A collection of games and exercises for the development of coherent speech in children of middle preschool age “We play together - we develop speech. Child speech development

Entertaining exercises for the development of speech: Speech therapy for preschoolers... In 3 albums. Album 1. Sounds C, 3, C / L. N. Zueva, N. Yu. Kostyleva, O. P. Soloshenko. - M .: OOO "Astrel Publishing House": 000 "Publishing house ACT", 2003. - 79, with: ill.

The manual contains entertaining game tasks for children 5-7 years old, contributing to the formation of correct sound pronunciation, enrichment of vocabulary, development of logical thinking and graphic skills. Illustrations for the manual are made by the artist A.V. Savelyev.

Addressed to preschool teachers, speech therapists, and parents.

Astrel Publishing House LLC, 2000

Dear adults!

Anticipating your impatience and desire to plunge into the world of colorful pictures as quickly as possible, we still hope that you will keep your attention on this page.

This manual contains entertaining game tasks for children 5-7 years old, designed for the development of speech and at the same time focused on the comprehensive development of the child. Performing these tasks with your help and under your guidance, the child will develop his speech, logical thinking, attention, memory, imagination, and also acquire graphic skills without knowing it.

The set consists of four colorfully illustrated albums, each designed to work on a specific group of sounds:

I - sounds s, s, s, s, c;

II - sounds hi, f, h, u;

III - sounds p, pb, l, l;

IV - sounds p, p, b, b, f, f, v, v, t, t, d, d, k, k, g, z, x and ioty-rated sounds.

Simultaneously with the consolidation of the correct sound pronunciation (and on the same sound material), the vocabulary is refined and expanded, the deficiencies of the grammatical structure are eliminated, and phonemic perception develops. This is achieved by involving the child in a certain kind of game and speech situations, where he is an active participant, able to reason, generalize, analyze, and draw independent conclusions. On the one hand, we offer the child a role model, on the other, we provide a wide field for imagination and creativity.

Every two pages in the album - the so-called spread - is a working playground for a child, often having a single plot. If the left page, as a rule, carries the main speech and cognitive load, then the right one contains exercises that develop fine motor skills. Using assignments of this kind will be of great help in preparing your hand for writing.

Play exercises are designed with the capabilities of older preschool children in mind. However, all exercises should be done with the help of a speech therapist and parents. The stage of staging, automating isolated sound and automating sound at the syllable level is carried out by a speech therapist. The work with this manual begins at the stage of sound automation in the word. The selection of tasks is at the choice of the speech therapist.

Give your child the opportunity to look closely at the depicted objects and phenomena. To make it easier to remember new words, and at the same time, the process of consolidating the correct sound pronunciation was more intensive, it is necessary to use them more often in a conversation with a child. At the same time, it is useful to pose questions in such a way that when answering, the child has to use these words himself.

The effectiveness of classes largely depends on whether they become interesting for the child, and therefore they should not be forced and tedious. Organize classes more often, but they should not exceed 25 minutes.

Play exercises should be carried out in a calm and welcoming atmosphere. The number of tasks offered to the child should correspond to his individual capabilities and the recommendations of a speech therapist.

In no case should you force the performance of work, reproach children that they are not able to do something. It is important not only to teach the child something, but also to instill in him self-confidence, to cultivate the ability to defend his own decision.

From the very beginning, explain to the child that you need to treat the album with care, and do the tasks on its pages accurately and accurately (paint only what is indicated, draw only what is required, etc.).

If you are patient, will be attentive to our recommendations, and besides, you will be able to supplement our stories on the basis of your imagination, then you will achieve good results.

Good luck to you and your children!

Look at and name the pictures. Tell me, what sound is found in the names of all these items? Find and name an extra item in each row. Explain why it is unnecessary.

Connect the same objects with paths of different colors. Name everything that you see in the picture in one word.

Each picture is a word. Take a pencil and connect the pictures in such a way that the last sound of the previous word becomes the beginning of the next. What sound is that? The first pictures of the chains are marked with red dots.

Name the words in the first chain. How many are there? Name the words of the second chain. How many words are there? Mark each word with a stripe

Color the planes: those facing right are blue, and those facing left are red.

Look at and name the items hidden by the artist. Trace the contours of the objects with different pencils. How many objects did the artist draw? What sound do all these words begin with?


The participants in the game have chips of different colors and a cube with a different number of points on the edges.

Description of the game:the player rolls the dice and moves to the appropriate number of cells, simultaneously naming objects. The first to reach the pineapple wins.

Select and name items with the sound "C" at the beginning of the word. Now find the objects in which the sound "C" is hidden at the end of the word.

Name those who hid under masks (elephant, foxand dog).Who is to the left of the tree? Who is standing to the right of the tree? Give them one word. What sound is found in the names of these animals? Determine the place of the sound "C" in the word (beginning of a word, middle, end of a word).

Look at the Christmas tree decorations, name the toys with the sound "C" at the beginning of the word, in the middle, at the end of the word. Think about what toys an elephant, a fox, a dog will decorate their Christmas trees with, taking into account the place of the sound "C" in these words? Match the toys with the desired tree.

Name the toys that you see in the picture. Tell me what the artist forgot to draw? (Answer what is missing from Buratino, an airplane, a stroller and a watch.)

Tell using words "Left", "right",about a couple of items in each picture. Compare pictures: 1 and 3, 2 and 4, 1 and 4, 2 and 3.

Look at the pictures and tell me, which of the painted objects are never red? Color the rest of the items with a red pencil. Now think about which of them you can say: red (example: red bag);red (example: red sundress);red (example: red Apple);red (example: red, beads).

Every day, the ostrich displays the same products in its store. Name what the ostrich sells. Can you name objects in one word?

Name the toys on the top shelves. What is to the right of the elephant and to the left of the glass? What is to the right of the mask and to the left of the samovar? Where does the saber hang?

Name the toys on the middle shelves. Where do the little owls stand? Where do the big owls stand? How many owls are there on the shelf on the far right? How many owls are there on the shelf on the far left? How many owls are there?

Name the toys on the lower shelves. What's on the right of the sailboat? What's on the left of the sailboat?

On Wednesday, a dog entered the ostrich store to buy gifts for the children. What do you think the dog could buy? On Saturday, a stork entered the store and bought souvenirs for the storks. What do you think the stork bought?

Slava, Stae and Sonya went to the store. Show each of them if the Flock is the tallest. Help the kids to shop by matching groceries with children's bags. Remember that Stae has to buy drinks, Slava has to buy meat and dairy products, and Sonya has to buy bakery products.

Name those who came to see Dr. Aibolit and determine what hurts each one. Why do you think this is the name of the doctor? Count how many thermometers the doctor has, and tell me if they are enough for all patients. At the bottom of the picture are the “drugs”. Based on the numbers, tell me how Aibolit treats an elephant, an ostrich and other patients. What "medicine" was superfluous, why do you think so?

Where do the animals that came to be treated live?

Name the cubs: elephant, fox, ostrich.

