Mobile tandoor on wheels. Tandoor in the garden: self-construction (20 photos)

Make a small mobile tandoor. Such an oven can be moved around the site, for example. It will be convenient in the country, the home-made product can be hidden in the house if necessary or rolled under a cover so that it does not deteriorate. Everything was assembled on the basis of a cart with four wheels. Let's take a closer look at the homemade product.

DIY materials and tools:
- a cart with four wheels (must be strong, since the weight of the oven is large);
- the author used the old gas titanium AGV-120 as a holder for the furnace;
- refractory bricks;
- a grinding machine and a circle for concrete;
- components for the composition "Mertel" or a ready-made composition (used for laying furnaces);
- the author used removable cast-iron circles for wood-burning stoves instead of a lid (you can fry something, heat something on them, etc.);
- steel bar (a net for hanging skewers is made from it);
- basalt wool (for heat insulation of the oven);
- grinder;
- welding and more.

Homemade stove making process:

Step one. Cart
The author left the production of such a cart behind the scenes. So you have to make it yourself from scratch. It may be necessary to use welding here to first weld a sturdy steel frame, to which the axles of the wheels need to be welded. Next, a brick is placed in this steel frame on a cement mortar. After the mortar has solidified, there will be a ready-made mobile platform for the oven.

Wheels need to be chosen strong, no plastic, the author has them completely steel with a small rubber coating.

Step two. Preparation of materials and laying of the furnace
Perhaps the most difficult and in some ways hilarious in the construction of such a furnace will be the marking and cutting of bricks to the desired size. The bricks will need to be trimmed to fit into the metal frame.

The laying starts dry, then the author puts them on the mortar "Mertel". The first row of the furnace includes an ash pan. The arrangement of the ash pan is mandatory, since without it the stove will not be able to burn. As a result, step by step, slowly, the oven is assembled.

Step three. Furnace arrangement
After the oven is assembled, you will still need to make a lid, as well as a grate on which the skewer will be hung. As a cover, the author used ordinary cast iron rings for wood-fired stoves. This will allow you to use the oven for additional purposes, for example, you can put a frying pan and heat or fry something.

As for the device for hanging skewers, the author welded it from steel rods. How exactly it should look like, you can see in the photo. The device is removable and inserted into the oven.

That's all, the stove is assembled, now it can be tested. At first, the author did a few not strong fires so that the stove dries well. The slower the oven dries, the stronger the masonry will be, since in this case the moisture comes out slowly and does not leave large pores.

After drying, the oven was already heated at full power, the author baked meat and potatoes in it. During testing, it turned out that the oven loses a lot of heat; outside it warmed up to 150 degrees. In this regard, it was decided to insulate it using basalt wool.

Many peoples have their own types of ovens for cooking everyday and festive meals. The most famous of these accessories - barbecue, grill, braziers, but not many people still know such a stove as a tandoor, which is used to prepare national dishes in Central Asia.

It is quite possible to build a tandoor with your own hands in a summer cottage or in the courtyard of a private house if you know what it is and step by step perform all the stages of its construction.

What is tandoor and what can you cook in it?

The tandoor oven in Asian countries is used to cook literally everything, from baking bread to roasting meat. Therefore, this building can be found, probably, in every courtyard of a private house in those parts. The amazing taste of the dishes cooked in the tandoor was also appreciated by Russian lovers of oriental cuisine, so more and more such stoves appear on the territories of suburban areas and in Russia.

From a culinary point of view, the functionality of the tandoor is enormous.

Fragrant Uzbek flatbreads of various types, baked vegetables, barbecue, fried chicken - all this can be cooked in this relatively small but highly versatile oven.

In Central Asian countries, there has always been a shortage of firewood for the furnace, since there are no significant forests and even rare plantings in these territories. Basically, there are low shrubs, single trees and grasses that do not require a lot of moisture. It was them that were traditionally used for heating the tandoor. It has a design that can be heated with a bundle of simple saxaul - a shrub that grows on sandy soils and gives a short-term intense heat when burned. The oven stays hot for a long time, which makes it possible to bake a large number of bread products, and therefore it can be called a very economical cooking device.

