Do-it-yourself compost bin making options. Options for making a compost bin with your own hands Pallet compost heap

The better the quality of the soil, the richer the crop grown on this land will be. But it happens that the initial data is not very good, and you have to fertilize the soil. To do this, you can use various fertilizers, but it is best to make a compost pit, which will become a source of environmentally friendly material. Consider how a do-it-yourself compost pit should be made: manufacturing options and materials suitable for this purpose.

In order to understand how to properly make a compost pit, you first need to figure out what it is used for. Typically, a compost pit is used to dispose of organic waste, which, as a result of the decay process, turns into organic fertilizer. There are many design options and each owner can only choose the most suitable option for themselves.

A compost heap does a great job of utilizing grass clippings and fallen leaves. Under the influence of time, moisture and microorganisms, all this turns into a fertilizer that can be used to grow any type of crop, both in gardens and in the garden.

Making a compost heap of organic fertilizers with your own hands is not difficult at all, especially since there are many ideas for self-implementation that can be used as a basis. You can make a compost pit yourself using pallets, which are usually used for transporting and storing building materials. They can be bought at a fairly low price, or quite possibly just found on your own site.

How to make a compost pit in the country: choosing a location

Speaking about the arrangement of the compost heap, one cannot but mention the importance of its correct location. First of all, the structure must be sufficiently removed from residential buildings. In addition, the place of its installation should be well blown by the wind in order to avoid stagnation of air and the concentration of an unpleasant odor emanating from it. In addition, access to the compost must be ensured so that the process of adding raw materials or removing ready-made fertilizer takes place as comfortably as possible.

Helpful advice! In order for the decay process to proceed faster, it is recommended to periodically mix the layers inside the pile. Therefore, even at the stage of planning and arrangement, it is worth considering how this can be done.

In addition, the following criteria for selecting a site suitable for a compost pit should be taken into account:

  • the chosen site should be located at a sufficiently large distance from any sources of drinking water, such as a well or well. The distance between these objects must be at least 25 m;
  • if the site is not located evenly, but under a slope, then you need to make a compost pit below the water level (preferably at the lowest point of the site). This will prevent rotting runoff and clean water from entering;
  • you should inquire in advance about the most frequent direction of the wind, since the pit often becomes a source of a rather strong and unpleasant odor, and can cause discomfort to both you and your neighbors;
  • it is worth taking care that there is not only a free approach to the pit, but also enough space to be able to bring waste or remove ready-made compost using a wheelbarrow.

Helpful advice! For a compost pit, it is advisable to choose a shaded place, since the sun's rays adversely affect the process of decay, significantly slowing down the composting process.

What can and cannot be put in a compost pit

In order for the fertilizer obtained as a result of decay to be of high quality and bring benefits to plants, and not harm, each summer resident needs to familiarize himself in advance with the list of those products that may or may not be added to compost. So, for composting are great:

  • grass, weeds, leaves, hay, straw, etc.;
  • berries, fruits and any peelings from them (raw);
  • waste from wood products that have not been painted;
  • paper products (napkins, bags, cardboard) in crushed form;
  • waste from the preparation of tea, coffee or cereals;
  • branches and roots of trees after grinding;
  • needles;
  • herbivore manure (biennial only);
  • wood ash.

Important! The percentage of cleanings from products such as potatoes and tomatoes in the compost should not exceed 15-20%.

  • any plants that have been affected by pests;
  • plants exposed to diseases such as powdery mildew, late blight, etc.;
  • excrement of domestic animals, as they can be infected with helminth eggs;
  • bones and leftovers from meat products. They will provoke an extremely unpleasant odor, and will also become food for rats;
  • inorganic waste - plastic, rubber, synthetic fabrics and metal;
  • plants that have been treated with herbicides;
  • the remains of cabbage, the rotting of which provokes an extremely strong and unpleasant odor.

As for the composting of weeds, experts recommend putting them in a separate pile, which is covered with a film on top. So, the risk that the plants will take root again is excluded and one can count on their death with one hundred percent probability.

If, however, weeds are added to the general heap, then often one has to deal with the fact that perennial plants take root, especially if, as a result of regular watering or rain, the humidity is quite high.

Important! To speed up the process of decay of waste, it is recommended to pre-grind them. This is especially true for elements such as branches, roots and paper products.

Having figured out what can and cannot be put in a compost pit, it remains only to familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for waste in order to ensure that it rots as efficiently as possible. Moreover, the duration of the period during which compost will be formed directly depends on the correctness of the care carried out:

  • Humidity is the most important indicator that affects the decay of waste and the formation of compost. In order to maintain the desired level, it is recommended to periodically water a bunch of watering cans. At the same time, it is important that in the end it turns out wet, but not wet, since an abundance of water will adversely affect the viability and activity of bacteria;
  • once a month, you need to carefully stir up the pile, thus ensuring the access of oxygen. This allows the waste not only to rot, but to burn out. At the same time, if there is no way to completely dig everything up, you can use a pitchfork and pierce a bunch in as many places as possible;
  • to accelerate the maturation process of compost, the addition of nitrogen is required, which is found in large quantities in the green parts of plants, as well as in slurry.

The formation of high-quality compost usually takes 1-1.5 years. During this time, almost any waste and residues will fully decompose. The readiness of the compost can be recognized visually and by smell. The finished mixture is a crumbly mass of brown color and has the smell of forest land.

Compost pit: what is it and why is it needed

The issue of compost application is one of the most popular. After all, not every summer resident knows how and why to use the resulting mixture, and how great its benefits are. In fact, you can fertilize the soil with compost for almost any plant. Cucumbers, peppers, zucchini and pumpkins respond best to such top dressing. The result can be seen already in the next harvest season - the fruits grow large, have a bright and rich color, taste and aroma are well pronounced.

