Frames for televisions and plasma panels. Baguette for a TV on the wall: Choosing a finished product and self-assembly of the frame of the reason for decorating the TV

A modern flat TV attached to the wall adds comfort and aesthetic atmosphere in any interior. If you are real aesthetes, then this article will help make your TV with a real work of art. Decorative frame For a TV on a wall - a great way to create an ideal image. We will look at a few interesting options Registrations in which you can hide sticking wires, for example. Thus, the TV in the frame on the wall will fit into any interior.

Causes for decorating TV

It is worth noting that modern TVs Without any additional design, it looks good and easily fit into the design of modern premises. But despite this, the TV in the frame on the wall is becoming increasingly popular. The question arises: if modern appliances And so looks good, why is it framed?

Important! Despite the fact that thin televisions themselves look harmoniously and stylish using the frame, they can be issued in such a way that they will be perceived as an integral element of the decor of the room. There are a lot of examples when the LCD panels are decorated with painted baguettes look like a mirror or picture.

Among the reasons for decorating the TV, the framework should be selected as follows:

  • The need to enter a TV in classic design interior.
  • Need to cover the gap between the wall and the TV panel, without limiting the circulation warm air From the rear of the equipment.
  • Need to hide the mounting bracket and cables.
  • The need to create a stylistic harmonious and homogeneous interior, where all the elements fit and complement each other.

Important! In order for the whole, your undertaking was successful and allowed the interior to be interpreted and pleasant, use the following tips:

Picture frames as an element of scenery are applied not only in the creation classic interior. For example, there are laconic frames without unnecessary sings. Such a decorative solution is suitable for interiors decorated in minimalist style.

Ideas for design frames for TV

Consider several ideas on the frame of TV panels:

  • White panels for the wall. With installation decorative framing The level of security increases. Pets and small children do not have access to the fastening and wires behind the panel on the wall.
  • Black panels are destructed. White walls give us a feeling of freedom and lightness, and the black frame makes a contrast focus on the TV.
  • Neon lights. Indirect lighting in the interior is an excellent option to create a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere in the room. LED ribbon is easily attached on the back of the frame and shed light behind the TV. Such a panel will only emphasize the beauty of TV screen. In order not to make a mistake in choosing light instruments of this type, read our review.
  • Glossy surface relevant in decoration modern interiors. The glossy white frame looks bright and effectively in contrast with striped wallpaper.
  • Metal frame. The gloss of metal always looks noble and luxuriously. Instead of a frame made of wood, you can choose the cold beauty of the metal.
  • For those who want to arrange their living room in authentic japanese style or others eastern countries, Modern household devices, such as TV, can disrupt the overall composition of the room. And the TV in the frame on the wall can harmoniously fit into the interior of such a style.
  • It looks good room in which general design The interior is combined on the basis of similar forms and textures window Rama, fireplace, doors and television frames.

Nuances when choosing a finished frame

First of all, you should know what to arrange the frame on the TV is quite simple, and you will probably cope with yourself, having a small set of tools. Properly made framing is easy to remove, without harming the TV.

Important! An incorrectly installed TV frame may cause sound rattling. For proper montage Frames on the TV panel between the TV LCD housing and the frame is inserted to the damper, eliminating the occurrence of the bounce even with a large sound volume.

If you incorrectly select and incorrect installation, the framing can cause overheating of the panel. Therefore, establishing the framing, it is necessary to remember that the gap between the rear panel of the TV and the wall should be at least 10 cm. Usually such a distance is enough for warm air to raise freely up.

Frame options:

  • Wooden baguette has a lot of weight that needs to be added to the weight of the TV, choosing mounting fasteners. On average, the mass of the framing does not exceed 3 kg.

Important! Considering the increased weight of the structure, before starting installation on the wall, make sure the strength of the wall itself should be ensured. If the wall is made of concrete, you can mount on regular dowels, which usually go complete with a bracket. If the wall is covered tightened with a thick layer old plasterWhen installing the bracket, it is safer to use elongated anchor bolts.

  • The framing profile may be ordinary or reverse. If a normal view It is a likeness of a funnel, then species with a reverse profile - on the contrary, they have a middle speaker forward, and the edges of the frame fit to the wall.