Why does a rhino need a horn, an elephant's trunk, an ostrich's legs and a beak?

What did the artist confuse? Correct his mistakes.

Do the reflections of the objects in the picture match?

Help the hostess to put things in order in the kitchen: assign items to their places:

a) in the refrigerator (what do you call these items?);

b) on the shelves and stove (call these items in one word);

c) on the wall;

d) in the trash can.

Help Baba Sonia find the items she needs to knit socks, make soup, make juice (juice cooker, apricots),boil tea, make meat patties, quickly boil meat (pressure cooker),clean up the house. What else from the picture begins with "C".

Pour (draw) plum juice into the glasses in the bottom row - half a glass and a full glass. Pour apricot juice into the glasses of the middle row: into the left glass up to the second line from the bottom, into the right - up to the first line from the bottom. Pour tomato juice into the glasses of the top row: into the left glass to the first dash from below, into the right glass to the first dash from above.

Which is more - glasses or cupcakes? Make them equal.

Sima and Seva love to take pictures. Sima photographs the animal world, and Seva photographs the flora. Determine where whose photos are, and name who is in Sima's photo and what is in Seva's. Look carefully at the shots and find photographers mistakes.

What sound do the names of the children begin with? Indicate photographs that depict objects with the sound "C" at the beginning of the word.

Look at the pictures. Name the colors of the paints.

Match each item with the correct paint. What objects can be said: gray, blue, lilac; gray, blue, lilac; lilac.

A boxer carries letters to his friends: elk, goose, lynx. Help the boxer find friends' houses. Where is whose trace? (lynxetc.) Where is whose house? (gooseetc.) Take a close look at the houses and tell me which of your friends is a tennis player? cyclist? boxer? Guess which letter to whom. Which boxers are referred to in the sentences:

1. Follow the trail ...

2. Fights in the ring ...

Look at the picture and tell me who it is? Why is the Snow Maiden called the Snow Maiden? (Because she's made of snow.)

Name the pictures. Choose those objects, in the name of which the word "snow" is heard, connect them with paths with the Snow Maiden. Draw as many lumps of snow on the path as there are syllables in each word. What is the shortest word and the longest.

Sonya and Senya are playing cubes. Sonya collects cubes, on which are drawn objects with a hard "C" sound, and Senya - with a soft "C" sound. Connect the cubes with the guys according to the pattern: Sonya - cheese, Senya - peach.

Winter, spring, summer, autumn - what is it? Show these seasons in pictures. How did you guess? Look at the pictures and tell me what is the season of the year? Connect each picture with a path with the right time of year.

What is the name of the phenomenon when leaves fall from trees? When does this happen? Look at the picture and tell me: from which trees did the wind pick the leaves? Aspen leaf is called aspen. What is the name of an oak leaf? maple tree? mountain ash? Find the tree with the thickest trunk. What tree has such a trunk? What do chanterelles collect? Why do you think mushrooms are called "chanterelles", "boletus", "mushrooms", "fly agarics". Which ones are edible? What are poisonous? How many and what mushrooms did the chanterelles collect? What chanterelles are discussed in the following sentences:

1. They play in the meadow ...

2. Grow under the trees ...

Look at the picture and tell me who grabbed whom? How does it happen and how does it not happen? Compare: "dog" and "dog grabbed a fox." Where is the word and where is the sentence? What does the proposal say? How many words

In this sentence? Check yourself on the scheme.

Draw a proposal outline for each picture.

Connect the pictures correctly (draw lines). Name a couple of pictures in one word.

With the help of what we can move on the ground, underground, in the air, on the water? Name everything that you have listed in one word.

Car, bike, bus are terrestrialtransport. And what to call a plane and a helicopter; Metro; sailboat, motor ship and boat?

What type of transport can we say: fastest, fastest,


What moves on water, on air, on land? Connect according to the pattern.

Find the house where the Absent-minded Man lives. Why is this person called that? What things did he lose?

"Repair" (find the correct patch) Sweater for the Scattered Man.

Find pairs of socks. Connect each pair with lines.

Look at the picture and tell me what is the name of the children, if Sveta is lighter than Sonya, Sanya is the tallest, Slava is the fattest, and Kostya is always cheerful. Which one has a spaniel? dachshund? boxer? basset? fox terrier?

Say the opposite: dark - ...; low - ...; sad - ...; thin - ....

Look at the picture below and tell what the dogs dream about.

Give your dogs a nickname with the sound "C". Draw the tracks to the pedestal and tell who took first place, second, third.

Look closely at the picture. Why this castle was called the sound lock "3". Name the words with the sound "3" at the beginning of the word. Name the words with the sound "3" in the middle of the word.

Bunnies are doing exercises. Where is whose shadow? Connect the paths of each bunny with its own shadow.

What item appears on each card? What item appears twice on the same card?

Guess the riddles. Find the answers that the artist has hidden, and trace their outlines with pencils of different colors. Name the words that consist of one, two, three syllables.

Guess what kind of hat?

A whole bunch of fur.

The hat runs in the forest

Bark gnaws at the trunks.


With a beard, not an old man.

With horns, not a bull.

With a tail, not a cow.


From under the roof the roof

Out into the rain.


Blue airplane

Sat on a white dandelion.


Doesn't bark, doesn't bite

But he won't let him into the house.


An urgent need to guess

Which of them can run

Or crawl, or jump,

Or fly across the sky!

What sound is found in the names of all these pictures?

Draw a pencil along the dotted lines and you will see a bunny jumping from stump to stump, a snake crawling, a dragonfly flying.

Consider the drawing. You will recognize Lisa, Zoya and Rosa by the color of the rubber bands in their hair. Zoya has a green rubber band, Rosa has a turquoise one, and Lisa has a pink one. And then, following the paths of the labyrinth, you will help the girls quickly find their umbrellas. Is it possible to guess where whose umbrella is, right away, without going a long way? If so, how? Explain.

Find two identical umbrellas.

How many bunnies behind the fence? How did you guess? Explain.

Count the umbrellas. On the right, in the square, write down their number.

The goat went for a walk with her children.

What are they called? They began to play hide and seek. Look closely at the picture and tell me where the kids are hiding? Where do each of them look out from? From the kids you found, lead the paths to the mother goat until you find all of her cubs. Make a sentence according to the model: "A kid hid behind a birch." Look at the diagram of this proposal:

How many words are there in a sentence? Name the smallest word. Pay attention to its designation in the diagram.

Listen to the poem:

Heads of cabbage are carried by a goat,

And the goat is a big cauldron.

So breakfast will be delicious

For cabbage kids.

Yu Raevsky

Find the shortest way to the kids.

Do the words sound the same "lock"and "lock"?Highlight the percussive sound in each word with your voice.

Now, my friend, listen to a little tale. When they read it to you, name the missing words - "lock"or "lock".Just don't be wrong in stress. So you will help rescue Dunno from trouble. “The villain imprisoned Dunno in .... Dunno really wanted to get out of ... but he did not know how to cope with .... His friends rushed to Dunno to help. They opened ... and freed Dunno from ... ".

