What to do to make the anthurium bloom. What to do if indoor anthurium does not bloom for a long time? Reasons why anthurium does not bloom at home

To the question of how often anthurium can and is capable of blooming, the answer must be sought from its closest relative living in the natural environment. According to the folk, this plant is called "male happiness".

Short description

The leaves of this representative of the flora are bright green heart-shaped. They grow up to 40 cm in length. Flowers appear above these luxurious parts of the greenery of the plant. They can be purple and pink, scarlet and white. The originality of the flowers lies in the presence of a flower cob and bracts.

But the exotic representative of the flora is capricious and demanding. They say that if you put a given plant on the ground, it will find itself how to take root, being on the ground or a tree, and still bloom. The subtropical and tropical climate is conducive to the blooming of anthurium. Therefore, its inflorescences are bright, the plant itself is huge and luxurious, but what to do at home to decorate the room and be proud of your own floriculture skills.

The window sill of a home or office will not provide the necessary conditions corresponding to the subtropics. This means you have to make an effort. The pet will surely thank you with flowering.

Reasons for the lack of color on anthurium

If there are no flowers, then there is a lot of foliage, which means that the care provided by the florist is not suitable for this plant.

And the reason may be hidden in the following facts:

  • insufficient or excessive lighting;
  • the wrong amount of watering (both due to small and too saturated);
  • low humidity;
  • lack of the necessary mineral composition in the soil mixture;
  • irregular feeding;
  • any deviation in the temperature of the content, especially during the formation of buds;
  • the size of the landing tank;
  • the presence of any drafts;
  • changes in growing and installation sites (this flower loves constancy too much);
  • incorrectly selected capacity by size;
  • the composition of the substrate;
  • improper transplantation of an exotic plant;
  • the presence of tangible drafts in the room;
  • pests;
  • diseases;
  • a large number of old faded buds that remained on the stem (after all, the process of seed formation in them also requires the use of a powerful flow of energy).

Anthurium blooms only in those conditions that it needs. The plant is capricious and does not forgive the mistakes of flower growers. In a large pot, the plant simply will not bloom. The reason is that while root system does not fill the planting tank from the inside, the development of stems, leaves and budding are suspended.

If there are wilted peduncles, you need to know that the cobs will take away from the plant the forces that should be directed to growth, strengthening the anthurium and the appearance of new buds.

Plant rescue in different types and forms of assistance

Various reasons are solved in their own way. The pet blooms only for those who create conditions and are able to respond to changes in the behavior of the plant in the shortest possible time. Each problem has its own solution. If an exotic handsome man has bloomed and then ceased to please the eye, it is necessary to understand how the doctor has reasons to help the plant.

Incorrect lighting

A light-loving plant is capable of blooming at home for a long time, but this joy may not happen. The reason is that he may simply not have enough flow of sunlight or he will receive too much of them. Neither the first nor the second option can be allowed. It should always be remembered that anthurium came from the subtropics, where tall trees and a lot of diffused color falls on the plant.

Male happiness will not appreciate the zeal of the owners to put it on the windowsill of a window facing the south side. Its leaves can even get burned, which manifests itself in yellowing, wilting, twisting and dropping. Anthurium, located in the center of the room, a dark corridor, a large windowless hall, will never give flowers.

The solution is simple: the plant must be rearranged. It is better that the lighting falls on the windowsill, where it will stand on the east or west side. For the presence of arrows, an exotic representative of the flora should be provided with a long clear day, therefore the use of additional lighting is not only not prohibited, but also encouraged.


At home, it is very difficult to ensure a normal temperature in winter time... It should be low to provide a dormant period beginning at the end of the month. The temperature should not rise above plus 20 degrees Celsius.

Flower Arrows are only released if in winter period it was from plus 15 to 17 degrees Celsius. Forming the buds starts from February 15th. It should not be hot, above 20 degrees Celsius, in the premises during this period. Summer temperature- from plus 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. It is not difficult to provide all this if you know the preferences of the anthurium.

