We make septicchka with your own hands. How to make a septic tank for giving with your own hands: from girlfriend to modern technologies

No opportunity to connect drainage to central urban sewage? We will have to equip septic for waste disposal. There are 2 solution options: Clean autonomous system and reception capacity with the need to regular pumping. After selecting the type of sewage, you need to decide from which to make a septic. Manufacturers offer separate tanks for equipment for cleaning facilities, ready-made stations with built-in electrical equipment for complete cleaning. In order to save, the owners of the cottage independently install septic tanks from concrete rings, brickwork and cement-concrete mortar.

Before the choice of tanks for septic, preparatory work is carried out - the composition of the soil, relief, the cost of project implementation is studied. Factory stations are installed only by specialists. Some features of the soil (stonyness with a large number of large boulders), the high level of groundwater can limit the number of choices. The planned volume of the septica and the size of the installation site is crucial.

Autonomous Septicity of concrete rings

Types of Cleaning Stations: Benefits of Biofiltration Cameras

Before deciding, from which it is better to make a septic, choose the method of cleaning. The easiest drive is a classic cesspool with hermetic walls. Plastic, metal containers are installed as a tank. The main disadvantage is the need for frequent pumping. The septic receiver is equipped on the site will be the source of constant unpleasant odor, there is a risk of contamination of wells and wellbores when the walls are deployed.

Station with bio filtration cameras

To make a septic tank that does not need cleaning, use bio filtration technologies. Pre-accumulated wastewater purified by bacteria. After filtration, water is removed into the ground or to the tank for further technical use.

There are 3 main biological treatment mechanism:

  • Anaerobic. Clarification and purification occurs as a result of the operation of microorganisms living in the film on the surface of the liquid. For vital activity, bacteria does not need oxygen - such a cleaning chamber can be installed even in areas that are not connected to electricity.
  • Aerobic cleaning. The system of complete cleaning is at the outlet of the last chamber the purity of water is up to 98%. Lighted drains are used again. For the life of bacteria, oxygen is needed - containers equip the aerators.
  • Mixed system. Cascading filtering with gradual passage of effluents through different types of filters. Such stations are installed to serve cottages with permanent accommodation.

Two-chamber station from plastic cube and concrete well

Advantages of biological filtration septic plants:

  1. Ecology. Ventilation is displayed on the height of the roof of the house - the smell of sewage will not be on the site. The soil is not contaminated by household waste - chemicals are neutralized, the organic is recycled by microorganisms.
  2. Autonomy. The size of the sediment is minimal. Cleaning is carried out 1 time in 2 - 5 years.

Select the volume of tanks and places for setting containers

The next step is the calculation of the volume. If you decrease the multi-chamber system, then the maximum size must be selected for the receiving sump. When installing one tank, the total amount of effluent is calculated for the period before pumping capacity.

An anaerobic type cameras are required: cleaning time before entering the next reservoir is 3 days. Calculate the volume like this: up to 30% of the reserve are added to the 3 maximum daily norms of water use.

Seat selection scheme for setting sewer receivers

The selection of the deepening platform is chosen simultaneously with the path laying the pipeline. It is important to combine the correct indentation from the economic buildings and the source of water with the laying line of the sewer removal from the house. The pipe must be installed at a certain angle, without sharp turns and a height difference.

The depth of the installation depends on the type of soil and the level to which the earth is preserved. If the soil is saturated with moisture, you have to install a container at a shallow depth. The maximum distance from the surface of the soil to the bottom of the septica should not exceed 3 m for cumulative structures that dried with special equipment. If it is planned to use drainage equipment to remove il, then there are no restrictions in the depth.

Methods of arrangement of chambers Septic: Ready solutions

After determining the type of design and installation site, you can choose from which it is cheaper and better to make septic in a private house. Among the finished products there are single-chamber containers without internal partitions, factory tanks with separators to create individual cameras and ready to connect the station. It is possible to assemble a non-standard form or size of a construction, metal.

You can independently build a combined system from factory capacities and a brick well

Plastic and fiberglass containers: the benefits of the material

Lightweight, durable plastic: produced tanks of any size and forms

Lightweight, durable and durable plastic containers are installed in any autonomous cleansing systems. This material from which it is better to make a septic tank with biological cleaning. Basic manufacturing materials:

  • Polyethylene.

