Crafts for the home with your own hands: ideas for decoration and interior. Interesting creative ideas for home Stylish home with your own hands

The design of the apartment can be completely designed by yourself. To do this, you need to know a few basic rules and show your own imagination. Thanks to our recommendations, you can design an apartment with your own hands.


Very often, repairs in an apartment are started not out of motives to change the usual environment, but when certain problems arise. For example, plaster begins to crumble from the ceiling or furniture becomes unusable. Very often we are ready to live in a boring environment, provided that the minimum comfort is observed, and do not dare to repair. A similar choice is not always intelligent. Professional designers have selected life hacks to transform your apartment or house. They are able to breathe new life into even the most dull room.

There are two main ways to transform the design of a house or apartment - you can make a simple cosmetic repair or change everything radically. The choice is always yours. It is necessary to take into account the general style, and only then select the color scheme of the room, taking into account the future interior.

Current trends

It is best to choose the latest design trends for your apartment. It will help you make your home look stylish and modern. Add a touch of modernity to it and use materials that will serve you for years. This way you can put off the next renovation in your home for a long time.

In apartment design, professionals most often use styles such as:

  • provence;
  • loft;
  • country and many others.

Many designers today design and in a rustic style.


The classic style combines several directions. Among them are Baroque, Rococo, Classicism, Art Nouveau, English and others. The classical style appeared several centuries ago, but it has managed not to lose its relevance today, which proves its beauty and practicality.

Its feature is expensive decor items and decoration of the premises, as well as carved furniture ... Fireplace, statues, antiques are traditional components of the style.


This style will help to recreate the atmosphere characteristic of a particular nation. You can revive Japanese minimalism, German pragmatism, Russian originality in your home.


Modern design- these are areas such as:

  • Art Deco;
  • minimalism;
  • hi-tech, etc.

In the modern style, the spirit of progress and postmodernism is clearly felt. There is a rejection of unnecessary comfort and details. This design has a beauty in simplicity. Smooth lines, monotony, minimalism, varnish on the surfaces, austere furniture, bright lighting - all this is a modern style.


When choosing the color of walls and floors for an apartment or house, follow the tips of the professionals:

  • Shades of green and blue promote concentration and relax the eyes. Milky white and pale yellow tones are also good.
  • Orange and red increase anxiety.
  • To create a harmonious combination, you need to take white and some kind of contrasting color. The color combination also depends on the style. For hi-tech white will do, gray and bright red. For modern, you need to choose purple, red and pink.
  • A combination of two bright contrasting colors is not allowed.
  • It is not recommended to combine brown and gray in the same room. They visually reduce the room.

  • The floor color can be either light or dark. It all depends on the style of the room.
  • In small rooms, more light needs to be added. But don't overdo it. If you have a light ceiling, then the floor can be made in contrast. This will add more brightness.
  • Just 3-4 mirrors are enough for the whole apartment to visually expand the space.

Any materials can be used for finishing. It all depends on the design you choose. Today, brickwork is becoming more and more popular. It fits well with the industrial style. Decorative plaster more suitable for the classic.

We develop a design project

When developing a design project, one should take into account the general style of housing and the characteristics of each individual room, its functionality and style.

Design is suitable for the bathroom Victorian era... He looks very rich and is popular with many people. This luxury should be adorned with vintage furniture.

You can put an unusual chair with smooth lines in the kitchen. It will look just amazing. Lamps in the style will suit the chrome surface Fusion... This would be a good combination.

The living room should have maximum comfort and plenty of space. If you have a large hall, then you can safely use a variety of colors in the interior. For a small living room, it is better to use bright hues... Thus, you can visually expand the space.

It is quite difficult to develop a design project with your own hands. You can do it yourself only if you follow our recommendations.

You can additionally use applications to create a design. This will make the task much easier. The process of creating a project in this case looks like this:

  • Measurement. We draw or print a layout showing the actual dimensions.
  • Large-scale plan. The ratio of the actual size to the one drawn on the plan should be 1: 4. It is carried out either manually or on a computer.
  • Technical plan assignment. It is a list of what needs to be done: the selection of style, the choice of furniture in the premises, colors and everything that will give the interior consistency and rationality.
  • Planning solution. You need to re-plan the apartment and find out how to do everything according to the law. We mark zones and arrange objects (for now, only on paper).

  • 3D. Create a 3D model from a planar plan in SketchUp and try to walk through it virtually. A rethinking of the plan may arise due to the fact that now you will more fully understand how what we have on paper will look like in real life. You will also understand the advantages and disadvantages of finishing with various materials, work on various little things, and so on.
  • Choice of style. Before starting this stage, you already have a rough idea of ​​what and how will function and how your interior and design solution will look. Once again, re-read the previous paragraphs, finally determine everything for yourself, look again at the pictures that inspired and took as an example of the interior and proceed directly to the design.
  • Consider the parameters of the apartment before you start choosing materials for decoration, furniture, lamps and lamps, etc. An insufficient ceiling, poor lighting and other troubles can greatly interfere with bringing your ideas to life.
  • Blueprints. We translate the sketches into a plan. Here you will need both dismantling drawings and installation drawings. We mark lamps and other light sources, switches with sockets.

Required materials and tools

For budget repair you will have to buy building materials yourself. Let's go through the tools and materials that you will have to refer to while working. You will need:

  • A hammer drill that combines the functions of a drill, a jackhammer, a mortar mixer, and a screwdriver. To expand the functionality, we advise you to buy a drill, a cartridge with an adapter, a solution mixer, a lance and a spatula.
  • Screwdriver. He has two actions: tighten and unscrew screws, dowels, anchors, bolts, and drill metal. We also buy a set of bits and drills.
  • Bulgarian. It is necessary to purchase 3 discs for it: a cutting disc for metal, a diamond one (for concrete and ceramics) and a grinding disc.
  • Building level... There are a wide variety of sizes for this instrument, ranging from 20 centimeters to 2.5 meters. A 40 cm level is sufficient for small openings. Walls, ceilings and floors need a correspondingly higher level. Bubble spirit level is very popular and often used. Due to the presence of alcohol, it is successfully operated at temperatures below zero.

