We grow rhododendrons: the nuances of planting and care, everything about reproduction. When is the best time to prune a plant

  1. Leaves- dense, leathery, dark green.
  2. Flowers- varied in color, in size (from 2 to 16 cm), mostly bell-shaped. They are collected in inflorescences of several pieces.
  3. Roots- located close to the soil surface.
  4. Fruit- are a five-leafed box with seeds that ripen in late August - early September.

History of origin

Rhododendron evergreen began to be cultivated on plots near houses in the 19th century. and immediately won many hearts. Now he is no longer such an outlandish guest as before, you can meet him in almost any country.

What is the difference?

This species does not shed leaves for the winter; they roll up into a tube and take their normal appearance as soon as a comfortable temperature for them is established.

Varieties: description and photo

There are several interesting subclasses.

This is a wonderful old variety of the English collection, spreading, almost spherical slow-growing shrub with large lavender or pink flowers, blooms in June for almost 3 weeks. The bush is high - 3 m in height and the same in diameter (sometimes even wider). You will learn more about this species.

One of the most popular evergreen Rhododendrons, a large-leaved long-liver with a delicate aroma, its flowers are large, similar to bells, collected in large inflorescences of about 20 pieces. During flowering, the bush is a large luxurious bright ball, moreover, it can be of any color - white, pink, raspberry or purple. Read about the Katevbin rhododendron.

The most popular variety in this type is "Alfred", it is not very tall - from 1 to 2 meters in height, spherical. with large (up to 6 cm) flowers color pink in a light green speck, its inflorescences are very dense and fluffy. You can find all the details about hybrid rhododendrons in.


Evergreen rhododendron blooms in spring and summer, depending on its variety, the flowering is simply gorgeous, the flowers are collected in large (up to 20 pieces) inflorescences of various colors.

  1. Care before and after flowering.

    After wintering, you need to carefully examine the shrub - if the weather is already warm enough, and the leaves are in no hurry to unwind and take their normal shape, this means that they do not have enough moisture, you need to water the bushes and spray the bush.

    As soon as the leaves unwind, you need to add top dressing, you can fertilize with an infusion of good humus or a complex fertilizer "For Rhododendrons".

    It is very important not to let dry out at this moment in any case, otherwise the flowering will not be abundant. After the flowering is over, you need to remove the dried flowers and also continue to monitor the watering.

  2. Why doesn't it bloom?

    In this case, you must first check for the presence of diseases and pests, if everything is fine, there is nothing, then the whole point is in the wrong planting - either the place is not suitable or the root collar has been buried, an urgent transplant is required.

Garden design

Evergreen rhododendron will perfectly fit into any design, you can make a group planting, or you can plant one bush under the canopy of a pine tree, for example, or by a pond in partial shade, or you can hedge done near the recreation area, this place will become the most beloved.

It will turn out very beautifully if you plant the plant along garden paths... For this, the following varieties are suitable:, and. But do not forget that the plant is away from drafts and is successfully combined in color, shape and flowering time with other participants in the composition.

Landing features

For evergreen Rhododendron, the most successful breeding methods are cuttings and seeds.

  • Cuttings.
    1. In early spring, you need to cut the cuttings (the lower cut must be made oblique) and root them in a light substrate.
    2. A container with cuttings can be placed in a greenhouse.
    3. After about a month, you can dive.
    4. After another 2 months, it can be seated separately.
    5. On permanent place in open ground can be planted only next spring.

    The method is good, the cuttings are very viable.

  • Seeds.

    A very simple option for obtaining a large number of small seedlings. Seeds for seedlings should be sown in January (or February).

    1. Spread them over the surface of the substrate.
    2. Water (spray) gently with a spray bottle and place also in the greenhouse.
    3. In about a month, seedlings will appear, at this time the temperature should be cool - about 12 - 15 degrees.
    4. In June, grown seedlings can be planted in separate containers.
    5. Next spring, all of them can be planted in their places in the garden (or donated to friends).

Diseases and pests

Most often, Rhododendron is harmed by spider mites, worms, scale insects and bugs, if found, they must be immediately treated with any insecticide.

And the "favorite" diseases of this plant are fungal, any preparations containing copper sulfate.


To avoid fungal diseases, you need to choose the right place - on a hill or on well-drained soil. Pest prevention - in the spring, spray the bush with Bordeaux liquid.


Rhododendron, of course, is considered an exotic plant and not so long ago, many could not even imagine that it would be possible to plant such a shrub on their site. And this opportunity appeared thanks to the tremendous work of breeders who successfully bred various ones. They are very responsive to love and care and in gratitude please us with armfuls of fabulous flowers.

I have long wanted to acquire such a blooming beauty as rhododendron. I searched the Internet, read literature, went to markets where seedlings are brought from nurseries.

From all the preliminary knowledge, I took out a few things - this is that a beginner should start by breeding a species of rhododendron (fancy varieties "tame" better then), get acquainted with the composition of the soil and the choice of location.

I then planted the Ledebour rhododendron bush and the Daurian species. I fulfilled all the necessary requirements and took into account the advice, my plants did not die, although they grow rather slowly. These two shrubs are similar to each other, now I am thinking of buying a couple more seedlings.

In this article I want to introduce you to the beautiful rhododendrons. You will learn when they bloom, how to grow them properly, and love them as much as I do.

Shrubs and trees of rhododendrons (Rhododendron) belong to the Heather family, they are evergreen and deciduous. Translated means rosewood, indeed, most species have different shades of pink. And the varieties bred by breeders can be of all sorts of shades: from white to purple.

Flowers in the form of a bell and a funnel, a tube and a wheel, their diameter is from one centimeter to 10. The leaves are elongated, tough, in autumn some bushes have an extremely decorative appearance.

More than 1000 species of this plant differ both in the shape of the flowers and the coverage of the crown, and in height (from creeping shrubs to tall trees of thirty meters).

Naturally grows in temperate climates preferring humid air and partial shade. Therefore, so often rhododendron is found in the undergrowth of pines and other conifers, on mountain slopes, as well as along the banks of rivers and seas, in swamps and in forest-tundra.

The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the Far East and Altai, the Himalayas and Japan are far from complete list places where you can see natural rhododendra thickets. V landscape design the use of shrubs is very diverse, these are both single plantings and group plantings, they are used to plant trees in sanatorium and park areas, house estates.

Types and varieties of rhododendron

Whoever has ever seen this plant in bloom will never forget it - beautiful bush... More than two dozen species of this crop and varieties obtained on their basis are widespread in Russia.

Attention! Deciduous rhododendrons are most suitable for our latitudes, they overwinter quite well, bloom for a long time, do not require special care... Every gardener can grow them.


A highly branched plant with pink-purple flowers grows in Siberia and Primorye, East Asia in coniferous forests, on rocky slopes. Suitable for cultivation in middle lane and in the Urals, as well as in the north of Russia.

The evergreen shrub grows up to 4 meters in height (it grows very slowly), some of the leaves do not fall off for the winter. Inflorescences are funnel-shaped, up to 4 cm in coverage. Flowering begins in early May and lasts three weeks, sometimes it can bloom again in the fall.

It is a winter-hardy species, it loves light areas and takes root well, it blooms very beautifully, has brightly colored leaves, the Daurian rhododendron is effective all season.

Tree rhododendron

It grows naturally in North America in the highlands. Suitable for growing in the middle lane and other regions of Russia. It is a deciduous shrub with a wide crown (up to 6 meters), growing up to 3 meters.

Oblong green leaves turn crimson in autumn, blooms with fragrant white or pink flowers(coverage 50 mm.) in early July. This fragrance lasts for almost a month. It grows up to 7 centimeters per year.

Loves weakly acidic soils, loose and drained, prefers to be in a bright place. It tolerates winter well, is planted in parks, along roads, single bushes.

Ledebour rhododendron

Another name is Maralnik, it grows in Altai and in the Sayan Mountains, forms thickets on mountain slopes and in undergrowth.

Protected in reserves. Blooms in May for 2 weeks (sometimes for a month), then beautiful pink-purple inflorescences appear again in the fall. They are quite large (up to 5 cm), and a shrub up to 150 cm in height looks very colorful during flowering.

This species is winter-hardy, it does not completely shed its leaves for the winter, but in the spring after flowering they will still fall off, giving place to fresh shoots. Growth per year up to 7-8 cm, crown diameter over a meter.

Rhododendron Schlippenbach

Large deciduous shrub with woody shoots. As a garden culture, it grows up to 150-160 cm, in nature up to 4 meters. Winter hardy, but requires shelter. One of the most beautiful rhododendrons with pale lilac speckled flowers, the coverage of the inflorescence reaches 10 cm.

The leaves are soft, on the shoot they grow at the end (5 pieces per brush), in autumn the green color is replaced by ocher-red. It blooms in May-June and is rapidly gaining popularity among gardeners.

Countless varieties have been obtained by breeders around the world.

April Snow

White double flowers bloom in early spring, the foliage of the bush is strong, height 160 cm.


The Scottish hybrid one and a half meters tall has white flowers with brownish blotches.

Blue Peter

Height 1.5 meters, crown coverage more than 2 meters. The flowers are large (6 cm), blue, lavender.


Derived on the basis of the Japanese rhododendron (up to 2 meters high). Large salmon, orange-yellow flowers have a shiny surface.


Bright yellow flowers smell nice, have a stellate appearance. The shrub grows up to 180 cm.

How to plant a garden rhodendron

Advice! So that you do not be disappointed by the death of an expensive seedling, try to get as much information as possible about the plant you are purchasing. Do not rely entirely on eloquent sellers; it is better to prepare for the purchase in advance.

Take the trouble to make sure that the rhododendron is winter hardy and adapted to our latitudes. Planting does not take much time, and grooming can be quickly learned.

You can plant the plant in the fall (remove almost all of the buds) or in the spring, when the ground thaws.

We choose a place protected from the wind, in a light partial shade. It is important that there is no direct sunlight. Plant in an area that is visible to the eye so that you can observe the flowering.

  • We spill the plant in a pot before planting so that the root system is prepared for transplantation;
  • The hole for the plant should be dug 2 times larger than the coverage of the roots;
  • We completely remove the natural soil from the hole, lay drainage on the bottom: broken brick, or crushed stone and sand;
  • We fill in soil for heather, or such a mixture: peat, leafy earth, humus, fallen needles;
  • We put the tree in the hole and sprinkle it on top (to the root collar) with the same mixture of earth;
  • Water abundantly, press the soil around and mulch the surface with peat.

Worth knowing! It is not for nothing that peat is the main ingredient of soil for rhododendrons. This plant loves slightly acidic or acidic soils, flavored with humus.

Bush care

Since the plant is moisture-loving, you need to water it abundantly with acidified water (vinegar or lemon), spray the crown in hot weather. Must be mulched trunk circle to retain moisture.

