Drawing of the summer soul from the profile pipe. Summer shower with their own hands - an excellent solution for a country house

One of the most pleasant and useful inventions of humanity is shower. For accustomed to civilized adoption of water procedures of urban residents, there has been no discomfort during their stay in the country area or country households with the possibility of only summer accommodation. The shower on the household site or in the courtyard of a private house, used in the warm season - it is not easy to obtain pleasant and so necessary in the heat of water procedures, but also an important element of landscape design. The appearance of the shower, the panel or simply racks plays a role in the formation of the image of the entire area, and the local area. Those times were passed when the summer souls was a non-frosted structure, designed from materials that remain from the main construction or a shed or attic found on the bumps. Modern building materials, original sanitary decisions and many creative designer ideas are able to make a common place to take the soul of the landscape design with a key element of the furniture area.

Classification of facilities for the summer soul

If we talk about the qualitative division of the summer soul designs, then all models can be classified into open and closed. Such a separation is very conditional, because there are many examples of the structure of the summer soul in semi-closed fencing of spaces. For example, the summer shower can be equipped in the zone fenced with only two partitions, placing on one plumbing accessories, and on a different hooks for placing clothes, towels, and so on.

In addition to the design of the soul itself, summer designs can be divided according to the method of supplying water to capacitive and water supply. In the first case, the reservoir is located above the top of the top of the soul, in which the water is heated from the sun's rays. In the second case, water obtained from the overall water supply system is used.

The choice of water supply system in the watering can directly affects the arrangement of the design in relation to the house. If the summer shower is located near the private house building, then it is logical to use not only a water supply system, but also the drainage of sewage. If the capacitive summer souls is located in the country area or in the courtyard of private home ownership, there is a building, it will be necessary to take care of the drainage system. It is important to understand that it is impossible to simply send the stock of the used water in the garden of the country area or under the trees, because the adoption of water procedures can be accompanied by the use of funds whose impact on plants may have a detrimental effect.

Shower Cabin - Traditional Style

One of the traditional velocities of the summer soul is considered to install the shower. Such a structure can be made of wood (in natural color or painted), polystyrene panels (most often using a metal frame) or other technicians. Moreover, you can purchase a ready-made cabin, order an individual manufacturer or to build a fence for the summer soul yourself (in the presence of elementary skills).

Wooden shower cabin in its natural manifestation is not only a practical structure, but also a beautiful element of landscape design. The natural drawing of wood is perfectly combined with almost any facade finishing material. Not to mention the fact that natural color fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape, relying with perennial plants and other buildings on the site and in the courtyard of a private house. But the wood of the shower cabin will need to be protected from the constant impact of moisture. A wide selection of antiseptics and special varnishes are available, capable of protecting natural material from rotting and not affect wood color.

For anyone who does not want to break their heads over the coatings for the wooden cabin, there is a universal option - painting. Depending on the color solutions taken to design the facade of the building, fashionably choose a harmonious option for a closed facility for water procedures in the fresh air. The first option is the correspondence of the color palette of the architectural ensemble, the combinatorics, both with the main building, and with additional buildings on the site (terrace, gazebo or garage). The second option is the performance of the shower cabin as a color accent. This method of creating a color stain is used infrequently, because the summer shower is a seasonal building, operated in our country only in the summer.

Use the wall of the house for the arrangement of the soul

The location of the summer soul near the wall of the house has its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand it is convenient that you can use the overall water supply system and sewage system located in household. On the other hand, the wall of the building will constantly experience the impact of moisture. It is desirable to protect the surface with a ceramic tile or any other material that effectively opposes high humidity. It is also necessary to trace the organization of a good drainage system. Otherwise, constant cluster of water in the foundation of the building can gradually destroy it.

Another advantage of using the house wall for organizing water treatment places is the ability to use the lighting of the facade of the main building. If you need to take a shower in the dark, it will not be necessary to worry about the availability of artificial lighting - the facade of the building in any case is subjected to illumination for safety and as an element of landscape design.

An excellent way to protect the wall of the house from the constant impact of moisture is a cladding with a ceramic or stone tile. In this case, there is no limit to implement your fantasies and the manifestation of stylistic preferences. Ceramic tile "under marble", monotonous or ornament, large or small - it all depends on your personal preferences. If there is a swimming pool on the site, then it will be logical to agree on the wall decoration to place the soul with the design of the space in the street tank and around it.

Stone tile (or its spectacular imitation) will look luxuriously as a wall decoration to which sanitary accessories are attached - a shower and a mixer. In combination with greens, the stone surface gives the creation of an image approximate to the natural nature.

One of the options for the decoration of space in which accessories are located for the adoption of the soul - the use of metal sheets. Stainless steel or aluminum look great in the composition made in the style of high-tech or any direction of modern stylistics. In order to strengthen the effect of the originality of the finishing material, you can use original accessories - large watering cans of square or rectangular shape, imitation of tropical rain or waterfall.

With the help of a metal sheet, you can build something like a small cabin for taking a shower in the summer at the country area or in the courtyard of private home ownership. A non-zero appearance with more thanks to the cheapest construction and temporary placement at the local area.

Man showering can be equipped with additional opportunities to adopt water procedures. For example, the construction of an additional crane at the lower level of the rack or panel will give you the opportunity to wash only your feet after working in the garden or the ablution of pets directly on the plot.

Shower panel

Any partition can be played as a panel to accommodate the soul - from stone, wood or other materials. The advantage of such structures is that it requires a smaller amount of materials and efforts. At the same time, you get a zone for the adoption of water procedures that abundance of moisture does not harm the main structure. But such a summer soul has disadvantages. The soul's adoption not protected from the wind may cause for colds from households who do not know anything about hardening the body.

