The bonsai has dropped all the leaves. If the leaves of the ficus are falling, then it is rainy autumn? Methods of preventive control of leaf fall in ficus benjamin

Causes of blackening of ficuses and their discarding of leaves, home care

Scientific research has established the fact that ficus can shed leaves in two ways:

  1. in a natural way;
  2. as a response to unfavorable external factors.

Why do ficus leaves fall even though he was properly cared for?

In the process of renewal and growth from old age, ficus can also fall off leaves, and this is a generally accepted factor within the normal range. As for the rapid and rather active loss of green mass, it can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • errors in the mode of fertilization and watering;
  • low air humidity:
  • drafts and hypothermia;
  • changing the conditions and place of keeping plants;
  • sharp jumps in temperature caused by sudden changes;
  • soil poisoning with pesticides;
  • unbalanced soil composition;
  • plant pests;
  • various flower diseases

By the way, if you have a large flower garden, we have many useful articles about diseases of various plants. Here is one of them - “”.

Methods of preventive control of leaf fall in ficus benjamin

To begin with, we will take a closer look at the causes of leaf fall using the example of ficus benjamin, as well as methods of prevention and measures to combat these phenomena.

Benjamin's ficus looks luxurious in any interior; perhaps, by its presence, it is able to emphasize and focus on the social status or material well-being of its owner, thereby increasing the level of the above-described factors in the eyes of others. At the same time, novice flower growers instantly experience an all-consuming feeling of confusion, since they simply give up when the crown is thinning in front of their eyes. Beginners in the field of floriculture absolutely do not know what measures must be taken to provide feasible effective assistance to their beloved plant ... If you are faced with such an unpleasant problem, still what to do if the leaves of the benjamin ficus fall?

  1. Initially, the most likely cause of the flower ailment should be identified and eliminated, and all external conditions and symptoms should be taken into account;
  2. Take into account the peculiarities of the content of specific varieties and varieties, on the basis of which correct and competent care of the ficus should be ensured. Floral leaf fall can occur all year round, but most often a similar incident occurs in autumn and winter. Three main aspects are directly dependent on each other - temperature, air humidity and proper lighting: if the value of one indicator rises, therefore, simultaneously with it, others should also grow. However, in winter, a diametrically opposite situation occurs, which is characterized by short daylight hours, too high temperatures and dry air. It is possible to correct such an imbalance using available tools and methods. For example, in order to take preventive measures against absolute dehydration, the ficus is forced to throw off its leaves on its own when intensive evaporation of moisture occurs in a warm room with dry air. Given the low humidity, the necessary measures are regular spraying, air humidifiers, mini-greenhouses, pallets with raw expanded clay or water. Sources of artificial light, the role of which is successfully performed by tubular or compact fluorescent lamps, are actively used when there is a lack of sunlight.
  3. To increase the level of resistance and resistance to external unfavorable factors and irritants, it is recommended to use anti-stress drugs, such as Zircon or Epin. The solution for spraying the crown is advised to prepare immediately before the procedure itself. A similar recommendation can also be read in the manufacturer's instructions.
  4. Significantly reduce or stop fertilization altogether (an exception is the case when a flower ailment arose due to a lack of fertilizer). In a weakened plant, there is a lack of strength for further vegetation, therefore, additional nutrients are an incentive for it.
  5. Treat the plant with appropriate suitable chemical remedies if diseases or pests are detected. In this case, you should carefully read the recommendation on the package.
  6. With a progressive illness and leaf fall of the ficus, the condition of the root system should be checked en masse, since in some cases the leaves of the ficus not only fall off, but also turn black. When performing the above procedure, carefully remove the bush from the container and scrupulously examine the underground part. Soft and rotten (blackened) or shriveled and dried up roots are cut to healthy tissue (its main characteristics are density and milky or white color), it is important to powder the slices with charcoal (you can use a tablet of crushed activated carbon), after completing the “medical” procedures the ficus should be transplanted into a smaller pot, in which it is imperative to completely or partially replace the ground.

Is it possible to save a ficus if it is completely naked?

How to save a ficus tree if its last leaves fall and it remains completely naked?

Even when the last leaves of the ficus benjamin fall off, do not get upset, get discouraged or depressed and hang your nose! Even a tree on which there is not a single leaf has every chance to successfully overgrow with new shoots, thanks to the regenerative function of the function of a living microorganism, the necessary effective preventive and therapeutic measures taken in a timely manner and the ongoing, never-ending efforts to save it.

In order to determine the state of "health" of ficus flowers, you do not need to apply any special efforts, everything is quite simple and banal: if the protrusion of milky juice is visible on the trunk incision and you can feel by touch that the branches are flexible, barely touching them, therefore, the plant alive and the state of his "health" is in perfect order, which means that the owners do not have the slightest cause for concern.

And the ficus is actually a magical, homely flower, it can fulfill any desires for housekeeping. He helps in building family relationships, maintains the health of the owners of the house. If you want to have a child, bring a ficus into the house, you can already be solid, or, you can just a twig.

Varieties of ficus: problems and diseases of foliage

There may also be a number of problems with leaf fall in rubbery ficus, propagating by air layers or cuttings and forming in the form of a bush or tree. To avoid abundant leaf fall of the plant, it is necessary to keep in mind, taking note of general information regarding the conditions of detention and methods of caring for it.

