Words that include numbers. Compound numbers

1. Cardinal numbers denote the number of items when counting ( two tables, one hundred rubles) or abstract number ( two, one hundred) and answer the question how much?

2. Cardinal numbers change in cases.

    Cardinal numbers do not have gender and number.

    Wed: three people, three windows, three banks.

    Exception make up the numbers one and two.

    The numeral one changes in gender and number, like the adjective.

    One pear, one lemon, one apple, one cream.

    The numerals two and one and a half have two generic forms:

    • masculine and neuter gender - two, one and a half;

      Two tables, two windows, a day and a half.

      feminine gender - two, one and a half.

      Two paintings, one and a half baskets.

3. Declination of numbers:

    declension of numbers one two three four resembles the declension of adjectives;

    numbers from five to twenty and thirty are declined as nouns of the third declension (for example, as a noun steppe);

    the numerals forty, ninety and one hundred with declension have only two forms:

    nominative and accusative - forty, ninety, one hundred,
    other cases - forty, ninety, one hundred;

    when declining complex cardinal numbers 5-80, 200-900, each part of the word changes, although they are written in one word ( fifty - fifty). Moreover, the second part of the numerals 200-900 has archaic endings that do not coincide with the endings of the independent number hundred;

    Wed: one hundred rubles - three hundred rubles; no one hundred rubles - no three hundred □ rubles, to one hundred rubles - three hundred rubles.

    in compound cardinal numbers, all words and all parts of compound words are inclined.

    Five hundred and forty-six - about five hundred and forty-six.

4. Samples of declension of numerals:

Numeral ONE

Simple and complex numbers


1) In the nominative and accusative cases, the numbers from 5 to 20 and 30 are written with ь at the end of the word.

Five, fifteen, thirty.

Numbers from 50 to 80 and from 500 to 900 are in the middle of the word.

Fifty, six hundred, nine hundred.

2) In the middle of the numbers: fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen- ь is not written.

3) The word eleven is written with a doubled consonant.

5. When combined with nouns, the numerals either rule the nouns or agree with the nouns:

    if the numeral is in the nominative case (or in a similar accusative case), then the numeral controls the genitive case of the noun ( two tables, five books), and with the numerals two three four, as well as compound numerals ending in two three four, the noun is singular ( two windows, twenty two windows), for all other numerals - in the plural ( five windows, fifty windows, fifty-five windows);

    if the numeral is in any other case, then the main word is the noun, the numeral is consistent with it.

    Wed: no five windows; to five windows, five windows, five windows.


1) The words thousand, million, billion are classified differently by linguists. Some call them numerals, others call them nouns with the meaning of number. In any case, it should be remembered that these words in their morphological and syntactic features coincide with nouns.

Thousand - refers to the feminine gender and declines as a noun of the 1st declension: no thousand, with a thousand.

Million, billion- words are masculine and are declined as nouns of the 2nd declension: no million, with a million.

2) The words thousand, million, billion like nouns, they always rule the genitive case of the dependent noun, regardless of their own case.

Wed: a thousand rubles, not a thousand rubles, with a thousand rubles, about a thousand rubles.

However, if these words are included in the composition of compound numerals, then there are general rules for combining numerals with nouns.

There is no one thousand five rubles, to one thousand five rubles, with one thousand five rubles, about one thousand five rubles.

B) Collective numerals

1. Collective numerals denote a certain number of objects as one whole.

Two, three, five.

    In modern Russian, collective numerals can denote the number of objects as a whole in the range from two to ten. They are formed from cardinal numbers using the suffixes -оj- ( two → two, three → three) and -ep- ( four → four, five → five, six → six, seven → seven, eight → eight, nine → nine, ten → ten).

    The word both (both) are characterized differently in different textbooks. Some linguists classify them as pronouns-numerals; other researchers - to collective numerals.

2. Collective numerals (except for the word both) can be combined with a limited group of words:

    with nouns that have only a plural form;

    Two forceps, two scissors.

    with nouns children, guys, people;

    Two children, three children.

    with nouns denoting males;

    Two friends.

    with nouns for baby animals;

    Two kittens.

    with personal pronouns.

