Linoleum gluing seams cold welding. Linoleum by cold welding: process features

For decades, linoleum has been one of the most popular residential floor coverings. Among its many advantages is the possibility of installation without the help of repair specialists, but some of the nuances of laying linoleum, such as the correct connection of joints. still require some specific knowledge from the performer.

Connection varieties

If it is necessary to connect two linoleum canvases, you should get an idea of ​​all the possible joining options.

Currently, the installation of seams can be done using the following means:

  • Mastic;
  • Hot welding;
  • Cold welding.

Mastic, which is used when working with linoleum, means a type of multi-component adhesive paste (usually bitumen-based mastic is used). The direct purpose of such a "putty" is both fixing the main area of ​​the coating relative to the floor, and gluing the joints of the material together. Adhesive mastic should not be confused with protective mastic, the function of which is to keep the linoleum in good condition and prolong its life.

The use of mastic directly for joining surface joints is a proven method that still has some popularity.

The main "trump card" of this method is the high strength of the docking.

However, at the same time, one must be prepared for the fact that it is impossible to preserve the integrity of the product in the event of its dismantling. In addition, the connection of joints with mastic requires some additional preparation: in addition to cleaning the edges of the sheets from dust, it is recommended to degrease them.

The second way to reliably glue the seams of linoleum is hot welding. As the name implies, the principle of joining is based on the processing of canvases with a stream of hot air and the subsequent adhesion of surfaces softened from heating. To process the seam with hot welding, a special tool is required - a hot air gun (welding heater) with a filler rod, which fills the gap between the panels with subsequent welding of linoleum.

Despite the high strength and complete tightness of the rations obtained by bonding joints in this way, it is not popular among non-professionals for a number of reasons. First, the purchase of a hot air gun significantly increases the financial costs of repairs, but replacing this narrow-profile tool with a soldering iron, which is in many houses, is impractical (the seam will turn out to be intermittent and uneven). Secondly, welding seams using air heated to 400 degrees is possible only when working with dense and hard linoleum, since the soft one will simply melt and be hopelessly damaged.

In addition, working with a welding torch requires considerable perseverance and care, and most importantly, a certain skill and experience, which a beginner simply cannot have in the repair business. Another obvious disadvantage of hot welding is a rather rough seam as the end result of the work.

The most optimal and simple way that allows you to quickly and accurately glue the joints of linoleum, is the last type of its connection - cold welding. The adhesion and fixation of the canvases occurs through the active dissolution of the material and its transformation into a monolith after solidification. This method of work has a number of advantages over its counterparts.

First of all, the use of cold welding does not imply the acquisition of a special tool, as well as the possession of professional skills and abilities. All that is required for installation is a tube of liquid glue (a fine needle-tip is included in the kit) and a steady hand.

All installation work, including preparation for docking and its final stage, is simple and fast enough. Complete drying will also not take long: after two hours, you can safely step on the seam, and after 8 hours, complete solidification occurs (for comparison, adhesion of joints obtained by hot welding occurs only after a day).

The second indisputable advantage of cold welding is its versatility: this method of joining is suitable for any material and class (operational purpose) of linoleum.

Repairing the old coating with this glue is also possible: often cold welding is used to process the seams of a patch installed at the site of damage.

In addition, in comparison with the seams obtained during installation using mastic or hot welding, the joints made by this method are much more solid and neat, which means that they are less visible to the naked eye. It should be noted that they are no less durable than the soldering made with a hot air gun.

Another "plus" of cold welding is the ability to create joints of any shape.

This method is indispensable when installing panels that cover turns from room to room or when working with the floor of a dwelling with a non-standard layout.

Despite the many compelling arguments for cold welding, there are some restrictions on its use... So, it is not recommended to use this fixer for joining panels of multilayer linoleum or coating with insulation, since the seam in these cases will be clearly noticeable. In addition, the glue used for this docking method is highly toxic and harmful to the respiratory tract, and therefore, when working with cold welding, it is necessary to strictly monitor the stable supply of fresh air to the room, and also do not forget about a respirator and protection of hands with gloves.

Adhesive types

Having made your choice in favor of cold welding as a means of securing linoleum seams, you should pay attention to the presence of three types of suitable glue.

  • Type A;
  • Type C;
  • Type T.

Without significant differences in the principle of operation, characteristics and composition (most of such sealed and waterproof adhesives are made on the basis of tetrahydrofuran and PVC with the addition of plasticizers), each type of cold welding has its own narrow purpose.

  • Type A best suited for new or rigid flooring (ideally made of polyvinyl chloride). The fine needle of the tip is adapted for penetration and filling with glue of gaps no more than 2 mm wide, while the edges of the panels should be perfectly even. With most of the solvent in it, type A welding has a fairly liquid consistency, so you should not be hasty when working with it. The seam obtained by this type of cold welding is neat and invisible when correctly positioned to the source of natural light (the joints should be perpendicular to the window).

