Equipment for the production of building blocks with your own hands. Manufacturing technology for cinder blocks at home

Maxim, St. Petersburg asks the question:

Good afternoon, please tell me how to make building blocks with your own hands? I am also interested in making adobe. Thanks in advance for your reply.

The expert answers:

Making building blocks with your own hands is not like that difficult taskas it might seem at first glance. First of all, you need to take care of the shape, it is a kind of box without a bottom, it can be knocked out of wooden boards or welded from metal. The length of this form is 40 cm, width - 19 cm, height - 20 cm. For convenience, handles are attached on both sides.

The most common building materials are expanded clay concrete blocks... To make them, you need to take 1 part of cement, mix it with 3 parts of sifted sand, add 5 parts of expanded clay, dilute with 2 parts of water. The solution is stirred until uniform, poured into a mold, leveled with a cutter (flat plate), carefully compacted with a special rammer. After about 12 hours, when the cement has set, the mold is removed. Dry the blocks in a place protected from the scorching sun and exposure to moisture. It takes about 3-4 weeks to dry.

Our ancestors made building blocks from scrap materials, clay, straw, river sand and water. The technology for making adobe has safely reached our days, but making it with your own hands is not so easy, you need a certain skill of working with clay, without which things can go down the drain. Clay is harvested in the fall, covered with a film, left for wintering, thus, it will become more plastic and pliable. They take only fresh straw, last year's straw is of little use for this purpose, since decomposition processes have already begun in it. The sand is taken from the river, it is necessary to sift it through a construction sieve. The number of components is determined only by trial, it all depends on the quality of the clay, if it is mixed with sand, then the proportion of the latter is reduced. Approximate proportions will be as follows: 1 m³ of clay accounts for 20 kg of straw and 25% of sand.

First, a test batch is made, a clay ball is rolled up, left in a sunny place for 1 hour, then thrown from a height of 1-1.5 m. If all the components are selected correctly, the ball will remain intact. Excess sand will lead to cracking or collapse. If there is not enough sand, then the clay will simply blur. In the old days, a wide hole dug in the ground was used to mix the solution. They do the same now, only the pit is lined with a film, the solution is poured into it, after which they put on rubber boots and knead. Previously prepared forms are taken out to a sunny place, poured clay solution, leveled with a board on top, tamped thoroughly, left to dry in the open air, after about 2 weeks adobe will be ready.

At home you can do wood concrete blocks... To do this, you need to purchase cement from M 300 and above, sawdust, river sand and quicklime... First, cement and sand are mixed, lime is added, mixed, after which the turn of the previously sieved sawdust comes. The mixture is diluted with water to make it more plastic, add alumina sulfate or calcium chloride. The quality of the solution is determined as follows: they roll a small ball, squeeze it in a fist, if water flows, then you need to add cement and sand. If the ball crumbles, it means that there is not enough moisture in the solution. The form is covered with a film, the solution is poured, tamped, left for about 5 days, after which the blocks are removed and sent to dry (for 40-90 days). Using the recommendations of the experts outlined above, you can make building blocks at home.

Building a house with blocks progresses faster than with bricks. You can buy them freely, but many make building blocks with their own hands.

Blocks in construction are used not only for the construction of walls. It is also accelerated by the use of building blocks for the foundation. Of course, these blocks must be very dense: 1.5 tons per 1 cubic m. Making blocks with your own hands, if you figure it out, is not such a super complicated matter.

Where to begin?

And the beginning of everything is the manufacture of forms.


On sale there are molds for building blocks with standard dimensions. And at home, you can make building blocks in sizes that suit you. We take sheet metal, cut out the required shape of the workpiece from it and weld the shape. Molds are also made of wood, they are good for adobe blocks. The bottom is not needed here. But the handles on the sides will come in handy, so it is more convenient to work with them.

DIY building block material

What's great about DIY building blocks is that they use material that you already have or can easily purchase.

Basically, blocks are made on the basis of cement with different fillers, but craftsmenlike manufacturers sometimes do without it. Depending on the material chosen, it is possible to make homemade building blocks of the following types:

  • slag concrete;
  • blocks based on liquid glass;
  • adobe;
  • chip concrete or arbolite.

How the filler is used:

  • ash;
  • slag;
  • screening out;
  • crushed stone;
  • gypsum;
  • perlite;
  • expanded clay;
  • sawdust;
  • straw;
  • broken brick and more.

