Exact dimensions for the outdoor toilet teremok. Drawings of wooden toilets for a summer residence

One of my acquaintances, mastering the suburban area, having learned that I, in turn, was mastering the SketchUp program, in which it was possible to build three-dimensional models, asked me to make him a drawing of a "classic" suburban toilet. You understand that this is usually the first thing that has to be built on a suburban area that has not yet been developed.

Why not?
And I gave him a drawing of a country toilet with all dimensions and full detailing, and also showed a 3D model of his future "house".

It is very convenient to use 3D modeling, especially if you do not have a large stock of building materials, and you have to buy each board in the store. You can calculate everything up to the last screw.

Now, I decided to post all the drawings of the country toilet and its 3D model on the site, maybe someone will also come in handy. The result is a classic version of the "birdhouse", for complete similarity, you can make another window in front of the top or in the door.

Scroll down the page to view the 3D model.

So let's start with a list of materials and tools.


  • Bar 50 * 50 mm.
  • Board 40 * 100 mm.
  • Lining, blockhouse or lath - 15 m 2 for wall and door decoration.
  • Plastic bucket.
  • Expanded polystyrene sheet.
  • Flexible shingles - about 3 m 2.
  • Wood screws and nails for shingles.
  • Plywood or roof boards and toilet seats.
  • OBZ (fire bio-protection).


  • A hacksaw or any saw.
  • Roulette.
  • Screwdriver.
  • A hammer.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • If you want to make everything nice and clean, you will also need an electric plane and a sander.
  • Brushes or roller for applying OBZ.

We start with the manufacture of the base of the toilet, for this we use a block of 50 * 50 mm cut to size. See detailed drawings below.

* For a more comfortable door opening (to stand freely on the site), you may have to lengthen it by a couple of boards. But, it's up to you: comfort or economy.

Now you need to make the frame of the toilet itself.
The basis of the frame will be two identical sidewalls, all from the same 50 * 50 mm bar. The upper part is made with a bevel of about 15 degrees.

Next, you should fix the sidewalls of the toilet frame and fasten them together with jumper bars from above, behind and inside. They can be fixed using metal corners 50 * 50 mm, or directly with self-tapping screws.

The next step will be the manufacture of the front of the frame, with an opening for the door.

* If you will use an existing or purchased door, then take into account the size of the opening for the size of the door.

Now you need to connect the frame with the base of the toilet into a single whole. It is better to do this already in place, i.e. on the dug hole, because the assembled structure will already be heavy enough, at least for one.

The next step is to stuff the cut planks on the seat at the bottom from the inside. It will be lining, plywood or just a butt board - you decide. We also immediately make the seat shelf itself from thick plywood (~ 16 mm) or a 20-25 mm thick board nailed end-to-end and reinforced from below.

Any toilet seat encircled from the inside with a marker will help to cut the correct hole in the seat with a jigsaw.

And one more little trick - install a PVC pipe as a hood in any corner of the toilet. Somewhere I spied it, but to be honest, I myself did not see it in practice, if someone made such a device, write down in the comments, does it help or not with odor removal?
Here I am wondering: will then "smell" outside?

It came to the door ...
Well, here who is in that much. You can do it yourself, you can use the finished one.
The main thing is to take into account the expansion gaps and even when the door "opens" in damp weather, it should freely pass through the opening. I think 5-7 millimeters on each side will be just right.

Important! If you make a country toilet out of "raw" lumber (natural moisture), such as boards, and fill them end-to-end, then keep in mind that over time, when they dry out, cracks may appear.

Having put the toilet door on its hinges, proceed to the installation of the roof and wall upholstery.

Even an unedged board will go to the roof (the top should be even), but of course a piece of waterproof plywood or OSB is better. The overhangs of the toilet roof should be slightly larger in the front and rear than on the sides.
Then, flexible tiles are packed onto the fixed roof base. Well, everything is simple.

It doesn't matter what kind of facade material you use to upholster the walls of the toilet, it all depends on personal and financial preferences. It can even be made of vinyl siding, except perhaps it will be necessary to nail the slats at the corners.

On the back wall I made an opening for the window, glass it or not at will. But the window is necessary, without it it will be dark. Although, as a lighting option, there are rechargeable LED lights with a motion sensor on the market, which are mounted to the wall or ceiling.

3D model of a country toilet

Click on the picture, wait for loading and use the held left mouse button to rotate the model. Rotating the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. View in full screen - the icon in the lower right corner. Exit full screen - Esc key.
To fully view three-dimensional models, you need to download the SkethUp viewer program from the official website (free) and install it on your computer. You can download this model for viewing by clicking on the logo in the lower left corner of the preview window.

And finally, if you are going to put such a toilet in the country, here are some simple tips:

  • Treat all wood with bioprotective impregnation, at least 2 layers. To maintain a decent appearance and protection from ultraviolet radiation, external walls will have to be treated every 2-3 years with bioprotection with color or paint.
  • Try to carry out the final assembly of the toilet structure directly at the installation site - you will save energy on the installation.
  • Be sure to install the toilet on some kind of foundation (stones, bricks, concrete blocks). Be sure to lay a waterproofing layer between the wooden structure and the foundation, for example, two layers of roofing material.
  • Try to reinforce the sides of the cesspool with something, for example, you can put an old iron barrel, having previously cut the bottom in it, otherwise it may collapse.
  • Use special septic powder to remove odors.

Of course, such a country toilet is good as a temporary solution; ideally, you should still consider the issue of choosing, buying and installing a real autonomous septic tank, especially since there is now a huge selection of them.

One simply cannot do without such a structure as a toilet in the country. And if you decide to build a country toilet with your own hands, then you will have to make some effort and effort. The most difficult stage in construction will be digging a foundation pit. As for the aesthetic side of the building, it is rather a secondary issue, because the main thing is to competently arrange a cesspool and create a reliable foundation for the aboveground structure.

