General cleaning. How to clear your mind of junk

Having already taught thousands of students an effective non-traditional time management system and published a huge number of useful ones on the topic of productivity, I often continue to receive the same question: “Olga, how to get rid of trash in my head?”. And this question always makes me very happy! Do you know why? After all, it shows that people understand that you cannot start moving towards a productive life, carrying mental and material garbage with you.

And I completely agree with this - clearing the mental room should be the first and fundamental step towards your daily results. No wonder this is what the first lesson in mine is devoted to.

How to carry out general cleaning in the head? The advice I will share with you is very simple. But the point is whether you really apply them in your life. Give it a try and you'll start clearing your mental junk this week or even today.

1. Set up a sleep schedule.

Researchers in one of the American medical centers discovered a certain system in the brain that during sleep clears our brain of toxins and alleviates bad memories. It is during sleep, not wakefulness. It says that the dream is playing important role helping the brain get rid of everything unwanted. The authors of the study explain the process this way: “Imagine a party at home. You can either entertain guests or clean houses, but don't do both at the same time."

Conclusion: during sleep, the brain is cleared, new neural connections are formed, and new information and skills.

Think about how you can improve your sleep pattern? This alone will greatly increase your productivity.

2. Always write down important information and helpful ideas.

Surely you have experienced situations when a wonderful idea came to your mind or interesting strategy for a new project or a very good wording for the text, and you think: “Great, I need to do this later!”. However, when you are distracted by something else and return to your task, you realize that you do not remember important details or even the whole idea.

The advice here is very simple - write it down. Don't have a notepad handy? Use a napkin, a store receipt, a magazine… Create a note on your phone or speak your thoughts into a voice recorder. Save this information in any way - it will come in handy later. In the meantime, there is no need for it, it can be forgotten and interfere with you.

Is that why so many people so often do not remember the passwords for accessing their accounts on the Internet?)

3. Try (or keep) meditating.

Even if you've never done it. Even if it seems to you that meditation is absolutely not for you. Even if you don't have time at all. Try it. After all, it is not for nothing that meditation is a key tool in many philosophies.

To begin with, allocate 3-5-10 minutes for meditation, relax and tune in. Try this process for yourself. If you are already doing meditation practice then continue to experience all its benefits.

The beneficial effects of meditation have already been proven at all levels (physical, intellectual, spiritual), and most importantly, it is available to everyone. All you need is your desire, a little time and patience.

In contact with

How much unnecessary we used to carry in ourselves, how many “garbage” emotions and thoughts hinder our development. “Don’t Load Yourself with Garbage,” Osho Says

Avoid situations where you needlessly load yourself with garbage. You already have too much of it, you need to get rid of it. And you go on collecting it like something precious.

Talk less, listen only to the most important things, be concise when you speak and listen. If you talk less, if you listen less, by and by you will see purity, you will start to feel clean, like you have taken a bath. This becomes the necessary ground for the emergence of meditation. Stop reading all sorts of nonsense.

Leave some space in your mind unoccupied. These moments of free consciousness are the first flashes of meditation, the first penetration of the other world, the first flashes of no-mind. And if you can do that, then the next step is to choose food that does not promote aggression and violence, that is not poisonous.

Avoid everything that is poisoned on the physical level, avoid everything that is poisoned on the mental level. And on a mental level, the circumstances are even more confusing. If you think you are a Hindu you are poisoned, if you think you are a Mohammedan you are poisoned. If you think you are a Christian, a Jaina, a Buddhist, then you are poisoned. And you were poisoned gradually, so gradually that you adapted to it. You are addicted to it. You have been spoon-fed from your first day, you have absorbed it with your mother's milk, you have been poisoned. All kinds of traditions are poison. To think of oneself as a Hindu is to think of oneself in opposition to humanity. To think of oneself as a German, a Chinese means to think about oneself, opposing oneself to humanity, to think in the language of enmity, not friendship.

Think of yourself only as a human being. If you have intelligence, think of yourself as just an ordinary human being. And when your intelligence grows a little more, drop even the adjective "human". You will only think of yourself as an entity. And the concept of essence includes everything: trees, mountains, rivers, stars, birds, and animals.

