Short biography: Rubtsov Nikolai Mikhailovich. Nikolai Rubtsov The biography of Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov is brief, the most important thing

Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov a brief biography of the Russian poet is set out in this article.

Nikolai Rubtsov short biography for children

Nikolai Rubtsov was born on January 3, 1936 in the village of Yemetsk, Arkhangelsk Region. Very early, the boy became an orphan, so he spent his childhood in the Nikolsky orphanage in the Vologda region. She became his muse in the future, giving the main theme for creativity - Russian, ancient originality.

In the period from 1950 to 1952, the future poet studied at the forestry technical school Totemsky. After him, he worked for 2 years in Archangel on the trawl fleet of a trust called "Sevryba" as a stoker, and then another 2 at a military experimental training ground in Leningrad as a handyman.

From October 1955 to October 1959, he served as a rangefinder on the destroyer "Ostroy" of the Northern Fleet, where Nikolai Mikhailovich received the rank of sailor, and then senior sailor. When he was demobilized, he settled in Leningrad. He changed many professions, from a locksmith and fireman to a loader. But still he decided to devote his life to poetry.

Nikolai Rubtsov enters in 1962 in Moscow the Literary Institute. M. Gorky. At the institute, he met such writers - V. V. Kozhinov, S. Yu. Kunyaev, V. Sokolov. They gave him advice on writing poetry and helped to publish it.

In 1962, the first collection "Waves and Rocks" was published, and the second book of poems "Lyric" was officially published in 1965 in Arkhangelsk. Then the poetry collections "Star of the Fields" (1967), "The Soul Keeps" (1969), "Pine Noise" (1970) were published. The Green Flowers, which were being prepared for publication, appeared after the death of the poet.

Born in the Arkhangelsk region in 1936, Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov grew up in an orphanage. His father was sent to war, and his mother was lost during the war years. They remember that Rubtsov was a good-natured child and showed great perseverance and desire to study. The fundamental factors that formed the poet's work were childhood memories associated with the village of Nikolsky, where he spent his childhood. I tried to study in several technical schools, but I did not finish my studies in any of them.

Beginning in 1955, Nikolai Mikhailovich moved to Leningrad. He worked there at various factories, and also served in the Navy. The years spent in the orphanage help him easily endure all the hardships of service.

In 1962 he entered the Literary Institute in Moscow. In the same place he submits his poems to the competition. During these years, his work was highly controversial. Some saw in him frank mediocrity, while others prophesied a wonderful future for the poet.

The fate of Rubtsov was similar to the life of the great Russian poet Sergei Yesenin. He, like Yesenin, got into various troubles, ending with the invasion of the police. As eyewitnesses recall, for the most part, he was not the culprit of all these negative situations, it was just that in some magical way the circumstances developed. We can say that he was pursued by evil fate.

Family life was also unsuccessful. Due to the fact that the poet often got into bad situations and his impecunious situation, all this caused a negative atmosphere in his family. The mother-in-law, who has seen the whole situation of their family's life, sets up Rubtsov's wife and child against him. The poet, in order not to develop a conflict, simply leaves them.

After graduating in 1969, the poet gets a job at the Vologda newspaper.

The death of the poet was a surprise to everyone. According to some reports, it is assumed that he was killed by his beloved in the course of strangulation. Coincidence or not, but many believe that Rubtsov himself predicted his death in one of his poems "I will die in Epiphany frosts." Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov dies in January 1971.

The main source of inspiration for the poet is the symbol of Russia. Her power and majesty. The width of open spaces and unusually beautiful nature. In his poems, he describes the simplicity of the Russian soul, based on the experience of being in the village. At the heart of the poems is the theme of the search for the meaning of human life. The first collection of poems was published in 1965. In the future, three more collections will be released.

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RUBTSOV, NIKOLAI MIKHAILOVICH (1936−1971), Russian poet. Born on January 3, 1936 in the village of Yemetsk, Arkhangelsk Region; the son of a political worker who died in the war, lost his mother at the age of 6, was brought up in orphanages. He studied at the forestry technical school in Totma. From the age of 16 he wandered around the country, was a librarian, a stoker on a fishing boat, served in the Northern Fleet, worked in Leningrad at the Kirov Plant (fireman, locksmith). In 1962-1969 he studied at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky.

