How to drill a tile so that it does not cracked. What and how to drill a tile so that it does not cracked? How best to drill tiles

Ceramic tile - beautiful, practical and universal finishing material. It is great for making any room: kitchen, bath, toilet, hallway and living room. Laying tiles - the process is quite simple and for each owner, but it is also important to be able to drill a hole in the tile. After installing the tile, the installation of outdoor plumbing in the bathroom (in the toilet under the toilet) will also have to drill in a tile of holes for pipes and other communications. How to make it right so that the tile does not crack? Let's try to figure it out.

It seems that drill tiles - a simple task. In fact, you may encounter a very durable material that can not only crack when drilling, but which will be difficult to drill. To solve these problems, just read this article.

Before you start work, it is worth it to determine how to drill a tile to dry up so that it does not cracked. Knowledge of the basic principles will help to perform work accurately, and will deprive the need to look for a replacement to cracked items.

It is important to take into account the following:

  • It is important to ensure that the working surface and the drill does not overheat. The hot surface of the tile is faster begins to crack, so it should be cooled from time to time, watering with cold water.
  • You should control the force of pressure to the tool. If we crush weakly, then drill the hole will not work, and the excessively strong pressure will provoke a spindle tile.
  • When performing such a job, the use of the reverse mode is unacceptable. The drill must rotate exclusively in one direction (clockwise), and necessarily slowly.
  • It is necessary to observe accuracy when drilling holes in the seam between the cafenel, as well as with the edge of the tile. In the first case, you need to start drilling exactly in the center of the seam, and in the second it is necessary to ensure that the drill is not jumped, otherwise the piece will necessarily interfere.

Important! Recommendations are often found, shoot down the glaze at the site of the tile drilling with any girlfriend tool. Perhaps about 10-15 years ago, such a technology had a place to be, but with modern drills it is only an extra risk of damaging the tile, and it is strongly not recommended to do.


An important stage of drilling tiles - pre-marking. For this, many use stencils, plasters, painting tape and even paper tape. Stencils are cut from a sheet of plywood or chipboard.

It is also important at the installation phase to determine where the hole in the tile will be. To do this, it is specially necessary to shift the tile so that the hole has exactly at the center of the tile. So the probability of cracking is reduced. In addition, it creates aesthetic appearance.

How to make marking with a scotch or plaster? We note on it, the points in which we will drill (in advance calculate the correct distance between them, the height, etc.), after which I was attached to the desired place and begin work.

Difficulties when drilling a tile

Ceramic tile - durable and reliable material, but its surface is covered with a rather fragile enamel. With incorrect drilling of the tile, this layer is easily cracking and chips are formed. To avoid this, you need to know how not to make an error while drilling tile. Main errors:

  • Selection of incorrect tools. The tile is created by extruding and pressing, and has high strength. The selection of incorrect drill often leads to a split tile. It is categorically impossible to use wood, metal or glass drill for these purposes. They are not acute enough and under work create uneven pressure, which leads to the exceeding the threshold of tile strength. Therefore, it is important to pick up special drills for drilling, and carefully do all the work.
  • Strong pressure on the surface. When working, it is impossible to push the tool strongly, as when drilling other materials, you need to drill a ceramic tile, and the pressure on the tool is only in order to remain in the correct position.
  • Drill the tile can only keep drill at right angles. If working under the wrong angle, it can lead not only to the split tile, but also injuries (drill it easily jumps).

How to drill a hole in a still not laid tiled tile? It is recommended to do this on the floor, and under the bottom to put the board or chipboard.

Cafel drilling equipment

It is important to decide in advance how and how to drill tiles. To do this, it is necessary to choose a good drill that should not be high-speed or shock. From tools for work, you will need:

  • electrode (when working minimum speed is used);
  • rechargeable type screwdriver (speed of rotation of no more than 800-1000 revolutions);
  • a low-speed screwdriver network.

It is also necessary to choose special drills that work on the principle of abrasive friction. They differ from those that are designed to drill other surfaces (concrete, wooden, metal, etc.). More specifically, we will discuss this issue below.

Algorithm of drilling: Step-by-step instructions

First of all, it is necessary to note the center of the future opening with a marker or felt-tip pen. Next, go directly to the drilling of the hole in the ceramic tiles.

Important! It is necessary to pre-cool the drill, dipping it into cold water. It will help to avoid its overheating, and cracking enamel.

The main difficulty with which many faces is the slipping of the drill. How to make a hole in the tile under the socket, and avoid it?

There are three main ways:

  1. A method that is not recommended to be used, but it takes place to be - repel the enamel at the right point, check the tile, or do a small conical deepening. We put the tip of the drill to this hole, it will be stable to keep in one position, and drill tiles.
  2. When working, you can use the conductor, it is a bar with holes of different diameters. It is applied to the wall in the right place, very tightly pressed to the surface of the wall, and through one of the holes begin to drill.

