Tst Russian language assignments. Tutor-online - preparation for DT

Do you want to prepare yourself for the Central Test in the Russian language? Then arm yourself special allowances, concentration and use our tips for organizing productive studies.

Make a plan

Design First detailed plan classes. Include in it all the topics that are covered in the DT. This will help the document from RIKZ - "Specification of the test in the subject "Russian language" for centralized testing". Spend more time on difficult topics than on those that raise fewer questions.

Dedicate to the Russian language at least an hour a day. But consider your level of preparation. Somewhere you have to work longer. Stick to your schedule strictly. In a month, daily classes will become a habit for you.

The modern entrant must be assiduous. I read the rules and did the exercises. Like at school. It is worth starting with the fifth grade material and moving forward section by section.

Learn theory and practice

To learn how to solve CT tasks, it is not enough to solve all the tests of past years. You must have a theoretical knowledge base. Remember what you didn’t learn at school, turn to thematic sites. Do your tests carefully. Try not to peep into the textbook, but think a little longer. On the There will be nowhere to peep the CT.

To get your hands on solving tests, use . And the remote version of the RT from RIKZ will give an idea of ​​​​what the test will look like in 2019. Remote RT is updated in the middle of the school year. also join our public VK in Russian, where we analyze topics from the CT every week.

Even if it seems that you already know some topic by heart, do not be lazy to read the theory again and consider examples of tasks. Material by June may be forgotten.

When preparing, it is necessary to use all the means in a complex and attract a lot of training aids.

Svetlana Pashukevich, teacher of Russian at

On sale there are collections of tests of past years and specialized training aids

Check yourself

It allows you to test your strength and feel the exam atmosphere, which is held three times during the academic year at the universities. To track your progress, visit all stages of the RT.

Option P6

A1. A is written at the place of the pass in the words:



    annoying... to know

    to ... satelnaya

    adj... download a puppy

A2. E is written in place of all gaps in the rows:

    pr...open the door, decorate...drink the wall

    pr…follow someone, move the bed

    defuse the situation, light ... candles

    freeze ... freeze with delight, unfurl ... blow in the wind

    pr...foot plan, unbearable oppression...

A3. Double consonants are written in words:

    long ga (l, ll) yard

    interesting disk (s / ss) iya

    di(l,ll)er companies

    pa(s,ss) read by hand

    Belarusian (s / ss) cue goods

A4. O is written at the place of the pass in the words:

    borovich ... to

    cheap goods


    lighting a candle


A5. Indicate the rows in which the same letter is written at the place of the gaps:

    akats...i, disinfection...infection

    in ... the south, fell back ...

    with ... a film container, the bread is hot ...

    time ... play, pre ... June

    ped ... nstitute, these messengers ...

A6. And is written in place of all the gaps in the rows:

    vish ... nka, oh happiness ...

    frost ... c, weighty ...

    blockage ... nka, give everything to Marie ...

    with opening ... misya opportunities, to the seaside ...

    blacksmith ... k, gullible ... vy

A7. A / Z is written at the place of the pass in the examples:

    dormant ... t horses that ... snow,

    they glue notebooks, offended ... by a friend

    pumped out ... water, shot ... front sight of a gun

    pumped out ... wheelbarrow, tightly assassinated ... in

    repairing cabinet joiner, torn page

A8. It is written NOT separately in all cases in the rows:

    (not) thinking about the consequences, (not) should talk about it

    (not) big but bright picture; light (not) off

    not yet (not) finished work, absolutely (not) disciplined student

    (not) curled curls, (not) restrained nature

    look (not) worse than others, signed (not) reading

A9. It is written NOT in place of passes:

Relatives n ... (1) once n ... (2) were visiting Andrei, although he n ... (3) times invited them. Where to ... (4) look, signs of the arrival of spring are visible everywhere. Who only n ... (5) scolded Tatyana for making a hasty decision!

A10. The words are written with a hyphen:

    (many) branch economy

    cross (cross)

    (board) engineer

    new york streets

    (in) European

A11. The highlighted words are written together in sentences:

    Today Same) it will be raining.