Tell this story to a family member and then to friends.

Help Dunno go through the maze to visit Cinderella, bypassing the castle of the Serpent Gorynych.

Determine which of the three locks matches the first. Draw this castle and paint.

Listen to Dunno's poems. What is he confusing?

1. Jellyfish grow on melons.

Watermelons are floating in the sea.

2. Roses graze in the meadow,

And goats grow on a flower bed.

3. Across the river in the rose grove.

There are birches in a vase on the table.

4. On the table is a bouquet of mimosa,

And there are three splinters in the palm.

Color all the polygons in which the point is put with a blue pencil and you will find out what patterns Santa Claus painted on the window for Dunno and for Cinderella.

Help Dunno to solve problems. Which ones did he write incorrectly?

1. How many watermelons grow on two birches?

2. How many pheasants are walking on the lawn?

3. How many roses did Zoe cut?

4. The goat Zoika gave birth to rabbits: three gray ones and one white one. How many rabbits were born to Zoya?

5. How many eyes do two porcupines have?

Help the bunny find the pieces for the blanket. Put the corresponding numbers in the empty squares.

Connect each star with the desired picture. Explain how they differ?

What divers and visors are we talking about? Show the desired picture.

1. Reliable dog rescuers ... 3. Carved by the porch ...

2. They work under water ... 4. The cap has a bright ...

Very sonorous work

Someone invented for him.

He calls here and there:

Everyone calls his name.

Look at the pictures. What kind of calls there are, you will be prompted with answers to riddles. Connect each call with a matching picture. What call did you not find a riddle about?

Will not let anyone sleep:

Will ring - it's time to get up.

He doesn't eat, doesn't drink -

Sings resounding songs

What is the button? Pressed,

I waited at the threshold

And they opened the door for you:

Come in, you are a guest now.

Connect the points of the telephone wires with colored pencils and tell me who is talking to whom? Make a proposal for the scheme

How many words should be in a sentence. Name the little word ("s").

Guess who came to the crooked mirror room? Draw the dots and you will see their reflections.

Help the bunny and zebra to shop at the store. Fill their baskets. For a bunny, purchases with the sound "3", and for a zebra with the sound "Зь". Connect according to the pattern.

Kuzya, Liza, Zina fly kites. Find and show the most toothy, the most tongued, the most big-eyed. Find out the children if Zina has a green bow. Tell me which snake each of the children is holding.

Draw the kites point by point. Color. Tell me what kind of snakes you got.

Look closely at the pictures. Why is this palace called the palace of sound "C"? Name the objects with the sound "C" at the beginning of the word, in the middle and at the end of the word.

Connect pairs of pictures according to the pattern and name them.

Take a pencil and connect the pictures in such a way that the last sound of the previous word becomes the beginning of the next. The first pictures of the chains are marked with red dots. What sound is repeated in all these words?

Help the chickens assemble their saucers according to the number of syllables in the words. Where are whose saucers, you will be prompted by the diagrams next to the chickens. Connect the chicken saucers. Who has how many saucers and is there any excess left?

Connect with a line the pictures on which the objects are located in the same way.

Who is in the picture? Can they be summed up in one word? Where is whose shadow?

Look carefully at the pictures. For each picture on the left, find the rhyming pictures on the right. Connect the rhyming pairs with colored pencils (example: the sun is the window).Where is the sound "C" hidden in these words: at the beginning of a word, in the middle, at the end of a word? Now close the pictures of the right column and remember the rhyming pairs.

Name the pictures. "Transfer" pictures from the bottom row to the top, moving along the paths. Determine the place of the sound "C" in these words.

Draw the missing button.

What's the first sound in a word "heron"!What's the last sound in a word "hare"!Where is the sound "C" hidden in the word "a hen"!Help customers choose towels based on the place of the "C" sound in the words. Connect towels to customers.

Find the right shred for the towel.

What is superfluous here? Name the numbers in order. Which ones are missing?

Color only those flowers with examples whose answer is 11.

Help the chickens find their egg houses, but keep in mind that large chickens can only enter through the large gate, and small ones only through the small gate; yellow chicks can only walk on yellow lanes and white chicks only on white lanes. Write the same numbers next to the houses.

Who laid which egg?

Solve examples on each flower. Pair them with the correct answers on the caterpillar. For which example was there no answer? Write it on the tail of the caterpillar.

Draw the last flower in each row without breaking the pattern.

Look closely at the picture and tell me who is drawn here? Call them all in one word. Who settled where? Draw paths to the houses. The diagram will help you answer this question:

Name the words in the sentence in order and relate them to the diagram. Is there a small word in this sentence? Name it ("in") and show it on the diagram. Tell me correctly where each path begins and where it leads (from an owl hollow, ... to an owl hollow, etc.). Name the birds that build nests:

from large branches (stork);

from lichen and moss (owl);

from clay and straw (swallow);

on the water (heron);

from grass and down (tit).

What birds does man help to build a nest? (To starlings).

Look closely at the picture and find the one who scared the frog.

Color the picture.

Name the items depicted on the page. Combine (draw lines) objects in pairs. Tell me what it is for.

Look at the pictures. Who does Kolya dream of becoming, and who does Olya dream of? Make sentences in such a way that the desires of the children coincide (example: Kolya dreams of becoming a singer, and Olya - a singer).

What else can children become? Make sentences using a sample: Kolya wants to become a policeman, and Olya wants to become a teacher.

Then we highly recommend you visit it right now. This is the best site on the Internet with an incredible amount of free educational games and exercises for children. Here you will find games for the development of thinking, attention, memory for preschoolers, exercises for teaching counting and reading, crafts, drawing lessons and much more. All tasks were developed with the participation of experienced child psychologists and preschool teachers. If you are interested in the topic of speech development in children, be sure to look at the special section of the site "Subject pictures for the development of speech". Here you can download ready-made sets of plot pictures for composing stories. Each set includes two or three pictures connected by a common plot or cause-and-effect relationships. Here are examples of some tasks for your reference:

Hearing development

If a child weakly distinguishes sounds by ear, pronounces distorted or replaces them with others, then he will not be able to clearly imagine the sound appearance of the word itself. In this case, the following group of exercises will come in handy.

Exercise # 1. "Name the words" (for the development of auditory differentiation).

Task number 1.

"Name as many words as possible that begin with the sound A" (T, O, P, K, etc.).

Task number 2.

"Name as many words as possible that end with the sound P" (I, O, S, L, etc.).

Task number 3.

"Name as many words as possible with the sound L in the middle" (N, E, G, B, F, etc.).

Exercise number 2. "Clap-clap" (teaching sound analysis of a word).

This exercise also has several options for the task.

1. "Now I will tell you words, and as soon as you hear a word that begins with the sound C (V, O, G, D, W, etc.), you immediately clap your hands."

Option: the child must "catch" the sound at which the word ends, or the sound in the middle of the word.

Summer cottage, cat, hat, fox, road, beetle, window, lump, plate, bread, rain, linden, lamp, river, hair, etc.

