Rules for writing non-union complex sentences. Dash in a non-union compound sentence

Quite often the question arises which punctuation mark is better to use between parts of a complex non-union sentence - a period, a colon, or, without further ado, limit yourself to a comma. And there are a lot of rules on this subject, and it would be good to keep them all in mind if you often deal with writing complex sentences.

Let's start with a dash.

A dash in a non-union complex sentence that breaks into two parts is placed in the following cases.

1. If the second part contains an indication of a quick change of events (you can insert a union between both parts and ).


Ivan Ivanovich went up to the gate, rattled the latcha dog barking rose from within(N. Gogol).

Suddenly the closet door quickly swung openall the servants immediately rolled head over heels down the stairs(I. Turgenev).

Ignat pulled the triggerthe gun misfired(A. Chekhov).

A ray of sun falls on the grass (M. Gorky).

The snowstorm was already very close to the firesuddenly a horse neighing resounded in the darkness(A. Fadeev).

Another shotthe driver dropped the reins and quietly slid under the wheels(V. Shukshin).

2. If the second part expresses opposition in relation to the content of the first part (you can insert a union between the parts but or a ).


It's been a week, a month he did not return home(A. Pushkin).

Until ten o'clock we snooped through the reeds and through the forest no beast(M. Lermontov).

He painfully ran his eyes along the ceiling, wanted to leave the place, run legs disobeyed(I. Goncharov).

At that time you already meet in France a class of people who, with a general loss, gain: the nobility is deprived of the rightsthey aggravate theirs;people are dying of hungerthey are full, the people arm themselves and go to smash the enemiesthey profitably supply cloth, provisions(A. Herzen).

The summer heat blazed outside it was cool in the house and the peaceful smell of mothballs mingled with the coolness(I. Bunin).

In Andersen's fairy tales, not only flowers, winds, trees acquire the gift of speech. the home world of things and toys comes to life in them(M. Paustovsky).

The brave win the cowardly perish (proverb).

3. If the second part contains a consequence or conclusion from what is said in the first part (words can be inserted between parts therefore, then ).


I'm dying I don't have to lie(I. Turgenev).

There was no way to leave unnoticed he went out openly, as if he were going into the yard, and darted into the garden(A. Fadeev).

Note. In the works of classical writers, occasionally in modern fiction, instead of a dash, in this case there is a colon.


There was nothing to do : Marya Ivanovna got into the carriage and went to the palace...(A. Pushkin).

We were driving behind : no one has seen(M. Lermontov).

Light rain sows in the morning : it's impossible to get out(I. Turgenev).

Volodya's horse was lame : dad ordered to saddle for him a hunting(L. Tolstoy).

Worries, sorrows, failures exhausted the poor father to the extreme : he became distrustful, bilious ...(F. Dostoevsky).

4. If the first part indicates the time of the action referred to in the second part when )


drove here the rye began to turn yellow. Now I'm going back people eat this rye(M. Prishvin).

Weathered face burns, and you close your eyes the whole earth will float under your feet(I. Bunin).

A senior made his way ahead, gave a command with a careful movement of his hand: he would raise his hand above his head everyone immediately stopped and froze; stretch out his arm to the side with an inclination to the ground all at the same moment quickly and silently lay down;wave your hand forward everyone was moving forward; will show back everyone slowly backed away(V. Kataev).

Arable land is being plowed do not wave hands(proverb).

5. If the first part indicates the condition for performing the action referred to in the second part (at the beginning of the first part, you can add the union if, when in meaning "if".


It will rain there will be fungi; there will be fungi there will be a body(A. Pushkin).

What will be needed tell Pavel or Tatiana(I. Turgenev).

Get lost completely we won't cry for you(A. Chekhov).

A ray of sun falls on the grass the grass will flare up with emerald and pearls(M. Gorky).

Like to draw draw for health, no one forbids(V. Panova).

