Girlish grapes at home in a pot. How to properly cover plants for the winter

A balcony entwined with grapes flaming in the sunset autumn rays of the Sun, what could be more pleasant for the heart of a person inclined to meditation from the height of past years? An ordinary vine - a girlish grape growing on the balcony - can deliver such joy.

A beautiful decorative liana will not only brighten up thoughts of the past, but will also serve as a reliable shelter for the more whimsical ampelous inhabitants of the balcony garden: flowers or fruit-bearing plants, carefully grown by the labors of a home botanist.

Origin and agriculture of the plant

The plant, known as the maiden grape, is a genus of closely related species, characterized by similar growing conditions in the wild and indistinguishable in appearance when grown under cultivation.

Its Latin name acquired from the combination of two Greek words - "virgin" and "ivy", associated with the similarity of the plant in appearance with ivy, and the ability to produce fruit without pollination (parthenocapic). There are more than 10 plant species differing in the number of veins in the leaf - from 1 to 7, as well as from the habitat of wild predecessors - Eastern, Southeast Asia, or America.

The species differ slightly from each other both in terms of soil requirements and in terms of growing area.

Most common in middle lane Russia is three and five-sided maiden grapes, the best way adapted to our climatic conditions.

In natural places of growth, these plants, as is typical for most ampel lianas, occupy the lower tier of the forest, using taller, upright trees as support plants. Being a moderately shade-loving plant by nature, maiden grapes, like many other indoor flowers and bindweed, can be successfully grown on east- or west-oriented balconies, or on north-oriented ones, but under mild climate conditions and the location of the balcony on the upper floors of the building, for example, so that the balcony is not obscured by nearby buildings or trees. Growing on southern balconies can be problematic, as it will be associated with the need for abundant daily watering of the plant. And given the length of the vine, reaching 8-12 meters in length, and the abundance of leaves in the crown, this plant consumes a lot of water.

The most suitable soil for growing will be leafy soil, which is characteristic of the places where the plant grows naturally. Recommendations for the composition of the soil, consisting of a substrate rich in humus and humus, are not based on knowledge biological features plants and come either from the empirical experience of those who grew indoor flowers on the balcony, or from reprints of information gleaned from the Internet. The general opinion is that maiden grapes grow where they were planted. Without unnecessary tweaks in the preparation of the substrate or the preparation of "special" soil mixtures.

Preparing a place for a plant

As it comes about growing maiden grape on a balcony or loggia, then we will not touch upon the agrotechnical features of its free cultivation in open ground and immediately move on to what is required to grow a plant on the 10th or 20th floor of an apartment building.

The first thing a home amateur gardener should start from is how harmoniously your idea of \u200b\u200bgrowing grapes and indoor flowers on the balcony will fit into the overall design concept of the facade of the house in which you live. It is one thing to realize your desires and hobbies in a limited space, when only you and your guests can admire your achievements, it is another thing to display the results of your work on the facade of an elite, shining with tinted french windows houses, in the center of a large industrial center. In truth, your work will look like a small green patch, absurdly stuck to the facade of a handsome house, the pride of the local administration.

Such an inappropriate zeal in growing indoor plants can cause confusion not only among the townspeople who are forced to observe the fruits of your amateur activities every day, but also discontent with the local administration, which can easily impose a fine on you for your excessive love of indoor flowers.

If your balcony, neither by the concept of the facade, nor by the location, will not overly traumatize the psyche of standardization lovers, then - Go ahead! Get down to business!

Considering that the girlish grapes on the balcony are a tree, albeit in the form of a liana, it will need a considerable capacity for root growth and normal nutrition. At least a 100 liter keg.

The plant is perennial, large. It is impossible to bring it in and out for the winter in an apartment, unlike flowers. Therefore, one should initially provide not only a soil reserve with the prospect of growth, but also the possibility of warming the container in winter period... The trunk and branches can survive even a very harsh winter, without much damage, but if the frost touches the roots, the plant will simply die.

Tip: Equip a container for girlish grapes on the balcony within the balcony area. It is desirable that the container be made of wood (larch, oak), or sheathed with wooden dowels.

