Corydalis ordinary. Tuberous forest Corydalis

The genus Corydalis has approximately 320 species growing in the Northern Hemisphere.

Hard to find more unpretentious plant than corydalis.

Corydalis has a lot of advantages: frost-resistant, decorative, not damaged by diseases, blooms in early spring when almost no flowering plants. Corydalis does not require complex agricultural technology, it multiplies quite quickly, and has medicinal qualities.

Numerous tuberous corydalis, similar in life cycle, can be divided into groups that differ in environmental requirements, which determine the necessary agricultural technology.

In the most unpretentious group, suitable for middle lane our country includes forest corydalis species: hollow, Corydalis Bush, Corydalis Gallera, Corydalis smoky-leaved, Corydalis Caucasian, Corydalis large-flowered, Corydalis Kuznetsov, Corydalis Magadan, Corydalis Malka, Corydalis Marshall, Corydalis low, Corydalis deceptive, Corydalis bracts, Corydalis intermediate, Corydalis intermediate

These corydalis can grow in flower beds in the garden or in grass among large deciduous trees. Corydalis loves deep loose sandy or clay soils rich in humus. Stagnation of water must be excluded, waterlogging in winter is very harmful. Small tubers need to be buried to a depth of 8 cm, and large tubers to 12 cm.

In addition to tuberous corydalis, represented by a large number of species, there is a group of rhizomatous perennial corydalis: yellow, sulfur-yellow corydalis, noble corydalis.

Even less common are annuals - evergreen and corydalis impatiens.

More recently, corydalis, found in China, have entered the culture. This Corydalis sinuous, Corydalis high and closely related.

Corydalis growing conditions: tuberous corydalis, like snowdrops, are ephemeroids. Corydalis grow on the most different places a habitat. Forest species of corydalis use the daylight hours in the life of the forest, when the trees have not yet blossomed, and then fall into rest. Corydalis from arid zones hide from drought.

Tundra and high mountain corydalis live in the same rhythm with other vegetation of these places. Everyone is in a hurry here, because spring comes late, and winter can come at the very end of summer.

But, having a similar rhythm of life, corydalis differ in requirements for growing conditions. Non-stagnant moisture is needed by all species during active growth, but during dormancy, each plant requires what it is used to. Tundra and forest species are intolerant of drought, Asian desert and lowland species require desiccation and cannot tolerate damp soil.

Forest species of corydalis do not need bright light, they feel best in a small penumbra, and corydalis of arid habitats do not tolerate shading. Arctic Corydalis require good lighting. Their tastes are varied and the composition of the soil. Loose soils are needed by forest species of corydalis, heavy clayey with good drainage suit "Asians", both alpine and low-mountain.

Planting Corydalis

Having finished fruiting, tuberous corydalis turn yellow, and then dry out, falling into a dormant phase. Tubers remain in the soil of the plant, which are not afraid of danger - neither constant mowing of the lawn, nor even drought. All operations for transplanting these plants are conveniently performed in this state. But during dormancy, the plant is not always easy to spot.

Therefore, plants can be transplanted during the growing season and even at the very peak of flowering. Do it better with a clod of earth. You need to know that during transplantation during the growth period, the aerial part breaks off. In this case, the flower will not die, but goes into a dormant phase and the vegetation will continue only next year.

In stores, on sale from August to September, tubers appear that have entered the rest. Tubers should be juicy and firm, shriveled and flabby are not suitable for planting.

Corydalis diseases and pests: Corydalis pests are the same as those of charming snowdrops: moles, mice and viruses. The measures to deal with them are the same.

Corydalis breeding

Corydalis mainly reproduces by seeds. The division of tubers is the exception rather than the rule.

Reproduction by seeds is the most reliable way.

Corydalis use: in parks and gardens to create groups. Asian corydalis are used in alpine slides: they are small and very beautiful. Light-loving corydalis, which do not require watering, leave an empty spot after flowering, and it is better to plant them among beautiful pebbles.

Corydalis partners: hosta, crocuses, snowdrops. Corydalis companions can be mouse hyacinths, tulips.

Corydalis forcing

For distillation, only one type is used - dense corydalis. Large healthy tubers are taken. The pot with the plant must be kept in a cool and dark place at a temperature of 5 ° C for 9 weeks. In the conditions of the room, the pot can be wrapped in a dark bag and put in the refrigerator.

