Morphology. Morphological norms

Sections: Russian language


  • Review some of the morphological norms of the literary language.
  • Continue the formation of students' skills in the culture of speech.
  • Awaken interest in the history of the development of the native language.

Introductory word of the teacher, student messages, assignments accompanied by a slide show (Annex 1) .

Slide number 2. At the beginning of the lesson, it is necessary to repeat some concepts that will help students enter the topic (literary language, norm, literary norm).

Introductory word of the teacher:

The presence of variability of word forms in the language.

Despite the fact that the morphological structure of the Russian language has been sufficiently studied both from the historical and from the structural side, in modern speech practice many questions arise regarding the correctness of the use of certain forms of the word.

Isn't it interesting and useful, for example, to explain why the use of the variant dispute (And don't dispute a fool ...) justified by A.S. Pushkin, but inappropriate in our days. How to treat infinitive forms carry, reduce, translate, found in the novel "Eugene Onegin", or plural forms houses, week, used in "Dead Souls" instead of currently accepted carry, bring, translate, at home, weeks?

The main difficulty in studying morphological norms is the presence of variant forms.

Reasons for variance in word forms.

The instability of the morphological norms of the Russian literary language is explained, firstly, by historical reasons, secondly, by constantly occurring changes in the language, and thirdly, by the influence of territorial dialects.

Slide number 3. But most often, internal factors play a large role in the formation of morphological variants. So, the contradiction between the form and the content of words leads to variability. For instance, terrible (terrible) chill.

Slide number 4. Variants arose as a result of the elimination of the so-called duality. Before the verb to arrest used in perfect and imperfect form. Species redundancy was eliminated as a result of the emergence of a new form of imperfect species - arrest. Now using the form to arrest becomes obsolete in imperfect form. However, some verbs retain their duality. Slide number 5. So, the verb Attack while it remains two-species, despite the neoplasm of an imperfect species attack. Therefore, variant forms of expression appear: the enemy continuously attacked (attacked).

Consideration of some morphological variants. Student messages:

On the forms of possessive adjectives.

Slides number 6.7. Possessive adjectives with a suffix -in (mother's, grandmother's etc.) had forms with a short ending. It was normal to say: by my mother’s table, to my grandmother’s chair.

For instance: - Just go, bow to your mother's coffin, and by the way, grandma's coffin(Turgenev. "The Noble Nest"). From the owner's pocket there were three thousand, no more(Chernyshevsky. What to do?).

However, now these forms are being actively replaced by complete ones: at mother's table, to grandmother's chair etc.

On the declension of nouns such as towel, mirror.

Slide number 8. And how to correctly say: " no towels " or "No towels "?

In the literary language of the XIX century. were practically equally used: towels and towels, mirror and mirrors, blanket and blankets etc.

Most of them have adopted the form: mirror, blanket, towels etc.

In modern language, variants are found in almost only five such words: fiber, bottom, hoof, trough, woodpile.

Let's compare: Several fibers of white, soft chicken meat ...(B Polevoy. A Story about a Real Man); There are more than a thousand very thin fibers in the muscle fiber.(f. "Health")

On the declension of the names of units of measurement and the names of fruits and vegetables.

Slide number 9.10. Also, the grammatical norm for individual names of units of measurement is unstable. (grams- gram), words for fruits, fruits, vegetables (oranges- Orange), as well as in the names of paired items (socks- sock).

Competing forms of the genitive plural gram (one hundred grams or gram?) very conflicting opinions were expressed. In many style guides, the form one hundred grams is strictly prohibited. In modern dictionaries, preference is given to the traditional form - grams. But in the reference book "Difficulties of word usage" you can read: grams and acceptable gram. Why? Yes, because too often this option (gram instead of grams) used not only in oral, but also in writing.

In colloquial speech, there are variants of the genitive plural forms of the names of fruits and vegetables: apricot- apricots, orange- oranges, banana- banana, eggplant- eggplant, pomegranate- pomegranates, tangerine- tangerines, tomato- tomato.

Variants with a zero ending are characteristic of colloquial speech and are usually used in combination with words denoting units of measurement. (one hundred grams, kilogram of orange, ton of tomato).

When designating, for example, individual, countable objects or in other meanings of the genitive case, only forms on -ov (five tangerines, the smell of oranges, a box of tomatoes etc.).

Slides number 11-15. Word Taxi associating now with a car, now with a machine during the period of entry into widespread use, it was used not only, as now, in the neuter gender, but also in male and female: Taxi stopped (A. N. Tolstoy. Emigrants); My taxi (M. Koltsov. Three days in a taxi).

Word breeches under the influence of the generic concept (trousers) it loses belonging to the neuter gender and is increasingly used as a noun with only plurals. Word agreement breeches with adjectives in the plural (wide breeches, blue breeches, etc.) is recorded in Sholokhov, N. Ostrovsky, A. N. Tolstoy.

Word avenue in free combinations occurs in the neuter and feminine gender (association with the words street, alley): green the asphalt avenue; wide, shady avenue. In combinations with ordinal numbers avenue registered only as a feminine noun: first, second, etc. avenues, not first, second, etc. avenues.