  • Measuring tape. The recommended length is seven meters.
  • Hacksaw. You need a tool with large teeth - for bars and boards, and with small ones - for plywood, fiberboard, chipboard and plastic.
  • Hammer. You need a regular hammer with rectangular section, one blunt side and one beveled.
  • Pliers. They will help to bite the wire and pull out the nail. It is a multifunctional tool.
  • Set of wrenches from 6 to 22 mm.
  • The spatulas are narrow, wide and serrated. Narrow (60-80 mm) is useful for hard-to-reach openings. Wide (200-400 mm) for walls, openings, etc. A notched trowel is needed to apply glue to the tile or stone area.
  • You will also need regular paint brushes.


Even simple wall repairs will not be complete without finishing. We offer you original ideas... You can safely use them in your home. You will certainly get an original and stylish design:

  • Fresh press. Newspaper instead of wallpaper on the walls is very original and stylish. With the proper whiteness of the paper, this option will look good enough. The newspaper is much thinner than wallpaper, so do not forget to cover it with a protective varnish after gluing.
  • Brick. A brick wall will be a good solution for a stylish design. That's just flickering in modern interiors, she too often and has already managed to get tired of the order. Therefore, you can brick not the entire wall, but only a part. It will look interesting with the white rest of the wall. You will have an interesting contrast.
  • Sea stones. Coming back from vacation, you can grab the material for decorating your home directly from the sea. Sea stones and pebbles are quite reliable. It is convenient and pleasant to work with them and you can dream up, laying out various patterns.

You can lay them out as the entire wall, or only a small part.

  • Stretch walls. If you imagine what a stretch ceiling is, then you will not have a question about what a stretch wall is. This practice is quite rare and it is this that will add originality to your design. Don't be afraid to try new things.
  • Drywall. Intricate and bizarre drywall designs are not liked by designers. However, there are cases when even such a finish looks stylish and impressive.

In order not to overdo it and not make out of your room cardboard box, nevertheless, it is better to first consult with specialists.

How to demarcate the space?

It is quite possible to bring comfort in the house on your own. You can not only beautifully, but also practically decorate the space by simply adding decorative partitions... Let's take a look at a few ways of how to delineate space and separate rooms from each other:

  • Podium in the middle of the room... A non-standard and rather unusual choice, as it might seem at first. It is necessary to throw out the bed, and instead erect a podium half a meter high and put a huge mattress on it. This will add peace, tranquility and friendliness to your environment. You can add pull-out drawers to the runway and store various things there.

  • Individual space. If you live in an apartment building, this does not mean that your apartment cannot be transformed and made at least a little more individual. For example, lower the ceiling above the bed. This will visually create the center of the room and focus on the sleeping area. Drywall will help with this. Do not forget to pre-mount some unusual backlighting there before.

If you want to build private house from scratch, then start reading from our previous article:.

The rooms are well laid out, but how do you make them look magazine-worthy? Speaking of magazines. If you are going to design a private house with your own hands, then you probably already have a collection of magazine clippings or saved photo interiors from sites like Pinterest or maybe even Dekorin))) If not, then it's time to start collecting them. Have you decided to decorate some of the rooms in the style, for example, Provence? Then select the best photos of interiors in this style and see which of these ideas you want to implement in your home.

Why make such a collection? Everything is extremely simple - at the subsequent stages of the project implementation, it will be much easier for you to formulate the idea, the very concept of the living space of the house. Of course, you should not blindly copy these interiors, the task is to have a fulcrum, and you need to make a start from it.

Well, here we have prepared for you a few secrets of interior design for a private house, which will be useful to you on the way to making your dreams come true.

1. Drawing up a color scheme: use 3-4 basic shades

When you create a design for a private house with your own hands, you must definitely take into account how different tones and shades affect you. Color creates a mood within us, it can inspire or tire, whether you like it or not. Look at your collection of photos of the interiors of a private house - what colors are most noticeable here?

We will not tell you which colors to choose - this is everyone's personal business, but we advise you to try a mixture of 3-4 of your favorite shades. One of them will be the main color of your walls, the other will be the color for large items such as curtains, an armchair or sofa, and the third and fourth will be the colors of small accessories such as pillows and other knickknacks.

The most versatile are color schemes, where the base is some kind of neutral or pastel shade, and the brightest or favorite tone is chosen for large parts.

Your source of inspiration:

2. Add texture to smooth surfaces

If you do not want to focus on an interesting color scheme, then try to create a spectacular design of a private house with your own hands by juxtaposing smooth and textured surfaces. Your bedroom can be decorated in monochromatic colors, but still look spectacular, thanks to the contrast between the fur bedspread and mirrored bedside tables. A bright Scandinavian-style living room can inspire with a mix of white linen curtains and upholstery with wicker armchairs and roughly knitted ottomans. One single textural touch can bring the most boring interior design to life.

Your source of inspiration:

3. Less is better

If you have a large room, this does not mean that it will need more furniture and decor. Simplicity is highest level difficulties. You can make the interior look cute with decor, shelves, side tables, and houseplants. But truly stylish spaces surprise with their elegance and beauty with minimal use of items. Therefore, it is recommended to use in small rooms multifunctional furniture, and in spacious rooms - large items.