Drafts, moisture and watering

You can not wait for the flowering of an exotic plant if you have:

Drafts (close the windows and keep track of where the flower is if there is ventilation in the house);

Drying out or waterlogging of the soil (in both cases, the plant will not be able to feel comfortable, neither in a swampy state, nor in a dry state, and if the root system and flowers decay, you can not wait and lose the plant).

To provide the conditions for the anthurium for flowering, it is necessary to water it with settled water. She must be allowed to stand for at least 5 days. Filtered is also quite acceptable for watering. But if you want to create a "dessert", you should acidify it. Just 2 - 3 drops are enough lemon juice for 1 liter of water, so that the plant gains strength and after a while pleases with flowering.

In dry air, it will be impossible for anthurium to bloom. But if you hang in the room wet towel, spray the foliage of the plant 2 times a day and wipe it, removing dust, you can not be afraid of problems.

Unsuitable container for planting and growing

How much space does a plant need in flower pot, depends on its type. Anthurium is an epiphyte in its natural environment. The root system is weak. And until the planting container is filled with the rhizome, the plant simply will not bloom.

With a small flower pot, the reaction of the plant is the same - there will be no flowers. If the roots are visible in the planting container and "peep" behind the grower from the drain holes, it is time to transplant the plant.

Wide and low pots are what you need exotic plant... If there is a transplant from one to another, it is necessary to choose a planting capacity several centimeters larger than the previous one in diameter.

Land and fertilizers

When active growth occurs, it is necessary to feed the anthurium. But only in required quantities... Each deviation from the norm, more or less fertilizer, will affect the condition of the plant.

Problems can start, but end if you provide the plant with:

Top dressing no more, but no less than 1 time per month;

Feeding with mineral fertilizers;

Acidified soil (in some cases, it is enough to lay out the surface of the substrate with coniferous needles, as well as sphagnum);

Substrate that matches this kind plants (more often they choose a soil mixture for bromeliads, orchids and also suitable for cacti or replace them with a peat mixture that has an excellent throughput for air).

How to make a purchased anthurium bloom at home

By purchasing flowering plant, it is necessary to create certain conditions for it. Moreover, for anthurium. If the acquired "Man's Happiness" was in flowers, and after settling at home does not bloom and does not please with new foliage, then it should be improved and strengthened.

The chemicals and fertilizers that fill the soil under the flower, which is low in peat, are designed to keep the plant in bloom for just a couple of months. The development of the root system, the aerial part, stops. If the grower does not stop this process by transplanting the anthurium, the plant may become depleted and die altogether.

If exotic flower after the acquisition was transplanted, he needs several months to replenish his strength and restore the roots. Only then after a few months - in the spring, the plant blooms.

Young anthurium

If a new plant is a young representative of exotic flora, which previously could not please the owners with inflorescences, it needs help.

The method used in greenhouses will be salutary:

  • Install a potted plant in a bright room in which the temperature does not rise above plus 20 degrees Celsius;
  • The soil must be watered so that it is uniformly moist every day;
  • After 45 - 60 days, the crown should be covered with new shoots, this is the right time to transfer anthurium to heat;
  • During spring active growth and development, watering should be increased in anticipation of the first peduncle.

If all the above conditions are provided, you can enjoy the anthurium flowers for 6 - 8 weeks. This is the very bonus for the time and effort spent.

Why anthurium does not bloom. What to do? - on this topic, you can scribble a dissertation. But is it worth reading a whole tome when you can read our article. We assure you that we will tell you about all the reasons for the reluctance to bloom of a capricious comrade from the tropics.

Wrong ground

Anthurium is often stuffed into peat. Say, it is light, the roots breathe in it, it keeps moisture for a long time. And this is a big mistake that leads to a lack of flowering.

Solution. In order for the plant to feel as comfortable as possible, it should be kept in a suitable soil mixture. Purchased orchid soil works well. But the dwelling for the anthurium can be assembled independently:

  • pieces of sphagnum
  • oily garden humus
  • small chips of bark
  • medium sized charcoal

All components are taken in equal parts and mixed thoroughly. This mixture guarantees good health and brings anthurium flowering closer.

