How many mm should be linoleum for the house. How to choose linoleum for an apartment

In this article you will find the most necessary advice about how to choose linoleum for an apartment or house. The importance of the right choice of flooring cannot be overestimated, because usually the floor is laid for a long time, at least 7-10 years.

Therefore, at the stage of repair planning, it is worth approaching this issue with full responsibility.

What is the most common and popular material used for flooring? - This is linoleum, used both for residential premises and for public and industrial buildings.

It is so diverse in its characteristics that any buyer will find his own version on the market. You can also look at the photo to decide on the color.

When choosing linoleum for an apartment, many buyers focus only on external qualities:

  • Price.
  • Design (color, pattern).
  • Canvas width.

But there are more significant parameters that are not visible, and are only reflected in the characteristics of the material.
. More attention should be paid to them. And most importantly, linoleum should not be chosen for an apartment, but for each room separately. After all, despite the fact that all the rooms, the corridor and the kitchen are in the same apartment, they have a different purpose. It's like a family. Separate family can use the services of one hairdresser, but everyone has different hairstyles. It is rare when one good linoleum is optimally suited to all rooms.

You will also be interested in an article about, which describes all the stages of work and some of the secrets.

How to choose linoleum

All manufacturers have linoleums in their product line for various purposes. Conventionally, it can be divided into:

  • Domestic.
  • Commercial.

Everything else, such as: office, industrial, semi-commercial, is just a gradation. When choosing linoleum for an apartment, focus on household linoleum. For the degree of its wear resistance (abrasion) is determined by the corresponding parameter.

There is no single correct designation of these categories for all manufacturers. Some manufacturers designate these parameters with a pictogram, others with numbers, and others with letters. Therefore, to clarify this classification, you should read the instructions from the manufacturer. The main thing: the apartment needs linoleum for domestic purposes. There is only rare cases when a very busy family may need a higher class of linoleum.

Linoleum material can be natural and artificial. Natural linoleum is more expensive, but it is also more optimal for the home, especially for the bedroom. It does not have the disadvantages that are inherent in other types of linoleum, except for two, such as:

  • Rotting (it is affected by a mold fungus).
  • Fragility in the cold.

Therefore, such material should not be chosen for rooms without heating or with high humidity (in particular for the corridor and balcony). There are many reviews on the Internet that confirm this.

Types and classes of linoleum

Given the set of components, linoleum is divided into natural and synthetic. The first is made from natural ingredients: resin, limestone, linseed oil. Jute fabric or felt is used as a base. It is easy to clean, does not fade, has a small bactericidal effect due to linseed oil, is fire resistant, moderately resistant to chemicals. This is the most environmentally friendly and safe type.

Synthetic linoleum is made from polyvinyl chloride with the addition of various fillers, dyes and plasticizers. It consists of one or more layers, has different kinds fundamentals, different technologies drawing drawing. Synthetic tarkett linoleum is cheaper than natural, just as easy to clean, absorbs noise, and has low thermal conductivity.

If you want complete comfort, then it is better to choose antistatic linoleum with copper strips, because. he will save you from discomfort, in case of static charge buildup on slippers or woolen socks.

By appointment, the synthetic type of linoleum is divided into household, commercial, semi-commercial and special. Household, as a rule, single-layer, has a felt or foam base, is diverse in design, the layer thickness is from 1 to 4 mm. It is plastic, easy to fit, clean and absorb sounds. This is the most a budget option which you can choose, but with a short service life - 2-3 years with active use.

The commercial appearance of the coating is stronger and more durable, with a thickness of 1.5-3 mm with a protective layer applied, it can be homogeneous with coloring over the entire thickness or heterogeneous, with alternating layers. Semi-commercial linoleum has a substrate, one main layer and a protective coating. In structure, it is similar to household, the difference in the thickness of the upper layer is 0.7 mm. Special linoleum is used for rooms special purpose. It is divided into sports, bactericidal, anti-slip.

The class of linoleum is indicated by a number of 2 digits, where the first is the type of room, and the second indicates the degree of abrasion.

