Stolz characteristics plan. Stolz and Oblomov: relationship (based on the novel "Oblomov")

In the novel "Oblomov" Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov wanted to oppose Western and Russian culture. Oblomov and Stolz are two key images of the work. The novel is built on the reception of antithesis. It is realized through the opposition of these two characters of the work. In many ways, Stolz and Oblomov are opposite. In Russian classical literature there are many works constructed in this way. These are, for example, "A Hero of Our Time" and "Eugene Onegin". Such examples can also be found in foreign literature.

"Oblomov" and "Don Quixote"

With "Oblomov" the novel "Don Quixote" by Miguel de Cervantes most of all echoes. This work describes the contradictions between reality and a person's idea of ​​what an ideal life should be like. This contradiction extends, as in Oblomov, to the outside world. Like Ilya Ilyich, Hidalgo is immersed in dreams. Oblomov in the work is surrounded by people who do not understand him, because their ideas about the world are limited to its material side. True, these two stories have a diametrically opposite outcome: before his death, an insight comes to Alonso. This character understands that he was mistaken in his dreams. But Oblomov does not change. Obviously, this outcome is the difference between the Western and Russian mentality.

Antithesis - the main technique in the work

With the help of antithesis, it is possible to draw the personalities of the characters more voluminously, since everything is known in comparison. It is impossible to understand Ilya Ilyich by removing Stolz from the novel. Goncharov shows the strengths and weaknesses of his characters. At the same time, the reader can look from the outside at himself and his inner world. This will help to avoid the mistakes that the characters Oblomov and Stolz made in Goncharov's novel Oblomov.

Ilya Ilyich is a man with a primordially Russian soul, and Andrey Stolz is a representative of a new era. In Russia, there have always been and will be both. Stolz and Oblomov are characters through whose interaction, as well as through their interaction with other heroes of the work, the author conveys the main thoughts. Olga Ilyinskaya is the link between them.

The value of childhood in the formation of the characters' characters

Childhood in the life of every person is of great importance. Personality in this period is not yet formed. Man, like a sponge, absorbs everything that the world offers. It is in childhood that upbringing takes place, on which depends what a person will become in adulthood. Therefore, an important role in Goncharov's novel is played by the description of childhood and the upbringing of future antipodes, which are Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stoltz. In the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" the author gives a description of Ilya Ilyich's childhood. He recalls Oblomovka, his native village. After reading this chapter, we understand where immobility and laziness appeared in the character of this hero.

Childhood of Ilya Oblomov

Stolz and Oblomov were brought up differently. Ilyusha is like a future master. Many guests and relatives lived in his parents' house. They all praised and caressed little Ilyusha. He was exquisitely and a lot fed with "cream", "rusks", "buns". Food, it should be noted, was the main concern in Oblomovka. She spent a lot of time. The whole family decided what dishes would be for dinner or lunch. After dinner, everyone fell into a long sleep. So the days passed: food and sleep. When Ilya grew up, he was sent to study at the gymnasium. Parents were not interested in Ilyusha's knowledge. They were only interested in a certificate that he had gone through various sciences and arts. Therefore, Ilya Oblomov grew up as an uneducated, downtrodden boy, but kind at heart.

The childhood of Andrei Stolz

Stolz, on the other hand, is just the opposite. Andrei's father, a German by nationality, raised independence in his son from an early age. In relation to his child, he was dry. Purposefulness and rigor are the main features that his parents invested in Andrei's upbringing. All family days were spent at work. When the boy grew up, his father began to take him to the market, in the field, forced him to work. At the same time, he taught his son the sciences, the German language. Then Stolz began to send the child to the city on errands. Goncharov notes that it never happened that Andrei forgot something, overlooked it, changed it, made a mistake. The Russian noblewoman, the boy's mother, taught him literature, gave spiritual education to her son. As a result, Stolz became a smart, strong young man.

Farewell to home

Let us turn to the scenes that describe how Stolz and Oblomov left their native villages. Oblomov is seen off with tears in their eyes, they do not want to let go of their dear child - there is an atmosphere of love for the boy. And when Stolz leaves his home, his father only gives him a few instructions regarding spending money. At the moment of parting, they even have nothing to say to each other.