Using a beach style for decoring a shower panel can be a highlight of your landscape design. It is not necessary to live on the ocean to be able to apply the panel in the form of a surfboard when arranged a zone for the adoption of water procedures.

To finish the panel to which the plumbing accessories will be attached perfectly fit the ceramic tile or mosaic, reliably protecting the surface from moisture. But also more democratic accounted options can be an effective solution - plastic and polyurethane panels will serve as reliable finish.

The use of non-standard, original plumbing accessories can enhance the degree of uniqueness not only the shower sector, but also the entire landscape design of the country or household site. Large watering cans for imitation of tropical rain, a small waterfall or vice versa miniature mixers, original forms and unusual covers - your fantasy stops only the budget for the construction of the summer soul.

The panel for placing the shower sector can be the sector of the fence. It all depends on the location of buildings on your site, passing systems of communications and the type of fence design. For example, stone concrete, wooden structures (with impregnation and protective coating) can be an excellent base for placing sanitary accessories.

Summer shower on the terrace

A shower rack for water procedures in the warm season can be located on an outdoor terrace, for example, by the pool and serve as a means of ablution before visiting water. Also, the summer shower can be equipped on the covered terrace, which serves as a place of relaxation in the fresh air.

On the one hand, the placement of the soul on the terrace complicate the process of design and training itself - after all, it is necessary to bring the water supply and ensure reliable drain used water. But on the other hand, a sector remote from the main structure provides a minimal impact of moisture (and in the summer season, the owners often use showers) on the building of a private or country house.

Shower rack - original landscape design element

One of the easiest, but with the effective ways to facilitate the soul on the country or the preservation section - the use of a rack with a watering can or any other water supply device. In fact, you only need to provide water supply (as a rule, with these there are no problems, because water pipes pass in any case) and drain into sewage system. With this approach, it is possible to ensure the conditions for the adoption of water procedures, as close as possible to natural and even wild. Stormy vegetation, shower, imitating tropical shower, smells and sounds of nature - what else is needed for relaxing ablution?

Some types of racks, which are a ready-made solution for the arrangement of the summer soul in the country or in a private yard, can be equipped with a tank for heating water from sunlight. The rack itself can perform the reservoir functions. This is a wonderful alternative for regions with water supply interruptions in the summer - you will always have a small supply of water, which is enough for fast shower taking even during the water disconnection in the water supply system.

Summer shower - choose a practical and original design

The owners of country sites are trying to bring water to the house and equip elementary amenities. You can build a summer shower in the country with your own hands, both temporary and capital - the type of future structure is selected depending on individual needs.

Before building the souls in the country with their own hands, it is necessary to competently perform the design, determine the placement of the future structure, choose materials. The room should be stiff, most comfortable and convenient for use.

Choosing a place

In order to provide a quick water drain, the shower is optimally installed on a flat or slightly sublime platform. Do not choose a plot located in a strong lowline or in the pit.

To avoid water stagnation, choose the right place to build a summer soul

The optimal for the summer soul will be an open area, well illuminated by the Sun, which is located in some remoteness from other buildings. In this case, the barrel will be naturally heated under the sun, providing the flow of warm water. This condition can be neglected only if the construction of the shower room with heating water is planned.

At the same time, the site where construction will be conducted should not be too far from the house - after water procedures, it is desirable to get from the shower to the warm room as soon as possible.

Calculation of sizes

During the construction of the summer soul, the following parameters are used standard:

  1. height - 200-300 cm;
  2. length - 190 cm;
  3. width - 140 cm.

An example of a summer soul drawing

The specified dimensions are very convenient to the fact that, taking into account the thickness of the walls, the construction will eventually be released with an area of \u200b\u200b200x150 cm - this is a fully utmost option when using standard sizes. As a result, 100x100 cm will be allocated under the shower cabin, and 600x400 cm under the dressing room.

Required tools and materials

The following tools will be needed:

  • roulette;
  • corner;
  • level;
  • a hammer.

In addition, you need to stock up the nails and the Motka of the Beach. Separately, you need to buy a tank, as well as pipes, a couple of cranes and a divider for the shower. Brick, iron or plastic sheets, wooden boards, for construction of a frame - pipes are suitable as building materials for building a cabin.

Tools required for building a soul in the country

For the foundation and construction of brickwork, a certain amount of cement, sand and concrete will be required, and for the final finishes - insulating materials, paint, plaster, hooks under the clothes, shelves for bathroom facilities and other accessories.

Options for giving shower structures

The easiest option for the cottage is a compact portable shower that is suitable for one-time visa of water procedures, has a standard volume of 20 liters and is designed for water supply for 10 minutes. The principle of operation comes down to filling the water tank and the subsequent heating in the sun, after which the portable shower is attached to a height of 2 meters and is ready for operation.

Portable shower

A simple design also has an open shower, the installation process of which is reduced to the following actions:

  1. fastening to the water pipe branch wall;
  2. connection of the pipe and watering can with the hose;
  3. fixation of the holder of watering can
  4. installing the screen.

A common option for the country area is the so-called domestic with a shower, the design of which involves the presence of a solid modular container or a frame-collapsible block.

Stationary summer soul options for giving

Installation of this design is quite simple - the area marking is made, the upper ball of the soil is removed and smoothed, the pillow of sand with gravel, on top of which boards are stacked. At the soil prepared in this way, the block assembled at the spot or the finished design is established.

Of course, the most common will be stationary souls, but for its construction it will take more effort and time.

Preparation of the basis

The frame structure is erected much easier than the capital construction - depending on the type of construction type, the stages of preparation of the construction site will differ.

For a temporary design, it is enough to simply remove the top layer of the soil from the site 10-15 cm to align it and then fall asleep with sand.

For the cottage capital soul, the foundation is required, the depth of which is determined by the materials that are used for its construction. For example, for a brick soul there will be quite enough foundation, the depth of which will reach 30 cm.