Published since 1962. Published the collections Lyrics (1965), Star of the Fields (1967), Soul Keeps (1969), Pine Noise (1970), Green Flowers (1971). His last collection Plantains (1976) was published posthumously. In the complex, finely developed structure of Rubtsov's poetry, diverse rhythmically and lexically, freshness and sharpness of perception, comparable to the artistic vision of the early V.V. A. Yesenin (“Top and top from bush to bush ...” - verse. Plantains), a subjective-emotional feeling of constant connection with nature, akin to Fetov's. The poet himself defined his creative credo as follows: “I will not rewrite / From the book of Tyutchev and Fet, / I will even stop listening / The same Tyutchev and Fet ... / But I am at Tyutchev and Fet / I will check the sincere word, / So that the book of Tyutchev and Fet / Continue with Rubtsov's book "- I will not rewrite the poem). Relying on the traditions of Russian literature did not interfere with the bright originality of Rubtsov's verse with its dominant "colloquialism", syntactic roughness, rawness and impressive immediacy of natural speech, almost devoid of epithets and metaphors, sometimes cocky, sometimes muffled-smooth and thoughtful ("High Oak. Deep Water. / Calm shadows lie around. And quietly, as if never / Nature here has never known shocks ”- a poem At Night at Home). The best of the nugget poet's poems, which are not always equal in skill, put their author in the first row of Russian poets of the 20th century. (I will ride over the hills of my dormant homeland, Farewell (“Sad Vologda is slumbering ...”), My quiet homeland, Autumn sketches (“The fire in the furnace does not sleep, calling to each other ...”), Evening incident (“I met a horse in the bushes ...”) and others. In criticism (V.V. Kozhinov was the first to discover and give an adequate assessment of his poetry), it was rightly noted that Rubtsov’s constant theme of the village is not an end in itself, but a form of poetic thinking about the world as a whole (“Nature and people are more visible in the village ... It is more visible ... on which great Russia rose"). The national character of Rubtsov's work is manifested not only in the fact that motifs of Russian nature and Russian history sound in his poems (poems Vision on the Hill, About the Moscow Kremlin, etc.), images of A.S. Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov, N. V. Gogol and F. M. Dostoevsky, A. A. Fet and S. A. Yesenin, modern Russian poets (poems About Pushkin, Last Autumn - about Yesenin, Sergey Yesenin, The last night - about D. B. Kedrine, and others). Rubtsov's lyrical hero himself is national, with his confession and courageous self-irony, boldness and tenderness, love of life and melancholy, with an inclusive acceptance of the world and a catastrophic feeling of incomprehensibility and inner loneliness, with the same awareness of the "root" connection of his fate with the fate of Russia. The poet was also engaged in literary translations. Rubtsov died in Vologda on January 19, 1971.

Rubtsov Nikolai Mikhailovich (1936-1971) - Russian poet. Born on January 3, 1936 in the village of Yemetsk, Kholmogory district of the Northern Territory. A year later, the Rubtsov family moved to Nyandom, where they lived for about 2 years. Nikolai's father got a job as the head of the city. In 1941, the Rubtsovs moved to Vologda. The father went to the front, and a year later, Nikolai's mother and sister died, the rest of the children ended up in boarding schools. Then Nikolai Rubtsov's first poem was written at the age of 6. Initially, he was assigned to the Krasovsky orphanage, in 1943-1950. was transferred to the Nikolsky orphanage in the Vologda region. There he graduated from 7 school classes. The father returned from the front to Vologda in 1944, but due to the loss of documents in the orphanage, he could not find his son, and only in 1955 did they see each other. In the village of Nikolskoye, Nikolai Rubtsov lived in a civil marriage with G. Menshikova, and their daughter Elena was born.

In 1950-1952 He received his education at the Totma Forestry Technical School, after which he worked for a year in Arkhangelsk as a stoker in the trawl fleet of the Sevryba trust. In 1953 he went to Kirovsk and became a student at the Mining and Chemical College of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. But two years later he was expelled for academic failure. In 1955-1959. entered the service as a sailor of the Northern Fleet on the destroyer "Ostroy". During this period, for the first time, his poem “May has come” is published in the newspaper “On Guard of the Arctic”. Upon his return from the Navy, he began to live in Leningrad and work at the Kirov Plant.

In 1962 he moved to Moscow and entered the Literary Institute. M. Gorky, who graduated in 1969 and began work on the newspaper Vologda Komsomolets.

