Liquid screed floor with their own hands. Bulk floor or screed What is better: what is the difference between cement screed from the bulk sex

Consider visually two types of floor-haired and wet devices (liquid) made by the usual method for subsequent finishing flooring (tiles, porcelain stoneware, laminate, linoleum) The main causes of the cracks are described on this page. Cracking a photo of a clip with cracks is borrowed from the forum of the finishers "City of Masters".

Minuses of "Liquid screed" - Malaya strength, big shrinkage and numerous cracks

So the usual wet screed looks like. The photo is clearly visible cracks from shrinkage caused by an overwhelmed amount of moisture in cement mortar, such a screed does not comply with the standards for subsequent styling of the finishing coating, when walking in the seams area, the movement of individual pieces is possible, a deflection and bending of the tie, deaf sound, are possible, Coverage. With the full operation of such a surface and laying on her tiles, linoleum is not allowed, it is fraught with dismantling of the floor which serves as "clean floor"

The screed made by the method of semi-dry chatting reinforced by a non-steel mesh, and the fiber optic looks quite different, has a smooth surface, durable to compression and on the gap, good adhesive properties to the surface when laying floor coatings.

Work in these photos, made by our company on the construction of IT Technopark MFTI

The technology of such a screed differs from the usual amount of water in the manufacture of a solution sufficient only to hydrate cement. Also, the semi-dry screed is placed on the dividing film, the film cuts it off from overlapping preventing fast absorption of moisture from the solution in the overlap And the hitch of the solution with the reason that the floating effect attracts, that is, the screed is incompatible and does not have adhesion with the basis, the only requirement to neglect is prohibited when laying on a polyethylene film, thickness, the thickness of the screed must be at least 40 mm. How we do this surface of the floors can be read

Unlike concrete construction, the self-leveling screed for the floor does not need beacons when pouring and equalizing the surface after hardened. Only one category of dry mixtures is self-confined self-election properties.

For tie under flooring, a budget mineral filling floor based on plaster and cement is usually used.

At the initial stage, the individual developer needs to decide on the terminology:

  • in the regulatory documentation, the joint venture is called a layer under flooring;
  • it is necessary for the manufacture of slopes (bath, shower), disguise engineering systems (electrician, heat-mall pipes, hydroxide, diploma, heating or sewage), insulation and soundproofing, alignment of the slabs of overlapping or providing stiffness over wooden black flooring;
  • the self-leveling screed is made only from the bulk gender on plaster or cement binder.

Budget gypsum self-deemed mixture.

Choose self-leveling bulk sex. Individual developers due to the convenience of making a screed (no lighthouses are needed, drying time is much less than that of concrete).

In order for the self-leveling screed with their own hands longer, when choosing a bulk sex, you should navigate the table below:

Type of bulk sex Purpose Humidity of the room Features Foundation material
gypsum house, apartment dry quick-drying concrete
cement-gypsum house, Apartment, Balcony, Bath dry surface roughing concrete, wooden flooring
polyurethane cement street, House, Apartment, Garage with any humidity surface roughing concrete, wooden flooring
acrylic cement street, house, flat with any humidity surface roughing concrete, wooden flooring

Unlike concrete screeds, the design of self-confined mixtures can be output "in zero" and not reinforced.

Technology self-leveling tie

Due to a small lifetime of a solution of self-deemed sex before making a mixture, the preparation of the base should be completely completed. Pre-calculated volume, prepared in the required quantity and opened bags with a dry mixture in the adjacent room.

If necessary, the insulation, the reinforcing mesh and the contours of the water heating floor, is stacked. For one reception, one room is poured, needle roller and paint accessories must be prepared in advance.

Preparatory work

In order for self-leveling mixtures, the resource declared by the manufacturer must prepare the basis and determine the layer thickness. To do this, perform several operations in the strict sequence:

For a scaly of the bulk floor along the boarding floor of the black floor on the surface, the lining paper with overhearsow bands 8 cm minimum is spread.

The main problem during repair / redevelopment is the presence of partitions or false panels from GLK:

  • on the one hand - they are forbidden to be described on the screed;
  • on the other, the plasterboard loses strength when absorbing moisture, which is inevitably present in the rooms with wet processes.

The frame of the partition from the profile is assembled before making a screed.