2. "Now I will call you words, and you, as soon as you hear a word that contains the sound K, clap your hands 1 time. If you hear the sound G in the word, clap 2 times."

It is best to start the exercise at a slow pace, gradually increasing the speed.

Cow, jelly, mountain, mink, guitar, boot, bitch, hand, caught up, pushed, etc.

This exercise will also help you test how your child is reacting.

Speech therapy classes for kids online (2-4 years old). The problem of speech development in young children today is more relevant than ever. More and more children are found with delayed speech development, with various disorders of speech development. Now you will not surprise anyone with the fact that at 3 years old the child hardly speaks. Or he says, but only mom can understand him, and even then with difficulty. Usually, speech therapists recommend waiting until 4-5 years with speech therapy, neuropathologists prescribe medications, and it is very difficult to find a good defectologist who can work with babies. At the same time, it is best to begin to engage in the development of speech in a child as early as possible. It is common knowledge that speech deficiencies can lead to poor school performance. What should parents do? It remains to do it yourself, at home, every day, little by little, at least 10 minutes a day, but regularly. An online speech therapy course from Games-for-Kids.ru will help you organize speech development classes:

Exercise number 3. "Playing with the word" (learning the sound of the word).

Task number 1. "Think of a word that starts / ends with the same sound as in the word" frog "," flag "," table ", etc.".

Task number 2. "What is the first / last sound in the word" ray "," power "," sofa ", etc."

Task number 3. "Name all the sounds in order in the word" sky "," cloud "," roof ", etc."

Task number 4. "What sound in the word" fish "is the second, fourth, first, third? (Chair, carpet, shell, cloud), etc."

Exercise number 4. "Confusion".

"Listen carefully to the poem.

Who is sitting in the tree?
Who swims in the ocean?
What grows in the garden?
Who lives under the water?
The words are messed up!
I command one-two
And I order you
Put everyone in their places. "

Ask the child: "What words are messed up? Why? How are these words similar to each other? How are they different?"

You can give the child a little hint, but the main thing is to lead him to the idea that one sound can completely change the meaning of a word.

Exercise number 5. "Come up with a new word."

Assignment: "I will now tell you a word, and you try to change the second sound in it so that you get a new word. For example, house is smoke."

Words for change: sleep, juice, drank, chalk.

Words for changing the first sound: point, bow, varnish, day, pedal, layout.

Words for changing the last sound: cheese, sleep, bitch, poppy, stop.

Exercise number 6. "Circle".

It will come in handy if your child cannot write.

Assignment: "Now we will write down a few words, but not in letters, but in circles. How many sounds are in a word, so many circles you will draw. Say the word" poppy ". How many circles should you draw? Three."

Sample: MAK - 000

Attention: when choosing words for the exercise, try to match the number of sounds in them with the number of letters. So, in the word "horse" there are 4 letters, and three sounds - [k - o - n. "] Such words can cause difficulties in a child.

Words for dictation: grass, paper, pen, roll, stick, chamomile, star, pine, phone, tablet.

Exercise number 7. "Longer-shorter".

Assignment: "Now we will compare words. I will speak two words at a time, and you will decide which of them is longer. Just remember that you need to compare words, not the things they mean. You know that a word is not a thing. For example, the word "nose." You can say it, or you can write it - but you can't breathe with it, it's just a word. And you can breathe with a real nose, but you can't write or read it. "

Words for comparison: table - table, pencil - pencil, antennae - mustache, dog - dog, tail - tail, snake - snake, worm - worm.

Vocabulary development

The quality and quantity of a child's vocabulary largely determines the level of speech development in general. It is very important for you to pay attention to both passive (that is, those words that are stored in the stock of memory) and active (words that are constantly used) vocabulary. It is very important for the child to know what meanings a word has, to be able to use it correctly in independent speech. The exercises suggested here will help.

Exercise number 8. "Word game".

Task number 1. "Name as many words as possible for fruits" (vegetables, trees, flowers, wild and domestic animals and birds, toys, tools, furniture, professions, etc.).

Task number 2.

"Now I will tell you words, and you will tell me what this object can do.
A blizzard - sweeping, and thunder - ..., wind - ..., and snow - ..., rain - ..., and the sun - ... ".

Do not forget to ask each time you answer: "What else does the sun do, does it not only shine?" Have the child choose as many action words as possible.

Then you can repeat the same game in reverse: "Who flies? Who swims? Who hammers nails? Who catches mice?"

Exercise number 9. "Sign".

Task number 1.

"Tell me, if an object is made of iron, what is it called, what is it?"

iron -
paper -
wood -
snow -
fluff -
glass -

Task number 2.

"Name another object that is as white as snow."
(As narrow as a ribbon; as fast as a river; as round as a ball; as yellow as a melon.)

Task number 3.

to taste - lemon and honey, onion and apple;
by color - carnation and chamomile, pear and plum;
strength - rope and thread, stone and clay;
in width - a road and a path, a river and a stream;
in height - a bush and a tree, a mountain and a hill ".

Exercise number 10. "Guess".

Assignment: "Guess the riddle:

Flies, squeaks,
Long legs drag
The chance will not miss -
Will sit down and bite.

Round, striped,
Taken from the garden.
Sugar and scarlet became -
Please eat.

How did you guess what this is about? Try to describe something to me yourself, and I will try to guess who or what it is. "

Exercise number 11. "Buddy Words" (synonym exercise).

Task number 1.

"How do you think there is another way to say about a sad person?" (Sad)
"Valuable is what? Hard is what?"

Task number 2.

"What word can replace the word" horse "? The word" doctor "," cup "," food "?"

Task number 3.

"What word is superfluous, does not fit other words? Why?"

Sad, sad, dull, deep
Brave, sonorous, bold, brave
Weak, brittle, long, fragile
Strong, distant, durable, reliable

If the child does not understand the meaning of a word, explain it.

Exercise number 12. "Enemy words" (exercise on antonyms).

Assignment: "Say the opposite:

cold, clean, hard, thick;
dull, wet, senior, light;
spacious, enemy, top, lose;
lift, day, morning, spring;
winter, tomorrow, early, close;
low, rarely, slowly, joyfully;
dark, sat down, took, found;
forgot, dropped, rubbed, straightened.

Exercise number 13. "One and many" (changing words by numbers).

Task number 1.

"Now we are going to play this game: I will name one object with a word, and you name the word so that you get many objects. For example, I will say" pencil ", and you must say" pencils. "

book, pen, lamp;
city, chair, ear;
child, person, glass;
name, spring, friend.

Task number 2.

"Now let's try the other way around. I will say a word for many things, and you are one."

claws, clouds, warriors, leaves;
flowers, saws, fellows, stems.

Exercise number 14. "Decrease".

Assignment: "Tell me what the small object will be called? A small ball is a ball, and a small table is ...".

grass, hand, shoulder, sun, bank; chair, book, flag, cup, hat.

Exercise number 15. "Finish the word."

Assignment: "Guess what word I want to say? By ..." (Pillow)

Syllables that words can begin with: for, mi, mu, lo, pri, ku, zo, che, etc.