Important! The reverse profile is better to use if you watch the TV is not from one place, but from different points of the room. In addition, this profile allows you to more effectively hide in the wire frame.

Regardless of the chosen type of finished baguette, the cost of purchase will be high. So why not try to independently make a TV and save money?

Frame for a TV on a wall of ceiling plinth

Ceiling polyurethane baguette on sale is presented in a wide range of models that differ in size, the presence of patterns or their absence. In addition, such products are distinguished by the cost.

Important! The difference in price in this case is not accidental, but depends on the density of polyurethane. Given the small sizes of the framing, buying baguettes of more expensive and better.

For the manufacture of the TV frame, you will need the following:

  • Polyurethane ceiling plinth with dimensions corresponding to the standards of TV panels.
  • Glue for baguettes or "liquid nails".
  • Decreased acrylic paint on a water basis.
  • A sharp knife.
  • Stuslo for stabbing the plinth under the desired angle.
  • Brushes or sponge of foam rubber for painting frame.

Frame manufacturing instructions:

  1. Cut ceiling plinth On the details of the desired size, taking into account the desired angle, usually 45 degrees.
  2. We apply glue on the ends of the angular cuts, we connect all the details into the closed design.
  3. After drying the glue, check the joints for the slot. Fill them with re-glue and align.
  4. We install the TV on the wall, we apply the frame to it.
  5. From the reverse side, we mark the perimeter of the panel.
  6. On the back of the frame, we glue trimming along the marked line of the perimeter, which will serve as the frames of the frame.
  7. Pray.
  8. After drying, we put on a ready framing on the TV.

Important! The main advantage of the design of polyurethane is negligible mass. But there is a disadvantage - such a fragile design and requires careful circulation.

All photos from the article

In this article, we will tell about how with their own hands, applying available materials, you can perform registration in the tv baguette. The topic of the article is considerable interest, as traditional TVs with ELT kinescope everywhere replace liquid crystal analogs with a small thickness of the body and a large diagonal.

It must be said that modern TVs without any decoration look good and certainly fit into the design of most modern premises. But, despite this, the baguette for TV is becoming increasingly distributed.

It is asked if modern household appliances alone looks good, why it is possible to climb into a frame?

Causes for decorating LCD panels picture frames

Despite the fact that new thin televisions themselves look very stylish and modernly using a barn bar can be issued in such a way that they will be perceived as an element of the entourage. It is known a lot of examples when a liquid crystal or plasma panels decorated with a picture frame looked like paintings or mirrors.

Among the causes of the use of decorative frames should be noted the following:

  • the need to enter household electronics into a classically decorated interior;
  • the need to cover the gap between the panel and the wall, without preventing the lead of warm air from the rear of the apparatus;
  • the need to cover the fastening bracket and the cables are connected to the TV;
  • the need to create stylistically homogeneous interior design, where all elements of the entourage are perceived as an addition to each other.

Important: Pictures as an element of design are applied not only at the design of the classic interior. For example, there are frames with laconic forms devoid of various delights. Such decorative elements Successfully fit into the interior decorated in minimalist style.

What you need to consider when choosing a finished frame

First of all, it should be taken into account that installing a baguette on the TV is quite simple, and you will probably cope with this task, having a small set of tools. Again, the correctly installed framing is easy to remove, and it will not harm the TV.

In the photo Bagen framing - Rear view

Incorrectly established framing can cause a rattling sound. For proper holding mounting workBetween the frame and the body of the liquid crystal panel, the damping gasket is inserted, excluding the appearance of the bounce even at high volume.

With incorrect selection and incorrect installation, the baguette can cause the panel overheating. Therefore, establishing the framing, it is necessary to leave the gap between the TV and the wall of at least 10 cm. As a rule of such a gap is enough for the heated air without lifting up.

Wooden baguette has its own weight that needs to be adding to the panel weight, choosing a mounting bracket. On average, the weight of the framing does not exceed 3 kg.

IMPORTANT: Given the increased weight of the panel, before starting installation work, you must make sure the strength of the wall. If the wall is concrete, you can install on regular dowels that can go bundled with a bracket. If the wall is covered with a thick layer of old plaster, when installing the bracket, it is advisable to use extended anchor bolts.

