Casco: repair or money - which is more profitable? Everything you need to know about casco payments: terms, amount and other useful information Is it possible to get money on casco?

Good afternoon. The topic of today's article is the order of payments for CASCO. Before moving on to the descriptive part, let's agree on terms.

CASCO- voluntary car insurance system against theft of parts, theft, damage caused by third parties, natural disasters or road accidents.

If an insured event occurs, it is important to act in a certain way in order to receive the maximum compensation from the insurance company.

If violations of the insurance conditions are revealed, the car owner may be completely denied compensation under the insurance policy.

What is considered an insured event?

When concluding a CASCO agreement, carefully read the documents, because each company has its own conditions for recognizing the incident as an insured event. General Provisions:

  • The car was stolen, dismantled for parts or deliberately damaged.
  • Natural conditions, natural disasters.
  • Vehicle damage due to an accident.
  • Transport became unusable for some reason.

Study in advance the terms of insurance so that in case of accidents you will not be left without payments. Everything is important, including the deadline for applying for compensation.

What to do in case of an accident?

If a vehicle is involved in an accident, stop the car and turn on the alarm. Put an emergency stop sign behind the car, call the traffic police and inform the insurance company (IC) about the incident. While waiting for law enforcement officers, you can have time to photograph the scene and collect, if possible, data from witnesses.

The injured party itself chooses how to receive compensation - from its insurance company or according to the policy of the perpetrator of the accident.

Registration of an accident by hull insurance.

The accident scheme must be drawn up by the traffic police, in about 30 percent of cases, insurance companies refuse to reimburse CASCO if the accident is issued according to the "euro protocol".

Attention! Some insurance companies require emergency commissioners to be called, or even provide this service themselves. Please check this when applying for a CASCO policy.

It is best to negotiate with the injured party and others after consulting a lawyer.

After drawing up the emergency protocol, read it carefully and pay attention to the paragraph of the decree on fines. The next step is to write a free-form appeal for compensation for CASCO.

Insurance compensation is paid according to the rules of a specific insurance company established in the contract; for each company, these rules can be very different.

Obtaining the sum insured.

Receiving compensation is possible if all the terms of the contract are met and the necessary documents are sent to the insurer.

When a vehicle is stolen, they include an application for payment of compensation within a week, but it is better to specify the time in advance so as not to receive a refusal to pay. The originals of the contract, title and vehicle registration certificate are submitted to the documents. Attach documents with the right of ownership of this vehicle, keys and other documents that the SK may require from you.

In case of damage to the vehicle, the originals of the contract with the IC and documents from the traffic police, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other inspections will be required, which confirm the insured event. It is also necessary to make a copy of the rights of the person who was driving at the time of the incident, bring a certificate of registration of the car, payment documents for evacuation and repair at a service station (STOA). If there was a call of an independent expert, then his opinion will also be required. It is better to check the rest of the papers with the insurance company.

Damage is not paid:

  • if documents are not submitted on time, or at least one contractual condition is not fulfilled;
  • in case of intentional damage to the vehicle;
  • if traffic rules are violated;
  • in the case when the car was driven by someone who is not specified in the insurance;
  • if the product is damaged during hostilities and popular unrest;
  • when seizure or destruction of vehicles by law enforcement agencies;
  • if at the conclusion of the contract, the client provided incorrect information.

There are times when a part of the amount is reimbursed by third parties, this amount will not be paid by the insurance company to you. If the funds were received after the IC made compensation, then the insured person is obliged to return it to the IC.

If the insurance company paid compensation for the stolen car, after which the transport was found, you can return the amount paid to the company back, or transfer the car to SK for self-resale.

Reimbursement amount.

The sum insured will be the maximum if a constructive loss of the vehicle has occurred, and its repair is not economically feasible. Also, the maximum payment is made when the insured car is stolen.

What determines the size of the payment?

This is the maximum amount, according to the limit, at the time of the application, deducting the unconditional deductible, if any. The insurance premium can be reduced if there are available balances that can be realized. There may also be deductions for unpaid contributions and other conditions specified in the contract.

