Pelargonium ivy reproduction. Pelargonium ampelous: home care

Pelargonium (geranium) ivy is an evergreen shrub that can be grown on balconies, in offices, in winter gardens, apartments, on terraces, open areas, in houses, like an ampel tree. The homeland of the plant is South Africa. Main feature geranium is that it has a hanging shape. The plant got its name due to the shape of the leaves, which are the same as those of ivy. Long branches of geranium - curly, very flexible. They can be over 1 m in length. Soft leaves have a smooth base. Among flower growers, the plant is valued for its abundant, long flowering, per unusual shape leaves.

It is not only a beautiful, attractive plant, but also hardy. It can be kept outdoors from April to October. The color of the flower can be very diverse: pink, beige, purple, orange, lilac, two-color, crimson, red, striped. Double or simple flowers are collected in umbellate plants. This type of geranium is considered universal, due to the unpretentiousness of the flower and endurance. The plant blooms in the spring and summer.

Currently, about 75 varieties of ivy pelargonium are known.

Ivy Pelargonium Care

Providing the plant with proper care at home, it will reward the owner in a royal way - with an abundance of bright colors.

Lighting. Since geranium is a light-loving plant, direct sunlight is not dangerous to it. Ideal for sunny locations. Drought tolerant. If you provide the flower with additional lighting in winter, then it is not necessary to cut off the ground part. Lack of light damages geraniums. The pots can be placed on the west or south side.

Optimum temperature: 13-15 C - c winter time, up to 25 C - in summer. The plant firmly tolerates dry air, and may die from a slight frost.

Off-topic question ... Question about summer cottages

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there is a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield up to 50-70%.

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Watering. Thanks to the dense geranium leaves, they do not immediately wither, even if the soil is very dry. This type of pelargonium needs regular watering with settled water - especially in hot weather. We must observe the measure. You can not bring to dryness of the earth. Care should be taken to avoid stagnation in the pots, or mold may develop. Stagnation can be prevented if done for the plant good drainage from expanded clay. The leaves are not adapted to moisture, so they do not need to be sprayed. Otherwise, rotting, serious diseases are possible. In winter, watering of pelargonium is reduced. The plant is watered only when the earthen lump has dried well.

Transfer. The flower can be transplanted into pots or tight pots every 2 years. If the pot is in good time, you can only replace the top layer. In order for geranium to grow well, develop, bloom, it needs a small pot.

Fertilizer. The plant, like other decorative flowers, needs fertilization. Pelargonium should be fed weekly during the flowering period with a mineral complex fertilizer, which contains potassium. It is useful to water geraniums with milk diluted with water. Fertilizers such as Biomaster and Kemira-Lux can be used.

The soil. Useful light loamy, fertile soil containing a large amount of potassium.

An earthen mixture is prepared in the following proportions:

  • Low-lying peat -2 parts,
  • Sand - 1 part,
  • Sod land -2 parts,
  • Leafy land - 2 parts.

It is not superfluous to add a baking powder to the soil - vermiculite. It can be purchased at flower shops.

Correct care when growing - the key to successful flowering of the plant.


At home, propagation of an ivy variety can be performed: by cuttings, seeds.

Seed propagation is only possible for experienced growers. It is best to use cuttings propagation.

Green cuttings must be dried within 24 hours, then they are dipped into coal powder, after which they are planted at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. The soil is compacted on the sides. For rooting, cuttings can be placed in a mixture of peat and sand, or in wet sand, removing from the cutting lower leaves... If there are buds or flowers at the top, it is best to remove them. First, the soil should be disinfected in the oven. You can plant rooted cuttings in peat pots... The cuttings will take root after a month, and soon they will bloom.
The plant can be propagated by seed from December to April to a depth of 5 mm. They will germinate in a warm place after 2 weeks. Careful watering is important when growing seedlings. Do not allow the soil to dry out, to fill the plant. After 3 weeks, you can pick the seedlings. Pelargonium grown from seeds blooms after 5-6 months.

