Which septic tank to choose for a private house and cottage with permanent residence. How to choose a septic tank: tips on which septic tank is better to choose for a private house The septic tank is the best and most practical

It is convenient when a private house is connected to a centralized sewerage system. But if this is not possible, then you should think about installing a local waste disposal system - a septic tank.

It allows you to save the site from pollution, and in some cases it makes it possible to obtain process water from wastewater for watering plants, washing cars, etc.

At the same time, the operation of the septic tank is based on a simple principle.

Whatever the cleaning device, its operation is based on 3 principles:

  • sedimentation of large suspensions;
  • floatation of light pollutants;
  • biological decomposition.

All septic tanks consist of several chambers. The first 2 stages of cleaning take place in the first tank. The branch pipe leading to the next chamber is located in the center, draining water, in which there are no longer suspended suspensions and heavy fractions. The type of biodegradation and its effectiveness depends on the type of apparatus.

On the video you can see the process of water purification in a septic tank:

Types of septic tanks for a private house

The classification of the wastewater treatment system into types is based on the dependence on electricity, the type of biodegradation and the material from which the septic tank is made.

Anaerobic and aerobic varieties

In simpler designs, anaerobic (oxygen-free) decomposition of contaminants occurs in the second and subsequent tanks. Such cleaning is not complete and requires an additional stage of soil filtration: filtration wells or filtration fields.

In them, the remaining contaminants are retained by the filtering backfill, on which a film of microorganisms is additionally formed, continuing the process of biooxidation.

Local treatment plants more complex and efficient designs. They mimic large sewer effluent treatment systems.

There are also several cameras in the LOS. In addition to settling and anaerobic decomposition, such a device has a compartment in which aerobic microorganisms (activated sludge) break down pollution in the presence of oxygen.

After that, the water enters a special sump for the settling of activated sludge, which is pumped out by the airlift into the stabilization compartment. Part of the sludge mass is again fed into the aerobic treatment tank. Precipitated dense sludge must be periodically removed from the tank.

There are also storage tanks in which water does not undergo any treatment other than precipitation. They only collect and periodically remove wastewater. Accumulators can only conditionally be called a septic tank, this is a cesspool - a cheap option to install, suitable only for small country houses with a small amount of drains.

Dependence on electricity

It is important to know this principle of classification of waste disposal systems, since not all country houses have access to an uninterrupted supply of electricity.

  1. non-volatile are simple devices where anaerobic oxidation of organic matter is carried out, and water is poured between reservoirs and to the stage of soil post-treatment by gravity.
  2. VOCs do not work without electricity necessary for the operation of the compressor supplying air. Also, in many models, wastewater from one chamber to another and activated sludge are pumped by airlifts powered by a compressor.

Anaerobic devices depend on electricity when, due to the nature of the landscape, it is necessary to install a pump to transfer liquid to the soil filtration stage.

What and how to make a septic tank?

Waste treatment tanks can be made from a variety of materials.

  1. There is finished plastic tanks. You can also make them yourself from several large-diameter plastic pipes or eurocubes. Mounting such containers is quick and easy, without the involvement of special equipment. They are durable and have become very popular lately.
  2. metal containers may be ready. They can also be welded from several sheets. Such tanks are rarely used, mainly when it is necessary to place the container at a great depth. From the inside, to extend the life of the container, it is recommended to treat it with an anti-corrosion compound.
  3. brick- budgetary, but physically expensive material. The brick is laid on a concrete base. The cross section can be round and with right angles.
  4. Septic tanks from concrete rings- one of the most traditional options. Products with a diameter of about 1 m are used, which are installed on top of each other. For their delivery and installation, it is necessary to hire a truck and a crane. Concrete containers often leak at the junction.

Budget, but not very reliable tanks are made of wood, tires from truck wheels.

When choosing the type and model of the device, it is necessary to correctly make calculations, take into account the features of the site.

An important factor is the price of the finished station.

How to choose a septic tank for a private house?

The simplest and most reliable option is a ready-made plastic septic tank. There are enough companies offering such products now. Before buying or self-constructing a septic tank for a toilet, you need to decide on several parameters.


