Planting juniper in open ground and further care. Planting juniper in autumn When to plant juniper in the ground in spring

How to plant juniper in spring? There is no special trick in this process, although there are some subtleties. First you need to understand what juniper is.

Junipers and their variety

Shrubs of this genus predominate on the territory of Russia, but there is a tree juniper on the Black Sea coast. This is a large spreading tree called juniper. In an arid climate, juniper performs the ecological function of strengthening slopes and creating conditions for the formation of soil and vegetation.

Archa grows for a long time, but it also lives for centuries. If the climatic conditions of your site allow, plant it. At first it will be a fluffy bush, then a slender young tree, and then you will get a fragrant giant with huge roots protruding above the ground.

In Russia, the most common species is the common juniper, which grows on the edges of coniferous forests, in the forest-tundra and in the upper mountain belt.

Requirements for environmental conditions and reproduction of junipers

Junipers are photophilous, drought-resistant and undemanding to soil conditions. However, when breeding, you need to take into account the specifics of each species. The exactingness to temperature needs to be checked especially. The fact is that among junipers there are species that can grow only in subtropical conditions. They may not survive a long frosty winter. Arctic and taiga species may not withstand the heat and too long summers.

These plants reproduce:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • vaccinations.

This diversity of forms is not characteristic of all species. seed propagation characteristic mainly of cold-resistant species living in extreme conditions. Moreover, shoots from seeds usually appear only a year after sowing. Creeping species reproduce mainly by layering.

Particularly rare and valuable species are grafted, as well as those for which the environmental conditions of the area are extreme. This also applies to blue juniper. In this case, grafting allows the plant to painlessly bypass the juvenile stage of development and quickly produce seeds.

How to plant junipers

You need to know what time to land. If you are the proud owner of a specimen with a closed root system, then you can plant it throughout the growing season. In the hot summer months, such a bush needs to create a little shade. but the best time for planting juniper open ground It's early spring. Moreover, this should be done as soon as the first 10-20 cm of soil have thawed. autumn planting This plant is not very desirable, as slow-growing juniper may not have time to take root before the onset of frost.

It may seem incredible, but juniper is one of the few plants that, with the utmost care, can be planted in winter. This is done only if you need to transplant mature plant. Since the root of the juniper is taproot, it is impossible to dig a large plant without damaging the root. In winter, the clod of earth does not fall apart, so the root system is minimally damaged.

You need to choose the right place. Properly planting a juniper is choosing a place with good lighting. It is highly undesirable to transplant an adult plant, so immediately choose places where the sun will illuminate the plant throughout the day. A juniper growing in the shade will have few branches, and the crown will be shapeless.

To ensure an acidic reaction, you need to add sand and as much organic matter as possible (peat, wood shavings, leaves, bark, nut shells). alkaline reaction provided by the introduction of flour from dolomite or slaked lime.

At the bottom of the landing pit, you need to form a drainage of brick chips, pebbles and sand. The thickness of the drainage should be about 15-25 cm.

It is necessary to properly prepare the planting material. In company stores, they usually sell ready-made seedlings grown in containers from 3 to 5 liters. This is the best planting material. They move easily and settle down quickly. They need to be planted directly with a clod of earth, without shaking off the soil.

Large seedlings can only be grown outdoors. Before selling, they are dug up with a large clod of earth, wrapped in burlap or placed in special containers. Such a plant should be planted immediately in a large hole, falling asleep with specially prepared loose soil. If the landing was in early spring, then in the pit before planting you need to pour about a bucket hot water(50-60 ºС), and then after planting under the root, you need to pour in about 10 liters of less hot, but still not cold water.

Decide on landscape placement. Juniper is planted to create landscape compositions. Species with a small bush height are most often used to form alpine slides. They look good at their base or as a frame for compositions of coniferous trees.

Trees like juniper look good on open space surrounded by a green lawn or flower beds with undersized perennials.

Planting and caring for juniper (video)

What to do after landing

Juniper is painfully transplanted and grows very slowly, so in the first year it needs special care. How to properly care for a plant?

It consists in regular watering and top dressing. In the spring, about once every 2 weeks in dry weather, dilute in warm water a mixture of nitroammophoska (30-40 g per 1 cubic meter), kemira (20 g per 10 l of water) and 0.5 kg of manure. Water the juniper under the root with this mixture in a specially formed recess around the bush.

