Ryabchik Imperial - Blue Blood Flower. Seed reproduction of Ryabchikov

The flower is a pink, like the bird of the same name, has a motley color. And some varieties of rippers specks on the petals are located just like on a chess field. When growing flowers of rims, it is necessary to act very carefully to accidentally damage the neighboring plants: the tanks cling to the assholes and can break the thin stems of the "neighbors".

Description of the Imperial Ryabik

The botanical name of the row - freethylene, this plant belongs to the family of Lily. Wild species grow in the Caucasus, in Turkey, Iran, Central Asia, Europe, in the Far East. Total on globe There are about 100 species of these wonderful. They are very diverse in appearance, shape and color of flowers, flowering time.

From Ryablikov Most often in our gardens you can see the Markchik Imperial. This plant, sharply different from other colors, gardeners are very proud, as it gives the garden an exotic appearance. And who do not want to boast a beautiful rarity! Several varieties are known: yellow-flower - "Flava", Maxim Lutea; with fire-orange flowers - "Orange Brilliant", "Aurora"; With red - "Maxim Rubr". The variety of "Prolife" gives an uniqueness double row of petals.

As can be seen in the photo, the plant of the imperial is striking not only by the form, but also sizes:

The height of the bloomer is up to 1 m or more, and the bulbs of some varieties, for example, the rubru of Maxim, may have a diameter of up to 15 cm and the weight of about 1 kg.

In mid-April, sturdy, dark-colored shoots are shown from the Earth, which grow very quickly and reach the height of 100-120 cm. Savages are resistant to spring frosts. The leaves in the plant are dark green, rather large at the bottom of the stem, and closer to the top decrease. Escape ends with a bunch of small narrow leaves, under which large, up to 5 cm long appear in May, disrupting the flowers of the bell-shaped shape. Usually there are from 4 to 6. Orange-red flowers, with brown veins on the outside of petals, with a characteristic odor.

Look at the photo - in the colors of the rumblex on the inside of each of the 6 petals at the base there is a white spot with a dark rim:

This is a necarist who takes plenty of sweet liquid that attracts insect pollinators. The Emperian Ryabchik blooms in mid-May, flowering lasts about two weeks. It is longer if the plant is in one-day. At the end of flowering, the stem and leaves begin to shrust. In the case of successful pollination, fruits are formed - large angular boxes filled with seeds. The bulbs are large, do not have a protective dry film, ripen after the stems are longed. The bulbs make a sharp smell that are not tolerated small rodents. Rockies are not subject to diseases and are badly damaged.

How to plant and grow a row

The cultivation and care of the ripples do not pose much difficulty. Plants feel well both on sunny and on slightly shaded places. However, it is preferable to open flat areas where they are earlier to go into growth and better affect their bulbs. The soil must be loose and structural.

Before growing with rivets, it is necessary to add sand in the loam - 1-2 buckets per 1 m2. Rowers in one place are growing up to 5 years and more, so before planting the soil, it is necessary to prepare well and make a sufficient amount to it organic fertilizers. Before boarding the colors of Ryabchikov on 1 m2, a bucket of a compost or leaf land is made, as much overwhelming peat and half ancara of the reworked manure and are drunk to the depth of the bayonet shovel. This number of fertilizers is enough for 5 years, so no additional introductions of mineral and organic fertilizers are required.

The reproduction of rims is made by the bulbs of children and seeds. The bulbs dig up after sunlegaming stalls and stored in wet sand to prevent their drying. If the roots begin to "slam" the roots, the bulbs should be immediately planted, since the roots per week reach the lengths of 8-10 cm and are inevitably damaged when landing. In the southern regions, rakes can grow in one place for more than 5 years without digging, and in localities with a cool climate of the bulb of the imperial rim better dig up every year to withstand them until the autumn at a temperature of 25-30 ° C, which will ensure good bloom for the next year. .

How to put on the bulbs of the row to give them good germination? The bulbs in September are planted to a depth of 20 cm, at a distance between adjacent plants 30 cm. For small bulbs, these parameters decrease by 2-3 times. Rockies are better to place groups of 5-6 pieces. When boarding the bulb, it is recommended to put an ability to put in the hole, which remained from the stem, did not fall into the moisture, which can lead to loading.

And how to put a ripper seeds and plan them to grow? Seeds are sown immediately after harvesting on the prepared ridges or in the boxes. Babel and bulbs grown from seeds, but who have not reached their normal sizes, plant on the rearing for a depth of 5-6 cm. Seedlings bloom only for the fifth-sixth year.

As can be seen in the photo, the care of the flowers of the row is no different from the care of other plants:

You need to remove weeds, loosen the soil. After landing, when leaving, there are plants only in dry weather (better in the morning or evening). When cutting colors, it is necessary to leave a part of the leaves on the stem, otherwise the growth of the bulbs stops. It is recommended to cover the plant for the plant.

Ryabokchi are used in single landings and. They are good and in cutting, the flowers retain the freshness of 7-10 days.

Types and varieties of Ryabchikov (with photos)

In addition to the mouth of the imperial, a leaving from the Himalayan mountains, many other species of natural flora took place in our gardens. Moreover, in culture, these plants have become more powerful, the flowers have increased in size and purchased a more saturated color. You can not take bulbs directly from natural conditions. On the contrary, it should be very carefully referring to the ripples in the places of their growing. The planting material can be purchased in botanical gardens and specialized stores. Types such as Caucasian Rabychik, Dagan, Ryabchik Russian, Ryabchik Ussurii, included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Here you can see the photo and read the description of the pinks of various types.

Ryabik Russian. Motherland - Caucasus, European part of Russia, Western Siberia, Central Asia. The flowers are brown-red, with a darker chess pattern, inside with a yellowish tint, bells, drooping, up to 4 cm long. Collected in a rare brush for 3-5 pieces. Forms from 1 to 3 leaves. They are ultrasound, with spirally swirling tops, which the plant clings to the neighbors, due to which thin stems, with a height of 30-50 cm do not bend. The bulb is small, up to 1 cm in diameter. Gives little kids, it is better to breed seeds. Flowers in May.

