How to smoke in a brick smokehouse. Building a brick smokehouse with your own hands

For lovers of smoked fish and meat delicacies, the smokehouse has been in first place since the Middle Ages. Today, the advantages of a do-it-yourself smokehouse in a summer cottage or near a private house are obvious - fish and meat acquire an original taste, and compared to store counterparts, you can always vouch for the quality and freshness of products.

It is easy to find information on how to build a smokehouse from improvised materials, but the brick version will last a longer time, building such a structure will not require special skills and funds, the main thing is diligence and patience. If you follow the instructions, in the near future you can delight loved ones and friends with fragrant smoked meats.

Preparing for construction

It is worth paying attention to the place where a do-it-yourself brick smokehouse is planned, because this is a stationary structure that cannot be moved. The site should be chosen away from housing and the garden, so that the smoke does not interfere with people with plants, having previously cleared it of debris, plants, and you can start laying the foundation.

Next, you need to determine what type the brick smokehouse will be: for hot smoking, cold smoking, or a combined version, consisting of two departments. Regardless of which option is chosen, the future structure will consist of the following parts:

  • Fireplace.
  • Firebox.
  • Grate.
  • Lattice for products.
  • Lid.

We create a drawing and work plan

If you have already decided to build a smokehouse with your own hands, regardless of its size, thoughtful drawings and a plan are a necessary step. It is easier to paint the work in stages, an approximate plan will look like this:

  1. Preparing the site for pouring the foundation.
  2. Acquisition of tools and building materials.
  3. Foundation installation.
  4. Brickwork.
  5. If a cold-smoked brick smokehouse is chosen, it is necessary to build a smoke supply.
  6. Testing of the finished structure.

Materials that will be required to build a brick smokehouse.

When choosing a brick, it is better to give preference to refractory or ceramic products. Silicate brick is not suitable for buildings of this type. You will also need:

  • Doors and lid made of stainless steel.
  • Cement.
  • Shovel, level, spatula and mixing container.
  • Grate for metal products (rods can be used).

Laying the foundation and masonry for the smokehouse

A concrete pillow is created using a solid concrete slab or with your own hands from a steel mesh, crushed stone, sand and concrete as follows:

Brick laying process

The masonry is done by smearing the poke (small side of the brick) with a solution, which allows you to fill the vertical seams, since when laying the stone moves towards the joint. Before this, a solution is applied to the foundation. When excess mortar appears (when pressing a brick), the remains are removed with a trowel.

Fig 2. Laying the base

In order for the masonry to be even, the brick is lightly hit with a rubber mallet. The use of the building level is mandatory to maintain even corners of the building. Laying takes place in rows, after each the height of the building is measured to avoid unevenness. In order for a do-it-yourself brick smokehouse to acquire an aesthetic appearance, you should use a few tips:

Chimney laying

The difference between cold and hot smoked smokehouses is visible in the length of the chimney. Since the cold smoking process requires cooled smoke, the chimney must be of the required length. When installing a hot-smoked smokehouse, the chimney must be short. On the one hand, such a chimney is limited by a hearth (furnace), on the other - by a smoking chamber.

Smoking chamber

The chamber for smoking products can have a round, oval or rectangular shape (height up to 1.5, size 1 sq. M). For the construction of such a chamber, a clay mortar (or cement) is used, gradually laying a brick on it with an edge. Why is clay used? Because when heated, it does not emit harmful substances, which means that the smoker will not spoil the product. Rods or grates for products are installed in the upper part, burlap can be installed in the lower part, which will serve as a kind of smoke filter. At the bottom of the chamber, it is advisable to put a tray to collect fat.

Fig 5. Pre-final readiness: installation of doors, gratings and test run

Furnace equipment

The firebox is installed at the other end of the chimney, it can be made of thick sheet iron, it must be ensured that there is a blower under it to obtain draft and collect ash. Outside, the firebox is lined with bricks.

How does a do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse differ in design from a “hot” one?

There are differences in the design of smokehouses of different types. In the process of hot smoking, it is necessary to install a hearth directly under the smoking chamber, in cold smoking - the hearth is located to the side, and a chimney is installed to the chamber.

Advantages and disadvantages of a brick smokehouse

The quality of construction depends on the quality of the material. The life of a brick smokehouse also depends on how good the brick was used. The benefits of using bricks include:

  • Long service life compared to other materials.
  • Relative cheapness.
  • A wide choice of colors, which will harmoniously combine the future building with existing ones.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Properties to keep warm.

One of the main disadvantages in construction is the difficulty in masonry, which requires certain skills and abilities in the construction industry.

When choosing a brick for building a smokehouse, choosing a quality material is easy. The broken shape, "bloating" in places indicates that the brick was made in violation of technology. But even a quality product has a number of disadvantages - high water absorption, susceptibility to chemical influence (relevant for areas where chemical industry enterprises are located), but in general this material is quite capable of working for a dozen years without additional restoration.

Fig 6. The result of fruitful work

The advantages of the brick smokehouse itself are obvious: not only the opportunity to taste delicious and healthy food, but also an excellent design solution for any site. Equipped with additional shelves and a sink, the smokehouse will be a real help in the household.

Many of us simply adore all kinds of smoked foods - meat, fish, even vegetables. However, sometimes not only prices in stores scare, but also quality. It has long been proven that quite often in stores they sell not smoked meats at all, but an imitation of such products. Special mixtures allow you to give the same fish a smoked aroma and taste. Alas, the quality leaves much to be desired.

So why not make your own smokehouse? Finding really good products for smoking is not difficult, and the cooking process itself is nothing complicated. But you will be sure that your smoked meat or your favorite beer mackerel will be natural and safe. But most importantly - incredibly tasty.

But first you need to build this very smokehouse. That is what we are going to talk about today.

Things to consider before building

Consider the following points:

  1. Location. It is necessary to find the optimal place where you can place the smokehouse. It should not cause discomfort to you or your neighbors. The smell of smoked meats, of course, is pleasant, but not everyone wants to feel it 24 hours a day.
  2. Material. Now the smokehouse can be made from anything, up to the old refrigerator. However, the best option is brick. Please note that the brick is extremely refractory.
  3. Type of smoking. There are two of them - cold and hot. The design of the device depends on the type chosen. Therefore, think in advance what exactly you want to get as a result.
  4. Products. You probably already thought that you were going to smoke. Different products have their own requirements for this. The construction of the smokehouse largely depends on this. For some products, you need to adapt the device. Learn it.

Types of smoking

Smoking is a very ancient way of cooking. It allows you to effectively use the possibilities of the tree. When a certain temperature is reached, the wood slowly smolders, emits the necessary smoke, due to which the smoke occurs.

The very same smoking is of two types:

  • hotter;
  • cold.

Cold is considered a more expensive method, but the cooked dish itself is stored longer.

Hot smoking does not allow the dish to be stored for so long after cooking, but the products are more aromatic and tastier.

The main difference between them lies in the design. So, if hot smokehouses have an ignition center directly under the chamber, then a cold one means placing the hearth aside, and a special device is supplied to the chamber where smoking takes place - a smoke supply.

Location selection

The brick smokehouse is located permanently. Therefore, it will not be possible to move it from place to place. This suggests that the place should be chosen with great care.

To begin with, we select a convenient site located at a certain distance from the house itself. You will be dealing with a lot of smoke and it is not desirable for it to fall into living spaces. In addition, this smoke can harm trees, your plantings. Therefore, finding a suitable place will not be so easy.

It all depends on each house individually. But you already know the main points for choosing a place.


As we have already noted, smokehouses in our time are made from almost everything that is at hand. But brick devices can also have different schemes, depending on the size, type of smoking, and so on.

One way or another, the main structural elements remain unchanged:

  • Fireplace;
  • grate;
  • Firebox;
  • Grid or holders (on which products are smoked);
  • Lid;
  • Bricks.

If we are talking about cold smoking, a smoke supply is necessarily added to the design, and the firebox itself is located not under the grates, but on the side, in order to avoid the direct influence of smoldering wood on products located above.

Construction stages

Having decided to make your own smokehouse, you need to clearly distribute the planned work, dividing them into stages in the correct sequence. It is better to prepare thoroughly, and not act instinctively from step to step. So you can miss important points and make serious mistakes.

The construction of a smokehouse can be divided into several main stages:

  1. preparatory activities.
  2. Selection of tools and materials.
  3. Laying the foundation for the future structure.
  4. Brickwork.
  5. Organization of a supply for smoke (if we are talking about a cold smokehouse).
  6. Putting the device into operation.

Preparatory work

Without preparatory measures, making a really high-quality and effective smokehouse is quite problematic.

Preparation consists, first of all, in choosing the type of device. Like it or not, hot smoking differs from cold smoking not only in the result of cooking, but also in the design features of the device itself.

After you have decided on the type of smoking, you need to carefully consider the place to place the structure. We have already told you about the selection rules, so there should be no problems.

Don't forget the importance of quality materials. The better the brick and related elements are, the longer and more reliably your miracle device will serve you.

By preparing the drawings, as well as making step-by-step notes for future construction, you will make it easier for yourself. So you can act strictly according to the plan, do not deviate from what was planned. As a result, there are fewer errors, the result is better.

As an example, we offer one of the drawings of a smokehouse when combined with an oven and a stove for cooking - the most popular option.

Drawing of a smokehouse with a brazier.