The required capacity and volume are determined by the number of inhabitants. If guests will periodically live in the house, then they must also be taken into account in the calculations. On average, one person generates 200 liters of wastewater per day.

For a family of four, equipment with a capacity of 800 liters is required. Since wastewater can be in the tanks for 3 days, then power received must be multiplied by 3 to get the volume value. For our example, we need tank with a volume of 2.4 m 3.

natural conditions

Features of the relief, soil and climatic conditions are also important not only at the installation stage, but also at the purchase stage.

  1. You need to know the depth of soil freezing, because the pipeline and its entrance to the tank must be below the zero point. There are special ready-made models with an elongated neck and a low inlet.
  2. Samo equipment is recommended to be installed where there is an elevation to protect against atmospheric moisture.
  3. If the landscape does not allow gravity to remove effluent from the reservoir, then you need to choose a model with forced evacuation of the purified liquid, in the last chamber of which the pump is located.
  4. For clay soils prone to bursting during freezing we need structures with especially strong walls: concrete, plastic with stiffeners.
  5. For soil post-treatment, it is especially important to know the type of soil. The best option is sandy soil. In other cases, the arrangement of filtration fields requires a lot of effort.

Cost and popular models

Photo - Tank 2.5

Each owner takes into account the price of the waste disposal device. But here it is better not to save.

The best option is to purchase ready-made equipment.

Below are prices for popular models designed to serve 4-5 people.

  1. Popular septic tank with soil aftertreatment Tank 2.5 in full set from 36 thousand rubles.
  2. Proven Poplar 5, related to complete biological treatment plants, can be purchased at least 72,000 rubles.
  3. Topas 5 also provides a high degree of wastewater treatment. The cost of such equipment about 80,000 rubles.
  4. If you are looking for a septic tank for a summer residence, then a good option could be "Triton-mini", with a volume of 750 liters. Together with the soil filtration system, it costs about 22 thousand rubles.
  5. More and more positive reviews are gaining and LOS "Unilos Astra-5". You can become the owner of this system for about 80 thousand rubles.

Many users have already seen the reliable operation of these devices. In addition, they are all simple and for self-assembly.

Device and installation of septic tanks

Installing a wastewater treatment device is quite simple, especially a ready-made plastic container, to which instructions are attached. First you need to choose the right place.

  1. From the foundation the house to the septic tank must be at least 5 meters. But you don’t need to install too far, otherwise you need a revision well.
  2. Distance between trees and a septic tank 3 m.
  3. From rivers and reservoirs to the wastewater treatment device should be 30 m, and from wells and wells - 50 m.
  4. Roads should not pass over the filtration fields.

As mentioned above, it is important to know the depth of soil freezing, which is indicated in SNIP 2.02.01-83 * for each region of the country. Pipes and soil filtration elements must be located below the zero temperature point.

Based on all these data, a septic tank is installed in accordance with with step by step instructions.

  1. They dig trenches under a slope for pipes and a foundation pit for the septic tank itself.
  2. A layer of sand 10 mm thick is poured into the ravines, it is rammed, always observing the slope.
  3. Construct a sand and, if necessary, a concrete cushion in the pit. It must be even.
  4. Install a septic tank exactly.
  5. Connect it to the supply pipes, as well as a pipeline leading to soil filtration or a collection tank.
  6. Fall asleep pipes and tank. It is important to pour liquid into the container, the water level should be 150 mm above the backfill level.

Sprinkle the tank with a mixture of cement and sand, and the last 30 cm with soil. After that, the system is ready for start-up and operation.

Watch a video on how to make a septic tank with your own hands:

Septic tank maintenance: price

Plastic tanks do not require special care.

  1. Once a quarter, the VOC evaluates the sludge. If it is dark and begins to thicken, then it must be removed. To do this, you can use a simple drainage pump.
  2. Once every 1-2 years, it is necessary to pump out the sediment from the sump using a sewage machine. At this time, it is recommended to flush the entire tank.
  3. Once a week it is worth looking into the hatch of the tank to evaluate the work. This is especially true for aerobic installations.

