Milling cutter for lining manual milling cutter. How to make a clapboard with a hand mill

It is time for vacations, and at the same time the frequency of country trips to summer cottages is increasing. There, a craftsman always has something to put his hands on, giving free rein to the creative beginning in construction and repair. An indispensable material for wall decoration is a practical do-it-yourself lining.


The choice of cutters for lining is dictated by production objectives and economic feasibility. The milling equipment has different capacities, therefore it is equipped with different types of models that differ in shank diameters of 8 and 12 mm.

All types can be structurally divided into several groups:

  • prefabricated with mechanical fastening of knives;
  • with soldered knives;
  • monolithic.

Prefabricated models have a number of advantages, but they are the most expensive. By exchanging inserts for carbide or high speed steel and using the same set, it becomes possible to work with wood of different densities. The knives are resharpened, and when the production resource is exhausted, the knife itself must be replaced, and not the entire cutter completely.

Among the models with brazed plates, the most popular are the so-called undercut. They have a lower cost compared to the former. Thanks to the front edge relief process, the working profile does not change during regrinding. This is the main advantage of such specimens, along with the ease of regrinding. In addition, their teeth are highly durable. When regrinding, the size of the grooves for the removal of wood chips increases, which is convenient in work.

Most often, brazed plates made of high-speed steels are used in undercut models.For example, P6M5 (HSS). Foreign high speed alloy is marked in accordance with international standards with the abbreviation HSS (High Speed \u200b\u200bSteel).

For the production of cladding material, soft or medium-dense wood species are chosen. Conifers - spruce and pine, broad-leaved - linden, alder. Therefore, the choice of high speed alloy is not accidental.

The more expensive class has brazed plates on hard tungsten alloy wheels. In particular, domestic alloys VK8, VK15 (tungsten and cobalt). Hard alloys of foreign production are designated in accordance with ISO as HM (Hard Material), which means "hard metal". Another name is Solid carbide. This type is great when cutting large volumes of hardwood - oak, ash, beech.

A typical lining cutter consists of the following elements:

  • axles of the structure with fastening nut;
  • two discs with knives;
  • bearing between the cutting knives.

Often it is advisable to disassemble them in order to replace any component. Knives made of VK8 hard tungsten alloy (tungsten and cobalt) can be sharpened up to 4 times.

Verified manufacturers

Today, there are hundreds of small and large firms in the construction industry. Experts recommend carefully studying all the nuances before contacting any of them.

Globe End Mill Set

The company has established itself as a conscientious manufacturer of professional tools. Globus end mills are designed for the manufacture of such products as lining, block house, euro lining. The set includes two combined elements, a complex profile. This set is good in that it allows you to make a full-fledged Euro lining in two passes, which significantly reduces the time and labor costs.

At all levels between the bearings, discs and nut there are shims, thanks to which it is possible to easily adjust the gap between the discs. This will help to adjust the clearances or tightness of the tongue-and-groove connection. Carbide solders are soldered very high quality, without sagging, brass leakage, made accurately.


The company has been manufacturing carbide-tipped wood cutters for over 20 years. One of the latest developments of the company is a kit for the production of euro lining or just lining. The kit consists of two elements. One cuts out the front part, and the second makes a mating part.

The set is supplied in two configurations.The first version is with 8 mm shank. The second one has a 12 mm shank. This is done in order to work both on milling cutters with low power and on more powerful equipment - milling machines. Collapsible design. You can unscrew the fastening nut and remove the components, replace the bearing or sharpen the knives. Carbide knives, VK8 alloy. Brazed to the shaft using brass. It is easy to sharpen them yourself with a diamond tool on the back of the knife.

"Slavyansky Dvor"

This manufacturer produces options for four-sided and milling machines.

The Slavyanskiy Dvor enterprise supplies a wide range of models. They are intended for the production of all types of cladding boards (under a bar, lining, euro lining, American, block house). You can choose the type that suits you as a set or separately. With interchangeable or soldered knives.

Manufacturing process

The lining is a well-processed, rough-cleaned board, on one side of which there is a groove, and on the other - a tongue / tenon for connection. The design is quite simple, so there is nothing impossible in making it yourself.

