Scenario of the New Year's party "The Snow Queen" (preschool educational group). New Year's Scenario: The Snow Queen



Slow music sounds.

4 Fairies come out.


Comes to the music "Once Upon a Time in Old Denmark" Storyteller

Once in old Denmark

At a fabulous address,

In one old building

Invented a fairy tale by Andersen.

And sad and daring,

And sharp and tender,

For both adults and children

About the Snow Queen.

Centuries have passed over the rooftops

And everyone learned the tale,

We heard her too

But they understood it in their own way.

Scene 1

A boy and a girl come out. They sit by the tree. A girl from blocks builds a house, a boy soldiers.

Gerda. Cubes I ,
Kai. I count the soldiers.
One, two, three, four, five -
They go into battle again.
Gerda. My dear brother Kai,
Play with Gerda!
We'll build a big house
And with a window and a pipe.
We will put a squirrel, a bear in it
And a nosy mouse.

There is a knock.

Kai (goes to the door). People are knocking to us!
Gerda, we have a letter!
Gerda. Open it up soon.
Kai (reads). We invite you to the gymnasium
To the New Year's masquerade.
Gerda (happily, clapping her hands). How good
Games, dances will be there.
Well, let's go quickly, Kai!
Kai (politely, carefully). Put on your fur coat, Gerda.


Listen to all the subjects of the Snow Kingdom! Decree No. 1. What is - that is, only cold and winter. What is not - will not be. Nothing new will happen in the world. Nothing will change. From now on, December 31st will last forever. And therefore I command:

The first is to destroy all calendars for the new year. The second is to eliminate the words in dictionaries: hour, minute, second, month, year, century.

The third is to destroy all the clocks ...

Gymnastic number. "Ice" .

Quiet beautiful music sounds.
On the decoration - yard, snowdrifts, trees, snowmen.

Two Snowmen appear in the foreground.

First Snowman. Silence, snow.
Second Snowman. Well, something like that, quiet.
First Snowman. It's still quiet until the kids show up. (Looks around.) Hey, I wanted to ask you everything - why are you not that kind of ...? Well, no hands?
Second Snowman. Ah, hands! .. Fall off.
First Snowman. (looks at his friend). Well, right, Venus de Milo ... Let me help you - we will redistribute you, otherwise there is a lot here, but nothing here.
Second Snowman. Well, thank you.
First Snowman. "Sculpts" hands.
Second Snowman. (looks at herself). The beauty. Hands are much better.
First Snowman. Wear it in good health.
Second Snowman. How grateful I am to you, so grateful ... would you like a nose?
First Snowman. Nose?
Second Snowman. Yeah. And then you have a strange profile.
First Snowman. Let's.
The second Snowman gives him a banana.
First Snowman. What are you? Who do you take me for? What am I to you ? (Shows what happened.)
Second Snowman. Come on, okay, don't be angry. If you don't want a banana - here is a carrot, a little bit nibbled, but still a vitamin. (Holds out a carrot.)
First Snowman. Vitamin is another matter. You know what I'll tell you ...

Music is heard, the voices of the guys are heard.
Hide, the children are coming, otherwise there will be no hands or vitamin. (They go to the back of the stage.)

Scene 3.

Bright light. Funny song. With noise and laughter, the guys run across the hall, throwing snowballs. The game continues on stage. Kai plays along with everyone.
Children (exchanging remarks). Guys, help the snowman to sculpt!

Gerda (busily enters the stage). Kai, it's time for us!

Kai. We'll make it!
Gerda. But you promised to help with the New Year's performance.

Kai. I know, I know, since I promised, I will help ..

Children. Kai, let's go for a ride down the hill.
Gerda (pulls his hand). It's time to go now.
Kai. Wait a minute, Gerda! We agreed at five. It is too early! Look what beauty it is on the street. I'm jumping down the hill a couple of times now.
Children. Exactly! Just think, another half an hour will walk.
Gerda. And I say - it's time!
Kai (starts to get angry). Well, what are you doing: "It's time, it's time." Here is a clock, look, another car of time.
Gerda. Your clock is falling behind

Kai. My? Behind? You know this is the most accurate watch in the world!

(offended). This watch is a hundred years old, maybe more. (Inspirational
begins to lie.) And they never stopped and did not lag behind even for a minute! If you want to know, if my watch is stopped, time will stop altogether!

Gerda. How will it stop?
Kai. Very simple! And that's all!
Children(interested, but incredulous). All, all clocks? And alarm clocks? And tame? And on the towers?
Kai... Everything! And generally speaking. New Year will never come, but there will always be only December 31! Here!
Gerda. Chatterbox!
Children... Time cannot be stopped! You make it all up!
Kai... I can!
Children... What a scream! Completely lying! Oh yes, guys, up the hill. (They leave.)
Gerda. Oh you! Chatterbox and braggart! You don't keep your promises! I wove it from three boxes, it's a shame in front of the guys! (Children leave.)

Scene 4

Two Snowmen come to life on the stage. They come to the fore.

First Snowman. Did you hear what this fool said?
Second Snowman. About what?
First Snowman. Yes, about the clock, your empty head.
Second Snowman. (touchy, patter). Why is it empty? There I have a bucket, though with a hole, but beautiful.
First Snowman. It can be seen that with a hole! Do you have any idea what will happen if this watch is really stopped?
Second Snowman. Why not understand? That I'm a fool or something, I suppose, we stand in the schoolyard - literate. (Curls her fingers.) All clocks will stop, the new year will not come, old year will always be.
First Snowman. And this means that we will always be with you!
Second Snowman. Like this? Why?
First Snowman. Oh, I can't, "literate." (Explains.) If the old year is always there, it means that spring will not come, the sun will not warm - and you and I will never melt. Understood?
Second Snowman. looks enthusiastically with an open mouth and is silent.
Shut your mouth - throat !
Second Snowman. suddenly starts to "sing-scream".
Yes, quieter you - they will hear.

Second Baba. This is me for joy. My soul sings!
First Snowman. (surprised). So you and I are soulless?

Second Snowman. And she sings anyway.
First Snowman. No, am I against it? Sing it, but not so loudly.
Second Snowman. A-ah-ah. What to sing?
First Snowman. Wow! Sing what the soul asks.

Second Snowman. I don’t know the words.
First Snowman. Oh you! Words that - words can be invented!

(They sing together to the tune of A. Ukupnik's song "Sim-sim" (refrain)
What joy, what happiness!
All life is like a fairy tale - and we are in power!
Spring, of course, everyone loves very much,
But the thought to melt is unbearable!
Try to become a king!
And don't be afraid and don't be shy!
Together with the Snow Queen, we are power!
We'll stop the clock at Kai's!
Second Baba. So what are we waiting for, we are running soon!

We must tell the Snow Queen everything. (They leave.)

Scene 5

Appears ... Snowflake girls are circling around her.

The snow queen and the snowflakes are dancing waltz .

The queen leaves.