The framing can be ordinary or with a reverse profile. If ordinary modifications are like funnels, then modifications with a reverse profile, on the contrary, have a protruding middle, while the edges of the frame are close to the wall.

Framing with a reverse profile is preferable to use if you are used to watching TV not from one point, and from different angles Rooms. In addition, the design with a reverse profile allows you to more effectively hide the wires.

Regardless of the type of the finished baguette, the purchase price will be high. So why not try to arrange the TV with your own hands and thus save money?

We make framing from plinths

The ceiling polyurethane plinth on sale is represented by various modifications, which differ in size, configuration, presence or absence of patterns, etc. In addition, such products are distinguished by the price.

The difference in value in this case is not accidentally due to the density of polyurethane. Given the small sizes of the framing, we buy those baguettes that are more expensive and better.

For the manufacture of the frame will require the following:

  • ceiling plinthpurchased in accordance with the standards removed from the TV panel;
  • quick-drying baguette glue;
  • acrylic water dispersed paintand with a divorced keker;
  • acute mounting knife;
  • stuslo for cutting a plinth under the desired angle;
  • brushes to work with acrylic paint or foam sponge.

Frame manufacturing instructions with their own hands Next:

  • under specifications taking into account the desired angle;
  • on the ends of the angular sections we apply a bagent glue and fold the design together;

  • after drying the frame, small gaps at the joints fill with adhesive mass and align;
  • on the frame we apply two layers acrylic paintso that the initial white color is not overcome;
  • we mount the TV on the wall and apply a ready-made frame to it;
  • from the reverse side, we mark the perimeter of the panel;
  • to back side Frames along the marked perimeter, we glue polyurethane trimming, baguettes that will serve as retainers;
  • after drying glue, wear ready design on TV.

Important: The advantage of the polyurethane construction is negligible weight, but it must be remembered that such a fragile design and it should be extremely careful.

A similar design can be made of wood. For example, instead of polyurethane can be used. Such plinths can still be found in some construction stores.

To work with a tree, instead of ordinary buggent glue, we use "liquid nails". Unfortunately, weight wooden products There will be much more weight of the polyurethane product, but this deficiency is compensated by greater strength of the frame.


Now we know how at home to make a baguette under the TV. Details can be found in the video in this article. In order to express your opinion about the read, leave a comment.

Unlike cumbersome TVs of past generations, modern ultra-thin devices with a flat screen and ascetic black edging outwardly are very similar to each other, and the clarity of the television picture will not change the situation.

Being a joiner, I preferred to "wear" a TV with a composite profile.

By making them on their own, you can choose a wood breed, for example, a cherry, which is not found among ready-made profiles sold in shopping centers.

Before making the first cut ...

Measure the maximum width, height and thickness of the TV together with the fixed mounting bracket. Lightly increase the depth of the frame to change the angle of inclination if the bracket design allows you to do it.

The TV is attached to the wall through the bracket, and the frame only performs the decorative function. Holding the size of the frame, take care that its parts do not close the remote control sensors.

Now make a frame

Note. The frame is collected from composite profiles. Dropping items A, B, C and D from profile blanks, add an allowance for a length of 25 mm more than the width and height of the TV. This will allow you to have a margin of material for fitting parts to the final length.

1. With the workpiece with a thickness of 16 and a width of at least 127 mm, ellipped along one edge rounding with a radius of 16 mm. Screw the strip of 16 mm width for the fourth roller A and do these operations three more times.

  1. Drink four blanks with a cross section of 19 × 70 mm for wide cartoons (B). From 19-millimeter plywood, cut two bands with dimensions of 76 * 1220 m for guides that will be required in the next step.
  2. Raise the drive of the saw machine to a height of 10 mm (maximum groove depth). Start a strip of painting scotch across the liner of the saw table, so that the edge of the tape is barely rushing the disk teeth. By turning the head of the transverse (angular) stop at an angle of 57 °, press it one of the plywood bands and move it to the pylon's pylon lid. Spend along the guide edge of the plywood short line (photo a). Then swipe the second line at a distance of 6 mm from the disk (Photo B), align the guide strip along this line and fix both ends. With this deposit on the wide cartoons, a 6-millimeter flat section of the profile is created (Fig. 1).
  3. Lower sawmill Below the surface of the saw table. Put one of the blanks in a fixed guide and press it with the second plywood strip. The workpiece should freely slide on the saw table, but do not move from side to the side. Secure the ends of the second guide strip. Then, by half the saw blade in front of the next passage of no more than 2 mm, cut the pellee with a depth of 10 mm on four blanks (Photo C).
  4. Dropping the quantities of the specified depth, align the concave surface with the cycle or sandpaper (photo D).