But there are also plants for which compost is not so useful. For example, root crops, tomatoes, melons and watermelons should not be abundantly fertilized in this way, as this leads to the fact that the yield decreases, and the amount of green mass, on the contrary, increases.

Strawberries respond well to compost, especially if you first cut it “at the root” and overlay it with a semi-decomposed composition. Then all this needs to be watered, and all that remains is to wait for new fresh foliage, as well as a bountiful harvest next season.

DIY compost pit: manufacturing options and design requirements

In order to properly build a compost pit, you need to understand how the compost heap should be arranged. There are many options for making your own hands, but first of all, you should pay attention to the fact that it should consist of three parts. In this case, you need to install 8 support posts, each of which must be processed with a protective agent.

Helpful advice! Machine oil, fuel oil or even tar can be used as a protective composition for posts.

A fence can be used as a fence on one of the sides, and boards are better suited for the rest. Partitions are constructed from them, in which holes for ventilation are necessarily left. This contributes to the process of decay. Also be sure to install a door that allows you to access the compost.

Making a compost pit in the country with your own hands involves ensuring the proper level of ventilation and at the same time protecting the contents from precipitation. So that the compost heap does not turn into a swamp, it must be covered with a special lid of a suitable size during the rainy season. And if the weather conditions are not too severe, then it is quite acceptable to use plastic wrap for this purpose.

Another option is to use construction pallets that are pre-disassembled. Using a circular machine, the boards can be divided into individual elements, and then assembled from them into a suitable structure. In this case, it is better to fasten the boards vertically. The front board can be fixed with adhesive. To give stability to such a structure, it is necessary to use the building level and trim the lower slats.

It is also important that the height of the walls of a homemade composter be such that it is convenient for a person of any height to add, turn and remove compost.

Interesting! You can pay attention to the designs of compost pits made according to Finnish technology. In this case, some design features are of interest, for example, when you extract humus from one compartment, it is automatically filled with raw materials from the next one.

DIY compost pit: manufacturing options, photo examples

The type of compost pit is determined based on several factors. One of them is the installation method. Consider all the existing options:

  • allocation of a certain place for organizing a compost pit. At the same time, a foundation pit is initially prepared, which is very similar to a well, but at the same time has a smaller depth. The walls of the pit are additionally strengthened to prevent shedding of the soil and are sheathed with an indent of 20-25 cm from the bottom. This distance is necessary in order to provide the microorganism with free access to waste;
  • another option is to install a special container on the garden plot, designed to collect waste and process it into compost. This method allows you to get the finished product at any time. This design is based on a pit with formwork, as well as a special box made of boards. When implementing this option, it is extremely important to pay due attention to the organization of ventilation;
  • a do-it-yourself compost heap is the easiest way to solve the problem. To do this, it is enough to make a substrate consisting of sand, gravel and dry grass. Waste is simply stacked on top, which over time will begin to rot.

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Detailed construction technology of structures: soil preparation, frame manufacturing, its installation and filling.

You can make a compost bin with your own hands using many different technologies and instructions. The proposed designs may differ in the materials that are required for work, dimensions, properties and ease of use.

Helpful advice! Regardless of the type of structure chosen, before starting the laying of raw materials inside the structure, it is necessary to thoroughly loosen the bottom and install ventilation holes.

DIY compost bin: manufacturing options and instructions

Before making a compost pit with your own hands, it is advisable to consider as many options and designs as possible that can be used for this purpose. We will analyze in detail the instructions for making the most popular boxes made from various materials.

Garden compost bin: features of installation and operation

A garden composter may well be presented in the form of a large box, divided into several sections. Usually they make two or three compartments, but experts strongly recommend stopping at the option with three sections, since each of them has its own purpose: the first one is used for laying waste, the second one is for waste ripening, and the third one stores ready-made compost.

Depending on the individual wishes of the owner, the composter can be stationary or mobile (move on wheels). In this case, the recommended height of the box should not exceed 1 meter, and the size of each section should be about 1-1.5 meters.

Important! All wooden elements must be treated with a special protective compound, designed to provide the material with reliable protection against harmful insects, as well as moisture.

To make a compost bin with your own hands, you need to follow the following procedure:

  1. 8 wooden blocks are dug into the ground;
  2. With the help of boards, also previously opened with a protective compound, partitions are constructed. To do this, they are attached to supports at a certain distance from each other.
  3. In the front part, two compartments should be sheathed only to the middle, and only one lower board is nailed to the third. Doors are mounted on the first two from above.
  4. The back and end parts are completely sheathed.
  5. The entire structure is covered with two layers of moisture-resistant paint.
  6. Finally, handles, latches, etc. are attached.

At the bottom of such a box, drainage must necessarily be laid, which may consist, for example, of dry tree branches. Immediately after this, you can proceed directly to the laying of waste inside the structure.

How to make a compost pit in the country using wooden boards

A compost pit is an excellent solution, if necessary, not to spoil the appearance of the site with the appearance of a pile of waste. The formation of fertilizer in such a design takes much longer, and in order for the process to proceed as correctly and efficiently as possible, it is important to take care of the proper arrangement and ensure access to the right amount of oxygen in advance.

Work procedure:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to dig a compost pit, the width of which will be 1.5 m, the length is 2 m, and the depth is about 1 meter.
  2. In the corners, you need to dig in wooden blocks, observing an indent from the walls of 20 cm on each side.
  3. In increments of 5 cm, boards are attached to these posts.
  4. The resulting box is divided into two parts using a wooden shield.