Periodically check the pot so that it does not dry out. It is very important to observe the temperature regime, only under these conditions the plants will begin to bloom. Lighting must be good. Faded plants must be watered until the foliage turns yellow, then stop watering and put the pot in the refrigerator until spring.

Corydalis is a numerous genus of herbs of the Poppy family. The main habitat of which is the temperate zone of Eurasia and North America. This plant does not require special care and has many advantages: it withstands high frosts, has a high decorative effect and early flowering. The downside is the high probability of disease and pest damage.

Corydalis are ephemeroids, that is, they live a short period of time when conditions are most favorable for development, and after that the upper part of the plant dies, while the tubers remain in the ground. But in a short period of life, they delight us with their white, yellow, blue or red flowers.

Varieties and types

Representatives of this genus can be divided into several groups, differing in the possibility of growing them as flower culture and care.

The least problems when growing in central Russia are caused by forest species, the most unpretentious of all:

  • Gallera or dense ,

  • Caucasian ,

  • large-flowered ,

  • Marshall ,

  • Low ,

  • Doubtful ,

  • Intermediate ,

  • angustifolia .

This type is the most common, its representatives can easily be grown among deciduous trees. Forest corydalis grow well on friable humus-saturated leaves. clay soils or soups. Do not tolerate excess moisture.

It is more difficult to grow corydalis growing in the mountains and deserts of Asia in culture:

  • dissected leaf ,

  • Emanuel .

The two types listed above include tuberous plants, but there are a small number of Corydalis with a rhizome:

  • sulfur yellow ,

  • noble .

And very rarely, in a cultivated form, you can find evergreen Corydalis and Corydalis impatiens.

And last but not least, it is worth mentioning the species that have appeared quite recently and have not yet become widespread:

In the wild, they grow only in Sichuan in China, so for a long time they were not known to a wide range of gardeners.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the hybrid forms, which are obtained by crossing different types. They have different characteristics received from their parents.

Corydalis hybrid will always be written on packages with such seeds, and then the species from which it was obtained can already be indicated. Some types of corydalis have already become material for obtaining new varieties.

For example, corydalis angustifolia became the basis for obtaining the Blue (Blue) series:

  • Corydalis Blue Heron (Blue Heron) ,

  • Corydalis Blue line (Blue line) .

Corydalis planting and care in the open field

The rules for caring for the Corydalis are not at all burdensome. This plant is an ephemeroid, like the snowdrop, and prefers to avoid problems rather than endure them. They can grow in different places and for different reasons they can disappear.

The most common forest varieties bloom when the trees in the forest are not yet leafed, and after that they enter a dormant period, since they cannot grow under the shade of dense foliage.

Cultures living in dry areas avoid summer heat, and those growing in the mountains and in the tundra, respectively, are synchronized with the weather of their area and try to bloom and give seeds as soon as possible, because the cold can come even in the summer months.

As you can see, this plant has a fast developmental rhythm, but the care requirements for different types are still different. For example, during the growing season, plants of all types require quite a lot of water, but during dormancy, moisture requirements are different. Forest, tundra and mountain species do not like dryness, and desert species, in turn, do not like high humidity.

The forest type does not require bright lighting and grows better in shady areas, while mountain types, on the contrary, require bright light. There are also preferences for soils: forest species need loose and saturated soils with organic matter, and Asian mountain species need clay substrates with drainage.

Erythronium also called kandyk is well suited for group plantings when growing and caring for open ground. It is not demanding in care and breeds well. You can find recommendations for growing and caring in this article.

Corydalis transplant

Following fruiting, the corydalis begin to turn yellow and dry out, after which they have a dormant period. The tubers at this time remain in the ground, they are not afraid of almost any external influences, and sometimes it is even difficult to determine where the plant is located while the rest period is in progress.

At this time, you can easily transplant a flower to a new place, transferring it along with an earthen clod. It is also possible to transplant during the growing season, but then there is a high probability that the green part will come off and the flower will prematurely fall into a dormant period.

Planting corydalis in autumn

In summer and autumn, dormant tubers are sold in markets and shops. They should be stored in a perforated plastic bag filled with sawdust. Only hard and full of juice nodules can be planted in the ground, dry and shriveled ones cannot be planted, unless it is a desert species, the tubers of these crops can be slightly dried.

When planting, plant tubers are deepened depending on their size. Small specimens are buried by about 6 cm, large ones by 12-14 cm. The choice of planting site and soil is chosen in accordance with the type of plant.

