How to divide a bush of viburnum bulldenezh. Buldenezh blooms beautifully and lives long

The name of the plant "viburnum buldenezh" comes from the French "ball of snow" and is given to the shrub because of the shape of the inflorescences. We often call this viburnum a snow globe. Its main difference is in the structure of inflorescences. In ordinary viburnum, they resemble umbrellas, and large white barren flowers are located only at the edges.

When it blooms

At viburnum buldenezh, all the flowers in the inflorescence are barren (it does not give berries) and are collected in a dense ball with a diameter of 8-10 (sometimes up to 15) cm, similar to a snowball or pompom. The "snow globe" blooms in late May - early June, blooms for 2-3 weeks.

First greenish, then creamy, and finally snow-white inflorescences (there are forms with pink flowers) hang at the ends of branches gracefully curved under their weight. The “snow globe” does not form fruits, therefore in autumn it is decorated only with foliage that acquires red tones and does not fly around from the branches for a long time.

Where does it look best?

Buldenezh is frost-resistant and requires shelter for the winter only in the north middle lane Russia. Single bushes and small groups of this viburnum look especially good against the background of a well-groomed green lawn at the corners and turns of paths, near a well, bench or gazebo.

Groups may consist only of viburnum or include other shrubs, such as low spirea or dwarf red-leaved barberry: these plants will cover only the lower part of the stems of viburnum bulldenezh, allowing you to admire its inflorescences and shading them dark color foliage.

Choice of landing site

"Snowball" is not very picky about soil conditions and lighting. However, shading, dry and poor soils significantly affect the size and number of inflorescences. Having chosen a place for planting, you need to dig a hole 40x40 cm (if the soil is fertile) or slightly larger, up to 60 cm, where the soil is poor.

The pit is filled with nutritious compost, to which rotted manure can be added, and mineral fertilizers are applied. The seedling must also be prepared for planting. To do this, the shoots are cut to 1 / 3-1 / 4 of their length. At spring planting this is done immediately, and in the autumn - in the spring of next year. The ends are cut off at the roots so that they fit well in the pit and grow more actively.

Bush planting

The bush is planted so that the root neck is 2-3 cm below the soil surface. Then the plant is abundantly watered and mulched. trunk circle peat or rotten leaves (layer 6-7 cm) or simply spud. In this case, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil in the trunk circle so that a crust does not form. Under the mulch, the soil remains in a normal state for a long time, so only weeding and watering are necessary.

Watering the plant

It is useful to water adult bushes of the "snow globe" at least once a year, at the beginning of flowering. In cold and rainy summers, you can do without watering, and in hot and dry summers, you should water several times. It must be borne in mind that excessive dryness and heat lead to a reduction in flowering time.

Kalina buldenezh will also grow in a neglected area, but this will make it difficult to care for her or nullify its results. In order for watering and top dressing to benefit the “snow globe” bush, the trunk circle with a diameter of 1 m must be free from weeds.

top dressing

Depending on the condition of the plant and the nature of the soil, top dressing is carried out annually or every two years, in the spring, after the soil has dried. One bush requires 5-8 kg of nutrient compost, 25-30 g of ammonium nitrate, 40-50 g of superphosphate and 10-25 g of potassium salt. Mineral fertilizers you can simply evenly scatter under the bush and close up in the soil by loosening. If the trunk circle is kept under mulch, then it is removed for the time of watering and fertilizing.


Kalina buldenezh, like any shrub, needs pruning, which is carried out to form, thin out and rejuvenate the bush. When starting pruning, it should be remembered that the flower buds of this shrub are formed on the shoots of the second year of life, so a heavily pruned bush will not bloom next summer. But in a year it will delight you with a particularly lush flower cascade.

crown formation

Young 2-3 year old plants planted on permanent place and having a sparse above-ground part, pruning of the formation is necessary to obtain lush bush, cut off each shoot, leaving 3-4 pairs of buds from the base. Do this annually until the bush reaches the desired density and shape. Mature plants are subjected to shaping pruning only to correct the crown after damage or to reduce its size.


Thinning is carried out as needed and consists in removing weak and dead branches or part of the branches in too dense areas of the crown. Inspection of bushes of all ages should be carried out every year. Old, poorly growing and flowering bushes need rejuvenation. To do this, the plants are cut, or rather, cut off "on a stump" at a height of 15-30 cm or more.