When it comes to decor, juxtaposition of large and small elements works best here. This creates a cheerful and revitalizing effect, while the use of exceptionally large accessories can make the interior damp and uncomfortable, and only small ones - too flashy and expressionless.

Your source of inspiration:

4. Create illusions with mirrors

Mirrors can add an unusual effect to any interior. Today it has become very fashionable to put tall floor mirrors to visually increase the size of the room, or hang them on the walls so that they beautifully reflect the ceiling and wall lamps. You can also find a mirror of an original shape or a mirror in an unusual frame when you do not know how to decorate a dark corner, an empty section of the wall, or something else. comfortable spot.

5. Use dramatic lighting

Expressively shaped lamps and chandeliers can make the interior unusually effective and stylish. Is your room decorated in dark or bright colors? Add a sparkling chandelier to these for a glamorous effect! Is there a lot of wood in the interior? Showcase its beauty with industrial lights! Oh decorative possibilities LED strip and there is nothing to say! Think of fixtures as a finishing touch to add exactly what the room needs.

Your sources of inspiration:

6. Organize the decor

Even if you like it when various interior items look "accidentally" left behind. Loads have an amazing tendency to accumulate, even if you are not a shopaholic. Souvenirs brought from vacation, gifts from friends at New Year, books, etc. things should find their definite place in your already thought-out interior design. Use decorative shelves, trays, bowls and baskets to organize all of these decor collections in an appropriate way. For greater effect, decorate them with string beads, photo frames, candles, pebbles and other nice little things.

Your source of inspiration:

7. Create a unique atmosphere

By creating chic design private house with your own hands, do not forget that you still have to live here. Your home shouldn't look like a cold soulless exhibition center, and for this you will need indoor plants, fresh flowers in vases, romantic candles, aroma lamps and other items that help you relax and inspire.

Your source of inspiration:

8. Observe cleanliness

This is our last and, perhaps, the most important advice. You can spend a lot of time coming up with and creating a stylish design of a private house with your own hands, but if you do not maintain its fresh look, it will not be able to bring joy to you or your loved ones.

All of these little tips and tricks work great together and are sure to help you create a beautiful, cozy, and well-designed home. If you are not sure of the end result that you have achieved, then try taking a photo. Photos of interiors will allow you to see the design of a private house from a different point of view and see where something went wrong.

DIY private house design: design and decor of rooms updated: November 2, 2016 by the author: Margarita Glushko

A stylish apartment is a dream that seems unattainable to many. It is generally accepted that only the efforts of professional designers and huge financial investments will turn an apartment into an ideal. But the fact is that to create a harmonious and exquisite interior there is no need to hire specialists and spend astronomical sums. It is enough to show a little imagination.

Skillful hands can work wonders even in a tiny apartment. Don't believe me? Take a look on the internet. You can find great DIY interior ideas on many different sites. There is everything here: revitalizing old furniture, decorating a room, creating unusual decor elements from scrap materials. Even an old lamp, scattered volumes of Encyclopedia Britannica or a broken chair that has been lying around on the balcony for many years can be a chic decoration for your bedroom or living room. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

Decoupage furniture with wallpaper

Do you have pieces of old wallpaper left over from the renovation before last on the mezzanine? Do not rush to take them to the trash heap as unnecessary trash! They will help to breathe life into old interior items, turning them into designer items.

A coffee table will look spectacular if you put a piece of fancy wallpaper on it under glass. No need to mess around with glue. If you are tired of the pattern, you can change it at any time.

Decorating a lampshade with wallpaper is an excellent idea: the thing becomes bright and sophisticated. In addition, the included lamp illuminates the pattern, casting whimsical shadows around the room. Isn't it beautiful?

An unusual headboard can be made by simply gluing a piece of wallpaper in a contrasting color over the bed. This solution is especially convenient for beds without backs.

Wallpaper in black and white tones, striped or checkered is a stylish option for decoupage.

Photo wallpaper glued to the cabinet doors allows you to create unique furniture in exotic styles.

IMPORTANT: in order to further facilitate cleaning, choose an easily washable wallpaper, such as vinyl.

Decoupage wardrobe with wallpaper

A boring table or shabby wardrobe, pasted over with scraps of wallpaper, will turn into a work of design art that enlivens the atmosphere. This type of decoupage is very easy to perform and available to everyone. Take advantage of great ideas such as:

  • Pasting with pieces of wallpaper with the same ornament. Boring white wardrobe will become much more expressive! Make sure that the drawing matches, and the color is in harmony with the color of the walls and the general appearance of the room.
  • Patchwork technique. Pasting furniture with pieces of wallpaper with a different pattern looks creative, as when sewing a patchwork quilt. The main thing is that the "patches" are combined with each other and create a harmonious composition.
  • Wallpapering from the inside. Time consuming but effective idea for open shelves. Allows you to create a bright composition, making the back wall of the shelves and the shelves themselves a design element.

IMPORTANT: before proceeding with pasting, using sandpaper and acrylic paint clean the work surface from stains, cracks and scratches.

Other types of decoupage

Exquisite compositions for decorating furniture are created by other means.

Napkins for decoupage. They are not hard to find in specialized craft stores. Diverse in style, they allow you to decorate furniture in accordance with general style premises.

Textile. Decorating with fabric is an effective way to breathe life into old furniture. It is convenient to use old curtains for this. The wardrobe, pasted over with pieces of fabric, looks elegant and unusual. Re-fitting old chair, you will receive a stylish decor item.

Varnish. A simple and sophisticated way is to apply decoupage napkins and varnish them. The idea of ​​using a special varnish for craquelure is spectacular: such varnish creates beautiful cracks on the surface.