Short Council. Make a profile grinding block of hard foam. Give it a rough form corresponding to the profile of the cartel, and make sandpaper.

  1. On a 19mmst harvesting, the filter with a radius of 13 mm along one edge, then disconnect the band with a 35 mm width for a narrow kits. Make three more such quarrels and cut the four outer rails d of the specified section (Fig. 1).
  2. Collect the sandpaper No. 220 all surfaces that will remain in sight after the assembly of composite profiles. Spread together the fourth roller l, a wide quiller in, a narrow peller with and an outer rail D for each of the four profile billets (Fig. 1), thoroughly removing the extruded excess glue.
  3. When the glue dries, scry at the ends of the blanks, giving them the final length so that the distance between the heels of the bevels was 5 mm less height or TV width. Shake the frame and fix (photo E).
  4. Box walls fasten to the back frame A-D With a 13 mm indent over the entire perimeter. The length of the vertical walls must be 26 mm less than the height of the collected frame (Fig. 2). (Make horizontal walls by 52 mm shorter frame width. Drill in the bottom wall of the hole or make cutouts so that the sound of the speakers was not muffled. Collect the walls of the box with emery paper No. 220, then glue them to the back of the frame. Note. If necessary, do in One w wall cutout for a network cord and other wires.

Finishing and installation frame for TV

1. Apply the finishing coating on the finished frame A-E. We used the Zarteak Natural NO simile. 108 to align the color of the details of the cherry, and then the three layers of water-based polyurethane were applied.

2. Drink the wall strip F, the length of which corresponds between the vertical walls of the box E. Fasten the mounting bracket on the wall, aligning horizontally, and swell the TV. Then install the wall strip and frame (F-H photo).

Flat TV, mounted on the wall adds aesthetic atmosphere in any room. If you are real perfectionists, then we will help make your TV with the work of art. - Excellent option for creating an ideal image. We will show a few interesting frames for the TV, in which, by the way, you can hide the protruding wires.

Thus, your TV will fit into absolutely any interior.

Krepim flat TV on the wall

You can make the frame with your own hands or purchase. Under the sizes of your TV, in the store. Mounting the frame is safe and leaves the tracks on the TV screen.

Hide all wires in the frame

Within the framework of hiding not only wires, but also the wall mount on which the TV holds.

White panels for the wall

With the installation of decorative frames, the level of security increases, for example, small children or animals do not have access to fastening and wires.

Black panels ennoble TV

White walls create a feeling of lightness, and the black frame makes an additional focus on the TV.

LED strips

Indirect lighting is an excellent way to create an interesting feature effect. LED ribbons Easy mounted on stretch ceiling And shed light behind the TV. Such a panel with its lighting only emphasizes the beauty of the screen. Busbar for tracks lED lamps You can order on the ENLED online store website.

Box instead of photo frame

Such a box allows you to freely adjust the rotation and the slope of the screen. Yellow MDF box is a beautiful color splash, playful and modern design!

Everything is hidden in the box

The glossy surface is very relevant in modern style. The glossy white frame looks very effectively in contrast with beige stripes.

Metal frame

Metal shine always looks noble and elegant. Instead of a solid wood frame, you can choose one of the metal.

Thanks to the frame, the TV organically fits into the interior

For those who want to set up their living room in an authentic oriental or Japanese style, modern technologies and devices, such as flat-screen TVs, can break the overall picture. With such a built-in frame, the TV can harmoniously fit into any interior.

TV built into the wall

Country Style Bedroom

Style and frame material must be coordinated with decor elements. For a bedroom called Grace, for example, a frame of solid wood frame is selected.

Compact Solution for Small Premises

As decoration, on the coffee table, you can arrange various ornaments or books.

