How to clean a cast iron pan from rust - time-tested methods. How to clean rust off a cast iron skillet

Cast iron pan - time-tested helper! It rightfully occupies an important place in the kitchen. In order for this useful thing has served you for many years, you need to properly care for it. Often, housewives receive kitchen utensils in the form of a dowry from their mother or grandmother, and with it a thick layer of burning, soot or fat. As time goes by, it becomes more and more difficult to clean the pan. However, there are ways to help restore it to its original form.

Types of pollution and means of getting rid of them

Today, despite the variety of non-stick products, cast iron pans are still very popular. They are characterized by high strength and the ability to retain heat. Naturally produced soot acts as a non-stick layer and protects the product from corrosion. Nevertheless, sooner or later there comes a time when it becomes necessary to clean the pan.

The method of cleaning cast iron cookware depends on the type and complexity of contamination. These include:

  • excessive layer of soot;
  • rust formation;
  • accumulation of burning;
  • sticky food debris.

You can wash an old pan at home using abrasive detergents, household chemicals and rubber gloves. The stores offer a wide range of potent reagents, but not every one of them manages to cope with serious types of pollution.

It is worth noting that getting rid of old dirt is much more difficult than getting rid of fresh stains.

Grandma's time-tested methods of cleaning dishes are no less effective than modern powders, gels and sprays. Moreover, they are safe for health and can save your family budget due to their low cost. Sandpaper, sea or table salt, sand, acetic acid and silicate glue will help you give your cast iron skillet an attractive look.

Methods for cleaning a cast iron skillet

Before cleaning a cast iron skillet, determine what type it is. Dishes can be coated or uncoated. To date, there are the following types of this kitchen utensils.

  1. Classic. They do not differ in beauty and grace, but they are safe for human health, reliable and practical. Suitable for all types of stoves, as well as for cooking in the oven. Not afraid of abrasive detergents in the form of a metal sponge.
  2. Enamelled. They are white or cream in color. To prevent rust, the enamel coating is applied in several layers. Such cast-iron cookware does not need preparation before the first use, it just needs to be washed in warm water. At proper care it will last for a long time. Since enamel is a fragile material, temperature changes and metal blades can lead to its destruction. In this regard, do not place the pan on a hot stove, use a wooden or plastic spatula when cooking, and do not use powders and sponges made of thin steel wire when cleaning.
  3. Non-stick. Since cast iron rusts from moisture, objects made of it are covered with a non-stick layer, which allows you to save dishes from moisture. Such pans have the same advantages as the classic ones, but are much more expensive. In order to avoid damage to the coating during cooking, it is necessary to use appliances made of wood or silicone.

Important: enamel coating should be distinguished from ceramics! Enamel is a heat-resistant paint. Ceramic coating consists of silicone and carbon components, is considered more environmentally friendly.

Types of cast iron pans - gallery

"Grandma's" frying pan will last for decades Enamel coating gives cast iron a more attractive appearance Non-stick coating protects the product from moisture and rust

Wash or clean

There is an opinion that cast iron products cannot be washed using modern detergents. It is based on the fact that there is a thin layer of fat on the surface of the pan. Since household chemicals remove all types of contaminants, the cast-iron pan is also destroyed. However, at the moment of its incandescence and heating of the oil, a new substance is created - a stable polymer that penetrates into upper layer metal. It is precisely because of this that cast iron pan, which does not have a coating, non-stick properties appear.

As for cleaning, the use of a stiff brush is an undeniable plus of this kitchen utensil! You can safely use any means without fear of damaging the surface. As already noted, modern cast iron pans can have various coatings. Each of them needs its own approach when cleaning.

What means can be used to clean cast iron pans - table

Type of cast iron pan How to cleancan How to cleanit is forbidden
Teflon coated panSoda, dishwashing detergent.
They can be used together, for example, as a solution.
with caution with acetic acid
frying pan with ceramic coating Gentle cleaning products are suitable: laundry soap, soda using a soft cloth or sponge.abrasives,
firing on an open fire is prohibited, use acetic acid with caution
Enamel panLaundry soap, liquid dishwashing detergents, soda, a solution with the addition of silicate glue.It is forbidden to roast on an open fire, use acetic acid with caution
Frying pan without coatingCan be cleaned with dishwashing detergent alkaline means, abrasives. After cleaning, it is recommended to restore the natural non-stick properties with vegetable oil.

How to get rid of rust and years of soot

Rust and carbon deposits are the most common contamination of cast iron cookware, especially after many years of use. But even the most chronic corrosion and multi-layered blackness can be removed at home using simple means.

There are several tools for cleaning the pan from soot:

  • silicate glue;
  • washing powder;
  • acetic acid;
  • metal brush;
  • firing on an open fire.

To remove rust, you can use:

  • sandpaper;
  • special solvent.

