Manchurian walnut in garden design. Manchurian walnut: planting, cultivation and care in the Moscow region

Of all the nut genus, the most winter-hardy is the Manchurian nut, the cultivation of which does not require excessive effort.

It's growing fast enough deciduous tree, which can reach a height of 30 meters. By appearance very similar to walnuts. In adult specimens, the trunk is dark gray with black cracks, and in young specimens it is smooth and light gray, the growth of the current year is yellow-brown.

The crown of the Manchurian walnut is spreading and tent-like, in diameter it can reach up to 20 meters. The root system of this type of nut is quite powerful and pivotal.

The leaves of the plant are very large, sometimes they can reach 80-110 cm. They are complex and alternate in shape. Each leaf consists of 10-20 oblong elliptical serrated leaves, up to 20 cm in size. In the warm season, they become saturated green, and in autumn and winter they become yellow.

The tree is bisexual; in spring, male and female flowers bloom with leaf blooming. Male flowers look like earrings, yellow-green hue, and female flowers are small tassels. The flowering period is in April and May.

The fruits are very similar to those of the walnut. The only difference is the size, they are sometimes smaller in diameter up to 4 cm. The shells are thick and strong. Green at the beginning, brown at the end. The nucleoli are whole and sweet, without partitions. Manchu nuts begin to ripen from mid-August to October. They do not stick to a tree, as soon as they ripen, they fall to the ground.

The plant usually begins to bear fruit 5-8 years after planting in open ground... Life expectancy sometimes reaches 250-300 years.

Origin and where it grows

The coniferous and mixed forests of the Manchuria region of northeastern China are considered the birthplace of the Manchu nut. It grows well in the forests of the Far East, Korea, on the territory of the Amur Region and Sakhalin. It prefers to grow along rivers or in the lower mountain belts at an altitude of 1000-2500 m above sea level.

Wild clean plantings are quite rare in nature, mainly the nut grows interspersed with pine, larch, juniper, cedar, Mongolian oak and Far Eastern maple.

Due to its winter hardiness, and it can withstand frosts down to -45 ° C, it is successfully cultivated in different regions... Plantings of this nut can be found in Moscow, Leningrad, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Orenburg regions, in the South Urals and on the Solovetsky Islands. Perhaps, single specimens of the Manchu walnut can be seen in different parts of the world.


This plant is propagated by seeds, which remain viable for two years. To grow a tree from a walnut, certain measures must be taken.

Seeds must be stratified:

  • 1 way. Soak the nuts for a day in a fairly warm, almost hot water... Then, within two months, change the water, and every day the water should become colder. TO last days the water temperature should be 5-7 ° C.
  • Method 2. At the very beginning of spring, the seeds must be left in hot water for a day, and then immersed in the sand and kept like this for a month at room temperature... During this time, the nuts should sprout.
  • Method 3. In winter, seeds should be kept refrigerated. In the spring, 15-20 days before planting, they should be immersed in warm water. All this time, the water needs to be changed daily.

When the nut opens and sprouts, it needs to be put on the edge in wet sawdust or sand and sprinkled a little. Moreover, the room temperature must be above 25 ° C. When the bores have reached a centimeter in length, the container must be transferred to cool place with a temperature of 3-5 ° C. They should grow in this cool room before being planted outdoors.

Manchurian walnut seeds can be sown in spring and fall. But spring seedlings form stronger than autumn ones. Within a year, small nuts grown from seeds can be planted on permanent place.


Probably, not every gardener who would like to have this tree in his country house has an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to plant a Manchurian nut.

Walnut should be planted in open ground in early spring or in the fall. It is preferable if the landing site will be located on the north side of the site. It must be borne in mind that as it grows, the tree will grow quite strongly, that is, the seedling cannot be planted close to buildings, a fence or other tall plants.

The land intended for Manchu walnut must be fertile enough. It should be slightly alkaline or neutral soil with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. The tree does not tolerate acidic soil. If the soil does not meet these indicators, then a little wood ash and phosphorus potash fertilizer.

When planting with seeds, i.e. nuts, it is necessary to prepare a bed. It needs to be dug up onto the bayonet of a shovel, after filling it with ash and fertilizers. Then you should mark the holes, and the depth should be about 8-10 centimeters, and the distance between them should be at least ten centimeters. When planting, the nut must be placed in the hole with an edge. Next, the nuts need to be covered with fertile soil. To retain moisture, it is better to mulch the garden bed with straw or sawdust.

When planting Manchurian nut seedlings, planting holes must be made at least 80 centimeters deep. It is imperative to put drainage on the bottom, it can be crushed stone, expanded clay, stones or broken brick. Then pour a layer on the drainage fertile soil with the addition of humus. In order for the nut to grow faster, the roots of the seedling must be pruned just before planting. Pruning will allow the lateral roots to develop more and not to go deep into the taproot. It is necessary to drive a peg into the hole and tie a seedling to it. Then cover with the rest of the earth and press it lightly around the trunk. The planted walnut seedling should be watered abundantly. And to protect the seedling from frost, around the trunk it is necessary to mulch the soil well with sawdust or peat.