Sometimes there are the vagaries of the literary language, which often keeps unproductive variants as the norm (for example, coffee is masculine). By the way, in the informal speech of the intelligentsia and even among famous modern writers, the word coffee is often used in a neuter gender, for example: I exchanged a box of tobacco for this coffee (Paustovsky. "The Story of Life").

Establishing a single grammatical norm is a long-term process, especially if the variability of forms is caused by living intrasystemic reasons, which determine the general direction of linguistic evolution.

Slide number 16. Our language has a lot of compound words such as a cafe-bar, a cafe-shop, a sofa-bed, a chair-bed, a rocking-chair, a carriage-bench, a nursery-garden, a museum-apartment, a show-competition, a match-tournament, a march , studio theater, etc. With their appearance, difficulties arose in determining the grammatical gender of such nouns. In addition, there are no hard and fast rules on this score. How to say? has the cafe-dining room opened (or opened), has the chair-bed been put (or put) in the corner?

1. Here you need to keep in mind the following: the generic characteristic of the entire compound word corresponds to the genus of the first word, which means that you need to say: new sofa bed stood in the corner, dress suit sewn, meeting-banquet took place, complaint letter received).

2. Let's try to decline a difficult word: I. p. dining car. And in the Genitive - dining car or dining car? In fiction and colloquial speech, both options are found. But a form with a changeable first part is considered to be normative: it means that it is correct to inflect both words: dining car.

Complicated words are inclined differently, in which the first part, as it were, plays the role of a definition, for example, Firebird(hot bird), miracle stove(wonderful stove). In this case, the first word does not change during declension (Catch firebird, fry in miracle oven).

On the options of the infinitive (teacher).

Slide number 17. What words in the above quotations do not correspond to the modern norm?

Losing life - and honor with it,
Friends with you to the chopping block ... (A.S. Pushkin. "Poltava".)

Remains of bitter youthful days
Conduct a despicable concubine ... ("The Fountain of Bakhchisarai".)

But Lensky, not having, of course,
Hunt the bonds of marriage,
With Onegin I wished heartily
Acquaintance is shorter to mix .. ("Eugene Onegin".)

Compared with the literary language of the XIX century. the sphere of use of infinitives in -t (such as: bear, drive, pronounce, bloom) has significantly narrowed. Meanwhile, in. end. XVIII - mid XIX century forms of the infinitive on -t were given in dictionaries as generally accepted samples, they were used by classic writers, for example:

Insult (Gogol. Dead Souls); You come when my garden will bloom (A.P. Chekhov. Letter to Suvorin.)

A reassessment of options for -t has occurred, in fact, only in recent decades. Forms of the infinitive na -ti (bear, blossom, etc.) have become normative. However, options on - be did not leave the language of fiction and are retained as the so-called "literary vernacular" not only in poetry (in Yesenin, Mayakovsky, Yevtushenko), but also in prose. For example: After dinner the women began to warm hay (Sholokhov. Quiet Don); Today the old woman cannot bring milk from the village (Prishvin. Seasons);

At the same time, the use of forms bring, bloom, acquire is now a speech error, a violation of the norms of the modern literary language.

Slide number 18. Thus, the relative decrease in the number of variant pairs in the morphological structure of the modern language in comparison with the 19th century. does not at all mean that the variation of forms is finally overcome. The eternal evolution of language undermines even the forms fixed in writing and protected by grammatical rules. On the other hand, many variant morphological forms have become a stylistic resource of the language and have a right to exist (compare: on holiday and in colloquial speech on vacation; sons and in a solemn speech sons, For example: sons of the fatherland).

Listen to Y. Krivonogov's parody of Chanov's author Gennady Bodrov and answer the question: Which word forms give the poem an ironic meaning? Is it legal to use the form of the word "sons" in this parody?

"The sons went to war:"
"She lost her sons, without melting tears:"
(from poems by G. Bodrov)

Sons went to war,
And the gods and brothers stayed at home.
And sons from the war are waiting for husbands -
This topic will be enough for two volumes.
Fathers cannot sleep at night,
And there was no peace between the sisters:
Suddenly Bodrov clings to his daughters,
Call cousins ​​cousins.
And uncles with aunts alone
They also reason in the same spirit:
- Although Gena writes about the war,
He didn't smell grammar like gunpowder.
Neighbors also say to him:
- If you ate little porridge at school,
Don't scribble any more poetry
Have pity on our sons and granddaughters.

Slides number 19-25.

Exercises. Test your knowledge.

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Lesson summary. What did you repeat in the lesson? What was new for you? What do you remember?

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What is grammar Grammar studies the formation and design of thought according to the laws of the Russian language, i.e. construction of a phrase expressed in various units of speech. Grammar is subdivided into morphology - the doctrine of word forms and syntax - the doctrine of the laws of constructing a phrase, a sentence, a complex syntactic whole (SSC).

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Answer the questions: What is a part of speech? What are the criteria for distinguishing parts of speech? List all parts of speech. What groups are all parts of speech divided into? Which parts of speech are mutable and which are immutable? Which parts of speech have the following grammatical categories: declension, conjugation, mood, appearance, time? What other grammatical categories for the different parts of speech can you remember? What is the grammatical meaning of a word?