18-25 degrees above zero is the optimal temperature for the content of rubber ficus (avoid hypothermia of the roots and drafts). Pay attention to the lighting (for variegated varieties, find a bright place, in the summer period the ficus needs protection from the direct rays of the midday sun. Water the plants correctly, using filtered or warm settled water, but at the same time do not allow the soil to become waterlogged. application of nitrogen fertilizers to the soil from early spring to early autumn every one or two weeks). Monitor the air humidity in the room (regularly wipe or spray the leaves with soft water at room temperature, especially the above procedure must be carried out during the heating season with a functioning central heating) Transplant the rubbery ficus every 1-3 years, when the roots cover the whole clod of earth, in spring or early summer.Carry out hygienic procedures: arrange a warm shower every month, and clean the leaves with a damp sponge from dust every week.

As the next variety of ficuses, consider the kinki ficus, which, with its medium-sized leaves, resembles a tree in its appearance. Ficus kinki is more graceful compared to its large-leaved compatriots. A properly formed crown is an important factor in the cultivation of this type of ficus. Sometimes several plants are planted in a pot to keep the bush upright. Young shoots intertwine with each other as they grow, and over time, at the point of contact, the trunks are fused. A support peg will assist in this procedure, to which, in order to give the plant a vertical position with the prospect of its further growth, it is necessary to tie up a young shoot. When the shoot, which must necessarily become thick enough, reaches the required height to hold the crown, the peg can be removed. The ficus kinky can be cut without any problems, since it tolerates the haircut quite easily, and form a beautiful curly crown, and the small foliage of the ficus will be a concomitant factor for its formation.

The main reason for the massive leaf fall in ficus Kinki is a change in the usual conditions of detention or a lack of light.

Ficus bonsai sheds leaves for a number of reasons:

  • excessive watering, which causes dark spots or root rot on the leaves;
  • insufficient watering, which serves as a factor weakening the general condition of the plant and leading to the shedding of leaves;
  • low air humidity, causing abundant leaf fall and spider mite infestation;
  • insufficient level of lighting quality, watering with cold water or the content of ficus bonsai at a temperature that is too low (below +17 degrees) or too high (above +23 degrees) for it;
  • flows of both cold and warm air along with drafts;
  • sharp jumps in temperature;
  • moving to a new place of residence.

Ficus nitida is one of the varieties of ficus benjamin. This species can be attributed to an artificially created plant, planted in tubs, with oval-oblong glossy dense leaves that have a rich and juicy dark green color. The trunk of the ficus nitida has graceful smooth curves, and the crown of the described tree is lush and dense. Due to the dark green color of the leaves, this ficus is resistant to a temporary lack of light.

However, ficus nitida can shed leaves due to a waterlogged soil condition, a sharp change in climate, watering with cold water, low air temperature in the room, a cold penetrating draft, or an excessive amount of nutrients in the soil.

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Video: Ficus care

Do you want to get yourself a miniature bonsai tree, but have not yet decided on the choice of plant? An excellent option for an apartment or house would be ficus ginseng, an elegant and amazing plant, which simply has no analogues in beauty!

Ficus ginseng: general information

As soon as they call ficus ginseng: and ficus microcarp, dull, ginseng. This plant is a vivid representative of the genus ficus of the mulberry family, which is quite aggressive in nature and reaches a height of 25 meters. At home, however, it does not grow above one and a half meters. This evergreen shrub is native to Southeast China, Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Northern Australia.

Ficus ginseng (microcarpa, Ficus retusa) has small neat leaves that are quite similar to the leaves of Benjamin's ficus, but do not have an elongated axis at the tip. Basically, the leaf shape of this plant is both oblong and round. The trunk is covered with a thin smooth bark, so the bush is easy enough to injure.

Ficus microcarpa ginseng is translated from Latin as ginseng. The shrub got its name from the similarity of the root system with the root of the well-known ginseng, which also, in turn, resembles the medieval mandrake used in magical rites.

How Ficus ginseng is grown

Today, on an industrial scale, this type of ficus is grown mainly in the Republic of China. Specialists in breeding and biology know a special technology to grow ficus ginseng. It is thanks to her that the effect of bizarre roots is achieved, which are in fact the trunks of a bush. You can see it in the photo. Growing technology involves the following stages:

  1. Planting seeds or germinating cuttings.
  2. Cutting off the formed roots.
  3. Planting them in separate pots.
  4. The use of substances to stimulate plant growth.
  5. Sending ficus ginseng for sale.

It is not immediately possible to achieve the desired shape of the root system of Ficus ginseng, although this plant is characterized as simple enough to form a bonsai. For this, there are special farms where seeds are planted or cuttings are germinated. As the ficus grows, its powerful root system forms under the layer of earth. The shrub receives hormonal and insecticidal agents all the time to accelerate root growth and prevent disease. In the process of industrial cultivation, temperature and humidity levels are strictly observed.

As the ginseng ficus grows, its roots are closely monitored. If they reach the desired size, the bush is dug up and, oddly enough, the formed stem of the plant is cut off. At this point, only a small process remains. The root system is carefully cleaned of soil, washed and sorted. Then the roots with shoots are sent to flower farms, where they are planted separately from each other. This planting has its own characteristics: the roots need to be buried only partially, leaving most of them above the soil. Further, the plant gets used to new living conditions, the skin of the roots coarsens and turns into bark.