Below we will consider in detail the following points:

Choosing a place for the construction of a toilet and its structure.

What is needed to build a toilet.

Features of the cesspool device.

Construction of a country toilet house.

Using a dry closet in the country.

Biological toilet products.

How to build a country toilet with your own hands: photos, drawings, video

It should be noted right away that it is better to do all the work once and then not return to this issue for many years. It is especially important to build a capital structure if you spend a lot of time at your dacha. If you do not want to spoil the design of the site by installing an ordinary toilet, then you can always hide it in the far corner behind the country house or come up with an original design for it that would allow it to harmoniously fit into the landscape.

Choosing a place for placing a toilet and features of its design

As a rule, the toilet is installed closer to the far border of the land plot, since there will be an unpleasant smell near the room, even if it is insignificant. But sometimes they use another option, making a cesspool near the house, and to place the toilet, a free corner of the house is taken away, leading the sewer pipe into the pit. Basically, this design is used in cases where water was brought into the house and it is planned to install an insulating tank designed to collect waste.

Be that as it may, it is worth adhering to sanitary and epidemiological standards. They must be observed in order to protect yourself and the environment from negative consequences, such as soil contamination or infectious diseases.

If you are planning to install a cesspool, it is important that it is at a distance of at least 30 meters from water sources. Moreover, its depth should not reach groundwater.

If you are going to install a septic tank, then place it no closer than 15 meters from the house.

If you are going to use an insulated container that cleans up as it fills, you can install it almost anywhere as waste will not penetrate the ground.

Also, an insulated tank is suitable in cases where the groundwater does not pass very deeply and it is impossible to make a cesspool in the ground.

Most often, the pits of the simplest toilet for a summer residence have an area of \u200b\u200babout 1 m 2. If the pit is round, then its diameter should be approximately 1 meter. Its depth is 1.5-2 meters, depending on how the groundwater is deposited.

Once you decide on the place for the pit, proceed to the choice of the toilet design. First of all, you must take into account the weight of the future structure - the choice of material that you are going to use for construction largely depends on it. Moreover, the house itself should not be made very heavy, because over time, under its weight, the soil can begin to sag and the building will be deformed and damaged.

As building materials, wooden boards or bars or thin materials - corrugated board and galvanized profiles are excellent.

If you decide to build a toilet booth from bricks or logs, then you should think about high-quality strengthening of the foundation. But there is no point in the construction of such structures, since they will not be warmer than light buildings. Unless you have a need for thermal insulation of a room with the help of insulation, which is of low weight, for example, foam. This building will be warm, light, windproof in winter and not too hot in summer.

Having decided on the choice of material, you can start choosing the size of the booth. If you decide to build a country toilet with your own hands, then we offer you the following drawings.

As a rule, a standard toilet, as you noticed in the drawings presented above, has a height of 2.3 meters, a width of 1 meter, and a length of 1.3-1.5 meters. But these sizes can vary, and should not be considered a dogma. Be that as it may, the room should be as comfortable as possible for all family members to be in it.

What you need to build a suburban toilet with your own hands

Having chosen the design and dimensions of the toilet, you need to buy building materials. You can buy a metal or wooden "house" ready-made. If you decide to build it yourself, then be prepared for the fact that you will need the following materials:

  • wooden blocks and boards;
  • fasteners - screws and nails;
  • metal corners to strengthen the wooden frame;
  • roof covering material - corrugated board or slate;
  • door handle, latch or hook for closing;
  • a wooden or plastic toilet seat with a lid;
  • foam for insulation and material for sheathing of insulated walls: thin board, chipboard or plywood (if necessary).

To install a cesspool you will need:

  • crushed stone, cement, sand;
  • reinforcement for strengthening the foundation structure;
  • metal mesh-netting (designed to fit the pit) and metal pins or brackets for attaching it to the ground.

Also, instead of a grid and plastering it with concrete, you can use a brick, which will be lined with the pit walls. Moreover, for the construction of the pit, concrete rings are often used, which have holes in the walls. Many summer residents prefer old rubber tires.

Another good environmentally friendly option would be a ready-made container - a septic tank. You can find them in a variety of sizes, so you will choose the one you need, depending on the length of your stay outside the city and the number of family members.

Of course, when building a country toilet with your own hands, you cannot do without special tools, so prepare in advance:

  • bayonet or shovel with a short and long handle;
  • hand drill, which will help when digging a pit;
  • perforator (if there is stony soil on the site);
  • screwdriver or hammer;
  • grinder - "grinder" with discs for metal and stone;
  • jigsaw;
  • marking tool - tape measure, ruler, square, pencil, building level or marker.

How to make a cesspool with your own hands?

Of course, it is worth starting with marking and digging a hole, which can have a round or square shape (depending on which design scheme of the country toilet was chosen).

If you plan to install a two-chamber plastic septic tank, then the pit is dug so that the inlet pipe is in the toilet cubicle, since a toilet seat will be installed on it. The neck of the second chamber remains outside the room, as it is required to adjust the pumping of fecal matter.

The tanks can be of different shapes, since the shape and dimensions of the pit depend on this. The size of the pit must be made 20 cm larger than the container, since it is necessary to compact the soil around it as best as possible.

If the walls of the pit are finished with brick or concrete, it can be made square or round.

After you dig a hole of the required depth, at the bottom it is necessary to arrange drainage from stones, large rubble, and fragments of bricks.

Then a concrete solution is applied to the walls by the method of throwing. It is left to dry completely. The total layer thickness can be approximately 50-80 mm.

When the first sketched layer is set, the walls are plastered to a perfectly even state with the same concrete mortar. Then wait until the plaster hole dries.