Forest forms can be grown together with snowdrops, they blend well together.

If the summer is too wet, even tubers of forest forms can suffer, it would be advisable to dig them up and dry them for 30 days at room temperature. You can also build a greenhouse that will protect the area with tubers from rain.

Corydalis growing from seeds

Among the ways of reproduction, the main one is seed. The division of the rhizome is not available for almost all species, except for Bush and Kashmir corydalis, on which small new tubers do appear. But in other species, the formation of young nodules is extremely rare, so you should not rely on it.

The seed method is quite reliable if a couple of conditions are met.

The first is sowing immediately after harvest, since the seeds lose their germination capacity within 6-8 days. It is also important to collect them in time: Corydalis seeds are very fond of ants and immediately collect them as soon as they spill out of the boxes.

The second condition is the constant maintenance in a wet state, since when dried out, the seeds immediately lose their germination capacity, so it is better to sow in pots, where it will be easier to care for them.

In general, Corydalis reproduces normally by self-seeding, unless there are ants nearby, in which case there will be much less seedlings.

Diseases and pests

Corydalis is susceptible to various pests and diseases.

Viruses can be identified by the appearance of spots and patterns on the foliage , still because of them she can start twist or cover with small growths . As soon as you notice such symptoms, immediately remove the infected individuals, since they cannot be cured, and in the future they will infect the entire flower bed.

Fungi show up in dark spots on foliage , sometimes rust may appear, in the form red spots . The affected parts are cut and burned, and the plants themselves are treated with fungicides, for example, Bordeaux mixture.

Dangerous pests are moles and mice . They gnaw on tubers, which causes rot. Rodents are destroyed by making traps on the site and filling their holes with water. Affected tubers are cut, treated with wood ash and dried a little.

To drive away slugs , it is necessary to scatter crushed over the area eggshell or lime.

bulbous nematode , probably the most problematic pest of all. It infects the tubers of the plant, leaving ring marks behind it. Foliage due to defeat starts to turn yellow .

The affected individuals are removed, and the rest are dug up and incubated for up to 30 minutes in water at a temperature of 55 ° C. Further, the roots can be planted in another area, but where the Corydalis grew before, it will not be possible to plant bulbous plants for a long time.

As you can see, when growing Corydalis, a number of difficulties may arise, but, nevertheless, thanks to early flowering, high frost resistance, no need for fertilizers and, as a rule, rare watering, corydalis is becoming an increasingly frequent guest in our flower beds.

Corydalis Gallera, or dense-Corydalis halleri Wild.= Corydalis solida (L.) Clairv.

European look. In Russia, it is found throughout the European part, except for the most northern regions. It grows in light forests, in clearings and edges, on humus and non-soddy soil; disappears as the grass cover develops, especially from rhizomatous herbs. It is spread by ants that disperse the seeds. As with other ephemeroids, the shoot is fully formed already in the fall, hibernates under the cover of a scaly leaf, and grows back in the spring as soon as possible. Corydalis dense is found on moderately moist soils of various mechanical composition, a very light-loving plant. For normal photosynthesis productivity, illumination of more than 50% of full is required.

Perennial with a small dense tuber up to 1.5 cm in diameter, at the base of the stem with a scaly leaf, in the axil of which a shoot can develop. Stem 10-25 cm high, with two petiolate leaves with double or triple trifoliate blades; segments on long petioles, incised almost to the base into linear-oblong, slightly wedge-shaped lobes; sometimes the lobes are solid or with 2-4 blunt teeth at the apex. The flower brush is rather dense, cylindrical. Bracts cuneate-obovate, anteriorly incised into linear lobes or dentate. The sepals are very small, inconspicuous. Corolla pink-violet, up to 20 mm long. The stigma is discoid, finely warty-toothed along the edge. Capsule oblong, 10-12 mm long, drooping. Blooms in April-May; seeds ripen in May. Winter-hardy without shelter.

Corydalis dense passes into the generative state at the 4-6th year. Blooms in April and blooms for two weeks. The beginning of the spring vegetation can take place with significant fluctuations in soil and air temperatures. The flowers are fragrant, contain a lot of nectar, and are pollinated by bumblebees and butterflies. Seeds ripen in the second half of May. At the same time, massive yellowing of the leaves is observed. The duration of the assimilation period is 3-5 weeks.