The next step is to use various chemicals to accelerate the formation of new branches and shoots from the plant's root system. Their grafting from other plants is not excluded. To keep the compact form of ficus ginseng, a retardant substance is used. After such complex manipulations of biologists and breeders, the bonsai tree is formed and goes on sale.

Such a charming ficus ginseng will be an excellent original gift that will bring a piece of Asia to any home. If you were given this plant, be sure to learn how to care for it at home.

Ficus care at home

Despite the fact that growing ficus ginseng is a rather painstaking process, at home caring for it will not seem difficult to you. This tree is not whimsical, but you need to take care of it.

Home care for Ficus ginseng is first about creating a comfortable environment for it. It may also happen that immediately after you bring the bonsai into your home, its leaves will begin to turn yellow and wither. Such a reaction of the ficus is considered quite normal and can become part of its acclimatization and adaptation. If the plant is healthy, then recovery will begin in 2-3 weeks.

Choose a shaded place for the ficus ginseng that is protected from direct sunlight. But do not overdo it, because the plant will also not like a very dark area of ​​your house. It is also worth remembering that the ficus must be protected from the battery and the heater, because dry hot air has a detrimental effect on its growth. Like all other plants, do not place this bonsai in a draft, it will be optimal for a shaded place with a temperature of 16-22 degrees Celsius.

Ficus ginseng likes moderate and timely watering. Avoid overdrying the soil in the pot, as well as overmoistening. Focus on temperature, pot size, plant age. As for spraying, start this procedure from the first day the plant appears in the house, then every 1-2 days.

Young ficus ginsengs need transplantation once a year. When the plant matures, the transplant can be done once every 2-3 years. It is recommended to transplant the ficus into a special purchased substrate or prepare the soil for it yourself (sand, picking earth, clay granulate).

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Ficus Panda

Today, a large number of varieties and varieties of ficuses are so popular that they are already considered practically as independent plants. In almost all specialized stores, you can wander around a rather spectacular plant called the ficus Panda. This plant is touted by sellers as something special, but in fact it is a blunt ficus variety.

This variety is one of the most spectacular and can be grown not only as a bonsai. Its very dense crown consists of small leaves, which is very attractive for flower growers. However, the plant is distinguished by its high cost and very capricious character. Every year, such a ficus is becoming more and more popular, and from a simple plant it has turned into an exclusive one. And this is not unreasonable.

Features of Ficus Panda

Ficus "Panda" is called according to all the rules a dull ficus of the "Panda" variety (Ficus retusa cv. Panda). It is quite simple to recognize it by its characteristic feature, namely, by the blunt-pointed shape of the leaf plates. So, when viewed from a distance, they may seem almost round at the top, but visually perceived as oval. However, this variety has many features that are characteristic of it.

Such an evergreen woody plant is presented in the form of a shrub or develops in a multi-stem form. The plant is highly branching, the stems are quite strong, quickly lignified. As they grow, they deform and become thickened, which facilitates the process of forming a bush and creating a bonsai. The ficus has quite strong and clearly visible aerial roots, which make it very effective. The shoots are covered with beige-gray bark, which has a fairly light shade, while pale streaks are visible only on young branches. Small, very neat leathery leaves look impressive. Young foliage is golden in color, and it seems to glow. They begin to grow at the end of winter, and appear during the entire period of intensive growth. Such leaves also became the reason that this ficus is also called "golden ficus".

Also, this plant has a characteristic feature found in dull ficuses. So, young leaves are initially covered with stipules of light color, which gradually turn yellow and die off. Wide adult leaf plates have an oval or elliptical shape, straight edges and a blunt apex. The leaves can be up to 6 centimeters long, but wide? 4 centimeters. The leaves are bright in color from dark to medium green, while the seamy surface has a more subdued color. The leaves are very shiny and a thin vein of light color is clearly visible on their surface. There are no dots or specks on the surface of the foliage, however, the leaves themselves differ in the saturation of the color, as well as in tone, due to which the plant has a slight watercolor effect. Leaf petioles are thin and short. The arrangement of the sheet plates is alternate with a spiral offset. Moreover, they are very close to each other, from which the crown looks curly and thick.

This kind of ficus has one very important advantage, namely, the unusual fruits of a spherical shape and green color, like decorations shining between the leaves. Flowering is almost imperceptible.

This type of ficus is the best choice for bonsai. In this flower, and without outside help, as it grows, the trunk thickens, as well as its curvature. As a result, very dramatic lines appear. Unique golden young leaves and fruits favorably distinguish this plant from other ficuses, as well as small leaf plates. Such a flower looks watercolor at any time of the year, since its leaves are painted in a variety of shades of green.

Ficus Panda care at home

The rules for caring for such a plant are very similar to those used for growing other ficuses (only they are a little more complicated). The most difficult thing in caring for this ficus is maintaining a stable environment, namely, it is necessary that the temperature and illumination do not change sharply, and are constantly at the same level. High humidity is also required and protection from drafts is required. The better you take care of the "Panda", the more elegant and spectacular it will look.