The amount of payments can be changed only if it is spelled out in the contract or the CASCO rules.

Accidents under the Europrotokol will be paid for by the limits established by the OSAGO.

In the event that the issue does not concern theft or destruction of a vehicle, the calculation of the amount depends on the officially established damage:

  • calculation of the insurer when inspecting vehicles;
  • the specified amount from an independent expert appointed by the government agency responsible for such incidents;
  • receipts from the technical service where the car was restored and documents confirming the amount of work performed.

With a deductible specified in the contract, the indicated amount will be deducted from the total cost of the repair, but we have a separate article about this.

Payment terms and how it happens.

The terms for obtaining the insured amount are spelled out in the contract or insurance rules. The average time is 2-4 weeks, but delays may occur for a number of reasons: there are no spare parts, there is a large queue for compensation for damage, or the signed contract was concluded in a small company, where they sometimes like to play for time.

If the time is not specified in the contract, one should proceed from the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, where the term is prescribed in a month. In case of non-payment within 30 days from the date of submission of the application to the insurance company, you can also demand a penalty for the delay.

The following insurance compensation options are possible:

  • Sending for repair - this means that the SK has a service station partner, where the insured will be sent. All receipts for repairs are sent to the insurance agency, and the client receives the repaired car in his hands.
  • Cash disbursement or transfer to a current account takes place after an examination and repairs, when the insurance will be provided with payment documents for the repairs made;
  • A replacement is made with a similar option only if the car is completely destroyed or stolen. It happens that cars of a particular brand become more expensive and the insured amount may not be enough to buy a new car, so the insured will have to pay the missing amount from his own pocket.

The above must be initially stated in the contract.

It does not matter who is to blame for the damage to property, perhaps the driver himself crashed into a tree, or scratched on a nearby car while parking. It is important that the insured event is recorded by government agencies or emergency commissioners from the insurance company, otherwise you will not receive payments.

In the event that the insurer's license has been revoked, the issue will have to be resolved through the court, as a third party, PCA should be involved.


That's all for me today. I hope that the article on the procedure for CASCO payments was useful to you. If you still have questions, or if you want to supplement the article, write comments.

Have you bought a Casco and think that now there is nothing to be afraid of, and it will cover everything? Not! This is Ilya Kulik and now I will tell you how to get a comprehensive insurance payment.

Warning. Voluntary comprehensive insurance and settlement of losses on it is carried out in accordance with the rules that are established by insurance companies (IC) each for itself, independently of each other. In addition, the terms of various hull insurance contracts of the same insurance company may differ significantly.

Therefore, always clarify your rights, necessary actions and other conditions and features of your insurance under your contract and the rules of the insurance company with which this contract was concluded. Casco rules can always be found on the official website of the UK.

The exact terms of reimbursement are always prescribed in the comprehensive insurance contract. Of course, the contract must be valid.

The main condition is always the recognition of the receipt of damage as an insured event. And for this you need to send supporting documents to the insurer.

The second condition will be compliance with all insurance rules and clauses of the contract.

Only the policyholder or the beneficiary (usually the owner of the vehicle [Vehicle]) can file a claim for damages. And also a person who has a power of attorney certified by a notary or heirs.

When the damage is not reimbursed

Cases that prevent compensation for losses are indicated in the rules of insurance companies, as well as in the voluntary property insurance contract. As a rule, these are:

  • failure to fulfill obligations under a contract, including failure to submit the required documents;
  • deliberate damage;
  • gross violation of traffic rules, including driving without a license, drunk;
  • driving a car by a person who is not listed in the insurance Casco (if there are restrictions);
  • nuclear explosion and radiation;
  • driving training and competitions;
  • war and popular unrest;
  • seizure or destruction of the vehicle by decision of government agencies;
  • knowingly false information specified in the insurance.

Look for details in the contract and the rules of your insurance company.

If the damage is compensated by third parties, the part of the damage that they compensated for the insurance is not paid. And if payment from third parties was received after insurance payments, the insured is obliged to return the SK an amount equal to that received from others.

