Winter forcing of tulips. Forcing tulips at home step by step instructions

Growing tulips at home is a long process, and preparation for it begins long before the first buds appear in January-March. Bulbs of tulips and related crops during the dormant period retain nutrients for vegetation in thickened scales. The rudiments of buds are formed in advance, and their quality largely depends on the care of the plant in summer period. To get flowers at the desired time, many grow tulips at home in a pot. Forcing flowers at home allows you to get inflorescences from late December to May.

In winter, invisible processes take place in the bulbs, therefore it is not enough to buy or dig tulips from a flower bed in order to plant them in pots closer to the appointed time.

Preparation for landing includes:

Forcing is early, medium, late. So, the flower can bloom for the New Year, and in early spring. Forcing tulips by March 8, in a greenhouse, is popular.

Tulips do not live very long, but experienced growers, skillfully calculating the landing time, adjust the moment of cutting to the eve of the holiday.

Flower planting time

The rest period of the bulbs lasts about 16 weeks, rooting and growth of the peduncle takes another three weeks. Counting back 19 weeks, we get that it is necessary to plant flowers for early cutting in spring in last week October. The same methodology is applied to calculate the planting time for cultivation under New Year, by February 14 and other important dates.

Preparing tulip bulbs

So that efforts to grow tulips in a pot at home are not in vain, you should prepare for forcing almost a year in advance. After opening, the flower is cut off after a couple of days, leaving 2-4 healthy leaves on the stem. It is from these flowers that a wonderful bouquet will turn out.

Bulbs are dug in late June - early July, when a few leaves begin to fade. This will allow the planting material to save a maximum of juices and grow. The dug up tulips are dried, the remnants of the withered above-ground part are removed, and then sorted. When growing tulips in a greenhouse and at home, they take only the largest and strongest specimens with rounded sides, without signs of spoilage by fungi, insects, and rot. Optimum diameter bulbs - 35-40 mm. The same criteria are followed when purchasing planting material.

Proper storage, that is, maintaining the optimum temperature and humidity, will help prepare the bulbs for forcing, allowing them to form the beginnings of future flowers.

To simulate the onset of autumn, the temperature:

  • In the first month, they are maintained at a level of 21-23 ° C.
  • Next four weeks - 20°C.
  • In September-October - reduce to 15-17 ° C.

If the bulbs were dug out from country beds, they are first kept for a week in a dry place at a temperature of 33-34 ° C, which contributes to the laying of a flower bud.

Plant care rules

To kick out the tulip by March 8, already in October you should prepare:

  • Light loose substrate, for example, a mixture of sawdust and sand, perlite, peat and garden soil, in which the bulb will take root quickly and well.
  • Containers with a perforated bottom to drain excess moisture or pots with holes for drainage.
  • Lamps for phyto-illumination - with the help of artificially you can extend the day, prevent weakening and stretching of sprouts.

The bulbs selected for forcing are cleaned of hard brown scales before being transferred to the soil, inspected again, and sorted. Before growing tulips at home, planting material is treated with a warm solution of potassium permanganate to prevent the development of rot and fungus.

During the forcing period, bulbous plants actively expend the forces that accumulated during the dormant period - they need a lot of space and nutritious soil. For 1 m² in the case of industrial planting, up to 350 flowers can fall. At home, tulips are planted at intervals of 5-10 mm, while easily pressing into the substrate. When the bulbs are in place, fill up the soil, and water the containers abundantly. If necessary, the soil is poured after watering.

After these procedures, the tulips are transferred to a room with a temperature of 5-9 ° C and an air humidity of 75-80%. Here the plants will take root, and after the emergence of sprouts, the temperature is lowered to 2-4 ° C.

In these conditions, the flowers are until three weeks before the planned flowering. At this point, the foliage above the soil rises to a height of about 6 cm, and the tulips need more light and heat. The level of air heating changes gradually, in 3-5 days it reaches 16-18°C. So that the sprouts become strong, and the flower stalks are strong above the containers, turn on the lamps every day, so that the daylight hours can be extended by 3-5 hours. Watering is done at the first sign of drying out of the soil.