The bottom of the compost pit is filled with a ten-centimeter layer of tree bark, branches and straw. Such a mixture will take on the role of drainage, which will remove excess moisture and additionally ventilate the raw materials.

Initially, only one of the compartments should be filled with waste. Then, when one is half full, the compost must be transferred to the second compartment. This procedure will allow you to enrich it with oxygen as much as possible.

Important! The bottom and sides of the composter do not need to be covered with anything so that earthworms can freely get inside, which take an active part in the waste processing process.

How to make a slate compost bin

Slate is a durable material that is great for creating a structure designed to collect and process organic waste into compost. The procedure for creating a suitable design consists of several stages:

  • choosing a suitable location and taking measurements to determine the appropriate size of the pit;
  • according to the marks, a not too large recess is dug, in the corners of which supports are installed, which can be used as boards or metal pipes;
  • slate sheets are installed along the perimeter of the pit;
  • using the same sheets, the resulting container is divided into several parts (two or three).

The use of this design is carried out in accordance with all the same recommendations that are given for compost pits made of wood.

How to make a concrete compost pit in the country

With a little more time and attention given to the process of arranging a compost pit, as a result, it can last several decades without any problems. To do this, it is enough to concrete it. You can do this in the following way:

  • you need to dig a hole about 80 cm deep, 2 m wide and 3 m long;
  • make a formwork inside the pit;
  • then you need to prepare a solution consisting of sand, gravel and cement. To do this, pour 5 liters of water into a bucket and add 5 kg of sand and cement to it so that the ratio of dry components is 3: 1;
  • the resulting solution is poured into the formwork;
  • using wooden boards and a chain-link mesh (a metal frame is also suitable), a cover is being built for the pit.

It is very important that in the case of using boards for mounting the cover, there should be a distance between the elements necessary for normal ventilation.

Compost pit using Finnish technology: the secrets of mounting the structure

The main requirement for structures made according to Finnish technology is compliance with certain dimensions. The height and width of the box must be the same and be 1 m. This is extremely important, because in a smaller box the raw material will simply dry out, turning not into compost, but into dust. Large sizes are unacceptable for another reason - in this case, there is a risk of burning the contents from too high a temperature.

For the manufacture of such a structure, it is best to use wood. Slate in this case is not a very suitable option, since structures made from it are characterized by a longer period of waste decomposition. Again, a cheap and at the same time quite convenient option is a Finnish pallet compost pit.

Algorithm for assembling a compost pit using Finnish technology:

  1. From wood pre-treated with antiseptic agents, a box frame of the desired size is assembled.
  2. Then the finished frame is sheathed with boards. The boards are tightly placed only on the partitions separating the compartments. On the side walls, the boards should be located with an indent of 1 cm.
  3. The back wall of the structure is also sewn up with boards at a distance of 1 cm.
  4. The bottom of the box is covered using a slab. At the same time, it is also important to maintain some distance between the elements so that excess liquid can be effectively discharged.
  5. In the lower part of the front wall of the structure, a small door is equipped, the height of which is usually 30 cm. It is fixed using ordinary door hinges.
  6. The roof of the structure is made gable, while one of the slopes is attached to hinges so that it simultaneously acts as a door, making it possible to fill waste inside.

Interesting! In one box, the size of which is 1 × 1 m, you can prepare an amount of compost sufficient to fertilize a plot of land of 5-7 acres.

Compost pit-bio toilet: what is it?

Another special type of compost pit is a dry closet, which is able to turn human waste products into compost. It is a structure consisting of two containers, the volume of each of which is 80 liters.

The use of this type of dry closet is as follows: after visiting the toilet, you need to turn a special handle, which is responsible for supplying a portion of a special mixture consisting of peat and sawdust. Thanks to this mechanism, the mixture is distributed evenly and falls asleep the waste that has got inside.

It is quite possible to use such a dry closet composter for the disposal of not too much food waste, simply throwing it inside and falling asleep with a dry mixture. When the first container is completely filled, it must be moved aside and replaced with the second one, which can be used in the same way. At this time, the first container will contain the compost mixture, completely ready for use.

Important! The compost obtained in such a composter will be very concentrated. This must be taken into account, and before introducing it into the soil, it is necessary to dilute the mixture with soil, sand or peat.

Criteria for choosing a ready-made composter for giving

At the same time, an increasing number of owners of suburban areas are striving to move away from the use of home-made structures, giving preference to purchased models. Consider what advantages and disadvantages ready-made designs have, and what parameters you need to pay special attention to before making a purchase.

In most cases, preference is given to simple and convenient composters that are easy to assemble and operate on their own. But since the number of offers on the modern market is extremely large, it can be really difficult to decide on the most suitable option on your own. As a guide, experts recommend using certain criteria, since models can be:

  • collapsible or solid;
  • with temperature sensor;
  • with a special device that allows you to loosen the contents;
  • with a mesh instead of a bottom, which provides protection against rodents;
  • various shapes and sizes.

Composters also differ in the material that was used for manufacturing. So, plastic is the most popular today, because it has a low weight, which allows you to move it around the site without problems, and its service life is extremely long. If the structure is planned as stationary, then you can consider the option of acquiring a metal composter. Wooden models can also be found on sale, but they are not very common due to their short service life and exposure to external factors.

How to choose and buy a compost pit: an overview of the most popular brands and models

As examples, we can consider several composters that are most popular and have received many positive reviews from users.

Composter L&T Globe: features and specifications

This model is highly valued by permanent residents of country houses, since it can be used throughout the year, and not every product can boast of this. The L&T Globe was developed by Finnish specialists who took into account the harsh weather conditions of the local climate. This allows the composter to function without problems even in the most severe winters.

