Ficus has a brown coating on the leaves. Fungal leaf diseases

Ficus like everyone else houseplants, from time to time can get sick or become prey to pests. Of the diseases that this plant can get sick with, the most common are root and tuber rot, as well as leaf spot. The most common pests can be considered spider mites, scale insects and mealybugs. In addition to all of the above, the ficus is sick from improper care.

The most common problem when growing Benjamin's ficus is yellowing and falling leaves, and the most common questions are: why does Benjamin's ficus shed its leaves, Benjamin's ficus why leaves fall and Benjamin's ficus leaves turn yellow - why? Let's consider the answers to these questions.

Why do ficus benjamin leaves fall

Air temperature

Yellow leaves - lack of care

This plant does not tolerate not only a sharp change in temperature, but also reacts poorly to too cool air or too hot. When the temperature drops below + 17 ° C or when it rises above 25 ° C, the plant may shed its leaves.

Air humidity

Ficus Benjamin loves wet air, with a decrease in air humidity in the plant, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. The only way out in this case is to increase the humidity: either spray the plant several times a day, or buy a humidifier.


Violation of the irrigation regime also leads to yellowing and leaf fall, and this occurs both from underfilling and from overflowing plants. To determine whether the plant needs to be watered, you need to: pierce the soil with a stick and see how dry it is, if the wet layer is 2-4 cm from the surface, you can water it.


It is worth paying attention - the leaves fall

In addition to everything described above, the leaves of this plant turn yellow and fall off due to diseases and pests. Read more about diseases and pests below.

Diseases of ficus benjamin

root rot

The cause of the disease can be called a fungal disease of the root system. Root rot or root rot can occur when the soil is systematically waterlogged. So this disease can be called a consequence of improper care.

Surgical treatment of root rot

If a crust forms on the surface of the soil in the pot where the ficus grows, then the disease begins to progress also due to the lack of oxygen.

Signs of the disease: the leaves begin to turn yellow and wither, then darken very quickly, and the plant dies as a result.

The disease is treatable only if you pay attention to it at the very beginning. Treat root rot only by surgery.

Treatment of root rot

If the plant shows signs of the disease indicated above, the plant should be removed from the pot and gently shake the earth from the roots. After the roots are cleaned, inspect them very carefully. If the roots of your ficus are almost all darkened and very soft to the touch, then nothing will help the plant and you can throw it away.

Pruning affected roots

If the roots are mostly white and quite elastic, then the plant can be saved and this should be done immediately. To do this, cut off all darkened and softened roots. You should also trim the crown, first remove all leaves and branches with traces of the disease. After that, evaluate in percentage terms what part of the roots you cut off, the same percentage of the root should be removed. This is done so that the plant can use all its strength to recover and restore, and not to maintain a large crown. After that you need to take new pot and plant the plant in fresh soil. Next, you need to water the ficus with a solution of the fungicide carbendazim.

Put the ficus pot in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. Watering can be done only when the plant moves away and releases new leaves. After recovery, follow the watering regimen to avoid disease in the future.

Leaf spot - care problems

Ficus leaf spot

Leaf spot in this plant, as a rule, arises from improper care. Before determining the cause of the disease, you need to carefully examine the plant. Shortcomings in care, anthracycnosis and cercosporosis can lead to the disease.

care issues

Signs of the disease: at the ends of the leaves, along the entire leaf or its edge appear light brown spots, over time, the leaf dries up and falls off. If you do not pay attention to such symptoms, the plant can become seriously ill, and lose part of the crown.

Such signs indicate problems in caring for the plant, this may be due to high air temperature, dryness and low humidity air, as well as an overdose of fertilizers can be the cause of the disease.

Anthracnose on ficus leaves

Treatment of the disease

Treatment in this case is quite simple and consists in eliminating the causes of the disease. It is necessary to lower the air temperature, increase its humidity, and do not fertilize for a long time.


This fungal disease also leads to the formation of spots on the leaves, but these spots are of a slightly different nature than those described above. The disease is caused by fungi Gloeosporium, Colletotrichum.

