Tips - how to prevent raspberry overgrowth. Methods for spring planting raspberry seedlings on the site

It is difficult to imagine a person who does not like to eat tender raspberries. This bush is most often found in gardens and cottages. and growing, it is a simple and unpretentious culture. But still, some nuances exist. For getting high yield berries, you need to know all the subtleties of planting raspberries.

Choice of landing site

A suitable place for raspberries is covered from gusts of wind and lit by the sun throughout the day.

The landing site has great value. The yield and taste of raspberries will depend on the location of the raspberry. When choosing a site, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The place should be well lit by sunlight. . Neighborhood with tall trees should be avoided and raspberries should not be planted near buildings.
  2. Care should be taken to protect against northerly winds and strong drafts. Since gusty winds can damage the bushes. Many gardeners prefer to plant raspberries along the fence, and this is a smart decision. Experts recommend choosing the southern or southwestern part of the fence .
  3. It is of great importance that before that it grew on the site . You can not plant raspberries after strawberries, potatoes or tomatoes. Since these crops greatly deplete the soil. It would be correct to plant it after rose hips, currants or gooseberries. Such a neighborhood can protect raspberries from diseases such as verticillium.
  4. It is important to remember that raspberries do not like excess moisture. . When choosing a landing site, you need to consider distances ground water. 1-1.2 meters is considered optimal.
  5. Raspberries do not develop well in the condition acidic soil . Therefore, it is best to plant it in the soil, the acidity of which is in the pH range of 5.5–6.5.

Soil preparation

Embedding green manure in the soil at the site of the future raspberry.

As you know, raspberries can be planted both in autumn and in spring. Therefore, soil preparation will directly depend on the planting season.

autumn planting

  • from 10 to 30 kg of manure;
  • 60-80 grams of superphosphate;
  • about 50 grams of potassium sulfate.

This mixture is applied in proportion to one square meter. In cases where the soil is too clayey, the amount of manure is increased, and if it is peaty, then experts recommend additionally adding sand per square meter 4 buckets.

An important point in preparing the soil must be carried out 1.5 months before planting.

spring planting

The preparation of nutrient soil is carried out near the place where the raspberries are laid.

Preparation begins one and a half weeks before planting. To do this, prepare landing pits measuring 50 x 40 centimeters, while it is necessary to separate the upper ball of soil. Zetam part of the soil is mixed with fertilizers. For this you will need:

  • 10 kg of humus or compost;
  • 50 g of medium acid potassium;
  • 400 g of wood ash;
  • 100 g of granular superphosphate.

All this falls asleep in the landing pit.

Landing dates

Important! Residents northern region countries to plant raspberries better in early spring.

Distance between bushes

Properly maintained distance between raspberry bushes will ensure the normal development of plants.

This is a very important point. Since if you plant raspberries without adhering to the correct distance, the yield or size of the berries may decrease.

During row planting, the distance between the bushes should be within 70–100 cm, and the row spacing should be at least 1.5 meters. An important point is that no more than two seedlings are planted in one hole.

The ordinary method involves preparing a trench 30–50 cm wide. The rows should be at a distance of 1.5–2 meters from each other.

Our raspberries are a little overgrown, but you can see the distance between the rows!

According to many gardeners, this is the distance that is optimal for growing and comfortable caring for raspberries.

Seedling preparation

Before you start planting raspberries, you need to prepare seedlings. The first step is to cut off all the extra shoots. If you follow all the rules, the seedling should have one shoot 20 cm high. In the case when the roots are dry, they are soaked in water for 10 hours. Before planting root system should be dipped in a mullein solution.

Distance between bushes and rows

Scheme of row planting of raspberries.

It should be noted that the technology depends on the method of planting raspberries.

Bush method landing consists of the following stages:

  1. Hole formation.
  2. Then the seedlings are lowered into the hole and the roots are carefully straightened and the hole is covered with soil.
  3. The distance between the bushes should be within 80 cm.
  4. It is impossible to completely deepen the root neck into the ground. It should be about 5cm above ground level. Otherwise, there is a risk of root rot.