Convenient: Square PPE Capacities - Eurokube - in a metal protective grid

  • Plastic.
  • Fiberglass.

Material has high strength: It is used for the device septic septic volumes.

Production technology allows you to make taks of any form, volume. If you need to install a container at a small depth, select rectangular structures with a low height. In this case, it is possible to arrange the reservoir below the freezing point, without deepening it to groundwater.

Plastic reservoir of multi-chamber design

The classic form of plastic tanks is cylindrical. Such a format reduces the external pressure on the walls, and the lack of angles minimizes the risk of wiping and depressing the design on sharp edges.

The convenience of plastic containers - in a small weight. You can manually install the tank, you do not need to use the technique for manipulations. Factory structures are produced with deaf walls and prepared holes for input and output pipes. The scene places are equipped with nozzles with seals.

Capacity ready to connect

Especially for installation, tanks made of metalplastic with internal jumpers and overflow holes are produced as bio filtration septic. You can also equip the two- and three-chamber stations of the combined type.

Basic installation rules:

  • Observe the horizontal installation of the construction level.
  • The container is lowered onto the submission or prepared base of wood or solution.

  • Before filling, it is necessary to fill the tank with water at least one third so that the empty capacity is not deformed.
  • In the soil, the backfill should not be large stones, metal objects.

Factory rings from reinforced concrete: Prefabricated wells

The most common material from which septic tanks is, is the Ring Ring. In the arrangement of private septicists, factory reinforced concrete products apply with locks. In addition to the grooves, the connections are equipped with sealing rings.

Rings and details are equipped with fasteners for lifting

For the bottom of hermetic wells use ready-made rings with a bottom. Filtering wells are made of hollow rings with perforated walls or bottom, or a ring on bulk drainage is installed.

The height and shape of the design form from prefabricated parts: walls, gorlovin, good rings. To ensure maximum tightness, products from a special solution that does not pass moisture is chosen. Outdoor walls are mournelized.

Prefabricated cameras from factory rings

The input and output of the pipes are organized through the factory holes with mandatory insulation of the insertion. If you buy products with a deaf wall, the holes pierce yourself at the desired height. Rings are used for multi-chamber septic. Set the tanks on the same line, connect the chambers with sections of pipes under the slope.

Lack of concrete rings - high weight and problem transport. For installation, the design without technology will have to use a whole brigade. Outdoor walls are definitely isolated and insulated.

The advantage of reinforced concrete blanks is possible to assemble a septic tank of any volume and shape, high assembly speed in the presence of special equipment.

Metal containers: Should I buy

Metal septic colors have greater strength and resistance to mechanical damage than plastic. But the metal weakly opposes moisture and chemicals. Septic tanks are treated with protective compositions. The tanks treated with an anti-corrosion agent are used in mounted septicles. Some manufacturers produce autonomous metal stations: welded structures with internal partitions.

Metal anticorrosion coating tanks

Disadvantages of metal containers:

  • High price.
  • The inability to predict the durability of welds.
  • Corrosion exposure.
  • Special requirements for transportation: It is important not to damage the protective layer.

It is difficult to install the tank without damaging the layer of the protective composition

Budget septic with their own hands: from which materials and how to do

To organize the simplest sewer in the country, where they live only in summer, it is better to make a simple single or two-chamber septic. Independent construction of the reservoir is the optimal choice if the transportation of finished containers to the site is difficult due to the lack of a road, a complex relief.

Scheme of a two-chamber cleaning system

As the wall material uses a solution and brick or other masonry material - stone, concrete blocks.

Preparation of the foundation: arrangement of pit and trench

Step by step: septic with concrete

Before starting earthworks, you need to choose from what to make a septic. It is easier to pour a rectangular or square design of concrete with your own hands, and the brickwork is performed in the form of a standard well.

Drop on the planned volume of the yam for a reservoir. During the work, the stones are removed from the soil, exceeding in diameter 30 cm. After the preparation of the pit, the bottom and walls are mounted and the bottom.

Bottom and walls should be even

On the marked line, they dig a trench for laying the pipeline. Check the bottom slope - the maximum height difference over the entire length should not exceed 15 o.

