How to root a viburnum buldenezh from a cuttings. Planting, growing and caring for Kalina buldenezh

(from French "Boulede Neige" - snow globe) - an ornamental shrub, a variety of viburnum with large, snowball-like inflorescences.

The plant is very popular with gardeners, despite the fact that it does not bear fruit.

Characteristics and features of viburnum Buldenezh

This variety is called sterile viburnum, because her flowers are sterile... When the viburnum Buldenezh blooms, its graceful, almost perfectly round, inflorescences make you forget about the absence of fruits.

This variety of viburnum, a representative of honeysuckle, grows up to 3.5 m and, if not trimmed, up to 1.5 m in diameter. Strong branches grow straight, and then diverge in different directions, forming a wide crown. Gardeners, in order to give the shrub a more presentable look and beautifully beat the flowering, give the viburnum crown the shape of a hemisphere.

The main advantage of the Buldenezh bush is its inflorescences.The balls hanging from the branches are up to 15 cm in diameter. Each flower in an inflorescence blooms with several semicircular petals without stamens.

Viburnum blooms in May, at first the flowers have a pale green tone, then they change to pale pink or cream, and only when they have fully blossomed, they take on a snow-white color.

The large inflorescences are rather heavy, and the thin branches of the bush bend to the ground under their weight. Inflorescences last for about a month, then dry out.

It is noteworthy that the life expectancy of Buldenezh viburnum is quite high, up to 60 years the plant still blooms. In the autumn, the leaves are filled with a crimson hue, which distinguishes them favorably from the yellowed foliage of other bushes or trees.

Is there some more terry variety of viburnum Buldenezh. This shrub is distinguished by a pale pink color of the inflorescences, otherwise (planting and leaving) is similar to the "snow globe".

How to plant viburnum seedlings Buldenezh

The Buldenezh shrub is a long-liver, so choose a place for it wisely, he will spend more than a dozen years there.

The bush has a spreading crown, you can use this by planting it near a bench or gazebo to create shade.

Optimal timing for planting

Planting dates depend on the choice of breeding method. Planting viburnum by layering is carried out in the spring, dividing the bush - in the fall, for cuttings it is better to choose summer. It is not recommended to plant in cold and rainy weather.

Soil selection and preparation

A good landing site would be an area in the lowlands or near a body of water. If you don't have such a place, plant the viburnum in partial shade. In full shade, the shrub will grow, but at the expense of flowering: the inflorescences will be small and expressionless. In an area open to the sun, flowering will be short-lived, and there is a high risk of getting burned.

The soil for viburnum is moist, loose, with an acidity of 5.5-6.5. Too dense soil can be "diluted" with sand, acidic - lime. In any case, the soil should be nutritious, fertilize it with humus before planting.

Correct fit technology

The viburnum has a strong root system, therefore the pit is being prepared deep... One of the options for planting shrubs would be to prepare a hole 80 cm deep and 60 cm wide. The bottom of the pit is drained with rubble or large pebbles. The drainage is covered with sand by 15 cm.

Next, the soil prepared in advance is introduced: compost (4 buckets), wood ash (600 g), nitrophoska (200 g). The seedling is deepened into the soil 3 cm below the root collar, watered abundantly and covered with mulch (humus or sawdust).

The method of group planting of viburnum will be a 2 by 2 meter square. You will be surprised at how quickly the viburnum Buldenezh grows. In the first year, all forces are spent on developing and strengthening the roots, but already at the 3rd year of life, the plant reaches 1.5 m.

Proper care of viburnum Buldenezh

In addition to watering and feeding, viburnum (an adult plant) needs formative or auxiliary pruning.

Did you know? The "snow globe" got into Russian gardens thanks to Catherine II. Kalina Buldenezh was considered a plant of aristocrats and was grown only in royal parks, greenhouses and gardens.

Regularity of watering

Kalina loves moisture very much. Young plants consume a lot of water and need to be watered more often. Both young and adult shrubs require special attention during dry periods.

The soil around the trunk should not dry out, so water more often if there is no rainfall. In rainy weather, the plant has enough natural precipitation. In the summer heat, water several times a month to avoid shortening the flowering period in the spring.

Important! In late autumn, before frost, the viburnum is watered abundantly to avoid dehydration in winter.

Fertilizing and fertilizing shrubs

Since the plant is planted in well-fertilized soil, the first feeding is carried out the next year. In the spring, when the first leaves appear for good development, fertilizing with nitrogen compounds is carried out. You can add organic matter - 2 buckets of humus under the bush.

The second time they are fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers in the fall. You can use both liquid and dry dressings. Granular fertilizers are spread over the loosened soil under the bushes. After applying top dressing in the spring, abundant watering is needed.

Rejuvenating and shaping pruning

Consider how to cut viburnum Buldenezh. After the bush has faded, the lateral branches, dry and growing inside the bush, are shortened. The choice of the shape of the bush is your imagination: a semicircle, a standard tree.

Every year, the plant is freed from shoots damaged or frozen in winter. The crown of the plant begins to form when the bush reaches 1.5 m in height. The crown is thinned out inside the bush and the outer shoots are pruned.

If you want to form a tree with several trunks, the young bush must be cut to the level of the stump, leaving about 20 cm. In this case, the growth of lateral branches is stimulated.

At the end of July, young branches are pinched to achieve more lush flowering, while last year's shoots are not touched, since it is on them that the buds are laid. Sometimes the largest branches need support, they should be tied up so that they do not break under their own weight.

Breeding methods for viburnum Buldenezh

Kalina Buldenezh is propagated vegetatively, since the inflorescences of the plant are devoid of pistils and stamens and do not produce fruits and seeds.


For spring reproduction by layering, make long furrows up to 10 cm deep near the trunk of the bush. Tilt the annual shoots and fasten them with staples in the furrows. Cover the shoots with soil with humus, compact and water well. It is advisable to defend the water or prepare rainwater in advance.

When shoots appear, carry out hilling. Maintain soil moisture at all times. Separate the rooted layers from the donor bush, divide into seedlings and plant in pots or other containers. The seedlings are transferred to a permanent place at the age of two, when the root system is fully formed and strengthened.

By dividing the bush

Reproduction by dividing a bush is similar to the method of propagation by layering. The difference is that the branch in the furrow is not completely covered by the soil, the tip remains above the surface. In order to quickly form roots on the parcel, the bark on the part deepened into the ground is cut off. In the fall, the seedling is separated from the mother bush and transplanted.

Interesting! The name "viburnum" comes from the ancient "Kolo", which meant the sun. Kalina was the embodiment of the Slavic goddess Lada. Baby girls were bathed in water with viburnum berries, believing that such a ceremony would give them happiness and beauty.


Viburnum cuttings are carried out in the summer, branches left after pruning are taken under the cuttings. These should be green shoots with several pairs of buds and internodes. The leaves are removed closer to the cut, the cuttings are placed in "Kornevin" for 10 hours to stimulate root growth.

During this time, a garden bed and soil are prepared. For the soil, take in equal parts sod land, sand and humus, moisten the soil. The treated cuttings are planted in the soil, deepening by 2 cm. It is advisable for the plant to create greenhouse conditions by stretching a film over it. The soil must be moistened, the cuttings can be sprayed. Young shoots will appear by the end of summer.

A native of exquisite France, the decorative viburnum Buldenezh pleases the eye with its beautiful white ball-shaped inflorescences, which can be seen in the photo. Its very name indicates these white flowers - translated from French boule de neige means "snow globe". In addition to its beauty, viburnum is highly valued in folk medicine as a means for cleansing blood vessels and normalizing blood pressure. A decoction of flowers and bark of the plant helps with gastritis and stomach ulcers, treats colds and perfectly strengthens the immune system. The flowers and bark of this shrub are used in the production of cosmetics. Tinctures made on the basis of viburnum flowers perfectly cleanse and tone the skin.

Unlike ordinary viburnum, the decorative viburnum Buldenezh is a short shrub: its height rarely exceeds three meters (as you can see in the photo), while the common viburnum grows even up to five meters.

The seeds of this type of viburnum are quite difficult to obtain because they produce very few berries. Reproduction of this shrub occurs only with the help of cuttings and layering.

Especially Buldenezh loves water, so when planting it is worth making sure that its roots receive a sufficient amount of moisture.

Viburnum grows quickly, acquiring over time a spreading crown and buds of inflorescences of a delicate white color with a cream shade, although varieties with colored buds have already been bred ( on the picture). Like lilacs, Buldenezh viburnum begins to bloom in May, and its flowering period is 25 to 30 days. In autumn, its leaves take on a greenish-purple hue. Caring for this type of viburnum is easy, because Buldenezh tolerates winter frosts, poor soil and all kinds of fertilizers very well. However, in order for a plant to take root well in your garden, first of all, you need to know how to plant it correctly.

Planting viburnum Buldenezh and growing conditions

This viburnum can be planted twice a year - either in early spring or late autumn.

But this plant can be planted in autumn only by dividing the root. It is very easy to do - you just need to carefully cut off a part of the lateral growth of the bush and plant it. Winter is not terrible for the Buldenezh sapling - it perfectly adapts to any weather conditions, especially to cold weather. But caring for this variety is also important.

In spring, it is best to use layering for propagation of viburnum. This method is also very simple - you just need to bend the lowest branch to the ground and attach it to the ground with an iron bracket. Then, sprinkle it with earth and moisten it abundantly until the branch releases the roots.