After this operation, dormant buds located below the cut start to grow, forming strong young shoots. Such a rejuvenated plant needs shaping pruning. Pruning of all types is carried out in early spring when the entire above-ground part is free of snow cover. After pruning, the bush needs to be well fed, then the young shoots will be strong and strong.


Unfortunately, the viburnum buldenezh suffers greatly from pests, especially from the larvae and beetles of the viburnum leaf beetle and from the viburnum leaf aphid. As a rule, these pests do not appear on the bushes every year, but if this happens, then you have to admire not the “snowball”, but a bare bush with the remains of leaves hanging here and there.

However, modern facilities protection plants allow you to avoid misfortune. If in the spring, before bud break, the bushes are sprayed with a solution of nitrafen or inta-vir, then no pests will be afraid of viburnum.

Reproduction by cuttings

The "snowball" is propagated only in a vegetative way: by green (summer) cuttings, on which the shoots of the current year that begin to woody go. They bend well, but do not break. Strongly lignified shoots are not suitable. Cuttings 4-5 cm long with 1-2 internodes are cut with a sharp knife. The cuts should be oblique, the lower one under the kidney, the upper one above it.

The cut cuttings are immediately planted in a greenhouse in a layer of humus 8-12 cm thick, covered with sand on top of 3-4 cm. Planting depth 1.5-2 cm. Cuttings should be sprayed and watered, shaded from bright sunlight. The greenhouse should not be too cold. Rooting begins after 2-3 weeks, and during this period frequent spraying with water is especially important.

In the second half of August, when the cuttings develop the root system sufficiently, they are transplanted to the garden, where before the onset of cold weather, they have time to get stronger and take root well. For the winter, young plants are recommended to be mulched with humus, sawdust or peat with a layer of 2-3 cm. After 2-3 years, the bushes can be planted in a permanent place.

It has been observed that each ornamental wild plant looks best in the environment in which it grows in its natural environment, in the wild. Ampelous stems are most suitable for vertical surfaces, growing among stones and slopes, succulents are charming on sandy open areas, and viburnum most of all to face the shores of reservoirs. No wonder in folk tales Kalinov Bridge is mentioned! Plant her on the shore artificial pond or near the well or water more often - and that's almost all she needs!

It is interesting! In Russia, Buldenezh (translated from French - snowball) came to the court of Empress Catherine II. For a long time it was grown exclusively in royal greenhouses and open parks. Later, wealthy citizens began to plant entire gardens with this culture. Thanks to this, viburnum Buldenezh gained fame as an aristocratic plant.

The viburnum variety Buldenezh belongs to the honeysuckle family and is the result of selection of the common viburnum. Elastic shoots grow up and to the sides, forming a sprawling spherical crown up to 3.5 m high. If you give the bush the freedom to grow in breadth, its diameter can reach 1.5 m or more, but it will become shapeless, while the recommended pruning turns it into a beautiful semi-dome strewn with white round flowers. Flowering begins in favorable weather in May and often continues until July.

The dense green crown makes the plant a decoration of the garden even outside the flowering period. The leaves have a bright color on the front side and paler on the inside. At this time, Buldenezh is no different from wild plants. It is a deciduous shrub, but, even having shed all the foliage, it does not lose its decorative effect due to its unusual skeletal shape against the background of white snow.

Looks very impressive standard form Buldenezh, which turns the bush into a pretty dwarf tree, completely covered with quivering white balls-inflorescences.


Flowers, which are the main advantage of this bush, are formed at the ends of young shoots and are a lot of buds collected in a ball with semicircular petals. There are no stamens and pistils inside them - the flowers of this "snow queen" are absolutely barren.

For this reason, the reproduction of this variety is carried out by cuttings, layering, grafting, dividing the bush. You can do this, as usual, in spring or autumn, but spring way is preferred from an adaptation point of view, since this plant is not as resistant to frost as its wild relative.

Reproduction by layering

In the spring, young strong shoots are selected, growing low above the ground. They dig up the soil under it, fertilize it, then tilt the shoot, dig it in to a depth of 10-15 cm and fix it with wooden pins, a metal bracket or a load in this position. The earth needs to be compacted and periodically moistened well until the layering takes root. Complete root system it will develop only by autumn, and then it will already be possible to separate it from the mother bush. But transplanting to a new place is possible only in the second, and even better - in the third year.

Reproduction by cuttings

A rather laborious method in which young seedlings can be obtained next year. Cuttings are taken during spring pruning. Suitable for planting are young (last year's) not completely lignified shoots, which have at least one internode. Leaves are removed from them and the ends are cut with a sharp knife, leaving a length of 8-9 cm.