    There were three of us.

3. Collective numbers are declined like plural adjectives:

4. The word both changes by gender: both are masculine and neuter (there is no wallpaper form!), Both are feminine. The declension of this word resembles the declension of adjectives in the plural, and the masculine / neuter and feminine forms have different bases in the indirect cases.

C) Ordinal numbers

1. Ordinals denote the ordinal number of objects when counting, that is, ordinal numbers, indicating the ordinal number of an object, denote one item.

First day, fifteenth day.

2. Ordinal numbers are formed from cardinal numbers, except for such ordinal numbers as first second.

Five → fifth, thirty → thirtieth.

3. Ordinal numbers, like full adjectives, change in numbers, gender (singular) and cases.

First, first, first, first.

    Their declension coincides with the declension of adjectives. This is why some linguists include ordinal numbers in adjectives.

    Wed: the first is new, the first is new.

4. When declining compound ordinal numbers, only the last word changes (in contrast to the declension of compound cardinal numbers, where each word changes).

One thousand nine hundred and forty-five - in one thousand nine hundred and forty-five; two thousand and three - from two thousand and three.

D) Fractional numbers

1. Fractional numbers not whole numbers are called.

Two thirds, five tenths.

    By value, fractional numbers are adjacent to cardinal numbers.

2. In terms of composition, fractional numbers, except for the words one and a half, one and a half hundred, consist of a cardinal number (the numerator of a fraction) and an ordinal number in the plural (the denominator of a fraction).

Six seventeenths, three fifths.

    Fractional numbers can include nouns zero and whole. it mixed numerals.

    Zero point five.

3. The numeral one and a half changes by gender:

    one and a half - masculine and neuter;

    One and a half days, one and a half apples.

    one and a half - feminine.

    One and a half bottles.

    Numerals one and a half (one and a half), one and a half hundred with declension have only two case forms:

    nominative and accusative - one and a half, one and a half, one and a half hundred;
    other cases - one and a half, one and a half hundred.

§1. General characteristics of a numeral name

The numeral is an independent significant part of speech. Numbers are different in meaning, grammatical features, structure.

1. Grammatical meaning- "number, quantity, order when counting."
Numerals include words that answer questions: How much? Which one?

2. Morphological features:

  • constants - quantitative / ordinal, simple / compound
  • variable - case for all numerals, gender and number for ordinals, and also, in addition, individual numerals have signs that do not fit into the general scheme:
    in some quantitative: genus, for example, one-one-one, two-two,
    number, for example, one-one, thousand-thousand, million-million.

Numbers are declined, changing by cases, and some - by cases, numbers and gender in the singular. On this basis, they relate to names.

3. Syntactic role in a sentence:

  • cardinal numbers, together with the noun that depends on them, make up a single member of the sentence, for example:

    Three magazines lay on the table.

    I bought three magazines.

    The story was published in three magazines.

    Cardinal numbers are included in those members of the sentence, which can be nouns.

  • ordinal numbers are in a sentence a definition or part of a compound nominal predicate.

    Our place is in the tenth row.

    The boy was third.

§2. Bit by value

By value, numbers are divided into two categories: quantitative and ordinal.
Quantitative stand for "number" or "amount". Number is an abstract mathematical concept. Quantity is the number of items. Cardinal numbers, in turn, are divided into sub-categories:

  • whole denote whole numbers and quantities in whole numbers, for example: five, twenty five, one hundred twenty five
  • fractional denote fractional numbers and quantities, for example: one second, two thirds
  • collective express the meaning of the totality: both, three, seven

All subclasses of cardinal numbers have their own characteristics. Wholes and fractions can form mixed numbers, for example: five point and three tenths (or: five point three tenths).

Ordinal numerals indicate the order of counting: first, one hundred and first, two thousand and eleven.

§3. Numeral structure

By structure, numbers are divided into simple and compound.

  • Simple numerals are those that are written in one word: three, thirteen, three hundred, third, three hundredth
  • Composite- these are numbers composed of several words written separately: thirty-three, three hundred thirty-three, three hundred thirty-third .