It is a little more difficult to plant Buldenezh using a cutting, because then the viburnum takes root worse and it takes much longer to root. First you need to grow a stalk. To do this, cut off a young shoot, which should have eight to nine buds, and plant it in the ground in a greenhouse ( on the picture). The cuttings must spend several months in the greenhouse to become a seedling. It must be watered abundantly.

In the spring, the Buldenezh stalk is planted in open soil.

Kalina of this variety is very unpretentious, but, nevertheless, it is better to plant it in a soil saturated with moisture. Reproduction of Buldenezh is impossible without moisture. Also, without sufficient water saturation, it is impossible to care for this plant.

How to plant viburnum Buldenezh

Although viburnum Buldenezh is a very unpretentious shrub, it also needs careful care.

Viburnum care Buldenezh

The unpretentious nature of the viburnum Buldenezh does not mean that she does not need care at all. An adult plant needs regular watering and fertilizing, and a growing bush should be constantly cut off, freeing from old, dried branches. But young plants in the first year of life are not recommended to be thoroughly cleaned. Also, do not forget to regularly deal with pests - viburnum black aphids, cruciferous flea beetles and leaf beetle (on the picture).

Kalina "Buldenezh" - snowballs on a viburnum bush.

It has been noticed that in the garden, ornamental plants are most suitable for exactly the environment to which they are accustomed in nature. Mountain species are stones and slopes, coastal and water-loving - shores and shallow waters. Kalina to face to grow on the shore of the reservoir. And it doesn't matter if it is a fruit shrub or an ornamental viburnum "Buldenezh".

Its history is long-standing.

Garden historians believe that the first decorative form of viburnum with sterile flowers collected in dense lumps appeared in medieval France. It is believed that it originated naturally many centuries ago, and gradually spread to gardens. Also, a surprisingly accurate name has long been assigned to it - "Buldenezh" - "snowball", reflecting its main attraction - dazzling white globular inflorescences.

It differed from the usual viburnum in the complete absence of any reproductive organs (stamens and pistils), which made it impossible for its seed reproduction. But the gardeners of medieval Europe, it turns out, were literate enough to master the vegetative propagation of shrubs. So it gradually dispersed throughout Europe, and not later than the 18th century found itself within the Russian Empire.

The bush of this viburnum itself, when it does not bloom, is no different from a wild plant. But in bloom, the difference is huge. In a natural species, the inflorescence looks like a flat umbrella, in the center of which there are small fertile flowers, and on the periphery there are larger, sterile flowers, which, according to botanists, are just bait for pollinating insects. In "Buldenezh" there are no fertile flowers, and sterile ones are densely molded to each other, forming dense spherical inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter.

At the beginning of flowering, they are greenish-white, then snow-white. Flowering usually begins in late May and often ends in July.

Planting and leaving.

In terms of winter hardiness, "Buldenezh" is somewhat inferior to wild viburnum. In the middle lane, it can freeze slightly in severe winters, but this has little effect on its development. The flower buds of the shrub have a high frost resistance, so that flowering practically does not know interruptions. At the same time, the size of the inflorescences and the splendor of the flowering, to a certain extent, depends on the care.

The place for planting viburnum "Buldenezh" is chosen completely open. In this case, lowlands should be avoided, although small local depressions where snow accumulates in winter, on the contrary, are desirable. The tops of the hills are also less favorable due to too much drainage.

Like wild viburnum, Buldenezh loves moist, rich loams. On dry sandy loam soils, the "lumps" of its inflorescences become smaller, which cannot be compensated even by watering. When planting, they dig holes with a depth and diameter of 60-70cm. A possible variant of the soil substrate may be a mixture of turf and humus in a 2: 1 ratio. At the moment of filling the pit, 80-100 g of mineral mixture (NPK) is added to the substrate.

Dryness of the soil substrate is also harmful by the fact that it weakens the plant and provokes an attack on it by leaf-eating pests - leaf aphids and viburnum leaf beetle. It is best to deal with them with the help of pesticides (Fufanon, Karbofos, Iskra) by double spraying - in May and at the end of August.

When planting, it is useful to slightly deepen the seedling, by 2-3 cm, the near-stem circle is formed in the form of a hole with a slight decrease to the base of the bush. Watering the bush should be so frequent that the earthy clod maintains a constant high humidity. This is facilitated by the systematic mulching of the trunk circle with humus, peat (a layer of about 5 cm).

Buldenezh in your garden.

Viburnum bush "Buldenezh", as a rule, is planted singly on the lawn. In mixed shrub compositions, it is successfully combined with Japanese spirea, treelike and panicle hydrangeas, creeping junipers and microbiota, being in the background from them. Of the perennials, it is the neighborhood of host, buzulniks, telekiya, geyher, chrysanthemums, stonecrop, euphorbia, multicolored. In landscaping public places and city courtyards, with sufficient space, it is customary to plant it in groups of 3 or 5 bushes.

It is not difficult to form "Buldenezh" in a standard form. To do this, pinch all the shoots coming from the root, except for one, the largest and most direct. The stem is left without branching up to a height of 1.2-1.5 m. Above, by pinching and trimming, a spherical crown is formed. Try not to inflict large wounds, but only to pinch the young growth, completing the formation by the middle of summer.

The formed standard bush can be made the center of a small composition, decorating the entrance to a country estate, a city cottage, an office on the ground floor of a high-rise building, etc. For example, it is good to enclose it in a low ring-shaped border made of a clipped cotoneaster or privet, and fill the foot entirely with a carpet ground cover: variegated tenacious, Aurea coin loosestrife, Indian duchenea, stonecrops, Byzantine purse, etc.

Viburnum decorative and edible

In the assortment of ornamental woody plants for garden decoration, various viburnums occupy a prominent place.
The genus Kalina belongs to the honeysuckle family and includes about 200 species, many of which are moisture-loving and can grow in the shade. In nature, viburnums are found in Europe and Asia, in Africa and America.

Viburnums are deciduous or evergreen shrubs that live for about half a century, sometimes trees with beautiful leaves and spectacular flowering. The flowers of viburnums are white or pinkish, of two types: sterile, sterile (large and catchy, attract pollinating insects) and fertile (often small and inconspicuous, from which berries are formed).

Deciduous viburnums are decorative not only due to the elegant flowering and leaves of various shapes, which acquire a bright color in autumn. And the fruits of these plants are also very beautiful, they usually stay on the branches for a very long time after leaf fall.
In most species of viburnum, their ripe drupes are edible. Most often, the fruits of viburnums are red or bluish-black, and the yellow-fruited form of the common viburnum is also removed.

Kalina Gordovina

Kalina Gordovina(Viburnum lantana) is one of the best ornamental shrubs. This type of viburnum has long been traditionally used in ornamental gardening.
Gordovina is not demanding on the soil, unpretentious. It is also important for gardeners that this shrub is shade-tolerant (but prefers sunny places), drought-resistant and frost-hardy.

The smart viburnum Gordovina looks great in alleys, groups, hedges. Shrub 2-5 m high with grayish-silvery young shoots from pubescence.
Hordovina leaves are very beautiful, ovate, wrinkled, gray-green underneath from tomentose pubescence.
At the tops of the shoots, inflorescences are formed, consisting only of fertile flowers. Viburnum Gordovina blooms for a long time, up to a month. Its fruits are inedible, but very decorative: first green, then red, then black ...

Ha photo: Gordovina's viburnum blooms; viburnum "Boulle de Neige"

Kalina Boulle de Neige

Kalina "Boule de Neige" in fact, it is a delightful variety of Viburnum vulgaris, or red. Its adult shrubs reach an average height of 3 m.
Highly decorative viburnum "Bul-de-Nezh" ("Snow Globe") with spherical snow-white inflorescences was bred by the French breeder Lemoine.
These dense inflorescences contain only sterile flowers. Therefore, the flowers of the viburnum "Boulle de Neige", of course, do not form fruit. Which usually disappoints the supporters of a "wholesome" garden who rely on berry picking. But when they see the bushes of the viburnum "Bul-de-Nezh" in bloom, they become passionate admirers of this wonderful plant. And no wonder ...

Blooming viburnum "Boulle de Neige" is an amazing sight! The lush bush is covered with snowballs at the time of flowering, which create a great contrast to the green background of the leaves.
Viburnum "Boulle de Neige" blooms in June, pleases with flowering for more than 30 days. At first, its blossoming flowers are greenish, then white, and when they bloom, they turn pink. Therefore, this variety received a second name - "Roseum".

Due to the lack of fruits, the Boule de Neige viburnum variety propagates vegetatively, usually by cuttings.

Viburnum ordinary, red viburnum

Viburnum ordinary, or Red viburnum(Viburnum opulus L.), - this is the most beloved plant in Russia since ancient times, personifying the feminine principle. In pagan antiquity, red viburnum was called "fornication".
In ancient times, viburnum accompanied a person from birth to death, since three key points in the life of each person - birth, wedding, funeral - required the presence of viburnum. It was believed that a viburnum twig under the pillow drives away evil ghosts, pacifies any nightmares, attracts gentle erotic visions ...
We are also very tender, with love for Kalina.

In spring, green viburnum bushes are covered with flat round inflorescences, consisting of two types of white flowers. On the edges of the inflorescence of the Viburnum vulgaris there are large sterile flowers. And in the center of the inflorescence there are small fruiting flowers, from which bright red berries are formed.