Foundation for the construction of a capital summer soul

The foundation is laid in the following sequence:

  • through the outdoor corners of the future soul, pegs are clogged;
  • the cord is stretched around the perimeter;
  • prepared the place for the pipes (there is a log or a branch, wrapped in rubberoid);
  • concrete solution poured.

Tip! Extend the period of operation of the soul will allow the formwork equipment - the level of all foundation is recommended to increase by 10 cm, lifting it over the ground using boards, strengthened stakes and struts.

Equipment of drain pit

The volume of the pits is usually more than 2 cube. m, while its walls must be strengthened in order to avoid possible scree. The plums are located a few meters from the shower, but not under the structure itself and not at its walls - this in the future will lead to the destruction of the foundation, as well as to the emergence of unwanted smells.

Example of drain pit equipment for summer soul

The stock must be laid with a waterproof layer - the runneroid, hydrohoteloisol, PVC film or a concrete screed (reinforced with a metal grid).

Attention! A widespread error is the use of clay as an insulating material that is blurred and soon clogs the drainage database.

Mounting frame for temporary shower

If a brickwork is performed for the capital construction, the temporary is usually installed frame: metal or wooden. In the latter case, the tree should be treated with special impregnations that protect it from insects and moisture, preventing the formation of fungus and mold.

Wooden frame for summer soul

  1. Marking is done - denotes a rectangle directly on Earth, the sides of which correspond to the size of the future dacha soul.
  2. The bars are installed from the tree, the width of which reaches up to 10 cm.
  3. Pulling is performed - starting from above the design is securely bolted, after which the bars are connected and the bases of shower walls.
  4. Walls are equipped, for the construction of which you can use both boards and slate or plastic panel.
  5. Pipe wiring is performed - the water supply is installed so that the output of the pipe under the shower hose was higher than the head level (this will provide the necessary pressure to move the water). The flow is made to the sump or in a specially equipped septic tank.
  6. The tank is installed - a thread is done, a crane is made with an appropriate nozzle, after which the barrel rises upstairs and fixes.

As a tank for the summer soul, a plastic container is suitable, which can be purchased in a specialized store, or another existing barrel. It is desirable that it be a flat and commensurate area of \u200b\u200bthe structure so that the weight is evenly distributed on the carrying structure. Its volume is selected at the rate of 40 liters per family member, but at the same time the barrel should not be too heavy - its extreme volume is no more than 200 liters!

Tank for heating water from the sun

Tip! In order for the owner of the cottage to do not occur every time on its own to wear water into the tank, you can equip it with automatic filling.

Lighting and Ventilation of the Holy Soul

By independently making wiring, it is important to follow all the rules of the electrical installation and adhere to safety. Separately due to high humidity, take care of the insulation of the wiring.

Summer Ventilation Window

The inner shower finish should be performed from moisture-resistant materials: plastic panels, linoleum segments, oilcloth, etc. If wood is used, each separately taken board is covered with hot oil.

The concrete floor is usually covered with plastic lattices or wood, rubber mats are spilled on top. It is fairly convenient to equip directly into the shower small locker room. In order for it to do not fall into it, the floors in it climb a couple of centimeters slightly - it is easy to achieve, additionally putting the pallet.

Summer Soul Interior

As for the outer finish, the similar materials will be harmoniously, which are already used to design a country house and other buildings available on the site.

To use the soul not only in the summer, but at the colder time of the year, it is recommended to be insulated with the help of polystyrene foam, which is stacked into the inner space and on top of the PVC film. Walls usually face either plastering, weed with clapboard or siding.

How to build a summer shower at the cottage: video

Types of summer soul: photo

Most Russian dacities during their nature are engaged not only (and not so much) with rest, how much useful work. In general, a person has to use his land plot with maximum benefit. Therefore, even in small areas there is a para-triple of beds, on which someone necessarily works. And if there is no beds, that is, lawns, which also require care.

As a result, in the late afternoon, tired people want to take a shower, dinner and calmly relax. Therefore, usually after, which is up to the first thing, most people try to create conditions for hygienic procedures. In this case, not everyone strives to build or overhaul with heated water. But the summer shower can be seen almost on each site.

Although it is a lightweight facility, the place for it needs to be chosen, guided by considerations of practicality.

You should not put a shower "where you have":

  • It is advisable to choose a pad located on the elevation so that shower strokes are freely removed, and the swamp is not formed under the shower.
  • Since summer shower is assumed that only the energy of the sun will be used to heat the water. Therefore, it is necessary that the water tank, located on the roof of the construction, was in the sun as longer during the day. For this reason, you should not put a shower under the trees or in the shade of other buildings.

Thus, the souls need to be built on an even or elevated open place and preferably at some distance from the house so that there is a place to organize water drain.

You can not deal with water removal issues only if you decide not to "fool your head" with the construction of even the simplest building, but use a portable shower in the form of a large plastic bag with watering can (usually its volume does not exceed 20 - 25 liters). Such an improvised shower can be hung on any branch and use a swamp without a risk after washing the whole family. A small amount of water a couple of times a week soil will take without problems.

In all other cases, it is necessary to praise the discharge of wastewater. Especially since soap water is not so harmless to the surrounding soil.

This question is solved by itself, based on its own preferences, material opportunities, as well as primary materials existing in the country (often remaining after).

If you get a plastic shower unit, then this question is generally becoming irrelevant. The block is a single whole, you will only remain to prepare the platform for its installation.

If nevertheless decided to build with your own hands, then, most likely, you plan the construction of a frame design. Therefore, the first thing you need to decide which material to choose to build a frame.

