Dating hybrid: features, cultivation and use in decorative purposes. Detament rough landing and care in the open ground in the suburbs Dating hybrid decorative trees and shrubs

1478 03/10/2019 7 min.

Detament is a real garden decoration: the plant is distinguished by remarkably decorative white and gentle pink flowers. It is for the decorativeness of flowers, creating a white foam on a bush, so appreciate its gardeners.

In leaving the plant is not the simplest, however, the troubles will fully compensate for the magnificent bloom capable of making an elegant any garden plot. In the article, consider the question of how to grow a deal in open soiland how to care for her. We will also get acquainted with the most popular and decorative varieties and types of dating.

Description and species

DAY - evergreenBut at the same time deciduous. It is a rather high bush with splash branches. During the period of flowering, all the branches of the dating trim are beautiful white and pink flowers of a gentle shade. In the wild, the plant is found in Mexico, East Asia, and Himalayas.

Note that for our gardeners, this plant is still in a novelty, but in a short period, many have already fallen in love. Modern selection creates miracles, and has already been derived artificially by the variety of dating, possessing increased decorativeness, various coloring petals, low and high species.

On video - Shrub Detament:

The height of the bush can be from 40 cm to 4 m. But the last option is found only in wildlife, in vivo. In the gardens of our climatic zone they grow predominantly, low, or average varieties. The period of life of the dating is not less than a quarter of a century.


In total there are about 50 different types and varieties of dating. Consider the most popular of them.


This is a hybrid variety. It has medium frost resistance, but even if the roots in winter and frozen, then in the spring the plant easily comes to life. The flowers in this diet are gentle pink, very decorative and elegant.

Dale Pink


This plant is found in wildlife even in our Far East, as well as in China and Korea. Another name is finely color. It has small white flowers devoid of aroma. The flowering period is three weeks, begins at the end of June. It has quite quick growth.



This type of plant has terry Belos tender flowersreaching 3 cm in diameter. Very decorative. Flowers in June-July. Under favorable conditions, it can live up to 50 years. And the minimum life of life is 20 years. It grows up to two meters and a very sprawler.

Rough (star)

The plant is found in the natural habitat in China and Japan. In the height of the rough ditch can reach 2.5 m. The name is due to the fact that the leaves have the edge of the short star-shaped porce. Because of such a edge to the touch foliage foliage. This type of dale blooms late: not before July, and this period lasts from two to three weeks.


She has white or slightly pinkish shade. This type of dale lay down the basis of many artificially derived hybrid varieties with high decorativeness. Including among the hybrids of the plant you can see two-color options for painting petals, claws, and terry.

Hybrid Stanzuberry Fields

This artificially derived variety of plants is incredibly beautiful flowers: Bright pink, lush. Blossoms of Juberry Fields in June-July, and very plentiful. Suitable for the design of living ingredients, as well as great in single and group landings.

Hybrid Stanzuberry Fields


This plant has a compact bush dimensions (up to 1.5 m) and very elegant flowers of a gentle pink shade. Refers to purple species of dating. The plant is distinguished by frost resistance and unpretentious care. If you even hit the frost in -28 degrees, then the dating of the calmiclore will successfully transfer it, unless, of course, the frost period will not be delayed for a long time. It blooms early: in May-June. But what looks like, and in which part of the cabin there are to plant them. indicated in this article.


It should be noted that the dating is unpretentious, so to grow it with any gardener, not even the most experienced. The main thing is to find the most suitable place for landing (and do not forget that in one place the daisy will be at least a quarter of a century), and also do not forget to cover the plant before each winter. With this care: elementary and simple, the dating will be every summer to delight with your wonderful flowers.

Choosing a place

Detaments better grow on open areas Garden, but at the same time protected from too aggressive direct sunlight. An ideal place There will be a plot next to a high tree: His crown will protect the delicate flowers of the action from the effects of the Sun, but it will not create too strong shadow.

Take care and that the plot is fenced from drafts and strong faith gusts: such "whims" of the weather Detaire does not like.

Before placing a seedling in the ground, first decide on a common garden composition. It is necessary to clearly understand whether the deal will be a single plant, or will enter some landscape group. Also, the bush can also be used for living hedges.

Preparation of soil

Detament needs fertile soil, and at the same time - easy. Well suited for her slightly clay soils, moderately moistened. If the area is in lowland, or the soil is swampy, it is better not to plant in that place: the prestitutional waters are unacceptable for it.

It is recommended before placing a seedling in the ground, carefully to plug. It will saturate the soil with oxygen, and will make it easier, loose. It is also desirable to enter humid, river sand and compost: it will make a substrate more nutritious, fertile.

Landing in sad

The seedlings of the dating are placed in an open ground in the early middle of spring. The exact date depends on the individual climate of the area. So that the plant goes well and rooted, enrich the soil with fertilizer consisting of 100 grams of nitroposki.