Signs of the disease: dark spots appear on the leaves Brown color, which subsequently turn into ulcers. The leaves fall off if the disease is not treated, the plant dies over time.

Cercosporosis on ficus leaves

Anthracnose treatment

Leaves with signs of the disease should be removed immediately, then the plant should be treated several times with a fungicide solution. The frequency of treatments depends on which fungicide you have chosen. You should also lower the humidity in the room, as the disease can progress in a humid environment. You also need to reduce watering, and ventilate the room more often.


This is also a fungal disease, most often occurs due to high humidity air. The causative agent is Cercospora spp.

Signs of the disease: leaves are covered with small black dots on the underside. Subsequently, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, if the disease is not treated, the plant dies over time.

Treatment of cercosporosis

Shchitovka on ficus leaves

The affected parts of the crown are removed, and then the plant is sprayed several times with an antifungal drug. The frequency of treatments depends on which drug you have chosen. The room where the plant is located should be ventilated more often, and the plant itself should be watered less often and less.

Ficus pests

The most common ficus pests are scale insects, mealybugs and spider mite. Most often, pests start from improper care.


The scale insect is a rather harmful insect and also causes trouble by the fact that a soot fungus forms on its sweet secretions. Insects appear as black or dark brown, raised hard growths, if you find a juvenile it will be soft and light brown. You can find a scale insect on any part of the plant. The scale insect feeds on ficus juice, because of this, the leaves of the plant begin to lose color and fall off.

Sooty fungus on ficus leaves

Control measures

It is not easy to fight with a scale insect, since its body is protected by a fairly strong shell. Make a very thick soapy solution and treat the entire surface of the plant with this solution. You can treat the plant with actellik by diluting it, as indicated in the instructions. With a very severe lesion, it is best to prune, cutting off the heavily affected parts of the plant.

After you have removed the shield, you need to remove the consequences of its vital activity - a sooty fungus.

sooty fungus

This fungus is a black coating on the secretions of the scab, it interferes with the respiration and growth of the plant, and it must be removed.


Control measures

Everything is simple here, the fungus is washed off with a mild soapy solution.


The mealybug is a small white insect, as if covered with cotton wool. The body of the worm is elongated with long bristles along the edges. It affects indoor plants, settles on leaves or stems.

Control measures

The easiest way to fight is to treat the plant with a strong soapy solution, after removing insects. Can be processed with any chemical preparation from pests.

spider mite

spider mite

If you notice a thin whitish web on the trunk of a ficus, inspect your plant more closely, it may have been struck by a spider mite. If marble spots are found on the leaves, then we can say with certainty that this is a tick. It is quite difficult to consider the insect itself, since the spider mite has a very small size. The leaves subsequently turn yellow, fall off, the plants themselves grow poorly and lose their healthy appearance. Over time, they can completely wither away.

Control measures

Before you start the fight against spider mites, increase the humidity in the room, as the mites do not tolerate moisture. Wash the plant with soapy water, and if it does not help, spray it with Actellik.

Under natural conditions, rubbery ficus - perennial from lush crown which grows up to 50 m tall.

It grows in hot countries open spaces in southern Indonesia, tropical Asia, eastern India.

Interesting! In the 19th century, natural rubber was extracted from the juice of this ficus. Therefore, the second name of the ficus is elastic, from the Latin "elasticus".

Who can harm rubber ficus, pest control methods

Most often, the plant is attacked scale insects, spider mites and mealybugs. Shops for flora lovers have the necessary pest control products. Their instructions detail the dosage and sequence of actions.

To remove the shield from the plant, wash it with warm water and laundry soap. Carefully go through all the leaves and branches, but avoid hitting the soil so as not to damage the ficus roots.

After a shower, let the flower dry in warmth, then sprinkle the leaves and soil of the plant with tobacco dust. From tobacco, the scale insect dies and will not start again, especially after preventive washing with soapy water.