Viburnum is usually propagated by green cuttings. Seed propagation of viburnum is difficult, since it has a number of features. When sowing in spring, viburnum seeds require stratification.

Ha photo: rooted viburnum cutting; viburnum variety "Red Coral"

The benefits of the fruits of the viburnum ordinary

The yield of the common viburnum is very high. In autumn, you can often see such fruitful viburnum bushes, which are a solid red spot. Their branches bend under the weight of large clusters with bright red fruits in such quantity that no leaves are visible ...

The usefulness of viburnum fruits (link to Ryazhnova's article) is well known among the people and recognized by official medicine. Viburnum juice contains a lot of ascorbic acid, it helps the body to remove toxins and cope with colds, lowers blood pressure, and enhances the contraction of the heart muscle.
Pies are baked with the fruits of the common viburnum, useful drinks and preparations are made from berries - juices, jellies, jam, etc.

The berries of Viburnum vulgaris, which are common in nature, have a distinctly bitter taste. Thanks to the selection work, varieties of red viburnum with an improved taste, called sweet-fruited, have been obtained.

Selection of sweet varieties of red viburnum

Our trip to Michurinsk - to the V.I. Michurin and the Central Genetic Laboratory - was undertaken with the aim of buying planting material for sweet-fruited viburnum varieties that have been of interest to us for a long time. But only in Michurinsk we were able to find pure-bred plants of the highest quality.

At the Research Institute of Horticulture them. Michurin has been breeding viburnum for a long time.

Several valuable varieties of Viburnum are bred here: "Garnet Bracelet", "Red Coral", "Michurinskaya Early". These varieties have their own characteristics, but they have several common characteristics. The berries of these varieties of viburnum, in contrast to the wild form, are relatively large (up to 1 g) and have a spicy slightly bitter taste - they can not only be processed, but also consumed fresh.

Amazing snow globe - kalina buldenezh

The yield of these varieties is high - it reaches 10-15 kg from an adult bush.
From the breeder, candidate of agricultural sciences Nikolai Khromov, we got a sweet-fruited variety of viburnum ordinary "Red Coral".

Also in our country they are breeding viburnum at the Central State Forestry Institute (or the Michurin All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Breeding of Fruit Plants). There we purchased the Krasnaya Grozd variety of sweet-fruited viburnum. This variety is inferior to "Red Coral" and in terms of fruit weight (0.74 g), and overall yield (4 kg per bush). But its berries have a wonderful taste with a subtle bitterness.

Kalina sweet-fruited varieties "Red Coral"

Viburnum sweet-fruited variety "Red Coral" has a compact, medium-sized bush (easy to harvest), giving stable annual yields. The yield of the variety is high - 10 kg or more.
Viburnum variety "Red Coral" has ripe bright red fruits weighing up to 0.9 g. The berries are round, very fragrant, pleasant sweet and sour taste with low bitterness.
It is also important that the fruits of the "Red Coral" variety are highly transportable and have a long shelf life.

Growing sweet-fruited viburnum in the garden means having a very beautiful bush that delights the eye all year round. This means that there will be large harvests of tasty and healthy berries that will help improve health and successfully fight a number of diseases.
And the pleasure that a person gets simply from holding these red clusters of large viburnum berries in his hands, feeling their aroma and a very special fresh taste - this is worth a lot ...

Irina Mikhailovna Ivanova (Ryazan region, village of Morozovy Borki)

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Kalina Buldenezh photo, description, landing, care and

The decorative viburnum buldenezh has long won the sympathy of many landscape designers and simply amateur gardeners. The flowering of the bush can leave few people without positive emotions. In the article below, we will consider the viburnum variety Buldenezh in more detail, and also highlight the basic rules of planting and care.

Decorative viburnum buldenezh, description

Kalina Buldenezh photo

Viburnum bloom begins in late May and lasts about 15-25 days. All flowers are collected in a single dense ball, which can reach 15 cm in diameter.

Kalina buldenezh - planting and care, growing

At first, the inflorescences have a greenish tint, a little later, already creamy, and, finally, the snow-white pom-poms gracefully hang from the curved branches. Kalina buldenezh stands out in autumn with long-lasting red foliage and does not form fruit. This shrub cannot boast a large annual growth of about 30-40 centimeters per year, however, with proper care, life expectancy can exceed 60 years.

It is interesting

The very name "Buldenezh" came to us from the French language and literally translates as "a ball of snow". The thing is that the inflorescences are collected in a strong ball, somewhat reminiscent of a snowball, which we all sculpted in childhood.

The structure of the inflorescences is the main difference between the viburnum buldenezh and the usual one. In the latter, the inflorescences are located at the edges and resemble umbrellas in their shape. The official name of this plant is "sterile viburnum", since these bushes have neither pistils nor stamens.

Ornamental shrubs: viburnum

Buldenezh in landscape design

Kalina Buldenezh in the garden

Kalina buldenezh in garden design is a very popular plant that looks great both in various compositions and in single plantings. In addition to their interesting appearance, these plants are very resistant to frost and do not need shelter for the winter (with the exception of the northern regions of the country).

Landscape designers actively use this ornamental shrub at the turns and corners of garden paths, at benches or other small architectural forms. Buldenezh looks gorgeous in the neighborhood with other plants, for example, dwarf varieties of barberry or spirea. These shrubs cover the lower part of the buldenezh, thereby making it interesting to highlight the inflorescences in the shaded areas of the foliage.

Video "Kalina Buldenezh description"

Planting viburnum

Kalina buldenezh is not a demanding plant, however, when choosing a planting site, it is better to avoid shaded and dry areas, as well as loamy soils. It is highly likely that the shrub will take root there, but the size and number of flowers will be very average.

Having decided on the location, you should prepare a pit. Its average size is about 50x50 centimeters and depends on the volume of the root system of the plant being planted.

For early survival and rapid growth, nutrient compost or mineral fertilizers can be added to the soil. Before planting, the root system should be cut a little so that the roots grow more actively. Alternatively, you can soak them in a growth stimulant solution for several hours.

The shrub must be positioned so that the root collar is a couple of centimeters below ground level. Immediately after planting, the viburnum should be well watered, and the near-stem circle should be mulched with rotten foliage or peat, or simply spud.

Video "Planting viburnum and further care"


Watering adult plants should be based on the degree of dryness of the soil under the bush. It is worth considering that excessive drought and intense heat can negatively affect the length of the flowering period. If the summer months are rainy and cold, you can do without regular watering altogether.

Top dressing

Top dressing of viburnum is carried out either every year or after a year and depends on the quality characteristics of the land and the state of the shrub itself. For one adult plant, a mixture of 6-7 kg of compost, 20-25 g of ammonia nitrate, 15 g of potassium salt and 40 g of superphosphate will be enough. And you can also use ready-made mineral compositions that are sold in any building supermarket or gardening store.


Kalina buldenezh from time to time needs pruning, which allows you to thin out dense branches, rejuvenate a shrub or form a beautiful and lush crown. It is very important not to forget during pruning that inflorescences are formed exclusively on the processes of the second year of growth. It is for this reason that an overly pruned viburnum bush will delight you with lush inflorescences in one year.

For 2-3 years after planting, the shoots should be cut every year, leaving no more than 4 pairs of inflorescence embryos from the base. This procedure will give the shrub a thick shape. Formative pruning of already mature plants is carried out only in cases of a decrease in the volume of the crown or its correction.

Thinning viburnum is characterized by getting rid of already dried or weak branches. It is necessary to inspect the bulldozer, like other plants itself, annually.

In cases where the old splendor has disappeared in adult plants, and the inflorescences have become smaller, the shrub needs rejuvenation. To do this, it is necessary to cut off all shoots at a height of 20-25 cm. After this type of pruning, dormant buds that are below the cut level will grow rapidly. It is worth considering that the rejuvenated viburnum, after a short time, will need shaping pruning.

Any type of pruning is best done in early spring when the snow has completely melted. In order for young shoots to be stronger and grow quickly, the shrub after pruning should be well fed with useful microelements.

Pruning ornamental shrubs


Alas, the bulldoze is susceptible to periodic attacks from various pests. In most cases, these are the larvae and beetles of the viburnum leaf beetle, as well as the viburnum leaf-rolling aphid. If these insects appear on your bushes, then you will not have to admire the lush "snowball" gracefully hanging from the branches, but the bare bush with the remains of foliage. In order to avoid this misfortune, in the spring, before the buds bloom, the plants should be treated with the "Inta-vira" solution or its analogue.


Effective reproduction of viburnum buldenezh is carried out only by a vegetative method, since its inflorescences are sterile.

Propagation by cuttings

photo 1. Reproduction of viburnum by cuttings

Cuttings 5-6 centimeters long with a pair of internodes should be cut obliquely. The lower cut must be done under the kidney, and the upper cut above it. Already cut cuttings must be planted in the greenhouse in the soil prepared in advance to a depth of 2-2.5 centimeters. The optimal soil is a mixture of humus, 10-15 centimeters thick and 2-3 centimeters of sand on top. Young plants should be protected from bright sun, watered regularly and sprayed periodically after rooting (usually 14-20 days after planting).

In mid-August, when the root will develop in order, the young bushes of the viburnum buldenezh must be transplanted into open ground, where they will have time to get strong enough before the first frost.

For the winter period, the plants are best mulched with sawdust, humus or peat solution, and after 2 years they can safely choose a permanent location on the site. This breeding method is the most effective, but at the same time it requires a lot of effort.