You can conclude an agreement with a specialized organization for maintenance. A one-time procedure with sludge pumping and equipment revision costs at least 4,000 rubles. The minimum cost of annual maintenance is 15 thousand rubles.

The full range of works and the price for them depends on the model.

Which is better: model characteristics

Model name Productivity, m 3 / day Volume, m3 Dimensions Price, thousand rubles
Eurobion 4 0,8 0,25* 1.0x1.0x2.3 67
Eurobion 5 0,9 0,39* 1.1x1.1x2.4 71
Tank 2 0,8 2,0 1.8x1.2x1.7 29
Tank 2.5 1,0 2,5 2.0x1.2x1.9 33
Triton mini 0,5 0,75 1.3x0.8x1.7 19
Triton-ED 0,6-1,2 1,8 1.2x1.2x1.7 23
Poplar 5 1,1 0,25* 1.0x1.0x2.5(3.0) 80
Poplar 8 1,9 0,47* 1.3x1.0x2.5(3.0) 95
Astra 5 1 0,25* 1.1x1.1x2.4 72
Astra 8 1 0,35* 1.5x1.2x2.4 90

*for VOCs, the volumes of salvo release are indicated.

Installation cost

If you decide to install a septic tank inexpensively, i.e. independently and chose a ready-made plastic model, the cost of the finished structure will depend on the price of the model, sand, cement and pipelines.

You can order the installation of a turnkey cleaning system. The minimum cost of such a service is 21 thousand rubles.

But having invested once, you will ensure the reliable operation of the treatment equipment and the cleanliness of the site itself.

When a residential building is being built, then sewage is planned, as a rule, independent. Previously, a cesspool was used for all sewage, today an autonomous septic tank for a private house has become popular. These are innovative designs for wastewater treatment, which are an air-tight vessel, usually divided into several chambers.

In this device, household drains are first settled, then they are processed by special microorganisms, and then the drains are filtered. A huge selection of bio cleaners poses pressing questions for consumers, which is the best septic tank for giving with periodic rest, and which utilizer is more suitable for a permanent home? Buy a ready-made unit or make a cleaner yourself? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

Bioseptics are a local installation, which is a system of an autonomous sewer system of a private house. This treatment plant is installed in those areas where it is impossible to connect to the central sewer, that is, near country houses of non-permanent residence and country houses.

It is advisable to equip a deep cleaning station next to a river or pond.

To choose the best bio septic tank, you need to understand the principle of operation of this design, which will help you pay attention to the appropriate parameters when choosing a tank. So let's see how this design works:

  1. Wastewater flows through sewer pipes into the first chamber, where it settles. Heavy impurities settle to the bottom, while light fractions and fats remain at the top.
  2. Then, after the primary settling, the wastewater enters the second section, in which the process of purification from organic matter continues with the involvement of bio-bacteria.
  3. In the third chamber, wastewater is finally settled and purified. After that, they go down to the filtration field, and fall into the ground, where the liquid is filtered and completely cleaned of impurities.

When answering the question of which septic tank to choose for a house of permanent or temporary residence, experts advise paying attention to utilizers that are equipped with a deep biological filter. Autonomous purification stations of this type carry out complete water purification, freeing from the need to build filtration fields.

What are the types of septic tanks?

There are many types of local septic tanks that can be used to treat the effluents of a private house: from the simplest do-it-yourself structures to autonomous installations that allow you to purify wastewater to almost 100%.

Treatment plants are classified according to different criteria:

  • by the number of wells: one-, two- and three-chamber septic tanks;
  • according to the material of manufacture: steel, reinforced concrete products, plastic and fiberglass;
  • by design features: volatile and non-volatile.