If, after payments for theft, the car is found. There are two options:

  • refund of insurance payments received from her;
  • transfer of the found car to the insurance, with the right to resell it.

How much will be reimbursed

The amount of the insurance payment is approved in accordance with the contract. In case of total loss, including theft of a vehicle, the payment will be maximum. In any case, it cannot exceed the maximum sum insured.

Maximum payout

The maximum amount of damage is limited to the sum insured, in accordance with the comprehensive insurance contract. Please note that it is not always equal to the cost of the car at the time of purchase of the comprehensive insurance policy, and cannot exceed this cost.

How the sum insured is determined, whether it changes depending on the time or number of occurrence of insured events, and if it changes, then how, it is indicated in the contract and the Casco rules.

Also, the payment may be limited by the reimbursement limit. That is, for example, the amount of payments for the entire time during which the contract is in effect cannot exceed the established value - the limit of the insurer's liability. Its size and application is established by the contract.

If the damage is caused as a result of an accident registered under the Euro Protocol, usually the amount of payments is limited to the amounts established by the law on the Euro Protocol.

Calculation of payments

If the vehicle is not completely lost, the insurance indemnity will depend on the damage received, the amount of which is confirmed:

  • by the insurer's calculations damage inspection;
  • calculations of an authorized independent expert who carried out the examination;
  • payment documents from technical service to which the car was sent by the insurer;
  • documents from "your" service, indicating the volume of work performed (work order) and the funds spent on them.

According to the insurance contract, damage can be reimbursed in full or in part, for example, taking into account wear and tear.

And also, if the contract provides for a deductible, it is deducted from the amount of the repair (the conditional deductible is deducted only if the damage is not more than its size).

In the event of theft or impossibility of recovery, the compensation will be as follows:

  1. maximum sum insured at the time of the incident, limited by the limit;
  2. minus unconditional deductible(if provided);
  3. minus the price of good residues, that is, whole parts that can theoretically be sold (if any);
  4. minus the unpaid part of the premium;
  5. minus other amounts stipulated by the contract (for example, compensation already paid under this contract).

Terms of compensation for damage

The timing of reimbursement is also set by each company in its own way. They must be written down in the casco insurance rules or in the contract.

Typically, the period ranges from ten days to a month. Of course, delays are also possible, and not only because of the unwillingness to pay the client (it is usually found in small firms), but also for quite objective reasons, for example, a delay in the receipt of the necessary spare parts or a large queue of people wishing to receive a refund.

If the payment period is not specified anywhere, you will have to be guided by the Civil Code, which establishes the obligation of a reasonable payment period. If a month has passed, and there are no payments yet, the obviously reasonable period has ended, and you can demand from the insurance company not only compensation, but also a penalty for the delay in payment.

Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the period during which the damage must be compensated starts from the date of submission of all the required documents.

How does the refund take place?

Usually, the following types of compensation are distinguished:

  • referral for repair;
  • cash payment;
  • s exchange of lost property to a similar one.

The procedure for choosing the type of compensation is prescribed in the insurance rules and / or contract.

Referral for repair

In another way, it is called in-kind compensation. The insurance company sends for repairs to one of the service stations (STOA), which is its partner, and pays the bills provided by this service after the repair, and you receive a completely restored car. If you have an agreement with a franchise, you pay for it before receiving a referral to the workshop. This is the most common type of insurance claims settlement.

Cash payment

Cash payment is made on the basis of:

  • calculations(calculations) based on the results of damage examination;
  • payment documents about the costs of repairs in a car service that is third-party for the insurer.

Funds can be received in cash, or by transfer to a checking bank account. Usually, the method of receiving the money is indicated when applying for payment.

Replacement of property

Replacement of the lost property with a similar one is applied only if the insured item is completely destroyed, that is, theft or the impossibility of its restoration.

By the way. Often, for hull insurance, additional equipment (DO) is insured separately, therefore, there is also a separate indemnification for losses arising from damage or loss of DOs.

If the entire sum insured is not enough to cover the price of the new property (this car in a similar configuration has risen in price), the remaining amount will need to be paid to the policyholder.