Ryabik chessin nature grows in the European part of Russia. The flowers are dark brown, with a pronounced chess dark purple pattern, bell talls, up to 4 cm long, single or two on a thin stem, up to 40 cm high. The flowers of this kind of smell rippers do not have the same as the bulbs. Linear lanceal leaves are located at the top of the stem. The bulb is small (1-2 cm in diameter), dressed with a thin drill film. Flowers in the first half of May. There are hybrid forms and varieties, and other coloring, with a bright beautiful chess pattern. They are very decorative, create bright spots in the garden. Babes gives little. Seeds are tied well and give friendly shoots. Seedlings bloom on the third to four year.

Ryabik yellow - Endemic of the Caucasus. Flowers are single, rarely happen two, drooping, rather large ,. On the petals of longitudinal green veins and red-brown chess drawing. The plant is miniature, stems up to 20 cm (rarely 30 cm) with narrow light green leaves. The bulb is small, up to 2 cm in diameter. Propasses predominantly seeds. Flowers in the first half of May.

Rybchik broadly insional - also endemic of the Caucasus. The bloomon in this type of row tank up to 30-40 cm is carrying one or two flower 4 cm long. They are dark purple-purple, with outside With a greenish flare, on the inside of the petals, a yellowish chess drawing. Lancing leaves are located at the top of the flower. Bully up to 2-3 cm in diameter, gives a lot of kids. Flowers in May.

Tabchik pale flower Right from Central Asia. The bell tall flowers up to 5-6 cm long, turning, light yellow, with a greenish tinge, yellow veins, from the inside - light brown chess drawing. Collected 3-5 in a rare brush. Stems up to 80 cm high. Wireless leaves, pale green with a sidelled tint. The bulb reaches 3 cm in diameter. Flowers in late May - early June.

Ryabchik Eduard - Endemic of Central Asia. One of the most beautifully blooming species. Orange or brick-red flowers, bells, lengths up to 7 cm and up to 5 cm in diameter, drooping, are collected by 5-8 in an umbifice inflorescence, over which the fluttering of small leaves rises. Stems strong, thick, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, 80 cm high. Label leaves. The bulb is very large (up to 10 cm in diameter), out of 3-4 scales that have surpassed from the Donets. Flowers in mid-May.

Ryabik Kamchatsky.Motherland - Far East. Sometimes it is called Kamchatka. It is amazing beautiful plant With almost black flowers. Inside the petals are brighter, shiny, with a weak light chess pattern.

Pay attention to the photo - this type of rumble glands of the flower of a funnel shape, up to 5 cm long, consist of 6 fleshy petals:

Inflorescence is a rare brush of 3-7 flowers. Blooms at the end of May - early June. Stems are quite strong, up to 60 cm high. The leaves are assembled in a flutter of 5-10 pieces, the bottom is shy, shortly at the end of flowering yellow. The bulb to 5 cm in diameter consists of scales, weakly attached to the Don. There are underground collisions on which many kids are formed. Breeds children, scales, seeds. Seeds seed late in autumn In open soil or boxes. Shoots appear in the spring of next year. Ryabchik Kamchatsky - champion in frost resistance.

Ryabchik Persian Right from Iran. One-year-old thick stems from the middle to the top of the macushkin are hung with dozens of purple-purple drooping bells. The plant is thermalized. It is difficult to grow in areas with cold winters.

Garden Flower Imperial Rye is a charming perennial plant, so let's get into more detail with its landing, leaving and reproduction.

Drawberry Imperial: Description

The imperial rim is an absolutely not a capricious plant, and if the care for it will be made on time and correctly, there will be no problems with it. The plant belongs to the family of Lily, but it is this variety that has large diluting flowers that are very similar to the bells. Ryabik flowers grow on the stems whose height reaches 1.5 meters. Plant the rod in rockers, on the Alpine slides and in the gardens of stones.

The feature of the stem of the row is that even if the flower itself bends, the stem will retire to the end. The Ryabchik has 6 flowers, their painting brown-orange. Flowers Rybolchik not long, only 20 days.

Did you know? In Europe, Ryabchik is known as "Tears Mary" and "Tsarist Crown".

Reproduction of Ryabik

There are 2 methods of reproduction of a row. Everyone has its own features and disadvantages. Choose the best for yourself and for the vital activity of the plant.

Seed fashion

The first way is to grow a ripper imperial of seeds. Seeds can be taken from the seed box when it will completely dry. Before planting seeds, you must enrich the soil with nutrients, because the rivets will grow on it for several years. Every year, new shoots need to feed. Seeds are planted at 1 cm. Between the rows and in the furrows should be a width of approximately 10 cm.

After sowing seeds, they should be filled with a peat. Seed shoots will already next spring. For the summer, two-year-old bulbs need to dig and store in a dry place. This is done to protect them from moisture, which accumulates in the soil. The reproduction of a ripper by cultivation of seeds is a long process that will be required from 7 to 10 years. In practice, it is used by professionals on an industrial scale.

Important! This process is complex in performance, and part of the bulb may not survive.

Vegetative ways

The second way is vegetative reproduction Ryabikov. The main bulb, or as it is also called - the maternal, grows and can be divided into bulbs-kids. It is them then you need to fight for several years until they bloom. For the lung branch of children from mom, you can dig bulbs once every 2 years.

For artificial separation of the bulbs, it is necessary to break it out and dry the divided parts. Divine onbolk bulbs require landing in open ground before than the whole.

Landing on the autumn

Immediately after purchasing the seed material of the Ryabchik of the Imperial, it should be done by landing, it is better to do that in the fall. This plant is convenient because it does not need to transplant it every year, it is multiplied by underground bulbs.

When planting rams

Most better time For landing of Ryabchikov - this is September-October. If you decide to put them in November, then mulch the soil and after landing, close the leaves. Later on November it is impossible to plant, because then the flowers will not grow and do not bloom. Before planting the bulbs, disinfect them with a solution of manganese and sprinkle with charcoal.

Important! There are no protective scales in the bulbs, and because of this they quickly dry out. Therefore, do not buy them in the fall, at that time they are already overpowered and will not be able to germinate next season.

How to plant rams

How to plant a ripper imperial autumn?

  1. To begin with, choose a place. It must be sunny or from a half.
  2. The soil should not be too wet and cold, otherwise the bulbs will immediately begin to rotate.
  3. The prepared area for disembarking should be reheated, with the addition of sand. And how good the soil would not be, they still need to wash the peat or humus.
  4. The landing depth is determined by multiplying the length of the bulbs by 3.
  5. I smell the sand onto the bottom of the wells, put the bulb in the Donette down, we are putting the roots and fall asleep the earth.

