Honeysuckle cap - description, secrets of planting and care. Curly honeysuckle: types, description and care

June 1, 2015

Ornamental honeysuckles are unusually beautiful during flowering and fruiting, so they should take their rightful place in amateur gardens. This honeysuckle is called the plant of love. On one pedicel, two buds are first born, they also become flowers in pairs, simultaneously turn into berries and “die” together. The legend of Tristan and Isolde tells that honeysuckle grew on their grave and in death the lovers became inseparable, like the buds, flowers and berries of this plant.

The most beautiful types of honeysuckle

In the conditions of central Russia, about 10 types of honeysuckle vines can be grown without much difficulty.

In nature, it is distributed in Europe, North Africa and Asia Minor. A climbing shrub up to 5 m high is distinguished by a large variability in the color of the leaves, dark green above and bluish below. Unlike other honeysuckles, its upper leaves on the shoots do not coalesce into discs. Flowers in dense capitate inflorescences are yellowish, very fragrant. Blooms in June-July for two weeks. The berries are dark red, 0.8 cm in diameter, inedible.

In culture since 1814. It has several decorative forms: ‘Aurea’, which has golden leaves when blooming, ‘Belgica’ with thicker leaves and matte purple flowers. But special attention deserves a grade ‘Serotina’- Liana up to 3 m long. Annual shoots glabrous or slightly pubescent, red or yellowish at the top. The leaves are dark green above, glaucous below, ovate. The flowers are two-lipped, first dark red on the outside, later turn pale, yellow inside. Corolla tube 4-5 cm long, stamens and pistil effectively protrude from the flower. Blooms long and profusely from late June to early August. The berries are red. Much loved by gardeners. IN middle lane Russia is recommended late autumn remove shoots from supports (like clematis) and cover with dry leaves and spruce branches from above. Very interesting variegated variety 'Harlequin', but it is low resistant.

Under natural conditions, it grows in the Caucasus, in Central and Southern Europe. beautiful blooming climbing shrub, the shoots of which rise to a height of up to 6 m, in the conditions of central Russia on a support it reaches 4-5 m.

Young shoots are bare, light green, reddish on the sunny side. The leaves are elliptical in shape, sometimes quite wide, dark green above, bluish-gray below; 2-3 pairs of upper leaves grow together at the base to form an elliptical disk. Leaves sometimes turn yellow in autumn. The flowers are sessile, collected in 1-2 whorls, located in the axils of the uppermost fused leaves, very fragrant, up to 5 cm in length, white inside, outside with purple-red stripes.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is a good honey plant. Bees willingly visit this plant. Blooms in June, starting at 4 years of age. The duration of flowering is 15-20 days. Grows best in full sun, although it can tolerate partial shade. Orange-red fruits on short stalks seem to be glued to the leaf, ripen in August.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle lives up to 50 years. It grows quickly, photophilous, demanding on fertility and soil moisture. Propagated by seeds and summer cuttings, which take root 100%.

Cultivated for a long time decorative forms: ‘Alba’ with white flowers that bloom two weeks earlier than other species, and few-flowered ‘Pauciflora’ with pink-red flowers.

Homeland - North America. It grows in the mountains, in the undergrowth, often on rocky places. Weakly climbing deciduous shrub up to 2 m high. Its leaves are 5-9 cm long: bright green above, gray below, with a narrow, cartilaginous, transparent, often wavy edge. The flowers are greenish-yellow or golden, open in May-June. The fruits are large, up to 1 cm in diameter, red, ripen in August-September. The first flowering and fruiting from 4 years.

Grows in Europe and North America, rare in Russia. Winter-hardy, drought-resistant, shade-tolerant.

Honeysuckle Brown

A hybrid of evergreen honeysuckle and rough honeysuckle. Deciduous liana 2-3 m high. Elliptical leaves, 6-7 cm long, dark green above, bluish below. In the bright sun, young shoots turn red. Very decorative due to the bright color of the flowers and their original form- with a long (up to 4.5 cm) narrow corolla tube. The flowers are fragrant. Flowering is plentiful, inflorescences appear at the end of June. This vine climbs low on a support, looks beautifully laid on the ground, like a groundcover. It is propagated by cuttings. Needs shelter for the winter. Known varieties: ‘Fuchsioides’- crimson flowers; ‘Dropmore’- scarlet flowers.

