How the sun affects the earth. The influence of the sun on humans: solar radiation, benefits, harms and consequences

The sun and its impact on humans

Characteristics of sunny days

The first day of the solar year is March 21st. Each solar month has exactly 30 days. Each sunny day lasts from sunrise to the next sunrise. A total of 360 days are obtained in terms of the number of degrees of the zodiac.

But, since there are 365 days in a year, and 366 days in a leap day, the last 5-6 days of the year are days of cleansing from defilement, abstinence and complete humility. I will give the characteristics of each sunny day. The general information for all sunny days is the same for each month.

1st daypromotes active endeavor, especially in learning. It is imperative that you find yourself some interesting activity or arrange a fun holiday. It is strictly forbidden to be sad and discouraged. The day is suitable for raising children and a family outing in the country.

2nd dayserves for good thoughts and undertakings, as well as for initiation into the sacraments of life. Good for receiving secret knowledge for the benefit of a person. The night of the second day is filled with prophetic dreams. On this day, you need to buy new things, part with old clothes, but you cannot put things in order in the apartment and not come into contact with fire. Try not to smoke and protect your lungs from colds.

3rd dayuse for purification through chanting and fire. Strive for creative expression, you will be visited by insight and discoveries. Start saving money or invest in real estate. The money received on this day is considered good. It is useful to do household chores and help loved ones. Treatment of teeth and spine will be successful. You cannot use foul language and blasphemy.

4th day - the time to fight hypodynamia. Move more, exercise on simulators, swim. It is good to start a new promising business on this day; even if there is an element of risk and sound adventurism in your affairs, they will be doomed to luck. One should not fall into melancholy and despondency.

5th daygive to service, obedience to people and circumstances, fulfillment of duty and previous commitments. Engage in the cultivation of the land, caring for plants, gymnastics, hardening procedures. You can not cut your hair and be jealous of others. Refrain from sex, there is a high risk of contracting skin and sexually transmitted diseases.

6th daydedicated to health. Eat right: the gastrointestinal tract is vulnerable this day. Strengthen family ties. You cannot use foul language, cowardice and steal.

7th dayuse to get rid of fears and obsessions. Good for carnal love, conceiving children, creative endeavors. It is very successful to start building a house, planting plants, and doing housework. You can not be envious and greedy, this will lead to cardiovascular diseases.

8th daydevote to religion, worship and veneration of saints. Free yourself from everything old that hinders life's progress. Any new undertakings with elements of risk and adventure will be successful. It is helpful to trim your nails and hair. An auspicious day for the transition to a new spiritual quality.

9th daydedicated to Divine fire and light. It is necessary to bring warmth and light of truth to people, travel a lot, engage in missionary work. You should not cook hot food or overeat. If you freeze on this day, it means that the guardian angel has turned away from you.

10th daydedicated to unity with the cosmic Reason. Get more rest, do not take medication or eat animal foods. It is good to practice meditation in nature by the water. Do not cook with water or wash. Only ablution with clean water is allowed. On this day, alcoholics and drug addicts or, conversely, highly spiritual people are born.

11th dayabsorption of solar energy and sunlight. Sunbathe, bathe in the sun, develop your spirituality and strengthen your body. Good for socializing with kids, childhood friends. Teach children from the experiences of your childhood and the books of your youth.

12th daydedicated to the moon. It is better to spend most of the day in a darkened room, do not strain and swim with the flow of the day. Accept the help of others in your daily activities. Practice pure water meditation. A contrast shower or bath is helpful. On this day, emotional and vulnerable people are born.

13th day - moderation in everything. Favorable for the conclusion of transactions and contracts. Associated with home, secret information that will help get rid of the evil eye and damage. Dreams on this day will be prophetic, you can guess by the stars. It's bad if the sky is covered with clouds. Suitable for raising courage and endurance in children.

14th day -time of suffering creatures. It is good to acquire and care for animals. You need to show kindness, attention, remember the dead, help the poor, bake pies, arrange charity events and lead people. You can do the repair of furniture and clothing, the accumulation of material and spiritual values. Progress towards the set goal will be dynamic.

15th daypromotes unity with nature. It is better to spend it in the country or outdoors and recharge with the energy of the forest and land. If you get caught in rain or snow, this is a good sign. It is useful to go to the bathhouse, to cut hair and nails. Surgical operations will also be successful.

16th daypatronizes justice and strict observance of the law. It is good to apply for clemency and appeal against a judgment. You must clearly fulfill your official duty, be extremely fair and polite. You can change jobs, sign new contracts. Clean the house, tidy up the wardrobe.

17th dayserves to fight against dark forces and protect justice. Observe holiness, read mantras, remove the evil eye, damage. Start a new cycle of spiritual training or go on a pilgrimage to holy places. Fear must be actively tackled by protecting the weak and upholding justice. If you hear a rooster crowing at dawn - a happy sign.

Day 18 - idleness and fun. Do whatever you want, except evil and violence. Do not strain when doing heavy work. Everything should be done easily, with a smile on your face. Forgive enemies and ill-wishers, restore justice, give birth or attend childbirth.

19th day - reverence for ancestors and worship of traditions. Spend it with your family, parents, and elderly relatives. Avoid adultery and deception. One should not make oaths and make far-reaching plans. Observe the fast and try to fulfill all requests. Be attentive to the needs of others. It is good to spend this day in nature and recharge your batteries.

20th day - fighting evil spirits with a sword in hand. Break unnecessary ties, call things by their proper names, expose lies and injustice. If you fight, then for a just cause, without fear or doubt. Work well on the land or build housing. Be careful and resist temptation.

21st day - ordeals and waste of a large amount of energy. It is good to marry or get married on this day; fight in court for a just cause, get a new job, or start home renovations. If on this day a cockroach or a spider ran through your body, it means that there is a curse in the house. And you need to cleanse it with the fire of a candle.

22nd daydedicated to the deity of the wind, new contacts and liberation from all unnecessary. It is associated with movements, sharp turns in fate and the influx of new important information. But, before starting new business, understand yourself, clearly define goals and objectives. A pause and rest will be useful - the wind should ventilate the brains!

23rd dayfor noble beginnings and love. Favorable for sowing seeds, conceiving a child. Successful for group events, any work, starting new business, acquiring a new profession and promising acquaintances. It is good to change the image in clothes and hair. You can expose evil and feel the passage of time.

Day 24 - there is a rampant dark forces. Be vigilant and careful, pay attention to the little things and do not shy away from any work. This is the time to test your conscience and life principles. On this day, you are susceptible to various diseases that can cause changes at the genetic level. Day of alchemists and black magicians.