By the way, this plant prefers that the soil has an acidic reaction. Therefore, the bark in the composition of the soil is required, preferably from conifers. You cannot replace it with sawdust. They are quickly compressed, and the roots simply suffocate. Anthurium may die.


The reason for the lack of flowering of anthurium can be an incorrect transplant or its absence at all.

Solution. Try to plant the plant correctly initially by removing it from the shipping pot after purchase. Do not change the height of the growth point, otherwise you will simply ruin the flower. Do not frequent the transplant, do it only when you see that the roots are getting cramped. At the same time, it is impossible to cut off long roots, flowering will not be unambiguous.

The pot should be short but wide. A small layer of drainage is placed on the bottom, we don't need excess moisture.

There is an opinion among flower growers that when transplanting, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the roots of the anthurium. It will not bring harm, but it will not be of much benefit either. How this procedure affects the formation of peduncles is not known to science.

Watering correctly

An inappropriate watering schedule greatly interferes with upcoming flowering. We can say that this is the most common mistake. Some comrades simply create a swamp in a pot. Well, of course, the tropics and all that ...

Turn on your head. Why then was such a soil needed, if it will safely sour in an excess of liquid? Anthurium will not bloom for sure.

Solution. You cannot fill the flower. Drinking from above is also not recommended. Orchid lovers find it easier, they know about diving. For those who do not know, we will tell you:

  • A pot of anthurium is placed in a large container.
  • Hot (+ 49-51 ° C) water is poured to the middle of the container height.
  • Leave for 10 minutes.
  • Then add hot water almost to the sides of the pot for another 10 minutes.
  • Then remove the anthurium from the liquid and place it on a stand.

After the excess water has drained off, the pot can be put in its usual place. By the way, anthurium is one of the few plants that can be safely dragged around the rooms. He does not throw off buds and flowers.

What is the schedule for watering the plant? And no one will tell you the exact time and period. All this you must determine for yourself, based on your climate and the time of year outside the window. Just stick a wooden stick into the pot to the bottom for 12-14 minutes. Then look at it the level of moisture in the soil.

By the way, it is impossible to dry out the earthen lump, even occasionally. This will negatively affect possible flowering.


Anthurium, like no other tropical plant, is sensitive to air humidity. He cannot stand even the slightest demotion. Even for one day. Otherwise, flowers will appear only after a cancerous whistle on the mountain.

Solution. We warned that this is a very capricious comrade? Get:

  • Spray anthurium 2 times a day. All year round.
  • Once every 3 days, it is recommended to wipe each leaf with a wet cloth or damp cloth.
  • Place additional containers with water or trays with wet expanded clay and sphagnum around.
  • During heating season wet towels are placed on the radiators.
  • Turn on a nearby humidifier, if available.

As you can see, the tropical visitor is not so easy. It won't bloom without the right moisture. By the way, it would be better to spray not the anthurium itself, but around. This will create the necessary atmosphere.

And further. For spraying or watering, use only settled or melt water. Indeed, in natural natural conditions chlorinated rain is unlikely to fall from the sky.

Lack of light

In order for the anthurium to bloom, it needs a sufficient amount of lighting. Take a closer look at your pet. Leaves are dull, pale, on long thin petioles, no flowering and not expected. These are signs of a lack of light.

Solution. Anthurium should be placed on the windowsill so that the sun illuminates it in sufficient quantity. But direct rays will certainly burn out ugly brown spots on the leaves. Therefore, shading is simply necessary on the south and west windows.

As for the eastern and northern ones, the anthurium will bloom there only after additional supplementary lighting. By the way, for these purposes you will have to purchase a special phytolamp. Don't worry about spending too much. The extra light will ensure normal growth for many of your home flowers.

Just do not put tall neighbors under the lamp together with the anthurium. He will perceive it as a rivalry and will refuse to bloom. It will begin to stretch out and turn into a vine. Better place pots with babies around. They benefit, anthurium - calmness.