Loves light very much. It should be remembered that this ficus differs from the rest in that it cannot grow and develop normally even with slight shading. In summer, it is recommended to protect it from direct rays of the sun, but at the same time it is worth choosing the brightest place for placement. Or you can simply place it on a south-facing window, but at the same time make the light diffused. With the onset of the cold season and a reduction in daylight hours, the flower must be transferred to the most illuminated place, it is also recommended to arrange additional lighting with special lamps.

Those ficuses that form in the form of a bonsai are shade-tolerant, and for their cultivation, you can choose shaded places (partial shade). However, whether it is possible to place the plant in a shaded place, you need to find out during the purchase in the store from the seller.


This ficus is very fond of warmth and needs stability. The plant may die if the room temperature is less than 8 degrees. And a temperature of less than 15 degrees will lead to the fact that the appearance of the plant will deteriorate significantly. "Panda" feels great at temperatures from 17 to 22 degrees. If the room temperature is slightly higher, then an increase in air humidity will be required.

In summer, it is recommended to move it to fresh air (balcony, terrace), where the plant feels quite well. However, to place it, you should choose a well-protected place, since the plant reacts extremely negatively to drafts and prefers a more stable environment. In this regard, in the absence of a place on the street that would meet all the requirements, it is recommended to leave the flower in the house.

Remember that such a ficus should in no case be affected by drafts. A cold draft, as well as a sharp drop in air temperature in a room, can cause significant harm to it. As a rule, the plant in this case throws off all the foliage. Avoid cooling both the plant itself and the soil in the flower pot. In the autumn-winter period, it is recommended to put a stand under the pot, or you can remove it to some elevation. This will help avoid contact with the cold windowsill.

How to water

Water the plant regularly and in moderation, but at the same time the soil in the pot should always be slightly moistened. Water should be abundant in the summer. At any time of the year, watering should be done only after the topsoil has dried out. Avoid waterlogging of the earth, and especially stagnation of liquid in it, even for a relatively short period. Remember that excessive humidity is more dangerous than drought (however, it is also best avoided if possible). Only soft water is suitable for watering. Avoid watering with cold water. In winter, it is recommended to water with lukewarm water, and in spring and autumn it should be at room temperature.

The plant needs high humidity. To increase this value, you can carry out systematic spraying or install a humidifier. You can only moisturize foliage with soft water. And it is better to take melted, distilled or boiled water for this purpose.

The plant is fed only during the period of intensive growth from the beginning of the spring period to October 1 time in 2 or 3 weeks. For this, it is recommended to use special fertilizers for ficuses or complex fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants.

Such a plant needs systematic formation. However, pruning is not recommended at the beginning of the period of intensive growth, in the first days of spring, as well as before transplanting, because this procedure greatly weakens the ficus. And in no case should pruning be carried out during the transplantation. The plant formation procedure is recommended to be carried out in the first summer weeks or, if necessary, in May. Only the tips of the branches need to be trimmed, and only branches that are stretched or damaged should be severely shortened. The purpose of this procedure is to make the crown more lush. You can carry out a systematic pruning of such a ficus, giving it a more strict or definite shape. He tolerates such procedures quite well, and recovery is quite fast. In those places where the shoots were cut, branching increases and growth accelerates, and the direction of the branches changes, which leads to changes in the silhouette of the ficus.

Cut branches by 1/3 or by? part is possible only when the flower needs to be rejuvenated or it is in a very depressed state.

As a rule, such a plant needs to be tied up only if you do not grow it as a bonsai. Thin shoots are not able to constantly keep their normal shape, especially when the formation is carried out at the wrong time and the branches become elongated.

Earth mixture

For "Panda" it is recommended to choose the soil for ficus, which is sold in specialized stores. It is best to use a commercial soil mixture, but you can prepare it yourself, for this you will need to combine leaf and sod soil, sand and peat, which must be taken in equal parts. The substrate should pass water and air well, be loose and not too light. You can add a little loosening additives, such as vermiculite, to the mixture. The acidity of the soil should be neutral.

Transplant features

Such a flower is transplanted only if necessary. In adult ficuses, as well as those growing in the form of bonsai, it is recommended that once a year only replace the top layer of the substrate. This procedure is carried out in early spring, for this you need to remove the old topsoil and add fresh substrate. It is only necessary to transplant such a plant if the roots no longer fit in the pot.

Young specimens require a regular transplant, carried out once a year. The transplant is carried out by the transshipment method, while the earthen lump must remain intact. The neck should not be buried; it should be left at the same level. Do not forget to make a sufficiently thick drainage layer at the bottom. So, crushed brick and expanded clay are perfect for this. After transplanting, until the ficus begins to grow again, it is shaded and maintained at a higher air humidity than usual.

Such a plant can be grown hydroponically.

Pests and diseases

This variety is not resistant to harmful insects that prefer low air humidity. If the humidity is not maintained high, then spider mites, scale insects, as well as mealybugs may well settle on the plant. In order to get rid of them, it is necessary to remove them by hand and keep the air humidity high. If the infection is too strong, then insecticidal agents will be required.

