How to grow a year and a half garlic. How to grow garlic large heads of seeds in the open ground? Preplanting garlic

Garlic is one of the most beloved vegetables of our gardeners. It can be grown in almost all regions of Russia. In order to get a good harvest, the technology of planting, care and storage of bulbs should be followed. Let's take a closer look at how to grow garlic.

When to plant garlic

Garlic is one of the few cultivated plants that can be planted both in spring and autumn. In the first case, it is called spring, in the second - winter. In cold regions, garlic is usually planted in the fall, and in the warm in the spring. In the latter case, the teeth are buried in the ground already a little germinated. Spring planting should be done as early as possible. Ideally, the earth should not even dry out after snow melts. Only in this case, you can get quite large heads.

Choosing a place and preparing a bed for spring garlic

How to grow garlic on heads and herbs to achieve a good harvest? Of course, the garden bed for this vegetable must be carefully prepared. Best of all, this culture grows on loose, well-fertilized organic soils. To get large heads, garlic is planted in a sunny place. In the event that you need greens, break a bed under fruit trees, somewhere in partial shade.

The best predecessors for this vegetable are cauliflower, cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini, beets, carrots, beans and peas. After onions, garlic can be planted only after 3-4 years. Each year, the garden is broken up in a different place. It is not recommended to plant garlic next to potatoes. The fact is that these plants are susceptible to similar diseases.

Planting of spring garlic

How to grow good garlic? It is quite possible, all rules must be observed. First of all, you should correctly fit the heads. Garlic is grown both on mulched and on ordinary beds. In the first case, the teeth are planted to a depth of about 5 mm. If mulch is not provided, the landing should be made to a depth of 7.5-10 mm. Of course, the cloves must be buried in the soil with the root part down. The distance between the holes should be 10-15 cm, between the rows - about 25-30 cm. In the event that the garden is small, you can plant garlic more often. However, the heads will grow smaller.

How to grow spring garlic

Mulch on the beds with garlic is still worth using. This significantly increases productivity. The beds under the plants can be covered with straw, reeds, leaves, etc. Arrows should be removed immediately as they appear. Otherwise, you won’t get big heads. Arrows take a lot of nutrients from the plant. Many summer residents use them as a seasoning in the preparation of baked meat dishes. Not bad they go as a frying to borscht. Garlic is watered sparingly, but drying out the soil under it should not be allowed.

Preparation of beds for winter garlic

How to grow a good harvest of spring garlic, we have found out. Now let's see how to get a large number of large winter heads. To prepare beds under it begin two weeks before planting. The fact is that the soil must first sag well. If you plant garlic after cabbage, eggplant or legumes, under which a lot of compost or manure was applied in the summer, there is no special need to fertilize the soil with organic material. However, mineral dressing is still worth doing. A mixture of the following composition is used: 40 g of superphosphate, 15-30 g of ammofoska, 10 g of potassium chloride. The indicated amount of ingredients is used to fertilize 1m 2 of soil. If garlic is planted where organic matter has not been applied, fertilize the earth with humus or compost in an amount of about 6 kg / m 2.

Compost, humus and mineral fertilizers should be added as evenly as possible. Sprinkle them over the bed and dig it up. Then thoroughly loosen the soil with a rake.

Preparing planting material

Now let's see how to grow winter garlic. The teeth should be prepared before planting. The heads are kept in a cool room for two weeks (at a temperature of about 5 ° C). They should be divided into teeth one day before planting. Planting material should be carefully sorted. It is best to plant small and medium sized cloves. Cracked, with two peaks and rotten should be discarded. In order to protect future plants from various diseases, the teeth must be sanitized. To do this, prepare a solution of copper sulfate (4 g per liter of water). Planting material is kept in it for half an hour. You can also use a liquor solution to disinfect. It is prepared from ash (1 tbsp. Boiled in a liter of water for half an hour).

When to plant winter garlic?

If you wondered "how to grow a good harvest of garlic," you should definitely learn about the rules for planting it. It is very important to meet deadlines. Before frost, garlic must take root, but not grow. Approximately, the landing begins around the twentieth of September (for central Russia).

How to plant winter garlic

Under winter garlic, it is worth preparing beds approximately 20 cm high and a meter wide. They should be oriented from north to south - this is a prerequisite! This will ensure maximum heating of the soil in autumn and spring. The distance between the holes is 15 cm. The garlic is planted in three rows. The distance between them is 25 cm. The aisles should have a width of 50 cm. The landing depth is two tooth height.

Winter Garlic Care

How to grow winter garlic? Care for him should begin in the fall. Immediately after planting, the beds are necessarily mulched with manure or humus with a layer of two centimeters. In the spring, immediately after the leaves begin to sprout, garlic should be fed. You can use urea or ammonium nitrate (at the rate of 15 g / 1m 2).

For the second time, garlic is fed in mid-May. Nitrogen-potassium fertilizers are applied to the soil. The third time top dressing is carried out in the seventh leaf phase. A mixture of potassium chloride (10 g / m 2) and superphosphate (20 g / m 2) is used. After each dressing, garlic should be well watered. The frequency of watering in the summer is once a week. No need to arrange swamps under the plants. Water in moderation, otherwise the bulbs will simply rot. Stop soil moisture under the plants should be two weeks before harvesting. This will increase the keeping quality of the bulbs.