Therefore, it is recommended to build a galvanized profile frame for a false panel or partitioned entirely. Writing it only in the lower level of GLL bands 20 - 30 cm, the remaining part of the drywall is installed after a complete drying of the screed.

Preparation of mixes

To eliminate the errors of self-making of the bulk gender, the self-use mixture has on the packaging instructions for use. It is recommended to use large containers inside which the bulk bag is placed, taking into account the required amount of water entirely.

After adding a mixture into water, primary mixing and settling (usually 5 to 15 minutes), the bulk floor is stirred by a mixer.

ATTENTION: If the water volume is not correctly listed (it is found in little-known brands), it is necessary to calculate the proportions by the experimental way, providing the spreadability of 1: 3. In this case, the solution from the cover of 1.5 l bottles, poured on the glass, should triple the corresponding container size.

Application on the surface

Pilling the manufacturer's prepared on instructions The self-based mixture should be started at the distant corner from the door. Despite the fact that the solution is perfectly spreading under the action of gravitational forces to a horizontal level, it is necessary to additionally align the thickness of the layer of the oscillation, spatula or rule.

The distribution of the mixture based on the base.

Since the viability of the mixture is quite low, it should not be tightened with applying it. Lighthouses - referries are transferred to new areas after pre-alignment of the solution, so they do not need to be purchased in large quantities.

Removal of air

With stirring, the self-deemed floor inevitably dissolves air to be removed after moving the mixture over the base surface. Otherwise, the remaining bubbles will reduce the performance characteristics of the screed.

The operation is made with your own hands using a needle roller, which evenly rolled all the flooded surface surface. To walk through a liquid solution, paint-accessories are used, which are fastened with belts to the wizard shoes.

Removing air roller.

Upon contacting the method of filling, the adhesion strength of the liquid self-leveling floor with the base should be more than 1.5 MPa. If a smaller value is specified on the package, it should not be purchased. If the screed is manufactured on the divided layer, the developer should pay attention to another characteristic of the dry mix - the strength of compression. According to 29.13330 SP standards, this screed parameter must be above 20 MPa.

Thus, when choosing a bulk sex for a self-adjustable screed, it is necessary to take into account the volume of work, the type of finishing, purpose and humidity inside the room. Such materials are specially created to reduce the labor costs and qualifications of a home master. Therefore, all work can be performed by our own.

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Self-leveling floor is one of the best achievements of science and technology. You can make a self-leveling floor with your own hands, but it's worth thinking well before it, because this work has many nuances. Such a floor has many positive qualities. The technological pause after creating a screed will be very small. The finished coating of waterproof, the floor has excellent hygiene properties. The texture of such a floor is smooth. The bulk base is plastic and elastic. It has a small weight. So do the bulk sex you can even on a wooden coating.

Such technology allows builders to align the floor. The self-leveling screed quickly spreads over the floor surface, as a result, the perfect smooth coating is obtained.

Perfect smooth coating

The bulk floor is unpretentious in terms of the quality of the base. But there is an exception - this is the moisture content of the base. Couples of water that pass through the fill destroys polymer films. As a result, the coating may begin to crumble. Therefore, it is very important to create reliable waterproofing before pouring.Preparation of the foundation includes such steps:

  1. Climbing cracks;
  2. Primer;
  3. Waterproofing;
  4. Thermal insulation and laying of the grid;

Small cracks can be seen in the usual way.

Climbing cracks

On how to close such cracks, you can find out in any building video.

If the cracks are too big, it is necessary to check whether the coating is completely destroyed. If such a process goes, then the alignment is not worth the effort, because the house is in disserval. If there is no destruction, then perpendicular propellers are created when climbing cracks. With their help, which are able to reduce the load. Waterproofing will be necessary in all cases.


The bulk floor should breathe only around the perimeter. So you need any special material, for example, hydroizol. Before you begin to drain the film, you need to leave the angles. They are covered with polystyrene foam ribbon.

If you decide to create a bulk floor on a wooden surface, then it is worth checking the surface to the game. To do this, you can use homemade plumbing. The device must be put in the center of the room. The nose of the cargo should practically get to the floor. After that, you need to walk around the room and track the deviations of the cargo. The magnitude of the game can be defined as the height of the suspension to the width or length of the room.