Width- extremely important parameter. How to choose linoleum in an apartment according to this parameter? This is where the size of your space matters. All its advantages, linoleum is able to show only when flooring with a single sheet, without seams and joints. In some rooms, choosing linoleum, you should approach "creatively". For example, in a kitchen 2.5 m wide and 4 m long, you can purchase a canvas 4 m wide and 2.5 m long. where the length and width of the cut of the canvas are determined by you.

The underlay simultaneously insulates and levels the subfloor

The thickness of linoleum must also be selected with reasoning. In theory, the thicker the better. But there are exceptions. For example, if the room has warm floors, then thin linoleum without a base, the most the best option. Before deciding which linoleum to choose, you need to know how insulated the floor is. By the way, if you liked thin linoleum, but the floors still need to be insulated, then you can use a special substrate. Thick linoleum, on a heat-insulating basis, is immediately ready for laying.

What color and pattern?

With design choices, advice is the hardest thing to give. Color, pattern, pattern, everyone chooses according to their preferences. But there are some points that should be noted. We have done small photo review to understand which colors and types are more suitable for a particular material. For example:

  • The texture of linoleum without a clear pattern, like marble or stone, hides almost any damage to the coating that appears during operation.
  • Drawing, you can visually increase the size of the room. Frequent, transverse lines on linoleum will optically reduce the length of the room. A room with sparse, longitudinal pattern lines on the floor will get a more elongated look., this is a great option for the home.
  • Dark linoleum, in a room on the sunny side, according to reviews, will dim the light, but increase the heating of the room. In addition, it will fade faster in bright sunlight. it perfect option for the bedroom.

Will we choose by price?

Indeed, despite the ingrained belief that linoleum is a budget option, prices for some samples can reach and even exceed the most expensive laminate flooring.

Why is this happening? Yes, simply because linoleum is a very practical, environmentally friendly and versatile floor covering, and global brands simply cannot stand aside, creating “elite” options for this product. Therefore, when you come to some specialized stores, you can stumble upon rather high prices.

Average Tarkett Linoleum of medium quality will cost about 400-600 rubles per 1 m 2. What options are offered for this money, you can see in the photo. If you don't have a big budget for floor repairs, you can count on these prices. If your budget is quite small - do not worry, you can find quite good options and cheaper.

Anti-static natural options tend to be even more expensive, have copper tapes for grounding, and are more expensive to install.

Extra options

When choosing linoleum in some rooms, such as a nursery, a hall or a kitchen, you should pay attention to such a parameter as antibacterial properties. Almost all major manufacturers have a series of household linoleums with this property.

Sound and thermal insulation are important qualities, but their disadvantage can be compensated by using them with the required parameters. Soundproofing is best done at least in the hall, bedroom and corridor.

Decided on how to choose the right linoleum? Now for some more helpful tips.

When making a purchase, perform the following quality check:

  • Check Tarkett linoleum rolled out. It should not have bulges and bumps, delamination of the material. Their presence indicates a defect from the manufacturer.
  • Household linoleum should not have a persistent specific odor. This smell is inherent in commercial coating. After a while, it will fade, but a trace presence will remain.
  • Be sure to ask for a hygiene certificate from the seller. All linoleum for residential premises are subject to examination.
  • If the floors in a bathroom or house are cold, then choose insulated linoleum with a thick layer of insulation.

Which linoleum to choose home

For a long service life of the coating, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the room, its temperature and humidity conditions. The rooms with the highest traffic are the entrance hall, kitchen, corridor. In addition, they are more likely to be wet cleaning. This is suitable for household or semi-commercial linoleum with a thickness of 3-4 mm and top layer from 0.25 mm.

See also great in the interior of apartments and houses.

The living room and bedroom have low traffic, and are often covered with carpets. For these rooms, according to reviews, household linoleum with a fabric or polyester backing 1.2-1.5 mm thick with a coating of 0.1-0.2 mm is the most optimal. In the bathroom and toilet, where high humidity, it is enough to put a synthetic single-layer material with a thickness of 1.5-1.6 mm, with a top layer of 0.25 mm.

