Design kitchen living room with liquid wallpaper. Liquid wallpapers in the interiors of ordinary apartments (40 photos)

Nevertheless, use also carries a lot of advantages: such a design not only looks richer and more interesting, but also performs additional practical functions, ensuring the protection of the walls. For example, the interior decor, made by using textile inserts from or simulating protective panels from, will be perceived more effectively and stylishly, and you can protect the room from premature loss of the initial appearance.

2 types for combining for every taste and at different prices - and enjoy a pleasant, comfortable and bright decor in your home.

What types of wallpaper can be combined?

In many photos of combining wallpaper wallpaper, there are no imbalances in the overall setting. What is it connected with? When choosing materials for such a finish, it is necessary to remember that the success of your design and the degree of comfort in the room will depend on the harmonious combination of wallpaper in space.

It is advisable to choose materials with a similar texturewhich correspond to each other and in color schemes, and the thickness of the canvas, otherwise the joints will be visible, and sharp transitions between the shades will further focus on these shortcomings.

To decide how to make a room with two types of wallpaper, think what parameters such materials should be posted depending on the type and size of the room. For example, mandatory observance of refractory properties, in the bathroom - resistance to moisture, A - ecology.

Room sizes can become one of the key imbalance factors as not all the facts look harmoniously in close spaces.. For example, wallpaper with pronounced, in the form will reduce the already close interior.

As most suitable for finishing Materials in different rooms can be selected the following types of wallpaper:

Speaking about the combination of such materials, you can not lose sight their harmony. For example, textile materials combined with liquid wallpaper will look controversial due to the absence of common elements and absolutely opposite textures. But with the right combinations, the original and cozy design will be able to create.

Remember! When combining different wallpapers in one room, the wallpaper with a more pronounced relief will play the role of an accent, so the design layout should depend on the nature of the main materials in your interior.

Many are wondering if it is possible to combine wallpaper with glossy and matte texture. Although such materials can also look harmoniously, in the interiors of the modern type you can get rid of the shortcomings of this combination. For instance, glossy wallpaper you can decorate only one of the wallsDue to which the room space will expand.

In addition, from glossy materials you can create original inserts with moldingswhich will provide a decorative effect. We will tell you next of the common types of wall combination.

Horizontal division by wallpaper

Combine different wallpapers in the room can be horizontal. The wall is divided into two or several parts and is drawn up smooth lines stretching the space of styling. Horizontal wallpaper combination is most often implemented in residential premises in order to visually expand the area and lower the ceiling levels.

Horizontally can be in several ways:

  • textured horizontal strips On the whole wall we are framed by moldings or special straps and play the role of solid decorative inserts;
  • wallpaper of different types with similar plots and divide the wall into two parts and separated using auxiliary devices;
  • textured wallpaper glued only on the bottom of the wall, creating the effect of the protective panel for the walls.

Tip: Horizontal wall division can be easily transformed into a complex combination: the wallpaper boundary is cut on a wave-like or zigzag form. To ensure a easier process of creating such a composition, liquid combined wallpapers can be used.

In order for the interior to be perceived harmoniously, pay attention to the shade of purchased materials for combining. As a rule, with a horizontal separation of walls, used for sticking in the lower surface area, while the coatings decorate the upper part, ensuring the creation of a bright and comfortable environment.

Vertical combination

A room with two wallpaper will look above and brighter, especially if the textured wallpaper will have a darker shade.

In order for the transitions between the materials to be thrown into the eyes, choose similar textures, and also focus on one pattern of drawings.

For example, paper wallpapers, decorated in spring floral prints on a snow-white background, will look beautiful and gently next to the textured wallpaper or shade.

With the help of vertical inserts, you can create an emphasis on some wallx or their separate parts: protrusions, niches, small decorative designs. Quite often, vertical bands are glued on both sides of the fireplace or directly above it to create an accent effect.

The bands from can be pasted next to the sofa, in the kitchen - in the window zone, and from both sides from the wardrobe or mirror.

Remember! When creating vertical strips from embossed wallpaper, it is desirable not to use materials overly bright shades. The texture itself and so will attract attention, and when combined with a bright color scheme, such a composition will spoil the appearance of the room.

Creation of accents

In order to highlight the main zone by using two types of wallpaper in one room, enough pick up the material that will stand out against the background of the rest of the walls.

When placing a room with paperless shades for these purposes, dark and contrasting materials are used for these purposes (and you will also be relief or vinyl), and in case of decoration of the dark interior, you can create an emphasis with light tones.

Tip: You can shove and catch the wallpaper on two walls or extend the composition on the ceiling. Since, when entering the room, such a zone will immediately rush into the eyes, place it in accordance with the color features and the common interior style.

Another way to create an accent is a combination of another type. They can be blocked in a niche, place on the whole wall or pick up small canvas with realistic drawings to isolate individual parts of the walls. It is desirable that the color gamut of the photo wallpaper corresponds to the rest of the finishing materials., and, and other accessories were harmonious.

If you love bold and bright ideas, you can implement technique Patchwork (patchwork combination). But, since small fragments of wallpaper of different types can be perceived in no harmonious, to the process of the selection of such materials should be approached extremely carefully.

Think about how hide junctions and create a composition without significant contradictions. For example, use with shades from one palette or try to divert attention from their difference with wallpaper tapes designed for seams.