The limit is 1.2 mm per 1 m.

If the deviation is more, then the flooring needs to be removed, and not its place to drag a new one. If the floor is stable and high-quality, then you need to close the gaps. You can do this with a wood putty. After that, it will be necessary to carry out waterproofing.

Required tools

In order to make the floor alignment by the self-leveling mixture you will need such tools like:

  • Cement mix;
  • Primer;
  • Capacity for mixing the solution;
  • Needle roller;
  • Drill.

The preparation of the solution is the most responsible procedure. On our site you can find a lot of video with the preparation instructions.

But in some of them important nuances may not be addressed.

Preparation of solution

Temperature. The working temperature range is made up from 15 to 30 degrees. If you make the bulk sex in the cold, then it will be fragile. Fill in hot weather - much worse. Mixtures sensitive to temperature regime.

Shelf life.Duration of storage of finished cement mixtures from 6 months to a year. Do not use overdue mixtures. Ultimately, all this will affect the quality of the floor.

Water. In the instructions, a certain amount of water is written for the knead, while some tolerance is made. And this tolerance is done not just like that. If the conditions are favorable, then using this tolerance can be monitored by the fluidity of the solution. If the room temperature is located at the limits of permissible limits, then with the help of tolerances, the mixture is adjusted by temperature. In the cold it is worth using a minimum of water. In the heat - on the contrary.

Sand.Cement-sandy mixes are not stored, so you will need to separately buy sand. In the instructions it will be written, what kind of sand you will need. It is worth it to comply with the requirements. If there are no clear instructions - choose river sand.

The process of kneading. Mix the solution is needed by portions over a bag or half a bag. Initially, water is poured into the vessel and only then the cement composition is poured. The dams produce a drill on small revs - 100-300 revolutions per minute. The nozzle is worth moving in a circle up and down. It is better not to hurt the walls and bottom. It is perhaps a solution for about 4 minutes. After the solution, it will be possible to reset. This will be needed for another 4 minutes.

Before starting to pour the floor, it is necessary to clean the surface from pollution. It is especially important to clean all the slots from various garbage.

Clear surface from pollution

For better bonding, the entire surface of the floor is treated with primer.

If you decide to make a self-leveling floor with your own hands, then it is better to invite a partner for this work. So it will be easier for you to pour the surface, and the result will get better.

Sequence of work:

  1. The first kneading is created;
  2. After the first solution is ready, it must be left for a ripening. Next, you need to start preparing the second in another container. It is important to rinse a mixer before the second kneading;
  3. For 20-30 seconds before the readiness of the second kneading, we take the first and pour it into the distant corner. The devastated bucket is worth giveing \u200b\u200bto the partner so that he began to make the third kneading. At this time, you can take a special tool - Raquel - and start overclocking the first kneading;
  1. While rushes the third kneading, pour the second and accelerate it;
  2. The cycles will be repeated until the entire area is filled.

After these procedures, the floor may seem smooth. But it is not necessary to finish working ahead of time, the bulk sex will need to be additionally aligned, namely, remove air bubbles from the solution. If you forget about this stage, the bubbles will definitely begin to emerge over time and the surface will be uneven.

Deaaeration is the final stage of the fill.

It is necessary using a special needle roller. Please note that there is a special visor over the roller.

Special needle roller

It is designed not so much in order to protect from splashing clothes, how much to protect the solution itself. Moisture from splashing very quickly evaporates. If it falls into the solution, it is created in it irregularities. They will be clearly visible. But at this stage, the surface will not be able to align. We will have to fill the floor again. On small areas, you can use a homemade pitch - a conventional table with nails.By the way, it can also accelerate the solution.

Homemade priest

On the large area - from 10 squares - do not save. As you can see, make a self-leveling floor yourself quite simple. During the work, you can use video and instructions. You will need only knowledge and patience. And then the bulk sex you get high quality and durable.


In this video, you will learn about the correct application of the self-leveling screed for the floor.
Thanks to this material, get a lot of useful information.

Source of photos:;

The bulk floor is poured for alignment of the surface. When the draft floor is flooded, it detects flaws in the form of an uneven surface relative to the level and small varnishes in the form of a pamph. This material will tell and show how to fix similar defects.