    The room no longer looked as gloomy as (on) the eve.

    (B) consequence lingering rain, the long trip was postponed to Sunday.

    (At the beginning frost expected in November

    (B) gave steppe clearly visible silhouettes of the historical buildings of the XVIII century.

A12. A dash at the place of the pass must be placed in the sentences:

    The light of a star is like the first tear.

    Life without truth is not life, but a painful existence.

    To save a friend is the highest honor.

    Now there was nothing: neither mountains, nor sky, nor earth _ could be seen.

    Humor is the wit of deep feeling.

A13. In which sentences do the punctuation marks follow the pattern below (note that the punctuation marks are not placed)?

[ …, | adverbial turnover | , ...].

    Nikita jumped off the porch and rushed headlong to catch up with his friend.

    The city, shrouded in hazy morning air, faintly silvered under the wing of the aircraft.

    Seagulls roam the shallows with their beaks open and only occasionally hoarsely scream.

    Finished jewelry made according to the sketches of the same restless stone-cutting artist sparkled on black velvet.

    Engineer quickly typing big bouquet flowers began to make their way to the road.

A14. Indicate the sentences in which the highlighted words (phrases) are introductory (note that punctuation marks are not placed):

    On the road us but pleasant surprises were expected.

    Zhenya hardly I could do it again.

    She seems strived to achieve the impossible.

    According toguides this decision will be the only correct one.

    Negative impact of environmental factors on human health undoubtedly.

A15. A comma in place of all gaps is placed in sentences:

    My companion confessed __ that no one __ had ever seen so much game anywhere _ and added __ that these places are great for hunting __ and recreation for tourists.

    The sun was at its zenith _ and with hot rays burned unbearably my back _ and arms _ and legs _ and face.

    The wind died down _ and we finally had the opportunity to walk by the sea _ and we took advantage of it with pleasure.

    In that place there was an impassable windbreak _ and the jointed stems of horsetail _ noticeable from afar _ seemed to us from here like staffs from an Egyptian ornament.

    Soon after sunrise, a cloud came up and a sharp wind blew.

A16. Punctuation marks are placed correctly in sentences:

    The militias brought Andrei to the forest, where the trucks were parked and where the dressing station was located.

    Rostotsky was so embarrassed and unpleasant with Boris that when, after dinner, the guest looked at him, he pretended to be asleep.

    When Pierre left and everyone got together, they began to judge him, as always happens after the departure of a new person, and, as rarely happens, everyone said only good things about him.

    By the end of the day the rain stopped and the wind began to noticeably subside.

    Several years passed and circumstances brought him to the same place.

A17. Specify unionless proposals, in which a colon is placed at the gap, since the parts are added explanatory relations:

    Peter knew for sure that new meetings with Evgenia were ahead of him.

    From the porthole, a wonderful picture opened up - under the wing of the plane, either mountains or the boundless outlines of the coastline of the sea slowly floated by.

    I didn't feel like talking, the noise of the engine kept drowning out the voices.

    Cyril raised his eyes upward - the hot summer sun shone over the forest.

    The smoky sun rises - it will be a hot day.

A18. Indicate the sentences with the correct punctuation of someone else's speech:

    “We will definitely meet with you,” Peter said with joy, “fate itself favors us.”

    According to A.P. Chekhov: "An idle life cannot be pure."

    Academician M.V. Nechkina believes that "the wives of the Decembrists delved into the reasons for the exile of their husbands."

    - Now the wave will break our ship, - Marina said with fear in her eyes.

    "Let me see you, true friend- asked Alyonushka: - I want to see you.

A19. A comma in place of all gaps is placed in sentences:

    Here the townspeople held both carnivals and sporting events.

    The feeling of falling in love comes suddenly, like a gust of wind.

    He was known _ as the best dentist in the city.

    The sea is __ like milk __ this evening.

    Mom __ as the doctor claimed __ correctly identified the symptoms of Grinka's disease.

A20. Specify the numbers of passes, in place of which you need to put a comma:

It happened __ (1) that Valka flew in from his father for some tricks, but __ (2) if he scolded his son seriously __ (3) then he soon departed and calmed down __ (4) and Valka became unbearably ashamed __ (5) he respected father and did not want to cause him grief.