Choosing a bulb

Rybchik to land and care for him in open soil ended with a positive result, you should prepare in advance. therefore planting materialwhich are bulbs, should be purchased at the beginning of summer. After purchase it is worth inspection of the bulbs.She looks like a shiny ball and has through hole. The weight of the bulbs is from 500 g. Up to 1 kg. External signs of diseases should not be observed either. Pay attention to the color of the row, which is depicted on the package. The Ryabchik can only have a red-yellow-orange color, there can be no other colors.

Did you know? The Ryabchik scares harmful insects, moles and mice.

Plant care

Rybchik, or as it is also called - freethylene requires landing and care, but this process is not completely difficult, although it takes a lot of time. The main thing is to take patience and grow wonderful flower with your efforts.

Care of the planted bulb

Looking onion, calculate that care for her will take a lot of free time. However, it all depends on proper landing and climatic conditions. If autumn is little rainy, then you ourselves should water the ripper before the onset of frosts. The "tsarist crown" is a frost-resistant flower, but for its further cultivation for the winter, the plot will need to be covered with mulch or other underfloor materials (film, agrofiber).

Caring for a sprouted ripper

To the flower of a rod, as soon as he is a sprinkle after planting, careful care should be applied. First you need to remove the material that closes it from winter cold. This is done in order for the sprouted rippers began to receive sunlight. You don't need to touch the soil, the roots could rise in winter, and with careless handling you can damage them.

Fertilizer and subordinate

Undercalinking Ryabchik is also important as its landing and care for it. The first feeding should be carried out when the spring weather has improved, and all frosts passed. For the solution you will need:

  • 10 liters of water dissolved in water;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon nitrophosphate;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of complex fertilizer for flowering plants.
Mix and distribute on the ground, which grows with a row. The period of the next feeding will come when freethillaries will bloom. So that the soil does not swam, you need to protect it with a layer of humus or peat. For the latest feeding, the superphosphate and potassium sulfate will suit. It should be done after the end of the flowering of the row. Following the advice and adhering to the docks of feeding, you can grow gardens flowers with beautiful and healthy.

Diseases and pests

If not to follow the right agrotechnical care, then even such a plant, as a row can suffer from various diseases and pests. It can be subjected to rotting if irregular care will be carried out behind the bulbs or conditions for their storage will be violated. In this case, all the affected areas should be removed and transplant the bulb to a new place. The location of the removal must be disinfected by mangartee and sprinkle with twisted coal or ash. Even if the row is healthy, it still needs to be transplanted every 2-4 years to reduce the risk of disease. It is also important to not allow freezing, otherwise the row will die. It is not worth a row-colored flowers when landing and leaving a large amount of nutrients. And it is necessary to fear such pests as.

Want to make your plot bright and very unusual, put on flower Klumbach Rye. If you immediately thought about the bird - the ripple of ordinary, then you were mistaken. After all, these are flowers that may have the shape of unusual palm trees, bright chess bells with flowers-glasses. Plants Rybokchiki are great for various garden compositions. At the same time, the process of growing will not be much difficulty, even a beginner in gardening will cope with it. Flowering in summer Flowers with ripples are the perfect decoration for a plot and garden.

In this article, we will consider in more detail the features and description of Ryabchikov, as well as tell about the most popular and common types and varieties of this blooming plant. Note important nuances Growing agrotechnics.

Features and description of Ryabchikov

Rybokchiki are herbaceous bulbous perennial plantsthat belong to the Lily Family. These flowers are primructures in our gardens that adorn the plot with bright colors in the first months of spring. The flower has another scientific name - freethylene. The natural habitat of this plant is the territory with temperate climates, More specifically, North America, Europe and Asia. In Russia, this flowering plant is also very popular, because its cultivation is not particularly difficult. In the 16-19 century, this plant was very popular among Italian aristocracy. Now Ryakchiki is used to decorate the flower beds of various shapes.

There are several stories of the name of the name of this flower. On the territory of Russia, the Ryabchik was called the similarity of its coloring with a motley plumage of Ryabchikov - wild birds. Freillyard translated from Latin denotes a "glass" or "glass". This name is associated with the form of colors-bells. There is another name for this plant - the "chessboard", which is associated with the colors of one of the species of the row - chess. Painting of petals of this plant resembles a chessboard with purple and white spots.

Description of Ryabchikov:

  • Ryabikov are perennial bulbous plants.
  • Own external species This plant resembles a palm tree, especially one of his species is the emperor's mouth.
  • The ripchik is multiplied mainly with bulbs, which consist of several rather large scales. Due to the fact that the bulbs remain wintering on the garden, the scales are updated every year. The feature of the bulbs in Ryabchikov - they are very gentle due to the absence of protective peel.
  • In bulbs, kidneys can be laid, of which new bulbs appear.
  • On average, it is necessary to transplant rhymes every 2-4 years.
  • Stems appear from the bulbs that different species Rybikchik come different heights. On average, the height of the row is 0.5-1 m.
  • The leaves of the row have an oblong landslide form or a narrow polyline. On color they are dark green or light green.
  • On the stems of the leaves are located in small quantities.
  • Ryabolic flowers can grow singly or be collected by several pieces in umbrella or blurred inflorescences.
  • The form of flowers resemble a large glass or bell of various colors: yellow, orange, red, purple, motley, with chess color.
  • Each flower consists of 6 petals, inside which six stamens and pestle are located.
  • Flowers are located on the stem at the top of the top, slightly droop.
  • ryabchiki have a very specific smell that scares various rodents: rats, earthters, mice, moles.
  • Blossom starts in mid-May and lasts for 20 days.
  • After the flowes of the colors of the row on the stems, fruits appear, which have a shape of a winged or loose box with a large number of seeds.

Variety of species and varieties of a row

In total, there are more than 150 species of this plant in nature, but only a small part of them is widely used.