The diameter of the planting hole should be such that the roots of the seedlings can freely fit in it and there is room for growth in the first years.

Private is considered the most convenient and the right way . It is of two types, pit and trench. Pitting is that under each bush it is necessary to dig a separate hole, and during a trench planting, long furrows are made. IN Lately more and more gardeners prefer trench planting of raspberries. Since seedlings planted by this method receive the same amount useful substances and thereby give much best harvest. Trenches are dug three weeks before the bushes are planted in the ground.

The scheme of the trench for planting raspberries.

The preparation process itself includes the following steps:

  1. Removal of all weeds from the soil.
  2. To make the rows even and beautiful, you should first mark the site with the help of stakes.
  3. Then a cord is pulled between the stakes.
  4. After that, trenches are dug, the depth of which should be 40–45 cm and width - 50–55 cm .
  5. Before placing seedlings in the furrows, it is necessary to fertilize the soil well.

The process of planting raspberry bushes in an ordinary way is identical to the bush one.

Raspberries planted in a row will subsequently be easier and more convenient to care for.

Landing in containers

It should be noted another less requested method of planting raspberries as planting in containers .

It is suitable for those gardeners who have small plot. A plastic or metal bucket with a diameter of 50 centimeters serves as a container. The bottom of the container must be cut off, then placed completely in a pre-dug hole. In a bucket, it is necessary to fill the soil mixed with manure. This method prevents sprouted reproduction.

After bush and ordinary planting, raspberries are watered abundantly. Under each bush poured at least 10 liters of water . To retain moisture and prevent the growth of weeds, the soil around the bush is mulched with sawdust, humus, needles or straw.

Tapestry installation

A trellis device for remontant raspberries.

It's no secret that every shrub needs good support and raspberries are no exception. Since during the ripening of the fruit, the branches become heavy and, under their weight, bend low to the ground. To prevent this from happening during landing, it is necessary.

To do this, a wooden post is installed at the beginning and end of the row. In the case when the rows are long, the distance between them should be 4 meters. A wire is stretched between them. Every year the number of rows will increase. Then, using a rope or copper wire, you need to tie the shoot to the wire.

An example of making a simple trellis from beams and boards.


It is important to remember that proper fit is the key to successful raspberry growth. If you follow all the above recommendations, then achieve desired result it will be simple. Moreover, despite the cost physical strength the process of planting and caring for raspberries can bring great pleasure.

Video about planting raspberries in the holes

Raspberries can be planted in separate bushes in pits, but the trench planting method, which has long been common in Europe, is much more effective.

With this planting, fertilizers are distributed evenly over the entire area, and raspberries grow within a row. But most importantly, the place where raspberries are planted is deeply loosened and fertilized, so the harvest is 2-3 times higher.

In many dachas, raspberries are planted in the usual pits by separate bushes. This causes unnecessary trouble with watering, fertilizing plants, the soil within the pit cannot be sufficiently loosened, and the crop is not harvested as desired. Therefore, the eternal question of where to plant raspberries in order to get a high yield constantly occupies inquisitive minds.

There is an original, more progressive way of planting raspberries, which is especially widespread in Europe. Thanks to him, you can get a high yield of berries 2-3 times higher than that collected during traditional planting in pits. This is a trench planting method, which I will be happy to talk about.

To begin, consider the irrefutable benefits of planting raspberries in trenches. Thanks to larger area, the applied fertilizers will be evenly distributed in the soil. Raspberries will grow within the boundaries of the trench, and will not spread further. Bushes will be planted in deeply loosened soil, which will give an advantage in high yields.

I think there are enough advantages of the trench landing method to dwell on it in more detail.

Where to plant raspberries

The most important thing with the trench planting method is to prepare the place, properly cut the shoots and plant. I advise you to choose a sunny place for planting, since raspberries grow everywhere, but bear fruit well only in the sun.