Preparing the slurry

Silicate glue included homemade remedy for cleaning cast iron pans. To prepare this cleaning solution, take:

  1. Put a bucket of water on to heat up. You can use another container, the main thing is that the pan fits in it.
  2. Dip a coarsely grated bar of laundry soap into the bucket.
  3. Add baking soda and glue to the soap solution. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Dip the frying pan into the bucket with the solution.
  5. Bring to a boil and “cook” the pan for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Turn off the heat and cover the bucket with a lid. Let the pan stand in the cooling solution for another hour or two.

Cleaning the pan with PVA glue and soap is an effective, but time-consuming method. After using it, wash the pan under running water using dishwashing detergent.

Instead of silicate glue, you can successfully use PVA glue. Of course it's two different types glue. First of all, they differ chemical composition. Silicate glue is a water-alkaline solution of lithium, sodium, potassium silicates. PVA is polyvinyl acetate with water.

A good grandmother's way of cleaning the pan with soap - video

How to clean dishes with washing powder, vinegar and soda

Laundry detergent, acetic acid and soda are in every home, so these tools are the most affordable.

For the first way:

  • pour a little powder into the pan;
  • pour hot water and leave for half an hour;
  • rub the softened fat with a brush or sponge.

For the second way:

  • fill the pan with acetic acid;
  • leave for several days in a place inaccessible to children;
  • remove carbon deposits under running water using detergent and a stiff brush.

The disadvantages of this method include the presence bad smell vinegar and inefficiency, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely get rid of fat.

For the third way:

  • pour soda into the pan and pour hot water;
  • boil for 20 minutes. This will help soften dried and burnt fat;
  • after cooling, rub the contaminated surface with a brush.

How to remove old fat with a metal brush

You can attract your beloved man to clean the pan! To do this, he needs to use grinder or a drill with a brush attachment. You should not use this method in an apartment, as small particles of soot will scatter everywhere and you will find them for a long time in the most unexpected places. It is better to do it on the street or on the balcony. You should also protect yourself: wear a respirator and goggles so as not to damage your face and eyes.

To clean the pan in this way, you must:

  • prepare equipment: a drill, a special brush head, a grinder;
  • wear protective equipment (goggles, respirator);
  • fix the pan (for example, by stepping on it with your foot);
  • turn on the equipment and remove carbon deposits;
  • wash dishes under running water and dry.

How to remove soot by roasting

Cast iron utensils can be fired on a regular fire. When going on a hike, take a frying pan with you. If the product has a non-cast iron handle, remove it. Place the pan in the fire for 15 minutes, remove from the flame with a stick or other suitable device. Let the dish cool and remove the carbon deposits with a knife.

This method can be classified as highly effective, however, it also has disadvantages:

  • only suitable for frying pans with a removable or cast-iron handle;
  • the coated pan method cannot be applied.

When firing cast iron pans at home, use an oven. Put the dishes in the oven upside down, set the temperature to 200 ° C and do not forget to turn on the hood

Please note that the use of methods such as mechanical brushing, firing on fire, cleaning with soda, vinegar and glue solution are the safest for your health, as they contain an insignificant amount chemical substances or do not contain them at all. And, on the contrary, cleaning with a rust converter, oven cleaner and even washing powder will leave their “traces”. Be sure to rinse the pan well after cleaning under running water! This will help get rid of the remnants of household chemicals.

How to remove fat from the outside

To clean the outside of the pan, you can use a soda solution or washing powder. Pour the product into a large container, pour boiling water, immerse the pan. Leave on for 1-2 hours depending on the degree of soiling. IN hot water the burnt fat will soften and it will be easy to remove it with a stiff brush. In some cases, you can use a knife and cut off the soot in much the same way as you peel potatoes. The effectiveness of this method is debatable. It is possible that the procedure will have to be repeated or additional measures applied to completely remove fat.

Cleaning with new household chemicals

Cast iron is valuable for its environmental friendliness, it is common to use "grandmother's" methods. However, we live in the 21st century and it is wrong to avoid discussing this method. Almost all detergents marked “anti-grease” can easily cope with the removal of soot. However, dishwashing detergents are ineffective. It is better to use oven cleaners, such as Shumanit:

  • apply the product to the pan according to the instructions on the package;
  • leave it for 1-2 hours;
  • remove softened soot;
  • repeat the procedure if necessary.

Sandpaper and modern anti-rust stains

To get rid of rust stains, act on them mechanically:

  • take sandpaper of various grain sizes;
  • first use a larger one - rub it on the affected areas of the pan;
  • gradually move to a finer sandpaper, treat the rust stain until it disappears;
  • wash the pan with your usual means, dry it well.

Note that this method will not work with coated pans.