A complex hybrid with honeysuckle honeysuckle and evergreen honeysuckle. Liana rises to a height of 2-3 m and is very beautiful in flowering: the inflorescences are located at the ends of the shoots and consist of a large number large flowers, each up to 5 cm long, purple flowers outside, orange-yellow inside. Flowering lasts from June to August, less often - until October. To keep this honeysuckle from freezing, it is necessary to plant it on the south side of the house. But still, in other years, shoot damage and weak flowering are possible, as, indeed, with all hybrid honeysuckles.

In Russia there are varieties: ‘Goldflame’- creamy pink flowers 'American Beauty'- yellow-orange flowers.

A hybrid between honeysuckle honeysuckle and evergreen honeysuckle. Valued for abundant flowering and dense foliage. Liana 2-3 m long. The leaves are oblong, obtuse, up to 10 cm in length, bright green above, bluish below. The upper pair of leaves under the inflorescence is fused. The flowers are tubular, golden yellow or light orange-yellow in capitate inflorescences, large - up to 5 cm long. It blooms very effectively and profusely in May-June. The fruits are yellow-orange.

Requires rich organic and moist soils. Light-requiring, but can bloom profusely in partial shade. In severe winters, it is severely damaged by frost. To avoid this, the vines should be removed from the supports and covered with lutrasil and spruce branches. Widely used for vertical gardening in countries Western Europe and southern regions of Russia.

American honeysuckle

A hybrid between Capricole honeysuckle and evergreen Tuscan honeysuckle native to the Mediterranean. It is a semi-evergreen vine, which in areas with a warm climate rises high along the support. In our country, it can be grown in a place protected from cold winds, and covered with dry leaves or spruce branches for the winter. This honeysuckle is interesting for its fragrant, bright, yellow inside and purple outside flowers.

Popular variety in Canada 'Blanche Sandman'- flowers are yellow or orange.

Agricultural technology

The above plants are photophilous. For landing choose a well-lit and protected from the wind place. However, honeysuckle Brown, climbing, Hekrotta in sunny places suffer from heating and drying out of the soil. They need shading the root neck.

Landing. Lianas prefer organically rich and well-moistened soils, do not tolerate close standing ground water and prolonged flooding. acidic soils it is recommended to inform in advance. The distance between plants is 1.5-2 m. The roots are carefully straightened and covered with earth. Then abundantly watered and mulched. The root neck should be at ground level.

The soil mixture consists of soddy soil, humus, sand (3:1:1). The acidity of the soil should be in the range of 7.5-8.5. On heavy clay and poor waterlogged soils, honeysuckle grows poorly. Requires drainage from broken bricks or gravel with a layer of 5-7 cm.

Fertilizer and watering. Early in the spring they make a full mineral fertilizer at the rate of 20-30 g per 1 sq.m. Before flowering, give liquid top dressing "Kemira-Universal" (20 g per 10 liters of water). In the fall they bring in for digging wood ash(100-200 g per 1 sq.m.).

Water moderately 2-3 times per season in hot and dry weather, 10 liters per plant. Creepers respond well to sprinkling. The soil, during its compaction, is loosened on the bayonet of a shovel. Trunk circles after planting are mulched with peat with a layer of 3-5 cm.

Cutting and shaping. They are made as needed for one third of the length of the shoots. Always remove diseased and thickened branches. If you notice a decrease in growth, then rejuvenation of the bush is recommended. Liana is recovering well.

Diseases and pests. Ornamental species of honeysuckle are rarely damaged by diseases and pests.

Preparing for winter. Winter hardiness is medium or high in honeysuckle honeysuckle and climbing honeysuckle. But in severe winters, they freeze slightly. Heat-loving decorative forms for the winter are removed from the supports and covered with spruce branches.

Reproduction of honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is easily propagated by seeds. It is better to sow them in the fall. At spring sowing stratification is needed for 4 months at a temperature of 2-5ºС. Curly and varietal honeysuckles are propagated vegetatively: green and lignified cuttings, layering, shoots from a stump. The rooting rate of cuttings is high - up to 95%.