It is good that the bushes from the north are also protected. Raspberries love light sandy soils, so if you have heavy clay soil in your area, to get a high yield of raspberries, you will have to apply a lot of manure and make efforts so that the shoots have time to ripen even in warm summers and do not stretch. But consider where and how to plant raspberries when arranging a trench. I note right away that planting is time consuming, but after that it will be easier to care for.

With this method, there is no dependence on the need for summer top dressing, and besides, it is ideal for breeding new varieties.
We dig a trench up to half a meter deep and wide.

First, we dig for the entire length of the trench with one bayonet, and fold the earth to the right, selecting with a scoop all the crumbling soil. Then we dig out for one more bayonet, and fold the soil with a shaft on the right - this clay, infertile land will not participate in planting. We also clean up all the remnants and the trench is ready.

We loosen the dense bottom with a pitchfork, without turning the layer over. Next, we prepare soft base. To do this, pour a layer of azophoska on the bottom - 150 g per running meter, and fall asleep with a layer of manure - 10-15 cm. We cover it with fertile soil, which was taken out on the left, and compact it a little with a shovel from above.

The place where to plant raspberries is prepared, and in two weeks we start.

  • We choose medium thickness, well-ripened shoots. Ideally, if there are 2-3 of them on a developed root lobe.
  • We cut them so that the height is no more than 20 cm and dip the roots into a clay mash with biologically active substances.
  • We install seedlings in a trench, and fall asleep with loose soil.
  • Fill with water, and when it is absorbed, sprinkle with dry manure.
  • From above we mulch with sawdust by 5-7 cm.

Landing is completed, and you can be sure of good harvest next year.

The best method for planting raspberries

Raspberries. What kind of gardener can afford to pass by this amazing culture. Its berries delight with taste, carry a lot of useful substances, and in winter, processed into jam, help fight colds. However, if raspberries grow well in one area, then in another they often look like “not very good”. What does it depend on? And it depends on many factors: on the place chosen for the culture, and on the composition of the soil, and on timely watering, but most importantly, on the method of planting. It is how raspberries are planted that has the greatest impact on their development and yield. And here, only the trench method can be recommended.

What it is?

The trench method of planting raspberries is the planting of crop seedlings in carefully prepared soil, but not in pits, as is usually the case, but in trenches. This method is troublesome, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance, but the effort and time spent are worth the final result.

Sequence of work

In order to do everything right, it is necessary to first clean the area selected for the raspberry, mark the landings and dig trenches, the depth of which is from 40 to 45 cm, and the width can vary from 50 to 60 cm, while the row spacing should be left in the range from 120 to 150 - 160 cm, depending on biological features development of the variety chosen for planting.

Preparing a trench for planting raspberries. Jessica

Preparing a trench for planting raspberries. Jessica

A nutrient cushion 10 cm thick is laid out at the bottom of the trench. It can be well-rotted manure mixed with a fertile layer of earth, plant remains, branches, fallen leaves with the addition of a certain amount of green mass - here someone is rich in what. But the main thing is that it is in this nutrient layer that the whole secret lies. Decaying organic matter will work for your garden for about 5 years, nourishing and warming the plants. And raspberries are supposed to grow in one place for just such a period, then she tries to “escape” from the territory allotted to her because of a large number root secretions that depress her.

Fill the trench with fertile soil. Jessica

After the nutrient layer has been laid, about 10 cm of earth must be laid out on top - this will make it possible to start the processes of decay if the trench is prepared in advance, and protect the cut roots of the seedlings from contact with the decaying layer.

Now you can start choosing planting material.

>planting material

When buying or selecting raspberry seedlings, you should not rush. Good rooting, development and possibly a harvest, already in current year, will give only those of them that have a well-developed root system, a stem thickness of about 1 cm (no more) and at least 3 buds at the base. At the same time, the height of the selected planting material does not matter, since after planting the seedling is still cut to 15-20 cm.

Choosing planting material raspberries, pay attention to the roots. Jessica

Landing principle

Having selected healthy plants, proceed to their landing. It is better if two people participate in this event - one holds the raspberries by the stem, the other falls asleep with earth.