Also, bio cleaners are classified into three types, depending on the set of implemented functions:

  1. Cumulative. Such a utilizer consists of one chamber or two communicating wells. Effluent in a sealed vessel is divided into liquid and solid fractions, then the organic matter is split, and the liquid is settled. So that the tanks do not overflow, the waste is periodically pumped out (1-2 times a year). This type of septic tank is suitable for a country house, where they rest only on weekends.
  2. Settler with a compartment for soil purification. This purifier is divided into several infiltrators - chambers without a bottom, which act as filtration fields. Inside the aeration areas there is bio-activated sludge, which accelerates the decay of sewage. This type of septic tank is suitable for a seasonal residential building, for example, from May to October. Cleaning is necessary once every 2-3 years.
  3. Station for deep purification of sewage masses. This is a tank with three chambers, in which sewage decomposes in stages. First, solids settle, then the liquid with organic suspensions is biorecycled. The best models of septic tanks of this type are equipped with a compressor. Installation is expensive but effective. Ideal for a private permanent home. Pumping out will be required no earlier than after 5 years.

In order for the closed sewer system to work more actively, it is recommended to equip an anaerobic septic tank for it, which implies the settlement of special bacteria in the primary treatment chamber. These microorganisms feed on organic matter and do not need oxygen. This measure will accelerate the disinfection and dissolution of waste.

If you remove the ventilation pipe from the post-treatment chamber or connect an air compressor, then you will get another aerobic septic tank. To do this, it is necessary to add special microorganisms to it, which process organic substances with the access of oxygen.

Biological decomposition of sewage by one or another type of microorganisms makes it possible to purify waste to the state of process water.

What to look for when choosing?

To solve the problem of which bio septic tanks are better to choose for a private house, it is necessary to consider the problem from several positions:

First, you need to decide whether to make a sump yourself or purchase a ready-made tank. In the first case, the structure is made of bricks, concrete rings or tires. However, such a cleaner is only acceptable for a house with seasonal or periodic residence. For long and safe use, it is better to choose a factory model, even the cheapest one, since the purchased version complies with all environmental and sanitary standards.

At the same time, it is not advisable to purchase the most expensive treatment plants, which allow you to drain purified water directly into a reservoir, for private use, but for several households it is not so expensive. For individual use, it is better to choose a two-capacity utilizer. The first compartment collects sewage and performs their primary purification, and the second one filters the liquid and drains it into the ground, and not into water bodies.

Secondly, it is necessary to choose the material for the manufacture of the tank. This criterion affects the service life of the vessel. So, for the manufacture of cleaning stations use:

  1. ZHB rings. High-quality reinforced concrete rings are not subject to corrosion for a long time, have a large margin of safety, but their installation requires the involvement of special equipment.
  2. Plastic. Reservoirs made of various polymers are light in weight and low in price. However, this design is very unstable, and during installation the vessel must be kept upright at all times. In addition, plastic is damaged by rodents and frost.
  3. Metal. Septic tanks made of this material have the greatest strength, as well as affordable cost. However, the metal is easily corroded, so the tank must be waterproofed, both inside and out. In addition, the installation of a metal sump is impossible without special equipment.
  4. Fiberglass. The most durable and practical utilizers are made from this material, since they have chemical neutrality, as well as other positive qualities: strength, lightness, resistance to temperature fluctuations.

Thirdly, you need to consider the type of soil on the site. Recommendations for specific conditions:

  • for sandy soil, it is better to install a utilizer with a biological treatment function, as a result of which the water immediately merges into the sand. The filtration field is recommended to be placed higher;
  • in clay soil, in addition to bacterial purification, wastewater must overcome the sand filter. Then the purified liquid is poured directly onto the ground;
  • in the case of a high line of surface water deposits, the best solution would be a polymer tank with a bio-cleaning function. In this case, the septic tank must be weighted or securely fixed.

How to choose the volume and size of the wastewater purifier?

The capacity of the waste disposal unit is calculated based on the average daily rate of sewage sewage per person (bath or shower, toilet bowl, sink - about 200 liters), the number of people living in the house and a three-day supply. If the family consists of four people, then the required volume of the septic tank is calculated using the following formula:

200*4 people*3 days = 2400 liters

If guests often come to a country cottage, then the result is increased by 2/3:

2400 * 1.66 \u003d 3900 liters.

The optimal depth of the septic tank is from 1.3 to 3.5 m.

Depending on the end result of the required cubic capacity, according to the table, a tank model is selected:

In this case, the depth of groundwater is important. For a single chamber model, groundwater must be below the bottom of the tank. For a two-chamber version, they must pass 1 m below the bottom of the last stage (filter). If the groundwater is at a depth of more than one and a half meters, it is technically difficult to equip filtration fields for a three-chamber reservoir, especially on waterproof clay soils.