Cementless blocks

The manufacture of building blocks using this technology is not available to everyone, because the mixture contains liquid glass... Unless you agree with the nearest precast concrete plant and buy the main component there. The mixture will consist of:

    • two dozen parts of river sand;
    • one and a half dozen pieces of liquid glass;
    • 4 parts of chalk;
    • 3 parts of slaked lime;
    • 2 parts kaolin.

Manufacturing process

  • Sand is sieved first;
  • chalk is added;
  • everything mixes well;
  • slaked lime is introduced;
  • kaolin or brick crushed to a powder state;
  • liquid glass.

The starting material should be homogeneous, pasty. Moisten the inside of the molds before pouring in this dough-like mass. If you wish, you can building blocks give color. To do this, add:

  • chalk of any color;
  • red brick ground into powder.

Fillers are added to such blocks: slag, expanded clay, shavings. Their strength is high - they are much stronger than cement ones.

Expanded clay blocks

Expanded clay concrete blocks are one of the types of cinder blocks, where expanded clay serves as a filler.


  • cement - 1 part;
  • expanded clay - 5 parts;
  • sand - 3 parts;
  • water - about one part.


The manufacturing technology of expanded clay concrete building blocks is generally the same as any others:

  • the original material is placed in pre-lubricated forms;
  • tamped;
  • the form is removed after 10 minutes;
  • the product remains in place;
  • after 12 hours, it is transferred to a place protected from precipitation and direct sunlight.
  • in warm weather, the blocks will become solid after a little less than a month.

If you plan to make thick walls (about 0.5 m), then blocks are better with voids. For this, wood inserts are inserted into the mold: round or square. And so that they can be easily removed, wrap them in the roofing iron before inserting.


  • light weight;
  • frost resistance;
  • breathability;
  • moisture resistance;
  • strength;
  • low cost.

A house from expanded clay concrete blocks is built faster than from a brick, less mortar is used for masonry.

Adobe blocks


For this type of block, the material is literally underfoot. All you need is:

  • clay;
  • straw;
  • river sand .;
  • water.

Selection features

In order for building blocks to meet all the requirements, you need to know something about the features of the selection of components:

  1. It is better to prepare the clay in the fall, cover it with a film and let it overwinter - this will improve its quality.
  2. First sift the sand, freeing it from impurities.
  3. Straw can be taken from the field where wheat, rye or barley has just been harvested. If the straw is left over from the harvest of the previous year, then the quality will no longer be the same - after all, after lying down, it begins to rot.

How to determine the percentage of components

  • clay - 1 cubic meter m;
  • straw - 20 kg;
  • sand - 25%.

In order not to spoil the whole batch of blocks, you need to make a small experimental batch. So we proceed as follows:

  • we combine all the components in small quantities and write down the proportions;
  • we make a batch;
  • we form a ball;
  • leave in the sun to dry for about 1 hour;
  • we throw it to the ground at a height of one and a half meters.

If all the components are selected in the required ratios, then the ball will remain whole. Added more sand than you should? It will collapse or crack. Not enough sand? The ball will blur. So, in a practical way, we select the most the best option.


To prepare a mixture for several dozen blocks at once, you need to make a recess in the ground: a round one with a diameter of about 2.5 m or a rectangular 1.5x2.5 half a meter deep. Line its bottom with polyethylene. Although some kind of ready-made container is also suitable: a trough or old bath... Then everything is the same as it was done in the old days: we dress knee-high boots from rubber and walk, mixing everything until smooth.


  • While the batch is in the manufacturing stage, we are preparing a platform for the products: we select an even, sunny place;
  • we bring the mixture with buckets;
  • fill out forms;
  • we compact;
  • we remove the excess by running a board along the upper edges of the form;
  • we remove the form.

The finished blocks should dry out. This usually takes several days. It is important that they are not exposed to rain. Then they are transferred to a shelter and dried again. They will be completely ready in 10 days.

A house made of adobe blocks turns out to be very warm and comfortable. Moreover, this construction material environmentally friendly, durable, fireproof. It is used for buildings not higher than 2 floors.

Sawdust concrete blocks (arobolite)

The technology for making blocks from sawdust concrete is similar to the manufacture of adobe blocks, but the components need not be mined, but purchased.