Required Tools

Of course, without the appropriate tools and materials, it makes no sense to start work. And for the manufacture of a smokehouse, you must have:

  • Brick (ceramic or special refractory, but not silicate);
  • Clay (it can be replaced with ready-made dry mixes);
  • Shovel;
  • Solution container;
  • Doors made of wood for a smokehouse;
  • Metal lattice or rods on which the products will be placed;
  • metal roof (if a small device is being made);
  • A hammer;
  • Building level;
  • Trowel and spatula;
  • A set of components for the foundation.


The foundation must be discussed separately. For its organization, you can use a metal mesh with concrete, gravel and sand, or a concrete slab.

If you decide to make a concrete pillow, then the sequence of your actions will be as follows:

  1. First, a hole of the required depth is dug.
  2. After that, sand with crushed stone is poured onto the bottom of the resulting pit. Try to compact this layer tightly, make it even.
  3. Then a metal mesh is laid in the pit and poured with concrete.

All that remains is to wait for the concrete to harden, and you can begin the construction itself.

If it is possible to use a reinforced concrete slab instead of pouring, be sure to use it. It's much easier and faster, plus there's no extra work to do.


Pastel, spoon and poke at the brick are indicated in the following figure.

After the foundation has been completed, the laying of bricks begins.

  1. To begin with, a solution should be applied to the foundation with a trowel. It should be slightly larger than the pastel area. After that, the brick itself is applied. He should not reach the joint.
  2. Now a poke is smeared, which will fill the vertical seams. The stone must be pressed down, which will allow you to "crush" the solution that is under it. Move it to the joint.
  3. If, as a result of pressure, the solution comes out of the seam, the excess is removed with a trowel. In order to ensure the correct position of the brick, you can simply hit it a little with a rubber mallet. Try to regularly monitor the angle of the masonry using the building level. You can do this when laying each row. Do not forget to measure the wall with a plumb or level.
  4. Vertical and horizontal seams should be about 12 millimeters thick. This is ideal.
  5. An important point is the overlapping of the vertical seams of the bottom row with bricks when laying corners. This creates a bond. Please note that it is best to start laying from a corner so that there are no problems later.
  6. The final stage of masonry will be grouting. This will give the design a more attractive appearance.

Smoke inlet

If your smokehouse is cold smoked, then a smoke supply will become an obligatory element of it.

To build such a chimney, it is necessary to make a special trench. Its width is approximately 0.5 meters, depth - 0.3 meters, and length - about 2 meters.

At the wall of the trench, bricks are laid on the ribs. The solution for this site is chosen in the ratio of clay to sand 3 to 1. The resulting structure is covered on top with a metal element, or filled with asbestos.


We test the smokehouse:

  1. The corresponding product is poured into the sawdust compartment. It is best to choose sawdust from cherries or apricots.
  2. Light the firebox.
  3. Place the selected products inside the smoker. It is best to test the device on meat or fish.
  4. The outlet pipe closes on the lid and waits for the device to warm up, the interior space will be filled with smoke. You can install a thermometer so that you can keep an eye on what is happening inside.
  5. When the thermometer reaches 600 degrees, open the outlet. It is located on the roof.
  6. The next step is to wait for 30 minutes. The device should work.
  7. Now open the door and take out your products. The color should come out golden, the meat or fish itself should be hot.

During the test, it is quite possible to notice how smoke comes out of the device. This means that some of the cracks were not tightly sealed. Testing allows you to find errors, quickly eliminate them and begin the full operation of the smokehouse.

Features of the construction of a small smokehouse

Making a small smoking device is not difficult even on your own. Just follow the recommendations and proceed step by step.

  1. First, we find a place to install a chimney on the ground. The intra-channel section should have a size of about 30 centimeters or a little less, its width is 0.35 m, and its height is 0.25 m. The optimal material is clay brick.
  2. The combustion chamber is located in the extreme part of the created channel. Please note that the height of the chamber should not be more than 1.5 m. Bricks must be laid on the ribs.
  3. To lay the channel, you need a trench. Its depth is about 0.35 m and its width is 0.55 m. Do not place the firebox higher than the chamber. If you put the device on a hill, then no additional measures will have to be carried out. If not, then it is better to make the chimney with a slope of about eight degrees. Press the bottom, and then make brickwork.
  4. A new stage is the laying of the walls in the chimney channel. The wall is mounted on a base laid of bricks. The elements are also stacked on the edges. Make sure the dressing is the same everywhere. The resulting wall should include several rows of bricks, that is, its height is about 0.25 m.
  5. After that, you need to block the upper part of the channel using a brick. The overlap should be done with a house, since a flat design will not work.
  6. At the end of the resulting channel of the created chimney, chambers are installed where smoking will take place. Mount it in such a way that the channel goes deep, no more than 0.3 m.
  7. The final stage is the topping of the soil layer to the level of the chamber. Please note that the height of this layer should be approximately 0.15 m.

Features of the construction of a large smokehouse

If you want to make a large smokehouse, then it is built like a small house.

During the construction process, be sure to lay down the elements on which, in fact, the products you have chosen will be smoked. A chimney is mounted on top, complemented by a valve. This valve will help regulate the temperature as well as the speed of the passing smoke flow.

Everyone knows that smoking can be cold and hot. It is believed that cold-cooked foods have a more delicate aroma and refined taste, although to be honest, this is not for everybody.

The technologies differ in that with a cold cooking method, the product is cooked for at least 12-15 hours, and hot smoking lasts a maximum of 2.5-3 hours, and this is in the case of cooking meat or hard fat. Fish and soft fat can be smoked in general in 30-40 minutes.

In addition, the temperature of cold smoking should not exceed 50ºС. While the instruction for hot smoking prescribes to keep the temperature in the working chamber in the range from 70 to 120ºС.

As for the design of the smokehouse itself, with the hot method, the working chamber is located directly above the firebox, which actually allows you to keep the high temperature.

Of course, there are smoke generators that are installed nearby and connected to the working chamber through a pipe, but in any case, the distance does not exceed half a meter. I will talk about one of these models in this article.

In the cold method, from the smoking chamber to the firebox with a smoke generator, a pipe or channel is laid, from 2 - 3 to 10 - 12 m long, depending on the type of structure. As a result, the smoke reaches the product already cooled.

In general, all hot smoked smokehouses can be equipped in two ways:

  • A more common and, by the way, more economical option is the construction, when we have a firebox installed below, in which a fire burns. A metal sheet is mounted above this firebox, on which sawdust and wood chips smolder. The smoke that rises from these sawdust enters the working chamber and the product is smoked;
  • In the second version of the design, there is no metal sheet; smoke rises into the working chamber directly from the smoldering coals of the furnace. Such a device is most often found in barbecue grills. It's not that bad, just too much fuel is wasted and you need to make sure that the coals smolder, not burn.

How to assemble a hot smoked smokehouse yourself

As I already said, making a smokehouse is a creative process and each home master brings something of his own to it, so there are many design options. I will tell you about the most common and, in my opinion, interesting models.

In this case, we do not take into account serial models and electric smokehouses. And such things as "smoking" meat and fish with the help of "liquid smoke" I generally consider unacceptable. It will only be about how to make a smokehouse yourself.

Option number 1: Capital brick building

If you are an avid lover of smoked meats or this is part of your business, then, of course, it is better to immediately build a capital brick structure, because such a home smokehouse will last for decades.

  • The dimensions of the brick smokehouse for hot smoking are not large; we do not take industrial options into account. On average, for a large family closet meter, per meter is enough. Enough for the neighbors too;
  • Since this is a brick structure, it means that a small foundation needs to be laid under it. Personally, in such cases, I lay a strip foundation up to 30 cm deep. As usual, they dug a trench, poured a 100 mm sand and gravel cushion, installed formwork, laid reinforcement and poured concrete;
  • I have come across recommendations when the entire structure needs to be built from solid heat-resistant bricks. If you have enough of such a brick, then you can do it like this;
  • In general, only a firebox with a blower should be built from heat-resistant material, the working chamber can be laid out with any brick. A temperature of 120ºС for a block material is not critical;
  • It is not worth making a firebox that is too large, the maximum width is 30 - 40 cm. Naturally, we have grates from below, and under them, there is a chamber for ventilation, in other words, a blower;
  • The photo shows an option that does not provide for a sheet for laying wood chips above the firebox. The owners chose it because the height of the structure is quite large, about 2m, and so it will be easier to maintain the desired temperature in the working chamber. If the building were smaller, it would be more convenient to smoke with a sheet for wood chips;
  • Almost under the very roof of the working chamber, we installed a grate for hanging the product. The bars of such a lattice should be at least 6 mm thick, ideally 8 - 10 mm;
  • In order for dense smoke to constantly envelop the product on the chimney pipe, it is advisable to make a valve, it will be convenient to regulate not only the concentration of smoke, but also the temperature in the working chamber, which is more important. If, during construction, the valve was not remembered in time, then you can simply throw a piece of burlap on the chimney.

Option number 2: Smokehouse from a construction bucket

It was not in vain that I mentioned the construction bucket. In this case, we will build a smoker out of large metal buckets, which often sell paint, putty or something similar.

For a small cottage, this option is simply fabulous.