Combinations of liquid wallpaper

The combination of liquid wallpaper can be distinguished into a separate category, since a special composition of such materials allows you to implement any or the plot in space, without resorting to traditional methods of combination. Such wallpapers can be combined, pushing off from their color differences and the characteristics of the texture, and the boundaries between different wallpaper create in any order.

The combination of liquid wallpaper with other varieties of wallpaper products is extremely rare: usually harmonious combinations suggest use of materials of this type. Often combination is implemented in the form of mosaic and volume fragments.

You can combine the liquid wallpaper in the form of conventional strips or apply them to different walls, pushing out from the features of lighting or layout. , Or you can create unusual drawings, after creating a sketch on the wall itself using a conventional pencil.

Tip: To create decorative inserts in classical and strict interiors, you can use that your funds will significantly save. When placing such panels with the help of Ram or Moldings, you can create a stylish and spectacular composition.

Creative personality can combine liquid wallpaper bright shades in the style of patchwork combinationBut such a procedure requires high accuracy, since the applied wallpaper layers must correspond to each other, and the boundaries between the shades must be made perfectly even and proportional.

The main step to the successful implementation of any idea will be the right choice of materials and their shades.

The combination of colors can be checked by being in the store, and the harmoniousness of the combination of textures and the coatings themselves will have to be judged, focusing on their own experience or the opinions of specialists.

If you are not sure that your idea in reality will be stylish and spectacular - look for similar designs.

Wallpapers are often called the walls for the walls. And, indeed, the "naked" walls have not yet decorated any interior. The finishing finish is also necessary for the walls, as for us clothes.

The most popular ways of decoration are the wallpaper and plaster. But not so long ago, a product appeared on the market, which unites the advantages of these materials. According to the method of application, it is similar to the plaster, and the composition is more like wallpaper - it is liquid wallpaper.

Benefits of material

Liquid wallpaper in packaging and visual illustration of color and texture on the surface

For designer, liquid wallpaper is a real find. With their help, you can achieve the necessary effect and texture, combine several colors on one wall, create decorative patterns.

Liquid wallpapers have a number of qualities that distinguish them from classical materials for the design of walls:

Video about liquid wallpaper

Room design

If the theater begins with hangers, then the apartment is with an entrance hall. Getting into it, we get the first impression about the interior of the house and its owners. Repair and arrangement of the "business card" of our dwelling deserves special attention.

Many are afraid to apply liquid wallpaper in the hallway, giving preference to washing materials (decorative brick, plug, washable wallpaper). These concerns are in vain. If the liquid wallpaper is covered with varnish, then they can be safely washed.

Hall, as part of the apartment, should correspond to her style and color scheme. Liquid wallpapers can bring their highlight to the usual interior styles:

  1. Used in Loft style, they soften its cold character. For example, the brick will look comfortably and stylish in the company with liquid wallpaper.
  2. In the classic interior, this material will also feel quite comfortable. He does not violate his rules, but at the same time makes it modern.
  3. Palace style is associated with luxury, wealth and gold. It will fully match the liquid wallpaper with gloves. Gold creates a feeling of heat. But, as you know, we need a measure in everything, so you should not overstat the interior to them.

Here everything is limited to your fantasy. In the monophonic design of the wall will look elegant. If it is too boring for you, you can decorate the hallmarks or create a geometric pattern (vertical or horizontal stripes, broken lines, etc.). Liquid wallpaper is easy to combine each other, combine with other materials or apply to create drawings.

A rare hallway boasts the presence of windows and a large area, so it is necessary to give preference to light tones. Deciding on dark shades, think about additional lighting to avoid the feeling of gloominess and compresses in space.

Wireless options will be beige, peach, golden and gray tones.

Photo gallery: Applications of liquid wallpapers in the hallway

Liquid wallpaper in palace style
Luxury interior emphasized liquid wallpaper with gold spots
The combination of different mothers looks original and fresh
The texture and multifaceted color of the liquid wallpaper makes the interior refined
The combination of liquid wallpaper and decorative brick
Liquid wallpaper texture emphasizes luxury interior
Beige tone visually increases the area
A combination of several colors in the interior of the hallway
Liquid wallpapers are applied in finishing not only walls, but also stairs
Liquid wall pattern

We transform the kitchen

Are you tired of typical wallpapers for the kitchen with a picture of food and kitchen utensils, and painted walls seem cold and uncomfortable? Then the liquid wallpaper is what you need. The wide palette of colors and the pleasant texture of the material will help embody all the author's ideas.

If you use liquid wallpapers in the kitchen in the apron area, take care of the additional protection of the material (for example, you can install a glass canvas).

Not so long ago in our Soviet past, most cuisines were similar to another. It was explained by this limited assortment of furniture and finishing materials.

Liquid wallpapers are able to perform various design tasks. Before proceeding to wall decoration, it is necessary to determine what style the kitchen will be performed:

  • Classic. Choose a monophonic liquid wallpaper of calm shades for it.
  • Provence. The muffled tones and the special texture will emphasize the sophistication and sophistication of this style.
  • Eclectic (mixing multiple styles). The choice of color gamut and the invoice will depend on what directions you want to connect.
  • Loft. Wallpaper in the flower here will definitely look inappropriate, unlike liquid, which will bring the atmosphere of heat (after all, they even feel soft).
  • Retro. Will support the overall concept, but at the same time remind that this is a modern interior.
  • High tech. Metal, clear lines and liquid wallpapers - an unusual and very successful combination.
  • Country The comfort of the village house and the softness of liquid wallpapers are an excellent combination capable of creating a pleasant atmosphere.