As in the case of spring garlic, arrows should be broken out in winter. Crop they can reduce almost three times.

Culture diseases

Discussing how to grow garlic in the garden, it is impossible not to stop on pests. Various kinds of insects are not particularly favored by this vegetable. Infection occurs rarely and mainly only by nematodes or onion thrips. The first are similar to microscopic "worms". They live inside the plant itself. They do not cause much damage, but in some cases they can destroy the entire crop. Thrips eat garlic leaves, drinking juice from them. This leads to a slowdown in bulb growth. Of the diseases, garlic most often affects white rot. After infection, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow, as a result of which it dies. Garlic also suffers from Fusarium and downy mildew.

You can get rid of nematodes by planting beds with undersized marigolds with a strong odor. Plants are eliminated from thrips by treatment with a solution of malathion (60 g per 10 l of water).

Growing garlic seeds

Many summer residents would like to know about how to grow garlic seeds, the so-called bulbs. In the future, they are used to obtain the heads of a single tooth. In the spring, the largest cloves are selected and planted in a sunny place. Garlic is planted on bulbs a little less often than marketable. Look after seed plants in the same way as ordinary plants. After the arrows straighten completely, the plants are dug out of the ground with roots and hung out to dry in bunches in a dark, dry place (you can in the attic). So they are kept for a month, until the stem is completely dry. After that, it is cut off, leaving a stump of 2-3 cm near the bulb itself. Store the seeds in a dark, dry place.

Growing garlic from bulbs

Next, let's figure out how to grow garlic from seeds. Sometimes at the dachas such a method is practiced. Bulbs are planted in the spring, after the soil warms up. Before planting, they must be kept in the refrigerator (at a temperature of 5 ° C) for about a month. Otherwise, you will not get the bulbs. From unprepared seeds, only greens will grow.

The bed is broken in a sunny place. Organic fertilizers are applied to the soil and loosened thoroughly. Do not deepen the seeds too much, otherwise they will germinate for a long time. After planting, the bed is necessarily watered with water. We hope you now understand how to grow garlic from bulbs. Having planted the seeds in compliance with the established technology, in the spring you will collect a good crop of garlic-one-tooth. It can be eaten or used as a planting material.

This method is good in that the bulbs do not tolerate infection. This means that in the summer the plants will not hurt. In particular, such garlic is never infected by a nematode. Among other things, this technology can significantly save seed.


We have figured out how to grow winter garlic, as well as spring from cloves and seeds. Now let's figure out how to properly harvest the crop. Dig bulbs after fading ¾ of the lower leaves. Winter garlic usually ripens in late July. Spring - in late August. Dig it after most of the lower leaves turn yellow. First, for the sample, you need to pull out two to three heads of garlic from the ground. Bulbs should be well formed and dense. They dig a crop with a pitchfork. Pry off a clod of earth with garlic and pull it out by hand with the heads. The dug up plants should be spread out for several hours along the perimeter of the bed for drying.

Leaves do not need to be cut immediately. They retain the reserve nutrients that continue to flow into the bulb. Existing arrows should be deleted. Leaves are cut after drying. In garlic, intended for consumption, roots are pruned.

Experienced gardeners believe that it is better not to contain garlic in the ground than overexposure it. The fact is that unripe bulbs may well reach after digging. Overripe, however, break up into teeth and are stored much worse.


That garlic, which will later be used as a planting material, is best stored separately from food. For the winter, the heads should be placed in a cool (temperature +16 ... + 20 о С for food and +18 ... +20 о С for seed), well-ventilated rooms. Humidity in it should not exceed 90%. Too dry air for garlic is also not good (at least 60%), because it can dry out and begin to break down into cloves. It is best to put the bulbs in rack boxes.

Now you know not only how to grow garlic in the garden, but also how to properly preserve it. Next, we give some useful tips that may be useful to someone.

1. In order to prevent garlic from drying out during storage, you can put it not in boxes, but in bags made of dense fabric, pouring onion husks over the heads. Also, sometimes the heads are lubricated with boiled vegetable oil (0.5 l), to which iodine (10 g) is added. Apply this composition to the bulbs with a cotton swab.

2. Winter garlic is stored worse than spring. In the event that you want to use it on seeds in the spring, after the onset of cold weather, just bury the onions in the ground, to a depth of about half a meter, putting them in a plastic bag. Planting material saved in this way can be planted very early.

So, we have figured out in detail how to grow garlic from bulbs or prongs yourself. Take care of the beds, observe the planting and harvesting dates, prepare and store the seeds correctly - and this wonderful vegetable will always delight you with good harvests.

A close relative of onions is garlic. Features of planting, care, storage and preparation for planting, of course, he has, like any vegetable crop. But growing garlic is no big deal. We'll figure out. Distinguish between shooting and non-shooting, winter and spring varieties of garlic - it depends on the biological characteristics of the plant. Unshooted garlic propagates only with its teeth, strelkovaya - plus them with air bulbs (bulbs).

Shooting varieties are winter varieties. They give a good harvest when planting in the winter. Among the non-shooting varieties there are winter and spring. Planting spring garlic in the fall leads to poor rooting of the cloves, thinning out crops, and crop shortages. However, there are varieties that grow well during autumn and spring planting.

The main thing when growing winter garlic is to create conditions for a good wintering. This is ensured by the correct choice of the place for planting, sowing dates, the depth of seed placement. The culture should be placed on fertile lands with a flat surface, clear of weeds that are not flooded by autumn or melt water.