Day 25 - awakening of the light forces of reason and virtue. Day of various signs and assistance to the suffering. Defend justice in your search for truth. Buy a new iconic item and bring it home. This is a time of prosperity and prosperity. If you bring something new into your life on this day, you will feel a sense of relief.

26th dayassociated with material or property matters through travel and missionary work. On this day, it is good to return to past business relationships - this will result in material and moral profit in the future. You should not be distracted by love, family and other matters, they can significantly reduce your performance.

27th day - heavenly signs. You should move more in human streams and wait for a sign for serious accomplishments. The doors of the house should be wide open for guests, and the table should be filled with abundant treats. Woe to the greedy on this day!

28th day - the time of divine revelation, deceptions and werewolves. The opportunity is given to reveal the mystery of spirits and to defeat the blackest of them. Good for meditation and reading mantras, preparation of medicinal infusions. A day of serious esoteric exploration. It is good to give sacred names to people and phenomena.

Day 29dedicated to the deity of the sacred word, prayer, with which you can defeat the devil. Time of material accumulation. Do home and clothing repairs. Day of beginnings and good manifestations. Wear plenty of clothing to protect you from injury and harm from others.

30th day -the day of the Holy Spirit conquering time. It is necessary to free oneself from everything old and unnecessary, to purify oneself by prayer, ablution or bath. Anti-aging treatments and taking homeopathic remedies are helpful. Fasting and abstinence will help you achieve your goals.

Critical sunny days:4th, 13th, 17th, 24th, 28th.

Lucky days:1st, 12th, 18th, 23rd, 27th.

Fasting days:3rd, 9th, 16th, 24th, 29th.

Health days:6th, 10th, 15th, 22nd.

This calendar remains the same for each month of the solar year. However, at the same time, the Sun naturally passes in different months according to different signs of the Zodiac: for example, the 17th solar day can be in April (Aries) and in August (Leo), and in any other month.

In addition, the same 17th sunny day can be either Wednesday or Friday. Therefore, it is necessary to superimpose, for a complete picture of this or that sunny day, its plot on the plot of the zodiacal month and day of the week.

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Ancient people attached great importance to the influence of the stars on the life of people. The rulers of empires did not make a single decision without advice from astrologers, and even the days favorable for the conception of children were accurately calculated for years in advance. The services of astrologers were used not only by wealthy people. Astrology permeated all spheres of life, from agricultural work to drawing up a marriage horoscope.

Modern people all "suffer" from one disease called "lack of time." But it does not stop the craving for knowledge, so we will share with the reader knowledge about Vedic astrology in a simplified and condensed version that everyone can apply in practice. It is worth noting that the horoscope and the location of the planets are not something rigid, unchanging. Rather, these are the possibilities and limitations given to a person at birth. Based on the understanding of your limitations caused by karma (a consequence of actions in previous incarnations) and your capabilities, you can apply this knowledge to make the right decisions in this life, contributing to development and spiritual growth.

On the following site you can compile a free Vedic horoscope:

Please note that the Vedic horoscope, although much closer to the western horoscope differs in the method of drawing up the horoscope, in general the planets are shifted one sign back. Both the Western and Vedic horoscope are completely different from the Chinese horoscope.

As part of this series, we would reveal the influence of the main planets in the Vedic horoscope, in particular on health and character: the sun, moon, mercury, venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, rahu (north node of the moon - dragon's head), ketu (south node of the moon - dragon tail). Ketu and Rahu are not celestial bodies as such, but points, which means that these points coincide with solar and lunar eclipses.

The point is to better understand the laws that affect our body, as well as to better build relationships with each other.

Influence of the Sun

At the moment of conception, all the planets make their mark on the body of the future person, that is, it has already been determined when he will be born and die and all the main events that will happen in the life of this person. This information changes only in two cases: when a person decides to do many bad deeds, or when he embarks on the spiritual path of self-improvement. According to the Vedas (ancient Vedic knowledge), a person can follow only two paths: the path of the Sun - self-improvement, or the path of the Moon - pleasure.

The sun is the force of happiness that gives us the opportunity to exist, to act. The desire to act is the desire to live. If a person does not want to act, then he does not want to live.

Everything has its own character, spirit. For example, if there is one plant, one result is obtained, if there is another, another. In the same way, the planets have their own character. Each planet is ruled by a personality. The sun is ruled by Surya and is considered a demigod. Demigods are personalities who strictly follow all the prescriptions related to our life, and it is not difficult for them to do this, because we already have a mechanism inside that will react to their existence, in accordance with how we are supposed to. A person carries in his field all the information about his past actions. The cleaner our minds and actions are, the cleaner the perception of the world will be.

The sun is a representative of time, eternal time. This is the most important force that determines whether we achieve our goal in life or not. How does the sun control our ability to succeed in this life? The sun simply provides us with an opportunity to succeed. If we don’t do anything on time, we don’t succeed. Because the Sun gives vitality. The tone of happiness in which a person can live or the tone of unhappiness in which he can live. If a person gets up early, he gets a tone of happiness, if a person gets up late, he gets a tone of unhappiness, if a person eats at the wrong time, then he gets a decrease in his potency, his strength and an increase in toxins in the body, if a person eats what is supposed to be done on time, he gets power. A person who is determined to live for others, to do good for people, will get up early.

At the center of the Sun is the main soul, which gives energy to all the planets in the solar system. She is called Savita.

Mental purity depends on the Sun, because the Sun is of a fiery nature and the mind is of a fiery nature. The sun makes it possible for this force to exist, i.e. gives strength to the mind. The moon gives pleasure and tranquility to the mind, cools the mind and gives rest to the mind. And the Sun gives strength for the activity of the mind. If a person has very weak contact with the Sun in his body, then his mind works poorly, it is hard for him to think. If a person has strong contact with the Sun, his mind works well.
The sun personifies the father and the moon personifies the mother. There are two principles in this world, the father principle (yang - masculine energy) and the mother principle (yin - feminine energy). The mother principle means material nature, the father principle means God, i.e. spiritual nature. If the mother principle prevails, then everyone begins to strive for the material, if the mother principle is subordinated to the father's principle, then everyone begins to strive for the spiritual.
A woman tends to serve her husband; if she does so, she gets happiness. A woman can fix her husband. The man personifies the power of the sun. If a man takes responsibility for his family, then the power of the Sun is in that family. If a woman takes responsibility for a family, then this family does not acquire the power of the Sun. Therefore, ancient people attached great importance to the roles and responsibilities that family members performed in relation to other family members and society.

A man gives strength to activity, and a woman gives peace and rest. If a man treats a woman badly, he loses peace. He has no power to rest, he loses the ability to be calm. It is the same with a woman: if she does not respect a man, father and husband, then she will not have the power of creative activity.