Cut green cuttings at the end of June 15-18 cm long so that the upper cut is 0.5-1 cm higher and the lower one is 1-1.5 cm below the kidney. They are planted in April on loose, pre-watered ridges at a distance of 12-15 cm. The cuttings are regularly watered, the soil is loosened. After the beginning of rooting, watering is reduced, and shading is left for a while. The following year, rooted seedlings are dug up and planted for 1-2 years for growing in greenhouses.

Honeysuckle is propagated by layering by digging a lignified shoot to a depth of 10 cm. Separate from mother plant it can be next year.

Use in design

Honeysuckle can be used for vertical gardening or as a groundcover. Creepers are planted near terraces, railings, fences. In most climbing honeysuckles, it becomes exposed with age Bottom part creepers, therefore, it should be planned to plant other plants near it in the foreground: climbing roses, coniferous and undersized deciduous shrubs.

Project www.site thanks magazine "Gardens of Russia" for the submitted article.

PS: Candidate of Biological Sciences Maya Alexandrova described other types of honeysuckle in the article

Among the many species of honeysuckle (Lonicera), there are both bushy and vines - deciduous and evergreen. Honeysuckle vines are good as ground covers and for vertical gardening (decorating arches, retaining walls and arbors; masking the trunks of old trees and hedges). Curly honeysuckles adorn the garden at any time of the year, especially during the flowering period, when they are completely covered with elongated tubular flowers in spectacular inflorescences at the ends of the shoots.

Liana-like honeysuckle has many advantages: numerous leaves and abundant flowering, bright and fragrant flowers (these are excellent honey plants), decorative fruits. The leaves of most types of honeysuckle are elliptical, dark green above, gray below.

Among the honeysuckle-lianas in the garden, the species most often grown are:

Or fragrant(L. caprifolium) - deciduous liana, capable of rising to a height of 10 meters with the help of a support. In central Russia, this is the most common of the climbing honeysuckles; it is quite frost-resistant, hibernates under the snow (the tips of the shoots often freeze slightly). Honeysuckle is photophilous, demanding on fertility and soil moisture. The leaves are quite large (the upper 2-3 pairs of leaves are fused), turn yellow at the end of October. The flowers that appear on honeysuckle honeysuckle in early summer are very fragrant (especially in the evening), white or yellowish inside, purple or reddish outside. Its flowering lasts about 3 weeks. Elegant fruits ripen in early August and adorn the vine until late autumn. Orange-red honeysuckle berries have a short stem, framed by green leaves, they seem to glow.

- honeysuckle gray(L. dioica) outwardly very similar to honeysuckle, but more "miniature" (up to 2 meters high). Decorative, stable, easy to propagate.

- curly honeysuckle, or honeysuckle german(L. periclymenum) - common European deciduous honeysuckle (up to 5 meters long). Unlike ordinary honeysuckle, this species does not have fused leaves on the tops of the shoots. It grows successfully in partial shade in a well-ventilated place, on rich soils. Blooms in June-August; depending on the variety, the color of the flowers is white, yellow-pink, purple. The fruits are red. In the conditions of Moscow, annual shoots freeze slightly, but then the plant quickly recovers.

- honeysuckle american(L. americana) - the most powerful climber of all climbing honeysuckles (reaches a height of 6 meters) with dark purple-violet shoots and a dense branched crown. Blooms in July for about 2 weeks; large fragrant cream flowers with a purple base. Prefers loose, nutritious, moderately moist soils.

- honeysuckle Hekrotta(L. heckrottii) - a hybrid of American and evergreen honeysuckle, growing up to 3-4 meters. The flowers are bicolor (yellowish inside, purple outside) or orange-pink. Blooms continuously from June to September. In the conditions of Moscow, it suffers from frost.

- Brown's honeysuckle(L. brownii) - a hybrid of evergreen and rough honeysuckle; reaches a height of 2.5 meters. Has a lot garden forms with different colors of flowers (they are usually odorless), appearing on the plant intermittently from June to late autumn.

- honeysuckle Telman(L. tellmaniana) is a very decorative deciduous vine of hybrid origin. Blooms from the second half of June for 3 weeks; orange-yellow flowers, odorless.

Evergreen and semi-evergreen honeysuckle vines are very beautiful, but, unfortunately, they are very thermophilic; among them:

- Japanese honeysuckle(L. japonica) - a semi-evergreen or evergreen liana with yellow flowers, climbing on a support to a height of up to 6 meters; there is a form with golden, wrinkled leaves. It is successfully grown in regions with a warm climate, in Moscow conditions it freezes heavily (even under snow) until death.