This rule is very relevant for proverbs:

Called himself a loader get in the body.
Do you like to ride
love to carry sleds.
miss the fire
do not extinguish.
Took hold of the tug
don't say you don't.
Wolves to be afraid
do not go to the forest.
The forest is cut down
chips fly.
You will regret the lychka
give me the strap.
to be afraid of death
not to live in the world.

6. If the second part contains a comparison with what is said in the first part (you can add conjunctions before the second part as if, as if ).


Says a word the nightingale sings(M. Lermontov).

…Look ruble will give(N. Nekrasov).

7. If the second part (often an incomplete sentence) has an explanatory meaning (you can insert a union before it what), and the first part does not contain an intonation warning about the subsequent presentation of any fact.


The sheep says she slept all night(I. Krylov).

The silence was so complete and gloomy, and the sky so stuffy, that the boy seemed let out just one sharp sound and something terrible will happen in nature: a tornado, a hurricane, an earthquake(V. Kataev).

Yesterday at the neighboring winter hut they told a bear bullied a man(A. Arbuzov).

8. If the second part is a connecting sentence and you can insert a word before it it, which may be in the sentence itself.


Not a single image on the wall bad sign(M. Lermontov).

Ingawas excited, Levshin watched her too closely it caught Klebe in the eye(K. Fedin).

The second part can begin with pronominal words so, such, such For example: Crooked streets, little wooden housessuch was Moscow at the beginning of the century.

The Russian intelligentsia grew and developed under absolutely brutal conditions. , it indisputably(M. Gorky).

If you find writing disgusting, boring, don't write , it it will still turn out bad, fake(A. N. Tolstoy).

The wide entrance was completely empty. , - it seemed strange to me(V. Kaverin).

9. Dash in complex sentences.

With intonational emphasis, subordinate explanatory clauses, less often conditional and concessive, standing in front of the main sentence, can be separated from it not by a comma, but by a dash.


Who will ask about whatshut up...(A. Pushkin).

How did he get herehe couldn't understand it(N. Gogol).

That she is an honest naturethis is clear to me...(I. Turgenev).

Let them tyrannize as they wish, even if they take the skin off the livingI won't give up my will(M. Saltykov-Shchedrin).

Will I look into the distance, will I look at youand in the heart some kind of light will light up(A. Fet).

Who is cheerfulhe laughs who wantshe who seeks will achievehe will always find it!(V. Lebedev-Kumach)

Some books were sent to me, but which onesdo not know.

Associative compound sentence- one of the two main structural types of a complex sentence in Russian, which is distinguished by a formal criterion.

Asyndeton- this is not just the absence of a union, it is the mobilization of other means of communication of predicative parts: intonation, the ratio of aspect-temporal verb forms, lexical indicators, etc. This is the use of the structure of a simple sentence as a structural element in a complex one.

For example:

The rod bent into an arc, the fishing line crashed into the input with a whistle(Paust.) - the connection of predicative parts and the expression of relations between them is carried out through the intonation of enumeration, the ratio of species-temporal forms (sequence), as well as the parallelism of the structure of the parts.



Grass overgrown graves- pain grows old(Sh.) - comparison relations are conveyed by intonation (the dash sign indicates its structure), parallel structure of parts and lexical repetition (verb overgrows used in different meanings, but in the same form)

The non-union complex sentence is characterized by its own structural qualities: the expression of various types of relations by various indicators, the number of parts, the openness / closeness of the structure; clear punctuation is very important.

Equivalence relationships are passed as an enumeration.

For instance:

The woodpecker knocked on the tree, the thrush pecked on the mountain ash(Shv.);

WITH roofs flowed, the sound of drops did not let me sleep(paust.)

or mappings: Anxious autumn night- the dawn is even more disturbing and noisy(B.)