Preview the roots of the seedling: if they dried, place them in a clay tank. And if it seems too long, cut, but only slightly.

Lutka for the landing of the action must be a depth of half the meter. If you immediately sit down several seedlings, keep the distance between them at least one and a half meters: the bush grows spreader. This distance can be done small only if you form live hedge.

At the bottom of each digital hole, it is necessary to put drainage with a layer of 10-15 cm. As a drainage, it is possible to consider clay, brick crumb, gravel, small pebbles. After that, the seedling is placed in the hole, and top with a soil.

Note that the root neck young Plant It must be in the ground with earth, but a small plug in 1, -2 cm is permissible. After the seedling in the ground, pour it, and the soil go.

It is recommended to carry out the mulching of the soil located within the root circle of the action. To do this, use sawdust or referring peat. Mulching will help to delay moisture without giving her to go too fast. And so that young seedlings are faster in growth, experienced gardeners Crop their tops.

On this, the process of landing the dating into open soil is considered complete. Now only needs to care for this beauty, observing simple rules. Talk about them further.

The plant is distinguished by wonderful drought resistance, so frequent watering does not need. However, a completely deprived of watering Detaire will not be able to please their decorative blossom. The optimal frequency of watering is once a week, if there was no precipitation. During rains, irrigation frequency is recommended to reduce. In addition, experienced gardeners during heavy rains are covered by a plot of land in the root circle of the deal with a dense film in order to avoid the subsequent stress of water.

It is important that water when watering is enough to impregnate the soil by half the meter: it is at this depth that it is rooted. And in the middle of August, watering stops, since at this time the plant should be started to prepare for the winter.

Loosening, mulching

To make life easier, and loosen less often, you can climb the soil with a crust, peat or sawdust. But as happens, it will help to understand this article.


Fertilizers in this case only during flowering. And besides, every month active life Plants B. warm time You can add water with liquid dung dissolved in it. But, and how to properly adjust it in its plot, it will help to understand this information.

On video - growing the dale:


The plant needs pruning, as this procedure helps the action to take careful and beautiful shape. In addition, it transfers the procedure a bush easily enough, only becoming even more lush.

The trimming of the dating is recommended after winter and in the winter, but not only during flowering and active growth. In the spring, it is also necessary to inspect the bush survived winter, and all the broken and deformed branches are brutened with a secateur.

After the flowering period ended, the branches on which there were inflorescences, should be shortened to a young escape. This is about a quarter of the branch length. But how trimming in the spring will help understand the information from this

Pests and diseases

The plant is characterized by good resistance to diseases and influence of harmful insects. Only in rare cases, the dale can hit the horse, focusing on the foliage and branches of the plant. To cope with this attack, carbofos or other suitable insecticides are usually used.

On the video - how to care for the bushes:


It is very important when cultivating the dating of its proper shelter for the winter. Because of our frosts, the plants often have shoots, which leads to a subsequent absence of flowering.

It is possible to cover the soil in the root circle area by foliage or straw: it will protect the roots of the plant. Special attention young man - it can generally be on the first how much win cardboard boxes From above completely, plus supplement the protection of the coniferous sweetheart.

If the dating variety is not particularly frost-resistant, then even adult plant It is recommended to cover the winter sponbond or burlap, fixing protection around the trunk. But how can I apply in this case, it will help to understand this article.

ATTENTION: With the arrival of heat in the spring, the shelter is to remove to prevent the plant's roots overwhelming: this problem may even lead to his death.

We reviewed the peculiarities of growing a dating in the open ground. The plant is distinguished by rare unpretentiousness, so the care of it will not be delivered. But every year you can enjoy the magnificent view of the blooming dale. Tips from our article will help you to competently plant and grow this beauty on your homestead.

Deutzia, Dale. Low leafy shrubs (up to 2 m high). The leaves are simple, opposite, flowers are elegant, white, sometimes pinkish or purple, odorless, are collected into busy inflorescences, develop on shoots last year. Fruits are almost spherical.

Types and varieties of dating

In the genus 50 species of plants common in East Asia, Himalayas, Mexico.

About 10 species and a number of hybrid varieties are found in decorative gardening and gardening.

AMURSKAYA DETERABLE, OR DECISION Melo color (Deutzia Amurensis)

Motherland - Far East, China and North Korea. In culture since 1862.

Shrub height up to 2 m with splashing branches. Bark shoots brown, later - gray. Leaves up to 6 cm long, fine-blooded, to the top of the pointed, on both sides are pubescent. Lee flowers are slightly pinkish, odorless. Flowers from late May to the end of June. The fruits are yellow-brown.

Very decorative low-speed hybrid of AMUR and Purpurova daison Calmiecewritum(Deutzia X Kalmieflora) also quite stable, although it can be freezing into harsh winters with low level snow cover.