Plants are fed daily with ammonium nitrate or other mixtures that contain phosphorus and nitrogen.

Under all conditions, the ends of the buds that appear will soon begin to stain. At this time, it is advisable to reduce the temperature by 3-5 ° C, which will slightly delay the opening of the corollas and prolong flowering.

Greenhouse cultivation

Tulips are grown in above-ground greenhouses, which are often built from polycarbonate.

Care implies compliance with a number of requirements:

  • Availability of space for required amount plant flowers.
  • Sunlight access.
  • The presence of artificial electric lighting.
  • Possibility to adjust the temperature.

Before planting in the greenhouse, the bulbs need to be cooled, so you need a place where the temperature will be maintained at 5-9 ° C. It can be refrigerating industrial chambers. To grow tulips in winter, strong healthy bulbs are selected, because the amount of the crop directly depends on their quality.

  • Ordinary early.
  • Darwin hybrids.
  • Terry early.
  • Fringed.
  • Triumph.
  • Liliaceae.
  • Ordinary late.

Bulbs for planting are grown in open soil, the flowers are removed after they bloom. Most best moment for digging bulbs - when lower leaves turned yellow, the upper ones withered, and the scales of the bulb turned brown.

The diameter of a bulb that is suitable for winter forcing is about 3.5 cm. This size and round shape suggest that it is healthy and will give a good harvest.

Store the bulbs at 17-20°C and 70-75% relative humidity for 5-6 weeks until leaf buds appear and pistil is formed. When temperatures drop below 12°C or rise above 26°C, flower formation may be disrupted. To speed up the formation of the bulbs, they are stored at 32-35 ° C for the first week, and then the temperature is reduced to 17 ° C, thanks to which it is possible to gain 2 weeks. The already formed bulb is cooled.

The substrate can be pure river sand, a mixture of sand and peat, peat with other substances. The soil for distillation should be of good uniform structure, pass water easily, contain some salts and nutrients not be contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms. Before planting, the soil is prepared: it is steamed with air heated to 80 ° C and watered with a fungicide.

The traditional way

In the first stage, the bulbs are placed in sandy soil, moistened and stored at a temperature of 10-12 ° C in a dark place. As a rule, wooden boxes with legs are used with a size of 70 x 40 x 7 cm. 110-115 bulbs are planted in a box. When the flower has taken root and expelled a sprout 8-10 cm long, the boxes can be placed in a greenhouse, where the temperature is initially maintained at 13-14 ° C, and then rises to 18 ° C.

The substrate is regularly moistened. The rate of flower development is controlled by decreasing/increasing the temperature. Flowering time can be extended if maintained at 12°C.

Dutch technology

The method is complicated, since it is strictly necessary to withstand the temperature regime. For 12 weeks the bulbs are cooled at 5°C, or for 22 weeks they are cooled at 9°C. Before planting, the temperature is stable, the flowers planted in wooden boxes are in cold store, where the humidity is approximately 90% - it is achieved by daily spraying with water. After the boxes are transferred to the greenhouse, where the temperature is 18 ° C.

When using the Dutch cultivation technology, when cooled to 5 ° C, the planting density of the bulbs is 325-375 pcs. per 1 m². In the process of growth, bulbs that are affected by Fusarium are removed. When the plant reaches a height of 5-10 cm, unsprouted bulbs are removed, as they cause gray rot to appear in the greenhouse.

Optimum temperature soil for rooting - 10-11 ° C, and air - 11-13 ° C.

The buds can be cut off when they have become semi-colored. Cut tulips are stored for two weeks in a dark room at 1-2 ° C. It is recommended not to cut the flowers, but to pull them out with the bulbs. This will reduce labor costs, improve the safety of flowers in the warehouse, and make it possible to increase the length of the plant due to the stem in the bulb. It is not recommended to leave the bulbs in the greenhouse, because this can lead to the appearance of the fungus.

Growing in a greenhouse with strict temperature control will allow you to calculate the date of laying the bulbs so that the flowers germinate by a specific time.

In nature, tulips grow and bloom in early or mid-spring, but by following some rules, you can please yourself with beauty at any time of the year. Self-forcing tulips at home is not so difficult, but it requires attention, as well as the presence of a room in which you can lower the temperature.