The pit is covered with either a ready-made reinforced concrete slab, or you can make it yourself. It will act as a foundation and a platform around the toilet.

Planks are laid on the pit itself. They should extend beyond its limits by about 700-800 mm and be recessed into the ground to the level with the ground. They are treated with antiseptic agents. It is quite possible to replace such a wooden substrate with concrete posts.

Two holes are left on the surface for the sump hole and the installation of the toilet seat. Formwork is installed around them.

A dense plastic film is spread over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation.

On top of it, a reinforcing grid is laid, which along the entire perimeter is enclosed in the formwork of the future foundation.

As for the height of the formwork of the holes, it must be exactly the same as the formwork of the entire foundation structure. When leveling the surface, formwork boards will act as beacons.

The concrete solution is mixed, after which it is poured onto the site, carefully leveled and left to dry. For the strength and durability of the concrete layer after the initial setting, you can “iron” the wet surface with dry cement.

After the site has matured, a toilet booth can be installed on it. A hatch will be needed for the hole, which is intended for pumping waste. You can buy it in a store or do it yourself. The hatch cover should be easy to close and open.

Another good option is a round pit, made from car tires. But do not forget that this type of pits cannot be used for a regular user. Such a toilet can only be operated in a summer cottage, and then, if the owners come sporadically, for example, on weekends, otherwise you will have to resort to pumping out waste very often.

To make a pit, a round pit is pulled out of car tires by 150-200 mm more than the diameter of the tires.

Drainage is laid at the bottom of the pit, having a thickness of 15-20 cm.

Further, exactly in the center of the pit, the tires are laid to the ground surface. As it is laid around the tires, the drainage layer of sand and gravel is poured and well rammed. This process is carried out to the top.

When the tires are laid, it is recommended to arrange a strip foundation around the pit. To do this, a trench, about 500 mm deep, is pulled out along the entire perimeter of the future structure, into which concrete is poured.

The bottom of the trench is compacted and then covered with 50-70 mm sand. It also needs to be tamped and covered with a layer of rubble of exactly the same thickness.

Waterproofing is laid from dense polyethylene.

Then you can weld a grid from the reinforcement, install it and mount the formwork 100-150 mm above the ground level, and then fill it with concrete. Make a brick foundation, then plaster it with cement.

After the mortar hardens, remove the formwork from the cement foundation, and level the brick from above. Further, roofing material is laid on its surface. It will separate the concrete from the wood.

Then a ready-made structure of a country toilet is installed on the foundation, or it is built independently.

For the convenience of construction, the base-frame is first fixed on the foundation, consisting of powerful bars, and the rest of the structural elements are further mounted on it, depending on the model of the building that you choose.

It is worth noting another option for arranging a cesspool - metal barrels with a cut bottom. They are installed on top of each other and then act in the same way as in the above case. A mixture of sand with crushed stone or gravel mixture is compacted around the pipe.

It would seem that this method is not difficult to implement, but it has many more disadvantages than advantages. Metal barrels under the negative influence both from the outside and from the inside will quickly begin to corrode, and this toilet will not last long.

Country toilet do it yourself: building a house, photo

After the pit and the site for installing the toilet are ready, you can proceed with the installation of the house according to the previously drawn up scheme.

It should be said right away that the houses for the country toilet can have a variety of shapes. Many make them even in the form of a fairytale hut, and those around them may not immediately understand what kind of room fit so harmoniously into the landscape design. Such a structure can be made with your own hands, having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe scheme for its assembly.

In the photo you will see an option, partially made of logs, which give the structure a decorative effect, masking the purpose of the building.

In the diagram, you see the basis for building a house from a log, only boards are used instead of logs. It is perfectly visible how the walls of the structure are going and the roof slopes are raised. The interior space has been distributed and the location of the toilet seat has been chosen.

The next step will be the roof sheathing, roofing and wall decoration using the selected material (both wood and metal can be used).

The house can be installed on a pit or used as a room for a dry closet.

This version of the structure of the toilet was called "hut". In this case, the house is erected in the form of a triangle, and its side walls are the roof. The form is extremely simple, so the construction process will not cause you any difficulties.

This structure is simple to build, as well as easy to use - it is very stable and spacious enough inside.

In the photo you will see the entire internal structure, the place of installation of the toilet seat and the lathing of the wall-roof. Finishing of the front and rear wall has begun. You can put the "hut" house on a well-equipped cesspool, as in the above case, or use it as a room for a dry closet.

In this photo you see a house for a country toilet of a traditional form, which is found in many areas. However, even such a seemingly uncomplicated design, you can decorate according to your preference. For example, a toilet in this area was made to look like a Japanese house. This is evidenced by the hieroglyphs on the plate, which is suspended on chains, an additional roof and a Japanese lantern at the entrance are arranged. Moreover, the interior space is also designed in the same style.

This attitude to the design suggests that even from such a structure as a toilet, you can make a real work of art if you put in a little more effort.

An approximate construction scheme is shown in the photo. It clearly shows the cesspool, the installation of the structure of the toilet and the hatch for cleaning. This design is quite simple in the device and it is not difficult to build it. However, for it to be reliable, it is necessary to achieve the rigidity of the ligaments of each of the parts with each other. The interior space arranged above the cesspool may look like this during the construction of the walls. That is, a base of bars is installed directly on the foundation, on which the frame of the structure is subsequently fixed.

Upon completion of the finishing of the country toilet from the inside, the room will have a cozy and neat look, such as you see in the photo.

If you wish, you can come up with a different design of the toilet, but it is necessary to carry out the interior decoration from warm materials. We do not recommend using ceramic tiles for decoration, as this is a cold material, and in winter the tiles will also become slippery.

Dry closet in a suburban area

If you cannot build a country toilet with your own hands or you have no desire or time to get involved with construction work, then use a dry closet. This option will save you from the need to dig a hole and from the installation of a house.