Toning with paint. Furniture, tinted with colored paints, looks bright and sophisticated. An extravagant option is to paint the table through tulle, getting an elegant pattern. Skillful toning can artificially "age" the furniture, giving its appearance nobility. The antique effect is created by decorating with gold or silver paint. Luxurious gold or silver will make even the most ordinary-looking furniture stylish.


The headboard is the main decorative element of the bed. It is easy to make it a bright accent in the design of the bedroom, if you show your imagination:

  • soft headboard: a piece of polyurethane foam is glued onto a solid base and covered with velvet, velor or other material. Use buttons for decoration;
  • natural wood. Colossal selection of ideas: noble wooden panels, exquisite wooden lattice, cute shelves and much more. A headboard made of natural branches looks spectacular;
  • a rock. A natural stone insert will ennoble the headboard. Lovers of spectacular designs can make a panel of sea pebbles as a headboard;
  • bamboo. Exotic material that allows you to create unique headboards - from an elegant panel to an exotic headboard made of bamboo sticks of different heights;
  • image. A favorite picture or photo that evokes warm memories will become an exquisite headboard and expand the bedroom space;
  • installation. Here you can show your imagination by using the most unexpected objects for decoration. The result is stunningly beautiful. Don't be afraid to experiment!

Roman curtains

Roman blinds - comfortable and stylish solution for the interior of any room in your home. They represent a piece of linen in the size of a window with sewn-in strips. Thanks to the latter, Roman shades can be gathered like blinds, forming beautiful folds.

Simplicity and grace make roman blinds an excellent decorative element. They can decorate the living room or bedroom, hang in the nursery. This practical option for kitchen. A wide selection of colors allows everyone to find an option to their liking.

Roman shades are easy to make yourself. To do this, you will need a piece of fabric of your choice and old blinds:

  • measure the width and length of the window, add 1 cm on each side for the seams, and cut off a piece of cloth. Iron and sew along the seams;
  • remove excess strips from the blinds, glue the rest to the curtain from the inside out;
  • hang the curtain.

Instead of blinds, you can use wooden beams... In this case, the strips are glued or sewn in, at choice. Don't forget to sew on the rings for the cord.

Wall decor from a photo

Gorgeous photos from your personal archive or from the Internet will become an exclusive interior detail. You just have to try a little!

Photo frames aren't the only way to hang a photo on the wall. Consider ideas such as:

  • Photo on a substrate. Find a thick, firm, and lightweight base ( perfect option- Styrofoam or expanded polystyrene). Print the photo so that it is 5 cm larger than the backing: clearance is required for folds. Gently glue the photo to the backing by bending the ends. Treat the photo with glue to make the image shine. If you cut a photo into several parts, you get a spectacular modular picture.
  • Photo on canvas. You will need a canvas stretched over a frame and a printed image to size. Apply a thick layer of glue medium to the canvas, press the image firmly against it and leave for several hours, remembering to moisten with a spray bottle. Then carefully peel off the paper and apply another layer of protective medium to the canvas. The result is a gorgeous image with spectacular scuffs!

There are many creative ideas for using photos in the interior. Use it!

Original rugs

It's hard to believe how the interior is magically transformed thanks to a cute rug. It is also easy to make it with your own hands from scrap materials, the choice of which is very large.

Leather belts. A dozen belts made of genuine leather (their number depends on the width of the future rug) are fastened together with metal staples or a rope. Looks great!

Textile. You can run trims through the holes in your bath mat to create a fluffy surface, or weave a cute rug out of narrow strips of fabric. Old T-shirts or fluffy bath towels are great material.

Wine corks. Out of about two hundred wine corks cut in half and glued to a water-repellent base for an incredibly stylish rug. You can lay out a pattern from corks.

Woolen threads. Putting on pom-poms made of woolen threads and fastening them together, you will get an incredibly cozy rug. The choice of shades is the richest!

Sea stones. The beautiful pebbles you collect on the beach can turn into a spectacular bath mat. Incredibly stylish!

Cozy pillows

Soft sofa cushions create a feeling of coziness and serve as a bright accent in the interior. If you find it difficult to find a pillow that suits your tastes in the store, do not be upset: it is easy to make your own.

DIY pillow. Every craftswoman who knows how to handle sewing machine, can sew myself a pillow or soft ottoman any size and shape. Refresh your old cushions with cute pillowcases. A wide selection of fabrics and upholstery in stores guarantees the embodiment of any idea.

Coloring. If you don’t know how to sew, it doesn’t matter: annoying pillows can be easily dyed new color using special fabric dyes. Spectacular option- a drawing or pattern applied using a stencil. White pillows are especially convenient for coloring.

Ombre. To get a fashionable and surprisingly effective color, dip the pillowcase in dye 2/3 of the length and immediately remove 5 centimeters from the liquid. Wait another 5 minutes and take out the next 5 cm, and so on until the end. The result is a stylish gradient.

Decorative lampshades

The original lampshade will become a real decoration of the room. You can make it yourself by getting a truly exclusive item. The choice of materials for manufacturing is very large:

  • paper. An elegant carved cap will not only decorate the lamp, but will also cast whimsical shadows. A creative lampshade will come from a world map or your favorite photos;
  • the cloth. Needlewomen can sew a lampshade to their liking or decorate the one that is already available with ribbons, appliques, draperies;
  • threads. Tightly wrap the lampshade with twine and secure: simple and elegant! With the help of a bouncy ball, thick threads and glue, you can make a stylish ball-shaped lampshade;
  • beads or buttons. Sew or glue them to a table lamp and it turns into a work of art. Another way is to string the beads on a string and, attaching to a metal hoop, make an elegant lampshade;
  • twigs. Gather straight twigs and fasten them together. You will get an unusual lampshade made of natural material.

You can do this and much more by yourself: just enough skillful hands and fantasy. Don't be afraid to create!