  • Unlike type A, type C used mainly for gluing diverging seams of old coatings. Possessing a thicker consistency, this binding glue allows you to connect even panels that are far apart from each other: the gap between the joints can be from 2 mm or more. The glue is supplied from a wide "spout", however, working with such a tube does not require special scrupulousness, since after drying, the excess is removed with a sharp knife. Solidified, type C cold welding does not lose its elasticity, and the resulting seam is characterized by increased elasticity.

In comparison with type A, this type of cold welding provides less reliable fixation of joints between themselves.

  • With regard to welding type T(the letter in the name in this case reflects the shape of the tube nozzle), this glue is mainly used for soldering linoleum on a felt lining or for multicomponent products based on PVC and polyester. Among the advantages of type T glue are high reliability and elasticity of the seam, as well as an invisible line of joining the panels. However, working with such glue requires some experience, therefore, if its use is justified, it is best to refuse to install the coating yourself and entrust the work to a professional.

As for the pricing policy, the cost of cold welding glue ranges from about 140 to 450 rubles per tube with a volume of about 100 ml (material consumption is indicated on each tube). Among the brands that received the best reviews among professionals are Sintex (Spain), Homakoll and Forbo (all of Russia).

Focusing on the types of glue for connecting the coating, you should not forget about buying a fixing agent directly for the floor. The already mentioned bituminous mastic can become such a fixer. Together with the type of cold welding that is needed in a particular situation, this adhesive allows you to reliably adhere the material to the floor and ensure a durable fixation of the flooring, even under high stress on it.

Instrument preparation

For the installation of linoleum joints by cold welding, it is recommended to use the following tools:

  • a rag for cleaning the edges from dust;
  • wide masking tape to protect the flooring from glue;
  • plywood (placed under the coating when it is cut along the seam line);
  • long metal ruler for drawing the cutting line;
  • stationery or wallpaper knife;
  • gloves and a respirator to protect hands and respiratory organs from toxic substances of glue;
  • narrow roller for smoothing the seam.

Process features: how to weld correctly?

The most important tool to be used in the work is directly cold welding of the selected type. Despite the fact that on each tube of glue there is a detailed guide for its use, there are general principles of action that allow you to correctly join the seams. First of all, it should be remembered that the gluing of the joints is carried out first of all, even before the main area of ​​the coating is fixed. The next thing to consider when working is to maintain the highest possible cleanliness both during preparatory work and during the gluing process itself.

Timely cleaning of the material from dust and dirt is the key to the accuracy and durability of the seam.

When cutting out the material with your own hands, you must make sure that the edges of the panels are even. No matter how powerful the solvent the glue is, it will no longer be possible to perfectly weld imperfect edges with it. In addition, with the final alignment of two pieces of linoleum, due attention should be paid to matching the coating pattern, if any.

Step-by-step instruction

The most important guarantee of a truly successful installation of flooring joints is the exact adherence to the step-by-step instructions.

Seam formation

In order to correctly form the future seam, first of all, it is necessary to obtain absolutely even edges of the panels. This can be achieved without additional effort by simultaneously cutting two superimposed pieces. The edges are overlapped, to avoid damage to the floor, plywood is placed under them. Further, to prevent uneven cutting due to dust and dirt trapped between the panels, the linoleum edges are thoroughly cleaned with a damp soft cloth and dried. Having aligned the panels, they are cut with a clerical knife along the preliminary marking line drawn with a long ruler and a pencil. When comparing pieces of material, one should strive for the most tight joint, so as to reduce the width of the future seam to a minimum. Now you can proceed to the next step.

Surface preparation

To protect the rest of the linoleum surface from glue, a wide masking tape should be applied along the entire length of the joint. Next, the tape is cut with a sharp knife along the entire length of the future seam. Another option for protecting linoleum from accidental ingress of adhesive is possible: adhesive tape is attached to the edges of each of the panels separately. After completing the work to protect the coating, they begin to fix it relative to the floor (this can be done with mastic, glue or double-sided tape). After that, it is recommended to iron the fixed surface with a narrow roller and wipe it again with a damp cloth, not forgetting to leave time to dry the cleaned places.

Before applying the glue, some experts recommend heating the joint, and this can be done by ironing the seam with an iron through a metal plate, however, this installation stage is not strictly necessary and remains at the choice of the performer.

Glue application

To prepare for the glue application step, you need to shake the tube well and clean its tip, which is then gently inserted into the gap between the canvases. The glue should be applied gradually, gently and without haste pressing on the tube, while holding it with one hand and the needle itself with the other. As soon as the receipt of the glue made itself felt, the tip of the tube begins to be carefully guided strictly along the joint, while the strip of glue should be at least 3-5 mm wide. Only then will the welding completely fill the gap and thoroughly dissolve the edges of the sheets. There is another way of applying glue to the canvases: first, the edge of one piece is coated with glue, then it is attached directly to the floor, and the same operation is repeated for the second cut of the material, after which the two panels are shifted as tightly as possible to each other and leveled with a roller.