A biological toilet is nothing more than an autonomous toilet, which does not require either connection to drainage lines or a separate room. It consists of two chambers, the upper of which serves as a toilet bowl, and the other is used for biological processing of waste. The lower chamber contains active substances that decompose feces, turning them into a homogeneous, odorless mass. The action of the bioactive liquid is enough for 10 days, after which the chamber is cleaned, the contents are poured into the soil or the central sewage system.

The choice of disposal method depends on what substances were used in the dry closet. They are of three types: chemical, composting and microorganic. Each of them is ideal for a specific type of dry closet.

For composting, peat is used as an active substance. It is highly absorbent - 1 kg of peat is capable of absorbing 10 liters of liquid. The odorless compost produced by active processes is perfect for fertilizing a vegetable garden.

As a rule, in the compost with this dry closet there are ventilation pipes that remove unpleasant odors during processing.

The work of a dry closet is based on the use of chemicals. It has an indicator that indicates that the container needs cleaning. Recycled waste is discharged into the sewer, and you do not harm the environment. For such models, there are special products with anti-freeze properties.

The third type is a dry closet, in which microorganisms are responsible for the waste recycling process, turning them into compost. The material obtained in this way is environmentally friendly and absolutely safe for animals and soil, so it will not be difficult to dispose of it.

If necessary, you can install a dry closet in an ordinary room in the yard, and in winter bring it into the house, having allocated a convenient place for these needs.

What biological agents are used for toilets

Owners of country houses that have toilets with cesspools on the site are offered special means (they are similar to those used in dry closets).

As you can see, there are many ways to solve the problem of a toilet in the country - you can always choose the most suitable option.

This article presents samples of country toilets: drawings of booths, their average dimensions, some recommendations for construction. The design can be different: there are rectangular, triangular, diamond-shaped projects. You choose the shape, then the material, and you can start building. There are drawings, the structure is not the most difficult. Just keep in mind that the sizes are for people of average height and build. They can be easily changed without really changing the design.

Street toilet layout

The most common option for a country or garden toilet is a rectangular building. It is also called the "birdhouse" because in the version with a lean-to roof it is very similar to it.

The project of a country toilet made of wood of the "Birdhouse" type (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

In the drawing of the toilet shown in the photo above, a 40 mm thick board was used for decoration. The construction is very inexpensive. Doors can be made of the same planks, fastened with planks at the top, bottom and obliquely. Hinges can be placed outside - barn, decorating the building in a deliberately rough style.

Despite the fact that the building is utilitarian, if desired, it can be given an attractive look and the birdhouse will turn into a quite attractive small building. For example, you can make a small mill out of this building.

Country toilet-mill - a little imagination and an unsightly building becomes a decoration of the site (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

The same birdhouse, but from a log house - a completely different look. Everything will look especially harmonious if the building on the site is built (or will be built) also from a log.

Even the simplest log toilet looks almost exotic. Moreover, it can be used as a winter version (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

For regions where wood is a luxury, and it is irrational to spend it on building a toilet, the same structure can be sheathed with another material. For example, the frame is sheathed with any sheet material - plywood, fiberboard, gypsum fiber board. On the outside, you can lay a finishing material on them - tiles or decorative stone. An even more budgetary option is to sheathe it with corrugated board.

A toilet in the country with their own hands is built from any material. This one is made of corrugated board (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

This is the type of toilet that is easy to build out of bricks. They are usually made in half a brick. There are no difficulties even for an inexperienced bricklayer. Offset masonry, cement-sand mortar.

Using the same project and drawing, you can build a brick toilet (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

Toilet type "Shalash" (triangular)

This toilet stall has a triangle shape. The side walls are also the roof slope. You can build such a toilet with your own hands in a few hours. Drawings with approximate dimensions are given in the picture below. You can and should make adjustments to them: all dimensions are given for people of average build.

Drawing of a country toilet of the "Shalash" type (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

If you need wider doors, you can not push the base, which is already considerable in this project, but make doors of a non-standard shape - as in the figure on the right.

Sheathing with finishing materials in Shalash toilets is carried out only in front and behind. Roofing material is laid on the side surfaces. You can use any, but soft tiles or polymer slate look good.

Having drawings of a triangular toilet in the country is easy to build

In the photo on the right, the crate is made for sheet roofing material - plastic slate was used - it is of different colors, it is relatively inexpensive, it can be mounted simply - with nails and gaskets.

If you are planning to use a soft roofing material - roofing material, bituminous tiles or something similar, make the crate solid - from a sheet of moisture-resistant plywood, gypsum fiber board. They are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws, roofing materials are laid on top.

Drawing of the toilet "Teremok"

This toilet has a diamond shape. In comparison with the "Shalash" it takes longer to build, but it also looks more decorative. With the appropriate design, it will not spoil the landscape in the least.

Drawing of the toilet "Teremok" with dimensions (to enlarge the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

A diamond-shaped toilet house at a summer cottage looks good. Outside, the frame can be trimmed with small-diameter round timber sawn in half, thick clapboard, block house, ordinary board. If you are using a board, do not nail it end-to-end, but placing it a couple of centimeters on the lower one, like a spruce cone. You can, of course, and end-to-end, but the appearance will not be the same ...

The second option: the "Teremok" country toilet is made with beveled side walls.

Country toilet "Teremok" - the second project with dimensions (to enlarge the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

The main snag in any small wooden toilet is to secure the doors well. The door frame is the most stressed part, especially on the side where the doors are attached. To fasten the door pillars to the frame beams, use pins - this way the fastening will be reliable.