Reproduction by layering

photo 2. Reproduction of viburnum by layering

This method of obtaining new bushes of viburnum should be carried out in the spring. The process itself is not difficult: a shallow hole is dug (about 12-15 centimeters), the selected shoot is tilted and securely fixed with a wire brace. After this, the shoot must be sprinkled with soil, tamped thoroughly and shed well.

Full-fledged rooting will end closer to autumn, however, it is best to transplant a young plant to a new place not earlier than in 2-3 years, when the young shrub and its root system are fully formed.

Dividing the bush

This method of obtaining new plants does not present any difficulties. All that is required for it is to find a good daughter shoot and separate it from the mother plant as carefully as possible.

Kalina buldenezh is a very resistant plant to various unfavorable climatic conditions, for example, drought, frost and cloudy weather, and even a novice gardener can grow it on his site. In addition, it is unlikely that there is at least one person who has not stopped his eyes on the gorgeous snow-white "snow" bunches hanging on the bending branches.

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Viburnum has been revered and appreciated by our ancestors since time immemorial for its decorative appearance and useful properties. And today, her relative, the viburnum Buldenezh, is a welcome guest of household plots.

A symbol of maiden beauty, love and happiness, viburnum has been revered by our ancestors since time immemorial. She was considered a talisman, appreciated for its decorative appearance and useful properties. And today her relatives are welcome guests of our household plots. Especially in high esteem among modern gardeners Kalina Buldenezh.

Types of viburnum

The numerous genus of viburnum has about two hundred species. Their representatives are widespread on at least three continents - Eurasia, North America and Africa. Many people have been familiar with the common viburnum since childhood. This unpretentious shrub does not need special attention, because it feels great without special care in almost every forest. And practically without demanding anything in return, he generously endows everyone around with his bright flowering, lush foliage and healthy fruits.

Other representatives of this genus are also interesting, looking at the photos of which you do not immediately recognize the viburnum in them:

  1. Buryat, or black, grows in the form of a spreading shrub up to 3 meters high or a tree with an openwork crown and bare branches. Elongated leaves with a sharp top are covered with sparse hairs. The flowers are pale yellow, the fruits are black, edible, sweet in taste;
  2. Fork forms shrubs on mountain slopes and mixed forests. It has large, beautiful leaves that are reddish-brown in spring and bright purple in autumn. White flowers give way to red fruits;
  3. Canadian lives on forest edges, rocky hillsides, river banks and swamps. The broad-oval, pointed bright green leaves in summer take on a reddish color in autumn. It has a creamy white bloom. Bears fruit with bluish-black berries;
  4. Toothed is a densely branched shrub, reaching a height of 5 meters. This species is distinguished by its unusual rounded foliage and dark blue small fruits;
  5. Gordovina grows in broadleaf fruits. It is famous for its black edible fruits.

Description of decorative viburnum Buldenezh

The most common ornamental culture of the common viburnum is the Buldenezh variety. Literally translated from French, this name means Snow Globe. Thus, the distinctive feature of the plant is reflected - large spherical inflorescences about 10-15 cm in diameter bloom with snow-white flowers and resemble a snowball in their appearance.

Buldenezh is cultivated as a shrub or small tree. It grows rather quickly, its height reaches 3-4 meters. Flowers are sterile and do not bear fruit.

Decorative properties of viburnum Buldenezh

Buldenezh dissolves its snow-white balls in May. Flowering is long, lasts a month or more. The blossoming buds have a delicate greenish tint, acquiring a white color over time. Fading away, viburnum does not lose its decorative appeal. In autumn, the foliage is painted in noble crimson tones.

In addition to decoration as a garden plant, flowers of this variety are often used by florists to create flower arrangements. They stand well in cut, so the bouquets do not lose their freshness for a long time.

Conditions for growth and fruiting

Most viburnums are shade-tolerant. However, decorative species are recommended to be planted in well-lit areas or partial shade. Planting in the shade is fraught with weakening of the bush, at the same time, excessive sun exposure shortens the flowering period.

These plants are hygrophilous, therefore, excessive moisture in the soil and places near water bodies will be optimal conditions for their growth and fruiting. Prefers loose, moderately acidic soils. If the earth is heavy clay, add humus, wood ash, peat.

Reproduction of viburnum

Viburnum is propagated by seeds, cuttings, layering, dividing the bush. Each method has a number of features:

  1. long-term seed stratification, lasting at least 6 months;
  2. freshly harvested seeds germinate only after a year;
  3. decorative forms are more often propagated vegetatively;
  4. green cuttings are harvested during the active growth of the plant;
  5. cuttings are rooted in conditions of artificially created fog.

Seedlings grow slowly.

Their development accelerates in the 3rd year of life. With seed reproduction, fruiting begins in 4-5 years. The vegetative method accelerates the appearance of fruits, the berries appear in 2-3 years.

How to plant viburnum seedlings Buldenezh

Since Buldenezh flowers are sterile and do not produce seeds, only vegetative propagation is available to this variety.

Time and site for planting viburnum

The time of year for planting determines the breeding method:

  1. propagated by layering in the spring;
  2. cuttings are carried out in the summer;
  3. seedlings are planted in early spring and late autumn.

The landing site is prepared in advance. A suitable place would be a corner of the garden shaded at times.

Why isn't the bulldozer blooming?

If the chosen breeding method involves a planting pit, it is prepared with dimensions of 60 × 60 cm, a depth of about 0.8 meters and well watered with plenty of water. Drainage from bark, stones and other suitable materials is laid at the bottom. Viburnum loves moisture, but stagnant water will damage the roots. The pit is filled with a nutrient mixture, which includes potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, peat, humus, ash and garden soil.

We plant viburnum layering

If Buldenezh is already growing in your garden, the easiest way to propagate viburnum will be by layering:

  1. a hole 12-15 cm deep is prepared near the bush;
  2. the lower shoot is bent to the landing site and pinned with a bracket;
  3. sprinkle on top with humus or just earth, compact;
  4. the soil is kept moist.

Under favorable conditions, by the fall, the shoots take root. After 2 years, the layers are separated from the mother bush. After that, they can be planted in a permanent place.

Summer cuttings of viburnum

Propagation by cuttings is a more laborious process. Planting material is harvested during the summer pruning of the bush. For rooting, cuttings with one internode are chosen.

Adhere to the following scheme:

  1. annual shoots 7-8 cm long are cut in June;
  2. cuttings are planted in humus soil and left in a greenhouse;
  3. cover the planting with a film on top, watered moderately.

In the greenhouse, you need to maintain a warm and humid microclimate. Rooting is facilitated by the creation of artificial fog. Cuttings are sprayed from time to time with warm water. Such conditions are maintained until next spring. Young rooted bushes are grown in the school. After that, they are planted in the ground.

How to plant viburnum seedlings with roots

If you intend to plant several seedlings, it should be borne in mind that Buldenezh occupies a large area over time. The crowns of spreading shrubs of broad ovate shape can reach 5 meters in width. The rest of the process is simple-minded:

  1. acceptable landing scheme 2x2 meters;
  2. the root collar is buried 3-5 cm into the soil;
  3. the earth is compacted and well watered.

In the first year, viburnum grows slowly. This is due to the fragile root system. By the age of three it reaches about 1.5 meters in height. Rarely are 10-year-old specimens taller than 3 meters.

Caring for decorative viburnum

Caring for viburnum is not particularly difficult. To maintain the decorative appearance of the plant, it requires formative and rejuvenating pruning, sufficient watering and infrequent feeding. Minor troubles for the gardener can be delivered only by preventive measures in the fight against diseases and pests.

Bush formation and pruning

Pruning young viburnum at a level of about 20 cm above the ground helps to achieve a multi-stem bush. Buldenezh will bloom magnificently in the future, if in the first year the inflorescences of the plants are removed still unblown. Subsequently, young shoots are pinched at the beginning of August.

Pruning for crown formation is carried out after flowering. Thus, new buds will have time to form on the branches. You can adjust the shape and thin out the bush throughout the summer. At the end of August, such work is stopped so that the viburnum has time to get stronger by the cold.

With age, Buldenezh bends from abundant flowering, and the bush can collapse. Therefore, the branches are tied to the old plant.

Standard form of viburnum

The standard form of the viburnum is very original. Buldenezh molding pruning allows you to get specimens with a wide crown on a high and low trunk. Pruning consists in forming a crown at a height of 1.5-2 meters around one powerful shoot. The branches are left about 30 cm long. Young growth under the bush is regularly removed, and the crown is thinned out every 7-8 years.

Top dressing and watering of a decorative bush

Compared to other plants, viburnum needs more watering. This is especially true for young, developing plants. In autumn, preparing the plant for cold weather, the soil is watered more than usual. This technique will prevent dehydration of the viburnum in winter.

Buldenezh is fed twice a year. In the spring, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus are introduced under the bush for digging. In mid-August, potassium and phosphorus will be needed from fertilizers. Once or twice a season, the soil is watered with complex fertilizers, and ash is poured under the plant. Once every two years, in the fall, rotted manure is introduced into the soil for digging.

Tatiana Pronina, expert

Pests and diseases of viburnum Buldenezh

Aphids can annoy the viburnum. They fight it by treating the leaves with soapy water. Spraying is carried out in the evening in calm dry weather. It repels pests and a thick layer of ash on the soil around the plant.