Before you start manufacturing, you need to purchase:

  • cement - M300 or higher;
  • sand - fraction not larger than 1.8 MCR;
  • not slaked lime;
  • sawdust (coniferous wood).

Preparation of components

  • sift sawdust;
  • mix dry cement and sand;
  • here the lime and mix again;
  • add sawdust and repeat the mixing procedure;
  • pour in water;
  • In order for the components to adhere well to each other, add calcium chloride or alumina sulfate;
  • we control the quality of the mixture.

For quality control, roll the ball and squeeze it in your palms. If water flows, then there is too much of it in the mixture, if the ball crumbles, there is a lot of sawdust or sand.

We start manufacturing

  • We cover the form with plastic wrap;
  • lay the mixture;
  • ramming;
  • without removing it from the mold, we leave it to harden for 5 days;
  • remove from the mold and dry further.

The drying process will take a long time - from 1.5 to 3 months: it all depends on the mass of the block.


If the construction is going to be large-scale, then it may make sense to spend money on equipment for building blocks. For example: on sale there is a mini-machine for the production of wood concrete RPB-1500 BL. Its productivity is 1 sawdust block with dimensions of 19 x 19 x 39 cm per minute. Releases russian manufacturer - INTEC company.

They are widely used in the manufacture of building blocks vibrating tables. They solve the problem of compaction of mixtures. The vibrating table consists of:

  • movable table;
  • engine;
  • control panels;
  • sometimes a transformer is included.

Seal working mixture occurs under the influence of vibration generated by a vibration motor.

Work cycle

  • set the form on the movable table;
  • place in the mold half or completely dry mixture;
  • we start the engine;
  • drying.

How to choose?

There are 3 types of vibratory plates capable of compacting material by weight:

  • up to 75 kg;
  • from 75 to 160 kg;
  • from 160 kg.

Focusing on these indicators, you should select the optimal vibration table for yourself.


They are produced by:

  • russian company VPK;
  • LLC Stroymash;
  • plant "Red Poppy" in Yaroslavl and others.

Vibrating tables are also supplied by foreign manufacturers:

  • Spain - Enar and Hervisa;
  • Germany - Wacker;
  • Italy - Batmatic;
  • France - Paclite.

Cinder block is an artificial wall stone made from a mixture of slag and cement, intended for the construction of walls of one-story buildings. It is also used as an additional insulation during construction. frame houses... The production of this material is also possible at home on your own. It is not recommended to make only foundation panels yourself. The requirements for the reliability of the building foundation are very high, so it is better not to save money and buy ready-made elements.

There are such varieties:

  • full-bodied - have the greatest strength, are intended for construction load-bearing walls and partitions, cladding;
  • hollow with a degree of voidness of 40% - they have higher heat and sound insulating properties due to the presence of cavities inside, they are cheaper, but inferior in strength due to the thinness of the walls;
  • hollow with a degree of voidness from 25 to 30% - have optimal proportions in terms of thermal conductivity and strength, the most popular.

Depending on the thickness, blocks are:

  • wall - standard size 390 x 190 x 188 mm;
  • partition walls - 390 x 90 x 188 mm.

When self-production dimensions can be arbitrary, a prerequisite is the stability of dimensions.


  • Cinder blocks have a relatively low coefficient of thermal conductivity - from 0.20 to 0.65 W / m3 (better than brick). Due to this, they are often used not only as a structural material, but also as a heater.
  • Density - from 750 to 1450 kg / m3. It differs from all other types in high strength - grade from M35 to M125. The parameter must be taken into account when designing communications, since it is difficult to cut.
  • Frost resistance is up to 50 freeze-thaw cycles without visible damage.


  • low price;
  • the availability and variety of materials for manufacturing, the ability to obtain products with the desired set of parameters suitable for specific purposes;
  • benefits for the environment - due to the use of waste from the metallurgical industry (slag), as well as the breakage of bricks and concrete remaining during the demolition of old buildings, the number of construction waste dumps is reduced;
  • fire resistance;
  • is not a favorable environment for the development of fungi, mold, is not subject to spoilage by rodents;
  • ease of wall installation.


  • very high degree hygroscopicity - strongly absorbs moisture from the air, a reliable lining on both sides is required;
  • the presence of substances hazardous to health (sulfur) - for their complete weathering, the blocks are kept in the open air for at least a year; upon purchase, it is necessary to check the environmental safety certificate;
  • because of the need high-quality waterproofing, facing the total cost of the building is slightly lower than when using more expensive building materials, significant savings are obtained only when making it yourself.