From this simple, in general, design, you can make a restroom in any style. For example, in Dutch. The decoration is simple - light plastic, on top of which are filled with characteristic beams painted with stain. Pay attention to the glass inserts and the fact that the roof of this instance is made of polycarbonate. If the polycarbonate is multilayer, it shouldn't be hot)))

You can even turn the Teremok toilet into a royal carriage. This is no joke ... confirmation in the photo. All you need to do is change the shape and add a few decorative elements typical for carriages. So you get a toilet in the form of a carriage.

Here are some photos of the manufacturing process. In the original, a dry closet was installed, therefore the construction is simple: there is no need to think ... but such a booth can be adapted to any type ...

Note that the shape is achieved thanks to the planks set at an angle, and the smoothly tapering bottom is achieved by appropriately trimmed supports.

The floor is sewn up with short boards, then the sheathing begins outside. At the top, the carriage also has a smooth bend - cut out the corresponding guides from the short boards, nail them to the already existing side posts and you can start the outer wall cladding.

The inside is also sheathed with clapboard. The outside of the toilet-carriage is whitewashed; from the inside, the wood has a natural color. After that, there is the decoration and the addition of characteristic details - monograms painted in gold, lanterns, "gold" chains, wheels.

"Tsarist" curtains and flowers))) There was even a washstand and a small sink.

After all the efforts, we have the most unusual toilet in the area. Few can boast of such a thing ...

Warm restroom

It is quite comfortable to use a toilet with a wall in one board in summer. But not all summer cottages are visited only in the warm season. For the autumn-spring period, at least some kind of insulation is necessary, which will block the drafts.

In this case, the design of the toilet is no different. Only increase the dimensions by 5-10 cm more: the cladding will be double - outside and inside, and insulation is laid between the cladding. The doors will also need to be insulated - double doors are too heavy for such a building, but from the inside they can be covered with a piece of linoleum, dermantine and other well-washable material.

Combined shower-toilet

The second necessary building in the country is a shower. And if so, then why build two separate structures, if they can be built under one roof. Several drawings of country toilets with a shower for self-construction are published below.

Option of a combined toilet for giving a shower (to enlarge the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

Second project of toilet and shower under one roof.

Appearance and drawing of a toilet and a shower for a summer residence in one building (to enlarge the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

View and dimensions of a toilet + shower in front and on the side (to enlarge the image, click on it with the left mouse button)

As you may have guessed, the building is simply doubled in width. If you want, you can create your own project, according to your wishes and needs. A drawing of a utility block with a toilet will be exactly the same. You may need to make one of the rooms a little larger. You just provide for this when planning and manufacturing supports for a building.

Despite the first glance, the simplicity of the design of the toilet at the summer cottage, it belongs to the main buildings. The most important building on the site is a bathroom, many will confirm that it is simply impossible to be outside the city without it.

Of course, a toilet built on the street is no substitute for a comfortable toilet; it will provide only a few conveniences. But without it, it is impossible to fully work on a personal plot.

You need to know the sanitary standards for the construction of a toilet and create the building specified by them.

The construction of a toilet is not particularly difficult and does not require the involvement of specialists.

But in the building you need to observe some features.

Basic standards:

  • Convenient place to build a toilet. An unsuccessful place can lead to contamination of the area around the structure, soil, water. Therefore, non-compliance with sanitary standards and ignorance can lead to health problems and to the attraction of fines from the sanitary service.
  • Make sure that construction does not create inconvenience to neighbors.
  • Consider a method for how the sump will be emptied.
  • If the water table is high, the toilet construction should be well sealed to avoid water pollution.

How to choose and build a summer cottage toilet with your own hands photos and what types of their design are there:

There are enough options for choosing the construction of a toilet, but the choice may be influenced by:

  • The budget allocated for the construction of the toilet;
  • The frequency of use of this structure;
  • Groundwater elevation level;
  • Funds allocated for the repair and disposal of waste.

DIY wooden toilet construction, drawings

The main preference is given to buildings made of wood. The construction cost is not large and does not require special skills. A wooden toilet can be built in the style of a log cabin or a small house. If you come up with a drawing of a country toilet yourself, then you can get not only the necessary, but also a building that will decorate your site. As a decoration, you can take a lining. The advantage of a wooden toilet is that it can be easily rearranged to a new location.

Disadvantages of wooden buildings.

  • under the influence of the sun, the wood is deformed, dries quickly and bursts;
  • burnout of wood from the action of ultraviolet radiation;
  • moisture and dampness contributes to the deformation of the building frame;
  • due to dampness, fungi form, which destroy the wood, and it begins to rot and give off unpleasant odors.

In order to extend the service life of the building, it must be treated with special means in the form of impregnation. Wood can be primed and painted.

Features and types of closets without a cesspool

A cesspool is the most inexpensive and simple way to build a toilet in a summer cottage, but there are also a number of restrictions and conditions for installation:

  • limestone or shale soil;
  • groundwater runs high;
  • the toilet involves a large number of people;

These factors do not allow the construction of a toilet based on a cesspool at a summer cottage, but you can solve this problem by building a bathroom without a sewer hole: a backlash closet, a powder closet, a dry closet or a chemical one.

The backlash closet is based on a cesspool, but it is sealed. It is often installed near the toilet walls. The backlash closet requires the use of the services of a sewer to periodically empty the pit. The disadvantage of this structure is that in winter it cannot be cleaned, this requires heating.

Powder closet small tank size about 20 liters. This gives the advantage of the low cost of building this toilet. Its installation is necessary if the groundwater flows high.

The do-it-yourself country toilet created in this way bears the name because of its principle of operation. The waste in the pit is, as it were, “powdered” using a dry composition. For falling asleep, a peat-sawdust mixture or peat is usually used. This helps to get rid of the bad smell. All waste is sent to a compost pit for composting.

The dry closet is a popular type of toilet among summer residents. He has the same principle as the powder closet - waste is recycled using a peat mixture. You can also use biologics that contain bacteria.