Flatbread baked in tandoor is called "tandyr-nan" in Asian countries, which means tandoor bread in Turkic.

Tandoor design

The construction of the tandoor is quite simple. The task of its construction is quite feasible for a beginner, and the presence of instructions for completing each step in the construction will not allow any mistakes.

In order not to think about the correctness of drawing up a solution for laying walls, you can purchase a special heat-resistant mixture for the construction of stoves and fireplaces in a hardware store. The instructions for preparation can be found on the packaging, and if you follow the manufacturer's recommendations, the solution will turn out to be plastic, and will not crack when dry.

It should be noted right away that this model is designed for cooking meat, fish and vegetable dishes, but it will not work to bake x lobs on its walls. If you are thinking about baking cakes, then the walls from the inside must be coated with clay, and the surface should be smoothed well.

When erecting this option, work also begins with the preparation of the foundation. But in this case, according to the builders, three layers of silicate bricks, laid in a dug pit, can be used as a foundation. Moreover, the laying of the first layer is made along the pit, the second across, and the third - again along.

The first row of masonry of the tandoor itself should be continuous, and in the second layer, from the middle to one of the sides of the resulting platform, a horizontal channel is left, which will serve as a blowing chamber. The third row is laid out completely, blocking the blower channel, but a hole is left in the middle of the site, around which a tandoor will be installed.

The lower rows of bricks in the foundation are laid without mortar, but they are tightly pressed against each other, the pit will not allow the rows to move to one side or the other. In the upper layer, it is better to fasten the brick together with a mixture of clay and fix it on all sides with pieces of reinforcement, 400 ÷ 500 mm in size. The reinforcement rods are driven into the ground, and on top there is a section equal in height to the top row of masonry.

If the base for the tandoor is laid out only from one layer of brick (as shown in the photo data), then a hole is dug under it, about 200 × 200 mm in size, and a pipe is installed in it. But, it should be noted that this method of blowing device is not very reliable, since during the rains the earthen chamber will be washed out by water and over time the structure may sag.

On the site, a circle is marked around the blowing hole, within which the tandoor will be installed.

Having installed the first row of bricks, it is tied with two rows of steel wire, the ends of which are twisted and hidden in the gaps.

For reliability - wire fixation is performed

Further, two more rows are installed on the first row in the same way. In total, 57 bricks will need to be found for the construction. Each of the rows is fixed, like the first, with wire ties. The total height of the tandoor, after its installation, will be 750 mm.

The next step is to cover all the gaps between the bricks with a mortar made from a fire-resistant mixture. Before applying the mortar, it is recommended to moisten the brick so that the water from the mixture does not absorb too quickly into the dry bricks, and the drying takes place evenly and gradually.

After all the gaps are sealed, and the mortar in them has dried, the structure is "plastered" over its entire surface.

Further, you need to coat the entire structure with a layer of clay, into which finely chopped straw is added. There should be two such layers with a thickness of 15 ÷ 20 mm, and the second is applied after the first has dried, after about two ÷ three days. They should dry out evenly, without rapid evaporation of moisture, and for this the structure is covered with plastic wrap.

These layers should be applied evenly, but it is not necessary to smooth their surface as they will still be covered from above.

Then, the clay walls are wrapped in a reinforcing layer consisting of a metal mesh with cells of approximately 50 × 50 mm.

Then the structure is reinforced with mesh ...

A metal ring is installed around the furnace opening, which will separate the cover installation area from the rest of the surface. This part should have a height of 30 ÷ 50 mm. From the outside, to the edges of the walls, a layer of clay is applied equal to the height of the hoop.

... once again coated with clay with a hoop on the inlet ...

After that, the metal mesh on the walls is completely covered with another layer of clay and left to dry.

… And after drying it is plastered with cement mortar.

Further, when the surface is ready, a layer of concrete mortar is applied to it, consisting of sand and cement, in a ratio of 3: 1. Masters who are engaged in the construction of tandoors recommend adding one or one and a half teaspoons of detergent to the concrete intended for coating - it will not allow the solution to shrink when it dries.