Dormant period

Many plants need rest in winter. Anthurium is no exception. He also needs 1.5-2 months of vacation. It is at this time that flower buds are laid. Here are just the majority indoor plants for a period of rest, placed in a darkened place. Our friend is resting a little differently.

Solution. Holidays last approximately from early December to mid-January. During this period, only the temperature of the content is changed. It is reduced to + 16-18 ° C. All other conditions of care remain the same:

  • an abundance of ambient light
  • regular watering by immersion
  • high humidity

After the end of the rest, the air temperature is gradually raised to the usual + 22-25 ° C. If everything is done correctly, then around the end of February you can see the buds gaining strength, and soon the flowering itself.

Lack of feeding

Sometimes anthurium does not bloom due to lack of nutrition. There is no doubt that you transplanted it into nutrient soil, but the supply of minerals there is not endless. And not everyone can change the land all the time. And the root system of the plant will not withstand such familiarity.

Solution. Use mineral fertilizers... Top dressing with liquid green food is certainly good. But only for building lush green masses. And for long-term and high-quality flowering, microelements are needed. In particular, these are phosphorus and potassium. Without them, flowering will be scarce, or even not at all.

Before buying the coveted bag, be sure to read the information on the package. Pay attention to the composition and manufacturer's recommendations. There must certainly be a mark “for blooming”. And don't increase your dosage. Overfeeding threatens the death of the plant.

Advice. Today the industry offers fertilizers in tablets or granules. This form is very convenient in that you do not have to think about where to get the pharmaceutical scales and how much top dressing to pour at one time. It is enough to put one tablet in the pot and the food will be enough for a long time. The plant itself will take the right amount microelements during the next watering.

  1. Do not plant anthurium immediately in a huge planter. There is no doubt that gorgeous foliage will freely develop in such a container. But flowering will come very soon. The fact is that the buds are laid only after the root system has completely encircled the entire provided earthen lump.
  2. If you raised your pet from seeds, then do not expect flowers in the first 2 years. This time, a young anthurium will spend on building a reliable root system. So be patient.
  3. Be sure to cut off wilted flowers. Otherwise, the plant will spend most of its energy and nutrition on seed formation. Sometimes, after flowering, anthurium is severely depleted by the ripening of the ears. Therefore, do not regret it, cut it boldly.
  4. In nature, the plant is in a foggy haze for about 9 months a year, which gives 100% moisture environment... And certainly there are no drafts in the lush tropical thickets. Therefore, try to protect your pet from airing and open vents. Otherwise, he will refuse to bloom at all ever.
  5. Try not to plant the anthurium in a clay or ceramic planter. The fact is that this material heats up for a long time, so the root system of the plant can be supercooled. And in such conditions you will not see flowers.
  6. Periodically inspect the anthurium for pests and diseases. You can create ideal conditions, but a weakened or ailing plant will never flower. Timely help often works wonders.

Why anthurium does not bloom. What to do? - you are no longer interested in this. Surely from our article you learned useful information and have already realized their mistakes. Now the matter is small. Rather, create ideal conditions for your pet, and soon you will be able to admire the beautiful glossy flowers on a chic bush for a long time.

Video: caring for anthurium

Why does not anthurium bloom at home and how to fix the situation? By purchasing a plant or receiving it as a gift, a person expects that it will constantly delight him with its extraordinary flowering. For some unknown reason, the flower throws out only leaves and may not look sick at all. It is believed that he must necessarily release flower stalks 22-24 months after sowing. If this does not happen, then there must be objective reasons for the lack of budding.

Probable causes

Anthurium is a tropical plant, therefore, for successful growth and flowering in an apartment, it needs to create conditions that are as close to natural as possible. In most cases, it does not bloom precisely because of non-compliance with the conditions of detention and violation of the rules of agricultural technology.

Such reasons may be:

Anthurium should not be replanted during flowering. This procedure is always stressful and the flower will shed its peduncles.