Kai and Gerda enter merrily. Snowflakes are circling around.

Kai (admiringly). What, Gerda, beauty all around!
See how the snow winds in a column ...

Peers and notices a carriage in the distance .

Kai. I see the carriage flying towards us.
Look, the Queen is sitting in it.
Come on, Gerda, let's hurry
And we will run closer to her.

Snowflakes carry Kai along, an audio recording of the blizzard sounds.

Gerda. Wait, my kind dear Kai!
Don't run away from Gerda,
Grandma was waiting for us home ...

Kai, where are you?
Children come running. What's up, Gerda?

Dance of anxious children.

Left alone, she looks around.

Gerda. How scared it became to me alone ... But I will definitely find Kai, even in the kingdom of the Snow Queen.
Gerda went in search of Kai.

The Storyteller comes out.

Kai's heart has turned small piece of ice,

The queen returned and took with her.

Our Kai lives in the palace, and around there is snow and ice.

In this fairy tale, the insidious ice can melt

Those who forget food and sleep will share their warmth with him.

Who has a burning heart ...

Gerda closed the door, was going on a long journey,

To return Kai to the house.

Scene 6

Sad music sounds, Gerda enters.

Gerda. I have traveled many roads
Kai never found.
How will I go to a holiday
If I don't find Kai?
Kai, I'm here, hear me
I'm tired of looking for you.

Music sounds, Gerda hides behind a tree. The robbers come in with the robber. They are singing.

The robbers.

Oh howlove, loveRob,
We love to rob everyone in a row.
And children and old women,

This is our squad.
E-ho-ho! E-ho-ho!
All for one!
E-ho-ho! E-ho-ho! (Look around.) It seems like nobody!

We are dashing robbers
We are daring guys.
Used to rob everyone in a row.
Everyone is happy with our prey.
E-ho-ho! E-ho-ho!
All for one!
E-ho-ho! E-ho-ho,
(Look around.)
There is no one here!

Rogue. How is anyone?
And who is sitting under the Christmas tree,
Is he looking so frightened?
1st robber (pulls Gerda towards him). This is my prey!
2nd robber (pulls Gerda towards him). No, mine!
3rd robber. Let me!
Rogue. Get out of the way! What's stuck?
The girl was just scared ...
The poor thing is barely alive
It trembles like an aspen leaf.
(Addressing Gerda.)
Where are you going? .. all is frozen ...
Gerda. I've been looking for a way for a long time ...
I'm in a hurry after Kai,
I won't return home without Kai.
my brother.
Rogue. The path to the Queen is not easy.
But I liked you
I will help your trouble.
I know that road
We will go there (Addressing the robbers.)
Are you bums with me?
The robbers. To the end of the world for you!

Everyone leaves.

Scene 7

The King enters. He does not pronounce the letter "r". The whole scene is humorous. Music sounds. The king draws , thinks out loud.

King. How I love to draw in the morning,
To frolic like a horse and gallop
And play hide and seek with the Queen,
To amuse her with their nonsense.

The Snow Queen appears with Kai.

Queen. Tired of it! I have been living in this palace for a thousand years! I can do this now! I can freeze the Earth forever! I’ll break the clock now, and no one will ever see spring flowers, hear the birds singing! Never!

Conjures. Kai's heart becomes icy.

The Snow Queen. Kai, give me your watch.

Kai. Take it! (He holds out the watch and freezes in place.)
Snow Queen Good! Were! (Throws the watch with all his might on the floor, then picks it up, examines it in surprise.) Come on! Here's the deal! Shockproof, or what? (He tries to crush with his heel, picks them up - they go.) Then I will freeze them (conjures)

Queen (pronounces the text to the music).
Cold, snowy my king,
I will play a role in the fairy tale until the end.
Find out, my dream has come true,
As soon as I took possession of Kai!

King (continuing to paint). What a beautiful meadow it turned out!
Queen. You can't hear me, my friend.
King (without looking up from the drawing). The blackbirds sing, the cows roam ...
Queen (somewhat contemptuously, addressing the audience, pointing at the King). And they marry such people ...
King (distracted from his occupation). Why don't you like me?
... There is no cold, my friend, in you.
We must do evil together -
To extinguish the fire in the soul of people.
King. No, I'm not like that, my star.

Begins to paint again.

The Snow Queen. Your speech sounds ridiculous.


Queen, tell me why
Everything takes on a bright light in the spring,

Really, sir, maybe

This can be explained by

But prettier than patterns there are no winter ones.
Both. How beautiful it is in this world
Live, study and dream

King. You just need it, Queen,

Become kind, become kind
... No, you can't cook porridge with you,
It's impossible to be so cold.

Gerda runs in and sees Kai.
Gerda. Kai, it's me, Gerda! Do you hear? It's me! Look at me! You're so cold, Kai! Let me warm you! (hugs)

Kai. Ouch! How hard the heart beats! What's that burning in your chest? (rubs eyes) Gerda! Gerda! It's you?

Gerda (running up to the Queen). We ask you to let us go
Kai and I have to go.
We have dreamed for a long time
Visit an elegant room
Where are friends, smiles, laughter,
Music sounds for everyone (sighs)
After all, once a year -
New Year's ball at the gymnasium ...
King. Queen, be kind
Let the children go to the ball.
Queen. My King, my soul,
I am changing on New Years.
I love songs, dances
And I melt from the tears of combustible ...

The queen sings tango.

People drink milk in the morning
Drink hot, not frozen.

They live warmly and easily

I'm not supposed to drink hot.

Alas, the snowflakes of the year are melting,
It's scary to think about eternity

What happened to me, I don't know myself,
But haunts like an obsession

That no one will send me letters

With a warm wish for birth.

Alas, the snowflakes of the year are melting,
It's scary to think about eternity

I want to live, not often, but sometimes,

At least once a week humanly.

How nice it is to wait for someone
Meet just a friend somewhere

And suddenly be late somewhere,

And with a friend to be charming.

Alas, the snowflakes of the year are melting,
It's scary to think about eternity

I want to live, not often, but sometimes,

At least once a week humanly.

(To children.)
I can't hold you guys
In parting, I will just say:
True friendship at times
Cope with any trouble.
Brave Gerda turned out to be
And I was not scared
And for this you, friends,
I will, of course, help:
I'll tell you everything in detail,
I will show you the way.
There, in the forest, it has been exactly a year
Santa Claus is waiting for the children.
Look for Frost
And invite to the holiday.

Everyone leaves.

Scene 8

It turns out that the hut is on chicken legs. She dances to the melody of the Russian dance.

Enter Gerda and Kai.
Gerda. Why is it so quiet in the forest?
A hare is trembling under a bush ...
Kai. Look, the path is running. ...
Oh, look - the hut is standing.
Hut, hut, stand in front of me,
Back to the forest.

Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga. What kind of fashion do people have?
They have become worse than the savages.
Will pass by -
Everyone will start twisting the hut.
Get out of the way
I'll go out - I'll kick my ears.
(He turns to the hut.)
Stand in front of the forest
Back to them.
Gerda. You, hut, do not be lazy
Turn your face towards us.
Baba Yaga. Stop being naughty
The hut can be destroyed.
The roof is like a sieve ...
I am the mistress or who?
Who came here?
Kai and Gerda. Hello, Grandma Yaga.
Baba Yaga. How did you two get to me?
You were not invited here.
Kai. Why are you mad, why are you so angry?
Are you boiling in vain?
Baba Yaga. Oh, the white light is not sweet to me:
The tooth hurts, there is no patience.
Gerda. This grief is not a problem
Give me a thread here. Hocus pocus I'll show
I will tie a thread to the tooth.
Now let's dance
Show your prowess.

Baba Yaga begins to dance to a Russian folk melody. During the dance, the tooth falls out.

Baba Yaga. No tooth and no pain
It's like I'm 16 years old.
Well, relatives, whatever you want,
Now ask me.
Kai. Gerda and I wanted to know
Where to find Frost.
All would be with him for the New Year
They had a round dance.
Gerda. How to find him soon,
To please the children?
Baba Yaga. I will shake with a broom -
Everything will spin in the forest
I will pronounce a conspiracy -
I'll transfer it to the gymnasium in a moment.

(Holds his lower back with his hand, limps.)
It "shoots" in the lower back.
(Goes to the broom, examines it.)
Aged pomelo,
There is no hope for him ...
Come on, I'll try ...

Sounds, Russian folk melody, Baba Yaga conjures,

the light goes off, Kai and Gerda stand in front of the children.

Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather, conjure gray bear!

Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather, three on the side - yours are not

Akhalai-mahalai! Sim-silyabim! Fuck Tribidoch!

Gerda. I am so glad!
Kai. How glad I am!
Together. We got to the gymnasium!
Leading. Get up to us in a circle,
Sing the song together.
We will start a round dance
Let's celebrate the holiday - New Year!

The "New Year's Hymn" (music) is being performed.

    We say that now there are no miracles in the world.

We say that a trace of them remained in childhood.

We speak, but we ourselves believe

What will we open the doors to the fairy tale

This night of the year.

Only on this night of the year.

We believe that a magical moment will come to us.

We believe that a miracle will suddenly happen.

A lot has been done during the year.

Everything, that learned new,

Let it be remembered.

And everything will come true.


The clock strikes 12 times

In the golden glow of the eyes

May each other happy New Year

Congratulations to us now.

The clock strikes and everyone is waiting

The main arrow is the first move,

So that the New Year comes soon.

    On New Year's Eve, everyone will believe in a miracle.

And a frown will turn into a smile.

Santa Claus, sleeping under the tree,

Will be the most real

Only in the New Year.

Only in the New Year!

We congratulate, wish, thank.

We will extend this holiday for a whole year.

Friends, open the door to the fairy tale.

New Year on the fast three

Happiness and success will bring everyone.


Losing (rap).

Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness

Let all adversity, all grievances, and bad weather go away

We wish you good health, we wish you good luck

To meet love, to make you richer

So that they do not get tired in work, only this way and not otherwise

For everyone to carry out and solve all tasks

There is friendship and harmony in the house, sonorous children's laughter,

And in the family circle, everyone celebrates success.

That friends would not leave and always not in passing

We congratulated you from the heart ... Happy New Year, New Year

Chorus - 2x

Gerda. Grandma-hedgehog on a broom
Brought us here
And the order was also given
Execute this order:
Polka is fun to dance
To invite Santa Claus to visit.

Polka 2 classes.

Leading. Guys, let's call Santa Claus together.

Children call Santa Claus together. Santa Claus appears in the hall.

Music 1

Music 2

Music 4

Music 5. Knock at the door.

Music 6

Video. Order of the Snow Queen.

music. Waltz background.

Music 7

Music 8.

The ticking of the clock.

Music 9

Music 10.

Music 10. Waltz background.

Music 11


Music 12

"Waltz - Blizzard"

Video. The Snow Queen.

Blizzard music.

Music. Kai disappeared.


Music 15

Music 16

Music 17.

Music 18.

Music 18 (repeat)

Music 19

Music 20.

Music 21

Music 20 (repeat)

Music 22.



Music 23.


Music 24


Music 25.

Music 26

Music 27


Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Annotation. The scenario of the New Year's holiday in the preparatory group of a kindergarten. The group is attended by children with disabilities (HH), children have severe speech disorders.

The Snow Queen scenario(based on the work of the same name by G.H. Andersen). The characters are both children, namely: The Snow Queen, Kai, Gerda, Old Woman, Troll, Crow, First Pigeon, Second Pigeon, Little Robber, and adults: Snegurochka, Ded Moroz, Leading. Children participate in dance performances.

Purpose of the event: creating conditions for creative expression pupils through their inclusion in theatrical and dance activities.

Objectives of the event:

  • develop intonational expressiveness in children through the performance of roles;
  • to educate correct, loud, expressive, clear speech through participation in theatrical performances, learning poetic texts;
  • develop the ability to express your feelings and emotions through dialogical speech, the ability to listen to the interlocutor;
  • develop coordination, auditory perception, smooth, expressive movements through the participation of pupils in dance performances.

Forms of organizing children's activities: motor (dance), speech, music.

Event progress

Guests meets Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: Hello!

I've been dreaming for a whole year
As the New Year comes,
And around an elegant tree
We'll go round and round.

Leading. Snow Maiden, why are you alone? Where is Santa Claus? The children prepared a fairy tale for him.

Snow Maiden. Delayed, Santa Claus. He has a cart of gifts. Let's all call him "Where are you, Santa Claus?"

(Children repeat in chorus).

Father Frost.(Enters breathlessly). Yes, I'm coming, guys. I met animals, I had to treat them.

Looks at the tree, on it the lights are out.

Father Frost. We must light the tree. Come on together, come on together, one, two, three, burn the Christmas tree. (The tree starts to sparkle with multi-colored lights).

Leading. Santa Claus, sit comfortably on your icy throne. Our guys will show you the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen. Do you know who the Snow Queen is?

Father Frost. I heard about this.

Where eternal ice floes and cold are all around
The queen lives in a difficult palace.
Whoever likes her is in her halls,
Forgetting everything lives with her.

Mysterious music sounds.


We got into a fairy tale with you
So the wind began to hum
The blizzard began to play.
Kai and Gerda are here somewhere
What kind of fairy tale did you find out?

Children."The Snow Queen".

Leading. Let's see what happened in our tale.

Kai and Gerda come out.

Where is my sled, Gerda?
I'm going for a walk.

Gerda. Don't go far. Only ride where we always walk.

They leave for the tree.

Troll. My wonderful mirror, what will you show me? Yes, this guy Kai, who always obeys his named sister. Why are you alone? ( Ponders). Now I’ll break my mirror, let the debris fly in the wind. ( Gloated. Shatters the mirror, sentencing).

