reunite with your family and receive constant support from it.

Seven tribes and tribal strength

We need to remember our own ancestors, because they all clearly felt their own unity, they stood up for each other like a mountain, they were a single whole. They had excellent health, strength and endurance, they easily coped with all matters. That is why now, because of the framework and conventions, people have become weak, they do not know that they exist. sacred words and knowledge.

Any negativity, anger, envy or aggression that manifests itself in verbal form affects the DNA, the program recorded in the genes is rapidly distorted.

Breaks in ties with relatives and loss of roots cannot fill a person with strength and support. The most terrible is the renunciation of parents from children and curses sent to the closest people. Then there are very serious problems with karma, diseases that haunt many generations. An ordinary person cannot track all this, sometimes congenital deformities or fatal diseases occur. As a result, a person is not able to create happy family, raise their own children.

Every word and action begins to affect the gene level of a person, the behavior of generations is changing, just like life. Even simple reading can influence the fate of future generations.

Healing the memory of the kind

No one really knows about the life of their ancestors. After all, few people are interested in loved ones. But it is from the genus that most of the problems originate. The ancestors knew about all this, so they constantly cleared their own karma and were much stronger. All noble families tried to compile a genealogical tree in all details in order to know the history of their kind. They changed their destiny and life for the better. If a person does not succeed, numerous diseases arise, troubles constantly occur, then it is worthwhile to carry out a ritual to heal the family as soon as possible.

Cleansing the family with prayer

Each person bears the imprint of up to seven generations, and each of them loved, lived, did good and bad deeds. All emotions and experience falls on the shoulders of the followers. That is why many simply repeat the fate of their own ancestors, and this can happen exactly. The scenario of life can come from descendants, so a person is not able to take his own path, fulfill his destiny in life, become happy, create a family.

This can be changed through prayer. If a person constantly reads prayers for the healing of the family or the Our Father, he will be able to change his own destiny for the better. He will make his karma more perfect, get rid of the negative influence and problems that his relatives experienced in the distant past, up to the 12th generation.

It is prayer that helps to get rid of the damage imposed in the distant past, to cleanse oneself from ancestral curse, cleanse the sins of the ancestors and their own. When pronouncing prayer speeches, a person asks from the bottom of his heart for forgiveness from God for all the sins committed in the family. The impact of negative energy on a person's karma stops, it does not affect the course of a lifetime.

It takes forty days to complete the ceremony. This time is necessary in order to clear the information field of a person, the negative influence of the clan on his life, the history of the clan will no longer be able to influence his existence. Life will be free, the whole burden of problems will be cleared, and a person will finally be able to find his own destiny in life, to radically change his fate.

You need to say these words:

“God, I ask your forgiveness in front of everyone whom I managed to offend in my past and present life.
God, I forgive everyone who has hurt me in past and real life.
God forgive me for all my loved ones who have died.
God forgive me for all my loved ones living.
God, forgive my ancestors for offending someone.
God, protect me and my family from everything evil and negative, fill me with harmony, health and love,
Amen, Amen, Amen."

Meditation from Archangel Michael

You need to make your breathing even and calm. The mind must be cleared of extraneous thoughts. You should sit in the most comfortable position and provide yourself with a calm and comfortable environment, turn off phones and TVs.

It is imperative to ask all the angels and archangels of the family for forgiveness and connection to meditation. You should enter a cave in the very center of the Earth. You should mentally go down the stairs as low as possible, open the first gate, then go down further and look at the door. Need to speak:

After that, the door will open and a huge hall will open, in which there is a book on the table. It is worth looking at her and understanding what she is. You need to put your hands on it and open the streams of love and light. A person must ask for forgiveness from everyone who has been offended, forgive his offenders from the bottom of his heart and completely cleanse himself. You need to open your heart forever, let the light penetrate deep into yourself. You should say:

"Michael Archangel, let my family take as much light and love as possible, ensure fertility and happiness."