For this you will need:

  • manual milling cutter or machine;
  • a set of cutters;
  • boards.

For the production of lining, you will need cleaned jointing boards. Such blanks can be made independently or purchased ready-made. When making personal workpieces, it is better to take short boards (up to 2 m). They are easier to handle and the result will be more accurate. First, you need to cut the raw board on one side, and then measure the desired size from the flat edge. The optimal width is considered to be 7 - 10 cm, although all this is at the discretion of the master.

To get the same thickness of the future lining, you need to maintain the number of passes through the cutter. The resulting difference of a few millimeters will not be visually noticeable.

Having prepared the tree in this way, we proceed to the next stage. It is necessary to cut a spike and a groove around the perimeter of the board.

On the machine, this takes place in several stages.

  • The selected cutter is installed on the machine.
  • By lowering or raising the table, the depth of the groove is adjusted.
  • A ruler is set at a specified distance. During work, it is necessary to ensure that the workpiece fits snugly against its edge, otherwise the size will get lost.

For the production of lining with a hand mill, a calibrated board is needed. It will not work to make it on a hand router, you need a thickness gauge. The comb width should be 4 - 6 mm. The thinner one will break off, and the thicker one will not take the kleimer. It is made with an end mill. Then the paneled is passed from above and the remainder is removed so that the flat area is at least 5 mm. On the other hand, a smaller chamfer is removed. You also need to monitor the thickness of the material to get a smooth product.

Working with a milling cutter can be traumatic, therefore it is necessary to clearly know and follow the rules for operating the equipment. And then the manufacturing process will not bring unpleasant surprises, but will be a joy.

Manufacturers give simple tips to extend the life of the cutter.

  • When working with wood, resinous deposits accumulate, which leads to premature wear. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the instrument from plaque daily.
  • Do not start working with a blunt instrument. Lack of sharpening can provoke burning of the cutting edge and the occurrence of an irreparable defect on the working surface.
  • Observe the rules of sharpening. In the backed models, it is performed along the front edge of the cutting tool with CM1, CM2 stones, with a grain of A25 or A35. Sharpening knives made of carbide materials are done with diamond wheels. Do not forget to ensure that the edge does not burn.

Is it time to renovate and head for interesting ideas for? Are the walls on which the wallpaper has been torn in places, torn off somewhere - plunge you into a feeling of melancholy? There is an excellent option for finishing the room - sheathing.

And the manufacture of panels using a router will allow you to make products the way you want, and not using ready-made, standard models that manufacturers offer.

What is needed to make panels by hand?

The production process is not as complicated as it initially seems. What is needed for this?

  • Manual frezer;
  • Cutters;
  • Boards.

Boards must be processed on a planer to remove all irregularities, roughness and cracks from them. If there is no such equipment, planed boards can be purchased ready-made in the store.

A hand router is a tool with which you can easily chamfer, mill holes and grooves on a board. With its help, the lining takes on a finished look.

The hand-made panels look no worse than the ones on sale, and the feeling of pride that everything was done with your own hands will only add positive emotions from the renovation.


Cutters for the manufacture of lining are presented in different versions:

  1. Bearing cutters are used for the main job, which produces a finished panel. Bearing milling cutters are needed when you need to make a separate part or to process it. For those without bearing knives, you will need to purchase additional equipment.
  2. The diameter of the knives should have a certain ratio with the radius of the groove on the board: 12.7-6.35 mm., 9.5-4.8 mm., 15.8-7.9 mm.
  3. If the cutters for the lining have a diameter of 35 mm. and 50 mm with a shank, the diameter of which is 8 mm., then they can be used with a machine equipped with collets or a device for manual work.

Video - description of cutters:


Milling is used mainly for the production of wood products, but if you purchase additional special knives, you can even process plastic and metal.

The tool is good because, despite its compact size, it can be used to perform numerous jobs.

And for milling small holes for door handles, hinges. It can be used to process door edges, window frames, chairs and other wooden objects.

Manual is presented in three main forms:

  • Lamellar;
  • Edging;
  • Upper.

The lining cutters are installed under the casing of a powerful engine equipped with handles. The struts, fixed to the base plate and base plate, allow the engine to move up and down.