Methods for cleaning a frying pan from carbon can be effective in removing rust. For example, cleaning a pan with baking soda. If you add laundry soap dissolved in water to soda, immerse the pan in a boiling solution - this will save the dishes from rusty spots.

Also, to remove corrosion stains, try using special means- rust converter:

  • put the liquid on the dishes for a few minutes;
  • remove rust plain water after exposure to the agent.

The effectiveness of the method directly depends on the quality of the product. It is possible that you will need to try more than one. If the rust spots are large, then it is recommended to combine 2 methods: first, treat the rust with sandpaper, then use the converter.

Remove rust in 5 minutes - video

How to care for a cast iron skillet at home

Compliance with simple rules of care will avoid severe contamination of cast iron cookware and save you from wasting time cleaning it. Prior to use, cast iron utensils should be thoroughly ignited. Heat the pan on the stove, then pour coarse table salt into it (layer thickness of at least 1 cm) and leave on fire, stirring the salt, for about 15-20 minutes more.

When the color of the salt changes to brownish, turn off the heat. Grease a clean frying pan vegetable oil. In principle, this will be enough, but for a better result, you can place the product in the oven and heat it again at a temperature of 180 0 -230 0 for 20-30 minutes. Please note that only an uncoated cast iron pan should be placed in the oven.

Cast iron pans should only be washed by hand. As a result of using dishwasher rust appears on the product, the layer with the “non-stick” coating is washed off.

Important: The above rules apply to all cast iron pans!

If your pan has a coating, then you should take care of it, taking into account its features.

For example, the enamel coating is afraid of high temperatures, which means that your pan should not be overheated. And if you are the owner cast iron cookware Teflon coated, do not use abrasives. Such a pan does not need to be lubricated with oil, it is enough just to dry it properly.

You need to care for a cast iron grill pan in the same way as you would for ordinary cast iron kitchen utensils. The only note: pay more attention to drying the areas around the grooves, as uneven surface may retain water. Lubricate these areas more thoroughly with vegetable oil, otherwise corrosion spots may form on them.

How to restore non-stick properties after mechanical cleaning

With mechanical action, it is likely that the pan will lose its non-stick properties. However, they are easy enough to restore:

  • take a frying pan cleaned from soot and rust;
  • carefully rub it with vegetable oil on all sides: both inside and out;
  • send the pan to the oven on the top tier upside down;
  • bake it for an hour at a temperature of 180 0 C.

When heated, the pores of cast iron expand, which allows the metal to absorb oil, which remains inside as it cools. This restores the non-stick properties.

Creating a non-stick coating on a cast iron skillet - video

Of course, knowing how to clean your favorite dishes is good. However, prevention is better than cure! Take good care of your cast iron cookware and it will serve you forever!

Despite the large selection of pans, many hostesses still prefer cast iron products.

True, such specimens are often covered with rust and you need to know how to be in such a situation. You should also figure out how to prevent its formation.

How to clean a cast iron skillet from rust? Cleaning kitchen utensils is not a problem, but first you need to find out the cause of corrosion in order to make every effort to prevent it in the future.


Rust is a product of the oxidation of iron. Corroded utensils must not be used until they have been completely cleaned.

Why does she appear?

Causes of rust on iron products:

  1. Poor quality material. A cast iron pan does not always meet all requirements. Sometimes manufacturers save money in order to reduce the cost of goods, so the metal may not meet the standards and, accordingly, deteriorate quickly.
  2. Incorrect care of dishes. A cast iron pan, like other kitchen utensils, requires at least minimal maintenance. It cannot be dropped into cold water immediately after cooking. Nothing will happen for a couple of times, but if you do this with enviable regularity, the metal will begin to deteriorate.
  3. Rare use. may become rusty if rarely used for cooking. Utensils that are regularly greased with vegetable oil or butter, will last longer.

The main catalyst for rust in a cast iron skillet is moisture. Therefore, after washing, the dishes are wiped dry, the remaining moisture in it will lead to corrosion of the surface over time.


Rust in a cast iron pan is not toxic, but it has a negative effect on health if ingested with food, which practically does not happen.

Corrosion spoils appearance dishes, changes the taste of dishes and aroma. Therefore, it must be disposed of as soon as barely noticeable traces appear.

When will it take large area, it will be harder to remove it from cast iron.

Baking soda

Light stains can be removed with baking soda. If the rust layer is thin, you can clean the pan with mild abrasives.

How to clean a cast iron skillet:

  1. Two tablespoons of soda are poured into the bottom of the dish, a little water is added to make a thick slurry.
  2. The mixture is rubbed into rusty places, and wait a few minutes.
  3. Then they take a sponge for dishes and actively rub the bottom and walls of the product.
  4. Rinse the baking soda with tap water.

Baking soda is a mild abrasive that can be used to repeatedly remove rust from a cast iron skillet.