Being a poor conductor of heat, the tree will protect you from frost to some extent. Provide for the possibility of additional insulation - either by simply wrapping the container with heat-insulating material, or by arranging electric or water heating on frosty days. This is most easily solved on glazed balconies. But growing girlish grapes on them does not make any sense.

Don't forget to arrange good drainage from expanded clay gravel or medium fraction of crushed stone (not limestone), so that the plant feels comfortable and does not experience waterlogging of the soil.

Planting material

You can grow girlish grapes either from seeds or using seedlings. The second method is the most acceptable and fast. Therefore, let's dwell on it.

The grapes have excellent vegetative qualities, therefore, to obtain a seedling, it is enough to separate the shoot from the adult plant in fashion and root it in wet sand, covered with a plastic cap, until the stalk gives roots.

The time for permanent disembarkation can vary from early spring (late March - early May), depending on the climatic zone in which you live, to late autumn (late September - early November).

Since girlish grapes are unpretentious plants and easily take root in a new place, you should not make any extraordinary efforts. The only condition for a sub-winter landing is reliable insulation, so that the bark system does not die in winter frosts.

Plant care

Some fast-growing types of maiden grapes give up to 4 meters of growth per year. Therefore, for the normal development of a plant, it is initially necessary to design a system of supports for which the vine will cling. The peculiarities of plant growth should also be taken into account. Grapes grow equally well both vertically upward and downward, and are classified as ampelous plants.

Therefore, you should build a structure arched type, either covering the balcony in the form of an arch, or making it possible for the plant to grow exclusively upward, not forgetting to ask the opinion of the neighbors, whether it will be a joy for them that part of the sunlight in their apartment will be blocked by the lush greenery of your pet, which abundantly entwined the fence of their balcony.

The plant does not require additional care. Except for trimming the overgrown side shoots. But this is not scary for the vine.

The best way for this can be roses that use the stems of girlish grapes as a support and together with it stretching upwards, or mountain clematis, which will ennoble and decorate the lush greenery of girlish grapes with its delicate lilac or pink flowers... And also others climbing plants for the balcony.

The flight of your imagination to use the shade canopy created by the maiden grape can be endless. The main advantage is that with its lush greenery, it will protect many balcony bindweeds and indoor flowers from the effects of winds, direct sunlight or the vagaries of the weather.

And if symbiosis beautiful flowers or a fruiting ampelous plant with a decorative liana turns out to be viable, then this will bring joy not only to you, but also to all those who can observe the fruits of your labors, passing by along the sidewalk.


Maiden grapes are one of the few plants that truly adorn the balconies of low a la country facades, which look very organic on the outskirts of large cities or in small urban settlements.

Many people like to savor a bunch of grapes while watching TV at home. But only a few people know that you can eat your own grapes grown in an apartment or on a balcony. Home plot poorly suited for this purpose, since weather conditions and the lack of special soil will prevent this southern and heat-loving plant from ripening. Further, we will not talk about the industrial amount of grapes and not even about the possibilities of harvesting for the winter, but the whole family will be able to feast on their own grown product.

Is it possible to grow grapes on the balcony

If you have the minimum gardening equipment that every hobbyist has country landings and simple agricultural techniques, you can grow an excellent vine at home.

One of the most popular varieties for growing on the balcony is "Isabella"

First of all, you need to choose seeds for planting that will not be afraid of the weather conditions in the region and can bear fruit well. In many regions of Russia, seeds such as Kish-mish, Laura, Northern and Taezhny take root better. These varieties will not be afraid of frost and other climatic features. different regions... If the seeds that are acquired from a fruitful, good vine, then they will take root and will not hurt much.

The soil for planting is worth making with my own hands from different ingredients, since special formulations for growing grapes in stores is not possible.

To prepare the soil, you will need sand, humus and sawdust. The sand must be calcined in a pan and mixed with humus in the proportion of one part of sand to two parts of humus. The soil for seedlings should be loose and moist, and it is for the looseness of the soil that sawdust should be added.

What gardening tools should be prepared to grow grapes on a balloon or in an apartment.

  1. A spray bottle, which you can buy, for a small price, at any hardware store, or purchase a regular spray nozzle and use as a container plastic bottle from under the mineral water.
  2. Baking powder. You can use the children's iron rakes from the sand play set or a regular old fork.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Small bottle or container for watering. Many people use the container that comes with some irons or plastic dairy jugs.
  5. Pots.