Drying of the surface of the structure takes place within a week. During this time, you need to make a wooden a lid with a handle that will allow for a long time to keep heat inside the tandoor when it is fired.

In addition, to hang the skewers, it will be necessary to make a metal crossbar, which is placed on the sides of the tandoor hole under the wooden lid.

It must be said that, if desired, the entire surface of the tandoor can be decorated with a decorative coating - for example, mosaic-laid flat natural stones. This layer, by the way, will become additional insulation for the stove, which will help keep the heat inside it.

Video: building a tandoor according to a simplified scheme

Refractory brick prices

Refractory bricks

Ready tandoor

On sale you can find ready-made tandoors of various sizes, and in order not to do unfamiliar work, you can simply buy such a stove and even firewood specially designed for its heating.

In addition to the wood-fired tandoor, even electric models are sold that do not require fuel, since the heating is carried out by a heating element installed at the bottom of the stove.

Any of the ready-made factory products will allow a variety of any dishes, from baking tortillas and pizza to baking vegetables and roast meat. However, it must be warned that the taste of dishes cooked in electric ovens differs significantly from those that are fried or baked in a tandoor heated with wood. This is because the heating element , although and heats surfaces, but very much dries the air, and therefore also the products that are in the heated space. Firewood, by heating the walls and giving off its own moisture, which is absorbed into the porous clay surface, creates the necessary balance of heat and humidity. In this favorable microclimate, food remains juicy, well fried and baked.

How is it cooked in a tandoor?

  • In addition to flat cakes and shashlik, barbecues and pizza are baked in the tandoor. But for the preparation of these dishes, an additional element is needed - this is a grate, which is fixed on the neck of the stove on special fasteners and lowers approximately to the middle of the tandoor.

  • On the same grate, you can put a cast iron or a saucepan with the necessary products and get fragrant pilaf or stewed cabbage soup.
  • When cooking fatty meat, for example, lamb, a grate is installed over the coals, and on it is a container into which juice and fat from a piece suspended above it will drain - these components are necessary for cooking shurpa.
  • When preparing a kebab or shashlik in the Uzbek version of a small tandoor, the skewers are simply installed in the hole of the oven or hung on an iron cross bar. And the neck is closed from above with a lid.
  • All dishes are cooked in the tandoor much faster than in ovens or on. For example, lamb and pork will require 18 ÷ 25, beef 30 ÷ 35, fish or poultry 8 ÷ 12, and vegetables at all 5 ÷ 7 minutes.
  • Eastern cooks advise: put a saucepan with tough meat in a not completely cooled tandoor, which has many veins and during normal cooking it will cook until soft for several hours. The saucepan, covered with a lid, is left inside the tandoor until the next morning, and then any dish can be prepared from this meat in which it will “melt” in the mouth.

In addition to the above models of stoves, there are other options, but the most affordable construction for construction is a modern simplified tandoor. Even an inexperienced builder can perform such an oriental stove if he makes the foundation correctly, calculating the load, and adheres to the construction instructions.

Having a tandoor in your dacha, you don't have to worry that someone will be hungry, since you can cook almost all dishes in it. And most importantly, you don't have to stand over them. After heating the tandoor and putting prepared foods in it, you can go about your business, periodically checking the readiness of the dishes, and then it remains to serve them hot at the right time.

For cooking in the fresh air, many summer residents have replaced the usual grill with a more optimal design of an outdoor oven - a tandoor. It is more functional and economical as it uses less fuel and can be used to bake many more types of food.


For domestic use, it is not necessary to build a large stationary tandoor, you can adapt a 200 liter barrel and install it on a platform with wheels. The tandoor on wheels will turn out to be not too large in terms of the volume of the combustion chamber, but it is mobile, easily moving to any corner of the site.

And for those summer residents who have the skills to work with welding equipment and hand-held power tools, it will not be difficult to build such a structure with their own hands.

About construction

Before starting the construction of a portable tandoor, you need to draw its sketch and a drawing of the future cart. The platform should be a welded metal structure designed to withstand a fairly heavy load from the weight of a homemade oven.