Another advantage of this model is the absence of small and heavy parts, so the operation of the device is quite simple. The working volume of the container is 310 liters, and durable polyethylene was used as a material for the manufacture. In order for the system to function even in the cold season, a 15 mm thermal insulation layer was provided, which allows maintaining the optimum temperature inside.

Due to the small height of this composter, a person of absolutely any height can fill and empty it. Moreover, for even more comfort, the design provides a removable top.

Thus, all these design features allow creating the most favorable environment for efficient waste composting. The microclimate, which is maintained inside the tank, promotes the growth and development of microorganisms that can process waste. The developers did not forget about the ventilation system, which is presented in the form of drainage holes in the bottom of the composter.

Important! The ventilation system of this model can be used in two modes: summer/winter. It is important to make the switch in a timely manner, using a shutter specially provided for this.

Bulbeo composter: features and benefits

This model is the development of Italian specialists, which exists in domestic markets in two versions that differ in size (700 and 900 liters). Initially, this model was intended exclusively for the processing of plant waste, but, as practice shows, it also copes well with the composting of other organic waste.

This composter belongs to collapsible models and consists of separate parts that are simply assembled and, if necessary, disassembled again. This allows you to rearrange the container from one place to another and even transport it. Moreover, when disassembled, this design takes up very little space and can easily fit in the trunk of an ordinary car.

Among the main advantages of this choice are:

  • the ability to get free access to the structure from six sides;
  • it is convenient to take out the finished compost thanks to the hinged doors;
  • on the site, this model looks quite aesthetically pleasing, because it resembles a flowering bud in shape;
  • discreet dark green color allows you to organically fit the structure into any landscape design.

Durable plastic is used as a material for this model, which provides reliable protection of the contents from wind and strong temperature changes. According to the developers, the rounded shape of the walls contributes to the maturation of the compost.

Of course, there are also ventilation holes that provide access to the required amount of oxygen. Anyone can easily assemble this model, because it does not require any tools or additional fasteners. The finished structure weighs only 19 kg, and its height is 885 mm.

Compost pit products: features and benefits of use

Having figured out how to make a compost pile, many expect that they will soon be able to use the nutrient fertilizer made in it. But the reality is that the natural maturation of compost can last up to 2 years. Of course, you can just be patient and wait. But you can go the other way by buying a special tool that promotes the maturation of compost and speeds up this process.

Interesting! The question of the use of excipients is especially relevant for those regions of the country where the warm period is short. If warm weather lasts only 2-3 months, then the compost ripening period has to be reduced artificially.

So, there are several drugs that are well suited for this purpose and are recommended not only by experts, but also by real users. They all have different names but, in general, the principle of their action is the same. As an example, consider the Tamir tool.

Tamir is an extremely complex drug, which includes a whole complex of microorganisms that in the natural environment are responsible for ensuring the decomposition of organic debris and waste. Due to the high concentration of these bacteria, the composting process is many times faster, and after 2-3 weeks, full maturation occurs.

It is worth noting that the compost obtained in this way is not completely decomposed waste and is somewhat different from the usual consistency. But its final decomposition will occur directly in the soil, which will bring even greater benefits to plants.

Important! It is believed that compost obtained as a result of the action of auxiliary preparations, as a fertilizer, is many times more useful than that which was obtained naturally. Therefore, answering the common question whether it is possible to use funds for compost pits, the answer is unequivocal - not only possible, but even necessary.

All funds of this type are used according to the following technology:

  • if the heap has not yet been formed, then the drug is added on top of each new layer, after which it is all poured with water;
  • in the already finished heap, you need to make a recess to the full height, into which the drug and water are added.

Other ways to speed up the maturation of the compost heap

In addition to complex preparations, other ways can be used to stimulate the processing of organic waste and the maturation of compost in the pit. Let's consider each of them in more detail:

  • the use of rotted manure, which is quite capable of replacing biochemical preparations intended for composting. At the same time, it is forbidden to use fresh manure, as it can become a source of not only helminth eggs, but also weed seeds, pathogens, etc.;
  • a solution made from ordinary yeast. To prepare it, you need 1 liter of water and about 1 tablespoon of dry yeast. To this is added 200 grams of sugar (1 cup). Such a solution is poured into the recesses made in the compost heap;
  • herbal infusion. To improve the effect, it is mixed with chicken manure or slurry in a ratio of 5:2. It is important to know that the amount of nitrogen contained in fresh bird droppings is much greater than in manure, which means that the ratio should be different.

Helpful advice! In order to regularly get bird droppings into the compost heap naturally, you can install a feeder above it. This will greatly facilitate and speed up the process.

The methods of accelerating maturation also include artificial moistening of raw materials, its tedding and other measures designed to create the most comfortable microclimate for composting.

How to arrange a compost pit in the country with your own hands

Whatever design is chosen for making compost, it is unlikely that its appearance will turn out to be attractive enough in the end. Most likely, no one will want to look at the compost pit, so it will be useful to think about how you can use the original design to improve its appearance.

The problem of masking the compost pit is especially relevant for small plots, since almost the entire territory is in plain sight. Although it happens that even for spacious plots, the owners use various design strategies to give the compost pit a more attractive look. So, in order to hide such an object, you can use:

  • camouflage with plants and hedges;
  • artificial decorations and stationary fences.

Works related to the manufacture of artificial fences are necessarily carried out in an open area located at some distance from the location of the compost pit. This is necessary in order to make it more convenient to work and to be able to move freely without being subjected to discomfort from the smell emitted by the heap.

The main requirement for such a fence is that it should hide the entire site from the eyes of guests and owners. That is, the compost heap should be completely hidden behind it, and the appearance of the fence should be as attractive as possible and be in harmony with the environment.