In order for ivy-leaved pelargonium to always have an attractive appearance, it is necessary to promptly remove the already faded inflorescences, yellowed leaves along with the peduncles. It is important for the plant to maintain symmetrical shape... The pot should be rotated every 10 days for even illumination.

Providing the plant with proper care, it is necessary to treat it with retardants to obtain compact pelargonium.

How to properly form a pelargonium bush?


In wet weather, the plant can form gray mold, slugs, snails on the flower cap. It is better to remove damaged flowers.

When caterpillars appear, they should be destroyed by sprinkling pelargonium with an insecticide. It must also be protected from rodents.

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Geranium is the popular name for the large Pelargonium family. In total, it includes about 250 species. Real geraniums are found throughout middle lane Russia. They are cold-resistant and are used in folk medicine and landscape design... Plants that live on our windowsills are from warm regions. Ivy (ampelous) geranium is native to southern Africa. The Cape region of southern Africa is home to many indoor plants.

Despite the fact that she feels great outdoors in summer, this plant is not capable of wintering in central Russia.

At temperatures below 10 degrees, the flower will suffer greatly, and at 0, it will irrevocably die.

The pelargonium family was conventionally divided into three groups:

  • the first group - zonal pelargonium;
  • the second group is large-flowered;
  • the third group is called ivy, ampelous geranium or thyroid.

The ancestor of this group is thyroid pelargonium.

All members of the family are saturated to varying degrees essential oils and are used in cosmetology and medicine.

Ampel geranium is not yet often found in vertical gardening. Its strong stems stretch up to a meter. Beautiful, dense, five-toed leaves are similar to ivy leaves and, depending on the variety, are solid or variegated (up to 6 centimeters in diameter). Thanks to the leaves, another name for this type of geranium appeared - Pelargonium ivy. The leaves are arranged alternately.

On the upper part of the stem, in the leaf axil, long peduncles appear with a beautiful lush umbellate bloom. The corolla has a variety of colors and shapes. There are simple corollas of five petals, and complex double or rosy ones. The diameter of a flower, depending on the variety, can be from 1.5 to 4 centimeters. The inflorescence itself can reach 8 centimeters in diameter and consist of 30 flowers.

The root system is fibrous, very strong, capable of keeping the plant on fertile soils in the highlands.


For lush flowering, the plant needs good lighting and timely fertilization. The first two are three spring feeding must contain large amounts of nitrogen. If you continue to feed the plant with such fertilizers, then flowering may not come or will not be long and weak, and the green mass of the flower will be very lush. From the third or fourth feeding, the fertilizer should contain potassium and phosphorus to obtain early and abundant flowering.

A small pot is essential for flowering. When transplanting a plant into a new container, you need to make sure that it is only 2-3 centimeters larger than the previous pot.

Timely spring, and especially autumn, pruning will allow flower buds to be laid. Autumn pruning should be deep and mostly on old, bare stems. In the spring, pinching is enough, by cutting the flower strongly, you can lose peduncles.

Types and varieties

At the moment, breeders have bred about 70 species of ivy-leaved pelargoniums. Ampel geranium has undergone a long selection, due to which varieties with various colors of petals appeared - monophonic and with edging (or strokes). The varieties also differ in the structure of the flower - they can be simple and symmetrical, or double and rosebuton. Some varieties of ivy geraniums have decorative foliage with a yellow or pinkish edge, similar to ivy leaves, but tougher.

Summer rain

Pelargonium ampelous Summer rain

Pelargonium ampelous Summer rain reaches 80-100 centimeters in length. Leaves are green and smooth, can grow up to 8 centimeters. The umbrella has 5-8 simple flowers. Flowering begins in May and continues until mid-autumn.

The plant is unpretentious, suitable for both indoor cultivation and outdoor cultivation in summer.

Loves bright sun and moderate watering. Abundant watering and spraying will lead to rotting of the plant.

The soil for sowing seeds should consist of peat and sand, and for an adult plant, heavy soil with the addition of clay is suitable, since the native land of the plant is the mountainous area. In winter, the temperature in the room should not fall below 10 degrees and should not exceed 15 degrees.