Known lines: " Bes Evans " ("Beth Evans") - soft pink with white spur, " Prasil Strain " ("Prasil Strain") - varies from red to salmon and pink.

The most popular and oldest variety, existing in the form of a number of clones, is the Romanian " George Baker "("George Baker") with cherry, almost red flowers, which the famous Dutch company van Tubergen began to breed in 1925. Other clone varieties: soft pink " Dieter Schacht " ("Dieter Schacht"), " Highland Mist "("Highland Mist") - smoky bluish pink, " Munich Form " ("Munich Form") - coral red, " Nettleton Pink "("Nettleton Pink") is a powerful hot pink. " Kissproof " ("Kissproof") - white with pinkish "lips", selected in a natural colony and possibly reproduced by seeds. Less common varieties may be offered in the catalogs - the result of selection of small nurseries that collected material in different geographical areas.

Many of us look forward to the arrival of spring, because the appearance of buds, green leaves and flowers in itself is already uplifting. Some plants that grow in our forests form young shoots, the so-called primroses, even under the snow. In early April, you can watch how the backache, anemone, chistyak and, of course, corydalis bloom. You will see photos of the most common types below.


Corydalis is considered to be the homeland of the western and central regions of China; the flower grows mainly in deciduous forests, creating dense curtains. There are more than 300 species in the genus of these undemanding species. However, many of us do not even know what a Corydalis flower looks like. Outwardly, it is very similar to a delicate fern, the height of the plant reaches 30 centimeters.

During the flowering period (mid-spring or early summer), you can admire yellow, pink, white, red and lilac flowers developing on bare erect stems. Wooded areas, stone gardens are suitable for growing a flower, and the plant also feels good near water bodies. Corydalis grows in nature in the forest, some of the species can be found in European Russia and Southern Siberia.

Representative of the Dymyankov family

Corydalis plant belongs to the family of dicotyledonous plants, close to poppies. The genus contains about four hundred species. Many of them grow in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. The name comes from a Greek word meaning "helmet" because of the shape of the flower.

Perennial herbaceous plant tuberous Leaves basal with a bluish bloom, strongly dissected. Racemose inflorescences slightly rise above the foliage. The flowers are small, yellow, pink and bluish-violet in color.

Corydalis, like a snowdrop, tulip, blueberry, crocus, is an ephemeroid plant, since its growing season is short. These plants delight us with their flowering in early spring, when nature has not yet pampered with greenery. As soon as the seeds ripen, yellowing begins, and later the death of the aerial part of the plant.

Development Features

Before you breed Corydalis in your home, you need to find out how the plant develops. After flowering (this happens approximately in April-May), the aerial parts quickly die off, and the ripened seeds fall to the ground. Tubers with accumulated nutrients remain in the soil. At this time, there is practically no foliage on the trees and shrubs.

After flowering, corydalis, like other spring ephemeroids, disappear, reappearing the next year. So that the place where the flowers grew is not empty, various short-rhizome plants that bloom in summer or autumn can be planted to them: colchicum, lilies or irises. So your site will turn into a real conveyor of flowering plants. You can also choose a place for landing under ornamental shrubs: lilac, rose or weigela.

Given in this article) looks great in combination with perennials, which begin to build up the above-ground mass much later. So, for example, corydalis decorate a flower bed when phloxes or hostas are barely visible. By autumn, the plants will rise, closing their large leaves, and thus hide the void formed after the death of the aerial part of the ephemeroids.

The low growth of Corydalis makes it possible to decorate wonderfully and it is enough to find a place for them near a small bush that will shade the flower.


Corydalis - a flower, the description of which is given earlier, appearing in early spring. White, yellow, pink, purple or purple flowers tubular form appear on 7-20 cm stems. Gardeners are especially interested in the Corydalis variety (photos of the most common species are given in this material) are winding. This plant has a rather blue hue.

How does the Corydalis (flower) reproduce?

A description of the propagation methods will help you grow wonderful flowers in your flower bed. If you want corydalis in your garden, you can simply transplant the plant from the forest, the main thing is to leave a large clod of earth. When digging up a flower, do not forget that its roots are quite deep. Corydalis can also reproduce with the help of seeds.

In culture, plants run wild, spreading over long distances from the planting site. Quite often, ants carry the seeds to a variety of places. Corydalis are usually found in the shade of trees, where the ground is covered with fallen leaves. Since flowering begins very early, they do not interfere with the growth of other crops.