And then you should climb the stairs up and close all the doors behind you.

Taoist Healing Practices

People are very often interested in how they can heal their family, reconnect with it and feel its support. You need to strive for this with all your heart, believe that everything will work out. Certain rituals should be performed with runes, bread or rice. Here is one of them. The results will be truly impressive.

Donations should be given to close and long-gone relatives. This can be done with the help of food, over which prayers were read, to present it to your predecessors. You should purchase seven candles in advance in the church, buy a pack of rice and two plates. The main thing is that all this is new, not used before. In the morning you need to take a bath, put on clean clothes and put the rice to boil. At this time, you should definitely read prayers, throw out all extraneous thoughts from your head, focus on the most important thing.

It is strongly not recommended to try rice. When the cereal is fully cooked, it should be put on plates and imagine that this food is for the Lord. You can read the prayer Our Father or others, depending on which religion the person belongs to and what he prefers. After that, you need to put this rice, which will already be consecrated, in another plate, light a church candle and say:

“I invite all long-gone representatives of my family to join the meal and take the food prepared by me.”

After that, you need to express gratitude to the ancestors, take the rice outside and bury it in the ground. In no case should this rice be given to living people, and then the plates in which the ritual was performed should not be used. by the most best time for the ceremony is the week of Maslenitsa.

Consequences of purification of a kind

When cleaning a kind of person, a person begins to feel invaluable support from his ancestors throughout his life. It must be remembered that the ancestors are able to both help a person in all endeavors, and take all his strength. It is necessary to constantly work on oneself, to free the race from negativity, so that fate becomes truly happy, and a person finds his own destiny in life.

It is necessary to heal one's own kind in order to facilitate fate and life. The negative that happened in the distant past will finally leave his followers, then you will not have to constantly fight with drunkards and drug addicts, terminally ill people. Only then will the children be happy, they will be able to achieve everything they can wish for. You need to take only positive, health and talents from the family, and get away from the negative as far as possible.

The effect of the healing of the family can be compared with a stone thrown into the water. Waves of creative energy spread both into the future and into the past, washing away negative traces in the family line. You and your children will be freed from heavy programs and will be able to choose your own life, not burdened by bad heredity.

Meditation from Archangel Michael on the cleansing and healing of the family:

1. Take a comfortable position.
2. Breathe and relax.
Sit or lie down, close your eyes and start taking a few deep breaths.
Relax, feel your body. Look at yourself from the side. Feel your hands, feet, how they are filled with the pure Divine energy of the Father-Creator. You can invite your Guardian Angels, Mentors, Teachers to accompany you on this journey, to your Family.

Slow down your breathing and focus all your awareness on relaxing your body, calming your mind, and letting go of all daily worries.
We take a slow deep breath for 1-2-3-4, and imagine how the energy flows into us and passes through our entire body, freeing each of our cells from the accumulated negativity, pain, suffering, confusion, disappointment ...

Slow exhalation for 1-2-3-4, exhale and imagine how we exhale all the negative energy that has stagnated in us, all experiences, hardships, problems, etc .... We repeat at least three times.
Our body is calm, our consciousness is clear, we feel how warmly spreads over our shoulders, arms, stomach, legs ... We connect with our Higher / Inner Self. You feel calm, balanced, your thoughts are pure, you are connected with your Self.

3. We ground ourselves.
(everyone does it as they are used to)

Intention: “I ask you to cleanse and heal my family tree up to the 9th knee on the maternal and paternal lines”

I'm Michael, come by your intention
And I will clean the family up to the 9th generation
You need to relax, breathing evenly.
We will go with you to a cave in the center of the Earth,
Where are your books of Life collected.
Give me your hand, I will lead you.
Trust me!
We are with you at the majestic mountain,
Gates pop up before us,
And the doors creak open.
There are steps in front of us and we go down the steps
We enter the gate.
Look what do you see?
This is the beginning of our journey.
The steps lead further down and we go down them all the way down and we reach the door.
Consider the door, what is it?