A21. Indicate the words in which deafening of consonants occurs:




    hand over


A22. Synonyms for phraseologism Babel are the expressions:

    extreme mess

    huge crowd of people


    unbearable noise

    organized group of people

A23. Specify the words that are divided into morphemes correctly:


    like a man




A24. What morphological and syntactic features correspond to the word highlighted in the sentence:

US opened picturesque panorama of the mountainous area.

    early shape - open

    perfect view


    in the indicative mood

    in the form of 3 persons

A25. The correct statements are:

    Verbs without a postfix СЯ (СЫ), in Russian are called irrevocable.

    Nouns do not change by gender.

    gerund washing is the form of the verb wash.

    from the verb look it is impossible to form the passive participle form of the present tense.

    In a sentence " Today, contrary to forecasts, not a drop of rain" no predicate.

A26 Speech norms are violated in sentences:

    The result of the first game of the national team at the World Hockey Championship was very disappointing for its fans.

    Practical materials are used for sewing jackets.

    Chairs for guests were placed everywhere.

    I respect Bazarov for the fact that he knew how to defend his own point of view.

    You should ask a question with an edge.

A27. Give examples in which the forms of all words are formed correctly:

    three girlfriends

    many beliefs

    looked younger

    more than five hundred brochures

    children put on pajamas

A28. Syntactic norms are violated in sentences:

    When we go to a store or market to buy products, we often think not only about the cost, but also about the quality of the goods.

    The disc contained songs composed by the author during the last year that we acquired.

    Employees of our company go on vacation not only in summer, but also in winter.

    The trail leading to the tent was barely visible.

Text for assignments A29 - A32 and B1 - B4

1. If you have already decided on educational institution for your child, do not waste time and look for an intelligent tutor for the heir. 2. Internet filled all kinds of offers educational services. 3. You can easily find a specialist in any subject: from higher mathematics And Chinese before cross stitching. 4. But how to distinguish a real professional who can give your child the necessary knowledge, from a money-hungry dropout?

5. Inexperienced teachers are very easy to spot. 6. First of all, these are those who offer an incredibly wide range of services: from preschool education before working with students. 7. The main indicator of assessing the quality of a teacher is a high percentage of enrolled among his former students. 8. However, you will have to evaluate the degree of qualification of your tutor yourself.

9. If you hire a teacher without following the advice of acquaintances, you have the opportunity to assess the level of his qualifications. 10. First of all, find out everything about the level of pedagogical experience of the teacher, since even the most upscale the specialist may simply not be able to explain the subject to the child or not understand the requirements of the entrance test.

11. “Practice shows that an individual approach to the student provides 80% of the success of classes. 12. Therefore, most professional tutors prefer to give individual lessons. 13. If a person says that he also conducts group classes, this is a reason to think. 14. It is possible that such a teacher is not responsible for the quality of his services,” explains Elena P., a chemistry tutor with 25 years of experience.

A29. Read the text and decide which of the following statements does NOT match its content:

    It is easy to find a specialist in any subject today

    An individual approach to the student ensures a large percentage of the success of classes

    An indicator of the quality of a teacher is a high percentage of enrolled among his former students

    Group lessons are a guarantee of the quality of teaching by a tutor

    You will have to assess the qualifications of the tutor yourself

A30. Indicate which of the following characteristics correspond to the given text:

    scientific style of speech;

    journalistic style of speech;

    type of speech - narrative with elements of description;

    type of speech - reasoning

    the task of the speech is to convince readers that it is necessary to carefully approach the issue of choosing a tutor for a child, taking into account many indicators that confirm the competence and qualifications of the teacher.

A31. Specify language tools, with the help of which the 7th and 8th sentences of the text are interconnected:


    synonymous replacement;

    lexical repetition;

    the same word order.