Nikolai Rubtsov was killed on January 19, 1971 in Vologda as a result of a domestic quarrel with his fiancee Lyudmila Derbina.

There are many great writers in our literature who brought immortal values ​​to Russian culture. The biography and work of Nikolai Rubtsov are of great importance in the history of Russia. Let's talk more about his contribution to literature.

The childhood of Nikolai Rubtsov

The poet was born in 1936, on January 3. It happened in the village of Yemets, which is located in the Arkhangelsk region. His father was Mikhail Andreyanovich Rubtsov, who served as a political worker. In 1940 the family moved to Vologda. Here they met the war.

The biography of Nikolai Rubtsov has many sorrows that befell the poet. Little Kolya was orphaned early. My father went to war and never returned. Many believed that he was dead. In fact, he decided to leave his wife and moved to a separate house in the same city. After the death of his mother in 1942, Nikolai was sent to Nikolsky. Here he studied at school until the seventh grade.

The youth of the poet

The biography and work of Nikolai Rubtsov are closely intertwined with his hometown of Vologda.

Here he met his first love - Henrietta Menshikov. They had a daughter, Lena, but their life together did not work out.

The young poet entered the Forest Technical College of the city of Totma. However, he studied there for only two years. After that, he tried himself as a stoker on a trawl fleet in Arkhangelsk. Then he was a laborer at the Leningrad training ground.

In 1955-1959, Nikolai Rubtsov served in the army as a senior sailor on Demobilization, he remains to live in Leningrad. He is accepted to the Kirov Plant, where he again changes several professions: from a locksmith and fireman to a loader. Carried away by poetry, Nikolai in 1962 entered the Gorky Moscow. Here he meets Kunyaev, Sokolov and other young writers who become him. It is they who help him publish his first works.

At the institute, Rubtsov has difficulties. He even thinks about quitting his studies, but his like-minded people support the poet, and already in the 60s he published the first collections of his poems. The biography and work of Nikolai Rubtsov from the time of his institute life clearly convey to the reader his experiences and mental attitude.

Nikolay graduated from the institute in 1969 and moved into a one-room apartment, his first separate residence. Here he continues to write his works.

Published works

Since the 1960s, Rubtsov's works have been published at an enviable rate. In 1965, a collection of poems "Lyric" was published. Behind him, in 1969, the "Star of the Fields" was printed.

With a break of one year (in 1969 and 1970), the collections “The Soul Keeps” and “Sosen Noise” are published

In 1973, after the death of the poet, The Last Steamboat was published in Moscow. From 1974 to 1977, three more editions appeared: "Selected Lyrics", "Plantains" and "Poems".

Songs based on verses by Nikolai Rubtsov gained great popularity. Every inhabitant of our country is familiar with “I will drive a bicycle for a long time”, “It is light in my upper room” and “In moments of sad music”.

creative life

The poems of Nikolai Rubtsov echo his childhood. Reading them, we plunge into the calm world of Vologda life. He writes about home comfort, about love and devotion. Many works are dedicated to the wonderful time of the year - the autumn season.

In general, the poet's work is filled with truthfulness, authenticity.

Despite the simplicity of the language, his poems have scale and power. Rubtsov's style is rhythmic and has a complex fine structure. In his works, one feels love for the Motherland and unity with nature.

The biography and work of Nikolai Rubtsov ends abruptly and absurdly. He dies on January 19, 1971 during a family quarrel at the hands of his fiancee Lyudmila Derbina. The investigation found that the poet died of strangulation. Derbina was sentenced to seven years in prison.

Many biographers express the opinion that Nikolai Rubtsov predicted his death by writing about it in the poem "I will die in Epiphany frosts."

A street in Vologda is named after the writer. Monuments were erected to him in several cities of Russia. Rubtsov's poems are still very popular among readers of all ages. His works remain relevant in our time, because love and peace are always needed by a person.

Bibliography of Nikolai Rubtsov

First snow. - Vologda, 1975
First snow. - Barnaul, 1977

Martin. - Kemerovo, 1978

The memory of Nikolai Rubtsov

Audiography by Nikolai Rubtsov

Daughter - Elena.


Rubtsov Nikolai Mikhailovich

Russian Poet

Russian poet. He published several collections of lyrical poems.
He is the author of many famous songs performed on the Russian stage.