If dry and hot weather is established early, then you can spray the bush from a spray bottle. This will help reduce moisture loss and survive the period of restoration of the integrity of the roots.

In the first year, the soil around the transplanted plant must be loosened. This must be done with all precautions so as not to damage root system.

In summer, watering is carried out only in very dry and hot weather. One adult plant needs about 10-30 liters of water. small plant requires a little less water, but it also needs to be watered more often.

After the juniper takes root and begins to grow, it will require minimal care. You just need to do rare top dressing every 2 years, watering only during the drought period.

How to properly care for juniper (video)

Juniper is coniferous plant with green needle-like leaves. There are many different varieties juniper, each of which requires a special approach. However, cultivation and care are necessary for all varieties of this plant without exception.


Part One: Preparation

    Select the best varieties. There are many different varieties of juniper that differ from each other. appearance and size, so you need to choose the one that suits your taste and is the right size for your area.

    • Low-growing varieties reach 61 cm in height or less. Here are some examples:
      • Variety Sargentii has green needles and reaches 2.1 m in height.
      • The Plumosa Compacta variety reaches 2.4 m in height and has gray-green needles in summer and purple-bronze in winter.
      • Variety Wiltoni or Blue Rug reaches 2.4 m in height and has bluish-silver needles.
      • Variety Juniper coastal has yellowish-green needles and reaches 2.4 m in height.
    • Medium-sized varieties reach from 0.6 to 1.5 m in height. Some common varieties include:
      • Sea Green variety has arched dark green needles and reaches 2.4 m in height.
      • The Saybrook Gold variety reaches 1.8 m in height and has bright golden needles.
      • The Holbert variety has light blue needles and reaches 2.7 m in height.
    • Tall varieties usually reach 1.5 to 3.7 m in height. Below are a few examples:
      • The Aureo-Pfitzerana variety has light green needles with a yellowish tint and reaches 3 m in height.
      • The Pfitzeriana variety has bright green needles and reaches 3 m in height.
      • The Blue vase variety has bluish-steel needles and reaches 1.5 m in height.
  1. Buy a small rooted seedling. If you want to plant juniper in your garden, you should buy young plant at your local gardening store.

    • Juniper can be grown from seeds or cuttings, however this process quite laborious, so it is not recommended for amateur gardeners.
    • As a rule, seeds and cuttings are much harder to find than a young rooted plant.
  2. Find a sunny spot. Juniper grows well in bright sunlight, but it can also take root in shady places.

  3. Study and try to improve the condition of the soil. Many juniper cultivars tolerate a variety of soil conditions, but the soil must be well drained. However, before planting the plant, you still need to improve the condition of the soil and its drainage properties.

    • For many varieties of juniper, soil acidity does not really matter.
    • Many varieties grow well in dry clay and ordinary soil. Some varieties can grow even in sandy or very saline soil.
    • If the soil is viscous and poorly drained, it is necessary to scatter several buckets of fine gravel or coarse sand in the proposed landscaping area. This should help improve the drainage properties of the soil.
    • If you want to increase density nutrients soil, although this is not particularly necessary, you can add a little organic matter, for example, humus.

    Part Two: Landing

    1. Water juniper container. Water the juniper abundantly, thereby moistening the soil and making it denser.

      • Before watering, test the soil with your hands. If it is already sufficiently moist and compact, it should not be watered.
      • Watering the soil reduces the amount of air in the container, thereby facilitating the removal of the root ball.
    2. Dig a big hole. Using a shovel or shovel, dig a hole that is twice as wide and twice as deep as the container the plant is in.

      • For landing, you need to have a lot of space. If you don't make a hole big enough, the plant may not take root well.
    3. Add a balanced fertilizer. Mix a balanced fertilizer 10:10:10 at the rate of 10 ml per 4 liters of water.

      • Keep in mind that this fertilizer contains equal parts nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
      • It is necessary either to mix the fertilizer with the soil at the very bottom of the hole, or to scatter it in an even layer with outer side. Do not put fertilizer directly into the hole.
    4. Take the plant out of the container. If the plant is in plastic container disposable, gently pick it up and press it all over the outer surface to loosen the soil and release the root mass. It is necessary to carefully remove the entire soil mass from the container with your hands or a spatula.

      • If the plant is not in a plastic container, it may be necessary to loosen the soil all over the inside of the container with a spatula.
    5. Loosen the root mass. Using your hands or a rounded knife, carefully separate the compacted root mass into individual roots. Separate as many roots as possible, being careful not to damage them.