- honeysuckle henry(L. henryi) - semi-evergreen liana with brownish-red flowers; brings out shading. It is thermophilic, in the conditions of Moscow it freezes.

- honeysuckle evergreen blooms for 4-5 months with large reddish or orange flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, which are then replaced by brightly colored fruits. Very thermophilic.

Most types of honeysuckle vines like a sunny location, but shading at the base is very favorable for them. Creepers are quite shade-tolerant (however, in the shade, flowering of honeysuckle begins later and is less plentiful).

Honeysuckle-lianas grow quickly, many species are undemanding to the soil (but develop better on fertile, moist soil), they tolerate transplanting and pruning well due to their high shoot-forming ability. The vine is thinned out after flowering, while cutting out the extra old stems.
Honeysuckle growing on infertile soils is recommended to be fed with mineral fertilizers in the spring.

breeds curly honeysuckle easy: seeds, green cuttings, layering.

All about honeysuckle on site site

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Evergreen honeysuckle ( Lonicera sempervirens) is a beautiful liana that blooms profusely in warm sheltered places throughout the summer with bright red and orange flowers.

This climbing evergreen or semi-evergreen shrub reaches a height of up to 3 m. The shoots are bare.

Elliptical or ovate leaves, 3-8 cm long and 1.5-5 cm wide, sit on short petioles. The upper side of the leaves is smooth, dark green, the lower side is bluish-gray, sometimes with soft pubescence. Often 1 or 2 pairs of leaves under the inflorescence grow together into a round or slightly oblong disk.

Evergreen honeysuckle flowers are odorless. Their color varies from yellow to orange-red. The corolla is 4-5 cm long. The stamens and style protrude slightly beyond the limb. The color of the berries is scarlet red.

Evergreen honeysuckle is widely distributed in North America. Introduced in 1686. Introduced in our country in 1816.

In the European part of the USSR, young shoots of this type of honeysuckle suffer from frost. It is quite justified for Central Asia, the Caucasus, Ukraine.

A more stable hybrid of evergreen and rough honeysuckles is Brown's honeysuckle, which has forms with flowers of red, orange-red, dark orange-red hues.

Honeysuckle Brown blooms annually in Moscow, secondary flowering is often observed early autumn, but the fruits are often not tied.

There are a lot of honeysuckles decorative types, but domestic gardeners are rather poorly aware of them. One of these rare, but very interesting varieties is the honeysuckle Hat. Its natural habitat is the mountainous regions of central and western China. It is there that the bush reaches its greatest picturesqueness.

Honeysuckle Hat came to us from distant China

Botanical description of the species

Honeysuckle Hat was introduced into the culture at the beginning of the last century. Thanks to the unusual appearance, the variety quickly spread throughout Europe, and then penetrated into Russia, but took root only in the southern and middle regions.

A low evergreen shrub in the conditions of its native China reaches a meter height, but in the climate of Moscow it grows only up to 30 cm. It is distinguished by a flat, spreading crown with a diameter of up to 1.5–2 meters. Rigid, non-bending shoots spread along the ground, easily rooting at the point of contact with the soil.

This is interesting. Chinese honeysuckle is resistant to urban environments, easily tolerates air pollution and is not affected by pests.

The leaves are small, oblong, lanceolate, glossy, dark green above, and pubescent along the veins below. Petioles are thick and short. At home, honeysuckle Hat blooms with fragrant white flowers of a tubular-funnel shape. In September-October, fruits appear - rounded berries of a red or purple hue.

In Russia, Chinese honeysuckle barely reaches 30 cm in height.

Honeysuckle belongs to the evergreen shrubs. If the microclimate of the site allows, you can try to plant this amazing plant. Thanks to its open crown, it will winter under the snow, and in the spring it will delight with bright green foliage. But the culture will not bloom and bear fruit.

Planting and reproduction

Most honeysuckles are picky about the composition of the soil, but prefer loam. The Chinese guest is not original in this regard either. The form grows well in any drained soil with an alkaline or neutral environment. Feels great in the sun, but prefers light partial shade.

Honeysuckle Cap is planted only in autumn, with the beginning of leaf fall. This is due to the early awakening of culture. Already in mid-March, buds swell on the shrub and roots begin to function, which are easily damaged during spring work.