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Morphological norms are the norms of inflection in the declension of nominal parts of speech and conjugation of verbs.

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Noun. Morphological norms associated with the use of a noun

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Gender of nouns Make up adj. + Noun phrases, determine the type of data noun: shampoo, migraine, parcel post, potatoes, piano, cello, veil, report card, tulle, corn, surname, penalty, weekend, bulletin. How is it correct? Dahlia or dahlia Recreational or reserved seat Rail or rail Shoes or shoes Quote or Quotation Carcasses or ink; career or career

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Generic nouns What nouns belong to this group? How to determine the gender of a given noun? "Who is bigger?" Write down as many generic nouns as possible.

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Generic nouns Poor thing, vagabond, beech, byaka, warrior, upstart, unfortunate, grubby, dylda, fidget, bully, bad-tempered, cripple, lazy fellow, good-natured, mumbled, ignorant, ignorant, touchy, half-educated, fidget, work glutton, crybaby , gaping, self-taught, orphan, sleepyhead, namesake, clever, prude, sneak, etc. Bigger, voivode, tycoon, bouncer, fool, fellow, rabbit (grayish) - only masculine.

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Genus noun, denoting professions Federal (m.r.) Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel visited (f.r.) Moscow. Highly qualified (m.r.) architect Petrov prepared (m.r.) a draft design of the building. Make up with n. doctor, director, trainer offers so that it is clear whether it is a woman or a man.

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Are a violation of the word norm: Doctor, doctor, assistant professor, hairdresser, rector, etc. It is permissible to have both male and female versions: Janitor - janitorial attendant Nurse - nurse Teacher - teacher Conductor - conductor Giraffe - giraffe Swan (white) - swan princess (in poetry; about a female swan you need to talk about a winch)

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The genus of non-declining nouns M.R.: noun, denoting persons of the husband of sex (porter, maestro), the names of animals and birds (cockatoo, pony, flamingo). Zh.r .: noun, denoting female persons (miss, frau) Wed: noun, denoting the names of inanimate objects (coat, cinema, subway)

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Gender of non-declining nouns Determine the genus of non-declining common nouns: chansonnier, kangaroo, pani, ingenue (stage role of a young simple-minded girl), Yankee, coffee, koala, wamp, referee, Olivier, avenue Define the genus of non-declining proper nouns: Baku, Missouri , Congo, AMK, Ontario, MFA

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The number of nouns. Form the plural form. I. p. from noun: pharmacist, pastry chef, director, engineer, accountant, doctor, lecturer, locksmith, driver, choice, contract, anchor, poker. Tooth (human, mechanism) Root (plants, dried seasoning) Sheet (paper, plants) Sable (fur, animal) Order (award, knightly) Bread (standing cereal, baked product) Pass (document, absence) Bottom (barrels, ocean)

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Remember !!! The ending -and (s) have the words: accountants, elections, contracts, engineers, instructors, conductors, designers, lecturers, officers, reports, editors, rectors, sectors, locksmiths, cakes, fronts, drivers have the words: addresses, bills, director, doctor, boat, tunic, bell, body, dome, district, warrant, leave, passport, cook, cellar, professor, grade, stamp Equal options: tractors - tractors, searchlights - searchlights, cruisers - cruisers, years - years and some. dr.

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The use of the R. p. Form plural Form R. P. pln. from noun: tomato, apple, tangerine, cherry, Armenian, Moldovan, Yakut, Chukchi, boot, tights, shorts, sock, stocking, desert, nun, fable, song, village, meditation, nomad, dress, sapper, trainee, partisan, soldier, kilogram, hectare, centner, X-ray, school, poker, dream, supplication, hoof

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А 3. Morphological norms (Formation of word forms)

Preparing for the exam

Teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU secondary school № 4 Rasskazovo, Tambov region. Zalivina Irina Borisovna

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Formation of case forms of numerals:

Numbers forty, ninety, one hundred in V. p. have the same endings as in I. p., in other cases - the ending -A. In compound numbers, both parts are declined: five hundred (T. p.), Seventy (T. p.), About eight hundred (P. p.), Six hundred (R. p.). With the declension of compound numerals, each word changes: three thousand seven hundred and seventy three (D. p.), Two thousand five hundred and eighty seven (T. p.).

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For ordinal numbers, only the last word changes: Students have moved from the two hundred and fifth classroom to the three hundred and eleventh; The contract was extended until two thousand and ten. When declension of fractional numerals, all words change, while the numerator changes as the corresponding word denoting an integer, and the denominator as an adjective in the plural: two (which?) Thirds, three (which?) Seventh. Numerals one and a half (feminine - one and a half) and one and a half hundred in I. p. and V. p. have the indicated form, and in all other cases - the form of one and a half and one and a half hundred; one and a half weeks (I.p. = V.p.), one and a half weeks (R.p.), one and a half hundred kilometers (I.p. = V.p.), one and a half kilometers (T.p.).