What happens?

  • Whole quantitative
  • Fractional quantitative- composite.
  • Collective quantitative- simple.
  • Ordinal numerals can be both simple and compound.

§4. Cardinal numbers. Morphological features

Whole numbers

Whole numbers change in cases. If these are compound whole numbers, then all parts change with declension. For example:

I. p. eight hundred five ten six (books)
R. p. eight hundred fifty six (books)
D. p. eight hundred and fifty-six (books), etc.

It can be seen from the examples that for the derivatives of numbers formed by the addition of bases, both parts change with declination.
Of great interest are numerals, which have not only case forms, but also gender or gender and number.

These are numerals: one, two, one and a half, thousand, million, billion and others like that.


Word one changes by gender and number: one boy - male, one girl - female, one state - cf. r., some - plural This number has not one set of forms, like most whole cardinal numbers, but four: for each gender in the singular and for the plural.

The numeral two changes not only in cases, like all numerals, but also in gender: two boys, two girls, two windows (the forms of the middle r. And m. Are the same).

Thousand, million, billion

These numbers are similar to nouns. They have a constant gender characteristic and vary in numbers and cases.

I. p. thousand, thousand
R. p. thousand, thousand
D. p. thousand, thousand, etc.

Fractional cardinal numbers

Except numerals one and a half, one and a half hundred, all fractional components: the first part is a whole cardinal number, and the second is an ordinal: two thirds, five eighths... With declination, both parts change, for example:

I. p. five eighths
R. p. five eighths
D. p. five to eight

One and a half
Numeral one and a half changes not only in cases, but also in gender: one and a half - one and a half, for example:

a day and a half, a week and a half.
(The form of the middle word coincides with the form of the middle word)

One two as part of fractional genders do not change, but are used in the form of f.r., for example:

one eighth, two thirds.

Collective numerals

Collective numbers change in cases. Only the word is special both which has genus forms:

both brothers, both sisters, both states
(The forms m. And Wed. are the same)

§5. Ordinals. Morphological features

Ordinal numbers are closest to relative adjectives. They vary in number, in the singular in gender and in cases, and have endings like adjectives. In compound ordinal numbers, only the final word changes, for example:

I. p. one thousand nine hundred and eighty fourth
R. p. one thousand nine hundred and eighty fourth
D. p. one thousand nine hundred and eighty fourth, etc.

§6. Syntactic compatibility of numerals with nouns

Have cardinal numbers there are peculiarities in syntactic compatibility with the nouns to which they refer.

In I. p. and V. p. they require after themselves nouns in the form of R.p., for example:

eight books, fifteen roses, twenty people.

Moreover, the numerals one and a half, two, three, four require a noun in singular. hours, and the rest - in plural. h.

Two windows - five windows, three roses - thirty roses, four boys - forty boys.

This kind of syntactic compatibility is called control, because the case of a noun is ruled by a numeral.

In all other forms, the type of connection is different, namely: agreement, i.e. numbers agree with nouns in the case.

R. p. five windows, three roses
D. p. five windows, three roses
Ect. five windows, three roses
P. p. (about) five windows, three roses

The exception is the numeral one... It agrees with the noun in all cases.

Fractional numbers have simple one and a half, one and a half hundred combine with nouns as whole.
The rest of the fractional ones are controlled by the R.p. It is possible to use both singular and plural nouns, for example: two-thirds apples (part of the subject) and two-thirds apples (part of the total number of items).

Collective numbers combine with nouns in the same way as whole cardinal numbers. In I. p. and V. p. they run the R. of the item. noun, and in all other cases agree with the noun in the case. With all collective numbers, except both, the noun is used in the plural form, for example, seven kids. And only with both nouns are used in singular: both brother, both sisters.

Ordinals agree with nouns, i.e. behave like adjectives. For example:
first day, seventh a week, eighth day.


in compound numbers, only the final word changes:
one hundred twenty third paragraph (T.p., singular, m.r.),
second hand (T.p., singular, fem.),
fourth window (T.p., singular, Wed.).

Test of strength

Check your understanding of the content of this chapter.