  • For the construction, we need 2 large buckets with different diameters. The walls of the buckets should be even (parallel). First, we will need to measure about 100 mm from the bottom of the smaller bucket, cut off this sector with a grinder or scissors for metal and fill holes in it;
  • In the remaining trim of the bucket, we will cut out a square window, this will be our impromptu firebox, we will load firewood into it;
  • Now we take a metal lid from a bucket of a larger diameter, turn it over and cover our firebox with this lid;
  • In this case, the lid serves as the same metal sheet on which sawdust and wood chips will smolder. Since the temperature inside the working chamber in this model is not regulated, it is better to use large wood chips or even chopped twigs;
  • Next, we need to isolate the product from the smoldering wood chips and at the same time ensure the unhindered flow of smoke into the working chamber. To do this, we will use a cap made earlier from the bottom of the bucket with holes stuffed in it;
  • But you can not put the product directly on this cap. The metal is too thin and can get very hot, plus the fat must drain somewhere. Therefore, under the product, in this case it is lard, we put a curved grate;
  • Now we cover this whole structure with a bucket, while the walls of the bucket enter the grooves of the “native” lid and the smoking chamber turns out to be tightly closed. From above, for confidence, we put another additional load, after which we kindle a fire and wait until it burns out for about 30 - 40 minutes.

There is one important point here. Since there is no ventilation at all in the working chamber, the smoke will be highly concentrated, which is not desirable for the product. Therefore, I advise you to wrap the fat in a clean cotton cloth, it will take all the cinders.

At home, you can still make a mini-smoker from an ordinary galvanized bucket.

As you know, such buckets are cone-shaped:

  • Sawdust is poured at the bottom of the bucket, then a grate is inserted into which a container for collecting fat will become, and another grate for the product itself is installed not far from the top;
  • After that, the product is placed on the upper grate, the bucket is covered with a lid and put on fire.

But in such miniature designs, the temperature inside the bucket is too high and the product, in fact, is not smoked, but baked. Plus, at high temperatures, zinc begins to burn and actively evaporate, respectively, your fragrant, smoked product slowly but surely absorbs the poison.

Option number 3: If there is an ownerless barrel

If you have a barrel of 100 - 200 liters unused in the household in your "bins of the Motherland", then you can also easily make a smokehouse for hot smoking with your own hands from it.

As a result, it turned out even better with the sheet, it’s more convenient to put the barrel on the bricks.

  • Since the welding machine was at hand, for convenience, we cut out a window from the bottom of the barrel with a grinder and welded a hinged door with a latch to it. Through this door it is convenient to load wood chips and clean out decayed ash;
  • 3 ordinary bricks are installed at the bottom, they will serve as a support for the container into which fat drips during the smoking of products;
  • Anything can be used as a container for collecting fat. But burnt fat is very problematic to wash off, so I recommend taking some old basin, which, in which case, is not a pity to throw it away;
  • Of course, in the middle of our barrel, you can drill several holes and cut metal studs inward, on which it will be convenient to put a grate for lard, meat and fish. But we decided not to complicate things and simply hung the product on skewers;
  • In order for the lid to fit tightly to the edges of the barrel, we covered our barrel with a bag on top, after which we put the lid on it and pressed it with a load;
  • The preparatory stage is over, further down the wood chips are loaded and a fire is laid out under the barrel. Since the working capacity is quite large, the product will be smoked at the optimum temperature. The result will be better, but this process will take more time.

Option number 4: Smokehouse from gas cylinders

It turns out that large household gas cylinders can also be used to make a smokehouse at home. Moreover, such a design is much more advanced in terms of technology and beautiful in terms of aesthetics.

Such a smokehouse is also good because its principle of operation allows you to smoothly adjust the temperature in the working chamber.

Plus, this is not just a smokehouse, but also a good barbecue.

  • First, we will need to cut off the valve from the gas cylinder. Technologically, this work is not difficult, but we are dealing with an old gas cylinder and it’s not a fact that there is definitely no gas left inside, so it’s better to play it safe;
  • For this model, we need 2 cylinders. Before grabbing a hacksaw, try unscrewing the necks of the cylinders with a gas wrench. I will say right away that it is difficult to do this and the probability of unscrewing is not great;
  • If it was not possible to unscrew the neck, take a hacksaw for metal and slowly cut off the valve with your own hands;

Do not try to cut off the valve with a grinder or drill a closed cylinder with an electric drill. Remember that if there is gas in there, any spark can cause an explosion.

  • Condensate may remain in the old gas cylinder, which has a specific odor. Therefore, we fill the cylinders with water and leave for a day, so that we can then wash them from the inside;
  • Next, we need to cut off the bottom, while draining the water is not necessary, just put the cylinder horizontally and carefully cut it off with a grinder. Some container should be placed under the bottom, so that later you can take this dirty water away, because if it spills, your yard will stink for a long time;
  • We need one cylinder in order to make a smoke generator, and the second will become the working chamber of the smokehouse and part-time brazier. First, we will deal with the smoke generator, for this we measure 30 cm from the upper edge of the cylinder (from the weld) and cut it off;
  • Since this design does not have a blower, its role will be played by a ventilation valve. We will do it from below, so we immediately cut out the window;
  • We cut out exactly the same window in the second cylinder, the approximate dimensions of such holes are 100x100 mm;
  • Next, we weld the hinges under the cover of the smoke generator, and also weld 4 small corners from the inside for laying a removable grate on them;
  • The vent windows on both cylinders must not be fully open. In order to be able to regulate the flow of air into the tanks, we weld guides on the sides of each window. We make guides from a profile pipe, as a result, ventilation becomes adjustable;
  • As I said, the main working chamber is made from a second solid cylinder. To do this, a wide upper hatch is cut through it, onto which we then weld the hinges. As in the case of a smoke generator, corners are welded under the grate from inside the working tank;

There is one subtlety, the upper hatch on both the smoke generator and the working chamber should be reinforced so that it does not lead to temperature. But while you are welding the reinforcing tubes, the sheet can again lead. To prevent this from happening, I temporarily tighten the edges of the sheet with wire.

  • But the working tank is much larger than the smoke generator, in addition, we plan to use it as a classic barbecue, so the air blowing system needs to be made more perfect;
  • We solved this problem simply. We took a wide corner, drilled holes in it and welded it over the ventilation window, thereby protecting it from ash. As a result, air will flow into such a brazier along the entire length of the bottom of the tank;
  • Next, we cut holes at the bottom of the working chamber and at the top of the smoke generator, after which the two chambers are joined, and the junction is scalded;
  • On the other side of the working chamber, in the upper part we make a chimney. To do this, we cut the chimney pipe itself at an angle, cut a hole in the tank for this pipe and weld these two parts of the structure together;
  • In order not to cover the chimney with burlap later, we immediately weld a damper and a kind of umbrella onto the upper part of the pipe. In our case, the damper will move to the side;
  • For convenience, so that the lid does not sink back when opened and does not create unnecessary tension on the hinges, we welded 2 stops in the area of ​​​​the hinges on the smoke generator and on the main working tank;

There is one more trifle, the lid of the working chamber is quite wide and it is better to install 2 handles for opening on it, along the edges. The fact is that if you weld 1 handle in the center, when opening the heat from the tank, it can burn your hand, otherwise you have the opportunity to hold the lid on the edge.

  • The assembly itself is basically finished, now it remains to polish. In order for the old paint to burn, both tanks will need to be fired at idle. Next, we install a nozzle with a metal cord brush on the grinder and clean everything to bare metal, after which we degrease the surface;
  • For painting, we used black and silver paint, but both of these compositions should be designed for high-temperature surfaces. We applied the main black paint in 2 layers, if you make one layer, it will not shine so beautifully. Silver was used only to accentuate details;

Option number 5: Smoker-brazier made of metal sheet

Unlike the design of two gas cylinders, it is much easier to weld a metal sheet smokehouse. As in the previous case, from the tool we need a grinder and a welding machine.

As for the materials, in addition to the metal sheet itself, which, by the way, must be taken no thinner than 3 mm, we will also need a 35 mm corner, a pipe for arranging the chimney and a rod for suspensions, with a section of 6 mm or more.

The principle of operation of this version of the smokehouse-barbecue is exactly the same as that of the design, consisting of 2 gas cylinders. But to be honest, there is less fuss with sheets than with cylinders.

Ventilation windows here, as a rule, are not cut out; instead, a series of holes are simply drilled in the lower part of the walls.

A hinged lid is welded on top of the brazier. The photo shows a design with a semicircular shape of the lid, but this is not necessary, the lid can be even. The semicircular cover does not carry any functional load, it is simply more convenient to work with it.

As in the first brick version, rods are welded near the chimney to hang the product. It is advisable to equip the chimney itself with a damper, so that later you do not have to cover it with burlap.

A few words about smoking

Whatever the design of your smokehouse, perhaps the most important point is the choice of wood for chips. So, preference should be given to fruit trees - cherry, apple, apricot and the like.

It is absolutely impossible to use conifers and birch, with them the product will turn out with a bitter aftertaste. And the best option is juniper.

There are often tips on the net to make a smokehouse from an old refrigerator. This option is good, but only for a cold-smoked smokehouse. A heat insulator is laid in the walls of the refrigerator and high temperatures are not desirable for it.

And finally, a few short recipes for smoking different products.

Smoked meat and lard can be treated differently, but fish, especially hot smoked mackerel, is loved by most of the population of our great power.

It is not difficult to prepare it:

  • Choose a good, dense mackerel, preferably large. Naturally, if it is frozen, then defrost it, rub it with salt and spices, since now there are enough spices for these purposes;
  • Then leave the fish in a cool place for a day to soak, after which you can send it to the smokehouse, the smoking process lasts 20 - 30 minutes.