Cinder concrete is often used to build utility, utility, production facilities, garages.

About slag for block making

This is a silicate waste from metal processing, it is sieved through a sieve. Slag from incineration different types solid fuel (coal, firewood), contains radioactive components, therefore it is not used for the construction of residential premises.

Slag varieties:

  • granular (granulated slag);
  • non-granular.

For the manufacture of building blocks, the largest fraction of granular waste is selected, the smaller (non-granular) ones go to the production of asphalt, paving slabs... The price for 1 ton of material is from 100 rubles. Distinguish between wastes of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy (blast furnace), the second option is preferable, since those obtained by processing non-ferrous metals are more expensive.

The composition of the mixture for obtaining blocks

As a binder, cement of a grade not lower than M400 is selected. The filler is either completely composed of slag, or mixed - crushed stone is added in a small ratio (secondary is acceptable), ordinary or expanded clay sand, fine expanded clay, crushed brick. Proportions for cinder blocks: 8-9 parts of filler 1.5-2 parts of binder. If the cement is M500, then it can be taken about 15% less than M400.

Slag usually accounts for at least 65% of the total aggregate volume. For example, out of 9 parts, at least 6 fall on it, the rest is supplemented with sand, crushed stone. But it is theoretically possible to use brick or concrete battle, screening for do-it-yourself production. Regardless of the type of material, it is customary to conventionally call such products cinder concrete. Classic proportions: 2 parts of sand, 2 parts of crushed stone, 7 parts of slag, 2 parts of M400 Portland cement.

Water is added in a ratio of about 0.5 parts. The finished mixture is semi-dry. To test the quality, a handful is thrown onto a hard surface. If the lump has crumbled, but upon compression it easily regains its former shape, then the composition is suitable for use.

To obtain a colored block, add colored chalk or crushed brick chips. To increase the strength, professional plasticizers are introduced. Sometimes gypsum, sawdust, ash are added as a partial replacement for slag.

It is better to mix the components in a concrete mixer or mixer, but such equipment is expensive. A small amount is kneaded by hand, a laborious process.

Cinder block production technology

They are made in two ways:

  • manually - the quality of finished products is low, uneven, but generally meets the requirements of standards;
  • vibrocasting, using a vibrating table or vibrating table - they are more durable.

In large volumes, they are made by vibrocompression. Equipment for this method is expensive, so it is not suitable for home production. The room should be well ventilated with a level hard floor. it necessary condition for drying and storage.

Regardless of the chosen method, the prepared mixture is preliminarily placed in special rectangular frames. They are made of plastic, wooden boards or metal sheets, always collapsible and without a bottom - for easy extraction. For the same purpose, before pouring, the walls are lubricated with grease or soapy water. It is more convenient to use formwork from several cells (usually from 4 to 6). When made from wood, boards with an absolutely smooth surface are chosen, otherwise, when stripping, knots and irregularities will cling.

To the bottom of the mold for hollow blocks, void formers are additionally attached - cylindrical or rectangular made of metal or wood. Instead of them, you can put glass bottles, after the mixture solidifies, they are taken out.

2. Do-it-yourself machine.

A simple finished machine for cinder blocks costs from 6500 rubles. But if you want and have a set necessary tools and its parts are easy to make at home yourself.


  • From four steel sheets 3-4 mm thick, weld a rectangular shape without a bottom with an internal dimension of 390x190x190 mm.
  • Weld a steel strip along the perimeter of the top of the box.
  • Weld guides to the lower parts of the short sides for easy removal and movement of the machine.
  • Chop out metal pipe circular section with a diameter of about 6 cm three parts of equal length.
  • Install the segments in a vertical position in a row along one line at a distance of about 4 cm from each other and connect them by welding or gluing jumpers between them. TO outside parties the outermost pipes also attach jumpers to connect to the walls. The exact dimensions of all parts depend on the diameter of the core former and the length of the box.
  • Close the pipes from above with plugs. Insert the pipe structure into the mold and attach.
  • Install height stops on the inner walls of the box.
  • Attach handles to the short sides.
  • From the fifth steel sheet cut out the pressure cover. During the production of blocks, it is put on the hollow formers, so that they protrude. Therefore, the lid should have slots for pipes and bridges between them, 1-2 mm larger in size.
  • From above, weld two U-shaped handles to the resulting part. They are installed vertically along the short sides of the lid.
  • Attach the platform vibrator motor to one of the long sides of the mold with bolts or welded pins. Since its cost is relatively high and it is difficult to acquire it, it is possible to use a twin-shaft motor from washing machine... TO homemade engine attach the balancers.