Much longer and somewhat more difficult to create hedges for this purpose. But they look much more natural and elegant. The main thing is to pay attention to the choice of a suitable plant, so that in the end the hedge is not too bulky and lush, and does not break the overall structure of the site.

Helpful advice! You can use light translucent screens entwined with vines as a fence. They do an excellent job with the task, and at the same time do not take up much space, so they are quite suitable for both large and small areas.

Best ideas for decorating a silo

Other elements, such as special screens or screens, can also be used to mask the place where the compost heap is located. Bamboo fences have proven to be excellent. Plants also look good if carefully planted in a row.

At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to equip a compost pit directly under fruit trees, as this can lead to their death. Between the compost and plants you need to maintain some distance.

The following design methods are the most popular:

  • fruit trees and berry bushes planted in a row;
  • potted gardens, placed on several levels to hide the entire structure;
  • installation of an object of small architecture: a gazebo or a fenced barbecue (of course, in this case, you should make sure that the unpleasant smell of decaying waste does not interfere);
  • flower beds with tall plants;
  • supporting wall.

Separately, it is worth noting the masking of compost heaps if a plastic container was used for them. In this case, it is not necessary to completely mask it. You can use it as a decoration of the site by painting it in a bright color and planting beautiful flowers around. You can draw any pattern on such a container, thus giving it originality.

It is easiest to work with small compost pits, which can be hidden with an abundance of flowers or even shrubs. Speaking of which, a compost yard is a great place to experiment with growing new varieties of annuals.

You can clearly see how do-it-yourself composters are made and designed for summer cottages by watching tutorials and detailed instructions. It is enough just to decide which design is best suited in a particular case, as well as take into account your own individual requirements and wishes. Otherwise, there will be no problems, since there are as many options for do-it-yourself compost pits as there are ready-made models.

How to make a compost pit with your own hands: video instruction

A competent summer resident knows for sure that weed grass in the garden can bring not only harm, but also benefit - at least it can be used to make compost, which, in essence, is an excellent fertilizer. Compost is made either in a special pit or in a specially equipped box, which will be discussed in this article. Together with the site site, we will deal with the question of how to make the right compost box with your own hands?

Compost box in the country house photo

DIY compost bin: what to make

To make compost in the country, people use various improvised materials. Some simply dig holes and throw torn weeds into them, others adapt old ones (barrels, boxes, etc.) for this purpose, and still others take the matter of making compost so seriously that they build special boxes for this purpose. Naturally, the most optimal material for the manufacture of this device is wood - of course, they don’t buy it on purpose, but use a used one. For example, they disassemble unnecessary wooden products - in most cases for building and other materials. The board used for them is usually good and it fits perfectly for such a device - a pallet compost box lasts a very long time.

Pallet compost bin photo

In addition to such wood, you will additionally need a wooden beam with a section of 50 by 50 mm, a large pile of self-tapping screws, trimmings of the UD drywall profile (guides will be made from them, which will allow you to get easy access to the finished compost, usually located at the bottom of the box). Also, it will not be superfluous to think about tools - the boards will need to be cut, and the screws to be screwed. In addition, you will need a shovel to install shields - in principle, this is a standard country tool that is available in any country house. And one more thing - despite the fact that solid wood is used for the manufacture of pallets, it will not be superfluous to take care of its safety. Impregnate with an antiseptic composition and, if possible, paint - after such processing of wood, a compost box made from it will last a very long time. You can see how to make a compost bin with your own hands in this short video.

How to make a compost bin with your own hands: dimensions and layout

In principle, no one will give you any exact dimensions of compost bins - for the most part, their dimensions are determined by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cottage (or rather, the amount of grass pulled out per year) and the size of the source material. You have boards with a length of 2000 mm, which means that the dimensions of the box should be adjusted to fit them. This will not work with pallets, since their width is approximately 1000mm - not enough, of course, but there is a way out. You just have to do not a single box, but a double one. On the one hand, this is even better - you get a two-year compost bin. In one you load the grass this year (next season it will be used as a ready-made fertilizer), and the mowed grass will be loaded into the second compartment. Thus, compost in the required quantity is at your disposal.

How to make a compost bin in the country

This is with regard to the design of the compost bin - we have decided on it. Now you can safely do the preparatory work. They are not difficult, and all you need to do is three things.

  1. First of all, mark a rectangle with a size of 1115mm by 2230mm in the selected place of the summer cottage and install four pins in its corners, on which to pull the thread.
  2. According to the stretched thread along the long side of the box (on both sides), at a distance of 1115 mm from any corner, install a couple more pins - these are the middle racks that divide the product into two equal parts.
  3. Dig holes 300-400 mm deep in the places marked with pins.

In principle, this is all the preparation, having finished with which it will be possible to safely proceed to the manufacture of the box itself - this is what we will do next.

How to build a compost bin: do-it-yourself assembly

By and large, the process of making a compost box in the country with your own hands is not so complicated. It can be presented in the form of the following sequence of works.

In principle, this is the whole correct compost bin. The only thing that can be added here is to build a lid, which will turn out to be a very useful addition - at least a compost bin equipped with a lid looks aesthetically pleasing. You yourself understand that without it it will be an ordinary pile of garbage, even though it is folded into a wooden box. This is optional - if you don't want a lid, so be it.

And in conclusion of the topic on how a compost pit is made with your own hands, I will say a few words about finished products of this type. If time does not allow to build such a structure on your own, almost exactly the same box can be purchased at a hardware store. At the same time, it will cost twenty times more - when making a box with your own hands, all you need to purchase is self-tapping screws for wood. Everything else can be obtained absolutely free.