FROM minimal set funds for cultivation have been determined, now it is worth preparing seeds and seedlings for planting.

Grapes on the balcony (video)

Preparation of planting material

Depending on the desire and possibilities, grape cultivation starts with three possible options... With the help of seeds, in this case, the seeds must be properly prepared for planting in the ground. Pick up a few good grapes, the variety that can take root in the area, clean the seeds from the berries themselves and rinse well. Dry on a cloth, put in a bag and place in the refrigerator door for about a third of a month, take it out again and repeat all the steps from the beginning. By mid-February, remove the seeds from the refrigerator and spread them on a damp cloth or cloth, and put them in a warm place for 4-5 days. You should constantly check for moisture on the napkin. After the first roots hatch, the seeds can be primed. You will need pots with a volume of 3-5 liters.

Growing grapes from cuttings is more convenient to buy planting material necessary in the fall when the vine is pruned.

To store the cuttings, use sawdust, which is placed in a bag with cuttings and stored in the refrigerator. Twice a quarter the sawdust is changed and the blackened cuttings are removed. In February, it is necessary to get planting material, cut each into several separate parts, moreover, the upper cut is straight, and the lower oblique, and both are 20-30 mm behind the buds. When preparing these parts, at least three buds should be left. The resulting parts are soaked in melt water for two days. Then dry a little on a cloth.

Saplings. It is much more convenient to buy planting material in the form of seedlings just before planting in the ground, but this method is somewhat reminiscent of buying a pig in a poke. If the first two options allow you to find out which grapes will grow, then the seedlings can be of any variety and will not take root in the difficult climate of the middle lane.

Plant care

Growing a culture on a balcony or at home requires careful constant care, watering and feeding.

The vine requires light, so plant pots should only be placed on the sunny side.

Watering in strong sun is necessary very often, sometimes even twice a day. Once every twenty days, you need to feed the grapes nitrogen fertilizers... A growing vine requires more soil and the grapes need to be replanted as they grow. It is also worth noting that it is necessary to properly cut off excess shoots so that the power of the plant goes into the ripening of berries, and not into an increase in greenery. Optimal size shoots - 1.5 meters.

Grapes growing on the balcony

So that the cultivation of vines is not torture, you should qualitatively prepare the balcony for temperature regime... The balcony must be glazed, insulated along the floor and bottom walls.

The most the best option will be growing on the balcony, which is located on the south side, as there is more light and heat. The side windows of the balcony and the window to the apartment, next to which the grapes are gaining strength, should be covered with reflective material, you can use very dense aluminum foil, which ordinary life used for a variety of culinary recipes.

The floor on the balcony is insulated using any thermal insulation materialwhich can be bought at construction market or at a hardware store. average temperature in winter, on the balcony where the grapes grow, it should not fall below 10 degrees.

If the spring is too cold, then you should worry about lighting in advance and hang a couple of fluorescent lamps on the balcony.

It is not recommended to transfer grapes from cold to warm, since a sudden change in temperature will harm the vine; it is better to close containers with a plant with a non-woven covering material on very frosty days. Polyethylene is contraindicated in this case.

It is necessary to moisten the soil in pots where grapes are planted in the winter period from a spray bottle, by spraying.

Maiden grapes: balcony decoration

Girlish grapes on the balcony are more of a decoration than a food product. These grape varieties are not eaten, and the vine is used for decorative functions. Growing wild girlish grapes on the balcony is very similar to the way regular grapes are cultivated.

Maiden grapes do not require balcony glazing, so they can be a decoration for anyone, even an open balcony facing the north side. Creeping shoots are attached to the balcony walls and railings to create a natural, green terrace.

Maiden grapes are not whimsical, but they require watering and feeding; on the sunny side, watering is needed more abundant and frequent.

Well-sprawling shoots will be able to close the balcony from the sun's rays, thereby making a living, cozy gazebo in which you can escape the scorching sun, while enjoying the clean air.

Growing vines on the balcony is a laborious task, but in any case it pays off. Either it will become a delicious harvest of beautiful berries, or a cozy green balcony drapery. Grapes can be grown in an apartment, but the abundance of shoots and the constant transfer of pots is a laborious task, so most people create vineyards on balconies and loggias.