3. Making blocks from cinder-concrete manually.

  • Spread on a flat surface or floor plastic wrap... Put smeared forms on it.
  • Prepare the mixture according to the recommended proportions.
  • Distribute it by shapes. For hollow blocks, insert bottles (if there are no hollow cores).
  • Smooth the surface, remove excess mortar.
  • Remove bottles after 5 hours.
  • Retrieve the blocks after 24 hours.
  • Spread out on a flat horizontal plane.
  • After a week, fold in several rows and leave to dry for another 21 days. During the drying process, they are covered with foil. Optimal conditions - air temperature from +20 to + 25 ° C, lack of direct sunlight.

In the presence of a vibrating table, the forms are installed on its surface. The vibration is turned on for about a minute. Exact time better define empiricallyby making test bricks. Excessive vibration exposure will result in poor quality. Then structures with a rammed mixture are removed from the table and treated in the same way as in hand made (see p. 5-8 instructions).

4. Production of cinder blocks with your own hands at home on a vibrating machine.

Manufacturing scheme using a simple machine:

  • Spread 500x300 mm pieces of plywood or OSB on the floor. They will serve as substrates for blocks.
  • Place the machine on the first plywood sheet.
  • Prepare the composition, observing the recommended proportions.
  • Fill in the form.
  • Turn on the engine for 20-30 s (for more precise definition the optimal time of exposure of the vibrator to the cinder concrete, it is recommended to make test bricks and evaluate their strength, uniformity finished material).
  • Turn off vibration - the mixture settles for several centimeters, fill the box to the top again. Switch on the motor and press down the cover. It should rest against the height stops on the inner walls.
  • After turning off vibration, remove the machine from the block and move it to the next substrate.
  • Repeat all steps on each prepared plywood sheet.

Ready times and drying conditions are the same as for manual production.

The use of cinder blocks in construction can reduce the cost of building walls several times. For the manufacture of this material, special equipment is required, the purchase of which is a rather expensive process. We propose to study the recommendations on how to make a machine for cinder blocks with your own hands.

Cinder block - features of the material and its purpose

Cinder block is a building material, according to appearance similar to a stone, which is made using the vibration press method. For its production, a filler is used in the form of slag, and binder cement slurry protrudes.

There are two options for the production of cinder blocks:

  • industrial;
  • independent or home.

To make a cinder block with their own hands, vibrating machines are used small-sized type, which are able to make small batches of this material.

In relation to the main components of the cinder block, namely slag, it contains one of the materials in the form:

  • slag;
  • volcanic ash;
  • granite dropout;
  • crushed granite;
  • river gravel;
  • sand;
  • brick stone;
  • cement;
  • expanded clay, etc.

The material, the production of which we will talk about later, has lower quality characteristics and durability. It is perfect for the construction of household buildings, sheds, storage facilities.

Home-made cinder block does not allow the entire technological process in relation to all the requirements that apply to it.

In order for the cinder block to acquire the necessary rigidity, it is required to withstand steaming, with the help of which it is saturated with moisture and heated to a certain temperature, which increases the strength of the cement. Although, with the help of blocks made on a home vibrating machine, you will get an excellent one-story building, the service life of which will be at least 25 years.

Machine for cinder blocks: manufacturing features

To build this kind of machine, you must have the skills to work with welding machine and locksmith tools.

As the main detail homemade machine for the cinder block, a matrix protrudes, which has a shape for installing a solution. The matrix has the form metal box, in which there are certain elements that provide voids in an already manufactured product.

It is the matrix that is a kind of machine, for the manufacture of which you will need:

  • welding machine;
  • grinders;
  • vice;
  • locksmith tools.

As materials you will need to purchase:

  • metal sheet, 3 mm thick, 1 m² in size;
  • one meter steel pipe, with a diameter of 7.5 to 9 cm;
  • steel strip 3 mm thick and 30 cm long;
  • electric motor, up to 0.75 kW;
  • fasteners in the form of bolts and nuts.