What to do if leaves fall from ficus

Many plant lovers believe that the fall of the lower leaves of a ficus is the norm. This is not entirely true. The tree is getting old and lower leaves fall off for natural reasons, but the trunk should not be bare. Exposing the trunk is already not good, the composition of the soil, temperature and light conditions can affect here.

The causes of diseases of rubber ficus are mainly related to caring for it. First, it can be damaged. root system plants. Most likely, the wrong watering regime is to blame. Here you need to reduce watering and arrange a greenhouse regime for the plant.

If the plant has suffered as a result of improper transplantation, water the ficus cyclone solution– n and a liter of water drip four drops. Keep the soil moist at the same time.

The most unpleasant reason shedding leaves - root rot. Signs - falling leaves, soft, with substance oozing from it, the trunk. There is no cure, the plant must be discarded and the place of its maintenance should be disinfected.

If at first you observed the growth of new leaves, and then the leaves began to turn black and fall, reason - excessive watering. Due to excess moisture, ficus roots begin to rot. Exit: water only as the top layer of soil dries up, cover the tree with a film, observe the high temperature regime and spray under the film.

Why do the leaves turn yellow

There are several reasons why the leaves of the rubbery ficus turn yellow. If you notice this in your plant, change the frequency of watering. Ficus actively responds to both large and small amounts of moisture.

If you suspect that the tree does not have enough light, move it to a brightly lit place, but not under direct impact sun rays. The plant may get burned.

Possible cause disease can be the size of a pot. Ficus will become cramped over time. Try to transplant it to more comfortable conditions.

Yellowing of the leaves is also caused by fungal diseases. Cercospora- a fungus that spreads black spots on the leaves, then the leaf turns yellow and falls. Helps get rid of fungus fungicide solution. Treat the plant with it and inspect neighboring flowerpots - the fungus can spread.

To avoid the return of the disease, carry out preventive spraying with medicine.

Brown spots on rubber ficus

If you notice that brown leaves have appeared, do not rush to panic. Many types of ficus grow leaves of this color - this is a physiological property, not a disease. This happens from possible stress during landing. Just improve tree care.

Brown spots on the leaves indicate excessively high temperature, as well as excessive feeding.

Reddish-brown spots signal burns. Perhaps the flowerpot is located under the direct rays of the sun. Put it in a less lit place, but not dark.

Another reason for the appearance of spots is draft and overflow. Move the plant to a quiet place without access to cold air, and moderate the frequency of watering.

Anthracnose- Another explanation for the question of why brown spots appear on ficus leaves. This is a fungus that sows burns on the leaves, which leads to further subsidence. Treatment - remove all diseased surfaces and treat with a fungicide.

Attention! When caring for ficus, remember that its milky juice is poison. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling the plant.

What to do if new leaves become smaller

New leaves grow small, why do ficuses get sick in this case? There are several options:

Important! When watering rubbery ficus, make sure that the water is not very cold. It is best to let the water settle.

In order for the tree to develop correctly, check the temperature and dryness of the air in the room. Make sure that the plant is evenly lit, and that the amount of fertilizer is sufficient.

Why did the rubbery ficus lower its leaves

Your tree was bright, with juicy leaves and beautiful crown, but for some reason it began to fade. Why your ficus leaves have fallen, the cobweb on them will tell. Wound up on a ficus spider mite. This pest drinks juice from leaves and nutrients. You can get rid of it with tobacco infusion. Wash off the plaque that has appeared on the leaves of the ficus with this liquid. Cover the tree with a film or plastic bag for two days. Remember, ticks thrive in high heat and dry air.

This plant of the mulberry family is considered unpretentious and well suited for growing in room conditions. The care and maintenance of ficus is very standard and does not require much effort or material costs.

However, despite the unpretentiousness of the habitat, this flower, like many plants, is also subject to certain diseases and pests. In most cases, the causes of ficus diseases are such obvious things as the lack of preventive measures to protect plants from pests, location with already infected indoor flowers, or critical plant conditions.