If a white bloom appears on the leaves of the viburnum, this indicates a disease with powdery mildew. To save Buldenezh at an early stage of the disease will help spraying with bodros liquid. In severe cases, the bush is removed from the site so that it does not become a source of infection spreading to other plants.

Such simple techniques will provide your Kalina with a long, in the literal sense of the word, blooming life. After all, this long-liver is able to settle in your garden for 50-60 years. What varieties still grow on your site? What can you say about their leaving, what tricks do you use in pest control? Share your experience, findings, inventions in the comments!

Tatiana Pronina

Specialist in exotic plants.

About myself: I know everything about how to grow a rainforest in the Far North!

Decorative viburnum Buldenezh: tree planting and care, photo - print version

Kalina Buldenezh - a place of a spherical miracle in landscape design

How to plant and grow viburnum varieties "Buldenezh"

Kalina Buldenezh translated from French - Snow Globe. A lush, white inflorescence 7-15 centimeters in diameter will decorate any yard. The balloons do not have a strong smell, but you can enjoy their appearance for up to 30 days.

Buldenezh is a perennial plant that is popular throughout Russia.

This shrub of the honeysuckle family is decorative, it does not give berries, therefore it has a second name - sterile viburnum. The plant grows from 3.5 meters and above.

It blooms from late May to late June, and then pleases with its large, carved leaves. In autumn, the foliage takes on a crimson color.

Viburnum loves moist soil and partial shade, but the variety is drought tolerant.

Planting seedlings

When planting seedlings of viburnum Buldenezh, it must be borne in mind that in the open sun the flowers will dry faster, and in constant shade the plant will bloom later. Also, when growing, you need to pay attention to the soil, it must be fertile enough.

Disembarkation dates

It is better to plant viburnum in the spring, it is not recommended to do this in the fall - unexpected frosts and heavy rain will destroy the young plant. You need to plant in dry warm weather.

Selection of a place on the site

The plant prefers to grow in moist, loose soil - in the lowland of the site, near water bodies. Viburnum has a spreading crown, so you need to grow it where it will not interfere.

Technique of planting viburnum Buldenezh

The procedure for planting seedlings:

  1. Dig a hole large enough for the root system of the cutting.
  2. Add nutrient minerals, fertilizers to the pit.
  3. Add mixed sand, charcoal, peat.
  4. Fill the hole so that the ground is moist, but there is no puddle.
  5. Trim the roots so they grow faster.
  6. Plant the seedling and cover it with earth so that it stands steadily.
  7. Tie up and water.

Viburnum care

You need to take care of the viburnum Buldenezh by performing the following activities:

  • watering:
  • pruning;
  • fertilization;
  • treatment against diseases and pests.

Watering and mulching

The soil should not be allowed to dry out, it should always be moist. In hot weather, you need to take special care of moisture - watering 1-2 times a week, 2-3 buckets.

After the flowering of the viburnum Buldenezh is complete, it still needs watering, if it is limited, the plant will dehydrate and will not survive the winter period.

It is important to add mulch to the root soil. Dig up the ground around the bush once a year, renewing the layers of mulch.

Pruning and pinching a bush

A rounded bush can be achieved by cutting the plant twice a year - in spring and summer. Inflorescences grow only on the shoots of the second year of life. To enjoy flowers every summer, you need to take this feature into account when pruning branches.

The first flowers are cut, as they are initially small and frail. In subsequent years, you can prune the bush after flowering ends, forming a crown. Shoots should be trimmed at the base, strengthening the trunk.

For a multi-stemmed stem, no more than 4 shoots can be left.

In the spring, weak and diseased branches are pruned, dry ones are removed. In autumn, the bushes are not touched, they need strength to survive the cold.

Pinching the plant adjusts the desired height. It is necessary to pinch young shoots so that 4-5 buds remain, this will make the bush lush.


In order to have lush snow balls, it is necessary to apply the following fertilizers to the soil every spring:

  • urea;
  • superphosphate;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • peat;
  • compost.

Fertilizers need to be applied according to the instructions, too much feeding will have a bad effect on the flowering of the viburnum.

Preparation for wintering

For the winter, the plants are mulched so that the roots do not freeze.

In the fall, it is necessary to prepare the plant for wintering:

  • to loosen the ground;
  • apply fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium nitrate).

Reproduction of viburnum Buldenezh

Buldenezh is a plant that is not pollinated; in order to propagate it, they use vegetative methods.

Reproduction by layering

Reproduction by layering

Reproduction by branches is done in the spring, before the viburnum actively begins to bloom. In this way, the plant can be restored by creating a new bush from the bend.


  1. Dig a shallow, long hole in the area.
  2. Fertilize, add humus to form young plants.
  3. Choose an escape.
  4. They are laid horizontally in a hole, fixing the plant with wire.
  5. They are covered with earth and watered abundantly.

You can transplant a young shoot to a new place in 2-3 years, when it grows like a mother bush.

The clarity of the method is shown in the video from the "Khabarovsk Gardeners' Club".

Propagation by cuttings

Cutting is best done in summer. At this time of year, the plant will not experience severe stress, as in the spring at the beginning of flowering. And the cuttings themselves will be more viable than the autumn ones.

Prepare the stalk like this:

  1. Cut off shoots 6-9 centimeters with 4 young buds.
  2. The lower leaves are removed from the branch.
  3. The top cut should be straight and under the kidney.
  4. The lower one is oblique, and passes over the kidney.

A twig is planted in a greenhouse with fertilized soil to a depth of 2-5 centimeters. The soil should be moistened regularly. By the end of summer, a root system is formed, which means that the cutting is ready for transplantation into open ground.

Breeding by cuttings

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Dividing the bush

The division procedure is simple:

  1. They choose a young, strong shoot.
  2. It is carefully separated from the main trunk.
  3. Dig it out.

Before planting, keep the shoot in a well-moistened and fertilized soil. Before planting, you need to spray it with antistress - epinone or zircon.

Pests and diseases of viburnum Buldenezh

Viburnum flowers and its leaves are susceptible to certain diseases, the plant can become infected from ornamental bushes in the neighborhood or from vegetable crops growing on the site:

  1. Powdery mildew. Affects leaves and shoots with a white bloom. Powdery mildew helps - Bordeaux liquid, foundationol, ash tincture (3 kg per 10 liters).
  2. Rust. An orange bloom appears on the leaves and bark, as if they were burned out. Treat the disease with drugs containing sulfur - poliram, strobe, Bordeaux liquid. Rust actively develops during the rainy season and during cold snaps, it is necessary to take preventive measures in advance.

In order to prevent diseases, spring and autumn processing of Buldenezh viburnum should be carried out.

The most common pests of viburnum are:

  • shield;
  • viburnum leaf beetle.

In order for spraying to be not in vain, you need to do this only in dry, calm weather. In the midst of the heat, it is better not to do the processing. In addition, in order to avoid burns of the plant, prophylaxis should be carried out in the evening or early in the morning.

  • soap solution;
  • chlorophos;
  • karbofos;
  • aktara;
  • agravertine.

It is necessary to use preparations for the treatment of viburnum from diseases and pests in accordance with the instructions that come with them.

Photo gallery

Photos of viburnum Buldenezh are presented below.

White inflorescences of viburnum Buldenezh Plantation of bushes Pink flowers of viburnum Buldenezh Bush at their summer cottage

"Review of viburnum Buldenezh"

The video of the Sady Rossii channel provides an overview of the viburnum Buldenezh variety.


Kalina Buldenezh: description, planting, care and reproduction

A gardener's dream is a lush bloom with minimal maintenance. At the beginning of summer, the decorative bush of Kalina Buldenezh is completely covered with snow-white balls, because it is not for nothing that the French called it the "snow globe". The culture is unpretentious and with minimal effort creates a fabulous atmosphere in the garden.

Description of the variety

Kalina Buldenezh is an ornamental shrub with a height of 1.5 to 3 meters. There are specimens that grow 1-2 meters higher than the specified one.

In late May and early summer, the shrub is covered with snow-white balls. Under their weight, branches sometimes fall to the ground. The older the bush, the more inflorescences it has.

Viburnum is capable of creating an amazing landscape in any garden. The decorative culture has no aroma.

The sprawling but neat crown is 2-4 meters wide. The leaves on it are light green up to 12 cm in length. For a year, the culture grows by 30-40 cm, subject to proper care. After 7 to a maximum of 10 years, the viburnum stops growing.

The variety has taken root in different regions of the country, it is frost-resistant. A beautiful shrub is capable of pleasing the eye for up to 60 years in a row.

Viburnum Buldenezh has many varieties, here are some of them:

  • common viburnum - a form of red common viburnum.
  • decorative viburnum - differs from the previous type, in smaller size;
  • roseum - popularly called terry. At first it blooms with white, greenish flowers, which turn pink after 20-30 days.

Choosing a seat for landing

Buldenezh loves areas near water bodies, does not tolerate hills and hills. If there is no suitable place on the garden plot, then it is better to plant a bush next to a building or a fence so that there is a light partial shade. Direct sunlight negatively affects the abundance of flowers.

Culture soil needs loose, moist, with an acidity of 5.5-6.5. Heavy soil is diluted with sand. Lime is added to neutralize acidity. Any land for planting Buldenezh should be well fertilized with humus.