Seedlings are placed at a distance of 40 cm from each other, the roots are carefully straightened, watered abundantly and covered with earth, while carefully compacting upper layer soil. After planting, you can try to pull out the planted plant, if it holds tight, then the planting is done correctly, if it comes out easily, you need to transplant.

Planting raspberries in a trench. Natalie

An important point is the depth of embedding the stem, it must be left at the same level, without deepening at all, otherwise the seedling has a chance to die. But it’s also not worth it to grind with deepening - the root system poorly covered with soil will suffer from a lack of moisture.

If time has passed, but your raspberry has not given root shoots - break its peace - just dig the plant from one side, and a small tear of the roots will make it start to multiply.

If you do not like to feed your garden with chemistry, collect ashes throughout the year. This is an excellent complete, and most importantly balanced fertilizer not only for raspberries, but also for strawberries.

If you notice that the tops of individual raspberry branches have begun to droop, cut them off immediately. This is a sign that a raspberry fly has started in the raspberry. You can fight it with the help of spraying, or you can do it mechanically, destroying fallen leaves, mulching the soil under raspberry bushes, cutting out the shoots affected by the pest.

Although there is a lot of controversy among gardeners regarding the timing of planting, practice shows that the survival rate is higher when planting raspberries in the spring. Behind summer period seedlings are well strengthened, fully rooted and able to endure cold winter frosts without shelter.

Landing methods

Raspberry planting time - in spring, autumn or summer, does not have such of great importance. However, it is important to plant the seedling correctly, prune it and provide proper care. This is the main condition for good survival and early harvest. The most common are two ways of planting raspberries - bush or in a pit and trench.


Planting raspberries in holes does not require pre-training soil, its digging and fertilization. Pits are made 50-55 cm deep and 45-60 cm wide and prepared 1.5-2 weeks before planting. Immediately before planting, 3.5-4.5 kg of compost or humus is added. You can also only enter mineral fertilizers: superphosphates 25-35 g, ammonium nitrate 12-20 g, potassium salts 5-12 g per well. The best option will be the simultaneous introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers, in which case their dose is halved. Top dressing is mixed with fertile soil and fall asleep at the bottom of the pit. To create the most favorable conditions for the development of the root system, the plant should also be covered with earth from the top layer when planting. It is important to provide proper care for raspberries.

Raspberry planting scheme in spring

When the bush is lowered to the bottom of the planting hole and dug in, it is necessary to shake it lightly so that the entire space between the roots is well filled with soil. It is not recommended to deepen the bush too much, this greatly inhibits its development and growth, at the same time, a shallow planting can lead to drying of the basal buds. It is desirable that after watering and shrinkage of the soil, the root neck should be at the same level with the ground. After planting, the bushes are watered, lightly compact the soil with their feet and mulch sawdust, peat or straw.

into the trench

Compared with the previous method, planting raspberries in the spring in a trench is more laborious and time consuming. However, in this case, the entire area of ​​the future raspberry is initially provided with the same amount of nutrients, which has a beneficial effect on the yield in the future.

It is necessary to prepare trenches in advance, at least 22-26 days before planting young raspberries. Such preparation greatly facilitates subsequent care and contributes to the early rooting of seedlings. In the spring, when warm, dry weather sets in, before planting raspberries, the soil is cleared of weeds, roots and other debris in the selected area. To reduce the formation of weeds in the aisles, you can cover them with black film, old linoleum or roofing material. The cleared area is marked with pegs. After that, landing trenches 42-52 cm deep and 45-55 cm wide are dug along a stretched cord. At the same time, the length of the trench corresponds to the length of the future raspberry, and their number - to the planned rows of raspberries.

At the bottom of the trench with a layer of 10-15 cm, a mixture of black fertile land, biohumus, rotted manure or compost. Double superphosphate 120-180 g is evenly scattered on top. nitrogen fertilizers when planting, they do not contribute, this slows down the process of adaptation and rooting, weakens the plant before wintering. Also add 1.5-2.5 scoops of ash, depending on the length of the trench. This supplement should be used with caution.