When enumerating, the structure is open, the number of predicative parts is not limited; relations are formed with the help of intonation (uniform rise in tone towards the end of each part, the same position of phrasal stress), the ratio of verb forms, the parallel structure of the parts. Commas are used in writing.

For instance:

It was raining, snow was falling, frost was crackling, a blizzard howled and whistled(M. G.);

Dawns have become foggy, mornings are thoughtful, days are anxiously sensitive, nights are gloomy.(Shishk.);

It was dripping from the roof, icicles were silvering, traces of once flowing water blackened on the eaves like tar stripes.(Sh.);

The smoke of a blizzard turned blue in the yard, snowdrifts piled up above the roof, the gate and the gate were blocked(B.)

When enumerating, the meaning of similarity is reinforced by the same type of structure of predicative parts.

For instance:

Thick dew lay on the crumpled grass, heavy drops fell from linden leaves.(A. T.);

The gates are tightly locked, the evening is black, the wind is quiet(Ahm.)

As in a compound sentence with enumeration relations, when using perfective verbs, shades of result, consequence can be added to the meaning of the sequence of actions, events.

For instance:

The clouds began to demolish, the moon appeared(A. T.);

A the sky from the sunset edge cleared up, the sun came out(Shuksh.)

When compared, the structure is closed (two parts). The central component of oppositional intonation is the large difference between parts in pitch. Comparison relations are reinforced by the use of antonymous vocabulary or the contrast of affirmation/negation. In writing, the main punctuation mark is a dash.

For instance:

The summer heat blazed outside- it was cold in the house(B.);

But now there is no house, no boy, no cat- stands in the field plant(Guide.);

Half of the yard in the shade, half illuminated(B.);

My soul is killed- left to kill the body(Sharp);

Everything around quickly blackened and subsided- some quail occasionally screamed(T.)

Relations of inequivalence are manifested in the fact that one part of the sentence explains the other in one way or another; closed structure (two parts). The most characteristic relationships are explanatory, conditional, causal.

The explanation affects the semantics of the first part of the sentence as a whole or individual words (verbs, pronouns); relations are conveyed by a special, “warning” intonation. In writing, the main punctuation mark is a colon.

For instance:

So, you were not mistaken: three treasures in this life were to me, a joy(P.);

Each log cabin sat separately, on its own: neither a fence around, nor a gate was noticed(T.);

The room was cramped and strange: it looked like an antique dealer's pantry.(Paust.);

Since ancient times, labor has been divided: cities are surrendered by soldiers, generals take them(TV)

Conditional relationships are expressed by intonation: the contrast of the parts of the sentence in pitch (a very high melodic peak in the first part). In writing, the main punctuation mark is a dash.

For instance:

Go ahead- hair is not spared(Last)

Causal relationships (base - in the second part of the sentence) are based on intonation (similar to explanatory). In writing, the main punctuation mark is a colon, possibly a dash.

For instance:

Only during the day it was quiet in the garden: restless birds flew south(Paust.);

It's better not to go fishing with an envious person- he still won't bite(Paust.);

But I rarely and reluctantly went into this room: for some reason my breath was choking there.(T.);

Only one Stepan Astakhov no one cried- there was no one(Sh.)

A special type of relationship is connected; they are characterized by additionality; parts of the sentence are autonomous, have complete semantics and structure. In the system of non-union complex sentences, this type of sentence occupies a special place - as if intermediate between similar and non-similar ones. As a rule, they do not allow the "insertion" of either a coordinating or a subordinating union. The punctuation of these sentences is determined by two rules: the semicolon emphasizes the independence, autonomy of the first part, and the colon - incompleteness, the need to develop the message.

For instance:

The war time dragged on for a long time; seemed to have no end(Paust.);

Litvinov went into his room: the letter on the table caught his eye(T.)

How to explain the placement of commas and colons in a letter and how to determine their location? Every educated person should know the answers to such questions, which is why so much time is devoted to this topic in the learning process. For the correct arrangement in writing, one of the main topics in the school curriculum in the Russian language is allied and non-union sentences.