Can be used as a summer groundcover under large trees or for flowerpots and balcony boxes.

Crystal queen

Pelargonium Crystal Queen

Pelargonium Crystal Queen branches strongly, forming a powerful, spreading bush. Only two plants are enough for one planter. The very strong stems are resistant to winds and stretch up to 30 centimeters, forming a lush green cap, covered with white flowers during flowering. Flowering begins in May and ends in September.

For long-term abundant flowering, it is necessary to constantly remove faded flowers. Prefers south and west windows when home cultivation... There are pink and red hybrid varieties.


Geranium ampelous (ivy-leaved) Tuscany

This type of pelargonium has several varietal forms, differing in a variety of colors. The plant is capable of growing up to 50 centimeters and blooming from May to the beginning of frost. Semi-double flowers, rounded petals, different color, the inflorescence is large, blooming, forming a spherical shape. The plant is cold-resistant - able to survive at temperatures around 0 degrees. During winter maintenance, it is necessary to reduce watering and lower the temperature to 10 degrees.

Caring for ampelous geraniums at home

Caring for ampelous geraniums is not difficult. Despite the fact that the plant is native to Africa, it has perfectly adapted to home conditions and to outdoor conditions in the summer.


Optimal temperature regime in the summer it ranges from 20 to 25 degrees. Too high temperature dries up delicate flowers pelargonium and leads to rapid flowering.

In winter, it is better to keep the flower in a cool, well-lit room. The temperature should be between 10 and 15 degrees. The plant is able to withstand short-term frosts of at least 0 degrees.


Ivy Pelargonium prefers windowsills with bright sunlight. A south or southwest window is suitable for her. Direct sunlight will not burn the plant. Good lighting must be maintained in winter. Lack of lighting in winter will lead to stretching of the shoots and pale color of the leaves. Many leaves will fall off, exposing the stems.


Ampel Pelargonium does not tolerate stagnant water and waterlogging of the soil. This leads to the appearance of diseases and root rot. Preventing this will help good layer drainage, not less than one centimeter. It will allow excess water to come out quickly and provide oxygen to the roots.

Watering should be regular and not plentiful - you must wait until the clod of earth is completely dry before watering again.

Top dressing

Starting from February - March, the plant must be fed with mineral fertilizers. Concentration should be low, it is better to dilute stronger than written in the instructions. It is enough to use fertilizers once a week and the first 2-3 baits should consist of nitrogen-containing fertilizers. This will help the plant to wake up and form lush crown from the leaves.

Since April, it is necessary to change fertilizers to fertilizers containing more potassium and phosphorus. Such a complex will help to lay an abundant flowering.

In winter, the use of fertilizers is stopped, overfeeding during hibernation can lead to the death of the plant.

Bush formation

Pelargonium pruning is carried out in 2 stages. In autumn, old and bare shoots are cut off by 2/3 or 1/3. This will help form a highly branching bush with abundant flowering... Pruning is done with a sharp, sterile blade or a utility knife. The cut is made at an angle and treated with crushed activated carbon.

In early spring strongly elongated shoots pinch. Each shoot must have at least 5 internodes. Pruning too much in spring can delay flowering or result in no flowering at all.


In winter, pelargonium is stored in a cool room, where the temperature does not drop below 10 degrees and does not rise above 15. The lighting should be bright throughout the winter. Watering is reduced, 2-3 times a month is enough. All these conditions will allow flower buds to form, and to ensure lush flowering.

Diseases and pests

Pelargonium ivy is a strong plant, and rarely suffers from diseases and pests, but if the watering conditions are violated, the plant may die. Stagnant water leads to the appearance of fungus, black leg, root rot.

If at the same time the plant is outside, and at night the temperature drops greatly, the plant can get sick. powdery mildew... To combat rot and bacterial lesions, you can use "Horus" and "Fitosparin".

Planting, transplanting and reproduction

Reproduction and transplantation of ampelous pelargonium, like any other, does not require special skills. There are several ways to propagate geraniums - by dividing the bush and cutting the most affordable way... Flower propagation by seed is more labor intensive.