Two environments, two characters and their influence on each other

Two completely different environments are the villages of Oblomovka and Verkhlevo. Oblomovka is a kind of heaven on Earth. Nothing happens here, everything is calm and quiet. Andrey's father, a German, is in power in Verkhlevo, who arranges the German order here.

Oblomov and Stolz have common character traits. Their friendship, which existed since childhood, led to the fact that, communicating, they influenced each other to some extent. Both characters were brought up together for some time. They went to school, supported by Andrei's father. However, they came here, one might say, from completely different worlds: once and for all established, undisturbed order of life in the village of Oblomovka; and the active work of a German burgher, which was interspersed with the lessons of his mother, who tried to instill in Andrei an interest and love for art.

For the further development of relations, however, Andrei and Ilya lack communication. Gradually moving away from each other, growing up, Oblomov and Stolz. Their friendship, meanwhile, does not stop. However, it is also hampered by the fact that the property status of these two heroes is different. The real gentleman, the nobleman is Oblomov. This is the owner of 300 souls. Ilya could do nothing at all, being on the provision of his serfs. Everything is different with Stolz, who was a Russian nobleman only by his mother. He had to maintain his material well-being on his own.

Oblomov and Stolz in the novel "Oblomov" in their mature years became completely different. It was already difficult for them to communicate. Stolz began to taunt and make fun of Ilya's reasoning, which was so far from reality. Differences in character and outlook on life eventually led to a gradual weakening of their friendship.

The meaning of friendship in Goncharov

The red thread in this novel is the thought of friendship, of the role it plays in a person's life. A person in interaction with others can show his true essence. Friendship has many forms: "brotherhood", sung by Pushkin, selfish, friendship for one reason or another. Except sincere, in essence, all the rest are just forms of egoism. Andrei and Ilya had a strong friendship. She connected them, as we have already noted, since childhood. Roman Goncharova helps readers understand why Oblomov and Stolz are friends, what role friendship plays in a person’s life, due to the fact that it describes many of its ups and downs.

The meaning and relevance of the novel "Oblomov"

The novel "Oblomov" is a work that does not lose its relevance to this day, since it reflects the essence of people's lives, which is eternal. The antithesis proposed by the author (his portrait is presented below) perfectly conveys the essence of rock in the history of our country, which is marked by these two extremes.

It is difficult for a Russian person to find a middle ground, to mix the desire for well-being, the activity and diligence of Andrei Stolz and Oblomov's broad soul, full of wisdom and light. Probably, in each of our compatriots, as well as in our country itself, these extremes live: Stolz and Oblomov. The characterization of Russia's future depends on which of them will prevail.

Actions, deeds

Stolz was German only by his father, his mother was Russian. He spoke Russian and professed the Orthodox faith. He learned the Russian language from his mother, from books, in games with village boys. He knew German from his father and from books. Andrei Stoltz grew up and was brought up in the village of Verkhlev, where his father was a manager.At the age of eight, he already read the works of German authors, Bible verses, taught Krylov's fables and read sacred history.

In free time from studyhe ran away with the boys to destroy bird nests. More than once it happened that the courtyard people brought Andrei home without boots, with a torn dress and a broken nose.

When he grew uphis father began to take him with him to the factory, then to the fields, and from the age of fourteen, Andrei went to the city with his father's orders alone.Mother did not like this upbringing. She was afraid that her son would turn into the same German burgher that his father had come out of. In her son, she saw the ideal of the master - "a white, beautifully built boy .., with a clean face, with a clear and lively look ..." Therefore, every time,when Andrei returned from factories and fields in dirty clothes and with a wolfish appetite, she rushed to wash him, change clothes, told him about the poetry of life, sang about flowers, taught him to listen to the sounds of music.

Andrew studied well andhis father made him a tutor in his small boarding school and, quite in German, gave him a salary of ten rubles a month.

When Andrei graduated from the university and lived at home for three months, his father said that “he had nothing more to do in Verkhlev, that even Oblomov was sent to Petersburg, which, therefore, it was time for him.” The mother was no longer in the world, and there was no one to object to the decision of the father. On the day of departure, Stolz gave his son a hundred rubles.