Landing Rules

Planting and Hatching is not as complicated as it might seem. There are several simple rules, observance of which guarantees a good result:

  1. Wells for young plants are prepared in advance. The selected area is cleared of weeds and debris, lime if necessary.
  2. At a distance of 2 meters from each other, they dig holes with a diameter of 40x40 cm. Upper layer soil is mixed with a bucket of humus, a glass of ash and 2 tablespoons of superphosphate are added to the mixture. The composition is shoveled and placed back in the hole, covered from the rain.

Step-by-step process of planting honeysuckle Hat:

  1. Nutrient soil is poured into a pre-prepared pit with a cone.
  2. A seedling is placed on top, the roots are straightened and covered with light soil. container plants roll over with a clod of earth.
  3. The soil is compacted and well shed with water.
  4. The trunk circle is mulched with peat or sawdust.

After planting, young seedlings are not pruned. Plant formation begins from the second year, removing diseased and broken shoots.


Hat with green cuttings and layering. An adult bush takes root easily at the point of contact of the shoots with the ground.

Advice. To speed up the process, the selected branch is pinned to the soil, watered and covered with a film. After 2-3 months, the young bush will grow a powerful root system and will be ready to transplant.

Chinese honeysuckle care

Honeysuckle Hat is demanding on moisture only at a young age. Mature plants easily tolerate lack of water and dry air. They try to time watering the culture in the morning or evening hours, adding 10–15 liters of liquid under each bush.

Loosening of the near-stem zone is carried out to a shallow depth, since the roots of adult honeysuckle often rise to the surface. For 5-6 year old plants, it is better to use mulching.

The first feeding is carried out 2 years after planting. In early spring, 25-30 grams of ammonium nitrate are added under each bush. In July, the culture is fertilized with organic matter at the rate of a bucket of compost per 1 m². In autumn, 1-2 cups of ash are placed in the root zone and Matchbox double superphosphate.

Pruning honeysuckle Hat

The Chinese guest tolerates pruning well. During sanitization, dry, frozen and damaged shoots are removed. This heals the bush and enhances branching.

Starting from the age of 5, they begin anti-aging pruning. Annually, 1-2 old shoots are removed, replacing them with young ones. Frozen branches are shortened to the point of damage. The procedure is carried out after the appearance of a green cone. During this period, frost-beaten stems are clearly visible.

How to properly prune the honeysuckle Cap, can be seen in the photo.

Scheme of molding honeysuckle pruning

Winter hardiness culture

The Chinese form is able to withstand temperatures down to -23.0 ° C, which corresponds to the south and center of Russia. In other regions, bushes must be covered and additionally covered with snow. However, even such measures will not help to grow Chinese honeysuckle in northern regions countries.

Diseases and pests

The culture is rarely affected by insects and, but in damp, cool summers, fungal infections and viruses can appear on the plant. The first includes powdery mildew and rust. Reticulated mosaic is the most common viral disease. Young succulent shoots are often attacked by aphids, leafworms, moths and spider mites.

To combat fungal and viral diseases, systemic fungicides are used:

  • Vectra;
  • Topaz;
  • Speed;
  • Gamair.

They get rid of harmful insects with the help of Inta-Vira, Fitoverm, Aktara, Aktellik, Fufanon.

Honeysuckle cap can be used as a ground cover, creeping plant. This unpretentious and frost-resistant culture is especially good in the foreground in composition with conifers. Single bushes can be planted on Alpine rollercoaster or decorate retaining walls with them.

In the spring, gardeners are faced with the task of how to decorate the site, what to plant to give beauty and charm to the garden. An amazing decorative curly honeysuckle comes to the rescue. She can quickly grow on the site and decorate a wall, fence, gazebo or arch. Expert advice will help you figure out how to properly grow, protect against diseases and propagate a beautiful plant.

The shrub is used as decorative ornament. This plant is able to give a unique charm to the garden, create coziness and saturate the space with aroma. The site will be filled with bright colors if you plant different types of honeysuckle.

The plant fell in love with gardeners for unpretentiousness, beauty and fragrance. The stems of the plant rise up, obediently wrap around the supports, so it is ideal for vertical gardening.

Curly honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum) is a climbing shrub. The species of the genus Honeysuckle belongs to the Honeysuckle family.