Important! If you do not have a conductor, make it with your own hands will not be difficult. Just do a hole in a wooden board, and use it.

  1. At the site of drilling, we stick the leukoplasty or the mounting tape. They will help keep the drill when passing the enamel layer, and will also help mark the desired point on the surface.
  2. If there is a stationery corrector in the house (white tool for shading errors, sold in a bubble or pencil form), it is applied to the surface and wait for a complete drying. The tool creates a small roughness on the tile, which allows the drill to be stable at the desired point.

So that you don't sculp the drill just use a painting tape or isolate

How to drill in a tile hole under the dowel

Often, in order to hang furniture in the kitchen or in the bathroom you need to do a hole in the tile under a dowel. To do this, it is necessary to work according to the following scheme:

  • Plaster or mounting tape on the surface to prevent slipping. You can use any convenient way above.
  • We celebrate the center of the future hole (it is convenient to do on the very plaster, using an ordinary marker).
  • At this stage, you have already had to choose what you will drill tile. Insert the drill to the drill and proceed directly to work.
  • I exhibit a device for a minimum speed, we put the drill perpendicular to the surface of the tile and drilling. When the tile is passed, the drill must be replaced with another, or take advantage of the perforator to do the hole in the wall.

Choosing a drill

In the photo, special drills that are necessary for drilling ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware

In advance, it is necessary to find out what drill can be drilled ceramic tiles. To do this, it is impossible to use drills for metal, wood or glass - they are not sharp enough. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to one of the following options:

  • Apened drill (tungsten carbide). This is more expensive drill than winning, but also more efficient due to increased hardness. Great when you need to drill a few holes.
  • Winned drill. If you need to drill ceramic tiles in the bathroom or other room at once in several places, this option is not the best. It requires a lot of time, on the drilling of one hole can go more than an hour.
  • Drills with a diamond tip. The hardness of such a product is much higher than that of the tile, so it quickly and effectively makes a hole in the tile. The lack of such a drill is a high cost, and if one will have to work with him, buying becomes inappropriate.

At least buying an expensive drill, it is often an excessive waste of money, the acquisition of poor-quality equipment is no less dubious. The fact is if the drill will not be suitable for work on the cafée, the tile will begin to crack, and the work time will have to spend several times more.

Big diameter holes

Often, when drilling a tile, the holes of a large diameter have to be formed. How to drill tiles in this way? For this there are several effective ways, each of which we will look at below.

Choose a drill to install pipes

Conventional drills are not suitable for solving this task. It is recommended to use special centered drill nozzles. The crown with a diamond spraying or a ballerina is best suited.

If the pipe is closed with a large lattice, then nothing special will be required, the corners of the tile can be cut off with a grinder

Drilling of high-diameter holes

This is a complex and painstaking work that is performed according to the following algorithm:

  • we plan the center of the future hole and put the crown of the desired diameter on the drill.
  • Drill put in the center and start drilling with little revolutions.
  • As soon as the enamel layer passed, you can increase the speed slightly, and when the entire tile is passed, stop drilling.
  • Next use the perforator. It is important to perform all the work gently.

Drilling crown
To form a large hole, this tool is considered the most efficient, but at the same time the most expensive. When drilling ceramics with the help of a crown, it must be constantly cooling with water, because the product is very quickly overheated. The effectiveness of this method is due to diamond spraying on a crown, which makes drilling faster and convenient.

There is also a more economical version of the crown drill - a product with a toothed edge of a solid alloy, which can reach up to 15 cm in diameter.

The crown should be cooled so that the tile does not cracked and the crown did not break

Ballet drilling

I solve how to drill ceramics, many stop their choice on the ballerina. It is a central drill of a small diameter, and the adjustable leg, which is removed from the center to a certain distance and determines the diameter of the hole.

It is important to remember that setting the legs of the ballerina adjusts the radius, that is, half the diameter of the circle, which is important when working. After installing it, you need to strongly twist the screw so that the leg does not go to the side.

You need to drill with the help of a ballerka at low speed, without leaving the tool. Due to strong pressure, it can jam. Keep the device needs strictly at an angle of 90 degrees.

Also, when working it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the depth of the slot over the entire circumference was the same. It often happens that after work a small section of the tile remains not cut off, then it is necessary to gently break the pliers. An uneven edge is then raised by sandpaper.

What other tools can be used

But what to do if there are no crowns or ballerns in the house, and the hole need to do everything once? Buying special nozzles becomes inappropriate, so you can also apply other tools for work. Consider how exactly you can drill the tile without these nozzles.