Get bigger, get huge. Why do you live in tunnels? Why are you crawling into little dark holes? But you think you live in great ideological systems. You don't live in great ideological systems because there are no great ideological systems. There are no ideas big enough to contain a human being, being cannot be contained in any concept. All concepts cripple and paralyze.

Don't be a Catholic or a communist, just be human being and those notions are just poisons, just prejudices. They have entered your blood. They entered your bones, your very marrow. You need to be very vigilant to get rid of poisoning.

But your body is not as poisoned as your mind. The body is a simple phenomenon, it is easy to clean it. If you have been eating non-vegetarian food, then this can be stopped, and it is not difficult. And if you stop eating meat, then in three months your body will be completely cleansed of all the poisons caused by non-vegetarian food. It's simple. Physiology is not very difficult. But problems arise with psychology. A Jain monk does not eat any poisonous food, never eats anything non-vegetarian. But his mind, like no other, is polluted and poisoned by Jainism.

Real freedom is freedom from ideology. Can't you just live without ideology? Is an ideology necessary? Why is ideology so necessary? It is needed because it helps you to remain stupid, it is needed because it helps you to remain stupid. It is needed because it provides you with ready-made answers and you do not need to find them yourself.

A truly intelligent person will not join any ideology, and for what? He will not carry the burden of ready-made answers. He knows that he is smart enough and if any situation arises, he will be able to respond to it. Why carry a useless burden from the past? What's the point of carrying it?

If you stop eating poisonous food, you will be surprised: a new mind will be released in you. And this new mind will allow you not to stuff yourself with all sorts of nonsense. This new mind will allow you to get rid of the past and its memories, will allow you to get rid of useless desires and dreams, get rid of envy, anger, trauma and all kinds of psychological wounds.

It is precisely because you cannot get rid of psychological wounds that you become victims of a psycho-fraudster. The world is full of psychoanalysts of all kinds and sizes. The world is full of all kinds of psychotherapy. But why are multiple psychotherapies necessary? They are necessary because you are not smart enough to heal your own wounds. Instead of healing them, instead of opening your wounds to the sun so that they can be healed, that they can be allowed to heal. But finding a real psychotherapist is extremely difficult. Out of a hundred psychotherapists, ninety-nine are psycho-fraudsters, not psychotherapists.

You will be surprised to know that more psychoanalysts and psychotherapists commit suicide than people in any other profession. This number is almost double that. So what are these people? And how are they going to help others? More psychoanalysts go crazy, go crazy, than people in any other profession in the whole world. This number is almost double that. Why? And they helped other people become more normal when they themselves were abnormal. It is likely that they became interested in psychotherapy because of their abnormality. It was an attempt to find a cure for themselves.

And you will be surprised to know that psychotherapists of one kind for psychotherapy visit psychotherapists of another kind. A follower of Freud visits a follower of Jung, and a follower of Jung visits a follower of Freud, and so on. This is a very strange situation. If you realize your intellect, then you will be able to do everything that needs to be done. You will be able to heal your own wounds, you will be able to see your own wounds, and you will not need to visit a therapist.

Physical, psychological, spiritual… Allow your physiological body to be cleansed of all poisons and toxins and your mind to shed the burden of different types rubbish and garbage. And let your soul be free from the idea of ​​"I". When the soul is freed from the idea of ​​"I", then you have arrived in the inner space called not-I, anatta. This is freedom, this is nirvana, this is enlightenment, you have come home. Now you have nowhere to go, now you can sit comfortably, relax and unwind. Now you can enjoy a million joys that life throws at you.

When you get rid of these three poisonous foods, you become empty. But this emptiness is not a negative kind of emptiness. You are empty in the sense that all poisons, all contents have disappeared. But you are full, full of what cannot be named, full of what pious people call "God."

There are two types of food. One of them is the one that you like, that you are inclined towards, that you fantasize about. There is nothing wrong with this, but you need to understand a little trick. There are types of food that have great appeal.