So, I practiced two ways to align the surface with a bulk sex and an aligning screed. Consider their pros and cons.


  • 3 cm width brush
  • capacity 40 liters
  • drill mixer
  • needle roller for bulk
  • spatula wide, narrow
  • spatula toothed, with a height of a tooth 8-10 mm
  • level
  • rule
  • grouting Torka

Stroke work

The first way. Bulk floor

Before starting work with a bulk floor, the surface must be cleaned of dust. It is desirable to make it a vacuum cleaner. After that, the surface with liquid glass (ZHS).

From the consistency of the ZHS depends on its absorption in the base of the floor. It is necessary to dilute it in proportion 1 to 2 (one part of the water into two parts of the ZHS) and treat the surface, preferably in 2-3 layers. The time interval before the following application should be about 1 hour. Works are produced at a temperature not lower than + 10 C.

After drying the ZHS, the surface should take a characteristic shade, as after applying varnish.

This is done so that when applying a bulk sex, the entire moisture contained in the mixture was not absorbed into the floor, and the mixture itself did not save, but gradually frozen. Also, this procedure will serve as a kind of waterproofing of the floor.

Before mixing a mixture of bulk sex, we make a wooden sole under the size of the shoes with screws screwed into it. This is done so that after applying a bulk sex, it was possible to walk on it without advancing all the feet.

We mix with the help of a mixer ready-made blend of bulk sex.

This work is strictly according to the instructions specified on the bag.

After that, we pour the stirred mixture to the floor and recall the spatula.

It also contributes to uniformly smoothing the mixture along the plane.

In my case, after the floor is dry.

On the floor, crackers appeared in the form of a web, which means the temperature modes indicated on the bag were not complied with.

To eliminate them, you can stick the grid for putting the facades.

Initially, I apply glue with a toothed spatula.

In this way, we will correct the problem.

After drying the tile glue, linoleum was staminated.

The second way. Aligning floor screed

To begin with, perform the same work with the ZHS, that is, the surface is ground. Then we harvest the cement-sandy mixture (CPS), which includes a sample sand (coarse), cement, tile glue in the proportion of 3 × 1x1 (three parts of sand, one cement, one tiled glue).

The process begins with the installation of lighthouses by level. Next, we apply the CPS using a toothed spatula. The mixture must be rubbed into the floor surface.

After that, the CPS applied to the floor align the rules. While it does not quite frozen, we drag the surface with a grouting rumble.

There should be a homogeneous smooth surface.

After the leveling screed dried, it is additionally impregnated with liquid glass, diluted with water in terms of 2 to 1.

After drying the liquid glass, the linoleum is steel or any other coating.

Conclusions about working with bulk floors and leveling screed

Bulk floor. It is easy to work with it. Its thickness can be from 3 to 10 mm, but the price for the finished mixture is high. The need to comply with the instructions for working with the mixture is also a minus.

Aligning screed. If you have sufficient time and budget, this is a suitable option.
Memo: The main minus of the leveling screed - it reduces the height of the room by 10-15 mm, while the bulk thickness can be only 3 mm.

To align the floor surface or the formation of the base of the floor on the ground surface, the screed is performed. Depending on the type of surface, its state, the need for heat and sound insulation or the placement of additional structures differs the process of surface preparation and characteristics of the screed, as well as the choice of materials. Correctly informing technology and materials, just running the floor screed with your own hands. Now we will analyze all types of wet screed and methods for its formation in stages. You can form how to form a dry screed.

Varieties "wet" tie

You can divide the floor screed device into four main types by the features of surface preparation, its type and formation of the final layer of the screed:

  1. Knitted. The most common option for an apartment, where the screed is performed on top of the slab overlap.
  2. With the presence of a layer of waterproofing. This type is necessary in the bathroom or in the kitchen, where it is constantly high humidity and there is a chance to enter the floor of a large volume of water. The screed layer is formed on top of the laid waterproofing material.
  3. With the presence of a layer of thermal insulation. By default, the thermal insulation layer is necessary when forming a screed over soil. Also, if necessary, it can be used in apartments and houses for fencing from basement or other unheated premises.
  4. With final bulk coating. In this case, after performing the main screed, a thin layer of a liquid solution is used, which independently generates a perfectly smooth surface. It is necessary to align the floor under laminate or linoleum, which are sensitive to any, even small, irregularities. You can also form using a more liquid solution, which under the force of gravity will independently distribute over the entire surface. However, it is not recommended to use separately the bulk floors without the formation of the main screed.