Possible problems:

  • falling leaves with a sharp change in air temperature;
  • foliage discharge due to cold draft;
  • falling of part of the leaves due to waterlogging of the soil;
  • changing the color of the leaves to yellow with excessive watering;
  • change in the size of leaves (shrinking) with insufficient fertilization and low air humidity;
  • wrinkling or drying of leaf plates under the influence of direct sunlight and with too dry air.
  • Reproduction methods

    Can be propagated by cuttings in the spring and summer. Cut cuttings are dipped in water for several hours, and then treated with a growth stimulating agent. For rooting, the cuttings are placed in a warm place (at least 25 degrees) with high humidity. Bottom heating is required, and it is recommended to cover the stalk on top with a plastic bag or cap.

    Large bushy specimens can be propagated by air layers. A longitudinal incision is made between two strong nodes. Then this place must be wrapped with moistened moss or substrate. When the shoot gives rise to roots, it is separated from the mother bush.

    Ficus microcarpa bonsai - miniature tree

    Ficus microcarpa, it is a miniature tree, in other words bonsai.

    Bonsai - the device and the ability to grow small copies of large trees at home. A feature of this species are the fruits, which are almost impossible to achieve at home, since the ficus simply refuses to bloom.

    Natural habitats tropical forests of Asia, China, Australia with good sun light. Caring for a microcarpa ficus at home does not present any particular difficulties, although some conditions must be adhered to, otherwise the small tree simply will not survive. The peculiarity lies in the binding of the root system into certain shapes (figures), which is located on the surface, as well as a beautiful lush crown.

    The name microcarp comes from its miniature fruit, which is translated from the Greek mikros karpos - a small fruit.

    Description: In the tropics, the height reaches 20 - 25 m, at home, does not exceed 2-3 m. In nature, it is often an epiphyte, that is, it constantly grows on another tree.

    Oval wide lanceolate leaves curved at the end, smooth with a uniform color, located on short petioles. In appearance they seem to have been rubbed with wax. The bark of the trunk is brown, the leaves are green, dark green. Bears fruit in natural conditions with small yellow fruits, which, when ripe, become burgundy. He is especially afraid of the dry climate and the scorching sun.

    Ficus microcarpa (bonsai) home care

    This type of ficus is a small decorative tree that prefers a humid room and does not tolerate temperature extremes and drafts.

    When buying, or moving to a new place, do not worry if your favorite tree begins to shed its leaves. After another month, everything will return to normal. So the ficus is trying to adapt to a new place and climate, shedding unnecessary (extra) leaves, thereby making a reserve of stamina in the habitat. Keep it in constant humidity, sprinkling daily and new leaves will appear in a month.

    Lighting: Prefers moderate light, avoiding direct sunlight. Feels good away from the window in constant partial shade. He does not like frequent rearrangements from place to place, otherwise he will begin to shed leaves. For partial prevention, there is a commercially available biostimulant "Epin", which must be sprayed on the plant.

    Temperature: The main feature in caring for ficus microcarp is not temperature indicators, but the absence of drafts and sharp drops of 5-7 degrees. Comfortable living temperature 16-23 degrees. Temperatures over 25 degrees can lead to drying out of the soil and a decrease in humidity in the room. In such cases, the ikus must be constantly sprayed. It is also best to install a humidifier in your home. Water is used standing at least 10-12 hours, slightly above room temperature, otherwise the ficus will begin to shed its leaves. Dropping can also occur through too low constant temperature conditions.

    Soil: The bud is used either purchased for ficuses (palms), or prepared independently. Recipe: Sand, Dive Ground, Clay. All are mixed and added in equal proportions.

    Humidity: As mentioned earlier, ficus needs a humid climate. Spray it regularly, during the hot period every day, 1-2 times a day. Also during the heating period, if it is not possible to reduce the temperature on the heating radiators. Leaves, in addition to spraying, can be wiped with a damp cloth. It is not the trunk that is sprayed, but the leaves.

    Watering: Watering should be done in moderation, too much water will rot the root system and the tree will die. The interval between waterings is determined by the availability of dry land. Try it if the soil is dry 2-3 cm deep, you can water it. Water is used soft, or rainy at room temperature, or slightly higher. Cold water causes leaves to fall off. Excess water in the pan must be discarded, stagnation also negatively affects growth. There is no specific watering interval, everything is individual for each tree.

    Transplant: Transplant is carried out 1 time in 3 years. Ficus microcarp does not really like transplanting and, if the roots are damaged, it can throw off the leaves. In addition, the growth of the trunk is rather slow. When transplanting, partially or completely replace the soil with fresh soil. The pot is chosen 2-3 cm in diameter larger than the previous one. First, make good drainage from expanded clay and charcoal. The soil should be loose, water and air permeable.

    Top dressing: It is necessary to feed regularly from spring to autumn. In winter, during the dormant period, the ficus does not need fertilization. Use purchased fertilizers based on mineral and organic substances for ficus or palm plants. There are also special fertilizers for bonsai (ornamental trees). Add 2 times a month before watering. You can add fertilizer to both the water for irrigation and the water for spraying.

    Pruning: To form a lush crown, ficus microcarp bonsai needs regular pruning several times a year. The trunk of young plants is also pruned to increase thickness and vigor.

    Reproduction: Like any other of its kind, microcarp propagates by cuttings. The top is cut off with a sharp knife and placed in a vessel with water until the stalk takes root. Shoots must be taken strong with fully developed fibers. After 2-3 weeks, roots will appear. Then the young shoot is transplanted into the ground, where further growth takes place with regular transplants every year until the ficus is 3-4 years old. Then the transplant is reduced every 3 years.