What is a union?

In order to deal with this topic, first you need to familiarize yourself with the definition of such a part of speech as a union. This is a service part used to connect words in separate phrases, as well as several grammatical foundations. The union, like prepositions, does not answer questions, does not indicate an object, its action or sign, and if this part of speech is used to connect words or then it is called allied. If this connection is transmitted only with the help of intonation and meaning, then we have before us non-union proposals. Examples of such semantic dependence can be found in any statement. Both the one and the other connection in the letter is distinguished by certain punctuation marks, depending on the arrangement of the parts of the sentence.

Varieties and classification

By their structure, unions are of several types.

  • Compound - consisting of two or more words. For example: because, in order to, because.
  • Simple - consisting of one word. For example: a, and, but, however.
  • Derivatives - which were formed on the basis of other parts of speech. For example: also, where, which.
  • Single or non-recurring unions. They can only be used once in a sentence.
  • Paired or double - having pairs. For example: if ... then, because ... how.

It should be noted that the same union in structure can refer to several points at once. For example: "and" - simple, non-derivative and single.

According to the method of connection of parts of a sentence or its homogeneous members, unions are divided into subordinating and coordinating. These two groups, in turn, are divided into several varieties.

  • connecting, serving for semantic connection when enumerating (yes, and, not only ... but also others);
  • used to contrast the qualities and features of an object;
  • dividing - serve solely to dilute the text, breaking a number of enumerations.

The second group is subordinating conjunctions, which are used to connect words and parts of complex sentences.

  • Explanatory, explanatory. These include such words: what, so that, as if.
  • Adverbial conjunctions linking complex combinations of a sentence indicating place, time, purpose, effect, condition, concession, comparison, and cause. These include such unions: where, from where, so that, as if, although, despite.

What are non-union proposals?

Examples of non-union connection between several in the Russian language are very common. The essence of such combinations lies in its name. In other words, unions in conversation are replaced by intonation, and in writing they are separated by the same punctuation marks as when they are used. It should be noted that a sentence is called complex only if it has several grammatical bases. A non-union clause with a comma looks something like this:

  • The sun was setting below the horizon, the wind was picking up.- Such a connection when reading is separated by a pause, and in writing by a comma.

The same sentence can be written using the union:

  • The sun was setting below the horizon and the wind picked up.- In this example, the union "and" is used to connect two grammatical bases.

In addition to a comma, parts of sentences can be separated by semicolons and dashes.

Punctuation and communication options in a sentence

How to determine which ones to use when writing them? First you need to figure out what is the semantic connection between all the grammatical foundations, which makes the statement a single whole.

In a conversation, intonation is usually used, which is divided into three types.

  • Enumeration. For instance: It was raining, the wet asphalt darkened, a delicate aroma emanated from the wet dust.
  • Contrasting. For instance: There will be rain - there will be mushrooms.
  • Explanation. For instance: I'm sure you have talent.

It is precisely on the basis of the intonation of the utterance that it is very often easy to determine what exactly the author wants to express, and, accordingly, write down all the words with the correct punctuation marks.

Comma and non-union sentences

Examples of sentences with an allied connection using a comma can be found in almost any text. As already mentioned, this punctuation mark is used in writing complex statements with several grammatical bases that are closely related in meaning and sound like an enumeration. That is, when there is a connecting link between all the bases, where the relationship between them is built in such a way that the union “and” would harmoniously fit between them. Grammatical bases with all parts of speech attached to them in this case are separated by commas in the letter. In a conversation, they are distinguished by intonation with notes of enumeration and pauses.

When to put a semicolon?

As a rule, the object of writing a semicolon is sentences with a non-union connection. This sign is often found in literary works and is used in several cases:

  • When there is no close semantic connection between the parts of the sentence. Or they are diluted with a large number of other members with a comma between them.
  • In the event that a complex non-union sentence has several groups that are distant from each other in meaning.
  • When there is both semantic and allied connection in the sentence. In this case, a semicolon is placed on the border of the parts, and only a comma is placed before the union.