Instructions for making a machine for a cinder block with your own hands:

1. First, decide on the dimensions of the product that you need for construction. Possible option for measuring ready-made cinder block, industrial production.

2. Cut out the side sections of the machine from a metal sheet, there should be two of them, and there is a partition between them. You will get a box that has two equal parts.

3. A bottom wall remains in the voids, the thickness of which is at least 3 cm. Thus, it will be possible to determine the height of the cylinder, which will limit the voids.

4. Cut the pipe into six pieces equal to the height of the void.

5. To make each of the cylinders tapered, it is necessary to make cuts in each of them to the center, and then compress with a vise and weld to each other. In this case, the size of the diameter will become two millimeters smaller.

6. Weld the cylinders on both sides and join them together on the long side of the block. They must be positioned in such a way that the voids that will be formed exactly copy the voids of industrial production.

7. To the extreme sections, a plate is added, measuring 3 cm. It must have a hole that will ensure its fixation on the surface of the lugs.

8. On the central part of each of the matrix compartments, saw through the surface and weld the lugs to it. They will help provide the ability to temporarily attach the restraints to create a void. A mechanism will be obtained with the help of which cinder blocks will be produced as a monolithic or non-monolithic type.

9. Select one transverse wall to which the bolts will be welded, in the amount of four pieces. They act as fasteners to secure the motor.

10. In the side of loading the mixture, parts in the form of an apron and blades should be welded.

11. Clean and polish all components for further staining.

12. Make a press, the shape of which will be exactly the same as the mechanism itself. For its construction you need a plate, the holes of which will be four millimeters larger than the diameter of the cylinder. It should fit easily into the box at least 5 cm high.

13. To ensure the convenience of working with the press, weld parts in the form of handles to it.

14. Cover all parts of the mechanism with an anti-corrosion primer, and after it dries, install the motor.

In order to make a vibration motor from a standard electric motor, welded bolts in the form of eccentrics should be installed on its shaft sections. They must match in the axial space. Nuts are installed on the bolts, the speed and type of vibration depend on the amount of wrapping.

Cinder block machine drawings:

With the help of such a matrix, both a walking and a distance type of machine are made. To improve it requires a good locksmith tool and experience with it.

Any material in the form of clay, sawdust concrete, expanded clay concrete, etc. is suitable for the manufacture of such blocks. The standard mix should be one part sand aggregate, one part cement and three parts slag waste.

A very important role is played by the coefficient of moisture contained in the finished mixture. For its optimal determination, it is enough to inspect the composition, it should not fall apart, but at the same time it should be elastic and well-kept in shape.

It is such a workpiece that is placed in a matrix to obtain a finished cinder block. It is recommended to use glass bottles, broken brick or sharp-angled stone.

Please note that before starting work on the machine for the production of cinder blocks, all parts should be lubricated with oil, thus it will be possible to prevent the finished mixture from sticking to the metal. The vibrator can be switched on at any stage of production, but it is best to do this before pressing the finished block. In addition, the electric motor must be securely insulated, using an apron to prevent the solution from entering the surface of the motor.

Ready-made cinder blocks should be aged outside, in summer, at temperatures from +12 to +30 degrees. To prevent the blocks from drying out, they are covered with plastic wrap.

Equipment for the production of cinder blocks and their manufacturing technology

The manufacture of cinder block begins with the preparation of a concrete solution, which consists of cement, water and slag. All components are mixed together with a concrete mixer or mixer. Manual mixing of the solution takes longer and requires tremendous physical effort to implement it.

All work is carried out exclusively at positive air temperatures, since water solidifies in frost. When the solution is ready, it is poured into a mold, which is hollow or monolithic. Standard size each block 39x19x18.

When the block has an already compacted structure, the mold is removed from it, and the block itself is installed on the floor or on a pallet. The cinder block drying procedure lasts at the natural air temperature, which should not be less than twenty degrees. Thus, it will be possible to obtain a material suitable for further construction. To avoid drying out of the material, ensure maximum air humidity.

After the cinder blocks dry out, they acquire additional strength and are sent for storage in a dry place in the form of a warehouse.

Materials of various composition are used as raw materials. The choice of one or another raw material is influenced by the capabilities of the equipment on which the cinder block is made and the type of structure that will be built from it.