A greenhouse is prepared for planting with moist soil mixed with humus and sand. Finished cuttings are deepened by 3-5 cm, covered with a film or glass on top. Need to support high humidity, periodically opening and spraying. After they give roots, you can transplant into pots, which are kept warm until late autumn. For the winter they need to be placed in a cool place.

Plant in a permanent place in spring in well-warmed soil.

If you plant two rooted cuttings in one hole at once, you can get a more magnificent decorative group planting.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

simple and fast way, presenting no difficulty. It is necessary to find a suitable young (preferably no older than last year) shoot, which is separated from mother plant and transplanted into a pre-prepared moistened and fertilized hole.


It is carried out mainly in the spring and obeys almost the same rules, regardless of the way in which the seedlings were grown.

Location selection

The main condition for the successful development of viburnum is sufficient watering, so it is better to choose a well-moistened place, she likes moist, rich loams. good choice, as already mentioned, are the shores of natural and ornamental ponds, wells, small local depressions (but not lowlands). but garden varieties viburnum feel good on dry soils, if they are provided with high-quality regular watering.

And yet, in this case, the "snowballs" become smaller, in addition, the dryness of the soil provokes an invasion of leaf-eating pests, which a weakened plant cannot resist. A significant role is also played by evaporation from water, which the plant is deprived of in a dry place.


In terms of illumination, light penumbra is preferable. A completely open place, especially in dry and hot areas, is undesirable, since this often leads to a loss of decorative leaves, and sometimes to the death of the plant if the watering regimen is incorrect. However, a completely open area is better than a thickened one in the shade.

Soil preparation

The optimal dimensions of the landing pit are 80 cm deep and 50-60 cm in diameter. This will provide conditions for a strong root system for this plant. Despite the plant's love of moisture, clay soils a drainage layer should be laid at the bottom of the pit (bark, broken brick, crushed stone, sand, etc.). Then the prepared mixture is added from 3-4 buckets of compost, 2 tbsp. wood ash and 1 tbsp. nitrophoska. The next layer is top dressing - it can be a complex mixture with the presence of phosphorus and potassium. You can use a mixture of leafy soil, peat and humus.


The seedling is transferred along with a wet earthen clod, carefully covered with earth and lightly compacted so as not to damage the roots. The trunk circle is formed with a decrease towards the center. Water abundantly and immediately mulch the soil around the bush to maintain moisture and heat. Good for mulch sawdust, bark coniferous trees, peat crumbs, fallen leaves (only from healthy deciduous crops!), Mowed grass.

It is necessary to ensure that after shrinkage of the soil, the root neck is not too deep in the ground! Usually it is enough to leave 3-4 cm for shrinkage.


Agrotechnics of viburnum Buldenezh is standard, including watering, pruning, pest control and, optionally, top dressing.


This is the main condition for successful growth and beautiful flowering, especially in hot summers. Watering is required with such frequency that the earthen ball does not dry out, always remaining in a moist state. Young seedlings need more moisture, they need to be watered more often. Do not forget about watering in the fall, periodically abundantly moistening the soil in order to prevent its dehydration, especially during the period of snowless frosts.

top dressing

Fertilization after planting is not necessary, but the plant is responsive to organics, mineral complexes, etc., more luxuriant and blooms longer, looks healthy. In mid-August, potassium and phosphorus can be re-applied.


This culture tolerates this procedure calmly. Having chosen the shape of the future bush, you can start pruning from the first year of cultivation. Moreover, trimming the branches 1/3 of the length when planting will help it settle in faster. Subsequently, during the procedure, dried branches and excess young shoots are removed. The main skeletal branches of viburnum are recommended to be left one per year. Thus, a 10-year-old specimen will have 8 or 9.

V cold winter the bush may freeze slightly, you should let it come to its senses. In most cases, it subsequently fully recovers.

How to give viburnum Buldenezh an interesting shape?

Using various pruning techniques, you can give the bush interesting, spectacular shapes.


Forming a stem is easy. To do this, you need to leave a single trunk and pinch all the other shoots growing from the root. In subsequent years, all young shoots should be cut off, and when the trunk reaches 1.5-2 m in height, begin to form a crown by pinching and pruning. Old branches must be cut annually, thinning the tree from the middle.


To obtain several trunks, a young bush in the first season is cut almost to the base before flowering, leaving a stump no more than 20 cm high. Thus, the development of many side shoots is stimulated. In subsequent seasons, pruning should be done after the end of flowering (July-August).