Exercise number 16. "Explain the word."

Assignment: "I want to find out how many words you know. Tell me, what is a bicycle?"

knife, hat, ball, letter;
umbrella, pillow, nail, donkey;
fur, diamond, join, shovel;
sword, trouble, brave, hero;
poem, gambling.

The purpose of this exercise is to teach the child not only to learn new words through explanation, but also to clearly express a thought, indicating the main type of use of the object, describing its signs.
You can do all these exercises several times, complementing the rows of words yourself.

Development of grammar skills

The next block of exercises is aimed at developing the grammatical structure of speech. Training tasks will help the child learn how to correctly compose simple sentences, correctly associate speech structures, and understand the sequence of events in the text.

Exercise number 17. "Who what?" (drawing up proposals for different models).

Assignment: "Try to make up such a sentence, which will say that

Who! What is he doing? What?

For example: A cat licks milk "".

Who! What is he doing? What? Than? (The gardener waters the flowers with water)
Who! What is he doing? What? Who? (The girl sews a dress for the doll)

Exercise number 18. "Complete the sentence."

Assignment: "Try to guess the end of the phrase."

Children ate ka .... There are paper and edges on the table ... Gris grow in the forest ... Flowers grow in the garden ... We have a rooster and .... In winter, it happens ...

Exercise number 19. "Add words" (distribution of sentences).

Assignment: "Now I will say a sentence. For example," Mom sews a dress. "What do you think, what can be said about the dress, what is it (silk, summer, light, orange)? If we add these words, how will the phrase change?"

The girl is feeding the dog. Thunder rumbles in the sky. The boy is drinking juice.

Exercise number 20. "Make a phrase" (the formation of sentences from words).

Task number 1.

"Come up with sentences using the following words:

funny puppy, full basket, ripe berry, funny song, thorny bush, forest lake. "

Task number 2.

"The words in the sentence are messed up. Try to put them in their place. What happens?"

1. Smoke goes, pipes, out.
2. Loves, teddy bear, honey.
3. Stand, vase, flowers, v.
4. Nuts, in, squirrel, hollow, hides.

Exercise number 21. "Missing Words".

Assignment: "Now I will read you a story. But some words in it are lost. Try to guess which ones."

1. Silence reigns in the dense _____. Black ________ covered the sun. The birds fell silent. ________ is about to go.

2. Winter. All tracks are covered with fluffy _______. The river dressed smoothly _______. The guys built a high __________. _______ sledges are racing fast. Harsh _______ hits children ______. Frost stings _______. ________ are not afraid of frost. Their ________ burns with fun.

3. The weather is hot: the sky is _______, the sun is shining _______. Kolya and Olya go for a walk in the field ______. They listen to little ________ singing there. They collect ________. Suddenly the sky becomes dark, it is covered with large ________. Young children are in a hurry to return ____. But before they could arrive, ______ burst out. The children were scared by the ________ thunder. They knocked on one ______ to hide from the strong _______, since they do not have ________ with them and their clothes are completely _______.

Exercise number 22. Find the mistake.

Task number 1.

"Listen to the sentences and tell me if everything is correct."

In winter, apple trees bloomed in the garden.
Below them lay the icy desert.
In response, I nod to him.
The plane is here to help people.
Soon I succeeded in a car.
The boy broke the ball with glass.
After the mushrooms, it will rain.
In the spring, the meadows flooded the river.
Snow fell asleep in a lush forest.

Task number 2.

"How should the sentence be corrected?"

Exercise number 23. "Explain."

Assignment: "Listen to the phrase:

The dog goes to the kitchen. She drinks the cat's milk. The cat is unhappy.

Explain why the cat is unhappy.

Petya went to the cinema after finishing the book.

What did Petya do before: read a book or went to the cinema? Explain.

Vanya painted Sasha. Sasha painted the house.

Who drew what? Explain. "

Exercise number 24. "What is meant?" (training in understanding figurative meaning).

"Tell me how you understand these expressions:

iron ax - iron man
golden arrow - golden hands
venomous bite - venomous look
sharp knife is a sharp word
low table - low deed
stale bread is a stale person. "

Exercise number 25. "Right or wrong?"

Assignment: "Do you think it is possible to say so?"

Mom puts a vase of flowers on the table.
When they want to buy something, they lose money.
Grandma and grandpa live under the house on the edge.
There is a beautiful carpet in the floor.

Ask the child, "Why are the sentences inaccurate?"

Exercise number 26. "Where is the beginning of the story?"

The child needs to establish the sequence of events by a series of pictures. Show your child a series of pictures

Assignment: "Look, all these pictures are related. But they are mixed up. Find where the beginning, where is the end of the story, and tell me what it is about."

Exercise number 27. "Picture Story".

Give your child an opportunity to look closely at the picture and ask them to tell the story depicted on it. This exercise should be repeated as often as possible, using any pictures that are of interest to the child.

Here are some rules to follow when writing a story.

It is important to teach the child to see and highlight the main thing in the content, the features of the story. Help your child by asking questions.

What is this picture about?
- Who is the main character?
- What's happening?
- What characters are drawn in the picture?
- What is their character?
- What can you call this story?

You could just as well add a text retelling exercise to this exercise. You read a short story (up to 20 sentences) to your child, then ask him to retell what you heard. At the same time, watch how the child understood the main meaning of the story, whether he can verbally express it, whether he easily finds the right words, whether he admits incorrect grammatical forms in his speech, whether he uses complex sentences.

Exercise number 28. "Pick a rhyme."

First, check if the child knows what rhyme is. Explain that two words rhyme with each other if they end the same, for example, ox - goal.

Invite your child to independently choose a rhyme for the words:

porridge, howl, pillow, juice;
snow, cat, circle, bowl;
river, cloud, barrel.

The child needs to choose at least three rhymes for each word.

Exercise number 29. "Make a proposal."

Assignment: "Now we will connect several sentences together. For example, I say the sentence:" It is raining in the forest. Thunder is thundering. "These sentences can be connected with the help of a small bridge word" and ", then the two will turn out to be one." It is raining in the forest, and thunder is thundering. Now try it yourself. "

The sun shines brightly. Birds are singing.

There is another possible version of this exercise: ask the child to finish the phrase.

The children went out for a walk and ...

Using the same scheme, you can train a child to write sentences with the unions "a", "but", "though", "but", "if, ... then."

Other publications related to this article:

Tasks for the development of speech in Russian lessons

Add the beginning of the story "Help"
A spring flood flooded the entrance to the stable. The old groom was in alarm. What to feed the foals? Haystacks were in a distant meadow.
But what a miracle? The groom could not believe his eyes. A small stack of hay floated in the melted water. Two boats pushed into the shore. It was the schoolchildren who came to the rescue.

Add the beginning and end of the story "Guest"
The guys decided to make a table for the squirrel. They put on it crusts of bread, dry mushrooms, nuts. Sometimes they buried all this in deep snow. The squirrel has a good instinct. She shook loose snow with her paws and took food.