How to get paid: a step-by-step guide

All insurance companies have their own casco insurance rules. I will give a general procedure for actions, and some of the nuances, such as terms, lists of documents and others, vary depending on the insurer and the concluded contract. Therefore, check with your insurer for specific actions.

Basic information is contained in the casco rules of the insurance company. You can find them on the insurer's website. You can find out more information on the official website of the company, or by consulting by phone.

Step one - notifying the insurance

In some cases, a preliminary notification of the insurance accident by phone is required, immediately after you become aware of it. Check with your insurance company for details.

You will definitely need to write a statement of payment and submit it along with the documents. The term is set by the insurers, usually 5-7 days. Delay will result in the denial of compensation for damage.

Step two - submit documents

When contacting the IC, an application for receiving an insurance payment is filled in and submitted. It is accompanied by documents established by the rules and the contract, including those according to which the incident is recognized as insured.

When hijacked

In this case, the following documents will be required:

  • (policy). Its loss cannot be grounds for refusal;
  • original TCP;
  • original registration certificate TS;
  • title deeds by car;
  • complete sets of keys, including electronic (cards, chips) from the car and its anti-theft systems;
  • copy of the decree on the initiation of a criminal case;
  • other documents at the request of the insurer concerning a criminal case.

If documents and keys disappeared along with the car, there must be papers confirming this.

Some casco insurance lists the theft of keys and documents as covered incidents.

In case of damage

In case of damage, the following documents are required:

  • original insurance contract;
  • copy of driver's license the person who was driving at the time of the accident;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • originals of documents from the traffic police(certificate of an accident, resolution on an administrative offense (AP), etc.) with the fullest possible description of the circumstances of the incident (if there was an accident);
  • accident notification(if it was issued according to the Europrotocol)
  • documents from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Fire Inspection, etc., confirming the insured event;
  • independent expert opinion if you ordered it
  • work order, invoices and receipts confirming repairs at "own" workshop, if it was produced;
  • proof of evacuation costs and others;
  • certificate from a government agency monitoring the state of the environment and a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs if the damage occurred as a result of natural disasters;
  • other documents submitted at the request of the insurer concerning the criminal case, the results of the medical examination.

As I have said many times, the list of documents changes in various insurance companies.

In some cases, it is not required to provide confirmation of the insured event from the relevant authorities. For more details, see the subheading “Damaged the car myself”.

What is indicated in the documents

The documents confirming the fact of the incident must contain the following information:

  • About the face that ruled the insured vehicle (if the damage was caused while driving);
  • About persons responsible for causing damage, including their passport details, addresses and phone numbers;
  • About damage caused by the accident.

Information about the culprit is especially important, since if the insurance company considers that due to the fact that you did not provide them, it has lost the opportunity to recover from the culprit by subrogation, there will be a refusal to pay. For the same reason, do not abandon the claims against the culprit.

Therefore, try to find witnesses, videos and other evidence. If you have not influenced the ability to identify the culprit, there can be no refusal of compensation.

When to submit documents

It is necessary to notify the insurance company in a limited time, but the documents can be brought later (a vivid example is the repair in your car service).

If you do not notify the insurance company within the prescribed period, the payment will be denied, but the payment period will begin to be considered from the time all documents are submitted.

Step three - present the car

The insurance company will require you to provide her with a car for inspection. This is also an important step towards receiving payments. Ask for a copy of the inspection report.

If the vehicle cannot be restored, its inspection is also carried out to assess the so-called good residues - undamaged parts that can be separated.

The amount of insurance payment is reduced by their price.

Step four - we get an estimate for the repair or we repair the car ourselves

This, as well as the sixth step, is omitted if the vehicle is completely lost.

If you choose to be reimbursed in kind, you will receive a referral for a repair. It is sometimes called an estimate. The term for issuing a referral is equal to the term for making a decision on the payment of compensation. Sometimes a car service can be selected from the list, sometimes - the choice of service is made by the insurer.

The term for contacting the service station is discussed separately. It is usually large enough.

If there is a deductible under the contract, then it is paid either to the insurer before receiving the estimate for the repair, or to the cashier of the service station.