After planting, the Manchu nut needs a lot of moisture, so watering should be regular, but moderate, so you need to water in several steps. In dry or hot weather, seedlings can be sprayed with a hose.


Manchurian nut pretty unpretentious tree and does not require special or constant care. But there are several rules that you should still follow:

  1. This plant is quite hygrophilous, so frequent watering is required. With periodic precipitation, mature tree watered abundantly about 4-5 times per season. If the summer is dry, then the nut should be watered weekly for 20-25 liters. If the tree is young, then the frequency of watering is doubled, and the abundance is reduced. After the end of the growing season and flowering of the nut, watering is reduced so that the plant has time to prepare for the winter period.
  2. The trunk circle must be weeded and loosened regularly. In order to prevent the growth of weeds and retain moisture, the soil around the trunk must be mulched.
  3. A tree trunk damaged by sunburn can often be seen. To minimize this problem, shrubs should be planted on the south side of the tree, which would cover the trunk with their foliage.
  4. For the first time in years, young walnut trees must be covered with foliage or peat for the winter.
  5. It is not necessary to form a crown of a nut, he will do it himself. But dried, damaged and interfering branches should be cut off annually. Branches are also pruned, which form excess density. Manchurian walnut pruning is done in the spring in warm weather, when the buds are already in full bloom.
  6. For the prevention of diseases and the appearance of pests, at the beginning of the season, the nut must be processed copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid. If the nut is already susceptible to disease, then this manipulation should be repeated after two weeks.


In homeopathy and traditional medicine, the leaves, green fruits and pericarp of this plant are used more. Manchurian walnut leaves are known for their powerful antiseptic properties, thanks to which traditional healers and healers call it a natural antibiotic and a panacea for a hundred diseases.

It has been verified by generations that medicinal drugs prepared on the basis of walnut have a positive effect, and sometimes bring complete healing for various ailments.

The use of such remedies as infusions, decoctions, oils and extracts in homeopathy is very diverse.

A decoction of fresh leaves cleanses and heals boils and wounds, and also serves to prevent the formation of calluses. To eliminate bleeding and relieve gum disease, it is used as a mouthwash. Serves irreplaceable assistant in the treatment of tonsillitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis, gingivitis and other similar diseases.

Quite often, a decoction of Manchurian walnut is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in the treatment of children with diathesis and rickets. A decoction of the leaves of the plant can be used in cosmetology as a hair rinse, prevents dandruff.

The tincture made from Manchurian walnut has an antispasmodic and analgesic effect as well as a diuretic, hemostatic, anthelmintic, vasodilator, antitumor and general tonic.

The use of tinctures, decoctions and oils provides a significant effect in the fight against skin diseases, anemia, thyroid diseases and nervous system, diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis, thrombophlebitis, mastopathy, hyperplasia, infertility and oncological diseases.

In the composition of the Manchurian nut, Chinese scientists have found a unique substance - juglone. This substance is able to slow down the growth and development of cancer cells, and promotes regeneration. In 2007, a juglone-based medical product for the treatment of leukemia was developed in Russia.

Besides traditional medicine and cosmetology, the Manchu nut has found its application in the food and confectionery industries. Delicious jam and butter are made from unripe nucleoli.

The wood of this nut is used in the manufacture of furniture and souvenirs. Natural black and brown colors are obtained from the bark of the tree.

The main use of walnut is its use in landscaping parks and streets. In addition, phytoncides, contained in large quantities in the plant, repel insects. There are no mosquitoes in clean Manchurian walnut plantations.

An interesting video about the Manchu walnut and its cultivation at their summer cottage.

Manchu (another name for Dumbey) - deciduous tree with a round crown like a ball. It belongs to monoecious plants, that is, male and female flowers grow on the same tree. The homeland of the Manchu nut is the Far East, the Korean Peninsula, North China.

Transplant the Manchurian nut to a permanent place in the spring (in April) or in the fall (in September). It is recommended to plant a tree from the north side, while remember that as it grows it will take up a lot of space. Calculate the distance to it from other plants accordingly.

On the site intended for Manchurian walnut, the land should be fertile and moist.

The nut does not tolerate acidic soil, grows well in a slightly alkaline or neutral environment with a pH of 6.5-7.5. To achieve these conditions, wood ash or phosphorus-potassium ash is added to the ground (the amount depends on the type of soil).