The benefits of maiden grapes (video)

Experienced gardeners won't see big problems in this activity, and will be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor, collecting juicy bunches of grapes.

Attention, only TODAY!

The balcony is part of the apartment, even if it is located outside it. That is why decorating this room is an important matter. This will speak of the accuracy and hard work of the hostess. And what else can be a better decoration than bright greenery and flowers? Growing various plants on the balcony is a favorite pastime of many. Today we will tell you how you can grow girlish grapes on the balcony. After reading this article, you will understand that such an activity is not difficult and not costly.

Which variety to choose

Maiden grapes are a fairly common plant. It is used to decorate fences, house facades, hedges and, of course, balconies and loggias. This plant is a liana, up to fifteen meters long. The leaves of maiden grapes can be of different colors. On the vine, you can see red and yellow, green and dark blue leaves and branches. It looks nice and effective.

There are two varieties of maiden grapes:

  • triangular;
  • five-leafed.

The first grade is the most common. Such grapes look a little like plush and have three-lobed leaves, different sizes and colors. The five-leafed maiden grape has green leaves all summer and spring, only in autumn the color changes to bright red. The leaves themselves are oval five-pointed. The length of the vine reaches 10 meters. The plant, clinging to the antennae for the smallest protrusions and cracks, is able to climb high on a wall or roof.

Photo 2. Tricuspid maiden grapes

Photo 3. Five-leaf maiden grape

Photo 4. Maiden five-leaf grapes in autumn

What is needed to grow girlish grapes

If you decide to acquire a girlish grape to decorate your balcony, then you need to know that its cultivation requires partial shade or full shade. This plant does not like a lot of sun, therefore, on a balcony located on the sunny side, such grapes may not take root. The plants themselves need to be planted not too close to each other, it is better that there is three meters of free space between them.

To start growing girlish grapes, it is worth preparing some tools and materials. You will need:

  • a glass for planting seedlings (it can be made of paper, plastic or clay);
  • film (to protect the shoots from cold and wind);
  • fertilizer for better growth grapes;
  • pegs or sticks (to direct the growth of the plant in the right direction);
  • rope net (maiden grapes are a liana, it is easier for her to weave);
  • garden tools (pruning shears, shovel and watering can).

Planting maiden grapes

When buying seedlings, pay attention to the roots of the plant. Grapes with weak roots wrapped in polyethylene are not worth buying, since such a plant is unlikely to take root. Better to spend money on grapes in a pot, even if it will cost a little more, but there are more guarantees. Also make sure the plant is grafted.

The plant grows best on the penumbra side. The most the best place will be where the sun is only half a day. In this case, the grapes will always delight you with their gorgeous crown. Maiden grapes love humus-rich soils. Initially, the cuttings are planted in a small container, and from there the already matured plant can be transplanted to the desired location.

Photo 4. Girlish grapes on the balcony

Planting young seedlings is best done in spring. This is done in a small hole, because the root system is not yet so developed. Adult plant can be transplanted practically all year round... For this, a pit is made at least fifty centimeters deep and the same width and length. Drainage in the form of small stones fits into it. After placing the plant in the hole, everything is filled up fertile soil and watered.

Plant care

Growing maiden grapes will not require much effort and significant financial costs from you. The plant itself is quite picky and will require only periodic watering, feeding and cutting. So that maiden grapes always have beautiful decorative view, it is necessary to keep the soil moist, otherwise it will begin to dry out and cease to be a decoration of your balcony. In this case, the surface of the soil must be ventilated, otherwise there is a risk of mold.

In order for the vine to grow well, the soil needs to be fed. In spring or early summer, nitroammofosk is introduced. This fertilizer requires 40 to 50 grams for each square meter... If you are growing a plant in small containers, then pour this amount of fertilizer evenly under each bush. When the plant goes into active growth, it needs to be reinforced organic fertilizer... It is advisable to use a special preparation Kemira Lux or Universal. It needs to be used 200 grams for each vine.

Photo 5. Fertilizer for feeding grapes

In addition, other activities are needed that are common for gardeners and truck farmers. In order for the roots of the plant to breathe, it is necessary to periodically loosen the ground. But this must be done carefully (especially near the exit of the trunk from the soil) so as not to damage the roots. Naturally, it is necessary to get rid of the weeds, they will pick up nutrients from the soil.