The best predecessors are crops that early release the field, under which organic fertilizers are applied: cucumbers, zucchini, early cabbage, lettuce, and legumes. Garlic is a good precursor for all crops except onions, because they are affected by the same pests and diseases.

Preparing the garden for planting garlic

The soil on the bed is treated in advance so that it settles somewhat. Directly under plowing or digging can be added humus (40-60 t / ha), mineral fertilizers. The rate of mineral fertilizers per 1 hundredth: 30-40 g of ammonium nitrate, 50 g of superphosphate, 15-20 g of potassium chloride. Nitrate is not added in autumn, only in spring.

Preparation of planting material - garlic cloves, bulbs

For planting winter garlic or spring, three types of planting material are used:

  • teeth
  • air bulbs (bulbs);
  • sevoc (single-tooth cultivated from aerial bulbs).

Only garlic heads with healthy teeth are selected. All diseased, dried out or sprouted bulbs are discarded. Large or medium-sized teeth are the most suitable material for planting.

Tooths prepared for planting are etched, disinfected with 1% solution of copper sulfate or 3% suspension of TMTD for 10-15 minutes. If disinfection is not carried out, then it is useful to soak them not for 12-24 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Such preparation contributes to the improvement of planting material, protects it from diseases.

Planting garlic in the fall before winter - timing

In order for the garlic to take root, but not germinate, it must be planted in the winter two to three weeks before a steady cooling. The optimal time for planting winter varieties of garlic in the winter is the third decade of October in the Kuban. With an earlier planting, for example, in September, sprouted teeth go out in the winter with 2-3 real leaves. So that the leaves do not suffer from frost or cold winds, they carry out the hilling of plants, and in early spring transverse harrowing in order to free the neck of plants.

At a later planting, the teeth do not have time to take root - there is a large thinning of crops from the influence of cold winds and frosts.

Check the timing of garlic planting with.

Aerial bulbs are sown in autumn or early spring. The so-called sevoc grows from them - these are not little teeth, but roundish small onions. If you plant the onion bulbs in the fall, most of them will give arrows in the summer, and during spring planting there is no shooting, and round bulbs, one-tooth (apples) are formed. They are planted in the fall, as they are poorly preserved until spring.

Spring varieties are planted in early spring, as soon as the opportunity arises to enter the field, since they are very demanding on soil moisture, low temperature at the beginning of growth. With a delay in planting, growth is delayed, the development of plants, the yield is reduced, and the product quality is deteriorating.

The rate and pattern of planting garlic

Garlic is usually planted in rows, the distance between which is 20-30 cm. The teeth are placed at a distance of 6-8 cm, but this distance depends on their size: for large ones, the distance is greater, small ones are planted closer to each other. One to two days before planting, the heads should be disassembled into teeth. If this is done, for example, a week before sowing or even earlier, then they will lose some percentage of germination.

How many teeth will be needed in order to plant, for example, 1 square. meter garden, difficult to say. The planting rate depends on the size of the cloves that you plant. Typically, agronomists call the number 130-380 teeth per 1 m 2. They get the first figure based on their average weight of one tooth 3 g, and the second - if it weighs 7 g.

From larger teeth, larger heads grow. It’s not worthwhile planting cloves weighing less than 3 g, as small heads will grow out of them.

What depth should I plant? It depends, firstly, on the size of the teeth, and secondly, on the timing of planting.

In autumn, winter varieties are planted in the winter. Large teeth are planted no deeper than 5-7 cm. Smaller teeth - no deeper than 4-5 cm. But, when planting in spring, that in autumn, it must be ensured that the topsoil is at least 3-4 cm on top. You can cover small beds a layer (5-7 cm) of mulch - straw or dry grass.

Spring varieties are planted in spring. The depth of planting of spring garlic is 4-5 cm. Also make sure that the soil layer above the teeth is at least 3-4 cm. This will provide optimal conditions for good rooting, for the formation of heads of the correct shape.

Garlic planting, dressing

One of the secrets of growing garlic is nutrition.

In the early spring, after the snow melted, as soon as the first warm days arrived, it would be nice to feed crops with nitrogen fertilizers, for example, urea (1 tbsp. / 10 l of water). About 1 liter of solution should be consumed per 1 m 2.

In April, when the seedlings grow up, top dressing is carried out twice, for example, this is the middle and end of April. The first feeding should contain more nitrogen. Its composition may be as follows: half a liter of chicken manure + 1 tbsp. a spoon of nitroammophoski per bucket (10 l) of water. In the second feeding, there should be more phosphorus and potassium. The composition is: 1 tbsp. spoon of double superphosphate + 1 tbsp. spoon of potassium sulfate + 1 teaspoon of urea per bucket (10 l) of water. On 1 m 2 also spend about 5 liters of solution.

Surely, after feeding the next day, loosen the soil between the rows, after a week and a half, loosen the soil again, if the soil is dry, water it. Garlic loves loose soil without - oxygen must necessarily come to the roots and bulbs of the plant, so loosen the soil between the rows after each watering or after rain. By the way, if there is no rain, then watering should be carried out at least weekly. Water abundantly - 12-15 liters per 1 m 2.

To facilitate the work of the gardener will be able to mulch the aisles. Mulch will retain moisture, and the soil under the mulch always remains loose.