Living decor of succulents

Living plants as decoration are truly magical. A succulent design element is sure to evoke delighted exclamations from your guests. It's hard to believe that such beauty can be done at home with your own hands:

  • A wall of succulents. The shallow drawer is closed on top with a metal mesh with a wooden frame. Soil is poured inside (any mixture for cacti is suitable). A composition of succulents is planted. These unpretentious plants feel great in the most difficult conditions. The structure is fixed vertically and pleases the eye.
  • "Plantation" on the table. You will need a thick countertop with a recess in the middle. Put a box of succulents in there and admire the extraordinary "plantation" green in the middle of your table in the living room.
  • "Green" coffee table with glass top... Its lower part turns into flower pot where a variety of succulents are planted. Decorate the composition with fancy pebbles.

IMPORTANT: to create a composition, choose plants of various shapes and colors.

Glass containers in decor

Glass bottles, jars, bubbles accumulate in our homes for years. Surprisingly, these useful objects in everyday life can turn into an exquisite decorative element. It is easy to make them even for a beginner.

Decoration. With a brush, paint, and inspiration, you can turn an ordinary jar or bottle into a work of art. Also suitable for decoration are threads, beads, cloth, paper, duct tape and all materials that come to hand. The finished container can become an exclusive vase or a cute souvenir.

Lamp. The simplest way- shove led strip into a colored glass bottle and get a spectacular festive flashlight. If you saw a bottle or cut a hole in it, you get an unusual candlestick or original shades for a chandelier.

Exclusive tableware. It is enough to cut the bottle and grind it well. From a bottle, sawn across, you get a unique glass or vase. Saw the bottle lengthwise and you have exclusive food coasters.

On the Internet, there are hundreds of ideas available to everyone on the use of glass containers in decor. Take action!

After renovation, extra wallpaper often remains, they will help make the decoration of the room more interesting, if any. Unused rolls may appear due to incorrect calculation of the area, excessive thrift of the owners, or simply because it happened so. In any case, do not blame yourself for extravagance and other sins, because the remnants of wallpaper can be used very in an original way, including for creating unusual decor premises with their own hands.

The remnants of wallpaper will help renew old furniture, add an interesting decorative element to the interior, or decorate empty walls. We bring to your attention 15 design ideas using extra wallpaper with your own hands.

Idea 1. It's all about the little things

Any design is made up of little things. Pay attention to the furniture in the room, especially if it is a stretch to call it new. With the help of the wallpaper remaining after the repair, you can do it yourself with your own hands to transform an old chest of drawers, wardrobe or dressing table beyond recognition. It is enough just to choose a suitable surface, it may turn out to be a countertop, a side wall or a facade of one of the drawers, and paste over it with wallpaper. If desired, even the inner surfaces of the drawers of the table can be subjected to such decoration. The choice is almost unlimited, it all depends on the interior idea and your imagination.

Idea 2. The original tray

On the territory of Russia and the CIS countries, for some reason, such a phenomenon as serving breakfast in bed is not widespread. V best case, ideas to arrange such an action arise on major or thematic holidays like March 8 or birthday. To set a good mood with breakfast in bed, you need a nice tray. As a basis for an idea, you can use a ready-made one or make it yourself from an old photo frame or even a cutting board.

You can decorate the often not the most attractive surface of this piece of furniture using the same remnants of wallpaper. An updated or "re-created" tray will look like an integral part of the room's design idea.

Idea 3. The boundaries of space

The remnants of wallpaper can help divide the area into functional areas. To equip, for example, a place to work, it is necessary to draw its clear boundaries. And you can bring such ideas to life with your own hands using wallpaper with a different pattern or with a contrast colors... At the same time, there is no need to worry about the room interior looking awkward. Rather, on the contrary, the "room in a room" effect will become a real highlight of the living space.

Idea 4. Wallpaper as a panel

Extra wallpaper can be a great idea for creating art objects. It is enough just to paste over a part of the wall in the living room or the space at the head of the bed with them. Such a move will add volume to the interior design, as well as visually expand the space.

Idea 5. Vintage chair

If you paste over the back of an old chair with wallpaper, then it will cease to look like an inappropriate appendage to the interior of the room. WITH natural wood vibrant floral prints are perfectly combined, and wallpaper with a neutral and calm motive is perfect for furniture with chrome legs.

  • use removable wallpaper;
  • using available tools, make a removable cover for the back of a chair from wallpaper;
  • additionally protect the surface with some durable transparent coating made with your own hands from scrap materials.

It should not be forgotten that the chair does not necessarily have to be used for direct appointment... This piece of furniture can serve as a shelf or flower stand. Ideas on how to use an updated piece of furniture can turn out to be quite unusual and original with a little imagination.

Idea 6. Portal in the closet

V old wardrobe you can breathe new life. This technique is also applicable to hanging cabinets and cabinets with transparent facades. To implement such an idea, you need to remove the doors, pull out all the shelves, rods and other objects that may interfere, and then paste over the back wall with the remnants of bright wallpaper. It is better to leave the side walls intact, in which case the cabinet will cease to seem bulky and awkward. The glass shelves where the dishes are stored are perfectly combined with the bright wallpaper on the back wall. This technique is great for kitchen wall cabinets and furniture walls in the living room.

Idea 7. Bright accents

A coffee or coffee table may become brighter if pasted over its countertop and other surfaces. beautiful wallpaper... Such a move will not only decorate this piece of furniture, but also protect it from damage and scratches. You can also decorate with your own hands using the remaining wallpaper some small cabinet or refrigerator.

Idea 8. Transformation of style

The design and the main ideas of the interior are always made up of seemingly insignificant details. You can also emphasize the originality of the decoration of the room with your own hands by decorating even the most ordinary objects. If you paste over a wine bottle with bright wallpaper, it will turn into an unusual vase. The same trick can be used to transform various decorative elements, such as photo frames.