Fly in the wind, let the blizzard carry you away.
I want you to fly in a circle.
That stupid kid named Kai
Gone from the named sister, now get it.

Kai appears, covers one eye with his palm and screams.

Kai. Oh, something got in the eye. Where I am?

Looks around, trying to figure out where he is.

Blizzard Dance with Snowflakes.

The Snow Queen sits on the throne, with Kai playing next to her.

The Snow Queen. Now the boy will live with me, I think he will like it. ( Go for the tree).

Gerda. Something long gone Kai? Where is he? I'll go look. ( Is leaving).

Dance of flowers. Their mistress comes out.

The old lady.

My flowers are beautiful
Everything makes me happy
And my days are happy
They do not pass in vain.


Where am I
Such beauty is all around.
I wonder if Kai is hiding here?

The old lady. What lovely creature has visited me?

Gerda. I'm looking for my named brother, Kai. Have you seen him by any chance?

The old lady. Live with me, and you and I will definitely find your brother. (Combs her hair with a magic comb).

Gerda falls asleep, waking up, sees flowers next to her, depicted by other children. Begins to consider them.

Gerda. Strange, some kind of flower is missing here.

He sees the old lady's hat, examines it, finds a rose.

Gerda. What am I doing here? After all, I need to look for my named brother. ( Runs away).

Gerda runs into a raven.

Crow. Who you are?

Gerda. Hello, I'm looking for my named brother Kai. Have you seen him by any chance?

Crow. What does he look like?

Gerda. A blond boy with a sled over his shoulders.

Crow. Maybe he, then he lives in a palace with a princess and he is now a prince.

Gerda. How about the princess?

Crow. The princess got tired of being alone, and she took your brother as her husband. I will take you to the palace and you will see if it is him or not.

(Gerda and the Raven leave.)

Gerda. This is not my Kai. We need to go further in search of him.

The dance of the robbers and the little robber.

Gerda and the little robber meet.

Little robber. What a girl! I like her and will play with me! ( Plucks her and touches her hair).

Gerda. I'm looking for my named brother Kai. Have you seen him by any chance?

Little robber. Come to my house, I'll show you my deer and pigeons, maybe they know something.

The little robber and Gerda enter the house.

First pigeon. The news came from afar to us. You are looking for Kai, aren't you?

Gerda. Yes, that's right.

Second pigeon. He is in the carriage sitting next to the Snow Queen

So quickly rushed off into the distance.
Where is he now? Here is the sadness.

First pigeon.

Do not be sad, we know
Where to look for it,
But you, get ready for a long journey.
Lapland is a cold and distant country.
Under eternal ice, she snows
Gloomy, dignified and very snowy.

Little robber.

Take my deer
Let him whip you away soon.
You will get on it
To the kingdom of the Snow Queen.
But in return, leave me the muff.
I will give you mittens, you will warm up and go.
Do not freeze, be brave!

Gerda finds herself in the palace of the Snow Queen, pretending that she is very cold, barefoot and without mittens. She sees Kai sitting and playing.

Gerda. Kai! My dear Kai! Finally I found you!

Kai sits with an imperturbable gaze, looks around. Gerda hugs her named brother. Kai flinches, clutches at his heart.

Gerda! My sweetheart!
Where have you been?
Where have I been myself? ( He looks around in surprise).
Who has bewitched me? ( He hugs Gerda tightly. They, hand in hand, leave the ice halls. A little robber comes out to meet.)

Little robber.

Oh, you tramp!
How so
Not a dream, not a spirit to describe,
Raced to the ends of the world?
Suddenly Gerda set off after you.
Love and kindness are with her here.
Appreciate her, do not forget and know
Always help as much as you can.
And I have to go, friends!
And we will leave by different roads, and that fairy tale will end.
Well done who listened!

Little robber, Kai and Gerda bow and go behind the tree.


After all, this is a fairy tale, there is a hint in it,
Friends are near
You are not alone.
Trouble will bypass us
When friends are always with you.
Love and kindness are stronger
Any evil force.

Music from the film "My affectionate and gentle animal" sounds, children get up in pairs and dance a waltz.

Father Frost.

Well, my friends, it's time
It was not in vain that I stayed here long.
A good fairy tale, of course, was shown to me.
Having burst into tears, I leave again on the road.
In the country where all the snowstorms, the terrible cold flew.
Snow always lies in a layer ...
Where is my Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden.

Here I am, Santa Claus.
You've got a cart of gifts.
You forgot about the gifts.
Why didn't you treat the guys?

Father Frost.

Oh, and, really, I, friends,
I came to you with gifts, and shed a little tear.
The fairy tale is painfully good
Gerda is a glorious soul.
Didn't give it to my brother
Kayu to stay alone.
Goodbye kids
Happy New Year, everyone, friends!

Santa Claus treats everyone with his gifts, bows, leaves.

The Snow Queen. New Year's performance for a mixed (uneven-aged) group of a kindergarten based on the fairy tale by G.-H. Andersen.

Makanina Ekaterina Vladimirovna, musical director of MBDOU No. 24 "Solnyshko", Rostov region, pos. Red.

Material description: The script is written in verse and is intended for staging in a group of different ages in a kindergarten. The roles are written for older (Kai, Gerda, Snow Queen), middle (Crows, Robbers, Snowflakes) and younger (Deer, Snowman) children, taking into account their capabilities, as well as for 2 adult performers (Grandmother, Atamansha, Baba Yaga ). In a small kindergarten all adult roles can be played by one person - the characters appear in turn with a sufficient pause to change the costume.
Complete set Preschool performance can be placed in the senior preparatory group.
Grandma, Kai, Gerda.
Kai and Gerda laugh, throw toys at each other, hit grandmother with a toy, grandmother wakes up)

Grandmother: Ouch! Granny was scared!
All the toys are scattered!
Come on quickly clean up
but sit down with me soon!
I will put off my knitting,
I'll tell you a fairy tale!

(children put away toys, sit down near grandmother.)

Grandmother: Many, many years ago
On the way to kindergarten
The Snow Maiden was walking, singing.
An evil witch meets her:
She took her hand
I went to kindergarten with her.
“I want to scare the kids,” he says.
“Take away all the gifts,” he says.
The Snow Maiden answers her:
If Santa Claus finds out
Then immediately, without prompting,
Will kick you out of the fairy tale!
So you better get out
Don't get caught in the eye.
Oh, you are so! - cried the witch,
Become evil forever!
Here is my present for you:
Be the Ice Queen!

Gerda: And the Snow Maiden turned into the Snow Queen?

Grandmother: Yes, since then she
One lives among the ice.
No one is friends with her anymore,
Only snowflakes serve faithfully.

And on cold nights
She wanders between houses
Catches little kids
Naughty playfuls.
Takes them with him
To your icy palace.
These kids don't cry
And they don't yearn for mom,
And they don't miss home
And everyone's friends are forgotten ...
Only once touches you
Ice Queen,
And the heart is no longer beating
Cooling down, freezing ...

