Potatoes with minced meat what to cook. Fried potatoes with minced meat in a pan

Soup with meatballs


chopped meat
any cereal you want
green onion
salt pepper
Bay leaf

Boil water, put grated carrots, potatoes.
Form meatballs from minced meat.
When the potatoes are already half cooked, throw in the meatballs, bay leaf, salt and pepper to taste.
A couple of minutes before the soup is ready, put chopped herbs and onions.
You can put any cereal in the soup, then put it together with potatoes. You can also make frying from carrots and onions, then your soup will be more expressive in taste and high in calories.

Minced meat-400 gr.
Onion garlic,

Sprinkle with herbs when serving!
Bon Appetit!

Cutlets with potatoes in sour cream and tomato sauce!

Minced meat-400 gr.
Onion garlic,
Roll (soak in cold milk).
Flour-2 tablespoons (for breading).
Prepare minced meat (like cutlets), divide, bread each ball in flour. Place in grease. shape, and the middle of the potato.
Bake in warm oven for 15 minutes at 220*.
For the sauce, mix 2 tablespoons of sour cream + 1 tablespoon of ketchup + 0.5 cups of water, salt, pepper.
Pour in the sauce and leave in the oven for 20 minutes.
Sprinkle with herbs when serving!

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peel the zucchini, cut into pieces, then fry a little in vegetable oil. Put aside. In minced chicken (400-500g) add grated carrots (1 pc), onion (1 pc), I also added one grated potato, salt, spices and mix. Separately, we prepare the filling: 2 eggs + milk (100 ml) + herbs + salt. We beat. Separately grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Cut the tomatoes small (3-4 pcs) into circles. We spread it in layers in the form: zucchini, minced meat, tomatoes, pour everything on top with the prepared filling, and at the end sprinkle with cheese! We put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

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Khanum Many people call this dish “Lazy manti”. But this is a very big mistake - the taste of khanum is very different, if, of course, it is cooked correctly, with zazharochka, fresh onions and thinly rolled dough. I love khanum more than manti for its unique taste. After all, where else can you find this combination? a spoonful of flour 3-4 tbsp. spoons of tomato pasteKnead the dough without eggs. Prepare the filling: Cut potatoes and onions into cubes, mix with meat and spices. Thinly roll out the cake, spread the minced meat evenly and roll it into a roll. We put to cook for 40 minutes, and we ourselves are engaged in frying. Fry onion sliced ​​in half rings until golden brown, add flour and tomato paste. Fry with continuous stirring for a couple of minutes. Dilute with water to the consistency of the sauce, salt, pepper. Let it boil for 2-3 minutes. Turn off. Separately cut onion, wash. You can cut and green. We take out our products from the double boiler, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with onions.

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How to cook manti

Turn 400 grams of fatty lamb and 70 grams of fat tail fat through a meat grinder by setting a large grill or cut into small cubes (lightly freeze the meat and fat, then they will be much easier to cut). Peel and finely chop 7-8 medium onions, the weight of the onion should be the same as the weight of the meat. If there is no scale at home, be guided by the volume of products: for 1 cup of meat, take 1.5 cups of chopped onions.

Mix meat with onion, salt and pepper to taste. Add a little water to the cooked minced meat to make it juicier. Leave the minced meat to infuse for at least 30-40 minutes. For flavor, add fresh chopped parsley, dill, cilantro and cumin if desired.

Prepare the dough. To do this, mix 1 egg with a glass of cold boiled water, then add 1 teaspoon of salt and mix thoroughly again. Sift 4 cups of flour into a deep cup, pour the liquid into it and knead the dough. It should be elastic.

Divide the dough into 3-4 parts, there should be as many parts as there are circles in the pressure cooker. Divide each piece into 9-12 pieces. Roll each part into a round cake, put the minced meat in the center so that the edges can be pinched. Pinch the edges according to the principle of dumplings (it is possible in other ways), collecting them in the form of a rose. Put the pressure cooker with water on the fire and let the water boil. Set the mugs, close the lid. Cook for 40-45 minutes at maximum heat. Garnish with fresh herbs before serving.

Manti is not only very tasty, but also a hearty dish. Steamed and seasoned with sauce or sour cream, they are not only healthy, but also unusually juicy. Having tried manti at least once, you will definitely want to cook them again. lamb;
tail fat;
red ground pepper;
ground black pepper;
salt. You need to eat manti with your hands, not with a fork, so that juice does not flow out of them. To prepare a soft dough, use kefir instead of water and do not add an egg, slightly increase the amount of salt. Before putting manti on mugs, dip them in vegetable oil so they don't stick to the tier.

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Pie "Sloth" (not sweet)
Light, unusual and very tasty cake.
The author cooked the pie in a slow cooker, but you can also cook it in the oven.
So, we need:
2 thin lavash sheets
500 grams of minced meat (for non-meat eaters, you can replace it with mushrooms, potatoes)
onion, greens
for filling:
3 eggs
5 tbsp mayonnaise
2 tbsp ketchup
We make minced meat, add onions, herbs, salt and pepper to taste. We put a sheet of pita bread. And cover it with minced meat)) Roll up a roll, do the same with the second sheet of pita bread. We make a filling of eggs, mayonnaise and ketchup (ketchup can be omitted, to taste ) Lubricate the saucepan MV rast. butter and turn our rolls into a snail, it broke a bit, but it's not scary))) And fill it (if there was not enough filling, make a double dose) Turn on the MW to the "Baking" mode for 50 minutes. Next, turn off and leave with the lid closed for 15 minutes, then another 10 with the lid open.
We take a basket of a double boiler, insert it into a saucepan and turn the saucepan over with a magical movement of the hands)) Cut and enjoy. This is delicious!