It is believed that the best wood for fish is alder. Plus, you need to not just put the fish on the grill, but spread apple tree branches and currant leaves under it.

To smoke a chicken, you must first wash it well, wipe it lightly with napkins and stuff it with garlic. Just cut the carcass in different places and stick garlic cloves into these cuts.

Next, mix salt with spices and rub the chicken inside and out with this mixture. The chicken should be marinated in a cool place for a day, but it is better to marinate it in foil. After a day, remove the foil, tie the paws and wings together and send the carcass to the smokehouse. Chicken is smoked hot for no more than an hour.

Harvesting lard and meat exactly repeats the harvesting of chicken. Only fat is desirable to stuff with garlic, and meat is already an amateur. Naturally, you buy a mixture of spices for a specific product. And do not try to take too expensive, imported bags of spices, from experience they contain a preservative, which I personally do not like.


For me, a hot-smoked smokehouse is an opportunity to cook a product not only with high quality, but also quickly. It's up to you which option to choose from the options above. In the photo and video in this article, many processes are shown clearly, and if something is not clear, write in the comments, we'll talk.


For private needs, small smokehouses are often built. Work on their construction requires less money and effort, however, the principle of construction is common. A brick smokehouse consists of a stove, a smoke chamber with a frame, and a chimney.


In the ground lay the place where the chimney will be located. Its width is 35 centimeters, height is 25, length is from two and a half to three meters. Under these dimensions, they dig a trench. Its bottom is rammed and laid out with bricks. This is done using a solution with clay, which gives it integrity and strength. In addition, this mixture does not emit toxins.

The chimney itself is laid out of red brick. This material is heat and crack resistant. Silicate and hollow bricks are not suitable. At the end of the chimney there will be a smoking chamber, and at the beginning - a stove. The smoking section must be higher than the firebox, this should be provided for when installing the chimney. If the smokehouse is located on a hill, the slope will turn out by itself, if not, it must be done.

When laying the walls, the brick is placed on the edge with the same dressing of the seams in all rows. It turns out two vertical brick rows.

The upper floor is made of brick with a house. All gaps formed must be covered. After manufacturing, the brick chimney is covered with earth 16 centimeters thick. In this case, the powder goes to the level of the smoking chamber.


The construction of a smokehouse is impossible without a firebox. One of the options is the manufacture of sheet iron, followed by brick lining. Dimensions 40x35x30 centimeters. Very simple design. On one side there was a door and a blower, on the other a chimney.

Smoking chamber

The smoking chamber is installed last. This is the final stage. It is constructed by laying on edge.

The chimney channel should not go deep into the smoking chamber, a maximum of 30 centimeters.

For laying semi-finished products in the chamber, a side door is made of wood, protected by clay coating. The door must be fitted very carefully. During operation, fresh air must not enter the chamber.

During construction, hooks for hanging, grates for smoking are laid.

When the smokehouse is built, the stove is heated for five hours. This is the final preparation for work. The first batches should be made small in order to work out the modes.

Differences of a large smokehouse

A large stationary brick smokehouse is usually built in the form of a house. Fundamentally, it differs only in size, but there are some differences.

It smokes a large number of products from which fat flows. Under the smoke frame, it is recommended to place a tray for it.

In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chimney passage, a compartment for storing firewood can be provided, they will dry well there. Firewood is used from deciduous trees except aspen.

To improve the quality of smoking, the smokehouse is supplemented with a filter. To do this, four rods are provided in advance in the chamber under the lower bars of the lattice. A filter made of burlap and stretched over a circle of wire is installed on them.

A valve is installed in the chimney. It will regulate the temperature of the smoke and its speed of passage, the color and quality of smoked meats will depend on this.

For ventilation, special tight-closing windows are made. Reinforced waterproofing is required. Liquid must not collect in the chamber, this would lead to mold, fungus, and unpleasant odors.

Mangal - smokehouse

You can make a barbecue grill. The brazier is installed in the upper, outer part of the device. It can be independent of the smokehouse or receiving heat from the smoking chamber. In this case, it is installed strictly above the chamber and its heating from it is provided.


Far from all types and methods of building smokehouses are described. In general, the step-by-step instruction looks like this:

  1. Location, foundation.
  2. Construction of a chimney, furnace, chamber.
  3. Exploitation.

Different types of smoking

During the construction of the smokehouse, it is determined for what type of smoking it is intended - cold or hot. If a large smokehouse is built on the site, it is universal in itself. Two grills for smoking are made in the chamber. Hot smoking is performed on the lower grate, cold smoking is performed on the upper one. A hot smoked smokehouse is usually a small smokehouse in the country. A small cold smoked smokehouse requires a separate extension. It is made directly above the firebox, and a hot-smoking chamber is laid out above it, into which smoke enters.

The main difference between these types of smoking is the temperature of the smoke. For hot smoking, a high temperature is needed, for cold smoking, 35 degrees is enough. No smoking should be carried out over an open fire.

Cold smoking is a much longer process, up to seven days. It is very dangerous not to smoke the product, you can get poisoned.

In general, smoking is a rather tedious business, as it needs the presence of a person. Wind affects the formation of smoke. From it, the temperature can rise sharply. A canopy is built over a small smokehouse, which does not have its own roof, which makes it possible to work in the rain.

So, understanding theoretically, listening to the advice of the masters, analyzing and thinking through, a lover of food with smoke can build a smokehouse on his site. It can become a center of attraction for friends, a great pastime.

What are smokehouses?

You can smoke chicken thighs, lard, fish, homemade sausage, meat. When smoked, the products are saturated with wood smoke, acquiring a unique aroma and taste. Without a wood-fired smokehouse, this result will not be achieved. No liquid smoke, tea brews and other inventions of industry and resourceful housewives can replace real smoking with smoke.

On a personal plot, you can install both a purchased smokehouse, and build it from improvised materials with your own hands. Homemade smokehouse can be:

  • from a metal or wooden barrel;
  • from a bucket;
  • from metal sheets welded together;
  • brick.

At home, you can also smoke products in the chimney located in the attic of the house. To do this, it is necessary to build a smoking chamber near the chimney, into which smoke will flow through the chimney from the stove located in the house. This option is the most budgetary, but at the same time the most dangerous in terms of fire safety.

The most reliable design is a brick smokehouse. Moreover, the construction laid out by skillful hands can become a real highlight of the landscape design of the site. Using photos and drawings, you can build a functional, durable and stylish design.

Brick smokehouses differ:

  • to size;
  • by device:
  • by functionality.

On the site, you can build both a very small in volume and a fairly impressive smokehouse. Large smokehouses are recommended to be designed in the form of decorative houses.

Smokehouses of various design can be used for hot and cold smoking of products. In the first case, the firebox will be located directly under the smoking chamber, dousing the products with hot smoke. Cold smoking involves a fire located slightly away from the chamber so that the smoke can cool before it reaches the food. Hot-smoked products are cooked on average 2.5 hours, but cold-smoked products take up to 7 days. The drawings clearly show the difference in the design of the two types of smokehouses. You can expand the functionality of the smokehouse by combining it with a barbecue or barbecue.

What is the smokehouse made of?

The design of any smokehouse consists of:

  • furnaces;
  • blew;
  • chimney;
  • smoking chambers;
  • doors;
  • top floor (roof);
  • metal gratings and horizontal bars with hooks;
  • drip tray for collecting fat.

Wood chips placed in the furnace form thick smoke, which is fed through the chimney into the smoking chamber. Combustion waste (ash) accumulates in the blower located under the firebox. Products in the smoking chamber are laid out on metal grates or hung on special hooks. To collect the resulting fat, it is imperative to install a removable drip tray.

Preparatory work

Choosing the right place for a stationary smokehouse is of great importance, since the smoking process is associated with fire, smoke and soot. The main requirement for fire safety is remoteness from residential and outbuildings on the site. The same rule applies to green spaces. It is also necessary to take into account that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe selected area is sufficient for laying the chimney.

The place chosen for construction must be cleaned in advance of foreign objects, debris and grass. It is also worth taking care of the necessary materials and tools. You will need:

  • refractory brick;
  • cement, sand, clay;
  • wooden doors;
  • sackcloth;
  • roofing materials;
  • metal corner;
  • measuring instruments;
  • trowel, hammer, spatula;
  • container for mixing solution.

For quality work, experts recommend that beginners prepare a building drawing in advance and develop step-by-step instructions that you should follow when building a smokehouse with your own hands. It will not be superfluous to study the theory, get acquainted with the photo and video of the upcoming work.

Foundation laying

Like any building, a smokehouse needs a solid foundation. The first step is to mark up according to the size of the future smokehouse. For this, wooden stakes and a cord are used. For small smokehouses, a foundation 40 cm deep will be enough. If a more voluminous structure is being built, the foundation should be deepened more and reinforced during pouring.

For pouring the foundation, it uses a cement-sand mixture with the addition of gravel or crushed stone. In some cases, the foundation trench can be laid with construction debris, and poured with concrete on top. Since the load on the foundation of the smokehouse is small, such a device will be quite enough.

Advice. To ensure the waterproofing of the foundation, it is recommended to cover it with a layer of roofing material.

It will be useful to equip the basement. To do this, it is necessary to build a wooden formwork that is wider than the laid foundation.

Laying out the chimney

The principle of construction of any smokehouse is the same, regardless of its size and internal structure. First of all, the chimney is laid out - the main working element of the structure.