If after some time red spots appear again, this method of cleansing will save again.

food salt

Edible salt, like soda, is considered a mild abrasive. Therefore, it is recommended to use it only with a thin layer of rust.

You can use edible or calcined salt.

As with cast iron pans:

  1. Take equal amounts of salt and soda. Pour on the bottom of the product and place in the oven for calcination over medium heat. After 3 hours, it will be possible to wipe off any dirt. Nagar will also fall off on its own.
  2. It is also recommended to wash cast iron products in this way: pour 2 tbsp. l. salt and pour vinegar so that all rusty surfaces are covered with liquid. Bring contents to a boil. When almost all the solution has boiled away, scrub the pan with a brush with water.

These funds also help for a short time. After a while, the old pan will again be covered with a layer of rust.


Vinegar will help remove the rusty layer. It can only be used indoors if the room is well ventilated.

Wear a protective mask while working.

Get rid of rust:

  1. We take 6–9% vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:3.
  2. Pour the solution into the dishes to the very brim and boil for 3 hours. Add water if necessary.
  3. You can pour some dishwashing detergent.

At the end, rust that has lagged behind the walls will appear in the water. It is removed by pouring out the solution, and the dishes are washed with warm liquid.

A good method for cleaning the pan if rusty spots appear is to use powdered substances. One of them is Pemolux.

You can get rid of rust for a long time.

Pemolux is applied to all surfaces of the dishes, then they are passed with a metal brush. Do not overdo it with its use, because such cleaning is harmful.

After removing red spots, salt is poured into the pan to the very top and calcined for several hours.

This method will not allow corrosion to form again. After getting rid of rust and disinfecting the product, it is wiped dry and put away in the closet.


Sandpaper will also deal with this issue.

If cast iron product covered with a thick layer of rust, take sandpaper size 5 and actively work dirty places. Then take paper with a smaller grain size and continue cleaning the dishes.

The pan is then treated with a rust converter. It is sold in the departments of household chemicals. There are a lot of such funds, so read the instructions for use.

frying pan still long time will not be covered with a rusty layer if this manipulation is carried out correctly.

The procedure can be repeated if this cleaning method did not help the first time.

After the cleaning process, it is necessary to burn through the cast iron in the oven to protect it from new rust stains. Besides, protective layer will strengthen the dishes, which will prevent corrosion processes.

  1. Turn the oven on 180 degrees to heat it up. And at this time, lubricate.
  2. First, all surfaces of the product are covered with oil. For this purpose, you can take any oil, but not olive oil. When heated, it will emit bad smell and smoke. To process the entire product, 1 tbsp is enough. l. oils. You don't have to pour too much. Oil should not flow from the pan.
  3. The product is placed in the oven upside down, not down, this will allow all areas to be ignited. The procedure lasts 1 hour. Then the oven is turned off and the pan is left there until it cools completely, this will take about 1 hour.

After the procedure, remove the product, rinse clean water, wipe dry and put in a cupboard.

The cast iron must remain slightly greasy in order to protective function did not weaken.

car service

Rust appeared on a cast-iron pan - what to do if at home it is not possible to bring the dishes into proper form.

You can take it to a car service, where bodywork is carried out. The workers have special grinders, with its help they will quickly clean the product from rust, and if asked, they will also polish it.

At home, it will be necessary to wash the pan, and then ignite it in the oven for 2 hours with salt poured to the very brim.

A cast iron skillet is an almost indispensable kitchen appliance. Now it's hard to find really high-quality dishes, and if it turns out, then it costs a lot.

Therefore, care should be taken with the family heirloom from the very beginning, to prevent the appearance of rust spots and to store it properly.

To prevent the product from rusting very quickly, you must follow some rules.

  1. After using the pan, do not put it immediately under cold water. It is necessary to wait for cooling, wash the dishes. Then they take sunflower oil and lubricate the internal surfaces, after which it is necessary to ignite it on fire for 2-3 minutes. It is necessary to do this procedure every time after using such dishes, and not once a week or a month.
  2. Do not leave the pan with gravy or other liquid inside for a long time. After preparing the dish, it is immediately transferred to another dish.
  3. Manufacturers do not recommend the use of dishwashing gels. They recommend briefly soaking the pan and going over the surface with a washcloth to remove any food residue.
  4. The protective layer cannot be removed. If it has been deleted, you will need to recreate it.
  5. Cast iron products should be used regularly for cooking. If this is not done, then even under the protective layer, corrosion will begin to form after a while.
  6. Manufacturers prohibit the use of abrasive compounds and metal brushes. It is recommended to use such funds in rare cases when it is impossible to do without them. The rest of the time, it is advised to use only soaking with warm water and washing with a sponge.
  7. Do not cook sour food in a cast iron skillet. For example, citruses and tomatoes contain an acid that can corrode the protective layer.