The sun represents the East side of the world, summer and Sunday. Some people get sick in the summer. Why does a person get sick from sunlight? This means that he has a more strongly developed lunar aspect, it is more difficult for him to do good for others, to enjoy life, to sacrifice. If the solar aspect is well developed, then the message of the sunlight that goes inside it he uses for other people, i.e. nothing lingers in it, there is circulation. If a person becomes less selfish, he can more easily tolerate sunlight.

The one who devotes Sunday to himself experiences difficulties on Monday, and the one who devotes this day to spiritual work, doing good deeds for others, becomes happy.

The sun reaches its absolute strength at noon, then a person, at noon, has the ability not only to act, but also to be nourished, therefore, the densest food should be at noon. You should try to eat sunny foods; wheat, for example, is associated with the energy of fire, the sun. The very concept of taste is associated with the sun, the effect of taste is enhanced by the influence of the sun. A person who does not have solar energy inside cannot taste.

The spicy taste itself is also associated with the Sun. Anything that tastes bitter is also associated with the power of the Sun. There are spicy-sweet foods - this is the Sun in goodness, these foods are filled with the Sun in goodness. And there are bitter-spicy foods - these are foods that are filled with the power of the Sun in passion or ignorance. We need both the one and the other strength for life. For example, winter already means ignorance, and a person needs a bitter taste to escape from the force of winter. Therefore, in order to maintain the body in winter, it is necessary to eat mustard, black bread, etc., such foods that give solar power through bitterness. Because grief by itself comes out, it exists by itself, then the subtle body must be fed with a bitter taste, otherwise the subtle body begins to deplete. Bitter taste fills the subtle body when a person lives with sorrow. It consumes the subtle body and replenishes the bitter taste. This is also due to the strength of the Sun.

All poisons have the power of the Sun. Hatred gives rise to the existence of poison. A person who hates other people accumulates solar energy and turns it into poison. We humans can form poison at the level of the mind, but when we do this, our body is also automatically filled with poison. For example, when a person hates other people, his subtle body of the mind begins to accumulate the power of poison in itself, and automatically the entire body also begins to be slagged with toxic substances. Thus, if we are under the influence of toxins, there are a lot of all kinds of substances in the body, metabolism is disturbed, this means that we have accumulated, accumulated the power of hatred. It is necessary to remove this force and then we will have no problems in order to cleanse our body.

Pain and passion are also born from the Sun. In passion, people start hoarding. Those who misuse the energy of the sun are born in the northern countries in their next lives. Weapons also contain the power of the Sun, but they are designed to protect, not create problems. There are animals that accumulate the power of the Sun, like a lion, he collects the power of the Sun in order to eat everyone, and poisonous animals, they collect the power of the Sun to sting everyone. Plants, on the other hand, can collect in themselves the more beneficial power of the Sun. All spices with a sweetish taste have the power of the Sun, such as saffron. There are plants that accumulate the power of the Sun for themselves, they become fleshy: aloe, Kalanchoe, but if at the same time they have a healing taste, healing power, then this is not their main activity. Therefore, all medicinal herbs are based on the power of the Sun. If the power of the Sun is not in the grass, it cannot heal.

In plants there is still the power of the Moon, it cools a person. The anti-inflammatory effects all come from the power of the moon, and the burning of the disease, i.e. restoration of metabolism, burning of tumors, etc., burning of toxins, all this comes from the Sun. Those people who do not want to follow the solar path, they do not want to be cured by burning the disease, they want to be cured with anti-inflammatory drugs, and they use plants that have the power of the moon. And those who want to follow the path of progress, they burn all diseases, and their food becomes more saturated with spices and products associated with the Sun. And they burn disease in themselves. Those who follow the path of the moon, they eat without spices, unleavened food, and they try to inhibit the disease. This does not mean that you need to eat spicy foods. Spicy food is passion food. One must eat food filled with spices, i.e. joy. The spices that suit your taste will bring you joy. Those that don't fit, they will bring passion.

There are trees that have solar power. All fruit trees have solar power. Fruits represent the power of the Sun. Spices represent the power of the sun, fruits represent the power of the sun. Nuts are also associated with the power of the Sun. Herbs such as lavender, anise, rosemary, nutmeg, aromatic herbs, the aroma coming from the herb, this is also the power of the Sun. The terrain is sunny, i.e. carrying force of the sun. There are two types of terrain that carry the power of the sun. The desert carries the negative power of the Sun, and the forest carries the positive power of the Sun. If we are in the forest and the forest is in goodness, purification takes place. If the forest is in ignorance, then the person there starts to get sick. In the desert, however, he will always feel bad, because there the sun has destructive power. Why is nothing growing there? Because this area, which is located in the desert, the area itself, carries this power, according to the law of fate. The top of the mountain means solar power. All solar power is accumulated at the top of the mountain. And the cave gives the opposite effect, i.e. all solar power is there minimal. The Karmic Law determines where a person will live.

The influence of the Sun on character traits.

A person who has a good Sun in his horoscope, i.e. he is well connected with the Sun, he will show the main quality - this is responsibility. Determination is also related to the power of the Sun. But, the very effort of will, it does not come from the Sun, it comes from Mars. Decisiveness means optimism in this case. A man with the power of optimism, he will decisively do everything. And this comes from the Sun.
A person who has the power of the Sun from birth is already valiant. When a person freezes in winter, it means that he has no kindness. Kindness is the power of the Sun, which is inside a person. If a person is able not to freeze in winter, it means that in past lives he has accumulated piety, which gives him the opportunity to have sunlight within himself. Like Ivanov Porfiry, he generally walked in shorts in the snow and slept in a snowdrift. He simply showed everyone that, in fact, the power of kindness, i.e. the power of the Sun, it is such that it does not matter what the temperature, a person will feel absolutely calm in any place. He will not have a cold inside. Because the feeling of cold is the feeling of cruelty. But when a person boasts of something, he loses it.
Respect also comes from solar power. And people who have a lot of solar power inside, their society chooses to rule. If a person uses this power for selfish purposes, then in the next life he will be worthless. A person who takes responsibility, he can turn the whole country into a blossoming garden by the power of his destiny, his piety. We get the rulers we deserve.
So, all leadership abilities come from the Sun. Also from the Sun comes abilities: rationality, prudence, dedication, justice, the power of truth, enthusiasm, self-discipline, patience, humanity, firmness, truthfulness, willpower, perseverance, sincerity, nobility, generosity, the ability to progress, be positive, achievement, ability in the arts, prosperity, generosity, generosity, bliss in activity, correct self-esteem, i.e. to assess oneself correctly, also comes from the Sun, the ability to draw the correct conclusion, innovation, all this also comes from the Sun.
The negative qualities that a person acquires when he does not want to live for others and work on himself spiritually: pride, ambition, looks down on everyone, does not respect, impulsiveness, acrimony, i.e. sarcasm, he is angry for a long time, selfish, arrogant, proud, arrogant, hostile, feels that he is unworthy of the people with whom he lives, is prone to violence, and also behaves extravagantly, not like everyone else.
A person who has a lot of solar power gets the next type of appearance. He has a roundish face, large build, broad forehead, high forehead, dark complexion or red skin. There may also be golden hair, or dark hair, strong skeletal system, brown eyes, big eyes, gray eyes. When a person is born with poor contact with the Sun, then he has a very frail physique, he looks a little dry, bent. He usually has light, sparse hair, weak skeletal system, small eyes, this is all from the lack of the Sun.
If a person dies during daylight hours, in summer, in clear weather, he walks along the sunny path. If a person dies at night, in cloudy weather, in winter, then he is walking along the lunar path, if he progresses. But when a person degrades (whenever he was born), he still degrades.