The most common options for fillers for making do-it-yourself cinder blocks are materials in the form:

  • brick waste;
  • sand;
  • rubble;
  • ash;
  • expanded clay, etc.

The amount of this or that ingredient depends on the requirements for the final product.

A fairly frequent component for the manufacture of cinder block is a plasticizer, which improves specifications finished material. In addition, the use of plasticizers increases the strength of the finished building, its resistance to frost and moisture.

After the manufacture of cinder blocks, the process of construction and the direct erection of walls from cinder blocks is ahead. Another important factor affecting the quality of cinder block construction is finishing and insulation of the finished building.

The standard composition for preparing a mixture for cinder blocks consists of:

  • one part of cement;
  • nine parts of slag;
  • 50% of the amount of water cement.

Another option for the manufacture of cinder blocks involves the use of:

  • four pieces of fine dropout;
  • four pieces of granite slag;
  • one part cement to 50% water.

Production of cinder blocks - general requirements for the performance of work

To make a high-quality cinder block, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • know the clear recipe and composition of the mixture;
  • follow the technology of manufacturing cinder blocks;
  • have enough professional equipment.

In addition, the key to a high-quality home-made cinder block is the use of coarse sand, blast furnace slag, high-quality cement with a minimum grade of 400. In addition, special equipment with a vibrating press is required.

Burnt coal is excellent for making slag, which is used as a filler. One of the important requirements for the production of cinder blocks is the observance of a symmetrical and even geometric shape finished product... Since the amount of mortar required for the construction of the finished building depends on the number of irregularities and flaws in the cinder block. In order to avoid the appearance of this defect, the mold should be filled to the top and even more, since during vibration the finished mixture is compacted and reduced in size.

The vibroform is switched on every time with an interval of 6-15 seconds. Then the vibration stops and the finished product is evaluated. If the solution is lower than the extreme line of the matrix, then a pressure cover is installed on it and vibration is turned on again. Further, the pressure rests against the limiter, the vibration is turned off, and the form is pulled out of the device.

DIY cinder blocks: instructions for making

When self-manufacturing cinder blocks, the composition of the mixture should be selected based on the type of cinder block machine. Since the vibration quality directly determines the properties of the final product.

We offer a version of the standard recipe for making cinder blocks:

  • seven buckets of slag filler;
  • two buckets of sand;
  • two buckets of gravel;
  • one and a half buckets of cement;
  • one and a half to three buckets of water.

Please note that the amount of water affects the structure and quality of the blocks. After pressing, the solution should not flow. If a ready mix throw it on the ground and at the same time it will spread, and in a fist it will reconnect, then this type of solution is suitable for making cinder blocks.

If a room is used for the manufacture of cinder blocks, then it must have a flat floor and good ventilation, but still, it is recommended to produce cinder blocks outdoors.

Homemade machines for cinder blocks involve the manufacture of this material according to the instructions below:

1. Pour the mortar into a cinder block mold. Turn on the vibrator for five seconds. When insufficient quantity a little more mixture is added to the solution. Install the clamp, and turn on the vibrator again. When the pressure device is on the stops, the manufacturing process is complete.

2. The vibroform is switched on for another 8 seconds and then the form is removed without switching off the vibrator.

3. Drying of blocks takes between four and nine days. Full strength is reached after a month. The main conditions for their storage are high humidity and temperature.

4. The blocks are transported to the premises after at least a day, after their manufacture. If there is a plasticizer in the composition for the preparation of cinder blocks, their transportation takes place six hours after production.

5. Storage of cinder blocks occurs in the form of a pyramid. After several months, they become suitable for construction.

Cinder blocks are a popular building material from which buildings and structures for various purposes are erected. Since they are not difficult to make at home, cinder block machines are in rather high demand. If you have free time and desire, then you can try to build this equipment yourself.

The popularity of cinder blocks (as, indeed, of foam blocks) in their unique composition, and machines for the manufacture of cinder blocks not only make it possible to obtain high-quality building materials with limited funds, but also make it possible to manufacture them for sale. For many, the production of cinder blocks has become a profitable occupation that brings tangible income.

  • Cement;
  • Granular slag (which is a waste of the foundry);
  • Special fillers.

The result is blocks that are distinguished by high sound and heat insulation performance.