A32. Indicate the lexical characteristics that correspond to the word highlighted in the 10th sentence:

    used to mean " amateurish"

    used to mean " very good professional"

    synonym - empirical

    synonym - " highly professional"

    antonym - " inexperienced"

Part B

IN 1. From quality adjective in the 6th sentence, form the short form of the masculine gender ____________________________________________________

IN 2. Find in the 8th sentence the phrase with subordination agreement. Write out the dependent word from it _____________________

IN 3. Determine which member of the sentence is the word highlighted in the 2nd sentence. Write the answer in I.p. ______________________________________

AT 4. Find the word in the sentence below that has a spelling error, and, fixing a mistake , write it in the form in which it is used in the sentence. ___________________________________________

School graduates are in for a difficult time: the first summer month they will have to shine exams .

AT 5. Determine the ways of forming words and establish a correspondence between the columns of the table:

A. redevelopment

B. some

V. flooded

G. super lucky

D. settlement

1. attachment

2. suffix

3. postfix

AT 6. Set the correspondence between the columns of the table by determining whether one or two letters H are written in place of the gap:

A. All horses were horseshoe ... s local blacksmith.

B. Scrap ... th the bench spoiled the whole view in the yard of the new house.

V. Girl fright...oh looked at us.

D. Villains tend to be narrow-minded and limited…s .

D. During the competition, he demonstrated unbelievable ... th strength.

1. two letters H are written in full passive communion- perfect form of the verb.

2. two N is written in an adverb formed from an adjective with two N.

3. two N is written in a short adjective formed from a full adjective with two N.

4. two H is written in a full adjective formed from a noun with a deriving stem on H.

5. one letter H is written in a passive participle, used in a short form.

AT 7. Determine what parts of speech the words highlighted in the sentence are and establish a correspondence between the columns of the table:

A. Yesterday I finally found out that Danka carefully hid his grandfather's notebook.

B. Grishka was waiting, when behind the wall will begin to play the piano.

V. House, which the built in 2013, turned out to be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

G. Bye we walked to the village, the sun hid behind the horizon.

D. At school, everyone decided that the assembly of the asset after all must be carried out.

1. union

2. adverb

3. pronoun

4. particle

AT 8. Match the sentences with their characteristics:

A. Often you do not believe that you can do what you imagine.

B. Nikolai woke up when birds were already singing outside the window and the sun was shining brightly.

V. Here, as the film critic said, the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" was filmed.

D. Wheat has already been sown this year, but corn, a more heat-loving crop, should be sown much later.

1. simple complicated

2. compound non-union

3. compound

4. complex subordinate with sequential submission

5. complex subordinate with homogeneous subordination

6. difficult with different types connections




















































IN 1


IN 2

your his

IN 3


AT 4


AT 5


AT 6


AT 7


AT 8


Every teenager sooner or later begins to think about admission and testing. However, the question “How to successfully pass the CT in Russian?” remains open. We present to your attention proven ways to prepare for the CT and best advice from students and teachers who will help you pass Russian as "excellent".

Get started on your path to success!

Coming to the 10th grade, many people think that they have a whole year to rest. But it's not. Giving yourself a head start, you have no idea how you complicate the next year, and how much you will regret the lost time after. After all, for the 10th grade you are not obliged to go through the entire program non-stop. When you have a free minute - spend it with benefit. View the rules, do tests, turn on video tutorials. So, for the first year, you can repeat a larger piece of the program, leaving an insignificant part for graduation class. And while your classmates are just starting to think about tutors, you are already one step ahead! You are on your way to your goal!

Rehearsals of the most important event of school life

Have you ever gone to rehearsal testing (PT)? Didn't go (-la) because you are afraid to know your results?! Very in vain! The sooner you start your rehearsals, the better. The special atmosphere of the RT will help to better transfer the excitement to the DH. If you start going to the RT from the beginning of the 10th grade, then there is a chance that you will not get confused during the exam itself, and the excitement may generally disappear.

Ways to successfully pass the test

If we take the question on a large scale, we can single out all two ways to prepare for testing:

  • with a tutor
  • without a tutor.

And basically, many choose the first option, but is it justified? For self-study First of all, you need patience and perseverance. If you are a happy owner of these two qualities, then this option is for you!