When a person does not live correctly, it is sinful, he experiences intense fear, and he does not know what he is afraid of. Everything inside him is shaking, trembling, he begins to get drunk, because he wants to defeat this fear in himself, and he begins to commit some kind of violence against others, get angry with his loved ones. He subconsciously feels that Hell awaits him. A person who is already sentenced to go to heaven, he experiences a strong happiness coming from within, regardless of what situations happen to him. Thus. All these forces come from the Sun.
The dangers from the poison of enemies, weapons, trees, fire and punishment from the government are associated with the misuse of solar energy. The next article will highlight the sun's relationship to health.

The material was collected from the lectures of Dr. Torsunov.

The sun can be both a friend and an enemy to us. With the right approach, you can use it to strengthen your health, increase immunity and improve your mood. Conversely, the unwise use of its capabilities can cause serious health problems. In this short article we will look at the positive and negative effects of the Sun on the human body.

The benefits of the sun for human health

Regular sunbathing has a positive effect on our body. They help to improve metabolism and blood composition, increase overall tone.

The positive influence of the Sun on the human body was noticed already in ancient times. Sick and weakened people were prescribed walks in the open air and sunbathing. This helped to improve their health.

It has long been proven that sunlight can kill pathogens of many diseases, including such serious ones as skin tuberculosis. In addition, under the influence of ultraviolet rays in the human body, vitamin D is produced, on which the strength of our bones and teeth depends. With a deficiency of this vitamin, rickets occurs in children.

An overdose of even the most useful medicine is harmful. The same can be said for the sun's rays. Excessive exposure to the sun has many unpleasant consequences. This is definitely worth knowing for those who like to sunbathe on the beaches for hours.

Ultraviolet light can be damaging to the skin. Excessive sunbathing can cause premature aging of the skin and early appearance of wrinkles. In addition, excessive sun exposure increases the risk of melanoma and other dangerous diseases. In order to avoid these consequences, you should tan during the periods from 9 to 11 and from 16 to 19 hours, when the UV rays are at their weakest. Going outside, be sure to use protective products for skin and hair in order to reduce the negative impact of the sun on the human body.

It is necessary to protect not only the head and body, but also the eyes, since ultraviolet light destroys the retina. To avoid this, you should wear sunglasses. Their choice should be approached very responsibly. Poor quality glasses can only increase the destructive power of UV rays. So this important accessory should be bought only in optics, and not in underground passages and other questionable places.

The basis of life on our planet

The sun holds us in place. Despite the fact that our planet is located 140 million kilometers from the star, without its gravity, we would simply fly into deep space, away from heat and light, into the cold of black space.

Influence of the Sun on the Earth

Our star, like the moon, creates tides. While most of the daily ocean tides are due to the influence of the Moon, the highest and lowest tides occur when the Sun, Earth, and Moon line up. It gives the Earth the energy it needs. Each square meter of the Earth receives an average of 342 watts of energy. This is an average that includes day and night.

Most of this energy is reflected from the Earth and back into space, but our atmosphere acts like a blanket, keeping some of that heat in.

Thanks to him, we enjoy an average temperature of 15 ° C. The sun affects our weather. As you know, it is constantly heating the planet, and the differences in heating create the weather. When one warm air above the ground and cold air above the ocean moves from one region to another, winds are formed.

When the sun heats up the water, it evaporates, becomes clouds, and eventually falls as rain.

Feel the support of the universe. Not only the Moon and the Sun affect our well-being and health. Any of our actions and thoughts fall under the favorable or unfavorable influence of other planets. Each planet can bring good luck or suffering to those areas of life for which it is responsible. In order to become healthy, happy and successful in everything, it is important to have knowledge about the planets in order to increase their positive influence and neutralize the negative.

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The given introductory fragment of the book On the influence of planets on the fate and health of a person, or How to negotiate with the Universe (Rami Blekt, 2015) provided by our book partner - the company Liters.

Influence of the Sun

General information about the Sun Classic description

In the material world, the Sun is the embodiment of the Supreme Divine Radiance - Brahman. In Islam, God is considered the Upper Light. Kabbalah also says that we can comprehend the Creator only as the Upper Light. Many people who have experienced clinical death say that they fell into an unusually beautiful Light, which seemed to consist of Love.

In the natal chart, the Sun shows the level of a person's soul, how much he is able to "shine" - both literally and figuratively. What is an aura? This is the light of our soul, transmitted through our consciousness. And the purer and higher the consciousness, the brighter and brighter our aura. They say that the head of the saints is surrounded by a golden halo, which can be seen even with the naked eye. By the color of our aura, you can determine how healthy we are in spirit, and therefore in body.

In Ayurveda, these things are believed to be interconnected. The darker the aura, the more diseases and problems we have in our destiny.

Why does the aura darken? Where does the astral mud come from? From our grievances, despondency, anger, dirty thoughts, wishes for evil to others, lies, fear, etc.

Thought, like actions, is material. All our actions do not disappear anywhere, they are connected with us every second. We think we did something bad, and it is in the past.

Everything remains in our mind. It can be compared to a large glass box or a kind of filter that contains all our past thoughts, impressions and actions - both in this life and in previous ones. Through it we look at the world, and the degree of its transparency depends on the purity of our motivations. If they are not clean, then the whole world seems dirty to us, and then we cannot feel happy.

But the goal of all people is to become happy, and the task of Ayurveda is to help us in this. And the energy of happiness comes from the Sun, and if we want to get access to this source of happiness, we must live in such a way that our thoughts and deeds enhance the beneficial influence of the Sun on us. This becomes possible when we begin to properly build our relationship with this world.