So you lock the doors
Sit quietly in the room
Don't go anywhere
On dark nights
Don't joke with the Queen -
What if he comes for you?

Gerda: Grandma, I got scared!
The story scared me.

Grandmother: The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!
Play a little
Do not open to anyone (yawns)
And I'll lie down for an hour. (Leaves)

Gerda: Kai, please, I'm scared!
Kai: It's dangerous to walk at night! (scares)
Gerda: Stop it, bad boy!
Kai: Gerda, you are a coward with us!
Here, look, I'll get dressed now
And I'll walk down the street.
The brave sea is knee-deep!
I'll be back in five minutes. (Runs away)
Gerda: Do not go! Wait, wait!
Kai, I'll run with you! (Dresses up, runs away)
The exit of the Snow Queen, dance with snowflakes.

Queen: Snow servants, fly
Bring the boy for me!
My boy, come here.
In my world of ice
Amid silent beauty
You will be forever happy.

The snowflakes catch Kai and leave with the Queen. Gerda comes out.

Gerda: Snow covers the path,
And no trace of Kai is visible,
There is no brother anywhere ...
I knew that there was trouble.
The Queen is seen to be evil
Kaya stole mine.
(shouts) Kai! Where are you!!! (in response to the howl of the wind)
I will go around the earth three times,
But I'll find a dear brother.
I believe that love is warm
Capable of destroying evil!

Two Crows - old and young, then Gerda

1st Raven: Good morning, kar-kar,
My name is Voldemar.
I fly through the forests all day
I notice everything in the world.
2nd raven: Made me laugh, kar-kar!
You're old, Voldemar!
And you see nothing
Beyond your beak!
1st Raven: Maybe I can't see well
But I can hear it perfectly.
I heard the kid was kidnapped
And his sister is looking for him.
Gerda: Hello crow flock!
I'm looking for brother Kai.
Cute, naughty,
Have you ever met one like this?
1st Raven: No, we haven't seen that.
But in a dense pine forest
In a clearing at the edge
There is a magic hut.
Grandma-Hedgehog lives there,
Observes the inhabitants of the forest.
Maybe Yagulya knows
Where to find the boy Kai?
2nd raven: I will show the way
And I take you to the hut.
Hut on chicken legs, Baba Yaga, 2nd raven, Gerda, Snowman

Gerda: Look, hut!
Crow: Need to say magic words... "Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, in front of me!" (The hut turns)
Baba Yaga: What kind of fashion do people have -
They have become worse than the savages!
Will pass by
Everyone will start twisting the hut!
Get out in kind
Otherwise I'll kick my ears!
Hut, turn to the forest in front, and back to them! (The hut turns, Baba Yaga leaves)

Crow: Come on now!
Gerda: Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, in front of me! (turns)
Baba Yaga: I tell you - do not dare
Just twirl the hut!
This is not a mechanism for you,
And a magical organism!
If you turn the hut,
She can get sick!
(affectionately) Come on, dear, slowly ... To the forest in front, and to THIS - backwards!
Gerda: No front!
Baba Yaga: No, backwards!
Gerda: Go ahead!
Baba Yaga: Backwards! (the hut is spinning fast)
Baba Yaga: Enough, enough! Spun ...
All, I give up, you won.
Say what you want
Just don't turn the hut!
Look, it sways, dear ... (stroking the hut)
Gerda: I'm looking for little brother Kai!
Baba Yaga: Yes, I saw the boy.
I flew over the forest
In his new mortar,
And below, between the branches,
White horses flew
In a whirlwind of snow and blizzard.
Ice queen
Kaya was dragging her to her palace.
Gerda: Ah, my poor brother Kai!
Baba Yaga: Okay, okay, don't suffer.
I will give you a guide -
My Snowman.
He is not afraid of frost
And it will come in handy on the road.
Will lead you through the forest,
He will take him to the Queen.
(calling) Hey Snowman! Where are you hiding? He's capricious - sing him a song, then he will come out to you.

The song "Snowman"

snowman: I am a cheerful snowman
I got used to the cold since childhood.
I'm not afraid of frost
I will help you, friends!
Baba Yaga: Everything, go. Have a good trip! No, stop! Here, take, Gerda, a fur coat and a muff - your road to the north. And there are severe frosts! Everything, go. (waves his hand, Gerda and Snowman leave).
Out of the robbers. Music From the movie "The Bremen Town Musicians". Dance

Atamansha: Hands up! Who are you?
Gerda: I'm looking for Kai's little brother.
Atamansha: Pale, thin and delicate?
The Snow Queen has it.
Gerda: He's funny, mischievous! ...
Atamansha: No, now he's not like that.
He is frozen by witchcraft -
Frost appeared on the skin,
Eyes sparkle with coldness.
He doesn't know love anymore.
Who will touch the queen
With her forever remains ... (thoughtful)
So Kai is your brother and you
To the kingdom of permafrost
With a snowy woman alone
Going on foot?
snowman: I'm not a woman, I'm a man!
And I'm called the Snowman!
Atamansha: OK OK. Do not be angry.
Even though you call yourself Koschei,
But on foot you will not reach
And you won't find the boy.
Perhaps I will help you -
Ladies for hire. (deer come out)
Gerda: Ah, thanks, we are so glad! ..
Atamansha: But! I demand a reward -
Give me a fur coat with a muff
And take the deer.
Gerda: Yes, of course, here, take it ... (undresses)
Atamansha: You take care of the deer,
Look, they are all handsome!
Then the deer are not simple -
They are talking.
Well, nod your head! (Gerda nods to one of the reindeer. The reindeer recite poetry of the teacher's choice.)

Don't let them jump too hard
And don't use a whip.
(to deer) Well, lined up in a row!
(Gerda) As if the birds are bringing you back!

Reindeer dance "We will go, we will rush" (leave)
On the throne of the Snow Queen, next to Snowflakes, Kai draws snowflakes; later Gerda.

Queen: How, how boring to me!
Again I sit in silence.
Kai, leave your pictures!
I'm tired of snowflakes -
They flutter around endlessly
But I am not entertained.
Well, all fly here!
Sing merrily, dance!
1st snowflake: We can't have fun
And we cannot sing like birds.
You have forbidden to laugh
And without laughter, life is dull.
2nd snow: We are cold as ice.
But the New Year is coming soon!
3rd snow: Do you remember, with your grandfather once
Did you come to the guys?
All the kids were amused
And gave them gifts?
1st snow: You were called then Snow ...
Queen: I can't hear it!
Come on, shut up quickly
And dance immediately!
Dance of the Snowflakes. Gerda comes in

Gerda: Kai, dear, I found you!
Kai: Well, who are you?
Gerda: I am Gerda, your sister!
Kai: No, I don't know you.
Gerda: Have you forgotten me, brother?
Silly little boy (crying, music sounds)
Kai: Ah, how tears burn,
Ice in the chest and in the heart melts ...
Gerda, I must have been asleep,
Since I didn't recognize you!
Hello dear sister!
It's time for us to go home.
Snowflake: Wait, wait! Wait!
All look here soon!
The queen has changed
And she became the Snow Maiden again!
A miracle happened after all!
Everything: Love works miracles!