You will ride as far as the provincial town,” he said. - There, get three hundred and fifty rubles from Kalinnikov, and leave the horse with him. If he is not there, sell the horse; There's a fair coming up soongive four hundred rublesand not a hunter.It will cost you forty rubles to get to Moscow, from there to Petersburg - seventy-five; stay pretty. Then - as you wish.You did business with me, so you know that I have some capital; but you don't count on him before my deathYou are well educated: all careers are open before you; you can serve, trade, even compose,perhaps - I don’t know what you will choose, what you feel more willing to ...

Yes, I'll see if it's possible all of a sudden, - said Andrei.

The father laughed with all his might and began to pat his son on the shoulder so that even the horse could not stand it. Andrew is nothing.

Well, if you don’t have the skill, you won’t be able to find your own way all of a sudden, you need to consult, ask - go to Reingold: he will teach. He has a four-story house. I'll give you the address...

Don't, don't say, - Andrey objected, - I will go to him whenI will have a four-story house, and now I can do without it ...

Another pat on the shoulder.

Andrei jumped on the horse. Two bags were tied to the saddle: in one lay an oilcloth cloak and one could see thick boots lined with nails and several shirts made of Verkhlev linen - things bought and taken at the insistence of the father; in the other was an elegant tailcoat of fine cloth, a shaggy coat, a dozen thin shirts and boots, ordered in Moscow, in memory of mother's instructions...

Father and son looked at each other in silence, "as if they had pierced one another through", and said goodbye. Neighbors crowded nearby in surprise and indignantly discussed such a farewell, one woman could not stand it and began to cry: “Father, you little light! Orphan poor! You don’t have a dear mother, there is no one to bless you ... Let me at least rebaptize you, my handsome man! .. ” Andrei jumped off his horse, hugged the old woman, then he wanted to goand suddenly he began to cry - in her words he heard his mother's voice.He hugged the woman tightly, mounted his horse and disappeared into the dust.

“He served, retired, went about his business and actually made a house and money” - participated in some company that sent goods abroad.

Heconstantly on the move:if the society needs to send an agent to Belgium or England, they send him; you need to write some project or adapt a new idea to the case - choose it. Meanwhile, he travels to the world and reads: when he has time - God knows.

He didn't have any extra moves.If he sat, then he sat quietly, but if he acted, then he used as much facial expressions as needed ...

He walked firmly, cheerfully;lived on a budgettrying to spend every day like every ruble...It seems that he controlled both sorrows and joys, like the movement of hands,like with footsteps or how he dealt with bad and good weather ...

simple, that is a direct, real look at life - that was his constant task ...

Hestubbornly walked along the chosen road, and no one saw that he was painfully thinking about anything or hurting his soul.To everything that he did not meet, he found the right reception, andin achieving the goal put perseverance above all else. Myselfhe went to his goal, "bravely stepping over all obstacles", and could refuse it only if a wall appeared ahead or an abyss opened up.

The characters of the main characters in Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" are exceptionally true and talentedly portrayed by the author. If the artist's task is to snatch and capture the essence of life, inaccessible to the understanding of the layman, then the great Russian writer coped with it brilliantly. Its main character, for example, personifies a whole social phenomenon, named after him "Oblomovism". No less worthy of attention is the phenomenal friendship of Oblomov and Stolz, two antipodes who, it would seem, should have irreconcilably argued with each other or even despised each other, as often happens in the communication of completely different people. However, Goncharov goes against stereotypes, linking the antagonists with strong friendship. Throughout the novel, observing the relationship between Oblomov and Stolz is not only necessary, but also interesting to the reader. The clash of two life positions, two worldviews - this is the main conflict in Goncharov's novel Oblomov.

The differences between Oblomov and Stolz are not difficult to find. Firstly, the appearance is striking: Ilya Ilyich is a portly gentleman with soft features, puffy hands, and slow gestures. His favorite clothes are a spacious dressing gown that does not restrict movement, as if protecting and warming a person. Stolz - fit, slender. Constant activity and business acumen characterize his practical nature, so his gestures are bold, his reaction is quick. He is always dressed appropriately to move in the light and make the right impression.