It will be difficult to grow tulips in an apartment if there is no balcony; in a private house with utility rooms, it is much easier to forge these flowers.

There are many varieties of cultivated tulips. Each of them has its own properties, resistance to cold, pests. Usually people want to grow tulips for the spring or even winter holidays. But not every species is suitable for early forcing at home.

The varieties best suited for early indoor cultivation are:

  • Apeldoorn;
  • Kees Nellis.;
  • Parade;
  • Confucs;

  • Scarborough;
  • London;
  • Hofsier;
  • Oxford;

  • Eric Hoffsier;
  • Diplomat;
  • Vivex;
  • Aristocrat.

Most of these varieties have good viability, bright color, resistance to infections. Many early tulips have short stems, but are strong and stable.

bulb preparation

Bulbs for planting and forcing tulips at home can be bought at the store. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that they are large, "fleshy", healthy in appearance.

It is not difficult to prepare planting material on your own if the flowers grow in your area. To get a beautiful flowering of tulips in the cold season at home, the bulbs must be dug up. Do this 2-3 weeks after the end of flowering (approximately in mid-June).

The collected bulbs are cleaned from the upper husk, sorted, separating small and daughter ones, then washed and dried well. They should be dried in a natural room environment, but not in the sun. The optimal drying time is 2-3 weeks.

Then, the planting material is removed in cool place. To do this, the bulbs are stacked in carton boxes or boxes by covering them with sawdust or absorbent paper. The recommended temperature at which they should be stored is + 10-15 degrees.

For example, if tulips are needed by February 14, planting should be done in early October. The germination period of flowers will take about 3-3.5 months. But a month before planting, the bulbs must be cooled by putting them in a refrigerator.

It is advisable to have a separate refrigerator for this. It is not recommended to keep tulip bulbs near products that especially emit ethylene.

You can take the planting material outside by covering it with straw or an old blanket. The optimum temperature for cooling the bulbs is + 2-4 degrees.

Substrate preparation

For planting tulips indoors fit large flower pots, containers, boxes. Successful cultivation largely depends on the soil. Flowers love a loose, well-permeable air and moisture, nutrient medium.

You can buy ready-made soil mixture specifically for tulips in the store. Making the substrate on their own, they mix soddy soil, peat, sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. As a fertilizer, it will be useful to add some wood ash to the soil.

Some flower growers grow tulips in a soil mixture of sand and peat or perlite. The Dutch variety is grown in pure river sand. The most important thing is that the soil is very light and with neutral acidity.

The container is filled with substrate by 2/3 of the total volume. Do not forget about the drainage holes, which should be at the bottom of the container.

To make an independent forcing of tulips at home, plant the bulbs in this way:

  • 2-3 days before planting, moisten the substrate well, tamp it lightly.
  • On the day of planting, make holes or trenches in the soil for laying bulbs, 12-14 cm deep. The distance between the holes should be about 3-4 cm.
  • Gently arrange the bulbs in the holes or grooves.
  • Cover them with earth so that they are completely hidden in it.
  • Lightly moisten the substrate through a spray bottle or watering can.
  • If after watering the heads of some bulbs are bare, cover them with a new layer of earth.

After planting, place boxes with tulips in a room with a stable temperature ranging from +5 to +10 degrees and a humidity of 65-75%.

Distillation and care

Tulips - moisture-loving plants. Water them gently every day, but not abundantly. If you see that the soil is well moistened, watering can be reduced to 3-4 times a week.

When the first shoots appear above the soil surface, it is necessary to lower the temperature in the room to + 2-4 degrees. It is desirable during this period to provide sprouts with abundant lighting. If the room is dark and the weather is cloudy outside, artificial light lamps are installed above the tulips. Keep in mind that the shoots will always reach for the light source. If it is only on one side, the stems will be bent.

As soon as the shoots reach 6-8 cm, the containers are again transferred to a warm room, with a temperature of + 15-18 degrees. It is necessary to save abundant lighting for flowers. In about a month, the tulips should bloom.