Queen: Girlfriends-snowflakes, you forgive me,
I was angry, but now - look!
The heart thawed, the spell was gone,
And again I became your Snow Maiden!

My grandfather is glorious - Grandfather Frost,
Beautiful Christmas tree He brought it to our kindergarten.
Come quickly, the Christmas tree is waiting for us,
And we will all celebrate the New Year together!

Song " Christmas toys».
Meeting of Santa Claus.

Scenario New Years holiday for grades 1-4
The beginning of the construction of a round dance
Host: Good afternoon, dear guys and dear adults!
We are glad to welcome you to our holiday. And what is our holiday today?
Children: NEW YEAR !!!
Host: New Year!
New Year is a fairy tale holiday,
New Year is joy and laughter.
Dear guys and adults,
I congratulate you all on the holiday.
Look, guys, what a wonderful Christmas tree we have.
What kind beautiful toys they are hanging on it, and you are so smart, cheerful, which means that it's time to start our holiday.
Yes, but what a New Year without the Snow Maiden. Let's call her together.
Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Baba Yaga's exit - 1 BYA
Baba Yaga. I'm going, going dear, going, going, dear ones! Here I am! Learned?
Children: Yes, Baba Yaga (bone leg)
The exit of the Snow Maiden and snowflakes.
Baba Yaga. But no! I call myself the Snow Maiden, friends,
I am not afraid of the cold
I'm not afraid of the winter blizzard
And even with her she is friendly.
From the magpie I learned in the forest
That there will be no ball without the Snow Maiden.
Well, here I am, that same Snow Maiden is.
Baba Kargi exit - 2BYa

Baba Karga. Who is there who calls herself the Snow Maiden?
Don't listen to her. An imposter.
Well, what kind of Snow Maiden are you?
Another thing I am: beautiful, one braid - braids for all braids!
Baba Yaga. Fu, scythe! Is it a scythe? (touches the scythe)
Well, and what a braid, but I have a hat and boots, like a real Snow Maiden.
Baba Karga. Fu, really, should the Snow Maiden have such a hat? (examines the hat with interest)
Host: So what's the argument? Now we will find out which one of you is the real Snow Maiden? That is who will light the Christmas tree among you, that means there will be a real Snow Maiden. (running around the tree, blowing, spitting, stomping, clapping)
BYA light up the Christmas tree

Baba Yaga. It's just that the Christmas tree is sleeping, you need to wake it up.
Host: How to do it?
Baba Karga. Let's stand together in a round dance,
We sing a song, the Christmas tree will hear, wake up, come to life and sparkle with different lights.
Host: Well, let's go to the Christmas tree, we'll sing a song for it!
Song "It's cold for a little Christmas tree in winter"

Host: What a wonderful song. And the tree never woke up. So you are both not real Snow Maidens. Guys, let's call Snegurochka again: Snegurochka! Snow Maiden! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Come on, snowflake stars
Get into the circle soon
straighten your dresses
and dance more fun.

Snegurochka and snowflakes coming out.
Snow Maiden. Hello guys! How glad I am to see you!
All animals know me
The name of the Snow Maiden is
They play with me
And they sing songs.
And the bears are playful
And bunnies are cowards, My friends! I love them very much!
Guys, how beautiful you are! And what an elegant Christmas tree, but for some reason it does not burn with lights. Yes! And where is Santa Claus?
Why can't I see him?
The old grandfather has become, probably, again lost his way in the forest. We need to help him. Guys, let's call him together with these words: “Santa Claus! We are waiting for you! Come quickly to our House! "
Oh grandfather does not hear us. Let's shout to him again. () 2-3 times
We haven't seen each other for a whole year. Oh, where is grandpa? Probably delayed. Help me call Santa Claus. Deal?
Howl of the Blizzard
Father Frost. O-O-O-O! Hello guys!
(children answer)
Sounds a little muffled so far
Come on louder again
Hello guys!
(children answer)

Now your answer is not bad,
I almost went deaf from him!
How have you grown, become big!
Did everyone recognize me?
(children answer: Santa Claus)

I guys are an old grandfather, I am already five thousand years old!
In January and February I walk the land
As soon as I get out of bed - blizzards rise!
As I shake my sleeve - everything will be covered with snow!
But now I am very kind and I am friends with the guys,
I will not freeze anyone, I will not freeze anyone!
Happy New Year and Happy Holidays.
Snow Maiden. Grandpa, why doesn't our Christmas tree shine, shimmer?
Father Frost. Not in order - you need to decorate the Christmas tree. In the forest, winter decorates the Christmas trees, and at the holiday - the guys ...

·Snow Maiden. Santa Claus, and our Christmas tree is already dressed up.
Father Frost. Dressed up? And where are children's smiles on the tree, where is the festive mood?
Snow Maiden. (amazed). But how do you hang them there?
Father Frost. It's very simple,
The game "We'll hang the balls .."

Snow Maiden. Oh, what a beautiful Christmas tree, but the lights do not burn.

Father Frost.
What's this? What a mess!
There are no lights on your Christmas tree!
So that the tree flares up with lights,
You use words:
“Surprise us with beauty,
Christmas tree, light the lights! "
FANFARIES New Year 2015
Song "Russian Santa Claus"
Father Frost. What a wonderful song! Well done boys!

Snow Maiden. Play with us Grandpa.
Game "Forward 4 steps, back 4 steps"
Snow Maiden. Let's sing one more song - a repeat song. Listen carefully to my song and repeat every second line of me.
Song - Repeat.
Baba Yaga. Grandpa, and the children - how they love you, how much they know about you! And the game will be played now.
Let's play a game -
I ask you a question,
You give me the answer -
Shout yes or no.

Baba Karga.
Santa Claus is a cheerful old man,
Loves jokes and gags. - Yes!
Baba Yaga.
Santa Claus is a good old man,
Wears a hat and galoshes. - No!
Baba Karga. He knows songs, riddles. - Yes!
Baba Yaga. Eat all your chocolates! - No!
Baba Karga. He will light a Christmas tree for the guys. - Yes!
Baba Yaga. Wears shorts and a T-shirt! - No!
Baba Karga. Santa Claus carries gifts. - Yes!
Baba Yaga. Does he drive a foreign car? - No!
Baba Karga. Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold? - No!
Baba Yaga. Is he friends with the Snow Maiden? - Yes!

Father Frost. And now, my dear granddaughters and grandchildren, I invite you to ride with me on the steam train
The game "Locomotive"
At this time, the Cat Matroskin hides his mitten.