If you decide to restore the car without using the services of the SK, then simply give it to the service of your choice. It is imperative to keep all estimates, work orders, receipts, etc. They will become the basis for determining the amount of payment.

Sometimes it is written in the Casco rules that when hidden breakdowns are found, it is necessary to stop repairs for a while and inform the insurer about them.

Step five - we receive a restored car or insurance payment

The timing of the repair, as well as additional issues arising from the repair, as a rule, are resolved between the insured and the workshop. The insurance company only pays the technical station the provided invoice.

If the car was repaired in a third-party service, we present to the insurance company all documents proving the repair and its payment. The date on which the payment will be made begins to be considered from the submission of the last document. The cash payment can be handed out at the cash desk of the organization, or transferred to the bank account of the beneficiary.

In case of complete loss of the vehicle, it is possible to buy out the remains of the car, with the full transfer of ownership. The purchase amount will count towards the insurance indemnity.

When choosing compensation in the form of receiving similar property, the insurance company transfers the money to the account of the seller, who issues you the corresponding product. If the purchase price is more than the sum insured, the policyholder pays extra.

Step six - showing the repaired car to the insurer

If the contract continues to be valid after the insured event, it is necessary to provide the insurer with the car for re-examination, so that he can make sure that all the specified work has actually been done.

And also the prevention of fraud: so that the same damages are not contacted twice.

How to get cash payment instead of repair

Usually, there are three types of compensation for comprehensive insurance:

  1. money;
  2. compensation in kind(auto repair in the service by agreement with the company);
  3. delivery of property similar to the one lost.

Of course, a car is not sent for repairs when it is pointless to restore it or it is completely lost.

And if you want to fix the car in "your" auto repair shop, then we turn to the insurance contract. It may indicate in what cases what type of payment is due. If there is no such information in it, we look at the casco rules of our insurance company.

In some companies, the decision on the type of payment must be made at the stage of concluding the contract. Sometimes it is assigned to the insurer, in which case it is impossible to get money instead of repairing on your own.

Note. As follows from this paragraph, you will have to take care of the possibility of receiving payment in cash even before signing an agreement on the acquisition of a comprehensive insurance policy.

What should be done

As a rule, insurance companies provide a choice of compensation. If your desire to receive payment in cash does not contradict the contract and the Casco rules, you must declare your desire to receive compensation in cash when writing an application for compensation.

This is done in the form established in a particular organization. This can be a clause on a claim for payment or a separate document.

If you received money

If you received a cash payment and repaired the car in a third-party service, you will need to show it to the insurer after the repair, otherwise a partial or complete refusal to reimburse for subsequent insured events is possible.

If the car is under warranty

The main problem here is this: if the car is not repaired by an authorized dealer, you can lose the factory warranty. Therefore, at the stage of concluding an agreement, provide for this moment.

If the car is damaged, you repair it as described in the subheading “Step five - we get a restored car or insurance payment”. The official dealer will be a third-party workshop for the SK.

If the list of car services cooperating with the insurance company includes an official dealer of the brand of your car, then it is possible to refer to such a technical center. This will already be compensation in kind.

If you are at fault for the damage

The main thing is that property is insured under the comprehensive insurance policy. Compensation for damage under comprehensive insurance in an accident, and in other cases, does not depend on whose fault the damage was caused.

The insured is the culprit of the accident

If the accident did not occur as a result of circumstances leading to the refusal of compensation for harm, then the insurance compensation will be paid regardless of who is the culprit of the accident.

But it is necessary to provide all the documents from the traffic police confirming the fact of the incident and its circumstances.

Damaged the car myself

If there are no participants in the accident, except for the insured, for example, he himself broke the bumper, crashing into the fence, then the repair will be paid. But you will need to provide documents from government agencies about the incident, otherwise the payment will be refused.

If the damage is minor, for example, if you scratched the wing itself, or broke the antenna while driving into the garage, then, as a rule, no documents are required to confirm the causes of the damage. Typically, this damage includes:

  • paint damage on one body part;
  • broken glass;
  • damaged headlight or other external lighting device;
  • side mirror damage;
  • damage to the standard antenna.