And express your intent one more time

I, ____ [your name] ____, I ask you to cleanse and heal my family tree up to the 9th knee on the maternal and paternal lines "

The door swings open
You enter a large and bright hall,
There is a table in the middle of the room
There is a book on the table.
Consider the book, what is it?
Take her in your hands
This is a book of your incarnations and lessons.
If you are interested, you can browse it,
Or we can get started right away.
Put your hands on the book
I lay my hands on yours
And I open the Stream of Light and Love
Opening the Violet Flame of Transformation.
These streams in unison fill and illuminate your genealogies.
Cleared from raids.
You ask for forgiveness from everyone you once offended,
You are asked for forgiveness by those who gave you lessons.
Forgive everyone with all your heart and accept everything in yourself and in others.
Open your heart to All Acceptance!
And let your Love and Light flow always and everywhere, Here and Now!
I am Michael, healing all your wounds,
I wipe all your tears
I transform hate into love
Diseases in the Light
I fill you with Peace of Being and Wisdom.

Your family tree, look at it.
How does your tree feel?
Does it have any disadvantages
Little light? Lots of shade? Dry branches? Is the soil dry? What are the leaves?
Give the Tree what it needs.

Say like this:

"Archangel Michael, give my family tree as much light as he needs, such fertile soil what he needs and as much as he needs, etc. ”

I express my intention to carry out work on releasing the Generic programs that are outdated and interfere with everyone who is connected by the Family and with whom I am connected by family ties. Remove everything that prevents us from improving, spiritually advancing. My main task today is liberation from fears (all types of fear: fear of survival on the earthly plane, fear of losing loved ones, loved ones, fear of death, etc.). I ask you to remove all the fears that are present in us, even if they are not manifested and even if we are not aware of them. We remove pride, distrust, envy, condemnation, jealousy, guilt, all kinds of attachment, suspicion, doubt, self-doubt, irritability. We remove the blocks in all bodies, these blocks do not allow us to receive the energies of high vibrations that come to us through the Sacred Fires: the Life-Giving Fire, the Druids' Fire, the Fire of the Sacred Unity. We remove everything that prevents us from following the spiral of evolution.
I call on all representatives of the Clans who launched these programs into action. At that time, these programs were justified, they helped to survive in the conditions of Experimental Duality. I thank the representatives of my Family for the vast experience they have accumulated, which is necessary for the evolution of subsequent generations, in which there is great potential.

And I ask the representatives of my Family, together with me, to get rid of these obsolete, currently unnecessary programs. Please remove all contracts related to the Duality Experiment. It is indicated to us, by the Forces of Light, that the Experiment of Duality is completed; we are in the process of a new evolutionary stage - the stage of ascent into higher spheres Being, the stage of ascent in the Spirit. We are helped by the Higher Forces of Light to accept new evolutionary progressive programs and new energies (high vibration) of the True Time.

I call on our Teachers Saint-Germain and Hilarion, the Leader of our Family, to help us in today's work. I call on Archangel Raphael, a spiritual healer, our Angels and Mentors, I call on the Support Group from the 5th dimension, I call on the Sacred Fire of the Druids, the Purple Fire of transmutation, the Fire of Sacred Unity.
I ask all representatives of our Family at the level of the Higher Selves to come and unite with me. I call on all relatives who are in tune with this, who are ready for this work to be with us. I'm waiting for you, come, please, there is a place for everyone. We work for the common good.

I turn to Teacher Saint-Germain for help: I ​​ask you to remove outdated programs from us, I ask you to transmute all the low energies that are still present in us; I ask you to remove from all our bodies everything that interferes with our spiritual advancement. Remove everything that does not allow us to find the joys of being, wherever we are. I ask you to prepare our bodies to receive pure high energies.