Carl Linnaeus, the famous botanist, gave the name to this type of shrub - Lonicera. In memory of the German scientist Adam Lonitzer, who lived in the 15th century. For the first time, a description of the plant appeared in the writings of Stepan Krasheninnikov, the famous Russian explorer of the 18th century. On the territory of Russia, honeysuckle has spread since the beginning of the 20th century.

Types of decorative curly honeysuckle

In nature, there are many species of this plant. The following are popular:

  1. The most common honeysuckle is Honeysuckle. From mid-May it is strewn with flowers, and by the end of the end of summer it wears beads of bright berries. Frost-resistant. Up to 6 meters in height.
  2. Curly honeysuckle has flowers of white, purple and Pink colour. Flowers of the variety "Serotina" crimson hue. The fruits are poisonous.
  3. Brown's honeysuckle does not tolerate frost well. It has flowers of the original carrot color, and the variety "Dropmore Scarlet" is orange. The height of the bush is 5 meters.
  4. Honeysuckle Tatarskaya is the hardiest species. Flowers are white and pink. Red flowers in the varieties "Amold red", "Morgen Orange", "Elegant". Bred along the Middle Volga, Kazakhstan, from Siberia to Altai.
  5. Korolkov's honeysuckle is distinguished by abundant flowering of lilac and pink hues. Unpretentious, loves the sun.
  6. Gerald honeysuckle is frost-resistant, does not shed leaves for the winter, flowers yellow shade, fragrant.
  7. Type of honeysuckle - Hekrot. Abundant flowering yellow-pink tint. Bush height up to 4 meters. Blooms for a long time.
  8. Maca honeysuckle is frost-resistant. Large white flowers, pleasant aroma. Bushes up to 3-4 meters in height.
  9. Honeysuckle Serotina blooms all summer. The aroma is delicate, like the aroma of linden. Flowers maroon-brownish, moth-shaped.
  10. Japanese honeysuckle. Differs in originality of foliage. The leaves are light green with yellow veins. Fear of frost.
  11. In the forests and groves of Russia, real honeysuckle grows. Or wolfberries. Differs in flowers white color and red berries.
  12. In the Caucasus, Georgian honeysuckle and Caucasian honeysuckle are known. Purple flowers. The fruits are red and black.
  13. Evergreen honeysuckle frost-resistant species. All summer the creepers are strewn with raspberry-colored flowers on the outside and yellow on the outside. inside flower.

Description of honeysuckle Honeysuckle

Gardeners liked the most decorative climbing honeysuckle Honeysuckle.


  1. Honeysuckle Honeysuckle (decorative inedible vine). Lonicera Caprifolium tolerates heat and cold. It blooms from the second half of May and exudes an unusual aroma for a month. They call honeysuckle honeysuckle fragrant liana. Plant height reaches 4-5 meters. The branches are strewn with flowers. Flowers are complex, unusual and change color when blooming.
  2. The name "Kaprifol" means "goat leaf". The appearance of the flower resembles the horns of a goat and originally grew in an area where goats walked.
  3. Shoots are bare, green. During the season they grow by 1-2 meters. The life expectancy of a shrub with good care is 50 years. Old shoots with dense bark. On the branches there are suction cups that are attached to the trellis or wall. The leaves of the vine are dense, medium-sized, green. Oval or oblong. The leaves on the shoot grow together at the base.
  4. Flower color ranges from light pink to burgundy. Yellowish white inside, dark purple outside. The form is unusual. The stamens are long, protrude far, collected in bunches, located at the base of the fused leaves.
  5. In flowering time from May to July - emit a pleasant aroma. It intensifies in the evening.
    The fruits are orange-red, small, round. 6-7 mm in diameter, bitter, inedible.
  6. The stalks are short, the berries are glued to the leaves. Bright berries look beautiful against the background of green leaves. It adds charm and sophistication to the garden. Grows preferably in sunny and warm places. It tolerates light shade and city conditions well.
  7. The place should be protected from drafts as far as possible. He likes to curl up on the wall, on which the tapestries are stretched.
  8. Honeysuckle tolerates frost and drought, undemanding to watering. Feels great on different soils. Tolerates acidic and salty soils. Does not lose attractiveness on rocky ground.
  9. All kinds of curly decorative honeysuckle decorate the garden from spring to autumn. Give the site mystery and privacy. climbing vines used in landscape design for decorating a playground, decorating a gazebo, fencing from neighbors, decorating a barn or an unpresentable wall. Often used to decorate pillars.
  10. Also, honeysuckle decorates the entrances of offices, shops, clinics located on the ground floors.