      • It is not necessary to separate all the roots, it is worth separating those that are longer from the root ball. This will help to better lay out the roots in the surrounding soil during the planting process.
    6. Place the root ball in the hole. Place the root ball in the center of the planting hole. The top of the hole should be flush with the soil around the hole.

      • The soil level in the hole should match the one in the pot. If you find that the planting hole is too deep, remove the plant and add some more soil, then place the plant back in. If the hole is too shallow, remove the plant, make the hole deeper, and place the seedling back in.
    7. Fill in the rest of the hole. Hold the seedling firmly in an upright position and fill the hole with the remaining soil.

      • You can add some organic matter, but this is purely optional.
      • Lightly trample the soil with your hands and feet, this helps to settle the soil and remove air accumulation. Do not trample the plant into the ground.
    8. Leave enough space between plants. When junipers are planted too close together, overgrown needles can cause poor air circulation. As a result, plants can be exposed to harmful insects and various diseases.

      • This can be a problem for all varieties of juniper, but horizontally growing varieties are especially at risk.
      • Depending on the type and size of the selected plant, the exact amount of space that must be left between seedlings will also differ. Taking into account how much seedlings can grow, plant them on enough long distance so they don't crowd each other.
    9. Water the plant generously until it is established. Water the seedling thoroughly immediately after planting. This will help the plant take root and compact the soil.

      • Continue watering the plant twice a week for the first month until it establishes itself.

Already the one that grows nearby. When you inhale the resinous aroma, the soul sings and rejoices. I could not understand: why do I have such sensations? - until I found out that juniper, it turns out, purifies the air around it, killing pathogenic microbes. He calms nervous system relieves headaches and promotes good sleep.

Juniper Features

Juniper is a long-lived evergreen tree or shrub of the cypress family, from half a meter to 20 meters high. Depending on the species, its branches are decorated with scaly needles or straight needles. It happens to be a sprawling shrub with flexible branches on which you can sit like on a carpet. It can be tree-like, with a lush pyramidal or cone-shaped crown.

Juniper has same-sex flowers: female, in the form of round greenish cones, and male, in the form of catkins with 3 or 4 stamens. It flowers in June and bears fruit from August to September. cone berries juniper contains loose brownish pulp, which is widely used for medicinal purposes. In general, juniper is a forest dweller northern regions. But it is also successfully grown in suburban areas. After all, in addition to medicinal properties and incomparable smell, he is surprisingly beautiful and is able to decorate absolutely any place with his person.

After reading about this decorative healer, I wanted to plant a juniper in my dacha, and I already chose a place. And in order not to forget the rules of planting and care, I will describe them here, maybe it will come in handy for you))

juniper planting

The juniper sapling should be 3 or 4 years old. Planting and / or transplanting a plant is carried out in April - May.

They plant it with a clod of earth, trying not to damage it:

  1. The hole is prepared twice as deep as the height of the seedling itself.
  2. Then the plant is carefully placed there, and the earthen ball should rise 8-10 cm above the soil.
  3. After planting, the seedling is watered abundantly and covered with any "breathing": peat, withered foliage, even with ordinary newspapers and / or cloth. The mulch layer should be 10-12 cm high.
  4. In addition, a coniferous baby needs periodic spraying of the crown.
  5. Although juniper is picky, for better survival seedlings, it is still better to replace the soil with a nutrient mixture: soddy soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 2 parts of the earth and one part of peat and sand.
  6. When planting in the soil, it is good to add 200-300 grams - a universal fertilizer that is suitable for almost all garden and vegetable crops.
  7. When planting juniper seedlings on loamy soils, it is advisable to first do drainage(withdrawal ground water) from , large or broken .
  8. If you are doing group planting, then the distance between seedlings should be from 1.5 to 4 m, taking into account the size of the plant in adulthood.
All types of juniper are not particularly demanding on the soil, it can grow both on sandstones and on rocky ground, however, for full growth, it is preferable to use highly or medium-fertile ones.

You will find juniper seeds and seedlings in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores.

Juniper Common "Green Carpet", 5 pcs. 76 rub WATCH

Juniper hard-seed, 3 pcs. 60 rub WATCH

Juniper Rocky, 5 pcs. 52 rub WATCH

Juniper Common "Arnold", 5 pcs. 60 rub WATCH

juniper care

Caring for juniper is not at all problematic. In the spring, nitroammofoska is poured into the soil: 40-50 grams per square meter. meter. You can not make any more, but if you still want to feed your pet, do it in moderation, no more than once a month. Juniper is very drought-resistant, but periodically needs it if the summer is dry. He loves spraying the crown very much, it is better to spray him once every ten days: in the early morning or late evening.