In nature, the Corydalis chooses places in the forest with humus soil, and in culture it takes root in ordinary soil. Excessive moisture, bright lighting and turfiness of the earth are detrimental to her.

Corydalis forcing

For the agricultural technique, which is used to obtain flowers in the off-season, only dense corydalis is suitable. For distillation take only large intact tubers. For a pot with a plant, a cool dark place is chosen (recommended temperature is 5 degrees), where it will stay for 9 weeks. If it was not possible to find such a place in the house, you can wrap the pot in a dark bag and put it in the refrigerator.

When forcing, it is necessary to periodically control the drying of the soil. Special attention given temperature regime, only in this way the plant will begin to bloom. Good lighting is also important. After the corydalis has faded, watering is not stopped until the leaves turn yellow, then the pot is put in the refrigerator until spring.

Common types

Corydalis forest grows well in the shade of trees, including the most frequent representative of Corydalis solida. This is an elegant 15-20 cm plant with delicate, as if lacy leaves and helmet-shaped flowers. Particular attention is paid to the George Baker variety, which is characterized by bright red-pink inflorescences.

Corydalis yellow in nature is found in the mountains in western Europe. The plant forms a spherical bush, reaching a height of 20-40 centimeters. Grows in groups, creating flower carpets on the ground. The leaves of this plant variety are light green in color, pinnate, tubular, collected in a brush.

Hollow corydalis - flower (description useful properties plants are given in this material), reaching 20-30 cm in height. Deep-lying, hollow, spherical tubers of the plant grow up to 3 cm in diameter. The straight stem ends with a multi-flowered brush. The leaves of this species are petiolate, bluish, tender, twice or thrice trifoliate. The length of whole, oblong, sharp bracts is 2-3 times longer than the pedicels. The calyx consists of two small sepals. Zygomorphic 4-lobed corolla, usually purple-pink (in some cases white), reaches a length of 22-25 mm. A thick spur is formed by the upper lobe. 6 stamens grow together with threads in several bundles. The anther of the Corydalis is hollow, single-celled. The fruit is an oblong, pointed, drooping pod-like 10-12 mm capsule. The seeds of the plant are black, finely punctate, shiny, 3 mm in diameter, with a caruncle. Flowering occurs in April-May, fruit ripening - May-June.

Corydalis grows hollow in the middle lane and in the south of European Russia, you can meet it in deciduous forests Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don and Saratov.

Another well-known species is the Siberian corydalis. This annual plant grows on roadsides, clearings, old burnt areas and old stubble in Eastern Siberia near Lake Baikal. Flowers yellow and pale yellow. The fruits are a horizontally deflected or drooping, oblong box with black shiny seeds with a diameter of not more than 1.5 millimeters. Flowering begins in May-June.

Corydalis Severtsova - perennial, reaching a height of 10 centimeters, with a round tuber with a diameter of 1.5 to 4 centimeters. Opposite, double-triple leaves of a yellow or orange-yellow hue. Flowering of this variety occurs in March-May.

The difference between Corydalis Ledebour from other species - pink flowers with a thick, upwardly curved spur. The tubers of the plant contain up to 1.24 percent of alkaloids. In some species, the presence of sanguinarine was found, but the problem with raw materials cannot be solved at their expense, since the size of the tubers is insufficient for this.

Beneficial features

For medicinal purposes, only Corydalis tubers are suitable, they can be harvested only after fruiting. They must be cut into thin slices and dried. The remaining parts will not be needed because they contain toxic substances.

Preparations made from plant tubers have analgesic and antispastic effects, which is why they are used for arterial hypertension, convulsions, intestinal diseases and Parkinson's disease. In addition, corydalis officinalis has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antioxidant and hypnotic effects, normalizes hormonal levels in the weak half of humanity.


Special decoctions and infusions are prepared from the tubers of the plant, which help with diseases. nervous system, trembling paralysis, neuralgia, damage to the joints, ligamentous-muscular apparatus, bruises, arthrosis and arthritis. A powder made from Corydalis roots is used for insomnia, liver diseases, increased nervous excitability and gynecological diseases accompanied by menstrual irregularities.