Optimal timing for planting

The breeding method determines the following planting dates:

  • in the spring - for planting viburnum with layering;
  • in the fall, if the method of dividing the bush is chosen;
  • in the summer, if you need to plant a viburnum with a handle.

Planting viburnum Buldenezh

Planting time is spring. You will need: viburnum seedlings Buldenezh in a container, a shovel, compost, mulch.


  1. dig a hole twice as wide and deep as a root ball;
  2. improve the soil with compost;
  3. hit the ground with the container to release a lump with roots;
  4. pull the plant out of the container;
  5. spread the roots a little;
  6. add a little improved soil to the hole and place the seedling so that the earthen ball is at ground level;
  7. pour improved soil around a coma with roots and tamp it well;
  8. form a watering circle;
  9. water the seedling so that the soil settles;
  10. mulch the planting with bark or compost to keep the soil moisture and cool.

Viburnum care Buldenezh

The Buldenezh bush loves moist soils. Young seedlings especially need watering. In dry summers, regardless of age, viburnum bushes require regular watering.

There should be no dry soil around the trunk. In rainy weather, the plant has enough natural moisture. The plant needs watering in the evening in hot summer, it is enough to do this twice a month.

So, flowering in spring will be lush and long-lasting.

To prevent dehydration of the viburnum bushes in winter, they must be watered abundantly in the fall until frost.

Top dressing in spring and autumn

Buldenezh saplings are planted in abundantly fertilized soil, so it is more expedient to make the first top dressing next year.

In the spring, when the first leaves appear, it is necessary to support their development with nitrogen fertilizers. It is also useful to add organic matter - humus in the amount of 2 buckets. The second top dressing of the year falls in the fall.

For this, you can use both dry and liquid dressings. After such replenishment, in the spring, the land under the bushes is shed well.

Rejuvenating and shaping pruning

Crown pruning is done after flowering. Side branches are cut off, strongly protruding to the sides. Dry branches growing inside the bush are completely removed. When forming the crown, you can choose any shape - a ball, a triangle or a standard tree.

In autumn Buldenezh prepares for wintering and accumulates nutrients. During this period, it is undesirable to form a crown. You can only get rid of broken, diseased and dry branches.

Every year shrubs must be freed from frozen and wind-damaged shoots. The first time the crown is shaped is when the plant grows 1.5 meters in height.

All but one branch must be cut to form a tree. Then, every summer, prune the young growth.

To obtain a multi-stem viburnum, a young plant is cut almost to the stump, leaving no more than 2 decimeters. This procedure stimulates the development of many side shoots. In the first season, pruning is done before flowering. In the future, you should wait for the "snowballs" to fall and cut the bush from June to August.

Sometimes flowering is so abundant that the branches need additional support to maintain integrity.


The inflorescences of the viburnum Buldenezh are sterile, therefore, fruits and seeds are not formed in them. Reproduction is possible only by a vegetative method.


Early summer - late spring is an excellent time for layering breeding. The best method is to bend the one-year-old shoots and dig them into grooves 10-12 cm deep. Next, you need to cover the planting with soil and rotted compost.

It is imperative to monitor the moisture content of the soil and periodically water it. The rooted cut is separated from the bush with a secateurs. For some time, the cuttings grow with the mother bush, and then it is transplanted to a permanent place.

The first flowers appear on such a bush in 2-3 years.

By dividing the bush

This method is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that the branch in the furrow is not completely covered with fertile soil, but the tip of the shoot remains above the ground. To speed up rooting, it is necessary to cut the bark into parts, the layering, which is covered with earth. With the onset of autumn, the seedling is dug up with an earthen clod and a permanent place of growth is chosen for it.


In the summer, the bush is pruned. It is then that you can pick up a good cutting. Ideal for planting a branch of the current year with two pairs of buds. At the same time, all the lower leaves are cut off, and the upper ones are thinned by half.

The stalk should look like this: the upper cut is straight, the lower one is oblique. To accelerate root formation, you can use Kornevin or Heteroaxin. Cuttings are planted to a depth of 2-3 cm. During the summer, they will have time not only to take root, but also to produce young shoots.

Cuttings from last year's shoots are cut in June, they are also able to root well.

For quick rooting of the cutting, the following conditions must be created:

  • prepare loose soil for planting;
  • make a greenhouse from arcs and polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect;
  • shade the stalk;
  • spray the planting with water at room temperature.

If everything is done correctly, then the seedlings will turn out to be strong and healthy. Many people use a five-liter plastic bottle without a bottom as a greenhouse.

The root collar of the resulting seedling is slightly deepened, by about 3-4 cm.

During root growth, it may seem that the viburnum seedling is not developing. You have to wait a little and it will be noticeable that the shoots have increased in size. At the age of 3 years, the bush will already grow up to 1.5 meters.

Kalina Gordovina

Shrub Kalina Gordovina grows up to 5 meters in height. The crown is dense with a diameter of 2.5-3 meters. Ornamental leaves are oval and wrinkled.

Flowering begins in June with creamy white shields, and ends after 20-26 days. In mid-late summer, the bush becomes even more decorative.

On viburnum, bright red fruits ripen, which turn into a rich burgundy shade and black.

This type of viburnum is widely used for landscaping parks and squares. The culture is unpretentious to the condition of the soil. Gordovina is hardy and tolerates drought periods well. In combination with linden or oak it forms a harmonious composition

Viburnum Three-bladed

It blooms in elegant large white umbrellas with a diameter of 10 cm. In autumn, the leaves of the bush acquire a carmine-red color. A bright and effective accent for any garden and backyard. The bunches of fruits are edible and are shaped like a ball. It tastes like black currant.

The shrub tolerates winter well and is resistant to insect attacks. The light-loving and moisture-loving plant has a high yield and decorative qualities.

Viburnum Toothed

Shrub with many branches, grows up to 5 m high. Homeland - North America. Young shoots are red, after a year - ashy.

Serrated leaves 5-11 cm ovoid or round, dark green above, light below with depressed veins. Small white flowers form an inflorescence with a diameter of 5-7 cm.

Fruits 7 cm long, dark blue in color, bitter in taste.

Kalina Wright

Shrub or tree up to 3 meters. The branches grow upward and are brown in color. Leaves on the edges toothed rounded rhombic bright green with hairs. In early summer, blooms with pubescent white flowers. Bitter but juicy berries ripen in September.

In sunny places, the culture blooms profusely. It tolerates winter satisfactorily, but branches can be damaged in severe frosts. Therefore, shelter is required, especially if there is little snowfall in winter. The fruits of such a viburnum attract feathered friends to the garden.

Plant pests and diseases

Buldenezh is not so often disturbed by pests, but if this happens, it will not be difficult to get rid of them.

Common pests of the "snowball":

  • shield;
  • viburnum leaf beetle.

Aphids live on the Buldenezh tree and feed on the sap of the leaves. To get rid of uninvited green guests, you need to spray a green culture with soapy water. If this remedy does not help, then use a chemical preparation - Agravertin. Works are carried out in the evening in calm weather. As a preventive measure, it is good to scatter ash around the trunk.

Viburnum leaf beetle is a beetle that gnaws at the leaves of a plant. If you do not take any measures, the viburnum will die. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to treat the crown with karbofos or phosbecide.

In May, larvae grow on the foliage and around the bush, then the first spraying with poison must be done.

If a white bloom appears on the foliage, and it does not disappear, but only increases, this means that the bush has become infected with powdery mildew.

The infection spreads to the entire plant within two weeks. A solution of soda and soap will help get rid of it (100 grams of soda is taken for 20 liters of water).

Spraying should be done after flowering for 3 weeks, with a frequency of 1 time in 7 days.

As a preventive measure, in the spring, Buldenezh is sprayed with an infusion made from tobacco, onions or garlic to choose from.

Kalina Buldenezh is a truly amazing plant. Fits well into the landscape design of any garden. The snow miracle will be a wonderful decoration of the local area, especially in hot summer. By following all the simple care rules, you can easily achieve abundant flowering and create your own unique crown shape.


Kalina buldenezh Planting and care in the open field Pruning and reproduction Photo in garden design

Bulldonezh or buldenezh (Viburnum Boule de Neige) is a variety of common viburnum, in translation the name of the plant means a snowball or ball.

Bred specifically for landscape design in France, brought to Russia during the reign of Catherine II.

A pompous shrub, it literally breathes with aristocracy, and everyone can grow it, even in the Urals and Siberia. For success, adhere to the planting and grooming guidelines outlined in this article.

The height of the shrub varies within 2-3.5 meters, with proper care, the annual growth is 30-40 cm.Viburnum bushes bulldonezh are long-livers - they reach the age of 50-80 years, and the height can be more than 5 m.

Bulldonezh is decorative throughout the season.

The crown is spherical in shape, the shoots are covered with beautiful carved leaves of a light green hue, snow-white inflorescences-balls appear in early summer, and by autumn the leaves turn purple.

There is another decorative form - the Roseum Buldenezh. It differs in that at first the inflorescences are greenish, then turn white and by the end of flowering become pinkish.

When the bulldoze blooms

So, the inflorescences of viburnum buldenezh begin to open in June and delight with beauty for one month. In diameter, the inflorescences are 7-15 cm, under their weight, the branches bend and tilt down, like a weeping willow.

Site selection and planting buldenezh

How to plant Kalina Buldenezh in the garden


In order for the bush to develop well and bloom regularly, select a shaded spot for planting. If the bulldonezh grows in an open area with regular exposure to direct sunlight, it can get burns, and in a strong shade, the flowering is poor and short-lived, and the plant will also often be exposed to diseases and pests.