You do not need to save money on the covering in the children's room and choose natural antistatic linoleum, which is soft and does not emit any harmful substances. Its thickness should be from 3 mm. If it is impossible to choose a natural one, a household look of linoleum on a fabric or foam base of the same thickness is suitable.

The color of linoleum should be correctly combined with the color of the walls and furniture, the style of the apartment or house. It is better not to pick up in rooms of the greatest passability light color, but the dark will not give comfort. In the kitchen, a gathering place for the whole family, all calm shades (beige, blue, brown, gray-green) will do.

If the corridor or hallway is finished with wood, then linoleum will look good in color and wood pattern, as in the photo above. It is better to close the floor in the bathroom with a material of green, blue or color. sea ​​wave. For the bedroom, a light color of the coating, with a medium-sized pattern, is appropriate. It is better not to lay dark linoleum in any room, since such a floor visually reduces the volume of the room, makes the ceiling lower.

The coloring of linoleum, the nature of the pattern applied to it should be an important link in overall design premises, to give it completeness, without losing the practical purpose of the coating.

Using our advice, you can choose not only beautiful, but also practical, relatively inexpensive coverage for your home.

The range of materials for flooring is replenished with new types, presenting us with such exotic materials as cork and self-leveling flooring. But this in no way reduces the popularity of linoleum, which is still one of the budget and at the same time durable floor coverings.

In different rooms - different linoleum

Today you can find linoleum, which differs not only in shade and pattern, but also in performance and purpose (for an apartment, industrial or public premises). How to choose linoleum? Find out what type of room linoleum is intended for, possible by marking, consisting of two digits, the first of which indicates the type of room:

  • 1 - apartment;
  • 2 - office;
  • 3 - public or industrial premises.

The second digit indicates the level of coating strength:

  • 1 - low strength;
  • 2 - medium strength;
  • 3 - high strength;
  • 4 - very high strength.

Marking 23 indicates that such linoleum can be laid in the kitchen in an apartment in which two people live. in the same room, but a large number residents will need class 31 linoleum.

You can find out what type of room the linoleum is intended for by marking, consisting of two numbers, the first of which indicates the type of room, the second - well, the level of strength of the coating.

Here are the main rules for choosing linoleum or how to choose linoleum:

  • pay attention to the smell of the material. A pungent smell indicates the presence in linoleum a large number of harmful chemical impurities, which means low quality. Quality linoleum has no smell;
  • choose linoleum with an additional protective coating(antibacterial or varnish). A floor with such a coating is easier to clean, dirt does not eat into it;
  • to determine the quality of the coating, it is necessary to unroll the entire roll. Only in this way will protrusions and irregularities, bumps and peeling of the film become noticeable, in a word, defects that cannot be corrected;
  • pay attention to the shade of linoleum. There should be no extraneous inclusions on the surface (their presence indicates the content of various impurities that are not present in a quality material);
  • When buying multiple rolls, make sure they are from the same batch, as samples from different batches will vary in color even if their part numbers are the same.

Acquired linoleum cannot be folded in half; adhesive tape should not be glued to its front side. To prevent damage to the material during transport, it must be rolled upside down.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of linoleum are the following:

  • unpretentiousness in care. The material is easy to clean with a damp cloth, it is moisture resistant, it is only important to monitor the quality of its installation, as improper installation will damage the coating due to water ingress;
  • strength and durability. The right type of coating will last for decades, linoleum does not wear out and is not afraid of mechanical damage;
  • environmental friendliness. Natural linoleum or high quality pvc material does not emit harmful compounds and does not attract dust, which allows it to be used even in medical institutions;
  • high sound insulation. Unlike porcelain stoneware, linoleum muffles the sound of impacts, falling heavy objects, and even walking in heels;
  • budget. Compared to other analogues (parquet, tile, self-leveling floor), the cost of linoleum is several times lower.