Tips for planting a nut:

  • To plant a nut, the garden must be dug up, going deep about ten centimeters, sprinkled with ash and loosened. Then mark the holes, keeping a distance of about ten meters between them.
  • Provided that you immediately plant (nuts) in a permanent place, place them at a depth of about eight centimeters. you need to put on the edge, one meter, ten or fifteen pieces. Then they are covered with earth and a layer of straw or sawdust (t) is placed on top for better moisture retention.
  • When planting seedlings, make holes 80 centimeters deep. Pour drainage into each hole, it can be stones, rubble, broken brick. Place a layer of soil on the drain, which is mixed in equal parts with humus, sand and turf. Place a seedling on the prepared soil in the hole, tie it to a peg and cover it 4/5 of the height with earth, water it abundantly, wait seven minutes until the water is absorbed and fill in the rest. Lightly press the soil around the trunk and sprinkle on top with a thick layer of sawdust or peat. This must be done to protect the seedlings from frost.

After transplanting, the nut requires a lot of moisture, so you need it regularly in several stages. If the weather is dry, use a hose to spray the seedlings.

When planting seedlings, you need to prune the roots, otherwise the nut will grow slowly. In advance - cut off the taproot of a young seedling at a depth of 30-40 centimeters, which goes deeper. This will stimulate the growth of lateral roots, and the roots will not be severely damaged during transplantation.

When planting sprouted nuts, the taproot must be pinched off, in this case it will be possible not to cut the roots.

In order for the plant to take root and grow well, it must be correctly positioned relative to the cardinal points. Plant the seedlings according to their original position, that is, "south side" - to the south, "north" - to the north.

Manchurian nut - unpretentious plant and does not require special care:

  1. The tree loves moist soil, so you need it often. Adult plants are watered about four to five times per season with sufficient rainfall, two and three year old seedlings - seven or eight times. If the year is dry, you need to water the tree every week with 20 liters.
  2. To avoid stagnation of water near the trunk, the soil must be regularly loosened and cleaned. To keep the soil moist and make it difficult for weeds to grow, add mulch to the ground after this procedure.
  3. At the end of the growing season and flowering, the amount of watering should be reduced. This is necessary to prepare the tree for winter (end of growth and maturation of wood).
  4. The tree is frost-resistant, and after frost damage, the nut quickly recovers and begins to bear fruit.
  5. If the tree is badly damaged by burns, you need to cut the trunk and leave a low stump. Trunk circles are necessary - weed, loosen, sprinkle with mulch. From the base of the hemp, the formation of shoots will quickly begin, from which new trunks are formed.
  6. Protect from sunburn a tree can be placed on the south side of it tall trees (,) at a distance of about ten meters.
  7. To save the bole, plant large (irga,) on the south side at a distance of two to three meters.
  8. For the first three years, the seedling will need to be covered with peat, dry foliage, or just burlap. At the end of summer, the tree must be fed with superphosphate (20 grams per 10 liters) of water or ash.
  9. When the Manchu nut grows in an open area, it takes the form of a large bush. The branches in the lower part of the trunk gradually thicken, forming new trunks. Thanks to this multi-stem shape, the tree becomes more protected from sunburn.

The Manchu nut usually molds itself. You need to cut off dried and poorly located branches, which make the crown unnecessarily thick. Prune branches better in springwhen the air temperature rises above 10 degrees.

The ideal time for is the period after bud break.

After that, you should not prune the branches until mid-August, this can cause re-formation of buds and growth. As a result, young shoots will freeze in winter.

The Manchurian nut can be shaped in a variety of ways and at any time. It can be made as a spreading bush with many trunks or in the form of a tall palm tree. The advantage of the high position of the crown is that it does not deprive other plants in the area of \u200b\u200bsunlight.

Since the Manchurian nut has antimicrobial properties and protects itself from pests, it is practically unaffected. But it happens and it gets sick.

If the leaves of the tree turn black and begin to dry, this is a sign fungal disease... Treat the walnut with Fundazole or any preparation containing copper (copper sulfate 1%, Bordeaux liquid). Perform the procedure twice with an interval of fourteen days.

The main pests that can infect the Manchurian nut are not so many:

  1. Gall mite
  2. Walnut

The gall mite survives the winter in the buds and lays eggs in them in the spring. Females penetrate the leaves, in their central part, forming tubercles on the leaf plates. Spray the infected trees with a solution of colloidal sulfur (100 grams per 10 liters of water) during the budding period. From June, you can spray with Fufanon (0.1%) every ten to twelve days.

Abamectin gives a good result. It has a neurotoxic effect on ticks and penetrates into plant tissues to a shallow depth, without spreading throughout the entire system.

Branches that are badly damaged must be cut and burned.

Nutcracker is an insect with two pairs of wings that affects the bark of shoots, leaves and flowers, forming bags (galls) in them. The most safe method the fight against nutcracker will be the cutting off of the affected shoots and their destruction. When adults are already emerging from the larvae, spray the plant with a solution of chlorophos (0.2%) or karbofos (90g per 10 liters of water). Stains may appear on the leaves in rainy, cold weather.

It is a bone 3-4 cm wide and 4-5 cm long, covered with a green shell. There is a hard shell inside the green pulp, and in it. In appearance, it almost does not differ from a walnut, only it weighs less. The taste also reminds one, which is not surprising, because the Manchu nut is the closest relative of the walnut.