Chemical toilets - chemical agents are poured into them. Do not forget about the safety when using this drug. For these purposes, substances such as bleach, formaldehyde are often used, but you need to be careful, they are very toxic.

Toilet construction options

There are several types of toilets in the form of a birdhouse, a hut, a hut or a house. A drawing of a country toilet with dimensions of the "Birdhouse" type is made of wood, and sheathed with any other material. It is being built over a cesspool. If you find it difficult to draw up a drawing yourself, you can use ready-made projects.

During construction, a building level should be used to control the even placement of the structure. Do not forget about the presence of ventilation, which can be a pipe. It should be above roof level. In order to insulate the toilet, you can use foam, you can decorate the inside as you wish.

The finished project "Birdhouse" with dimensions

Based on the drawing of the "Birdhouse" country toilet, we are building the "Shalash", it has a more complex design, but the result is worth it. "Shalash" has many different design options, for this you can use your imagination or the Internet. Dimensions can be used from a previous project.

You need to start construction from the toilet pit, concrete blocks will be placed in it.

Drawing of the country toilet "Shalash"

A special part of this building is the triangular gable roof. If this is a country toilet, the dimensions are selected individually in connection with the number of people who will use the toilet.

Construction consists of several stages. Initially, we mount the foundation using insulating material that will protect against moisture.

The construction of the "Shalash" begins with the installation of the foundation, then the lower part of the frame 1 by 1 meter and the construction of a cesspool. The base must be treated with an antiseptic.

The toilet can be sheathed with forcing or boards left over from work. The roof can be made from various materials in a length of 1.8 m, it rests on the front and back of the frame and is fixed. Roof material can be selected according to your taste. It can be metal, wood, slate roof or corrugated board.

When installing the door, immediately attach the handle and hook to the door. At the end of the work, you need to treat the toilet with varnish or paint to improve the appearance of the building.

Tomik Wooden construction set "Terem", 98 parts - review


I want to tell you about our recent acquisition - a real wooden tower that a child can build himself!

This is a wooden construction set Tomika's House - Terem.

Manufacturer: Tomik.

Brand country: Russia.

To be honest, I had been staring at this house for a long time, but the child was small and I was putting off the purchase. But once again seeing this house, I decided to buy it.

Place of purchase: online store Sima-Land

The house is packed in a beautiful and presentable box, in the lid of which there are windows from the house.

The weight of the box is quite heavy - 1.6 kg.

On the back of the box there is information about the types of parts and their quantity, as well as assembly instructions:

To be honest, I personally would be more comfortable if the instructions were on a separate piece of paper.

Having removed the film from the box, I immediately felt a very pleasant aroma of natural wood.

The designer Tomik "Terem" carries an indescribable taiga aroma of natural wood, impregnated with completely safe paints of domestic production.

Inside were very neatly laid out the details of the designer.

A total of 98 parts in a set.

All parts of the construction set are made of natural wood with a polished surface.

The parts are manufactured using our own painting and wood processing technologies.

The details are all very high quality, well processed, but splinters are still sometimes encountered. There were especially many at the time of the first assembly.

The tower is assembled according to the instructions. To be honest, collecting for the first time, it was not very easy for me, since the child was in a hurry, and in the instructions it was not entirely clear to me exactly where and which log should be placed. (Since the logs have different grooves on them). But the second time I assembled the house without any problems.

The logs are stacked on top of each other very easily, without any effort.

Since the logs are not fixed in any way, but simply lay freely on top of each other, the structure is rather flimsy. Moving the house from place to place will not work - it will fall apart.

It is this model of the house - Terem, which is difficult to assemble for children. But Tomik also has a very small one-story house from this series - Izba, so it is quite suitable for assembly by children from 3 years old.

Honestly, I got tremendous pleasure from the assembly of this Terem. Still, wood is wood, not soulless plastic.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When assembled, Terem is a beautiful two-story building with a large balcony on the second floor.

House size in assembled form: 30 x 16 x 29 cm.

There are no decorated doors in Terem, there are just openings:

There is no entrance to the first floor, there is only an entrance under the balcony and we put a horse there:
The windows in the house are decorated with decorative shutters that can be easily inserted and removed: There is a beautiful carved window on the roof of the house: The roof of the house is assembled very easily - wooden planks are simply placed on the gables: Therefore, it is easy to remove the roof and put, for example, a lamp into the house through it. (She of course will fit through the door, but the child likes it through the roof more).

The finished Terem looks very believable! This Terem can be called an example of Russian wooden architecture!

In fact, with such a house you can come up with a huge number of interesting role-playing games or just use it for its intended purpose - as a constructor. The child will be able to come up with the plot of the games himself, thus showing fantasy and imagination.

We have settled animals there so far, and we play with them. The child really likes and plays with this Teremk every day.

But I see the child's interest in this Terem and as a constructor, therefore, I want to buy him the smallest simple Izba from Tomik so that the child can assemble it himself. For a 2.5-year-old child, Terem, of course, is not suitable for self-assembly.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In general, I am very pleased with this constructor! Still, wood is wood, and it is much more pleasant to hold natural wood blocks in your hands than soulless plastic. And building such a house is very interesting, because as a result, it turns out just like a real one! And what the first time is the scent of wood! This construction set is an excellent developmental kit for a child, helping to develop his fine motor skills of hands, logical thinking, coordination of movements and imagination!

A toilet for a summer cottage type "Teremok" has an original look and is able not only to serve correctly for certain purposes, but also to diversify the appearance of the cottage. This form of toilet can be used for containers with peat, chemical fillers or a conventional cesspool.

toilet Teremok

The advantages of this design include:

  1. The shape of the roof eliminates leakage and accumulation of snow, which makes it easier to use and increases the life of the structure.
  2. The shape of the structure provides protection from the wind.
  3. Such a toilet has an attractive appearance and can decorate a summer cottage.
  4. Low cost and the ability to use scrap materials.
  5. There is more inside than outside: the structure does not take up much space, however, a person will feel more spacious and comfortable than in a rectangular toilet.