For example, an electric drill can be replaced manual. Of course, it will increase the temporary costs of work, but the quality of the well-done hole will be higher. The main thing is to control the pressure on the tool and keep it at the right angle.

Application Bulgarian

This is a universal tool that is used to quickly drill holes in ceramic tiles. To work, you must purchase a special diamond spray nozzle, and strictly follow the safety rules when working. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Draw on the surface of the tile with a marker of the outline of the future hole.
  2. Install the carved disk on the grinder.
  3. Go directly to work. It is necessary to move the tool from ourselves, initially delineating the contour, after which it is gradually starting to delve.

The edges of the cutout are definitely polished.

Using jigscription

This is the easiest tool that every owner is found. Before starting work, you must purchase a tungsten thread. This is a very convenient tool for such a work that allows you to make holes of different sizes carefully and efficiently.

From the disadvantages of this method, it is possible to distinguish its labor cost: when working it is necessary to use a physical force, which quickly leads to fatigue, especially if you need to make several holes. Step-by-step instruction:

  • By marker, we supply the outline of the future hole on the enamel tiles.
  • With the help of the electric drill, we do the starting hole through which we have done a tungsten thread, then fix it on the jigsik.
  • We begin to smoothly cut on the inner contour of the markup, trying not to go beyond its limits.
  • The edges at the end of the work hang out the emery paper.

Tile Processing with Head Tools

But not everyone has a drill house or electric jik, what to do then? There are methods that allow you to do a hole in the tile using conventional glass cutters and pliers. To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. We make markup, outlining the outline of the hole.
  2. Write a glass cutter, creating a shallow furrow.
  3. Cold on the surface of the glass cutting head so that the furridge becomes deeper.
  4. Pliers gently bow for a cropped plot in pieces
  5. the edges are sandpaper.

Using special drill nozzles

If you have special shocks on a drill - work will simplify several times. Some of them, for example, a ballerina were already mentioned earlier. As a rule, they have a central drill and cutter. The sequence of actions when they are used does not change.

Using diamond crown

Diamond crown - dear, but reliable and durable tool. It is intended for repeated use, and diamond spraying will make the work quick, neat and efficient.

Drilling not yet fixed on the wall of the tile

You can also drill ceramics before it is fixed on the wall. To do this, follow the following algorithm of work:

  • We leave the tile for half an hour in the water before starting work.
  • After this time, we shift the tile on a flat surface, it should be a tree or concrete, it is impossible to drill tiles on a metal surface.
  • Fix the tile in this position and celebrate the center of the future hole.
  • We proceed to drilling, we carry out work starting with small revolutions, gradually increasing the speed.

Small tropping tile drilling

In any business, it is better to study on the mistakes of others, and the drilling of the holes in the tile is no exception. We have already found out how to drill ceramic tiles in the bathroom, kitchen and other rooms, but what else should be known?

Make a job as high quality will help useful recommendations of experienced masters:

  1. Drill the tile of the electric drill so that it does not cracked, you need at the speed of not more than 1000 revolutions per minute.
  2. If you need to make a hole in the tile already attached to the wall, and at the same time the drill on glass or ceramics is used, it must be replaced immediately after the tile layer is passed. The required depth of the hole must be done by the drill along concrete.
  3. It is also recommended to change the diameter of the drill. For drilling the tile itself, a larger diameter drill is used, and for a wall smaller by 2 mm.
  4. It is possible to make a hole in the seams between the tile only when the seam width is greater than the diameter of the drill. Otherwise, the tile will begin to crack and split.

In custody

Repair work does not end on laying tiles, and after that it will be necessary to carry out communications, drill holes for sockets, pipes and furniture. To keep the beauty of the tile, it should be done correctly, and we hope we told you all the secrets that will help you.

After cladding the bathroom or kitchen tiled, small works remain: rave shelves and rails, fasten the lamps, install sockets. However, for all this it is necessary to prepare holes in the finish, which in the case of a fragile cafeter - is not such a simple task. We will tell, how to dry the ceramic tiles to not split it.

Drilling the tile is very careful - it does not have such a viscosity as metal, and does not have bonds between grains that are easily broken when working on concrete. Ceramic tiles in its structure is monolithic, and any point load can lead to its cracking. Therefore, the tool should be selected very carefully.

  • The perforator in the shock mode disappears immediately, but when switching to "Drill", it is quite suitable for drilling a tile. In addition, it is necessary for the further preparation of the socket under fasteners in the concrete wall, so all the work can be performed by one tool.
  • Drill is a good option with the correct selection of drill. However, to work on the cafél on the regulator you need to set low revs - not higher than 800 rpm. At the same time, the tool itself should be powerful enough so that even such a loss of torque did not prevent the hole in the solid tile.
  • A screwdriver (battery or network) can be used not only by direct purpose, but also for drilling a tile. Here control the speed of revolutions is simpler, so the chance to split the tile is minimal.
  • Handmade engraver - This tool is not found at each home master, but if it is, it will be easier to make square or curly holes in the tile facing.