Second, they have different upbringings. If little Ilyusha was cherished and cherished by parents, nannies and other inhabitants of Oblomovka (he grew up a pampered boy), then Andrei was brought up in strictness, his father taught him how to run a business, leaving him to make his own way. Stoltz, in the end, did not have enough parental affection, which he was looking for in his friend's house. Oblomov, on the contrary, was too affectionate, his parents spoiled him: he was not suitable either for the service or for the work of a landowner (taking care of the estate and its profitability).

Thirdly, their attitude to life differs. Ilya Ilyich does not like fuss, does not waste efforts to please society, or at least wedge into it. Many condemn him for laziness, but is it laziness? I think not: he is a nonconformist who is honest to himself and to the people around him. A nonconformist is a person who defends his right to behave differently from what is customary in his contemporary society. Oblomov had the courage and fortitude to silently, calmly adhere to his position and go his own way, not exchanging for trifles. In his manner of carrying himself, a rich spiritual life is guessed, which he does not put on a social showcase. Stolz lives in this window, because flickering in a good society always benefits the businessman. It can be said that Andrei had no other choice, because he is not a gentleman, his father earned capital, but no one will leave him villages by inheritance. He was taught from childhood that he himself should earn his living, so Stoltz adapted to the circumstances, developing hereditary qualities: perseverance, hard work, social activity. But if he is so successful by modern standards, why does Stoltz need Oblomov? From his father, he inherited obsession with business, the limitations of a practical person, which he felt, and therefore subconsciously reached out to the spiritually rich Oblomov.

They were drawn to the opposite, feeling the lack of certain properties of nature, but could not adopt each other's good qualities. None of them could make Olga Ilyinskaya happy: with one and the other, she felt dissatisfied. Unfortunately, this is the truth of life: people rarely change in the name of love. Oblomov tried, but still remained faithful to his principles. Stolz was also only enough for courtship, and after that the routine of living together began. Thus, in love, the similarities between Oblomov and Stolz manifested themselves: they both failed to build happiness.

In these two images, Goncharov reflected the conflicting trends in the society of that time. The nobility is the backbone of the state, but some of its representatives cannot take an active part in its fate, if only because it has gone and is petty for them. They are gradually being replaced by people who have gone through a harsh school of life, more skillful and greedy Stoltsy. They do not have that spiritual component that is needed for any useful work in Russia. But even the apathetic landowners will not save the situation. Apparently, the author believed that the merging of these extremes, a kind of golden mean, is the only way to achieve the well-being of Russia. If we consider the novel from this angle, it turns out that the friendship of Oblomov and Stolz is a symbol of the unification of various social forces for the sake of a common goal.

Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Who is Stoltz? Goncharov does not force the reader to puzzle over this issue. In the first two chapters of the second part there is a detailed account of the life of Stolz, of the conditions in which his active character was formed. “Stolz was only half German, according to his father; his mother was Russian; he professed the Orthodox faith, his native speech was Russian ... ". Goncharov first tries to show that Stolz is more Russian than German: after all, the most important thing is that his faith and language are the same as those of Russians. But the further, the more German qualities begin to appear in him: independence, perseverance in achieving his goals, thrift.

The unique character of Stolz was formed under the influence of two forces - soft and hard, at the junction of two cultures - Russian and German. From his father, he received a “labor, practical education”, and his mother introduced him to the beautiful, tried to put love for art, for beauty into the soul of little Andrei. His mother "in her son ... dreamed of the ideal of a gentleman," and his father taught him to work hard, not at all lordly work.

Practical intelligence, love of life, courage helped Stoltz succeed after he left at the insistence of his father to study in St. Petersburg ...

As conceived by Goncharov, Stolz is a new type of Russian progressive figure. However, he does not portray the hero in a specific activity. The author only informs the reader about what Stoltz was, what he achieved. He "served, retired ... went about his business, ... made a house and money, ... learned Europe as his estate, ... saw Russia far and wide, ... travels into the world."