Anastasia Karatkevich, student of Minsk State Linguistic University:

« I prepared for testing myself, because I think it is very real. You just need self-control and that's it».

CT preparation materials

The most important assistant in preparation - collection of tests for the past years. When preparing, you need to do as many tests as possible. However, you should not solve them at random or, as everyone likes to do at school, in your head. It is necessary to prescribe each task for better assimilation, so that in the end there are no problems at the main event of all school life.

Anna Tikhonovich, student of the Institute of Journalism of Belarusian State University:

"To CT in Russian, I didn’t really prepare much, because I never had any problems with the language. I bought a collection of tasks for 5 or 6 years and solved everything from beginning to end. Incomprehensible tasks then parsed».

Galina Borodina, teacher of Russian language and literature:

“You can find many good Internet portals where you can get advice and work on thematic simulators.”

Few tests from previous years and want to prepare more? Look on the Internet! On the expanses of the world wide web, you can find tests that will immediately show whether you answered correctly and explain everything with the rules.

What to do if you are an ardent fan (s) social networks ? The answer is simple - join

In 2017, 66 applicants out of 72,874 passed the centralized Russian language test with 100 points. How to pass the CT for the maximum score? Will 2018 centralized testing be different from previous years? These and other questions are answered by Victoria Romanova, a teacher of the Russian language at the educational center, a master of pedagogical sciences and one of the developers of an interactive training course for the Central Television in Russian. We advise you to read to the end so as not to miss important details!

Has the CT in Russian changed over the past five years?

From year to year, tasks for the Central Television in the Russian language are definitely simplified. To be more precise, the wording of the conditions and examples change slightly. The list of topics and rules, knowledge and understanding of which is checked by the compilers of the CT, remains the same. Thus, the applicant will successfully complete the assignments, provided that they master the material well from the list of topics prepared by the RIKZ (meaningRussian language specification ), and it does not matter how many times the task condition has been reformulated.

Is it possible to prepare for the DT for a high score without courses and a tutor?

Of course! In this case, the applicant needs to stock up on educational literature. At a minimum, these are Russian language textbooks for grades 5–11, and at a maximum, these are manuals and collections of tests for the last 7–10 years. To pass the CT with a high score, it is important to complete as many tests as possible. You also need perseverance, discipline, perseverance, that is, everything that helps the student to prepare systematically.

designed for self-preparation for the CT in Russian

True, as far as I noticed during the practice, it is the lack of the ability to force oneself to work systematically that forces schoolchildren to resort to help from tutors and training centers.

What grades in Russian do your students have at school? And are they confirmed by RT scores, and then by CT?

Quarter marks in Russian for my students are from 5 to 8 points. Not every one of them attended the first and second stages of the RT. The guys who went to both stages notice that after training with me, their results have improved. For example, from 45 to 60 points, from 49 to 67 points. True, there is a single case when, according to the results of the second stage, the scores were lower compared to the results of the first stage. There is no information on the results of the 3rd stage yet.

As a rule, the results of the third stage of RT and the CT itself have a small difference.

The result depends both on the base and on how well the student prepared before the DT itself.

First of all, I advise you to use the theory from school textbooks. In addition, there are many manuals in which the entire theory from the school course is systematically presented in one book. I mean the manuals of O. E. Gorbatsevich, T. V. Ratko, T. V. Balush, E. E. Dolbik, V. L. Leonovich, and V. A. Sanikovich. The manuals of these authors have been repeatedly reprinted. Of course, it is better to buy a newer manual, since latest version quality will be better. But we remember that studying the theory does not make sense without completing test tasks.

When is the best time to start preparing for the CT in the Russian language?

It depends on the existing theoretical basis and personal characteristics student. It is enough for a humanities student to start preparing a year before passing the DT, but for a person with a technical mindset, I advise you to start preparing a little earlier, for example, one and a half to two years before the exam. On average, it is believed that exactly one year is enough to repeat and complete the theory from the school course.

Is it possible to prepare for the CT in a few months?

If you have a great desire, then, of course, you can. To do this, you need to “arm yourself” with a manual, collections of tests and support from a subject teacher or at least an excellent student friend.