The form is also a disadvantage. It cannot be convenient for absolutely everyone, there are exceptions. During the construction of this structure, precise observance of the geometry is required, which complicates the construction process. This shape requires a door with a rounded top, which also complicates the construction of this structure.

Toilet Teremok

How to make a toilet teremok in the country

Drawing and dimensions

The length of the roof sheet is almost two meters, the width of the toilet is one and a half meters, and the height is three meters. Of these, one hundred thirty centimeters is a frame, the rest is a roof. The depth of the structure is one meter ten centimeters, the depth of the roof sheet is almost one and a half meters.

The bench inside the structure has the depth of an ordinary desk and a width of almost one and a half meters.

Drawing and dimensions

Construction stages

Construction tools

For the construction of this structure, you will need a beam, boards, material for the roof. In addition, you need varnish for the final coating of the structure, door fittings. If you wish, you can put a special country toilet.

From tools you will need an electric jigsaw, a saw, a hammer, long nails, bricks, brick chips, rubble, cement and a tape measure.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. A foundation is required. Its dimensions should not be less than one and a half meters by two meters. The base is twenty centimeters, the depth and width are equal to one quarter of a meter. The bottom of the foundation must remain sandy. The foundation can be covered with construction waste, for example, broken bricks or rubble. Then fill with cement. Inside the foundation, you need a hole at least eighty centimeters deep. The basement is lined with one layer of brick, the pit is one-fourth of the brick.
  2. The wood for the construction must be prepared in advance. You can take round blanks and grind them to the required parameters. For the frame, you need two beams one and a half meters long. For the stability of the structure, the timber must be at least ten centimeters thick and have a square section.
  3. For the floor, you can take the same beams. The floor width should be sixty-five centimeters. On the one hand, the floor is sanded, on the other, it is treated with an automotive treatment. And fits into the frame. If there are no inconsistencies, you can fix it.
  4. For the frame, you will need the same beams, one and a half meters long. They will need four pieces and the same amount of two meters. The latter will be needed as rafters. All parts must be laid out according to the drawing and secured.
  5. In the form of frames, you need to put the front and rear parts of the frame. Fixed temporarily with nails. After the next check with the dimensions, you need to attach the frame to the floor. It attaches to brackets. The bar in the front must be sewn with nails twenty centimeters long.
  6. Then you can install the front part of the frame in which the door is installed. This part can be made of a bar with a section of five by ten centimeters. The door can be standard, almost two meters by almost a meter. The joints are secured using threaded studs. The holes should be drilled obliquely so that they pass through the rafter and post.
  7. The roof can be secured by nailing boards to the rafters. First of all, the lower board is fixed, then the upper one. After that, everything else.
  8. The guides inside the toilet are attached using self-tapping screws. A board is laid on them, which will serve as a shelf for sitting. A hole is cut with a jigsaw.
  9. After all work, you need to varnish the structure.
  10. The final step is to secure the door hinges and handles.

A toilet in the form of a teremka is an excellent option for settling on a suburban area, both in the country and at a permanent residence.

It is distinguished by its original appearance, and also has a simple device that can be repeated with your own hands. For the manufacture of a simple toilet, a minimum of tools and quite common materials in a small volume are required.

The construction is based on a simple and reliable wooden frame. The walls and gables of the teremok are sheathed with grooved lining as standard. The roof is gable, with a fairly large angle of inclination. The nuances of assembly and finishing are described in detail below.

After assembly, a toilet in the form of a terem is installed on a prepared base. It is a pit, into which a concrete ring is laid, subsequently covered with a monolithic slab.

Design options

The general appearance of the building is almost the same in any design. This is a recognizable profile of the fairytale house, which in this case is its simplified mini-copy. There are several ways to diversify the design of an outdoor toilet. Including, slightly changing its shape. The design of the frame allows you to do this without losing the required bearing capacity and strength.

It is possible to significantly modify the design of the teremka toilet by finishing it. For example, for cladding walls and gables, it is permissible to use:

  • ordinary lining;
  • imitation of a profiled bar;
  • block house;
  • edged board.

Since the building was originally intended for outdoor installation, it is better not to use the last of the proposed finishes. Although it is the cheapest material among the rest. The fact is that due to constant changes in temperature and humidity, noticeable gaps will appear in such a facing over time, which is not very good for a tower with such a function.

The lining and various imitations, the installation of which is carried out due to the groove and the spike, excludes the possibility of gaps appearing even after many years of operation. In addition, such a finish looks more neat, giving the already original building a presentable appearance.

The next way to diversify the external design of the toilet in the form of a terem is to use different roofing materials for arranging the roof. For these purposes, any of the following will work best:

  • professional flooring;
  • metal tile;
  • ondulin;
  • flexible tile.

It should be noted that the last option is slightly different from the others in terms of installation technology. This point is mentioned below, in the section with a step-by-step description of construction.

  • paint of the desired color;
  • colorless varnish;
  • stain;
  • oil for wood.

To not only decorate the finish, but also to make it more resistant to changeable weather conditions, you can apply firing. The lining is first fired with a gas burner (it is not recommended to use gasoline) until a black color and characteristic relief is obtained, after which the soot is removed, and the resulting surface is covered with a transparent varnish or some other protective agent. Wood processed in this way becomes more resistant to external influences, and also looks expensive with a fairly inexpensive implementation of the firing technology.

Additionally, the country toilet can be completed with various small decorations - horseshoes, elaborate awnings, non-standard latches, door handles and other details.