Idea 9. Staircase decor

If you have imagination and some original idea, you can decorate with your own hands almost any piece of furniture. Including the stairs. Wallpaper can be pasted over steps or railings. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to glue the wallpaper over the entire area. It may turn out that a strip of wallpaper in the center or along the edges is quite enough for the steps. Railings can be decorated in whole or in part.

So, for example, wooden railings with bright ribs look attractive and unusual, and correctly selected stripes on the steps visually make them wider.

Idea 10. Bright lampshade

With the help of the remnants of wallpaper, you can transform beyond recognition old lamp... The lampshade can be pasted over with wallpaper, either completely or partially. It should be noted that the light from the bulb will illuminate the pattern and ornament of the wallpaper, which looks at least unusual and interesting.

For large luminaires, narrow stripes with different patterns and ornaments can be used, provided that they match with each other.

Idea 11. Tablecloth decor

Wallpaper left after renovation can become quite budgetary, but an original and stylish way to decorate a festive table. A long strip of removable wallpaper, laid down in the center and along the entire length of the table, will transform appearance interior. To complete the picture, you can install vases with flowers, candlesticks and beautiful dishes on the resulting strip.

Idea 12. Spotlight

Perhaps for someone this will be a real discovery, but it is not at all necessary to paste over all the walls in the room with wallpaper. Moreover, the modern market practically does not limit the choice of finishing materials. Wallpaper can only be on one of the walls or even on the ceiling.

It is important to remember that a large print visually reduces the space of a room, and a small ornament or pattern can create the appearance of a couple of additional square meters.

Idea 13. Wallpaper on the way out!

Sometimes, at the end of the repair, it turns out that the door merges with the walls. This problem is especially relevant for rooms decorated in light colors. They will help to fix the situation bright wallpaper glued to the door. Thus, the interior will be complemented by a contrasting accent that will dilute the monotonous color scheme.

Idea 14. A hole in the wall

Who said windows should look like windows? If you paste over the window frame and window sill with a finishing material for the walls, then you can achieve the effect when the window looks like part of the wall. This trick will look spectacular in both large and small rooms.

Idea 15. Masking the battery radiator

In many apartments, the appearance of the radiator leaves much to be desired. You can change this state of affairs using a self-made or purchased box, pasted over with wallpaper. In this case, it is important to pay special attention to the choice wallpaper glue because some formulations can give off unpleasant odors when heated.

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Every hostess and owner wants to make their home beautiful and comfortable. This article has collected a variety of home ideas that allow you to achieve this result with a little investment of time, money and effort.

We decorate the walls

V Lately painted or pasted over became very popular plain wallpaper walls. Yes, They serve as a great backdrop for accessories, furniture, etc. But large empty spaces require some additions. How to decorate an empty wall? There are a lot of ways, you just need to choose the right one.

Geographic maps on the walls

An extremely simple and very effective home idea that helps solve the problem of empty walls - stick a geographic map. It is not suitable for any room and not for every interior, but for a children's room, study, balcony or loggia, and in some cases even for a bedroom or living room, you can find options. It is important to choose the right map for the interior, and they are not only "ordinary" - geographic. There are vintage, nautical, stylized, etc.

Where to look for such cards? Geographic maps can be found in bookstores or stationery stores. You won't find stylized or antique ones there. Some options can be found in wallpaper stores. There they are in the form of photowall-paper. Many different ones on the beloved by many Aliexpress, you can search in other online stores. But there is another option: find the map you like on the Internet, save it to a medium and print it in a company that is engaged in outdoor advertising. The only requirement is a large card format. They, of course, will be able to increase it, but not indefinitely. So the original image should be of high quality and large.

We make modular paintings

The idea for the home - pictures and photos on the walls - is not new and has fed up with many. Yes, this is a classic, but I want something new and unusual. One of the options is modular paintings. This is one image, split into a different number of fragments. Fragments can be different in size or the same. These "pieces of images" are often called "modules", hence the name "modular picture".

As an object, you can take any poster, poster, wallpaper. You can, again, print your favorite image in an advertising agency. In this case, you can even take your photo or close friends, your favorite landscape, etc. Based on the composition of the picture, it is divided into several parts, cut. Frames are made for the fragments. The dimensions of the frames should be 3-5 cm smaller than the fragments, so that the module can be wrapped and fixed on the back side.

Nature is one of the most popular motives Sunset sun on the sea - what could be more romantic Beach, sun, summer ...
Flowers again ... Symmetrical splitting is also possible Fantasy - an option for teenagers

Frames can be made from wooden planks, covered with thin plywood or fiberboard. But the easiest way is to take foam plastic of sufficient density (300-350 g / m³) with a thickness of 4-5 mm or more. It costs a little, you can cut it with any hacksaw, it will not damage the paper, it weighs a mere trifle, so you can even fix the modules on double-sided tape. You can attach images to tablets using glue (find a suitable one), or using construction stapler and staples.

Decorative mirrors

Home ideas using mirrors are not new. The first examples of this magic glass appeared before our era and were extremely expensive and rare. And not surprising. The mirror itself is a great accessory, and if it has an unusual shape or an amazing frame, it will definitely become an interior decoration.

It's so simple - circles from mirrors, and butterflies from a mirror transform the interior - an interesting idea
If you decorate a shelf, a chest of drawers, a bedside table in the same style ...

Such compositions can be made not only from an ordinary mirror - sprayed glass. There is an acrylic mirror on the market. It is flexible and absolutely safe material... It does not give as perfect a reflection as a "normal" mirror, but for these conditions it is not required. You need a plastic material that is easy to work with. Sell ​​sets of fragments different shapes and size, on reverse side which is glued with double-sided tape. Such a mirror is attached simply: you remove protective film with adhesive tape, apply and press. Everything.