    Diseases and pests: Ficus is quite resistant at home to pests and diseases, but if the above rules and regulations are not followed, the tree is attacked by aphids, mealybugs, and scale insects. Also, the leaves can lose color, turn black, dark spots appear, or completely fall off.

    Main care problems:

    • Leaves darken and gray spots appear - most likely, there is excess moisture and the roots begin to rot. Watch for watering and indoor humidity. There may be water in the pan.
    • Often sheds leaves - too dry lump and not enough moisture. The leaves are lethargic and weak. It also happens with drafts, frequent moves (rearrangements) to new places, or sudden changes in temperature. Another feature of dropping leaves is watering with cold water or lack of light.
    • Dark twisted leaves - the ficus may have been burned by direct sunlight.
    • Spider mite - low indoor humidity.
    • Pests are either washed off with water with a damp sponge, or with a soap solution with the addition of 1 tbsp. tablespoons of alcohol per 1 liter. water is also replaced by an earthen lump.

      Perhaps this is all you need to know about ficus microcarp bonsai for proper home care.

      Why do ficuses shed their leaves

      Many growers love ficuses not only for their external beauty, but also for their unpretentiousness, because these plants do not often need to be watered, fed and transplanted. But, despite this, certain difficulties with the cultivation of ficuses still arise. Most often this applies to leaf fall.

      In this article, we will give the main reasons that can explain why the ficus sheds its leaves, and what measures should be taken to keep the plant green.

      When the ficus drops its leaves

      Novice growers can get excited about the falling leaves of the ficus. If this process takes place in late autumn or early winter, you shouldn't worry - this is an absolutely natural process.

      In the cold season, most varieties of this culture enter a period of vegetative dormancy and begin to change the green cover, discarding the old one. In this case, new leaves are formed almost immediately.

      In addition, shedding may be related to the age of the plant. As a rule, the green parts of the culture live for two to three years, after which they are renewed. But, if your flower is relatively young, and the cold time has not yet arrived, and the leaves are falling off the plant, you should think about external factors that could provoke this process.

      Why does the ficus shed its leaves

      Shedding leaves is considered a completely natural renewal process. In some varieties, it begins with the lower tiers, which gradually turn yellow, dry out and fall off (Figure 1).

      Figure 1. Natural process of changing leaves

      In other species, with the onset of winter, all the foliage may fall. You should not worry about this, since new parts are formed almost immediately. But it often happens that leaf fall is associated with negative environmental factors, which must be eliminated in order to preserve the decorativeness of the culture.

      Why do ficus leaves fall

      Despite the fact that ficus is considered a relatively unpretentious plant in terms of care, some actions of the grower can lead to the fact that the leaves of the culture begin to fall off.

      If such a nuisance has already happened with your flower, exclude negative factors one by one in order to accurately determine the cause and eliminate it. We will describe the most popular reasons for subsidence below.

      Air temperature

      Under natural conditions, ficuses grow in the tropics, therefore drafts and low temperatures affect them extremely negatively (Figure 2).

      Note: The root system of the flower is especially sensitive to cold and drafts; therefore, it is not recommended to place the pot with the plant on a cold windowsill.

      The most comfortable temperature for a culture is considered to be +20 degrees, but there are varieties that require higher temperatures for normal growth and development. But do not overheat the flower: if the temperature in the room exceeds +28 degrees, the leaves will begin to wither and lose color.

      Improper watering

      These inhabitants of the tropics react extremely negatively to excess moisture. And if the water begins to stagnate at the roots, they will begin to rot altogether. If appropriate measures are not taken in time, the plant will first lose its greenery, and then completely die.

      Figure 2. Result of overheating of ficus

      To prevent this from happening, you need to strictly follow the watering schedule. In general, the plant does not need to be watered too often. To check if moisture is needed, just pierce the substrate with a thin wooden stick. Ideally, it should stay dry. This means that the soil has dried out to a sufficient depth and the flower can be watered.

      Air humidity

      In winter, during the heating season, the indoor air becomes too dry, which negatively affects the ficus. Similar processes take place in hot summers without rain.

      Such conditions can lead to yellowing and dropping of leaves (in dwarf varieties) or the formation of characteristic spots of representatives of large varieties. To prevent such a nuisance, you need to periodically spray the plant with water at room temperature (preferably in the morning and in the evening) and from time to time wipe the green parts with a damp sponge.

      The presence of pests

      It often happens that the florist simply did not notice that insects were in the pot. But their presence will not go unnoticed. Most pests feed on plant juices (aphids, spider mites and scale insects). Accordingly, the culture loses its vitality and simply cannot support the foliage.

      If you notice that your flower is beginning to shed its leaves, take a close look at the soil and aboveground parts of the plant. This will help you spot insects and take steps to eliminate them. So, aphid colonies most often settle on the stems and the inner surface of the plates, spider mites form a characteristic cobweb on the aerial parts, and the scale insects stick to the stems and leaves, and outwardly resemble brown growths.

      To remove pests, you must first rinse the plant with soapy water (followed by rinsing with clean water) and spray with special insecticides (depending on the type of pest detected).

      Fungal diseases

      If the ficus not only began to lose leaves, but also changed color, there is every reason to suspect fungal diseases. In this case, the foliage can not only change color, but also cover with age spots or stripes.