Proper care and storage of cast iron cookware will significantly extend the life of this assistant. The main thing is not to forget about such simple rules, and soon forget about the problem with rust.

If you regularly monitor the quality of cast iron cookware, it will always be in perfect condition and will not lose its non-stick properties and the ability to retain heat.

On 04/14/2015

How easy is it to make cast iron cookware "Teflon"?

Cast iron cookware - the unsurpassed champion in the quality of cooking - fried potatoes, pilaf, baked bread, pizza, borscht, porridge, tobacco chicken and so on. are obtained ideally due to thermal inertia and uniform distribution heat flow. But cast iron utensils fell into disuse due to two serious drawbacks - food sticks to cast iron + cast iron rusts (note that the massiveness of cast iron utensils is not a drawback, but an inevitable property, like all zepter-like inertial vessels with the same properties).
It turns out that you can get rid of these shortcomings of cast iron on your own for mere pennies to restore your cast-iron cookware and make it perfect in one day, with a beautiful environmentally friendly protective anti-corrosion and non-stick coating better than Teflon:
The secret is very simple - you need to apply a drop of drying vegetable oil on clean hot cast iron with a thin layer (linseed, hemp, poppy, walnut, tung oil is suitable, but in no case sunflower or olive!), Then gently ignite the dishes. And that's it!

Depending on the quality of the cast iron surface, 2-3 coats may be required. Fans of cast iron restoration manage to apply up to 20 layers, achieving a mirror finish and a deep black color.
Before proceeding to the description of the process, we note that this gives us:
- food will never stick to cast iron cookware again and everything will go like clockwork in the truest sense of these words;
- unlike Teflon, which is perceived by some with caution due to the possible release of harmful compounds, only natural food ingredients are used here;
- unlike the Teflon coating, which, if damaged, cannot be restored on its own, here at any time you can “heal” scratches and apply additional layers;
- you can not wash the dishes, you just need to wipe it with a paper towel (in Soviet time the pans that had not yet cooled down were wiped with newspapers) and then, to control, wipe with a napkin moistened with a drop sunflower oil. If the control napkin is clean, you can fry some sweet pies immediately after the fish, there will be no smell;
- the coating turns out to be moisture-heat-resistant and when cooking, steaming, it can only temporarily fade, so you can also forget about rust forever.

You will need to do the following:

1. clean the cookware from soot (the old layer of burnt food and burnt fat) or from the factory paint / oil, if the cast iron cookware is new;
2. clean dishes from rust;
3. Apply an anti-corrosion non-stick coating to clean dry hot cast iron - grease the cast iron with drying oil (linseed, hemp, poppy, walnut) and gently bake it in the oven.

Three things to keep in mind when working with cast iron important features:
- cast iron does not tolerate very sharp heating and cooling and can crack;
— cast iron is a porous material;
- the real color of cast iron, which should be strived for when cleaning dishes - gray:



1. cleaning cast iron from carbon deposits / factory oil

Cast iron cookware can be cleaned of soot with alkali (oven cleaner) or pyrolysis - burning off organic residues, in which only ash remains. This can be done by firing on a fire, gas or electric burner, but it is most convenient in an electric oven in self-cleaning mode.
The intensity of smoke and smell during burning depends on the amount of soot, but in any case, you need to take care of good ventilation of the room, and it is even better to do this not at home, but in the country.
Once again, we remind you that cast iron can crack if it is sharply heated (subjected to thermal shock). Jack Hinkle, an accomplished cast iron restorer and author of articles on the method, has charred over 700 cast iron pans and cauldrons of priceless antique and personal value in his oven (some of the pans are so precious and rare they are worth tens of thousands of dollars!). He writes that firing cast iron in an oven is completely safe, and if you find a crack AFTER firing, it means that it was there BEFORE firing, and was simply invisible under a layer of burnt fat and dirt.

If there is an option for the duration of the self-cleaning time, then set it to at least 2 hours. Then the cleaning will end, but the door will still be automatically locked until the temperature in the oven drops from 600-700 C to 100-250 C, depending on the brand of oven. When the lock opens, leave the dishes in the oven to continue to cool slowly until room temperature(It is possible with the door open, so that quickly). When the cast iron has cooled down to 30-40C, you can brush off the ash from it and proceed to remove the rust.
2. Rust cleaning