In order for the plant to grow in the right direction and cover the surface you want, it needs to be guided. This is initially done with pegs. By tying a young trunk to sticks driven into the soil, you direct its growth in the right direction. Then, when the crown is more or less formed, the ropes are pulled. The vine will trail along them. To keep the appearance of the maiden grapes in proper shape, it is required to periodically prune dry and sluggish leaves. In the same way, you can shape the crown itself, making it more beautiful.

Propagation of grapes

Girly grapes can easily multiply at home. The most common method is propagation with the help of stem branches. But it is of little use when growing a plant on a balcony. The essence of this method is that the stem up to 2 meters long is buried in the ground. Then, when the cuttings are rooted, they can be replanted. As you can see, more space is required here, which is not available on the balcony.

The most acceptable way is to propagate with wood cuttings. In spring or early summer, small cuttings from an adult branch are cut. They should have mature leaves. Such cuttings are placed in a glass of water and, after a while, young roots will appear, then the plant will be ready for planting.

Photo 6. Propagation of grapes by wood cuttings

There is another way - reproduction using seeds. But this is done extremely rarely, due to the hassle of such an occupation. In early autumn, ripe fruits are harvested (these are still grapes, although decorative). They are peeled and the resulting seeds are immediately planted in the ground to a depth of 1 centimeter. You will have to wait for shoots for a long time, constantly watering the soil and pulling out weeds. Only at the end of June next year will the first shoots appear. As you can see, this method is time consuming, which is why it is rarely used.

Growing such a vine will not require much effort and financial costs from you. It is enough to buy one cutting, small containers for soil and the soil itself. Planting and leaving is pretty straightforward. Also, the reproduction of this plant will not cause much difficulty. After spending some of your free time, you will receive beautiful decoration for your balcony. But you can decorate with such a plant summer cottage, and the fence, and other buildings and structures. The grapes will look beautiful and attractive everywhere.

It is quite possible to grow balcony plants that are pleasing to the eye and at the same time beneficial. Take wild grapes. Many are attracted by the amazing interiors created with their help. And what is very important, this plant bears wonderful fruit. Dark blue small berries on the hands are preserved even in winter.


When choosing a grape variety, factors such as:

For landscaping the best solution there will be girlish grapes on the balcony. Basically, preference is given to two of its varieties: five-leafed and triangular. Both of these varieties are unpretentious and frost-resistant. They are ways of independently "clinging" to adjacent surfaces. In just a year or two, the plant braids almost any balcony. The fruits are very small, the berries are not suitable for food.

  • three-leafed. This plant is distinguished by three-lobed large leaves diamond-shaped pointed shape, very reminiscent of ivy. The edges of the dark green leaves are glossy along the edges. Small clusters are collected from fruits of blue-black tones with an ashy bloom. Reproduction is carried out only vegetatively;
  • five-leafed. Five-toed leaves, which have an oval shape, retain their green color in spring and then in summer, and in autumn they change it to crimson red. Plant height can reach 10 m.

The cultivation of grapes on the balcony is not in the least dependent on the conditions of its cultivation. For example, conditions for open balcony frost-resistant, which are not particularly susceptible to fungal pathogens, are quite suitable. As for the glazed version of the balcony, frost resistance in this case is not so important, and the plant's tolerance to various fungal diseases comes to the fore. High humidity, accompanying greenhouse conditions, creates favorable conditions for the intensive development of fungal microorganisms.

Wild grapes on the balcony have a beneficial effect on the microclimate in the room, as it has phytoncidal properties, suppresses noise, protects against dust.

For those who only decorative effect not enough, it makes sense to think about varieties such as canteens.

The grape variety on the balcony must be zoned for a specific climatic zone. For example, for the climate of Moscow a variety like Charlie is great or others similar.

Reproduction methods

Maiden grapes are propagated in three ways:

  • seeds. They are harvested from berries after ripening, cleared of the pulp. After planting seeds in suitable soil are waiting for the first installments to appear in about 9-10 months, around the end of June. The soil is regularly moistened, weeds are periodically pulled out. This option is rarely used, since it is quite difficult and time-consuming to grow grapes from seeds on the balcony.