Important! Root system rhododendrons are quite superficial and delicate, so loosening is undesirable.

Also, the bushes need to be cut regularly, removing diseased and dry branches, to form a beautiful habit.

A flowering shrub needs feeding. In the first year, fertilizer is applied in a very metered manner, in subsequent years you can water the rhododendron with mullein infusion, diluting in accordance with the instructions.

All summer, every 14 days, irrigate with complex fertilizers containing phosphorus. In addition to root infusions, spraying of the crown is encouraged.

How to propagate a rhododendron

You can grow a plant through seeds, layering, cuttings and grafts, as well as dividing the bush. Since the culture grows very slowly, the seed method is not the best option, and such a bush will bloom not earlier than in 3-4 years. With this method of reproduction, all varietal characteristics of the plant are preserved.

Vegetative reproduction is more common:

  • We root the layers by pinning them to the ground in early spring, like other shrubs;
  • We also cut the cuttings in spring or autumn from young shoots and add them in a greenhouse or in a pot with nutritious soil (most of the peat, less sand);
  • You can divide the bush when it grows, carefully separating parts of the root, sprinkling the cuts with crushed charcoal and a quick transplant.

The easiest thing, of course, is to buy a ready-made seedling that professionals have grown for you.

What is rhododendron sick

Malfunctions in care - overflows and underflows, a change in the composition of the soil from acidic to alkaline, bright sun can contribute to diseases. These are rust, chlorosis and spotting, fungal diseases and pests.

If there are problems, we get rid of them with the help of insecticides, we establish a watering and feeding regime.

Place in landscape design

Favorite neighbors of rhododendrons are ferns, hosts, others flowering shrubs... Plants are good in Japanese gardens among stones, in the shade of conifers.

Rosewood bushes are planted alone and in an alley, on the banks of a reservoir and near a gazebo, in a rock garden and a mixborder. Everywhere rhododendron will look elegant and spectacular.


"Azurvolke"- a hybrid between the reddish rhododendron and the Blue Diamond variety. Received by G. Hachmann in Germany. Evergreen shrub up to 1 m high. The crown is compact, round, wide, up to 1.5 m in diameter, shoots grow upwards. Leaves are oblong-lanceolate, up to 3 cm long and about 1 cm wide, covered with scales on both sides. The flowers are shiny, lilac-blue (azure), often dark purple, collected in 4 - 5 in dense rounded inflorescences located at the ends of the shoots. It blooms from the first to the third decade of May. Glowing brightly colored flowers give a high decorative effect. It is quite winter-hardy. Used on alpine slides, in heather gardens, singly or in small groups.

"Percy Weissman"
Photo of Mikhail Polotnov

Photo of Prikhodko Marina

"Il Tasso"
Photo of Prikhodko Marina

"Gold Tracht"
Photo of Mikhail Polotnov

Photo of Mikhail Polotnov

"Saint Michel"
Photo of Mikhail Polotnov

"Alfred"- bred by the German breeder T. Seidel in 1899 when crossing the Everestiana variety with the Katevbinsky rhododendron. An evergreen shrub. Height about 1.2 m, crown diameter 1.5 m. The crown is compact. Brown bark. Leaves are oblong-elliptical, dark green above, shiny, glabrous, paler below, without drooping, 7 - 15 cm long, 3 - 5 cm wide. Blooms in June. The flowers are purple-red with a yellow-greenish spot, up to 6 cm in diameter, collected in 15-20 pieces in dense inflorescences. Flowering is annual, abundant and long, more than 20 days. Seeds in capsule fruits are rarely set and often of poor quality, that is, with low germination (10%). Annual growth of 3-5 cm. Photophilous, but can tolerate light shading. Prefers fertile, light, fresh, slightly acidic soils. Winter-hardy. Used alone on the lawn, in groups or along paths in gardens.

R. Katevbinsky "Alba Nova"
Photo of Gulko Larisa

Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Blue Tit"
Photo of Mandrico Natalia

Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Cunninghams White"
Photo by Igor Gorin,
digitization of Konstantin Korzhavin

Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Mandrico Natalia

Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Gold Dust"
Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Gold Dust"
Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Golden Sunset"
Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Natalia Pavlova

Photo of Olga Alekseeva

Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Juanita Knapp Hill"
Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Juanita" & "Fashing"
Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Kermensina Rosea"
Photo of Anetta Popova

"Klondyke Knapp Hill"
Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Klondyke Knapp Hill"
Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Mersiyanova Irina

"Nova Zembla"
Photo of Natalia Pavlova

Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Olga Bondareva

R. Katevbinsky "Rasputin"
Photo of Gulko Larisa
Photo of Mersiyanova Irina

Photo of Mandrico Natalia

Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Soir de Paris"
Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Soir de Paris"
Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo by Svetlana Sotnikova

"Arnosht Silva Taruka"- a hybrid between the magnificent rhododendron and the "Karaktakus" variety was bred by the breeder B. Kavka from the Czech Republic in 1958. Evergreen shrub 1.5 - 1.8 m high, crown diameter 2.5 - 3 m, shoots grow upwards. Leaves are leathery, shiny, 10 - 14 cm long and up to 7 cm wide, glabrous on both sides, oblong-elliptical, dark green. Blooms from mid-May to early June. The flowers are large, broad-funnel-shaped, violet-pink in color with a carmine-red spot, flower diameter 7 - 8 cm, collected in 8 - 12 pieces in rather dense inflorescences. It is winter-hardy in Europe, but in Russia it needs a light shelter for the winter with dry leaves and spruce branches. Single plants or small groups are planted in the garden against the background of lawns or on the edge of light coniferous trees. Propagated by cuttings and grafting, should be tested more widely in amateur gardens in Russia.

Hybrid rhododendrons
Exbury "Fireball" and "Golden Sunset"
Photo of Elena Solovieva

Hybrid rhododendron
Exbury "Anabella"
Photo of Elena Solovieva

Rhododendron katevbinsky
Photo of Elena Solovieva

"Catharine van Tol"
Photo of Elena Solovieva

"P.M.A. Tigerstedt"
Photo of Elena Solovieva

Photo of Elena Solovieva

Rhododendron repens groupe "Elviira"
Photo of Voronina Svetlana

Rhododendron "Rosy Lights"
Photo of Voronina Svetlana

Rhododendron "White Lights"
Photo of Voronina Svetlana

Rhododendron "Fireball"
variety series "Knaphill"

"Rosy Lights"
The photo
Shakhmanova Tatiana

Daurian rhododendron
"April White"
Photo of Mersiyanova Irina

"Berry Rose"- the variety was bred in England in 1934 by Lionel de Rothschild. Deciduous shrub 1.5 - 2 m high. Medium-sized. The crown is wide and compact. Young leaves are brownish, adults are bright green 4 - 5 cm long, 3 cm wide. Blooms with last week May to mid-June. The flowers are pink with a yellow spot, 5 - 8 cm in diameter, with a scent. The buds are orange-red. The inflorescence is rounded, contains 10-14 flowers. Quite winter hardy variety... In the garden, they are planted singly and in groups in combination with other ornamental shrubs, a widely known variety in Europe.

"Bieber"- the variety was obtained by T. Seidel in Germany in 1900 by crossing the Katevbinsky rhododendron and the Milner variety. Evergreen shrub up to 2.5 m high, crown diameter up to 3 m. The crown is loose, shoots grow upwards. Leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, up to 10 cm long, 3 -5 cm wide, glabrous on both sides. Blooms in June - early July. The flowers are carmine-red, large, up to 6 cm in diameter, wide-funnel-shaped, lighter at the edges, collected in compact inflorescences of 12-15 flowers in each. It is quite winter-hardy. Hibernates with light cover with spruce branches and peat. It is used singly or in small groups against the backdrop of a lawn or coniferous trees. Popular in Europe, valued for its large flowers and leaves, flowering duration. In Russia it should be experienced widely.

Photo of Lena Borsyakova

"Blue Peter"- obtained by crossing with the Pontic rhododendron in 1933. An evergreen shrub. Height 1.8 m, crown diameter 2 m. The crown is slightly spreading. The bark is dark gray. The leaves are large, 12-15 cm long, 5-6 cm wide, dark green above, shiny, lighter below, without pubescence. Blooms from mid-May to June. Flowers 6 cm in diameter are light lavender blue, inside with a dark purple spot on the upper petal. The edges of the petals are slightly corrugated. Inflorescences are compact of 20 or more conical flowers. Decorative during abundant and prolonged flowering, large flowers are beautiful and large leaves... The fruit is a capsule. Seeds are tied, ripen at the end of October, germination rate is below 50%. Annual growth is 7-9 cm. Photophilous. The soils are peaty, moist, acidic. Winter-hardy, but it is better to cover young plants with spruce branches. It is used in single and group plantings, in places protected from the wind.

"Blue Tit"- a hybrid between dense rhododendrons and Augustine. Received by J. Williams in 1933 in England. Evergreen shrub up to 1 m high, crown diameter slightly more than 1.2 m. The crown is rounded, shoots grow upwards. Leaves are leathery, broadly oval or round, bluish-green, young - somewhat pubescent with hairs. Blooms from early to late May. The flowers are light lavender-blue or sky-blue, collected in medium-sized inflorescences of 4 - 6 flowers, flower diameter 3.5 cm. Quite winter-hardy variety. They are planted in groups or singly on alpine slides or in heather gardens. One of the best rhododendrons with blue flowers... Deserves to be tested in Russia in amateur gardening.

"Mother" s Day "
Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

"Surrey Heath"
Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

"Coccineum Speciosum"
Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

"Golden Eagle"
Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

"Lady Roseberry"
Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

"Sun Chariot"
Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

"Windsor Peach Glo"
Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

"Salmon Sander"
Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

"Princess Anne"
Photo of Natalia Zarucheyskaya

"Temple Belle"
Photo of Mironova Irina

"Bourseult"- the variety arose as a result of the selection of the Katevbinsky rhododendron in Germany and was named after the breeder Bourzault. An evergreen shrub. Height 1.5 - 1.8 m, crown diameter 2 - 2.4 m. The crown is spreading. The bark is dark gray. Leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, shiny, dark green, 10-15 cm long, 5 cm wide, green below, without pubescence on both sides. Blooms from mid-May to early June. The flowers are dark purple with a greenish-yellow spot, 5 cm in diameter, collected in dense inflorescences of 15 - 20 pieces. Blooms profusely and continuously, 3-4 weeks. One of the best large-flowered varieties. The fruit is a capsule. Seeds are dark brown, ripen in late October. Annual growth 6-8 cm. Photophilous, tolerates slight shading. Prefers fertile, light, slightly acidic soils. It is quite winter-hardy. Used in single and group plantings in amateur gardens.