Linoleum is considered to be the most demanded floor covering. An impressive variety of colors and sizes, practicality and quite budgetary cost of this material make it indispensable when decorating private apartments and public spaces. You don't have to be a specialist to lay the coating at home. It is enough just to carefully do the work and know how to glue linoleum so that the joints are strong and invisible. The use of hot or cold welding will provide a reliable and beautiful connection between the material webs.

When do you need to glue linoleum?

Linoleum is a finishing material made from natural or polymer fibers. Laying such a flooring will not be difficult, if you only know how to glue linoleum end-to-end at home.

The fact is that this finishing material comes on sale in the form of rolls 2 or 5 meters wide. There are no other options. If the room in which the renovation is planned has a small area and you can cover the entire floor in one piece, there are no difficulties.

But much more often the premises do not differ in the correct shape or the width of the room is more than 5 meters. In such cases, you have to cut out and lay several pieces of linoleum, which then need to be securely and imperceptibly fastened together. If this work is carried out poorly, water will penetrate into the joints, dirt will clog and after a while the edges of the canvases will bend and twist.

It is necessary to glue linoleum in doorways and when replacing a damaged piece with new material. If the floor covering has a pronounced pattern or the designers have decided to decorate the floors with colorful applique, it is also impossible to do without gluing the joints.

How can you connect linoleum at the joints?

To connect two or more pieces of linoleum into one piece, you can use the following methods.

  • Bonding double-sided tape. This option is more suitable for creating a temporary coupling, and its main advantage is the speed of work. The resulting seam will soon disperse, debris and dust will get into it.
  • Installation of an aluminum or plastic nut. A good way to create a high-quality connection, but it is appropriate to use it only in doorways.
  • Hot welding. Gluing parts of linoleum by means of hot welding is used when laying industrial flooring in public areas. This method requires professional equipment and skills, so it is not suitable for joining household flooring at home.
  • Cold welding. To connect the canvases and create a sealed seam, a special glue called cold welding is used.

In everyday life, the latter method of gluing linoleum is mainly used.

Hot welding method

Hot welding is most often used when laying industrial linoleum, which differs from household finishing material in thickness, strength, and wear resistance. Such a floor covering is laid in schools and hospitals, offices and industrial premises, that is, where there is an intense mechanical effect on the floors.

To get a high-quality and aesthetic seam, before gluing the linoleum together, you need to glue the PVC covering to the floor. Sealing of joints can be started no earlier than a day after gluing.

For gluing ordinary linoleum, hot welding is almost never used. The fact is that a conventional coating has a small thickness and does not withstand the temperatures that are used for joining by heating. In addition, professional equipment and certain skills are required to carry out hot welding.

The following materials and accessories are required for hot-welding joining:

  • special gun-hair dryer;
  • cord made of linoleum;
  • a sharp knife or flat chisel.

To create a strong and reliable seam, you need to follow these steps.

  1. Along the entire length of the joint (the canvases must be laid with a minimum gap and tightly glued to the base), a groove is cut out with a chisel, into which the cord will subsequently be placed.
  2. The docking place is cleaned of dust with a vacuum cleaner.
  3. The linoleum cord is tucked into the holder of the welding gun, which is connected to the network. A patch cord can be purchased with the floor covering.
  4. Under the influence of air heated to 400 ° C, the edges of the linoleum, together with the cord, melt and join. The result is a durable and almost invisible seam.
  5. The part of the cord that rises above the joint can be cut off with a sharp knife.

At first glance, the procedure for hot welding seems very simple, but in reality it is not. Performing such work requires professional skills, in addition, high-temperature welding poses a danger to the life and health of an inexperienced repairman.

Features of cold welding

For gluing the coating at home, reactive adhesives are used, which are also called "cold welding". They contain polyurethane and epoxy resin, have a very corrosive odor and are highly flammable.

The reactive adhesive chemically reacts with the PVC used for the flooring. The edges of the joints soften and dissolve into each other, resulting in a thin but strong seam that looks like a real weld. This adhesive is especially important when laying a foam-based coating, since it is not recommended to use hot welding for such materials.

Cold welding is sold in tubes equipped with a special nozzle-needle, with the help of which the adhesive enters the most inaccessible places and allows you to firmly glue the joints of linoleum tightly.

Cold welding has many benefits.

  • Any novice craftsman can handle the work of laying flooring using cold welding, since the method does not require skills and abilities.
  • Ideal not only for installing new linoleum, but also for repairing old flooring.
  • No special equipment is required, which significantly reduces the cost of finishing work.
  • The seam obtained by cold welding is characterized by solidity, accuracy and strength.

Bonding the joints of the flooring using the cold welding method does not require physical effort.