The tandoor of the classical model has the shape of an amphora. This design makes the device more economical in fuel consumption and allows it to keep heat in it longer. The dimensions of the tandoor should ideally be:

    height - from 100 to 150 cm;

    combustion chamber diameter - 100 cm;

    neck diameter from 50 to 60 cm.

But this is a fairly large structure, it is installed permanently on the foundation and is intended for a large family. If desired, such a stove is made less voluminous by dividing all sizes by two. This will not affect the quality of the tandoor's work.

For the construction of a mobile version of the tandoor, you can use a steel 200 - liter barrel. It will act as a holder, which is lined with refractory bricks from the inside and coated with a clay-sand mixture.

Materials for work

To make a portable tandoor with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

P / p No. Name Unit measurements Quantity
1 Sheet steel 3 - 5 mm thick 1
2 Metal corner 25x25 mm m 1,5
3 Steel pipe with a diameter of 15 mm m 2
4 Metal wheels with rubber tires up to 40 cm in diameter PCS. 4
5 Fireclay brick PCS. 20
6 Reinforcement for the production of skewer nets and brackets m 1,5
7 Cast iron grate PCS. 1
8 Ash-pan door PCS. 1
9 Basalt wool 2
10 Foil insulation 2
11 Refractory vykoplasticny mix "Mertel" Kg 10
12 Round metal blank for cover made of 3mm sheet steel PCS. 1
13 Clip - metal container PCS. 1

Required tools

A set of tools for making a tandoor should consist of:

  • welding machine;
  • grinders with a diamond wheel;
  • scissors for metal;
  • trowel;
  • spatula;
  • electric drill;
  • containers for the preparation of masonry mixture.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

Having prepared everything you need, you can proceed to the construction of the tandoor itself and the cart on which it will be placed:

Operating rules

Before operating at full capacity, the portable tandoor should be ignited. The starting fuel can be crumpled sheets of paper or a handful of embers, to which the chips are then added. The intensity of the heat should increase gradually. V

at the beginning they make 4 - 5 short furnaces, after which they allow the tandoor to cool down. An artificial cooling method should not be used. To gain maximum strength, its surface must dry slowly, naturally.

Then the mobile tandoor can already be heated at full strength and try to bake a vegetable or meat dish. The draft in the oven is regulated by a blower door.

When using the mobile version of the oven, the following safety rules must be observed:

  • tandoor on wheels during operation should not be touched by hands, as its walls are heated to very high temperatures;
  • you can move the device only after the firewood has completely burned out using special heat-resistant gloves;
  • do not lean too low towards the neck, since the height of the flame during fuel combustion can reach 1 m;
  • the cooling of the furnace must take place in natural conditions.

The tandoor should be stored in a dry room, closed on all sides with a waterproof material. If the device does get wet, then it should be dried, but only in a natural way.


The mobile tandoor is a device unique in its simplicity and efficiency, which, using a minimum portion of fuel, is able to prepare many different dishes.

You do not need to spend a large part of the family budget on purchasing a tandoor, but build it yourself in a mobile version and use it when going out into the countryside with friends or on a personal plot for family needs.

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Anyone who loves to relax in the country cannot but love barbecue. What could be tastier than meat fried on coals, sprinkled with fragrant sauce, and flavored with a pinch of oriental spices? The answer is simple - only meat baked in a brick tandoor.

The brick tandoor is a Turkish oven that allows you to cook incredible kebabs. The secret is that the meat is baked as evenly as possible. A similar effect can be achieved through a balanced spread of heat.

You, probably, more than once had to deal with a situation when in a kebab some pieces are fried to a black crust, while others are almost raw. The fact is that the coals under the skewers are unevenly located and, moreover, have different temperatures. The result of this baking is obvious.

A tandoor made of bricks is quite another matter. The unique design of the oven allows you to forget about half-baked meat. Each bite will be extremely tasty and crunchy. Moreover, in the tandoor you can not only bake lamb, veal or pork. You can make delicious oriental cakes in it. Which will not only pamper your family and friends with exquisite taste, but will also be beneficial to your health.

What is a tandoor

This furnace is similar to most structures of this type, but has some differences. The main material of the inner surface is ceramics. Coal, brushwood or wood can be used as fuel.