Device of a concrete reservoir of solution

If the fill is planted, a formwork is knocked down from the board around the perimeter. The wall thickness depends on the capacity of the capacity: the greater the design, the time the wall.

It makes sense to be sealing between the framework of the formwork and the soil wall, the solid insulating film.

Film will protect against the penetration of groundwater inside the concrete tank

Pour the structure, performing reinforcement with a metal welded grid of the rods. The thickness of the reinforcement should be from 3 - 4 mm. Special tools are added to the solution, which increase the degree of waterproof composition.

Inside fasten metal steps

In places of planned inputs and pipe outputs, hollow asbestos or metal pipes of larger diameter are installed - there will be no need to pierce the hole with a perforator.

After solidification of the solution, the inner partitions form. There are 2 ways of internal separation:

  • Poured a deaf partition with a pouring in the form of a pipe.
  • Form the wall only before the planned height of the overflow.

The top septic is overlapped with plates or poured with a solution. Be sure to leave the viewing window with the lid. Inside the chamber, a stages of the P-shaped fittings are installed. A ventilation pipe is displayed through the top cover.

Leave holes in the size of factory covers

The outer walls are mournelized. For insulation, the rolled winding is chosen, coating compositions on a bitumen basis. If part of the container is above the waterproof point, you need to warm the walls. Mineral wool is used as thermal protection, foam.

Brick masonry: wall arrangement

Choosing, from which the best-like septic is made of brick or rings, it is worth preferring a reinforced concrete well. Brick is a porous material, and ensure the complete tightness of such a design - it is very difficult.

The bottom of the reservoir is poured with concrete solution. The walls are built of bricks using a solution with sealing additives for masonry.

The gap between the walls of the pit and masonry falls asleep by rubble or broken brick

Internal partitions are pulled to height. The surface of the walls are necessarily closed by a layer of cement plaster with water-repellent properties.

Design with a supply tube

The outer surface is treated with bitumen coating. The neck is closed with a concrete lid with an audit hatch.

Video: 3 chamber septic with your own hands

If you decide to independently deal with the arrangement of sewage, trust the masters planning and calculations: Fix errors - more expensive. Try to use special containers - less risk is mistaken with the height of the insertion, and the tank tightness is guaranteed.

Everyone who has a country house is worried about life in it as comfortable as possible. And those who were forced to enjoy the "amenities" in the yard, know that landscape design, decorative finish and other decoration without normal sewage will not make a private house outside the city full alternative to the urban apartment.

Today, the usual attribute on the site around the house is a cesspool, over which the backlant-closure is towers, is inferior to a more efficient construction - septic.

Attention! You may need drainage for your site, and you can buy everything for him with a discount in the online store https://www.drenaj-shop.ru/. But necessarily indicate that they went from our site "Repair".

The main difference between the cesspool from the septicity is that water flows out of the latter, which does not contain biological pollution.

All the drains in the cesspool are gradually seeping into the ground, thereby pollution gets the top aquifer. Naturally, use such liquid is unsafe even after boiling.

If you know how to make a septicch in the house with your own hands, then you can get rid of the unpleasant smell and avoid private pumping. It has a simple design, so its construction does not take you too much time and effort.

Principle of operation of Septica

The septic tank directly depends on the daily volume of the effluent from the kitchen and toilets. If three people constantly live in a country house, then on average, the daily amount of drainage does not exceed 400 liters.

But we will not dig a septicch such volume, since it should not just take wastewater, but also dilute them to a safe concentration. For this reason, the working capacity of the septic tank for three people living in the house should be at least 1 m 3 (100 l). The pit under it is to dig deeper and wider on the thickness of the bottom and walls (15-20 cm).

Anyone who want to make septic with their own hands will qualitatively and competently, should have ideas about its principle. Moreover, the demonstration model of this structure can be done in its kitchen, using a conventional plate by filling it with water along the edge. Imagine that this is the bowl of your septica. Now add more water to it, and you will see that the same amount of fluid has shimmer through the edges of the plate.

Such a principle of work at the most primitive single-chamber septica. At first it will fill it with clean water to the level of the tap tube, and then each new portion of the effluent dissolves in its volume, increasing the overall level of fluid into several centimeters. Such surplus flows into the tap tube, which is laid in a trench with filtering soil.