Nut composition:

  • 12% - core
  • 37% - green shell
  • 51% - shells

It is advisable to have at least two nuts of the same species, because in monoecious plants, the flowering times of male and female flowers may not coincide. In this case, it decreases. Male flowers form long green earrings, and the female ones look like brushes. The nuts ripen in September and fall to the ground. The green shell of ripe nuts becomes rough and brown in color.

Nuts are connected in bunches from three to seven pieces in each, and there may be singles.

Fruits begin to ripen in seven to eight-year-old trees; the walnut gives the most abundant harvests every two years. From one mature tree, you can harvest about eighty kilograms of nuts per season.

In the spring, you can collect the juice of the Manchu nut, it tastes good enough. Contains potassium and magnesium. does not contain. Can be drunk as a refreshing and invigorating drink.

Traditional medicine practitioners and homeopaths mainly use leaves, green hulls (pericarp) and unripe nuts. Other parts of the nut are also used for medicinal purposes - the shell and partitions inside it, the outer shell of the rhizome, and the bark. Manchurian nut tincture has a diuretic, vasodilating and anthelmintic effect, relieves spasms and stops bleeding, removes minor pains.

Chinese doctors claim that the extract from the peel of the Manchu walnut helps to stop cancer and destroys cancer cells.

Fresh walnut leaves are used for better wound healing. It is necessary to knead the leaves so that they give juice, put on the wound and bandage. Young (dairy) are used to make jam. You need to collect nuts for jam in July, until a hard shell has formed.

if you have free place on garden plot, take it with a Manchu nut, you won't regret it.

More information can be found in the video.

Manchurian walnut is a wonderful plant that gives useful fruitsresembling walnuts. This plant comes from the Far East, which is what its name says. Outwardly, it looks like a walnut tree: it has a similar crown, shade of bark, branches. However, the leaves are very different, since in the Manchurian walnut they are elongated, and sometimes even reach one meter, and in addition, the leaf plate itself is larger. The cultivation of this wonderful culture is possible in middle lane, and even in cold Siberia. How to do it correctly - we will tell you in the article. We will figure out how to properly plant a Manchurian walnut in the garden, how to care for the plant, and also learn the specifics of growing it in warm and cold climates.

Description and features of the Manchurian nut

The Manchurian nut, as already mentioned, came to our gardens from the Far East. Therefore, this plant itself is quite cold-resistant, which allows it to be grown in the frosty climate of Siberia, not to mention the middle lane.

Manchurian nut

Compared to walnuts, the fruits of the Manchu tree are much smaller - they reach a maximum of 3 cm in diameter.One branch usually contains from 2 to 7 nuts. And, unlike the walnut, the Manchu frost-resistant, excellent resistance to winter cold, hardened. Therefore, gardeners living in a harsh climate are increasingly choosing this unpretentious and hardy culture for growing on their plots: after all, the Manchu nut can withstand frost down to -45 degrees.

A particularly vigorous growth period for the Manchu walnut occurs between its five and twenty years of age. But in general, the nut is able to reach the age of 200-250 years, but it grows upward and in breadth only up to 80-90 years, after which it freezes.

The video shows the cultivation of Manchurian nuts:

Now breeders are busy crossing the Manchu and walnutstrying on the basis useful qualities of these plants to develop a new hybrid that has valuable properties of both. It is especially important for breeders to combine in one plant the yield and high taste of walnuts with the frost resistance of the Manchurian.

Beneficial features

The Manchurian nut fruit has a number of beneficial properties. So, among others, they have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. The tree is also a wonderful honey plant. Therefore, you can think about placing a small apiary next to it.

Jam is made from nuts, cosmetic creams and medicines are made on their basis. A rich brown dye is obtained from the bark of the plant. And the wood itself has high strength and beautiful decorative pattern... Due to these valuable properties, expensive and elegant pieces of furniture are made from walnut.

In addition to the above, the Manchu walnut is very attractive in itself, and can become a real decoration of any garden.

How to plant

We warn you right away that planting a Manchurian nut is a rather troublesome business, requiring careful preparation, and compliance with many nuances. Find out important points for planting this garden culture.

The first step is to grow the seedlings of the plant themselves, which will then need to be planted. Saplings are grown from seeds: planting is carried out in the fall, in order to see the shoots in the spring.

Site selection

In order for the nut to take root and hatch, it is necessary to choose a well-lit sunny area of \u200b\u200bthe garden for it. There should not be any obstacles that create a shadow. It is important that no other hazel trees grow nearby, and grapes are not located. The latter culture cannot stand the neighborhood of the Manchurian nut, and cannot grow nearby.

Dig the area 10 cm deep, add wood ash to the soil, and then carefully loosen the soil. Mark the holes in such a way that one square meter their land was no more than ten. Walnut is a powerful tree, and even at a young age has a highly branched root system, so it needs space and the absence of close neighbors.