  • layering. This method is faster and more convenient, but it requires space. The stem should be about two meters high. It is instilled in a wave-like manner: a part of the stem with a bud is buried, a piece until the next is left above the ground, then the next part is buried with a bud and further. After a certain period of time, new shoots appear from the buds. With the onset of warm days, the rooted parts are cut off and planted. They continue to grow in small containers until the time is right for them to land in their primary location.

  • cuttings. This is the most convenient option for the balconies of the apartment. With this method, planting material is pre-procured. In the process of planned pruning, blanks are cut from adult stems so that each of them has two or three buds. Leaves are removed from the blanks, then placed in water. The cuttings should be covered with water about 2/3 of their length. The roots will begin to appear soon enough - in a month, at the latest - one and a half. Cuttings are transplanted with roots into containers for seedlings, where young plants will grow and get stronger. It remains after that to plant them in a permanent container.

How to grow wild grapes on the balcony

Growing grapes on the balcony has only one drawback, which can also be considered an advantage - an active process of abundant growth of branches. This is often due to lack of proper care or improper pruning.

Overgrown foliage serves as a good protection against summer heatand also reduce dampness in the room. Planting girlish grapes in a pot is a simple process.


Landing takes place in the spring. In this case, the pots with seedlings can be placed directly on the floor on the balcony. Planting is best done in a semi-sunny place: neither the scorching sun, under which the plant dries up, nor the shadow, where it withers, will do.

Maiden grapes are grown in wooden containers up to 300 liters in volume. The tub inside must be tarred or soaked in bitumen. This is a mandatory procedure, as it helps protect the wood from getting wet. At the bottom of the container should be provided drain holesthrough which excess moisture is removed.

For reference!

A ceramic pot of the right size will be even the best solution.


The drainage function is performed by a layer of crushed stone or pebbles approximately 5 cm high. The soil mixture can be prepared independently. In addition to humus and non-depleted soil, it also includes coarse-grained sand. The proportional ratio of the components depends on the grade. Nevertheless, the ratio of 5 to 3 and to 2, respectively, can be considered more general.

It is recommended to feed the resulting mixture with nitroammophos or a similar complex fertilizer. 100 g mineral fertilizer fall asleep in a container with soil and moisten abundantly. Disembarkation can begin in two to three days. In this case, the planting depth should be about 30 cm.

It is possible to grow a wild grape seedling yourself from a cutting, but it is still recommended to buy it in a special nursery.

For reference!

When buying, you need to focus on the grafting and roots of the seedling. It should be planted in a container, not wrapped in plastic.


Growing wild grapes is easy, and it's also quite picky. To keep it beautiful view not much is needed: the soil must be kept moist, periodically fed and cut.

The grapes are watered weekly. In order to keep the soil moisture longer, it is sprinkled with a loose layer of tree bark or needles. It is very important that mold does not form in this case, since such a layer does not interfere with the airing of the surface.

In spring or early June, the soil is fed with an agricultural chemical - nitroammophos (taking about 40 to 50 g). Top dressing is essential for plant growth. With the beginning of an active growing season, plant reinforcement is stopped.

For reference!

Annually in early spring the soil from the tub is partially replaced with fresh. Where the roots do not interfere with this, the soil is carefully loosened, removed, then replaced with a new one.

The soil is periodically loosened to allow the plant's rhizomes to breathe. They do it carefully so as not to damage themselves. root system roots. Weed weeding is a mandatory procedure.

The first years after planting, while the shoot is still low, it weaves alone, forming small thin branches. Supports are placed nearby. It is for them that the tendrils will cling to the processes. In the process of growth, additional support ropes are periodically pulled, directing the growth of the stems. Thus, the plants will continue to trudge further in the intended direction.

To maintain a neat appearance, as well as to form the crown of the grapes, it will be necessary to periodically trim the sluggish and dried branches (leaves).


Wild grapes are highly resistant to pathogens and pests. Nevertheless, if aphids are still found on the foliage, the leaves are washed with an alcohol solution or laundry soap.

When the wild grapes grow, its dense foliage will protect the balcony from rainfall and keep it cool in the heat.

Growing a variety of plants on your balcony is one of the favorite activities of every hardworking housewife. Few people know that grapes can be grown not only in the country, but also on the balcony. If you don't have suburban area, you live in an apartment, and you want to grow not only houseplantsthen growing grapes on the balcony would be a good option.