And the attraction is not that you see that food is available. You go to a hotel, you go to a restaurant, you see a certain food -- a smell comes from the back room, you are attracted by the color and the smell of the food. You have not thought about this food, and suddenly you are interested in it, but it will not help. This is not your real desire. You can eat it, it will not satisfy you. You will eat and eat and nothing will come of it, no satisfaction will come of it. And satisfaction is the most important thing. It is dissatisfaction that leads to obsession.

Just meditate every day before you eat. Close your eyes and just feel what your body needs, whatever it is! You haven't seen any food, it's not there yet, you just feel your own being, feel what your body needs, what you want, what you really want.

Dr. Leonard Pearson calls this "humming food" - food that hums to you. Go ahead and eat as much as you want, but stick to that food already. The other food he calls “enticing food” is that when it becomes available, you become interested in it. So it belongs to the mind and you don't need it. If you listen to humming food, you can eat as much as you like and you will never suffer because it will satisfy you.

The body just wants what it needs, it never wants anything else. This will be satisfactory, and when this is satisfactory, the person does not eat more than necessary. Problems arise when you eat the kinds of food that are enticing foods: you see that they are available, you become interested, and you eat. They cannot satisfy you because the body has not needed them. When they don't satisfy you, you feel dissatisfied. Feeling dissatisfied, you eat more, but no matter how much you eat, it will not satisfy you, because there is no need.

The first kind of desire must be fulfilled, then the second will appear. What people do is they never listen to the first one, so the second becomes a problem. If you listen to "humming food", then the enticing food will disappear. The second becomes a problem because you have completely forgotten that you have to listen to your inner desire, people have been taught not to listen to it. They were taught: "Eat this, eat that" - the rules established once and for all. The body does not know the rules established once and for all.

They found that if young children were left alone around food, they would only eat what their body needed, and this surprised them. In our time, many discoveries have been made in the field of psychology; they were just surprised. And if a child suffers from some disease, and if it is good to eat an apple for this disease, then the child will choose an apple. All other kinds of food are there, but the child will choose an apple.

This is what animals do; only man has forgotten this language. Bring the buffalo and leave it in the garden. The whole garden is there, all the greenery, but it will not interest him. Flowers and trees may attract him, but he will not be interested in them. He will go to the herb that sings to him and will choose only the particular herb he needs. You cannot fool a buffalo, you can only fool a man.

It will take you several days, even several weeks, to feel what attracts you. Eat as much as you like, whatever appeals to you. Don't worry about what others will say. If you like ice cream, eat ice cream. Eat for your pleasure, eat until the desire of the heart is satisfied, and then suddenly you will see that satisfaction has appeared. And when you feel satisfied, the desire to overeat will pass. This state of dissatisfaction makes you aimlessly overeat more and more. You feel full and unsatisfied, and so a problem arises.

So first find what is natural and what will come because it has only been forgotten, it is in the body. When you are about to have breakfast, close your eyes and see what you want, what your desire really is. Don't think about what's available, just think about what you want, and then go find that food and eat it. Eat as much as you want. Continue eating the same food for the next few days.

Second, when you eat, chew your food well. Do not swallow hastily, because if you like its presence in your mouth, then why not chew it longer? Instead of taking ten bites, take one bite but chew ten times longer. It will be almost the same as if you took ten bites.

Therefore, when you eat, chew more, because the pleasure is above the throat. There is no taste down the throat, there is nothing like it, so why rush? Just chew, taste more. And do your best to intensify the taste. Before eating anything, smell the food first. Enjoy the smell of food, because half of the taste is smell.

Many experiments have been carried out. If your nose is completely closed and then something is given to you, you will not taste it. Then you will understand that smell is more important in food than taste. If your eyes are closed, then you cannot fully taste it because the color that catches your eye is missing. They have done wonderful experiments: with eyes closed, with nose completely closed, and then they give you something and you can't even understand what it is. They can give you onions, but you can't say onions, because a lot depends on the smell. That's why when you have a runny nose and can't smell, you can't taste. When people have a runny nose, they start eating spicy food, because only then can they feel some tingling.

So smell the food, look at the food. There is no rush... Don't rush. Turn it into meditation. Even if people think you're crazy, don't worry. Just look at it from all sides. Touch it with your eyes closed, touch it with your cheek. Feel it all possible ways sniff it again and again. And then take a little bite and chew, enjoy the food, let it be meditation.