During transplantation, geraniums can be propagated by dividing the bush. Only those plants need to be transplanted, the root system of which has filled the entire pot and is visible through the hole in the bottom. The best time for soil and pot renewal, early spring. This will help the flower to wake up, and the application of nitrogen-containing fertilizers will be very timely.

You can transplant the plant in the fall (pelargoniums are quite strong), combining this with autumn pruning.

It is not worth replanting during flowering, the plant may shed its buds, development will slow down and new flowers may not form until next year.

For transplanting, a pot 1-2 centimeters larger than the previous one is best suited. Too much space in the pot will slow down the flowering process, the plant will need more time to take up the entire volume with the roots. Better to choose ceramic unglazed pots. In plastic pots, the likelihood of water stagnation is much greater and less oxygen is supplied to the roots. At the bottom of the container, they must put 1-2 centimeters of expanded clay, chipped bricks or ceramics for drainage.

The soil should be neutral and not very saturated nutrients... For young plants, it is better to lighten the substrate with perlite, peat or vermiculite. The soil can be purchased in a special store or compiled by yourself.

The composition should include:

  • peat (1 part);
  • sand (1 part);
  • sod land (2 parts).

Additionally, you can add charcoal and clay, as the plant is from mountainous areas and prefers heavy soils.

Self-prepared soil or purchased in a store must be disinfected. For this, a solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water is suitable. You can ignite the soil in the oven.

Propagation by cuttings

Propagation by cuttings is a quick and easy way. During the spring or autumn pruning cuttings suitable for planting remain. It is better to use shoots obtained in spring, but no later than the second half of March. Cuttings are suitable, on which there are 2-3 leaves and no more than 10 centimeters. At the bottom of the cutting, there should be 1-2 internodes, from which the leaves are removed. Flowers and buds must also be removed. The cut is treated with an antiseptic (activated charcoal is suitable) and left in the shade for several hours until it winds up.

Cuttings of ampelous pelargonium are placed in an opaque glass of water (an activated carbon tablet must be added to the water) or immediately planted in the ground. You can use peat tablets to grow cuttings. If the stalk begins to wilt, cover it with a jar on top. There is no need to water the plants after planting, but only lightly spray the ground. The roots of ivy pelargonium will appear in 2 weeks.

In winter, before the formation of roots, it will take twice more time and the plant will need additional lighting, and flowering will not begin until June.

The first five days after grafting, the seedlings should be kept in a dark room. Then the plants are brought out into the light at a temperature of 14-16 degrees. A good sign rooting is the appearance of new leaves.

Seed propagation

Growing from ivy geranium seeds is a laborious process. It will take more than two months for the seeds of ampelous geranium to germinate. To speed up the process, the thick shell of the seed is rubbed against sandpaper. The seeds are soaked first in a growth promoter, then in plain water... Seeds are sown at a distance of 5 centimeters in a shallow container. The container with seeds is covered with foil and placed in a well-lit place.

The primer dries quickly and The best way moisten it - spray from a spray bottle.

When the first shoots appear, the plants are aired and hardened, opening the film first for 5 minutes, then longer. When 2-3 leaves appear, the film is removed and dived into separate pots. When the plant reaches 15 centimeters, it is pinched to form a branched bush. A pot for a young plant should not be more than 10 centimeters in diameter and not deeper than 14 centimeters. There must be a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot.

Application in landscape design

Pelargonium ivy deserves a special place in the landscaping of the garden and premises. Its hardiness, ease of watering and ability to withstand direct sunlight makes it an ideal plant for vertical gardening in containers and flowerpots. Strong shoots will not be broken by the wind in balcony compositions, and the ability to drag along the support will allow them to be used for small trellises. Indoors, it looks great all year round and retains a green mass of leaves in winter.

This plant belongs to the category of home flowers. Ivy geranium is very popular due to its unusually beautiful appearance.