  • The most common material for the shower carcass is a tree. First, in the country, there are almost always a small stock of bars and boards left after the construction of a house or kitchen. Secondly, the construction of a wooden frame under the power even inexperienced in the construction of a person. The only condition: it is necessary to take into account that the shower cabin is constantly exposed to water, so all wooden structures need to be treated with impregnations that prevent deep wet of wood that will inevitably lead to its rapid destruction. It is also important to process that part of wooden racks that will be broken into the ground. To do this, you can use bitumen mastic, exhaust oil or special impregnation.
  • The second most popular material for the frame is a light metal profile or profile steel pipes. Threaded connections are used to assemble the steel frame.

  • Recently, plastic pipes (polypropylene or PVC) are often used for sackers of shower cabins, which are simply put on the segments of reinforcement, driven into the ground. Plastic frame is the inexpensive and most resistant to the effects of dampness. True, buildings on such a basis are not distinguished by rigidity and durability. In addition, most construction wall materials cannot be used to cover such a soul. Usually, a dense opaque plastic film or tarpaulin serves as a wall fence. Yes, and a large water tank will not put such a frame. But the shower turns out collapsible and in the fall it can be easily turned into "spare parts" and remove to spring.

The material for the walls of the walls is determined by the selected type of frame. If it is a tree or metal, then the shower can be practically anything, starting with a tree and ending with professional flooring, polycarbonate, plastic and other modern materials.

You can organize water removal from the shower in two ways:

  • arrange a drain pit;
  • perform the simplest drainage.

The second option is suitable for the summer soul, which is operated only periodically, while the volume of the volume is small. Drainage can be arranged directly under the shower, drove part of the soil and replacing it with a pillow of sand and gravel or broken bricks. Also, the site can be careed with a cobblestone.

If the soil is on the ground plot, you will have to remove the ground to a depth to 100 cm and fill the pit with alternating layers of sand and rubble. The top layer is crushed stone, lower sand.

If the actively use of the shower is supposed to use detergents, you will have to do the drain pit. It can be placed either directly under the structure, but it is still a bit aside.

If the ground on the site is normal, then there are enough pits with a depth of 1 - 1.5 m. If the clayey is better to deepen on 2 - 2.5 m. The walls of the pit must be protected about collapsing by posting them with brick or stone. Many people use large-diameter automotive tires for this purpose. It is often also used as a well to use a conventional garden barrel without the bottom in the ground.

The size depends on the planned sieve sizes. The room should be small, but convenient for use by all family members. Therefore, most often the shower is divided into 2 parts - the "pre-banker", where they leave dry clothes, and the shower itself.

The most common cabins have the following dimensions:

  • width - 100 - 120 cm;
  • length - 140 - 160 cm.

There are buildings of both smaller and large sizes. But those that are less than 1.2 * 1.2 m are not too comfortable.

Wooden grids that do not interfere with the drainage liquor can be used as the floor of the shower cabin.

You can also find steel pallets with a drain hole. Such a pallet is connected to the drain pit. But its installation will require a platform concreting. The presence of such a pallet allows not to engage in the execution of drainage under the shower.

For a comfortable operation of the shower, you will need to set the tank above it is quite large. Its volume is chosen based on the number of family members and an exemplary water consumption of 40 l / person.

As a tank (or tanks), metal or plastic barrels painted in a dark color can be used. They are mounted right above the shower. Now you can find flat tanks for water, directly intended for installation on the roof of the shower. Modular showers are usually equipped with a built-in tank.

If the tank is large, then for its installation, it may be necessary to build a separate carrier frame.

To comply with the hygienic purity of water in the tank, the possibility of its washing with flowing water with dirty water plums at the bottom point of the tank should be implemented. This will remove the sediment from the bottom of the tank and disinfect it. In order to avoid getting into the capacitance of mosquito larvae and garbage, the top hole of the tank is better to close the shallow mesh.

For those who want to use shower not only in summer, but also in the fall, there are tanks with installed ones. Being connected to the power grid, they allow you to quickly heat the required amount of water to the desired temperature.

Since it is difficult to raise water to a height of more than 2.5 m manually, usually filling the container is made using a pump.

What else to take into account

Considering that in the summer, the light day is rather long, the soul can be neglected.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the room is small and it is almost always raw. When organizing electrical lighting, you need to comply with all the rules and precautions of the laying of electrical wires. This will not be afraid of shocking current during washing.

It is better to organize a small window in the shower wall. The transmitted light is quite enough for comfortable washing.

Humidity in shower

In order for the shower from the sanitary room not to become a seatingman for damp and mold, it is necessary to provide good air ventilation.

If the shower is light, with proces, then he will be well ice. If the room is a capital with solid walls, then you need to provide a hole in the upper part of the wall. It will allow heated wet air to quickly leave the volume of shower and accelerate the burr.

This is a matter of purely host. But still beautifully decorated shower can serve as a decoration of the site. Therefore, the moisture-boring plants can be planted near it, which, with abundance of water, will grow quickly, and your shower will turn into a fabulous house, which will be happy to visit both adults and children.

Hot weather is a big rarity on most of our country. On cold days, it is simply not possible to heat the water in the tank to the desired temperature. Wishing to take an ice shower is not so much.

Under the summer shower, most people imply a simple design with a barrel on the roof. Such a shower has the following drawbacks:

  • water in the tank is very quickly blooming;
  • there are constant problems with the bodie filling;
  • it is impossible to maintain the desired water temperature.

To embody the idea, you need to get acquainted with the Councils of Cleells. Country souls will allow the family with comfort to take water treatments.

Mobile shower works on the following principle. Any container is installed next to the device. It can be a bucket or a basin. Warm water poured into it. After that, the end of the hose is lowered in the packag.

A device that downloads water into the shower, outwardly resembles a rug. To one end of the pump connects the hose with watering can. Thus, it is possible to get a flow of water that will come during the trash in the rug. This option is convenient because the mobile shower can be used not only in the country. The device will be useful to people who want to abide by hygiene during a hike. Even in such Spartan conditions you can wash. The advantage of such a soul is the ability to adjust the water temperature.