If your kitchen is combined with the living room, these two rooms must be sustained in a single style, it makes the interior harmonious.

Wallpaper color can repeat the color of furniture or contrast with it. If the furniture is dark, choose the liquid wallpaper of brighter shades. In combination with white and bright furniture, the walls of a more dark tone are better.

Do not choose very bright, screaming colors. No matter how bright red liked you, he only at first will cause admiration, with time he will just get tired and becomes annoying.

Options for using liquid wallpapers in the kitchen in the photo

The combination of decorative brick and liquid wallpaper beige shade
The combination of natural shades and clear lines make the interior elegant
Golden shade fills the room with light and warm
The complex ceiling geometry is repeated in the picture on the wall made of liquid wallpaper
Antiquity style is emphasized by the texture of liquid wallpaper
The muffled tone of liquid wallpapers balancing a bright wall in contrasting color
Bright shade of gray visually increases space

We select "Clothes" for the bedroom

The bedroom is designed to relax there with soul and body. For the body, the main thing is a comfortable good bed, but for the soul - you need to create a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere.

How can liquid wallpaper help here? They are hypoallergenic, have an interesting invoice and do not collect dust, and therefore, ideally suited for this room.

Bedroom is a very intimate place. It is rarely exhibited for universal review. And there we want to create the situation in which it will be convenient to us. According to psychologists, our preferences are dictated by internal factors (character, mentality). Therefore, it makes no sense to advise what style to choose. But there is a reason to learn about the possible options:

  1. Ecological. Liquid wallpaper is a natural material and here it will be, "like at home." If you decide to be closer to nature, then do not limit the wooden bed and accessories.
  2. Historic (Rococo, Renaissance, Ampir, Antiquity, Baroque). Pretty costly styles, as it will not be possible to save on furniture, textiles and decorative elements. But for finishing it is not necessary to use exclusive expensive materials. Liquid wallpaper with inclusion of gold perfectly complement Baroque and Ampir. The antique style will perfectly play their texture.
  3. Ethnic. Saturated colors, items of decor of different crops - characteristic features of this style. They can be applied in wall decorations. In the palette of flowers of liquid wallpapers, it will be necessary for the desired tone. The decorative panel on the wall from this material will create the necessary atmosphere. Oriental patterns, Japanese motives or African plants will cause the necessary associations and mood.
  4. Minimalism, High Tech, Techno. Of course, these are different styles. But they still have common features - non-profitable details, simplicity of lines, monochromicity of the palette. It is not worth it for the axiom, each rule has exceptions. An interesting solution for the walls will be a combination of various textures with a single color scheme.
  5. Classic. Give an unconventional framing a traditional interior! This is a fairly flexible style, so you can move a little from the rules, replacing the usual paper wallpaper with liquid.

The color of liquid wallpapers for the bedroom largely depends on the selected style, but there are some nuances:

  • Light pastel colors will suit those who suffer from insomnia.
  • Do not use purple, according to psychologists, he can cause anxiety.
  • For spouses, it is better to find a compromise in a combination combination, where both preferences will be taken into account.

Photo Gallery: Sample Bedroom Design

The bedroom in bright colors spreads the walls, running the air into the room
The combination of blue and light gray reminds us of the fairy tale "Snow Queen"
Peach color creates a feeling of heat
Geometric pattern on the wall
Easy and rigor is emphasized by liquid wallpaper framed by moldings
Ethnic style bedroom embodied with liquid wallpaper
Complex scenery attracts attention and becomes the main accent of the room
Golden enclosures give the wall a special charm
Warm peach shade of liquid wallpaper envelops and soothes

Liquid Wallpaper Features for Living Room

Create an interior of the living room at the same time and easy, and difficult:

  • Easy, because you can choose any style, color solution and design.
  • It is difficult because with such a spacious choice you can get confused (in styles, shades), overdo it (with parts, number of colors) or not to guess (aligning different elements).

These problems can be avoided by contacting professional designers.

We note the main nuances of the use of liquid wallpaper in the living room:

  • For a small room - light tones, for large - saturated.
  • Horizontal strips on the walls - for rooms with high ceilings, vertical - for low ceilings. It is better to apply the use of geometric patterns on one wall or a segment of the room.
  • Large drawings, scenery and patterns on the walls will be included in the spacious living rooms.
  • With different lighting, the same liquid wallpaper will look completely different, so think over the lighting options.

A real chopstick for designers is the "wheel of colors". To use it just, even the newcomer can cope with this:

  • to create contrasts, choose colors located opposite each other;
  • for selection of similar shades, use the flowers located next door.

Garmoniously in the interior will look at shades located in the neighborhood, and good contrast will create colors on the opposite sides of the spectrum

In the modern interior, plasterboard structures are increasingly used to solve various tasks. Liquid wallpapers are suitable not only for wall decoration, but also for such structures.

As in other rooms, with their help, you can decorate the walls with a pattern or set the desired space geometry, by combining colors.