Nikolai Rubtsov was born on January 3, 1936 in the village of Yemetsk, Arkhangelsk Region. The boy grew up in a large family. His father worked as the head of the forestry industry, and his mother was a housewife. When Nikolai was five years old, his father was given a high position in Vologda, where the family moved. Until 1942, the life of the future poet flowed calmly and measuredly, but then adversity rained down literally from nowhere.

After the father received a summons to the front, the mother of the family suddenly died. There was no one to leave the children with. Only Nikolai's older sister was taken in by her aunt, the rest were sent to an orphanage. The boy moved to the city of Kraskov, and then to Totma. The consolation for the boy was the imminent return of his father from the war. But this did not happen.

Mikhail Rubtsov escaped an enemy bullet, but forgot about his children. His new biography began with his marriage. Nikolai learned about this betrayal while still in the orphanage. In 1950, after graduating from seven classes, Nikolai went to Riga to enter the nautical school. But due to the fact that the guy was only fourteen years old, he was not accepted. Returning to Totma, he began to study at the forest technical school.

After completing his studies, in 1952 he got a job on the minesweeper "Arkhangelsk" and remained there as a fireman for about a year. Then he entered the Kirov Mining College, but became disillusioned with his studies and went to travel. Longing for his native land overtook him in Tashkent. It was there that Nikolai Rubtsov decided to meet with his father, which took place in 1955, which only disappointed. Further, until 1959 he served in the army in the navy.

After demobilization, he moved to St. Petersburg, where he worked for some time at a factory. There he graduated from high school. In 1962 he entered the Moscow Literary Institute, from which he graduated seven years later and returned to Vologda. Then he was on the staff of the Vologda Komsomolets newspaper and lived in his own odnushka.

Nikolai wrote his first poems while still in an orphanage. When he worked in a local newspaper and published there. But those experiments turned out to be far from the style of the real Rubtsov. His first collection, Waves and Rocks, was a standalone publication. But the second book has already become official. Lyric came out in 1965. Then appeared "Star of the Fields", "The Soul Keeps", "Pine Noise". His work is filled with love for his native land and land, it is original and sensual, like Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov himself.

In 1969, the poet met Lyudmila Derbina. Their joint life was distinguished by particular nervousness: the couple either cursed or reconciled. But they were always attracted to each other. Together they lived until the death of the poet, a fatal death, the cause of which was Lyudmila.

The poet has always been somewhat of a mystic. The man believed in all signs, remaining very superstitious. Therefore, his poem "I will die in Epiphany frosts ..." is considered prophetic. On the night of January 18-19, 1971, a fight broke out in Rubtsov's apartment, a family quarrel. Rubtsov was jealous of his common-law wife for a colleague from the newspaper. Nikolai fairly rushed with accusations at Lyudmila Derbina and the woman decided to fight back.

This decision turned out to be fatal. Trying to push him away from her, she accidentally squeezed the poet's carotid artery with two fingers. A few seconds later, the man died. So, completely ridiculous, on January 19, 1971, the life of a talented lyricist ended. Rubtsov Nikolai Mikhailovich was buried in Vologda at the Poshekhonsky cemetery.

Bibliography of Nikolai Rubtsov

Collected works in 3 volumes. - M.: Terra, 2000
"Lyrics". Arkhangelsk, 1965. - 40 p., 3,000 copies.
"Star of the Fields". M., Soviet writer, 1967. - 112 pages, 10,000 copies,
"The soul keeps". Arkhangelsk, 1969. - 96 p., 10,000 copies,
"Pine Noise". M., Soviet writer, 1970, - 88 p., 20,000 copies,
“Poems. 1953-1971 "- M., Soviet Russia, 1977, 240 p., 100,000 copies.
"Green Flowers", M., Soviet Russia, 1971. - 144 p., 15,000 copies;
The last ship. - M.: Sovremennik, 1973, - 144 p., 10,000 copies.
Selected lyrics. - Vologda, 1974. - 148 p., 10,000 copies;
Plantains. - M.: Young guard, 1976. - 304 p., 100,000 copies.
First snow. - Vologda, 1975
First snow. - Barnaul, 1977
Selected lyrics. Second edition, corrected. / Comp. and ed. post-last V. Obaturov. // Woodcuts by G. and N. Burmagin. - Arkhangelsk, North-Western book publishing house, 1977. - 160 p. - 50,000 copies.
Poems. - M., Children's literature, 1978
With all my love and longing. - Arkhangelsk, 1978
Green flowers. - Barnaul, 1978
Martin. - Kemerovo, 1978

The memory of Nikolai Rubtsov

Since 1996, the House-Museum of N.M. has been operating in the village of Nikolsky. Rubtsova (in the building of the former orphanage); the street on which the museum is located, as well as the village secondary school, is named after the poet.