The exact list can be found in the Casco rules. There may be limitations on the number of damaged parts, or the number of similar cases.

If the insurance cannot pay

The insurance company stops doing its job, that is, insuring, in two cases:

  • the insurance company no longer has a license;
  • the insurance company no longer exists.

Depending on the specific situation, the probability of receiving payments varies greatly.

Advice. These circumstances can significantly complicate the receipt of insurance payments, or even make it impossible. Therefore, keep track of information on the activities of your insurance company. If you find out about the termination of the insurer's activities before the payment is required, you may have and return some of the money.

Insurance license revoked

That is, the insurer no longer has the right to conclude insurance contracts, but the company itself continues to work. It is possible both to temporarily terminate the license for one or all types of insurance services, and to revoke it forever.

The temporary suspension or limitation of the license does not change the liability of the insurance company to the client. But after the revocation of the license, the insurance is valid only for 45 days in accordance with clause 4.1 of Art. 32.8 of Law No. 4015-1.

Note. During this time, you can terminate the contract and receive a portion of the premium paid.

That is, in a month and a half after the license is revoked, it will no longer be possible to apply to the IC for payments, since the agreement will expire.

We are trying to get with the insurance

Payments are made for another six months after the license is revoked. That is, when you apply for insurance payment on the 44th day after the license termination, you have another 4.5 months to receive payment.

To receive a payment, contact the insurance company in the usual way. If the UK does not want to pay, it will be necessary to order an independent examination of the damage.

Then, attaching the expert opinion to the usual documents required for this insured event, you reapply to the insurance company. Please ask for a copy of your claim with a mark of acceptance.

Pre-trial claim

If there is a refusal or silence in response, we write a pre-trial claim to the UK. It already indicates the requirement to pay with reference to the laws, all documents submitted to receive compensation for comprehensive insurance are attached.

The claim can be taken to the insurance company yourself, and you can demand confirmation that it has been accepted. And also can be sent by registered mail with notification. Be sure to keep your receipt.

The response time is 5 working days. If there was no reaction to the pre-trial claim or a repeated refusal came, you will have to file a lawsuit.


The following documents are attached to the claim:

  • necessary for settlement of losses in the usual case;
  • conclusion of an independent technical expertise;
  • documents confirming additional costs, including payment for the work of an expert, lawyer, etc .;
  • copy of the statement accepted by the insurer;
  • refusal to pay;
  • confirmation of a claim.

If the court satisfies your claim, the damage will be covered in full. If the claim is denied, do not despair, file an appeal with higher courts, taking into account the reasons why you were denied in the court of first instance.

Insurance company went bankrupt

Very often, revocation of a license is followed by a bankruptcy procedure. If the insurance company goes bankrupt, then it will be much more difficult to receive payment, and in full, most likely, it is impossible. But you can and should always try.

So, if the company is declared bankrupt, bankruptcy proceedings will be opened. Your claims, if the insured event occurred after liquidation, will definitely not be among the first to be satisfied, so you should not count on more than 15% of the compensation amount.

To do this, you need to be included in the register of creditors. To do this, you need to write a statement and send it to the arbitration manager, to the court and to the insurer. Information on the bankruptcy case can be found on the Internet sites:

In the event of bankruptcy, everything must be done quickly. The chance to get a refund decreases every day. After two months after the organization is declared bankrupt, there is no practical sense in filing an application.

  • you need to know the rules of comprehensive insurance and the terms of the contract, it is very useful to familiarize yourself with them even before buying the policy;
  • notify the insurance company by phone immediately in the event of an accident;
  • do not cheat, for example, by trying to include old damages in insurance;
  • assert your legal rights to receive payments, if necessary, and in court.


This concludes my story about receiving casco payments. Unfortunately, the possibilities of comprehensive insurance are not endless. Careful study of the casco rules of your insurance company and the provisions of the contract and their exact implementation is a guarantee of trouble-free coverage of all damage received, even in the event of a complete loss of the car.