Options for using liquid wallpaper in the living room in the photo

Liquid wallpapers and moldings give the living room aristocratic species
Saturated shade adequately framed the room
Tint of walls supported by the color of the stretch ceiling
Finishing with liquid wallpaper designs of drywall
Monochrome walls create a beautiful background for interior items

Relatively recently in the building materials market has appeared a new element - liquid wallpapers, also known as silk plaster. They have the kind of dry bulk material, which is often composed of cellulose, silk fibers, natural dyes, adhesive components, components for plasticity and decorative elements, such as various sparkles, pearl and mica. They are sold in polyethylene packages. The main difference from the plaster is the absence of sand and cement in the composition.

Liquid wallpapers are sold in a dry form

To create decorative effects into liquid wallpaper, fillers are added - glitter, granules, etc.

Consider in more detail what types of this material and how the room can be transformed with liquid wallpapers.

Liquid wallpapers are divided into 4 types:

  1. Cotton wallpaper. In their composition up to 98% occupy, directly, cotton fibers. The remaining 2% comes natural additives. They have excellent noise insulation and thermal insulation, which makes it possible to use them in a nursery or bedroom.
  2. Silk wallpaper. Represent a very attractive, wear-resistant and long-term material. Safe for health and non-toxic.
  3. Cellulose wallpaper. Due to the low cost of raw materials - are the cheapest view of liquid wallpaper. As a lack, it is possible to name that this species is unstable to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the best option for use will be small rooms without bright sunlight, for example - vestibule, entrance hall or corridor.
  4. Silk-cellulose mixture. Depending on the quantity of silk or cotton, prices are slightly vary from "economy" to the middle segment.

Examples of liquid wallpaper textures

Pros and cons

Liquid wallpapers, like all other finishing materials, have advantages and disadvantages. To positive qualities include the following:

  • Material is environmentally friendly.
  • Due to the fact that the application technology eliminates the appearance of irregularities and chances, ideal for use in rooms with a large number of corners, niches and recesses.
  • In the process of applying do not form joints and seams.
  • Through the decor of the walls, it is possible to align small irregularities.
  • Having at the disposal various colors, you can create a shade that will look perfect in your interior. Technology allows you to form all sorts of patterns and pictures.
  • The range of compositions allows to achieve both smooth and embossed or rough surface.
  • Application is possible on an absolutely any surface - radiators, junction boxes, etc.
  • Liquid wallpaper is a fireproof material. Therefore, they can be used in dachas and cottages with furnace heating.
  • And, perhaps, one of the main advantages is that liquid wallpaper can easily be corrected and restored in the event of an education defect.

Liquid wallpapers coming to interior design in any style

Liquid wallpapers do not absorb smells, do not burn out and dust do not attract

With all the advantages, do not forget about the minuses:

  • The main one is the exposure of water. They are deformed when moisture getting, which makes it impossible to use their use in the bathrooms and in the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen.
  • The cost of finishing walls with liquid wallpaper is an order of magnitude higher than ordinary rolls.

Liquid wallpapers form a slightly rough coating on the wall, warm to the touch

How to apply liquid wallpaper?

The first step will be the preparation of the surface of the walls under the coating. You should completely remove the residues of previous materials. The basis should be dry and clean. If the room is sufficiently raw - pre-treatment with antiseptic solution is recommended.

Radical irregularities need to be eliminated by putty and plaster. The walls are then ground with moisture protection acrylic or colorless composition. Colored soils are not recommended, as they can be shifted under the finish coating.

When applying the protective composition, the service life of paper wallpapers increases significantly

After completing the previous points, you can proceed to apply liquid wallpaper.

You can apply them in various ways, such as the "Christmas tree", "bouquet", "vertical" or "spiral". Choose the most convenient method for yourself.

Coating sequence

For the preparation of the work makeup will need clean water, measuring bucket and actually liquid wallpaper

  1. Dry mixture of liquid wallpapers is supplied in packages. The content must be pouring into a plastic container and add 5 to 7 liters of water, the exact number of the manufacturer always indicates a pack. One package is designed to cover a plot of up to 4 square meters. m. It is forbidden to soak part of the packaging, otherwise the components can host the uneven and question the final result.

    The mixture must be thoroughly mixed so that no lumps are left

  2. After adding water, it is necessary to thoroughly mix the resulting mixture to a homogeneous consistency and leave to mournful at least 8 hours. Just before starting work, it is required to perform one more mixing.

    Before applying, the mixture is transmitted, water is added, if necessary, added

  3. A coating is applied using a construction plastic grater. Recommended thickness - 1 - 2 mm. When working with corners - movements are made towards it.

    The material is distributed to a uniform layer on the wall surface

  4. If, after the coating of the room you remained part of the mixture, save it and use the next time. Just add remnants to a new knead.

    Work in a handy transparent grater, especially when creating complex drawings

  5. Liquid wallpapers on average 2nd days. At the same time, in contrast to the usual rolls, they are not terrible drafts. Therefore, boldly open the windows and ventilate the room.

    The whole wall is better to cover wallpaper from one kneading

  6. In order to soften and remove a certain piece of wallpaper, it is enough to simply moisten it with a wet roller and carefully dismantle with a spatula.