Deutzia Gracilis (Deutzia Gracilis)

A shrubs with a lush semi-shaped crown in nature with a height of up to 1.5 m, in culture as a rule, does not exceed 0.5-0.7 m in height. Leaves are oblong - lanceal, 6 cm long, sawdowed around the edge. Flowers are small white, collected in thick parking brushes up to 9 cm long. Flowers in early August.

Winter hardy in the south of the middle strip of Russia.

There are decorative forms, the most popular of them:

f. aurea. with yellow leaves and f. Albo-Marmorata.with leaves, dyed white spots.

Dale Rachel, or Dale Starting (Deutzia Scabra)

Motherland - China, Japan.

Leafy shrub. Bark brown, in adult plants peeling. Leaf plate extended-ovoid to 8 cm long. Leaves rough, covered with small hairs. Flowers are white or pink odorless up to 2.5 cm in diameter. Collected in top-like cases of inflorescences up to 12 cm long. Flowers in July-August.

Decorative forms of action of Schellova:

f. Plena- distinguished by terry white, outside with pink flowers;

f. Candidissima. - Differs in terry pure white flowers;

f. WateReri.- distinguished by white flowers, with outside carminic;

f. Roseo-Plena. - Differs in pink terry flowers;

f. Punctata. - Differs in small white spots on the leaves.

Zone USDA 4. Winter hardy in the south and in the center of Russia. Exist garden forms With white and pink terry flowers. Can be used in decorative compositions, use as a solitator is undesirable due to the possible damage to the above-ground system in winter to snow level.


Motherland - East Asia, Himalayas, Mexico. Hybrid of the deliberate and dating Amur.

Fall shrub, high up to 1.5-2 m. Branches. Personal, brown color. The leaves are oval with an acute top of up to 8 cm long gray-green, the bottom side of the sheet is lighter. Autumn colored leaves - yellow. White flowers up to 2 cm in diameter are assembled into a reprehension buggy inflorescences up to 10 cm long. Flowers at the end of May - June to 3 weeks. Flowers on shoots of this year.

Popular varieties of Lamuan Detaway:

'BOULE DE NEIGE', STRAWBERRY FIELDS- up to 1.5 m high, white flowers, about 2.5 cm in diameter;

Perle Rose.'- up to 1.8 m high, the flowers are pinkish, dissolved in early July, recommended for the southern regions;

"PINK POM-POM" - It has a height of the bush to 2.5.

Zone USDA 4 (5). For successful overpowers, it is necessary to cover the root system with peat or other dry bulk material.


Details of light-sounded, drought resistant, prefer neutral or weakly alkaline soils. The planting hole is filled with a mixture of garden land, peat and humoring (1: 1: 1), sand (up to 20% of total) is made on heavy soils). The root neck when landing should not be plugged. Spring B. rOCK Make full mineral fertilizer. In the hot summer, watering 2-3 times a month, spending 1-2 buckets of water for each plant. Loose to a depth of 20 cm.

In the spring, on the bushs of the dating, all branches damaged by frosts with curved, defective flowers are removed. After flowering, all the sworded branches are cut to the first strong new escape or to the base. Adult bushes remove the oldest trunks at the soil level. For rejuvenation, old bushes are cut off "on the stump."

Reproduction of Diet

Split spring sowing (without pre-treatment of seeds), grooves, root offspring, withdrawn and green cuttings.

Different perennials are used to decorate the garden. Daily landing and care in open ground is simple, so it is in recent times more and more often can be seen on the cottages and panstones. The decele of this shrub is tender, as if openwork, flowers that thick cover it. You want to admire them infinitely. How correctly put and grow in an open soil this plant so that it turns into a beauty and delight and pleased your eyes a great look?

A few words about the east perennial

Gentle plant Appeared in Russian gardens recently. His homeland is East Asia. The perennial refers to the family of hydrangea and is a leaf falling shrub height from 0.4 to 2 m. On the stems of the diet, you can see pieces of peeling bark. This process is characteristic of the family and is its feature. The opposite leaves of perennial are similar to the leaves of the honeysuckle. When there is a time of flowering, and this is usually June, pink or white flowers collected in private inflorescences are blooming on the diet. Although the flowers do not smell, they abundantly sleep the twigs of perennial. Under favorable conditions, a beautiful blooming bush can be admired about 3 weeks a year. The life of the dating is 25 years.

Depending on your desire, you can cut the bushes of perennial annually or provide them with free development. In the first case, it is possible to create a live fence from plants along the roadway, since these perennials are resistant to smoke. But nevertheless, most owners prefer to plant a dating in the garden. With the natural growth of the branch of the plants, there are magnificently spread, so they look great on the country's territory with single bushes. The company of Detaments can be different flowering perennials. For example, lilac rhododendron, pink Weigela or Yellow Forzing will be perfectly combined with snow-white flowers of oriental diet. Beautifully trimmed bushes of plants together with conifers will create beautiful compositions in the gardens.