In order for you to grow large heads, arrows need to be broken in time. Try to break or cut them, but do not pull them up - this way you can accidentally pull out the whole bulb or damage its root system. Break the arrows when they have reached a length of 12-15 cm, the breakout point should be as close as possible to the outlet of the leaves. If you break it of a shorter length, then it will continue to grow - you will not get a large head.

Breaking out arrows is a special agricultural technique that allows not only increasing the size of the head, but also accelerating their maturation.

By the way, do not throw out the broken arrows - they can be used when preserving blanks, as a seasoning for food.

For example, add the finely chopped arrows of garlic to the boiled potato, after you have drained the water, dried it slightly. Add butter or sour cream, mix and serve. Once upon a time I read this recipe - it was called Fitontsidnaya Potato. Since then, this is one of our family’s favorite dishes.

Finely chopped arrows can be added to boiled hot pasta or vermicelli - it is also tasty, healthy, especially in the spring, when there is so little vitamins.

Harvesting Garlic When To Do It

Typically, at the end of July, the leaves of the garlic begin to turn yellow. This suggests that the time has come for cleaning. Gardeners have an unwritten rule: it is better to remove earlier than later. Even a 5 day delay matters. With earlier harvesting, it is left outdoors under a canopy for ripening. Leaves do not break off yet. At the same time, nutrients from the leaves enter the bulbs, which increase their mass. At the same time, the heads are dense, covered with dry coverslips on top, of a good attractive appearance. And if you are literally 3-5 days late with cleaning, then the scales covering the heads burst, the teeth scatter, the head itself becomes loose. Such garlic will not be stored for a long time.

But I want to say separately about the timing of cleaning. There are many varieties with different ripening periods - it means that they must not be harvested all at once, but in turn. How many I did not talk with familiar gardeners, almost no one knows which variety they grow. By the way, me too. But the differences of the variety can be seen by the color of the outer shell of the head, by the number of teeth in the bulb. I try to sort the heads before planting in order to at least plant varieties separately.

How do you know when it is time to remove garlic from the beds?

Very simple. I always leave a few arrows, I don’t cut off everything when they start to grow. At first, during growth, the arrows curiously bend, stand curly. But as soon as I noticed that the arrow straightened, it stands vertically upward - this is the first sign that it is time to dig out the garlic.

There is another sign - the flower heads, which have already formed bulbs, have burst - for now, to clean.

Thus, knowing these signs of ripening, wherever you live, you will never be late to remove the garlic on time. Although the timing of cleaning will be different for everyone.

Dosing and storage of air bulbs (bulbs)

So that next year you have your own garlic for planting, leave some part of the plants with arrows on the garden bed, do not break them out. These plants with arrows left should be left in the garden for another one to two weeks after harvesting the main crop. Then shooters with air bulbs cut off. You can tie them in small bundles, hang them under a canopy (not in the open sun) for drying. So the arrows of garlic with air bulbs are stored for 20-30 days. During this time, the outflow of nutrients from shooters to bulbs occurs, they are covered with dense scales, become light straw or purple (color depends on the variety). Bulbs are very large, the shell bursts. If you are going to plant them in the fall, in the winter, then clean, sort them by size. And if the bulbs are intended for spring-summer planting, it is best to continue to store them in bunches until spring, because when cleaning, sorting in the fall, the bulbs are injured, can dry out, and lose germination. Keep them in a cool dark place.

For storage, ripe, mature, well-dried heads with a whole intact scale are selected. The best temperature for storage at home is + 18 ° C. It is better to store garlic in mesh bags, pigtails or cardboard boxes.

How to get single-tooth garlic?

To obtain single-tooth, air bulbs can be planted in autumn or spring. It should be remembered that during autumn sowing, part of the bulbs freezes, rots. Therefore, sparse shoots are obtained. With early spring sowing, seedlings appear on the 10-20th day, as a rule, friendly. Sowing scheme: the distance between the rows is 20 cm, in a row there is a continuous planting of bulbs. Leaving consists in watering and following shallow loosening, top dressing with complex fertilizers. One-tooth bulbs are removed as soon as the leaves begin to lie down. After ripening (10-12 days), drying, prune roots, dried leaves. One tooth is stored at a temperature of 16-18 ° C, relative humidity of 70-75%.

And the last ... Avoid planting garlic from vegetable shops or supermarkets, as in the process of growing garlic you risk introducing serious viral diseases into your area.

Kira Stoletova

All gardeners and summer residents grow garlic on their beds, because it is known for its healing properties, and is also used in the preparation of many dishes. Get the crop of this herbaceous plant will not be any trouble. Anyone who is gardening without any fertilizer will be able to collect garlic in small heads. But not every gardener knows how to grow large garlic.

All that is required to obtain large garlic is compliance with the cultivation technology and the right approach to the choice of planting material. These simple rules will help to get the largest and highest quality crop compared to other summer residents.