Although it improves the taste of berries, however, excess ash alkalizes the soil, as a result of which a young bush may lack magnesium and iron, and the risk of root system disease increases.

Selection of seedlings

seedlings for successful landing choose with 2-4 shoots with an average thickness of 5-8 mm, a well-developed root system with a length of at least 13-16 cm and a thick lobe. If the seedlings were purchased far from the site and cannot be planted immediately, they should be covered with a dense wet cloth or dug in temporarily to avoid drying out the roots. Can't keep for a long time the roots are damp in a plastic bag, as they begin to rot and turn brown from moisture. You should also give preference to plants with bright green leaves that are not damaged or yellowed and twisted.

Immediately after planting, it is necessary to cut the seedlings up to 25-40 cm from the soil level, leaving only the buds that have not yet gone into growth so that the plant does not waste nutrients on the shoots, but well rooted.

The choice of soil and place for raspberries

A well-lit area protected from cold winds should be taken under the raspberries. Rows of raspberries are best placed northeast to southwest. In partial shade, raspberries can grow, but fruiting will be low. Remontant varieties, such as Hercules, are especially sensitive to a lack of light. In this case, fully formed buds of the Hercules variety are placed mainly on unripened shoots, which will be strongly stretched. Such kidneys will certainly die during the period of winter frosts or during frosts in the spring. Proper care of the bushes is very important.

Raspberries love neutral and slightly acidic, well-drained and at the same time moisture-retaining, fertile, light loamy soils. It is possible to breed raspberries on sandy and sandy soils, but in this case, it is necessary to apply a large amount of organic fertilizers annually in the spring and regular watering.

On medium loamy soil in a cold, rainy, little sunny summer, even with proper care shoots may still not ripen. Due to excessive soil moisture, shoot growth will be continuous and intense. As a result, without timely pinching, they are able to stretch up to 2.5-3.5 m by the end of August without signs of maturation.

Beginner Tips

The video at the end of the entry tells how to choose the right raspberry seedlings. The video also shows how to provide her with care. In the first year after planting, you may find in the spring that some seedlings have not taken root. It is undesirable to leave raspberries in a rarefied state, even if the losses are insignificant. A young plantation should be audited at the end of the first year in the summer, removing sluggish, withered, non-rooted plants, and planting new ones in their place in autumn, according to the variety. If the plantation is small and the lunge was insignificant, it is possible to plant green raspberry offspring in the summer, while maintaining moderate soil moisture, without swamping or bringing it to dryness.

When the seedling has fresh, strong shoots, you should cut off the old stump at soil level, preventing it from fruiting. Refusal of the harvest in the first year ensures the early rooting of the bush and the development of strong shoots in subsequent years.

If raspberries were planted in fertile soil, and when planting a sufficient amount of fertilizer was applied, then in the first year the seedlings are not fed.

Raspberry bushes require careful care in the first year. Abundant watering of raspberries allows you to increase the yield and size of the berries. It is carried out before flowering, when the first ovaries of berries appear and during their ripening. At the same time, 2.5-3.5 buckets of water are given per 1 sq. m. Watering is carried out, as a rule, by sprinkling or in shallow furrows so as not to damage the root system of plants.

Repair raspberries have their own care characteristics. After all, she gives the harvest all season, which means that she needs more strength. Therefore, even at the stage of planting in the spring, it is important to provide the bushes with everything necessary: ​​choose a suitable place, prepare planting trenches, take care of seedlings. To get a guaranteed harvest of sweet, fragrant and large berries, you need to know the planting pattern, observing the distance between the bushes.

place for raspberries
For many, raspberries grow along the fence, they are given a secondary place. But if you want raspberries to please you with an excellent harvest for a long time, you need to choose the sunniest place, avoiding lowlands.