The figure shows the scheme of the septic device in a private house, from which it can be seen that it has a smooth waste pipe. But in fact, this is not the best solution, since not all that penetrates the septic, it necessarily falls on its bottom. "Something" floats on the surface and can go into a tanned trench with water, which is extremely undesirable.

To avoid this problem, the end of the tap tube must be curved and 5-10 cm lowered into water. This simple solution cuts off the floating sewage from the sewer.

In fact, make such a tap of the pipe will not make any difficulties. It is enough to buy a standard plastic pipe (100 mm in diameter) and put an ordinary shaped "angle of 90 degrees" to its end.

Features Design Bowl Septic

In this context, the word design sounds loud. In fact, to make a septic tank in a private house with their own hands, you have to dig a rectangular yam with a width of 1.2 m, a depth - 1.4 m and a length of 1.6 m. As a result, you will receive a volume of 2.68 m 3.

Many may seem like a lot. But it is impossible to forget that 15 cm of depth and 60 cm of the length "will take" the walls of the concrete bowl. As a result, the final volume will be only 1.46 m 3. Moreover, the septic need a concrete cover with reinforcement, taking another 0.17 m 3 volume.

The waste and feed pipe will not be on the ground, which means their installation at a depth of 0.2 m from the cover of the cover will reduce its volume by another 0.23 m 3. As a result, the septicch will accommodate 1.06 m 3, that is, as much as it is necessary for a family of three.

How to make a septic tank in the house do it yourself: video, photo process

Construction of the container always begins with the installation of formwork in the pit. For this, any smooth boards, of which the frame is made and is trimmed by the usual 5 mm plywood. So that the heavy concrete is not "flocked" formwork, diagonally and on top of it it is worth installing struts from thick bars. A good replacement of formwork will be a dry clay soil.

To avoid cracks in concrete walls, you need to turn them with a wire with a diameter of 5 mm. It should be installed horizontally and vertically around the perimeter of the formwork. Concreting is worth starting from the bottom of the pit, where the concrete of 15 cm thick will be laid. For the preparation of concrete, a strong solution is needed, in the ratio of cement sand 1 to 3.

For the reason that the wall thickness is rather small, small crushed stone should be used for concrete. After filling the formwork, you need to wait until the concrete gains strength. For this will be enough two weeks. Snip Strength It will receive in 28 days.

After removing the formwork, you will get a single-chamber home-made septicch, which you see in the photo. Removing the shields, process the concrete walls by waterproofing fluid.

It is not at all necessary that the capacitance cover is very thick. But it is important to carefully dispose by steel reinforcement with a thickness of at least 14 mm, by setting it every 20 cm.

It remains to figure out how to make a formwork for the roof, because it will not be able to remove it. The most effective solution will be a simple galvanized professionalist where fittings are conveniently located.

At the same time, do not forget to leave the remote gap. To do this, lift all the reinforcement rods by 3-4 cm around the perimeter of the cover and encourage the filling sheet of the formwork to them every 15-20 cm.

What to do if the soil is clay?

Ordinary cesspool will "work" normally only in the sandy soil, which perfectly absorbs the drains. If on the site is clay or sublinous soil, then in the cesspool, it is worth sending the stocks from the toilet only. Large volumes of dirty water from the shower and kitchen can not be discharged into it, since it will overflow it in a week (the clay will not allow water to quickly absorb soil). As a result, a decent alternative to septic in a private house for permanent residence is simply not.

How to be if there is no sandy soil on your site? Such a problem is really eliminated only if you competently make a drainage trench.

The rejected pipe, according to which the purified stocks enter the soil must have a lot of fine holes. Now you can find ready-made corrugated pipes, in which drainage holes have already been punched.

If the ground on the plot is clay and poorly absorbs water, and the water should be output as close as possible to the fence, use a long drainage pipe. For example, it can be a 15-meter pipe. At the same time, 10 meters can be paved in a straight line, and the remaining "tail" wrap at an angle of 45 degrees for an angle of the house. Provide an additional reserve for the Safety: If the absorbing ability of the soil was not enough at such a length, then you could dig along the fence of another 7-8 meters of drainage trench. But, as practice shows, the runoff is quite enough 15-meter drainage tube to absorb soil.