How to achieve flowering

What to do in such a situation? First of all, you need to correct the mistakes made in the content of the anthurium. The following steps should be taken:

Additional stimulation

How to make anthurium bloom, if everything the necessary conditions complied with? The plant continues to be capricious and does not want to please with flowering. It can be stimulated and forced to release its buds. For this in early spring you need to do the following:

    pour water over the substrate with a temperature of + 45 ... + 50 ° С (not higher);

    after 7-10 days, pour water into the pan with a temperature of no more than 60 ° C;

    after complete cooling, it should be poured;

    repeat again a week later.

A prerequisite is the presence of a good drainage layer, which will not allow the warm steam to burn the delicate roots. This procedure will make the flower wake up faster and pick up the coveted buds.

A capricious and fastidious tropical flower requires strict adherence to the conditions of care and maintenance. But the bloom of anthurium is so unusual and luxurious that it is worth all the effort.

Why doesn't anthurium bloom?

When it comes to such a question as the lack of flowering in a plant living at home, the first reason that comes to mind is unfavourable conditions or mistaken care of the gardener. And anthurium in this case is no exception. Further on why anthurium does not bloom at home and how to solve this problem.

Reasons why anthurium does not bloom at home

In most cases, anthurium does not enter the flowering phase precisely because of the lack of proper care or when creating an environment in which the appearance of the buds of this wonderful plant is simply impossible. The situation can be corrected only by bringing the conditions of keeping the plant to the necessary ones. The factors that adversely affect the gentle anthurium include the following:

The reason for the poor health of anthurium is most often improper care.

  1. Temperature too low at the start of flowering.
  2. Waterlogged soil.
  3. Insufficient amount of sunlight, or, conversely, its excess, which is akin to sunburn.
  4. Insufficient moisture, which leads to drying out of the roots. As a result, the green part of the plant begins to wither, and the amount nutrients it shrinks.
  5. Too much low humidity in the room where the plant is located.
  6. Low nutrient medium in the soil.

Advice. So that the anthurium will delight you in a timely manner with its unusual flowering, it is necessary to carefully select a suitable container for the plant. So, if its size is too large, the root system will take longer than usual in order to completely occupy the soil substrate. Until this happens, flowering will not begin.

By the way, if the plant has already entered the flowering phase, but some buds have begun to wither, it is advisable to immediately get rid of them, since they will not add beauty, and the nutrients will be taken away from the plant, which will affect the growth rate of the remaining buds.

How to provoke flowering

So, we found out the reasons why flowering may be absent. Now let's define possible ways solving the problem. Let's start with lighting. This factor is considered decisive during the flowering period of the plant. Since the formation of buds usually occurs in early spring, when the daylight hours are still short enough, it is necessary to provide the plant with a sufficient amount of sunlight. To do this, the pot is placed in the sunniest place in the house and, if necessary, is additionally illuminated with a backlight lamp.

Blooming anthurium

Regarding the substrate: it should not be too dense, since in this case moisture and air will not be able to penetrate sufficiently to the roots. In addition, the potting mix must be carefully selected. Since the plant is native to the tropics, the soil should be similar. To prepare a suitable substrate, we take peat and humus in equal proportions (2 parts each), add 4 parts of soil for an orchid and 1 part of perlite.

Regarding watering: it should be regular, since the plant is accustomed to frequent tropical rains in its homeland, but the substrate should not be damp.

Advice. To avoid such a problem as excess moisture in the soil, it is enough to pay attention to it appearance... So, the "signal" for watering is a dried upper layer soil.

That's all you need to know in order for the anthurium growing at home to bloom in all its splendor in the due time. Good luck!

Anthurium care: video

Glossy leaves and flowers of anthurium are so bright that sometimes they seem fake, which made anthurium popular among both beginners and experienced gardeners... This plant invariably attracts the eye and does not at all give the impression of a fragile creature, however, sometimes something goes wrong, and the growth of the flower male happiness stops. But do not despair and give up at such moments.

What is the reason that anthurium stops growing, and how to fix it? This article will answer these and other questions!

Flower growth rate male happiness

How quickly male happiness grows directly depends on the specific type and age of the flower.... The first 4 years of life, anthurium grows rather quickly, by 5 years the plant reaches an adult state and growth slows down.