Manufacturing and arrangement of teremka toilet

The construction of an outdoor toilet in the form of a tower is carried out step by step in several stages:

  1. Preparation of materials.
  2. Assembling the frame.
  3. Sheathing of walls and gables.
  4. Laying of roofing material.
  5. Door installation.
  6. Preparation of the site for the toilet.
  7. Restoring the toilet and finishing work.

Preparation of materials

To make the toilet shown in the photo, the following materials will be required:

  1. Wooden block 50 × 50 mm.
  2. Self-tapping screws for wood.
  3. Metal plates and corners to strengthen the frame joints.
  4. Finishing for walls and pediment - lining, tongue-and-groove board, imitation of a bar or block house to choose from.
  5. Fittings - awnings, latch, doorknob.
  6. Roofing material - corrugated board, metal, soft tiles.
  7. OSB is also required when using shingles.

All of the above is purchased in the amount that is required to build a toilet of a specific size. To do this, you first need to sketch a drawing of the building, and calculate the required amount of this or that material.

Also, in this case, a concrete ring was used to equip the base and a monolithic slab was made. Accordingly, from the materials you will need cement, sand, crushed stone and lumber for the manufacture of formwork.

Assembling the frame

The supporting frame is assembled from a 50 mm wooden bar. At this stage, the general shape of the tower is set, which, as mentioned above, can be slightly modified at your discretion. For example, you can make a slightly larger camber of the side walls - the tower will turn out to be more spacious inside and squat outside. To make it more "slim", the profile of the side walls should be made closer to the vertical plane.

It is most convenient to start assembling the frame from the door frame. Next, the front corner posts and roof rafter legs are attached to it. To give rigidity to the structure, the rafters are connected by transverse bars in several places. The entire front part of the frame of the toilet-teremka is assembled on a horizontal flat surface. It is convenient and less difficult than building the way it will be operated.

By analogy with the front part of the frame, the back is assembled. The only difference here is the lack of a door frame. Instead, the rafter legs are additionally connected at the level of the top of the support corner posts.

After the front and back parts of the frame are ready, they are connected to each other using the same wooden block. The result is an already three-dimensional structure, ready for finishing. It is recommended to additionally strengthen the joints of the timber in critical places with metal plates and corners.

The dimensions of the frame can be selected individually, at your discretion. The following values \u200b\u200bcan be used as guidelines:

  • doorway - 800 × 2000 mm;
  • base of the floor - 1200 × 1200 mm;
  • height of corner posts - 1600 mm (or at eye level of a standing person);
  • the distance between the upper ends of the corner posts - 1400 mm (can be varied to obtain the desired shape of the tower);
  • the height of the roof frame is the same as the height of the corner posts;
  • the total height of the toilet is 3200 mm.

The indicated dimensions can be slightly changed at your discretion.


The resulting frame is quite easily and simply sheathed with classic wooden clapboard or block house. This finish is cut to size and fastened with nails. It should be noted that it is better to use stainless steel nails for these purposes. These are usually used for finishing the steam room in the baths - galvanized, copper-plated, and so on.

When using self-tapping screws, it is recommended to pre-drill holes 2/3 of the fastener length. The drill diameter should be half a size smaller than the screws. Drilling will prevent the wood from splitting. Similarly, this technique is recommended to use when assembling the frame. It takes longer, but better and more reliable. Marriage and damage to the material is excluded, and the durability of the wooden structure increases significantly.

The side walls are first sewn up with lining. The edges of the finishing material are cut flush with the frame bar. Next, the front part is sewn up, including the pediment. The ends of the clapboard trimmed pre-flush with the lining bar will hide behind the front finish, and will not be visible if you look at the toilet-teremok from the front (throughout the entire service life, they look at it only from this angle).

The back wall is finished similarly. For door cladding, you can use the same material as for walls.

The roofing material is attached to the rafter legs with self-tapping screws. It is recommended to use a waterproofing material. If flexible shingles are used as roofing material, an OSB backing is pre-sewn onto the rafter legs. The roof ridge is equipped with the method shown in the photographs.

In a specific example, the door is made of three inch planks, held together on the back with bars. On the front side, it is sheathed with the same clapboard, the only difference is the combined vertical and diagonal arrangement of the elements, which gives a more interesting appearance. After manufacturing, the door is installed on the frame of the opening using two canopies.

Site preparation and installation of a teremka toilet

The base for such a toilet can be implemented in several ways. In any of the options, it is first necessary to dig a hole, and fill the drainage layer from coarse gravel at its bottom. The walls can be made of bricks, but it will be much faster and easier to install a concrete ring. For the construction of an outdoor toilet at a permanent residence, it is necessary to use two or three such rings in order to increase the volume of the cesspool and reduce the intervals between pumping it out.

Further, on the concrete ring, it is necessary to equip a platform for installing the assembled tower. The most reliable base will be a concrete slab. For its manufacture, a formwork from a building board and laminated plywood is pre-installed. In order for the plate to be strong and durable, it must be reinforced. To do this, before pouring the concrete, a frame of steel reinforcement is knitted (a diameter of 10 mm will be more than enough).

Upon completion of the preparatory work, concrete is poured into the formwork. The site is left for a month until the solution has completely hardened.

The approximate dimensions of the area for the toilet-teremok, described above:

  • plate thickness 100-200 mm;
  • slab width - 1500 mm;
  • slab length - 1500 mm.

So that there is no unpleasant smell in the toilet, the platform plate is equipped in such a way that an exhaust pipe can be installed in the back of the concrete ring. Due to the pressure difference in the pit and at the level of the roof, the smell from it will be drawn out through the pipe, and not through the hole inside the toilet.

At the end of the construction of the country toilet, it remains only to equip the toilet seat, protect and decorate the wood, install the door handle and latch, insert the glass into the left opening for sunlight.