Attention! You can buy drainage pipes with a discount, you can in this section of the online store https://www.drenaj-shop.ru/catalogue/drenazhnye-kolodtsy/. All that is required of you is to place an order and indicate that you have come on our recommendation - the site "Repair".

For the reason that clay soil slowly absorbs water, to increase the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with it, the pipe should lie in a large crushed. It takes the volume of the incoming water and distributes it along the trench area evenly.

Attention! To protect against pouring, crushed stone must be "packaged" into geotextiles, namely, synthetic fabric with many microcenes. The general construction of such a trench you can see in the photo.

For reliable protection against freezing septica during the period of severe frost, it is necessary to put on the capacitance cover and crushed stone a layer of foam, a thickness of at least 5 cm. Upon completion of this operation, you can float all the facilities of the soil layer from 15-20 cm in thickness.

Despite the simplicity of the design, such a septicch is effectively coping with its tasks and removes all household drains. But for better cleaning, he needs your help. To do this, it is added to dry culture of bacteria, which accelerate the process of biological decomposition of uncleanness, decomposing them into absolutely safe components - carbon dioxide and water.

Today, the choice of such drugs is quite large. Almost every economic store there are funds for cesspools. Fall asleep into the septic tank the necessary portion of such microscopic workers, you can clean the water to such a state that they can boldly water your garden or garden.

For their effective work, one condition must be observed - no chlorine in wastewater. For this reason, immediately go to oxygen-containing detergents and do not send the remaining "caustic chemistry" into the sewer.

After you familiarize yourself with how to make a septic tank in a private house with your own hands, looking at the video and photo of this process, you can bring the comfort of the dwelling to the urban level.

The presence of a wastewater collection system is one of the most important conditions for comforting accommodation in a country cottage or in the country. Design and assembly of sewage lines usually do not cause large difficulties - but the septic-septic device is in a private house, the key task when creating a local sewer system is associated with "linking" together solutions of several problems. Moreover, solutions are sometimes mutually exclusive!

Modern septicch is quite complicated in technical installation, easy to maintain and durable in operation. However, these features are stored exclusively in the case of the installation and connecting the installed cleaning equipment.

Each septicch is connected in different ways, so professionals should be built by installation

Types and features of septic

The easiest and most primitive septicch is a two-chamber cesspool, the primary camera should be periodically cleaned. The disadvantages of it are well known - not the most pleasant smell and ingress into the soil of practically untreated drains. Plus - relative complexity in technical implementation.


It is with a cesspool of a lot of difficulties with a selection of its location - after all, from the point of view of financial costs and attached efforts, a pit is most convenient to place as close as possible to the structure. But the presence in such a sump (practically not a sealed capacity) of a considerable amount of pollution, with a large share of the likelihood of straight to the ground, dictates the need to move the septicity as far as possible.

Cesspools will have to clean quite often

Septicities of factory manufacture

The most acceptable option for inclusion of wastewater into the local ecosystem is to establish a septic tank of industrial manufacture. Such equipment, due to the characteristics of its design, is distinguished by almost perfect operational qualities:

    low weight;

    ease of installation;

    the strength of the hull manufactured from polymeric materials;

    high degree of purification of polluted water;

    complete processing of mud masses;

    full autonomy;

    minimum maintenance.

If there is no possibility to use the special equipment, then, if necessary, modern septic tanks can be installed manually, but without knowledge of technology, it is still a sharing

The hardest part of the work - dig a pit for septica and trench for sewer pipes

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the system design and installation of sewage and water supply. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Septic installation site selection criteria

Choosing a septic installation site, even if it is completely sealed, is determined not only and not so much ease of construction and operational service. Sanitary and epidemiological standards and rules defining here are, for example, displayed in SNiP 2.04.03-85. According to these rules, the septic location should satisfy the following conditions:

    the nearest source of drinking water (well, well) should not be less than 30 m;

    before the stream, river or other natural reservoir should be more than 10 m;

    before the outer walls of the residential building, the distance should not be less than 4 m;

    the border of the site should not be closer than 3 m;

    the nearest common road should not be less than 5 m.