TV becomes a work of art

It would be nice if the overall design of the room combined with a TV frame, such as window, door Rama and framing the fireplace.

Wooden frame with antique effect

Natural materials were used to create a present winter Garden - natural fiber carpet, stone in the facing of the fireplace, rattan furniture, coffee table And frame for a TV television.

What is the decoration of the TV? Why is such a service needed?

A few years ago, and no one came to mind that the TV could be decorated with something, to improve, making it more refined. In every house, the TV stood in the living room and occupied the main place in the room, standing on a special bedside table or fit into the so-called. "Wall".

With the advent of plasma panels and LCD, the TV now weighs less, it has a thinner outline, and it also appeared the opportunity not only to put it on the chest or shelf, but also hang on the wall. During this period, in fact, the decoration of the TV appeared (namely, Baguette for LCD televisions, a TV frame, baguette for a plasma television, etc.). The idea of \u200b\u200bthe location on the wall of the plasma panel pushed the idea to decorate the TV in the frame. After all, the pictures always hung as decoration on the walls! And the LCD panel is no worse. If you wear it into a wooden noble bronze, gold or silver colors (depending on color solving Indoor), it will not give way to even the most refined details in your interior.

If there is a thought, demand will and its embodiment! Designers, designers and specialists in the interior go back with time. And where are the frames for televisions, that this material is such a baguette, the bagent workshop today will offer you a new service - the decoration of the TV in the Baget Frame. The framing in the baguette for the TV will help your TV correctly and tastefully fit into the interior and add to him sophistication. The digital photo frame and the plasma panel of the TV is no less than the pictures and mirrors need to be framed into the frame for the TV. Baguette for TV Transform any modern technique beyond recognition! Bag frames for television and plasma panels must be performed in accordance with the design in the interior of the room. LCD TV panel framed by a beautiful baguette frame will fit in any interior, be it apartment, cafe, hotel lounge, restaurant or office. Baguette at a reasonable price, a baguette workshop in the manufacture of the plasma panel of the TV will allow you to pick it up to the color of furniture, walls, lamps and you, thus, emphasize those or other details in your interior by creating a space in a single style.

Baguette for television. How to choose a bagent frame for a TV without losing a guarantee on it? The first function of the frame for the TV, this is, of course, aesthetic function. But this is not all its possibilities. Baguette for TV, except for creating a visual effect, will protect the TV panel from moisture, dust and external influences. In addition to solving the design and design tasks, when the LCD of the TVs must also be taken into account. technical requirementsNominated to operate equipment, namely: the required gap between the LCD panel and the frame, the access of ventilation and the strength of the frame structure as a whole. Baguette for a plasma TV should be manufactured precisely in size when taking into account all the features of the LCD panels. This nuance is very important, because positive emotions from proper design They may be replaced by disappointment if the Baguette for LCD TVs will not allow it to work properly, and the panel will overheat or generally fail. It is important to understand that the frame for the picture and frame for the TV, even if it seems identical, are, in fact, at all different designs. Creating a photo frame, poster or canvas - the main thing suitable design, And the baguette for the TV is first of all, it should be safe, durable, suitable for your plasma panel. For a plasma TV, in no case should not close the communication sensors for the remote control, must fit enough tightly, but at the same time leave The minimum gap to avoid deformation in the future.

Think out how and where the TV will be placed, you may want to hang it on the wall. Think out what fastening will be used. Whether the weight of the design is suitable for the type of walls. Will there be access to back wallwhether additional technique will be connected frequently (such as sound amplifiers, game consoles, DVD players, etc.). Etc. Baguette for LCD TVs with apparent simplicity in creating has a number of the above important detailswho should be clearly thought out and taken into account before choosing a type of baguette, widths and its kind. Do not forget about proper installation Baged Frame on a TV, which should be carried out only by a qualified specialist for whom Baguette is two times and ready. Our baguette workshop is carried out by installing bagent frames on the panel housing using a special fixation system. Its advantage is the possibility of removing a decorative bagent frame without any consequences and at any time. You can always change the frame or remove it at all if it is necessary to disappear. The main thing is that Baguette for TV, which has been completed by our burdock workshop will serve for many years and will bring you only positive emotions.