Planting seeds

Two-year-old nuts should be used as planting material. Young fruits that have lain for more than three years are not suitable. The former should be ripe, and the latter will not be useful at all. It is important to hold before boarding a short time nuts in kerosene to disinfect, remove microorganisms, pest larvae, and disease spores from their surface.

In addition, before planting nut seeds in the ground, they must be stratified. The stratification procedure enhances the endurance of seeds, kills harmful microorganisms on them, and helps seedlings hatch faster. And also, given that seeds are planted before winter, it helps them harden in advance.

In the holes, nuts should be placed on the edge, the minimum distance between the holes should be 10 cm.After the nuts are in the ground, cover them with soil from above, and then mulch the garden to save optimal humidity in the soil.

When shoots appear in the spring, they should be transplanted to a permanent "place of residence". It is important to choose in advance suitable places for this: free, spacious, away from buildings. When transplanting, be sure to shorten the main root of the seedling so that the culture will better take root and grow.

Planting seedlings

When Manchurian walnut shoots appear in the spring, they must be transplanted to a place where the tree will grow constantly. Consider what points you need to keep in mind for a competent transplant.

The first step is to dig a hole for the seedling. If you plant several trees, then observe a distance of 10-12 meters between the holes: the tree grows extremely spreading and lush. The volume of each hole should be about 80-100 cm.

A drainage layer must be placed at the bottom of the hole. Broken brick or small gravel can act as the latter. Spread a layer of fertilizer over the drainage layer to make the soil more plant-friendly. Also add humus, you can sod and river sandif the soil needs better drainage... Fill the holes with water before planting the nut so that the soil is properly moistened.

The video shows the process of growing Manchurian nuts:

The seedling must be tied to a wooden peg for greater stability - and only in this way placed in the hole. Cover the seedling with earth, and on top of the root circle, mulch with fallen leaves, sawdust or peat.

When winter comes, the young seedling will need to be insulated (burlap is suitable), as well as wrapped with a special mesh device that protects against rodents.

It will also be interesting to know what kind of weed remedies in the country should be used in the first place:

Starting from the second year of life, it is necessary to form the crown of the plant. By choosing one or another molding method, you can make from Manchurian walnut:

  • sprawling lush tree with a wide crown;
  • a plant with a spherical crown;
  • multi-stem bush.

It is impossible to cut the nut in the spring and until mid-June, since during this period there is an active sap flow in its branches after winter stagnation.

However, it is impossible to hesitate with pruning: if the procedure is carried out even at the end of July, then this can lead to the fact that the pruned branches will not be able to completely heal before frost, and will freeze over the winter. The best time for the procedure in our climate is the second half of June-first half of July.

The soil

You should be aware that the Manchu nut has high demands on the quality of the soil. It is important that the site is fertile and well drained. If your nut grows safely, develops, does not get sick, and bears fruit well, this is a clear indicator that the soil on its site is fertile and with good groundwater drainage.

Land for planting Manchurian nuts


Manchurian walnut in the garden


The plant does not tolerate sharp temperature changes. Therefore, until a stable heat is established, completely from winter shelter it is better not to free the tree.

Growing in Siberia

If before that it was about growing Manchu walnut in a rather mild climate of the middle zone, now we will consider what features are there when cultivating this plant in the harsh climate of Siberia.

The video shows the cultivation of Manchurian nuts in Siberia:

Planting and care in this case will be exactly the same as when growing in the middle lane. However, in order for a tree to safely endure the harsh Siberian winter, it definitely needs a reliable dense shelter.

We examined the features of growing Manchurian nuts. As you can see, the culture is quite unpretentious: you will have to tinker only when planting. But after the tree has already successfully rooted and grows, every year it will be able to delight you with useful nutritious fruits, and at the same time decorate the garden landscape.

Manchurian walnut (Juglans mandshurica), its second name is Dumbey, in botany it is described as one of the species of monoecious trees belonging to the genus Walnut. Mature trees reach an average height of 25 to 30 meters. The trunk is flat, straight with a wide spreading spherical crown, reaching a diameter of about 20 meters. The bark is colored dark gray, grayish-brown, blackish in color, has a fractured texture. The homeland of the nut, as the name implies, is Manchuria, northern China. The Manchurian nut, unlike its closest relative, the walnut, is distinguished by its low whimsicality to the environment, has outstanding winter hardiness, and can withstand frosts down to -50 ° C.

In addition, the nut has amazing beneficial features, one of them is the ability to release a bactericidal substance called juglone, which clears the atmosphere of harmful bacteria and infections.

The lifespan of the Manchu nut is about 200-250 years, active growth lasts up to 80-90 years, then the process begins to slow down. The tree has a massive root system, thanks to which it is resistant to strong gusts of wind. The tree resists drought due to the development of a long taproot.

Walnut blooms from late May to June. Male flowers are long earrings, female small tassels, pollinated by the wind. Usually bears fruit from 7-8 years of age almost every year, and good harvests begin in the third year after the beginning of fruit production.