Final test

  1. What grammatical meaning do the numbers express?

    • Number, quantity, counting order
    • Item attribute
    • Indication
  2. What numbers indicate the order of counting and answer the question Which the?

    • Quantitative
    • Ordinal
  3. Is it possible in Russian to combine whole numbers with fractional ones?

  4. Can collective numbers be composite?

  5. Does the number change by gender both?

  6. Can a numeral be a definition?

  7. What kind of syntactic connection does the collective numeral have in the example: Seven kids were waiting for their mother. ?

    • Agreement
    • Control
  8. In what forms do ordinal numbers agree with a noun in case?

    • In all
    • In all, except I. p. and V. p.
    • In I. p. and V. p.
  9. How do collective numbers change?

    • By cases
    • By cases and numbers
    • By cases, numbers and in the singular - by gender
  10. What numerals have subdivisions by value?

    • Quantitative
    • Ordinary

Numeral- one of the simplest parts of speech in Russian. It is easy to find out a numeral - just ask the question "how much" or "which", and if the word answers it, then it is included in this group.

But within a large group, numerals are divided into several varieties. Let's consider the main ones and find out how to attribute a part of speech to one type or another.

What numbers are called prime?

The main distinguishing feature of a numeral is the ability to write a word in numerical form, that is, in numbers. But the records can be very different in appearance and reading - for example, the words "ten", "three hundred and twelve" and "one thousand six hundred and seventy eight."

  • The group of prime numbers consists mainly of prime numbers, which are written in just one word - “six”, “nine”, “four”.
  • It happens that the numeral consists of two or more digits - "twelve", "one hundred", "million". It still remains simple, since there is only one word - and most importantly, only one root.

Compound numbers

But words like "sixty", "eighty" or "seven hundred" are no longer simple. Although they are written in one word, there are more roots here. For example, the word "sixty" consists of the stems "six" and "ten", the word "seven hundred" - of the stems "seven" and "one hundred". Such words are usually called complex, and it is very important not to confuse them with simple ones.

Compound - multiple-word numbers

The main difference between compound numbers and the previous two groups is that they are written in several separate words. Examples are "one thousand sixty eight", "four hundred twenty three", "eight hundred forty one", "twenty two". Almost all fractions also belong to this group - if you write them in words, and not in numbers, you always get a whole phrase.

For example - "one point six tenths", "five ninths", "two thirds". The only exception is the word "one and a half" - it can be used to express the number "one point five".

The declension rules for compound names of numerals deserve a separate mention. They differ depending on the situation. Sometimes the expression is declined in full, for each word - for example, "pay for a purchase in three hundred and forty-three rubles." But in some cases, only the last part of the compound number is transformed. For example, you can take "in one thousand nine hundred and forty-five." As we can see, here the case is changed only for the last part - all the rest remain in the nominative case.

A numeral name is a part of speech with a rather complex structure, since it can express infinitely long combinations of words. In Russian, numerals are divided into two large groups: simple and complex. This article details the characteristics of both groups with examples.

Numeral names stand out from other parts of speech with their complex structure. They have the ability to express one meaning with a very long, almost endless combination of words.

Simple and complex numeral names

Simple numbers consist of one root. Most simple cardinal numbers are non-derivative. Among this category, there are words that originated from other numerals. For example: Seventeen - seven + by + ten; twenty - two + ten.

TO derivative the numeral forty also applies: it has a common root with the modern word "shirt" for a reason. It is believed that for the manufacture of one fur product, which was called "magpie" (something similar to a modern fur coat), it took just 40 sable or marten skins. The same was the name of the bag in which this number of skins was placed. Gradually, the complex numeral "four hundred" was supplanted by a simpler word.

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All cardinal numbers have a corresponding ordinal, formed by the suffix method.

Compound and compound numbers

Many people confuse the names of categories, calling complex combinations of several words, and compound - complex words. To remember the names correctly and not get confused, you can use the following hint scheme:

  • Complicated- formed by addition: seven + hundred - seven hundred, six + ten - sixty;
  • Composite- one that consists of several words written separately: forty two, thirty four, seven hundred seventy, seven.