Thumbelina. Grandpa, have you lost anything?
Father Frost. Oh, where's my mitten?
Cat Matroskin. And you take it away! (tosses to children)
Music. Game "Mitten".
Cinderella. (pity grandfather, gives him a mitten) Grandfather is tired, melting. Guys, let's blow on him! (blowing)
Chieftain and robbers. Guys, I heard you like to play. The reaction of the audience.
Let's play the game "Fir-trees - stumps": at the word "fir-trees" - we get up, raising our hands up, at the word "stumps" - we sit down.
The game "Fir-trees-stumps"

Father Frost.
Guys, I love to joke:
To grab someone by the cheeks or by the nose.
And who will not be able to escape from Grandfather,
That will be a funny rhyme to read to us.

Music. Game "Freeze!" (according to the results of the game, there are 8-11 people near the Christmas tree)

Reading poetry. Sweet prizes.

Baba Yaga. Grandpa! How did you like my suit? True, by the very latest fashion? Baba Karga. Nonsense! Mine is better!
Baba Yaga. No it's mine! You’ll argue I’m hitting!
Baba Karga. How can I move this to you!
Snow Maiden. You are wrong to determine whose suit is better! We must hold a competition!
Baba Yaga. Yes! And in fair competition, I will win! Give here all the guests and various small fry. Baba Karga. Exactly! Let's go in a circle to the music, and I will be the jury and the first place will be mine! Look, Baba Yaga, that girl has nothing ...
Baba Yaga. And the boy over there looks quite ...
Snow Maiden. It is necessary to hold a competition.

Defile of children in costumes. Santa Claus rewards them with sweets.

Snegurochka and snowflakes coming out. From 0 to 18, from 1.35 to the end.
Snow Maiden:
It's time, friends, you need to say goodbye. I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart. May both adults and kids celebrate the new year in unison.
Father Frost:
The carnival sparkles bright
The kids are having fun
New Year gifts
It's time to receive.
Goodbye kids
Goodbye, tree,
Our Happy New Year
Remember for a long time!
The beginning of the construction of a round dance
The characters organize the children and take them to the classrooms in a "train".

Scenario New Year's party in kindergarten

A fabulous journey to the Snow Queen

Author: Chakubash Nina Gennadievna, musical director
place of work: MBDOU kindergarten number 32 "Rosinka" of general developmental type, Shchelkovo

Music sounds, children enter the hall, perform certain movements, line up in a semicircle

1. Our dear guests! We are in a hurry to congratulate everyone!
May good luck and success come to you in the coming year.

2. May for all people good, not afraid of worries,
It will be not just a new, but a happy new year!

3. New Year is knocking at the door with a song, a fairy tale, good.
Everyone today believes in a miracle, every house is waiting for gifts.

4. Today's wonderful day will not melt without a trace.
We will never forget this merry holiday.

5. Stand in a circle rather, hold your hands tightly!
Anyone who wants the new year to be happy -
Let him sing a sonorous song with us today!


After the song, the children stand up in a semicircle

Child: In the sky there are a scattering of brilliant stars, a fairy tale goes to visit the children.
She has in her hand a twisted, thin gilded twig,
And under her there is a clear month ... A fairy tale is going, going to the children.

Song_ "Fairy tales walk the world" _
(before or after the song, Kai and Gerda go behind the curtain)
Child. We begin, we begin our presentation. We will play all the roles in it and dance and sing!
Child: And the one who is friendly with us, and the one who is waiting for a fairy tale,
A round dance will surely whirl our fairy tales!
Everyone sits down, calm music sounds, Kai and Gerda come out. They sit by the tree. A girl builds a house from blocks, a boy plays with soldiers.
Gerda. I play with cubes
Kai. I count the soldiers. One, two, three, four, five -
They go into battle again.
Gerda. My dear brother Kai, play with Gerda!
We will build a large house with a window and a chimney.
We will put a squirrel, a bear and a sneaky mouse in it.

Music sounds, the Snow Queen with Snowflakes appears
Dance of the Snow Queen and Snowflakes
after the dance, Snowflakes sit around Kai and Gerda.

S.K. I am the Snow, I am the Queen, Snowflakes both to the right and to the left ...
I don't melt, I fly around the world ... I bring cold to my hearts, I can't stand the fire of my soul!
Hello, Kai, come with me, with the proud icy maiden, do not rush to your Gerda, cool the fire of your soul! Look at me, tell me I'm beautiful ?!

Kai. Yes! But you are too cold because you are always alone. I'm cold with you to stand, I can not calm the chill.
S.K. Do not worry, dear Kai, let me kiss your forehead.

The disturbing music of Snowflakes and S.K. carry along and take Kai away.

Gerda. Poor Kai! After all, this maiden was the Snow Queen. I will follow them, I will go around all the forests, fields, I will find the ice palace, I will return my Kai!

The lights in the hall dim and a projector with special effects is turned on.

Gerda. A dense forest, darkness, the moon is shining in the sky. Snow falls quietly on a clearing and meadow. At this hour, on New Year's Eve, there is a round dance. So I will ask them how to find an entrance to the ice palace.
Christmas tree dance
Gerda. Lovely Christmas trees, do you know where the kingdom of the Snow Queen is?
Christmas trees. No. 1st Christmas tree. You ask the stars! 2nd herringbone. They fly high, they know everything in the world!
The Christmas trees are leaving, the music is playing
Dance of the Month and Stars
Gerda. Stars, month, help me, tell me the way to Kai!
Month. Sorry, my soul. We fly all over the earth, but we do not know the road!
The Moon and the Stars are leaving, sad music sounds.
Gerda. I have traveled many roads, but I have not found any traces of Kai. Who will come to my aid? Who will show me the way? Kai, I'm here, hear me, I'm tired of looking for you.
Music sounds, Emelya enters, carries the stove behind him
Emelya's Dance with Buckets
Gerda. Hello. Who are you?
Emelya. I am Emelya the merry fellow, a master of tales.
I am not too lazy to travel around the world on the stove all day.
Gerda. Dear Emelya, The Snow Queen stole my brother Kai, do you by any chance know how to find your way to her kingdom?
Emelya. Yes, I have no time. I'm going to the palace, by the way. I want to marry the princess! They say the princess is pretty
A good bride, they say! In general, I'm going to get married!
Ask someone else who has nothing to do!