Natural linoleum or high-quality PVC material does not emit harmful compounds and does not attract dust, which allows it to be used even in medical institutions;

The disadvantages of linoleum are:

  • Seams. When laid on large area there is a need to join several sheets. Over time, dust accumulates in the formed seams, which greatly spoils appearance gender;
  • swelling of the surface, which is the result of unprofessional installation;
  • susceptibility to temperature. No matter how durable linoleum is, it is still not a tile and you should not put hot pots on it.

Which linoleum to choose from a bunch of types

Linoleum is divided into several types depending on:

  • production material: natural, PVC, alkyd, rubber, nitrocellulose;
  • purpose: household, semi-commercial, commercial;
  • the presence of a base: with or without a base;
  • number of layers: heterogeneous (multilayer) or homogeneous (single layer).

The highest quality, and therefore the most expensive natural linoleum. Its basis is jute, tree resin, cork, linseed oil and mineral additives. Such material has high strength and thermal insulation, has a noble appearance and is safe for health. The disadvantages are the homogeneity of the structure (only one layer), a limited palette of shades and high cost compared to synthetic counterparts.

PVC linoleum can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. The type of material depends on the number of layers. The most durable is commercial, followed by semi-commercial and domestic. Linoleum of the first type is indispensable for the kitchen and hallway, living room, nursery and other rooms with massive furniture. you can lay semi-commercial linoleum. Household linoleum is the most vulnerable, so it is only suitable for a bedroom or guest room.

Alkyd linoleum has high heat and sound insulation characteristics, but low strength and low resistance to temperature fluctuations.

Rubber linoleum(relin) is made from synthetic rubber mixed with bitumen. This is a fairly elastic and moisture resistant material, but is not suitable for use in residential areas due to hygiene requirements.

For the kitchen a special approach

The requirements for the kitchen floor are much higher than for the flooring in any other room in the apartment. This is strength, and moisture resistance, and heat resistance, and a noble appearance. Optimal choice for the kitchen will be commercial pvc linoleum grade 31. Such a coating will withstand both temperature extremes, and high humidity, and hit chemical substances. Natural linoleum is not used in the kitchen due to its low strength.

Which linoleum is better for the kitchen. Kitchen linoleum should have a multilayer (heterogeneous) structure with a protective layer thickness of 0.35 - 0.7 mm. Homogeneous linoleum is not suitable for the reason that it does not have a protective layer, and without it, the pattern will be erased very soon.

The strength of linoleum directly depends on its density, the denser the material, the stronger it is. When buying, it is easy to determine by weight: dense linoleum will be heavier.

As for the shade, most often the kitchen floor is finished warm colored linoleum(natural yellowish brown and beige tones). You can visually enlarge a small space by laying linoleum with a small pattern on the floor. But the coating with a large ornament will favorably shade the furniture. Next, we will discuss which linoleum is better.

Popular brands and approximate cost

Which manufacturer of linoleum is better? Depending on the material of manufacture and the type of linoleum, its cost per square meter. m. can range from 168 rubles. (household) up to 880 rubles. (commercial). The cost of semi-commercial linoleum averages 314 - 747 rubles per square meter. m.

The highest quality is the products of the following manufacturers or which linoleum is the best:

  • Tarkett. The company provides a huge range of household and commercial type linoleum with different operational characteristics. Among the products presented, you can find options for various price categories (from 300 to 1300 rubles per sq. M.).
  • Juteks also manufactures products that are high quality and average cost(235 - 326 rubles per sq. m.).
  • Gerflor- a French company offering exquisite and high-quality products (369 - 895 rubles per sq. m.).
  • IVC- Belgian brand, produces linoleum under stone, wood, wool and marble (250 - 416 rubles per sq. M.).

Linoleum flooring.

It is easiest to cut around the edges, the resulting irregularities can be hidden with a plinth. When laying overlapping sheets, it is necessary to cut the joint as accurately and accurately as possible. This is easier to do by laying two pieces overlapping each other and cutting through them.

Installation begins with the calculation of the required amount of material. For this it is necessary calculate the area of ​​the room by measuring the length and width. When taking measurements, you need to take into account the doorways, leaving 10 cm each for their share. Since the pieces of linoleum will have to be joined, another 5-7 cm must be added to the results obtained. For example, for finishing the floor in a room of 3 by 5 meters you will need 16 meters of linoleum (3m + 7 cm stock) * (5 m + 10 cm on the doorway + 7 cm stock) = 16 square meters.