Suitable nozzles


When working with a cafeter, it is not even a power tool itself, and the drills you use. For ceramics produced special borants with diamond or corundum spraying. Some masters allow the use of a winning drill, but its tip's strength is not enough to perform holes quickly. However, when it comes to everything about a pair of nests under the dowel, overpay for professional diamond consumables there is no point.

The form of drill for ceramics is quite diverse, so that you can find a suitable nozzle:

  • Spear-shaped

Have the form of a triangular wedge with two or four diverging blades. To prepare the landing nests under a dowel with a diameter of 4-12 mm, they are enough, besides, this is one of the few types of drills that cope with ceramics even winning tips. There are no "spears" relatively inexpensively, do not glue the glazes, but they work well only on low revs and still quickly stupid. However, their low price is completely reconciled.

  • Tubular

There are hollow tubes of different diameters (from 5 to 75 mm) with a solid spraying along the cutting edge. It is easier to work with them and more convenient - due to the large area of \u200b\u200bcontact, such drills are smoothly entering the tap of the tile and do not leave chips. However, for each hole will have to acquire a separate nozzle of the desired size, and the spraying on them is erased rather quickly. When using tubular drills, the speed of rotation should not exceed 500 rpm - they are expensive, and due to the artistic grains, it is possible to come into disrepair during excess heating.

  • Circular (ballerica)

Universal drills that can make holes of different diameters from 30 to 90 mm in the diameter. They have a central wedge-shaped spear and an adjustable removal on which the additional blade is located. The lack of a ballerina is that she literally begins to dance, thoroughly pull out a drill of the hands - a considerable experience will be required to drill it with a hole without breaking the tile. In addition, the blade knocks out rather large fragments, leaving far from imperfect edges.


They are used to obtain a hole in the tile of the right shape and a large diameter to 160 mm (for example, under a socket, switch or output of communications). These are wide cups similar to tubular drills, all with the same corundum or diamond spraying on the edge and centering tip in the middle.

Working with crowns requires special accuracy and correct installation of the cutting edge - strictly in one plane with tiles. But first, the tile of the center of the center of the center of the center of the central bits is performed first. This allows you to create a rigid axis of the rotation of the cup and set it parallel to the facing surface.

At the end of the work, the round of the tile is removed from the wall along with the crown. If it sits tightly on the solution, you can pushing it with a screwdriver or knock out chisel, trying not to damage the rest of the finish.


To cut through the hole of a non-standard size, a square or rectangular shape in the tile, it is easier to use a manual engraver by setting a disk milling on it. Cutting circles of small diameter from 18 to 50 mm with a diamond non-changing edge are suitable.

How to drill tiles

The most difficult and responsible stage when drilling ceramics is the first shower through the layer of glaze. The tile surface has high strength, and the drill at any time can slip with a smooth coating. So that this does not happen, the masters are resorted to different tricks.

The easiest and most reliable way is to make a plot of the tile of paint scotch. It can also make markup for the future hole, especially if the dark color tile. This option is suitable for working with ceramics on vertical surfaces. You can take advantage of the stationery corrector, making a liquid in a fatty mark on the tile. After drying, it will turn into a rough stain that does not allow the nozzle to slip.

It is infrequently used to drill outdoor tiles, but if there is a need for it, it is better to use the factory or improvised conductor. For its manufacture, you can take a simple wooden bar or a thick piece of plywood and make a hole in it of the same diameter as the drill on ceramics. This nest will serve as a drill limiter and will help hold it strictly perpendicular to the floor. Of course, the loose wood drill will not stop, but you will feel if you begin to reject the tool aside, and you can align it in time.

The first deploying through the glaze is performed on high speed with a light touch of the tip. After that, it will be necessary to stop and translate a drill or a screwdriver to the minimum rotation frequency. When using tubular nozzles, first departed with a slight deviation of the axis from the vertical - only after that the cutting edge is set strictly perpendicular to the facing.