How to plant a deal

Do not forget that the beauty-action arrived in Russia from countries with a warmer climate. She does not like wet soils and cold winds. But the most afraid of the plant strong frosts. If you like the action, landing and departure in the Moscow region must necessarily include and protect against the hypothermia of bushes. Most. important condition Survival in winter will be the choice of the right place to habit of perennial. It is best to plant a plant in spring in a western or southern canopy of the slope of the site. These parties are more illuminated by the Sun, and usually enough snow accumulates in such places, which will protect bushes from freezing during the cold season. Remember that the level of groundwater in the place of the dating landing should be low.

The second condition for the successful life of perennial in your garden will be optimum soil for him. Since the plant does not like the convergence, a nutritional soil is suitable for it, consisting of peat, sand and pumping leaves in proportions 1: 2: 2. If your soil area is different, then you will need to first select the unscrewing soil from the landing pit and fill it with its nutritional composition specified above.

By choosing and preparing a place to land a capricious beauty, you can go for the store. You should carefully inspect seedlings and pay attention to the integrity of the kidneys and the shoots themselves. They should not be damage and signs of diseases. It is better to acquire young dating seedlings with an open root system, and not in containers. So you consider not only shoots, but also roots, and make sure that they are intact and are not overpower. If the roots are dry, then before planting you need to soak them for a couple of hours in a liquid mixture of water and clay, adding 3 g of potassium permanganate to the chatter.

Further on the site dig a hole with a depth of 0.4-0.5 m. As an adult shrub is quite scattered, the distance between the seedlings or other perennials should be at least 1.8-2.5 m. At the bottom of the pit pour the drainage layer, it may be Sand or small pieces of broken bricks. Then they take a seedling of the action and gently lower its roots in the hole, filling the space with a prepared nutritional soil. If your plot is on acid soilsYou can add 300 g of haratedl lime to the landing. Make sure that the root neck of the perennial is not blocked into the soil for more than 2 cm. Putting a seedling, thoroughly wipe the soil around it and water with warm water. Top to sprinkle a peat area with a thickness of about 5 cm. So that the perennial bushes more active, shoot it short up to 3-5 kidneys.

Watering and feeding a capricious dale

Since the Eastern Plant does not like the convergence, he needs a moderate watering. One bucket in 7-10 days will be enough for perennial. During the flowering period and in hot and dry July days, the dating can be watered more often. Each time after irrigation, it is necessary to loosen the land under a perennial to a depth of 15 cm. The same procedure should be done after the rains. In the second decade of August, the dialing to water stop. With the onset of the autumn and the arrival of rainy days, it is desirable to prepare waterproof material for plants, for example, polyethylene, and to cover them under the bushes.

Once a month from the end of May to August, the perennial must be fed. For this, a liquid manure is made under each shrub (at least 3 liters per plant). In the spring, you can feed the eastern beauty of 120 g of mineral fertilizer - superphosphate. In the fall, any fertilizers do not make any fertilizer, otherwise it will take it worse than the cold season.

Trimming bushes and preparation of them to wintering

Pruning bushes is carried out annually at the end of April and in the fall, after the plants will end flowering. In the spring, perennials look at damaged or broken branches, carefully remove them. It is necessary to crop the ends of the shoots that are frozen in winter and branches that grow inside the crown. The blooming summer branches are cut off to young shoots, and the new shoots themselves shorten on 1/3 of their length. Thanks to the pruning procedure, the branches will become better to close and floral kidneys will begin on them. So that the shrub is not old, to achieve the five-year-old age, it is rejuvenated 1 time in 36 months. For this, old branches are removed to the very base. Sometimes all branches are cut under the root so that the plant is completely rejected. For proper fulfillment All dating procedures will bloom every summer, starting from the second year of life.

The most dangerous time of the year for perennial is winter. Therefore, to prepare a shrub to the cold period should be in advance. In areas with snowy moderate winters, for this branch of the dates simply bend to the ground. But in the context of the Moscow region, the perennial will need more serious shelter. After trimming, young bushes are not only flex to the ground, the framework of the wire is installed above them and they are covered with a sweetheart or a layer of fallen dry leaves. From above, the frame is picked up polyethylene to protect the plant from moisture. For an adult dale, this method is not suitable. The bush will be needed first to tie to the twine, then wrap it with spunbond or a piece of burlap. In such "clothes", the plant will be warm and at the same time its kidneys will not spare, but normally develop in the spring. Reveal a perennial after the slope of the snow.

About varieties of oriental plants

There are about 50 varieties of excellent dates in the world, but not all of them are suitable for the conditions of the Moscow region. What plants will make sure in the specified area and please our owners a lush color? Most often B. middle lane Russia can see the following varieties of perennial:

  • melno-ceiling deed;
  • diary of rough;
  • death elegant;
  • dating pink;
  • death Lemuca.