Types of glue

There are several types of adhesive used for cold welding. The choice of a suitable adhesive depends on the composition and type of finishing material, as well as on the nature of the work being carried out.

  • Type A

When laying new linoleum, type A cold welding glue is used. Due to the high solvent content, this adhesive has the most liquid consistency in comparison with other similar compositions, therefore it is advisable to use it to create seams no more than 2 mm wide. The main advantage of A-type glue is that the resulting seam is almost invisible and at the same time incredibly strong. Best suited for hard linoleum with perfectly straight edges.

  • Type C

This adhesive has a fairly dense consistency and is used for sealing joints 3-4 mm wide. Type C glue is used to glue the canvases of the old coating that have come apart from each other. Cold welding of type C not only glues the canvases together, but also fills the gap, as if creating an intermediate strip of linoleum.

  • Type T

This type of adhesive is rarely used by amateurs. However, professionals use it to join PVC and polyester canvases.

How to glue linoleum with cold welding?

The technology of joining the floor covering with the use of cold welding does not present any particular difficulties. The main thing is to carefully follow the instructions and carefully do the work at every stage. Before gluing linoleum end-to-end at home, you need to prepare type A glue, tape, knife, gloves.

Do not allow drops of glue to fall on the surface of the coating.

In order not to stain the linoleum with glue and not to plant a blot, which will be very difficult to remove, you must use a soft cloth all the time. When opening and closing a tube of glue, you need to hold it over this rag, protecting the floor from falling drops. If, nevertheless, a drop of glue remains on the linoleum, it is better to wait until it is completely dry and remove the dry film with a knife.

Joints should be glued with gloves and with open windows, as the glue has a pungent unpleasant odor.

  1. Before glueing the joints, the first step is to prepare them for the connection - blot the moisture with a rag, remove the dust and debris accumulated in the cracks with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. The place of the future joint is protected with masking tape. This is necessary in order to protect the edges of the sheets from the ingress of glue.
  3. With a sharp knife, the tape is cut directly above the joint.
  4. A needle attachment is put on a tube of glue and the composition is squeezed out into the gap between the canvases. The glue must be squeezed out so that it protrudes 4 mm above the surface of the material.
  5. After 15-20 minutes, the tape is removed.
  6. You can use the finished floor covering one hour after the end of the work.

A perfectly flat floor is extremely rare. There are always small bumps and depressions. If you make one long seam, then in uneven places it will bulge. Therefore, experts advise to glue the joints in small pieces up to 70 cm long. Moreover, a new section should be glued only after the previous one has dried. If you follow this technology, the seam will turn out to be smoother and more invisible.

When repairing linoleum, a thicker type C glue is used, so it is not necessary to stick tape. Otherwise, the process of joining the canvases completely repeats the activities described above.

It is not difficult to glue linoleum at the joints at home. The cold welding method will allow you to create a tight, durable and aesthetic seam, and this does not require special equipment or professional skills. The main thing is to choose the right glue and do the job carefully, without deviating from the instructions.

Linoleum is the most unpretentious, undemanding and cheapest option for flooring. Moreover, it can be laid in rooms with a high level of humidity, for example, in the kitchen. This is very often decisive in his choice. And after the acquisition, very important questions arise: is it worth gluing linoleum to the base and how to glue linoleum so that it is a single canvas? Within the framework of this article, we will find out in which cases it is necessary to glue linoleum to the floor and how to do it, and also figure out how to make the joints invisible.

"Cold welding" for gluing linoleum - and the joint is almost invisible

Why is it necessary to glue linoleum

Laying linoleum, I want it to be a whole monolithic layer on the floor, and no joints were visible. Today it is not difficult to purchase material of foreign production, which is produced in rolls up to 4 m wide. This size will be enough for it to occupy the entire area in the premises of domestic construction. In this case, you do not have to glue the joints: you can choose linoleum exactly for the size of the room.

Domestic manufacturers produce linoleum 1.5 m wide. By purchasing it, you cannot do without careful adjustment of the canvases and gluing the joints.

Bonding linoleum to the base will create a more durable monolithic coating

Of course, you can lay linoleum without gluing it to the base. But the so-called free-laid linoleum has a number of disadvantages.

Firstly, during operation, ruts and bulges from the legs of the chairs will appear.

Secondly, when the furniture moves, a wave will "go", the linoleum will swell, it will be difficult to straighten it without removing all the heavy furniture from the room.

Thirdly, the distance between the joints of the canvases may increase over time, they will "part".

Fourthly, non-glued linoleum is easier to damage with a sharp cutting object.

Bonding linoleum to the base will avoid these problems and create a monolithic coating. Even if you have purchased a canvas that is wide enough to cover the entire room, you should still use glue. This will extend the life of the floor covering by 40-50%.

There are several types of glue for linoleum, different in composition and purpose. When choosing which glue to glue linoleum with, it is imperative to take into account the type and material of linoleum.