The fruit is large, up to 6 cm in diameter at the widest part. The shape of the fruit is usually oblong, with a sharp tip, the shell is thick and firm. But unlike walnuts, the volume and size of the nut itself under the shell is smaller. Ripening time - end of September.

A photo

Photo of an adult Manchurian walnut tree

Flowering tree:


Although the homeland of the Manchu nut is North China, and the tree's natural habitat is also the Far East and Korea, due to its unpretentiousness to cold weather, the culture is able to grow and live successfully in almost any climatic region.

Today there is a practice of growing trees in the Urals, Siberia, the Moscow region, Leningrad and other regions. In Russia, it is widely used for landscaping cities in different latitudes.

The cultivation of Manchurian nuts in the Moscow region, in Siberia and in the Urals, one might say, is no different: either from seeds or from seedlings. There is only a slight difference in the care.

Care rules in the Moscow region

In addition to all other rules of crop care, there are some special ones for care in the area.

  • When planting in the fall, before the onset of cold, young seedlings need to be insulated non-woven fabric and cover with a rodent net.
  • From mid to late summer, the culture must be fed with fertilizer. Superphosphate works well.
  • Every year with the onset spring period, the tree needs to be rid of frostbitten and diseased branches.

How to grow a Manchu nut from a stone (instruction)

How to grow this nut tree? There are two methods that are common for most trees: growing from seeds and planting seedlings.

The traditional method to grow a nut is to use seeds and seeds for propagation. Fruits from one to two years old are suitable for using seeds. You can prepare seeds for sowing at home. There are several proven ways:

  1. Send the seeds to the refrigerator until spring, then 10 days before planting they contain warm waterthat needs to be changed daily.
  2. Soak the seeds in cool enough water and keep them in water up to 7 ° C. The water needs to be changed regularly.
  3. Soak seeds in autumn for a month in water, keep them in a room with an average room temperature (20-24 ° C). After that, place in the snow until spring.
  4. Soak the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate for 3 to 5 days, germinate in a seedling box, and then plant in open ground. Since the shell of the nuts is hard and strong, experienced gardeners they say it is necessary to soften it before planting in order to improve germination.
  5. You can use a more accelerated method: keep the seeds in hot water for a day in early March, and then bury them in the sand and leave them at normal room temperature. The seeds will sprout in a month.

To protect the planting material (fruit, bone, seed) from rodents, it must be treated with kerosene before planting. Seeds are planted both in autumn and spring. But according to qualified gardeners, the best time to seed / seed Manchu walnut is in autumn.

After the seeds germinate, they can be transplanted into the ground where they will grow for their later life. At the planting site, there should be no tall trees and structures nearby, so that there is a sufficient amount of light and in the future there are no problems with the root system of trees.

Seeds are planted in the ground to a depth of 8-10 cm. The distance between future seedlings should be 1-1.5 meters (if possible, 2-3 m would be even better).

At the very beginning of the growth of seedlings, it is necessary to prevent the soil from being dry by regularly watering the plants. When the seedlings begin to turn into trees as they grow, they can be pruned and shaped at any time of the year. If you want to grow a tree with many trunks, you need to pinch the top of the seedling, otherwise the tree will grow naturally, by nature, which will not deprive it of its beauty.

Other breeding methods

Vegetative way

Growing a nut from cuttings, seedlings, differs from growing some other trees in this way in that in the future, transplanting a tree to another place can end quite tragically. It is important to initially choose the right place where the tree will grow, because the seedlings are sensitive to movement. In the area where the Manchurian nut will grow, good land is needed.

Correct planting of seedlings

Another important aspect is that you need to plant a seedling not too close to tall trees, so that they do not take away or obstruct the light. You should also plant not near buildings and structures, because over time, the seedlings will acquire a powerful deeply penetrating root system. The required age of the seedling is 1-2 years. The distance between the seedlings should be about 10 meters. The hole (planting hole) should be 0.8-1 m deep, the width depends on the roots of the seedling. The best time for planting - early autumn (September) and spring (April), planting in the spring is most favorable.

The bottom of the pit must be covered with drainage from stones, fine gravel, crushed bricks or gravel. A layer of soil is superimposed on the drainage layer. It is important to know that if the planting of a nut is carried out in earth unsaturated with necessary substances or in earth made of dense clay, a planting mixture consisting of turf soil, sand and decomposed humus is necessary. You also need potash fertilizer (or wood ash) with superphosphate, they create the necessary, neutral environment with a pH of 6.5-7 in which the nut grows well.

The seedling is placed vertically into the planting pit with drainage and soil, it is advisable to immediately attach it to the peg, after which the floor of the pit is covered with soil, water is poured from above (depending on the size of the seedling), the soil is poured and compacted, the same amount of water is added from above. To retain moisture in the soil and protect the root system from frost, a small layer of peat, sawdust, foliage without signs of decay is placed on top, this is called mulching and it is mandatory.