What is each of these plants? The second name of the Melkocellum dating is Amur. Her bush in the gardens near Moscow can reach up to 1.5 m in height. As can be seen from the name, this perennial has small in size (only 1-1.2 cm) flowers white colorWith which he pleases those surrounding about 20 days of June. Each flower is surrounded by 5 petals. This plant grade develops very quickly, it is resistant to gases, sunlight and moisture.

Daisoner - more high plant. It may grow up to 2 m. Perennial leaves are covered with small hairs, because of this, they seem to the touch. The dating is called star-shaped flowers whose petals are pointed as the ends of the asterisks. This variety has several varieties of 1.5 cm flowers in size. Some of them terry and pink, other white. A characteristic feature of them is quite late bloom - the end of June. Cylish-shaped inflorescences are painted on the branches from 14 to 20 days.

Elegant Detament - Small shrub. It does not exceed 1.2 m in height, so the borders often declared, the perennials are planted in the foreground of the bush compositions. Already in the second year after the appearance in the garden, the plant will delight you with elegant snow-white brushes consisting of 4-5 tens of colors.

Not so long ago, breeders crossed the elegant and purple dale, thanks to this, the light appeared hybrid Dating Pink. A small perennial is famous for flowers that are from the bottom are painted in a bright pink color, and on top they are more pale. Flower shaped resemble small bells collected in inflorescences of 20 pieces. The form is famous for good frost resistance.

Attractive looking bushes hybrid Dating Lemouana. She was brought, crossed Amur and elegant perennials. As a result, several decorative varieties were obtained. The most bright are raspberry outside and pink flowers detaments Stskierry Fields. And pink inflorescence Mont Rose It is famous for their large up to 3 cm flowers. In contrast Strokerry, flowers Boule de tender white, collected in elegant bullets. All the varieties of Lemuca dating in the conditions of the suburbs bloom at the end of June. Perennials during growing are characterized by a rounded crown, reach a height of 1.6 m and frost well.

Whatever the dating variety you have chosen, know that with proper care for her, it will surely answer you thanks: please lush crown, I give gentle inflorescences and make your garden attractive and cozy.

The genection includes about 50 beautifully blooming leaf falling shrub species growing in the territories of East Asia, Himalayas and Mexico. Their sizes range in a rather wide range - from half a meter to 4 meters in height. A feature of these plants is the ability of stalks to grow even after heavy friction and blooming in the same year.

Varieties and species

In the wild form is represented in China and Japan. With its name, she is obliged to rough foliage, completely dying with small snacks. The height of this species is up to 2.5 m, the peeling bark is painted in red-or gray-brown colors, the brushes of the white or pinkish tone are growing up to 12 cm long.

  • Unusually spectacular garden shapes with dimensional flowers, under the weight of which the plant bent over the arc, while they are considered one of the most winter-hardy. To those can be attributed and decorative shape dating Mahova with terry white inside and pink with outdoor Flowers.

With mountainous settlements of the country of the rising sun is notable for a relatively small height (up to 1.5 m), spherical bushes and rich bloom. Sheets - pointed, up to 6 cm long, barely covered with hairs from above, replacing color from light green in a summer day on yellow in autumn. Pure white flowers form straight brushes up to 9 cm long.

The beginning of the flowering period of this species is dated 2 weeks before compared to the previous one, and its duration is 25-35 days.

  • - It is one of the most miniature at an altitude of up to 80 cm and the crown width up to 100 cm. Flowering is very decorative, starts at the end of spring. In the fall of grade foliage becomes red-purple.

The average height (up to 2 m) view with a brownish (later gray) cortex of stems, oval-sized sheets up to 6 cm long. The painting of foliage in the spring and summer is bright green or gray-green, and in the fall brownish-yellow. Inflorescences are formed by white flowers and have a width up to 7 cm. In Naturally, it is found in the Far East, in North Korea and China.

Up to 1.6 m in height, with a lush spherical crown, white flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, organized in direct mellow-shaped inflorescences. Begins to bloom in May.

  • Special demand for gardeners enjoy decorative varieties detaments Lemouana Strokerri Fields (with pale pink inside and raspberry shade outside with flowers)

  • mont Rose (with no less interesting overall flowers of a bright pink shade and slightly twisted petals).

It is a very winter-hardy hybrid of Shershava, who inherited her height. Inflorescences in the form of umbrellas up to 10 cm long collected from white terry flowers, giving very lush flowering For 3 weeks.

  • With strong straight stems up to 1.8 m height, dimensional red and white flowers in creeps-shaped inflorescences and high-screen bark flowers at the beginning of the middle of summer and looks great even at the end of autumn and winter.

The hybrid on the basis of elegant. Very compact (up to the 1st meter in height) with dark-green leaflets and flowers with a diameter of one and a half centimeters.