Dispersion adhesives

Dispersion adhesive is used for gluing linoleum to the substrate

Dispersion adhesives are aqueous suspensions and solutions of acrylic or carboxymethyl cellulose with various additives. These adhesives are non-toxic and practically odorless. Among the disadvantages can be distinguished exposure to moisture and low temperatures. So, for example, dispersion glue, frozen during transportation or storage, loses its properties.

Acrylate adhesive used for laying heterogeneous and homogeneous linoleum in rooms with moderate and high traffic.

Bustilat used for gluing linoleum with felt base. It contains carboxymethyl cellulose, latex and chalk.

Humilax suitable for laying natural linoleum. It is based on latex and rubber.

Conductive adhesive used in rooms with a lot of electronic equipment. In this case, an antistatic coating must be installed.

Bituminous mastics fix linoleum on a fabric basis.

Dispersion adhesives are used to adhere linoleum to the substrate. To do this, a layer of 0.5-0.6 mm thick is applied to the floor using a notched trowel, after which the coating sheets are laid. Depending on the variety, the consumption of glue for linoleum ranges from 200 g / m 2 to 500 g / m 2. The exact quantity will be indicated on the package.

Adhesive for cold welding of linoleum

The second name of this type of adhesives is reactionary... It is dictated by the properties of the glue itself. It enters into a chemical reaction with the linoleum base, practically melts it, turning the joints into a strong, rigid intermediate strip. This effect is also called diffusion: the glue connects the linoleum canvases together, dissolving their edges into each other.

Reaction Adhesive is ideal for use with commercial linoleum.

This glue is a complex chemical compound based on polyurethane and epoxy resin. It has a very pungent odor and is also explosive and fire hazardous.

Reaction glue is called “cold weld” because it is used as an adhesive for linoleum joints. Gluing two canvases together is very similar to "welding".

There are several types of glue, each of which is used for laying linoleum of a certain type and age and at different stages of work.

A-type cold welding glue is used for gluing the joints of new linoleum

Has the most liquid consistency of all. It can only be used for gluing the joints of new, freshly laid linoleum. For this, the canvases are tightly glued to the base, the pattern is aligned and the joint is coated with type-A cold welding. As a result, the seam will be transparent and durable, it can only be detected by touch. By the way, linoleum should be commercial or household, but solid.

C-type cold welding glue is used for gluing joints with large gaps

Has a thick consistency. It is used for gluing "dispersed" joints of old linoleum. As a rule, the distance between the canvases of the old linoleum is quite large. Such glue not only glues the joints together, but also creates, as it were, a strip of linoleum between them. C-type cold welding is used for gluing 3-4 mm wide gaps.

Cold welding T-type

It is used for bonding PVC linoleum with a polyester backing.

First of all, it should be noted that in the process of using glue for joints, it is imperative to wear gloves on your hands. And it is better to protect the respiratory tract as well, since the glue has a pungent odor and is very toxic.

Important! It is undesirable to allow glue to get on the surface of linoleum. It will not be possible to completely remove the blot. Even if you follow the advice of experts, wait for the glue to dry and knock it off with a sharp knife, there will still be a noticeable mark on the surface. To prevent this from happening, it is convenient to use a rag or rag. When opening, wearing, using a tube of glue, always hold it over a cloth, in which case drops of glue will fall on it. Then the rag must be immediately thrown away in a place where it cannot stick to the linoleum.

Cold welding technology is quite simple:

  • We clean the gap that we will glue from dust and moisture.
  • We glue one-sided tape at the joints along the entire length.

We glue the tape at the joints and cut along the gap

  • Before applying the glue, carefully cut the tape at the junction.
  • Squeeze the glue from the tube into the slot.

Extrude A-type cold welding into the gap between the linoleum sheets

  • After 10-20 minutes, the tape can be removed.
  • You can walk on the floor in an hour.

Important! The shorter the seam, the stronger and more invisible the connection. Taking into account the fact that it is practically impossible to make the floor perfectly flat, there is always the possibility of height differences and bulges on the floor. If you glue the linoleum along the entire length at once, at the site of the defect it will begin to bulge and bulge. This can be prevented by gluing the joints in 50 -70 cm segments, each time waiting for the glue to dry. In this case, the seam will be smooth and inconspicuous.

Glued linoleum will last much longer than loosely laid, will not budge and puff up. And the joints, glued with cold welding, will be simply invisible. Try to follow the technology and follow the instructions on the package with the glue.

There are many quality floor coverings on the construction market today. They differ in characteristics and styling features. Linoleum still maintains a leading position. If the room is non-standard or rather large, you have to dock pieces of material. At the same time, home craftsmen are faced with the problem of creating beautiful and durable joints. Before such work, you should figure out how to glue the linoleum end-to-end.