How wide is linoleum? Linoleum available in widths 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 or 4 meters. The best option would be the one in which the linoleum will lie over the entire area with a minimum number of joints.

Next, you need to adjust the linoleum to the size of the room. It is easiest to cut around the edges, the resulting irregularities can be hidden with a plinth. When laying overlapping sheets, it is necessary to cut the joint as accurately and precisely as possible. This is easier to do by laying two pieces overlapping each other and cutting through them.

It is necessary to lay linoleum on the most even surface. Surface preparation consists in cleaning it, removing debris and old coatings. If on concrete base there are protrusions they need to be knocked down, and irregularities (you can read about leveling the floor and).

AT small spaces with low traffic, linoleum can not be glued, but fixed with skirting boards around the perimeter. Flaw this method that after a while blisters will appear on the floor.

If you did the alignment with bulk mixtures or concrete, then you need to wait until the surface is completely dry, because under the linoleum the moisture will not evaporate and will lead to rotting and mold development under the floor.

You can attach linoleum to the floor with glue or skirting boards. The first option is suitable for large rooms and when laying with an overlap. To do this, it is necessary to apply building glue to the surface of the floor and deploy a roll of linoleum on it, previously adjusted to the size of the room.

In small rooms with low traffic, linoleum can not be glued, but fixed with skirting boards around the perimeter. The disadvantage of this method is that after a while blisters will appear on the floor. Thus, laying linoleum without taking into account preparatory workwill take about 2 hours.

  • It is better to lay linoleum not on bare concrete, but on a substrate made of wool, jute, flax.
  • If linoleum already has a fabric base, then it is better to glue it with dispersion adhesive or bituminous mastic.
  • It is necessary to lay linoleum at a temperature not lower than 15 degrees.
  • Joints can be sealed with wide-head nails, aluminum strips and cold welding(special glue). The last option allows you to make the seams less noticeable.

How much does it cost to install linoleum by a professional?

The cost of laying linoleum depends on its type. So the installation of household and commercial linoleum on glue will cost about 250 - 350 rubles per sq.m. (together with material), installation running meter plinth 70 - 100 rubles, installation of the nut 100 - 150 rubles. per running meter. If there is a need for additional work (dismantling the old floor, leveling, building a screed), then the total cost of laying linoleum increases.

The abundance of flooring materials confuse anyone who is faced with the problem of choice. Yet, despite the emergence of modern flooring, practical and versatile linoleum remains popular and in demand. At an affordable price, you can get quality and durable coating for your home, which is not afraid of heavy loads and moisture. But it also has disadvantages that affect the quality and operational life. Before you buy flooring for an apartment, you will have to study the characteristics. This will be discussed in the article.


First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with all the advantages of linoleum. As mentioned above, its main advantages are:

  • strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical stress (the degree of wear resistance depends on the quality of the coating in question);
  • a wide variety of colors;
  • elasticity;
  • ease of installation.

To lay linoleum on the floor, you do not need to have special skills and knowledge, therefore, having instructions, everyone will cope with this stage.

Today, the market offers a wide range of a wide variety of patterns, colors and textures.


Type of linoleum - important criterion, with which they are initially determined, since manufacturers produce several varieties. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as certain features of use. All this should be taken into account when deciding which type of material to choose.

The composition includes such components:

  • linseed oil;
  • cork and wood flour;
  • limestone powder;
  • pine resin;
  • natural dyes.

Manufacturers take jute fabric as a basis. The result is an absolutely environmentally friendly coating that can be used for any room in the apartment, including the nursery. Allergy sufferers and asthmatics will live comfortably in a house with such flooring without feeling discomfort.

The benefits also include:

  • abrasion resistance;
  • preservation of the original color for many years;
  • bactericidal properties;
  • incombustibility;
  • ease of care.