      As a rule, fungal diseases arise from improper plant care, or when using an infected transplant substrate. You can't hesitate: in order to save the plant, you need to immediately treat it with fungicides.

      The fact is that the flower itself is quite resistant to diseases and pests, and such troubles most often occur with improper plant care. Therefore, if you apply fertilizing too often and intensively or treat the flower with pesticides, the plant may simply not withstand such a load and will begin to shed its leaves.

      The only characteristic feature of ficus, which greatly distinguishes it from other indoor crops, is a strong intolerance to transplanting or changing placement. Even if you simply rearranged the plant pot, its leaves may start to fall off.

      This also applies to transplantation. It is advisable to carry it out in early spring, when the culture has not yet awakened after a period of vegetative rest. But even in this case, it is possible that after transplanting the leaves will begin to fall off. Do not panic: you need to leave the flower alone for a while, and after about a month, apply top dressing, which will help the plant gain strength.

      Bad light

      As we have already said, in nature, ficuses are found in the tropics, so direct sunlight and lack of lighting are both detrimental to them. If it is dark for him, his leaves will gradually begin to shrink and then fall off. With strong exposure to direct sunlight, signs of burns (yellowing) will first appear, and then the foliage may completely fall off (Figure 3).

      Figure 3. Optimal lighting for a flower

      To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to place the flower pot at some distance from the window: so that the culture receives enough light, but it is diffused. Only such conditions will be suitable for this inhabitant of the rainforest.

      Why do ficus leaves fall in winter

      In winter, most varieties of crops enter a period of vegetative dormancy. Therefore, if you notice that your flower has noticeably thinned, but it is worth immediately watering and feeding it intensively. Quite the opposite: such procedures will only worsen the situation.

      It is important to remember that leaf fall in the cold season is an absolutely natural process, and soon new greenery will appear in place of the old foliage.

      How to prevent

      If you noticed the beginning of leaf fall in time, and found that this process is not associated with natural causes, you must immediately take certain actions to save the flower (Figure 4).

      You can prevent ficus from dropping leaves like this:

    1. Check the quality and degree of soil moisture: if it is too wet, watering is completely stopped for two weeks. If after this the plant does not recover, transplant it into a new and moderately moist soil.
    2. Feed the plant: perhaps you have not added nutrients to the soil for too long, and your flower simply does not have enough micronutrients.
    3. Check the plant for pests: for this it is enough to inspect the soil and above-ground parts. If insects have been found, they must be destroyed with special chemicals.
    4. Examine the root system: for this, the plant must be carefully removed from the pot and check if the roots are rotten. If such areas have been noticed, they should be cut off, the cuts should be processed with crushed coal, and the plant itself should be transplanted into a new pot with fresh soil.
    5. Figure 4. Proper Home Care

      It is important to remember that the ficus should not be watered and fed too intensively. It is also advisable to determine in advance its location: the plant reacts negatively to a change of scenery.

      More information about the reason for the shedding of leaves in this crop is given in the video.

      Ficus bonsai

      Growing a small tree on your own is easy. With proper care, it will always decorate your room interior. The art of bonsai is used for this purpose. Thanks to him, you can create such a miracle. It originates in China. Bonsai are created from pomegranate or olive, oleander and bougainvillea are also used. This is the classic version. And at home, it is best to grow ficus bonsai using this science.

      How to grow ficus bonsai

      The art of bonsai is the formation of a mini tree, which takes place with the correct pruning of the roots and crown of plants. Ficus is perfect for this. Due to its rapid growth, the tree is obtained after three years of cultivation. To make a bonsai from ficus, you need to grow a plant using twigs. They are pre-rooted in water, and then they are planted. As they grow, they are intertwined.

      Ficus bonsai must be grown in a special pot with a shallow depth, but a large area is required in latitude. The container must contain drainage holes. Since we do not need excess moisture. A layer of sand is laid on its bottom, and soil is poured on top. Before planting, the roots are pruned and planted to the level of the root collar. The soil around it is compacted slightly. With the growth of the root system and branches, they are again pruned and transplanted. Because of this, the tree grows in width. The trunk thickens. When you are satisfied with its size, then they begin to form and trim the crown.

      As soon as the roots get stronger, they begin to bare them a little. The skin is removed from the branches at the points of contact and tied with wire. It is changed periodically to avoid ingrowth. Thanks to this procedure, the branches begin to grow together. As a result, accreted shoots can form one powerful trunk. You can also graft shoots of other plant species on a tree at home, as well as transplant aerial roots.

      Ficus is a plastic plant, therefore, when forming a crown, you can make any bend for it with the help of a wire. The tree is tied for a couple of months, then it is released and the plant remembers its direction in which it grew. It is impossible to cut off the branches of bonsai from ficus in large quantities - this can provoke the growth of thin lateral shoots that will appear from dormant buds.

      It is good to make ficus bonsai at home because it does not require winter rest. And also does not need any special care in the room. This plant thrives on temperatures between 12 and 18 degrees. In the summer, he needs to ensure the stay in the fresh air. A balcony or terrace is suitable for this purpose. So the ficus will get used to direct sunlight. Remember, he doesn't like dry air. An excessively high or low temperature in the room will not be pleasant to him, as well as drafts.