If some of the shoots have stopped growing, cover them with a dark cap for 5-6 days, then open them again - they should activate their growth.

When it comes time to cut the flowers, in no case do not remove all the foliage. To save bulbs for reuse, they leave part of the stem and a few leaves. As soon as the remaining greens begin to dry out and fall off on their own, the bulbs are ready to be dug up.

As you can see, self-forcing tulips at home is not a difficult process. The most difficult thing is to provide plants with the necessary temperature regimes, which is extremely difficult to do in ordinary apartment, without a basement and a cool balcony. If you have not been able to grow tulips yourself, do not be discouraged. They can always be bought in nurseries, almost at any time of the year.

Many gardeners grow tulips in a pot at home to please their soulmate on March 8 or to profit from the further sale of flowers.

In most cases, such plants develop in a flower bed, but early flowering can be obtained by planting bulbs in ordinary pots in winter.

Our article will be devoted to the process of growing tulips in flowerpots.


Depending on the variety chosen, the height of the tulip can vary from 10 centimeters to 1 meter. The root part of this plant consists of adventitious roots that develop and die off every year.

The stem of the flower is erect, cylindrical in shape. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, green with a barely noticeable wax coating. The bottom leaf is considered the largest, the largest leaf blade is located in the upper part of the culture.

Note: most varieties of tulips have only one inflorescence, but some species can form from three to five flowers at the same time.

Inflorescences are white, yellow or red, consist of 6 petals and the same number of stamens. At hybrid varieties the coloration is slightly different, in this case the flowers may be purple or purple.

Tulip petals also have a different shape:

  • bowl-shaped;
  • stellate;
  • fringed;
  • oval;
  • lilioid.

The size of the blooming inflorescence also depends on the variety. If the length of the flower can reach up to 12 centimeters, then the diameter of the inflorescence ranges from 3 ... 10 centimeters. Tulips usually open on cloudy days and finish blooming at nightfall or under adverse weather conditions.

For home growing

Variety London

The choice of tulips is actually huge, but not all varieties are suitable for growing at home, in a pot. The most adapted cultures include:

  • London;
  • Oxford;
  • Parade Record;
  • Aristocrat;
  • Negrita;
  • Scarborough;
  • Confucs;
  • Diplomat.

It is important to know: low plants are ideal for growing at home. Such crops are undemanding in care, have good resistance to diseases.

Tulip bulbs can be bought at any specialty store or prepared from your own planting material. There are some nuances in using your seeds:

  1. Their flowers need careful care during the development period.
  2. Digging bulbs in spring time after the flowering of tulips during the period of yellowing of the stems.
  3. for storage and further landing select the largest bulbs.

When drying seed material, the following temperature regime must be observed. In the first week of storage, the room temperature is set at 34 degrees. In the next two months, the temperature indicators are reduced to +23 degrees.

In the next third month, the temperature is again reduced to +17 degrees. After some time, the bulbs are placed in a gauze bag and placed in the refrigerator. In this state, the seed material is stored until planting.

Preparatory work for forcing bulbs

Winter cultivation of tulips consists in the use of distillation technology.

In the process of basic work, the gardener should bring the temperature and humidity of the air, as well as lighting, as close as possible to natural conditions.

The main work on growing tulips at home is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Bulbs are planted in the last decade of September.
  2. For growing flowers choose flowerpots up to 15 centimeters deep.
  3. You can buy potting soil or make your own. It consists of one part of humus and river sand and two parts of soddy land. To enrich the earth with microelements, a little wood ash is introduced into its composition.
  4. We examine the bulbs for the presence of diseases, lower the planting material for 30 minutes into a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.
  5. We put the drainage in pots, fill them with a nutrient mixture.
  6. We lay the bulbs on the surface of the soil, maintaining a distance of 1 centimeter.
  7. We fill the planting material with soil.
  8. We water the soil.
  9. We move the pots to a dark, but damp and cool room. The temperature in this place should not exceed +9 degrees, humidity is within 80%.

Keep in mind: the bulbs must be cooled before planting, which will stimulate the intensive development of the culture.

Further care of flowers consists in additional watering. The soil must be moistened at least once a week.