The soil is required loose, nutritious and moderately moisture-absorbing. The culture is hygrophilous and will feel good near the reservoir, but avoid stagnation of moisture at the roots, be sure to lay a drainage layer in the planting hole.

How to plant

Planting can be done in spring or fall. The plant quickly develops a voluminous root system, so the depth of the planting hole should be about half a meter, the diameter is about 60 cm.

We put drainage on the bottom (coarse sand and peat), then add 3-4 buckets of rotted manure or compost, supplement the nutritious pillow with 2 glasses of wood ash and 1 glass of nitrophoska.

We put a seedling in the middle and cover it with earth, deepen the root collar into the soil by 3-4 cm. Water well, when the water is absorbed, mulch with peat or humus. Cut the shoots by 1/3 so that the seedling takes root faster.


The most important thing is to ensure timely watering, especially during periods of drought. We know from a folk song that viburnum is a flower in a field by a stream. So water abundantly and often. Before the onset of autumn cold weather, the soil should be well saturated with moisture, then the plant will successfully overwinter.

Top dressing

To get the most lush bloom, feed the bulldonezh in the spring and summer. If the soil is fertile, it is enough to bring about 2 buckets of compost under one bush annually in the spring, it is distributed in the trunk circle and carefully embedded in the soil.

In other cases, wood ash or mineral fertilizers will be required:

  • In the spring, add 40 g of nitrogen, 30 g of phosphorus and 20 g of potassium to each square meter of the area
  • In August, we exclude the nitrogen component and add 40 g of potassium and 20 g of phosphorus.
  • You can use dry wood ash (600 g per square meter of area) or an ash solution (3 liters of ash are infused in 10 liters of water for 2 days and diluted in a ratio of 1:10, watered at a rate of 1 bucket per square meter of the trunk circle).

Kalina buldenezh pruning and forming a bush

Formation of a viburnum bush buldenezh photo

Pruning Buldenezh in Spring

The bush requires sanitary pruning. Every spring, before flowering, remove dried, damaged, and weak branches directed to the center of the bush.

At the end of flowering, thin out the central part, slightly shorten the protruding side shoots, but no more than a third, otherwise they will not bloom. Leave 8 skeletal branches for each mature shrub.

If necessary, pruning can be carried out throughout the summer, but no later than the end of August - the plant should have time to harden itself by the onset of winter.

Scheme of pruning a viburnum bush buldenezh

Under the weight of the spreading inflorescences, the twigs can bend strongly and break. Of course, they can be used for cutting, but it is better to tie the branches to the supports.

Pruning Buldenezh in the Fall

If you still dare to cut the bulldonezh in the fall, cut only the dried and weak thin branches, "looking" in the middle of the bush. It is better not to cut the remaining branches along the length, because flower buds are laid at the tips. Do fall pruning no later than September.

Caring for Kalina Buldenezh in the fall and preparation for winter

Young bulldozer bushes will need shelter for the winter - in the fall, mulch the trunk circle with humus. If the winter is harsh, adult bushes may freeze the shoots, but with the onset of spring they will quickly recover.

To help the decorative viburnum successfully overwinter, feed it with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers in September:

  • Take 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of potassium salt, dilute in 10 liters of water and water the bush.
  • Solution consumption - 1 bucket per square meter of the trunk circle.
  • Before feeding, water the bush well, let it soak in water, and only after that add the feeding, trying to pour not at the root, but along the edge of the trunk circle (this is where the young roots are, which absorb nutrients).
  • After feeding, mulch the near-trunk circle with humus at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 square meter of area. If there is no humus, add fallen leaves or straw, hay with a layer of 10 cm.

When to transplant Kalina Buldenezh?

It is advisable to transplant in the fall, in September-October. So the plant will suffer less from violation of the root system. You can transplant in the spring, but try to do it as early as possible, preferably before bud break.

How to dig and transplant a bush

Only young bushes up to 3-4 years old can be transplanted. Well-grown bushes may not withstand transplanting and die. The fact is that the root system of the viburnum is very weak, a thin web of peripheral roots is located on thick roots, which simply crumble if the bush is dug up.

Therefore, you need to dig very carefully: first, dig in the bush along the edge of the trunk circle to a depth equal to half the height of the bush, and then dig in from below so as to cut the roots from below.

Ideally, you should get an earthen ball with a preserved root system.

To prevent the earth from crumbling, water the plant a day, and let the earth dry out a little so that it remains moist, but does not stick to the shovel.

The dug bush is carefully transferred to a new place, into a previously prepared hole. If the roots are still bare and the earth crumbles, hold the bush for several hours in the root solution, and then plant it. After planting, water abundantly and then monitor the humidity so that the transplanted viburnum buldenezh does not die.

Diseases and pests

Thinning the bush is required not only to maintain decorativeness, but also to protect against pests and diseases.

In cold, rainy weather, it is affected by powdery mildew, gray mold, or spotting. Throughout the season, carry out preventive treatment with an onion, garlic or tobacco solution. If the disease has arisen, treat with a solution of the drug Abiga-Peak, Hom and others will do.

Without thinning the bush, pests can become active - viburnum leaf beetle, black aphid, spotted scabbard, cap moth.

Aphids "stick around" the tops of young shoots and inflorescences at the very beginning of flowering. To combat the pest, Inta-Vir and Iskra preparations are very effective. Dilute according to the instructions, it will take 2-3 treatments with an interval of 10-12 days.

To protect the bulldonezh from the viburnum leaf beetle, destroy the clutches in the fall. They are predominantly located at the tops of the shoots, you will notice dark tubercles in the egg clutches. Cut and burn these parts, spray the bushes with a solution of the drug Karbofos. Re-inspect in the spring and repeat the procedure if necessary.

Against other pests, you can use the same Karbofos, Spark, Fufafon.

Breeding Buldenezh

The flowers of this plant are sterile, therefore reproduction is exclusively vegetative.

How to propagate Kalina Buldenezh by cuttings

Buldenezh reproduction by cuttings photo

Bulldonezh reproduces well by cuttings. They are cut from the shoots of the current year at the beginning of summer, make the lower cut at an angle of 45 °, and the upper cut straight. The stalk should contain a pair of growth buds. Completely remove the lower leaves from the cutting, and the upper ones should preferably be cut in half.

For rooting, we take loose soil or sand, deepen the cutting by 1.5-2 cm, water it and cover it with plastic wrap or a plastic bottle. Water and ventilate the greenhouse regularly. When the cuttings take root, plant them in the grow bed, then transplant them to a permanent growth site.

Kalina buldenezh in landscape design photo

The snow-white inflorescences of the bulldonezh look appropriate against the background of a green lawn and a multi-colored flower bed. Plant single bushes near the house, and a hedge can be created in a large garden area.

Bulldonezh in landscape design

Another option is to plant various bulbs every season (daffodils, tulips, snowdrops), the flowering time of which ends before bulldonezh and does not set off beauty.

Over the years, the bush becomes sprawling, luxurious - plant it by a pond, paired with a willow.

The delicate bush looks great against the background of strict and majestic conifers (spruce, pine, thuja).

Buldenezh in garden design

Harmoniously, the beauty of Buldenezh is complemented by parallel flowering bushes: lilacs of various tones (from light lilac to dark), delicate garden mock-orange, colored hydrangea, and the inflorescences of white hydrangea paniculata will support the concept of a snow-white garden.

Kalina buldenezh in landscape design photo

Before and after flowering, when the beauty of bulldozing is manifested in the leaves, the Thunberg barberry will be an excellent partner. Other shrubs are suitable neighbors: hawthorn, mountain ash. The combination with maples, oaks, lindens, white-trunk birches looks advantageous.

Buldenezh in landscape design photo

Delicate in appearance, buldenezh adapts even to harsh winters, changeable weather conditions and grows well in central Russia. Ornamental shrub is unpretentious in terms of cultivation and maintenance. It is worth making a little effort, and the plant will delight with its beauty for many years.

Buldenezh is a bush flowering plant from. It is an ornamental variety of the common viburnum, and is used to decorate flower beds. "Chinese snow" is found in parks, squares, summer cottages, country or private houses.

To grow a buldenezh on her land plot, the hostess will need to know: the features of choosing and preparing a zone for planting, the basics of caring for shrubs, options for their reproduction, methods of feeding and pest control. This article will help you figure it out.

The average height of "Chinese snow" is 2-4 m. It is planted in flower beds as one bush or in small groups. During the flowering period (late spring - early summer), the decorative viburnum is covered with large spherical inflorescences. At first they have a greenish tint, and then they become snow-white. A characteristic feature of this decorative variety is the lack of odor in the flowers.

At the beginning of summer, the shrub is completely covered with inflorescences.

Planting viburnum Buldenezh

The ideal place for planting is partial shade with wet soil. Of course, you can plant a bulldozer in the shade or in the sun, but in the first case, its flowers will be completely weak and small, and in the second - burnt, with a short flowering period. The choice of a place must be treated with a high level of responsibility, since the shrub is planted for a long time.

Important! Particular attention should be paid to watering, as the bulldog loves moisture.

The best time to plant viburnum is autumn or spring. The weather conditions of this period contribute to the active adaptation of the plant to new habitat conditions and rapid rooting in the ground.