Planting in spring

Gardeners have different opinions about when to plant the best, spring or fall.

In very cold areas and on damp cold soils, experts recommend planting seedlings in spring, since when autumn planting underground water can adversely affect their roots.


Today the Manchurian walnut has a wide habitat, it needs care everywhere, although it is simple. This culture needs abundant moisture. In the first year, care is moisturizing 2 times a month. In the future, depending on autumn precipitation, watering will decrease.

Another tree care item is digging. Do this along the crown line. Thereby root system saturated with oxygen in an amount sufficient for growth and life.

To properly care for the Manchu nut, you also need a solution based on lime and clay, which is applied to the trunk and main branches. This protects young tree trunks from sunburn.

As for cutting the crown, this is undesirable for this culture. If the tree is growing in sufficient space, sanitary pruning in early spring and before winter is sufficient. If there is a need for trimming or shearing a nut, then this should be done at the end of summer and it is desirable that a specialist does it.

In landscape design

Interestingly, the Manchurian walnut is even more decorative than the walnut. It is used for landscaping both suburban areas and cities, streets, courtyards. Parks and squares with Manchurian walnut plantings will become a very comfortable place for walking, as this culture repels mosquitoes thanks to phytoncides.

The greatest compatibility of this culture with conifers.

Where could I buy?

Growing instructions on video

A detailed story about the planting of walnuts in the central regions of Russia from the channel "Derevenskie posidelki".

Have you decided to plant a Manchu nut in your garden? The planting of this tree must be done correctly. Despite the fact that this type of nut is unpretentious and hardy, it has its own requirements that must be taken into account when deciding to grow it on your site. For the first few years, the tree needs care, thanks for which early fruiting will be.

Description of the species

The Manchurian walnut is a long-lived tree; in favorable conditions, its life span reaches 250 years. Up to 85 years old, it has a stable annual growth of shoots. For the first 7-10 years, the shoots grow up to 1 meter, later, during the growing season, their length increases by 50-60 cm. After 100 years, the growth stops, only replacing shoots grow back instead of the damaged ones.

The maximum tree height is 30 meters. Growth can be kept in check by shaping the crown during spring pruning.

The root is taproot, going deep into the ground, which makes the nut wind-resistant. Its cultivation is possible in places blown by the wind.

When planting a nut, it must be borne in mind that the crown is very spreading and requires a lot of space. No other plants grow in the shade under this tree.

Manchurian walnut is photophilous. In the shade, it grows poorly, endures only light partial shade for several hours a day.

If the care of the nut is carried out properly, then fruiting begins already in the fifth year after planting. Flowering begins in late April or early May, foliage blooms along with the flowers. On the same tree, male and female flowers are formed, which are pollinated by the wind.

Due to the fact that the formation of male and female flowers may not coincide slightly in time, it is recommended to grow two or three trees in one area to increase productivity.

Nuts have a diameter of about 3 cm, an oval shape, up to 6 cm long. The pericarp is a thick greenish skin. When it begins to brighten, become covered with brown spots, and then the brown color changes to black - this is an indicator that the nuts are ripe. Ripening is uneven throughout the month.

The nut shell is very hard, dark brown or black in color. It is used in folk art, for making jewelry, caskets or other decorative items.

The shell is a natural dye and is used to create paints and stains. The resulting paint colors are different shades of brown and black.

Difference from other types of nuts

When deciding to plant a Manchurian nut in the garden, you should take into account some of its differences from other species in terms of the requirements for growing conditions.

Manchurian, walnut, black and gray nuts belong to the nut family, they are similar in appearance, have the same nutritional value and excellent taste.

The advantage of the Manchu walnut over the walnut is its frost resistance. This makes it possible to grow it in regions with harsh winters. It can withstand a drop in temperature to minus 45 ° C, and this does not affect the quantity and quality of the fruit. When returning spring frosts growth points at the ends of young shoots may freeze slightly, but over the summer they are replaced by new shoots that grow from dormant buds.

Also, the Manchurian walnut is superior to black in frost resistance, but inferior to it in terms of soil and air moisture requirements. Black walnut is drought tolerant and suitable for cultivation in hot climates, while the Manchu walnut requires a lot of moisture, it dies in dry climates.

Manchurian walnut should be planted in the garden if two conditions are met:

  • enough space for its full growth;
  • the humidity of the air and soil is increased, and the dry period is short and rare.

Preparing seeds for planting

The Manchurian walnut does not form shoots, so the main way of its reproduction is growing from seeds. Fully ripe two-year-old seeds are suitable for this. Older and newer harvested seeds sprout very badly.

You can plant them immediately in a permanent place, or you can grow seedlings in a school garden bed. A prerequisite for any method is that the seeds must be stratified.

If the cultivation is carried out in a permanent place, then it is best to plant the seeds in the fall. Then the stratification will pass naturally, which will increase the germination of nuts. In addition, this method does not require further transplantation of seedlings, which they do not always tolerate safely.