Making a mold for a cinder block

On the network, you can find drawings of a machine for the manufacture of cinder blocks of varying complexity, according to which you can build it yourself. These devices make it possible to obtain both hollow and solid blocks. The simplest device is a collapsible form without a vibrator.

In this form is used concrete mortar with a high water content. It is also called "soft".

The sequence of obtaining blocks in a simple form

  • Filling the mold box or matrix with concrete;
  • Keeping the solution in the form until setting (several hours);
  • Disassembly of the mold - the block comes in a free state.

Council. It is convenient to form voids in the blocks with champagne bottles, which are well-sized and do not break because they have thick walls.

Walls and bottoms in these molds can be made from metal plates or plywood sheets. Before pouring the solution into the mold, it should be lubricated with used machine oil.

Homemade machines with a vibrating device

Vibrating machines for the manufacture of cinder blocks are more advanced equipment. It is faster and more convenient to receive blocks on them, since there is no need to wait for the mortar to set. In this case, the concrete solution is prepared harder and thicker, it should have a slight shrinkage.

Technically, this is done in two ways:

  • using a vibration table;

  • equipping the mold itself with an engine, on the shaft of which an eccentric with an offset center of gravity is installed.

The eccentric machine is more convenient for the production of a large amount of material, since it allows you to obtain ready block in one run without flipping.

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Homemade machine according to the scheme "laying hen"

The above drawing of a machine for making a cinder block is one of the most simple.

Its design includes the following basic elements:

  • forming box - matrix (it has no bottom);
  • vibrator on the side wall;
  • drawer handles designed for easy removal without damaging the mold;
  • replaceable sets of pressure plates;
  • void formers for various shapes of voids.

The current standard provides for the established dimensions of one such block - 39 x 19 x 18.8 cm... In this case, voidness should not exceed 30% .

Making a matrix

  • Sheet metal is taken (from 3 mm);
  • A shape is cut from the sheet to the size of one block (5 cm is added to the indicated dimensions for tamping);
  • A through box is formed (no bottom);

Important. It is necessary to weld the sheets from the outside, this will prevent the violation of the correct geometry.

  • Special strips welded from the ends give greater stability to the box. For this are used shaped pipes with a small section;
  • The base of the matrix is \u200b\u200bupholstered with sheet rubber, which will serve to protect the lower edges of the matrix from deformation;
  • A border apron is formed, which will prevent the solution from spilling out when filling out the form;
  • Handles are attached.

Machine diagram

Below is the exact drawing of the cinder block making machine showing exact dimensions... Voids can be formed various shapes (rectangular or round).

Important. The entraiser should have a conical shape, which will allow the matrix to be easily removed from the raw cinder block.

Well suited for the manufacture of a core former round pipes... In this case, the workpiece can be tapered using a lathe.

The vibrator is made from a low power electric motor. Suitable for this, for example, a motor from washing machine capacity in 150 - 200 W... The centers are displaced as follows.

An eccentric is attached to the motor axis, which can be made from a metal strip with an asymmetrically located hole. Dimensions, weight and shape must be determined experimentally. If the eccentric value is too large, the vibration will be excessive, as a result of which the concrete impression will fall apart.

This design can be improved by installing a mobile platform with levers. This will make it easier to lift and move around the vibrating machine area.

Stages of the cinder block manufacturing process

  • Blocks are formed in special formswhich are pre-wetted. The solution is laid in them. The molds are placed on a vibrating plate, which turns on for a few seconds (5 - 7 s);
  • As the solution settles, it must be added. When you turn on the vibratory plate again, you must wait for the clamp to completely drop to the stops. This will indicate that the formation is complete. After 5 - 10 seconds (even before the motor stops completely), the form should be removed;
  • The finished blocks must be dried. This process takes from a week to a month. Drying time depends on conditions (humidity, temperature, etc.);
  • The given equipment allows, when working together, to perform up to seventy blocks in an hour. If the amount is small, the solution can be mixed by hand. However, the concrete mixer allows you to get more quality material and the final product;
  • After the cinder blocks are dry, they can be used to build walls - building from blocks is easy. In this case, it is necessary to observe simple rules - the first two weeks the blocks are watered;
  • After that, the outside should be covered with double layer plaster. This will prevent the rain from washing out the slag. In a year, the material will evaporate harmful substances and after that you can go to interior decoration and roofing works.