Golden Rules for Success include one rather unexpected rule. That's what we're going to look at today. Very often they think that for achievements it is enough to set goals Faster, Higher, Stronger, and you can ignore everything else. Of course, only a stubborn person will reach his goal. And if he masters the skills of efficiency, then he can significantly shorten his path.

But if his legs are entangled in a chain, then neither perseverance, nor will, nor any technique will help him. To move you need take off excess.

Therefore, the next rule of success teaches you to free yourself from any excess load (you can see the previous rule).

There is a curious study that a person is in the present only. And then he either remembers the past, or his thoughts hover in the future. How can he effectively move forward in this case?!

No one has yet calculated what percentage of thoughts about the past and the future are divided. But in principle, these figures will not give anything, because the main thing is that any negative thoughts about the past become the shackles that hold back our success.

mental junk

A person voluntarily puts the shackles of negativity on himself. And then year after year diligently strengthens them. In his mind, past events easily overlap one another, forming a kind of layer cake. What can you see there:

  • Resentments and disappointments that can drag on even from childhood.
  • Failures, collapse of plans, stupidity.
  • Betrayal and separation.
  • Miscellaneous losses (money and things).

In the life of every person there are many sad moments. Why keep in memory for decades the face of your offender. Why blame yourself for past mistakes? And even more so, why chew on thoughts of sweet revenge.

Life gave these situations with a purpose. And people, instead of living them correctly, processing them, drawing conclusions and forgetting them, carefully store and store them in their memory. And how does this differ from what accumulates in our homes? Is it because he is invisible and not so “washes his eyes”.

All negative thoughts about the past are real garbage, only this mental trash. And you also need to get rid of it in the same way so that there is room in your consciousness for new energies and new thoughts.

What is dangerous
mental trash

We know that physical debris tends to decompose, rot, mold, and so on. The products of such a change can be very harmful for a man, to poison him. The same is the case with the waste products of our body. If the body is not cleaned in a timely manner, severe intoxication and even death can occur.

Mental garbage has equally unfortunate consequences. He too poisons human, only on higher energy planes. Psychics would call this a violation of the human aura. The consequences of this manifest themselves on a physical, emotional and mental level.

A person can have a constant depression, depression, lack of joy, unwillingness to communicate - all these are emotional responses of the mental level. Heavy mental disorders- these are extreme manifestations of its influence, and weaker ones cause various diseases.

Naturally, all this lies very far from the roads that lead to success. And there is nothing to think about him while you have this mental garbage in your head.

Learn to forgive

Way to success starts with working of their past and deep cleansing of the inner space. The biggest deposits of mental garbage, of course, are associated with all sorts of grievances.

It doesn't matter what we call it later. The inability to learn life lessons, a weak inner core, low self-esteem and similar things - all this indicates that a person does not know how to adequately respond to situations and can't forgive.

The work of forgiveness is a very serious matter and very hard work. Do not believe those who promise you deliverance from all grievances in one evening. I have already said that mental rubbish is stacked in layers. It looks like a head of cabbage: you remove one layer, the next one opens under it.

Therefore, a complete cleaning can take several months, or even years. I myself spent about a year on this process, although I do not think that my situation was too neglected. And I even used different techniques.

For starters, you can use several to work with grievances. Then you can move on to more serious techniques and deeper study.

Regular cleansing

However, dealing with resentment is just a preparatory stage. It will help you start making changes to improve your life. The fourth rule of success concerns what mental cleansing should be in your life. REGULAR.

Again, if we draw an analogy with physical body you need to clean it periodically. And if you make sure that less gets there harmful substances, then cleaning can be done less often.

The same applies to working with the mental level. On the one hand, we must organize our lives in such a way that got less mental trash. This will be of great help positive thinking, the ability to control their emotions, an adequate response to what is happening and the ability to relax. On the site you will find a lot of techniques that will help you with this.

But no matter how we take care of ourselves, something will still hurt us and be postponed. Therefore, it is necessary to find suitable methods of mental purification for yourself and master them. From all that exists the most productive and at the same time, meditation and thanksgiving techniques are simple.