Its weight is compensated by return springs. Therefore, the knife is in the raised position on the frame even before the workpiece is taken out of work. The shank is secured with a lock nut in the collet.

The rotation speed of the knives can reach 30,000 rpm. Handles on the side make it easy to operate the manual machine. The set of cutters includes removable side rulers for processing edges, for making grooves, as well as a special sleeve for working with templates and copiers.

Manufacturing on a machine

Video - production line:


The cutter body can be purchased at a price of 3300 to 4180 rubles, a set of knives will cost from 1672 to 1716 rubles.

Do not be afraid to experiment, because what you get with your own hands is much more expensive and better than what was purchased at the best prices in the store.

The panels, made with their own hands, will not only decorate the house, but also "nourish" it with the energy of a person who wants to turn his home into a cozy hearth. You just need to prepare the necessary materials and tools - and the new business will certainly be mastered.

Anyone who brings something new into his life, learns other crafts, is not afraid of failure - will easily interest people and teach what he knows himself. This is how real masters of their craft appear.

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Do-it-yourself wooden lining - 3 ways to do it yourself

Wooden lining is a popular finishing material with the only drawback: it is expensive. However, the high price is not yet a reason to abandon the use of wooden lining, because if you wish, you can make the material for finishing the house yourself. I will tell you how the clapboard is made with your own hands using affordable woodworking equipment.

What you need to know about the material

Lining is a solid wood board designed for cladding various building objects from the outside and for finishing the premises from the inside.

Illustrations Variety by fastening method

Milled board with a thorn-groove connection... This is the most common type of material. On one side of the strip there is a milled groove - a longitudinal recess, and on the other side a spike protrudes. During installation, the spike is pushed into the groove, the mounting brackets also enter there. As a result, the cladding is obtained with minimal gaps.

Thorn-groove connection (where the tenon is a separate element)... When making such a lining, a quarter is selected from the boards on both sides. Adjacent boards in the facing are connected with a separate spike - a rail that is inserted into the grooves.

This profile of the planks is typical for the lining, made by handicraft.

Edged board for overlapping laying (American). Basically, this is a simple board, cut with a circular saw and passed through a jointer.

The board is attached to the lathing on top of the mineral wool with nails. Nails are driven into the top of the board, and the next bar is installed on top of it. As a result, the cross-section of the trim looks like a herringbone.

A significant advantage of such a lining is its low cost due to its ease of processing.

Illustrations Varieties by type of profile (relevant for milled modifications)

Standard. The cross section is made in the form of a trapezoid. The angle of the trapezium edges is 30-40 degrees. A distinctive feature is the shallow groove depth.

Europrofile. The Euro-lining profile is distinguished by its neat processing, increased spike size and wide ventilation edges on the seamy side.

Calm. This is the same profile as the "standard", but the edges are not beveled, but rounded.

Block house. The board is characterized by a rounded surface that imitates a log. This is the most expensive profile of all the previously listed options.

How lining is done in production

Illustrations Industrial production stages

Sawing logs into boards... The wood is sorted according to the degree of curvature of the logs. The least curved logs with the minimum amount of scrap are fed to the sawmill, where they are cut longitudinally.

Drying... The sawn timber is dried.

There are several drying methods, including autoclaving and infrared drying. Regardless of the method of drying the wood, the moisture content of the sawn timber should eventually be 12%.

At the same stage, the workpieces can be treated with antiseptic impregnations.

Profiling and trimming... At this stage, the lumber is driven through a lining machine, which combines the functions of a milling cutter and a jointer. As a result, the board acquires the required profile. Also, the board is cut to length according to the standard.

Sorting... Finished lumber is sorted by class and type, and then packaged.

Selection of production materials

In addition to wooden lining, plastic and MDF panels are on sale. Given the specifics of production processes, the only material that can be processed at home is wood.

The following requirements are imposed on the wood from which the lining is made:

  • Humidity in the range of 12-18%. In production, lumber is dried before final processing. This is done so that during operation the finished lining does not dry out and does not crack;
  • Absence of defects that will lead to damage to wood... The presence of pigment spots on the wood indicates the onset of putrefactive processes that can negatively affect the service life of the lining;
  • High density... The denser the wood, the more resistant to mechanical damage and decay the finished lining will be.