Polyvinyl chloride, which is common today, is also used in the production of linoleum. Thanks to the use of innovative European technologies, the coating is distinguished by:

  • thermal insulation properties;
  • the presence of dielectric properties;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to decay;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • large selection of colors and patterns.

It should be noted that this species is very sensitive to elevated temperatures, alkaline and chemical solvents. If the temperature drops sharply, then the elasticity will be minimal.

Subspecies by place of use

Linoleum can be:

  1. Commercial. Used in office space, its average service life is about 20 years. Positive sides is strength and durability.
  2. semi-commercial. It spreads both in offices and in apartments. If this type is chosen for an office space, then the room should have low traffic, since the service life can be reduced to 7 years.
  3. Domestic. Thin and cheap coating, which has the shortest service life - 5 years. It can only be used in residential areas.

Other varieties

It is worth mentioning the less popular varieties of linoleum:

  1. glyptal. The production process is quite simple: alkyd resins are applied to the fabric base. This allows you to give the material increased heat and sound insulation properties. True, the process of laying such material is not simple.
  2. colloxylin. The composition of the coating includes nitrocellulose - a component that gives the coating moisture resistance, incombustibility and elasticity. However, there are also disadvantages: sensitivity to temperature changes and a tendency to shrink.
  3. . The production process is complicated, since the material consists of 2 layers: crushed rubber with bitumen and a mixture of pigment, rubber and a special filler. The advantages include elasticity and resistance to moisture.

Due to the fact that the relin contains a large amount of harmful volatile substances, it is not recommended to lay it in residential premises.

Let's move on to considering the structure of linoleum. There are two groups:

  • homogeneous;
  • heterogeneous.

The first group has a relatively small thickness of 1.5 to 2 mm, and the drawing technology is through. This approach allows you to keep the original look longer, especially in rooms with high traffic. According to experts, it is homogeneous quality linoleum that is an excellent option for a kitchen or corridor.

The heterogeneous type, unlike its counterpart, has a large thickness, which reaches 6 mm. It consists of the following layers:

  • PVC backing (polyvinyl chloride foam);
  • fiberglass (reinforcement);
  • PVC with a pattern;
  • varnish coating with bactericidal impregnation.

The last layer is very important, as it performs both decorative and protective function. This view is suitable for a loggia, balcony, dining room, hallway and bathroom.

In some stores, you can find mixed-type linoleum, where a homogeneous layer is taken as the basis, but there are also layers of PVC, fiberglass, polyurethane film, which acts as a protection against mechanical stress.


An important criterion that has a great influence on the perception of the interior of any room and room. The style of the interior of the room can be any, as well as its purpose, in any case it will be possible to choose best option, which will complement the situation. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a color, you need to pay attention to two main criteria:

  • Interior Design;
  • purpose of the room.

Consider examples for the main rooms.

  1. Bedroom. It is appropriate to choose a floor covering of soft and warm shades without a pattern. The ideal solution there will be a choice in favor of imitation natural material- Wood or marble.
  2. Living room. Depending on the interior and style, both calm and saturated shades warm colors. You can consider options with drawings or ornaments.
  3. Children's. Dull and monotonous drawings should be avoided here. It is best to give preference to bright and juicy tones, contrasting and varied patterns. This combination will make the atmosphere festive and fun.


There is one more important point- which company to prefer linoleum. Most of the criteria will depend on the manufacturer, so this issue needs to be given a lot of attention. When choosing a well-known and popular manufacturer, you can automatically count on high performance of all characteristics. But be prepared for the fact that this option may not be affordable.

Too low a price makes you think, as the quality of the flooring will be questionable. In this case, the true composition of the coating can only be guessed at. Be careful as this material can give off toxic fumes that are harmful to the human body.

After studying the domestic market, Tarkett can be distinguished among the leading brands of flooring. This manufacturer has introduced modern and innovative technologies. The composition of linoleum includes only natural or acceptable components. Products fully comply with sanitary and hygienic and fire regulations. In addition, Tarkett has another advantage - a large assortment.

And finally a few more practical advice How to identify quality flooring.