Ryabik chess

  • Cultivated in gardens from 1572 years.
  • It is a low-rise plant that can grow only 35 cm.
  • Usually, the row has many colors-bells, and a chess dropper flourishes only one bright "glass", less than two.
  • Flowers bloom on the top of the stem hanging down.
  • Named this species Because of the color of the colors: she resembles a chessboard. All petals are painted in purple brown tones with blond stains.
  • The main feature of a chess packer is his unpretentiousness.
  • This type of plant has its own varieties that differ in color.

Most popular chess drawberrs:

  • Markchik chess "Alba". Differs on white colorful colors, height also a low-speed plant.
  • Markchik chess "Aphrodite". Also the shape of a row with a white colors.
  • Ryabik "Artemis". Flowers have an unusual shade, purple with green.
  • Ryabik "Jupiter". Highly beautiful view Chess Ryabik, who blooms dark red flowers.

Ryabik Imperial

  • The homeland of one of the most beautiful and spectacular colors, the Ryabchik of the Imperial, is Turkey, from where he came to the territory of Europe in 1580.
  • In the people, this plant is often called the "paradise tree".
  • A rather tall plant, which can be 80-100 cm in height.
  • The bulbs of this type of Ryabchik have a specific unpleasant smell.
  • With its appearance, a row is an imperial or royal look like an exotic palm tree.
  • The leaves of this plant are growing at the earth itself, as well as on the highest, forming a crown, from under which flowers grow.
  • Flowers grow in large quantities at the highest plant.
  • Flowers reach 6-7 cm in diameter and have a bright color of red, orange, yellow with darker streaks along the petals.
  • Very unpretentious grade, can withstand small frosts, so of all primroses blooms earlier.

Popular varieties of the Mounts of the Imperial:

  • Sulpherino variety. Highly decorative varietywhich is distinguished by excellent unpretentiousness and orange colors with darker red streaks.
  • Variety "Aurora". In the group of varieties of the emperor, this variety is the strongest. The height reaches only 60 cm. It has flowers of orange-red shade.
  • Lutea variety. Tall plant up to 1 m in height, blooms bright yellow flowers.
  • Sort "Lutea Maxim". Also a tall variety that can reach 120 cm. Differs in golden yellow flowers.


  • This type of Ryabchik is listed in the Red Book, as it is on the verge of extinction.
  • The lowest view that can be in a height of only 40 cm.
  • The stalks of the plant are very fragile and up to the middle are practically deprived of leaves.
  • The leaves are growing on the top of the row, in length reach 9 cm.
  • On one plant can bloom up to 4 colors.
  • The species is distinguished by a rather unusual colors - dark chocolate with bright purple stains.
  • Blossom starts in the middle of spring, about the late April.

Ryabchik Persian

  • For our latitudes, this Arabian handsome is an exotic plant.
  • The natural area of \u200b\u200bhabitat is the territory of Turkey and Iran, as well as Israel.
  • It is a tall plant, height can reach 100-120 cm.
  • Flowers at the Persian Ryabech bloom on the top of the top, while their total quantity can reach 30 pieces.
  • Flowers have a bright purple shade.

Popular varieties:

  • Grade "Ivory Bell". Very rare variety of plants, which is characterized by ivory flowers.

Ryabchik Mikhailovsky

  • The natural habitat is the territory of Turkey.
  • It is a dwarf plant, which is in height reaches only 20 cm.
  • It features bright burgundy flowers with a yellow edge that grow singly.
  • This type of Ryabchik was opened and described by the scientist Mikhailovsky, in honor of which this flower was named.

Ryabik Kamchatsky

  • In nature, you can meet in Russia, Japan, North America.
  • In height, this plant can reach 35-60 cm.
  • The leaves are oblong, are located 5-10 pieces together.
  • Flowers have a bronze or purple shade, brighter and bright in the flower.
  • On the shape of flowers, funneloids up to 3.5 cm long.
  • Blossom starts at the end of May.
  • Rye flowers have a very unpleasant smell.

In addition to the above types of rhykchikov, you can note the following: Radda Radia, Ryabchik Igloleps, Caucasian Ryabechik, Yellow Rybik, Chessy-shaft, Rybolchik Greek and others.

Retament of the Ryabik: The most popular ways

You can dilute Ryabchiki alone, for this you only need to decide on the method of reproduction. All types of rumble glands multiply in two ways: seeds and vegetatively.

Seed reproduction of Ryabchikov

  • This method is used most often by breeders to eliminate new varieties of Ryabchikov. In addition, this method is very long and time-consuming. You can get a flowering plant after a long time after landing.
  • To obtain a packer's seeds of any kind on your site, at least two plants should grow. This is necessary for polling and receiving a seed box.
  • After ripening, this seed box rises and takes a vertical position.
  • Extract seeds need after complete drying box. If the season was very rainy, the box can be cut and put in a dry and well ventilated place.
  • Seeds of Ryabchikov can not be treated with a solution of manganese, as they are resistant to different fungal diseases.
  • On the site you need to prepare a bed to seed seeds, which are sown immediately into open ground.
  • The soil should be nutritious, as the seedlings will grow on these beds for several years.
  • Next you need a little raise beds for drainage.
  • After that, carefully make small grooves along the ridge. The width of one groove should be 6-10 cm.
  • Seeds in the grooves must be shuffled only by 1 cm.
  • From above, your bed must be closed with a layer of pure peat, about 2 cm thick.
  • The first small seedlings appear on the beds next spring.
  • Reproduction seeds is a very laborious process, since in two years there are still enough small seedlings to dig and store in cool place. At the same time, the bulbs are often lost due to their tiny sizes.

Reproduction of bulbs

  • This method is simpler and efficient, so it is recommended that it is recommended for self-breeding of rows.
  • Each bulbs for 1-2 years forms several children who are able to grow in a beautiful flower in the future.
  • To separate the kids from the mother's bulb, it is necessary to gently dig up an adult bush. This is usually done in June or July, when the foliage on the plant has not yet managed to dry.
  • When the kids separation, be very careful, since the bulbs are fragile and easily damaged. This happens due to the lack of protective scales.
  • You can dig a bulb with kids every year. Although there is a transplant mode for each type of row. These plants require digging once every 2-4 years.
  • After digging the kids, it is necessary to dry out for several weeks and treat a solution of manganese.
  • Next, the bulbs need to land at the prepared place.
  • Full strength, a rod, grown from the bulb, will bloom only in a few years.