If there is very little rust, then you can clean it off with a metal utensil cleaner with abrasive powder, if there is a lot, treat it with sandpaper or a metal brush. After mechanical cleaning, it is recommended by chemical means suppress all possible pockets of rust, bearing in mind that cast iron is porous. Here acids will help us. Acetic or oxalic acid (an ingredient in descalers and cleaners) is sometimes recommended, but phosphoric acid is most conveniently used as a proven cold phosphating agent for ferrous metals.
Orthophosphoric acid is the main component of preparations that can be found under the keywords phosphating impregnation for metal, anti-corrosion rust converter, phosphating rust modifier for treating steel, cast iron, galvanized and aluminum surfaces before application paintwork materials. Orthophosphoric acid creates a protective layer against corrosion by converting rust into a protective phosphate film (cold phosphating), forming a chemically bound layer of insoluble phosphate salts of iron, zinc and manganese. If someone is confused by the technical purpose of such products, we can recommend two ways - either buy pure phosphoric acid, or use drinks like Coca-Cola, Pepsi and the like, containing the allowed food additive E338 - this is the same phosphoric acid that is there called "acidity regulator" or acidifier. If slightly warmed up, a sufficient amount of Coca-Cola will remove all rust
After removing the rust, it is necessary to wash off the remaining acids from the cast iron in clean warm water, turn on the stove to the maximum (usually in household ovens 250C) and, while it has not yet warmed up, immediately put the cast iron there. After the cast iron warms up along with the furnace and is guaranteed to dry, you can proceed to the application procedure and start calcining it with drying oil.
3. Applying a protective coating to cast iron cookware non-stick coating from drying oil.
Drying oils, unlike all other vegetable oils and animal fats, form a hard film upon drying, like varnish, like enamel. So in a frying pan you need to ignite the very drying oil that you will also find in the composition of oil paints with which painters paint their paintings and after a while the paint dries forever on the canvas and it becomes hard and shiny. And, of course, painters use the same drying oil as part of paints when they paint walls, metal, wood. oil paint dries into glitter durable coating, smooth to the touch.
Several edible drying oils can be found in grocery stores: linseed, poppy seed, walnut and tung nut oil (tung oil). Any of them will create a beautiful smooth black coating on the surface of the cast iron, and if you apply more than 5 layers, it will also be gleaming. And if the pan is smooth and 20 layers are applied, then in the bottom of the pan you can consider yourself as in a black mirror.

You can use ordinary drying oil from a building materials store, but only natural, consisting of linseed oil with the addition of turpentine, and not drying oil-like products made from sunflower oil with white spirit, i.e. finding oil is not a problem.

After the cast iron has been heated to absolute dryness for an hour at a temperature of 200-250C, it is taken out and lubricated on the grate with a drop of drying oil. If the cast iron is very smooth, then a drop will be enough for a whole pan.

Only if the handle has intricate details and grooves, it will be possible to apply more oil there with the tip of a rag or a natural bristle brush (the frying pan is hot, you can not use a synthetic brush).

It is extremely important to apply the oil in a thin layer so that the cast iron is almost dry and not shiny. If you oil cast iron so that it looks "wet", it will dry out in spots and then may "flake off". In fact, a few thin layers of oil are better than a few thick ones! Therefore, we wipe the excess dry before calcining the freshly applied layer.

Then you need to put the cast iron lubricated with oil in a red-hot oven and calcine at the maximum temperature, which for domestic ovens is about 250C.

Why in the oven? Of course, it is possible to ignite on an open fire, on an electric or gas burner, but in this case it is difficult to observe temperature regime- you can either burn the oil or underdry it, and in the oven this process is more convenient. There are adherents of natural drying in the sun, in the open air, where both intensive ventilation and ultraviolet contribute to polymerization. But this process is long, akin to art, and not everyone will be able to use it, so calcining in the oven is the easiest and most reliable way.

The duration of the calcination depends on the oil used. For example, tung oil polymerizes in 30 minutes, and linseed oil needs to be calcined longer: 1 hour, then turn off the oven and leave to dry for two hours at a decreasing temperature.

To apply the next layer, warm up again to the maximum, lubricate, hold for an hour, cool for two hours, etc. During this time, the coating on the cast iron will brown and become completely dry to the touch. Or, on cast iron of a different quality, different age, porosity and composition, it will remain practically unchanged. But already the third and fourth layers of calcined oil will completely change the appearance and quality of the coating inside and outside the cast iron cookware. The fourth layer is a deep black chocolate color.

Now, in well-treated cast iron with oil, you can cook anything for many years, including baking, boiling, frying, and grilling. The only thing that simmering and stewing in cast iron will do, says Greg, who writes a wonderful blog about cast iron utensils, baking and cooking in them, is that the protective layer can fade. But the shine, of course, is easily restored by annealing with several layers of oil, if the shine is so much needed for aesthetics.

A special place in the kitchen is occupied by a cast-iron frying pan. But over time, its appearance deteriorates: black dense soot, rust spots appear. Despite this, running to the store for a new pan is not worth it. Following our advice, you will return the cleanliness and beauty of kitchen utensils without spoiling the basic qualities.