If you plan to grow seedlings first, then the seeds must be prepared at home. They are soaked for several hours, then placed in a container, the bottom of which is lined with a damp cotton cloth. Cover with a thick layer of the same fabric. Instead of cloth, you can use wet sphagnum moss or sand. Place in a cool place two to three months before planting. A cool basement or vegetable drawer in the fridge works well for this. The nuts should not dry out during this period. Germination of seedlings is carried out in the spring.

How to plant seeds correctly

If the place is permanent, then it is prepared in advance:

  • dig a landing hole 80-90 cm deep, the same width;
  • the distance between the pits must be at least 12 meters;
  • a drainage layer must be poured onto the bottom;
  • nutritious soil is poured into the pit, which consists of garden soil, humus, sand in equal quantities; you can add a little peat;
  • as the soil is covered with soil, the pit is shed big amount water;
  • after a week or two, the earth is lightly tamped and the top layer is loosened;
  • nuts are laid sideways, on the edge, planting depth - 10 cm;
  • cover the top with moist nutritious soil and cover the planting with a thin layer of mulch.

When planting in a permanent place, several seeds are sown, because only a few of them will sprout. After germination, they wait one to two months and remove those that develop poorly. Leave one of the strongest and strongest seedlings.

If the cultivation is carried out on a school bed, then it is dug up to a depth of 10 cm, the seeds are placed on the edge at a distance of 20 cm from each other, covered with soil and moistened. The soil in the garden bed should be loose and fertile. In this case, it is important to pay attention to some points.

  • The seedlings are transplanted at the age of 1 year, because later digging up the root system can be damaged, which will cause the nut to die.
  • Planting in a new place is carried out at the same depth at which the seedlings grew in the school bed. The growth point cannot be deepened.
  • When transplanting, it is necessary to observe the cardinal points: it is necessary to plant in the same way as the plant was located earlier.
  • The main root should be shortened slightly to induce lateral root growth. Such manipulation will help the plant begin to bear fruit earlier.

Seed care in both cases is to keep the soil always moist. For the least moisture evaporation in hot weather, plantings can be covered with thin agrofiber.

Planted nuts can be eaten by mice. To prevent this from happening, the seeds are soaked in kerosene.

Care of young seedlings

Seedling care includes:

  • control of soil moisture and watering;
  • weeding;
  • loosening;
  • top dressing;
  • crown formation;
  • pruning dry and frozen branches.

If care is carried out regularly, then fruiting occurs already in the fifth year. In poor conditions, the nuts will begin to form and ripen only after 7-8 years.

With rare rains, abundant watering is carried out once a week. If precipitation does not fall for a long time, then water it once every 4-5 days. For one young tree you need two buckets of water.

So that after watering the earth does not compact, it must be loosened. To facilitate maintenance by reducing loosening and weeding, it will be possible if a layer of mulch 5-10 cm thick is laid in the near-trunk zone.

It is enough to fertilize once a season, in the second half of summer. Superphosphate is suitable for this. Two tablespoons are diluted in a bucket of water - this is a dose for one young tree.

Walnut care in autumn

Autumn care is about preparing for winter. It is important to keep rodents out of the tree and to protect the trunk from burns.

Whitewashing with garden paint, which is applied in a thick layer, helps from burns. Instead of paint, you can wrap the barrel with several layers of burlap or agrofiber.

A fine-mesh metal mesh saves from rodents, which must be installed at some distance from the trunk. It should be high enough, because hares gnaw trees at a height of up to 1 meter, depending on the height of the snow cover in winter.

Crown formation

The Manchurian nut can be left to grow in any shape, or you can form a crown. This should be done in the first 5 years.

  1. For tall stem growing, remove all side branches below the desired height.
  2. For growing on a short stem, when the main stem reaches the desired height, it is shortened. In this place, many additional branches are formed, which in the future fully develop.
  3. Growing in the form of a bush will have to sacrifice almost the entire main trunk of the tree. To do this, it is cut down close to the ground, and many shoots begin to grow from dormant buds.

The crown itself can be formed in the form of a ball, cutting off unnecessary shoots.

Time to prune branches is late spring or early summer. For Manchu walnut, pruning is painless.

Caring for an adult tree

After the tree begins to bear fruit, the main care for it is frequent watering... If it rains frequently in the region in summer, then watering is rarely carried out, and caring for Manchu nuts is not burdensome.

Nuts ripen in the fall within a month. Some fall to the ground, and some will have to be knocked down with a stick. On average, up to two bags of nuts can be harvested from one tree of fifteen years of age.

The nut is not susceptible to diseases and pests because of its ability to release phytoncides.

In areas with harsh winters, the Manchurian nut is an excellent alternative to walnut because of its winter hardiness and resistance to strong winds... But at the same time, the main requirement of this tree must be observed - high humidity air and soil. If the region has such a climate, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe garden is large, then the Manchu nut should be planted on your site, having allocated a spacious place for it.