Finish the end of the story "The stork has arrived"
Squinting from the bright sun, we looked at the sky. Birds circled in the air. They barely moved their large wings. The strongest stork flew up to an old tree. At the top of it were the remains of a nest. The next day the stork began to repair it.

Add the end of the story "Roe"
In the shade of the trees, the silhouette of a fast, cautious beast appeared. It was a roe deer. She walked quietly through the forest. Not a single twig snapped under her light hoof.
Here the roe deer froze in place, wiggled its ears and disappeared into the forest thicket. Who scared her.

1. Children and adults make fires in the forest and forget to put them out.
2. Forest fires are often caused by people.
3. Protect the forest from fire!
4. Sparks from unquenched fires cause new fires.
5. Plants, animals and birds die from the fire.
6. For many years a new forest has been growing on the fire.

Recover the text "Playing dogs"
But the Pug did not stop playing, and Polkan looked at him very favorably.
A little Pug ran up to Polkan and began to rush and bark at him: he grabbed his huge paws, by the face with his teeth and seemed to be very annoying for the big sullen dog.
You see, - said Volodya's father. - Polkan is kinder than you. When your little brothers and sisters start playing with you, it will certainly end up beating them. Polkan knows that the big and the strong are ashamed to offend the little and the weak.
Volodya stood at the window and looked out into the street, where a large dog, Polkan, was basking in the sun.
Wait a minute, here she will ask you! - said Volodya. - She will teach you a lesson.
(K. Ushinsky)

1. Melted, snowy, spring, drifts.
2. Foliage, trees, rejuvenated, are decorated.
3. Winged, in, insects, air, whirled.
4. From, larks, starlings, swallows, south, flew in.
5. Heard, perky, everywhere, songs, birds.

Make sentences from these words. Title the resulting text.
1. Masha, Santa Claus brought home.
2. Made, at, house, Moroz Ivanovich, ice, from.
3. The walls, snowy, glittered, stars.
4. Bed, lay, on, snow, fluffy.
5. Snow, under, feather bed, grass, was.
(According to V. Odoevsky)

Make sentences from these words. Title the resulting text.
1. Wet, falling, sky, snow, p.
2. And, a snowman, ran out of the yard, guys, began to sculpt.
3. He blinded, Kolya, and, on, with, in, a bucket, a head, on a broom, a snowman, a hand.
4. Windows, a house, snowy, with ice, Zhenya, built.
5. Grandfather, it turned out, Frost, Toli, y, good.
6. Beard, herringbone, he, green, white, in, was, with, and, hand.
7. Snow Maiden, and, next to, stood.

Make sentences from these words. Title the resulting text.
1. Wonderful, forest, in winter, fabulous, and, Russian.
2. Snow, beautifies, fluffy, trees, branches.
3. Cones, hanging, resinous, ate, on.
4. Spruce trees, spruce crossbills fly over the tops.
5. Squeak on, troublesome, boughs, tits.

Make sentences from these words. Title the resulting text.
1. For, Vasya, look after, in the summer, helped grandfather, flowers.
2. Cut, huge, morning, grandfather, autumn, bouquet, flowers.
3. Brought, class, in, this, Vasya, a bouquet.
4. Put flowers, table, boy, teacher, on.
5. As flowers, beautiful, these autumn.

Make sentences from these words. Title the resulting text.
1. Vanya, admiring the forest.
2. Trees, festive, stood.
3. Juice, poured, scarlet, strawberries.
4. There were berries, like, earrings, on, red.
5. Vanya, collect strawberries, began.
6. He treated his grandmother with sweet berries, his own.

Arrange sentences to make a story. Title it.
1. There the black grouse ate birch buds.
2. A flock of birds flew to a forest clearing.
3. Black grouse woke up in the morning and were surprised.
4. Then they dived into the soft snow.
5. There was snow all around.
6. Now the birds have a refuge from enemies.

Arrange sentences to make a story. Title it.
1. They are going to extinguish the fire, to save people from the fire.
2. All give way to them.
3. With a noise fly along the street bright red, like fire, cars.
4. This is a rush of fire trucks.

Arrange sentences to make a story. Title it.
1. Only Andreikin's poplar was very weak.
2. Every evening the guys dragged a bucket of water out into the street and watered the tree.
3. In the summer it became cheerful and green.
4. In the fall, workers planted young poplars near the house.
5. Soon the leaves of the poplar turned green.
6. Andrey and Nikita began to help the tree.
7. In the spring the poplars were covered with young leaves.
8. The tree came to life.
9. Winter has passed.


In order to learn to think and speak, one must be able to look and see, listen and hear, that is, process, comprehend the information received from the surrounding world. Without well-developed attention and memory, imitative activity is impossible, namely, it is the basis of speech learning.

A baby from one to three years old needs classes with educational toys, so that he learns to distinguish objects by size, color, shape. It is important to constantly involve the child in communication, giving the simplest speech samples to repeat: interjections (oh, oh), onomatopoeia (bb, meow),simplified words (boo, lala).

As soon as the first onomatopoeia and simplified words appear, it is necessary to carry out voice development games (singing of individual vowel sounds or onomatopoeia with a voice of different strength and pitch).

After all, if a child has a weak exhalation, then his voice will be quiet, and many sounds will not be able to pronounce.

In a non-speaking baby, the movements of the lips and tongue are insufficiently developed, in such cases it is necessary to do speech therapy massage and passive articulatory gymnastics, and hand massage and passive, and then active finger gymnastics.

The child's brain is a very flexible system. The speech zones of the cerebral hemispheres that are not used in time can "switch" over time to perform other functions. And this means that after three years it will be very difficult or even impossible to teach a baby.


Speech consists of an active and passive vocabulary. It is necessary to lay the foundation for speech - to accumulate a sufficiently large passive vocabulary in order to make it possible to switch to an active vocabulary (independent speech). Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to teach the child to understand speech.

You need to learn to speak not only in special classes, but also in everyday life, during everyday communication. To do this, the child is asked questions, which at first the adult has to answer himself. So, mom makes a bed for the baby and says: “Where is Vanya going now? Into the crib. Sleep". If at first the baby said "Bye-bye", then after a while he will begin to answer this question "Pat" ("Sleep"). Thus, onomatopoeia and babbling words will be gradually replaced from speech.

You need to talk with a small child only about those objects that attract his attention at this moment, or about those actions that he performs.For example, when bathing a baby, there is no point in talking about toys; it is better to draw his attention to a washcloth, soap and a towel.

The kid, carried away by the game, will begin to repeat the proposed sound complexes and simplified words after you. And no matter what quality these first words will be, it is important that they will finally sound. Praise and enjoy your child.


Cube and brick (from 1 year old)

Take two cubes (with a side of at least 4 cm) and two bricks (with sides of at least 1 x 4 x 5 cm) of the same color.

Show the kid the cubes, name them and demonstrate how you can build a house (put one cube on top of another). Similarly, teach your child to lay out a path from bricks (put one brick after another).