  1. After choosing linoleum, smell the coating. If there is too strong a smell, then this means that the composition includes harmful substances. quality material either has no smell, or it is insignificant, the pattern looks clear, and the surface does not have a greasy sheen.
  2. To avoid joints, you need a canvas corresponding in width to the dimensions of the room. If you cannot purchase the appropriate linoleum, purchase the material with a margin, as you may have to customize the pattern. Consider the presence of thresholds, ledges and niches for batteries.
  3. The coating must fully comply with all safety standards. Familiarize yourself with the marking, which confirms the passage of the examination and the availability of relevant quality certificates.
  4. Consider the method and possibility of transportation.
  5. The presence of a protective layer will extend the operational life of the coating.
  6. The canvas is not recommended to be folded in half, and also to use adhesive tape for fastening, since a trace will subsequently remain.

You need to check the quality in expanded form. This is the only way to notice the presence of bumps, waves or a peeled film.

As you can see, the process of choosing a floor covering for an apartment is quite complicated. But if you take into account all the nuances and subtleties, it will be easier to purchase high-quality flooring. Experts recommend using PVC coating for the hallway, a semi-commercial natural coating for the kitchen, a bedroom and a nursery also require coating with special indicators of quality and environmental friendliness.

Linoleum for home- quite democratic, public material. It has been used as a practical floor covering for over a hundred years. What explains its continued popularity? It has relatively low price, easy to install, available in a variety of options. In addition, it is comfortable to use: soft and springy underfoot. At the same time, the coating has the necessary strength - it does not tear, does not crack, does not swell from water, like a laminate. The modern consumer has a wide choice of numerous types offered by the market. Competent choice good linoleum will be the key to his successful and long service. So how to choose and lay linoleum at home correctly, what should you pay attention to so that linoleum serves faithfully for the prescribed period? Let's figure it out together.

  • Thickness from 0.15 to 3 millimeters.
  • Weight 1.25 - 2.25 kg per square meter.
  • It should have such elasticity and flexibility that it does not break or crack when wound on a standard rod d 45 mm.
  • The water absorption index is not more than 1.5%.
  • Indicators and - from 13-18 dB.
  • Shrinkage during use - should not exceed 0.2 mm per meter.

Semi-commercial linoleum

This is a grade 31 to 34 linoleum that is commonly used in typical office space and in office.

It has the following characteristics:

  • Specific gravity from 1.6 to 2.5 kg per square meter.
  • Flexibility and elasticity should allow it to be wound on a rod with d from 10 to 40 mm without damage.
  • Shrinkage during use - no more than 0.1 mm per meter.
  • Sound absorption index from 12-16 dB.
  • Operated from 7 to 20 years.

It is advisable to use such a semi-commercial coating as a household one, in places with an increased load - an entrance hall, a kitchen, and so on.

Linoleum commercial

Refers to classes 41-43. It is used as a floor covering in rooms where the floor has a particularly high load, and where there is an active movement of people and even equipment. It is equipped with a special hardening layer, has minimal shrinkage, and has a service life of up to 25 years. The combination of the high price of such material, with such technical specifications, which are not required for ordinary residential apartments, make its use at home impractical.

As a floor covering, designers often suggest using linoleum. Right choice and laying this material can transform the room, make the interior original. How to choose linoleum, what should you pay attention to? The answer to this question will be given in this article.

When choosing linoleum, you should consider its advantages and disadvantages. Benefits include:

  • the ability to use for decoration of premises for any purpose;
  • long service life;
  • aesthetic appeal.

This flooring is easy to install. It doesn't matter if the floor is concrete or wood. Linoleum with a substrate does not require significant effort to level the base: small bumps and defects will be hidden.

In the event that funds for repairs are limited, it is recommended to use linoleum as a floor covering: its price is lower than that of other materials.

The disadvantage is the content of harmful substances, which is characteristic of some types of cheap and low-quality PVC-based coating.