Emelya takes away the stove and goes off to the music along with the buckets. Music sounds, Gerda hides behind a tree. The robbers come in with the robber.
Dance of the robbers
Rogue 1. Oh, how we love to rob, how we love to fry everyone.
And we love the kids, each of us is happy with the prey.
Rogue 2. We are dashing robbers, we are daring guys.
Used to rob everyone in a row. Everyone is happy with our prey.
Everything. E-ho-ho! E-ho-ho! All for one!
Rogue. And who is sitting under the Christmas tree, looking so frightened?
1st robber(pulls Gerda toward him). This is my prey!
2nd robber(pulls Gerda towards him). No, mine!
1st robber. Let me!
Rogue. Get out of the way! What's stuck? The girl was just scared ...
The poor thing is barely alive, like an aspen leaf, trembling.
(Addressing Gerda.)
Where are you going? .. all is frozen ...
Gerda. I've been looking for a way for a long time ... I'm in a hurry after Kai,
I won't return home without Kai. The Snow Queen has my brother.
Robber... The path to the Queen is not easy. But I liked you
I will help your trouble. I know that road
We will go there (Addressing the robbers.)
Are you bums with me?
The robbers. To the end of the world for you!
3 robber... We went to kindergarten now, they have a ball there today, everyone came to the carnival.
4 robber. Will you go to kindergarten with us? Maybe you can find your brother there!
Gerda. Of course, let's hurry! We'll run to kindergarten soon!
The light goes out, the robbers sit down in the hall, Gerda remains
Gerda. Hello guys! Happy New Year! Have you seen my brother Kai?
Leading. No, Gerda, we haven’t seen, but Santa Claus will come to us from minute to minute, he’s a must will help. Guys, let's call DM!
Music sounds, Santa Claus enters with the Snow Maiden

Father Frost. How many people are in the hall! A glorious holiday will be here.
Means, rightly they told me that the guys are waiting for me.
I went through all the obstacles, the snow covered me with snow.
I knew that they would welcome me here, so I was in a hurry here.
I came from good fairy tale, there will be games, there will be dances.
In the meantime, I'll brown everyone's noses for beauty.
Santa Claus loves to pinch children by the nose.
(To the children.) Do you want to pinch the nose?
It will be beautiful: blue or red ...
(Tries to "pinch" the children by the nose.) In the summer I lay down on my sides,
Should we dance the hopak?
Santa Claus is dancing to a folk melody.
Father Frost. Do you guys know who brought you the Christmas tree? Not a rabbit, not a squirrel, but, of course, Santa Claus! They decorated the Christmas tree themselves, I know, I know, the guys. But you could not light it with lights without me. Together, let's all say: "Come on, Christmas tree, burn!" and colored lights will light up on the tree. Let's say together: "One, two, three, come on, herringbone, burn!" Become, guys, all the more quickly in a round dance, we will celebrate the New Year with you with a song, dance and fun!
Round dance ___________________________________________________________

Father Frost. Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit and look at the guys. Is everything all right here today? I do not skimp on promises on this festive night, are there any requests, wishes? Well, go ahead, I can help!
Gerda. Santa Claus, help me, Kaya, give me back my brother! And so that my brother, as before, becomes sympathetic and gentle.
Father Frost. To you, friends, when I was walking, I entered the ice palace. I looked there on business, in the kingdom of the Snow Queen. Knowing what happened to you, I took Kai with me. But to disenchant him, I really did not match. To disenchant him, you need to dance together!
General dance "Christmas toys" __
After the dance, the children sit down, Kai approaches Gerda, takes her hand
Kai. Oh, how my heart suddenly ached ... Gerda, you brought me back to the real world! Look, there are bright lights everywhere, the tree is all in different toys! How many of them, and all are beautiful!
Gerda. Thank you grandfather for helping my brother!
Kai and Gerda sit down.
Snow Maiden. Well, guys, on New Year's Eve, whatever you wish, everything will always happen. Everything always comes true! That I do not hear poetry? Who is ready to read poetry?
Children read poetry to Santa Claus.
Snow Maiden: Grandpa, the guys made you happy, but you didn't give them anything.
Father Frost: Santa Claus did not forget to bring you gifts!
(takes out 2-3 packages, hands them over to the presenter. Ved. notices that in the packages there are candy wrappers, orange peels, etc.)
Vedas: Santa Claus, look, someone ate our gifts!
Father Frost: How did you eat it? (looks) Indeed. But how is it? Who was it that misbehaved? I'll have to get my magic mirror and look into it.
(looks in the mirror) That's right! so I thought! Look, granddaughter. Do you recognize the ugly?
Snow Maiden: Oh, Grandpa, this is Tsypa - the son of Baba Yaga!
Father Frost(gives a look to the presenter): See? That's who sits, eats your gifts. Well, now I'll talk to him!
Father Frost: Well, turn the staff around, Chick, show yourself to the children!
(Chick runs, eats candy on the go, throws candy wrappers or an orange, throws the peel, sits down under the tree with all its might and starts eating with appetite, not paying attention to anyone)
Father Frost(indignantly): No, you admire him - he eats children's gifts, as if nothing had happened!
(Chick turns in the opposite direction, continues to chew)
Father Frost: And are you not ashamed? So many children were left without gifts, but at least he could have something!
(The chick turns away again)
Father Frost: Can't you hear or what? Who am I talking to?
Chick (finished everything, suddenly grimaced and began to shout): Mom! Offended!
Baba Yaga(flies on a broomstick, covers Tsypa's mouth with a dummy, he abruptly stops shouting): Who offends you, my sweetie? Who doesn’t let you eat in peace, my skinny one? But who spoiled your appetite, my pale one?
(The chick loudly sucks the pacifier, pointing in turn with a finger at the presenter, then at Santa Claus, then at the children)
Father Frost: Slim, you say? Pale, you say? Have you ruined your appetite? Do you know that your sweetheart ate all the gifts from the children?
Baba Yaga(strokes Tsypa on the head, kisses the top of her head): Cheers, sunshine!
(To Santa Claus): My son ate 1, 3, 7, 15 gifts. So what? I gave them to him!
Father Frost. I thought about my son, but did you leave so many children in New Year without gifts? And are you not ashamed?
Baba Yaga: Am I ashamed? Tell me, Santa Claus, without hiding, here in front of everyone, do you bring gifts to children every year?
Father Frost: Yes.
Baba Yaga: Have you brought it to my son at least once?
Father Frost(discouraged): No.
Baba Yaga: You see, but you say "ashamed." Who should be ashamed of it? Do you think I'm not a mother? do you think i have no heart? There is! Big and hot!
(pulls out the "heart" pulsing in her hand, imperceptibly presses, the heart says: "I love you").
Father Frost: Wonders! What does it say?
Baba Yaga: Yes says: "I love you!"
Father Frost(confused): I don't know what to do! Guys, can you really give Tsypa a gift and then Baba Yaga will never again take someone else's? Her heart is so kind, it turns out.

(Santa Claus gives Tsypa a gift)

Baba Yaga: If you treat me in an amicable way, then I'm good too! There are still presents, Santa Claus, more gifts, enough for all the guys!

(giving out gifts)
Snow Maiden: It's time, friends, you need to say goodbye, we congratulate everyone from the bottom of our hearts! May both adults and kids celebrate the New Year.
D.M .: So be healthy! Goodbye, guys, bearded frost wishes you happiness!
Leading: On this our holiday is over, once again we congratulate everyone on the upcoming holiday, happiness to everyone, success!
Children leave the hall to the music