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1) To check the spelling of numbers consisting of several roots, divide them into parts: two hundred - two / hundred. Difficulty is caused, as a rule, by 1 root. If you separate it from the word, it will be much easier to understand how it bends. 2) Remember that the numerals 40, 90, 100 in indirect cases have only one form with the ending -a: fortyA, ninetyA, stA.

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The use of collective numbers:

It is necessary to pay attention to the collective numerals (two, three, four, five, six, seven), which are used only in the following cases: with nouns denoting male persons: two friends, three brothers; with nouns children, people: four people; with nouns denoting baby animals: five kittens, seven kids; with nouns denoting paired or compound objects and having only a plural form: two scissors, four days.

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Collective numerals are not used: with female nouns: two daughters, three sisters; with nouns denoting adults of animals: two cats, three bears. Remember that the form of the collective numeral both depends on the gender of the noun: in both (m.w.) boxes, in both (m.w.) chairs, in both (f.r.) rooms.

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The formation of some forms of nouns:

In the formation of forms of nouns, difficulties are associated with the choice of variants of case endings. Zero endings have taken hold in the form of R.p. plural words that are: names of units of measurement: one hundred amperes, arshin, bit, bon, watt, hectare, carat, roentgen; names of nationalities: many Armenians, Bashkirs, Romanians, Gypsies, Georgians, Ossetians, Turkmens, Moldovans: BUT: Bedouins, Kazakhs, Kalmyks, Kyrgyz, Koryaks, Mongols, Mordvins, Negroes, Tajiks, Turks, Tungus, Uzbeks, Khakass, Croats Chukchi, Eskimos, Ethiopians, Yakuts, etc .;

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The names of paired items: several boots, a bot, trousers, boots, felt boots, galoshes, sneakers, armor, cuffs, moccasins, shoulder straps, boots, stockings, spurs, boots, shorts, epaulettes; BUT: socks, golfs, clips; And also for nouns wives. na –NYA: desert - desert, dovecote - dovecote, nun - nuns, fable - fables, sheet - sheet, tower - towers; The words barges, keys, cemeteries, coordinates, pasta, pancakes, marks, shoes. The endings -ОВ / -ЕВ were fixed in the form of R.p. plural words that are the names of vegetables and fruits: a kilogram of pineapples, bananas, tomatoes, BUT: apples. Wed nouns in -EE for the most part end in -II: coast - coasts, meditation - contemplation, BUT: dresses, estuaries, etc.

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In some cases, the endings of nouns in I. p. plural serve to differentiate the lexical meaning of words: orders of knighthood - chest orders, absences from classes - present passes. Do not allow "clusters of identical cases" ("stringing of cases"): We started preparing for the elections; The issue will be considered by a commission appointed by the director. Correctly determine the gender of inflected nouns, for example: imported shampoo, beautiful tulle, old piano, healthy vegetable, my birthday, spacious hall, steel rail, one reserved seat, left shoe, slipper, slipper, sneaker.

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Formation of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives:

Form comparative and superlative forms correctly. For example: simple form of comparative degree - more (less) daring; the simple form of the superlative is the most daring, the compound form of the superlative is the most daring, the most daring, the most daring of all. You cannot mix simple and compound forms of degrees of comparison! The following shaping would be a grave mistake: the bolder, the boldest, the best, the worst. Remember the following comparative forms: louder, lighter, softer, sweeter, crisper, healthier, more beautiful.

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Formation of degrees of comparison of adverbs:

When forming a simple and composite forms of comparative (faster, more quickly) and excellent (faster than all) degrees of adverbs, it is also important not to allow them to mix: more quickly. The principle of operation is identical to working with adjectives.

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The formation of some verb forms:

In the literary language, there are no forms of the 1st person singular. verbs to conquer, to be convinced, to find oneself; 1st person forms of the verb are not allowed to eat (cf. misuse: In the morning I usually * eat yogurt). Colloquial are the forms of the 1st person of the verbs hang (vishu), vacuum (vacuum). In pairs, see - see, hear - hear the second colloquial verbs. Correctly use the verbs put (do not lie), put (do not put), waves, splashes, sways, clucks, purrs, meows (does not wave, splashes, sways, clucks, purrs, meows); call in, drive (do not drive, drive, drive), dry, wet, frozen, strengthened (did not dry, got wet, etc.).

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Use the two-species verbs correctly to organize, form, realize, etc. (what to do? And what to do?): The dean's office annually organizes (does not organize) meetings of graduates of the faculty. The forms with the suffix -СЯ are mistakenly used, formed from the verbs to play, wash, rinse: Children * play in the garden (you need to play); Will * be erased (needs to be washed), etc. Wed correct use: The play is played for the first time; This fabric washes easily. Some forms of nas give rise to ambiguity: Young specialists are sent to enterprises (by themselves or by someone else?). To avoid confusion, another form should be used, for example: Young professionals are sent to enterprises. Do not allow a violation of the temporal correlation of verbs, for example: They began to wake up in the house: sleepy voices were heard. Doors slammed.