How to make a summer shower in the country with your own hands - for the construction of the reliable design, the photos and dimensions are carefully selected.

When building a stationary soul, the owner needs to resolve the question of where the water is removed. If there is already a similarity of the drain pit, then you can take water right there. But this is not the best solution, since many people use bacteria to process wastewater. An increase in humidity will have a negative effect on the purification rate of the contaminated fluid.

In the process of building a shower, it is best to make a separate drain pit. To strengthen the bottom of the pits, you can use broken bricks.

It is hard to strengthen the pit, divert on sandy soil. Its walls will be blurred by wastewater during operation. Therefore, it is necessary to strip the walls of sandy deepening by boards.

The owner can save when building a shower due to materials. For the construction of the soul there is no need to erect. During the construction of the base, foundation blocks are most often used. They are exhibited by level and souls are lifted by 20 cm above the ground level.

Such a height is enough that the treated wood does not start. During the construction of the base, it is absolutely necessary to use wood. You can cook the body from the metal, and put it on the paving slabs. If desired, you can strengthen the base, the bay of its concrete.

There are no certain standards regarding the framework. Shower cabin, as a rule, consists of several parts. In one compartment you can arrange a locker room. In another room there is a water heater. Firewood can be used as fuel.

You can attach the room to store the inventory to the soul. If you are planning a more easy design, you can use the following option - instead of the door, hang the curtain. This will facilitate the design and will reduce the cost of construction. Be sure to consider the growth of people who will go to the shower. The optimal height should be 2.2 meters. The width of the design should be at least 0.9 meters. In the manufacture of a frame, not only metal, but also a tree can be used.

For the manufacture of a metal frame, it is advisable to use corners with a thickness of at least 4 millimeters. The width of the shelf depends on the load. The frame will hold the water tank. What if you plan to put a plastic capacity of 100 liters?

In this case, it is necessary to carry out the handling of the shower cabin on both sides with special lining. This material is considered the most practical. It has an attractive appearance and is able to withstand a wet environment long enough. But for this it is necessary to handle the lining with a special solution.

To make a metal frame, you can use trimming of metal pipes. The thickness of the pipe wall must be at least 3 mm. Otherwise, the soul design may not withstand the load.

Strengthen the framework at the expense of the root. To do this, weld to the design additional corners. In the absence of a welding machine, you can fix with bolts.

To build a shower in the country, you need to calculate the volume of the tank. For a family of 4 people will have to put a barrel with a volume of 100 liters. For the manufacture of a wooden frame, you can buy a bar. BRUSEV mount is carried out on the spike-groove system.

Summer shower for giving with their own hands can be built without the use of expensive materials.

The film is considered the cheapest material to cover the soul walls. The lack of such an option is too small life. After a year you will have to buy a new film. Therefore, summer houses prefer more reliable materials that can hold out several seasons.

Preference is better to give tissue with impregnation. This material is used for the manufacture of tents and tents. When buying lumber, consider that it is impossible to use fresh lining. The reason lies in the fact that any lumber passes the destruction.

During the drying process, the material loses the form and former dimensions. This affects the quality of the lumber. On its surface there may be various defects that reduce strength. Cleaning and cracks are the most common drawbacks that have a negative effect on wooden structures. In the design built of fresh sawn timber, already a year can appear gaps. Shower in the country with their own hands, drawings, sizes, photos are interested in many users who wish to warn themselves from these shortcomings.

For the trim, you can use a professionalist left after the construction of the fence.

Polycarbonate - transparent material that will decorate any shower. Do not allow the appearance of the cracks, as dust and moisture will fall in them. This is a favorable medium for the reproduction of algae. Gradually, the polycarbonate walls will completely cover greenish vegetation.

When erecting a shower, you need to provide a ventilation system. Permanent humidity can lead to wood rotting. A fungus that destroys the design appears on the walls.

As a tank for the shower, any container will fit. It can be a metal or plastic barrel. However, plastic barrels are worse than water. For the middle strip it can be critical, as water requires heating.

Icewater is unlikely to like the owner of a country house. Although plastic containers are cheaper than metal. But this is the only dignity of such barrels. It is best to install metal containers. They are not only easier to install. The owners do not have to think about how to fix the metal barrel. In such a capacity, water will warm up much faster. The water heating process can be accelerated if you paint the container into the black color. The disadvantage of such an option is the appearance of rust.

People wonder how to make souls in the country with their own hands and how to choose the right water capacity, when studying the photo of the construction, you can decide on the right choice of design and water container.

Sometimes septic tank is installed directly under the shower. In this case, the boards are laid with a gap of 3 mm. Water will flock down and get directly into the drain pit. In sandy soil water will not be stamped.

But for clay soil, this option is not suitable for the septic. To organize a normal drain, it is necessary to dug a hole elsewhere. Pallet for construction septica can be bought in the store. The finished pallet must be selected based on the size of the future building. All over the perimeter, it is necessary to install bars, otherwise it will hang out.

The foundation can be put out of bricks. At the bottom of the construction you need to lay a layer of gravel with a thickness of 15 centimeters. After that, the pipe is installed for drain. After concrete freezes, you can continue the construction of a shower.

Most daches have a desire to swim in the soul after earthworks. The procedure has a positive effect on human health. Of course, you can buy a shower in the finished form. But it will increase the building costs.

Cheaper to make shower independently, without the help of specialists. Water should fire under a definite slope. Do not forget to work on the work on the soul waterproofing. With the help of a waterproofing film, you can prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor. To do this, it is necessary to put a special grid. The recommended depth of the drain pit is 2 m.