How to choose garlic

The future yield and quality of the crop depends on the right material for planting half. The main indicators of the highest quality product is its hardness and dryness. Here are some secrets to help you choose your planting bulbs:

  1. The best option would be garlic bulbs with large heads. They must be undamaged and unspoiled. Ideally, the teeth should be the same size.
  2. It is not recommended to plant heads with 3-4 teeth, as this is a sign of degeneration of the variety. It is better to use heads with 5 or more teeth.
  3. If you plan to plant garlic in the winter, then you should choose violet-striped varieties, as they are more resistant to winter temperature and less whimsical to growing conditions.
  4. It is better to buy local, zoned seed, because it is already adapted to local climatic conditions.
  5. Do not buy bulbs with a burnt bottom. It is also important that there are no cracks on the bottom, as this is a sign of infection.
  6. Small garlic will not bring a large crop. But from small teeth you can grow young herbs.

It is necessary with all responsibility to approach the issue of choosing planting material. With the help of these tricks you can choose the right garlic bulbs that will bring you a good harvest. The main thing to remember is the rule: we plant large teeth - we get a large head of garlic.

Varieties of Garlic

There are 2 types of garlic, which differ in terms of planting and the size of the heads: spring and winter. Spring species (differently called summer) is planted in spring, and winter (another name for winter) is planted in autumn. Spring garlic grows in a non-shooting form, and winter garlic can also grow in the form of an arrow.

Experienced gardeners plant both species, because winter varieties are formed earlier. And after harvesting them, you can expect the appearance of a bright variety. It is important not to confuse the planting dates, because then the plant will not grow. Spring garlic will yield crops only during spring planting in the garden, winter can bring large and healthy heads, but only when planted in autumn. If you plant his teeth in the spring, then he will also be able to form, but the crop will be of poor quality and unable to be stored for a long time.


Outwardly, these cultures are similar, but their structure is slightly different. Winter garlic in the center of the head has a core on which the teeth usually grow in even numbers. When they are separated, the stem remains naked. And in spring - there is no core, the number of teeth can vary. They are more curved in shape because they fit snugly together. On the outside are the largest teeth, and the smallest - in the middle.

Productivity of winter species is much higher. In addition, winter garlic is larger compared to spring. But the minus is that it is poorly stored. By the middle of winter, its teeth begin to dry out and need special care in order to be suitable for future sowing. Specialists recommend planting shoot varieties.

The advantage of spring varieties is that they can be stored for almost 2 years without changing their shape and qualities. Therefore, when you decide which garlic to plant, you need to consider for what purpose you do it: for the purpose of selling or for personal needs. For sale, it is better to grow a winter variety due to its high yield. For personal purposes, it is recommended to use spring, because it will last all winter and is very large in size.

Rules for planting spring garlic

In order to grow summer garlic healthy and large, you must adhere to the timing of planting and growing technology.

Landing time

The growing season of this variety is much shorter, so it should be planted very early. The most suitable time for planting in the ground is the first half of April. The garlic bulb has time to form properly.

It is very important that the air temperature is no higher than 10˚С, since at high temperature the roots stop growing. The optimal temperature regime for the root system is from 5 to 10 ° C. Healthy roots are the key to large heads. If you plant the cloves later, then the yield will be much less.

Growing technology

You should know a few simple rules to grow garlic large:

  1. Water the plant should be plentiful until mid-July, during the period of growth of greenery. If the tips of the stem turn yellow, then the plant does not have enough water. But if you water it very often and a lot, then the bulb will not form well and will be poorly stored, in addition, there will be much less nutrients.
  2. Loosen the earth after each irrigation to ensure that oxygen enters the soil.
  3. In the first half of August, you need to bind all the leaves of the plant together so that they absorb less minerals necessary for the growth of garlic bulbs.
  4. So that garlic is large and stored for a long time, it is recommended to systematically feed the plant. This process must be combined with watering.

Crop rotation is of great importance. You should not plant spring varieties after crops such as potatoes, tomatoes and onions. A place for sowing should be chosen sunny and one where water does not stagnate. In the fall, fertilize the soil with compost, humus and a small amount of ash. Before planting, the soil should be loosened.

In order for the plant to develop well and receive the necessary nutrients, attention must be paid to the density of planting. The distance between the beds should be about 30 cm. Each clove should be placed in the ground at a distance of 7 cm from each other. Do not deepen the wedges into the ground too much, this will slow down their development. After planting, you can cover the ground with straw or peat.

Rules for planting winter garlic

In order for winter varieties of garlic to grow with large and high-quality heads, you need to know the features of this species and the basic rules for growing and caring for the crop.

Landing time

You need to plant cloves in the ground before the onset of frost, namely 40 days before the first significant drop in temperature. It can be the beginning or the middle of October. Make sure that the air temperature at night is about 10 ° C. At this temperature, the root system has time to form without letting the green shoots out.

Garlic is an indispensable product in the kitchen. Therefore, many gardeners are eager to grow this crop in their plots. But in order to achieve an excellent harvest, you need to know how the cultivation of garlic.

Before you start growing garlic, you should know what species exist. Today, this culture is represented by the following species:

  • winter. This variety has excellent resistance to cold and forms an arrow. Planting of planting material is carried out in the fall. As a result, the plant hibernates in the ground, and in the next season a large and full-fledged head grows. It contains a few aligned cloves. Also in the head there is a central trunk, which is not typical for the spring species. Harvest is more suitable for eating fresh;
  • spring. This variety does not form an arrow. Planting of planting material is carried out in the spring. Such garlic is able to be stored for a long period of time. Harvest of this variety is not so plentiful.

The technique for growing garlic is selected based on the selected variety. Gardeners, when growing this crop, often prefer lancet varieties. With proper care, they give an excellent harvest.