  1. The hole in the ceramic tile under the dowel should be a little more in the diameter - so you do not damage the tile when you score the pad anchor into the wall.
  2. If the landing socket must be prepared in the interline seam, choose the drill bit of smaller diameter. The ends of the meter tile are protected from mechanical exposure than the facial surface, and accidentally assumed the edge, you risks to leave Schcherbin on the facing, from which the crack will go.
  3. In no case do not nests close to the edge of the laid tile - the risk to spoil her here is almost one hundred percent. Transfer the hole either to the seam center, or away from the edge (at least 2 cm).
  4. During drilling, do not press too much on the cutting tool - the working head must "wipe" the hole in the tile, and not to urge it.
  5. Ceramic tile can respond with cracking on a sharp temperature difference. To do not create an excess heating at the drilling point, water this place with water. The tool itself also needs to be periodically cooling, especially if you use diamond crowns or tubes.
  6. As soon as the drill will pass the tile through, replace it with a conventional winp plant slightly smaller diameter, and a drill or a perforator is translated into the impact mode. So you will quickly cope with the wall and extend the life of consumables.

Of course, the easiest way to drill holes in a not yet glued tile, putting it on an ideally smooth surface, for example, a sheet of chipboard or drywall. So the risk of damage to the tile is reduced at times. But on the finished facing, you can make neat holes for fasteners, if you use low turnover power tools and the correct drills.

Completed work on wall cladding. The last steps were left to arrange: hang shelves, rollers, mirrors, hooks on the wall in the bathroom or kitchen. How to drill tile so that it does not cracked, knowing how much it is a gentle material. Because of one incorrect movement or miscalculation with the choice of tool, all repairs can destroy.
Indeed, the tile when cutting or drilling is easily cracking, but this does not mean that you need to refuse to mount on the walls of the room hinged accessories. The main task to go to the case competently, to achieve the desired result without losses that may arise during the work.
Any professional tiler will tell you to keep the tile in the original aesthetic form, drove the hole is necessary on small speeds. Not an unimportant moment is an understanding of how work (porcelain stoneware, glass-ceramics and others) will be carried out with the material of the tile and choosing the instrument correct for this purpose.

The main task to go to the case competently, to achieve the desired result without losses that may arise during the work.

Before starting any work, in order to quickly complete it, it is necessary to clearly plan the action plan. Drilling holes in the tile, it would seem to be an action not wisdom, but it is not quite so. This responsible moment, with an incorrect approach, can significantly turn the nerves due to the spoiled tile. And we plan an action plan:
Determine what material made tiles that are lined with walls. The choice of tool depends on it. Determine what purpose you need holes in the tile. Identify at what place you need holes.

Tip: If the width of the seams between the tiles reaches three or more millimeters, plan, if possible, future fasteners there. By this, you will greatly simplify repairs and do not wake up that cracks do not appear in the tile.

Make marker on the tile markup. Shift the scotch surface on the marker marker. Based on the required hole size, select the appropriate tool. About how to choose it will be described below. The tool is selected. Next step - select drills or crowns. Prepare everything you need for work. Explore the instructions and tips on how to drill the tile so that it does not cracked.
Armed with the necessary knowledge, proceed to work.

Screwdriver or drill.

  • Drill.
  • The choice depends on the quality of the drilling surface.
  • Crowns (in case of drilling of high-diameter holes).
  • Painting tape or scotch.
  • Marker
  • Bank with cold water (for compatible drill).

Whatever tool you have chosen, it should be remembered that the maximum number of revolutions should not exceed thousands. Professionals advise you to choose a rechargeable screwdriver, its power is optimal from eight hundred to a thousand revolutions.
A good replacement can be a screwdriver working from the network, according to technical characteristics it is similar to the battery.
It happens that there is no economy of the desired electrical instrument. Not trouble, you can use a hand drill. The price of it is quite affordable, and a small number of revolutions that can be opened by manual labor will allow you to get an ideal hole.

IMPORTANT! Remember that manual screwdriver is ideal when it takes a hole no more than 3 millimeters. An important point is the choice of drills. Tell me how to choose.

Types of drills for tile

Divided into:

  • Spear-shaped.
  • From solid alloys with one-sided sharpening.
  • Diamond.
  • With carbide and tungsten deposition.
  • "Ballerina".

Drills of spear-shaped

A fairly common option used to process fragile surfaces How to drill a tile so as not to cracked? - The answer to this question know the data of the drill. The main advantage of others is the durability of operation. Such drills are perfectly suitable for drilling the grooves under a dowel with the purpose of mounting the towel of dryers, rolling and hangers. They are also used for work on glass and mirrors. Low cost of drill and high quality work performed makes the tool very attractive.

Serve for the goals of drilling holes of an average value up to 13 millimeters in diameter in a tile from any material. The drills from solid alloys differ from the rest of the sharpening, on the one hand having an acute angle.
In order to compare, let's say that simple drills have a stupid angle and are used to work with wood, brick, other materials that are not terrible.

Ways to drill the tile

Diamond crowns

An excellent option when you need to get the keys from eight to eighty millimeters. Such crowns are more often used for drilling stationary water-cooled installations. Also, the use of drill is possible.