Colon in sentences

Very often, non-union sentences are used to convey the intonation of a statement in writing with a certain dependence of its parts. Examples of the use of a colon in such cases are quite common, and this sign should be put in such cases:

  • The second part reveals or explains the meaning of the first, and both one and the other can consist of several grammatical bases. As a rule, it is easy to substitute the union “namely” between them.
  • The first part contains a verb that warns of a subsequent description or statement of fact. In this case, the union "what" can be easily inserted between the parts.
  • If the second part indicates the reason or reason for the action described in the first component. It is easy to supplement such a connection with the unions “because”, “because”, “because”.
  • Where the second part is a direct question.

When to put a dash

The main object of writing a dash are non-union sentences. Examples of its staging in complex sentences show that this sign is used in several cases:

  • With the unexpected attachment of the second part to the first, where the dash can be easily replaced by the union "and". In this case, it is very important not to confuse a close semantic connection with an unexpected turn of the statement.
  • When one grammatical basis of a complex sentence is opposed to another, where it is easy to substitute the conjunction “but” or “a”.
  • If the second part of the sentence is a consequence of the first or a conclusion coming from the first part. Such a connection is easy to verify by substituting the unions "therefore" and "then" into the sentence.
  • In the case of indicating the time, condition or comparison of the ongoing event described in the second part of the complex sentence.
  • If between the grammatical bases you can put the word "this".

The use makes it possible to convey the semantic and intonational connection in writing. It also allows you to emphasize the dependence of simple grammatical foundations, combined into a complex or complex non-union sentence. It is such signs as a comma, semicolon, dash and colon that allow you to write down and then correctly read the emotions expressed by the author.

Unionless proposal- this is a type of complex sentence in which the connection between the predicative parts is expressed without the participation of unions or allied words. Communication in a non-union sentence is carried out with the help of punctuation, intonation and meaning, which depends on the context.

The teacher fell ill, the lecture was rescheduled for tomorrow.

This sentence has the meaning of a sequence of actions.

The lecture was rescheduled for tomorrow: the teacher fell ill.


The teacher fell ill - the lecture was rescheduled for tomorrow.

Causal relationship between sentences.

For ease of use, it is customary to use the abbreviation SBP.

Types of complex non-union proposals.

The classification of types of non-union sentences according to lexical meaning is the most widespread. In accordance with this, the following SBPs are distinguished:

- explanatory SBPs:

Something incomprehensible was happening on the street: an incredible noise was suddenly heard.

- SBP with sequence value:

The spring sun peeked out from behind the clouds, warming up quickly.

- additional SBP:

He decided to go to work: it was necessary to go instead of a sick partner.

- SBP with condition value:

I will return home - I will expel all the accustomed.

- SBP with cause value:

There was a sound of the opening door: Vika returned from school.

- SBP with time value:

The sun rose and the birds chirped merrily.

- SBP with mapping value:

Business time - fun hour.

- SBP with the meaning of the consequence:

The TV broke down: there was a power surge.

Scheme for parsing a complex non-union sentence.

1. Type of proposal (Complex non-union proposal).

2. The number of predicative parts in the SBP (Two, three or more. Highlight the grammatical bases).

3. The type of semantic connection between the parts of a complex non-union sentence.

4. Explain the placement of the selected sign in the sentence.

5. Draw a SBP diagram.

A generalizing word with homogeneous members of a sentence. A generalizing word is a word that is general in relation to homogeneous members of a sentence. Homogeneous members of the sentence clarify, concretize the generalizing word. The generalizing word can be definitive pronouns and adverbs (everything, always, everywhere, everywhere), as well as other members of the sentence and whole phrases. Generalizing words are the same member of the sentence as homogeneous members. Depending on the position, three types of constructions are distinguished (with examples): ... generalizing words (os): Ο, Ο, Ο. Arbuzov liked everything about him: a cheerful character, generosity, refined delicacy. Ο, Ο, Ο - os ... A cheerful character, generosity, refined delicacy - Arbuzov liked everything about him. os: Ο, Ο, Ο - ... Everything: a cheerful character, generosity, refined delicacy - Arbuzov liked him.