During the game, constantly repeat the names of the building material, saying: “This is a cube. Let's put a cube on a cube "," This is a brick. Let's put brick by brick. "

Now put a cube and a brick in front of the child and ask: "Where is the cube?", "Where is the brick?" And then ask: "Give me a cube (or brick)!"


? The game helps the child develop the ability to distinguish objects by name and shape, teaches the child to perform the simplest buildings according to the model given by adults.

Orders (from 1 year)

Take 5-8 toys with which the baby constantly plays.

Ask your child to give you toys (objects) whose names the child knows well, or to put toys (objects) in their place; open or close the door to the room, etc.

When naming the names of loved ones, ask the child to take a toy to them or bring an adult here.


? With the help of the game, the child develops an understanding of speech (without showing) - the names of several objects, actions, the names of others, the implementation of individual assignments.

You can't! (from 1 year old)

Seeing the undesirable actions of the child, contact him and, calling the baby by name, strictly say: "You can't!" In this case, it is not necessary to name the action itself or the objects taken by the child (for example, do not say: "Do not touch!" Or "Put the cup!"), And also take them from the hands of the baby.


? The game develops in the child an understanding of the word "no", the ability to obey the prohibition of an adult.

Familiar things (from 1 year 3 months)

Use toys with which the baby constantly plays; household items. During play, feeding and hygienic care of the baby, name the items and toys that the baby uses (typewriter, ball, towel, soap, watch, etc.).

Place four objects (toys) in front of the child and ask them to show each of them. At the same time, ask your child questions: "Where ...?"

Arrange the same objects in front of the baby in a different order and again give the task to show each of the named objects.


? The game helps to expand the stock of words understood by the child, denoting household items, toys.

My clothes (from 1 year 3 months)

When packing for a walk, dressing after sleep, name the baby's clothing items (shirt, panties, tights, T-shirt, etc.).

Place 4 pieces of clothing in front of the child and ask them to show each of them. At the same time, ask your baby questions: "Where ...?"

Place these objects in front of the baby in a different order and again give the task to show each of the named objects.


? The task of the game is to expand the child's stock of understandable words on the topic "Clothes".

Show nose (from 1 year 3 months)

When communicating and playing with your child, often show and name parts of the baby's face, as well as toys: dolls, dogs, teddy bear.

Ask the child to show with his index finger where his nose, eyes, mouth, ears are. Then give the task to the kid to show the same parts of the face on the doll, on the animal toy.


Lyalya doll (from 1 year 3 months)

You will need a doll, doll bed, plate, spoon, trolley (doll stroller).

Show your child different options for play actions: put the doll to sleep, feed it from a spoon, ride it in a cart (stroller). Comment on all your actions.

Suggest to the child: “Feed the doll”, “Put the doll in the crib”, “Roll the doll in the cart”.


? The game will help the child to expand the stock of understandable words for different actions.

Wipe Lala's nose (from 1 year 6 months)

Take doll and handkerchief. Pointing to the doll, tell the child: “Lyalya has a dirty nose. Here is the handkerchief. Wipe Lala's nose. "

The kid himself will put a handkerchief to the doll's nose.


? With this games child learns to display in his game the actions often observed in life, expand the vocabulary of understood words.

Excursion fees (from 1 year 6 months)

Lay out your child's outdoor clothing on the highchair before walking. Say, “Now we are going for a walk. Where is our hat? There she is. How fluffy she is - touch it with your hands! Let's put a hat on our head. Like this! Look in the mirror. What a beautiful hat - blue and blue! And these are the ribbons at the cap. We will now tie the ribbons to keep the ears warm. Like this! Warmly? Warmly!"


? The game will demonstrate to an adult how to articulate their actions when communicating with a baby, and will expand the stock of understandable words.

Toy exhibition (from 1 year 6 months)

Make a shelf for your child at eye level and place toys on it. Name the toys on the shelf one by one.

Allow your child to take these toys and play with them, but then ask them to put all toys back. During the day, bring the baby to the shelf several times, show and name the toys placed on it. At the end of the day, name the toys on the shelf again and ask the child to show them.

The next day, replace the toys or, if the baby has not yet memorized the names, leave the old ones, but add a new one.


? The game will help expand the child's passive vocabulary.

Lunch for animals (from 1 year 6 months)

Use animal toys, a toy table and utensils to organize a feeding game. Tell the child that the animals are hungry. Offer to feed them lunch. At the same time, conduct a dialogue with yourself:

- Here the cat is running - top-top-top! (Move the toy cat.)What does she say?

- Meow meow! I want to eat!

- Sit down, kitty, at the table! (Place the cat at the toy table.)

- Who is waddling? The bear walks - top-top, top-top! What he says?

- Uh-uh! I want to eat!

- Sit down, bear, at the table! (Place the bear at the toy table.)

You can put a dog, a bunny, a monkey at the table and give everyone a plate and a spoon, having discussed in advance that the plate is "filled with soup."


? Play develops the child's understanding of the speech addressed to him.

Who's doing what? (from 1 year 9 months)

Take plot pictures, for example: a boy eating, a girl sleeping, children playing with a ball.

Show your child these simple pictures and tell him who is in them and what is doing.

Then lay out the pictures on the table and invite the child to show the one on which the boy is eating. Then have the baby choose a picture in which the girl is sleeping and one where the children are playing. Using the same pictures, you can ask the baby questions: "Who is this?" and "What is he doing?"

To the question "Who?" the baby will serve you pictures. And to the question "What is he doing?" - portray familiar actions. If the speech capabilities allow, then the child will answer questions.


? With this activity, your child will learn to understand simple questions.

Body parts (from 1 year 9 months)

When interacting and playing with your child, show and name body parts.

Ask your child to show themselves where the different parts of the body are: eyes, forehead, nose, hair, back, abdomen, arms and legs.

Ask to show the same body parts on the doll. Have a child show them in a picture.


? The game will help the child memorize the words denoting parts of the face, will contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Magic bag (from 2 years old)

You will need a colorful fabric pouch and small toys. Show your child the bag and tell him that it is not simple, but magical: now different toys will appear from it. Take a toy out of the bag, such as a chanterelle, name it, and then pass it on to your baby.

Taking out the next toy from the bag, for example, a cube, name it as well. So, one by one, take out 3-4 toys from the magic bag, name them and give them to the child for examination.

When the baby has examined all the toys, ask him to put the toys in the bag. At the same time, call them one by one, and let the child put them in turn in the magic bag.


? The game develops the child's understanding of speech, expands his passive vocabulary.

Who is it? (from 2 years old)

Take pictures of a boy, girl, man, woman. Lay them out in front of the baby and call each one: "This is an aunt", "This is an uncle", "This is a boy", "This is a girl."

Ask to show the boy first, then the girl, etc. When the baby shows the picture correctly, give it to him. At the end of the game, the kid should have all four pictures.

You can continue the game by asking the child to return the pictures to you: first the boy, then the girl, then the aunt and uncle. Having received the pictures, arrange them in two rows on the table, and then say: "I will hide the girl!" and flip the picture upside down; "I'll hide the boy!" and flip the next picture, etc.