Which tree species meets the listed requirements? Taking into account the attractive cost, it is preferable to use coniferous wood for the manufacture of lining. If the facing board is made for rooms with high humidity, then the best option is to use aspen lumber.

Home workshop production equipment

The choice of production tool depends on what exactly you decide to do. If you plan to make an overlap board, a circular saw and a jointer will suffice. The same equipment will be enough if you decide to make not grooves and spikes on the boards, but steps cut in half a tree, as shown in the photo.

If you plan to make a lining with a thorn-groove connection, in addition to a circular saw and a jointer, you will need a milling table with a cutter matched to the thickness of the longitudinal groove. To select a groove on a standard lining with a thickness of 20 mm, select the thickness of the groove cutter 10 mm.

Is it possible to make a lining profile with a hand mill? It is theoretically possible, but working with a router in your hands is more difficult than doing the same work on a milling machine.

Method 1: production of lining on a band sawmill

This method is traditional for the USA and Canada, where people who have the opportunity to buy timber inexpensively use a band saw to cut the logs into a bar, and the bar, in turn, is cut into boards with a beveled or rectangular profile.

This profile allows you to make the wall cladding more neat. Nevertheless, the task in the manufacture of lining can be simplified and the board profile can be made as usual rectangular.

This technology does not imply obligatory grinding, since already in this form the board can be stuffed over the mounting frame. However, if you want a neater facade of the house, the finished planks can be passed through the jointer and made smooth.

Method 2: production of lining using a circular saw

At the initial stage, blanks with a cross section of 202 × 22 mm are cut from a bar or from an already finished edged board. A stock of 2 mm was left in order to drive the blanks through the jointer and get boards with a section of 200 × 20 mm. Since the manufacture of the finishing material is done by hand, select the length of the blanks at your discretion.

During the production process, the workpieces are passed longitudinally through the sawmill, so that at each edge there is a step half the thickness of the workpiece. The protrusions on one side and the other are mirrored, that is, on one edge - above, and on the other - below.

The installation of such strips is carried out so that the board located on top, with a step, goes onto the board located below. As a result, moisture will not get into the wood sheathing.

Method 3: production of lining using a milling table

To make a lining on a milling table, you will need a planed board prepared in advance on a circular saw and a jointer. All the following operations are performed on a milling table with the possibility of rigid fixation of the cutting tool and workpiece.

Illustrations Step-by-step instruction

Workpiece clamping adjustment... At this stage, the adjustment is performed in the horizontal plane. The workpiece is pushed close to the limiter and is fixed with clamps on the back side.

Installation and adjustment of the cutter... The cutter is height adjustable on the spindle.

The installation height for the first and second cutters must be the same. Setting errors will make the lining unusable.

Workpiece processing... The workpiece is driven along the cutting tool of the milling machine, first with one side to form a groove, and then the other side with a preliminary replacement of the cutter to form a tenon.

Let's sum up

It is not difficult to make lining for cladding your house, the main thing is to have the necessary tools and follow the instructions. If you have questions when you make a lining yourself, ask them in the comments to the article.

May 14, 2018

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The market offers truly endless opportunities for creativity and expression of emotions in wood, stone, and even in creating furniture for home and family, because without this tool it is difficult to do anything worthwhile.

In the age of advanced milling cutter technologies, there are a great many, it is hardly possible to describe all their diversity, in this article we will touch upon the most popular requests.

What are the types of cutters for lining on a manual router?

To understand this issue, you need to understand what a lining is. It differs in appearance (profile) and material.

Of course, everything is made of wood, but the dimensions and moisture content of the tree are different, since the Euro lining is made according to DIN 68126, and the domestic version, in everyday life, the lining is according to GOST 8242-88. The photo shows the variety of board processing.

various configurations of lining appearance

That is, the lining is, in fact, a high-quality processed board, which, regardless of which outer contour is on it, has a groove and tongue for joining the boards together.