When declining in quantitative complex numbers, all bases change, and in composite numbers, all parts of the combination.

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A numeral name is a part of speech used to designate the number, quantity and order of objects. Numeral names answer the questions: how much? which? which the? Examples: three, one hundred twenty seven, first, both, four.

The number can mean other parts of speech as well. In contrast, numerals can be written not only in words, but also in numbers: five (or 5) hockey players (number) - a great five (noun).

Simple and compound numbers

By the number of words, numbers are: simple and compound. Simple ones consist of one stem, compound ones - of two stems or several words.

  • Simple - have one stem (describe one number): one, three, eight.
  • Complex - have two bases (describe two numbers), are written together: thirteen, seventy.
  • Compound - consist of several words, are written separately: two thousand fourteen, one hundred and eighty.

In compound numerals, the number of words is equal to the number of significant digits, not counting zeros, but with the addition of the words one thousand, one million, etc. and taking into account the continuous spelling of complex numbers: 102 - one hundred and two, 1501 - one thousand five hundred and one.
Numbers ending in "-thousandth", "-millionth", "-billionth", etc .: five thousandth (bill), one hundred twenty millionth (budget) are written together.

Meaning and grammatical features

Depending on the meaning and use, numbers are divided into cardinal and ordinal.

There are other types of numerals that are usually not considered in the school curriculum: countable (single case, binary code), multiplicative (double blow, triple benefit), indefinite quantitative (few, several). Classification of numerals is an ambiguous issue, since different authors and philologists distinguish different types of numerals. But in the school curriculum, everything is simple, quantitative and ordinal numbers are studied.

Morphological signs

Numeral name is a variable part of speech, numerals are declined in cases. The initial form of the numeral is the nominative case.

All cardinal numbers (whole, collective, fractional) change in cases. Numeral one changes by gender (one, one, one) and numbers (one, one), numeral two - by gender (two, two).

Ordinal numbers change in cases, numbers and gender. The ordinal number agrees with the noun; in the phrase, the ordinal number is a dependent word: the first carriage, the second carriage, the third bell.

The main page of the site describes in detail the declension of all types of numbers with rules, exceptions and examples.

Syntactic function

Cardinal numbers can be any member of a sentence. Ordinal numbers are more often a definition, less often a predicate and a subject.
Twenty is divisible by five (the number twenty is the subject).
Six six - thirty six (the number thirty six is ​​the nominal part of the predicate).
We are traveling in the fifth carriage (the numeral fifth is the definition).
The war ended in 1945 (in 1945 - a circumstance of the time).

A cardinal number combined with a noun is one member of a sentence.
Eight employees of our company are going on a business trip tomorrow (eight employees are subject).
The working day begins at eight o'clock (at eight o'clock - a circumstance).

Numeral gender

The numeral can be written together, with a hyphen, or separately.

It is written together: if it has the meaning "half" and is part of a compound word, the second part of which is a noun in the genitive case and begins with a consonant letter: half a kilogram, half a kilometer, half past three, half an hour;
if it is in the composition of adverbs: in a half-turn, in an undertone;
the word half-liter and the word quarter are written together as part of compound words: quarter-finals. It is written with a hyphen: before a vowel, before a letter l, before a proper name: half an island, half a lemon, half Russia. It is written separately: if it has an independent meaning and is related to the subsequent noun through an agreed definition: half a tablespoon, half a sugar bag.

Abbreviated spelling

Ordinal numbers can have one or two letters to the right (3rd, 21st), there are no other options. If part of the word is written in numbers, and part in letters with its own root, then the accretion to the right is not applied (10th anniversary, 2-ton, 3 percent). In all numbers, starting with five-digit numbers, the whole part of them is divided by non-breaking spaces into groups of three characters each: 18 789 300, 25 000 (but 200, 3700). If four-digit numbers are used in one column or a list with numbers of a higher order, then they are also divided into groups: 15,000, 2,000, 145,000. In Windows, press Alt + Shift + Space to insert a non-breaking space, and Alt + Space for MAC.