Ficus diseases and their treatment

If rubber ficus, Benjamin, Melanie, dwarf or other varieties of this plant, the leaves often turn yellow and fall off, the stems or roots rot, then the reason for all this is a serious disease of the plant. Diseases of indoor plants are infectious and fungal. The following types of diseases are dangerous for ficus:

  • Mold. This disease is also called gray mold. It appears on the stem and leaves of the ficus, which becomes covered with brown spots, and then completely sheds the damaged foliage. It is quite easy to recognize this mold: when the leaves are shaken, gray dust rises in the air. This fungus loves a warm and humid environment - this means that the room where the flower stands needs to be ventilated often.
  • Root rot. Occurs due to excessive waterlogging of the soil. Characteristic signs are wilting, foci of decay on the stem and roots, a gray tint on the leaves of the plant. There is nothing to save such a plant, it remains only to throw it away and preferably along with the pot.
  • Sooty mushroom. This disease occurs after the invasion of aphids or scale insects, as these pests leave sticky secretions, on which the soot fungus develops. You can determine this disease by the black-gray bloom that covers the casting of the flower.
  • Anthracnose and Botrytis fungus. These fungal diseases are similar in appearance. Anthracnose is characterized by brown spots, which are more like rust that affects the entire foliage of the plant. Botrytis covers the leaf plate with yellow-brown spots, which are constantly increasing in size. Gradually, ulcers form in place of these spots, from which the leaves begin to die and fall off.
  • Cercosporosis is another fungal disease that occurs due to excess air humidity. The appearance of the fungal genus Cercospore is characterized by brown and black dots covering the lower part of the leaves. These points progress in size, and the foliage affected by them begins to turn yellow and crumble. In the absence of recreational activities, the ficus may die.
  • Powdery mildew is a disease expressed by a white bloom that looks like flour. It affects the upper leaf plate. If the disease is running, then the affected foliage must be removed.

When the first symptoms of the diseases listed above appear, it is extremely important to respond in time and take action. Depending on the type of disease, the following ficus healing methods are used:

  1. 1. Spraying with fungicides. This method most common in the treatment of many plant diseases. Most experienced flower growers there is always a supply of a preparation of this group, which fights most fungi and pest bacteria. Spraying or washing with a solution of fungicides helps get rid of soot fungus, sulfur rot, anthracnose and botrytis, cercosporosis and powdery mildew. Not only leaves are processed, but also roots.
  2. 2. Surgical methods of treatment. This is especially true of ficus, which suffers from root rot, from which it can be saved only in the early stages of infection. It is necessary to get the plant out of the container and inspect the root system in detail. If most of the roots have healthy elasticity and White color, then a simplified method of treatment is applied. To do this, you need to get the ficus out of the pot and cut off the rotten roots, stems and leaves. After planting, the plant should be watered with a solution of carbendazim. If a large part of the root system is affected, then it is urgent to apply the surgical method. This method involves cutting off all rotting roots, stems and leaves with traces of rot. Even the top of the plant is cut off to compensate for the loss of roots. The plant is then transplanted into new ground and watered with a solution of carbendazim, placed on the bright side, excluding direct sunlight. Watering does not begin until new stems or leaves begin to appear.
  3. 3. Folk remedies. They are used in combination with ready-made preparations or in the initial stages of ficus diseases. The affected areas are washed with solutions based on soap, machine oil, diesel fuel, garlic or methyl alcohol. Usually, such solutions wipe the stems and leaves of plants with a sponge.

The most common ficus pests are:

  • scab;
  • spider mite;
  • thrips;
  • mealybug;
  • nematodes.

The spider mite is a translucent arthropod insect that also feeds on plant sap. It can also be recognized by the gray-brown marks it leaves on the leaves. Due to rapid reproduction, it creates entire colonies that twine around the ficus with cobwebs. From this, the flower withers and sheds foliage. A soapy solution and frequent spraying of all parts of the plant will help in the fight against spider mites. In case of urgent need, a continuous insecticidal preparation can be used.