One of the most attractive hybrids, up to 2 m height, blooming in the first half of summer. Slow-white terry flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences up to 12 cm long. In optimal conditions Growing and with proper care can live as much as 50 years!

Detaway landing and care in open ground

During the landing of the dates, they should be determined at a distance of 2.5 m from each other and 2 m - between the rows. Preferred open or slightly shaded places from the midday.

The landing is carried out at a depth of 40-50 cm, leaving the root neck to the ground with the ground. To stimulate the flowering plants, they feather liquid manure in the volume of 5-6 liters per one.

Watering Diet

Soil for action

Detament prefers a fertile neutral (with an index of acidity 5-8) soil. It can be a sublinous, but in no case by the not drained moisture by the accumulating elements, because the stagnation of earth moisture has a negative effect on the development of the plant.

The ideal substrate for adults is a mixture of river sand, humus and peat (or compost) in proportions 2: 2: 1. According to the reasons described above, it is also extremely recommended to place a plant in places where the groundwater flows near the earth's surface.

Dale transfer

The root system of the dates includes 1-2 large roots stretching in the depth, and many small urine roots. It is the latter that the ability to deal well with a transplant.

This procedure is produced in the spring, for which the bush carefully dodge, if possible, keeping the structure of the earth coma (as a guide for the joint of the shovel with the Earth, the crown contour) is served).

Before landing the plant along with a coma in a new place, the landing pit soil is solar mineral fertilizer (20-30 g).

It is especially important to take into account when transplanting the location of the root neck, so that it is not too shrouded and, at the same time, did not rise above the level of soil cover.

Fertilizers for dating

It is necessary to fulfill the abundant feeding of the action when landing, then it requires only 3-4 liters of liquid manure during the flowering of once a month. Additionally, it is recommended to feed it twice for the season with a complex mineral fertilizer (100-150 g per bus).

Trimming Detaments

Pruning is carried out 2 times a year - in the spring (removal of frozen, dry, durable and wild branches) and summer (after flowering, main trimming). Summer pruning implies shortening of stems one-third with the concomitant adjustment of the shape of the bush.

In case if appearance The dates absolutely does not correspond to the desired one, it is safe to cut it up to the very foundation, leaving one pennies. These actions will have a stimulating effect on the activity of the growth of the root skes, which will result in the appearance of a new lush bush Already next year.

Dement Shelter for the Winter

Given the fact that the action - the plant is rather winter-hardy, it is necessary to cover it with a light dried leaf by the winter, forming a layer of 10-20 cm. Hang down the shoots of low specimens to the ground will not be difficult, whereas with tall diet is more complicated.

At the end of the fall, the bushes are tightly tied with a suitable air-permeable material (for example, synthetics used in sugar bags), while not yet fallen leaves play the role of additional cover. Such a non-work method is achieved by almost complete preservation of bushes, even with frosts up to -30 C.

Reproduction of dating seeds

To reproduce the dating seeds, seeds are carried out in spring without their preparatory processing. When sowing, it is quite tightly pressing the seeds to the ground, not closeing them. After 3 weeks, germs will arise, in the future the germination can last for up to 3 years.

Seeds are kept in cool premises, buying well in vessels or soldered into polyethylene packages. To avoid drying seeds and shoots, seeded is recommended for sowing. 1-year seedlings subject to reduced temperatures, need to organize a shelter, to dive them in the spring. In favorable conditions, flowering can occur on the 3rd year.

Decision reproduction with cuttings

Green drawing - most optimal method The reproduction of the dates, characterized by the rootability of 90-100% with the surrounding temperature of 15-30 s and artificial fog (due to spraying from the nozzles).

8 - 10 cm from adult major stalks cut into a cutting in the end of spring or early summer. It is desirable to handle a cut stimulant for the formation of roots. Sand peat and river sand are suitable for the soil mixture in equal proportions.

It is necessary to deepen the cuttings on a half-meter, withstanding a small slope, and pour out a 3-centimeter sand layer. After 2 years, the seedlings can be planted at a stable place.

Warm cuttings should be prepared at the end of autumn when the plant is at rest. The cuttings of 15-25 cm long with 3-5 kidneys on each, bind to each other with beams of 10-15 pieces and, in a vertical position, almost completely covered with moistened sand. So they should be stored until spring in the basement, then can be grown by analogy with green cuttings.