Sooner or later, every owner of a personal plot thinks about how to make a compost pit, because any soil depletes over time and requires top dressing, and no matter how compost can provide it, thereby not harming either the environment or the plants themselves, unlike , for example, from chemicals. In addition, everyone can do it - it will not take you much time, effort, or money, the main thing is to decide in advance what kind of your pit will have and what it will be made of. And we will help you with this by listing the maximum number of options along with instructions for their construction - all that remains is to choose and follow some rules.

Rules for arranging a compost pit on the site.

The pit should not be:

  • in a conspicuous place (she will not decorate it),
  • next to a water source - a well, a well - otherwise the decomposition products of plants can get into the water, polluting it, the minimum distance is 20 m;
  • near the house, gazebos and other places where you often visit, as an unpleasant smell may come from it;
  • in a place too exposed to the sun, otherwise the compost will not rot, but dry out.

The pit should "breathe", so you should not cover its bottom (walls) with brick or slate.

Option number 1, how to make a compost pit in the country, is a pit in the soil.

The simplest, requiring nothing but a shovel, option:

  1. dig a recess in the soil - not too deep and not too wide, so it will be easier to care for the pit, standard dimensions (W × D × H) 1 × 2 × 1 m;
  2. lay drainage on the bottom - branches, expanded clay or tree bark;
  3. the compost pit is ready to use, fill it with everything you need and cover with cling film on top.

Option number 2 - a compost pit from pallets for building materials.

  1. Decide on the location of the pit and purchase (or just pick up at the construction site) the necessary material.
  1. Disassemble the pallets into components - boards.

The result should be a cut-off board.

  1. Cut the boards into pieces one meter long. The most convenient way to do this is with a circular machine, but in the absence of one, a regular saw will do. In total, you will need 14 of these boards.

  1. Using a jigsaw, make holes in two boards in accordance with the diagrams.

  1. Duplicate the holes in the rest of the boards: a rectangular cut is made immediately on 6 elements, a diagonal one on three, so that in the end you can assemble the structure shown in the diagram.

  1. Make two more blanks of this size.

  1. Treat all parts with moisture-resistant enamel or varnish with antifungal impregnation - this will extend the life of the product.
  2. When that / that dries, start the assembly.

Install the boards vertically in relation to each other, lubricating the attachment points with mounting glue. Do not expose the front wall yet!

It should be dealt with at the very end, but without mounting glue. It is she who will provide free access to the compost at the right time, as it can be dismantled anywhere.

Option number 3 - a rotating homemade composter.

Suitable for all those who own a small plot of land and at the same time want to make their “life” as easy as possible, because the compost must be periodically stirred for proper maturation, which is much more convenient to do in a rotating drum than in a dug hole or knocked down wooden box.

So, instructions on how to make a compost pit with your own hands.

  1. Prepare everything you need:
  • hacksaw;
  • circular saw;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • metal mesh (any protective mesh with not too large cells will do) 1 × 1.57 m in size;
  • drill;
  • plywood boards 60 × 60 cm - 2 pcs.;
  • staples, nails, glue;
  • boards;
  • steel reinforcement - 1.5 meters - and PVC 2 × 89 cm.
  1. From the plywood boards, cut out two circles with a radius of 27 cm.
  2. Having cut the boards into pieces according to sizes convenient for you, make the base of the structure, so that when hanging plywood circles, they do not touch the ground.

Fasten the joints of the boards and additionally coat with glue.

  1. Make holes in the center of the plywood circles and insert reinforcement into them. As a result, you should get a design, as in the photo above.
  2. Attach PVC to the reinforcement, and mesh to the edges of the plywood sheets.


  1. Cut out the transverse beams of the drum and fasten them to the grid, and then to the vertical supports.
  1. To avoid the possibility of injury during use, cover the sharp exposed parts of the structure with adhesive tape.

A rotating homemade composter is ready.

Option number 4 - concreted compost pit.

The most durable option of all.

For its arrangement:

  1. dig a hole 3 × 2 meters, 60-80 cm deep;
  2. arrange the formwork along its contour to a height that suits you and fill it with a solution of sand, cement and gravel; for greater convenience in using the compost pit, we recommend making it two-section, i.e. in addition to the outer walls, fill in another inner one, dividing the structure in half;
  3. make a cover, and in the case of a two-section pit - two (one for each section), only necessarily ventilated, ideally if it is a mesh framed with a metal or wooden frame, but you can also use a simple wooden one, only in this case do not forget to drill in it holes for ventilation.

Option number 5 - "lazy" compost pit.

For its construction, all the same construction pallets that were used in the second option will come in handy, only in this case you do not need to disassemble them! On the contrary, these pallets need to be fastened together.

And now in order.

  1. Choose a place where the compost will be located. To accelerate its maturation, remove the top fertile layer of soil there. But if you are not in a hurry or laziness, this can not be done.
  2. Take 2 pallets and join their corners perpendicular to each other.
  1. Tie them with wire.

Then attach the 3rd pallet to them in the same way, so that together they form the letter "P".

  1. In the last step, close the perimeter with the 4th pallet, but not completely, but so that you have enough space for 1 person to pass.

That is, the 4th pallet will be tied to other pallets on one side only.

  1. To add strength to the structure, drive a support peg/post under the “free” side of the 4th pallet, or even better, also into each corner.

Everything, the structure is ready to accept grass, leaves, etc., in order to turn it into useful compost in the future.

Option number 6 - how to make a compost pit from construction mesh and film.

Another simple option that even a woman can handle.

All you need is a film (preferably dark), a rectangular piece of building mesh, wire and paper clips (clothespins, stationery clips).

  1. Lay out the piece of construction mesh you have exactly on the ground and attach the film to it, securing it around the perimeter with paper clips (clothespins or clerical clips).
  2. Connect the ends of the mesh together to form a circle, and tie them with wire.
  3. Place your finished compost bin in the right place - it's ready to use.