Decorative qualities of linoleum

Modern floor coverings on an artificial and natural basis allow you to create smooth or embossed surfaces. Linoleum is on sale in tiles and in the form of rolls. The drawing can imitate natural wood, stone or ceramic tiles. Floral and geometric ornaments are used. Such a coating has a very high strength (for example, acczent linoleum), which allows it to be used for interior decoration for various purposes.

When choosing linoleum, consider the following:

Choosing the color, pattern and texture of linoleum, they are guided by the general concept of finishing the room. Linoleum should be combined in style and color with other interior elements.

Signs of quality linoleum

It should be borne in mind that the choice of material depends on the functional purpose of the room and on its patency. For example, hallway linoleum may not be suitable for a nursery or bedroom.
You can determine the purpose of the material by the two-digit marking on the product label. Values ​​of the first digit:

  • 2 - used in residential premises;
  • 3 - for offices;
  • 4 - for production areas.

Values ​​of the second digit:

  • 1 - material for rooms with low traffic;
  • 2 - for medium load;
  • 3 - for loaded floors;
  • 4 - for rooms with increased traffic (load).

The combination of these numbers may indicate the operating conditions for which the flooring is suitable. For example, class 23 linoleum can be used in the kitchen, and class 31 or 32 material is required for the hallway.

The quality of linoleum is evaluated by the following indicators:

  • environmental Safety;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • breaking strength.

The strength qualities are evidenced by the thickness of the linoleum and its density: a heavier material can withstand heavy loads. You should pay attention to the thickness of the top layer: it should be in the range of 0.16 - 0.6 mm.

You can evaluate the quality of linoleum by the following features.

  1. High-quality coating does not have sharp, unpleasant odors.
  2. The surface layer should not be excessively shiny.
  3. The presence of the manufacturer's logo on the label.
  4. Number of layers: there must be at least five.
  5. The drawing on the surface should be embossed, clear.

How to choose the right linoleum for different types of rooms

When choosing linoleum, you must follow certain rules.

Choosing linoleum for laying in the apartment

Before buying linoleum for an apartment, you should study its composition. It is recommended to choose synthetic, made of polyvinyl chloride. Three varieties are available:

  • with a base made of felt, polyester or jute (sold in rolls 1.5-2.0 m wide);
  • foamed vinyl (linoleum width 1.5-4.0 m) is soft;
  • duplicated - on a non-woven basis, produced on a vinyl base.

For premises of different purposes, it is necessary to select a floor covering with appropriate properties.

  1. Entrance hall: linoleum is purchased for it, the thickness of which should not be less than 3 mm with a top layer of 0.25 mm or more. Such parameters are typical for high-strength flooring.
  2. Kitchen: on the floor you can lay ordinary household PVC foam linoleum, as well as semi-commercial.
  3. Hall and living room: these rooms require flooring with a total thickness of 1.5 mm or more. The upper (protective) layer is at least 0.15 mm. Polyester canvas fully meets these requirements. If it is necessary to highlight linoleum against the background of furniture and not too expressive wall decoration, the colors of the coating should be bright. At the same time, the overall concept of interior decoration should be supported.
  4. Bedroom: a room with low traffic, where linoleum up to 1.5 mm thick is laid. The material used is polyester and foam based.

What should be the linoleum for the children's room

The main requirement for children's flooring is safety for health. Natural linoleum in this case is better suited than other types. Main components for production natural linoleum: linseed oil, wood flour, natural dyes and resins.

Its qualities:

  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • does not contain harmful chemical compounds;
  • resistant to abrasion;
  • does not support combustion;
  • resists the spread of mold.

Important: linoleum for a nursery should have good sound and heat insulating properties. Flooring with felt backing would be the best choice.

Linoleum floor heating

For underfloor heating, linoleum on jute and felt base. Polyvinyl chloride foam flooring is also not suitable: such materials are good heat insulators. Other types of linoleums can be laid on top of the "warm floor" system, provided that the heating does not exceed 27°C. Violation of these conditions can lead to warping of the material, discoloration.
In the event that it is supposed to heat the floor to more than high temperatures, lay special, with special markings linoleum (photo below).

In conclusion - a short video with expert advice on choosing a floor covering.