"Violetta"- a hybrid between the blushing rhododendron and the dense rhododendron. Evergreen, undersized shrub about 1 m high, with a wide spreading crown. Leaves are broadly elliptical, 1.5-2 cm long and 1 cm wide, highly scaly, leathery on both sides. Blooms in May for 3 weeks. The flowers are dark purple, collected in dense inflorescences of 16 - 22 pieces. It is quite winter-hardy. They are planted in groups on the lawn, in rocky areas, in heather gardens.

Rhododendron "Ledicanense"
Photo of Polonskaya Svetlana

"Gold Dust "- hybrid obtained in 1951 by L. Rothschild in England. Deciduous shrub about 1.5 m high, crown diameter 2.5 m, wide crown. Shoots grow upward, green, slightly reddish-brown when blooming, pubescent. Leaves are light green, oblong-lanceolate, 3-4 cm long, about 2 cm wide, along the edge with sparse ciliated hairs, which are also present on the surface of young leaves. Blooms from late May to mid June. The flowers are orange-yellow with a pinkish tinge with a bright yellow spot, 6-8 cm in diameter, collected in compact round inflorescences of 6-11 pieces. The buds are red. It is quite winter-hardy. Used in groups on the lawn or in combination with evergreen rhododendrons.

"Grandiflorum", or "Large-flowered"- obtained in England by A. Vaterer at the beginning of the 19th century as a result of selection from seedlings grown from seeds of a wild species - Katevbinsky rhododendron. An evergreen shrub. Height 1.5-2m, crown diameter 1.5-2m. The crown is spreading. The bark is dark gray. Leaves are leathery, elliptical, dark green above, lighter below, glabrous, 7-8 cm long, wide 5-6 see Blooms in June. Lilac flowers with a greenish spot, b - 7 cm in diameter, odorless, collected in 15 pieces in compact inflorescences. Decorative during abundant and prolonged flowering. The fruit is a capsule, the seeds ripen in October. A vigorous and fast-growing shrub. Annual growth 6-10 cm. Photophilous, shade-tolerant. Prefers fertile, fresh, slightly acidic or acidic soils. Winter-hardy. Better to plant in semi-shady and wind-protected places. They are planted singly and in groups in gardens on the lawn, along the paths - in rows.

"Grishtede"- a hybrid between reddening and dense rhododendrons. The variety was obtained in 19b1 in Germany. Evergreen undersized shrub about 0.5 m high, crown diameter 0.8 -1 m. The crown is wide, round, compact. Leaves are leathery, narrowly elliptic, 2 - 4.5 cm long, bluish-green, when blooming are pubescent with filiform hairs. The flowers are shiny, lilac-blue, without spots, with a diameter of 2 - 3.5 cm, collected in 2 - 7 pieces in round inflorescences at the ends of the shoots. Single flowers are rare. Flowering time: late April to mid-May. Moderately winter-hardy, tolerates low temperatures (-18 - 20 ° C), in Russia it can be grown with shelter. They are used singly and in groups on alpine slides and in heather gardens.

Rhododendron "Berryrose"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Blanice"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Klondike"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Milan"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Moravanka"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Nicholaas Beets"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Oslava"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Otava"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Panenka"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Petr"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Profesor Jersov"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Rohiimii Kavka"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Rose Marie"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Saturnius"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Sylphides"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Vilem Heckel"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Vltava"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Photo of Mikhail Polotnov

"Humboldt"- evergreen, compact shrub 1.5-2 m tall, strongly branched. Leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, up to 12 cm long, 3 - 5 cm wide, dark green above, paler below, shiny, glabrous. The flowers are light purple-pink with a dark red spot, collected in a dense inflorescence of 15 - 18 pieces. Blooms profusely in June for three weeks. It hibernates with light cover (leaf and spruce branches). In the garden, they are planted singly or in groups on the lawn, against the background of trees, along the roads in rows. It is recommended to test it more widely in the temperate zone of Russia, primarily in amateur gardening.

"Yellow Light"
Photo of Andrey Ganov

"Gessen"- the variety was obtained by the German breeder T. Zaydel in 1906. when crossing the Katevbinsky rhododendron with the "Karl Mitte" variety. An evergreen shrub with a height of 2.5-3m, the crown diameter usually exceeds the height by 1.5 times, the crown is wide and rather dense. Leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, 7 - 12 cm long and 3 - 5 cm wide, dark green above, shiny, glabrous, lighter below. The flowers are large, carmine, about 6 cm in diameter with a brown spot on the upper petal and shiny light stamens, collected in dense inflorescences of 15 - 20 pieces. Blooms profusely in late May - early June. It is quite winter-hardy, adult plants hibernate without shelter. Single and group plantings against the background of a lawn or in combination with deciduous rhododendrons and other ornamental shrubs in places protected from the wind are effective. Deserves a wide test in amateur gardening in Russia.

"Dagmar"- a hybrid between the magnificent rhododendron and the Pink Pearl variety. The variety was obtained by the breeder B. Kavka in the Czech Republic in 19b5. Evergreen shrub up to 2 m high. The crown is wide, compact, up to 2.5 m in diameter. Shoots grow upward, widely, diverging to the sides. Leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, 7-12 cm long, about 5 cm wide, smooth, dark green. The flowers are light pink with a yellow-green or yellow spot on the upper petal, with a light aroma, collected in 6 - 8 pieces in round inflorescences. Flowering time: mid to late May. Blooms for two weeks. The variety attracts attention with its dark green leaves and fragrant flowers. It is quite winter-hardy, however, in winters with little snow, it should be covered with spruce branches, tying it around the plant. Both single and group plantings in gardens are effective, it is advisable to plant in places protected from the wind.

Jacksoni- a hybrid between Caucasian rhododendron and the Nobleanum variety, obtained by V. Herbert in 1835 in England. Evergreen shrub from 1.5 to 2 m in height; the crown is round, compact, the branches are low, the diameter of the crown is about 3 m. There is a low-growing form with a height of 0.6 - 0.8 m. It grows slowly. Leaves are leathery, oblong, dull green, brownish below, with curled edges, up to 10 cm long. Flowers pink when blooming, later - white with yellow spots on one of the petals, collected in 8 - 12 in dense rounded inflorescences. Blooms from late April to mid-May. In central Russia, it suffers from early spring frosts. It is used in single or group plantings, in places protected from the wind in a heather garden. The variety is prized for its early flowering.

"Irena Koster"- a hybrid of the western rhododendron. The variety was obtained by F. Koster in Boskop (Holland). Deciduous shrub 2 - 2.5 m in height. Average annual growth of 6-8 cm. The crown is broadly round, up to 5.5 m in diameter. Leaves are oblong-elliptical, 4 - 10 cm long, 2 - 4 cm wide, with cilia at the edge. covered with bristly hairs on both sides, yellow or crimson in autumn. The flowers are pure pink with a yellowish-orange spot, 5 - 6 cm in diameter, with strong smell, collected in round-shaped inflorescences, compact, 6 - 12 flowers each. Flowering time: late May - early June. It is quite a winter-hardy variety for central Russia. Used in groups of 5-7 plants next to evergreen rhododendrons with later flowering dates. Deserves widespread in amateur gardening.

"Karaktacus"- the variety was bred by the English breeder A. Vaterer in 186 5 from the Katevbin rhododendron. Evergreen shrub up to 2 m tall, the diameter of the bush exceeds its height. The growth of the bush is strong, the annual growth is up to 10 cm. The crown is wide. The leaves are large, 7-15 cm long, dark green, shiny above, paler below, young slightly pubescent, then glabrous. The flowers are purple-red with a lighter center, about 6 cm in diameter. The inflorescences are dense, contain 15-20 flowers. Flowering time: all June. The variety is quite winter-hardy, but it preserves flower buds better with light shelter for the winter with spruce branches. In the garden, they are planted in groups or along paths in a place protected from the wind. One of the most decorative large-leaved and large-flowered rhododendrons. Winter-hardy in the temperate zone of Russia.

Photo of Mumrina Elena

"Cunningham"- the most popular variety of the Caucasian rhododendron, bred in 1850 in Edinburgh by J. Cunningham. An evergreen shrub. Height up to 2 m, crown diameter 1.5 m. The crown is compact. The bark is dark brown. Leaves are leathery, oblong, glabrous above, dark green, lighter below, with brown glands, 4-6 cm long, 2-3 cm wide. Blooms in May - mid-June. Has abundant and long flowering(3 weeks). The flowers are white with a yellowish-brown speck, 3.5 cm in diameter, collected in dense inflorescences of 10 pieces. Annual growth is 3-5 cm. In culture, it is durable. In Europe, 100-year-old specimens are known. Photophilous. Shade tolerant. Unpretentious, tolerates alkaline soils poor in humus and shading, hygrophilous. It is quite winter-hardy, therefore it is a good stock for many winter-hardy rhododendron varieties. Recommended for use in hedges, which are grown without cutting, in groups or single plantings.

"Lavende Girl"- the variety was obtained in 1950 by V. Slokkoko by crossing the Fortune rhododendron and the Lady Gre Egerton variety in England, in the Woking nursery. Evergreen shrub up to 3 m tall and rather wide, up to 4 m in diameter with a dense crown. Leaves are leathery, young are light green, old ones are dark green, glabrous on both sides, 7-12 cm long, 3-8 cm wide, oblong. Blooms profusely, in summer in June - early July. The flowers are fragrant, large, up to 8.5 m in diameter, pale purple, the border of the petals is pink, lighter in the middle, completely white at the base, yellow spots on the upper petal. Inflorescences on b - 12 flowers, friable. For the winter, the plants must be covered with spruce branches in order to preserve the flower buds; in severe winters, a shelter should be built from shields and glassine. It is best used in group or single plantings in gardens where you can provide thorough care and shelter for the winter. It attracts special attention due to its large flowers and leaves, long flowering period.

"Dark Purple Lee" or "Dark Purple Lee"- the variety was obtained in 1851 by crossing the Katevbinsky rhododendron and the "Maximum" rhododendron in England. An evergreen shrub. Height about 2 m, crown diameter 3 m. The crown is loose, wide. Brown bark. Leaves are leathery, dark green, almost black, 6-7 cm long, 3.5-4 cm wide. It blooms from late May to mid-June. Abundant and long flowering (at least three weeks). The flowers are dark purple, almost purple, with yellow brown spot, collected in inflorescences of 15 pieces. Annual growth up to 10 cm. Photophilous, but shade-tolerant. Prefers fertile, light, slightly acidic, moist soils. It is quite winter-hardy. Better to plant in places protected from the wind. Flowers and young shoots in sunny places wither quickly. Effective in group and single plantings along paths in the garden, in the form of a hedge.