Tips for choosing a cottage with occasional residence

If households visit the home on weekends and use a minimum of plumbing equipment, then a multi-section septic tank is not needed. Summer residents, as a rule, prefer low-performance, inexpensive, single-chamber utilizers. Unlike a cesspool, crushed stone and sandy layers-filters are poured into such drives, which provide 50% purification.

Experts recommend that it is better to choose a compact two-section mini-septic tank with settling and infiltration chambers. If the volume of drained sewage does not exceed the passport norms, then such a design perfectly fulfills the functions assigned to it.

Before choosing a small storage septic tank for a country house, you should familiarize yourself with its features:

  • mini-septic tanks are sold complete with activated sludge, which is populated with anaerobic biomaterial;
  • after the processing of organic waste, the water settles and is purified in the well, after which it enters the soil;
  • storage septic tanks are made of reinforced polymer, which is resistant to temperature extremes;
  • compact containers are easy to transport on a regular car, and they will not cause trouble with unloading;
  • You can install such a utilizer alone, but it is better to do it together.

Recommendations for selection for a permanent residence

For an average family that permanently lives in a country house, the best option would be a sump with two or three sections, which is a combination of a one- or two-chamber drive and a septic tank filter. The first two containers (settlers) are sealed, and the third one is without a bottom; a layer of sand and gravel is poured into it, which additionally filter the liquid before descending into the soil.

If the utilizer is filled, then it is pumped out by special sewage services, bio components and filters of the septic tank must be changed every 3-5 years. The multi-chamber sump purifies sewage up to 95%.

Which unit to choose for a house with permanent residence, so that the drains are as clean as possible, and pumping out as little as possible?

A good option in the presence of a high boundary for the passage of groundwater would be a multi-chamber utilizer with a biofilter. This factory. The model, manufactured in an industrial way, consists of 4 sections:

  • sump;
  • an anaerobic chamber for the decomposition of large waste;
  • separator with a filter with bacteria;
  • aerobic septic tank (similar to the drainage field).

The best choice would be a septic tank with a drainage field that combines several wells and a filtration zone. Such a complex requires an area of ​​​​not 30 m2. At the same time, the minimum distance between the sump and the house is also at least 30 m.

Rating of septic tanks for a country house

It is enough to go to a specialized store and see the variety of septic tanks that it offers, and the consumer will face the problem of choosing the best option. Therefore, we invite you to study the ranking of the best non-volatile and volatile wastewater purifiers, which is compiled in accordance with expert opinion, analysis of sales volume and customer reviews.

TOP 3 non-volatile septic tanks:

Such tanks work without electricity and are suitable, first of all, for country houses with non-permanent residence.

  1. Tank. A simple septic tank that works on the principle of pre-treatment of wastewater by settling, biodegradation and subsequent distribution of treated water into the ground. This unit is made of durable polymer with stiffening ribs, which contributes to the resistance to increased loads in summer and winter. Approximate service life is about 50 years. Periodic cleaning is carried out every 3-4 years and pumping out to a third of the capacity once a year.
  2. Triton. This utilizer is equipped with three chambers that implement the process of removing fractions from the liquid, as well as the anaerobic decomposition of biomaterial, followed by the supply of purified waste water to the filtration site. There are models from 2 to 40 m3. When installing, it requires weighting for secure fixation. Service life 45-50 years. Annual cleaning required.
  3. BARS-Bio. The optimal choice, both for periodic and permanent residence in a private house with the possibility of creating a filtration field. In such a unit, the waste masses pass through three chambers and two biofilters that do not require maintenance. Provides a high degree of sewage treatment, which reduces the cost of reconstruction of drainage fields. Service life - more than 50 years. Requires cleaning every 5 years.

TOP 3 volatile septic tanks:

These devices require a constant connection to electricity and oxygen supply to microorganisms, so they are better suited for cottages with permanent residence. These are real deep sewage treatment plants with a high degree of efficiency.