Under the chimney in the ground, they dig a trench of the following sizes:

  • width - 50 cm;
  • depth - 30-40 cm;
  • length - 25-30 cm.

The bottom of the prepared trench is carefully tamped and a row of bricks is laid using clay mortar. It is important that along the length of the chimney there are two bricks located end to end to each other. The chimney channel is limited on the one hand by the firebox, and on the other - by the smoking chamber.

The rule for the location of the chamber implies that the smoke channel should rise from the firebox at an angle of 8-9 degrees. When laying the chimney, the brick is installed on the edge, and the dressing of all seams remains the same. The vertical walls of the chimney are erected to a height of 25 cm. The upper ceiling of the chimney is also made of brick. For convenience, it is recommended to perform it in the form of a house.

When the chimney is laid out, the mortar used must be allowed to dry. Next, the chimney is covered with a layer of earth, which is limited to the smoking chamber.

Attention! The chimney should not enter the smoking chamber by more than 25-30 cm. The layer of earth poured onto the chimney should be 12-14 cm.

We lay out the smoking chamber

When the chimney is ready, you can proceed to the construction of the smoke department. Here you can show your imagination by building a round, square or rectangular chamber. Drawings, photos, videos and step-by-step instructions, widely presented on the Internet, will come to the rescue. The most important thing is not to rush, but to lay out the bricks with high quality. For a home smokehouse, a chamber measuring 1 x 1 m and 1.5 m high will be quite sufficient.

Laying is desirable to perform on a solution of clay, laying a brick on the edge. Clay is a natural material, and when exposed to high temperatures does not emit harmful substances.

Metal pins are drilled into the upper part of the chamber, on which a grate or rods with hooks for products will be mounted. At the bottom, you need to provide fasteners for burlap, which is used as a smoke filter. In the middle - attachments for a removable grease tray.

From above, the chamber is covered with a special cover that regulates the density of smoke. If the design of the smokehouse provides for the installation of a roof, do not forget about the ventilated opening holes. When the frame of the smoking chamber is ready, you can install doors and mount devices for laying out products.

Furnace arrangement

The firebox is located at the opposite end of the chimney from the chamber. Its design is very simple. It is made of thick sheet iron with dimensions of 40 x 35 x 35 cm. A small blower is placed under the firebox to collect ash and provide draft in the chimney. At the back or side, the firebox is connected to the chimney.

From the outside, it is recommended to overlay the firebox with bricks. This will protect it from the effects of precipitation and give a complete appearance to the entire structure. In detail, the entire process of building a smokehouse on a personal plot can be viewed in the video.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for building a brick smokehouse

  1. We lay the foundation for the smoking chamber.
  2. We dig a trench under the chimney.
  3. We lay out the chimney of bricks.
  4. We build a smoking chamber.
  5. We equip the firebox.
  6. We give the building a decorative appearance.

Beginners in the construction business should not despair when building a brick smokehouse with their own hands. If you have a desire, then everything will work out! The main thing is to be patient, and slowly, step by step, do this painstaking work. As a result, a brick smokehouse will serve you for a long time and regularly.

Building a brick smokehouse with your own hands: video

How to choose the location and functions of the smokehouse

Since it is possible to make a brick smokehouse only in a stationary version, several points should be foreseen in advance:

  • Determine a place. For safe operation, you should choose areas remote from home. However, it is worth remembering that you will have to take the dishes and products to the place of cooking, so you do not need to make too much distance between the buildings. In addition, layout planning should take into account the peculiarity of the smokehouse, namely the constantly emitted smoke. It must not enter the premises.
  • Prepare the site. The basis of the smokehouse will be a solid foundation, and to increase its durability, you need to resort to cleaning the area from debris, leaves and grass.
  • Define purpose. Conventional do-it-yourself devices offer two types of smoking - cold and hot. The design can provide either one of these modes, or both at the same time.

TIP: It is necessary to decide in advance what types of smoking will be used when operating the smokehouse, as this will directly affect the peculiarity of its organization.

Dependence on the type of smoking

The do-it-yourself brick smokehouse device varies depending on whether cold or hot smoking is selected. Each of them has its own advantages:

  • Cold-smoked food is stored longer, but is more expensive than the second method.
  • Hot smoking is more beneficial, however, products prepared in this way will spoil faster than those created by the cold method.

One method or both was chosen for building a smokehouse made of bricks with your own hands - it is important to consider the following: for hot cooking, it is necessary to organize a hearth under the chamber, and for cold cooking, to the side with the supply of a smoke supply device.

Design features

Various sizes and types of designs allow for the presence of many elements in do-it-yourself smokehouses. However, the main parts are the fireplace itself, the grate and the firebox, the food grate with hooks and the lid, as well as the main element of the construction - brick.

How to make a brick smokehouse yourself

The best option is to form a smokehouse with two chambers, which will allow you to resort to different types of smoking. Therefore, after selecting and preparing a site for the construction of the device, you can begin to draw up a scheme of work. The painted stages and drawings of a do-it-yourself brick smokehouse should include:

  • List of required tools. These include both parts of the smokehouse - bricks, doors, a grate and a metal lid, and tools for working - clay and components for the foundation, a spatula, a shovel and a container for the mixture.

IMPORTANT: Only refractory bricks are suitable for building a do-it-yourself brick smokehouse.

  • Sequence of work: first of all, when building a do-it-yourself brick smokehouse, you need to prepare the foundation, then choose a scheme for laying bricks and building a smoke supply.

Foundation formation

A kind of concrete pad with a steel mesh inside will serve as a good basis. Creation comes down to a few simple steps:

  • A hole is dug slightly larger than the future smokehouse with a depth of about 40 cm.
  • The bottom of the pit is filled with a layer of sand and gravel.
  • A steel mesh is placed on top.
  • The dug hole is completely filled with concrete, left to solidify.
  • A waterproofing layer of roofing material is placed on top.

Creating the base of a brick smokehouse

Since the device is a three-dimensional structure, it is necessary to approach the laying of bricks thoroughly. The best option would be to choose one of the existing schemes and sequentially build rows.

After the drawing is selected, you can start working:

  • Using a trowel, concrete mortar is applied to the foundation.

TIP: For the mixture, you can use cement and fine sand in a ratio of 1 to 4. The mixed homogeneous mass should be gradually filled with water, remembering to stir until a thick consistency is formed.

  • The poke of the brick is covered with mortar, then applied vertically to the already laid mortar. The next brick must be laid with a shift towards the joint.
  • Ordering is in progress. Each row must be cleaned with a trowel from excess mortar, which is formed when the elements are shifted. At the same time, in order to increase the stability of the future brick smokehouse, the seams of the lower rows should be covered with solid bricks from above. In other words, observe the dressing.

Formation of a supply for a smoke

Such an element is an indispensable part of a smokehouse with the possibility of cooking food by cold smoking. It is created as follows:

  • The trench is being prepared. The standard size is 0.5 m wide, 0.3 m deep and long. The bottom is rammed.
  • A number of bricks are laid out, fixed with mortar. The height of the vertical wall should be about 25 cm.
  • From above, an overlap is created in the form of a house.
  • The solution is left to solidify. After that, a layer of earth about 14 cm should be poured from above to the smoking chamber.

TIP: The chimney channel should go no more than 0.3 m deep into the smokehouse.

Check before launch

Before using the smokehouse to its full potential for its intended purpose, you should check the correct operation of it in test mode. This will allow you to detect and eliminate deficiencies. You can do this in the following way:

  • Fill the appropriate compartment with sawdust. In this case, the most preferred option would be cherry and apricot.
  • Fire up the furnace.
  • Place meat or fish in the smoker.
  • Close the outlet pipe and wait until the inside of the smoker fills with smoke.
  • Wait until the temperature in the smokehouse reaches 60 degrees, then open the smoke hole.
  • Wait about half an hour in operating mode.
  • Get groceries. If the brick smoker works correctly, the meat will be golden and hot.

Thus, having studied the device of a brick smokehouse, even a beginner in the construction business can create it with his own hands. At the same time, the smokehouse will show efficiency and safety, since it will be built according to verified steps and will pass the necessary checks.

How to lay a brick smokehouse?

Before starting the construction of a smokehouse, you need to learn the basic basics of the brickwork itself, and then the process of building a smokehouse will not take you much time and effort, and most importantly, you can easily build a smokehouse of any shape, type and even color.

What building materials are needed for the construction and laying of a smokehouse from ordinary or special building bricks:

  1. Brick (it is best to use a special brick, as it has the best performance properties);
  2. Ordinary natural clay or clay mass with various additives and impurities;
  3. Shovel for digging a hole;
  4. A grate and ladder made of special or ordinary bricks, which you can do yourself for smoking meat and other products;
  5. Wooden door for laying products or combustion elements;
  6. Eight thick metal rods;
  7. Durable metal lid;
  8. Roulette for measuring length;
  9. Level measurement device;
  10. Plinth or plumb:
  11. Construction blade for grinding - trowel;
  12. Regular spatula;
  13. Construction hammer;
  14. Container for pouring and mixing mortar.
  15. Conclusion.

Where is the best place to place a brick smokehouse?

When choosing a place for the stove, everything must be thought through and taken into account down to the smallest detail. Since in this article we are considering exclusively brick smokehouses, then this oval design will be capital and permanent, which means that at the slightest desire it will not be possible to move or put it in another place (if you need to change the location of the smokehouse, then it will have to be disassembled and build from scratch).