Shrub Detament is a genus with 60 kinds of flowering plants of the family of hydrangea. Natural habitat of this kind - Eastern and central Asia (from Himalayas east to Japan and Philippines), Central America Europe. Also, a huge amount of plant species is observed in China (about 50 varieties).
Flowers Dating are named in honor of the Dutch patter and nerd 18th century. Iohan von der Daire.
Shrub Detament is a fairly new plant for modern gardens, the exception is only a dating of scam, which was noticed in japanese gardens Enegelbert Camplefe and Karl Peter Tunberg. But in fact, for the first time, this flower appeared in Europe only after 1830, and two three species noted in the royal society of gardeners were collected from wildlife only for the 20th century.
Shrub Detament is grown as a decorative plant due to its pink and white flowers. Many varieties and hybrids are also used for cultivation in the garden, including options with terry flowers: for example, a lemon dating is a hybrid of gracealitz and parviflora. Creating hybrids allows gardeners to extract greater benefits - for example, one type of resistance to drought and with even more fragrant colors. Sometimes without careful study, it is very difficult to understand how particular the family includes one or another variety or a hybrid. We bring to your attention a photo of the dale and detailed description The process of planting and care in the process of cultivation. In addition, descriptions of the most popular varieties of dating, such as white and pink, hybrid and terry, coarsavaya, Stroberry and Pick Pom Pom.
Flowers deuterium are often used as a border plant due to their height. Some dating varieties are recommended for ground cover, for mountaineering or easy to grow in containers and pots.

Description of the dating and her photo

Detament is mostly shrub, height from one to four meters. Most of them are deciduous, but some subtropical varieties can be evergreen. Leaves are opposite and with toothed edges. Look at the photo Shrub Detament in the variety of varieties presented:

Dating flowers grow in the form of a panicle or shield. Flowers are mostly white, but some varieties can be pink and red. Can be solid with five petals or double with large quantity Petals. They grow in loose clusters and bloom from the end of spring and before the beginning of summer. The dating is good because it does not cause allergies.
Bushes that have a chopped bark produce small fruits in the form of a dry capsule containing numerous small seeds. Recognitive species are very difficult, often requires knowledge of microscopic parts, such as the structure of the sheet and the structure of the seed capsule.
Not a flowering plant is easy to confuse with a bush of the honeysuckle.

Shrub Care Division

Many varieties of the dating do not tolerate winter cold weather, therefore the plant should be placed in well-protected areas and frosts. Plant Dating when leaving very patient to various types Soil and water conditions. But all when leaving the flower should be taken care to be grown in the sun in a humid, but well-drained soil with humus with neutral acidity. It is not forged to plant a dating in a half, but you should know that the flowers will be much smaller than when in the open sun. When organizing the care of the shrub, the Deniya should comply with the rule of providing abused sunlight throughout the light day.
As a rule, the plant is not vulnerable to various diseases and pests.

Caring for the action includes the process of trimming, as all kinds grow on woody growths that appeared after the previous growing period. This procedure is very important for its growth, but you need to choose the time when the flowering has already ended - most often it is the middle of summer. If you cut them too late, then they will not have enough time to produce new flowering stems for the next year. Trimming in the winter leads to the fact that the decement will remain without flower buds. And the next spring flower with stem will also not appear.
It is required to shorten the plant about one third of the entire length. If you trim up to the soil level, it will stimulate the growth of new root shoots, which will soon get full length and ensure the continuity of healthy shoots for the next year.

Landing Detaments

The dating is multiplied without problems with the help of cuttings long 8-10 centimeters and soft shoots in May or June (well, or in July, when wood is more solid). They are placed in a mixture of sand and sand peat and subsequently - to a greenhouse, under the glass or under polyethylene film. Young plants before landing must be placed in good soil On the space of the kennel, and the roots should be plugged a little so that the flower goes better. Only in two years it is recommended to land the dating on permanent place. And the best result can be achieved only if placing a plant in a subline soil, but not too dry.
Also, support the ground, placing well-reworked manure or periodically applying fertilizers above the roots. This landing is completed and then you should organize correct care Behind the shrubs in order to get a magnificent result in the very near future.

Dementi varieties

Dating hybrid includes various varietiescrossed together. They are distinguished by bright colors and unusual leaves.

Dale Pink

Dating pink is a completely fluffy deciduous shrub with pink and white colors in the late spring and early summer. We grow well in a half of the direct solar rays and prefer the average water level. The flowers of the swivel form are inflored in the form of a cinema shield. The droughtholdiness is average. The most picturesque look acquires in spring and summer.
This variety of the action grows in soils ranging from PH5 (very acidic ranges from 0 to 5.1) and ending with PH8 (slightly alkaline ranges from 7.6 to 8). It is adapted for chalk, clay, loam, sandy, peat, sand clay, clay sandy and squeezed soils. Prefers fertile land.
A rounded-shaped bush can reach altitude one meter and applies to about the same length. The achievement process maximum height often takes from 6 to 10 years.
The leaves of the pointed shape retain their color and winter and summer.
The main method of reproduction is shifting.

Hybrid dating white

White's white blessing inflorescences reaches 12 centimeters terry flowers reach three centimeters in diameter. The period of active flowering - June-July. Under all the conditions for care, the plant can bloom and maintain a wonderful appearance from 20 to 50 years. It grows very quickly to two meters.