How to achieve flowering

A few weeks after sowing, the first shoots will begin to appear from the pots. When the height of the leaves reaches 6 or 7 centimeters, they are transferred to a bright room and gradually begin to accustom to sunlight.

Indoors, it is necessary to achieve optimal humidity (about 80%). Such indicators can be obtained by periodically spraying plants.

When growing flowers at home, the following rules must be observed:

  1. plants should not be exposed to direct sunlight;
  2. it is necessary to protect vegetative crops from drafts;
  3. pots are kept away from radiators;
  4. settled liquid is used to moisten the soil, with a temperature of 18-22 degrees.
  5. It is desirable to cut flowers in the morning near the surface of the earth.

Gardener's advice: for the first time after moving, the flowers should be covered with a paper cap. The temperature also needs to be raised smoothly to +18 degrees in two days. When growing tulips in winter time artificial lighting may be needed.

It is not recommended to use a bulb for re-forcing tulips, but planting material can recover in open ground. In this regard, after the end of flowering, it is necessary to cut the bulb and reduce watering.

After the leaves turn yellow, the bulbs are removed from the soil and dried. Planting material is stored in the basement, where the temperature is +18 degrees.

Growing tulips on your own in winter is quite simple, but for this you must follow the rules described above. At proper care these flowers will delight the hostess with colorful inflorescences and long flowering.

How to plant tulips in pots, see the following video:

Every woman will be glad to receive a bouquet of fresh flowers on March 8. But you can please yourself on your own by growing delicate tulips on your windowsill. There is nothing complicated in this, if everything is done according to certain rules. Thanks to simple calculations, it is easy to achieve forcing flowers exactly on time.

Features of forcing tulips at home

The appearance of opened buds is the end result of forcing, which is preceded by a long process, preparation for which begins long before the holiday. With the help of certain manipulations at home, you can please yourself with blooming tulips from the end of December until the onset of May. In order for the forcing of flowers to be successful and meet your expectations, you must:

  • choose a variety that is suitable for the timing of flowering;
  • select strong and healthy bulbs;
  • ensure proper storage material until planting;
  • plant the bulbs at the right time.

The most popular date for forcing tulips is, of course, International Women's Day. Although the buds can be driven out for other holidays - New Year, Christmas, Valentine's Day.

On a note! Flowers do not live very long, so it is important to calculate the exact date of planting, so that by March 8 the ideal moment for cutting comes.


In order for the forcing to be successful, the bulbs need the correct temperature regime for germination. The soil should have the same temperature as in the garden on the eve of the natural flowering of tulips. Before distillation, the bulbs are stored in the refrigerator, they are periodically inspected for safety and no damage. The temperature conditions in the greenhouse and the apartment are different, therefore, the timing of the germination of the bulbs will be different.

At home

The dormant period of the bulbs takes an average of 16 weeks or a little more. Another 3 weeks takes the process of germination and the appearance of the peduncle. It turns out that cut flowers for spring bouquet you can if you plant the bulbs in the first week of October.

The flower grower needs to stock up a container with drainage holes, suitable soil and a light bulb. Cooled bulbs are planted in the ground and placed back in the refrigerator. The soil should be maintained in a slightly damp state, it is impossible to cover the planting with a film, otherwise mold will develop on the bulbs.

You can observe the appearance of the first shoots already in January, and in early February the container is transferred to a warm place.

From this moment, 5 weeks will pass before flowering, so it is necessary to transfer the bulbs to heat in the period from February 1 to February 7.

Due to the fact that the scales slow down growth, it is better to free the planting material from it. If you are planting not self-harvested, but purchased bulbs - plant them at the same time (from February 1 to 7).

Forcing tulips in a greenhouse is done by some as a hobby, while others do it for sale. In both cases, it is necessary to comply the right technology planting and not to make a mistake with the timing in order to get luxurious cut flowers for the holiday. Forcing bulbous crops can only be done in a capital, heated greenhouse.

Before planting, the bulbs are kept at a temperature of 7-9 degrees for 13-20 weeks. This is necessary for successful rooting and accumulation of substances responsible for growth. To cut flowers in a greenhouse on the eve of the holiday - March 7, the time required for cooling the bulbs (16 weeks) and their growth (3 weeks) is counted.