If you wish, you can plant some kind of climbing plant next to such a composter, when it grows up and weaves into the net, you will get a very beautiful natural decor.

In general, it is possible to describe how to create a compost pit and composters indefinitely, since this is not a structure that requires any clear calculations or the use of certain materials. It can be created from what is convenient, most importantly, do not clog ... otherwise, remove the fertile layer of the earth (or you can not do this), drive in 4 pegs at the corners of the rectangle, standard (W × D) 1 × 2 m, and build walls from any material at hand (slate, old unnecessary furniture, siding, etc., etc.), just remember to drill a couple of holes if the selected material is not ventilated - the composter is ready.

P.S. To speed up the processes of decay, it is recommended to cover the described design with a film or provide some kind of cover, although again you can do without all this.


Must have on your yard, or already has a compost heap. This structure helps a lot in the life of a summer resident, because due to it, gardeners always have a good supply of organic fertilizer, without adding any chemicals, and other harmful environment for the human body.

This fertilizer is very easy to prepare if summer residents already have a serf heap. In the compost heap, gardeners lay the waste of country life of plant origin, as well as food waste, surplus crops of fruit trees such as apple, pear. Some lovers of country life lay in the composter, for example, the most cut branches, after chopping with a hatchet, and also add sawdust and wood shavings. A decayed tree is also very useful for good plant growth in the beds. In general, everything that rots is added, and is of vegetable origin, and sometimes not only vegetable.

And since the compost pit is arranged, everything is, as usual, as easy as shelling pears. This system includes several bunkers or boxes with open air access, and usually in the open air, because atmospheric precipitation only helps to speed up the process of pouring the contents of the bunkers. This means that the first box serves to load the working material, and subsequent processing by means of decay of plant material. And the second box is already used to store the finished fertilizer, and for ease and simplicity of extracting the contents from the box, it is made collapsible from the working side.

This is essentially the whole simplicity and accessibility of this design.

Knowing about the huge benefits of a compost pit for a summer cottage, the author decided to erect a similar structure on his land plot. To always have fresh ecological fertilizer for your garden, and not to buy chemical growth stimulants for plants and vegetables.

The author decided to save as much as possible, and build this building from waste material, such as pallets. This type of waste material has seriously established itself among the common people. Whatever people do from this material, the imagination and possibilities are simply endless. Pallets can be obtained for free, which attracts people.

And so now let's consider what the author needed, and how he worked on the creation of this structure.

Materials: pallets.
Instruments: circular saw, electric jigsaw, hammer, hacksaw.

And so, the first thing I did was prepare the pallets that I tidied up from a neighboring construction site, for which they even thanked him.

With the help of a nail puller, he cuts the pallets into individual boards.

Further, he proposes to consider the drawings of the future composter.

Then the author on a circular saw cuts the workpiece according to the given dimensions.

And then proceeds to assemble the entire structure.

Glue small sticks on the glue.

Compost is a natural, environmentally friendly biofertilizer. Making a composter with your own hands for laying mowed grass, weeds, branches is easy if you follow a certain pattern and technology. The main thing is that oxygen is supplied to the organic matter, and the humidity in the box is at least 55%.

Compost bin options

Today, do-it-yourself garden composters for summer cottages are becoming popular among the people, since they do not require special financial investments, they are quickly made from improvised materials. Tank options:

  • ordinary wooden box;
  • a plastic container in the form of a container with holes for unhindered access of oxygen and ventilation inside;
  • thermal composter for keeping heat and performing chemical processes all year round.

The note! You can independently make and install on the garden plot a wooden box or a compost pit. The main thing is to decide on the purpose, to identify the main requirements for production.

Do-it-yourself garden composters are becoming popular

Requirements for a compost bin

The box is designed for waste storage, their gradual transformation into humus (nutrient medium) for plantings. This is the simplest and most compact design, unlike the usual compost pit, where many summer residents still prefer to dump garbage to turn into compost.

Benefits of a composter box:

  • the ability to drill side holes for ventilation and unimpeded oxygen flow;
  • the presence of a cover that prevents the ingress of precipitation inside, washing off useful components into the soil.

A box with a lid or a do-it-yourself composter according to the drawing can be built from 2 sections, one of which is with removable front boards. You can design a compost bin to dump heaps of garbage to your liking.

The main requirements put forward:

  • Place. It is better to place the box away from direct sunlight.
  • Latitude. For faster maturation of the compost, the container should be wide.
  • A reliable bottom so that waste does not go into the soil.
  • The presence of holes for unhindered access of air and oxygen to the lower layers of the compost.
  • Lid to prevent the useful components from being washed away by rain.
  • Impregnation. The tree rots quickly, so it is important to treat the bottom and walls with an antiseptic (hydrophobic impregnation). If the composter is to be made from pallets or lumber, the base must be level.

Reference! Before installing a composter from pallets, sheets of iron, plastic, slate, wood with a volume of 1 m3, one must level the land or make a concrete screed.

It is reasonable to equip the composter with a lid on top, which will give the structure not only an aesthetic appearance to the summer cottage, but also protect the contents of the box from the hot rays of the sun in the summer, and maintain optimal humidity inside.

Making a compost bin with your own hands

Containers can be made from the following materials:

  • wooden boards;
  • pallets;
  • plastic barrels;
  • fruit boxes;
  • slats;
  • metal corners;
  • plastic;
  • polyethylene:
  • Rabitz;
  • pallets;
  • barrels;
  • plywood;
  • slate.

To make a reasonable choice of material, it is first of all necessary to decide what compost will be replaced for storage and for what purpose.