Associative compound sentence. Parts of an asyndetic complex sentence are connected only with the help of intonation. UNION between grammatical bases NO. Semicolons, colons, dashes can be used between parts of a non-union sentence.

The most common classification of non-union complex sentences is the classification by meaning.

BSP with sequence value:

A strong and sharp wind blew, the sky was covered with clouds.

BSP with explanation value:

Something incomprehensible happens to me: I worry for no reason.

In such sentences, the conjunction viz. can be mentally substituted. The second sentence clarifies the first.

BSP with padding value:

I entered the house: it was clean and cool.

The second sentence complements the first, it contains additional information.

BSP with reason value:

I was offended by him: he was guilty before me.

The second sentence gives the reason for the first. From the first sentence, you can ask why?

BSP with condition value:

I want - everything will be in my opinion.

The first sentence contains a condition, the union if can be substituted.

BSP with the meaning of the consequence:

It was freezing rain - so many trees were broken.

The second sentence contains a consequence of the events referred to in the first part. Unions can be added to the second sentence as a result of which or so.

BSP with time value:

The rain stopped - the children ran outside.

The union when can be substituted in the first sentence.

BSP with mapping value:

Business time - fun hour.

The conjunction a can be substituted into the second sentence.

Examples of BSP schemes:

[ ... ], [ ... ] - non-union complex sentence, for example:

It got warmer in the evening, / the frogs croaked in the garden.

[ ... ] - [... ] - non-union complex sentence, for example:

I went up to the third floor and went to the door - / suddenly, because of it, a desperate dog barking was heard.

[ ... ] : [ ... ] - non-union complex sentence, for example:

Hearing the noise, I lowered my eyes: / A hedgehog ran right in front of me.


Closer to sunset, the frost returned stealthily: at night it was still lord.

1) The generalizing word stands before the homogeneous members of the sentence.

2) The second part of the sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first. 3) The first part of the non-union sentence indicates the condition of what is said in the second part.

We find the grammatical basis: the frost returned and he was the lord. The colon is between parts of a complex sentence. Answer option number 1. This option disappears, since it characterizes the relationship between the generalizing word and the homogeneous members of the sentence. Answer option number 2. The meaning of the reason is conveyed through the union why. Let's remake the sentence: Closer to sunset, the frost crept back, because at night it was still king. Union really fits. Answer options No. 3 and 4. They characterize a non-union sentence in which a dash is used between grammatical bases. So the correct answer is #2.

How do you explain the use of a colon in this sentence?

The legacy of Marina Tsvetaeva is great: the poetess created seventeen poems, eight poetic dramas, memoirs, historical-literary and philosophical-critical prose.

1) The first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the condition of what is said in the second part.

2) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of the first part.

How do you explain the use of a colon in this sentence? A special stage in the fate of Kazemir Malevich was 1905: on August 5 of this year, he applied for admission to the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

1) The second part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part.

3) The second part of the non-union complex sentence contains an indication of a quick change of events.

4) The first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the condition of what is said in the second part.

How do you explain the use of a colon in this sentence?

In the 20th and 21st centuries, Korean cities built in mountainous areas no longer followed the Chinese pattern: their streets were not straight, and ensembles of palaces and temples, watchtowers and fortifications fit into the surrounding landscape, forming a single whole with it.

1) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of the first part.

3) The generalizing word stands before the homogeneous members of the sentence.

4) The first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the time of doing what is said in the second part.