    When dusting a new and frying surface, the dried plot is needed slightly

Working with the ceiling, the technology remains the same. After the final alignment of the plane, we apply a primer in 2 layers, observing the interval of about 4 hours so that each of them can dry. If your plasterboard ceiling is most likely to equalize the putty, and minor slots on the seams are filled with the wallpaper material itself.

Council. In the event that in the room is quite humid and damp - on top of liquid wallpaper it is desirable to apply moisture-protective colorless varnish. It will save the coating from premature deformation.

With the help of liquid wallpapers, you can create various drawings and reliefs. To do this, you can create a stencil, attach it to the wall. Then draw the background, the contours of the element and equalize the edges. After final drying, we remove the sketches. After that, fill in the resulting place by another color or texture.

With the help of a stencil, you can creatively make a wall in the nursery

Applying a little fantasy, liquid wallpaper in the interior will allow achieving uniqueness and originality. Create various patterns and figures. Monotonous or motley, smooth or relief and textured. Thanks to this, the material will turn out to embody all his fantasies.

How to make "your" liquid wallpaper

Due to the high cost of this coverage, there are several tips on how to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands and at home. The most common option is the material based on paper or sawdust.

If we decided to make a paper-based coating, it is pre-prepare a large number of the main component. For these purposes, you can use printed publications, sheets, logs or other low-density paper. It should be remembered that glossy pages will give a grayish tone with the finished material. Therefore, if the scheduled color is fairly light, it is better to abandon their use. Depending on which texture you plan to get - paper is crushed or large, then the relief will be more noticeable or quite finely, which will make it possible to achieve a homogeneous and smooth coating.

Cut the paper on the stripes and soak in water

After about an hour, mix the paper with a building mixer

In addition to the paper component, you will need such elements like water, glitter, gypsum (alabaster) and a water-soluble dye for staining the material into the desired shade. With the help of sparkles, mica and pearles, you can give the coating a highlight and originality.

Add a kel and gypsum

Mix everything thoroughly - the working mass is ready to apply onto the walls.

Immediately for applying, you will need a small set of tools, such as a pulverizer, gloves, tassels, plastic containers and culma (with which the adhesive rolled wallpaper is mixed).

A 1 kg of paper component will require 5 liters of water, 0.5 liters of glue, 0.5 kg of plaster and antiseptic impurities. This quantity is enough to finish the space of up to 5 square meters. m.

The second budget option is sawdust as the main component of liquid wallpaper. Preparation proportions are absolutely the same as in the previous embodiment. To begin with, we smear the sawdust in a large container, then add glue and coloring pigments. Cover with a lid, we leave the knee racing about 12 hours. At the last stage, add gypsum and wash carefully. After that, the mixture can be used.

The appearance of self-made liquid wallpapers after the day after applying is no different from purchased material.

Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that the manufacture of liquid wallpapers at home is a good alternative to purchased mixtures. This will help save a significant part of money, without reducing the number of possible textures and colors, as in building stores you can find a wide range of fit dyes.

Liquid wallpaper in the interior

Liquid wallpapers in the interior look quite unusually and attractive. They organically fit into any style of the room. With their help, you can transform the view of the living room, bedroom or children's room. Available in natural silk fibers will add refinement and gloss to your apartment, creating the illusion that the walls are separated by expensive textile wallpaper. At the same time, if the desire to update the design - the wall decoration with new wallpaper will not deliver the trouble, since they are easy to remove them. It is enough to twist the surface with water.

Original chess drawing of liquid wallpaper

Spectacular highlighting of the accent wall with liquid wallpaper of red

Liquid wallpapers are often used to decorate living rooms and work offices, wanting to get a practical and aesthetic interior.

Another useful function of liquid wallpapers is the possibility of zoning the room. Playing with color and texture you can visually expand the room and add it to him. Individual design can be developed for each room. For example, baby space can be stylized by ships, clouds, flowers and cute little animals. And the living room will be a monotone coating with the addition of a small amount of small sequins or pearl. It is also interesting and advantageously will look at the so-called melange effect and a fairly large coverage texture. Want to portray various landscapes, contrasting transitions or bright color splashes - any design with liquid wallpaper is possible. But it should be remembered that this type of wallpaper is deformed by contact with water. Therefore, it is extremely not recommended to use them in bathrooms and kitchens.

After disappointing all the advantages and disadvantages of using liquid wallpapers in the interior, it can be safely argued that this is a wonderful alternative to us with rolled.

In the process of applying, they have a number of advantages, the main of which is the absence of seams that are inevitably present at standard sticking. It is also worth noting that liquid wallpaper is more convenient to use. There is no need to extinge each millimeter, in order to avoid the appearance of lumen and gaps. The drying process is simpler, no need to fear drafts. You can use heating devices, but it should be time to periodically air.

Bedroom decoration with liquid wallpaper in pastel colors

From liquid wallpapers, you can create complex drawings and compositions on the walls.

In conclusion, add that liquid wallpapers in the interior allow you to achieve high-quality, reliable and durable transformation of the room. With proper care and observance of security measures, such as preventing water and excessive sunlight, they are able to last up to 20 years. A huge variety of colors and textures will allow you to fulfill all your ideas and make the apartment rooms in unique. Fantasize, combine colors and shades in the interior, invent a special design for yourself and your children - with such material as liquid wallpaper, all it becomes possible.