What contaminants are in a cast iron pan

No matter how neat the hostess is, the dishes get very dirty over time, so you have to resort to proven methods of cleaning utensils. Pollution is divided into 4 types:

  • soot;
  • rust;
  • accumulation of burning;
  • sticky food debris.

If food remains can be easily removed from the pan by soaking it in warm water, then other contaminants will have to work harder. To clean kitchen utensils, modern industrial and folk remedies. First, find out what type of frying pan belongs to.

  • Classic. Safe for health, reliable. Suitable for cooking in the oven. Not afraid of abrasive detergents, such as a metal sponge.
  • Enamelled. To prevent the appearance of rust, enamel is applied to cast iron in several layers. Temperature fluctuations and the use of metal blades spoil the coating. When cleaning the pan, it is not recommended to use powders, as well as sponges made of thin steel wire.
  • Non-stick. Coating a cast iron pan with a non-stick layer makes the surface resistant to food sticking and protects against moisture. In order not to spoil the coating, it is better to use spatulas made of wood or silicone when cooking.

Ordinary cast iron is not afraid of mechanical action: it is cleaned with sandpaper or a hard metal brush. Enamelware cannot be cleaned like this.

Photo gallery: types of dirt on cast iron cookware

With prolonged use, a crust forms in the pan, cracking under the influence of temperature A dense layer of soot on a cast-iron pan with an ordinary detergent you can’t wash off Cast iron pan is easy to clean from rust To wash burnt food, pour into the pan warm water with detergent

How to remove soot and rust

Methods for cleaning kitchen utensils are associated with the provision of thermal, mechanical or chemical effects on the structure of the material. The methods for removing carbon deposits, which will be described below, are considered the most effective.

How to clean a coated pan

Cleaning a frying pan with a Teflon or ceramic coating does not create problems for the hostess. Fat does not eat into the surfaces of these materials. A barely noticeable coating forms in the pan, which is removed without any extra effort.

To remove plaque from a ceramic or Teflon coating, use soft washcloths, do not use household chemicals containing abrasive components. You can wash the pan only in warm water.

We clean the rust

Cast iron, like other metals, is susceptible to corrosion. If you do not wipe the pan dry after washing, rust will appear on it. This unpleasant phenomenon is eliminated in several ways, the choice of which depends on the degree of rustiness.

mechanical way

As an abrasive, you will need a special cleaning powder and a metal brush (wire washcloth).

Rust can be removed with a wire cloth

  1. Wet the pan and apply the cleaning agent.
  2. Clean the surface damaged by rust with a brush (washcloth).
  3. Rinse the pan cold water and wipe dry.
  4. Lubricate with vegetable oil.
  5. Ignite in an oven heated to 180 0 C for 30-40 minutes.
  6. Remove from oven, cool and brush again with oil.

Use baking soda or table salt instead of powder, even sand or ashes. Thanks to simple actions, you will remove rust and prevent its reappearance.

Video: how to remove rust with soda

Boiled in vinegar solution

This method will help get rid of old rust. You will need a deep metal container (pot, bowl or bucket), 3 liters of water and 9% vinegar.

  1. Pour water into a container and put on the stove to warm up.
  2. After boiling, pour in the vinegar.
  3. Immerse the pan in the resulting solution and boil for 2 hours.
  4. Take out the pan and wash it in warm water. If rust remains in some places, rub the rusty places with a metal brush until they disappear.
  5. Wipe the skillet dry.
  6. Brush with vegetable oil, blotting excess with paper towels.
  7. Ignite on the stove or send to a hot oven (25-30 minutes).

Instead of vinegar, you can use soda (for 6 liters of water - 200–250 g).

Boiled in Pepsi or Coca-Cola

You will need a minimum of 2 liters of drink, depending on the size and depth of the pan.

  1. Pour the contents of the bottles into a large enameled bowl and submerge the rusty frying pan into it.
  2. Put on fire and bring to a boil.
  3. After boiling, turn off the heat and leave the utensils to cool completely.
  4. Rinse the pan with warm water and wipe dry.
  5. Ignite, lubricating with oil, as described above.

Orthophosphoric acid, present in Coca-Cola and Pepsi, will quickly and effortlessly remove rust.

You can clean the rust from the pan in the oven with a self-cleaning function. To do this, remove food residues from it and place the pan in the oven, heated to the maximum temperature, turning on the self-cleaning function. After 30 minutes turn off the cabinet and let it cool down. Wash the pan with detergent, dry and ignite with vegetable oil.

Removing soot from a pan

Unfortunately, even with a good housewife, carbon deposits form over time on the walls and bottom of a cast-iron pan. In advanced cases, the layer becomes thick and cracks. Even in this case, we try to save the pan.