The grape bushes will fit very nicely into the interior of your balcony.

Thanks to the exquisite vine and the variety of grape leaves in appearance, you will give your balcony or loggia a beautiful look. We will convince you that growing grapes on your balcony is not hard work, but very exciting, and does not require a lot of costs.

You can get a double benefit from this exciting activity: harvest every year, as well as the facade of the balcony will acquire a beautiful view that all people passing by can envy.

Necessary requirements for the balcony

Grapes love warmth very much, therefore essential component for good growth of grapes, the sun is.

To do this, you need to grow grapes on balconies that face south or southwest.

Another necessary requirement for the balcony is. It is important that the glass of the balcony is from the ceiling to the floor. This will better let the sun go through. The side walls of the balcony should be covered with a material that reflects light, such as foil. The foil will reflect the light onto the vines.

Another important component will be reflective film on the window, along which the grapes will be fixed on the balcony. Even if the room is a little dark, but the grapes will only benefit.

When spring or fall comes, the grapes will need additional lighting. Can be installed fluorescent lamps daylight.

After you have harvested the grape leaves no longer need that much light, and the backlight can be turned off.

Grape variety selection

There are many varieties of grapes. Depending on the time of its ripening, you can choose any variety for yourself. Below we have selected the most popular varieties of berries.

VarietiesVery earlyEarlyEarly-middleAverageMid-lateLateVery late
Delight;Bianca;Noble early;Belgrade seedless;Golden resistant;Isabel;Moldova;
Bozari;Delight is oval;Viola;Bars;Victory;Karaburnu;Biruintsa;
Augustow;Gooseberry;Damask rose;Sunrise;Charrel;Moldova;Skorensky red.
White Rose;Summer Muscat;Bulgaria;Ichkimar;Anniversary;Tair;
Kyrgyz early;Shasla white;Solar;various varieties of raisins;Autumn black.Sabbat.
Crimean pearl;
Pearl Muscat;
Odessa early;

How to choose seeds or seedlings

The fruit can be propagated by cuttings or seedlings. Propagation by cuttings, the length of which is from 5 to 34 centimeters. They are cut in the fall or spring. In the spring, they must be cut out before the buds begin to grow.

In autumn, always before the leaves fall. The cuttings should have at least two buds, if there are more, then it's okay. You can store cuttings cut in the fall in a damp cloth, which can be put on the shelf of the refrigerator, or simply dug into damp ground with tied bundles. In the spring, before planting, the lower cut is renewed and treated with a stimulant for root growth.

Before planting, they need to be put in water for a few days, but before that you should trim them 10 centimeters.

They also use seedlings for planting, which are from one to two years old. It is better to plant them in March-April.

The stalk is a very difficult material to plant. Since, before planting it, you must first soak it in water, then plant it in a box in early spring, and wait for the formation of the cutting until it grows roots and it will grow. Therefore, the best option would be to plant a ready-made seedling.

Seeds for planting grapes on the balcony must be selected very correctly. When squeezing the bone, it must be firm. The color of the seed under the sheath should be gray or white.

Another safe bet for testing bone vitality is water. The seeds must be thrown into the water, they must drown. Those bones that float to the surface of the container are vitally incapable.

Soil requirements

Each grape variety shows its qualities depending on the soil on which it grows. Therefore, humus-carbonate, chestnut, brown, crushed black soil are suitable for growing grapes.

For table grape varieties, humus soils are the most suitable. The grapes will grow poorly in highly saline and waterlogged soil.

The land in which the berry grows must be fertile and provide the grapes with normal mineral nutrition and good moisture. The quality of the fruit is determined not only by the soil on which it grows, but also by its moisture content, temperature.

It is important that the humus content in the soil should not exceed 2-4%. Sandy soils improve the sweetness of the grapes. Clay ones - on the contrary, give sourness.

Planting and leaving

The stalk or seedling must be buried in the center of the container in which you plant the grapes. It must be immersed in the ground so that the very last bud remains on top. It must be covered with foil so that it does not dry out. The seedling will take root approximately after 2-3 weeks. After which the film can be removed, and the seedling will grow by itself.