Video: Applying liquid wallpapers. Master Class.

Photo: Room design ideas with liquid wallpaper

Recently, the finishing materials market offers an innovation that combines the properties of the elegant traditionality of the usual paper wallpaper, the ease of using decorative plaster and practicality of paints and varnishes. All these qualities make an excellent choice of liquid wallpapers for finishing wall covering in the interior of the premises.
To date, this finishing coating in the interior of the premises has become a massive solution for designer experiments that can satisfy even the most demanding taste.

What is liquid wallpaper?

Despite the "wet" name of this finishing material, liquid wallpaper is a bulk cellulose mixture with additives. Mixing with water, this adhesive, ecologically harmless mass turns into a material resembling plasticine for children's creativity. After frozen on the wall, a resistant, elastic and velvety coating with a thickness of 1-2 mm is formed, without junctions.

From the available on sale you can select ready-made mixtures for use by buyers without professional skills and mixtures requiring specialist skills.

You just need to add water to the finished mixture. Its composition already contains coloring pigment, mica, pearl, sparkles, flock fibers, which will provide a pre-known result.

Professionals prefer to acquire liquid wallpapers without additives and color pigments so that in the subsequent process add dyes and decorative components for the perfect embodiment of the author's design.


Depending on the type of base, you can distinguish several types of this decorative finish. For all types of liquid wallpapers, general advantages and disadvantages are characteristic, but for clarity, they will imagine their differences in the survey table.

Basic typeSilk fibersPaper (cellulose)Silk and Paper (Combined)
DignityResistance to ultraviolet

excellent choice for the design of interiors on the sunny side;

"Silk" surface texture;

high wear resistance.

Budget price category.Burnout resistance is higher than in cellulose fibers;
disadvantagesNot cheapBurnout color on the sunny side,

low wear resistance in comparison with silk liquid wallpaper.

"Pros and cons"

By making a decision on their use in the interior of the room, it is necessary to weigh everything "for" and "against" the use of this material in advance.

The advantages of the use of this coverage should be attributed:

  • a variety of design solutions;
  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire safety;
  • simplicity of restoration, lack of seams and the need to dock drawing;
  • the antistatic effect contributes to the repulsion of dust from the surface;
  • high hiding indicator (applying to an uneven surface with an ideal result);
  • high sound insulation and heat insulating properties;
  • departure.

The list of advantages of liquid wallpapers is longer than the list of flaws, but it should be said that high hygroscopicity does not allow the use of this material where the humidity is increased. This fact limits their use in shower, bathrooms and similar rooms.

How to make liquid wallpapers at home

Recipes manufacturing branded mixtures for liquid wallpapers Manufacturers do not advertise. However, the inventive minds recreate the possibility of making a mixture at home.

The essence of the manufacture of the mixture with their own hands is the preparation of a plastic and homogeneous mixture of cellulose. Since the main source of cellulose is paper, for these purposes any waste paper is suitable, except for glossy.

To give the volume to a mixture of "home" liquid wallpaper, add a fibrous filler, for example, cotton wool or syntheps, maintaining the ratio of cellulose and fibers 4 to 1.

The mass prepared in this way turns into water at least 12 hours. For decoration, you should add mica, dyes, colored wool, in an amount of no more than 200 grams per 1 kg of paper, the CMC glue powder is added for the stickiness.

All this is crushed by a construction blender to the consistency of mild cottage cheese. After all manipulations, the resulting billet "rushing" is still from about 6 to 12 hours.

Features of application

The building materials market offers a liquid wallpaper in the form of a dry mix, packaged in packages. The product becomes a mixture for applying liquid wallpapers after adding water according to the proportions specified by the manufacturer on the package.

The phased overlapping wet wallpaper is as follows:

  • The surface is prepared for the application of liquid wallpaper - pre-stripping from old wallpaper, paint, antiseptic treatment, dirt removal, dust, primer.
  • In the tank mixed mixture and water in the ratio according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Careful mixing of the resulting composition.
  • Washing the finished mixture from 30 minutes to 12 hours (according to the manufacturer's instructions).
  • Applying a mixture for liquid wallpapers on the walls.
  • Careful drying for 1-3 days.

As practice shows, for drying enough 48 hours. The last item is especially important, at this stage, the finish coating is rejected.

Nuances of application

The application of liquid wallpapers is made by a spatula, a cell (workshop), a special pulverizer, a brush for rubbing, a special factory roller is used to create a surface relief.
The essence of consistently performed action when applying the mixture is as follows:

  • dial the prepared plastic mixture to the tool;
  • lay out a portion of a spatula, move from a spatula on the wall, then rub the movements on the surface by rubbing movements;
  • spat out the surface of the grater;
  • to form a relief texture roller or just palms.

The stronger the trituration of the mixture along the wall surface, the more subtle layer of the mixture will be laid. The subtlety of applying provides more economical spending of decorative coating.

Accordingly, the increase in the thickness of the layer of liquid wallpaper increases the consumption of raw materials, but this approach improves the soundproofing properties of the room.

You can not use gloves and boldly work with your hands - the mixture for applying liquid wallpaper is made of natural environmentally safe components.