Making accessories for home decoration

Many ideas for home relate to the creation of unique author's crafts that make our home memorable and comfortable. These are the things that create the atmosphere at home. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to spend an incredible amount of time and money on their creation. There are very simple ideas using the most mundane, and sometimes junk things.

Home ideas are a sea of ​​possibilities to improve the interior or make your life more comfortable ... and sometimes both.

Decoration of vases and bottles with lace

Amazing transformations can take very little time. For example, you can make a uniquely beautiful vase from an ordinary vase, bottle or jar. Moreover, the process itself will take 10-15 minutes. This is if you have everything at hand. And apart from the objects of decoration, only lace, PVA glue, scissors and a brush are needed.

Everything is exactly as you thought. We just wrap the vessel with lace, cut it to size, glue it, wait until it dries. It's all. But the result will please you.

Who said that lace should be white ...

Lace can be bought or knitted. The second option allows you to decorate vases complex shapes, which can be made with ordinary lace with great difficulty. If you don't know how to knit, but want to decorate a vase of an unusual shape, look for a stretch one. There is also such, and in a fairly wide range. With the help of a stretching lace, most of the problems are removed.

Zen garden

If you're looking for original ideas for your home, consider a miniature Zen garden. It is easy to do, it looks great, and it can also help you relax and calm down after a hard day at work. Only this accessory is not for families with small children…. You will understand why.

Zen garden in the original is a rather complex system, but stylizations can be made from a transparent round container or even from a glass candy bowl, vase, or a small aquarium. More sand will be needed for landscape design, terrariums or aquariums and a jerky plant or cactus.

First, let's figure out how to deal with a plant. you can put it in a small pot and bury it in the sand. Instead of a pot, you can use a sock with soil (tie a sock). Some plants (cacti) can be planted directly in the sand. In general, you choose any method, but with direct landing in the sand, you need to take care of normal drainage - put pebbles on the bottom.

Sand is poured into the container, a pot with a plant or its roots is installed, all this is covered with sand to a certain level. Everything is ready. Now the surface of the sand is leveled and drawings are applied to it. There is a special metal stick for drawing, but a wooden one is also suitable for a start.

If you want to get closer to the original, you can make a desktop version of a Japanese garden from a small box. The frame of the box is assembled from wood blocks or bamboo trunks, the bottom is usually made from plywood or well-fitted and processed wood planks. You can also make legs.

The resulting container is also filled with fine sand, but what else to add there is up to you. You can plant several plants, lay stones, pebbles, put candles, a statue of Buddha. In general, here everyone already creates their own Zen))

Mini garden in the house

There are two types of miniature gardens that can be made to decorate the interior of a house or apartment: open and semi-closed. An open mini-garden is made in large flat pots, pallets. You can use miniature plants type "bonsai", succulents and cacti of small sizes.

When choosing plants, pay attention not only to the size, but also to the soil in which the plants grow. With a sufficiently large mini-garden area, it can be divided into zones with different soil acidity, but this will require physical separation, as well as delimitation using physical plastic partitions so that the soils do not mix.

In such an interior decoration, a real garden is recreated. With paths, benches, rockeries, etc. You can put a toy house, make a pond. All that your imagination will tell you.

Semi-closed mini-gardens are made in glass containers. Round ones look very interesting: aquariums, vases. Soil or stones are poured into them, plants are planted. But in such limited scope it is necessary to select plants not only by the type of soil, but also by the degree of illumination, irrigation regime, etc. You will not be able to take care of plants in a jar in different ways.

The smallest gardens ... And then - a garden of moss ... a piece of a fairy tale

In such containers you can grow different varieties moss. In fact, they are very beautiful, and only in such miniature gardens, you can see them to the smallest detail. Some of them resemble trees or shrubs, others are more like herbaceous plants... A wide variety of compositions are created from pebbles and moss, reproducing real landscapes or taking us to a fairyland.

DIY cushions

If you look at the photos of interiors, you will notice that in most of them pillows give a zest to the interior. With their help, a boring interior turns into a lively and memorable one. In addition, the large number of pillows allows you to rest comfortably. Ideas like this for a house allow you to quickly change the "mood of the interior", adding home coziness.

In the case of using fabrics, everything is clear - we select the color and texture for the interior. But there are home-made pillows, from which and breathes coziness. A striking example of this is knitted pillows. A variety of patterns, colors, shapes. But the result is the same - they really want to hug, squeeze. They are overwhelmed in a very non-standard way.

From old bike pajamas and sweaters And these old jeans turn into an original pillowcase ... all you need is fabric with an adhesive base Knitted miracle - very cozy Lace for finishing pillows - you need to choose the style Fleecy fabrics - simple and effective

What if you don't know how to knit? It’s not a problem. There are old sweaters. Yours or yours. They make very interesting and neat pillows. Cut the old knitwear to the sleeves, tuck a pillow into a semi-finished pillowcase, sew on both sides. That's it, the designer pillow is ready.

You can also use lace, fleecy fabrics, old jeans, even pajamas. Everything is in motion. And the weirder the colors are, the more interesting the result is.

Ideas for home: different little things with your own hands

The atmosphere and comfort in the house is created not only by global things. A lot of small things that can be made from scrap materials bring no less but, sometimes, more pleasure and benefit. You use them often. And you don't look at the same pictures or mirrors a month later. A number of ideas for turning your home into a cozy and comfortable place have been collected in this section.