The drug "Sangviritrin"

Corydalis is used for the manufacture of the medical preparation "Sangviritrin", which is used for myopathy, disorders of the motor system caused by diseases of the nervous system. The ointment must be rubbed onto the affected area twice a day, if necessary, an exclusive dressing will be required. The drug is moderately toxic, so when used, a burning sensation may occur. In this case, the treatment will have to be stopped immediately. "Sangviritrin" is prescribed with extreme caution to patients with epilepsy, hyperkinesis, bronchial asthma and angina pectoris.

The numerous herbaceous genus Corydalis (lat. Corýdalis) belongs to the subfamily Dymyankovye (Fumariaceae), which is part of the Poppy family (lat. Papaveraceae). Members of the genus feel great in temperate climate northern hemisphere. The scientific name "Corýdalis" comes from the word from Greek"cons" is a helmet, which refers to the characteristic shape of the flower. In the people, the plant is commonly called "corydalis".

Biological features

Various annuals and perennial species corydalis vary greatly in appearance and mode of existence. There are real grass giants, reaching a height of up to 2 m, with powerful branched root tubers, and there are crumbs, whose height is 5 cm.

Forest corydalis smoky-leaved (C. fumariaefolia)

Corydalis belong to the early spring tuberous ephemeroids. The tuber of a plant is a rounded root that spreads in width. During spring development, the tuber is overgrown with small feeding roots, which dry out during the dormant period. Tubers are of two types:

  • Perennial. In the process of growth, this type of root, in addition to increasing in size, deteriorates a little more, becoming hollow, like a corydalis dense or Marshall.
  • Interchangeable. Every year, a new tuber begins to grow inside the old one, which becomes its shell, for example, in the Caucasian corydalis or dense.

stock nutrients in tuberous thickenings of the root allows Corydalis to vegetate in early spring. Some species have several white or reddish scaly leaves at the base of the stem, which protect the top of the stem from damage. Other leaves, greenish or bluish, double or triple compound, fern-like.

The plant has racemose inflorescences or single flowers. Each flower is accompanied by a leaflet - a bract. Four petals. The outer two have bent ends, the upper one creates a long outgrowth at the base - a spur in which nectar accumulates. The two inner petals are connected together and peek out a little between the lapels of the outer ones, like a spout. The fruit is a capsule with a pair of thin valves. The seeds are black, massive, shiny, with a weighty appendage.

Structure Corydalis dense

Corydalis begin to grow under the snow, in March. And already in April, increased shoots are visible. The culture blooms at soil t from 3-4 ° C, flowering lasts about 20 days. After the seeds ripen in early June, the aerial part disappears. Seed dispersal is largely due to ants.

Variety of species

The genus includes about 320 species. Most of all, about two hundred, grows in the Himalayas, in Western and Central China. Where they are permanent residents of alpine meadows and feel great in the highlands, feeding on moisture from melting glaciers. Corydalis ephemeroids, similar in life cycle, are conditionally divided into categories that differ in environmental requirements that determine the necessary agricultural technology and the use of plant species in floriculture.

For cultivation in central Russia, the most optimal group is with forest species, which include:

  • X. Caucasian(lat. C. caucasica). It has a small rounded tuber, an oblong stem with one scaly leaf and two openwork, loose raceme, with 4-10 flowers. Corolla with a diameter of 2-2.6 cm, coloring in shades of pink, pink-purple. The spur is blunt, thickened.
  • X. tuberous or hollow (lat. C. bulbosa = cava). Height 30 cm. It has a permanent conical tuber, which becomes hollow with age and only two wide but tender leaves, with many divisions into elongated slices. A tall peduncle lifts up a brush of flowers with whole bracts. The flowers are pinkish-lilac, there are white specimens.
  • X. Marshall(lat. C. marschalliana). It looks like a tuber, but the flowers are creamy yellow. When grown together, transitional forms occur with creamy white and yellowish-pink inflorescences.

Forest corydalis large-flowered or giant

Corydalis also belong to the forest: Bush (buschii), smoky-leaved (fumariaefolia), Magadan (magadanica), Hallera (halleri), etc. They feel great in flower beds, where there is shading among tall trees. They like soil rich in humus from the leaves.

A very interesting group of Himalayan corydalis growing in the highlands, foothills and deserts. Central Asia. In our people, it is called Chinese Corydalis. But their cultivation, in the conditions of the middle zone, is very difficult.

  • X. cashmere(lat. C. cashmeriana). Several tiny tubers grow near the main tuber. The plant is low with strongly curved leaves and pale blue flowers. A rare representative of the Himalayas and Tibet.
  • X. darvazskaya(lat. S. darwasicd). It is endowed with an angular, large tuber with a diameter of 5-6 cm. From the tuber, several stems depart. Opposite, bluish leaves with a few divisions are on the ground.