In addition, septic tank in a private house should not be located close to the trees - the minimum distance of 2 m.

General Places Selection Rules for Septic

Additional conditions

Not only these mandatory standards should be taken into account (with a violation of which considerable sanctions from the supervisory authorities are possible!), But also take into account local conditions. These include both the characteristics of the soil (the depth of groundwater and the soil freezing, land relief) and the presence or possibility of summing up associated engineering communications - some types of factory-dependent septices and need three-phase power supply.

The design and sizes of cleaning installations are not standardized, however, when you select the location of the cleaning stations, it should be borne in mind that the main drain pipe should approach the septic with a slope of at least 2 degrees. In other words, to take into account the size of the required depth of the pit and the technical possibility of its observance.

Septic performance selection

The main technical characteristic of any septic is its productivity, which characterizes the volume of effluents, accepted and processed during a certain period of time; Usually - per day. It depends primarily on the volume of the seduction chamber, in the second - from the purification of contaminated waters used in the cleaning unit.

Inside the septic tank consists of several divisions, so its real performance on the basis of an external inspection will not determine

The peculiarity of the work of septicists is that high-quality wastewater purification can not last less than three days; Accordingly, the volume of chambers should be sufficient for the content of three-sufficient discharge of sewage drain. That is why it is advisable to choose the amount of cleaning plant with a margin - but with a reserves reasonable, because there is another rule: for efficient operation, the septica camera must be filled at least a third ...

According to existing standards, one person produces about 200 sewage liters (0.2 cubic meters) per day - this is a fairly average indicator, but it is quite acceptable as the base for calculating performance. It should only be borne in mind that if you like to soak in the bath every day (one-time reset of water from which can exceed 300 l) - this calculation rate should be increased at least twice.

Thus, for a family of three people, the required amount of septica can vary from 1.8 to 3.6 cubic meters. m. Taking into account stock - from 2 to 4 cubic meters. Moreover, it does not matter the number of chambers in the treatment plant - the value of the first of them, the receiving ("sump") has a value.

Septics are made on the basis of plastic containers of various volumes

Scheme of the cleaning system

Deciding with the volume of the sump, you should consider and make a scheme of the cleaning structure, in which all local features should be taken into account. Since it is properly installed to install a septicch - it means that it is necessary to ensure its durable exploitation without a headache, you must calculate all possible options.

The simplest option of the cleaning system includes the following main elements:

    pipeline connecting the output of the domestic sealing system with the septic receiving chamber;

    receiving (septic) chamber;

    pipeline from the camera before installing soil doctors (if its device is scheduled);

    aeration fields for final wastewater treatment and their transition to the ground.

The withdrawal of purified wastewater from the septicity through the filter field - if the level of waste purification is low, then about once every 10 years will have to roll up the field of filtering and rinse or change crushed stone

Choosing materials

The main detail of the septica is the drain chambers that can be made of a variety of materials:

Septicles from plastic

The most common material for pipelines is a polypropylene tube of a suitable diameter. It is inexpensive worth it, light by weight, is distinguished by very high strength and is easily processed. If desired, asbetic, cast-iron or other metal pipes can be used - but their service life is significantly less than that of polypropylene, and the cost is significantly higher.

Septic chamber is usually made of plastic or reinforced concrete, brick can be used in simple cases. Application as a capacity of iron barrels of a suitable volume is a bad idea: they not only rotate quickly, but pollute the soil during their rusting. The ideal option is the septic tanks of industrial manufacture, easy to install and reliable in operation.

Septic device for a private house - plastic option septic

Septicities made of reinforced concrete rings

Common option of septic plates - from reinforced concrete rings. They have a fairly high; In addition, for delivery and installation of such rings, in view of their considerable weight, special equipment is needed. However, for high-volume chambers, the use of reinforced concrete products can be fully justified.

Installation scheme Septica from w / b rings

Monolithic structures

The most time-consuming and expensive version of the septic chamber is a monolithic design, when a formwork is collected in the prepared pit for the pouring of the walls and the bottom of concrete. Due to its high cost and the need for large physical costs, this method is justified only with very large volumes of wastewater, for a private compounds practically unreal.