Have you already received a comprehensive insurance refund? If yes, please tell us in the comments with what interesting features the refund was made. Or did everything go smoothly? Any experience is interesting.

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The comprehensive insurance policy guarantees compensation for damage in case of damage or theft of the car, depending on the chosen insurance option. In the event of an insured event, you must immediately call the company from which the policy was purchased.

Your actions in case of a comprehensive insurance event will be slightly different depending on the nature of the accident. But, in general, their algorithm looks like this:

1. Call the insurance company for instructions on how to proceed in a particular situation.

2. Calling representatives of special services (traffic police, firefighters, police) to fix the damage.

3. Collection of documents confirming the occurrence of the insured event. They can be: copies of protocols, certificates, testimony of witnesses, etc.

4. If the accident commissioner is not provided for in the insurance policy, then in some cases it is necessary to visit the traffic police analysis group.

5. Submission of documents to the insurer. Depending on the circumstances of the case, the set of documents is different:

  • With DPP - a copy of the decision on an administrative offense.
  • In case of hooligan damage - a notification coupon, a certificate of damage (theft of elements) to the car, a copy of the order to initiate a criminal case (or to refuse this action with an indication of the reasons).
  • In the event of a natural impact of nature - if the cause of the damage is hail or heavy rain, then contact the weather service for a certificate of the weather on the day of the incident.
  • In case of fire (ignition) - a certificate of the incident from representatives of the fire service.
  • In case of embezzlement - a coupon notification of the acceptance of the application, a copy of the decision to initiate a criminal case.

Along with this, the insurance company will need:

  • passport / certificate that it has been seized or another identity document: foreign passport, sailor's passport, military ID or birth certificate;
  • a comprehensive insurance policy with a receipt for its payment;
  • car registration certificate;
  • technical inspection coupon;
  • driver's license;
  • bank details for transferring compensation;
  • when it comes to theft, then complete sets of car keys and alarm trinkets.

If the “emergency commissioner” service was chosen when applying for a comprehensive insurance policy, then the owner of the insurance no longer needs to collect all these papers - a specialist from the insurance company will help with this.

6. If the case concerns damage to the vehicle, a damage assessment will be made. The owner of the policy has the right to disagree with the calculated amount of insurance payments for comprehensive insurance and to order an independent assessment, for which he must pay at his own expense. The insurer must agree with the result of this examination.

7. When all formalities are eliminated, the insurance payment is made. The term of payments for hull insurance is spelled out in the insurance contract. If we are talking about damage to the car, then the payment takes place on average in 7-20 days from the date of submission of all documents. If a car is stolen, this period is 2-3 months from the moment the criminal case was initiated.

If the insurer delays the payment or denied it, then the company can be complained about to the Federal Insurance Supervision Service, the Interregional Union for the Protection of the Rights of Policyholders and other organizations.

Let us remind you that in addition to receiving hull insurance payments, there are several other forms of insurance compensation for damage:

  • repairs in the service center in the direction of the insurer;
  • repair at a dealer (car seller);
  • repair at any other service center of your choice.

Aggregate and non-aggregate sum insured

Each insurance company sets limits (maximum sizes) of payments for insured events. The sum insured can be aggregate or non-aggregate.

The aggregate sum insured means the maximum amount of payments for the entire insurance period. This means that if the car is insured for 500 thousand rubles, then in case of one or several insured events, the insurance company will pay a maximum of 500 thousand rubles. For example, if after an accident car repair cost the insurance company 300 thousand rubles, then the sum insured for subsequent cases will be reduced to 200 thousand rubles. In case of damage in excess of this amount, the difference will be compensated by the owner of the comprehensive insurance policy. If desired, the sum insured can be restored for an additional fee.

Non-aggregate sum insured means a specific amount of insurance for each insured event. For example, the car is insured for 500 thousand rubles. In the event of an accident, restoration of the car cost 300 thousand rubles. - the insurance is not reduced by this amount in subsequent cases. This means that if the car is stolen, the insurer can again pay up to 500 thousand rubles.

Please note that insurance coverage for comprehensive insurance policies purchased through is non-aggregate.