Saint Germain directs his Violet Ray at all kindred. The beam moves, filling everyone with violet energy-light, it is directed to the left, moving in massive horizontal impulses-streams of waves to the right. Waves of light exceed the size of the figure. The light intensity of the waves increases, goes from very light to saturated violet light. The movement of violet waves of light continues for a long time...Very slowly, the gray figures turn into barely distinguishable, almost white shadows with thin dark outlines, separate silhouettes of the figures appear as if from a mass, and their separation from each other begins. Their movements are slow, as if waking up. The Violet Ray disappears.

I ask Teacher Hilarion to help us in spiritual healing, fill us with the energies of health, happiness, joy, love, give us strength for spiritual perfection..

Teacher Hilarion appears from above, directing his gentle emerald energies to already clarified figures; the flow of energies intensifies, the whole space is filled with these energies. The active, albeit slow, movement of the figures continues, the outlines of the figures emerge more clearly; they different sizes: some are tall, others are shorter. Each figure, as it were, becomes separate (as a person). They begin to regroup, move around, as if looking for someone they need; maybe it's the families wanting to be closer to each other again.
All figures are shrouded in greenish-golden energies, the energies are alive, pulsating.

Mentally congratulate all those who came to work today - with the liberation. Thank everyone who helped you in your work, thank Higher power for the indicated path of Spiritual liberation.

And now we can finish the job.
I take my hands off your hands
Now you release your hands.
Look at the book, what does it look like now?
Are there any changes?
Thank her and let her go.

We return with you
Give me your hand.
We go out, and the door and it closes with a creak.
Now we go up the stairs, one by one.
And now the gates are open
We exit, turn around, and the gate evaporates.
We are at the foot of the mountain.
Thank this place for letting you into the Hall of Remembrance!
Invisible Servants hear everything.
The rustling of the trees tells you that you have been heard
And they were happy to help.
I hold your hand and return you to your place,
You are at home.

You can open your eyes.
You are at home.
On this our trip to the Hall of Memory came to an end.
Thank you for your work and trust in me.
With love, Archangel Michael!
Truly so!

Naturally, you need to understand that the work to heal the Family is large-scale and multi-level - there can be thousands of generations of ancestors behind your back, respectively, and rooted negative programs and connections to various kinds of egregors are also a very decent amount.You can START the healing process, lay a healthy foundation, heal some connections and relationships. It takes time, patience and a lot of energy. And, of course, the most important condition is your openness to the Higher energies, connection with the Creator. Good luck with this noble cause. And of course, if you need my help, you know where to go).

Absolutely every person belongs to his own clan, to be more precise, to two genera. The clan of the mother and the clan of the father play an important role in tribal karma. We are influenced by generic energies from the very moment of our birth. And they can have both positive and negative effects.

A positive impact is to support a person in any of his undertakings, while a negative one imposes negative patterns of behavior, various diseases, curses and even death.

Kind energy

There is no need to throw off the influence of the energy of the genus from the scales. Its influence exists, although we may not notice or attach importance to it. If there were excellent and pure relationships in the family, then the support of the family will be strong. All generic energies will flow without any obstacles. And every member of the family, living at the present time, will be filled with this energy.

Of course, such a variant of the positive influence of generic energies is a utopia. You may not believe that the ideal does not exist, but it is a fact. The attitudes of our ancestors influence our lives, reactions. Even the way our ancestors were, imposes a certain shade on the current life. If there were black magicians in the clan who sent curses, or the members of the clan themselves did not get along with each other and in any case cursed each other, then the entire negative burden of relations creates negative tribal karma. And it negatively affects every member of the genus, without exception, with varying degrees impact.

Naturally, such an influence cannot but affect various areas of life - physical and mental health, finances, relationships. Certain areas of life may be affected - difficulties in creating a family, financial collapse, severe hereditary diseases, and so on. In our sessions, we work specifically with a person’s personal and ancestral karma and help to cleanse themselves of negative influences and accept positive experiences.