The technique of meditation is designed just to purify the mind. Anyone can do it, do not think that this is something super complicated. Moreover, you can always choose what is closest to you in spirit.

If you practice short meditations during the day, you will immediately notice that these few minutes allow you to increase your efficiency many times over.

- this is a prelude to the general cleaning of your life. So far, we have just taken out a shovel and entered the runway, which needs to be cleared of a mountain of garbage, primarily mental. We will clean it manually. And this, I will say right away, is not easy and not fast.

It always shakes on takeoff, but you can quietly and calmly stand all your life in the garage

At the start, you need to provide yourself with a place to take off - the very lane along which at first slowly, then a little faster and faster, the plane begins to move in order to freeze at a certain point, turn to the final leg of the path and take off from the ground at maximum speed. To new horizons.

Every thought or belief about yourself, your relationships, work, business that is behind the current state of affairs, should be impartially examined under a magnifying glass and meaningfully ask a question, preferably aloud:

- Isn't that a lie?

Literally, each of your convictions in 4 key areas of life (business, body, soul, relationships) must be called in for questioning and carefully considered from all sides.

From obviously delusional:

  • All men change.
  • There are no normal men left.
  • Girls only want money.
  • You can't earn big money with honest work.
  • Our country has no chance.
  • Life cannot be changed.

And so on and so forth, I will not tell you during your excavations. There, oh, so many things. I'll just clarify one thing. A paradox - as a rule, what you strongly believe in (on an issue that is stalling) - in fact turns out to be the main bandwagon for transformations

2. Throw away

Mental garbage is thrown out in one of two ways:

1.(for advanced) Reset this setting. It dawns on you to the core that this belief is crap, which only pulls you down, and you no longer want and are not going to think and think like that. You don't think, and you don't count. From now on and forever.

2. (recommended) Replace the old installation with a new one - constructive, reinforcing with examples from your own life and the experience of other people. Be sure to fix it - back it up with real experience from someone's life. But in the present tense. Directly find a person, even on the Internet, who succeeded contrary to your former thoughts. As for yourself, look for what you like in yourself and hold on to it as you move towards transformation.

You need to explain and show your subconscious that life is actually more than you used to think and positive examples there is.

This task is not easy, I know. The most difficult thing is to adjust your worldview, change your (!) point of view on yourself and others. Moreover, in fact, I do not give hints, allowing you to dig on your own.

Don't try to find mental junk right away, just take a close look at your key opinions about yourself and your life to begin with. Turn them around, ask where they come from and what situations or people have shaped them. As a rule, in matters of relationships, a lot has come to us from the opinions of our past partners about us. Question: do you need it today? It's like old things that even once fit, but are now obsolete.

I know you want to skip those steps. "Give action, take away the lyrics." But the fact of the matter is that it action, without which any future How to find your purpose in life? will be ineffective.

To build your life, again and again, from the trenches of the past is a utopia. The maximum is to change the scenery. For those who have already played enough and want real change, it is important to be able to find your beliefs, consider their critical, change as needed and to follow new ones who chose.

We are still at the stage of… getting to know ourselves. We are now shaking up the inner shelves for new energy and a fresh stream.

My advice to you, leave only the most lofty opinions about yourself and your capabilities. Who if not you? Enough of the compromises. Throw out doubts, fears, insecurities and other rubbish in the trash. Awareness of life and the ability to create it begins with the understanding that we are better than we used to think about ourselves.

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The mental trash of your past

The older you get, the harder it is to change. Although, it would seem, what is there to be afraid of, since we are only becoming smarter and wiser and, finally, we can do what we want?

But practice shows that up to 25 years the share of healthy indifference, which is an excellent antidote to any fears, is much higher. With age, small and indiscriminate doubts quietly eat up any sound idea, feeling at home in our minds.

In fact - a bunch of adult intelligent people gush interesting ideas and cannot realize anything, hiding behind excuses that they themselves believe in, while others take and do the same.

Any experience of the past, especially the one to which we attached importance, settles in our minds in the form of conclusions and conclusions drawn on a particular issue. Some of these conclusions (perhaps most) were made unconsciously, you did not control them. These findings shape your life today.