If we talk about the ideological position of Stolz, then he "searched for a balance of practical aspects with the subtle needs of the spirit." Stolz could control his feelings and was "afraid of every dream". Happiness for him was constancy. According to Goncharov, he "knew the value of rare and expensive properties and spent them so sparingly that he was called an egoist, insensitive ...". In a word, Goncharov created such a hero that Russia has long lacked. For the author, Stolz is the force that is able to revive the Oblomovs and destroy the Oblomovs. In my opinion, Goncharov somewhat idealizes the image of Stolz, setting him as an example to the reader as an impeccable person. But by the end of the novel, it turns out that salvation did not come to Russia with the advent of Stolz. Dobrolyubov explains this by saying that "now there is no ground for them" in Russian society. For a more productive activity of the Stolts, it is necessary to reach some compromise with the Oblonovs. That is why Andrei Stoltz takes on the upbringing of the son of Ilya Ilyich.

Stolz is, of course, the antipode of Oblomov. Each character trait of the first is a sharp protest against the qualities of the second. Stolz loves life - Oblomov often falls into apathy; Stolz has a thirst for activity, for Oblomov the best activity is relaxing on the couch. The origins of this opposition are in the education of heroes. Reading the description of the life of little Andrey, you involuntarily compare it with the life of Ilyusha. Thus, already at the very beginning of the novel, two completely different characters, two life paths appear before the reader ...



2. Youth

3.Adult life



Andrei Stoltz was the son of a German who served as a manager in a noble estate. The father wanted his son to follow in his footsteps. From an early age, Andrei began to study various applied sciences and achieved great success. The boy's mother was Russian. She dreamed that Andryusha looked like noble children. To this end, the mother showed great concern for the appearance of her son. With her, Andrei studied music and read art books. Such a controversial education and upbringing made Andrei a very rich and versatile person. He himself had a very lively character. Having fulfilled all the instructions of his father, Andrei received complete freedom and spent time in the company of village children. Even among them, he was the first tomboy. The boy was often brought home with bruises and scratches, which made the poor mother very upset. The father believed that all this was for the benefit of his son.

Andrei very early began not only to study, but also to help his father in business. The boy alone easily drove a harnessed carriage, and even went to the city alone on behalf of his father. Andrei got used to independent living and making responsible decisions. At the age of thirteen, he already worked as a tutor in his father's boarding school, for which he received from him the salary due. After graduating from university, Andrey returned home for a short time. The father believed that the young man had nothing more to do here and advised him to go to St. Petersburg. The farewell was more like a business conversation between partners. Andrei felt like an absolutely independent person, not needing anyone's help.

In the capital, Stolz spent some time in the civil service. During these years, he became close friends with Oblomov. Young people together dreamed of conquering the vast world. But Ilya Ilyich resigned because he was tired of active life. Stolz left the service, as it did not allow him to really turn around. Andrey took up commercial affairs. Thanks to the knowledge and skills received from his father, such activities soon began to bring him a decent income. In addition, Stoltz had an innate restless character, which allowed him to easily make numerous business trips.

By the age of thirty, Andrei managed to visit almost all European countries. Stolz was considered a dry and self-contained person, relating to life only from the practical side. In part, this was true. Andrei really looked at everything from the point of view of possible benefits. But maternal education was not in vain. Andrei recognized the existence of strong feelings, but he simply did not have enough time for them. Stolz believed that someday he himself would experience an all-consuming passion. The only person with whom Andrei could talk heart to heart was Oblomov. Stoltz was infinitely sorry for his comrade dying of laziness. He tried his best to help him.

Nevertheless, love came to the practical and businesslike Stolz in the person of Olga. Their relationship for a long time did not go beyond friendship. Olga considered Stolz her teacher. After a decisive conversation, Andrei and Olga realized that they were born for each other. After the wedding, they became not just husband and wife, but equal friends, going together towards the same goal. This happy couple boldly looked ahead and was not afraid of any obstacles on the path of life.


Andrei Stolz is a key character in the novel Oblomov. The author did not accidentally make him half German. Inexhaustible spiritual strength is stored in Russian people, but they still sleep in eternal sleep. Some kind of push is needed to wake them up. Europeans are an active and practical people, but they have lost simple human feelings for the sake of profit. The combination of Russian spirituality and European pragmatism, according to the author, will give a new type of ideal person, similar to Stolz.