We clean the soot with a drill or grinder

You will need:

With a brush, the soot will be removed quickly. But this method has many disadvantages. First, it's unsafe. Second, it's noisy. Thirdly, dirty (pieces of old soot scatter in different directions).

Cleaning a cast iron skillet

  1. Ignite the pan for several hours on the stove or in the oven at a temperature of 180–250 0 C.
  2. Dip it in a deep bowl of cold water.
  3. Clean with a hard metal brush.

Do not forget to open the window and turn on the hood.

If there is a wood-fired stove, you can put a cast-iron pan in the firebox so that the fire burns out the soot. You can use a barbecue instead of a stove. After this treatment, it remains to wash the pan.

The fire will burn out even the oldest soot

Cleaning kitchen utensils with sand

  1. Place the pan on medium heat.
  2. pour river sand to the brim and let it heat up for 3 hours.
  3. Tap the sides of the pan with a hammer (you can beat the meat).

After these manipulations, the soot will break off. Sand can be replaced with salt.

Using a blowtorch

Burn the pan on all sides with a blowtorch in an open area. The fire will quickly burn out the layers of burning. The advantage of this method: a minimum of time and effort. In no case do not do this in the apartment!

We boil the pan with clerical glue

For 5 liters of water you will need stationery glue (1/3 cup), soda ash (2/3 cup), half a bar of 72% laundry soap (100 g) and a deep metal container.

In the process of boiling the pan in the solution, the soot softens and it is removed without much effort.

  1. Fill the container with water and put on fire.
  2. While the water is heating, grate the soap on a coarse grater.
  3. Pour soap into warm water, add glue, soda and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved.
  4. Immerse the pan into the resulting solution and let it “cook” there for at least 1 hour. Add water as needed to cover the utensils being cleaned.

The effectiveness of this method lies in the use of clerical glue, which includes substances that can corrode old fat and soot. Soda ash and soap enhance its effect. It remains only to clean the pan and wash.

Video: how to boil a pan with stationery glue

Special products for cleaning cast iron cookware inside and out

Except tested folk methods cleaning the pan, use industrial facilities capable of doing the same job. Do not forget that caustic "chemistry" (cleaners for stoves and ovens, plumbing) is contraindicated on the inner surface of the dishes, because food is cooked in it, because it is difficult to wash off even after several thorough rinses. When working with such products, it is recommended to use rubber gloves.

Fairy, Mr. Muscle (anti-fat), Sun Clean, Sanita, Shumanit, Amway cleaners, Domestos and others are popular with housewives.

Important! If the product is not intended for dishes (see instructions), then it can only be used on the outer surface of the pan.

Photo gallery: strong cleaners applicable on the outside of dishes

The Amway product effectively cleans ovens, stoves, barbecue trays and grates, braziers from old traces of burnt fat, food, burnt sugar Shumanit helps to get rid of any pollution from gas or electric stoves, cleans dishes, Sanita grill with fat splitter is used for stoves, microwave ovens, grills, dishes, tiles Cif can easily deal with grease and burnt food, rust and lime deposits, soapy
Domestos perfectly fights rust in 10 minutes

Many housewives love to cook on cast iron cookware. But, unfortunately, sometimes we are faced with the fact that the cast-iron pan acquires a rust coating. As a rule, this happens due to improper use of dishes. We have already considered the question of how to care for cast iron cookware and you can read this in detail in the article "Care for cast iron cookware". Today we will tell you how to clean cast iron from rust. Exist various methods rust control. First of all, you need to have a special cleaning powder on hand, with which you should thoroughly clean the pan from rust deposits. It will be easier for you to do this cleaning if you use a metal brush. After this procedure, the rusty places should be grouted with fine-grained sandpaper.
When you have completely eliminated the rust, it is necessary to disinfect the dishes. To do this, pour salt into the pan almost to the top and pierce it well over the fire. If the previous method did not help you much, then we take more drastic measures. To do this, you should purchase coarser grit, medium grit sandpaper and a special rust converter, which can be bought at household chemical stores. You should start stripping using the largest sandpaper, then switch to softer sandpaper options.

When all the rust has gone, start applying the rust remover, strictly following the instructions on the package. For removing rust from a cast iron skillet you can attract a man. Many housekeeping guys can find a special nozzle for a drill with hard metal brushes. With the help of such a nozzle, ask your spouse to treat the affected pan. After that, thoroughly rinse the pan in hot water using dishwashing detergent. You can resort to such tricks as the help of a car service center in which car bodies are repaired. The craftsmen always have a special grinder at hand, with which they can easily clean the pan and even polish it. After this treatment at home, be sure to ignite the pan with salt on the stove. For the future, remember that in order not to have to remove rust again from cast iron cookware, it must be lubricated with vegetable oil, and then placed in the oven and calcined there for at least an hour. Then let cool in the pan and pat dry with paper towels.