Spelling not with numbers

With names numerals negation not written separately. Examples: not two, not the first on the list, it is not the prime meridian that passes through our city.

Usage of zero and zero

Both forms are acceptable. The use of each form has its own rationale.

  • When calculating, comparing, the form zero is often used: zero is less than one, zero whole and one tenth.
  • In the terminological meaning, the form zero prevails: the sum is equal to zero, the street temperature is kept at zero.
  • In stable expressions, both forms are found: zero attention, twenty zero-zero, reduce to zero, temperature of absolute zero.
  • The adjective is often derived from the form zero: zero kilometer, zero mileage.

In Russian, simple and complex numbers are expressed in one word. As a result, there are many difficulties in determining the category of the name of the numeral. This article describes the distinctive features of simple and complex numbers, the features of their declension with examples.

Just like simple, complex numbers are expressed in one word. That is why many have difficulty distinguishing between the words of these two categories. To accurately determine the position of the numeral by meaning, you must be able to see the composition of the word.

What is the difference between simple and complex numbers?

The number of simple numbers is not so large that it would be impossible to memorize all of them. These include numbers from 0 to 20, as well as the word that stands for the number 30.

There are also few complex numbers. These are numbers from twenty to ninety and two hundred to nine hundred. Complex cardinal and ordinal numbers have two roots, which are written together: three + twenty - thirty, five + ten - fifty.

In some simple numbers, historically, two roots can also be distinguished. These words include the names of numbers from 11 to 20 and 30. They include the full first part of the word one, two, four etc., preposition on(in words from 11 to 19) and an abbreviated version of the word “ ten» – twenty... it twenty has already lost its original meaning and has grown together with the first root of the word.

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Another difference between simple and complex numbers is the declension feature. It is not difficult to change the first case by case: they change in the same way as nouns of the 3rd declension (daughter, oven, night).

Wed: seventeen(simple numbered in R. p.) - daughters(noun in R. p.).

In complex numbers, both bases change with declination: eight b ten_ - eighth mi ten ti- eighth ew ten ew; eight b honeycomb_ - eighth and st am- eighth ew st ami.

It is this feature of complex numerals that causes difficulties when using them in oral speech and when writing. In order to avoid mistakes when declining such words, you should remember literally two patterns of their declension.


First foundation

End of the first foundation

Second basis

End of the second foundation




First foundation

End of the first foundation

Second basis

End of the second foundation


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Find in sentences 15 - 18 allnumerals.
Write out from sentences 12 -16 ordinal adjectives.
Write out from sentences 2 - 7 quantitative numerals.

What is required to complete tasks B2

  1. Distinguish numerals from other parts of speech: adjectives, nouns, pronouns, adverbs.
  2. Distinguish between ordinal and cardinal numbers.
  3. Know the spelling of numbers. See Spelling. Interactive training guide. §79 - §80

Reference material

Examples of numerals: first, one hundred, two eighths, six, eleventh, both, one and a half, two thousand thirteen, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-first, million, billion, trillion, one and a half hundred, five point five, three quarters, three, seven

Large lists of adjectives can be found in SOS-e - Consolidated Learning Dictionary. Cm.:

Examples of pronouns: which, each, any, all, how much, so much, a little, some

Examples of nouns: one hundred, third, quarter, on the third (there was dessert)

Examples of adjectives: five-story, two-hour, five-day, triple, double, three-week

Examples of adverbs: together, three, ten, a lot, a little, twice, three times


Usually, people confuse these nouns, adjectives, pronouns and adverbs with numerals, so it is recommended to remember all the above examples. For B2, these are misleading words.

Training number 1

Find all the numbers in the text: just indicate them with the mouse.

In terms of population, Vietnam is located on thirteenth place in the world. About twenty percent of Vietnamese live in cities and the rest in rural areas. Every year the population increases by one million human. Total lives in Vietnam 54 ethnic groups. More eighty percent of the country's population - Vieta, or throw. They inhabit mainly river deltas, coastal plains, large cities. And most of the national minorities live in the foothill and mountainous regions.