Mushroom Botrytis:

  • Among the fungal diseases of ivy geranium, the "Mushroom Botrytis" should be noted.
  • This disease develops regardless of the age of the plant.
  • Signs of the disease can be seen anywhere on the flower.
  • Excessive humidity is the cause of its appearance.
  • The manifestation of the fungus is carried out in the form brown spots, which are covered with a characteristic gray down.
  • If you look at ivy geraniums, you can see a constant increase in spots.
  • Also, with this disease, geranium leaves fall off, and the damaged areas of the stem are constantly increasing. This leads to the death of the plant.
  • With the aim of preventive methods ivy geraniums are constantly weeded and watered properly. If a lot of water was accidentally poured into the pot, then the flower can be transplanted. Geranium treatment consists in removing the affected areas, which also need to be treated with fugnicides.

Root rot:

  • Root rot appears from an excess of moisture.
  • Initially, the disease affects the root of the plant, after which it spreads to the stems.
  • The plant becomes Brown which gradually fades to black.
  • A cobweb begins to appear in the soil where this disease develops.
  • This disease is very strong root system plants, which leads to its death.
  • When the first symptoms of this disease appear, it is urgent to improve drainage system plants, that is, change the soil in the pot. The composition of the soil must be replaced with one in which water will not stagnate. In this disease, it is not recommended to use fertilizers that are characterized by a high nitrogen content.

Bacterial diseases:

  • Also ivy geranium is quite easily susceptible to bacterial diseases.
  • They are often caused by a variety of bacterial microorganisms.
  • When affected by this disease, geranium does not fade.

In the event that the disease has expanded enough, deformation of the leaves occurs, and the plant itself becomes very lethargic.

  • Geranium stems are black and wither soon.
  • At the first sign of this disease, it must be sprayed. For spraying are used chemical agents... In order to prevent ivy geraniums, it is necessary to weed regularly, getting rid of weeds. Also, don't plant plants too close to each other. They require constant ventilation. It is strictly forbidden to over-water the plant.

Leaf rust:

  • This disease is perhaps one of the most common.
  • It is characterized by the appearance of yellowish spots on the sheets.
  • The leaves of the plant are characterized by the presence of spore pads, upon rupture of which a spore mass with a characteristic rusty color.
  • The pads are located on the back of the ivy geranium leaves.
  • If the disease is severe, then the geranium leaves will acquire yellow and begin to fall.
  • To prevent this disease, it is necessary to promptly remove weeds from the soil, as well as provide it with moderate watering. It is also necessary to regularly check the drainage of the soil and check it for the presence of an acidic environment. Infected geraniums must be removed immediately.

There is also an ivy geranium. The most common cause of these diseases is improper plant maintenance. Lack of lighting, excessive watering, poor drainage earth, too low or high temperature, etc.

The ivy geranium is a very attractive plant that requires constant attention and care.

If you follow the rules for caring for geraniums, then it will become a real decoration for your room.

More information can be found in the video.

Ampel Pelargonium is one of the most favorite plants of flower growers, usually decorates parks, balconies, terraces, open areas and spacious rooms. She is appreciated for having beautiful flowers and leaves, and it blooms brightly and for a long time. Ivy pelargonium is loved and experienced florists, and retirees who are poorly versed in the intricacies of caring for this fragrant plant. The plant is native to Africa, and in Europe it appeared only a few centuries ago. Home care is not difficult, reproduction is carried out by cuttings in the process of annual pruning. Cuttings quickly give a root system and do not require special rooting skills. Look at the photo of ampelous pelargonium and overshadow all the advantages of this plant for indoor floriculture:

What is ampel ivy pelargonium?

Pelargonium is often called geranium and both names are associated with birds. If the first word is translated from Greek as stork, then the second from the same language - like a crane. The beaks of these birds resemble the fruits of this plant. As a rule, a perennial growing at home is called pelargonium. And geranium is a frost-resistant plant, quietly wintering in a garden or in a flower bed. What is ivy ampel pelargonium from the point of view of a home phytodecorator? It is a plant that can be used to create unique green interiors that do not require any special flower cultivation experience.