And that is why the location of the smoking oven should be ideal. Such a place should be: large, comfortable, located at the same time close to your home, but also at some distance so that you do not breathe smoke and combustion elements during the smoking process. It is also important to remember that smoking smoke can harm not only your health, but also the buildings and living plants that are on the site. Therefore, the place for the furnace should be quite remote. I repeat once again - the place for the smokehouse must be chosen carefully and take into account all possible nuances.

How to prepare the site for future construction work?

The place where the construction process will take place must be thoroughly cleaned of grass, dirt, debris and everything superfluous. If you decide to build a mini smokehouse, then the foundation must be poured thirty by forty centimeters in size (depending on the size of the smokehouse, the foundation area will increase).

If you want to build a large smoking apparatus in the area where it will be located, you should dig a large pit and pour the foundation into it with the addition of reinforced concrete (for strength and reliability of the structure).


  • Regardless of its size and shape, any masonry structure will start from the geometric plane where the unit to be laid will be located. In order to determine that very plane, it is very important to know all the sides of such a building element: spoons, pastel and poke. And the shaping stone of the same type can be completely different shapes and sizes.

It is important to know: there are three standard types of bricks - these are: double, one and a half and single.

  • In each country, the standard sizes of building bricks basically differ from each other, but our country has long had its own rules and regulations regarding this. What should the correct brick look like? That is why the standard for a single brick is the size - two hundred and fifty millimeters in length, one hundred and twenty in width, and sixty-five in height. One and a half bricks have less compact dimensions: two hundred and fifty by one hundred and twenty and eighty-eight. Well, a double building brick has dimensions exactly two times larger than one and a half.

Also during construction, bricks of standard M one hundred and fifty are very often used. Its dimensions are almost identically close to a double brick. Learn how to bake bricks at home here.

Thickness of brickwork

  1. Laying in half a brick;
  2. Masonry in one brick;
  3. Laying one and a half bricks;
  4. Masonry in two bricks;
  5. Masonry in two and a half bricks.

As a rule, the thickness of the brickwork with your own hands is determined by a special metric system.

  • It doesn’t matter what kind of brickwork (whether it’s made by hand and at home or produced at a large manufacturing plant) occurs according to a certain construction scheme, which, without deviating, adheres to. According to these rules, the joint of two bricks of a separate, lower row must always be covered upon completion of the masonry. This is done so that in the future there are no extra seams.

This technology is called ligation of seams, and in order for you to get the right brazier with a smokehouse made of bricks, you need to do only three ligations of the seams of the smokehouse - spoon ligation, chain ligation and cross ligation.

It is important to know: before starting the construction of the smokehouse, it is necessary to lay the foundation for it and the base for the walls of the barbecue. The foundation should be no more than thirty to forty centimeters in size, but if the land on your site is very damp, then the foundation can be made several times larger.

It is best to pour the foundation from a mixture of cement and sand cleaned of impurities with building additives (crushed stone and so on).

It is important to know: also, based on the complexity of the construction, it is necessary to determine whether it is necessary to make a flooded floor screed or you can leave the floor from the ground. In addition, you can build a small plinth to protect the smokehouse.

The process of laying the plinth

To do this, on the basis of the smokehouse (foundation), with a trowel, you need to apply a solution to a pre-constructed formwork, which should be slightly larger than the size of a spoon and a poke. Next, attach the brick so that it fills all the vertical seams.

If the applied mortar has come out a little from the seam, then it must be carefully removed with a trowel so that the brick takes the correct position, it can be slightly knocked out with a hammer or the same trowel.

What are the options for sealing joints in the construction of structures made of strong, building bricks:

  1. Sewing a seam into an empty space;
  2. Sealing a visible seam by cutting it slightly;
  3. Expanded sealing of the seam with its bending inward;
  4. Extended seaming with raised elements.

If you decide to put an ordinary, stationary stove made of building bricks in the backyard of your house or country cottage, then you naturally want to decorate it properly (beautifully, neatly and unusually), but before proceeding with the design and decoration, it is very important to repair and embroider all visible seams.

What does a standard smokehouse consist of

Any smoking oven consists of:

  • gate valves;
  • Hook for hanging and fixing meat over the smoker;
  • Capacity for bookmarking products.
  • Chamber for cold smoking of meat products (such a chamber is available only in a universal and cold smoking apparatus);
  • Chamber for hot smoking of meat products (such a chamber is only available in a universal hot smoking apparatus);
  • Compartment for loading sawdust;
  • "Bunker" serving to collect ash, slag and other remaining harmful products after the smoking process. It is also called - ash pan:;
  • Compartment for loading dry firewood;
  • A small chimney for the correct direction of smoke on the meat;
  • Special brands or corners for overlapping.

Depending on the type of smokehouse, the construction period and the amount of materials that need to be spent during laying vary significantly. For example, if you are building a cold-smoked smokehouse, then the laying time will take from two to three days (depending on the skills of the master and how quickly the work process itself is carried out).

It is important to know: if you like not only well-smoked fish, but also very juicy, then it is better not to use a cold-smoked apparatus for seafood, because due to the fact that fat will not get directly onto the meat, the final product will turn out much harder, although they will keep for a longer time from the moment of preparation.

There is also a universal brazier with a brick smokehouse, which, thanks to laying in several rows (namely, twenty-seven brick rows), can combine both cold smoking and hot smoking. But, such masonry is more complex and will take much longer to build.

It is important to know: the most important thing in laying a brick smokehouse for a novice builder is to correctly and accurately with the number of required rows and not to lose count during the construction process.

How to build a small smoke oven? A few simple but effective tips.

If you want to save your time, effort, energy, money, or you simply don’t have a place to place a large cold or hot smoker, and the desire to have your own home-made smokes is unstoppable, then a small home smokehouse would be the best option for you. Its construction, as it has already become clear, will not take much time, but it is also necessary to follow the sequence of all actions and the main building rules.

So let's get started:

  • First, you need to lay a place for installing a special chimney in the ground of your site.. The length of the total section of the entire part should at first be approximately two hundred and fifty to three hundred centimeters, its width thirty-five centimeters, and its height about twenty-five centimeters. It is best to use standard red, building bricks to build a chimney, since cheaper silicate bricks can release very harmful substances and fumes when heated.
  • The smoking chamber must be located at the very end of the common channel. The height of the chamber should not exceed one hundred and fifty centimeters. To build such a structure, you can use brick ribbed masonry.
  • Before you start laying the channel, you need to dig a small trench. Its depth should be exactly thirty-five centimeters, and the total width - fifty-five. Also, we must not forget to take into account that the firebox should be located slightly above the smoking chamber.
  • Next, you need to lay the walls for the future chimney. All walls must be neatly and correctly laid on a brick base. In this case, the brickwork is also done on the edge, and the dressing of all visible wall joints must be the same (for the stability and reliability of the entire structure). In the end result, the entire wall should be exactly twenty-five centimeters high, and stand slightly on edge.
  • Next, you need to block the very top of the channel(it can be easily covered with ordinary red brick).
  • After you have blocked the chimney, then at its end it is necessary to install the smoking chamber itself. This must be done very carefully and so that the channel does not go very deep into the chamber itself (no more than thirty centimeters).
  • After the chimney and flue are dry it is necessary to fill everything tightly with ordinary soil to the level of the smoking chamber (this layer should be no more than fifteen centimeters in height).

The most important rules and points in the construction and laying of a brick oven - smokehouse:

  1. The most important thing when building a good smokehouse that will serve you for many, many years and will delight not only you, but also relatives and friends, you must use not cement to coat all wooden parts, but only clay and clay mortar with various natural additives (sand and so Further). Also, one should not forget that clay is a natural material that has excellent performance properties and, during the smoking process, emits an incredibly pleasant, natural smell, which is also transferred to meat and other products during smoking.
  2. What to do if there is no natural clay? Ways and methods of its replacement.

If you have neither clay nor the opportunity to get it, and you are in a hurry with the construction of a brick smokehouse, then clay can be replaced with ordinary earth. As already mentioned above, it is better not to use a solution of cement.

  • When laying brick walls for a smokehouse, one should not forget about strengthening with thick rods made of durable metal (exactly eight pieces are needed, a special grate will be laid on these rods). Since the first four metal rods must be installed so that they do not reach exactly twenty-five centimeters to the very top edge (twenty-five centimeters is for a smoke oven with a cold smoking function, and a little more for warm smoking).
  • If you have the desire and time, you can install a special filter in a smoking oven (of any type). To do this, it is necessary to pull the usual burlap on top of the wire circle (which is located under the lowest rods). The installation of this filter must be considered even before the construction of the smokehouse is started, since four additional metal rods will be required to place it. Also, we must not forget that after installation and already during use, the filter must be slightly softened with filtered water.
  1. No matter how praised a metal chimney is and attracts you with its cheapness, reliability and durability, it is best to build a brick chimney according to the old tradition. It will not only be easier to clean it from the remnants of combustion products after smoking, but the brick chimney will last you much longer.
  2. In the smoking compartment, it is imperative to provide and make a light, removable tray so that fat and other residual products do not fall on the products, but drain. Also, in addition to the fact that without such a tray, the meat will be fatter, harmful impurities and slags will accumulate, which, after several years, will cause unpleasant odors during smoking, which will certainly fall on meat and other products.
  3. If you are not particularly eager and do not want to spend energy and precious time building complex and powdery structures, then the ideal options for you would be to build a structure that consists of four walls, one door and several holes for installing poles in a horizontal position, and under with a slate roof, it is necessary to leave room for the gaps in which the thrust will be installed. Next, you need to build a small blower, or you can simply leave one small removable brick at the bottom of the finished structure so that the thrust itself increases several times.