Hybrid degree elegant

Detament Elegant is a shrub with opposite simple leaves and slender curved stems. White shade flowers ripen in a spring-summer perip. Also known as a slender hybrid dating and is native to Japan, where he blooms in April-May.
The plant grows up to two meters, but at the same time it takes a bulk form and is usually distributed by one and a half meters.
A slender bush has a greenish-brown with yellow inserts with a shade of an oval form of 10 per 4 centimeters. They are smooth and thin with a gentle-green top surface and smooth, almost snow-white - lower. For two weeks in April or May, these shrubs are covered with snow-white brushes of cup-shaped colors. Clean white flowers on the background beautiful green Foliages make a bush particularly attractive to look - it rushes into the eye and spreads a gentle and fragrant smell.
This culture is better grows on fertile, well-drained soil. Detament does not arrive at the level of soil acidity. Rarely exposed to diseases and various pests, but sometimes the attack of the tool and spotting of foliage may occur.
There is a probability of drying dry and often looks dispaired. Heavy pruning immediately after flowering allows them to look good. The sun is complete; humidity - average; Reproduction - cuttings in warm weather.

Surgeted rough deal

Dating is great - this is a hybrid of the Daisy of Schelava and the Detament of Wilmorena. Most often, the shrub reaches a height of 2-2.5 meters. Under the weight of inflorescence, the shrub often goes to the ground. Inflorescences have a pinkish-white shade and will delight you within two or three weeks. In contrast from their fellow, the dale is magnificent prefers a place in the shade, for example, under a large crown of trees. Your magnificent view of the flower will be in full force with a sufficient level of moisture and the scattered light of the sun. Do not forget, planting a deal, cook good drainageSince she does not like excess moisture and salt in the soil.
You can use the plant in the apartments in the city, as the flower calmly transfers gas and smoke, without which the modern city cannot exist.
DECTION Hybrid Sturebrierry Fields
DECTION Hybrid Sturebrierry Fields is fluffy deciduous shrub With flaking bark. There are also simple, opposite leaves of ovoid shape and flowers in the form of a conical belt. Flowers petals are wide enough, 2.5 centimeters, raspberry outside and pale pink inside. Arranged in the form of terminal or axillary clusters and dismissed the beautiful fragrance on large distance. Bloom at the beginning of summer.
The flower is capable of growing normally and in one-day and with full light. When landing in the soil also add chalk, sand, clay and loam. Loves high humidityBut the soil prefers well-drained. Split coniferous cuttings.
Gardeners are offered to plant a plant at the borders of the garden sites and near the houses.

Dating turbial rifle

Detament Turbil Rouge is part of the Hydrangea family. It has five petals that form a flower of a cup-shaped or star-shaped. Often have a bright fragrance during flowering from the middle to the end of the summer. More mature plants often have a peeling bark.
The flower produces deep pink clusters in early June with stamens yellow color Against the background of sharp gel green leaves. The height of the action can reach one and a half meters.
So that the plant actively develops, it is necessary to create conditions - fertile, not too dry soil, the place should be located in full sun. After the end of flowering, it is necessary to cut the escape from 1/5 to the soil level.

Dement of captivity

Detament of captivity is a high height shrub (one and a half or three meters). The color of foliage is green, flowers - white or pink - bloom in late May - early June. A shrub originally from East Asia does not require special care conditions and is ideal for any hell and windowsill. Captivity is the title for some varieties of dating with terry flowers, pink outside and white inside. They form an air shrub with a slightly lowered branches.
Lancing leaves have a green color. The plant reaches three meters in height and slightly smaller in width. Pruning is not required only if there is such a desire (be sure to spend it immediately after the end of flowering).
The dating blooms on last year's shoots, so it must necessarily form new branches with buds before winter. Well adapts to any soil. It grows well in full sun, but it will also grow in the shade.

Dating Mont Rose

Dating Mont Rose is a deciduous plant in the shape of a bush of a medium size. Leaves have an egg-shaped and inflorescence in the form of a conical belt of purple and pink color in the early summer.
The flower stands the drought and grows vertically. In the garden, he will attract bees and butterflies. For the garden, it is convenient because of its low operational characteristics.

Sort Dating Mahova

Dating Machrov received its name thanks to terry flowers. This is a relatively low plant with an increase of 1.5-2 meters. A bush color for May June very plentiful. If a large number of flowers blooms, the plant trunks are strung out. Special painting plant attached inflorescences in the form of a star with white petals inside and pink outside.

Dating Pink Pom Pom

DAY POM POM POM is a flower with straight shoots two or two and a half meters. Has the rough leaves of a dark green shade. Pink flowers outside and white inside. Bills in the form of a panicle.
Detament grows well on wet soil under open Sun. With humus. Does not tolerate frosts. Many gardeners consider this variety one of the most beautiful.