The word ampelous in the name of the plant comes from the German ampel (flower vase), ascending, in turn, to the Latin ampulla, which means "small flask". Ornamental ampelous plants have flexible shoots. They are good for so-called hanging gardens. These include ampelous pelargonium ivy, the length of the shoots of which reaches almost one meter. It comes from southern Africa, where it falls from the hillsides. It differs from vertically growing pelargonium in that its leaves are smooth, without fluff, five-lobed, three to six centimeters wide. The stellate and cactus flowers are collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence. It has up to thirty flowers blooming for five to six days. The flowers of the plant come in a wide variety of colors and shades.

Planting ampelous pelargonium and subsequent care for it

Hanging baskets, flowerpots, flowerpots, window and balcony boxes are used for planting the ampelous pelargonium flower. Most often, these light-loving plants adorn the sunny facades of houses, where they look both organic and beautiful. Pelargonium ivy, or ampelous, differ from other species in that they have hanging or creeping shoots from twenty centimeters to one meter long. It is this type that is widely used for decorating windows, loggias or balconies. Planting can be done in spring or early fall. Subsequent care for it consists in timely watering and application of mineral fertilizers. It is easy to take care of pelargonium at home, it grows normally under certain conditions. It is necessary to monitor temperature fluctuations, illumination, the amount of moisture in the soil. The temperature in the room where pelargonium grows in warm time of the year should be on average 22-23 degrees, and in the cold season it should not be lower than 12-15 degrees. For planting, it is necessary to prepare an acceptable soil for it: an approximately equal amount of sand, humus soil should be taken, there should be a large amount of potassium in the ground, but there should not be a lot of nitrogen. The fact is that with an excess of nitrogen, the flowering rate slows down, and the leaves, on the contrary, grow larger. Seedlings are planted in a window box in one row, at a distance of about fifteen centimeters from each other. At the end spring frosts they can already be put out on the street, and in April-May and in summer, pelargonium must be regularly watered, fertilized with small doses of mineral fertilizers.

Watering the plant also requires certain conditions: the soil in a pot or box must be moderately moist. If it is more than the norm, it will stagnate in the container and, as a result, mold may appear. Excess moisture can be removed by means of a drainage device using small holes in the bottom of the container. In summer they water more often, in winter - less often, once every one and a half to two weeks. In this case, the ampelous geranium does not need to be sprayed, since the ingress of moisture on the leaves can give rise to foci of decay on them. For good growth the plant needs Fresh air, therefore, airing the room is mandatory, but drafts must be avoided. In winter, it is advisable to place pelargonium in such a way that it has additional lighting, while the ground part does not need to be cut off. But in the spring, pruning will give the pelargonium a downright chic splendor.

At room temperature, plant pots should be kept as far away from heating appliances as possible. V winter period Pelargonium should not be watered too often - once every one and a half to two weeks is enough. By the way, it is more difficult to "please" pelargonium in winter, because it needs more light. It is important to feed pelargonium on time. When caring for ampelous pelargonium, it should be remembered that from March to August, during the flowering period, it is necessary to feed the plant weekly. Mineral fertilizers, as already mentioned, must be used in low concentrations. Flower growers have long noticed that milk diluted with water is very useful for pelargonium. But some people think that geranium does not need to be fertilized. It grows well in fresh fertilized soil, so it is better to transplant it in the spring. new pot with fresh soil, moderately fertilized. Such soil can be purchased in specialized stores, or you can prepare the soil yourself. Recommendations on how and in what proportions to do this can be obtained from any specialist or experienced amateur.