General terms

In any case, materials used in the construction of the treatment plant must be resistant to aggressive media. The polymers ideally meet this requirement, but they have one disadvantage: they are very lightweight ... the small weight of the camera, of course, facilitates its installation, but at the same time and greatly increases the likelihood of its ascent, especially with a low groundwater level. Therefore, together with such tanks, it is necessary to apply "anchors" of any available type.

Since the installation of septicism in a private house does not always imply that in the soil the most purified water will go into the soil, in some cases filtering (aeration) fields are included in the cleaning system. Of course, they occupy quite a lot of space, but allow us to utilize the drains as efficiently as possible.

Installation of septicov

Installation Septica always begins with digging of the desired size. When installing ready-made "tanks" of factory manufacture, it is necessary to provide a concrete pillow to which it will be necessary to fasten the septic tank so that it is not pushed out of the outside of the powered power.

In addition to the pit for the septic, it is necessary to proceed the trenches for the supply of sewage pipes and the discharge of purified wastewater. If the septicch will be operated all year round, then the pipes should be conducted below the soil freezing level.

Septic is connected to sewage.

Completion of earthworks: the gap between the walls of the pit and the outer side of the box walls is falling asleep by any available material; Typically - removed when the kittles are soil.

Video Description

How work on installing septica, look in the video:


To date, the local sewer system is a mandatory element of a country cottage or cottage, and if necessary, it may well be mounted independently. But, given the large number of factors that need to be taken into account when it designs, it is better to access specialists for the preparation of a specific scheme of treatment facilities.

Sewerage is an important component of the benefits of civilization, which every person wants to possess, regardless of the place of residence and distance from the city. Until the last few decades, most farms were satisfied with the usual cesspool. Not the most optimal solution that requires regular expenses of money for the services of the assessing agent. In addition, the cesspool poisoned nearby groundwater and is a source of unpleasant odor. Now it is replaced by septic, which provides a high degree of cleaning of sewage drain. Such structures produced at the factory are expensive and are able to strongly empty your wallet. But there is an alternative -. And here you will learn how to do it.

What is a septic

Important! Instead of a field of filtering or drainage well, water passed through a three-chamber septicity can be sent to a separate tank. By virtue of a high degree of cleaning, it is suitable for watering gardens, washing machines and other economic needs (but not for drinking and cooking).

By choosing the septic design, you need to decide which materials you will create it. This will help the table presented below.

Perhaps you will be interested in information about what should be.

Comparison of SEptoves Bars-Aero and Bars Top

Table. Classification of septic plates made by their own hands, based on materials.

Material and photoDescriptionBenefitsdisadvantages

Several old tires from the truck laid on each other, with carefully sealed gaps.The cheapest and easiest way to create a local cleaning system. It requires a minimum of forces and knowledge, suitable for small cottages visited periodically.The joints between the tires are distinguished by poor tightness - the sewage wastewater is possible in the ground or, on the contrary, flooding septicity with groundwater. The design also differs in low strength and durability.

Round or rectangular containers, isolated from bricks and processed from within the compositions providing waterproofing. The bottom of the chambers is poured by concrete.Durability of the design and the lack of need to use special equipment - if there is enough time, all work can be performed independently.The arrangement of brickwork requires much more time compared to the installation of concrete rings or eurocubs. In addition, this material has problems with waterproofing.

Separate two or three reservoirs made of concrete rings imposed on each other. The bottom and roof are flooded with concrete or covered with plates of the appropriate size.The most common design, satisfactory durability, durability and tightness. High speed Los construction.For movement and setting the rings requires a lifting crane. The volume of septic tanks is rigidly tied to the diameter of concrete products, because for cottages with a large number of living, the arrangement of another LOS is required.

Rectangular container separated by partitions into two or three separate parts. The bottom, walls and roof are poured with concrete into a formwork.Excellent indicators of strength, durability and waterproofing. The ability to choose the size and volume of the septicism at your own desire.Arrangement of formwork and pouring concrete - labor-intensive and uncommon processes.

One, two or three plastic containers connected to each other; With sewage and water tap.Relative cheapness, high tightness and durability of material.When installing, plastic containers must be fixed by anchor or foundation from concrete. There is a risk of squeezing septicity from Eurocubes with groundwater.