"Maria Oliva Shlikova"- a hybrid between the magnificent rhododendron and the Pink Pearl variety. Bred at the Institute of Ornamental Horticulture in the Czech Republic in 1955, introduced into culture in 1958. Evergreen large-leaved and large-flowered shrub about 2 m tall, crown diameter 2.5 -3m. The shape of the crown is round, closed. Leaves are oblong-elliptical, leathery, 5-15 cm long, 3-7 cm wide, light green above, with a bluish bloom below, with edges curved downward. It blooms in the second half of May. The flowers are pale lilac-pink, with a dark red pattern on one of the petals. The diameter of the flower is 5.5-9 cm. The inflorescence is compact, rounded, of 10-14 flowers. Moderately winter-hardy, in Russia you need a solid shelter for the winter in the form of a lumber house or shields. Recommended only for amateur gardeners who are able to provide individual care of plants and adherence to the peculiarities of agricultural technology. In Europe, due to its high decorative qualities, it is recommended for expanding the range of urban landscaping and for industrial propagation and cultivation.

"Nova Zembla"- the variety was obtained from free pollination of the Katevbinsky rhododendron with the Persone Gloriosum variety in 1902 in Boskop (the Netherlands). An evergreen shrub, up to 3 m high and a fairly wide loose crown up to 3.5 m in diameter. Shoots grow straight up. Leaves are leathery, large, oblong-elliptical, up to 16 cm long and up to 5 cm wide, dark green above, shiny, glabrous, lighter below. Blooms from late May to the second half of June. The flowers are large, shiny, red with a black spot. Collected in compact inflorescences of 10 - 12 flowers in each, flower diameter 4.5 - b cm. In Europe, winter-hardy, but in central Russia it is necessary to cover! They are planted singly or in groups on the lawn, along the road, on the edge of deciduous and coniferous trees, in places protected from the wind. The variety is very decorative, widely cultivated in Western Europe... One of the best red hybrids, deserves a wide test in Russia.

"Oxidol"- variety obtained in 1947 by Lionel de Rothschild in England. Deciduous shrub up to 2.5 m high and a crown diameter of about 3 m, with erect and vigorous green shoots with a reddish-brown tint. Leaves are green, yellow or crimson in autumn, long 6-8 cm, 2.5 - 3.5 cm wide. It blooms from the last week of May to the second half of June. The flowers are pure white, with a faint yellow spot, slightly wavy along the edge, flower diameter 6-8 cm, rarely up to 9 cm, 6-10 flowers are collected in compact inflorescences of a round or wide-round shape. Cream buds. It is quite a winter-hardy variety. Used in small groups in combination with coniferous shrubs: junipers, cypress trees.

Rhododendron Japanese variety "Dimon"
Photo of Alexander Sergeev

"Panenka"- the variety was obtained by B. Kavka in the 60s by crossing the magnificent rhododendron with the "Karaktakus" variety. Evergreen shrub 1.5 m high, with a wide rounded crown exceeding the height, shoots grow upward, straight. Leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, 7 - 12 cm long and 3 - 6 cm wide, light green with a bluish bloom. Blooms from mid-May to early June. The flowers are light pink, the border or edges are darker than the base, broadly bell-shaped, fragrant, more than 6 cm in diameter. The bud is darker than the flowers that have opened. The upper petal has ruby ​​red spots. It is quite winter-hardy, but in severe winters it is better to cover it with spruce branches and leaves. Used singly and in groups in gardens and parks.

"Pink Deligt"- the variety was bred by E. Rothschild in England in 1951. Deciduous shrub 1.4 m high. Crown diameter 2.2 m. The crown is wide, round, and loose. Shoots are green with a slight reddish tint. Leaves are light green, falling, oblong, up to 4.5 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, yellow or crimson in autumn. It blooms from the third decade of May to the first half of June. The flowers are pink with a yellow spot on one of the petals, collected in small loose inflorescences of 3 - 7 flowers each. The buds are red. Winter-hardy, but young plants should be covered for the winter! Planted singly or in groups in amateur gardens.

"Precox"- a hybrid between Daurian rhododendron and ciliated rhododendron. The variety was obtained in 1855 by the breeder Isaac Davis in England. Evergreen shrub about 0.5 m high, less often 1 - 2 m, upright, with a loose spreading crown. Leaves are elliptical or lanceolate, 4-7 cm long, 2-5 cm wide, shiny, green above, paler below, with cilia along the edge, with scales above and below, fragrant. It blooms in early spring, in April (in Europe in March - April, sometimes in February). The flowers are shiny, lilac-pink, 2.5 - 3.5 cm in diameter, without spots on the petals, collected in inflorescences of 2 - 3 pieces. Sometimes there are single flowers at the ends of the shoots. Winter-hardy variety. They are planted in groups and singly on the lawn and alpine slides. Unpretentious, sometimes in the forests of Europe it grows like a wild plant, without any care, gardeners are valued as a very winter-hardy variety.

"Purple Splendour"- the variety was bred on the basis of the Pontic rhododendron by A. Vaterer in England, around 1900. Evergreen medium-sized shrub, height 2 - 2.5 m, compact crown, about 3 m in diameter. Leaves are large, 15-18 cm long and 5-9 cm wide, oblong-lanceolate, shiny, dark green, glabrous on both sides, the venation is somewhat deep. Blooms in late May - mid June. The flowers are broad-crimson, dark purple, with a black-brown spot on the upper petal, which enhances the dark color. The edges of the petals are slightly wavy. Inflorescences of 15 - 20 flowers, half-shaped. In Russia, it hibernates with shelter. In Europe, this variety is called the "king of purple". It is widely used in hobby gardening, especially in England. Has shown good winter hardiness in Latvia. Easily propagated by grafting.

"Ramapo"- a hybrid of Rhododendron equine and Caroline rhododendron, obtained in New Jersey (USA) in 1940 by the breeder Naring. A low-growing evergreen shrub with a height of 0.6 m and a crown diameter of 1.5 - 2 m. The crown is compact, wide, flat. Leaves are oblong-lanceolate, 2-3 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, leathery, covered with scales on both sides, fragrant. Young leaves are gray-green, old ones are bluish-green, shiny. Blooms in the first three weeks of May. The flowers are lavender, small, collected in 2 - 3 or 3 - 5 at the ends of the shoots. The diameter of the flower is 2-3 cm. The variety is quite winter-hardy, as it hibernates under the snow, keeping flower buds from frost damage. Used on alpine slides in heather gardens. Effective during flowering and in autumn due to the beautiful color of the leaves. It attracts the attention of gardeners like the dwarf rhododendron. Has special requirements for soils: prefers acidic, moist, loose, with good drainage.

"Rose Marie"- the variety was bred by B. Kavka in 19b5 in the Czech Republic by crossing the magnificent rhododendron and the Pink Pearl variety. Evergreen shrub 1.2 m high. The crown diameter is more than 1.5 m, the shape of the crown is spreading. Leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, 5-15 cm long, 3-7 cm wide, light green above with a waxy bluish bloom, bluish-green below, not pubescent, slightly glossy. Blooms in May for three weeks. The flowers are pale pink, whitish-pink to the middle with a purple tint, 8 - 9 cm in diameter. Flowers are collected in 6 - 14 pieces in spherical compact inflorescences, with a faint odor. In the south of Russia (near Sochi, Adler) there is no need for shelter. In central Russia, plants at a young age must be covered carefully, building a frame. Adult plants are protected with peat and spruce branches. They are planted in groups in a clearing or at the edge of a forest.

Roseum Elegance- a hybrid of the rhododendron katevbinsky, obtained by A. Vaterer in England in 1851. Evergreen, vigorous shrub 3 m high.Annual growth of 15 cm. The crown is broadly round, closed from below, crown diameter is 4 m. brown, then dark green. Blooms in June. The flowers are pink with a reddish-brown spot, 7 cm in diameter, broadly funnel-shaped, petals slightly wavy along the edge. Inflorescences are compact, 15 flowers. Winter-hardy, provided that plants are planted in places protected from the wind. They are planted singly on the lawn, in groups against the background of conifers or deciduous trees, in rows along the paths. Lives in culture for a long time, prefers fertile, slightly acidic soils, tolerates slight shading.

"Susan"- the variety was bred by the breeder J. Williams in 1930 as a result of crossing the bell-shaped rhododendron and Fortune's rhododendron. Evergreen shrub up to 4 m high, with straight but widely spread branches. The crown diameter is equal to or slightly higher than the height. Leaves are leathery, large, up to 15 cm long and up to 6 cm wide, dark green above, shiny, glabrous, with red felt below, brownish when blooming. Blooms from late May to mid June. The flowers are wide-funnel-shaped, corrugated, pale purple, the edges and veins are darker, on the upper petal there are dark purple specks. The variety is very beautiful during flowering due to its large inflorescences and delicate flowers. In central Russia, it can winter with shelter, in the southern regions - without shelter. They are planted in groups or singly on a lawn and a background of conifers, in hedges only in the south (Sochi, Adler, etc.).

"Fastuosum Flore Pleno"- the variety was obtained by crossing the Katevbinsky rhododendron and the Pontic rhododendron around 1846. Evergreen shrub, height 1.8 - 2.5 m, crown diameter up to 3 m. Annual growth 10-15 cm. The crown is broadly oval, dense. The leaves are large, 10-28 cm long, 8-9 cm wide, glabrous on both sides, with a slightly curled edge. The flowers are large, 4.5 - 6 cm in diameter, double, light purple with a golden yellow spot inside the flower. Inflorescences are large, 10-15 flowers, dense, 10-15 cm in diameter. Mass flowering in June, again less abundant in September. It is quite winter-hardy, adult plants hibernate without shelter. Planted in small groups of 3 or more plants against the background of conifers. It is better to plant in semi-shady and wind-protected places; in dry summers, abundant watering and spraying of plants (sprinkling) is recommended.

"Flava"- a hybrid between Ward's and Yakushiman rhododendrons, obtained by D. Gobbi in Germany in 1979. An evergreen shrub, reaching a height of 1.2, rarely 2 m by 20 years of life. The crown is quite compact, broadly round, squat (flattened or flattened), 1.8 m in diameter. Grows slowly. Leaves are leathery, oblong-lanceolate, dark green, shiny, 5-6 cm long, 3 - 4 cm wide. Flowers are light yellow with a red spot at the base of one of the petals, broad-funnel-shaped, 5 - 8 pieces in inflorescences. Flowering time: late May to mid June, over three weeks. It is quite winter-hardy, only young plants in the first winter after planting should be covered with peat. They are used singly or in groups on rock gardens, in heather gardens, together with other ornamental shrubs of a different flower color or flowering time.