Naturally, until a certain life situation happens to a person, he may not think about tribal karma and its impact. But as soon as some kind of hereditary disease is discovered, the repetition of a certain moment in several generations, you will inevitably think about something mystical.

A negative generic program can be transmitted by diseases of the inert system, various female ailments, endocrine diseases, chronic addiction to alcohol, games, and so on. After all, this whole program is written down at the gene level, and is inherited in the same way as character traits and external similarities. Once you discover this hereditary disease, addiction or something else, it means that it is necessary to heal and purify the whole race!

The power of the family

Naturally, for a person who is looking for spiritual development, the primary task is the purification and healing of a kind. If you think about it, then, most likely, only you among all members of your family have sufficient power to purify the family and awareness.

Take into account the fact that your clan entrusted you with the work of working with tribal karma. You need not only to cleanse the clan from negative programs, but also to unleash karmic knots. If you have not yet realized your mission, the negative impact of the generic energy will affect your life until you understand that you need to start working with your family.

The most important thing is not to exclude the impact of negative qualities, but to strengthen the influence of positive ones. If you start clearing destructive moments, then positive traits will intensify. This will help not only the departed members of the family, but also everyone living now - you and your children, relatives. Naturally, when purifying the negative influence, we receive a stream of pure energies from the family, which favorably influence and support in difficult situations. This is a very big force that helps not only to be successful in all endeavors, but also helps social realization.

You may not know or understand how and which programs affect you. You can contact us and after the diagnostics you will see which birth programs have a negative effect on you and which ones help you. Diagnostics can be carried out both in person and remotely. You will see Current state your his energy field and get advice on further work with ancestral karma.

Family history

If you have ever turned to the older generation for help and heard their stories about your fate, you can understand how interesting the stories of a whole family are. They can teach us a lot. After all, it was all - both good and bad. Our ancestors led ordinary life- loved, suffered, created, died, and all this is recorded in our ancestral memory. Of course, we cannot give up our history, because it is part of ourselves. And sooner or later we will be faced with the fact that something will need to be corrected in the ancestral karma, maybe improved, but most often - healed.

With the proper use of tribal karma, we can ask the family for help, and take what is needed right now - strength, creativity, courage and all those features that our ancestors had. If you began to feel serious problems with money, then in the family line you will still find that ancestor who had everything: wealth, success, recognition. You can borrow his energy and fix your financial problems.

Incarnation in the family

Strange as it may seem, it is no coincidence that you were incarnated in this kind, in this family. You are an extension of your family. It is important to feel that these are your native energies. Feel like a part of the history of the family. It is with your life that you will write its continuation. And it depends only on you how it will be - light or dark. The choice is always yours.

If you feel that you need to ask forgiveness from the family for some negative thoughts, negative actions, then mentally do it right now. Your family will feel your love and respect and will forgive you. Thanks to this, you yourself will be cleansed of possible insults that bring negative vibrations and misunderstandings into our lives.

Don't forget to build relationships with all your relatives who are living now. Forgive them for everything and ask for forgiveness yourself. Forgive those who are no longer around. This is very important point after which you will feel relief. Nobody will do this for you.

Remember that your family is protection, support and help in the most difficult times. Respect your family, you are its continuation.

After forgiveness, you will feel how much easier life has become for you. If you have made the decision to work on your ancestral karma, clean it up and improve it, then you can completely change your life. And help transform their living relatives. You will build what you have always desired.

We are so capable of improving our lives, helping ourselves and our family, that the energy of the family will not be the cause of various failures. You will feel that the energy of the family has become reliable support in all areas of our life.

Sessions for the purification and healing of the family can be done both in person and remotely. It is enough to write a message in and you will receive all the necessary information. In addition, you can take training in healing and purification. But in this case, the readiness of energy and psyche is necessary. Unfortunately, we do not teach everyone. We determine the time and date of diagnostics, the number of sessions already when communicating with a person, after receiving a message about readiness to undergo diagnostics.

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With Love to you, Aloriya Sobinova.