In the city of Apatity, Murmansk Region, on January 20, 1996, a memorial plaque in memory of the poet was installed on the facade of the library-museum building, where Rubtsov's readings in Apatity have been held since 1994.

In Vologda, a street was named after Nikolai Rubtsov and a monument was erected (1998, sculptor A. M. Shebunin).

In 1998, the name of the poet was given to the St. Petersburg Library No. 5 (Nevskaya TsBS) (Address 193232, St. Petersburg, Nevsky District, Shotman St., 7, building 1). In the library. Nikolai Rubtsov, the literary museum "Nikolai Rubtsov: poems and fate" operates.

In Totma there is a monument by the sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov.

In Kirovsk, on the facade of the new building of the Khibiny Technical College (in the past - the Kirov Mining and Chemical College, where the poet studied in 1953-1955), on January 19, 2000, a memorial plaque was installed in the memory of the poet.

In 2001, in St. Petersburg, a marble memorial plaque was installed on the building of the administrative building of the Kirov Plant, with the famous cry of the poet: “Russia! Rus! Save yourself, save yourself! A monument to Rubtsov was also erected in his homeland, in Yemetsk (2004, sculptor Nikolai Ovchinnikov).

In February 2006 at the "Kirovskiy Zavod" (Saint-Petersburg) in shop 420 a concert "Hello, Russia, my Motherland" was held, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Rubtsov.

Since 2009, the All-Russian Poetry Competition named after I. Nikolai Rubtsov, whose goal is to find and support young aspiring poets from among the pupils of orphanages.

In Vologda there is a museum “Literature. Art. Century XX” (a branch of the Vologda State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum of the Reserve), dedicated to the work of Valery Gavrilin and Nikolai Rubtsov.

In Yemetsk: secondary school. Rubtsov, Yemetsky Museum of Local Lore named after N.M. Rubtsov, a monument to Rubtsov was erected.

Bust of N.M. Rubtsov in Cherepovets.

A bust of Nikolai Rubtsov was erected in Cherepovets.

In January 2010, a musical and literary performance "Songs of the Russian Soul" dedicated to the memory of the poet was held at the Kirovsky Zavod (St. Petersburg) in shop 420.

In November 2011, Nikolai Rubtsov Literary Center was opened in the House of Knowledge in Cherepovets. It recreates the apartment of Galina Rubtsova-Shvedova, the poet's sister, whom he often visited when he came to Cherepovets. The Center hosts literary and musical evenings and conducts research work related to the biography and work of Rubtsov.

In January 2013, a reading room named after N.M. Rubtsov with the literary map "On the Roads of Nikolai Rubtsov" and the exposition of the non-profit organization "Rubtsov Creative Union".

Rubtsovsk centers operate in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Kirov, Ufa.
In Dubrovka, a street is named after the poet.

Monument to N.M. Rubtsov in Murmansk

In Murmansk, on the alley of writers, a monument to the poet was erected.

In Vologda, since 1998, an open festival of poetry and music "Rubtsov's Autumn" has been held.

In St. Petersburg, a street in the village of Pargolovo in the vicinity of the Parnas metro station is named after the poet.

In 2016, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the outstanding poet, the Vologda Union of Local History Writers established the Nikolai Rubtsov public medal.

Audiography by Nikolai Rubtsov

In 1981, at the “Song-81” competition, the Lithuanian performer Gintare Yautakakaite for the first time performed a song based on the verses of Nikolai Rubtsov “It’s light in my upper room” (composer Alexander Morozov).

In 1982, in the album Star of the Fields (Suite on poems by Nikolai Rubtsov), Alexander Gradsky performed songs to the words of the poet.

In 1984, the Forum group released their debut album White Night, in which the song Leaves Have Flew was written to the verses of Nikolai Rubtsov.

The song "Bouquet" to the poems of the poet, the music for which was written by Alexander Barykin in 1987 (included in the album of the same name in 1988), gained great popularity.
The song of the bard A. Dulov "The Blurred Path" to the poem "Departure" by N. Rubtsov is widely known.

Daughter - Elena.

Civil wife - Lyudmila Derbina