Stages of preparation before planting a row

To get beautiful and bright colors on your site, you need to carefully prepare. After all, landing bulbous plants The occupation in itself is responsible. Therefore, it is worth paying a little attention and care. First of all, it is important to purchase high-quality planting material and find on its plot the most suitable place for landing.

Stage 1. Selection of planting material

The ripper is planted in the fall, namely at the beginning or end of September, when the vegetative period has been completed in the plant. This means that the planting material must be purchased immediately before the landing itself, otherwise the bulbs of the plant can dry. Alternatively, you can buy bulbs before, then keeping them in a wet peat in a refrigeration chamber.

Buy bulbs only in specialized stores or agrofirmas that are engaged in breeding various plants. Remember that the bulbs will be expensive, as on one maternal bulb, a maximum of two children are growing. In no case do not buy landing material in the natural markets, especially in the late autumn. You risk getting non-visual bulbs.

Also before buying, thinking the composition you want to get in the end. Choose a variety of a row. Which are growing perfectly in your territory. For landing along fences or solitary club, choose tall varieties, for example, the emreader's rim. To create bright spring flower beds, you can buy low-grade varieties, for example, a chess rink.

Stage 2. Selection of Places for landing

Landing the colors of the rim should be carried out on the sun and open places of your site. You can pick up and place with a small one. When choosing a landing room, consider primarily the height of the plant. More tall rims can be planted along the buildings, low-speed - as a framing for flower beds and flower beds.

The selected area should be protected from strong wind and drafts that can break the stalks of the plant. Also remember that in one place a row can grow from 2 to 4 years, depending on the specific type.

Stage 3. Choice and soil preparation

Ryabchiki prefer to grow on fertile and nutritious soils, since in one place the plant will be several years and nutrients will need a lot. The selected place under the planting of plants should be well drained. Ryabikov do not bring long stagnation of moisture in the roots, because the bulb can start rotting. Drainage can be created artificially if your site is close to soil waters.

Before planting the bulbs, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil. It is necessary to drag it about one bayonet shovel, by 30-35 cm.

Landing Technology Rye to Open Soil

  • The optimal time for planting a row - the end of August or September. If you put a row in November, then you risk losing bulbs and future plant. In such conditions, Ryabchik simply will not have time to root and die at the foremost frost.
  • Next, we prepare the selected landing site. To do this, it is necessary to add a little sand into the faded land to make it easier. It is also important to add pure peat and humus to the soil as a natural organic fertilizer.
  • For a while before landing, it is recommended to treat the bulbs with a solution of manganese. If, when separating children from the mother's bulb, there were minor damage, it is recommended to be processed wood ash.
  • Next on the prepared area you need to make landing wells. The size of the well will depend on the specific variety of the row. If the plant is tall - the wells must be deeper, approximately 20-30 cm. The depth 6-10 cm is suitable for low grades.
  • If you sit down several plants in one place, you must also observe the distance between them. For low varieties, the distance between the wells must be 10-15 cm. For tall - up to 30 cm.
  • At the bottom of each wells, be sure to place a small layer of drainage to prevent water stagnation. As a drainage you can use fine river sand or small stones.
  • At the bottom of each well, you can pour a little wood ash.
  • Next place the bulbs, while neatly, so as not to damage the gentle boarding material, we are sprawling the roots.
  • Fall asleep the earth.
  • It's believed that this process is a transplantation of a long-term plant.

Growing Agrotechnics: Secrets and Nuances of Care

Ryabikov are considered unpretentious plantsTherefore, their landing care is not much difficulty, even if you do not have greater experience in growing garden crops. He, like any other plant, needs a little attention and care. First of all, in the overall set of care actions included watering plants, mulching, as well as feeding.

Watering Ryabchik

Ryabikov need constant and moderate watering. You can check the level of humidity on the surface of the soil. She should not keep hard. In the most arid time of the summer, the amount of irrigation can be increased. On ordinary days, it is enough 1-2 watering per month. It is important that the bulb does not drive, otherwise your plant can die.


It is not recommended to loose the soil around the plants, since the roots of the ripper are located close to the surface and you can damage them. After landing, the soil surface can be inspired by peat so that the plant does not suffer during the drier and did not require extra irregularities. In addition, with the help of mulch, you can reduce the number of weeds. As a mulch, you can use a dry and pure peat.

Up. Ryabchikov

For active growth and lush flowering Ryablikov must be carried out to the plant. It is usually enough to make fertilizer twice per season.

  • First feeding. Held at the end of April. In this case, dry fertilizers of nitroposki and fertilizer for flowering plants are used, for example "Agrikola", which are bred in one bucket of humus. Approximate dosage - 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bper 1 m square.
  • Second feeding. It is carried out after the end of flowering. In this case, potash and phosphoric fertilizers are used, which are scattered around the plants on 1 tablespoon. Next rumblebers need to pour.

During the whole season, all plants are rumbers can be fertilized by wood ash, which crumbles around them. The ash can also be chopped into the soil at a depth of 3 cm.

Digging and storage of bulbs Ryabchikov

After a bunch of rams, approximately in June-July, it is necessary to neatly cut off the entire plant, leaving about 5 cm of the stem. Next, you need to dig the bulbs of the plant, it is necessary to do it carefully not to damage them. Next, dugged maternity bulbs together with kids are neatly washed with water, they clean the dry husk with them. Also, all the bulbs can be supported for some time in a weak solution of manganese. If there are damage to them, treat their wood ash.

Keeping the bulbs are needed in a dry and well-ventilated room with a temperature not higher than 30 degrees. When stored periodically inspect them and turn them over.

Using Ryabers in Landscape Design

Ryabikov are one of the very first blooming spring colors. They, as if bright lights, decorate the plot with multi-colored paints. This is very decorative plantswhich can be used to create unusual garden compositions:

  • Tall ripples will perfectly look along the fences and different buildings. Such plants can also be planted single on the background of a green lawn.
  • The low-spirited rumble glands will look great on flower beds and as a framing for garden tracks.
  • Combining various varieties Ryablikov can create bright flowerbeds or mountaineering.

Stock Foto Rye in landscape design

You can more clearly see all the features of these plants on the proposed photos.

Rye - interesting and unusual blooming plants that look great in any landscape. And landing and care for these flowers is so simple that this does not need special skills.