Training number 2

Find all the numbers in the text:

As in any multinational state, each of the Vietnamese ethnic groups has its own language and cultural characteristics; at 24 nationalities have their own writing. In general, Vietnamese speak languages eight different groups. More eighty percent of residents use Vietnamese (Kinh). This is the official language of Vietnam.

(Around the World, travel guide, Vietnam)

Training number 3

Vietnamese literature, which arose on the basis of folk art and folklore - many myths, legends, folk songs and dances, theatrical performances - was originally oral. V NS century, texts in Vietnamese began to be written in Chinese characters, they were used before XX century. In modern Vietnamese, the vocabulary of Chinese origin is sixty to seventy percent basic.

V XI - XIV For centuries, literature appeared in tun, modifications of Chinese characters with Vietnamese pronunciation. V XVII century Christian missionaries began to use the Latin alphabet to write Vietnamese words. Over the course of two hundred years, the Cuoc Ngy script, created by the Portuguese Alexander de Rode, has become more and more popular among the Vietnamese themselves. At the end Nineteenth century she received official recognition, and in 1945 year, after gaining independence, it began to be used as the official national script.

(Around the World, travel guide, Vietnam)

Training number 4

Find all ordinal numbers in the text:

Buddhism, the most popular religion in Vietnam, came to II century BC thanks to Indian Buddhist monks, and in XI century became the state religion. During this time, many pagodas and temples were built.

By the end XIV century, features of schism appeared in Buddhism. During the Le dynasty XV century Buddhism gave way to the leadership of Confucianism. However, the ideological influence of Buddhism remains very strong to this day. There are now about 10 million Buddhists in the country. Nowadays, in the beginning XXI century, in Vietnam there are almost 20,000 Buddhist pagodas.

(Around the World, travel guide, Vietnam)

Training number 5

Find all cardinal numbers in the text:

At Thule Zoo in an area around 20 ha live about 600 animals 92 species (reptiles, birds, mammals), including about 40 species included in the Red Book of Vietnam. A small lake and several hills make the park very picturesque. On the territory there is a pagoda known as the Temple of the Kneeling Elephant. It was built during the reign of Li Thanh Tong (1028 - 1054) and is dedicated to Prince Lin Lang, who died fighting Chinese troops on the Kau River. The temple preserved two bronze statues and a large stone slab.

Numeral - This is an independent part of speech, which indicates the number and order of objects when counting (five, twenty-seven, six hundred, nine hundred and thirty-seventh).

Permanent morphological features of a numeral name

1. Simple and compound numbers

  • SIMPLE numerals consist of one word: two, the first.
  • COMPLEX numerals fifty, ninety.
  • COMPOSITION numerals - from two or more words: twenty-two, thirty-first.

2. Cardinal and ordinal numbers

  • QUANTITATIVE numerals denote quantity or number, answer the question HOW?: two thirty.
  • ORDINARY numerals indicate the order of objects when counting, answer a question WHICH THE?: second, thirtieth.

3. Discharge (only for cardinal numbers)

  • WHOLE cardinal numbers denote whole numbers and the number of integers in one: three tables.
  • FRACTIONAL cardinal numbers denote fractional numbers and fractional amounts: two thirds of the table.
  • GATHERING quantitative numbers denote the number of objects as an aggregate: two friends.Includes 9 words: two,
    three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten; both, both.

Variable morphological signs of a numeral name

1. Death

  • I. p. one first student
  • R. p. one first student
  • D. p. one first student
  • V. p. one first student
  • TV. NS. one first student
  • P. p. (About) one first student

2. Number (for ordinal only)

  • Unit h. - first (student)
  • Mn. hours - the first (students)

3. Gender (for ordinals only)

  • M. p. - first (student)
  • J. p. - first (student)
  • S.r. - first (event)

Declension of cardinal numbers

Initial form of numeral names- nominative.

Nominative fifty four one third
Genitive fifty four one third
Dative fifty four one third
Accusative fifty four one third
Instrumental case fifty four one third
Prepositional about fifty about four about one third

When declension of cardinal numbers, all words and all parts of compound words change, and when declension of ordinal numbers - only the last word: five hundred and sixteen - five hundred and sixteen - five hundred and sixteen.