IMPORTANT! By buying a drill, check the presence of a centering drill in it, allowing the use of electric drill. Rights durable. With low drilling and timely cooling turnover, one drill can be "overcome" about fifty holes.

Drills with cracked carbide and tungsten

Suitable for drilling holes in cerebrospide, clay, glass. Carbide and tungsten drills are sold in a set of 4 crowns of various sizes, allow you to drill holes for the installation of outlets, shelves, mirrors and other things. The minus drill is high cost. If we are talking about drumming a few holes, it is worth spending. In other cases, independently appreciate the feasibility of such an acquisition.

It is intended for drilling large holes from 30 to 90 millimeters. The only drawback is that the edges of the surface are obtained uneven, so the use of such a drill applies on surfaces hidden from eyes: under the sink, bathroom.
Cutting is performed using an attack made of solid alloy, which are equipped with cutting parts of the discs. Exit parts are bolted between themselves.
The main reason why "Ballerina" became so popular was the ability to drill not standard holes.

It is intended for drilling large holes from 30 to 90 millimeters.

How to drill ceramic tiles

Tip: If necessary, make a groove in a chapher with icing, remember that the upper layer is more solid. During drilling, different efforts will be required. In this case, from strong to weak.

Work can be divided into several stages:
The drilling area should be marker or marker. Next, on the scheduled tile zone, glue the painting tape or scotch. In the case when you need a drilling of two or more holes, resort to the use of the ruler. It will help withstand symmetry.
Tip: Sticking the tape sticker is simply replaced by punching kerner, a special manual plumbing tool, a small hole. This will allow insert a featured drill in the groove and ensure its reliable fixation.
Tip: Before the next stage, be sure to moisten the drilled surface with water, it will provide a peculiar protection against cracking.

Tip: Before starting work, wipe the tile with a damp cloth. Make sure that the shock mode is disabled on the screwdriver or drove.

So, insert the drill into a drill or screwdriver and set the minimum drilling speed. Turn on the tool. Scroll down the drill in the air, defining the "beating" if it is large, make a choice in favor of another. When drilling, the mechanism is placed at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface. Getting started on small turns, slowly increasing. Do not press the tool strongly.
Reaching the foundations of the wall, be sure to replace the drill (taking into account the material of the wall surface on which the tile is glued: wooden, stone, concrete) and drill the hole of the desired depth.

Tip: To make the hole to do on the right depth, you can glue a piece of insulating tape on the drill. To do this, take a dowel, cut the tape at its length. Ribbon stick to the drill. It will be a peculiar beacon of the desired depth.
IMPORTANT! Note, the second drill can not be larger first. If this condition is not compared, the tile is guaranteed. It is impossible to drill holes at the edge of the tile and gaps between it - these places are cracking better than others.

For not allowing the overheating tool, turn off the drill periodically, and the drill dip in the jar with water.

Scroll down the drill in the air, defining the "beating" if it is large, make a choice in favor of another

When working on drilling holes, a lot of dust is always formed. For compliance with safety, specialists are recommended to use protective equipment: respirator and safety glasses. Three hair, in order to exclude accidents at work, collect in a bunch on the back of the head.
Excellent if the assistant helps. In this case, the assistant can be attracted to work on the absorption of dust with a vacuum cleaner. This will significantly reduce the time and strength on the subsequent cleaning of the room.

Installation of a dowel. In the resulting hole, screw the dowel and hang the accessory you like.

Tip: Before starting work, applying all of the specified instructions, work in the skill of the drilling of the tile on the debris remaining from the facing.

All is ready! Shining walls, decorated with a beautiful tile and decorated with mirrors, shelves and hooks, look cool! And imagine this is your hands! Do not be afraid to do anything personally and surprised how much it can increase your self-esteem and bring genuine joy to relatives and relatives.

How to drill a tile so that it does not cracked 100%

Despite the high strength, ceramic tiles are easy to damage, so during repair all manipulations with it must be carried out carefully. To work with a tile, it is important to have appropriate knowledge, especially if we are talking not only about its laying, but also drilling holes. Otherwise, it is possible to suffer large losses due to spoiled material, and in some cases it is necessary to repaid repairs.

Features of the tile

Facing tile is a versatile material, because It can be used in different rooms, whether it is a bathroom, toilet, a kitchen or even a non-residential room. Through a tile, you can create original and practical interior designs, change the geometry of the room and the height of the walls. But, like any other material, ceramic tile has drawbacks - fragility and slippery surface, which significantly complicates the process of drilling holes.

During repair work, it does not rack the need to drill a tile in order to continue to hang the shelf, a towel holder or other, it should be noted that the need for this manipulation may occur not only until the material laying the material, and after. In both cases, the procedure must be made as accurately as possible to prevent the tile split. In addition, it is important to use the right tools that will allow you to quickly and well cope with the task.