Juniper does not need, only in spring and autumn, dried or broken branches should be removed. But if you form from it, then, of course, protruding shoots should be cut.

This member of the Cypress family is quite frost-resistant, but seedlings of the first year of planting should be covered for the winter. If an adult plant has a spreading crown, then for the winter the branches of the crown must be tied with twine.

juniper species

And now I present to you three popular types of juniper:

Withstands any unfavourable conditions. It grows as a multi-stemmed tree up to 18 m high or as a spreading shrub up to 6 m high (depending on the variety). Branching is chaotic, spreading, blooms with yellow and light green flowers. Cone berries are blue-black, with viscous healing pulp, their ripening period is 2 years.

The common juniper has tall ornamental varieties:

  • "Pendula" - up to 5 meters high, with an elegant weeping crown;
  • slender "Echinoformis" up to 4 meters high, with a crown in the form of a lush ball;
  • columnar tree "Goldcone", etc.
lovers low creeping shrubs can choose from the following varieties of juniper: low "Hornybrook" with flattened shoots, shrouded in silver-green needles, or dwarf "Nana Aurea" with densely curly branches.

Daurian juniper is undemanding to the soil and easily tolerates frost and drought. It has been successfully used in our gardens. ornamental variety"Expanza" up to half a meter high, with light green needles, growing strongly in breadth (up to 3 meters).

On thick, flexible branches, there are both scaly needles and long needles. The tips of the young shoots are slightly raised by powerful flexible branches and form a lush hemisphere, which gives the "Expanza" unique charm.

Caucasian juniper, or long-leaved (Juniperus oblonga)

Caucasian juniper is most often represented by a shrub up to one and a half meters high, less often by a tall tree.

It has scaly needles, saturated essential oils. Moths do not like this smell very much. A sprig of coniferous "Caucasian" in the closet will save your belongings from this harmful insect. Caucasian juniper has several varieties, the most popular of which are:

  • "Tamaristsofoli" - a shrub with thin needles of a silver-gray color;
  • "Erekta" - a tree up to 2 m high with a pyramidal crown;
  • "Variegata" is a creeping shrub with yellow-white tips of needles.
Decorative varieties of Caucasian juniper fit perfectly into the exterior of a country house.

All types of juniper have excellent healing properties, and many of them are listed in the Red Book.

How to plant and grow juniper from seeds

Growing juniper from seeds - difficult task. Consider what methods of planting such a plant exist, as well as the features of seed germination.

plant description

Juniper is one of the most popular plants on the site. This evergreen coniferous tree can reach a height of 12 meters, and in the form of a shrub - 1-3 meters. It belongs to the cypress family, has a pleasant coniferous aroma.

Source: Depositphotos

In order to grow a plant from seeds, you will need to collect fruits

Three breeding methods are used:

    • seminal;
    • cuttings;
    • graft.

Sowing seeds is considered simple and accessible way as they quickly adapt to local conditions. But a few rules must be followed.

Collection of material

Not every variety of juniper can be grown seed way. hybrid decorative types can only be propagated by cuttings. Pollination is carried out by the wind, therefore, full-fledged seeds for cultivation almost do not ripen.

Collect material for breeding should be from 2-year-old plants during the darkening of the fruit, but before this process ends. Seeds of dark berries become "dormant", because it takes too long for seedlings.

Preparation rules

We will understand the question of how to plant this plant from seeds. This is where stratification is required. For this purpose, the box is filled with a moistened substrate consisting of sand, peat and moss. Seeds are placed in it, and covered with a layer of substrate on top. For the winter, boxes are sent outside. They must remain there for 150 days of the cold season.

This is how the natural stratification of seeds is carried out. It will speed up the germination process. If the seeds have not been subjected to such treatment, then they will sprout only 12 months after sowing.

Landing instructions

In early spring, the seeds that have passed through the winter are planted:

    1. A suitable place is chosen.
    1. The soil needs soft and fertilized. Grooves are made in it 2 cm deep, the bottom of which is compacted.
    1. Seeds are sown and covered with humus.
    1. The bed is mulched with peat or wood chips with a layer of 1 cm. This will prevent the seeds from drying out and will promote their germination.