In appearance, a brick tandoor resembles an earthen jug lined with brick. The fuel is stacked directly inside and ignited. As soon as the wood turns into coals, kebabs are laid inside the tandoor. They can be placed with a sharp end on a foundation or suspended by a hook on a pre-prepared perch.

Important ! The indisputable advantage of the brick tandoor is the long-term preservation of heat. This allows you to make more than one batch of delicious baked meat.

This stove came to us from distant Mesopotamia and later became extremely popular among the peoples of Asia. As a result, many oriental cuisines are hard to imagine without this wonderful machine.

How does it work

Consider an example of a classic Uzbek brick tandoor. In appearance, such a stove can be compared to a clay pot. Only they turned it upside down, changing the bottom and top in places.

There is a special hole at the bottom, it is also called blowing. The clay base is traditionally lined with bricks. A small layer of air forms between the clay base and the brick. It needs to be filled with salt or sand. The first option is preferable.

The coal is stacked inward through the top hole. There are also options for a brick tandoor with a side hole, but in the traditional Uzbek version, such a design is practically not used.

Important ! Do-it-yourself brick tandoor has one significant drawback. Ash has to be removed through the upper hole, and this is not very convenient (this does not apply to portable structures).

For the convenience of cooking shish kebab in the Uzbek version, there is a special grill. Of course, you can just as well put vegetables or fish pieces on it. An equally good baking is guaranteed.

Attention ! If you correctly make a tandoor from a brick with your own hands, then you can cook food in it for 6 hours after one kindling.

The secret of such incredible heat-saving characteristics lies in the materials used to create the structure. They all have phenomenal heat storage properties. With due diligence, the walls of the oven can be heated up to 400 degrees Celsius.

If you are preparing cakes, not meat, the walls will first need to be cleaned of soot and ash that could have accumulated from previous heating sessions. It is in a brick tandoor that you can cook Uzbek flatbreads, which are now so popular.

Types of tandoor

The type of tandoor primarily depends on the place of its installation. Depending on this parameter, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • yamny tandoor,
  • portable tandoor,
  • ground tandoor.

We will consider the process of building a terrestrial brick tandoor. The fact is that the pit tandoor is mainly used for heating premises, and the portable one is a kind of variation of the usual barbecue.

Step-by-step instructions for building a tandoor


Any important project starts with preparation. Of course, from the point of view of construction science, a brick tandoor cannot be called a complex structure. However, in order to create a durable and easy-to-use oven, careful preparation is necessary.

The preparatory process begins with the collection of the necessary materials. Since there are several brick tandoor designs, the basic set can be very different. In our case, it includes:

  • one hundred and fifty kilograms of sand and gravel mixture;
  • mesh grid (each cell 5 cm) - two square meters;
  • six or seven kilograms of M40050 cement;
  • asbestos fiber - six kilograms;
  • fireclay bricks 50-70 pieces;
  • refractory paint 1 liter;
  • fiberglass reinforcement of six millimeters in cross section (not less than 15 meters);
  • refractory mortar for masonry - 20 kilograms;
  • steel wire with a cross section of 3 millimeters -15 meters.

When the entire set of materials for creating a furnace is assembled, you need to take care of a set of tools. Most of them can be found in the back room of any country house, but some still have to be purchased. To build a brick tandoor with your own hands, you will need:

  • plastering rule,
  • the container in which the concrete will be mixed,
  • putty knife,
  • Bulgarian,
  • diamond wheels for work on ceramics,
  • paint brush.

As you can see, the list of required tools is not very long. Assembling this kit will not be difficult.


The brick tandoor will work in the open air. Therefore, he needs a solid foundation that can ensure a stable position of the structure. Much depends on the soil on which the building will be erected. If the soil is clayey, you will need a reinforced foundation.

The best option for working on heavy soils is a columnar foundation. If the soil is light and consists mainly of sand, simply cast a monolithic concrete slab. This will be more than enough.

The area of ​​the brick tandoor will be 100 by 100 centimeters. To withstand such a structure, the thickness of the slab must be at least 10 centimeters. Along the entire perimeter of the foundation, you need to remove the soil 15 cm deep.