Tool with two discs for sheet piling

Consequently, the cutters for the manufacture of tongue and groove lining have strictly defined dimensions and appearance. In the first photo, a sample for making a tongue, on the second for making a groove.

also double-disc, but for a groove cut

The cutters are manufactured in two versions, with a shank of 8 mm and 12 mm for the ability to work with them on milling cutters of different power. They consist of two discs with knives, a bearing between them and an axle with a fastening nut. The knives are made of VK8 carbide material, which can be sharpened independently up to 4 times. With this sorted out.

For stone work

There are a lot of cutters for processing artificial stone, it all depends on the specific operation performed when working with the surface, profile, radius, overrunning or intended for inlay.

They are made of carbide material soldered to a steel base, but there are also more expensive options, for example, collapsible with replaceable knives or diamond dusting.

Since the imagination of a person is limitless, then the shape-generating cutters are very diverse and constantly improve their forms. The leader in the production of a variety of cutters, including for artificial stone, is the CERATIZIT company.

diamond cutters for stone work

Diamond cutters are sintered and electroplated. In the sintered ones, several layers of diamond chips are baked, which increases the tool life due to the wear of one layer and the development of the next, exposing new diamond grains. This instrument requires careful maintenance. Since the grains are reliably sintered together, such cutters are cleaned with an abrasive bar, which has an extremely negative effect on ordinary diamond tools.

Everyone spends their leisure time in their own way, but it is best to do it with benefit. We offer you to make your own material for finishing your house or apartment. To do this, first of all, you will need lining cutters for a manual router. Imagine how convenient it is to make material for repairs at home, you must admit that it is not only exciting, but also useful.

We make lining at home

Note! The lining cutter shown in the photo above is universal due to the fact that it is convenient to use it both on a machine and in a manual milling machine. The diameter of such parts can range from 35 to 59 millimeters, depending on the length of the shank.

  1. The lining cutter shown in the photo will help you with any tongue. It is important to set up the machine correctly, namely to choose a cutter by diameter and depth.

Independent manufacturing process

  • - the task is not easy, but this does not mean at all that you cannot do it. The main thing in this matter is attentiveness and observance of safety measures;
  • First, make the jointing blanks so that they are even. Make a cut immediately on one side of the uncut board, and then proceed to determine the width of the panel;
  • Before you finally decide on the width of the panel, you need to look at the width of all of your boards so that in the end they all turn out the same. Detailed instructions will help you complete everything consistently and without errors, the main thing is to be careful;

  • During the planing of the material, you should be extremely careful, because it is in the process of planing the boards that even professionals get injured. In order for the resulting material to be identical in thickness, it is necessary to count the phase passes, that is, their number.

Important! In order for the processing of boards to be simple and uncomplicated, to take place without problems, it is necessary to take material whose length does not exceed two meters. It is convenient to work with such boards, they are easy to process. If the boards are very short, then their processing is facilitated if this process is performed with a hand-type milling cutter.

Remember! When you cut a wane, very often a lot of material remains, it should not be thrown away. Small interconnecting strips can be made from this waste.

In the photo - the process of cutting a groove
  • In the event that the board has already been processed, you only need to make a tenon and, of course, a groove. We set up the table so that it is convenient for you to work on it and tongue the board. Do not forget that it is constantly necessary to adjust the depth of the groove and the workpiece must always be firmly pressed against the table;

  • You probably understood how to make a lining with a hand mill, but you still need to talk about the details and nuances of this case, because each case has its own characteristics that you need to know. Remember that if you need a calibrated board, you will need a thickness gauge to make it, a manual machine will not work for this;

  • When working with a hand router, you need to be extremely careful. Because this device is considered dangerous. Sometimes even masters of their craft make mistakes and get injured, so beginners need to be always on the alert. Do not forget about safety precautions, and also monitor the thickness of the product so that your material is even;
  • Even a beginner can make lining with a hand mill, if he familiarizes himself with all the rules for working with this device before starting work. Do not forget what guarantees you work safety, do not skimp on this.


On the construction market today you can find all types and sizes of building materials. Do not forget that the price for them is much higher than the cost of the material from which you yourself will make the lining. In the proposed video, you can see the individual stages of making wood panels with your own hands on a machine.