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Formation and use of pronouns:

Use the correct pronouns: theirs (not theirs), hers (not hers). The pronoun must be consistent in gender and number with the noun. Examples of misuse: We discover the delightful beauty of the Kuban, we comprehend the secrets of its charm; Another group came up, they have a test today. The wrong word order in sentences with personal pronouns leads to a distortion of the meaning of the sentence. Wed: Scientists conducted numerous experiments, they (it turns out: experiments) were very patient. The personal pronoun he should refer to the last noun male, she - to the last noun, female, it - Wed, pronoun they - to the last noun in the plural form.

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The pronouns myself, my own, refer to the person performing the action, therefore it is wrong to use them in the following constructions (in their action is performed by one person, and the pronoun refers to another): The teacher invited me to read my composition aloud; I asked my mother to take the notebook with her. The initial H is added to the personal pronouns of the 3rd person (he, she, it, they) if they come after non-derivative prepositions (without, in, for, before, for, from, to, with, y, etc.) and some prepositions formed from adverbs and governing genus. (around, in front, near, by, opposite, around, in the middle, after, etc.): without him, around them. Wed: in spite of him (D. p.), Like him (the preposition is formed from a noun). After the forms of the comparative degree, the pronoun is used without n: older than her.

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MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE Use of noun forms 1. Non-declining nouns of foreign origin, denoting inanimate objects, belong to the middle gender: summer coat, wide highway. Exception: hot coffee (masculine). 2. In modern literary language, the word for shoe is feminine. The shape of the shoes (masculine) is inherent in professional use. 3. The word tulle is masculine. The masculine gender also includes the words: banknote, shampoo

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MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE Use of noun forms PAIR BUT AMONG BUT boots of oranges Armenians Kalmyks boots of eggplants Georgians Kirghiz shoulder straps of hectares Ossetians Mongols boots of mandarins Bashkirs Tajiks Tadjiks Chulok Tomato Buryat comments of Tungus Tungus Tomskians Turmenians socks

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SOME SQUARE BUT AMP grams of soldiers miners watts kilograms guerrillas sappers volt grenadier grand hussar dragoon cuirassier lancer MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE The use of noun forms In the literary language, the following plural forms with the other endings are used: masculine words

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MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE The use of noun forms SEVERAL barges, sheets BUT fables, apple waffle trees, shoe shares, domain pins, a handful of poker, sakley shank, candles, the game is not worth the wedding candles, herons b) words for women

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MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE The use of noun forms NO upper knees of swamps, saucers of lower reaches of drugs, pancakes of hooves of mirrors of mouths of apples, lace blankets of dresses, shafts of towels of towels;

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MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE The use of forms of nouns THERE WERE NO attacks THERE WAS NO everyday life the darkness of a rake in the twilight of a manger frost rags of slops d) words that do not have a singular form

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MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE Use of forms of adjectives When forming a form of a comparative degree, the following patterns should be taken into account. 1. Forms of a comparative degree are most often formed using the suffixes -ee / -e: beautiful - more beautiful / more beautiful; strong - stronger / stronger. Please note that the forms more, less, further, longer, previously do not have variants with the -e suffix (variants of earlier, mei are unacceptable in literary speech!).

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MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE Use of forms of adjectives The meaning of comparison can be expressed both with the help of special suffixes and in a descriptive way - with the help of words more / less (comparative degree) and words most / most (superlative degree): better, more difficult ; the best, the most difficult.

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It is completely unacceptable to use simultaneously two ways of expressing comparison: words more / less or most / most in combination with an adjective in a comparative or superlative degree! Such a mistake is very common in speech: Today it was sadder than yesterday; He is the greatest physicist in the world. The following sentences will be grammatically correct: Today she was sadder than yesterday; She was sadder today than yesterday; He is the greatest physicist in the world; He is the greatest physicist in the world. The only exceptions are the forms: the best, the worst. MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE Use of forms of adjectives


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Rules for declension and use of collective numbers. 1. With nouns people, children and the names of baby animals: seven kids, two kittens, five children. 2. With nouns meaning the name of males: four brothers, three friends. 3. With nouns that are used only in the plural form (paired or composite objects): three gates, five days, seven sleighs. 4. With nouns that name persons and have a substantive type: three entered the room, today there are two attendants in the class. 5. With personal pronouns: there will be three of us, five of them will come. The following phrases will be correct: three students and three students. But in no case can one say: three students, although this mistake is also often encountered in common parlance. MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE


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MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE Use of the forms of numeral names Compound ordinal numbers Compound ordinal numbers are numbers that indicate the order of nouns and consist of several words: twenty-first year of age, forty-fifth house. When declining compound ordinal numbers, their last part changes, which, when declined, receives forms that coincide with the form of full adjectives :. first, first, first, etc.


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MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE Use of forms of the names of numerals Composite and complex cardinal numbers. According to the rules of the Russian language, each part and each word of which a compound and complex number is composed is inclined separately: to pay with twenty-five rubles. The main part of the numerals is inclined according to the third declension, but, as we know, there are exceptions to almost every rule of the Russian language: In accordance with the morphological norms of the modern Russian language, the numeral "thousand" is inclined not according to the third, but according to the first declension: pay with a thousand rubles. Nevertheless, a very typical mistake is when this number, like all the others, is declined in the third declension - a thousand. The numerals "one hundred" and "forty" in indirect cases have only one form: one hundred and forty. But when "one hundred" is part of complex numerals, it declines according to the archaic type: with five hundred, about two hundred.