The main enemy of viburnum is garden aphids, which can destroy all of its foliage in a short period of time. Recommended folk remedies fight - a soapy solution in the form of spraying or wood ash, which needs to be sprinkled with a thick layer near the trunk circle with the capture of the nearest territory. In advanced cases, insecticides are used (Aktara, Tanrek, Aktellik, Agravertin).

Also, this culture is often affected by scale insects, viburnum leaf beetle and many caterpillars. The most effective means are Actellik, Askoris, Karbofos, Phosbecid.

Use in landscape design

Viburnum Buldenezh will grow in your garden for many years, so it is important to immediately determine its role in the landscape of the site. The plant looks great in single plantings, but goes well with barberry, mountain ash, hawthorn. When landscaping large territories It is customary to place in groups of 3 or 5 bushes. Planting it in the background will perfectly complete the composition using creeping junipers, Japanese spirea, paniculate and tree hydrangeas, ground cover perennials.

In general, the plant is considered capricious for growing, but many are ready to take care of it carefully for showiness and beauty. snow queen and forgive her her weaknesses and whims.

29.05.2018 3 761

Kalina Buldenezh - landing and care, photo in landscape design

The chic viburnum Buldenezh, planting and caring for which is the basis of beautiful and chic flowering, requires attention, and compliance with certain rules, in particular, scheduling fertilizer application. Proper pruning, pest and disease control will help you grow a beautiful and strong bush.

Description and varieties

To the territory of our country ornamental plant brought by Catherine II. During her reign, this shrub of incredible beauty could only be found in imperial gardens and parks.

The flowering period of the plant lasts only 15-20 days. The bush blooms in the last days of May and withers by mid-June. Branches gracefully bend under heavy white snow globes colors.

Outwardly, the tree is easy to recognize, it reaches a height of three or even more meters. The branches at first grow vertically, but under the weight of large inflorescences they bend into different sides, forming a spreading crown. To make the plant look even more effective, experienced site owners during pruning form a crown in the shape of a semicircle.

Caps of flowers in size can reach 15 cm, stamens are absent, so viburnum will not bear fruit. As soon as the buds begin to bloom, the petals have a delicate greenish tint. After a few days, they turn pink or acquire a creamy hue, and only when fully opened, they become dazzling white.

Viburnum Boule de Nezhe - pictured balls of viburnum Buldanez - on the photo

The foliage of the shrub is also lush, so it does not lose its decorative function even after flowering. The leaves are large, bright green, with clear notches.

A variety of varieties - viburnum Roseum. This variety belongs to terry and has differences in the form Pink colour inflorescence caps.

Planting and care, methods of reproduction

The tree usually reproduces in open field vegetative method. The three most popular methods are:

  • layering;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.
    The easiest way to propagate is by sprinkling layering. This is done in the spring in several stages:
  1. grooves break through in the soil in the direction from the main bush, the depth of which should not exceed 10 cm;
  2. twigs no older than one year gently lean towards the ground and are placed in prepared grooves;
  3. from above, the shoots are covered with compost, compacted and well watered with non-cold water;
  4. as soon as the first shoots appear on the surface, they must be spudded, then constantly maintain optimal humidity;
  5. in autumn, the shoots that have taken root are separated from the main bush and placed for the winter in prepared containers. In a permanent place, the bushes are ready for planting only when their root system has grown stronger, that is, after 2 years.

viburnum Buldenezh in landscape design - on the photo

Planting is done by cuttings, this method is more laborious than the previous one and you need to start it in the summer months, at the same time as pruning the bush. Young twigs with two live buds are suitable as cuttings.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. young branches of viburnum are cut off, leaving one node with buds on them, the rest of the leaves must be removed;
  2. the cuttings prepared in this way are left for half a day in a special solution that promotes root growth;
  3. prepare the soil for planting cuttings. It should contain earth from turf, sand and compost in equal proportions. The earth must not be dry;
  4. bury the cuttings in the soil no deeper than 2.5 cm;
  5. cover future bushes with a film or a plastic transparent canister, creating a greenhouse effect.

In order for the culture to quickly take root and bloom profusely, it is important to choose the right place for its permanent growth and the time of year.

Planting dates largely depend on which breeding method was chosen. A common practice is planting in the spring. In spring, it is optimal to plant with layering, and divide the mother bush into separate shoots better in autumn. V autumn months when precipitation is frequent on the street, and the temperature drops lower and lower, a shrub planted from cuttings or layering may not take root.