Example of a standard floor screed device:

What thickness should be "correct" screed?

In any case, it is necessary to determine with the overall thickness of the screed and, specifically, using a cement or concrete screed, which must be formed on the floor. All this depends on the type of overlapping or the required value of thermal insulation and strength. The restriction can be like a load of the screed on the overlap, because it is the main technological part of the structure and the resulting load on the screed itself. In the event of the construction of a new building, it is necessary to follow the instructions of the construction project. If you need to make a light screed with your own hands instead of the old one, then the characteristics of the old and permissible norms should improve it with the addition of heat insulation or installation of warm floors if necessary.

The thickness of the layer of the solution can vary from 25 to 80 mm, but no less, otherwise the screed is subsequently obtained by fragile and fragile.

At this stage, it is important to correctly calculate the number of required materials. For a layer of more than 30 mm, it is better to use concrete based on sand, gravel, rubble, etc., only he can form a thick layer and not sweat. In any case, it is better to familiarize yourself with the phased implementation of the screed using all kinds for the most complete understanding of the process.

Stages of preparation for basic work

Basic surface preparation

The old screed is dismantled, especially if it already has cracks or damaged places. The slabs of the overlap are cleaned of dirt and dust and are ground. The primer is poured directly to the floor and rolls over the entire surface with rollers or tassels. After that, it will take up to 5 hours before the primer dries.

For ground bases, a layer of clay or sand on the base purified from vegetation is formed. Ceramizite is still subsequently covered by a sand layer. The thickness of the sand layer must be at least 10 cm. The entire surface is tumped. If necessary, layers of embankment are wetted with water for normal shrinkage. Using embankments from the grainsite, the screed of uneven floor will be extended substantially cheaper and easier, because less solution will be used.

At the same stage, installation and distribution of sewer pipes of plum or water pipes are made, if the work is carried out in the bathroom or toilet. The subsequent layers of thermal insulation and waterproofing are placed by bypassing all communications.

Heat insulation

To do this, either embankment of crumples, or dense stoves of polystyrene foam. The main thing is that the insulation is tough. Ceramzite has several worse parameters of heat and sound insulation, but more durable and reliable. In most cases, it is enough. To form a screed on a soil surface, insulation is mandatory. For plates of overlapping in the apartment - only if necessary.


The waterproofing layer can be laid lanes of thick film or rubberoid rolls. The material stripes are stacked by an approximately 10-15 cm and with a wall at 10 cm, including water supply pipes and sewer plums, if any. In the latter case, it is necessary to additionally observe the pipes and the material of thermal insulation using sealant or mastic to the level above the solution. Waterproofing is necessary for places such as bath, toilet and kitchen. In other rooms, it is possible to form it only to protect the apartment on the first floors from the cold and dampness of basement.

For more information about the waterproofing of the floor and walls on the example of the bathroom.


The layer of screed is reinforced with the help of reinforcement only in cases of styling on the ground. It is performed using the formation of a grid of welded reinforcement or a special steel grid. As an alternative, it can be added to a solution of concrete or cement additive in the form of fibrin, which is a fibrous material from a metal or plastic.

Installation of additional equipment

If you need to install a warming system or distribute the wiring, then this is done at this stage. All works are manufactured taking into account technological features. Pipes are laid and fixed pipes for or heating elements for electric heating floor.

The screed process

Mailout of Mayakov

Examples of the arrangement of lighthouses (clickable)

In order for a concrete or cement screed of the floor to be smooth, a beacon system is used. These are special rail profiles that need to be distributed on the floor. In order to establish a beacon rack, use the same solution that will subsequently form the screed itself. Rates from the wall by 20 cm, screws screwed into the floor in a straight line parallel to the wall. Ships screws should be eventually in the same level. This can be checked using a manual or laser level. The height on which the caps are located should be lower than the resulting layer of the screed by 6 or 10 mm, depending on the height of the regions. The distance between the screws is best to choose within 60-80 cm so that the lighthouses mounted on them subsequently did not rush.