Planting decorative honeysuckle

The best time for planting is April, May. In spring, the plant wakes up. You can also plant in the fall. The soil must be free of weeds before planting. The earth must be rich in nutrients. The soil reaction is preferably PH 5.5-6.5. If the soil is acidic, add lime. Before planting, add 200 grams of lime per 1 m2 to the soil.

Buy honeysuckle seedlings at plastic containers with fertilizers. In this case, the root system is not damaged and will take root well. Bare root seedlings are planted in autumn or in early spring when the plant is sleeping.

For landing you need:

  1. Two or three days before planting, dig holes at a distance of 2.5-3 meters.
  2. Lower the drainage in the form of expanded clay, crushed stone or another.
  3. Pour fertile soil. For 2 buckets of compost, 50 grams of superphosphate and 1 kilogram of ash. For sandy soil, add clay.
  4. Water generously.
  5. They put the seedling in the center, on a small hill.
  6. They fall asleep with soil, the root neck is not deepened.
  7. Watering and pouring the soil.
  8. The earth around the seedling is mulched.

Water often, cover with dry grass for the winter.


Honeysuckle does not require special care. Every spring it is necessary to make organic fertilizers and sprinkle with ash solution. In hot weather, it is desirable to water abundantly, loosen and cover the root system with mulch.

Adult plants are fed with humus in the spring. In summer, mineral fertilizer or mullein infusion is added. It is best to produce before mid-July. Pruning and shaping the bush is best done in the spring. When there are no living kidneys yet.

In order for honeysuckle not to suffer from aphids, insects and larvae, in trunk circle sprinkle with superphosphate, ash or lime. For the winter, sprinkle with a 5% solution of urea. For prevention, use the drug Bitoxibacillin or Lepocid. With the onset of cold weather, it is better to cover the vine from freezing.

Reproduction of honeysuckle

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • layering;
  • division of the rhizome;

For cuttings, it is necessary to prepare a sand-peat mixture. The branches are cut into cuttings with three internodes. You can hold it in Kornevin's solution or simply dip it in powder. After that, the cuttings are buried in the prepared mixture. Twigs take root. In the spring, the cuttings are planted in the ground.

For planting seeds, you need to take the seeds of the second year. Sow in the spring. Remove the seeds from the fruit, rinse, dry, stratify. After that, they are sown for seedlings. Ready grown seedlings are transplanted in the summer on permanent place residence.

An easy way to propagate honeysuckle is by layering. To do this, a branch of a growing vine is added dropwise to the ground and fixed in several places with staples. A small incision is made on the branch first. Roots grow at the incision site. After that, the branch is separated and transplanted to another place.

In autumn, the rhizomes of the plant are divided. The root is dug up and divided into parts. Parts of the roots are added dropwise, covered. Young shoots grow in spring.


In order for the Caprifol liana to have a decent appearance, it is necessary to arrange a support. The support can be wooden, metal, made of strong mesh or twine. The shoots spread out and create an oasis of color. When the shoot has grown, it is shortened.

Cut off the top. After that, young lateral branches grow. Honeysuckle has one feature. Honeysuckle stems are attached to the surface with roots and braid the support counterclockwise. Pruning gives the bush shape and rejuvenates the plant.

Diseases and pests

In the summer, in the heat, honeysuckle is attacked spider mite. In this case, the leaves of the vine are folded into tubules. The plant is damaged powdery mildew and aphids. To protect the plant from pests, the bushes are treated with fungicides. The gardener chooses the remedy on his own or with the help of a specialist. Advice can also be found online. It is preferable to do the processing in advance.

If the soil is sandy or simply depleted, then organic humus from composted manure is poured under the roots of climbing honeysuckle. Compost from food waste is also suitable. Organic matter promotes the growth of soil bacteria, improves soil structure.

It turns out an organic perpetual motion machine, which is served by worms. You can forget about expensive imported fertilizers. No need to fertilize plants with nitrates, which destroy the human body. Organic waste makes excellent fertilizer. In Europe, waste has long been sorted and used for its intended purpose.