      When leaving, it should be borne in mind that the tree should receive moderate watering, since the drying out of the soil will be detrimental to it. Make sure that when watering the ficus bonsai, all the water comes out of the drainage holes. As often as possible, it is necessary to loosen the soil and daily spray the plant with water that has settled. In spring and autumn, ficus requires fertilizing with mineral fertilizers twice a week. And do not forget that in the spring, a transplant is required every two years. After her, the ficus can shed its foliage. But that's okay. Fear not, you will have a green tree again in three weeks.

      During the growing season, ficus bonsai at home will require additional lighting. For this purpose, a fluorescent lamp is used.

      What types of ficuses are used, possible forms

      Using the science of bonsai, it is possible to grow a tree from certain types of ficus. They can differ both in their appearance and in the rules of care. So, for example, a good bonsai is obtained from Benjamin's ficus, but this type of plant does not like wire wrapping, so this technique will not work with it. Ficus ginseng is often used. It is very original due to the intricate shape of the roots. The ficus panda has a decorative look. All thanks to its rounded leaves. He likes pruning, but his enemies are drafts. The sacred ficus, grown in the bonsai style, has a strong light grayish trunk. It is shaped with wire and trimmed. Good bonsai is obtained from varieties of ficus carica, dark-leaved, Bengal.

      Bonsai of various shapes can be grown from ficuses. Each has its own name.

      1. Tekkan - the trunk of the plant has a straight shape
      2. Moyogi - the straight shape of the barrel has separate bends in certain places.
      3. Syakan - the trunk of the plant has a slope, and the roots are slightly upturned.
      4. Sokan - the plant has a forked trunk.
      5. Hokidachi - in a tree, both branches and roots diverge symmetrically.
      6. Grove - is a composition that consists of several trees.
      7. If you decide to grow bonsai for the first time at home, then start with the very first and simplest form. She is classic. This process is constant, it is not fast, enough time must pass, at least a year, for you to see the first results of your activity.

        Possible care problems

        Bonsai-style ficus can have leaves falling off. This can be due to a lack or excess of moisture, as well as from drafts. The hot sun will also contribute to this. Therefore, in order to understand the possible reasons, it is worth observing the tree and finding out which care rule you do not follow. As soon as you figure it out, the plant will again delight you with new green foliage.

        All ficuses are resistant to pest attacks. But if the plant is weakened, then it can be attacked by spider mites and scale insects. In this case, the tree is treated with special insecticides purchased in specialized stores. One treatment is usually sufficient.

    There are almost everywhere: at home, on the streets, in offices. Sometimes incidents happen to them. I want to tell you a remarkable story that tells about saving one plant ... Now participants in those events remember her with a smile, but then they were not at all laughing. After reading the story to the end, you will know what to do if the bonsai (ficus) is flooded. >>>

    The director of one small organization stood on the windowsill. It was a ficus tree with a dense, beautiful crown. He loved it very much, it was a gift, and the plant itself very much enlivened the boring office study. A small bonsai grew up without a drain hole, constantly suffering from waterlogging. Cleaning lady Irina Then, fearing that the plant would die, the director left a note next to the pot: "Do not water!" He himself went on vacation.

    The cleaning lady conscientiously fulfilled the wishes of the manager, until she noticed that something was wrong with him. Then she brought an experienced employee in indoor floriculture to the director's office. The poor ficus looked completely dejected. From the touch, some of the leaves crumbled, the rest stayed on the branches, but were completely dry. The branches are also dry. Only the thick trunk remained alive.

    The employee who was called for help began to fight for the life of the “patient”. All dry leaves were removed, dried branches were cut off, the soil was watered. Tree she sprayed it, then slipped a plastic bag over it. She asked the cleaning lady not to water the ficus, so that the roots would not rot and mold would not appear. The condition of the "patient" was checked every day.

    A number of measures for careful care were constantly carried out: the bag was removed, the pet's crown was sprayed, the tree was aired a little, then it was again placed under the bag ... Sometimes these actions were performed even twice a day.And the technician Irina managed to splash water, believing that by doing this she saved the ficus from drought. As a result, the roots still began to rot.

    It was scary to replant the plant, since the poor thing had already endured severe stress. Instead, it was decided to dig up the ground a little and cut off the rotten roots. Then they were sprinkled with activated carbon, covered with earth. There was a layer of sand at the bottom of the planter - that was good news.

    And after a few days of waiting, the skilled savior saw three small green dots. There was so much joy, because together with them there was a hope that the wounded would come back to life. To always have him in sight, she carried the pots to her. She continued to spray and ventilate. Soon the first little leaves appeared. It was a victory!

    By the time the head of the company returned, there were already several thin, delicate twigs on the trunk. A few months later, the rescued person began to look even better than before his "clinical death."

    The possibly rescued bonsai looked like this:

    These are the stories that happen sometimes. Everything is good that ends well. This story has a good ending, but it could have been different. Be attentive to your own, observing and creating favorable conditions for them, and they, in turn, will delight you with their healthy appearance, greenery and beauty. And as a last resort, you will now know what to do if you have filled in bonsai (ficus).

    Based on materials from the magazine "Home Flowers", from the life of the reader Tatyana Kutsukho (Postavy, Vitebsk region)

    By the way, if you all decided to fill your bonsai, then know that they may be Surprised? Read this section in full: