Standard garage size for 2 cars. Garage size for two cars

Distinctive features of frame garages for two cars are the wider structure and limited choice of roof design. This article will talk about the technical aspects that need to be followed by those who are preparing to build a frame garage for 2 cars with their own hands. Before starting the assembly of a full-fledged building, it is recommended to carry out a financial calculation of the frame garage and calculate how many materials and tools are required.

Construction of a frame garage: foundation

The first step towards construction is pouring the foundation. A two-car frame garage will have a large width, which means that the roofing material will make it heavy. To withstand any load, the frame of the future structure must have a solid foundation. The minimum excavation depth should be 40 cm.

If you plan to build a frame garage for 2 cars with an attic, the depth of the ditch should be increased to 70 cm. Before pouring with mortar, it is imperative to build a formwork and assemble a reinforcing mesh. The foundation itself is made only as a monolith - to give the best strength qualities.

The calculation of materials for a frame garage for the foundation is as follows: the ratio of cement-sand-crushed stone-water should be 10-10-40-40 at an air temperature of 20 ° C (for example, to obtain a solution from 2 kg of cement, 2 kg of sand, 8 kg of crushed stone and 8 liters of water). If the temperature outside is close to zero, water should be added to the solution by 20% less.

Erection of walls for a frame garage for 2 cars

To solidify the finished foundation, you need to wait a day, after which you can proceed to the choice of material for the frame and its installation. The supporting structure can be assembled using 2 materials:

  • Bar. The lumber has excellent strength properties, and the light processing of the material allows you to effortlessly adjust at the attachment points of the rails.
  • Profile tube. This metal product has super strength and will cope with any support and wind loads. However, with these products, the work on assembling the frame will require significantly more time and costs (welding, complexity of fastening). A garage using Canadian technology using screw piles is assembled in a short time, but requires a large set of professional power tools (puncher, welding machine).

Before assembling the frame, it is better to take a calculator and calculate the frame garage, or rather the supporting structure, roof and wall cladding material. Regardless of the type of material chosen for the frame, it is recommended to place the support posts at an equal interval not exceeding 1.5-1.6 meters. If a frame garage on screw piles can be built on the ground of your site, then be sure to observe the interval between the piles in the region of 70-100 cm.

Frame garage with attic - roof layout

For a wide garage, it is recommended to install only a symmetrical gable roof (a frame garage with a pitched roof will experience a heavy load in winter from ice and sleet). The rafter structure is assembled from boards with an equal pitch within 80 cm, and must include at least three expansion beams for each rafter slope. The width of each slope will be more than 3 meters, therefore, reinforced fastening of the rafters at the top with bolts is required. The lathing should be carried out taking into account the threshold between the expanding beams.

It is better to use modern brands of roofing material for roofing. Of the most preferable options - metal tile and profile sheet. The second material will be more practical because provides a smooth slope of precipitation and will not create difficulties when clearing snow.

Gates to a frame garage for 2 cars

The choice of this element of the frame garage is completely in the hands of the owners and has no restrictions on material or design. You can hang both self-made welded gates, and order automatic roller shutters. According to experts, if you are building a frame garage for a car with your own hands, then you can spend money on the purchase of roller shutters. They are easy to use and will serve you for more than 10 years without any problems.

Finishing inside the garage box

The choice of finishing material for interior walls should be made based on the selected frame design. The tree has a high fire class and additional treatment with a septic tank will be required. When building a frame garage, you should think about how to insulate the walls of a wooden frame now. Stone wool can be used as an inexpensive and simple remedy. With a metal frame, the situation is simpler, and the owner has an unlimited choice in finishing - you can use both a cheap option from laminated chipboard and modern PVC materials. We recommend taking a closer look at euro lining or sandwich panels. Multi-layer materials include insulation, and the front side is galvanized.

These materials represent a ready-made finishing tool, which eliminates the issue of wall insulation and interior decoration of the garage. And how to sheathe a frame garage outside inexpensively depends not only on prices in the market, but also on your ideas. If there is a welding machine, it is best to sheathe a sheet profile. To give the garage aesthetics, siding or a block house will look good. See below a video of the construction of a frame garage for 2 cars with your own hands.

Something I have deprived of my attention men! But they also want to have their own shelter, a cave in the country, and I don't see a better option than building a garage - a workshop. So, men do not like long introductions, so go straight to the plans. On the first one we see a two-story garage with a studio room. Convenient, one might even say perfect! Dimensions are in feet and inches, use the cm calculator.

Simple small beautiful garage for your country house

Garages on summer cottages are usually built separately from the house, as space allows. Look what a beautiful stylish garage project I have found! Small, compact, beautiful! There is even a canopy with a bench to relax.

Garage for two cars with attic

This is a real man's nook, with a living area on the second floor. The garage itself is for two cars. If the space of the site allows, then such a garage can be considered the standard of a male dwelling.

All dimensions are in feet and inches. Convert to centimeters on special services on the network - it's not difficult.

A neat project of a garage of 3 by 8 meters with living quarters on the second floor. A feature of this option is the balcony.

The stairs to the second floor of the garage are located on the side of the street. In the garage itself, a utility block is provided. On the second floor there is a living room with a kitchen, as well as a bedroom and a bathroom with a bath. In fact, this is a complete home for a bachelor! or a secluded place for a man who wants to relax.

Well, several views of the second floor:

Cons of a warm garage in winter

By the way, there is an opinion that a car rots in a warm garage. This is true, therefore, it is better not to do heating in the lower room. A warm home garage can cause a car to age in winter, since it is in winter that roads are everywhere sprinkled with salt and other chemical elements.

This is because in a closed and heated room, the machine begins to defrost. Both splashes and salt residues thaw out and the housing quickly corrodes.

A car protected from the weather with only one roof or the walls of a free-standing cold garage will last much longer. It is not worth building a warm garage just because the car will start faster when warm.

In this case, it is easier to install an electrical heating system in the car. This will save both nerves and finances. If you already have a built-in garage, then it is better to make a guest room or a gym out of it.

Scheme of a simple garage from foam blocks

If you need a simple foam block garage, then here are the standard sizes. There is not much to paint here, the plan is extremely simple.

A more beautiful version of a foam block garage

A worthy project of a garage made of foam blocks for one car. Practical roof structure, two windows, a small lounge also with a window.

Video from the masonry master - a garage from cinder blocks in 2 days

In addition to the plan of the foam block garage, I recommend that you watch the video in which the masonry master shows and tells how they built a garage for a friend in two days. The video is lively, interesting, the construction process is shown with humor and swearing.

Building a cold garage

When building a cold garage, special attention should be paid to the thermal insulation of the room. Indeed, if warm air hits the cold surface of the garage walls, moisture will begin to condense and drain onto the floor.

The gates will also be covered with droplets of water that will get into the locks or thresholds, and this in winter conditions can lead to the fact that the garage simply does not open in the morning. Permanently wet metal parts will quickly rust.

Project of a two-story garage 8 by 8 for 2 cars

This option is stricter, in contrast to the first, which, in my opinion, is more beautiful for women. Men, I know, all these decorators are useless, nevertheless, since we are talking about a garage at the house, then women's opinion should also be taken into account. This project is a 2 car garage with a residential second floor.

How to improve the insulating properties of a garage

The walls of the box are folded from foam blocks. The roof should also be insulated. The garage gates should also be insulated with sheet polystyrene, the thickness of which is 4 - 6 cm, then beat them with plywood or wooden clapboard. It will be easier to insulate the garage from the inside with full OSB sheathing with 16 - 22 mm thick plates.

Project of a two-story garage 4 x 8 meters for 1 car

Here's a simpler project for a two-story single car garage. I even envy - such pretty functional houses - on the second floor there is a shower room where you can wash off the dirt, a kitchenette and a relaxation room where you can sit with friends and cheer on your favorite sports team.

Video - garage workshop with an attic

An interesting video from Forumhouse about how a man built himself a garage - a workshop with an attic. Not finding anything suitable in his search, he decided to build according to an individual plan. See the story and description of the construction of this structure from the author.


With the help of inlet and outlet openings we make natural ventilation of the garage. The openings should also have the basic structures of the garage - floors, walls, partitions, doors.

These holes are best positioned diagonally from each other. The inlet openings should be 20 - 25 cm above the floor, and the exhaust openings 10 - 15 cm below the ceiling. All holes should not exceed 0.3% of the entire garage area in area, otherwise it will be bad to pull.

Budget two-story garage project

This project is designed for one car, as well as a free layout of the second floor. With a budget version, on the second floor, a single space for a closet can be organized, or a full-fledged recreation area for a man.

Carport instead of a garage

If you decide to limit yourself only to a canopy for your car, then it should be remembered that you must ensure the proper strength of the support legs. This is especially important during winter snowfalls, when the roof must withstand significant loads.

Project of a one-storey garage 8 by 8 meters for 2 cars

And this is already a project of one floor, but for two cars, or for one, but with more space for a workshop. I repeat that all sizes in feet and inches can be converted to centimeters on your own.

Video review of the garage

If you are interested in how to optimize the space of your garage, I advise you to watch the video from Eugene, who built himself a garage with an attic with his own hands. The author tells and shows his garage for diagnostics and work with clients' cars. that is, it is a truly professional car repair shop.

By the way, I was interested in the project of a garage with a bath. I don’t know about you, men, but it already seems to me a bit overkill. You have enough shower, but make a bath for the whole family 🙂

Today, almost every second family living in urban or suburban housing has its own car. Therefore, it is not surprising that garages are very popular. And in recent years, garages for 2 cars have become in special demand. They allow you to reliably protect cars from all weather conditions and thieves.

However, it must be borne in mind that when building them, a number of requirements and features must be observed.


A good 2 car garage is difficult to build. You can safely compare it with building a house. Indeed, when designing it, it is necessary to comply with all standards and norms, plus there are also some peculiar nuances. A garage for several cars will be especially relevant for owners of country cottages.

Despite the significant costs of building a double parking lot, many will like it. After all, it will allow you to use the garage not only for the owners of the house, but also for their guests. This is especially true in not too good weather.

A two-car garage has some advantages over a conventional garage:

  • firstly, less building materials are required for it than for the construction of two separate garages;
  • secondly, communications are carried out once;
  • thirdly, if there are two cars in the family, then they are both protected.

When designing a double garage, strength must be taken into account. After all, the structure will not only accommodate two cars. It will still need to allocate space for storing spare parts, tools, equipment and other things. It is necessary to think in advance whether it will be equipped with a jib crane, or it will contain various cylinders, flammable and explosive gases.

And also, before starting the design, you should clearly understand how you plan to use the garage, how the structure can be improved in the future, for example, expanded or added an attic. When building a garage in a garage cooperative, it is imperative to collect information about neighboring buildings, in particular, what their foundations are made of.

There must be a viewing hole in the garage with stationary lights. The standard pit size is 0.9x4 meters... This pit size will allow you to conveniently and safely repair the car. It should be borne in mind that in a garage for two cars, it is better to move the viewing hole relative to the gate... You can make a garage, in which a hole in the basement will be made separately, so that it is more convenient to store gasoline, tires, and so on.

It is important that the building has good air exchange through forced or natural supply and exhaust ventilation. It is best to opt for an axial fan with a power of 80-100 W. Take care of the presence of non-return valves in the fan.

A quality garage foundation is very important. Moreover, it is imperative to take into account the climate of the area and the characteristics of the soil. Walls are erected only after the foundation has completely shrunk... The roof of the garage must be chosen so that it reliably protects against any vagaries of the weather.

It will be useful to think in advance about what kind of equipment will be in the garage. After all, some devices are powered by 380 V, which means you need to install a transformer. It is also important take care of the lighting in the garage, which should be both ceiling and wall.

The garage for 2 cars can be equipped with one or two gates. Correct installation of the gate is an especially important point in this matter. Otherwise, they will be skewed, and difficulties in use will arise.

And also the garage can be equipped with heating, so that in the cold season it is more comfortable to repair the car. Often, autonomous heating is used or shared with the house. The type of heating is selected based on the location of the garage relative to the house.

A place for a building for storing cars is chosen based on:

  • from the depth of the passage of groundwater and communications;
  • moisture and flowability of the soil, its depth of freezing;
  • relief of the earth (preferably flat terrain);
  • convenience of the driveway.

Building materials

Often, a two-car garage is erected by a capital or frame method. For a capital structure, concrete or brick is used. This method is characterized by high labor intensity, the use of heavy equipment and individual skill. Recently, however, frame garages, as well as buildings made of aerated concrete and foam blocks, are gaining more and more popularity.

To better understand which material is still better to choose, it is worth taking a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.


For the frame structure, standard units and parts are used. Basically, assembly work is carried out in frame construction. Of the advantages of frame garages, first of all, it is worth noting their low weight, since they do not have a concrete foundation. Moreover, most of the work can be done independently.

For a frame garage, a floating or columnar foundation is most often used, less often a strip foundation with a depth of about 40 centimeters.

The advantages of a frame building also include the use of mostly natural environmentally friendly materials, simplicity and speed of construction, the ability to perform work at any time of the year.


Brick garages are some of the most popular nowadays. Of course, the main disadvantage of such a garage is its heavy weight. For brick structures, a strip foundation with a depth of 0.6 to 1.2 meters is necessarily used. Moreover, its width should be at least 0.4 meters. To give the foundation more strength, reinforcement or rubble stone is additionally used.

It should be borne in mind that it takes about three weeks for the complete solidification of the concrete mixture. To speed up the drying process, you can add special additives. To avoid cracks, the foundation should be periodically moistened and covered with tarpaulins. Moreover, the base of the foundation needs insulation and waterproofing.

The thickness of the masonry walls is chosen, as a rule, one and a half bricks... Steel reinforcing bars are used to reinforce the wall on every fourth or fifth row of bricks. They are laid in horizontal seams. Vertical reinforcement is used to reinforce corners with ledges.

From foam blocks

Garages made of foam blocks perfectly retain heat, are quick and easy to build, they do not need a heavy foundation. At the same time, the walls, despite their low weight, have good sound insulation, increased frost resistance and are fire and moisture resistant. Foam blocks are bio-resistant material and are environmentally friendly. Among the advantages of this material, its low cost should also be noted.

Despite the large number of advantages, this material also has a number of disadvantages. The most important of them is the fragility of foam blocks, chips are easily formed on them. In second place is the likely shrinkage of the walls if a lot of moisture gets inside. And also the walls of foam blocks need finishing. AND in order to hang something on such a wall, you will need special fasteners.

From aerated concrete

Garages made of aerated concrete blocks are lightweight, which allows you not to use a massive foundation. And also such blocks are durable, environmentally friendly, heat and sound insulation. In addition, aerated concrete is resistant to high temperatures and is fireproof. It is quite easy to build from aerated concrete, as in the future and to operate it.

Like every material, aerated concrete has some disadvantages. For example, if you leave the building without external finishing, then inside it will be very damp... This is due to the high hygroscopicity of gas blocks. Aerated concrete blocks require special plaster, not cement with sand... The main disadvantages are also the fragility of the blocks and the need to use special mounts for placing heavy things on the walls.


When designing a two-seat garage, you should first look at the regulations. According to them, the dimensions of a parking space for one car should be as follows:

  • length - from 5.5 meters;
  • width- from 2.3 meters;
  • height- from 2.2 meters, but it is worth considering the height of the car.

When choosing the minimum size of a building for 2 cars, it should be borne in mind that the distance from the side surfaces must be at least 50 centimeters.

When calculating the height of the garage, you need to consider how comfortable it will be to be in it. In order for the height to be as comfortable as possible, it is worth taking the height of the tallest person in the family and adding another 0.5 meters to it. When calculating the size of a garage for two cars, it is also important to take into account that a car with other dimensions will be purchased in the future. And also in the calculations, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the walls and blind areas. This is also necessary to determine the outer boundaries of the structure.

In a garage for two cars the length of the entrance should be about 5.5 meters... For example, the average sedan is 1.7 meters wide and 4.5 meters long. Thus, the width of the building for two cars will be at least 3.4 meters. When calculating, it is worth considering how the space around the car will be organized so that it is convenient for passengers and the driver to get in or out of it.

The margin of space for a car with the doors open is about ten to fifteen centimeters. To measure the length, you should take a stock of one - one and a half meters.

When planning a garage project, it is worth considering what else will be done with it, for example, a workshop, an attic. In this case, the dimensions should be increased significantly. But it will also be useful to take into account the need for space for storing spare parts and tools. The optimal area of \u200b\u200ba garage for two cars is equal to 50 m2.


The garage construction project will clarify many issues. It is especially necessary for a two-car garage. When creating a project, a construction plan is drawn up, its cost is estimated.

It is worth noting that careful planning and design will allow you to build a garage structure with minimal costs. In addition, the garage project will make it possible to reasonably distribute the work if the construction is not carried out by hand.

As for the options for projects of modern garages, there are many of them. From typical one-story garages with a viewing pit, basement or shed to two-story options with a second residential floor. And also the garage building can be equipped with workshops, storage rooms, lounges, guest rooms, billiard rooms and other additional rooms.

Designing a garage for two cars can be done both independently and using a ready-made option. Among the projects, you can choose both a typical one, of which a huge number is offered, and an individual one from an architect.


The desired zones should be laid down in the project in advance. After all, garage space is often not limited only to parking for cars. A small but very important landing area should be provided.

There is often a workshop area in the garage. By itself, it should at least represent a place reserved for storing tools and spare parts. Often, for ease of use, the garage is equipped not only with a viewing hole, but also with a lift. All this must be foreseen during the planning.

If there is a utility block during the construction, then its zone should also be taken into account. Having thought in advance how the entrance to it will be organized (from the garage or from the street). The residential floor in the garage is most often made the second, and it is also worth providing for a convenient entrance. Recreation areas are also often foreseen in advance.

Thus, if you take care of the zoning of the garage space in advance, you can get not only a functional, but also a cozy and pleasant space.

Examples of buildings

Among the examples of garage buildings, there are quite interesting modern options that deserve attention.

  • Garage for two cars from foam blocks 6x11 meters with a utility block... For this building, a monolithic slab was chosen as the foundation, and foam blocks for the walls. The roof of the garage is made of roof trusses, and metal tiles are chosen as the roof. The walls of the garage are tiled with bricks. As for the doors, they are automatic sectional. The utility block is made in the same style as the garage. The only thing that makes it stand out is its height. The entrance to the utility block is made from the street and from the garage, which makes it even more convenient to use.

  • Garage for two cars 7x13 meters with a residential floor and a utility block... For this building, a monolithic foundation and walls made of foam blocks 2 centimeters thick were used. Moreover, the walls are insulated. The roof is made of a gable with a slope angle of 25 degrees. Metal tiles are used as a roof. The walls are finished with imitation timber, which makes them more comfortable. The doors in this garage are made by automatic roll-ups. In this project, the garage occupies a smaller area than a residential floor with a household unit. It is made compactly with a convenient check-in. There is no entrance to the household directly from the garage. However, from the outside, it is covered by a visor hanging over the first floor, where the household is actually located. The residential floor is the second.

This layout is ideal for a small suburban area where there is no desire or opportunity to build a large residential building. Everything you need for life is conveniently combined with a garage and does not take up much space.

  • Garage for two cars frame 6x10 meters with an atticis also an interesting option. A monolithic slab is used as a foundation. The frame walls are sheathed on one side of the OSB. A wooden staircase leads from the garage to the attic. Flexible shingles act as a garage roof.

As for the exterior decoration of the building, it is represented by siding and decorative stone. The garage windows are glazed with plastic double-glazed windows.

The gate in this project is made by automatic roll-up. The appearance of such a garage is very simple, but at the same time it is spacious inside, and there is a place not only for storing and repairing a car, but also for rest. This option will be an excellent solution for both a suburban area and a garage community.

In the modern world, a car is no longer a luxury, but serves as a necessary means of transportation. As cars have become more affordable, most families have more than one vehicle and private home owners are forced to build multi-car garages.

In this article we will tell you what should be the size of a garage for 2 cars and what you need to consider when planning it.

What to consider when planning a garage

Many people make a gross mistake when planning a double garage, believing that to determine the size of a room, it is enough to simply fold the width of two cars and make a small margin between them. However, these simple calculations are clearly not enough, since they do not take into account all the accompanying nuances.

When planning a garage, in addition to the dimensions of the existing cars, you need to consider such points as:

  • Possibility of safe parking, as well as space for comfortable maintenance of cars;
  • Provide places for temporary or permanent storage of wheels (see), sets of tools, related equipment and other inventory;
  • for vehicle entry and their number;
  • Consider the possibility of connecting the garage with living quarters (see);
  • The optimal size of a garage for 2 cars should provide for the possibility of purchasing a car, which can have any dimensions;
  • Materials and type of roof overlap in order not to have to install additional columns in the center of the garage;
  • Consider the possibility of simultaneous entrance of two cars.

Important. Garage doors and the size of the premises should make it possible to freely operate one of the cars, while not interfering with the departure and maintenance of the other car. The best option would be to install a separate gate for each vehicle, as shown in the photo above.

Determining the size of the garage

When determining the size of the room and drawing up a plan with your own hands, you need to remember that the popular belief “the more, the better” in this case is inappropriate, since each extra meter costs a considerable amount during construction, and the unused space speaks of the irrational use of the area. Of course, you need to start from the dimensions of the cars, but you need to organize additional space around them taking into account the fact that two people, a passenger and a driver, enter the car at the same time.

From here we can deduce the first rule, which states that the size of a two-car garage should provide such space on both sides that will allow the doors to be fully opened without resting on the walls of the garage or a neighboring car. A car with open doors should also have a margin of space, about 10-15 centimeters, to compensate for uneven parking.

Any project of a high-quality garage for 2 cars involves strict calculations and taking into account the requirements of standards. Car owners have to find out how much space this or that type of car takes. But many would like to place in the building, in addition to autoboxes, also workshops. There is so much to consider. So what is the right way to build such a garage?

Car owners, even with one vehicle, prefer to build one garage for two cars at once for several reasons. Firstly, in this way they save building materials in case there is a need for a second parking space. Secondly, communications are carried out only once. And then the car will always be there. But the construction of such a structure implies calculations to achieve optimal dimensions.

When calculating the size of a garage for a car, the first step is to take into account the standards for one parking space. In accordance with GOSTs, they are equal:

  • 5.5 meters long;
  • 2.3 meters wide;
  • 2.2 meters high.

These dimensions are minimal, and if the car is large, then they are increased. But this is not enough. The space around the car is also taken into account. Thus, the standard space occupied by cars with open doors increases by another 10-15 centimeters. To this is added the mandatory gap between the walls, equal to 30 centimeters.

Thus, a garage for a single sedan would be 6.1 meters wide. At the same time, the length of the race is at least 5.5 meters. Together with the additional required space, this makes the length of the building equal to at least 6.8 meters.

Drawings for the construction of such a structure are made independently, due to the simplicity of the form.

What to consider when designing

Even the construction of such a building as a garage requires taking into account all sorts of nuances. In the case of this design, special attention is paid to several points:

  • the presence of a parking lot with a canopy;
  • gate height;
  • the presence of a gate at the entrance to the site.

A parking lot with a canopy at one of the walls of the building is designed in advance so that it takes into account its location and the position of the entrance to the site. The height of the gate is selected taking into account the possible acquisition of a tall machine.

Special designs for two-vehicle garages are fairly easy to find on the internet.

Internal layout

The internal layout of the garage is displayed on the drawings, which are drawn up before the start of construction work. It takes into account the needs of car owners not only in boxes for cars, but also in other premises.

So, garages are combined with workshops and baths. On the layout, such premises are often placed on the side of the parking lot. If the garage acts as an extension to the house, then additional rooms are located opposite the entrance to it. The number of rooms in an average garage, including an autobox, ranges from one to three.

Entry options

A two-car garage is often designed with an entrance so that, if necessary, both cars can pass through it. But this is ideal. In some cases, deviations from this rule are allowed.

There are two main types of entrance to such a garage:

  • separate gates;
  • the only gate.

The first option has a number of advantages. In particular, it allows convenient parking without moving the second vehicle. In addition, space for a second car is rented out if it has not yet been purchased. The main disadvantage of this option is the cost.

For car owners on a budget, a single-entry garage is available. For even greater savings, single-leaf gates are installed. But a more convenient option is sectional, with automation.

GOST 31174 of 2003 requires that the width of the entrance should not be less than six meters.


Combining a garage with utility blocks is a popular solution among car owners who want to save space on their site. They do this by increasing the width of the building by a couple of meters. This is enough to add a workshop or even a mini-sauna to the autobox.

A popular solution is to connect the garage with a carport. In this case, the former serves as a support for the latter. In houses with a high basement and deep groundwater, a garage is combined with a basement or basement floor.

Transport dimensions

The dimensions of the transport that they plan to install in the garage is the most important calculation indicator. The width and length of a standard passenger car are 1.7 meters and 4.5 meters, respectively. But they also take into account oversized vehicles. For example, pickups. Their presence implies a high height, both of the entrance and the building itself. Some types of cars are not put in a garage at all.

Number of storeys

The standard garage is one-story. It is easier to build and allows for fairly tall cars. At the same time, families with cars and not planning to acquire another type of vehicle increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house at the expense of the garage. To do this, they erect an attic floor above it. It is used for various purposes, including as housing. It is important to reflect it on the building project.

Number of gates

Car owners are offered to choose between structures with different arrival:

  • with one gate;
  • with two gates.

The first option is good for those on a budget. Its advantage is that, having saved on the number of entrances, it becomes possible to supply high-quality automatic gates. The downside is that the cars will have to take turns.

The second option lacks such a disadvantage. But it is more expensive. The main way of saving here is the installation of single-section gates that open manually. True, their opening takes much longer.

Necessary materials

The construction of a garage requires, first of all, the correct choice of materials from which it will be built, and their subsequent purchase. When choosing building materials, they take into account factors such as:

  • garage type;
  • its location;
  • sizes;
  • construction budget.

There are different types of building materials, and each of them has certain advantages and disadvantages.

Today they are most often used:

  • lumber for frame structure and roof;
  • brick;
  • foam blocks;
  • aerated concrete.

Frame garages are considered the simplest and cheapest to build. At the same time, many of our compatriots are sure that structures made of more durable materials are suitable for our climate.


Frame garages, like frame houses, have gained popularity in recent years. This is due to the exceptional speed of construction, lower cost and environmental friendliness. In general, the advantages of a skeleton frame look like this:

  • the ability to quickly build with your own hands;
  • the use of environmentally friendly materials;
  • all-season construction work.

In order to build a garage with wooden slabs, there is no need to build a foundation, which makes the construction extremely cheap. And since this is not a residential building, they also save on insulation.

Of course, there were some drawbacks. For example, wireframes are poorly suited for areas with strong winds or extremely low temperatures in winter. In the latter case, they will still require insulation.


Due to its stability and reliability, brick is still the most common building material for the construction of not only private houses, but also garages.

Having chosen a brick, the first step is to start building a foundation for a garage. The most suitable is tape. Since the weight of the brick structure is large enough, the depth is chosen at least half a meter. On average, a meter. Width - slightly less than half a meter. The foundation is strengthened with reinforcement and rubble stone, after which it is poured with concrete.

After the concrete foundation has dried, which happens after two to three weeks, the walls are laid. For a garage, a thickness of one and a half bricks is considered sufficient. To calculate the exact number of bricks, they resort to a simple formula: multiply the width of the wall by its thickness and height and divide by the volume of a standard brick product (usually 0.00195 cubic meters).

From foam blocks

The construction of a garage from foam blocks is preferred by those who appreciate the speed of work and do not have a large enough budget. This material combines lightness with large dimensions. As a result, one block can replace up to six bricks.

In practice, such features of this building material lead to the fact that it becomes possible to save on the foundation. The light weight of the structure allows the lightest type to be erected. As for the thickness of the masonry, one block is enough.

From aerated concrete

The construction of walls from aerated concrete blocks, in general terms, does not differ from the construction of foam blocks. Only the slightly greater weight of this material is taken into account.

Preparatory work

Preparatory work for the construction of a garage structure is not much different from those that are carried out during the construction of a house.

The first step is to determine the size of the required area and clean it of debris. If necessary, the soil is also leveled. After that, they are marked in accordance with the drawings. If the construction involves the creation of a foundation, its location is noted (places for digging trenches or driving piles).

Building materials are purchased based on preliminary calculations of the volume of the building.

Construction stages of the facility

The main stages of building a garage:

  • preparatory work;
  • foundation erection;
  • basement construction;
  • walling;
  • construction of floors, if necessary;
  • roof construction.

The foundation is erected based on the size of the structure and its estimated weight. As noted above, a brick building requires a more powerful foundation than a frame frame. Some garages are built with plinths, so they are equipped immediately after the foundation is ready.

The walls are erected taking into account the type of building - it is one-story or has an additional floor. This moment also affects the construction of the roof, including the choice of its preferred design.

Difficulties encountered

When building a garage, it is necessary to take into account a number of potential mistakes that can even lead to the destruction of the building, not to mention the inconvenience in operation.

  1. The first problem is the incorrect installation of the gate. It is not only about the size, but also about the need to strengthen them.
  2. The second point is the wrong width of the brickwork seams. Do not allow it to be less than 10 centimeters.
  3. The third point is the absence of a separate entrance to the economic block. Car owners often do not understand how convenient it is to have it.

Taking into account these and other nuances will make the use of a brand new garage much more comfortable.


A two-car garage is a great solution not only for two-vehicle owners. This design makes it possible to save on materials and communications. The main thing is to correctly calculate the dimensions and take into account some difficulties.