If we sincerely say: "I want to live for everyone, to bring happiness to others and I am ready to fulfill my responsibilities to everyone!", Then at this moment the energy of the Sun begins to enter us and fills us with the power of happiness. But, as soon as we decide to live for ourselves, the solar energy immediately leaves and the feeling of happiness disappears.

Who is happier - people like Mother Teresa, or the "new Russians"? According to statistics, more than seventy percent of "new Russians" suffer from various kinds of mental disorders, depression, etc.

So, the purpose of the Sun is to melt the false Ego and revive the true one. The true Ego is the very nature of the soul, and it is such that the soul wants to live for others, and not for itself, and we are unhappy precisely because our thoughts and actions are constantly in conflict with our nature.

The purity of the mind also depends on the Sun, because both the Sun and the mind are of a fiery nature. Harmonious perception of the masculine, active energy of the Sun makes the mind strong, and the Moon - the embodiment of feminine energy, the planet responsible for the state of the psycho-emotional sphere of a person - gives us the opportunity to feel calm and enjoy the present moment. A person who has weak contact with the Sun has a sluggish mind, it is hard for him to think.

Sun in ignorance

On the external level, this manifests itself through a hostile attitude towards the world, claims, laziness, inability and unwillingness to work, to help others - because it is the Sun that gives us the joy of creativity, the ability to experience pleasure from activity.

A person with a strong Sun always does everything with joy, since he understands that with his work he brings benefit to someone.

If it is hard and bad for you, your soul is melancholy and gloomy, start doing something for others and you will feel joy - because the influence of the Sun will immediately rise to the mode of goodness. Joy is an ancient Slavic word, and ancient Slavic culture is a Vedic culture. Joy means “to give energy to Ra”, and Ra is the Sun. When you give someone light and happiness, you yourself become happy.... Is it possible to imagine a person who sincerely and unselfishly does something for others and at the same time is unhappy? The energy of the Sun emanates from such people, and everything around them is filled with light.

Happiness can be brought to you not only by some charity, but even by your usual, daily work - only for this you need to do it as disinterestedly as possible, with all your heart. If you, for example, sell something, then you should not try to sell as much as possible, but approach each customer with a soul. Be attentive to him, advise which product is better, explain why, and then the energy of the Sun will go through you.

In order to have joy, light and happiness in life, we must want to give - after all, the Sun shines for everyone disinterestedly ...

But when a person has the Sun in ignorance, he does not want to give anything.

If you eat food at night that contains a lot of the Sun (these include fruits, bread, legumes that are not digested at night), and stay awake at night, this also impairs the perception of the Sun's energy, and an early rise, on the contrary, quickly raises its energy into goodness ... The sun is the energy of life, activity. It is hard for a person with the Sun to get out of bed in the morning in ignorance.

A man with the sun in ignorance characterizes irresponsibility and constant lies. Such a person constantly blames others for everything, and if he strives for some kind of activity, then it is aimed at bringing other people suffering. For example, he may take pleasure in seeing that a neighbor is in trouble, sincerely, heartily rejoices when others feel bad, and experiences intense anger if he is forced to work for others.

Such a person is very vain or, on the contrary, extremely insecure, experiences a painful dependence on the opinions of others, does not want or is afraid to act. Often the Sun in ignorance gives an exaggerated desire for power, and power through violence - after all, ignorance implies violence. (This is partly the quality of Mars in ignorance. The Sun and Mars are very similar in their energetics - these are male, fiery, daytime planets.)

A person whose perception of the energy of the Sun is under the influence of ignorance practically does not smile, is angry for a long time, is very arrogant, although he may not represent anything of himself, or, on the contrary, suffers from an inferiority complex, is extremely disrespectful to everyone - especially to his father, boss and government , his life is completely pointless. For the sake of achieving high office and fame, such people are willing to inflict suffering and pain on others. Such people are extremely irresponsible, selfish, absolutely do not tolerate any criticism in their address.

Sun in passion

First of all, it gives a lot of pride, a huge false ego, arrogance. At the same time, such a person does not have to be some kind of boss at all, it can also be a proud of himself a beggar idler. The sun in passion also gives an addiction to flattery, an insatiable desire for power, a desire to manipulate other people.

Modern psychology is mainly influenced by the mode of passion, its main goal is to teach a person to manage others, take pride in their shortcomings, set selfish goals and achieve them by any means, feel good when others feel bad, work only for oneself and for oneself.

It is very interesting that the Sun in passion makes a person able to see only what he wants to see, what corresponds to his desires. He becomes very impulsive, selfish desires literally overwhelm him. Usually such people are extremely active and mobile, always busy with something - but they do not last long, because after a while the passion goes away, and ignorance comes to replace it (the job is done, it is necessary to "wash"). The main goal of a person acting under the influence of passion is to achieve a prestigious position, to occupy a high position, to get others to respect and honor him.

A person with the Sun in passion is dependent on the opinions of others, it seems to him that he is the center of the Universe, that the whole world is looking at him. People will forget about him in a day, or even earlier, but he will well remember who and how he said something, how they looked at him, and will worry about this for a very long time, because the Ego is only interested in himself. Such people can smile at everyone, but they will do it artificially, on an external level. Extravagance, the desire to stand out from the crowd, to "light up" (what a non-random word!) Is also one of the brightest manifestations of the Sun in passion.

Also, the Sun in passion manifests itself if a person very easily accepts responsibility, without hesitation gives a word. As in the joke: "I am the master of my word: I wanted - I gave, I wanted - I took it back." One of the main reasons a relationship breaks down is failure to keep promises.

If you want to have a good relationship with loved ones, be very attentive to what you say and write down your promises so you don't forget about them.

Unlike a person with the Sun in ignorance, who, as a rule, does not work a lot, and if he does work, then at the same time scolds everyone, a person with the Sun in passion is very active and active, he always strives for great achievements and tends to actively justify himself.

Often these are quite purposeful people, but they have their own selfish goals and desires. If a person's card is strong, his Ego can spread to the whole country, as, for example, Hitler, whose Sun was close to the degree of the highest point of exaltation.

Such people are ready to take responsibility only if it is beneficial and promises to bring glory, their speech is full of self-praise. They show respect and good attitude towards the father and all kinds of authorities only if they have something to respect and / or they can be useful in some way. They may also have an obsessive desire to “save” everyone - regardless of whether the “saved” needs it.

Such a person feels happy when he is in the spotlight, he does everything in order to achieve a prestigious position, fame, and how other people feel at the same time, he practically does not care.

If the influence of the Sun is in passion and / or ignorance, a person develops the following health problems: poor eyesight, circulatory problems, heart disease, high blood pressure, weak bones, epilepsy, headaches, digestive problems (digestive fire). Such people are distinguished by low vitality, increased irritability, inflammation of appendicitis in them proceeds in a severe form.

Appearance type of a person with weak contact with the Sun:

A frail build;

Weak skeletal system, stoop;

Light, but not yellow, sparse hair;

Small eyes.

Sun in goodness

First of all, in this case, there is a desire to do something for others, to shine on them. When such a person comes to a new team, after a couple of days everyone loves him and calls him "the sun" - after all, you immediately feel that he sincerely wants to bring benefit to others and understands that “Happiness” is to be a part of God, that “joy” is when you give others “Ra”, that is, light and warmth.

It is very easy to bring the sun to sattva if a person has a strong desire to do something for others. And the Sun in goodness is manifested in the fact that a person is always satisfied with life, his inner happiness is increasing every day.

Such a person has a very low level of egoism and practically no pride - after all, we can make others happy only if they are really interesting to us, and the more we are focused on ourselves, the less able to understand other people, their needs and problems.

If a person lives in ignorance, he will definitely face physical suffering and blows of fate - since he is no longer mentally healthy and cannot have good relations with other people.

A person in passion strives for the fruits of his labor, but even receiving these fruits, he is unhappy, because he does not know how to enjoy the very process of work, he is focused only on its result and he always wants more and more. In the end, he gets tired of the endless race for a mirage, is disillusioned with life and may even get seriously ill. They often say about such people: “He burned out at work” (this happens especially often if the Sun is strong in the chart).

Under the influence of the mode of passion, a person first receives nectar (anticipation or pleasure on the external level), and then poison - the grave consequences of his wrong perception of the world and behavior. For example, you overeat at night - at first it was very tasty and pleasant (nectar), and then came a feeling of heaviness, nightmares, hangover (poison).

In goodness, the opposite is true - first poison, then nectar.That is, at first it is difficult for us to make an effort on ourselves (for example, to go to wash the staircase or respond with love to rudeness), but then we get used to it, and life becomes nectar. The main condition for the Sun in goodness is that a person must sincerely desire to live and shine for others.

Another important quality of the Sun in goodness is the ability to enjoy life, because it is the Sun that is responsible for cheerfulness and vitality. The sun in ignorance gives discouragement. A person in sattva is optimistic, full of enthusiasm, he has great willpower and self-confidence. Such a person always does something for the benefit of others, he is consistent in his intentions and does not change his decisions to please the circumstances, but clearly sets a goal for himself and stubbornly goes towards it.

Also one of the main qualities of the Sun in goodness - nobility... There is always a knightly spirit in such people. Noble people are giving people, and a truly noble man will never allow a woman to pay for herself in a restaurant. He will never be able to hit a woman - he usually does not even have violence in his thoughts.

In theory, all women should strive to find just such a man. Every woman wants to be married, so there is no need to spoil men: if a woman comes with a man to a cafe and pays for herself, then both she and this man are degrading. Such a man cannot have good children, because he does not have the energy of the Sun in his aura.

A man should be noble, be true to his word, keep promises, be able to take responsibility - first of all for women, for children, for his wards. Men need to develop these qualities first.

People with the Sun in sattva are not afraid of changes, they are not afraid to choose new, unexplored areas of activity for themselves, to be leaders and innovators, being extremely disciplined. Many outstanding scientists and discoverers have a very strong Sun. If the Sun is in goodness, a person is able to think clearly and grasp the essence, he has very mobile, tenacious, active mind, he grasps everything on the fly.

Sun in goodness gives the ability to make decisions quickly and independently... If such a person does not see the solution right away, he simply says, "Let me be with this." If he is incompetent in some area, he may want to consult with a specialist - but in the end, after weighing all the pros and cons, he still makes a decision himself, without shifting responsibility to anyone. It is very important for men to cultivate this quality.

Lunar and Venusian energies predominate in women, so they are allowed to be more emotional and somewhat inconsistent. But if a man begins to behave in this way, then neither his wife nor his own children will respect him.

A person with the Sun in sattva always strives to get up early.

Getting up early is one of the basic conditions for a healthy and harmonious life.It is not for nothing that the people say: "He who gets up early, God gives him." In my experience, people who are unable to get up early often have problems with the upper spine, wear glasses early, and have a number of other signs of a weakened sun.

The sun is the planet responsible for happiness, and the energy of happiness can be received from about four to seven in the morning. The energy of the Sun enters a person at dawn, if he does not sleep at this time, and gives him happiness.

A person with the Sun in goodness has a natural striving for a leadership position, but he does not "walk over their heads." Power for such a person is not an end in itself, but a way to bring even more benefit to society. One of the main indicators of the Sun in goodness - full acceptance of responsibility for your life and for the lives of your subordinates... If a person has the Sun in goodness, you will never hear that he blames someone or something for his problems. By the way, this is one of the indicators of good management, when a person understands: everything that happens to him and to his environment is a reflection of his thinking and behavior.

In today's world, there are so many problems because there are no conscientious leaders willing to take responsibility. It's hard enough to be responsible for other people, because a person with the Sun in goodness does this not for himself, not for the sake of fame and prestige, but for the sake of serving others, and he never blames or condemns anyone. The desire to blame others for everything, constant complaints about life, dissatisfaction with oneself and others are signs of a failure.

Wherever a person comes with the Sun in goodness, after a while everyone begins to respect him and trust him, although he himself does not strive for this, does not boast of his achievements. And from him comes respect for all living beings. Such a person sincerely wishes everyone happiness, because the Sun shines on everyone: both people who behave in a boorish way, and those who are at a very high level of development.

A strong sun can manifest in all three gunas. It is very dangerous to have a strong sun in the mode of ignorance. Such a person is initially given a lot to serve for the benefit of others, he has a certain power, but if, for example, he is lazy or wishes evil to someone, he can bring a lot of suffering (take, for example, Hitler or Lenin - and, on the contrary, a strong Sun, but the Buddha had goodness).

If the Sun in a person's chart is weak, he must learn to take responsibility and serve the one in whom the qualities of a leader are stronger... This is also quite difficult. The problem of the modern world is also that, in addition to the absence of real leaders, the powerful of this world do not have loyal servants, honest assistants, which is no less important, because no matter how strong a leader is, he cannot achieve anything on his own. In politics and business, it is very important what kind of team a leader has. A person with the Sun in goodness easily obeys superior leaders, but at the same time retains a sense of his own dignity.