Features of drawings and patterns

The decorative coating of this type is not for sale with finished drawings or texture.
The relief on the surface is applied with simple undergraduate tools directly in the process of applying liquid wallpaper, a textured roller or simply formed by hand palms.

The peculiarity of this decoration is that the mixtures of different colors can decor the walls with drawings.

Images on the walls are applied by screen or arbitrary methods of application. In both cases, preliminary preparation of walls is required, after which the drawing is superimposed on the pre-dry main layer of liquid wallpaper.

In the screening method, the stencil is neatly attached to the wall with painting scotch. Then the silhouette of the stencil is neatly applied with liquid wallpaper required color.

An arbitrary way on the walls are created by author's drawings. Pencil on the main coating is drawn by a sketch. After applying the sketch, each individual area is neatly covered by liquid wallpaper of different colors, just as children coloring, color in color paint.


The undoubted advantages of this finishing coating is the presence of antistatic properties, it does not prone to the accumulation of dust and minor weed fractions. This property facilitates the care of the walls covered with liquid wallpaper. However, walls with such a coating also need care.

Manufacturers categorically prohibit the washing of walls covered with liquid wallpaper due to the high hygroscopicity of this material. To care for such a finish, it is recommended only dry cleaning. Experts for cleaning services recommend using a vacuum cleaner and a soft cloth, and an ordinary brush for dust is perfect for cleaning hard-to-reach places.

Sometimes covered with liquid wallpaper walls are additionally covered with special acrylic varnish. On the decorative surface, a film is formed that protects against moisture and other adverse effects. Such processing is guaranteed to extend the life of liquid wallpaper to 10-15 years. This surface can be carried out without risk periodically with wet cleaning.

Where to apply such a finish

The use of liquid wallpapers when finishing walls in the interior is possible in residential buildings, offices, institutions. In residential premises, the use of liquid wallpaper helps to create a cozy house that satisfies the aesthetic needs of people living in it. In institutions for public education of children (schools, kindergartens) and therapeutic and preventive institutions (hospitals, sanatoriums) walls decorated with such trim, are optimal for use due to such properties as fireproof, environmental friendliness, ease of restoration. Liquid wallpapers in office interiors create an optimal atmosphere to work due to its sound insulation properties and the possibility of elegant finishing of office space in a business style.

Living room and bedroom

Liquid wallpapers are excellent material to create a unique living room and bedroom interior. A variety of color range and various textures give a slight possibility of incarnation of various style solutions in such important dwellings as a living room and a bedroom.

The living room is a room where the family spends the total time and meets guests. In this room, zoning is recommended to solve the problem of the multifunctionality of this room as possible.

When finishing the walls of the bedroom, calm pastel colors are traditionally practiced. Such a color gamut has a peaceful effect, configures on vacation and relaxation. A separate advantage of using this material in the bedroom interior is the high soundproof properties of this finish. The thickness of liquid wallpaper layer applied to the walls and ceiling, the more efficient sound absorption.

Children's room

The most important factor in the use of liquid wallpapers of the children's room is the environmental friendliness of the material. Their use for the decor of the walls of the children's room will fully protect the children's room from possible toxins of the type of toluene, chlorvinyl and other hazardous substances.

The mobility of children in the process of active games can cause microtrams that children who are fascinated by rolling games can also apply to each other. The elasticity of the structure of this coating protects from such consequences and is a reason to decorate the walls of the children's room with liquid wallpaper.

Also, the consequence of children's hyperactivity can be the periodic need for a small restoration of the wall. But if the walls of the children's room are decorated with liquid wallpaper, it is enough to apply a small freshly indulgent portion of the mixture to damaged areas. And for some parents and children an interesting task will be the opportunity to perform their own drawing on the wall of the children's room using liquid wallpaper. For this, it is not even necessary to be able to draw - it is enough to fill the silhouettes circled by stencil.

Design solutions

This unique finishing coating allows you to realize the most bold flights of designer fantasy.

An unlimited number of color solutions and textures makes it easy to zonify the premises with liquid wallpaper. To achieve the effect of distinguishing the room on the zones by contrasting the combined finish coatings, designers use alternation and allocating these zones with suitable colors and textures. Thereby enhances the functionality of the interior, separating the uniform room on the necessary functional zones. The efficiency of zoning perfectly complement the various light solutions for each selected zone using backlight and main lighting.

For the effect of visual expansion of space, colors are used when the application of several shades of one color allows for amazing results.
The plasticity of this decoration makes a light and neat coating of niches, arches and protrusions, complex surfaces and curved walls.

Designer styles in the interiors

Fashionable style solutions can be embodied using this finish coating. To achieve a stylish result, it is enough to adhere to the following recommendations of designers:

  • For the embodiment of the style "Avangard", the decoration of walls in black and white and red gamma, zoning and use of strict geometric lines.
  • The classic style "Modern" is the opposite of strict contrasting "avant-garde". His incarnation requires walls of pastel tones. This decoration shall with its whole monolithic type of motley, fancy, with saturated patterns of interior items, furniture and accessories.
  • The style of "eclecticism" is very in demand, which harmoniously adjacent elements of various eras and styles, especially "retro". The finish coating of warm colors with a silk texture will combine this variety into a single style solution.
  • Art Deco style dictates the need to apply naturally natural palette during decorating walls. Liquid wallpaper of green shades perfectly shade the heavy expensive furniture decorated with gilded finish, which will create an elegant vintage atmosphere.