V spring-summer period healthy flower, for which created comfortable conditions, gives 2-3 new leaves monthly. In the cold season, growth almost stops, since this time is a dormant period for the plant.

Why do new leaves stop appearing at home?

There can be many reasons why anthurium is in no hurry to please its owner with new leaves and shoots. Most of them tend to come down to improper care or environmental conditions that do not meet the needs of the flower. Here are some reasons why a flower of male happiness grows poorly, and tips on what to do in this case:

  • Insufficient watering... If the leaves of anthurium dry, turn pale and turn yellow, this may indicate insufficient moisture in the substrate and air. In this case, it is enough to normalize the regularity of watering (2-3 times a week in warm time year) and provide the required air humidity (at least 60%).

    Important! It is dangerous to flood a damaged or weakened plant, as it cannot resist disease, and a waterlogged substrate leads to the formation of mold and mildew.

  • Excess watering... An excessive amount of moisture is even more dangerous than a lack of moisture, the leaves and stems begin to become soft, wither and turn yellow. If the reduction in watering did not lead to an improvement in the condition of the plant, then the root system has suffered and the anthurium will have to be transplanted.

    In the process of transplanting, it is necessary to carefully examine the roots, remove the damaged ones and treat them with a solution of fungicide or potassium permanganate for disinfection. The soil and the pot into which the transplant will be carried out must also be sterilized.

  • Wrong ground... The substrate in which anthuriums are sold in stores in most cases is completely unsuitable for their further growth, ordinary soil for indoor flowers is also not suitable for this plant.

    Male happiness will grow well only in a loose soil that is well permeable to water and air, consisting of large particles and fibers. If, after purchase, the anthurium does not grow for a long time, you need to transplant using the correctly selected soil composition.

  • Incorrect lighting... Pale and yellowed leaves of anthurium may indicate a lack of lighting. It is a tropical plant and needs bright, diffused light for at least 10 hours. To achieve such an intensity, the flower is best kept on the eastern or southeastern windowsill, if necessary, additionally organizing artificial lighting.

    Constant exposure to direct sunlight on the plant can also harm it and cause burns to the leaves (appearance of pale brown spots, dry edges). In the summer, the anthurium must be slightly shaded.

  • Incorrectly selected pot... Too large a container chosen for transplanting will significantly slow down the growth of anthurium, since, first of all, the plant will spend energy on the development of the root system. A large pot can also lead to constant waterlogging of the substrate, which will also negatively affect the growth of anthurium.

    It is necessary to transplant a flower into a container 2-3 cm larger than the volume of its root system, it is such conditions that will contribute to the active growth of its aboveground part and early flowering.

  • Deepening the growth point... This mistake when transplanting is often made by inexperienced growers. Place the plant in new pot it is necessary so that all the roots are covered with earth, and the growth point must remain on the surface. If these conditions are not met, the plant may die. Only a second transplant will help, made according to all the rules.

  • Lack of fertilizer... One of possible reasons lack of growth in anthurium, subject to all other conditions of detention, there may be a lack of nutrients. You can fix it by adding top dressing. In the spring-summer period, it is recommended to feed the plant every 2 weeks; at first, it is better to reduce the fertilizer concentration by at least 2 times.

    Immediately after transplanting, it is unnecessary to apply fertilizers; the first feeding is best done no earlier than a month later, when the plant is completely rooted.

  • Drafts and cold temperatures... A comfortable temperature for anthurium is + 20-24 degrees, if it drops to +18, and the plant is constantly in a draft or next to a working air conditioner, this can lead to hypothermia and cause significant harm. Growth in such conditions is simply impossible. To solve the problem, it is necessary to establish temperature regime and position the anthurium so that streams of cold air do not fall on it.

    Attention! At temperatures below +15 degrees, the plant can get irreversible damage and die.

    The growth of anthurium largely depends on the creation of favorable conditions, if the light, temperature, humidity and soil composition are normal, every spring the plant will meet with new leaves, and by the beginning of summer it will most likely bloom. It is important to closely monitor the condition of the flower and solve emerging problems before they cause serious harm.