Therefore, if a woman wants her Sun to be in sattva, she must first serve her father, then her husband, because then the favorable energy of the Sun also begins to flow through her. It is almost impossible to find a woman who has a long and happy family life, and who does not respect her father and has a bad relationship with him. We must respect the Father in any case, as a representative of the male divine principle.

It is imperative to study and know your culture - after all, in order to be harmonious, we must receive the strength of our kind, our nation, our culture, take the best from them and serve our people. A person with the Sun in sattva understands that he was not accidentally born in this family, in this country. Perhaps in the next life he will belong to another nation, another religion, another egregor, but now he must be responsible for himself, for his family, for his people. We must devote time not only to ourselves and our loved ones, but also to our people, to do something for their good.

Don't think too much about what others will say about you. One single person is quite capable of changing the course of history. The energy of the Sun in goodness is manifested in the fact that a person takes responsibility without looking back at others. This is how the person differs from the crowd. The sun in sattva manifests itself in the fact that you get out of the influence of the crowd.

The sun represents self-identification. Therefore, even modern psychologists have come to the conclusion that a person cannot be mentally healthy if he does not identify himself. You must understand that you are a person. Don't be like a gray crowd. Don't mechanically do what everyone else does. The bulk of people in our age is degrading.

A person with the Sun in sattva will never jump into the well after everyone, he knows: they are them, and I am me. On the one hand, he understands that all people are parts of God, but on the other, he clearly identifies himself, separating himself from the rest. Therefore, such a person is never ashamed of his way of life, thoughts, food, etc. The crowd always tries to equalize everyone, drag them into their swamp so that there are no personalities.

To have the Sun in sattva, you need to become a Personality with a capital letter, who has practically no egoism, a Person who serves. Great is the one who serves.The sun in passion is when a person flaunts himself, wants to appear great and significant ("I am a big boss"). The sun in passion leads to destruction, you will not see such people happy.

Man with the Sun in goodness generous, generous, has a great sense of his own dignity, but not inclined to self-exaltation, human, purposeful, decisive, inclined to self-discipline, knows how to lead, using minimal punishment, cheerful, respects himself and others, he has a loud commanding voice, he does not depend on the opinions of others, but he is attentive to all the advice, he is characterized by a regular early rise, and, accordingly, an early bedtime. Such a person is constantly enthusiastic, he easily succeeds in making others happy, and he himself receives great bliss from this. Such a person constantly feels a sense of gratitude to everyone and everything. The mind of such a person works clearly and quickly grasps the essence.

The type of appearance of a person who in past lives had the influence of the Sun in goodness:

Round face;

Large physique;

Wide, high forehead;

Strong skeletal system;

Golden or dark hair;

Large eyes, usually gray or brown;

Swarthy skin color.

Influence Suns in ignorancecharacterized by the following character traits and patterns of behavior: inability to get up early and go to bed early, laziness, vanity, lethargy of mind, enormous selfishness, painful dependence on the opinions of others, complete irresponsibility, inability and unwillingness to keep promises, the desire to enjoy watching other people's suffering, hostile attitude towards attitude to the world, constant claims to others, prolonged anger, enormous arrogance (or, on the contrary, complete lack of self-confidence), extremely disrespectful attitude towards everyone, especially to the father and the government, completely aimless life, readiness and desire for the sake of achieving a high post, glory cause suffering and pain to others.

Sun in passion:a strong desire to be in the center of attention, artificial smiles, pride, great impulsiveness, a great desire for power, a desire to manipulate others, exploit them, dependence on the opinions of others, great activity in pursuing one's selfish goals, accepting responsibility only if it is beneficial and promises to bring glory, self-praise.

Respect for the father and all kinds of authorities and a good attitude towards them only if they "have something to respect" or they can be useful. An obsessive desire to save everyone. A person feels happy when he is in the spotlight, achieves a prestigious position, fame. What others feel at the same time, he does not care.

Sun in goodness: a great sense of responsibility - for oneself, one's family, one's nation and for all living beings, nobility, generosity, generosity, bliss in activity, great self-esteem, humanity, purposefulness, determination, self-discipline, great willpower, ability to lead, minimal using punishment, cheerfulness, innovation, respect for both oneself and others, lack of pride and vanity, loud commanding voice, independence from the opinions of others, but attentive attitude to all advice, sincerity, regular early rise, and, accordingly, early going to sleep, constant enthusiasm, a great sense of gratitude to everyone and everything.

Such a person can easily make others happy, and from this he gets great bliss. The ability to think clearly, quickly grasp the essence.

How to enhance the beneficial influence of the sun

As follows from the above, we cannot advance spiritually, be healthy in mind and body, if we have poor contact with the energy of the Sun. First of all, the quality of our perception of the energy of this luminary depends on the location of the Sun at the time of our birth, and this location is programmed by our past actions. But not everything is predetermined by fate. By our actions, we can either significantly improve the influence of the Sun on us, or vice versa.

The strongest impact occurs on the spiritual level when we worship God (in this context, his masculine hypostasis: Buddha, Rama, Krishna, Jesus Christ), we purify our consciousness, striving to live with spiritual interests. And then, as the Bhagavad-gita says, "Even a little advance on this path will protect you from many misfortunes."

One should try to wish happiness to all living beings, to cultivate in oneself everything that is connected with joy, and to want to give it to others.

It is also useful to make donations to spiritual people and to religious institutions (especially on Sundays - the days of the Sun) and develop the following character traits inherent in sunny people:


Decisiveness, optimism, dedication;

Firmness, willpower, sincerity, nobility, self-discipline, generosity, humanity, generosity, job satisfaction, self-esteem, innovation.

It is necessary to get rid of the negative qualities of character that a person receives as a result of his neglect of solar energy - such as pride, arrogance, impulsiveness, sarcasm, hostility, arrogance, lack of respect, selfishness, prolonged anger.

Disrespectful attitude towards men, especially towards the father, and for women - towards the husband is especially damaging to solar energy.

Divine energy at a certain stage is divided into masculine and feminine, and The sun is the representative of the divine masculinity... A disrespectful, insulting attitude towards men is a manifestation of aggression towards the entire male principle and ultimately towards God. (This also includes a disrespectful attitude towards the ruler, whatever he may be.) And any aggression in the Universe is punished rather severely.

Solar energy is enhanced if we live according to the solar regime - we get up before sunrise, and our main meal takes place at noon, when the Sun reaches its maximum strength - then a person does not waste his life force on digesting food. Modern scientists have come to the same conclusion. It is also important to live with goodness, because goodness is a solar power that warms both figuratively and literally.