The next line with screws should be placed already at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the previous one (the distance must be somewhat smaller than the length of the rules that the layer of concrete or cement solution will be resurrected). The solution is superimposed on the screws and the lighthouse rail is installed on top of it. By putting finally all the rails in one plane in terms of level, it is necessary to wait until the solution on which they lie completely grabbed and dry.

It is necessary to use beacons anyway. Even if the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which the work is performed quite small, you should still strengthen at least two lighthouses, with which the level alignment will be made.

Video: A good way to arrange beacons

Treatment of a screed solution

To do this, you can use the finished mixtures for alignment of the floor, which recently appeared in large quantities on sale with various properties and features. For their preparation, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for use.

For a conventional cement-sand tie, the proportions of cement and sand 1: 3 are used. For better strength, you can add a glue mixture bag for tile. As a result, the resulting solution should not be very spread, but should not be dry.

Concrete is best to order ready, it will be released and more economical. Moreover, the concrete screed is justified only for private houses and the first floors of apartment buildings, so that there should be no problems with delivery. Rarely when you want to perform a thick layer tie on the upper floors of the building over the slab overlap.

Floor Floor

It is best if the entire process of filling the floor in the same room will be performed in one approach. It should be borne in mind that the cement solution is seized in about 40-60 minutes, after that it cannot be normalized normally, and even more so it is impossible to add water to it. This will significantly affect the quality of the result.

The first is filled with a strip between beacons in the far side from the door. With the help of the rule, the surface is smoothed. At the same time, the rule rests on the edges on the lighthouses and with small moves from side to side is carried out along them. If necessary, a solution is added in places where it is missing. Next, you can fill in the following strips between the beacons. After performing the next section, it should be swapped in some places a layer of solution. This is necessary for the release of air, which could get into the thickness of the solution during the distribution and alignment.

Only a few hours later, or even a day in the case of using a conventional cement-sandy solution, it is possible to put on the surface of the screed without special feet. It is best to use a sheet of chipboard or drywall for the formation of the support island. At this time, you can remove lighthouses from the screed layer and close the resulting grooves with a solution. The surface in these places is resurrected by celma or grout.

Video: Example Fill screed


When using concrete, it should be grinding after the fill material after complete drying. This will help align the surface and prepare it for applying any flooring. Alignment of concrete floor can only be produced in places where irregularities are especially noticeable using a grinding wheel installed on an angular grinder (grinder).

Actions for bulk

If you need a bulk sex, then in order to get a perfectly smooth surface, one more surface layer should be formed. For this, either a sufficiently liquid cement-sandy solution is prepared in a ratio of 1: 2.5, or special mixtures are used. To cement-sandy solvent, you can add a little startpuck.

Pre-all the floor area must be further projected and moistened. The solution is spilled over the entire surface of the room immediately and smash with a mop or rule. After distributing it uniformly, the time is given for complete drying. The solution at the same time under the force of gravity and due to its turnover will independently acquire a perfectly smooth surface.

It should be particularly carefully to carry out the finish alignment of the solution under the walls, because in these places, if it does not dock with the surface of the wall, a small tubercle is formed, which is subsequently dry by the wave. The perfectly smooth surface is perfect for the installation of such floor coverings, like: linoleum, laminate, carpet, carpet tiles, etc., since the small irregularities of the black screed can be shot through them.

Moments to be considered

  • Fully finished for further work the surface of the screed will be only in a week or two after its formation. It will be a mistake to start the next work while the screed is completely dry.
  • In no case cannot accelerate the process of drying the solution. After all, the main strength of the concrete and cement mortar does not occur due to the evaporation of water, but by clutching and adhesion. On the contrary, if during the first day it can be seen that the surface is too dried, it is better to moisten it with a roller. For complete drying of a concrete or cement screed, a whole month will be required, during which the room from drafts and mechanical damage should be removed. But the result is a reliable and durable screed, which will be able to hold out the maximum long operational period. If such a long wait time is not suitable for any reason, then it is better to pay attention to the formation of a screed or dry way. The latter can be performed in one day and immediately continue the formation of the finishing flooring. It should only be borne in mind that the dry screed has a number of restrictions and features in terms of operation and determining the uses of the use.