Sowing needs the same care as seedlings of other plants. Weeds are weeded by hand, the soil is loosened and watered so that the earth is always a little damp. Before landing on permanent place juniper needs to "sit" in the garden for 3-4 years. Every autumn, the ground must be mulched with sprouts and humus with a layer of 4 cm.

It is quite possible to grow juniper in this way, you only need to follow the basic rules for preparing and germinating seeds. A right choice places and care for seedlings will help accelerate the growth and development of the plant.

Spectacular juniper (Juniperus) is a evergreen(tree or shrub) belonging to the Cypress family (Cupressaceae). In the wild, its growth is noted throughout the entire Northern Hemisphere (from polar to tropical regions).

There are many types of juniper, on the basis of which scientists have developed many varieties suitable for growing at home. By planting this plant in a flowerpot, providing it with proper care, you can count on getting a beautiful tree or bush, which is guaranteed to give a kind of "zest" to any interior.

Conditions for home growing juniper

As practice shows, to grow a magnificent juniper in room conditions not so difficult. The main thing is to create the most suitable microclimate for it. The greatest danger to the plant is the hot, dry indoor air.

Recommended plant lighting

Having planted an indoor juniper, you need to immediately provide it with proper lighting. The plant likes the light, but it needs protection from the direct rays of the sun. Bush growing in summer period in the shade, and in winter - in the sun, can die. To prevent this, in the cold season it is advisable to put a pot of juniper on a window oriented to the south. V warm season the plant needs to equip the shading and determine it on the northern windowsill.

Temperature regime for culture

Evergreen Juniper - indoor plant many want to grow. To guarantee success, you will need to pay attention to creating a comfortable temperature regime.

It is very important to avoid overheating of the air. Recommended temperatures should not exceed + 20 ° C. At the same time, the bush reacts negatively to excessive hypothermia. V winter period it is necessary to control temperature fluctuations, the values ​​​​of which are lower than + 13 ° C, which can adversely affect the health of the plant.

In the summer, the removal of the flowerpot to the balcony or street is welcome. It should be noted that the juniper is homely, loving Fresh air, reacts negatively to drafts.

Choice of landing capacity

The pot provided to the bush should be free enough, since the representatives of the Cypress family grow well if their root system has enough room for development. It will be mandatory to equip a drainage layer (broken brick, gravel, expanded clay) at the bottom of the landing container.

The choice of containers for the manufacture of which are used natural materials: ceramics, clay, porcelain. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the shape of the flowerpot, the presence of beautiful drawing in harmony with the appearance of the plant.

Soil quality requirements

Best of all, juniper at home in a pot will grow in a planting container filled with porous soil. This will ensure uniform access of moisture to the root system.

Despite the prevailing opinion about the undemandingness of this representative of the Cypress family to the quality of the soil, it is necessary to give preference to planting it in a soil mixture with the following composition: soddy land, sand, peat. It is also welcome to add nitrophoska to the soil or any other universal fertilizer purchased in a specialized store.

Juniper propagation: basic methods

The most widespread are two methods of propagation of juniper: the seed method, as well as cuttings. Each of them has its own nuances, advantages, disadvantages.

seed method of reproduction

When studying information on how to propagate juniper at home using seeds, you need to take into account the low efficiency of such a procedure due to poor germination planting material. In most cases, this method is chosen by breeders.

Having decided to breed juniper from seeds at home, it is advisable to hold this event in the fall. As a container, you should choose boxes that are in cold period years are taken out into the street and left for 4 months in the open air. The surviving hardened seeds are planted in pots at the end of spring.

Containers are placed in a well-lit area. Seedlings need timely watering, excluding the drying of the soil. Seedlings can be expected next year.

Cuttings of indoor juniper

In comparison with the method described above, propagation of juniper by cuttings is simpler. Plants that are at least 8 years old should be used as "donors".

Cutting cuttings about 10 cm long is made in the spring. Next, they will need to be placed in a mixture of sand and peat. A container with cuttings is installed in a shaded place, covered with a film. Seedlings are constantly sprayed. After 2 months, they form roots. Stronger, rooted specimens are transplanted into flowerpots.

Planting juniper in a pot

Having decided to plant a juniper in a pot, you need to make a hole in the ground in advance, the depth of which will be 2 times the height of the bush. It is best to use planting specimens with roots covered with a layer of soil.