So that before the CT itself there is no mess in the head from the many rules and exceptions, it is worth attending a 4-hour intensive in Russian, which is held the day before the test. In the photo, Victoria conducts a lesson for applicants in 2017

What are the best questions to start with the test?

Unfortunately no universal council Which tasks are best to start the test with. Absolutely every applicant has his own scheme of work with assignments. For example, I always solve test tasks in order. After reading the condition, I proceed to the execution, and after that I return to the condition again. After all, mistakes are often made precisely because of inattentive reading of the conditions. Be able to clearly distinguish the rules in order to understand which one should be applied in the task.

To understand what sequence of tasks is convenient to the applicant , it is necessary to perform as many tests as possible, including on RT. In addition, it is the execution of tests that will allow you to monitor the progress in preparation.

What do you do when you don't know the answer to a question?

In a situation where the applicant does not know the answer to the question at all, the best assistant will be (oddly enough!) Intuition. By the way, it is well developed among those who read a lot. Of course, you can also use the elimination method, i.e., weed out those options that you yourself are sure of enrollee. True, even this requires elementary theoretical knowledge.

You should always write something in the response area. Russian is not mathematics and physics, so intuition will help here.

Victoria Romanova, teacher of Russian at educational center Adukar, Master of Pedagogical Sciences

How objectively does the CT assess the level of literacy of an applicant?

Fairly objective. The reason for this is the variety of topics, knowledge of which is tested during the exam. The tasks for the CT contain topics from the sections "Spelling", "Punctuation", "Culture of speech", "Stylistics", etc., which display different levels native literacy language.

Maybe Is it possible to pass the CT in Russian for 100 points? What is needed for this?

Certainly! This requires a strong theoretical background, the skills to successfully complete last year's tests, and self-confidence.

What mistakes do your students most often make when preparing for testing?

Mistakes are common to the following rules: “Н and НН in words different parts speech”, “Unified and separate spelling NOT with words”, as well as “Distinguishing NOT and NOR”. But, perhaps, the most "painful" tasks are morphemic parsing words and word formation.

Often, students make mistakes due to inattention: they enter the wrong answer, do not select all the correct answers, or even choose options that contradict the condition of the assignment.

After the task is completed, it is important to check again whether the answer options correspond to the condition.

Victoria Romanova, teacher of the Russian language at the educational center Adukar, master of pedagogical sciences

Approximately how many exception words does an applicant need to remember in order to cope with the tasks of the CT? How best to remember them?

If dictionary words are also included as exceptions, then there is no exact figure for memorization. This can be seen by looking at various manuals for preparing for the DT. Each compiler provides his own list of words, and, of course, not all words are used in the test itself. Therefore I propose applicants write out in your abstract the exception words and vocabulary that are found in the collections of the TsT. With lists of words that are given in teaching aids, is also important to know.

There are many options for memorizing exceptions and dictionary words: give associations, examples of phrases with exceptions and dictionary words, make drawings for words, write down words on stickers and stick them next to the workplace. In a situation with remembering exceptions and dictionary words, all means are good.

Can Is it possible to predict the score on the CT based on the results of the third stage of the RT?

Yes. There are two reasons for this. The first is that by the time of the third stage of the RT, as a rule, the entire theoretical material has already been passed and the collections of tests of previous years have been partly analyzed, which means that the student comes to the RT in full combat readiness. And the third stage of RT is a kind of training, i.e. enrollee trains to perform those tasks that are likely to be in the CT. The second reason is that usually the last stage differs slightly from the DH itself. Therefore, according to the scores of the third stage of the RT, we can talk about the approximate number of points that can be scored at the end of the DT.

Do you think it makes sense to take the CT in Belarusian as well, when you are not sure that you will get a good score on testing in Russian?

Why not. Especially if the student knows his native language - Belarusian - better than Russian.

Are there any "tricks" that can be used in testing?

More likely no than yes. But often applicants , having received a draft sheet, they rush to write down the rules in it or dictionary words which are often forgotten, in which mistakes are made. Actually, this is not a trick. It is even more important in the process of preparing for CT to learn how to restore volumetric and complicated rules via simple circuits or associations.

What can applicants expect from CT-2018? Are tests getting harder or easier?

Judging by the tasks of the third stage of the RT, the tasks of the CT will be even easier. We will not meet anything unexpected or unfamiliar: all the same topics. It will be useful for applicants to complete both versions of the third stage in order to understand which topics are emphasized in this year's tests. BUTa few weeks before the CT, return to these topics again to review them or finish teaching.

Advise applicants how not to worry about the CT and tune in to fruitful work?

The one who is confident in his abilities does not worry. In the situation with DT, strengths are understood as knowledge and skills to solve tests qualitatively. And in order to be confident in your own knowledge and skills, you need to prepare for the CT in advance: learn the theory and complete test tasks from previous years. Then, having started the exam, the applicant will perceive it as just another test, similar to those, which he has repeatedly performed up to this point. And the excitement will go away!

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Testing Center of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation

Russian language

OPTIONS AND ANSWERS of centralized testing

Benefit for preparing for testing

BBK 74.202.5 UDC 37L M20

Tests, Russian language And class. Variants and answers of centralized testing - M .: Testing Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 2003.

Collection "Tests" (variants and answers of the centralized testing in 2003) - the book contains samples of tests used in the centralized testing in 2003 in the Russian language and the Russian language of increased complexity. The tests are compiled in accordance with the requirements of the minimum content of the draft educational standard. Answers for all submitted tests are given. The structure of tests is given.

The collection is intended for self-training of graduates educational institutions to the final certification and entrance exams to universities, as well as to help teachers and methodologists who use the test method of knowledge control in their work.

ISBN 5-94635-129-X

© Testing Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 2003

Handed over for work on 28.08.03. Volume 7.75 pp. Circulation 70000 copies. Order 1370.

Printed in the State Enterprise "Zagorsk Printing House" 141300, Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Red Army Ave., 212B

Tel. 547-60-60, 4-25-70, fax 547-60-60


The most important feature that characterizes Russian education recent years, is an attempt to use modern technologies to assess the learning achievements of students. For this, the mechanisms of centralized testing and the unified state exam are used.

An objective assessment of educational achievements is carried out, as a rule, by standardized procedures, during which all students are in the same (standard) conditions and use measuring materials (tests) that are approximately the same in properties. Such a standardized procedure for assessing educational achievements is called testing.

A correctly designed test is a set of balanced test items. The number of tasks in the test for various sections should be such as to proportionally reflect the main content of the subject. The use of test tasks of various difficulties should ensure equal complexity various options tests.

The development of modern pedagogical tests is possible only if there are a large number of test tasks, the properties of which are determined before the moment of grading (scaling the results).

Centralized testing assesses the level of preparedness of students on a hundred-point scale, taking into account the difficulty and differentiating power of correctly and incorrectly completed tasks.

When evaluating educational achievements, the Testing Center uses rather complex mathematical models. You can get acquainted with them in the special literature of the Testing Center.

The student being tested should know that the number of tasks he correctly completed ambiguously determines his test score. The difficulties of correctly and incorrectly completed tasks can significantly affect the assessment of test results.

The correspondence between the number of correctly completed tasks and the test score is shown in the diagram at the end of the collection, which was obtained as a result of statistical processing of the results of centralized testing in 2003. Average score in Russia is taken equal to 50.

The test materials and results given in the collection can be used as some guidelines for preparing for the centralized testing in 2004.

Practical use modern tests academic achievements gives students the opportunity to objectively assess the level of their knowledge, as well as determine their place (ranking) among the many Russian students who underwent centralized testing. This service is in increasing demand. In 2003, about one and a half million graduates participated in the centralized testing. Over half of the state universities in Russia accept the results of centralized testing as grades for entrance examinations. Tens of thousands of applicants who have submitted certificates of centralized testing to the admission committees are annually enrolled in state universities in Russia.

The technology and methods of centralized testing are widely used in the conduct of the unified state exam in Russia.

The structure of the test in Russian Developers: Issers O.S., Kuzmina NA., Llybina A.T.

Editor: methodologist of the Russian Language Testing Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian FederationAntonova O.Yu.