Order expensive structural or wallpapers, make a wall of such natural materials as a stone or simply embody the walls, such a texture and color, as you dreamed, is too expensive and difficult. Then to help you liquid wallpapers. The interior photos in ordinary apartments with them look amazing, and the benefits of other ways to finish the walls of liquid wallpapers are very much, you can make sure that you can read this article.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid wallpaper

When repaired, it is important to take into account the advantages and disadvantages of everything that you are going to use - floor coverings, wall decoration, ceiling decoration, not to mention the quality of furniture and other interior items. As for liquid wallpapers, there are a lot of advantages here, it is precisely this type of wall finishing.

  1. Liquid wallpapers consist of natural components - crushed oak bark, cotton and silk elements, as well as dry algae, mica and gelatin;
  2. Liquid wallpapers do not require any drawing dosses with a complex ornament;
  3. When using liquid wallpaper, you do not need to suffer with slots for outlets and switches;
  4. When applied to the wall does not occur bubbles;
  5. Less torment with space for batteries, in the corners and on the protrusion;
  6. Liquid wallpaper easily applied on any walls - brick, concrete or drywall;
  7. Liquid wallpapers are distinguished by high heat and noise insulation;
  8. Liquid wallpapers are not amenable to burnout, which is a huge plus in the rooms, the windows of which come out on the south;
  9. The material from which liquid wallpaper is made does not attract dust and dirt;
  10. If part of the wallpaper is damaged, it is easy to update, unlike standard wallpaper, which will have to cross the whole roll;
  11. Everyone knows about the movement of lithospheric plates and small offsets inside the apartments as a result of this, so liquid wallpapers are not completely deformed if the walls are falling over time.

Obviously, all these advantages are worth where the main drawback of liquid wallpaper follows - their biting price.

Liquid wallpapers in the interior of various premises in the apartment

It becomes obvious that the main assistant in creating a unique atmosphere in the house is liquid wallpaper. Photo of interiors in ordinary Khrushchev apartments and in full-sized new buildings with their use looks equally beautiful and stylish. Let's conduct an overview of all possible options where liquid wallpaper can be used on the wall.

Liquid wallpaper in the corridor

A practical option for the corridor will be liquid cellulose wallpapers. With their help, you can decorate the arch of the entrance door from the inside of the apartment, to turn the openings and even create a unique ornament on one of the walls. It is in the corridor a lot of dirt particles accumulate, on liquid wallpaper, the dust will be less and less.

corridor finish

an interesting design of the hallway

Liquid wallpapers in the bathroom and toilet

For the bathroom and toilet rooms, whether they are separately used or not, the liquid cellulose wallpaper is best suited, since they are well regulated air humidity, which is relevant for the premises where they use water most often. With the help of liquid wallpapers, you can easily create a wall-aquarium with beautiful colorful fish or simply limit ourselves to the blue-blue gamut colors. It will be actual separation of zones where part of the wall near the bathroom will be tiled, and the wall-free from the water will be decorated with these wallpaper.

wall decoration in a bathroom with tile-mosaic

Liquid wallpaper in the kitchen

Any type of liquid wallpaper will be harmoniously fit into the interior of your kitchen, it is enough to competently pick up color and texture. The most versatile is the variant of pulp and silk wallpapers, which combine practicality and beauty. In addition, using the color solution, it is easy to split the work area and a zone for meals, as well as create a beautiful ornament with coffee elements or fruit images.

in the kitchen with a bar counter

decorating kitchen walls

Liquid wallpaper in the bedroom

It is suitable for silk wallpapers and cotton, then the walls of your bedroom will truly breathe. With the help of liquid wallpapers, you can beautifully highlight the zone above the bed or vice versa - opposite the bed. In some cases, some floral ornament or coffee shades look very successfully. Try to choose calm light tones without sudden lines and bright patterns so that the bedroom has a harmony and the situation helped relax after a hard day and gain strength before the new kind in the morning.

light bedroom

little bedroom

original bedroom design

red in bedroom

pale yellow in the bedroom

in the bedroom with white furniture

Liquid wallpaper in the children's room

Cotton liquid wallpapers are best suited, as they are warm to the touch and almost 100% natural. It is best to use 2 types of liquid wallpaper to separate the working area where the child makes lessons from the recreation area. But the neutral drawing of wallpapers on the whole wall will look good, because the child grows, his preferences change, he can think of the permutation in the room, in this case the liquid wallpaper is best suited.

in a bright children's room

yellow in children

yellow in a children's bedroom with mirrors

Liquid wallpaper in the living room

Silk wallpapers will look good, since it is in them an increased content of silk will create the effect of luxury and softness of the walls. It is in the living room that you can create a unique pattern on one of the walls with liquid wallpapers, making the interior truly unique. Silk liquid wallpapers in combination with panel or frescoes are very beautiful, giving a living room with a unique atmosphere.

original living room

bright wall design in the living room

in combination with painting in the living room

in the living room with fireplace

bright in the living room

green in the living room

Liquid wallpaper is a beautiful, universal and practical material for the design of walls in the house. Even if you live in the most ordinary apartment, make the interior of any room unique and unique thanks to modern finishing materials.