A loose brush holds flowers on thin pedicels. The flowers are curved in an arc, with thin elongated spurs, yellowish and pinkish, dark below. Grows on rocky slopes.

  • X. Ledebour(lat. C. ledebouriand). It has a tall peduncle and a pair of squat leaves. The brush is rare, many-flowered, the flowers are different in shape and color. Spurs are sharp, thick; color - white, pale yellow, pale pink, with contrasting limbs.

Corydalis Shangina (schanginii) - an inhabitant of deserts and foothills

This group also includes corydalis: Wilson (wilsonii), golostelnaya (nudicaulis), large-spurred (macrocentra), marakandskaya (maracandica), etc.

Less common in culture can be found annual representatives of the genus: evergreen (sempervirens), touchy (impatiens). Not so long ago, Corydalis, found in the Chinese region of Sichuan, began to be cultivated: sinuous (flexuosa), high (elata).

Photogallery of species

Cultivation and care

Forest corydalis with small tubers are placed at a depth of 6-8 cm, large tuberous rhizomes, especially Chinese Corydalis, deepen by 11-14 cm.

The choice of planting site for Corydalis and the preparation of the soil depends on the type of plant.

Forest corydalis are kept as snowdrops (in shade and partial shade).

Lighted areas are suitable for Asian. In a wet summer, the tubers of such corydalis are dried for a month during the dormant period, and then planted again.

They also have different soil preferences. Loose, organically saturated soils are suitable for forest ephemeroids, heavy clayey, well-drained soils suit Chinese Corydalis.

Remember! Corydalis has a lot of advantages: decorativeness, frost resistance, flowering in early spring, does not require complex agricultural technology, it simply multiplies.

The unusual color of Corydalis "Zwanenburg" was appreciated by collectors around the world

Today, the Zwanenburg variety is considered the reddest variety of Corydalis.


Seeds are the main method of reproduction of Corydalis. The division of tubers is rarely used. Only corydalis Kashmir and Bush create small nodules. Other types of tuber division can be achieved only once out of twenty. To reliably increase the number of corydalis plants, two conditions must be observed:

  1. When growing Corydalis from seeds, sow them after harvest. Try not to miss the moment of ripening so that the seeds do not spill out on their own and are not stolen by ants. One box contains 8-16 seeds.
  1. Sown seeds and seedlings that appeared in the spring should not be overdried. Corydalis seeds instantly lose their germination. Sowing should not be delayed longer than a month. Sow in pots or boxes.

In some species (H. noble, often Skulera and giant) in the first year of life, only cotyledons grow, narrow and unpretentious, carved leaves grow the next year. The time of planting seeds tortuous must be calculated. Seedlings may appear in autumn and freeze.

Forest species can be given the opportunity to sow their own seeds. Crops bloom in 2-4 years. In nature, tubers are collected after fruiting, when a sufficient amount of useful substances has been accumulated, and the plant is at rest.

Corydalis tuber Gallera (C. halleri) dug out in the forest


Corydalis forest perfectly tolerate the winter of central Russia. The fallen leaves of trees are not removed: it does not harm plants at all, corydalis easily find their way in the spring. Overripe foliage is an excellent top dressing and helps to maintain high humidity in the soil.

Central Asian species do not tolerate the climatic conditions of the middle zone. Therefore, they are wrapped and covered with a twenty-centimeter layer of leaves.

Diseases and pests

Corydalis pests are the same as those of snowdrops: moles, mice, viruses. Diseases are rare, and are not a significant danger to the culture.

Beautiful Asian Corydalis Popov (lat. C. popovii) among the stones

Use in landscape design

Corydalis is used in parks and gardens to create large groups and patches of color under cover. deciduous trees. Asian beauties use in the design alpine slides, rockeries. Forest corydalis are placed on hills and in rockeries only in places shaded by trees, or tall perennials.

Asian species are planted between beautiful stones, and forest species between gradually growing perennials, so that Corydalis does not leave an empty place. With the help of corydalis it is good to imitate a natural corner of nature

The most acceptable partners for forest species: chionodoxa, crocuses, hosta, snowdrops. Central Asian companions: mouse hyacinths, junos, botanical tulips and other ephemeroids growing in arid areas.