The seedling is located in such a way that the top of the root earthen coma is 8 cm above the bottom of the excavation. When filling the hole with soil, you will need to carefully hold the plant. Next, the top layer of soil is carefully compacted, powdered with a mulch layer of peat or humus.

juniper care

Properly organized care for indoor juniper implies compliance with certain rules. The tips below will surely help you avoid many annoying mistakes.

Watering and spraying the plant

It is worth paying attention that moderate watering is recommended for juniper. In summer, the soil in the flowerpot is moistened every two days after the drying of the topsoil is detected. During the cold season, the irrigation procedure is carried out twice a month.

The main condition is to prevent the drying of the earth. You will need to ensure that the soil in the flowerpot does not dry out, be sure to drain excess moisture from the pan. In addition, it is necessary to spray the plant (in summer - daily, in winter every other day).

Carrying out fertilizing for culture

Growing juniper at home, it will be necessary during the period of its active growth (April - September) to feed once every 14 days. For this purpose, organic matter is added to the water used for irrigation. The use of humus has proven itself well. But for the introduction of mineral complexes should be done in very small doses.

juniper pruning process

Growing juniper at home needs annual pruning, which ensures that it remains compact. As a rule, this event takes place in February. This procedure involves the removal of deformed, withered branches.

In order to form a plant, young shoots, the apical part, are pruned. This will help give the bush the necessary splendor, original form(pyramids, cones), strengthening his health.

Transplanting a plant to another pot

Young juniper ornamental is transplanted annually.

The best time for such an event is spring (mid-March). It is very important that the height of the plant does not exceed 1 m.

Initially, it will be necessary, using a garden shovel, to carefully separate the soil in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls (with the tool deepened to the middle of the pot). Next, you should remove the bush, gently holding it at the base, with a clod of earth. Then it is placed in new pot(into a prepared hole in the soil).

The dug hole should be twice as large as the dimensions of the earthen clod with the root system. At the end of the procedure, the resulting voids in the excavation are backfilled, and the soil is carefully compacted. The surface of the earth is covered with peat, crushed bark coniferous tree. The plant is being watered.

Wintering juniper at home

Winter care at home for juniper has its own specifics. It should be noted that the plant is contraindicated near the devices central heating. It is best to place the pot on a cool windowsill, insulated loggia.

If there is hot, dry air in the apartment, a representative of the Cypress family needs to provide effective protection by wrapping the flowerpot in a polyethylene film. It is allowed to attach the edge of the transparent material along the window sill, and the other side is fixed on the upper window ledge. The complete closure of the plant, which prevents access to air, is not welcome.

Diseases and pests of culture

Having planted a juniper at home in a pot, you should not discount its possible damage by various diseases and pests.

In particular, by spring, the bush can be significantly weakened due to exposure to dry air in winter. In summer, it reacts negatively to sunburn.

These factors are often the causes of the negative impact of pathogenic infections, pathogenic microflora, and pests. First of all, this is evidenced by the yellowed, dying needles, after which the branches are damaged, and then the whole plant. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that it will be possible to save a bush with numerous obvious signs of the disease.

Affected branches are subject to pruning, destruction, the remaining specimens must be carefully sprayed with fungicides. In the course of work, you need to use a secateurs disinfected with alcohol.

For the needles, branches, fruits of the plant, the effect of the scale insect, its larvae, is detrimental. The juniper sawfly eats away the tissues of the bush from the inside. To get rid of pests, digging is carried out in the area trunk circle. For young branches, caterpillars of shoot moths are dangerous. To destroy them, you will need to spray the juniper with insecticides.

The benefits of a plant for humans

People have long paid attention to beneficial features this representative of the Cypress family. The presence of juniper in the apartment will help create a unique atmosphere of comfort. Households inhaling its coniferous aroma will certainly feel calm, and their sleep will become pleasant and sound.

The berries-cones of the plant contain a huge amount of healing substances, due to which they are used to prepare various healing decoctions and potions. In particular, the correct use of drugs based on them helps to improve the functioning of the urinary tract.

With the help of juniper resins, a whole list of skin diseases can be cured.
Taking potions based on branches, plant needles will help in the fight against a number of ailments of viral origin.

The intake of fresh berries relieves the condition of a large stomach suffering from an ulcer. The use of a decoction prepared from them makes it possible to cure liver diseases, rheumatism. Since ancient times, nursing mothers have used juniper tincture to increase milk lactation.