It turns out that the approximate landing date is October 26th. Immediately after planting the material, the temperature in the greenhouse begins to gradually rise. The first days it should be at around 12-14 degrees, then it is raised to 16-18 degrees during the day and 14-15 degrees at night. After the appearance of buds, it is recommended to lower the temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bto 15 degrees. If you need to speed up flowering by 2-3 days, you should raise the temperature to 20 degrees.

Preparing bulbs for planting

If you want to use for forcing tulips own material, then it must be properly prepared. They begin to do this almost a year before the germination of the bulbs. It is worth digging them out of the ground when 2/3 of the aerial part turns yellow. Bulbs are sorted, selecting the largest, firmest and healthiest ones for distillation. The diameter of each bulb should be at least 3.5-4 cm, and weight - 30-40 g.

To obtain such planting material, tulips must be properly cared for: watered, fed, stored in suitable conditions. The first month after the bulbs are dug up, they are stored at a temperature of 17 degrees. The second month the temperature is raised by 3 degrees.

Important! Bulbs should spend the whole of September in the refrigerator, which creates ideal conditions for growth.

If your material does not meet the necessary requirements, you can buy Dutch bulbs labeled "Giant" for planting, which the manufacturer processes before selling with growth stimulants. For distillation, they buy material with a margin, 20% more than when landing on a flower bed.

Success in any business depends on the details. The same can be said about forcing tulips. Nessesary to use correct soil, correctly plant the bulbs and create ideal conditions for them to grow. For home growing suitable varieties such as: Aristocrat, Parade, Carnaval de Nice, Flaming Parrot, Davenport.

The soil

For forcing tulips, different soil mixtures are used. It can be a soil consisting of garden soil and sand, a mixture with the addition of perlite and vermiculite. Some take just peat or river sand for germination. For growing in a greenhouse, it is recommended to take a mixture of coarse sand and sawdust. Land from a greenhouse is not suitable, as it may contain pathogens to which tulips are vulnerable.

Important! The main requirements for the soil: that it has an acidity close to neutral, that it passes water and air well.


Planting containers that were previously in use must be thoroughly washed with a brush and doused with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate. If you plant tulips for distillation in new ceramic containers, you must first keep the ceramics in water for a day so that the walls absorb enough moisture. Then proceed as follows:

  1. Prepared pots or containers are filled with soil to 2/3 of the height.
  2. The bulbs are pressed into the soil at a distance of 0.5-1.5 cm from each other and sprinkled with earth on top, leaving the tops on the surface.
  3. Pay attention that the sides of the onions do not touch each other and the walls of the container.
  4. After that, the container is placed in storage in the refrigerator, making sure that the soil remains moderately moist.
  5. 3 weeks before the planned flowering, the bulbs are rearranged in heat.

When the plants are placed on the windowsill, the leaves already rise about 6 cm above the soil. For further development bulbs need a lot of heat and light.


It is better to raise the air temperature for tulips gradually, bringing it to 17-18 degrees in 3-5 days. Since there is not enough natural light for flowers at this time of the year, additional illumination is used for 3-5 hours a day.

The soil is regularly moistened, without drying the top layer. During this period, plants need daily top dressing with ammonium nitrate or other fertilizers containing nitrogen and phosphorus.

When the coloring of the buds begins, the temperature can be reduced by 3-5 degrees. This will somewhat delay the flowering period and prolong it. If, on the contrary, it is necessary to accelerate flowering, the temperature is increased to 22 degrees. It all depends on the required date by which the flowers should bloom.

Protect tulips from direct sunlight, otherwise the rapid growth of green mass will begin, and the buds themselves may not appear.

To get beautiful high-quality flowers by March 8, you need to avoid mistakes that can interfere with successful forcing. Pay attention to the following points:

  1. It is better not to choose too whimsical varieties, or tulips with the wrong flowering period. Consider these nuances when buying bulbs. Most suitable: varietal group of tulips "Triumph" and "Darwin hybrids".
  2. Planting bulbs that are too small will result in no buds, the plant will only produce leaves.
  3. If the soil is too warm during the cooling period, the bulbs may rot. That is why it is better to keep them in the refrigerator.
  4. With insufficient soil moisture, the rooting of the bulbs will be difficult.
  5. Violation temperature regime when storing the bulbs upwards, the flowers will be deformed.
  6. Keep fresh fruit away from the bulbs while the bulbs are stored in the refrigerator. The release of ethylene will accelerate the germination of tulips, and the timing of the appearance of buds will shift.
  7. If the bulbs are kept in the refrigerator, the peduncles may appear crooked; if the planting material is taken out of the cold ahead of time, the peduncles will grow too short.
  8. Have the flowers drooped when grown on a windowsill? It is necessary to reduce the air temperature. The same must be done if the buds look "papery".

It is difficult for beginners to foresee everything, they may well forget about some important point. That's why better time re-read information on bulb care during cultivation from time to time to make sure everything is done correctly.

After the flowers have been cut or faded right in the pots, the question arises, what to do with the remaining bulbs? They can be planted later in open ground to grow outdoors, but first you need to let the plants complete their development cycle. If the tulips bloomed in your pot, cut off the wilted flower stalks.

After flowering, the plant must continue to be watered for about a month. It is desirable that during this period the temperature does not exceed 20 degrees. A month later, the bulbs are removed from the ground and dried, and then kept in a cool room for about 45 days. After rest, planting material can be planted in a street flower bed.

If late-flowering varieties were distilled, then the shelf life must be extended so that the bulbs ripen. Before planting, sort the planting material. Bulbs heavily affected by disease and rot will have to be thrown away. If the foci are small, they are cut to healthy tissue and this place is treated with special preparations.

What to do with tulips after forcing: video

Forcing bulbs for March 8: useful video

How to grow tulips at home by March 8: video

Try to give yourself spring mood and to get blooming tulips by March 8 at home. Those who were engaged in forcing bulbous crops assure that this is a very exciting activity. And the joy of the appearance of bright spring buds will be your real reward for your work.

Today there are no problems with acquiring flowers. They are sold in flower shops all year round. However, many flower lovers prefer to forge tulips at home. This not only gives them a lot of fun, but also allows them to choose their own plant variety and get fresh flowers by a certain date. Tulips are undemanding to lighting, so they lend themselves well to growing at home.

The essence of distillation

Forcing are called events, causing flowers to open at the right time of the year. In the conditions of our country, flowers are dormant in winter. This defense mechanism allows bulbous plants survive the cold.

At first glance, life inside the bulb freezes, but in reality complex processes take place there., and the laying of the organs of the future flower takes place.

The flower grower has the ability to influence the bulbs by certain factors. This causes their activation and allows you to get fresh tulips of the selected variety by any date.

Seed material becomes active only after a cooling period. Low temperatures lead to the formation in it of substances that will be necessary young plant during growth and flowering. That is, in the process of distillation, it will be necessary to provide conditions for lowering the temperature. The timing of exposure to cold depends on the variety of tulip. On average, this period takes from 16 to 22 weeks.

Distillation consists of several stages:

  1. Proper storage of bulbs after removal from the ground.
  2. Rooting. This is the stage of cooling the breeding material.
  3. Distillation, or the process of growing tulips in an apartment.

Experienced flower growers are advised to start preparing the bulbs for forcing even while they are in the ground. It's about for careful plant care, the rhizomes of which will then be used at home. It is necessary not only to carry out all agrotechnical measures, but also not to forget about decapitation.

Low-growing varieties are grown within three weeks after the removal of the bud and leaves. After that, the bulbs are removed and sent for storage.

Tall varieties grow a little longer. They remove only the flower itself, but leave the peduncle. These flowers need to be cared for in the same way as ordinary plants. As soon as the leaves begin to turn yellow, the tulips are removed from the ground. planting material cleaned and sent to dry with subsequent storage.

Drying at 25 °C takes 2 weeks. Planting material in the first month is stored at a temperature of 20 ° C, then it is lowered to 15 ° C. In the fall, it can be planted in a regular flower bed.