The principles of the construction of hot smoked smokehouses with a water seal

Factory-made smokehouses are good for everyone: they are comfortable, beautiful and well equipped. But most of these products have one significant drawback: so thin metal as far as possible for this type of apparatus.

Manufacturers seek to save on everything and produce stainless steel products with maximum allowable minimum thickness. This was the reason for a considerable number of negative reviews, in which consumers complain that after several smoking sessions the device “leads”, and its further use becomes problematic.

Photo 1. The process of cooking fish in a do-it-yourself smokehouse. Products are laid out on a special grid.

This implies the first rule for the construction of home-made hot smoked smokehouses: they must be made of metal with a thickness not less than 2 mm.

For this you can use:

  • metal barrels;
  • tanks and tanks;
  • refrigerators;
  • washing machines;
  • deep and voluminous cauldrons and braziers;
  • large pots.

The peculiarity of hot-smoked smokehouses is that they are heated from a source located immediately below them. It could be open fire(bonfire, gas) or electric stove. There is another design option in which the firebox is connected to the smoke chamber with a very short chimney, up to 50 cm length. Usually these are high-performance, large-sized, stationary smokehouses, the arrangement of which requires a lot of work.

chimney- an important element of the smokehouse. Traditionally, it is made from a metal pipe with a knee. At the top of the chimney must be damper, which controls the traction force. This is the second rule for hot smoked smokehouses.

The third is that lattice, on which food is placed, should be at such a distance from the bottom of the chamber that it is sufficient for a slight cooling of the smoke, otherwise it will turn out not smoking, but cooking.

The optimal height of the lower tier of gratings from the bottom is 10-15 cm. This must be taken into account when choosing a product for a smoke chamber.

Often, smokehouses are equipped with a water seal. It is a chute located along the perimeter of the metal case. Before smoking, the chute is filled with water, which prevents the spread of strong odors that form during the smoking of food.

The correct smokehouse from the tank

For a portable smokehouse assembled in haste, a metal tank is ideal capacity from 20 l. It needs to be set to a specific platform of bricks, which is built in the form of two opposite walls. A fire is lit between them.

To make a smokehouse, chips are poured into the bottom of the tank with a layer 3-5 cm. Install a grate inside of such a diameter that it is at a distance 10-15 cm from the bottom.

To do this, legs can be welded (or otherwise attached) to the grate. If it is not possible to make legs, into the walls of the tank in 3-4 places bolts are screwed around the circumference. They put a grid on them.

Similarly, you can make the second and third tier.

In the lid for the tank they punch or drill several small holes to remove smoke and steam.

Device from a barrel for smoking meat, fish, lard

There is Several variants making smokehouses from metal barrels. But you can go the other way: make two portable smokehouses from one barrel. One for fish, one for meat.

This method is suitable for those who do not seek to lay as many products as possible in one go, but want to get their excellent quality.

Whether the whole cask is used, the device of the smokehouse remains unchanged.

Materials for manufacturing:

  • bars(reinforcement will do);
  • gratings for sawdust and products (can be made from electrodes No. 4 or thick wire);
  • pieces of metal pipe diameter 15-25 mm and length 3-5 cm (3 pcs);
  • fat tray(you can use foil folded in the form of a plate with sides);
  • door metal hinge;
  • metal latch for a door (espagnolette of any type);
  • metal grid type "chain-link";
  • bricks (8 pcs);
  • fasteners: metal screws and bolts.

Manufacturing steps

Step 1. Preparing the barrel.

The container is washed to get rid of the smell. This is where car wash comes in handy. If there is a mini-sink, use it.

Photo 2. Diagram of a hot-smoked smokehouse with an electric heating device from a barrel. Inside you can install several tiers for cooking.

Step 2. Making the cover.

From the top of the barrel retreat down 5-6 cm and draw a line around the circumference of the container. With the help of a grinder and a disk for metal, the marked part is cut off. It usually has two holes: a large one and a small one. The first is left closed, and the second is opened. The side walls are cut with a grinder every 1-1.5 cm. Slightly bend this "herringbone" outward. Thus, a tight fit and adjoining of the lid to the smoking chamber is obtained.

Step 3. Making the door.

On high 5-7 cm from the bottom of the barrel, a rectangle is drawn of such a size that it is enough to excavate the ash and lay the chips and cut it out with a grinder. On the right, two holes are drilled and one part of the door hinge is fixed. They try on the door to the barrel, find the hinge attachment points and fasten it. Screw the latch in the right place.

Step 4. Making a stand for a pallet.

Inside the barrel, in three places equidistant from each other, pipe sections are welded to the bottom (or fastened to metal screws).

Step 5. Making grids for products.

A herringbone lid is placed on a metal mesh and outlined around the circumference with a marker, and then cut out with scissors for metal or sawn with a grinder.

Step 6. Arrangement of stops for metal gratings.

The internal equipment of the smokehouse, as a rule, consists of several tiers. The significant height of the barrel allows you to make 3—4 tiers. To do this, you need the appropriate number of grids.

For each tier, they build 3-4 supports from bolts with a section from 10 mm. First, holes are drilled in the right places with a drill of the required diameter, then bolts are inserted and fixed from the inside of the barrel with nuts.

Step 7. Furnace (hearth) device.

From 8 lay out bricks 4 joining walls, each of which must be a height of 2 bricks.

Step 8. Making a support for the barrel.

In order for the smokehouse to be raised above the hearth, supports are needed. Here the master has room for imagination. Can be welded to the bottom 3-4 legs, you can build two brick walls in the immediate vicinity of the hearth.

Step 9. Chimney device.

Since there is a hole in the lid of the barrel, it will serve as a chimney. To regulate traction, it is simply covered with a metal plate or stone. But you can also ennoble the smokehouse: weld a hollow tube to this hole.

Photo of finished smokehouses

Photo 3. A factory-made smokehouse of a cylindrical shape, made of stainless steel.

Photo 4. The process of smoking in a smokehouse with a water seal. At the top of the device is a flue outlet, from which smoke comes out during cooking.

Photo 5. Smokehouse during cooking in it. The brazier is used as a fire chamber.

Useful video

Watch a video that shows in detail the process of making a hot smoked smokehouse with your own hands.

In a country house, in a country house or just on a land plot, the owner tries to make everything cozy and comfortable. Smoked meat lovers will certainly want to have their own home smokehouse in order to enjoy freshly smoked products. To do this, you can build a smokehouse yourself from improvised means. There are a lot of proposals on this topic. Smokehouses are made from old refrigerators, iron barrels, etc. In fact, a do-it-yourself brick smokehouse will be much more reliable and practical. In addition to practicality and reliability, there is another advantage: you will not only not spoil the design of your site, but even embellish it.

A do-it-yourself brick smokehouse can be a very pretty and durable structure.

Its reliability will depend solely on you and the materials that you select for construction.

What you need to build a smokehouse

  • brick (it is better to take a special one, it will last longer);
  • clay;
  • shovel;
  • grate(s) for smoking products;
  • wooden door;
  • metal rods - 8 pieces;
  • metal cover;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • plumb;
  • trowel;
  • putty knife;
  • a hammer;
  • solution container.

First, you should decide which method of smoking you prefer. If you like both, then you can build a do-it-yourself smokehouse for hot and cold smoking, that is, a universal one.

Smokehouse and its place

When deciding on a place, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. Since your building is made of brick, it will be capital, that is, the possibility of moving it to another place will be accompanied by certain difficulties and time spent.

Therefore, the place should not only be convenient, but also be at some distance from the living quarters and other buildings and places that can be damaged by smoke and sparks. Please note that smoke can harm not only buildings, but also trees and shrubs planted in their summer cottage. Therefore, it is preferable to make such a decision with the whole family in order to take into account all the nuances.

Preparing a place for a smokehouse

Clear the place of grass, dirt and debris, remove all unnecessary. If your smokehouse is small, it is recommended to fill the foundation with a depth of 30-40 cm, no greater depth is required.

If the structure is impressive enough, then it is worth digging a pit to the depth of freezing of the earth and pouring the foundation using reinforced concrete. With sufficient soil density, you can get by with simply trampling down the place, but this must be done very well.

We create a small smokehouse

In order to make a small smokehouse with your own hands, it will take much less time and effort than if you were building a large building. But in any case, you need to follow the sequence. The principle of construction is almost the same in all variants.