"Lavendula"- a hybrid between several rhododendrons. Received by D. Gobbi in Germany in 19b7. Evergreen undersized shrub 0.8 -1m high; the crown is compact, wide, shoots grow upward. Leaves are leathery, oblong-lanceolate or elliptical 2.5 - 4.5 cm long, up to 1.5 cm wide, green, in winter they become bronze, with aroma, the leaves are covered with brown scales below. The flowers are pale lilac (lavender) with a green or brown spot, the diameter of the flowers is 5-6 cm. They are collected in inflorescences of 3 - 5 pieces, the edges of the petals are wavy. Blooms profusely and continuously in May. It is quite winter-hardy, hibernates under the snow. In horticultural practice, it is highly regarded as a winter-hardy variety, suitable for stony and heather gardens, both in sunny and shaded places. Deserves widespread testing in Russia.

"Vykes Scarlet". The variety was obtained by Vykes van Mess in 1954 in Holland, belongs to the group of Japanese azaleas. Semi-evergreen shrub 1.5 m high. The crown is loose, up to 2 m in diameter. The leaves are elliptical, 5-7 cm long, shiny above, green, lighter below, pubescent on both sides. The flowers are broadly funnel-shaped, up to 5 cm in diameter, dark carmine. Flowering time: late May to mid June. It hibernates with light cover with a leaf or peat. Is used for alpine slides and heather gardens, can be planted in small groups or singly in sheltered areas.

"Progress"- a hybrid of the Caucasian rhododendron. Evergreen shrub with low-lying shoots growing upwards, height 2.5-3m, crown diameter about 3.5 m. Grows slowly in youth. Leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, 6-8 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, dark green. The buds are dark pink, the flowers are lilac-pink when blooming, later - white-pink with a dark red spot and fringed edges of the petals. The inflorescence is compact, consists of 6 - 8 flowers. Flowering time: early to late May, about three weeks. Winter hardiness is very good. Used singly or in groups on the lawn or against the backdrop of trees, along paths in the garden.

"Cunningham" s White "... Evergreen shrub up to 2 m tall, crown diameter 60 cm. Popular variety from the Caucasian rhododendron group, with white flowers. Bred in 1850. In GBS, seedlings were obtained from Poland in 1988 (1 copy), from Riga in 1986 (12 copies). The plant grows from 11 .V ± 4 to autumn frosts. Annual growth of 4-5 cm. Blooms from 8-10 years, from 15.V ± 3 to 4.VI ± 5, about 3 weeks. Does not tie fruit. Winter hardiness I (II). 80% of cuttings are rooted when treated with 1% IMC solution "dry".


"Azurvolke"- a hybrid between the reddish rhododendron and the Blue Diamond variety. Received by G. Hachmann in Germany. Evergreen shrub up to 1 m high. The crown is compact, round, wide, up to 1.5 m in diameter, shoots grow upwards. Leaves are oblong-lanceolate, up to 3 cm long and about 1 cm wide, covered with scales on both sides. The flowers are shiny, lilac-blue (azure), often dark purple, collected in 4 - 5 in dense rounded inflorescences located at the ends of the shoots. It blooms from the first to the third decade of May. Glowing brightly colored flowers give a high decorative effect. It is quite winter-hardy. Used on alpine slides, in heather gardens, singly or in small groups.

"Percy Weissman"
Photo of Mikhail Polotnov

Photo of Prikhodko Marina

"Il Tasso"
Photo of Prikhodko Marina

"Gold Tracht"
Photo of Mikhail Polotnov

Photo of Mikhail Polotnov

"Saint Michel"
Photo of Mikhail Polotnov

"Alfred"- bred by the German breeder T. Seidel in 1899 when crossing the Everestiana variety with the Katevbinsky rhododendron. An evergreen shrub. Height about 1.2 m, crown diameter 1.5 m. The crown is compact. Brown bark. Leaves are oblong-elliptical, dark green above, shiny, glabrous, paler below, without drooping, 7 - 15 cm long, 3 - 5 cm wide. Blooms in June. The flowers are purple-red with a yellow-greenish spot, up to 6 cm in diameter, collected in 15-20 pieces in dense inflorescences. Flowering is annual, abundant and long, more than 20 days. Seeds in capsule fruits are rarely set and often of poor quality, that is, with low germination (10%). Annual growth of 3-5 cm. Photophilous, but can tolerate light shading. Prefers fertile, light, fresh, slightly acidic soils. Winter-hardy. Used alone on the lawn, in groups or along paths in gardens.

R. Katevbinsky "Alba Nova"
Photo of Gulko Larisa

Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Blue Tit"
Photo of Mandrico Natalia

Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Cunninghams White"
Photo by Igor Gorin,
digitization of Konstantin Korzhavin

Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Mandrico Natalia

Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Gold Dust"
Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Gold Dust"
Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Golden Sunset"
Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Natalia Pavlova

Photo of Olga Alekseeva

Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Juanita Knapp Hill"
Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Juanita" & "Fashing"
Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Kermensina Rosea"
Photo of Anetta Popova

"Klondyke Knapp Hill"
Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Klondyke Knapp Hill"
Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Mersiyanova Irina

"Nova Zembla"
Photo of Natalia Pavlova

Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo of Olga Bondareva

R. Katevbinsky "Rasputin"
Photo of Gulko Larisa
Photo of Mersiyanova Irina

Photo of Mandrico Natalia

Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Soir de Paris"
Photo of Olga Bondareva

"Soir de Paris"
Photo of Olga Bondareva

Photo by Svetlana Sotnikova

"Arnosht Silva Taruka"- a hybrid between the magnificent rhododendron and the "Karaktakus" variety was bred by the breeder B. Kavka from the Czech Republic in 1958. Evergreen shrub 1.5 - 1.8 m high, crown diameter 2.5 - 3 m, shoots grow upwards. Leaves are leathery, shiny, 10 - 14 cm long and up to 7 cm wide, glabrous on both sides, oblong-elliptical, dark green. Blooms from mid-May to early June. The flowers are large, broad-funnel-shaped, violet-pink in color with a carmine-red spot, flower diameter 7 - 8 cm, collected in 8 - 12 pieces in rather dense inflorescences. It is winter-hardy in Europe, but in Russia it needs a light shelter for the winter with dry leaves and spruce branches. Single plants or small groups are planted in the garden against the background of lawns or on the edge of light coniferous trees. Propagated by cuttings and grafting, should be tested more widely in amateur gardens in Russia.

Hybrid rhododendrons
Exbury "Fireball" and "Golden Sunset"
Photo of Elena Solovieva

Hybrid rhododendron
Exbury "Anabella"
Photo of Elena Solovieva

Rhododendron katevbinsky
Photo of Elena Solovieva

"Catharine van Tol"
Photo of Elena Solovieva

"P.M.A. Tigerstedt"
Photo of Elena Solovieva

Photo of Elena Solovieva

Rhododendron repens groupe "Elviira"
Photo of Voronina Svetlana

Rhododendron "Rosy Lights"
Photo of Voronina Svetlana

Rhododendron "White Lights"
Photo of Voronina Svetlana

Rhododendron "Fireball"
variety series "Knaphill"

"Rosy Lights"
The photo
Shakhmanova Tatiana

Daurian rhododendron
"April White"
Photo of Mersiyanova Irina

"Berry Rose"- the variety was bred in England in 1934 by Lionel de Rothschild. Deciduous shrub 1.5 - 2 m high. Medium-sized. The crown is wide and compact. Young leaves are brownish, adults are bright green 4 - 5 cm long, 3 cm wide. Blooms from the last week of May to mid-June. The flowers are pink with a yellow spot, 5 - 8 cm in diameter, with a scent. The buds are orange-red. The inflorescence is rounded, contains 10-14 flowers. It is quite a winter-hardy variety. In the garden, they are planted singly and in groups in combination with other ornamental shrubs, a widely known variety in Europe.

"Bieber"- the variety was obtained by T. Seidel in Germany in 1900 by crossing the Katevbinsky rhododendron and the Milner variety. Evergreen shrub up to 2.5 m high, crown diameter up to 3 m. The crown is loose, shoots grow upwards. Leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, up to 10 cm long, 3 -5 cm wide, glabrous on both sides. Blooms in June - early July. The flowers are carmine-red, large, up to 6 cm in diameter, wide-funnel-shaped, lighter at the edges, collected in compact inflorescences of 12-15 flowers in each. It is quite winter-hardy. Hibernates with light cover with spruce branches and peat. It is used singly or in small groups against the backdrop of a lawn or coniferous trees. Popular in Europe, valued for its large flowers and leaves, flowering duration. In Russia it should be experienced widely.

Photo of Lena Borsyakova

"Blue Peter"- obtained by crossing with the Pontic rhododendron in 1933. An evergreen shrub. Height 1.8 m, crown diameter 2 m. The crown is slightly spreading. The bark is dark gray. The leaves are large, 12-15 cm long, 5-6 cm wide, dark green above, shiny, lighter below, without pubescence. Blooms from mid-May to June. Flowers 6 cm in diameter are light lavender blue, inside with a dark purple spot on the upper petal. The edges of the petals are slightly corrugated. Inflorescences are compact of 20 or more conical flowers. Decorative during abundant and prolonged flowering, large flowers and large leaves are beautiful. The fruit is a capsule. Seeds are tied, ripen at the end of October, germination rate is below 50%. Annual growth is 7-9 cm. Photophilous. The soils are peaty, moist, acidic. Winter-hardy, but it is better to cover young plants with spruce branches. It is used in single and group plantings, in places protected from the wind.

"Blue Tit"- a hybrid between dense rhododendrons and Augustine. Received by J. Williams in 1933 in England. Evergreen shrub up to 1 m high, crown diameter slightly more than 1.2 m. The crown is rounded, shoots grow upwards. Leaves are leathery, broadly oval or round, bluish-green, young - somewhat pubescent with hairs. Blooms from early to late May. The flowers are light lavender-blue or sky-blue, collected in medium-sized inflorescences of 4 - 6 flowers, flower diameter 3.5 cm. Quite winter-hardy variety. They are planted in groups or singly on alpine slides or in heather gardens. One of the best blue-flowered rhododendrons. Deserves to be tested in Russia in amateur gardening.

"Mother" s Day "
Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

"Surrey Heath"
Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

"Coccineum Speciosum"
Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

"Golden Eagle"
Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

"Lady Roseberry"
Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

"Sun Chariot"
Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

"Windsor Peach Glo"
Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

"Salmon Sander"
Photo of Tatiana Shakhmanova

"Princess Anne"
Photo of Natalia Zarucheyskaya

"Temple Belle"
Photo of Mironova Irina

"Bourseult"- the variety arose as a result of the selection of the Katevbinsky rhododendron in Germany and was named after the breeder Bourzault. An evergreen shrub. Height 1.5 - 1.8 m, crown diameter 2 - 2.4 m. The crown is spreading. The bark is dark gray. Leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, shiny, dark green, 10-15 cm long, 5 cm wide, green below, without pubescence on both sides. Blooms from mid-May to early June. The flowers are dark purple with a greenish-yellow spot, 5 cm in diameter, collected in dense inflorescences of 15 - 20 pieces. Blooms profusely and continuously, 3-4 weeks. One of the best large-flowered varieties. The fruit is a capsule. Seeds are dark brown, ripen in late October. Annual growth 6-8 cm. Photophilous, tolerates slight shading. Prefers fertile, light, slightly acidic soils. It is quite winter-hardy. Used in single and group plantings in amateur gardens.

"Violetta"- a hybrid between the blushing rhododendron and the dense rhododendron. Evergreen, undersized shrub about 1 m high, with a wide spreading crown. Leaves are broadly elliptical, 1.5-2 cm long and 1 cm wide, highly scaly, leathery on both sides. Blooms in May for 3 weeks. The flowers are dark purple, collected in dense inflorescences of 16 - 22 pieces. It is quite winter-hardy. They are planted in groups on the lawn, in rocky areas, in heather gardens.

Rhododendron "Ledicanense"
Photo of Polonskaya Svetlana

"Gold Dust "- hybrid obtained in 1951 by L. Rothschild in England. Deciduous shrub about 1.5 m high, crown diameter 2.5 m, wide crown. Shoots grow upward, green, slightly reddish-brown when blooming, pubescent. Leaves are light green, oblong-lanceolate, 3-4 cm long, about 2 cm wide, along the edge with sparse ciliated hairs, which are also present on the surface of young leaves. Blooms from late May to mid June. The flowers are orange-yellow with a pinkish tinge with a bright yellow spot, 6-8 cm in diameter, collected in compact round inflorescences of 6-11 pieces. The buds are red. It is quite winter-hardy. Used in groups on the lawn or in combination with evergreen rhododendrons.

"Grandiflorum", or "Large-flowered"- obtained in England by A. Vaterer at the beginning of the 19th century as a result of selection from seedlings grown from seeds of a wild species - Katevbinsky rhododendron. An evergreen shrub. Height 1.5-2m, crown diameter 1.5-2m. The crown is spreading. The bark is dark gray. Leaves are leathery, elliptical, dark green above, lighter below, glabrous, 7-8 cm long, wide 5-6 see Blooms in June. Lilac flowers with a greenish spot, b - 7 cm in diameter, odorless, collected in 15 pieces in compact inflorescences. Decorative during abundant and prolonged flowering. The fruit is a capsule, the seeds ripen in October. A vigorous and fast-growing shrub. Annual growth 6-10 cm. Photophilous, shade-tolerant. Prefers fertile, fresh, slightly acidic or acidic soils. Winter-hardy. Better to plant in semi-shady and wind-protected places. They are planted singly and in groups in gardens on the lawn, along the paths - in rows.

"Grishtede"- a hybrid between reddening and dense rhododendrons. The variety was obtained in 19b1 in Germany. Evergreen undersized shrub about 0.5 m high, crown diameter 0.8 -1 m. The crown is wide, round, compact. Leaves are leathery, narrowly elliptic, 2 - 4.5 cm long, bluish-green, when blooming are pubescent with filiform hairs. The flowers are shiny, lilac-blue, without spots, with a diameter of 2 - 3.5 cm, collected in 2 - 7 pieces in round inflorescences at the ends of the shoots. Single flowers are rare. Flowering time: late April to mid-May. Moderately winter-hardy, tolerates low temperatures (-18 - 20 ° C), in Russia it can be grown with shelter. They are used singly and in groups on alpine slides and in heather gardens.

Rhododendron "Berryrose"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Blanice"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Klondike"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Milan"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Moravanka"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Nicholaas Beets"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Oslava"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Otava"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Panenka"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Petr"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Profesor Jersov"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Rohiimii Kavka"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Rose Marie"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Saturnius"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Sylphides"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Vilem Heckel"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Rhododendron "Vltava"
Photo of Irina Makhrova

Photo of Mikhail Polotnov

"Humboldt"- evergreen, compact shrub 1.5-2 m tall, strongly branched. Leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, up to 12 cm long, 3 - 5 cm wide, dark green above, paler below, shiny, glabrous. The flowers are light purple-pink with a dark red spot, collected in a dense inflorescence of 15 - 18 pieces. Blooms profusely in June for three weeks. It hibernates with light cover (leaf and spruce branches). In the garden, they are planted singly or in groups on the lawn, against the background of trees, along the roads in rows. It is recommended to test it more widely in the temperate zone of Russia, primarily in amateur gardening.

"Yellow Light"
Photo of Andrey Ganov

"Gessen"- the variety was obtained by the German breeder T. Zaydel in 1906. when crossing the Katevbinsky rhododendron with the "Karl Mitte" variety. An evergreen shrub with a height of 2.5-3m, the crown diameter usually exceeds the height by 1.5 times, the crown is wide and rather dense. Leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, 7 - 12 cm long and 3 - 5 cm wide, dark green above, shiny, glabrous, lighter below. The flowers are large, carmine, about 6 cm in diameter with a brown spot on the upper petal and shiny light stamens, collected in dense inflorescences of 15 - 20 pieces. Blooms profusely in late May - early June. It is quite winter-hardy, adult plants hibernate without shelter. Single and group plantings against the background of a lawn or in combination with deciduous rhododendrons and other ornamental shrubs in places protected from the wind are effective. Deserves a wide test in amateur gardening in Russia.

"Dagmar"- a hybrid between the magnificent rhododendron and the Pink Pearl variety. The variety was obtained by the breeder B. Kavka in the Czech Republic in 19b5. Evergreen shrub up to 2 m high. The crown is wide, compact, up to 2.5 m in diameter. Shoots grow upward, widely, diverging to the sides. Leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, 7-12 cm long, about 5 cm wide, smooth, dark green. The flowers are light pink with a yellow-green or yellow spot on the upper petal, with a light aroma, collected in 6 - 8 pieces in round inflorescences. Flowering time: mid to late May. Blooms for two weeks. The variety attracts attention with its dark green leaves and fragrant flowers. It is quite winter-hardy, however, in winters with little snow, it should be covered with spruce branches, tying it around the plant. Both single and group plantings in gardens are effective, it is advisable to plant in places protected from the wind.

Jacksoni- a hybrid between Caucasian rhododendron and the Nobleanum variety, obtained by V. Herbert in 1835 in England. Evergreen shrub from 1.5 to 2 m in height; the crown is round, compact, the branches are low, the diameter of the crown is about 3 m. There is a low-growing form with a height of 0.6 - 0.8 m. It grows slowly. Leaves are leathery, oblong, dull green, brownish below, with curled edges, up to 10 cm long. Flowers pink when blooming, later - white with yellow spots on one of the petals, collected in 8 - 12 in dense rounded inflorescences. Blooms from late April to mid-May. In central Russia, it suffers from early spring frosts. It is used in single or group plantings, in places protected from the wind in a heather garden. The variety is prized for its early flowering.

"Irena Koster"- a hybrid of the western rhododendron. The variety was obtained by F. Koster in Boskop (Holland). Deciduous shrub 2 - 2.5 m in height. Average annual growth of 6-8 cm. The crown is broadly round, up to 5.5 m in diameter. Leaves are oblong-elliptical, 4 - 10 cm long, 2 - 4 cm wide, with cilia at the edge. covered with bristly hairs on both sides, yellow or crimson in autumn. The flowers are pure pink with a yellowish-orange spot, 5 - 6 cm in diameter, with a strong odor, collected in rounded inflorescences, compact, 6 - 12 flowers each. Flowering time: late May - early June. It is quite a winter-hardy variety for central Russia. Used in groups of 5-7 plants next to evergreen rhododendrons with later flowering dates. Deserves widespread use in amateur gardening.

"Karaktacus"- the variety was bred by the English breeder A. Vaterer in 186 5 from the Katevbin rhododendron. Evergreen shrub up to 2 m tall, the diameter of the bush exceeds its height. The growth of the bush is strong, the annual growth is up to 10 cm. The crown is wide. The leaves are large, 7-15 cm long, dark green, shiny above, paler below, young slightly pubescent, then glabrous. The flowers are purple-red with a lighter center, about 6 cm in diameter. The inflorescences are dense, contain 15-20 flowers. Flowering time: all June. The variety is quite winter-hardy, but it preserves flower buds better with light shelter for the winter with spruce branches. In the garden, they are planted in groups or along paths in a place protected from the wind. One of the most decorative large-leaved and large-flowered rhododendrons. Winter-hardy in the temperate zone of Russia.

Photo of Mumrina Elena

"Cunningham"- the most popular variety of the Caucasian rhododendron, bred in 1850 in Edinburgh by J. Cunningham. An evergreen shrub. Height up to 2 m, crown diameter 1.5 m. The crown is compact. The bark is dark brown. Leaves are leathery, oblong, glabrous above, dark green, lighter below, with brown glands, 4-6 cm long, 2-3 cm wide. Blooms in May - mid-June. It has abundant and long flowering (3 weeks). The flowers are white with a yellowish-brown speck, 3.5 cm in diameter, collected in dense inflorescences of 10 pieces. Annual growth is 3-5 cm. In culture, it is durable. In Europe, 100-year-old specimens are known. Photophilous. Shade tolerant. Unpretentious, tolerates alkaline soils poor in humus and shading, hygrophilous. It is quite winter-hardy, therefore it is a good stock for many winter-hardy rhododendron varieties. Recommended for use in hedges, which are grown without cutting, in groups or single plantings.

"Lavende Girl"- the variety was obtained in 1950 by V. Slokkoko by crossing the Fortune rhododendron and the Lady Gre Egerton variety in England, in the Woking nursery. Evergreen shrub up to 3 m tall and rather wide, up to 4 m in diameter with a dense crown. Leaves are leathery, young are light green, old ones are dark green, glabrous on both sides, 7-12 cm long, 3-8 cm wide, oblong. Blooms profusely, in summer in June - early July. The flowers are fragrant, large, up to 8.5 m in diameter, pale purple, the border of the petals is pink, lighter in the middle, completely white at the base, yellow spots on the upper petal. Inflorescences on b - 12 flowers, friable. For the winter, the plants must be covered with spruce branches in order to preserve the flower buds; in severe winters, a shelter should be built from shields and glassine. It is best used in group or single plantings in gardens where you can provide thorough care and shelter for the winter. It attracts special attention due to its large flowers and leaves, long flowering period.

"Dark Purple Lee" or "Dark Purple Lee"- the variety was obtained in 1851 by crossing the Katevbinsky rhododendron and the "Maximum" rhododendron in England. An evergreen shrub. Height about 2 m, crown diameter 3 m. The crown is loose, wide. Brown bark. Leaves are leathery, dark green, almost black, 6-7 cm long, 3.5-4 cm wide. It blooms from late May to mid-June. Abundant and long flowering (at least three weeks). The flowers are dark purple, almost purple, with a yellow-brown spot, collected in inflorescences of 15 pieces. Annual growth up to 10 cm. Photophilous, but shade-tolerant. Prefers fertile, light, slightly acidic, moist soils. It is quite winter-hardy. Better to plant in places protected from the wind. Flowers and young shoots in sunny places wither quickly. Effective in group and single plantings along paths in the garden, in the form of a hedge.