Reproduction of ampelous pelargonium

Florists sometimes practice growing ampelous pelargonium from seeds, but they reasonably consider this to be too troublesome, since many nuances must be taken into account. Therefore, it is preferable to propagate ampelous pelargonium by cuttings previously dried for about a day. For reproduction, dry sections, first dipped into coal powder, which acts as a growth stimulant, are planted in disinfected soil. Disinfection can be carried out with boiling water or held in a hot oven for about ten minutes, and then cooled to room temperature... The distance between the cuttings is no more than two centimeters. The soil around them must be compacted. If all this is done in the spring, then in the summer the pelargonium will definitely bloom. But if there are no cuttings, then you can grow from seeds, especially since they are sold completely freely. The most favorable time for sowing is the beginning of winter. Florists recommend sowing them to a depth of about five millimeters. soils for reproduction of ampelous pelargonium by seeds - up to 25 degrees. Within a few days, the seeds can sprout, but, as the experience of professional flower growers and amateurs shows, it is rarely possible to get a full-fledged flower from seeds. If a plant has a bare stem in the winter months, there is no need to rush to rejuvenate it by cutting it into cuttings. In this case, you just need to pin the top. After that, new shoots appear from the buds, and the plant blooms faster and more luxuriantly.

Varieties of ampelous pelargonium (with photo)

Today, in stores and markets, you can buy geraniums of the most different varieties, including ampelous pelargonium. Decorative leaves and flowers of bright and unusual shades on the window or balcony will delight not only the owners of the apartment, but also the neighbors. And passers-by are unlikely to remain indifferent. For three to four centuries of breeding, a wide variety of hybrids and varieties of ampelous pelargonium have appeared: variegated, dwarf, white and two-colored, with double flowers and others. They are grown not only because of the bright, unusual colors of the flowers, but also because of the leaves that have a unique aroma. Look at the photo for some varieties for indoor floriculture:

There are many species and varieties, the most common of which is zonal pelargonium, the varieties of which number several tens of thousands. This species got its name because of the so-called zones on the leaves, which have a different color. Moreover, in winter, when there is little light, they disappear, and in spring they reappear. There are rosaceous pelargoniums with buds similar to pink and tulip, the flowers of which resemble tulip buds - they were bred by American amateur breeders in the middle of the last century. Star pelargonium refers to rare species... It is characterized by twisted flower petals. Carnation varieties look like garden carnations. has large sizes and flowers with a corrugated edge. The peculiarity of its color is that it does not have monochromatic shades of white, burgundy, purple and pink. Variety "Angel" looks like an astermeria. It was obtained by selection in the 30s of the last century. This variety also belongs to the royal group. A photo of ampelous pelargonium of this variety can be found on Internet resources. Fragrant geranium exudes a strong aroma and, as a rule, has many small flowers in the inflorescence. When grown at home, it forms a small bush, the height of which can reach one meter. Adhering to simple recommendations, you can easily grow a luxurious flower that will decorate your interior. Moreover, according to folk beliefs, pelargonium has magical properties, can withstand negative evil spirits and maintains well-being in the family.

Pelargonium ivy or ivy is a plant species of the Pelargonium genus of the Geranium family. Therefore, the plant is called ivy or ivy geranium. It is mainly found in South Africa... Some varieties of this type are used for decoration room interior.

Brief description of the plant

Currently, this ampelous plant is widely used in design decoration garden plots. It is grown in hanging planters, balcony boxes and windowsills. It also looks attractive with hanging stems on vertical surfaces and a dense, flowering carpet on flat areas. Pelargonium ivy got its name from the five-lobed flattened leaves.

They are like the leaves of another climbing plant- ivy. Pelargonium has strong stems, reaching up to 1 m in length and having the ability, clinging to ledges, climb up rocky slopes. In early spring, flowers bloom, forming umbellate inflorescences. In species specimens, they are usually monochromatic, but there are hybrid varieties with spotted and multi-colored petals.

Popular varieties

Currently Many varieties of ivy-leaved pelargonium have been bred... Among them are:

It is worth noting a number of popular varieties of this type: "Amethyst", "Crocodile", "Rhapsody", etc.

Reproduction methods

Pelargonium is propagated in two ways: by seeds and cuttings. Most often, flower growers use the grafting method.

Growing from seeds

This is a very time consuming and time consuming method., therefore, is rarely used by flower growers. And also with this method, the varietal qualities of the plant are often lost. Cultivation of ivy geranium from seeds at home begins in early spring. For this, flower growers purchase seedling soil and planting material in a specialized store. A drainage layer of expanded clay or fine crushed stone is poured into pre-prepared containers.