  1. Tver. This design provides complex wastewater treatment through a multi-chamber system for receiving and treating large volumes using various bioadditives and reagents. This septic tank is suitable for installation in any soil, even in peat with an aggressive environment. The durable plastic tank resists corrosion, providing a service life of up to 60 years. Cleansing - every 3-4 years.
  2. Leader. The unit of six chambers provides complex purification of waste masses without the use of special bioactivators. Allows you to organize an ecological drain to any place (well, ditch, pond) due to the complete cleaning of sewage using anaerobic bacteria, polymer fishing line imitating algae, aeration tanks, activated sludge, alkaline environment. The service life is 55-60 years. Pumping - once every 5 years.
  3. Ecopan. Another multi-chamber device made of airtight plastic. Available in two versions: for normal soils or for high-passing groundwater. The two-layer design of the septic tank prevents the destructive effect of any soil. Completely environmentally friendly, provides a high degree of wastewater treatment. Service life - up to 50 years. Requires cleaning every 3-5 years.

All of the listed models of autonomous septic tanks for private houses have adequately proven themselves in the field of wastewater treatment, they have a well-thought-out design with a large margin of safety. Therefore, you just have to choose the required volume.

Installing a septic tank is a practical way to solve the problem of draining wastewater when arranging a local sewerage system. But, you see, among the variety of ready-made structures, it is sometimes not easy to make a choice.

To simplify the task, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with an overview of the main types of treatment facilities and popular models from leading manufacturers. We will tell you which septic tank to choose based on the characteristics of its operation, and we will indicate the main parameters of the device that must be taken into account when buying.

For a better understanding of the issue, we have supplemented the information with photographs of various models of utilizers, as well as diagrams for their installation.

A septic tank is a waterproof structure, consisting of one or more sections or divided into two or three compartments, chambers. But any sewage treatment plant has its own characteristics.

Therefore, in order to correctly choose a utilizer, it is necessary to analyze the types of equipment on the market, understand the principle of their operation and determine for yourself the appropriateness of using a particular model.

Types of materials used

Septic tanks, which are the main element of local sewage, are classified according to various criteria.

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If it is impossible to connect to a centralized one, choose the construction of an autonomous one. Here it is important to choose the right method of wastewater treatment. There may be several options. Consider each of them and determine which septic tank is better.

All about choosing a septic tank

Types of waste disposal devices

A septic tank is a watertight container in which wastewater accumulates or is processed. Classify the equipment according to such criteria.

All units dispose of wastewater, but they do it in different ways. The degree of purification also varies. Based on this, several types are distinguished.

Septic tanks

Tanks of various capacities, completely sealed. Most often they consist of one chamber, less often of two communicating compartments. Their function is to collect sewage, which is periodically taken out by a sewage machine.


  • Can be placed anywhere on . The main thing is to leave a free entrance for the car.
  • There is no need to equip a post-treatment system, for example, filtration fields that occupy a significant area. Plus, they are hard to install.
  • High resistance to volley discharges.
  • Safe for the environment, provided that the tightness is not compromised.
  • Energy independence and complete autonomy.


There is perhaps only one drawback - the need for pumping.

Septic tanks

Consist of three or two chambers. In each, the liquid is purified. Depending on the design features and the type of "working" microorganisms, water is clarified by 40-75%. Thus, anaerobic microorganisms are able to purify the waste liquid by 40-60%.


  • Sufficiently high degree of wastewater treatment.
  • Reliable durable construction.
  • Electricity supply is not required.


  • Restrictions on installation in various types of soil.
  • A permit for installation and operation is required.
  • The need for regular cleaning of the first compartment from accumulated sludge. True, this happens much less frequently than pumping out the drive.
  • A large area of ​​the underground part of the structure, taking into account infiltrators and drainage wells.

In addition, you will have to periodically buy bacteria and biofilters necessary for normal functioning.

Deep biotreatment systems

Multi-chamber system where waste is decomposed by chemical, biological and mechanical methods.

At the end of the cycle, 96-97% purified water comes out. It is considered technical, it is dumped into the ground or a reservoir. Post-cleaning is not required. A good quality of purification is ensured by the vital activity of aerobic bacteria and forced aeration. Possibility of installation in soils of any type.