The soil is better to choose well-moistened. Well, if it's a lowland. If there are no low-lying places on your site, give preference to the penumbra side. In the shade, viburnum, of course, will bloom, but the caps will be smaller.

shrub care

A hedge from viburnum Buldenezh will surely attract the attention of everyone. However, in order for it to look truly rich and beautiful, it is necessary to properly care for the crop - take care of soil moisture, its nutritional value, crown formation and the creation of a protective barrier against diseases and pests, etc.

flowering viburnum Buldenezh - in the photo

Planting should be watered regularly, especially if the weather is dry outside. Special attention should be given to young individuals. If watering is carried out correctly, the tree will delight you with lush abundant flowering.

Bushes of medium height, covered with flowers original form, decorate flower beds near private houses and public gardens.


A beautifully flowering shrub viburnum buldenezh reaches a height of 1.5 to 3 m. The leaves are light green, large, from 7 to 12 cm in length. The crown is neat, sprawling, up to four meters wide.

Annual growth at proper care is 30 to 40 cm. Max Height the plant reaches in 7–10 years.

Decorative viburnum buldenezh can please the eye for sixty years. The plant is frost-resistant, took root in different regions country.


During the period of formation of spherical buds, the petals are light green, gradually "snow balls" become white. The diameter of the "snowballs" is 12–15 cm. The number of balls on a bush sometimes reaches four hundred.

Flowering lasts about twenty days: from the third week of May to the middle of June. The decorative variety of viburnum buldenezh has more lush, "double" flowers compared to viburnum ordinary species bulldenezh.

Landing and care

Viburnum ornamental bulldenezh prefers an open, slightly shaded space with a sufficient amount of lighting. If the shadow prevails, the flowering period becomes shorter, the inflorescences become smaller.

Kalina Buldenezh - enough unpretentious plant . Regular care will help grow a healthy, strong bush.


Kalina should be planted in the ground in the spring. The soil should warm up well.

Many landscape designers and experienced gardeners recommend planting decorative viburnum bulldenezh on the banks of artificial or natural reservoirs.

Landing Rules:

  • dig a hole up to 50 cm deep;
  • fertilize the soil with a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus, ash, potassium and compost. Mix all components well;
  • deepen the root collar up to 5 cm;
  • sprinkle the roots with soil, tamp the soil;
  • make a hole, carefully water the plant;
  • top with a layer of bark or sawdust mulch.


The list of agrotechnical measures is standard. Respect the deadlines for all transactions.

Main activities:

  1. Watering. The ground must always be moist. In dry years, do not allow the soil to dry out. The plant will start to hurt, growth will slow down.
  2. loosening. Do it regularly. Avoid the formation of a dense crust that makes root breathing difficult.
  3. Mulching. Change the layer of sawdust or bark as needed. In addition to the protective effect, this operation improves appearance wells.
  4. Fertilizer. In the spring, feed the plant with a mixture of potassium (20 g), nitrogen (up to 50 g) and phosphorus (up to 30 g). In mid-August, add the composition: potassium (up to 40 g) + phosphorus (up to 20 g). Calculations are given for 1 sq. m of soil. Sprinkle ash throughout the year, water the soil with complex fertilizers.
  5. Disease control. Spray viburnum in the spring with a solution of nitrofen. This is how you prevent pests. They fight with the viburnum leaf beetle with chlorophos, with aphids, with the addition of soap, infusion of garlic or bitter wormwood. powdery mildew can only be removed with saline solution.


Kalina buldenezh is a barren plant. Bushes propagate in two ways:

  • layering;
  • cuttings.

Which method to choose? Try both and see where you get better results. It is easier to propagate viburnum bulldenezh with layering.

Reproduction by layering:

  1. In the spring, carefully bend back strong annual shoots.
  2. Lower them into the hole, compact well, add humus and water well.
  3. Monitor the condition of the soil, do not let it dry out. The branches must take root.
  4. In autumn, separate the layers from the bush, divide into several seedlings and plant in a prepared place.

Propagation of viburnum bulldenezh cuttings:

  1. In July, cut off last year's healthy shoots with buds. Length - about 8 cm.
  2. Prepare fertile soil, fertilize.
  3. Plant cuttings up to 3 cm deep.
  4. At first, keep the cuttings in a greenhouse under polyethylene, later plant them in pots.
  5. Until the end of autumn, the containers are kept warm, and transferred to a cool place for the winter.
  6. Rooted cuttings can be planted in May next year, when the soil warms up well.