Connection methods

To figure out how to dock pieces of flooring, you should familiarize yourself with the basic methods of such work. Often the following methods are used to join the edges of linoleum:

As you can see, all these methods have certain features. However, most often when repairing floors in houses and apartments, the cold welding method is used. You can figure out how to glue linoleum at home if you know the technology of work.

Features of cold welding of linoleum

To join the seams of linoleum end-to-end with cold welding, you will need to use a special adhesive. It has certain properties due to which the bonded material begins to dissolve. When the glue hardens, the joint disappears - a solid surface remains. There are several types of glue that can be used to bond linoleum. It is worth figuring out how you can glue linoleum at the joints:

For work, you should prepare:

  • A ruler - it should be metal and quite long.
  • Construction knife.
  • Large width masking tape.
  • Double sided tape.

The floor surface is cleaned before installing the linoleum. It is better to align and repair it. In the case of soft linoleum, the material must be leveled without fail. For this purpose, linoleum is left unfolded in the room being repaired for 3 days.

If it is necessary to dock the edge of the sheet, problems should not arise. To form even edges of the cut piece, overlap the sheets. The marking line is made using a metal ruler. It is necessary to draw along it with a knife without removing the ruler. In this case, the edges should fit perfectly. The trimmed panels are placed in a permanent place and fixed to the base of the floor with double-sided tape.


The adhesive composition "Cold welding" begins to react with PVC products, therefore, you should not allow the glue to get on the linoleum itself outside the junction. To eliminate this situation, you should stick masking tape on the surface of the pieces to be joined. Then, using a construction knife, a furrow is made along the joint. In the cut, you need to pour the adhesive composition. After a little time, the masking tape is removed. You can make sure that the joint has become invisible.

Advice! When the glue dries, the remaining beads of the composition are cut off with a knife. With high-quality cold welding of linoleum, the seams will not be visible.

For floor coverings that are 3 mm thick, a 60 ml tube of adhesive is sufficient. It is enough for 30 running meters. This value changes depending on how well the work is done.

In order for the pieces of linoleum to adhere to each other as tightly as possible, the recommendations of experienced builders should be followed when performing cold welding. It is important to take care of a few subtleties of the process. It is important to follow the technology exactly. It consists of the following stages:

Such features of the technology of cold welding of linoleum should be kept in mind when performing work.

Features of floor repair by cold welding

If you are not planning to replace the old linoleum, and it already has tears and cracks, you should choose cold welding as a method for repairing the flooring. This work is easy to do with your own hands.

It is better to choose type C glue for linoleum. This is due to its thick consistency. Such a composition is more suitable for joining linoleum joints than type A glue. It can even seal large joints with it. The procedure for sealing cracks in old linoleum is the same as in the case of joining new pieces.

Removing excess adhesive

When the masking tape is removed, you may notice the remains of dried glue on the linoleum. The composition may come out during application. You should not try to quickly eliminate these surpluses. This can lead to delamination of the composition from the coating. In this case, the quality of the weld will deteriorate. In addition, there is a possibility that wet glue will get dirty when using dirty tools. In addition, a composition that is completely dry is easier to cut.

Attention! fresh cold weld has low spring properties. When pulling and cutting the compound, a slight indentation may remain. For this reason, the surplus is eliminated twice.

Cold welding is a simple process that anyone can handle. The main thing is to follow the advice of professionals and carry out all work in accordance with the technology.

For successful bonding of linoleum using Cold Welding glue, special attention should be paid to a few practical tips based on the experience of many professionals. Thanks to them, you can avoid simple but unpleasant mistakes:

Such tips will help you to effectively and quickly dock new linoleum or repair the old one. This method of joining the floor covering is the most effective and simplest. Thanks to him, various coatings for household use are connected. It won't take much time to master the method. To perform such work, you do not need to have special skills or use professional tools. The simplicity of the work allows you not to involve other people in the repair.


Many stores sell cold welding glue. Usually the composition is available in a 100 ml tube. This volume is enough for laying a floor in a large living room. The cost of the composition is quite low, therefore the cold welding method itself can be called economical.

Linoleum joints, which are processed with glue, turn into a single coating quite quickly. It is important to observe safety during work. This is due to the presence of aggressive substances in the glue. It is necessary to exclude the entry of vapors of the composition into the respiratory tract. In case of contact with glue, the skin should be thoroughly washed with water. After that, it is required to provide the worker with urgent medical assistance.

Given such tips and tricks, you can dock linoleum in a large room on your own pretty quickly. In this way, the cracks in the old coating are also closed. The convenience and accessibility of the method has made it popular among home craftsmen.

To understand how to glue linoleum with cold welding, you should additionally watch the video:

Usually, they rarely pay attention to the surface of the floor, but we always in passing note its condition, often due to the touch of our bare feet with our feet or glancing at objects that lie on the floor. Linoleum has become widespread among various types of flooring. Today, among the wide variety of types of linoleum, several main groups can be distinguished.