Nematodes are small worms that appear on indoor flowers in the form of beads, about the size of a pea, and are attached to the root system. They release toxins that penetrate the stems and leaves, thereby discoloring them. This leads to the fact that the ficus begins to die. The most dangerous thing about this disease is the inability to calculate the first signs of infection. A diseased plant will never be used for vegetative propagation. If the ficus is affected by nematodes, it must be sprayed with a solution of pyrethrum or such chemicals like Aktar, Tantrek or Actillik. At the same time, the roots should be treated by immersing them in an insecticide solution for 3-4 hours.

Also, in the fight against spider mites, wrapping in polyethylene for a period of 3-4 days and spraying with a solution of ground sulfur or garlic tincture are used.

In the fight against scale insects, a garlic mixture with the addition of a soapy solution helps. To do this, you need to: squeeze 2 teaspoons of garlic and mix with pieces of grated soap, add 2-3 tablespoons of water. This mixture should be treated with the whole plant, and after a day, rinse warm water. These actions should be repeated every 3 days, until the ficus is completely cured of the scab.

Preventive measures

With proper and timely care, a sick ficus has a chance to recover and continue to please its owners with good health and normal growth. However, there is always a risk of catching an infection or being infected by pests from neighboring plants or when transplanting into a new soil. To avoid these cases, you must not forget to apply preventive measures:

The main task of ficus lovers is to create favorable conditions for the active growth and health of plants. If you show negligence and illiteracy in the maintenance and care of indoor flowers, then they will often be attacked by pests and infectious diseases. And as described above, there are diseases that do not manifest themselves in the early stages of infection, and when the disease starts, it will be too late to treat the plant. However, there is always a chance and hope to save a beloved flower, the main thing is to promptly begin to apply measures to save it.

Not a single ficus disease will strike just like that. There are a number of nuances that lead to problems.

These should include:

  • non-compliance with the temperature regime;
  • dryness in the room;
  • improper watering;
  • unsatisfactory composition of the soil;
  • lack of light in the room or its excessive amount;
  • illiterate top dressing;
  • planting a flower pot outdoors.

Such moments are reflected in the ficus, and this leads to the fact that the flower is affected by one or another disease, which can be difficult to get rid of. Usually problems with the plant affect the leaf plates, which turn yellow and fall off. Each such moment may indicate a particular disease or inaccuracies in care.

Yellowing leaves

If it was noticed that the leaves of the ficus began to turn yellow, then most likely the reason is the dryness of the air. Often this problem makes itself felt in the winter, when all kinds of heating appliances. Without paying due attention to the unpleasant nuance, you can lose the flower.

In this case, you don’t even need to know how to cure a ficus, because dryness is part of the wrong care and eliminating the nuance is not difficult. To do this, you should install a container with water next to the flower and irrigate.

Important! Ficuses do not like changing habitats. Rearranging the flower leads to yellowing of the leaf plate! All you need to do in this case is just not to touch the flower pot.

leaf fall

Often gardeners complain that the leaves of the plant become smaller and fall off. If no changes are noticed on the ficus leaves, then the reason is the lack of fertilizers in the soil. Solving the issue is very simple - you just need to transplant the flower into a new fertile substrate. The ideal would be a combination of leafy soil, peat and sand, mixed in equal parts.

How flowers are affected by lack of moisture and waterlogging

The withering of the flower, leaf fall, yellowing of the leaf plate along the edge or in the center indicate excessive watering. Moisture is good, but only in moderation. Otherwise, the rhizome will rot and the plant will die. Some inexperienced flower growers begin to fight in non-existent diseases, losing precious time. Although it should be excluded first external factors. To solve the problem, it is enough to cut off the rotten roots, treat the sections well with charcoal, and then transplant the flower into a new soil.

Important! After transplanting, the plant should only be watered a little. To flood it is to come back to a previously eliminated problem.

Twisting foliage or drying of the leaf plate indicate that the ficus does not receive enough moisture. Such a plant should be watered and irrigated.

What other reasons can negatively affect the ficus

If the leaves turn black or their color changes to dark brown, it means that the room is either too hot, or the grower went too far with the frequency of fertilizer.