A distinctive feature of this culture is that garlic is very poorly adapted to climatic changes during the cultivation process. Therefore, in order to increase the chances of success of obtaining an excellent crop, it is important to select the highest quality planting material. The choice of variety in this case is the most important point. When determining the variety of a given culture, it is necessary to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • productivity;
  • precocity
  • winter hardiness;
  • keeping up.

Gardeners note that the following varieties of winter garlic give an excellent harvest: Zaoksky, Nadezhny, Antonnik, etc. Among spring varieties, Moscow, Ershov, Kalininsky White, etc.

To understand how to properly grow garlic, you need to understand not only the planting material, but also find out how to propagate it.

Breeding methods

Propagation of garlic is one of the stages of its cultivation. Garlic in the country can propagate in the following ways:

  • vegetatively;
  • seeds that form in the ejected arrow.

Spring garlic in the garden can be propagated with cloves of bulbs. For the propagation of winter varieties, seeds formed by air bulbs, as well as cloves, can be used. When using seeds, you should wait two years to get full onions.

Growing garlic in the first year allows you to get a small onion set, which consists of one clove. It is characterized by the same beneficial qualities as with a regular bulb. The very next year, it is possible to obtain a normal bulb, in which there are many cloves.

Growing methods are not much different from what type of breeding was chosen. More often, the reproduction of this culture is carried out with the help of cloves. In this case, a full crop can be harvested in the year of planting. Before growing garlic, the healthy and best seed should be selected.

Selecting planting material, the following actions should be carried out:

  • calibration by size. You need to plant large cloves. Sick, small and deformed (having two peaks or doubled) specimens are not suitable for landing;
  • density selection. The teeth should be tight enough. Moreover, their outer shell should not contain cracks and holes;
  • disinfection. All selected cloves must be disinfected in ash liquor. This solution is prepared from 400 g of ash, which is diluted in two liters of water. To prepare, the solution is boiled for 30 minutes, then cooled and drained. The teeth in the resulting solution can withstand two hours.

Spring varieties should be germinated before planting. This will allow for faster growth. Germination is carried out as follows:

  • cloves that have been moistened with water are laid out on a tissue napkin;
  • planting material together with a napkin is placed in a plastic bag. In this form, they are stored for 2-3 days;
  • germination is carried out at room temperature.

Before propagation, the garlic bulbs are well dried. Here you should also select only the largest bulbs. You can plant the rest of the planting material, however, in this case, getting good garlic will be problematic.

What does garlic like

So that the cultivation and care of garlic is not burdensome, you need to choose the right place for planting planting material. Since this culture allows planting of seeds both in spring (spring) and in autumn (winter), the choice of varieties should be based on the climatic conditions of the place of growth. For example, winter varieties are grown in cold regions, and spring varieties are grown in warm regions. In the latter case, planting involves the use of sprouted cloves.

In order for garlic to grow healthy and strong, and also give an excellent harvest, it can not be planted for more than two years in one place. In general, it is better to choose a new place for the growth of this culture every year.

In the place where garlic grows, last year should not have been planted onions or potatoes. After growing these crops, in order to be able to plant garlic, at least four years must pass. It is during this period that the soil will be completely renewed. The best yield result can be obtained when planting cloves after cabbage, cucumbers, beets, pumpkin and legumes. In this case, the soil after these crops will be optimally fertilized with organic matter. This means planting care will be much easier. In this case, the risk of disease is significantly reduced.

The garlic bed should be well lit. Otherwise, the crop will consist of small bulbs. The best solution would be to grow garlic on unshaded individual beds. It is possible to arrange the beds next to berry bushes (raspberries, gooseberries, black currants and strawberries) and vegetables (potatoes, carrots, cucumbers). We also grow garlic in the neighborhood of flowers: tulips, gladioli and roses. In this case, the plant will be reliably protected from black spotting.

The choice of soil for planting

Many people answer the question "how to grow garlic" that the main thing is to choose the right soil. In a situation where the soil is poor in nutrients, complex fertilizers are added to it. Also in this case, you can use potassium chloride together with superphosphates (in a ratio of 1: 4).

Adding manure to the beds will allow a significant increase in yield. On 1 sq.m make 5 kg of manure. With soil poverty, you can increase the amount of manure applied.

Experienced gardeners do not advise much to get involved in fertilizing, since garlic does not really like nutritious soil. Ideal for it would be loamy or sandy, light earth. Moreover, the acidity indicator should be at a neutral level. Good soil drainage is also required.

Therefore, the answer to the question "how to grow a good harvest of garlic" will always contain recommendations on choosing the right soil.

Care after landing

To get large garlic, the cultivation and care of the crop must include all the necessary agricultural measures in this case. Particular attention should be paid to care, since the final result of the work directly depends on it.

Garlic care involves the following manipulations:

  • watering;
  • mulching;
  • loosening;
  • weeding;
  • top dressing.

Watering for this crop is required slightly. Normally per 1 sq. Km. m need to pour 10 liters of water. Watering is carried out at intervals of a week. In the process of growth and development of plantings, it should be reduced to 8-6 liters. This must be done so that the bulbs do not begin to rot. If the summer was rainy, watering the beds can be stopped altogether. About two weeks before harvesting, the application of water is completely stopped.