"Maria Oliva Shlikova"- a hybrid between the magnificent rhododendron and the Pink Pearl variety. Bred at the Institute of Ornamental Horticulture in the Czech Republic in 1955, introduced into culture in 1958. Evergreen large-leaved and large-flowered shrub about 2 m tall, crown diameter 2.5 -3m. The shape of the crown is round, closed. Leaves are oblong-elliptical, leathery, 5-15 cm long, 3-7 cm wide, light green above, with a bluish bloom below, with edges curved downward. It blooms in the second half of May. The flowers are pale lilac-pink, with a dark red pattern on one of the petals. The diameter of the flower is 5.5-9 cm. The inflorescence is compact, rounded, of 10-14 flowers. Moderately winter-hardy, in Russia you need a solid shelter for the winter in the form of a lumber house or shields. Recommended only for amateur gardeners who are able to provide individual care of plants and adherence to the peculiarities of agricultural technology. In Europe, due to its high decorative qualities, it is recommended for expanding the range of urban landscaping and for industrial propagation and cultivation.

"Nova Zembla"- the variety was obtained from free pollination of the Katevbinsky rhododendron with the Persone Gloriosum variety in 1902 in Boskop (the Netherlands). An evergreen shrub, up to 3 m high and a fairly wide loose crown up to 3.5 m in diameter. Shoots grow straight up. Leaves are leathery, large, oblong-elliptical, up to 16 cm long and up to 5 cm wide, dark green above, shiny, glabrous, lighter below. Blooms from late May to the second half of June. The flowers are large, shiny, red with a black spot. Collected in compact inflorescences of 10 - 12 flowers in each, flower diameter 4.5 - b cm. In Europe, winter-hardy, but in central Russia it is necessary to cover! They are planted singly or in groups on the lawn, along the road, on the edge of deciduous and coniferous trees, in places protected from the wind. The variety is very decorative, widely cultivated in Western Europe. One of the best red hybrids, deserves a wide test in Russia.

"Oxidol"- variety obtained in 1947 by Lionel de Rothschild in England. Deciduous shrub up to 2.5 m high and a crown diameter of about 3 m, with erect and vigorous green shoots with a reddish-brown tint. Leaves are green, yellow or crimson in autumn, long 6-8 cm, 2.5 - 3.5 cm wide. It blooms from the last week of May to the second half of June. The flowers are pure white, with a faint yellow spot, slightly wavy along the edge, flower diameter 6-8 cm, rarely up to 9 cm, 6-10 flowers are collected in compact inflorescences of a round or wide-round shape. Cream buds. It is quite a winter-hardy variety. Used in small groups in combination with coniferous shrubs: junipers, cypress trees.

Rhododendron Japanese variety "Dimon"
Photo of Alexander Sergeev

"Panenka"- the variety was obtained by B. Kavka in the 60s by crossing the magnificent rhododendron with the "Karaktakus" variety. Evergreen shrub 1.5 m high, with a wide rounded crown exceeding the height, shoots grow upward, straight. Leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, 7 - 12 cm long and 3 - 6 cm wide, light green with a bluish bloom. Blooms from mid-May to early June. The flowers are light pink, the border or edges are darker than the base, broadly bell-shaped, fragrant, more than 6 cm in diameter. The bud is darker than the flowers that have opened. The upper petal has ruby ​​red spots. It is quite winter-hardy, but in severe winters it is better to cover it with spruce branches and leaves. Used singly and in groups in gardens and parks.

"Pink Deligt"- the variety was bred by E. Rothschild in England in 1951. Deciduous shrub 1.4 m high. Crown diameter 2.2 m. The crown is wide, round, and loose. Shoots are green with a slight reddish tint. Leaves are light green, falling, oblong, up to 4.5 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, yellow or crimson in autumn. It blooms from the third decade of May to the first half of June. The flowers are pink with a yellow spot on one of the petals, collected in small loose inflorescences of 3 - 7 flowers each. The buds are red. Winter-hardy, but young plants should be covered for the winter! Planted singly or in groups in amateur gardens.

"Precox"- a hybrid between Daurian rhododendron and ciliated rhododendron. The variety was obtained in 1855 by the breeder Isaac Davis in England. Evergreen shrub about 0.5 m high, less often 1 - 2 m, upright, with a loose spreading crown. Leaves are elliptical or lanceolate, 4-7 cm long, 2-5 cm wide, shiny, green above, paler below, with cilia along the edge, with scales above and below, fragrant. It blooms in early spring, in April (in Europe in March - April, sometimes in February). The flowers are shiny, lilac-pink, 2.5 - 3.5 cm in diameter, without spots on the petals, collected in inflorescences of 2 - 3 pieces. Sometimes there are single flowers at the ends of the shoots. Winter-hardy variety. They are planted in groups and singly on the lawn and alpine slides. Unpretentious, sometimes in the forests of Europe it grows like a wild plant, without any care, gardeners are valued as a very winter-hardy variety.

"Purple Splendour"- the variety was bred on the basis of the Pontic rhododendron by A. Vaterer in England, around 1900. Evergreen medium-sized shrub, height 2 - 2.5 m, compact crown, about 3 m in diameter. Leaves are large, 15-18 cm long and 5-9 cm wide, oblong-lanceolate, shiny, dark green, glabrous on both sides, the venation is somewhat deep. Blooms in late May - mid June. The flowers are broad-crimson, dark purple, with a black-brown spot on the upper petal, which enhances the dark color. The edges of the petals are slightly wavy. Inflorescences of 15 - 20 flowers, half-shaped. In Russia, it hibernates with shelter. In Europe, this variety is called the "king of purple". It is widely used in hobby gardening, especially in England. Has shown good winter hardiness in Latvia. Easily propagated by grafting.

"Ramapo"- a hybrid of Rhododendron equine and Caroline rhododendron, obtained in New Jersey (USA) in 1940 by the breeder Naring. A low-growing evergreen shrub with a height of 0.6 m and a crown diameter of 1.5 - 2 m. The crown is compact, wide, flat. Leaves are oblong-lanceolate, 2-3 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, leathery, covered with scales on both sides, fragrant. Young leaves are gray-green, old ones are bluish-green, shiny. Blooms in the first three weeks of May. The flowers are lavender, small, collected in 2 - 3 or 3 - 5 at the ends of the shoots. The diameter of the flower is 2-3 cm. The variety is quite winter-hardy, as it hibernates under the snow, keeping flower buds from frost damage. Used on alpine slides in heather gardens. Effective during flowering and in autumn due to the beautiful color of the leaves. It attracts the attention of gardeners like the dwarf rhododendron. Has special requirements for soils: prefers acidic, moist, loose, with good drainage.

"Rose Marie"- the variety was bred by B. Kavka in 19b5 in the Czech Republic by crossing the magnificent rhododendron and the Pink Pearl variety. Evergreen shrub 1.2 m high. The crown diameter is more than 1.5 m, the shape of the crown is spreading. Leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, 5-15 cm long, 3-7 cm wide, light green above with a waxy bluish bloom, bluish-green below, not pubescent, slightly glossy. Blooms in May for three weeks. The flowers are pale pink, whitish-pink to the middle with a purple tint, 8 - 9 cm in diameter. Flowers are collected in 6 - 14 pieces in spherical compact inflorescences, with a faint odor. In the south of Russia (near Sochi, Adler) there is no need for shelter. In central Russia, plants at a young age must be covered carefully, building a frame. Adult plants are protected with peat and spruce branches. They are planted in groups in a clearing or at the edge of a forest.

Roseum Elegance- a hybrid of the rhododendron katevbinsky, obtained by A. Vaterer in England in 1851. Evergreen, vigorous shrub 3 m high.Annual growth of 15 cm. The crown is broadly round, closed from below, crown diameter is 4 m. brown, then dark green. Blooms in June. The flowers are pink with a reddish-brown spot, 7 cm in diameter, broadly funnel-shaped, petals slightly wavy along the edge. Inflorescences are compact, 15 flowers. Winter-hardy, provided that plants are planted in places protected from the wind. They are planted singly on the lawn, in groups against the background of coniferous or deciduous trees, in rows along the paths. Lives in culture for a long time, prefers fertile, slightly acidic soils, tolerates slight shading.

"Susan"- the variety was bred by the breeder J. Williams in 1930 as a result of crossing the bell-shaped rhododendron and Fortune's rhododendron. Evergreen shrub up to 4 m high, with straight but widely spread branches. The crown diameter is equal to or slightly higher than the height. Leaves are leathery, large, up to 15 cm long and up to 6 cm wide, dark green above, shiny, glabrous, with red felt below, brownish when blooming. Blooms from late May to mid June. The flowers are wide-funnel-shaped, corrugated, pale purple, the edges and veins are darker, on the upper petal there are dark purple specks. The variety is very beautiful during flowering due to its large inflorescences and delicate flowers. In central Russia, it can winter with shelter, in the southern regions - without shelter. They are planted in groups or singly on a lawn and a background of conifers, in hedges only in the south (Sochi, Adler, etc.).

"Fastuosum Flore Pleno"- the variety was obtained by crossing the Katevbinsky rhododendron and the Pontic rhododendron around 1846. Evergreen shrub, height 1.8 - 2.5 m, crown diameter up to 3 m. Annual growth 10-15 cm. The crown is broadly oval, dense. The leaves are large, 10-28 cm long, 8-9 cm wide, glabrous on both sides, with a slightly curled edge. The flowers are large, 4.5 - 6 cm in diameter, double, light purple with a golden yellow spot inside the flower. Inflorescences are large, 10-15 flowers, dense, 10-15 cm in diameter. Mass flowering in June, again less abundant in September. It is quite winter-hardy, adult plants hibernate without shelter. Planted in small groups of 3 or more plants against the background of conifers. It is better to plant in semi-shady and wind-protected places; in dry summers, abundant watering and spraying of plants (sprinkling) is recommended.

"Flava"- a hybrid between Ward's and Yakushiman rhododendrons, obtained by D. Gobbi in Germany in 1979. An evergreen shrub, reaching a height of 1.2, rarely 2 m by 20 years of life. The crown is quite compact, broadly round, squat (flattened or flattened), 1.8 m in diameter. Grows slowly. Leaves are leathery, oblong-lanceolate, dark green, shiny, 5-6 cm long, 3 - 4 cm wide. Flowers are light yellow with a red spot at the base of one of the petals, broad-funnel-shaped, 5 - 8 pieces in inflorescences. Flowering time: late May to mid June, over three weeks. It is quite winter-hardy, only young plants in the first winter after planting should be covered with peat. They are used singly or in groups on rock gardens, in heather gardens, together with other ornamental shrubs of a different flower color or flowering time.