I. Spelling

1. Spelling of unstressed vowels in roots (checked and alternating).

2. Spelling of unchecked vowels at the root of a word.

3. Vowels -О-/-Е- after hissing and -Ц- in roots, suffixes and endings,

4. Vowels -Е- / -И- in suffixes and endings of adjectives, verbs.

5. Spelling unstressed case endings nouns.

6. Spelling prefixes pre-/at-.

7. Spelling -Y- after prefixes on a consonant and after hissing i-Ts-

8. -Н-and -НН- in full forms of adjectives, participles and derivative nouns.

9. Spelling differentiation-H-and -H-in full and short forms adjectives, participles, adverbs.

10. Unpronounceable consonants.

11. Spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants.

12. double consonants.

13. Spelling of participle suffixes.

14. Spelling -NOT-with various parts speech.

15. Spelling -NOT- and -NOR-based on the semantic distinction.

16. Hyphenated nouns, adjectives and adverbs.

17. Continuous and separate spelling of adjectives and adverbs.

18. Spelling of derivative prepositions.

19. Dividing -b- and -b-.

20. -b-after hissing.

II. Punctuation

1. A dash in a simple sentence.

2. Punctuation marks with the union AND in a simple and complex sentence.

3. Punctuation marks for homogeneous members of a sentence.

4. Punctuation when separating minor members of a sentence.

5. The distinction between introductory words and sentence members. Punctuation marks when separating introductory words and introductory constructions.

6. Punctuation marks with the union AS.

7. Punctuation marks in compound and complex sentences.

8. A dash and a colon in non-union and complex sentences and with homogeneous members with a generalizing word.

9. Punctuation marks in all types of compound sentences.

10. Norms for the design of someone else's speech. Punctuation marks in direct speech and quotations.

III. Culture of speech and style

1. orthoepic norms.

2. Norms of lexical compatibility.

3. The meaning of the word.

4. Grammar rules.

1. Russian literary language and his style. Language indicators of styles.

2. Types of texts.

V. General information about the language. Russian language system

1. Basic concepts of morphology.

2. Basic concepts of syntax.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Testing Center

Russian language test №1

Instruction for students

The test consists of parts A and B. It takes 100 minutes to complete it. We recommend doing the tasks in order. If the task cannot be completed immediately, continue to the next one. If there is time, return to the missed tasks.

Each task can have 1.2 or more correct answers. Mark the numbers of the selected answers in the answer sheet under the number of the task you completed.

A1. -O- is written

1) tanned

3) swallow

A2. -A- is written

1) bewitch

4) dimension


5) engraving


A3. -Yo- is written

kindle a fire

c_cat (hooves)

A4. -I- is written

1) jump up

nap cat

2) if you send...

3) glued

A5. -E- is written in both cases

1) in prickly weave_ branches

2) in a spring-blooming garden; for her mother_

3) in front of a blossoming rose; in the light that flickers in the distance

4) onkat; in white shine_

5) he will last; wine bushes_

A7. -Y- is written

1) notorious

2) super_intuition

3) Pre-July

4) tsgansky

A8. -N- is written in both cases

1) karmay; laden

2) wind; vareik

3) scattered; ice cream

4) traditional; be friends ik

A9. -НН- is written in both cases

1) A gilded bow and large, bronze forged triple droshky guitar appeared.

2) The not-yet-kosheaya grass spreads from the semi-hard heat, unbearable for a living being.

3) aspirations the best representatives modern youth are always pure and uplifted.

4) The girl went down to the Volga to collect water, but when she looked at the unusually transparent patterned ice, she was enchanted by this beauty: in front of her, a frozen garden shimmered with solar sparks

flowers and trees.

A10. Consonant omitted


4) honor


5) ren_genovsky


All. The letter denoting a voiceless consonant is written

1) delicious food

4) woodwork

refined sugar_

5) high presti_

small fish

A12. The double consonant is written

hip othesis

4) cavalry


5) symmetrical


A13. -U (-U) - is written


4) self-adhesive (wallpaper)

2) (dogs) la t

5) unrelenting

3) struggling