  • Compactness.
  • They take up little space, given that the installation of additional devices for post-treatment is not required.
  • Regular pumping or cleaning is not necessary


  • The need to connect to the mains for the operation of aerators.
  • Difficult service. It is good that it is regularly carried out by specialists. Independent intervention will lead to incorrect operation of the equipment.
  • Restrictions on the use of household chemicals. Some of them provoke the death of aerobes.
  • The price is higher than other types of equipment.

Differences in the type of appliances determine which septic tank to choose for a private house. For example, for, a septic tank is suitable.

Criteria for choosing a septic tank for a country house

A competent choice of a recycling device is impossible without taking into account several defining criteria.


  • Concrete monolith. Durable, very durable. It is erected independently, formwork is used for installation. Quite difficult to make.
  • Reinforced concrete rings. Like the previous version, they are durable and last a long time. They need a secure seal. They can only be installed with the help of special equipment.
  • or brick structures. Raised from the bottom of the pit. Effective sealing is required, otherwise the material is destroyed by moisture. Installation is difficult.
  • Plastic tanks. Lightweight, relatively durable, low price. Insensitive to corrosion. Can be damaged by rodents, crack at low temperatures.
  • Metal containers. More often from steel alloys. Durable, durable, sealed. Without effective protection, they are destroyed by corrosion.
  • Fiberglass containers. Tight, lightweight, durable. Chemically inert, do not crack at low temperatures. They serve for a long time.


Calculated on the basis of the average daily flow rate. On average, one person per day accounts for 200 liters of sewage. According to the norms, the reservoir must contain at least a three-day norm for each resident. Plus, there is a reserve of 25-30% in case guests often come. The technical documentation of factory models always indicates how many people they are designed for.

The estimated volume of waste fluid determines the number of sections. So, if it is less than 1 cu. m, then choose a single-chamber utilizer, less than 10 cubic meters. m - two-chamber, more than 10 cubic meters. m - three-chamber. The dimensions of home-made devices are chosen arbitrarily.

Soil type and groundwater level

The geological situation of the area affects the choice. A sump with or infiltrate is placed only on sandy, pebbly and gravel soils, on plastic and sandy sandy loams. Groundwater should not reach at least 1 m to the structure. Clays, hard sandy loams, loams are not able to pass or absorb liquid. Therefore, it is impossible to put post-treatment systems on them.

Here, only discharge through sealed pipes into a centralized sewer or into ditches for drains is possible.

The best choice for clay soils would be sealed storage or bioremediation stations. Highly rising groundwater also does not allow the installation of sedimentation tanks complete with post-treatment. Only accumulators or biological stations are possible.

Homemade or Factory Made

Sometimes owners refuse to buy factory equipment. Make a choice in favor of homemade. Sometimes this is justified.

It is erected from concrete rings, monolithic concrete, brick. Provided that the installation is carried out correctly, a reliable durable construction is obtained. Sometimes old tires are used or just a pit is used. Such structures have a detrimental effect on the environment, polluting the soil around them. Factory containers made of plastic, and even more so fiberglass, will do the job better. Putting them in place is very simple. Septic tanks can also be made independently, but only the simplest models. After them, the liquid needs to be further cleaned, and equipment must be installed for this. If you need a completely safe, reliable design with a high degree of cleaning, you will have to buy it.

We conclude that a small drive is enough for a temporary home. The advantage of this solution is that the mini-tank can be installed independently. Houses with a permanent stay should be equipped with bio-cleaning stations. Settling devices equipped with post-treatment equipment can also be installed, but only if the terrain conditions allow it.

Rating of the best septic tanks for a country house

  • Topol, Eco-Grand company. Purifies waste liquid by 99%. Service is simplified due to the non-standard design of the first compartment. It is possible to clean the device yourself.
  • "Eurobion" from "Yubas". The rhythmic aeration tank allows the system to work even if the sewerage is not constantly used.
  • "Triton" and "Tank" from "Triton-plastic". A wide range of septic tanks, settling tanks and storage tanks of different capacities. From mini and micro models to 10,000 l tanks.
  • Astra from Unilos. Carries out effective multi-stage cleaning.