Buldenezh feels good in partial shade

Shrub planting

Before you start planting a seedling on open ground, you will need:

  1. Dig a hole (its diameter should not be less than 60-70 cm, and its depth - 50-60 cm).
  2. Put pieces of broken brick or large rubble on the bottom.
  3. Cover the previous layer with sand (layer - 10-15 cm).
  4. Fill the pit with prepared soil (4 buckets of compost are mixed with 2-3 glasses of wood ash and a glass of nitrophoska).
  5. Then the viburnum is immersed in a hole with soil (3-5 cm below its root collar), poured abundantly with water, covered with a layer of humus or sawdust.

Young bush

Caring for decorative viburnum

In order for the viburnum to please with its exuberant flowering for more than one year, it will need to provide:

  • abundant systematic watering, preferably with rainwater;
  • pruning dry branches;
  • top dressing;
  • pest control.

Fertilizers and feeding

Buldenezh, like any other plant, needs fertilization. For these purposes, you can use:

  • compost;
  • humus;
  • wood ash;
  • special fertilizers that can be purchased in stores.

Feed Bulldogs During Bloom

Gardeners also recommend using fermented herbal infusion for gravy under the root, as well as a liquid mixture of chicken manure and water (1:10), which needs to be insisted a little. The period for making various dressings is late spring - early summer.

Breeding options and methods

Since the decorative viburnum is completely sterile (the inflorescences do not have stamens and pistils), gardeners use vegetative methods of its reproduction. Among them are:

  • reproduction by offsets;
  • propagation by cuttings;
  • division of the bush.

Saplings buldenezh

Reproduction by branches. A fairly simple and easy way to propagate decorative viburnum is to sprinkle branches. In the process of work, you will need:

  1. Dig long shallow grooves (up to 10 cm deep).
  2. Bend the one-year bends to ground level, place them in the prepared grooves.
  3. Fix them in the grooves with metal hooks.
  4. Sprinkle gently with earth (compost), pour abundantly with rainwater.
  5. Rooted shoots are transplanted into special containers for further germination.

Important! In order for roots to appear on the branches faster, they need to be constantly watered.

Cuttings. This method is used when pruning bushes in the summer. Young shoots with several buds are suitable for reproduction. Reproduction technology by cuttings:

  • young shoots are carefully cut;
  • put them in a stimulating solution for 8-10 hours (for example, Kornevin, it will accelerate the process of root formation);
  • prepare beds for planting (watering, fertilizing);

Buldenezh cuttings
  • processed cuttings are immersed in the soil by 2-2.5 cm;
  • covered with a film or a cap from a plastic bottle (this is how the greenhouse effect is formed).

Pests of viburnum buldenezh

The main enemies of the viburnum, the buldenezh, are the leaf beetle. In order to prevent the complete "eating" of foliage and inflorescences by these pests, they must be dealt with. There are many options - special mixtures that can be found in the store (fitoverm, actelik), or homemade substances.

Aphid control

This pest affects not only foliage, but also flowers. To combat it, you can use special ready-made substances - INTA-VIR or Iskra. They are bred according to the instructions, the bush is treated twice (the interval between them is 10-12 days).
Another option is a soap solution (laundry soap is diluted with water to get a sufficiently concentrated mixture). Apply it to the entire bush with a sprayer. After processing, it must not be washed off.

Bulldog leaves infested with aphids

Leaf beetle control

In order to prevent the appearance of the leaf beetle on the bushes of the bulldozer, it is necessary to carry out mandatory preventive measures. The best time to complete them is early spring or late autumn. For processing, you can use - Karbofos, Fufanon, as well as any available chemicals.

Leaf beetle

If it is not possible to purchase special preparations, gardeners recommend breaking off or cutting off the affected shoots. Of course, such actions are not always feasible (since the bushes are very tall), but they are also considered a good preventive measure to prevent further spread of the leaf beetle.

Knowing all these features of growing buldenezh viburnum, everyone can independently plant it and propagate it on their site. Try it, everything will definitely work out!

Blooming Buldenezh: video

Most gardeners love to improve their garden by adding more and more unusual flowers, trees and shrubs.

To really attract attention and make the garden unique, you should pay attention to the viburnum buldenezh - a perennial plant that belongs to the honeysuckle family. The height of this shrub is on average 3 meters, while ordinary viburnum bushes can grow up to 5 meters.

The name of the plant is translated as "snowball" or "snowballs". This is what the flowers of the plant look like. However, when it does not bloom, it is almost impossible to distinguish it from an ordinary viburnum.

A feature of this species is the absence of stamens and pistils, therefore this shrub does not bear fruit, but reproduces only in a vegetative way - by cuttings.

Choosing a place for planting and preparing the soil

For planting viburnum buldenezh, it is necessary to choose moist soil, however, it will grow well on dry soil, if there is sufficient moisture, for example, by installing a drip irrigation system.

Sun protection

Kalina does not like direct sunlight and her fox can start to deteriorate and dry, so she will feel good in a semi-shaded place.

We grow decorative in the harsh conditions of Russia - see our material for details.

A waterfall at the dacha will calm the nerves, cheer up children and give coolness on a sultry summer day. How to build a waterfall in the country with your own hands -.

Soil preparation

A hole for planting a plant should be 80 centimeters deep and 60–70 in diameter. The deepening should be quite voluminous, since the viburnum has a well-developed root system.

If the soil in the pit is heavy, then a drainage layer must be laid under it, which is well represented by crushed stone, crushed brick or bark.

To provide Kalina with a good supply of nutrients, it is necessary to prepare a special mixture, which consists of: the upper fertile layer of earth, peat, humus and mineral fertilizers.

The second option for soil preparation is 3 buckets of compost, 2 glasses of ash and one glass of nitrophoska.

Planting process

In the photo, planting cuttings of viburnum buldenezh

Planting can be carried out both in spring and in autumn, because the plant has a fairly high frost resistance. However, in order for the viburnum to begin better, it is preferable to plant it in early spring. During this period of the year, it reproduces well by layering.

There is no need to plant the bush too deep, the root collar should be at a depth of 2-3 centimeters. After planting, the bush must be watered, and the soil must be tamped well.

The first time after planting a shrub, it requires abundant watering, and immediately after planting, the soil must be mulched.

To do this, you need to use rotted compost, bringing it in several buckets per year per bush.

About leaving

Kalina buldenezh is unpretentious in care, so even an inexperienced gardener can grow it on his site, however, you need to know some rules.


Viburnum grows well without feeding, but in order for it to have abundant color and have a healthy look, it must be fertilized periodically.

This can be done once a year in the spring. As a top dressing, compost or humus is well suited in the amount of at least one bucket per bush, but not whiter than two.

Here you can add saltpeter, superphosphate or potassium salt. Fertilizers must be spread evenly under the bush, and then the soil must be loosening.


The main requirement of the shrub is abundant watering, the soil should not be allowed to dry out, otherwise the plant may die or the flowering will not be lush enough.


It is necessary to transplant viburnum before the onset of the first frost, if this does not happen, then it is better to wait until spring. This shrub is quite frost-hardy, however, it may not survive too severe frosts.


When transplanting a branch, the plant must be shortened. This is done so that the shrub quickly takes root in a new place.

It is necessary to prune every year, dry branches are removed, and only one shoot is left from young ones. Such events will help to form a beautiful bush and it is better to have time to hold them before the start of the summer season.

When pruning, it should be remembered that flower buds of a shrub are formed in the second year of life. Therefore, the viburnum will not bloom immediately after this event, but after two years the shrub will be able to please with lush flowering.

Other care features

Sometimes the flowers of the viburnum become too heavy and may break off. To prevent this, it is necessary to periodically tie up branches or install props.

Preparing for winter

Large inflorescences with proper care for the viburnum are provided

As already mentioned, the plant must be prepared for winter before the onset of the first frost. Only young plants need to be insulated.

The main care of shrubs in the autumn is to reduce the level of irrigation, cultivation, pruning and soil treatment with fertilizers from compost and humus.

How to properly grow Kalina Buldenezh - the features of care and breeding are discussed in the video clip.


Viburnum propagates vegetatively - by cuttings or branches.

Reproduction of viburnum buldenezh with the help of bends occurs in the spring, and by cuttings - in June.

In the photo, the first stage of breeding viburnum buldenezh - preparation of cuttings

At this time, the shoots are springy, and do not break when bent.

You need to cut the shoots at an angle of 45 degrees, pinching off part of the bark a little, after the branches take root, they can be planted in small pots. To speed up the rooting process, the branches can be treated with root roots.

Planted viburnum in pots should be stored in a dark room, covered with a light cloth at a temperature of at least 13 degrees.

Water at least once a week. The soil for the pots should be half river sand and the other half peat. After breeding, the first flowering occurs after a few years.

For reproduction by division, it is necessary to bent the annual viburnum bushes to the ground and lay them in small grooves so that the top remains outside.

Sprinkle the decomposed branches with humus mixed with soil.

In order for the roots to form quickly, the bark must be cut off.

In autumn, shoots form on the horizontal layer, which then need to be transplanted.

Disease and pest control

Most of all viburnum buldenezh lends itself to attack by various pests and fungal spores:

To prevent diseases in the spring before bud break viburnum can be treated with intravir or nitrofen.

The main advantage of the shrub is its frost resistance. This greatly simplifies the care of the shrub. The main thing is to treat the plant with solutions from pests in time, and then it will delight with lush flowering.