Nominative six hundred forty four parts
Genitive eight hundred and eighty seven trees six hundred forty-four parts seven hundred and eighty two boxes
Dative eight hundred eighty seven trees six hundred forty four parts seven hundred eighty two boxes
Accusative eight hundred eighty seven trees six hundred forty four parts seven hundred eighty two boxes
Instrumental case eight hundred and eighty seven trees six hundred and forty-four parts seven hundred and eighty two
Prepositional about eight hundred and eighty seven trees about six hundred forty-four parts about seven hundred and eighty two boxes

Declension of numbers one and a half, one and a half hundred

Case Masculine gender Feminine Average
Nominative one and a half one and a half one and a half
Genitive one and a half one and a half one and a half
Dative one and a half one and a half one and a half
Accusative one and a half half a tare one and a half
Instrumental case one and a half one and a half one and a half
Prepositional one and a half one and a half one and a half

Declension of collective numbers both / both

Case Masculine gender Feminine Neuter gender
Nominative both both both
Genitive both both both
Dative both both both
Accusative both both both
Instrumental case both both both
Prepositional (about) both (about) both (about) both

Declension of ordinal numbers

Ordinal numbers change in the same way as adjectives - in numbers, gender and cases.

Ordinal numbers formed from complex cardinal numbers are written in one word: fiftieth, three hundredth.
Ordinal numbers ending in - HUNDRED, - THOUSAND, - MILLION, - MILLION, are written in one word: twenty-seven thousandth, forty-eight millionth.

Spelling the soft sign b in numbers

  • B is written at the endfive, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty.
  • B is written in the middlefifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred.


Soft sign B is NOT written in the middle of the following numbers: fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.

Spelling NOT in numbers

NOT with numerals is always written APART: not three, not the ninth.

Morphological parsing of a numeral name

1. Part of speech. Overall value.
2. Initial form (nominative).
3. Permanent signs: simple or compound; quantitative or ordinal; discharge (for quantitative).
4. Impermanent signs: number (if any), gender (if any), case.
4. Role in the proposal.


We came back through ten years.

Ten is number.

1. We returned (when?) Ten years later.

2. N.F. - ten.

3. Post: prime, count, integer.

4. Unpost .: V. p.

5.In toast. member (circumstance).

In Russian, simple and complex numbers are expressed in one word. As a result, there are many difficulties in determining the category of the name of the numeral. This article describes the distinctive features of simple and complex numbers, the features of their declension with examples.

Just like simple, complex numbers are expressed in one word. That is why many have difficulty distinguishing between the words of these two categories. To accurately determine the position of the numeral by meaning, you must be able to see the composition of the word.

What is the difference between simple and complex numbers?

The number of simple numbers is not so large that it would be impossible to memorize all of them. These include numbers from 0 to 20, as well as the word that stands for the number 30.

There are also few complex numbers. These are numbers from twenty to ninety and two hundred to nine hundred. Complex cardinal and ordinal numbers have two roots, which are written together: three + twenty - thirty, five + ten - fifty.

In some simple numbers, historically, two roots can also be distinguished. These words include the names of numbers from 11 to 20 and 30. They include the full first part of the word one, two, four etc., preposition on(in words from 11 to 19) and an abbreviated version of the word “ ten» – twenty... it twenty has already lost its original meaning and has grown together with the first root of the word.

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Another difference between simple and complex numbers is the declension feature. It is not difficult to change the first case by case: they change in the same way as nouns of the 3rd declension (daughter, oven, night).

Wed: seventeen(simple numbered in R. p.) - daughters(noun in R. p.).

In complex numbers, both bases change with declination: eight b ten_ - eighth mi ten ti- eighth ew ten ew; eight b honeycomb_ - eighth and st am- eighth ew st ami.

It is this feature of complex numerals that causes difficulties when using them in oral speech and when writing. In order to avoid mistakes when declining such words, you should remember literally two patterns of their declension.


First foundation

End of the first foundation

Second basis

End of the second foundation




First foundation

End of the first foundation

Second basis

End of the second foundation


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