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The numeral "one and a half" has two generic forms (both masculine and feminine), which are used depending on the gender of the noun: fifteen hundred, fifteen hundred eggs. In indirect cases, this number also has the form "one and a half": about one and a half thousand dollars. The same situation is observed with the numeral "both": both fingers, both countries. Like the numeral "one and a half", "one and a half hundred" also has a special form in indirect cases: about one and a half hundred guardsmen. MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE


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MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE Use of pronoun forms 1) The pronoun they do not correspond to collective nouns (people, youth, merchants). Wrong: The people went to the polls in unison, because they understood how important it was. Instead of: they → he or the people → people. 2) Personal pronouns cannot be used as a second subject or object. Wrong: Plyushkin, he is the negative hero of the novel. Instead: Plyushkin is the negative hero of the novel.


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MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE The use of pronoun forms 3) In the presence of two subjects of the action of his pronoun, it requires additional clarification or paraphrasing of the sentence so that there is no ambiguity. Incorrect: The professor invited the graduate student to read his report (whose: professor or graduate student?). Instead of: The professor asked the graduate student to read his report. 4) The definitive pronouns anyone, anyone and everyone can not replace each other. Incorrect: Any (instead of: everyone) person is responsible for his own life.


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MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE Use of verbs There are basic morphological norms that regulate the use of verbs. 1) It is necessary to distinguish between verb pairs: see - see, hear - hear, lift - lift, climb - climb, etc. The first option is bookish, the second is colloquial. 2) Verbs with alternating O / / A in the base: condition - condition, focus - focus, etc. also differ as book (O form) and colloquial (A form).


Slide 17

MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE The use of verbs 3) In the so-called "insufficient" verbs (to win, convince, find yourself, dare, feel), the form of the 1st person singular of the future tense has a composite character and is formed with the help of the words I can / can / should. 4) The "abundant" verbs have two forms of the present tense with a stylistic or semantic difference that must be taken into account. For example: waves - waves (book and colloquial), moves (‘moves’) - moves (‘leads, prompts’). 5) For verbs in the past tense, the main form appears without the suffix -nu (to get wet - mok, get used to it - I'm used to it).


Slide 18

MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE The use of verbs 6) Within one sentence, the unity of the temporal forms of verbs should be observed, according to which all verbs and their forms should be used in the same grammatical form. Incorrect: On vacation, he rested and again did (instead of: did) what he loved. 7) In the special form of the verb, the adverbial suffix -v is normative, while the suffix -vshi is vernacular. Incorrect: after reading a book (instead of: having read it). Thus, morphological norms are grouped by parts of speech, regulating how word forms should be formed. In case of difficulty, it is recommended to refer to grammar dictionaries.


Slide 19

MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE The use of participles Mixing returnable and non-returnable participles leads to an error: Federal troops, fighting (instead of the correct form: fighting) on ​​the streets of Grozny, recaptured the commandant's office building. Note: Reflexive participles are those that have a reflexive suffix -СЯ. Mixing real and passive participles leads to a mistake: A girl who is brought up (instead of the correct form: brought up) by her grandmother studies well.


Slide 20

MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE Use of the gerunds Remember: the forms of participles ending in -B (not in -LIED!) Are literary: having met, bought, thought, removed (not met, bought, thoughtful, removed); from the options: sticking out - sticking out, laying out - lying, gaping - gaping, fastening - reluctantly, breaking - breaking - the first forms are literary; the second forms are outdated and remain only in phraseological combinations (reluctantly, headlong, in all honesty, etc.)


Slide 21

MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE The use of gerunds Just because the action of an adverbial participle refers to the subject, adverbial participles cannot be used in impersonal sentences, that is, where there is no active subject expressed by the nominative case. For example: Returning home, I felt sad. Such a statement will be grammatically incorrect, since the action of the verbal participle returning refers to the complement to me. To correct a sentence, it is necessary either to transform it so that the object becomes a subject (When I returned home, I was sad), or to replace the participle with a predicate verb or a subordinate clause (When I returned home, I was sad). It is allowed, although not encouraged, the use of gerunds in those impersonal sentences that include an infinitive (Returning home, you need to go on the way to the bakery).


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Slide 28

SYNTAXIC NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE С Subject and predicate agreement 1. The predicate is put in the singular, if the collective noun does not have controllable words, for example, the majority voted for the proposed resolution, the minority was against. The statement of the predicate in the plural form in this case can be dictated by the conditions of the context or a stylistic task, for example: Many guests have arrived at the congress of Slavists; long before the meeting, the majority took the places allotted for them (the form occupied is in accordance with the subsequent plural form for them); Protsenko quite clearly imagined that the majority would obviously die here ... (Simonov).