Hence it turns out that until we consciously control the process, we are woven from the fabric of our own past.

All these:

  • I am beautiful or ugly.
  • I am smart or stupid.
  • Girls like me or they always dynamize me.
  • Finding a job is easy.
  • There is no work.
  • You can't make money on the Internet.
  • There are only charlatans on the Internet.
  • Nobody can be trusted.

Any of these thoughts are usually the result of your inference to the experience of the past (or the experience of your environment). Very many of these conclusions, and sometimes all, are not your choice.

Life is a choice. But no one does it.

When was the last time you scoured your beliefs and changed some of them?

I want to believe that there are adults here who are well aware that there can be no question of dividing the experience into “good” or “bad”. I'm not suggesting changing anything because it's "bad" or could be "better".


In the question re-creating yourself is a very important aspect. It is impossible to make a 180 degree turn by endlessly feeding all these past conclusions.

In other words:

As long as you believe in what you believed yesterday, you will receive what you received yesterday.

Mystics of all times did not trifle about this and immediately offered to wake up every morning from scratch, forgetting everything that was before. Like, a new day - new life- new conclusions.

But don't worry, I'm not suggesting this be repeated. We care about their awareness and non-attachment like the moon, maybe this is for the best.

Clearing rubble

1. Digging

Your task is to unearth your own mental trash and get rid of it. For starters, just dig.

How do I know if I have mental trash?

- Very simple. Just one question to yourself and you know the answer: are you living 100% the life you want? Is there a drive?

It's time to turn to the answers to the question: What brought me to where I am now?

Every thought or belief about yourself, your relationships, work, business that is behind the current state of affairs, should be impartially examined under a magnifying glass and meaningfully ask a question, preferably aloud:

- Isn't that a lie?

Literally, each of your convictions in 4 key areas of life (business, body, soul, relationships) must be called in for questioning and carefully considered from all sides.

From obviously delusional:

All men cheat. There are no normal men left. Girls only need money. Big money cannot be earned by honest work. Our country has no chance. Life cannot be changed.

And so on and so forth, I will not tell you during your excavations. There, oh, so many things. I'll just clarify one thing. A paradox - as a rule, what you believe in especially strongly (on an issue that is stalling) - in fact turns out to be the main bandwagon for transformations

2. Throw away

1.(for advanced) Reset this setting. It dawns on you to the core that this belief is crap, which only pulls you down, and you no longer want and are not going to think and think like that. You don't think, and you don't count. From now on and forever.

2. (recommended) You replace the old installation with a new, constructive one, reinforcing it with examples from your own life and the experience of other people. Be sure to fix it - back it up with real experience from someone's life. But in the present tense. Directly find a person, even on the Internet, who succeeded contrary to your former thoughts. As for yourself, look for what you like in yourself and hold on to it as you move towards transformation.

You need to explain and show your subconscious that life is actually more than you used to think and there are positive examples.

This task is not easy, I know. The most difficult thing is to adjust your worldview, change your (!) point of view on yourself and others. Moreover, in fact, I do not give hints, allowing you to dig on your own.

Don't try to find mental junk right away, just take a close look at your key opinions about yourself and your life to begin with. Turn them around, ask where they come from and what situations or people have shaped them. As a rule, in matters of relationships, a lot has come to us from the opinions of our past partners about us. Question: do you need it today? It's like old things that even once fit, but are now obsolete.

I know you want to skip those steps. "Give action, take away the lyrics." But the fact of the matter is that this is action, without which any future “how to find your purpose in life?” will be ineffective.

To build your life, again and again, from the trenches of the past is a utopia. The maximum is to change the scenery. For those who have already played enough and want real change, it is important to be able to find their own beliefs, consider them critically, change them as needed and follow the new ones that they themselves have chosen.

We are still at the stage of… getting to know ourselves. We are now shaking up the inner shelves for new energy and a fresh stream.

My advice to you, leave only the most lofty opinions about yourself and your capabilities. Who if not you? Enough of the compromises. Throw out doubts, fears, insecurities and other rubbish in the trash. Awareness of life and the ability to create it begins with the understanding that we are better than we used to think about ourselves.

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