How to drill?

To drill holes in the tile, different types of tools are used: perforator, screwdriver, hand drill or electric. The tool selection will depend not only on preferences, and from the hole diameter you want to do. For example, a manual drill will suit to do small holes. Its speed can be easily controlled, which will avoid the split of the material. The screwdriver is also suitable, which has a small number of revolutions.

To drill a large diameter holes, it is advisable to use a perforator or electric crowns. When working with the tools, it is important to turn off the shock mode and use the minimum speed. Among other things, you will need such devices such as conductor, rolled, level, pencil, painting tape or tape.

Choosing a drill

Deciding with the tool, it is necessary to choose a suitable drill that is best to cope with the task. It is important to take into account the features of the tile - hardness, degree of porosity, thickness. Twisted presented in a wide variety, they differ in material, diameter and purpose.

  1. Spear. The most common drill, suitable for making small holes under the dowel. It has a long-term operational and affordable cost.
  2. Treatment, sharpened on the one hand. Suitable for any type of tile, with the exception of a porcelain band. With it, you can drill holes with a diameter of up to 12 mm.
  3. Diamond crowns. We are needed to create large holes - 10-70 mm. Such products cope with any material, both with a fragile fabric and porcelain stonework. One crown is enough for 20-50 cycles.
  4. Ballerinka. The product is an adjustable circular drill, designed to drill holes with a diameter of up to 90 mm. The ballerina consists of 2 discs located in parallel, and the distance between them corresponds to the radius of the future hole.
  5. Crowns with a spraying carbido-tungsten. They are great for work not only with a cafeter, but with such materials as a porcelain stoneware, marble and brick. With the help of crowns, the holes for cabinets, sockets and heated towel rails and other things are done.

As practice shows, it is best to choose a rumble with a diamond spraying, because They allow you to make the most smooth and neat openings, while while working significantly reduces the risk of tile cracking.

How to drill?

Often, the drilling of the holes is required when the tile is already laid on the wall, so this option is recommended to consider first. Work begins with the preparation of tools, and applying markings on the tile. To prevent sliding drill, you can stick to the construction tile tile, and put a mark on it. It is necessary to start drilling at minimal speed, and then smoothly increase it. Having reached the base of the wall, it is recommended to replace the drill for the tile on a more suitable, for example, to work with concrete or stone.

During the work, the tool must be kept strictly at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the wall, and do not put pressure on the surface. For better visibility, you can use an additional lighting device or a special LED nozzle for a drill or a shuffer.

If the ceramic tile is not yet laid, then it must be put on a while in a capacity with water, after which it is possible to get, wipe, place on a wooden substrate, and put markings. In this case, you can also use the scotch to eliminate sliding. The further drilling process is performed in the same way as described above, but it does not need to change the drill.

Large diameter openings can be performed only with the help of crowns or ballerns, and it should be done before laying tiles. At first, you must apply marking on the tile, then set the tool in the desired position, and with a light pressure to start drilling at low speed. In the course of operation, the tile is recommended to be wedged with water to reduce dust formation.

Masters are not recommended to do the holes in the tile seams, because There is a high probability of formation of chipping and cracking of the material. But if there is still a need for this, then you should choose a roller, the width of which will correspond to the magnitude of the seam. Thus, the hole will be exactly between the tiles, and the likelihood of their damage will be reduced to a minimum.

Drilling holes in the tile is a difficult task that requires the skills of working with construction tools and materials. But still, if desired and small practice, work can be done well without the participation of a professional master.

  1. It is important to choose the instrument correctly, which will not only be practical, but also convenient, because the master must confidently keep him in his hands.
  2. It is necessary to work at minimum speed - no more than 1000 revolutions per minute.
  3. It is impossible to put pressure on the tool or change the deduction angle, because This will lead to cracking.
  4. When drilling holes in the seams, you should use a thin drill, and it can not be intended for a tile, but for concrete. But still it is recommended to drill directly by the material, and not the seams.
  5. Not laid ceramic tiles before drumping should be soaked in water for 1 hour - this will reduce the probability of cracking.
  6. It is not recommended to do holes close to the edges of the tile, because In these areas, it is the most fragile.

Before you start driving a lined wall, it is better to first practicing. The master must "feel" the tool and how the drill penetrates the tile. Professionals always feel the likelihood of the fault of the tile and at the right moment reduce the speed of drilling.

Safety technique

When performing work with a tile and power tools, it is necessary to follow safety. First of all, you need to wear protective clothing, namely gloves, building glasses, closed shoes that will remove the skin in the event of a split material. In addition, the process of drilling holes in ceramic tiles refers to dirty work due to the formation of a large amount of dust, so the respirator, rob and headdress does not hurt.