Grouse, or Freillaria (Lat. Fritillaria) - Rhodes of grassy perennials of the Lily family. In nature, it is known about one hundred and fifty species of plants growing in a moderate belt of the northern hemisphere, in Eastern or Western Asia. Latin name Plant Ryabchik received due to the similarity of the form of a flower whisk with a glass for throwing up the playing bones, which is called "Fritillus" on Latin. The Russian name comes from the word "Rybab", which in the people has the meaning of "Pystroy".

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Landing and caring for ripples (brief)

  • Landing: Sowing seeds in the ground immediately after collecting. The bulbs are planted at the end of August or early September.
  • Fleet: At the beginning of the middle of July, when they start shrust and die stem and leaves.
  • Storage: In a well-ventilated room, where the temperature does not rise above 30 ˚C.
  • Lighting: Bright sunlight, half day.
  • The soil: Moderately wet, fertile, light and well-drained.
  • Watering: Abundant, but only in a drying time.
  • Feeding: dry fertilizers with the subsequent watering of the plot: 1st time in the third decade of April, 2nd times after flowering.
  • Reproduction: Seed and vegetative (replacing bulbs and forced division of the maternal bulb).
  • Pests: Lily beetles, onion loychants, onion cracks.
  • Diseases: There are cases of lesions of the bulbs. To viruses and bacteria, the Ryabchik is stable.
  • Properties: Many species of the Ryabik contain poisonous alkaloids for humans.

Details about growing Ryabchikov Read below

Flowers Ryabikov - Description

Flowers Ryabchiki look like a small palm tree with the tops of the top, and they are often called paradise trees. The bulbs of Ryabchiki consist of several broad fleshy scales, annually updated. There is no covert scales at the bulbs, so they require very careful circulation. Ground stem is the muscles of numerous narrow or oblong lanceal leaves, located mutual or scattered.

Flowers, single or collected in an umbrella or belchka, attract attention to bright overlas of yellow, purple, white or red shades. Ryabikov - ephemeroids: the base of each leaf is a nekar in the form of a deepening oval, round or triangular shape. The fruit of the rumblebee is a hexagon box with numerous seeds, sometimes winged, sometimes loony.

Growing on-bugs in the garden

Let's talk about the plant, which is deservedly referred to as the emperor's ram, which is sometimes called the royal, and sometimes the royal crown. The cultivation of the imperial packer in our latitudes was in fashion in the sixteenth century, but so far he sometimes puts flowerflowers in a dead end - with all the efforts of the flower, it may not bloom.

Planting and tulips care - cultivation on flowerbed

It begins to bloom the Ryabchik Imperial as soon as the snow melts: lemon yellow or juicy orange flowers on high blooms after a sad winter look incredibly beautiful. Well they are combined with other spring flowers. The bulb of the Ryabchik forms usually two bloomrs, at the base of which new bulbs are formed, and the children, unfortunately, is growing at a slightly, so it happens to buy a row on the shop in the store.

In the photo: Ryabble flowering with flowers-bells

Loves the Ryabchik Imperial well-lit plots, but grows perfectly in half. The soil loves a light, fertile, moderately humid. It is very important to ensure good drainage.

Landing Ryabchikov

When planting rams

When the growing upstanding period is finished, its bulbs dig out of the ground and stored in a dry and ventilated room, while the bulWhi does not appear roots: now it's time to plant it in the ground. It usually happens at the end of August or early September. Lukovichki Ryabchik Imperial has no protective covering scales, and they quickly dry out. Therefore, do not buy a talker bulbs in the late autumn sales: they are most likely overwhelmed and hardly germinate.

If for any reason you do not have the opportunity to plant the bulbs of the row, immerse them in a wet peat and place it in the fridge to the bundle for vegetables. If you do not have time to plant the bulbs until the end of September, a later landing of Ryabchikov can lead to the fact that next year they will not bloom.

Before boarding the bulb should be disinfected by a solution of manganese, then slightly poured with crowded charcoal.

In the photo: how blooms a row

How to plant rams

Before boarding, prepare a plot: shock it, mixing in heavy soil sand, and, whatever the soil, add peat or humus to it. Well perceives a row and additive in the form of lime or ash. The depth of planting from the bottom - 2-3 diameters of the bulb, it is somewhere 20-25 cm. On the bottom of the wells pour the sand layer, but if the soil is heavy, it is better to replace the sand with a wet peat. Then, on the sand or peat, put the bulb with the Donette down, gently paint the root, and fall asleep the earth. In fact, it is correct to believe that this is a transplant of Ryabchikov, and not landing, although it makes no sense to argue about the terms if it does not change the essence.

Caring for ripples

How to care for ripples in the garden

The Ryabchik is so unpretentious that you can not spend time at all. If you are not interested in the result - the quality of flowering. Landing and caring for ripples is an excellent learning experience for beginner flowerflowers. But if you want to see in your garden a truly masterpiece of flower art, you will have to spend some efforts to care for the imperial ripple.

Landing hyacinths and care for them in the garden - detailed instructions

Watering Ryabchikov is carried out in the arid summer. Make sure that the soil on the site did not swap a lot. After the end of the vegetation, water the plot 1-2 times a month so that the bulbs of the outflower rippers are not in too dry ground.

The cultivation of Ryabchikov implies and podchar Plants with dry fertilizers:

  • for the first time in the third decade of April (on a tablespoon, agricultu for flowering plants and nitroposses are mixed with a bucket by a bucket and scatter 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bwith a layer of 4-5 cm per 1 m²);
  • the second feeding is carried out after the flowering of the rumblex: they scatter 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate by 1 m² with subsequent irrigation.

In the photo: Opening a rhykchik bud

After each irrigation, a weeding is necessary, but the soil looser is fraught with damage to the roots, therefore simply inspire the soil on the peat area or by a cross-pen-inletimeter layer immediately after planting, previously scattering the wood ash.