Trench for raspberries
We mark trenches for raspberries with a width of 50 cm. Raspberries will sit in them in one line. From my own experience, I was convinced that a two-line landing, when it seems that you are saving the land, is actually difficult for processing raspberries.

We make the distance between the trenches 1.5 - 2 m. For passages, do not reduce the dimensions, otherwise it will be inconvenient to process bushes and pick berries later. We dig a trench 2 bayonets wide and 2 bayonets deep, not forgetting to fold the top layer of soil (fertile) in one direction, and the bottom one in the other.

Then work begins to fill the trenches. At the very bottom we throw "solid fuel" - the branches left over from pruning the garden. You can grind them on a shredder, if you have one. Wooden filling is needed so much that in a rammed form it is approx. 10 cm. Then we put a soft layer into the trench - hay, weeded weeds, old foliage - and compact it to a layer of 10 cm. We spill Baikal solution from the watering can (1 tablespoon per bucket of water). For 1 sq. m trench will need at least 1 liter of this solution.

Now we take the earth dug out of the trench and mix it with humus, compost, ash, agrovit - you can put a lot of this, you won’t spoil the porridge with oil, and add superphosphate according to the instructions. Let it not scare you that instead of a trench, a mound has turned out - in six months or a year there will be no trace of it. We spill the prepared bed well from the watering can.

With such a trench, you will provide your raspberries with good nutrition for the roots for 20 years.

If you prepare a place for planting in the fall, then it is better to leave the resulting bed until spring. Otherwise, let the prepared trench settle for 2-3 weeks.

Preparing raspberry seedlings for planting
If you bought seedlings with a closed root system, you need to put it right in the container for about a day in a basin of water to give the seedling a good drink, you can add growth stimulator HB-101 to this water (1 drop per 1 liter of water).

We also put seedlings with an open root in the water. I want to warn you that raspberries with open root are capricious. It is enough for her to stay in the sun for 20-30 minutes, the roots dry up so that they no longer depart, the bush may take root, but you won’t wait for a good harvest.

If you dig out from yourself or your neighbors, immediately wrap the seedling in a wet rag, and if you buy on the market, it’s a matter of chance, you don’t know how long the seller kept it without covering it.

How to plant remontant raspberry seedlings
In the prepared trench, at a distance of 70-80 cm, we make holes of such a size that the seedling fits freely. I pour a handful of agrovit and ash into each hole, mix, spill (a bucket of water for 2 holes), let the water soak.

We take out seedlings with a closed root system from the container, straighten the roots well, too long can be cut a little. In a seedling with an open root system, we carefully examine the roots, cut off dry or broken roots, if there are long ones, we shorten them so that they do not bend in the hole.

We plant raspberry bushes without deepening the root collar. They poured a little earth - they pulled it up so that there were no voids at the roots. Then we add more soil, press it well with our hands and form a small hole around the bush. Immediately (we don’t wait until we plant all the plants) we spilled half a bucket of water. When they finished planting in the entire trench, be sure to mulch with straw, fallen leaves, sawdust or peat.

Don't be embarrassed by how rarely seedlings sit now - next year there will be a solid line.

If the seedlings were in a container, nothing more needs to be done when planting. If planted with an open root, it is necessary to cut the seedlings to ground level, leaving no stumps. Do not be afraid, raspberries will not only grow back, but will also please you with a harvest in the first year of planting.

Raspberries in the first year of planting
Usually, in the first year, raspberries do not fully show their taste qualities, and the yield is small - after all, she needs to spend a lot of effort to take root. But from next year, she will delight you.

Do not forget to water the first couple of weeks after planting. The soil of the bushes should always be moist. As soon as new leaves appear, this is a sign that the bushes have taken root. And now, when the growth has appeared, I lay the entire area in the trench with fresh cow litter, without touching the bushes, I cover it with 5-8 cm mulch on top.

What does it give? Firstly, it is much more difficult for weeds to break through, and those that have broken through are very easily pulled out. Secondly, moisture is better retained. And thirdly, there is no need to loosen after watering or rain.