Many beginner gardeners are wondering “how to care for garlic so that it does not rot”? To prevent rotting of the bulbs, the following watering rules exist:

  • soil moisture should be carried out regularly;
  • watering is especially important during the early growing season, when garlic is just beginning to grow. In the future, in order for the plants to grow at the right speed, a gradual reduction in the amount of introduced water is necessary;
  • after each watering, loosening of the soil is carried out. The depth of loosening is 2-3 cm. When using mulch, loosening can be omitted.

For winter varieties, watering should be more plentiful. In this winter, the beds need to be covered with snow. In order to get a richer crop, gardeners are advised to pluck arrows. Moreover, the arrows must be removed when they reach 5-8 cm.

Garlic growing in the garden should be fed without fail. The first time top dressing is carried out when the plant has formed several leaves. In this case, urea (a large spoon) should be diluted in a bucket of water. To fertilize 1 sq. m plantings need to use 5 liters of the prepared solution. Also, at the first feeding, you can use a solution of bird droppings (ratio 1:12) and manure (ratio 1:10).

The second feeding is carried out 14 days after the first. A solution is prepared for it, which consists of urea (a teaspoon,) of double superphosphate (one large spoon), as well as potassium sulfate (one large spoon). It is allowed to use an ash solution (10 l of water and 200 g of ash).

The last third feeding is introduced at the end of June. At this time, garlic, bulbs and arrows form. To nourish plants, you need to dissolve potassium sulfate (one large spoon) and double superphosphate (two large spoons) in a bucket of water.

The use of fertilizers should be combined with watering. Between dressings planting sprinkled with wood ash. For 1 square. m should go one glass of fertilizer.

When mulching, gardeners are advised to use straw. It is covered with beds when seedlings grow by 10-15 cm. Straw prevents the evaporation of moisture, so the number of irrigation can be reduced.

From time to time, beds with garlic need to be weeded. This is done as weeds develop.

Note to the summer resident

In order to grow an excellent garlic crop in a summer cottage or garden, you need to know some of the subtleties of growing and caring for this crop. Typically, mistakes are made by beginning gardeners who have not yet figured out all the nuances of interacting with garlic. To achieve the desired result, the cultivation of garlic contains the following rules:

  • the beds should not be covered by shadow from neighboring landings;
  • excellent neighbors for this crop will be tomatoes and peppers;
  • when planting planting material, one must adhere to crop rotation rules;
  • you can not plant garlic in acidic soils. To change the acidity of the earth, wood ash or chalk is introduced into it;
  • use only high-quality planting material. It is especially important to select it for those climatic conditions that exist in the growing region;
  • loosening the soil will allow the underground part of plants to receive oxygen. Without it, garlic will start to turn yellow early. Loosening is carried out as soon as the first shoots appear. The procedure is carried out to a depth of 1-2 cm. After this, the bed is mulched and fertilizers are introduced into it;
  • without mulching, the crop will be small. Sawdust or peat may be mulch;
  • watering is carried out with dry soil. Otherwise, the crop will be bitter;
  • severe thickening of landings should be avoided. Between plants a gap of 10 cm should be maintained, and between rows - 20 cm;
  • it is recommended to detach the teeth from the head immediately before disembarkation;
  • garlic is placed in a previously dug recess. You can not push them into the soil.

Now you know how to grow garlic on your land so that it gives an excellent harvest. Subject to simple agricultural practices, each gardener will be able to achieve a high-quality crop of this crop.

Video “How to grow a rich harvest of garlic”

In this video you will learn how to grow a rich harvest of garlic.

No garden today can do without a garlic bed. Everyone knows about the healing properties of this culture and grow it everywhere for themselves, as well as for sale. At the same time, every grower is puzzled by the question: “How to grow large garlic without resorting to growth stimulants and other chemical fertilizers?”. It should be said that this culture is already considered high-yielding. However, if it is grown correctly, in compliance with the rules of agricultural technology, the crop can be incredibly high, and the heads are large.

Which garlic to choose

It is known that garlic is spring (summer) and winter. The difference between them is not only in planting time, but also in the size of the bulbs. Winter varieties are distinguished by larger heads, while it is almost impossible to grow large garlic from spring varieties.

It is sometimes difficult for beginner gardeners to distinguish winter varieties from spring varieties. And this is a very important point, since winter varieties are planted in the garden in the fall, and spring varieties in the spring. If the teeth are mixed up, you can not hope for a crop at all. The main difference between winter garlic is the core, to which the teeth are attached, and most often its heads have an even number of slices. Spring garlic does not have a stem, and the number of teeth can be different, in addition, they are much smaller in size than winter ones.

Of course, you can get a higher yield from winter varieties, but you need to consider that such garlic is stored for a short time - a maximum until February. Summer varieties are not so large, but their shelf life can reach two years. For the implementation of profitable to grow winter garlic, as it has a good presentation. But in order to use the product until the next harvest, it is better to opt for summer varieties, among which there are also with large heads.

For example, the Gulliver variety is a rather unusual representative of spring garlic - its heads, when properly grown, reach 90–115 g, moreover, it is prone to the formation of arrows, which is not typical for summer varieties. As for winter garlic, almost all of its varieties differ in large heads: Sofievsky (90-110 g), Komsomolets (80-110 g), Losevsky (up to 75 g), Yubileiny (up to 80 g), Moscow Region (from 60 g) and others.

Giant Garlic Video

Look at what specimens you can grow in your summer cottage.