Why don't flowers do not bloom

The reason that your ripples do not want to bloom may be one of the following:

  • too cool or very wet summer. Drop the bulbs after flowering and try to warm them natural way before landing;
  • too small bulbs. If the bulb is less than 5 cm in diameter, there will be no blooming with a row, it will increase the mass of the bulbs;
  • too long grown in one place. If you do not dig the bulbs for the winter, they, as a rule, begin to divide and lose in volume. Therefore, dig up the middle and large bulbs of the tanks after flowering for the subsequent autumn planting, and you are guaranteed to get beautiful bloom for next year;
  • incorrect landing depth: With insufficient depth, the plant becomes sensitive to weather changes (when frost can freeze, with rain - rot), and with too deeply landing the bulb too much strength spends on germination and survival;
  • unsuccessful soil. Too light soil freezes in the winter, too much moisture accumulates in the clay, which leads to the blowing of the bulbs. Take care of the desired soil and good drainage;
  • little snowy frosty winter: bulbs can simply pemer. Stake the landing of the tanks for the winter of a mulmy from a humor or peat with a layer of 10-20 cm;
  • preserving the wound after the flow of petals. If you do not remove the marking in time, then all nutrients will be spent on it, and not on the development of the bulbs and preparation for flowering next year.

Reproduction of Ryabchikov

In amateur flower growing for breeding of Ryabchikov, a vegetative method of natural fission of the bulb is used. As a rule, one bulb of the emperor's mountain leaf gives no more than two large child children, so this method is not the fastest, since separated from the maternal bulb and the transplanted babe is being frightened in the ground for several years until a full bloom occurs. But this method is the most reliable.

In the photo: Flowering Ryabchikov

It is possible to "help" a ripple to form a baby: after the summer dig of the bulbs of the Ryabchik on the largest and healthy bulb in the most meaty part of it, the sterile instrument makes a shallow scraping with a diameter of 2 cm and, without processing, do not cultivate the rains to dry in the air. Then placed in clean dry sand and leave in a dry room with good ventilation. When the bulWhi will begin to grow root (at the end of August or early September), her treated with fungicide and planted in normal order. The planting raised from this bulb should be removed, because in this vegetation period, all forces should be spent on the formation and development of children.

When digging the bulbs, be careful: you can not notice a little baby.

Seed reproduction of row-pots can only professionals on an industrial scale.

Rowers after flowering

After the tanks were blowing away, they will rejoice with their beautiful greens for some time, but by the beginning of July, their decorative is losing their decorativeness. The bulbs begin when the above-ground part of the plants begins to yellow and die. But you should not wait for the end of this process, as the rest at this time the bulb becomes a light pest prey.

In the photo: Major bulbs

When digging up ripes

As soon as the leaves began to turn yellow, dig bulbs, free them from dry husk, rinse warm water, Hold half an hour in a pink mortar solution, remove, if necessary, rotten stains and other damage, treatment with a piece of fungicide and sprinkled with their wood ash, and place it in a dry ventilated room to dry the wound.

Storage of Ryabchikov

Store on the bulbs of Ryabchikov in a dry room with ventilation, where the temperature does not rise above 30 ºC, from the beginning of July to the end of August, while the bulbs grow root, and they will be ready for autumn landing. Do not forget to inspect them from time to time, detecting rotten or damaged places.

Types and varieties of Ryabchikov

The classification of Ryabchikov is not so much difficult, but to delve into professional subtleties is the case of scientists and pedants. We will make a general overview and focus on those types and varieties that are of interest in a large number of amateur flower products. So, Ryabchiki are divided into six sections:

Section I EUFRITILLARIA in turn consists of four groups, which includes species originating from the Mediterranean, Western Asia and Western Europe. The brightest representative - chess Ryabechik: In culture from 1572, named so because of the similarity with the color of the tetraki. The height is up to 35 cm, the flowers are single, extremely rarely - two bell tower, hanging a purple-brown flower of a chess pattern. Unpretentious, has many garden forms and varieties:

  • Alba, Aphrodite - white-color shapes;
  • Artemis. - purple with green;
  • Jupiter - especially large dark red flowers.

In the photo: Markchik chess purple

In the photo: Markchik Chess Alba

In addition, this group includes such species as Mikhailovsky's Ryabchik, Caucasian Ryabol, Ryabchik, Chessy-shaft, Yellow Ryabchik, Rhinestone and others.

Section II Petilium. Collect more large species Ryablikov from Western Himalayas, Turkey, Northeast Iraq and Turkmenistan. The most striking representative of this group is the famous royal Ryabik, or, as it is customary to call now, the muskchik is imperial. The Motherland of the Mountain of the Imperial - Turkey, he fell into Europe in 1580, and now there are about 20 forms of this species. It is distinguished by an unpleasant smell of bulbs, a high stem - up to 1 m in height, flutter wide-told leaves and drooping bell-tired flowers up to 6 cm in diameter, orange with brown veins, at the base with brown stain.