Slide 29

2. The predicate is put in the singular if the collective noun has a controlled word in the genitive singular, for example: The overwhelming majority of the population came to the polling stations. The predicate can be plural in the so-called reverse agreement, i.e. coordination of the bundle not with the subject, but with the nominal part of the compound predicate, for example: most of the group were newcomers. SYNTAXIC NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE C


Slide 30

SYNTAXIC NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE WITH CONSIDERATION OF THE SUBJECT AND THE PREDATE 3. The predicate is put both in the singular form and in the plural form, if the collective noun has a controllable word in the genitive plural. Compare: There are a lot of people in the yard ... they were having dinner, sitting without hats near the fraternal cauldron (Pushkin). - Many hands are knocking on all the windows from the street, and someone is struggling to believe (Leskov).


Slide 31

SYNTAXIC NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE С Concordance of subject and predicate With the numbers two, three, four, two, three, four, the predicate is usually put in the plural form, for example: Two soldiers with knapsacks looked indifferently at the train windows ... (A.N. Tolstoy); Thirty-two people ... breathed one spirit (Sholokhov. But predicates-verbs with the meaning of being, presence, existence, position in space, etc. (i.e. with the meaning of a state, not an action) are usually used in these cases in the singular form, for example: Three kingdoms stood in front of her (Nekrasov); ... There were two people at the hospital (Turgenev); Died from a blow ... three more people (L. Tolstoy); The room had two windows with wide window sills (Kaverin).


Slide 32

SYNTAXIC NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE C Concordance of subject and predicate With compound numerals ending in one, the predicate, as a rule, is put in the singular form, for example: Twenty-one delegates arrived at the meeting; ... thirty-one applications were submitted at once (Sholokhov) ... The plural form of a given construction can be contextualized, for example: Twenty-one delegates met at a round table (the predicate-verb met indicates reciprocal action, which is expressed by the plural form); Twenty-one boxes with utensils, which were delivered to the base, got there by mistake (the influence of a subordinate clause with a union word that is in the plural form); For everything, 231 rubles were paid (with the formal role of the subject, the counting turnover matters the circumstances of the measure in the passive construction); Twenty-one students did not show up for the exam (an emotionally charged conversational variation that emphasizes the number of absentees).


Slide 33

SYNTAXIC NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE С Subject and predicate matching With the words a thousand, million, billion, the predicate usually agrees according to the rules of coordination with subject-nouns (in gender and number), for example: A thousand books have entered the school library; A million demonstrators filled the squares and streets of the capital.


The last slide of the presentation: MORPHOLOGICAL NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE Use of forms

In Russian, the word order is free. It can be direct and inverse - depending on the position of the subject and predicate in the sentence. The evening dawn was burning down in the abyss, // Silence was hovering over the gloomy Elboy ... (A.S. Pushkin SYNTAXIC NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE Word order in a sentence And if we do not follow the norm, then such sentences will appear in our speech: An exhibition was organized works of educators, parents, children from natural material (it turns out that children from natural material

Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Olekminsky district
MBOU "Dabanskaya secondary school"
Zhirokhova Valentina Aleksandrovna, Russian teacher
language and literature of the first category
slide number 1

For an intelligent person
should speak ill
be considered the same
indecency, how not to be able to
read and write.
A.P. Chekhov
slide number 1

Essential qualities of good speech

slide number 2

Correct speech is speech in which all the norms of the literary language are observed

slide number 3

The norm of the literary language is a uniform, exemplary generally recognized use of language elements

slide number 4

Language norms of speech

Word formation norms
slide number 5

Morphology and culture of speech. Morphological norms of language

slide number 6

The morphological norms of a language are the norms for the formation of various parts of speech.

shaping of nouns and
shaping of verb forms;
declension and combination of numbers;
differentiation of functional homonyms.
slide number 7

Lesson epigraphs

The surest way
recognize a person -
his mental
development, its
moral character
his character to listen to
the way he speaks.
D.S. Likhachev
slide number 9
words leads
mistakes in
fields of thought and
later in practice
D.I. Pisarev.

On what basis are words grouped? Justify your answer. Determine the gender of nouns, pick up the definitions.

Kashne, kimono, tornado, hindi, salami
Pony, chimpanzee, tsetse, cockatoo, ivashi
Group 3
Miss, fraulein, dandy, lady, couturier
Ontario, The Times, Sukhumi, Congo, Gobi
Luna Park Cloak Tent Woman Ambassador
slide number 10

Group 1.

the words
slide number 11

1. Words denoting inanimate
subjects usually belong to the middle
The masculine gender includes the words: brie,
suluguni (cheese), coffee, penalty, ha, tornado,
sirocco (wind); language names: Hindi,
Urdu, Bengali and others;
The feminine word for: salami
(sausage), kohlrabi, broccoli (cabbage),
avenue, street (street) and others.
slide number 12

Group 2

the words
slide number 13

2. The names of animals usually refer to
to the masculine gender, but may also include
to the female genus, when it comes to the female.
The words belong to the feminine gender:
tsetse (fly), ivashi (fish).
slide number 14

Group 3

General kind
slide number 15

3. Words denoting people have a gender,
corresponding to the gender of the designated person.
The general genus includes animate
nouns, equal
calling both men and women: vis-a-vis,
Parveneu, protege, Yankees.
Most unwelcome titles
professions are masculine even
in the case of a woman: She
- an experienced couturier. He is a famous couturier.
slide number 16