Then soil is poured into them and moistened abundantly. Planting material for a day soaked in a solution of a growth stimulator. Seeds are laid out on the soil surface and covered with a thin layer light soil. Upper layer moistened with a spray bottle. The containers are covered with plastic or cling film and placed in a warm, bright place. The air temperature should be between 22-24 ° C.

For additional lighting, fluorescent lamps are used. The first shoots should appear in 8-12 days. When the sprouts are a little stronger, the film is removed. After the appearance of 2-3 leaves, the seedlings dive. With the onset of a warm time of day, the seedlings are hardened. To do this, they take it out for a day on a loggia or a glazed balcony. In early summer, seedlings are planted in open ground on the garden plot.

Cutting method

This method is considered to be simpler and more efficient. Cuttings are harvested in autumn, during pruning the plant and preparing it for wintering, but experienced florists advise this procedure better in spring... The workpieces are cut from the tops of the bushes 7-12 cm long and with 2-3 nodes. Since ampelous geranium often rots when rooting in water, the cuttings are placed immediately in the soil for seedlings. Previously, the lower cut is treated with a growth stimulant for the roots.

Then a drainage layer is laid out in the prepared containers and the soil is poured. Having moistened it abundantly, the cuttings are buried so that the first node remains on the surface. Each sprout is covered with cut plastic bottle... The containers are removed in a warm and bright place. The first roots should appear in 14-21 days. After the appearance of several leaves, they are pinched to grow a more lush bush. If grafting was carried out in the spring, then pelargonium will bloom in the first year.

Planting seedlings in open ground

They start planting seedlings on the site at the end of spring. when the air and ground are well warmed up. If the planting is carried out in a suspended container, then at first it is determined in what volume to plant ampel ivy geranium. Do not choose a container that is too large. The volume of the planter or basket should be 1.5 cm larger than the root system of the seedling around the perimeter. A drainage layer of expanded clay or crushed stone is laid out on the bottom.

Then a fertile mixture is prepared from sod land, peat, humus and sand. Part of the mixture is poured into a container, the seedling is lowered and the voids are filled with soil. The soil is abundantly moistened, to do this more accurately, you can use a spray bottle.

If planting is carried out on a site, then first dig holes at a distance of 20 cm from each other. The seedlings are buried by 2-3 cm, which will help young plant form new root processes.

Home care

In addition to growing a plant in a garden, it is often left to decorate a room interior. For the care of Pelargonium ivy at home it is necessary to perform a number of activities:

  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • pruning;
  • microclimate creation.

The plant is considered very light-loving, therefore, it is placed on windowsills on the south or west side. In this case, the window is covered with a film so that the light is diffused. When there is insufficient natural light, florists use light fluorescent lamps... In summer, the plant is kept at a temperature of at least 20 ° C, and in winter - 12 ° C.

The regularity of watering also depends on the season. In summer, flowers are watered every three days, and in winter, once a month is enough. The plant is fed three times a month. For this, fertilizers containing potassium are used.

To form lush bush pinching. And also cut off dried or damaged parts of the plant.

When caring for a plant attention should be paid to signs of disease and pests... So, if there is a rapid spread of brown spots, these are signs of gray rot. In this case, the plant stops blooming, and the leaves turn yellow and fall off. For treatment, pelargonium is treated with fungicides. The appearance of dark yellow spots on the tops of the leaves indicates the appearance of rust. If you do not take action in time, then the leaves begin to dry and fall off.

In this case, stop spraying the plant and treat it with Topaz. Among the pests, it is worth noting spider mite, the appearance of which can be determined by the cobweb. For pest control, insecticides Fitoverm, Aktellik, Akarin, etc. are used. And also very often you can find aphids on the leaves. It is usually washed off with soapy water, and then the plant is treated with insecticides.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Pelargonium ivy is best grown from cuttings. In this case, all the varietal qualities of the mother plant are preserved.

Ivy geranium varieties