At the physical level, the action of the Sun is enhanced by:

- daily sunbathing (at least twenty minutes, but not in the period from 12 to 16 noon);

- spending a lot of time outdoors;

- regular implementation of the complex yoga exercise "Salutation to the Sun" (Surya namaskar), at sunrise.

- from food products, the power of the Sun is personified by: fruits, nuts, lavender, anise, rosemary, nutmeg, saffron, aloe.

In conclusion, I would like to say that for those who live in sunny countries, all of the above is especially important, since the degree of contact with the energy of the Sun is very high, and people usually either begin a rapid spiritual ascent, an aspiration for "Light" increases, or, on the contrary, they become selfish and their consciousness becomes materialistic.

In India, to appease the Sun, it is advised to feed cows with flour products on Sundays. In ancient India, any doctor working in the tradition of Ayurveda, as a rule, knew Vedic astrology well enough, and any Vedic astrologer was familiar with all the means of Upai (neutralization of adverse factors in the horoscope) and was well versed in Ayurveda, since it was believed that it was impossible to treat a disease without knowing its karmic cause.

The Vedic astrologer, seeing the karma (fate) of a person, experienced a natural desire (inherent in all exalted souls) to help him and for this he used the detailed Upai system, which includes a change in worldview, wearing certain stones, reading mantras, as well as Ayurveda means.

For improvements the perception of the energy of the Sun, the harmonization of the divine masculine aspect and spiritual progress, the reading of mantras is beneficial:

Om Namo Bhagavate Ramachandraya;

Om Surya Namah;

Om Jai Ram.

Sun day - sunday.

The sun - royal planet.

Professions: kings, administrators, leaders, politicians, doctors.

Symbolizes male Divine aspect.

Requires respect for the father.If there is no respect for the father, the solar aspect in life is closed (the same applies to the stepfather, boss, government).

Energy from the Sun tough but noble.

Direction - east.

The sun responsible for prana- vital energy, therefore human health is associated with this planet.

It is extremely favorable to have large windows and an entrance to the house on the east side.

Sign - A lion.Exalted in Aries, falling in Libra.

Metal - gold and copper.

Colour - orange, light brown.

A rock - ruby.

The sun gives man vitality and awareness of your inner "I".It also gives strength and ability to make quick decisions.

The sun is atmakaraka(soul indicator).

A planet located closer than 8 ° to the Sun is somewhat weakens, loses energy, influence, “burns out”.Although this degree is different for different planets.

The best position is 10th house (zenith). Sun numberin numerology - 1.

Everyone who was born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th is under the strong influence of the Sun, and it is especially important for them to live in harmony with this planet.

The Sun together with the Moon are responsible for the 6th chakra (Ajna).This chakra is located in the center of the forehead, in the region of the "third eye" (North American shamans call it the first eye).

The entire horoscope is in the palm of our hand. On the left hand - what we came into this world with, on the right hand - what we have today.

The sphere of the Sun is ring finger and the space below it. A large hill and a clear line on it speak of a successful career, it also promises a person fame, fame and many talents.

The sun is responsible for vision, and if a person develops spiritually, he acquires the ability to see subtle realities. In its highest manifestation, the Sun gives transcendental vision.

Practical cases

Once I was consulting a woman from Asia on the phone. She works as a top manager for a large company that builds oil and gas pipelines. Her husband works in the same company, but a few steps down the career ladder.

Oddly enough, she has a weak Sun, in a bad house and in the fall, with virtually no neutralization. It may seem that a person is not able to be a leader if he has a weak Sun in his chart. But it is not always the case. Mars and Saturn in this woman's chart are very strong. She also has a very strong Moon, which gives great intuition. Saturn and Mars brought her great success in construction and in everything connected with it (mechanics, technology), since both of these planets are related to technical issues, and Saturn is still to some extent connected with Rahu, which is related to oil , gas.

The weakness of the Sun manifests itself in her in the form of headaches, migraines, which began several years ago and are gradually increasing. She has an energy block in the back of her head and spine, and she confirms that she has been feeling pain in these places for many years. She also has a serious guilt complex, as she believes that she is unworthy to take office. She says: "When I receive a task, I complete it by 50-60%, and I get it by 90%." She thinks she doesn't deserve what she gets. She believes that a man should be taller, but in fact, for some reason she is taller. That is, on an emotional level, she also has the problem of a weak Sun - self-flagellation, pride with a minus sign: "I am not worthy of this position, money."

I gave her some advice. The most important thing for a person in such cases is to change his mentality, learn to accept money and his (deserved) high position. I drew her attention to the importance of serving her husband and showing him in every possible way that she sincerely respects him, regardless of what career heights he has reached.

One more example. About five years ago I consulted a guy from a Russian city. He had a very weak Sun associated with the house of partners, and it gave great difficulties in relationships. He internally did not respect himself - and received the same attitude towards himself from those around him, all his women and friends pressured him, treated him extremely disrespectfully. We worked with him for a long time. I explained to him in detail: how dangerous it is to show disrespect to oneself and (or) other people, what an inferiority complex is, and told what needs to be done to strengthen the Sun at all levels.

On the physical levelearly rise is very important (by the way, I noticed a long time ago that it is easy for people with a strong Sun to get up early, and those with a weak Sun often become “owls.” If a person with a strong Sun gets used to being an “owl”, then the influence of the Sun on him quickly becomes unfavorable), the implementation of a special yogic complex "Surya-namaskara".

On the social level -explained to him that it is necessary to be able to take responsibility, told him how to get used to communicate with other people, that it is necessary to establish relations with his father and serve him.

I selected physical exercises for him, proper nutrition, colors and stones that strengthen the Sun, told him what to do to increase the fire of digestion (the weak Sun in his chart was associated with the digestive house and gave problems in this area), explained that you need to learn to earn money, and with what consciousness it should be done, gave recommendations on where and with whom it is better for him to work.

Intellectualand spiritual levelshe already knew quite well, since the day before the consultation he attended our training and listened to lectures in which the topic of the importance of setting a goal and the ability to achieve it was discussed in detail. He already understood that achieving the state of Divine love is the only correct final goal of life, that the essence of all spiritual practices is that we learn to love unconditionally and live in the present moment, "here and now."

He came twice, and later we met again (which is an exception - usually one, maximum two consultations is enough). As a result, his situation began to improve, but since this problem has been dragging on for the third incarnation, a significant improvement in this case is possible after 2-3 years of working on himself in the right direction. The sun from childhood gave him a lot of problems, especially in relationships. It was very hard for him, he wanted a normal relationship, he wanted to have a family, because he was already over 30, but until he neutralized the unfavorable influence of the Sun, his personal life did not improve, although otherwise his card was not bad, he was a talented person.