Floor covering features

The most popular, more widespread, is the group of so-called household linoleum. The basis includes a wear-resistant material (fiberglass), and derivatives based on natural raw materials (felt) or its full-fledged substitute (polyvinyl chloride (PVC)) act as the bottom layer (substrate). The advantage of this type of linoleum can be attributed to its increased resistance to wear (exposure to external physical damage or chemicals), which makes such a floor material durable in operation.

The other two groups (commercial and semi-commercial linoleums) have only one layer in their composition. Its homogeneous structure consists of PVC. These groups of linoleums are more expensive. Textile backed materials will last longer.

The main advantage of linoleum over other types of flooring is its ease of independent work (especially with household) with such material. Before laying linoleum, it is necessary to prepare the floor surface area required for work: completely remove all debris (dust, dirt, remnants of the previous floor covering), carefully seal up all irregularities on the floor surface (protrusions and depressions). To simplify this process, experts recommend completely filling the entire floor area. This will also help to avoid further deterioration of the floor surface.

Another advantage of this floor covering is that there is no need to install, install an additional lining (floor covering that prevents the destructive effects of external forces). First you need to prepare the floor material to size by cutting it. There is one subtlety here: in terms of its qualities, any type of linoleum can dry out, decrease in size, so linoleum is cut a few centimeters more, around its entire perimeter. With further exploitation, it will "sit down".

After the linoleum is completely laid on the floor surface, it must be trimmed a little, reducing the so-called overlap to a few millimeters.

If, when working with flooring, it is not possible to lay out the floor with a whole part of the flooring material, then you can use pieces with neatly cut edges. There are two methods of connecting linoleum to each other. It is cold and hot welding. When cold, a special glue is applied to the edges previously cleaned of dust and dirt; when hot, a special tool is used that allows you to neatly join the edges of linoleum. To make the seams on your floor less noticeable, it is recommended that you carefully select the cut pieces of linoleum with each other so that they match with each other in the pattern of the upper wear-resistant layer of this floor covering.

When do you need gluing

Sometimes it is necessary to glue the old linoleum. Many users believe that only professionals can handle such a thing. It's not like that at all. It is necessary to know the basic methods and techniques of gluing in order to connect all the parts. They will be discussed below.

If the linoleum is bulging on the floor, then this becomes a real problem. It is impossible to walk through this area and not stumble or, worse, fall. Between rooms, this problem is especially relevant. Here the permeability is very high and the material is often bulged. Double-sided tape will help to connect the two pieces effortlessly, but this method is not very durable. Another connecting element can be a nut. This mechanical method is more reliable and will last you much longer.

Do not think that it is difficult, it is enough to connect two pieces of linoleum and fasten them tightly with a nut.

Preparatory work

If you decide to change the linoleum in the room, then know that it is not necessary to call the workers. You can do this yourself. We must not forget that laying linoleum will take a lot of time. First, you need to prepare the surface on which it will creep. The floor should be strong, not bend or give out creaking noise when walking. Check if there is anything on the surface of the floor that can spoil the linoleum, there are no dents or bulges.

Linoleum should be prepared before laying. If there are irregularities on it, you should iron these places with a very well heated iron from the back (inner) side. Be sure to check first on a small piece, without fear of ruining it during ironing. It will take you a couple of weeks to straighten the linoleum. You should put it on the floor and press it in the right places, after the specified time, the linoleum will become smooth. It must be aligned very carefully.

Very often it is necessary to fill in a new screed, because on the basis there are strongly pronounced irregularities that do not allow for a high-quality installation.

Connection and docking methods

Next, you go directly to the very process of laying linoleum. The most suitable way to do this is with glue. The day before, you need to prime the back of the linoleum. If this is not done, then more glue will be needed, and it will need to be applied more thoroughly. Before starting installation, the floor must be very well washed to remove all accumulated dirt and dust.

Better to use glue mastic. Apply it carefully to the floor and back of the linoleum and style. After installation, you need to rub something heavy on the surface of the linoleum to remove the air that has collected under it. It is not at all difficult to glue the joints in this way. Now you need to wait a few days for the linoleum to stick well.

The process of laying linoleum is not as simple as it seems, but if you focus on this matter and do everything right, then the result will delight you, and the spent energy will be reimbursed by a beautiful floor.

Hot welding

If you have a hair dryer, then you can use the hot welding method. It should also be borne in mind that only a certain type of linoleum is suitable for this welding method. Most often, in this way, the material is glued in public places. Hot welding is used in places with a fairly large traffic, as well as in various industries. For residential premises, linoleum is mainly used, which is not able to withstand significant heating up to high temperature indicators, which is produced by a welding machine. The welding machine is not suitable for the usual type of this material. Such a set gives out too high temperatures, and it is impossible to weld ordinary linoleum with it.