About how to carefully drill the tile, see the next video.

For decoration of bathrooms and toilets, floors in the hallway and the kitchen are often used ceramic granite or tile. This is durable, wear-resistant material with excellent performance. Often it must be drilled, for attaching anchor, plugs, other element. There is another property - fragility when drilling. She can crack. Therefore, you need to know the rules how to drill tiles to not cracked.

Description of the tile

Finishing material based on a mixture of clay, sand, mineral binders, burned in the furnace at high temperature. It happens a square or rectangular shape. The top layer is especially durable, from the glaze of various colors and textures.

The tile is used for lining walls in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen. The floors are separated by ceramic granite. This is a universal material with a number of useful properties:

  • Wear resistance. The main positive property. With its proper laying on the floor and the walls will serve not one ten years.
  • Moisture resistance. Suitable for protecting walls and floors in rooms with high humidity. The low-pore structure of the external protective layer does not absorb water.
  • Low electrical conductivity. On the surface, lined with a tile, static electricity charges are not concentrated.
  • Variety of version options. Production technology allows you to get a finishing material of any color, the texture of the face surface.
  • Ecology. Produced from organic materials.

There is one negative property - a ceramic tile is difficult to drill. If you perform work with a regular drill, it will crack. This is associated with high density, and, consequently, fragility with point exposure.

How to drill

If you need to drill the tile for fastening the cabinet or pipe gasket, then it can be done with your own hands. The main thing to follow the rules how to drill tiles to not cracked.


Lies in the selection of electric or mechanical tools, as well as dried:

  • Electric drill or rechargeable screwdriver. There are two necessary parameters. The first is acceptable weight. The second - adjustment of the rotational speed of the cartridge.
  • Manual drill. You can use, as a last resort, when there is no electrical analogue at hand. Heavy in appeal. Low speed rotation of the cartridge.
  • Universal nozzle. Suitable to drill the most fragile tile.
  • Specialized drill (nozzle). Tip in the form of a spear. Used for low-diameter holes.

  • Nozzle with one-sided acute sharpening. Designed for the drilling of durable ceramic granite. Long service life.

  • Cut - crowns. Professional tool. Suitable for drilling a large diameter in durable grades of ceramic granite. They differ in spraying on the working edge: diamond, carbido-tungsten, corundum.

  • Disposable "Drill - Ballerinka". Designed to get large holes.

After selecting the tool, it is necessary to figure out how to drill tiles to not cracked. There are several general rules:

  • First pass. Performed on an experienced sample. This makes it possible to understand the principle of the work of the nozzle, the features of its behavior.
  • Marking. It is marked with a pencil or marker. For convenience, that the label does not "fly away, a rapid tape is glued to the tile. It is more convenient to mark the point of drilling, the marker will not shit, the label will not move.
  • Adjusting the revolutions of the drill or screwdriver. The tile / ceramic face is drilled at a speed of 100-400 rpm. This is enough to pass the robust top layer without damaging the tile.
  • Substrate. If the tile is drilled, which is not yet laid, then the underlying surface must be smooth. If you do not comply with the rule, it may burst when naught is not a tile.
  • Drilling time. The instrument head is greatly heated. Therefore, the speed of work is small, without a strong pressure on the drill. In extreme cases, the work area is wetted with water.

Video: Drilling tiles carefully

Small diameter

If you need to drill little hole (up to 20 mm) on the wall, then used special tip nozzles in the form of a spear or one-sided sharpening. Suitable for repeated use.

The area where the hole will be, is pasted with scotch. The markup is applied on it. Not recommended to drill closer 15 mm from the seam. The edge can break. In this case, it is better to choose a point directly between adjacent elements.

Special drill is used to pass the durable top layer of ceramic granite. The rest of the thickness and body of the wall will be drilled by a boom on a concrete or a universal nozzle.

Drill diameter for 2-3 mm morethan dowel or traffic jams. While working with an electric tool, it is necessary to closely monitor its position. Strictly perpendicular to the wall plane.

Large diameter

Required for laying pipes and communication networks. Diameter from 20 mm. It is performed using a disposable "Drill - Ballerina" or a diamond spraying crown. As a rule, holes are done before laying tiles.

If the "Drill - Ballerinka" is used, then pre- a guide hole is performed with a diameter of 3-4 mm. The nozzle goes strictly perpendicular to the plane of the tool, the rotational speed of the cartridge is small. Work perforator only under the condition that the jackhaft mechanism is turned off.

Crowns are more convenient and practical. First, they are repassing. Secondly, the speed and quality of it is reduced. Thirdly, there is a central tip on more part of the crown.

Drill the toilet or kitchen tile will not be difficult if you follow the rules, use a high-quality tool. The main thing is to rush, act consistently.