  1. Lay a place for laying the future chimney in the ground. The length of the section of the inner part of the channel should be 250-300 cm, width - 35 cm, height - 25 cm. Use red clay brick for construction, since silicate brick, when heated, emits harmful gases.
  2. The smoking chamber is located at the end of the channel. Its height should not exceed 150 cm. To create it, use brickwork on the edge, more on this below.
  3. For future channel masonry, dig a trench, the depth of which should be 35 cm and the width 55 cm. Keep in mind that the firebox cannot be located above the chamber. If the smokehouse is located on the rise, then no additional action will have to be taken. If there is no rise, then the chimney channel is made along a slope, which is approximately 8 degrees. The bottom is well compacted and bricks are laid, placing two bricks end-to-end along the length. It is preferable to carry out laying on a clay solution, which does not change its properties when heated.
  4. The next step is laying the walls in the chimney channel. The walls are built on a laid brick foundation. Laying is done on the edge. In this case, the dressing of the seams in all rows should be the same. The wall in the end should be 25 cm high and consist of two rows of masonry.
  5. Now block the top of the channel, you can do this with a brick. For those who have already encountered construction, a reasonable question may well arise how to do this if the channel is 35 cm wide and the known length of a standard brick is 25 cm. To do this, we block the channel not with a flat roof, but with a house. With this laying, the brick is laid end-to-end along the length. This overlap is also best done on clay mortar for maximum strength. All gaps and cracks that you may have formed during the creation of the coating, be sure to close it.
  6. At the end of the chimney channel, the smoking chamber itself is installed. Make it so that the channel goes deep into the chamber no more than 30 cm.
  7. After the smoke channel dries, cover everything with a layer of soil to the level of the smoking chamber, the layer should be about 15 cm high.

What to do if there is no clay

If you do not have clay and you have nowhere to get it, and you are in a hurry with the construction, then use ordinary earth, simply sprinkling bricks with honey in rows. Cement mortar should not be used, as it can simply break when heated to a high temperature.

  1. When laying the walls of the smokehouse, do not forget to strengthen the metal rods for smoking. Their optimal number for a small smokehouse is 8. Fix the first four at a height of 70 cm for hot smoking. Fasten the next 4 so that they do not reach the top edge of 25 cm - this is for cold smoking. A grate will be laid on these metal rods.
  2. Optionally, the smokehouse can be equipped with a filter. To do this, ordinary burlap is stretched over a wire circle, which is placed under the lower rods. The installation of the filter is taken into account in advance, since for it it is necessary to install additional metal rods in the amount of 4 pieces. Do not forget that the filter must be moistened with water.
  3. From above, the case should certainly be equipped with a lid made of metal.

If you decide to build a large smokehouse, then it is better to make it like a house, it will be a full-fledged room with a stove. From the oven, smoke will enter the room, and for cold smoking - from a separate smoke generator.

This will allow you to subsequently use different firewood in accordance with smoking recipes. Also, during the construction process, it is necessary to lay fasteners for hanging pieces of products intended for smoking on them. In the upper part it is necessary to install a chimney, which will have a valve. With this valve you will control the temperature and the speed of the smoke flow.

Without this adjustment, you will not achieve an even color when smoking. When planning a building, be sure to provide windows for ventilation. A large smokehouse provides for large portions of the manufactured product. With this decision, it is worth providing a place for firewood.

Such a smokehouse should also be equipped with a tray on which fat will accumulate. When erecting a large building, you can combine it with a barbecue. This is a very convenient and practical solution.

The brazier can use the same combustion chamber as the smokehouse, or be equipped with its own. The second option is undoubtedly better, in this case the tightness will not be broken and the smoke will go only where it is supposed to.


There should be a door in this room, and certainly a wooden one. In order to avoid its accidental ignition, smear it with clay, like all other wooden parts of the building, if any.

Brick smokehouses with a built-in grill for roasting meat are suitable for construction on the territory of private houses and summer cottages.

Such structures allow you to save space on the site and cook fried and smoked dishes at the same time, building a fire in one firebox.

Smokehouse and barbecue made of bricks in one device, drawings

There are the following fundamental types of brick smokehouse ovens with a built-in barbecue:

  • brazier smokehouse for cold smoking;
  • brazier smokehouse for hot smoking;
  • combined structures.

The main elements of this building are:

  • firebox;
  • smoking chamber with frames;
  • barbecue grill;
  • chimney.

The chimney has a sinuous structure, bypassing the smoking frame from below and from the side. This design is necessary for smoke cooling, since during the combustion of firewood its temperature is much higher than when smoldering smoked wood.

The smoking chamber has grates located in several tiers, which allows you to smoke a large amount of product.

Reference. The disadvantage of this design is the need to transfer part of the coals to the mangal part or to light a separate fire in it.

Such a design consists of several parts:

  • chimney;
  • mangal surface;
  • two fireboxes - for barbecue and for smoking;
  • hanging smoking chamber.

The chamber for smoking products is located at a height here 1-1.5 meters and is intended for cooking fish or meat cold way. Products are hung on special hooks without gratings.

Photo 1. Drawing of a brazier with a brick smokehouse in a frontal section. Also in the device there is a firewood and a cauldron.

If it is necessary to simultaneously smoke and cook dishes on the grill, the upper firebox is melted, the lower one is used only for smoking. In this case, the surface of the upper furnace is used as a smoke generator, shredded on it smolders alder or willow shavings for the best taste of the product.

Similar braziers with a smokehouse are very reminiscent of fireplaces. In fact, this is what they are, but their main purpose is not heating the room, but cooking.

Photo 2. Drawing of a brazier with a brick smokehouse indicating parts of the structure. Front and side view.

Finished structures vary in size. from 1x1.5 meters to 1.5x3 meters. They depend on the relative position of the mangal part, the firebox and the chimney, as well as the presence of additional structural elements, for example, stove burners or places for drying firewood.

How to make an outdoor oven with your own hands? Preparation for work

Preparatory work consists in choosing a project and preparing the necessary tools and materials. When choosing a project it is important to consider the following points:

  • availability of space on the site;
  • preferred method of smoking;
  • the presence of additional elements;
  • outdoor or indoor placement;
  • convenience of approach;
  • fire safety requirements.

After the project is selected, it is prepared and cleared building site, and also compiled list of required materials.

Attention! The purchase of consumables (bricks and cement) should be carried out in quantities exceeding the calculated by 5-10 percent to take into account losses due to incorrect calculations or lack of experience.

Tools and materials

The main materials for the construction of a smokehouse will be bricks and solution to fix them.

Brick for the main structural elements (furnace and chimney) is selected refractory grades made in accordance with GOST 390-96. These brands may include ША-I, ШБ-I or ПБ-II.

cement mortar for bonding bricks prepared on the basis of:

  • 1 part refractory cement;
  • 2 parts sand;
  • 1 part limestone.

Reference. Solution, bonded limestone, withstands temperature changes in winter better than an ordinary mixture of sand and cement.

Construction will also require the following materials and tools:

  • metal frames and nets;
  • steel bars;
  • fittings;
  • gravel;
  • formwork boards and rule;
  • shovel;
  • construction level;
  • ruberoid;
  • corners and fasteners;
  • circular saw and welding machine.

Diameter of wire for nets and rods of the smoke rack should not be less than 0.8 mm, otherwise the rack is deformed from the temperature and under the weight of the products.

If the inner smoking chamber is made in the form of an insulated metal box, then the thickness of its walls starts from 2 mm. The thickness of the bend of the corners on which the vertical metal part of the brazier or smoke rack is fixed is within 3-6 mm.

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Step-by-step instructions for making a brick smokehouse with barbecue

The sequence of basic actions for the construction of a smokehouse with a barbecue:

  1. Drafting orders- brick laying patterns.
  2. fill foundation.
  3. Main masonry frame and chimney from brick.
  4. Manufacturing and installation smoke grate.
  5. Installation doors and accessories.

Before construction the space for the foundation is marked according to the chosen project.


In the absence of experience in the construction of such structures, it is better to use standard, already tested order. If you want to experiment and create a unique design, you first need to work with simpler smokers.

Photo 3

Foundation pouring

After marking along the perimeter of the building, a layer of fertile soil is removed and a hole is pulled out with a depth 0.4—0.8 meters. Depth depends on ground stability and the massiveness of the building.

The walls of the pit are laid out with boards as formwork so that they protrude above the edge of the pit by 10-12 cm. Formwork thickness - 15-20 mm. A layer of pebbles or rubble is poured at the bottom of the dug pit, and the inner surface of the formwork is laid out with roofing material using nails with wide hats. Then reinforcing knitting for the foundation is laid.

Reference. Reinforcing bars are selected with a thickness of at least 8 mm, and the inner side of the grid is 10-15 cm.

The solution for pouring is prepared from the calculation:

  • 1 part cement;
  • 1 part of small gravel;
  • 3 parts sand.

The mortar is poured onto the prepared reinforcement tie in layers of no more than 10-15 cm, each layer dries up overnight, after which a new one is poured. The last layer is leveled with a board-rule, and the entire structure is covered with a waterproofing film.

Photo 4

Building the main body

Before laying bricks on the foundation, they draw contours of the bottom layer of bricks in accordance with the project and pull strings to indicate the initial horizontal level.

Important! The first layer of bricks is laid in accordance with the drawing and not bonded with mortar, and each subsequent layer fits overlap for bond strength.

The laying of the main structure is carried out in the following order:

  1. Furnace lining.
  2. Installation of fixtures for a smoke rack and a brazier.
  3. Chimney lining.

If the structure has a height of more than one and a half meters, bricks every 2-3 rows laid with reinforcing viscous.

Fixings for a smoke grate and a brazier surface welded to fittings and laid at the desired height in the structure. When laying the chimney part less cement mortar is used than when laying the lower part of the structure, in order to prevent the collapse of the pipe from spilling the mortar.

For the manufacture of a smoke grate, steel wire with a diameter of not less than 2 mm if the smoking rack is multi-tiered, and not less than 1.5 mm with a single tier rack.

Installation of fasteners for gratings and a brazier surface occurs at the stage of laying bricks.

Possible difficulties

When building a smokehouse by an inexperienced builder, there are often