If you decide to weld production linoleum by hot welding, then be sure to pick up a quality welding machine that has a quality connector. The cord must be of sufficient length, since the dimensions of the room are generally not small, and the soldering is carried out in hard-to-reach places. Hot welding is not very common. Only a professional can solder in this way, which makes the process quite complicated.

Soldering the joints of a material such as linoleum is best done with cold welding.

Cold technology

Three main types of cold welding are identified that help to reliably solder the material. To find the most suitable type for you, you need to learn more about them.

  • A... such a laying technology is useful if you are using fresh linoleum, which was produced no more than three months ago. The adhesive used for this type of welding has a fairly liquid consistency. With it, you can mask even the smallest crevices. The action of the glue is based on melting the edges of the linoleum. Thus, the joints are welded and very difficult to notice. It is not at all difficult to glue the edges in this way.
  • WITH. This type of welding is used when welding the seams of old linoleum, which just needs to be glued in some places. The consistency of such an adhesive is thicker. It can fill in wider gaps and make them less visible. An adhesive composition of type C qualitatively bonds the layers of linoleum to each other. It is suitable for filling joints up to 5 mm in size.
  • T... This adhesive is used in difficult cases of linoleum joining. When using material with a coarse felt lining. This glue is suitable for professional use only.

For high-quality performance of work on cold welding of linoleum, you must first put on construction gloves.

It is not advisable to work with glue without them. It is necessary to prepare the coating for further work with it. To do this, thoroughly clean it of dust and excess moisture, then one by one fill the joints with an adhesive of the selected type in order to securely weld them.

The glue does not harden for very long. It will be enough to wait 40 minutes, and you can already walk on the linoleum. If you notice non-solidified welding droplets on the material, do not under any circumstances try to smudge them. Wait for them to dry completely and carefully trim them off with a construction knife. Need to know Here are a few key points to help you make better cold welds:

  • Shorter seams will be more secure.
  • Based on how the light falls in the room, it is necessary to choose the joining method: across or along.

Mechanical connection of joints

Before the start of gluing, the linoleum is cut out according to the required dimensions of the room, marked and laid out for 2-3 days in a warm room in an expanded state so that it lies down. It is better to join the edges together after this time. Due to the fact that during drying, linoleum shrinks by 0.5%, then when cutting it is necessary to increase the length of the panel (4-12 m) by 2-6 cm, respectively.

After that, you can proceed to the mechanical connection of the linoleum joints, which is performed using special overhead sills. You can choose them yourself by choosing the desired color and material from which they are made. The tracks are quite affordable, and they have special holes into which it is convenient to insert self-tapping screws. This connection is the most durable. The process of mechanical connection of joints itself can be divided into several main stages:

  • Cut the plank to the required length. To do this, you need a jigsaw or, in extreme cases, a metal file. This bar must be attached to the junction of your linoleum. Then, holding the bar a little, it is necessary to note exactly where you will insert the screws.
  • For the drill, select the correct size drills and make holes in the nut. Then prepared dowels are inserted into them.
  • Next, you need to finally fix the nut with self-tapping screws.

The method of mechanical connection of joints is quite simple, but it is worth noting that it still has some peculiarity. The plank is quite noticeable, and such a seal will only look in the interior openings. Choose simple mounts so as not to complicate your further work.

Pre-edge gluing can be done.

Double-sided tape method

The method of gluing joints with double-sided tape is quite simple. It is not very expensive and can be executed quickly. It should be noted that this docking method is not very durable. It is completely unsuitable for linoleum with a coarse felt lining, and material with a fabric base is also unsuitable. Linoleum glued with this method, it is advisable not to wash very often. If moisture gets in, the seam may split. Step-by-step instructions for joining joints with double-sided tape are as follows:

  • The base must be cleaned and thoroughly primed for strengthening.
  • Dock the linoleum parts together.
  • Glue double-sided tape to the floor and attach the material to it.
  • Press the edges firmly and go along the seam with a special roller.

How to choose the right glue?

Bitumen, casein or oil mastics, Bustilat glue and the like are used for gluing linoleum made on a fabric or heat and sound insulating background. Stir thoroughly before use.

  • Oil mastic It is used for gluing linoleum to wood or concrete bases, primed with oil mixtures.
  • Rubber-bitumen mastic It is used for gluing the material to stone substrates.
  • Adhesive for joining parts linoleum is a variety of water-based mixtures. Also, such mixtures can consist of additives and carboxymethyl cellulose. They are completely non-toxic. They lack a pronounced smell. The main disadvantage of the glue is that it is not resistant to moisture. If the dispersion adhesive mixture is transported incorrectly and freezes, it will lose many of its properties.
  • Acrylate adhesive used in rooms with moderate traffic. Bustilat is suitable for materials on a felt pad. For natural linoleum, it is best to choose humilax. Polymer fluoroplastic tape is suitable for almost all types of flooring. The adhesives made with it are quite reliable.