Group 4

The Times
slide number 1

4. The genus of non-declining proper names
defined by the generic concept (city,
river, desert, newspaper, magazine, etc.)
slide number 1

Group 5

Hydroelectric power station
slide number 1
Formed by

Group 6

Luna Park
Cloak tent
Ambassador woman
slide number 1

5. The genus of abbreviated words is determined
by the main word. CIS (Commonwealth
independent states).
6. The masculine gender includes the words: university, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
The gender of compound nouns is determined
according to two rules:
1) If the 1st part does not change, then the genus
determined by the second part: sword-fish (f),
Tsar Cannon (noun);
2) If both sides are inclined, the gender is determined
on the first word: sofa bed (m),
monastery-fortress (m.r.), dress-suit
slide number 1

1.a) get along with seventy
six days;
b) do not contradict;
c) this fabric is lighter;
d) a kilogram of tomatoes.
4. a) for both girls;
b) over four thousand
c) several young men;
d) I'll try.
2.a) by two thousand eighth
b) put it on the shelf;
c) a lot of cherries;
d) experienced chauffeurs.
a) a pair of shoes;
b) a few towels;
c) experienced doctors;
d) about five hundred kilometers.
a) the strongest wrestler;
b) healthy gums;
c) forty rubles;
d) a few herons.
3. a) a few tomatoes;
b) very cold;
c) up to two thousand twenty
second year;
d) old professors.
slide number 1

Remember: you cannot mix simple and compound forms of comparative and superlative adjectives.

Formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives
Superlative degree
original form
slide number 1
original form

Remember: variant forms are dangerous when forming the forms of nouns.

In the form of nouns can have
variant endings; - s (s) and –a (s).
-Y (-I)
addresses, director, inspector,
passports, leave, tower, silk,
domes, stamps, anchors, boards,
buffers, bills, evenings, heaps,
gutters, millstones, inspectors,
boats, tunic, clover, bells,
bodies, domes, hams, districts,
warrants, passports, quail,
cooks, cellars, professors,
watchman, tenor, paramedic,
weather vane, stack, stamp.
Midwives, accountants,
selections, leads, drivers,
dispatchers, contracts,
instructors, engineers,
proofreaders, healers, lifts,
officers, players, policies, ports,
printers, editors, editors,
warehouses, locksmiths, snipers, to΄kari,
to΄rts, coaches, wings,
fleets, fronts΄, drivers.
slide number 1

Genitive plural endings of nouns

-zero ending
Boot, felt boot, stocking, shoulder strap,
stripe, epaulette.
Socks, golfs, clips,
Armenians, Bashkirs, Bulgarians, Buryats,
Georgian, Ossetian, Lezgin, Romanian,
Tatars, Turkmens, Turks, Gypsies.
Kalmyks, Kyrgyz, Mongols,
Tajiks, Uzbeks,
Yakuts, Croats.
Apples, plums.
Oranges, tangerines,
tomatoes, tomatoes, pomegranates.
Ampere, arshin, bit, watt, volt,
radian, x-ray
Acres, bytes, grams, carats,
kilograms, hectares, rails.
Grenadier, hussar, dragoon, lancer,
Miners, sappers, warrant officers.
slide number 1

Neuter nouns without stress
R. p. plural
R. p. plural
Coast - coastlines
pickles - pickles
Fritters - fritters
Exception words
Upper reaches - upper reaches, lower reaches - lower reaches, dress - dresses, mouth - mouths,
apprentice - apprentices:
Roots - roots, rags-rags, rags-rags, flakes-flakes
Neuter nouns under stress
R. p. plural
Shotgun - shotguns
Exception words: spear - copies.
slide number 1

Exs. Wed R. in I. p. at -TSE
in R. p. plural on -EC
Saucer - saucer, mirror - mirror, towel of towels, heart - hearts,
Exception: sun - suns
In R. p. plural at a number of noun. r. and general kind
ending - zero or - HER
Wafer - waffle, loop - loops, shoe - shoes, barge-barge,
earring - earrings, cuff-cuffs, tablecloth-tablecloths.
If n. in front of -I stands
soft ending: goddess
If n. before - I stand
the ending is firm: fables
slide number 1

Declension of numbers

All components are declined
sixty - sixty
five hundred - five hundred
Six hundred fifty six -
six hundred and fifty
Only the last one declines
twenty-second - twenty
slide number 1

Compatibility of collective numerals

Collective numerals
are combined
numbers don't match
1.with noun m.r. and general kind,
calling males:
friend - two friends, an orphan - three orphans
1.with noun, denoting persons
female: two girls, but
you can't say: two girls.
2.with noun with forms ONLY
pl.: day - four days
2.with noun m., calling
animals: two sheep. (non-live wolves, but you can have two
3.with noun children, guys, people, face
two children, three children, four
young people, two unfamiliar faces.
4.with personal pronouns: there are two of us,
there were five of them.
5.with substantiated
numerals and adjectives,
denoting persons: two entered, three
slide number 1


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slide number 1