Ask the baby to remember: "Where is the boy hiding?", "Where is the aunt?" and so on. Having given an answer, the kid can turn the pictures upside down by himself. If he was wrong, name the picture yourself. If the child chooses the picture correctly, praise.

Similarly, play games with pictures, which depict domestic (cat, dog, cow, horse) or wild (bear, fox, wolf, hare) animals.


? Play develops the child's understanding of the speech addressed to him and improves the fine motor skills of the fingers.

What is he doing? (from 2 years old)

Take the plot pictures: the cat is sleeping, the cat is eating from the bowl, the cat is playing with the ball. Lay them out in front of the baby and ask them to show where the cat sleeps, where it plays, and where it eats.

You can invite the child to show pictures with a boy: a boy runs, jumps, swims, eats with a spoon from a plate, drinks from a cup, drives a car, draws, plays with a balloon, washes, cries, etc. (for one game - no more five pictures).


? The game develops the child's understanding of speech, expands his passive vocabulary through verbs.

Listen and do (from 2 years old)

In everyday communication, in games, name and show a variety of actions. So, show how you can spin in place, jump, raise and lower your arms, squat, etc.

Then ask your baby to follow your commands. Commands can be as follows: "Sit-Stand-Jump"; "Stand up, put your hands up, put your hands down, sit down"; "Jump, spin, sit down"; "Stamp your foot, clap your hands, run to me."


? The game will help to consolidate words for actions in the child's passive vocabulary.

Show and hide (from 2 years old)

Take two cubes, two balls, two nesting dolls, two cars. Lay the toys out on the table and ask your child to choose the ones you name and then hide them in the box. For example, say, “Hide the cubes in the box," and when the child completes the task, comment: “No cubes. Where are the cubes? There - in a box. "

Do the same with the rest of the toys.


? The game will help the child develop an understanding of the grammatical forms of words: the genitive plural of nouns, the meaning of the preposition "in", the interrogative word "where".

Playful toys (from 2 years old)

Use any soft toy, such as a kitty, to play with. Take a toy and tell your child that the kitty was naughty today:

Jumps, jumps, plays,

And she doesn't know where.

Place the cat on the child's shoulder (while holding it) and ask: "Where is the kitty?", And then answer yourself: "On the shoulder." Then put the toy on the child's head and ask again: “Where is the kitty? On thehead ". The cat can be put on the child's lap, on the palm of the hand.

In the same way, the kitty hides under various pieces of furniture, and you comment on her actions: “Pussy undertable, undera chair underbed ", etc.

The next time the kitty will hide behind some objects: behindcupboard, behindarmchair, behindback, behinda door, behindcurtain.

And finally the pussy got tired of being naughty and lay down to rest. Here she lies atdads, atmothers, atgrandmothers and atthe baby himself is on his knees and sings a song: “Mur-mur-meow! Moore-moor-meow! "

Next time, play a game with a bird hanging by a string that "flies" around the room and sits on various objects, toys and people.


? Through this game, the child will begin to understand the meanings of prepositions.


Who is behind the door? (from 1 year old)

Lay out toys or pictures in front of the kid and ask: "Give moo!" or "Give av-av!"

Next time, add an element of surprise or mystery to the game. For example, ask your child: "Who is this knocking at our door?" Opening it and finding a plush dog, offer to play hide and seek with it.

Then show the kid what circus numbers the dog can show: walk on its hind legs, do somersaults, jump to the ceiling, jump on the kid's shoulder, etc. Keep in mind that the dog is not silent, but loudly and fervently barks: “ Av-av! "


? The game helps the kid learn to imitate an adult and pronounce onomatopoeia.

What is the baby doing? (from 1 year old)

Show your baby how to identify actions that are well known to him using a certain combination of sounds.

For example, when feeding a child, say: "Am-am!", While bathing: "Kup-kup!", And when putting to bed: "Bye-bye!" When playing outdoor games with your baby, do not forget to voice your actions. While dancing, hum: "La-la-la!", Stamping your feet, say: "Top-top-top!", Clapping your hands: "Clap-clap!", Jumping: "Jump-jump!"

While playing a ball with your child, repeat sound complexes and the words: "Oops!", "Na!", "Give!" When showing your kid how to dig sand or snow with a shovel, do not forget to voice your actions: "Cop cop!" and encourage the child to do so.


Musical toys (from 1 year old)

Demonstrate play on toy musical instruments to your child and let him play himself.

Show how musical toys sound: pipe: "Doo-doo-doo!", Accordion: "Tra-ta-ta!", Bell: "Ding-ding!"

After that, pronounce the appropriate onomatopoeia and, without taking musical instruments in hand, depict how they play the pipe, accordion and bell (see the description of finger games). Encourage your baby to repeat movements and onomatopoeia after you.


? The game teaches the kid to actively use onomatopoeia.

What is Lyalya doing? (from 1 year old)

It is useful to organize a game with a doll, showing the child familiar actions with it, and, of course, to voice them.

Let the doll laugh, cry, play pranks, fall, surprise the baby with her dancing skills. In the process of playing, call her the babbling word "Lyalya". Sound the chrysalis crying: "Wow!" Show your child how to rock a doll by singing a song to her: "A-a-a!", And when she falls asleep, say: "Bye-bye!" Feed the doll with your child (um)learn to walk (top-top),and when the doll falls, say "Boo!", "Lyala bobo!" Let Lyalya learn to sing (la-la-la)dance (tra-ta-ta),clap (clap clap),saying goodbye (bye Bye).


? The game teaches the kid to actively use onomatopoeia.

Show the child a toy cow and say: "Moo-oo-oo!", Then show the cat: "Meow!", The dog: "Av-av!", The horse: "Hoo-ho!" etc.

You can take turns hiding these animals in a house made of cubes, behind a screen (large book), curtain or under the table and ask the kid to guess who is giving the voice.

Let the kid guess sound riddles, and you will guess them.

Answer correctly first and then deliberately make a mistake. The kid will be surprised at the wrong answer, but soon realizes that this is a mistake, and will be amused. As a result, the game will become even more interesting.


? The game teaches the kid to actively use onomatopoeia.

Who lives in a fairy tale? (from 1 year old)

After your child learns to recognize and copy animal voices, look at books with familiar fairy tales and poems.

Ask your toddler to show the characters he knows and give voice to them.


? The game teaches the kid to actively use onomatopoeia.

Clockwork toys (from 1 year old)

You can repeat onomatopoeia by playing with clockwork toys. To do this, first show your child a wind-up toy and demonstrate how it works. Start the toy with a key or by pressing a button and, observing how it moves with the child, pronounce the appropriate onomatopoeia.

Next time, tell your baby that he himself will be a clockwork toy (chicken, frog, duck, etc.). Move it with your index finger, like a key, or press an imaginary button and ask to show how the toy moves or “speaks”. If the toddler is silent, tell them that the toy is broken, "fix" it and re-offer the game.


? The game teaches the kid to actively use onomatopoeia.