For the formation lush crown pruning decorative viburnum bulldenezh is performed annually. This operation has its own characteristics:

  1. In the first year, cut off unblown inflorescences. That's how you get abundant flowering and the emergence of large snow globes».
  2. Young shoots are pinched. The operation is carried out in late July - early August.
  3. In the following years, cut off shoots from a young bush at a distance of 20 cm from the ground.
  4. Form a crown only after the end of flowering. This deadline must be observed. During this time, the laying of new flower buds will have time to occur.
  5. Shorten during summer pruning side shoots, thin out the center of the bush, make the plant more compact.
  6. At the end of summer, pruning cannot be done: the plant is preparing for winter.

Over the years, the branches of plants tend to the ground. The more "snowballs" on the branches, the more pronounced "weeping". Watch the plant and tie it up in time.


There are not so many varieties of decorative viburnum bulldenezh. In addition to the well-known decorative variety, gardeners grow an interesting variety, "snowballs" in which, by the end of flowering, they change their shade.

Viburnum vulgaris Roseum

Large ornamental shrub or small deciduous tree in 5-10 years reaches a height of three meters. Most of the characteristics of this variety are the same as those of the decorative viburnum buldenezh

What's the Difference? In the Roseum variety, "snowballs" during the end of the flowering period acquire a soft pink hue. This variety is often referred to as "terry". The plant is highly decorative, often used in standard plantings.

Planting, care and pest control is the same as in the case of decorative viburnum bulldenezh. The Roseum variety also took root well in Russia.

Photo of decorative viburnum buldenezh Roseum.

Kalina Buldenezh in the garden

Decorative viburnum looks great in single and group plantings. "Snow Bush" goes well with lilac, garden mock orange, panicle hydrangea.

The original leaves of Thunberg barberry emphasize the tenderness and grace of snow-white or pinkish inflorescences. On a smooth, well-groomed lawn, bushes covered with “snowballs” look very impressive.

Properly care for viburnum bulldenezh- and your garden will be admired by relatives and neighbors. Please note helpful tips, and feel free to breed it beautiful plant in your area.

At one abandoned dacha, I saw a shrub that was still unknown to me, all strewn with beautiful white balls. I really liked these snow balls and I wanted to breed such a miracle in my country house. This miracle was viburnum Buldenezh. How to breed viburnum Buldenezh I didn't know, but my sister told me. It turns out you can breed cuttings Kalina Buldenezh or buy. I will tell you how I propagated viburnum Buldenezh with cuttings.

How to breed viburnum Buldenezh

Kalina Buldenezh is not bred by seeds, only vegetatively, that is, by layering and cuttings.

In order to breed viburnum Buldenezh with cuttings, the following is necessary:

  • cooking green cuttings from shoots of the current year by the beginning of July;
  • on the cuttings we leave two pairs of buds;
  • we make an upper straight cut above one pair of kidneys, and an oblique cut under another pair of kidneys;
  • remove the lower leaves on the handle, reduce the upper ones by half;
  • then, if there is a growth stimulator, cuttings can be kept in it;
  • we plant the stalk in the ground and cover it, for example, with a plastic bottle;
  • if you want to plant a lot of cuttings, then you can make a small greenhouse for them;
  • you can generally plant a cutting in a greenhouse;
  • planting depth of green cuttings 1.5-2 cm;
  • be sure to cover from direct sunlight;
  • the soil must be kept moist all the time;
  • it is better to leave the cuttings in this place until next year;

This is what I did when I rooted the cuttings. My sister broke off a branch, put it in water, and after two weeks there were already roots on the cuttings, then she planted it in the ground. So very simply she rooted viburnum Buldonezh. It turns out that there is no need to mess around.

When propagating viburnum Buldenezh with layering, you just need to bend down a young branch and dig in. This is also an easy way, if possible.

Viburnum propagated from cuttings blooms for 5-6 years. Viburnum Buldenezh blooms for 2-3 weeks, without fruit. But, but how it blooms!

She has one drawback, viburnum is very fond of aphids and caterpillars. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly treat aphids, which love not only leaves, but also young inflorescences.

And so viburnum Buldenezh will not bring you much trouble, only the joy of beautiful flowering with large white snowballs.

Now you know how to breed viburnum Buldenezh. And, if you don’t have it, be sure to get it, at least a twig, so that later you can root and grow such a beauty.