"Lavendula"- a hybrid between several rhododendrons. Received by D. Gobbi in Germany in 19b7. Evergreen undersized shrub 0.8 -1m high; the crown is compact, wide, shoots grow upward. Leaves are leathery, oblong-lanceolate or elliptical 2.5 - 4.5 cm long, up to 1.5 cm wide, green, in winter they become bronze, with aroma, the leaves are covered with brown scales below. The flowers are pale lilac (lavender) with a green or brown spot, the diameter of the flowers is 5-6 cm. They are collected in inflorescences of 3 - 5 pieces, the edges of the petals are wavy. Blooms profusely and continuously in May. It is quite winter-hardy, hibernates under the snow. In horticultural practice, it is highly regarded as a winter-hardy variety, suitable for stony and heather gardens, both in sunny and shaded places. Deserves widespread testing in Russia.

"Vykes Scarlet". The variety was obtained by Vykes van Mess in 1954 in Holland, belongs to the group of Japanese azaleas. Semi-evergreen shrub 1.5 m high. The crown is loose, up to 2 m in diameter. The leaves are elliptical, 5-7 cm long, shiny above, green, lighter below, pubescent on both sides. The flowers are broadly funnel-shaped, up to 5 cm in diameter, dark carmine. Flowering time: late May to mid June. It hibernates with light cover with a leaf or peat. Used for alpine slides and heather gardens, can be planted in small groups or singly in sheltered areas.

"Progress"- a hybrid of the Caucasian rhododendron. Evergreen shrub with low-lying shoots growing upwards, height 2.5-3m, crown diameter about 3.5 m. Grows slowly in youth. Leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, 6-8 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, dark green. The buds are dark pink, the flowers are lilac-pink when blooming, later - white-pink with a dark red spot and fringed edges of the petals. The inflorescence is compact, consists of 6 - 8 flowers. Flowering time: early to late May, about three weeks. Winter hardiness is very good. Used singly or in groups on the lawn or against the backdrop of trees, along paths in the garden.

"Cunningham" s White "... Evergreen shrub up to 2 m tall, crown diameter 60 cm. Popular variety from the Caucasian rhododendron group, with white flowers. Bred in 1850. In GBS, seedlings were obtained from Poland in 1988 (1 copy), from Riga in 1986 (12 copies). The plant grows from 11 .V ± 4 to autumn frosts. Annual growth of 4-5 cm. Blooms from 8-10 years, from 15.V ± 3 to 4.VI ± 5, about 3 weeks. Does not tie fruit. Winter hardiness I (II). 80% of cuttings are rooted when treated with 1% IMC solution "dry".

These shrubs are great during flowering. At the beginning of the 19th century, rhododendrons began to decorate the gardens of Russia for the first time. Varieties, cultivation in open ground, planting, care, reproduction: we cultivate rhododendrons according to all the rules.

Description of rhododendron: varieties and varieties

The genus of rhododendrons is quite extensive - more than 1,000 species, which include various varieties of this wonderful plant. The natural area of ​​distribution of rhododendrons is limited Eastern countries: China, Japan, Korea, Himalayas; some plant species are found in the Caucasus, North America, northern Africa and Australia. In European territory, two varieties of rhododendron grow in the mountainous regions of Germany.

Rhododendron is a magnificent plant with a long flowering period

The culture refers to flowering deciduous or evergreen shrubs of the heather family. The branches of the plant can have smooth bark or pubescence. Leathery, dark green small ovoid leaves are sometimes pubescent. Bell-shaped flowers, funnel-shaped, simple and double. The color of the petals varies depending on the variety: white, pink, lilac, red, purple. Modern varieties of rhododendron are yellow and orange in color. Numerous small seeds ripen in capsules.

Rhododendrons, the cultivation of which on the territory of Russia is most acceptable, is limited to 26 species belonging to three groups of plants.

  • Evergreens are tall shrubs that do not shed their dark leathery foliage even in winter. Large flowers are painted in different colors and tone. Growing evergreen rhododendrons outdoors requires a number of necessary rules: plants are placed in places with diffused shadow; the soil for them should include a large amount of peat.

Rhododendron evergreen

Tip: It is important to choose the right neighborhood for evergreen rhododendron species, especially when decorating territories in landscape design. It can be of all types conifers, heather, outdoor ferns.

  • Intermediate (semi-evergreen) - low shrubs that winter well under a layer of snow. The plant is characterized by a compact form, a huge number of flowers during the flowering period. V winter period the main part of the leathery leaves falls off, only the whorl of leaves at the ends of the branches remains, from the center of which new foliage grows.

Semi-evergreen rhododendron

  • Deciduous - rhododendrons of this group are most adapted to the conditions of the Russian climate. The cultivation of these plants is not difficult, and the plants themselves do not need to specially adapt in winter. Blossoming in spring, repeated in autumn.

Deciduous rhododendron, grade "Fireworks"

Planting a plant

Rhododendron: planting and caring for plants in compliance with agrotechnical rules - plant transplantation is allowed in spring and autumn. In autumn - in any of three months, in spring - in warm, well-established weather, when the soil is no longer frozen (usually April or May).

The choice of a place for planting a plant must be carried out with special care. Planting rhododendrons should be protected from the prevailing wind and direct sunlight. It is important that the bush is accessible for viewing, then decorative view Plants during the flowering period will decorate the territory and please the eye.

Tip: Before planting the plant from the container into the open ground, it should be thoroughly saturated with water.

A planting hole for rhododendron bushes is prepared based on the actual size of the root system, and should be 2 times larger in volume. The natural soil should be removed completely. To plant a plant, it is required to prepare a special earthen soil consisting in equal parts of heather earth; peat; garden soil or leaf humus; rotted manure; needles (pine).

It is very important to plant the plant correctly, then it will quickly take root.

The prepared pit is filled with a mixture, a place is prepared in it for planting a rhododendron bush, which must be placed strictly vertically. The soil around the root system of the plant must be tightly squeezed - the formation of voids and "pockets" in the planting soil is not allowed. At high level groundwater, it is necessary to provide for the laying of a special drainage layer at the bottom of the pit. Upper layer soil after planting must be mulched with peat crumb.

Rhododendron: proper watering

Watering the planted plant is carried out at the time of planting, - abundant, sufficient to moisten the soil to a depth of 20-30 cm. Subsequent watering of rhododendron should be done with soft, acidified water, with full soil moisture.

Tip: When planting a plant with buds, it is necessary to remove most of them.

Plant care

A transplanted plant requires attention and careful care. In addition to regular abundant watering, the rhododendron needs spraying over the foliage, especially when planting at a later spring time... The soil needs to be mulched to maintain sufficient moisture. When mulching, you should choose options that increase the acidity of the soil.

The plant needs regular watering

The root system of rhododendrons consists of delicate, fine hairs, similar to matted hair, so loosening the soil, especially deep, should be excluded from flower care measures. Weeds growing next to the plant need to be removed periodically.

The appearance of the plant will immediately inform about the lack or excess of water - the leaves of the rhododendron will begin to turn yellow and fall off. Watering is required in sufficient quantities, but without overflow, this is one of the main rules for caring for a crop.

To provide proper care for the rhododendron, it is important to carry out timely pruning of overgrown bushes. Places of cuts to prevent infection of the plant are covered with paint or garden varnish.

Bushes need to be pruned periodically

Compliance with simple plant care requirements will allow you to grow a wonderful flowering bush.

Fertilizing and feeding rhododendron

In the first year, the transplanted plants already require careful fertilization, which is applied in a highly diluted form, in small portions. The plant itself will signal the need for fertilization: it will stop growing, drop the foliage or the leaves change color, the formation of flower buds will stop.

Organic fertilizer for feeding rhododendron bushes - semi-decomposed manure, which must be infused in water. Top dressing is carried out aqueous solution manure. To increase the formation of flower buds, as well as to extend the flowering time, it is used granular superphosphate, or double superphosphate, which is scattered on the moist soil under the plants. The plant is also useful for fertilizing with microelements, - fertilizers are applied in the form of watering or spraying the green mass of the bush. Intensive fertilization of the bushes is required until the end of August.

Rhododendron before flowering

Reproduction of rhododendron

Growing rhododendron involves plant propagation by layering and seeds, dividing the bush, grafting, cuttings.

Seed propagation is a great way to get plants with improved traits. Sowing is carried out from the end of December to the end of March. The second period suitable for seed reproduction of rhododendrons is the end of November.

Sowing seeds is carried out in shallow bowls or boxes filled with a nutrient mixture of peat, sand, coniferous and sod land, taken in equal proportions. The seeds are pre-soaked for a day. Sowing is carried out on the top layer of the soil, without embedding deep into the soil. The sowing is moistened by spraying. It is required to provide the seedlings with a 12-hour fluorescent light. The timing of seed germination depends on the variety. The first flowering of seedlings is possible in 3-4 years.

Rhododendron seeds

This method has its advantages, but for seed reproduction rhododendrons to obtain full-fledged plants take up to 5-6 years.

New plants can be obtained faster with vegetative methods of culture propagation: cuttings, dividing the bush, rooting of cuttings.

Diseases and pests

The fulfillment of the requirements for agricultural technology of rhododendrons guarantees excellent growth and development of plants. However, repeated waterlogging or overdrying of the soil, alkaline reaction soil, sunburn leaves can provoke a surge in crop diseases.

Plants can be damaged by spots, rust and chlorosis. Disease control measures - improving plant conditions, using special means to fight disease. Often rhododendron diseases are caused by pathogenic fungi: gray rot, fusarium, late blight.

Spotting - fungal disease rhododendron

Pests that damage rhododendrons: slugs and snails that eat young leaves and buds. The collection of these pests is done manually. In addition, the plant is harmed by: bugs (rhododendron), spider mite, mealybug, weevils, scale insects, rhododendra fly. Pest control is easy with systemic insecticides.

Rhododendron: combination with other plants

Planting plants in combination with conifers and a group of heathers has a positive effect on the development of rhododendrons. It should be remembered about the height of the rhododendron bush. Low cultivars should be located away from the dense shade of mature trees, but avoiding direct sunlight.

Blooming rhododendron perfectly sets off conifers

An excellent combination is observed when located next to rhododendrons of shade-loving ferns and host.

In landscape design, rhododendron is an indispensable attribute for planting in partial shade. The huge advantages of the plant are its long and very decorative flowering. Rhododendrons are widely used in the design of heather gardens, as an addition to the plantings of pine groves. The plant looks great in mono plantings.

Rhododendron in landscape design

Low-growing varieties of rhododendrons are planted near alpine hills, in mixborders and in decorative flower beds.

Planting a garden rhododendron: video

Types of rhododendron: photo