Preparation of beds and garlic

A bed for planting winter garlic should be prepared in a month, in extreme cases in 2-3 weeks. For spring varieties, the plot is best prepared in the fall. This is due to the fact that the culture does not really like fresh organic fertilizers, and digging and feeding frozen soil in early spring is not easy.

First of all, you need to decide on a place to grow. It should be open, sunny, located on a flat surface. If the garden is in a lowland, it is better to make an elevation (high bed) for a bed - this will help avoid moisture stagnation. Bad if the garden is located on a slope. In this case, there is a likelihood of flushing the soil, which is also not the best way to affect productivity.

Garlic prefers loose sandy soil with neutral acidity. If your garden is not highly fertile, suitable conditions must be created artificially. Acidic soil must be liming (1 glass of lime / 1 m²). To increase drainage properties, sand, peat, sawdust should be added. Humus (1 bucket / 1 m²), plus litter 1 l / 1 m² and ash are added as top dressing. Instead of droppings, superphosphate (30 g / 1 m²) with potassium salt (20 g / 1 m²) can be used.

Dig the soil together with fertilizers to a depth of 20–25 cm. Then, level the bed and disinfect it - pour it with a solution of manganese or salt (1 cup / 1 bucket of water). Next, cover the garden bed with film and leave until planting.

Seeds (teeth) before planting in the garden also need preparation. It is very important to choose the healthiest and largest specimens.   The preparation of winter varieties is to disinfect the teeth with a 1% solution of copper sulfate. The teeth are placed in the liquid for literally 1 minute - this time is enough to destroy fungi and bacteria.

Summer garlic is often subjected to stratification (cooling). The teeth are kept for 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator, after which they are placed in a damp cloth and germinated. However, it often happens that in the spring the prongs themselves sprout. In this case, they can be immediately planted in the ground.

We plant garlic in spring and autumn

Planting time of a crop depends on its type. Winter garlic is planted from autumn, from late September to mid-October - about 1.5 months before the arrival of constant cold weather. During this time, the teeth will start the roots and take root, but the sprouts will not have time to germinate on the surface.

Spring garlic is planted in early spring, immediately after snow melts - in early or mid-April, depending on the climate. Summer varieties tolerate cold well and are able to germinate at a soil temperature of 6 ° C, and in cold soil they grow more actively, and as the soil warms up, their growth slows down.

The sooner you plant a spring variety, the more likely it is to grow large heads.

Secrets of growing large garlic

There are several simple agrotechnical techniques that allow you to grow large garlic.

Timely landing

For planting winter varieties, you need to make time so that the teeth have time to root before the onset of frost, but do not have time to grow. On average, this time period falls on the end of September - the beginning of October, but for each region it can be different. When sowing spring varieties, it must be borne in mind that the bulb must have time to form before the onset of heat - only in this case you can count on large heads.

Crop rotation


The beds should be placed in a well-lit place. Otherwise, small bulbs will grow.

Soil quality

For culture, neutral acidity and good drainage properties of the soil are very important. In heavy and acidic soil, garlic bulbs will certainly grow small, or even completely disappear.

Quality of planting material

For planting, you should choose varieties designed for your region. When buying imported varieties of white garlic, remember that for transportation they are treated with special solutions that inhibit the growth of roots, so it is almost impossible to grow good large bulbs from such material.

Delete arrows

Some varieties of winter garlic produce arrows with seeds. If you do not remove them in time, the plant will direct all the juices to the maturation of the seed bulbs, which will affect the size of the heads. It is noted that the plants on which the arrows remained form heads half as much.

Deep landing of teeth

Experienced gardeners advise planting slices to a depth of 5-7 cm in order to prevent them from freezing in the winter and premature heating in the spring. It is known that garlic grows faster in cold weather, while in the heat of bulb growth stops.

Too tight fit

The optimum distance between the rows is 20 cm for planting the crop, and 8-10 cm between the teeth. If the distance is less, the bulbs will grow small.

Timely loosening

In the spring, when the snow came down and the sun warmed sharply, a crust forms on the surface of the soil, preventing the access of oxygen to the roots. If the surface is not loosened in time, then the bulbs may lag behind in development.

Proper watering

During its active growth, the plant needs to maintain high soil moisture. While during the ripening of the heads, on the contrary, high humidity harms him.

Mulching beds

Mulch helps maintain soil moisture and eliminates the need for frequent watering in hot weather. If the summer turned out to be hot, it will not be possible to grow large heads without mulch.

Moderate feeding

During the growing season, the plant should be fed three times. Whatever fertilizer you choose - mineral or organic, it is important not to exceed the amount. If plants are given a lot of organic matter, then the leaves will begin to turn yellow, and the heads will stop growing. If you feed in excessive quantities with mineral mixtures, the taste and quality of the bulbs will deteriorate.

And the last thing you should pay attention to. Garlic is considered a perennial, or rather a three-year plant, but most gardeners grow it as an annual. This leads to the fact that with time it becomes smaller - it simply degenerates.

Regularly update planting material. When planting winter varieties, leave a few arrows to get seeds, and then grow from them planting bulbs, consisting of one clove. In the third year, a large, full-bodied garlic head can be grown from such a clove.

Video "How to grow large winter garlic in the country"

This video describes and demonstrates the technology of growing large garlic heads, which has shown itself to be excellent and gives an excellent harvest for many years.