Among the tulips and daffodils, the Emperorsky Ryabchik will take a worthy place in your garden. The low varieties of the emperors are planted in alpine Gorka, Rokaria or rocky garden.
In order for the spring your collection of bulbies is replenished, you need to purchase landing material in the fall.
How to choose the bulbs of the emperor
The bulbs of the Ryabchik have a through hole, by weight can reach 500-1000 g. To grow a ripper of the imperial bulb must be absolutely healthy, i.e. Without external signs of rot, mold, cracks, softness and other indicators of poor-quality goods. Permissible the presence of roots. The dried rest of last year's escape, which is in the center of the hole, you do not need to delete.
Place and soil
For the landing of the mouth of the imperial, you need a plot of warm, slightly shaded, protected from drafts and northern winds.
Plant prefers loose, fertile and drained soils. To the soil, add coarse-grained river sand and humus at the rate of 10-15 kg per 1 sq.m.
Landing of the mouth of the imperorsky
In early October, dig the pits for the landing of the emperor, they should be 3 times more than the bulbs itself. At the bottom of the wells to put the sand layer, then a mixture of earth with manure (1: 1). Squeeze the bulbs of the draftsman of the Imperial, Pour and forget about it to spring. The distance between the major bulbs is 25-30 cm. The sealing depth is 20-30 cm. Small bulbs are deepened by 15-20 cm, and babes are 8-10 cm. Singing the bulbs straight, not obliquely if the roots are long, then spread them.
For the winter, cover the landing. In the spring, follow the state of the soil, without letting it be silent. When leaflets appear, feed the plants every 2 weeks phosphoric fertilizersuntil the flowers appear. As soon as the emperor's mouthchik will flash the bloomout so that the plant further sent the energy to the development of the root system and the bulbs.
The smell of the bulbs of the emperors will distil the mole.
Flushing and storage of the bulbs of the emperor
The bulbs of the draftsman of the imperial dock, when the leaves become yellow, in mid-June (it is not necessary to expect complete drying of the stem), while the bulbs of tulips are digging. In the summer of the bulbs of the Ryabchik of the Imperial and other species can easily hit the disease and pests, so they do not hesitate with plant cleaning.
Digging the bulbs of the Ryabik carefully. Remove the films from them, wash, if necessary, the remaining land is treated for 5-10 minutes in a solution of manganese and dried. If you threw the bulb shovel, then rinse it in a solution of manganese, dry in a dark place, pour ashes and leave for storage along with the rest of the bulbs. If there is a rot in the bulbs, then scrib rack it with a blunt knife, and the wound treat with iodine or green, dry at high temperatures before the formation of a crust. The rot may appear during storage, so the bulbs inspect every week and, if necessary, spend "surgical intervention".
Many gardeners think, whether every year of the bulbs of the emperor's ray. It can be unambiguously to say that large bulbs need to dig up every year and in a year you can dig small bulbs and children. The cause of the digging lies in the formation of the adventures of future inflorescences and its reproduction.
After digs of bulbs of the emperor in their place can be planted beijing cabbageSo the place will not be empty for use.
Store the bulbs of the draftsman of the imperial In a dry dark place, the temperature in the afternoon in the room is up to 30 ° C, at a higher temperature of the bulbs will begin to lose moisture. Sorting and settling one-layer into wooden or plastic boxes. At the end of August, the bulbs form roots and new Rostock. Large copies form 2 sprouts.
Before planting a row of the imperial root, it is better to cut. If the landing is late, then the roots need to be saved and gently decompose.
Unpretentious plant. However, if it does not care for him at all, then the blossoms also do not wait.
Snowy winters do not require adult plants, but it is necessary to strengthen the snowmobile, straw or reed layer 25-30 cm. Spring to remove.
You need to loosen around the emperor's mouthpiece very much carefully, it is better not to do this at all, since the roots are often located near the surface. Mulching is the best event for the draftsman of the imperial (the soil necessary aeration and moisturizing).
Fertilize complex mineral fertilizers. Extra-corneous concentrated feeders do not use, as this can lead to the burns of the leaves.
The stalks of adult plants are not tied up, as they are stable to the wind.
The young shoots of the Ryabchik frost resistant, they are not afraid of the spring weather -5 ° C, however they can "joke", seemingly frostbite and drooping, bringing you to faint. But with the first rays of the sun they restore and please you.
Why does the emperor do not bloom? Question from newcomers
In the fall I bought a row of the imperial and put in the garden. Read that for good blossom In the summer, the bulbs need to dig and warm up. How to do it right and how to protect the rod from pests?
Temperature mode For rippers, it is important during the rest period, and only for species whose large bulbs (imperial, Persian). This time comes from the moment of focusing before the formation of roots (end of June - July-August) and depends on the weather. If the plant did not dig, it is important that the soil warms well with the sun.
The row does not watered and cover the landing site with a dark film. So that the question does not arise why big-rolled tanks do not bloom Every year, we answer: more reliably digging them every season and began to warm up in the attic or a veranda at a temperature of + 30-35 degrees., But not under the right sunlight. For many years of observations, Ryabchiki rarely affect pests. Treat the bulbs immediately after digging by the fastening solution of manganese, lowering them into it for 5-10 minutes. Then dry out.
The reproduction of the mouth of the imperorsky
Of course, I want to have a lot of races. To do this, you will need to make them reproduction: seeds or vegetative, dividing bulbs.
Division of Lukovitz - The easiest way to reproduce the draftsman of the imperial, but you need to admit that it is the slowest for getting a large number of babies.
At the end of the season, the maternal bulb is divided into two, which then remains only to transplant and wait for flowering.
Detka Ryabchik Gives in small quantities. For several years, it will take several years, so it is worth thinking about the need of such a method of reproduction. The bulbs of the row can be stimulated artificially to form more children. The feature of the bulbs of the Ryabik is that at the "wound", it urgently forms a baby in urgency, so it is possible to get the bulb correctly, you can get kids than it will be in the natural course.
After cleaning the bulbs, after 2 weeks, select the strongest, disinfect the knife and in the most thickened piece of scales, take 2-3 knives in the form of shallow holes in diameter 2 cm. Sweep the bulbs, immerse in clean dry sand and move it into a dry place for storage. At the end of August, after the formation of the roots, transfer to the ground, treating pre-fungicide (a solution of manganese). Remove the boutons, it is necessary that all the power of the plant goes to the formation of children. Dig bulbs as usual in June. When digging, carefully examine the earth, the kids are so small that they can not be noticed.
With seed breeding method Flowering need to wait 7-8 years.
Leave 1-2 seed boxes, remove the rest. Seed rivets remain green when the rest already stand yellow. However, this is not a reason to push the deadline for the cleaning of bulbs. Cut the green stems with seed boxes as low as possible and put them for 3 weeks into the water (for one stem one container with water). Water defend and change every day. Next, the stems remove from the water and put in a dry ventilated room. There are about 50 seeds in one box. Select high-quality copies with a well-viewed embryo.
In November - early December, soak the seeds and fall out in boxes with soil, without impurities of manure and fertilizer (the depth of the drawer is 15-20 cm). Leave the awesome seeds of the emperor's mouth for the winter in a dark room at a temperature of 1-2 ° C.
Early in spring and before the summer drawers with seedlings take out on open space. In June, the above-ground part of the seedlings will dry, then you will need to remove bulbies from the soil and put them in pure sand, clean it on the room with a temperature of 20 ° C. Support such bulbs on the same time as adults (the end of September - the beginning of October), but the depth of the seal is only 8-10 cm. To hide in mandatory.
Breeding a ripper imperial sowing seeds directly in primer. Collected seeds from absolutely dried seed boxes and sowed in the same year immediately in loose, fertilous and moderately humid soil (beginning of October). If a piece of wetlands be sure to make drainage. Seying seeds to a depth of 8-10 cm. The soil surface is closed by a humor or peat. At wintering crops are covered. Spring appear shoots a height of several centimeters, so try not to confuse them with spring green grass.