So, how to choose a septic tank for? It is necessary to accurately determine the volume of sewage, find out the type of soil, the level of groundwater rise. All this will help you choose the type of device. It remains to choose the material and volumes. The range of systems for recycling is very wide, it will not be difficult to make a rational choice.

It is the most popular brand today. The unit is made of high-strength plastic, 15-16 cm thick, the design is characterized by high strength and is designed to withstand increased loads, which is especially important when pressure is unstable in winter and summer. With proper operation, the equipment will work properly for more than 50 years.

The mechanism of operation of the septic tank consists in the phased cleaning of the sewer by settling and subsequent decomposition of the components with a biological filter with high productivity. The infiltrator allows you to properly distribute purified water in the soil.

Has a number of advantages:

  • autonomy of work, energy independence;
  • a special shape securely holds the septic tank at the right level in the ground;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • high degree of purification;
  • saving consumables;
  • ease of installation - no concreting is required for the pit, the convenience of the design provides a smaller amount of excavation work;
  • low cost.

With proper use of the equipment, cleaning can be done every 4-5 years. With permanent residence in the house, the manufacturer recommends cleaning the system with intensity once a year.

2. Septic tank "Triton". The three-chamber design ensures the proper removal of various suspensions from the material used, residues from the decomposition of biological materials, after which the purified water is supplied to the filtration surface. The septic tank is available in several models; from personal needs, you can choose a device with a volume of 2 to 40 m 3.

With regular use of the system, it is necessary to clean the solids twice a year. Proper operation of the equipment will allow it to be used for more than 50 years. During installation, it is necessary to equip an "anchor" or a concrete tank, which will allow you to securely fix the septic tank in the ground.

For small country houses, baths, you can use compact models - "Triton-mini", which provide processing of wastewater of small volume.

3. Septic tank "TOPAS" refers to energy-dependent septic tanks, for its operation requires a constant supply of electricity. Sewage treatment includes several stages:

  • decomposition of organic matter;
  • qualitative decrease in the level of mineralization;
  • removal of mechanical components.

The use of the TOPAS septic tank allows you to clean the drains by 98%, such water can be suitable for irrigating land.

The initial stage of cleaning takes place in the receiving chamber, where mechanical particles are deposited. In the next chamber, under the influence of active aerobic bacteria, organic matter is decomposed. The sludge masses that come along with the water flow settle in the next tank. From there, the water is already sent to exit the system or returned for further use.

"TOPAS" has important advantages:

  • automated principle of operation of the device;
  • effective wastewater treatment;
  • no noise and unpleasant odor during operation;
  • low power consumption;
  • compact dimensions.

Depending on the water consumption and the number of residents, you can purchase different models of a septic tank.

4. Biological treatment plant UNILOS "Astra". Deep cleaning stations are manufactured by SBM-Group, they combine two types of cleaning - mechanical and biological, effectively destroy pollution from sewers and maintain the environmental safety of the territory. The stations have several cameras and are characterized by important advantages:

  • Easy mounting method. The stations are delivered to the site assembled, no construction equipment is required for installation.
  • Durability and reliability. The body of the station is made of durable polypropylene, which provides resistance to mechanical and chemical influences. The service life exceeds 50 years.
  • Automated operating principle.
  • Economical use of electricity.
  • The system is cleaned of sludge particles using a drainage pump, no more than once every six months.

UNILOS stations are represented by a large range of models, modifications differ from the length of the pipeline and the depth of occurrence. Insulated models are also available that can be used in low temperature conditions.

5. BioDeka deep cleaning stations. The equipment provides a multi-level cleaning system - mechanical, biological and chemical. The station is suitable for use in cottages, private houses, country cottages, large industrial facilities. It should be installed for a number of reasons:

  • provides a high degree of purification;
  • no unpleasant odors during operation;
  • suitable for use in any type of soil and any climatic zones;
  • effectively clears large volumes of drains of any consistence.

All presented brands have proven themselves in the market, have a well-thought-out design and a fairly high degree of sewerage cleaning. Therefore, the choice remains only with the buyer.