Important ! In the corners of the future slab, depressions of 70-90 cm need to be made. Their diameter should be no more than 12-15 cm.

After the holes in the corners are drilled, it is necessary to reinforce them. Here we need six millimeters in diameter. Finally, the steel structures are poured with concrete.

The recipe for creating concrete of the desired consistency is as follows: take three parts of sand, pour one part of gravel (fraction size up to 1 cm) and the same amount of cement with a grade no worse than PC 400. As a result, the batch will resemble thick gray sour cream.

It is very important to correctly calculate the amount of solution required for pouring. It is best to focus on the foundation pit. To avoid discrepancies in levels, use formwork. Lay it on the bottom of the pit, five centimeters high. In order not to waste time hammering together wooden structures, take a container tape.

Sand must be poured at the bottom of the pit. The layer height cannot exceed the formwork height. The sand is poured over with water. This prevents the formation of cavities. Only then can the monolithic slab formwork be laid.

Important ! The sand layer in the foundation acts as a damper cushion.

The formwork for a monolithic slab for a brick tandoor, erected by one's own hands, is best made from ordinary roofing boards. Their width should be exactly 15 centimeters, ten of which are buried in the ground, and only five rise above it. A reinforcing mesh is laid on the sand.

Important ! Before pouring concrete, you need to level everything with a level.

The setting time of concrete is at least 72 hours. Ideally, you should wait seven days before placing the tandoor oven on a new foundation. If the pouring takes place in the summer, then the foundation needs to be moistened with water from time to time to prevent drying out and, as a result, the formation of cracks and chips.


Fireclay brick is needed for the base. Please note that the burning temperature of coal is very high and ordinary red baked clay blocks may simply not withstand such a load.

Fireclay bricks not only have outstanding refractory properties, they also do not absorb moisture and are dense enough to support the weight of the tandoor.

Another important advantage of fireclay bricks is its resistance to temperature extremes. That is why it is ideal for creating an outdoor tandoor oven. Such a brick tolerates frost well and does not crack with the arrival of warming.

The base of the stove must be made in the shape of a circle. To do this, take a suitable template and outline it with chalk. The diameter of the piece is exactly 75 centimeters. Lay out the bricks in order. And only at the end, using a cutting wheel, cut off unnecessary parts and corners, forming the perfect base.

Attention ! Put the roofing material on the concrete base. It will provide reliable waterproofing.

Take a fireclay brick kiln mixture and mix it thoroughly. Then, using a spatula, apply it to the roofing material.

The rule

The rule for masonry is made with the expectation that the base of the brick tandoor should correspond to its height. The neck-to-base ratio is 1/3. To assemble the rule, you need a pole at least one meter high. Base length 30 cm.

Attention ! The step between the guides should be 25 centimeters.

Take a piece of plywood to make a pattern. Bed slats are ideal. The part on which the mattress fits.

Making tandoor walls

Bricks must be stacked vertically. Therefore, you need to spend a sufficient amount of mortar so that the structural elements are firmly held together. The inner edges of the tandoor bricks should go close to each other.

Important ! All seams must be thoroughly coated with a solution.

The first row of brick tandoor is pulled together with steel wire. After the structure is fastened, the ends of the wire are twisted and hidden in one of the seams. You need to do the same with the second and third row.

In the second row of a do-it-yourself tandoor brick, the bricks are cut into a wedge. At the same time, the inner edges are laid as tightly as possible, the outer ones, in turn, are carefully coated with a solution.

After the construction of the main structure of the brick tandoor is completed, you can start plastering. To do this, you need a special oven mix. Its thickness should not be less than 10 mm. The upper edge is made in the form of a roller.

Wait for the plaster layer to dry. For this entire period, the brick tandoor is covered with cellophane film. This precaution is necessary to protect the structure from harmful external factors such as rain and direct sunlight.

Important ! Excessive heat can harm an unfinished brick tandoor as much as high humidity.

After the plaster has hardened, it will be necessary to cover the surface with acrylic refractory paint. You can also use whitewash. Before use, it is necessary to clean the inner space of the brick tandoor from dirt and sagging. A special broom is ideal for this job.