DIY compost bin

Today, manufacturers offer different models of composters for summer cottages. But it’s easier to make garden composters with your own hands and here are the manufacturing options:

wooden boards

Wood is an affordable, easy-to-work material. You can make a design of 2-3 sections. Why prepare:

  • edged board (thickness - 3 cm, width - 9-10 cm);
  • bars (thickness - 5 cm, length - 120 cm, 8 pieces);
  • nails;
  • screws;
  • plaster fine mesh;
  • special impregnation to prevent wood decay in the future;
  • handle, hinges for the production of box lids;
  • paint (enamel, oil) to give the box an aesthetically attractive look;
  • dry branches to create drainage;
  • bolts (3 pcs.) or a locking mechanism, if a box with doors is made for the convenience of removing fertilizer from the structure.

To make a wood composter:

  • dig supports into the ground to a height of up to 0.2 m;
  • fill the boards, leaving gaps or drill holes when building a deaf structure;
  • make a bottom for a box of slate;
  • build a door at the bottom.

Plank boxes

You can make a garden composter with your own hands from boards from boxes, after disassembling them into boards, assembling a simple ventilated structure from 4 walls, leaving a distance between the boards of 0.7-1 cm. The following steps:

  • make 2 partitions for dividing the box into 3 compartments;
  • hang on the hinges the lower part of the front wall of the box for unimpeded pouring out of the contents, easy opening of the door;
  • make a cover of 2 slopes, leaving the first motionless, attach the second to ordinary window hinges so that the cover does not sag at the moments of reclining and rests on the adjacent slope;
  • screw self-tapping screws and galvanized brackets to the side racks;
  • attach the lower and upper parts of the front wall to the hinges;
  • collect the floor or bottom of the box from the slab, leaving gaps for water to drain;
  • nail wooden blocks and supports, without installing the structure on bare ground;
  • send the bottom with a metal mesh with cells to prevent rodents from gnawing and to increase ventilation properties.


Assembling a composter from pallets is not difficult. The main thing is to choose the optimal place for placement so that the laid compost does not dry out in the sun.

For manufacturing you need:

  • loosen the soil in the installation location in order to provide free access to worms, microorganisms from the soil for waste processing;
  • pick up 4 whole pallets, 120 × 100 cm in size, 3-14 cm thick;
  • make pallets in the form of a cube, placing the long side horizontally to the ground;
  • connect with each other with galvanized nails, screws, metal plates;
  • attach to pre-installed racks;
  • make cuts with a jigsaw;
  • assemble the structure by setting the boards in a vertical position and 1 side - at an angle;
  • foam the seams with mounting glue;
  • install a box;
  • paint with an anti-fungal solution for a long service life;
  • hang the lid for easy transfer of the container to another place if necessary.

When assembling all the walls of the composter from a barrel, pallets, it is better to mount cap hooks for easy locking and opening.

Worth knowing! Wooden pallets do not need to pick up nails and screws. The boards are attached to the mounting adhesive.

When assembling all the walls of the composter from a barrel, pallets, it is better to mount cap hooks


Slate is a durable material. Before manufacturing, it is worth choosing the best place, dig a hole and measure the size, then:

  • install metal pipe supports in small recesses;
  • lay sheets of slate around the perimeter of the pit;
  • divide the resulting capacity into 2-3 parts from the same slate sheets.

The note! According to a special scheme, it is similarly possible to build a compost box from polypropylene pipes.


A compost pit can simply be concreted, which will last for decades.

For production:

  • make a hole 3 m long, 2 m wide, −7-8 cm deep;
  • make formwork inside the pit;
  • prepare a cement mortar in the composition of gravel, sand, cement, diluted with water;
  • fill the formwork with mortar;
  • build a cover for the pit from a chain-link mesh or wooden boards, leaving gaps between them so that normal ventilation is not disturbed.

Advice! Slate is not an environmentally friendly and rather fragile material. It is best to use only for the roof, the top of the box. Also, metal quickly attracts heat. If used for the walls of the box, then it is imperative to leave gaps so that oxygen is constantly supplied to the humus raw materials.

Professionals advise:

  • It is not recommended to use plastic in the production of composting devices. Plastic is not an environmentally friendly material that releases toxins. It has low air throughput. If you use it for arranging the side walls of the box, then do not forget about making holes.
  • It is not reasonable to make a compost bin from purchased, expensive materials. For example, old boards are an excellent material with a long service life, and solid boards will last even longer.
  • If made from slate, then the contents in it will rot more slowly. Whatever material is used, the main thing is that it does not heat up much, does not accelerate the process of compost maturation. Otherwise, the grass will quickly burn out in the box, and the soil will turn sour when such fertilizer is applied.
  • The bottom of the container must be made of non-rotting material and without a strong depression in the ground. Any contact of compost with the soil is unacceptable. It is better if the drawer door matches its width. It is important to get a dense and uniform compost at the exit after overheating, so the door should open (close) easily in order to easily add a new layer of grass from above or level it at the bottom.
  • Build containers the size of 1 cube from 3 compartments. In one, it will be possible to store the remains of rotted vegetation, in the other - compost, in the third - humus.
  • It is reasonable to place the composter in the country 9-10 m from the house and 18-20 m from the water.
  • It is important to make ventilation holes in the container to ensure free flow of air inside and cover with a lid to prevent precipitation from entering, washing away useful substances from the compost into the soil.

On the Internet you can find diagrams, photos, videos of various options on how to make attractive garden composters from tires, barrels, pallets and boards in the country with your own hands. The main purpose of the destination is to end up with high-quality fertilizer, therefore, before production, it is important for summer residents to decide how the structure is made, for example, according to Finnish technology, Russian or another, will be the best option.