Do not immediately sin on diseases and pests if the plant sheds the lower leaves. This is a completely normal process. You don't need to do anything about it.

However, if the process does not stop and the trunk is noticeably exposed, then it is urgent to transplant the flower into a new purchased soil. Most likely, the substrate was chosen or compiled incorrectly.

The dying off of foliage indicates that the ficus was struck by disease. More precisely can be said after a thorough inspection of the plant.

Ficus pests

Ficus Benjamin pests, like other varieties of flowers, are waiting almost at every turn. Each new purchased plant is a danger to the guests, since various pests are often introduced with it, which can be difficult to get rid of.

It is often about:

  • scab;
  • spider mite;
  • thrips;
  • mealy worm;
  • powdery mildew.


Red dots on the inside of the leaf indicate that a scab has started on the flower. In this case, spots sometimes appear on the trunk of the plant. The pest feeds on juice, leaving an unpleasant plaque, which is a springboard for the reproduction of soot fungus.

As for how to treat a plant, everything is quite simple. Ficus is treated with soapy water. And then it is sprayed with Aktellik once a week. The procedure is performed three times.

spider mite

Yellow and red spider mites are another of the pests that affect ficus. This is evidenced by plaque on the leaves. gray color. Over time, the flower becomes like some kind of cocoon, because it is completely entwined with cobwebs. The problem occurs due to dry air or strong stuffiness in the room.

The first thing the florist should do, noticing this, is to rinse the flower well with soapy water. Next, you should definitely take care of good humidity in the room, which the tick does not tolerate. In order to completely get rid of the pest, it is recommended to "bath" the plant in the shower. After that, it will not be superfluous to cover the ficus pot with polyethylene and leave it in this state for a couple of days. At the advanced stage, it is necessary to treat with insecticides.


This is special dangerous pest, since it can fly, infecting all plants around. Most often, aphids "settle" with inside sheet plate. This leads to yellowing and curling of the leaves. You can correct the situation by spraying with a solution of pyrethrum.


Thrips live where it is warm and humid.

Important! If the gardener has such conditions in the room, then you can expect the appearance of a pest on the back of the leaves.

White plaque, which gradually turns into yellow, indicates the presence of thrips. You can fight them with a solution of pyrethrum or Artellik.


The mealybug is dangerous because, by sucking the juice from the plant, it stops its development. Sometimes you can see blackened leaves, which soon fall off. The pest is extremely dangerous, because it quickly moves to neighboring healthy flowers. Usually a brown insect hides in the axils of leaf plates.

In order to get rid of the worm, you should thoroughly clean the ficus from plaque, and then spray the flower with a solution of soap or tobacco. The procedure is repeated for a week daily.

If the presented ficus pests are completely struck, then you should not hesitate, you must immediately carry out the treatment with the "Confidor" agent.

powdery mildew

Powdery mildew brings with it a whitish coating on the leaves. Some gardeners mistakenly think that at the same time the ficus leaf plates turn black. This can happen, but only when the pest completely infects the flower. It's not worth bringing it up. If you notice whitishness, you should immediately treat it with fungicides, carefully spraying the entire plant so that liquid flows directly from it.

Fungal and infectious diseases

Ficus Benjamin diseases are not as easy to eliminate as pests. The reason is that signs of some changes do not appear immediately, but gradually. Sometimes gardeners cannot recognize them even at an advanced stage.

If we talk about which diseases of rubber ficus are the most common, then the following should be noted:

  • sooty mushroom;
  • mold;
  • root rot;
  • fungal leaf diseases.

sooty mushroom

This disease is brought by scale insects and aphids. In the case of timely detection of pests, Benjamin's ficus diseases will not be affected. The disease is eliminated by treating the flower with soapy water or fungicides.


Another disease is called gray rot, during which the leaves darken and then die. With such a disease of ficuses, their treatment is carried out in a complex manner. The affected areas are removed, the amount of watering the flower is reduced, and the room is well ventilated.

Root rot

Unfortunately, this problem can rarely be solved, since a flooded flower, or rather its root system, completely rots.