To maintain heat, you need to install a polycarbonate roof from above. It will create a greenhouse effect. The mandatory element of the tank is a sensor that informs the user about the water level. In the absence of water, they can overdo it. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor this parameter. To equip the floor in the shower you need to install a drain pipe.

How to be if there is no plumbing in the house? To fill the tank you have to carry water by vendors. This is too time consuming. Before building a soul, think about water supply. If there is a water supply system, the tank can be filled quite quickly. Just open the faucet and wait until the container is filled to a certain level.

Advanced house owners have come up with a scheme that automates this process. You can do this with a float system. It is necessary to provide for the installation of the system, which is designed to drain excess water. According to the law of physics on top there is the milder water. Therefore, water fence is carried out on top. At the bottom of the tank you can install a hose for draining water into the sewer.

Of course, you can use the energy of the Sun. At the same time, you will not have to spend money on electricity. However, this method has a significant drawback. With the help of the Sun, it is difficult to warm up a large amount of liquid. In addition, this method can be implemented not in all climatic zones.

In this case, you can use heating using devices that use electricity. Teni can warm the water to the desired temperature. A person who has decided to take a shower itself sets the temperature regime.

In order for the wagbell water where the wipe water, it is necessary to attach a piece of foam. Therefore, water fence is made from above. To accelerate water warming, you can make a serpentine.

The shower can be built at the farthest end of the site, near the fence. On sandy soil water will not linger in sump. Due to the rapid water absorption, it is possible to avoid rotting wooden materials that are used as trimming materials.

When the soul is erected near the fence, the owner receives an advantage. In this case, it is enough to install 3 columns. To post posts, it is necessary to dig a pits with a depth of 78 cm, to fall asleep with rubble, tumble and pour concrete.

After alignment, the floor proceeds to the processing of wood. You can buy aspen boards and soak them with a protective layer. Then the sawn timber is treated with a grinder.

When installing shelves, take into account the weight of the barrel. It must withstand the load at least 100 kg. Corners will rust during operation. To increase the service life of the metal frame paint with special paint, which can be applied directly to rust.

To install polycarbonate, you can use self-drawers. Violation of technology can lead to cracking of polycarbonate sheets in sunny weather.

Therefore, people prefer the summer soul equipped with a heating system. To get a convenient and practical design, you need much attention to pay for the construction site. A draft after the shower can lead to a cold. With the help of Tanno, you can heat the water to a certain temperature even in cold weather.

  1. There should be a distance of at least 5 meters between the design of the shower and the drain pit.
  2. Earthworks can be passed only after calculating the volume of the drain pit. One person accounts for 0.5 cubic meters.
  3. When laying pipes, follow the bias from 3 to 5 degrees.

The simplest design of the drain pit is the form of Cuba. But this option has a significant drawback. Walls of such a pit lose strength.

It is best to use a drain pit of a cylindrical shape. In this case, the load is distributed evenly and the likelihood of destruction is reduced. In order to increase the service life of the soul design, it is necessary to use a biological basis. Many bacteria are able to recycle waste. Water will be absorbed faster into the ground.

The advantage of a plastic tank is that the water does not bloom in them, butts do not rust, and the properties of water does not change.

Electric heaters can be put on their own hands. However, it is best to purchase a finished tank equipped with a built-in heater. In this case, the system controls all parameters in automatic mode. The installation has a control panel and independently turns off in case of emergency situations.

In the shower elevated humidity. Therefore, during construction, the following points should be taken into account:

  1. Instead of an iron pallet, it is advisable to use plastic ladders. They provide good air circulation and prevent stagnation of water.

To put the garden shower on the household plot is recommended in the following cases:

  • the country house does not have engineering networks. The lack of water supply significantly complicates the arrangement of a stationary soul in the room;
  • gardening house is used only for short-term recreation in the summer time. If in such a room to build a shower cabin, then there are large problems with preparing for its negative temperatures. You need to completely remove water from the system, prevent freezing of pipelines, etc.;
  • in order to save energy. Water for the garden soul can be heated only from sunlight. If there is a desire to expand the functionality of the shower, you can also connect electrical heating, but use it only with unfavorable weather;
  • financial funds do not allow building expensive capital bathrooms.

The presence of a garden soul significantly increases the comfort of relaxation at the country site, it can be frozen after work on the beds, etc. In one article, it is impossible to list all possible options for arranging a garden soul, each owner can make its changes depending on preferences, skills, characteristics Terminal area and financial opportunities.

In order for inexperienced builders it was easier to choose the optimal version of the garden soul, we give the table of the most frequently used structures with a brief description of their characteristics.

Name of design elementTechnical description
FrameCan be made of wooden bars or metal. The dimensions of the bars are about 50 × 50 mm, the racks of at least 20 × 30 mm are used for the manufacture of lateral stops. The metal frame is better to do from square or rectangular profiles with a size of at least 20 × 20 mm.
Outer surfacesAll options for lining, including genuine, are suitable. Profiled metal sheets, cellular or monolithic polycarbonate are widely used. The cheapest options are polyethylene film or dense fabric.
Water removalSome options may have special septic tanks, and for most drives are not required. Several tens of liters of water are quite successfully absorbed into the soil, especially if it is in its composition relates to sandy or sampling species.
Capacities under waterApply both metal and plastic containers. The optimal option is to buy tanks for the shower in specialized stores. The minimum capacity of 100 liters, the external surfaces need to be painted in black.
Water heatingSunny rays or combined with electric tan. The specific choice is recommended to do with the climatic zone of residence and time to use the shower.

Sad shower

The construction of the soul consists of several stages, their observance allows you to avoid many troubles.

Stages of the construction of a garden soul

The following conditions for the placement of the garden soul listed below will increase the comfort of its use, reduce the volume of construction work and increase the time of use. These conditions are considered universal and should be taken into account in the construction of any embodiment.

  1. Location. The shower must be located on a well-lit place of the garden plot, it is very desirable on the hill. If the ground is sandy or sampling, then this location will allow to do without septic or dirty water drive.
  2. The distance between the shower and the residential building should be minimal. It can be brought to the economic buildings, a garage, etc. The main thing is that after water procedures there was a place for shelter, which will exclude the likelihood of the body's hypothermia in unfavorable weather.
  3. Methods of filling capacity under water. In all cases, the distance from water sources to the shower must be small.

After the issues with the arrangement of the structure, the size and type of design should be determined, the manufacture materials. As we mentioned above, the choice is huge and depends only on the owner of the site.

You can not build a frame, but place a shower can be placed on one of the walls of existing buildings, having previously accepted special measures to protect it from moisture. There are options for placing a shower rail on an open space (vertical support, tree branch, etc.).

The original solution - the water tank is installed on the ground, and the feed is ensured using a special device, the so-called "Toptun". It has the kind of rubber rug with mounted water supply pumps. They alternately need to be pressed with legs, water is absorbed from the tank and under pressure is supplied to the shower. At the same time, exercise, and shower. An excellent option can be installed anywhere in the country area. For the arrangement of such a garden soul, neither construction skills or materials nor time.

In this article we will focus in detail on two more complex, but more comfortable options. For the construction of these structures, building material is needed and a little time and experience. Frame manufacturing materials - wood or profiled rental. Standard design dimensions 100 × 100 cm around the perimeter and 220 cm height. It should not be reduced, it will be inconvenient. If you want to make a separate place to change and store the bath accessories in the shower, then you can increase the perimeter of the structure.

Step-by-step manual construction manual with wooden frame

Step 1. Make the markup of the concrete slab base. To simplify water removal, it is recommended to leave the soul insertion to the natural absorption of moisture. From the ground it should be pre-removed the fertile layer, pour out a sandy pillow with a thickness of 10-15 cm., Turn and level the platform.

Step 2. Prepare formwork. You need to make two square boxes. One of the square side is about 100 × 100 cm, the second inner side of the square of about 60 × 60 cm. The formwork height is at least 10 cm, use the boards with a thickness of about 20 mm and a height of 10-15 cm. If you are afraid that the boards will turn under load Concrete, then around the perimeter strengthen the formwork with wooden or metal spikes. Corners Check the carbon, formwork can be collected on ordinary nails.

Step 3. Install the formwork on the prepared platform, check its position. Little box should be located exactly in the center large.

Step 4. Prepare concrete for fill. For the manufacture you will need cement, sand and gravel in proportion 1: 2: 3. The accuracy of the proportions of great importance does not have the strength quite enough for small loads. Pour the formwork with concrete, with a flat rack, align the top surface horizontally. Give about 10 days to set the solution.

Step 5. Remove the formwork and start making a frame. For it, bars are required by the size of 50 × 50 mm or more, the amount of material is easy to calculate. It is necessary to add the length of four vertical racks to the sum of the two perimeters.

Step 6. Make a base for vertical racks. You can connect the bars in Poltera, in the middle of the base should be made jumpers, it will serve as an additional focus for the wooden soul lattice. Watch all the angles to be straight, connect bars with nails or screws. Brucks of the base (framework) must lie around in the middle of the concrete slab, specific dimensions do not matter.

Important. Be sure to impregnate several times the base effectively antiseptic. Stop between frame and concrete waterproofing is not necessary, it will only harm. The fact is that the water falls on the insulation on top, it cannot absorb to the concrete. As a result, wooden structures are in force with water for a long time.

Step 7. Screw the vertical racks in size, they need 4 pieces. Cut better with a manual electrical saw if it is not, you can use the ordinary hacksaw.

Step 8. Start the installation of vertical racks. For fixing it is better to use galvanized metal corners. They simplify and facilitate work and guarantee the proper stability of the design. Install yourself vertical racks can not be installed, attract the helper. Temporarily secure the rack by any sections of the boards, in the future they will be replaced by real estrangements. Constantly check the verticality of the racks, use the level.

Step 9.. Make a second square from bars, the sizes are identical to the first, the water tank will be installed on it. If the container has a large volume, then it will have to put several jumpers, the distance between them depends on the size of the container.

Step 10. Using the corners, secure the upper square on vertical racks. Check all the framework elements by the level, if necessary, correct errors. You can put wooden wedges in the connection places, this will not affect the strength and stability of the structure.

Step 11. Take the time to remove temporary struts and install constant. Use the same bars as for the manufacture of the frame. The length of the strut must be equal to the distance between the vertical racks, the ends are stored at an angle of 90 °. For fixation, use the same galvanized metal corners. The struts are the most responsible frame knot, take all measures to ensure maximum strength.

Step 12. Frame is ready - start the shearing side surfaces. Material for plating is used any. You can make the door to the entrance or use the revealed curtain. If the casing is solid, windows should be provided under the ceiling. Leave ordinary holes, you can close them with glass or film. Cutting seats on external corners It is recommended to close with smooth edged boards.

Step 13. Set the roof of the carcass with water container.

Practical advice. If you plan to take a shower and in rain weather, then the roof should be covered with a piece of metal products, and under the outlet of the soul, make a hole.

Step 14. Color wooden surfaces of durable paint for outdoor work.

You can install electric tanes to heat the water, but it is definitely necessary to execute PUE rules.

Step-by-step manual construction shower with metallic frame

For the manufacture of a frame, you will need a metal profile tube, a bulgarian, a welding machine, a tape measure and level.

After making metal surfaces, it is recommended to protect the paint from corrosion processes for external work. The amount of metal is determined based on the sizes of the frame, as is done, we were told above. Water container is better to use the purchase, the length and width of the design is adjusted by its size.

Step 1. Draw a sketch of the frame with the length of each element. Do not rush, carefully consider ways to strengthen vertical racks. To enhance the loaded nodes, it is possible to use pieces of sheet metal with a thickness of at least 1 mm. Prepare squares or triangles with a side of 10-15 cm. Watch that the angle is straight, and the cuts are smooth.

Step 2.. Cut the barrage blank. It is necessary to cut in compliance with all safety regulations, Bulgarian is a very traumatic tool. If you have a lot of identical details, it is recommended at the beginning to measure accurately and cut off one, and then use it as a template. This increases the accuracy of the elements.

Important. Follow the cutting disk to rotate in the right direction. With proper installation, the sparks must fly towards the master, but some so work is inconvenient and they change the direction of rotation. It is very dangerous, during the snacking, the Bulgarian throws on the worker, which can cause large injuries. Hold the tool with hands is impossible, too much thrown out.

Step 3. Start welding the frame. In order for the welded seam to be durable, withstand the welding modes. The thickness of the electrode and current indicators depend on the profile parameters. For the frame, it is enough for the pipes to have a wall with a thickness of 1-2 mm, such a rental has the desired physical strength and fully maintains the load of the tank with water. For welding, we recommend using an electrode Ø 2 mm, make sure that the slag is uniformly blown from the surface of the molten metal and the seam was solid.

How to weld the design?

  1. Prepare a smooth workplace, sizes must be so that the largest elements are freely placed.
  2. Install two welded parts on the desktop, check the position for the kitchen. As we mentioned, the angle should be straight, and the details lie in the same plane.
  3. Take the details on the one hand, the length of the tape is not more than a centimeter, let the metal be cooled. During the cooling, the node will lead to the side, the correctness of the situation will violate.
  4. Throw the corners with a hammer, turn the details with the involving side. Check out the size and spatial position again.
  5. Carefully weld the items on the other hand, you can now make a seam along the entire length.
  6. Turn over the node again and make a full weld on the patter. At the same time weld metal pipes from all sides.
  7. Remove slag from the surface of the seam and check the welding quality. If there are large sinks, then overlap the re-seam.
  8. Bulgarian remove sharp metal flows.

In this way, two side planes of the frame can be prepared independently, it will remain combined into a single design. Alone make it very difficult, it is better to call an assistant. One will hold the elements, and the second welding them. It is necessary to constantly check the angles, do not rush. Practice shows that the alteration of the wrong welded frame always takes a lot more time than attentive testing of the size and spatial position during the workpiece of structural elements.

The vertical racks and the pad under the tank is better made from a rectangular or square pipe, with the same sizes with a round, they have significantly better characteristics of physical bending strength and compression. As jumpers, except for sheets in the corners, you can use any roda, square or fittings. There were some pieces of profile pipe sufficient length - apply them.

Step 4. Below we weld the platform under the screen of the crate. Dimensions of values \u200b\u200bdo not have, it is intended only for the stop. The grille can be made unsaturable or assemble from individual elements. For the manufacture, take smooth lumber, the thickness of the boards or rails should withstand the weight of washable. If you have thin materials, then make several jumpers for them.

Step 5. Set the frame to the location of the shower. It can be a concrete site or ordinary temporary stones from stone. The second option is preferable for several reasons. First, there is no need to engage in earth and concrete works. Secondly, at any time, if necessary, shower can be transferred to another place.

Metal frame - an old lattice sweeping

If at the bottom of the vertical racks to fight legs with supporting platforms from sheet steel. The dimensions of the platforms are approximately 20 × 20 cm, this is sufficient to guarantee the stability of the structure. Such a platform makes shower more mobile when transferring, for installation it will be necessary only to align the land under the supporting platforms, this work occupies a few minutes.

Practical advice. Many worries the removal of water. If your cabin is located next to the entrance of the house, and the pavement tracks everywhere is everywhere, it is recommended to do a dirty water drive. If the souls are located behind the buildings, then you can not waste time and efforts to build taps. For hygiene procedures, there is a 10-15 liters of water to one person, such a small amount without any problems will adhere to the ground. For complete calm, you can dug a hole under the shower under 2-3 automotive tires, water will accumulate in it. After transferring the carcass, the tires are removed, and the pit is falling asleep.

Step 6. Place the cabin in terms of level, make sure that the racks were strictly vertical, and the container is horizontal.

Step 7. Clean the surface of the metal structure from rust, oily stains and dirt, check the skeleton stability. Everything is normal - you can start painting. Color paint pick up at will, the main thing is that it is suitable for staining metal surfaces and for outdoor use. Do not be lazy to staining to do very well, use tassels, thoroughly rub the paint into the frame. If one layer is not enough for uniform coating, then you have to repeat.

Metal frame covered with primer

Step 8. Install the water capacitance on the top platform, attach the shower watering can. If you wish, you can make an additional discharge for a set of warm water at various business purposes.

Water underwater through a tee with cranes on the brass

If there is no doors in the cabin, but only a plastic curtain is inserted, the wind can poison it inside the cab. It creates certain inconvenience while taking the soul. Correct the situation in several ways:

  1. Take to the curtain in several binding places. Such a two approximately in the middle of the height.
  2. Take away next to the polyethylene curtain any "Visulki". The main selection criterion is the weight. What they are harder, the better to hold the curtain.

If there is a desire to increase the comfort of the adoption of the soul, it is better to attach the door. For its manufacture, you can use both lumber and metallic rolling. The design of the door is elementary, hanging on the side vertical supports.

During the manufacture of a frame, consider this moment, material and time will need a bit, and the convenience of using the shower will increase significantly. In the compartment you also need to install lattices made of wood.

Silicone rug so that they don't slide legs on wet boards

If the shower will use the children, then it is necessary for them to install a shower can with a flexible hose. Water shift shift faucet position at such an altitude so that children can easily reach it without any problems.

Video - Garden Soul Options