Opportunities - the sea

Tray for shoes with pebbles

Owners of private houses have to go out into the yard regardless of the weather. Therefore, shoes do not always shine with cleanliness. Many people get out of the situation by putting a rubber mat near the door or by placing a rubber pallet. Yes, the dirt does not spread, but the view is not the most attractive. You can significantly improve the situation simply by pouring pebbles into the pallet. Water will flow over the stones, the drips are not visible on them, the dirt too. From time to time it will be necessary to soak the pebbles in water and rinse them to remove the accumulated dirt, but pebbles are reusable material and they simply cannot "rub off".

If there is no rubber pallet, you can knock down a wooden box with a side height of about 10 cm. Pebbles can be found on the banks of a river, sea, etc. As a last resort, you can find it in designer stores or where aquarium supplies are sold. But buying this "charm" turns out to be expensive.

Storing scarves

There are usually a lot of scarves, scarves and other similar products in every family. How to store them so that they do not take up a lot of meta, are always at hand, and even at the same time do not wrinkle? There are several life hacks that you can easily do with your own hands.

First. We attach metal rings to an ordinary hanger. Rings can be plastic or metal. Both those and others can be found in the departments selling. There are not so many, in shape, size and material. Rings can be nailed to wooden hangers / hangers / trembles, attached with staples from a stapler, to plastic ones - glued or tied with threads. And that's all, you have a scarf storage device.

The situation with the second device is a little more complicated. You will need a processed board and a dozen or two clothespins. We attach the clothespins to the bar with one side. They can be nailed, screwed, glued. You will also need hinges to fix the structure itself on the wall.

Both home ideas are practical, require a minimum of funds and a little time. And evaluate the benefits yourself. Especially in the spring-autumn period, when there are a lot of scarves, shawls, pots on the shelf.

Instead of a bookshelf

- a good thing, but not everywhere they are appropriate, and good copies cost a lot of money. But books have to be stored somewhere. Exit - metal brackets. When they are installed, the lower book serves as a support for milking 4-5 pieces, which are simply stacked on it.

Book holder - all ingenious is simple

The disadvantage is obvious - the lower book is not available. The way out is to put the most unpopular or unnecessary down.

Holders for keys and other small items

One of the biggest problems is where to hang the keys so that you can quickly find them, and also instantly hang or take them off. One of the good options is a magnetic board, but where to find it is a question. But you can make funny holders from balls for tennis. They are cut to about a third of the diameter. That's all. The holder is ready. It only needs to be fixed somewhere. You can - on the wall with nails, you can a separate board attach several pieces, and attach the board itself to the wall, cabinet, etc.

Instead of a housekeeper - pretty faces

You can make such a holder for small items in a matter of seconds. Look for tennis balls longer. And to make it even more interesting, eyes are glued to the ball. It turns out to be such a funny smiley.

Basket from a plastic tank and clothespins

The farm's forehead is full of plastic containers from under food products, but ideas for a home with their participation are rare. We found one such option, in which the hero is a liter container of mayonnaise. In principle, any large diameter, low height can will do. Otherwise, the "basket" will be inconvenient to use.

Waste to income - a basket from a plastic can

Using universal glue, glue the container with clothespins. When the glue is dry, cover the surface with varnish or wood oil. We close the inside with a cover sewn from cotton or linen. We make it a little longer than necessary so that you can hide the unsightly edge behind the lapel.

The handle is made of steel wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm. We bend an arc out of it. At one end we make a loop, in the sidewall with the help of a nail heated on fire, we make two diagonally located holes (one opposite the other). In one hole we pass the formed loop on the handle. On the second side, we bend the wire, thread it through the second hole, and then form a loop. We decorate the handle with hemp rope. You can also make decorations for the basket from it. If you know how to weave macrame - great, no - an ordinary braid, woven from several threads, will do.

Stand for a sofa or armchair for cups / glasses / newspapers

Drinking seagulls in your favorite chair is a great idea. But there is nowhere to put a cup, the phone always falls between the seat and the "bylitsy". Armrests at modern models soft, you can't put anything on them. So smart people came up with a stand for cups / glasses (pictured). Extremely simple and very convenient thing... Few home ideas will bring you more enjoyable moments.

You will need three boards with a width of at least 25 cm. They are knocked down in the form of the letter "P" (the connection can be strengthened with carpentry corners). The height of the lintel is a little more than the height of the armrest, the table should protrude no more than 1/3 of the seat width, otherwise you simply will not sit in the chair. The structure is placed sideways, lower part slide under the chair. It serves as an emphasis and does not allow the structure to roll over. To be sure, make the lower part much longer than the "table". Also, for mobility, you can install casters, but do not forget that the legs of modern furniture are low and the casters need small ones, and you will have to fix them from the side. Otherwise, the stand will simply not fit under the chair.

Where to hide dog bowls

Dog owners know how challenging it is to find a place for their dog bowls. Dogs living in an apartment or house are usually fed in the kitchen. There they are given bowls. But they are needed for half an hour a day, and then all day they get underfoot on the floor. You can solve the problem, and elegantly. Place the bowls in one of the drawers. Needed - they opened a box, poured food. The feeding is over - the bowls have been washed, put back, the drawer has been pushed back. Everything is perfect and does not bother anyone.

This idea will require a small crate redesign. A small section bar or corner is stuffed around the perimeter. Plywood, or other sheet material cut a rectangle the right size... We cut holes in it under the bowls, then paint (if necessary). That's all, the idea has been implemented. It remains to train pets.

Idea for storing slippers

In any house or apartment with two or more inhabitants, slippers are lost all the time, get confused and disappear somewhere. One interesting solution to the problem is these pipes / sneaker holders. Each pair has its own pipe. Order is guaranteed.

The pipes can be stainless steel or cut from large diameter plastic pipes. It will only be necessary to process the cut well - so that it is convenient and beautiful.