Fungal leaf diseases

The disease usually affects ficus lyre, although other varieties may be at risk. The most common fungal diseases are Botrytis and Anktraknose, during which rust spots which eventually turn into ulcers. Such leaf plates die off very quickly. Timely treatment with fungicides allows to solve the problem.

Ficus diseases are not uncommon, but this can be avoided if you properly care for the plant.

Houseplants, due to improper care and poor conditions, can be exposed to diseases and harmful insects.

Ficus is one of them. It has many varieties that are grown indoors.

Ficus diseases can be distinguished by characteristics, spotting on the leaves.

At home, it is necessary to take certain measures and methods of treatment against pests and diseases in a timely manner.

In total, there are more than 1000 varieties of ficus in nature. For growing plants in room conditions, there are common species, there are about 30 of them.

Though indoor ficus it is not a whimsical plant, yet it requires certain care, requirements and attention.

Due to improper care, like many indoor plants, ficus can be exposed to diseases and pests.

The most common and well-known types of ficus that are grown indoors are:

All varieties of indoor plants can be damaged by harmful insects.

The most common pests:

  • Shchitovka.
  • Spider mite.
  • Thrips.
  • Mealybug.

To recognize which insect has settled on a bush, you can read articles on the Internet with photos and names of infected flowers.

And also see detailed video how to deal with insects.

Causes of spots on the leaves

In addition to illnesses indoor flower can change appearance. Due to improper conditions of detention and lack of care, the leaves of the plant turn yellow and fall off.

The main reasons why this happens can be:

  1. Dry air with low humidity will cause the leaves of the flower to fall off. It is necessary to increase the humidity by spraying the tree.
  2. If the foliage becomes small and falls off, a lack of fertilizer will serve as a signal. To solve this problem, it is necessary to transplant the flower into a new substrate with fertile soil.
  3. The leaves turn yellow, have brown spots or fall off when the soil is waterlogged. As a result, the plant may die.

    In control measures, it is necessary to stop watering, transplant it into a new pot. Watering is carried out as the topsoil dries.

  4. Lack of moisture, like waterlogging, can be detrimental to a flower. During drought, ficus leaves begin to curl, become dry and fall off.
  5. Brown spots have appeared on the tips of the leaves, the cause will be the high temperature in the room and the lack of fertilizer.
  6. Falling leaves can serve as a signal to transplant a flower into a larger pot.

Important! The ficus plant does not like to change location often.

He needs to find the right place, provide optimal conditions and regular care for active growth.

How to treat diseases of indoor flowers at home

Many gardeners grow indoor plants to decorate the interior of apartments and houses. Also, flowers can be medicinal, clean the air of dust.

In order for them to bring a lot of benefits and please the owner, they need to perform competent care. When the first signs of the disease appear, promptly treat them.

Consider in the table how to treat various diseases of indoor flowers:

Diseases of indoor plants Control measures, treatment
powdery mildew Fungal disease appears on all parts of plants in the form of spots. At the first sign, it is necessary to treat them with a solution of fungicides.
Gray rot A fungal disease appears both on the stem of the flower and on the leaves in the form of a white coating.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to remove all affected parts from the bush in a timely manner, reduce humidity, and provide moderate watering.

Anthracnose This disease is often formed on ficuses, in the form dark spots on the leaves.

Upon detection, it is necessary to treat the tree with a solution of fungicides, remove all affected parts, reduce humidity and stop spraying.

Botrytis The fungal disease appears as a brown spot on the leaves, increasing in size. To prevent the affected leaves, treat with a fungicidal solution.
sooty fungus The disease appears in the form of black and brown dots on the foliage, after the invasion of aphids.

In control measures, all parts of the plant are treated with soapy water, the affected areas of the flower are removed, the roots are watered with fungicides

Root rot The disease most often appears with constant waterlogging of the substrate.

In this situation, it is necessary to transplant the flower into a new pot, removing all the affected parts of the root system. Or get rid of the plant altogether.

All problems associated with growing ficus can be prevented in a timely manner with the help of preventive measures.