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Pumpkin puree soup.
This soup is quite refined and is considered one of the most extravagant in Europe. To prepare it, take one medium-sized potato, one medium onion, one parsley root, pumpkin (determine the volume yourself, we will only say that they usually take twice as much potatoes), a teaspoon of basil, about half a spoon of nutmeg, a third of a glass of cream ( if there is no cream, you can replace them with a piece of butter) and salt.

Let's start making the soup. Put a pot of water on the fire, as soon as the water boils, put the parsley root (pre-cut) into it first, because it is harder than the rest of the vegetables, and after about five minutes you can add all the other vegetables to it. We continue to cook all the ingredients for fifteen to twenty minutes, it is during this time that they should be cooked. The main thing here is not to digest them. Take out all the vegetables with a slotted spoon, cool them a little, put them in a blender in portions and be sure to add a little broth from the pan to each portion. Now grind each portion until a homogeneous mass is obtained (to a state of puree). Put this puree back into the pot with broth, add salt and cream there. Of course, you can do without cream, but cooking with cream is considered a classic in any recipe. Bring the resulting mass to a boil, stirring constantly.

Now add the basil, because that's what gives this dish its famous spice. If you are cooking for the first time, then you can put half of its portion first, and then add to taste. Once you've decided on the amount of basil, add the nutmeg. Now your soup is ready. If you are a meat-eater and do not eat dishes without this product, we advise you to cook meat (or minced meat) separately, fry (or boil) it in advance until it is fully cooked and put it directly on the plate before pouring the soup or in the pan itself a few minutes before the end cooking.

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✫ STuffed POTATO ✫

- 6 large potatoes
- 50 grams of butter
- 4 tablespoons of sour cream
- 100 grams of hard cheese
- 4 garlic cloves
- 100 grams of ham, boiled chicken meat or other

Wash potatoes and peel. Put the potatoes in boiling water and cook for 15-20 minutes, the main thing is that they should not be digested. Drain the water and let the potatoes cool.

While the potatoes are cooking, we will prepare the filling. To do this, cut the boiled chicken or ham into small pieces. Grate cheese on a coarse grater. Crush the garlic with the garlic press. Add sour cream, salt and pepper to your taste. Mix everything thoroughly. In the filling, in addition to the indicated ingredients, you can add anything that your imagination tells you or is available in your refrigerator. You can add chopped tomato, Bell pepper etc..

We take our potatoes and cut them in half lengthwise, cut out the core, which will also go into the filling. It turns out such potato baskets, which we fill with ready-made minced meat. It remains to put the stuffed potatoes in a mold or on a baking sheet, previously greased with butter, and put in the oven for about 10 minutes, so that the cheese melts and browns.

Delicious and fragrant dish is ready!

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Meat casserole

Of what:
ground beef - 1 kg 250 g,
onions - 2 pcs.,
carrots 3 pcs.,
celery stalk - 3 pcs.,
garlic - 2 cloves,
flour - 3 tbsp. l,
tomato puree 1 tbsp. spoons,
red wine - 200 ml,
beef broth - 850 ml,
Worcestershire sauce 4 tbsp. spoons,
thyme - a few branches,
bay leaf 2 pcs.,
olive oil 3 tbsp. spoons,
potatoes - 1 kg 800 g,
milk - 225 ml,
butter 25 g
grated cheddar 200 g,
grated nutmeg,
salt, pepper to taste.

In a deep frying pan or saucepan, heat 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil. Fry the minced meat until golden brown and transfer it to another saucepan.
Pour the rest of the oil into the pan where the minced meat was fried, and add finely chopped onions, carrots, celery. Simmer until soft for 20 minutes. Add garlic, flour and tomato paste. Raise the heat and simmer for a few more minutes.
Add the fried minced meat to the stewed vegetables. Pour in the wine, let it evaporate a little and pour in the broth, Worcestershire sauce. Bring to a boil and, without covering with a lid, cook for 40-45 minutes. After about half an hour, check if there is a lot of liquid left in the pan. If there is a lot, make the fire stronger. At the very end of cooking, add bay leaf and thyme.
Prepare mashed potatoes from boiled potatoes in salted water, add milk, butter, a third of grated cheese and grated nutmeg to it, salt and pepper. Mix well.
Put the minced meat with vegetables in an even layer in a baking dish, cover with mashed potatoes, sprinkle with the remaining grated cheese and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 25-30 minutes.
Serve the finished casserole as a main dish.

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Many people call this dish "Lazy manti". But this is a very big mistake - the taste of khanum is very different, if, of course, it is cooked correctly, with zazharochka, fresh onions and thinly rolled dough.

3/4 cup water + 2 cups flour + 0.5 tsp salt
300 gr mince
3 large onions
3 large potatoes
salt, pepper, cumin
For frying:
2 onions, cut
1 st. a spoonful of flour
3-4 st. spoons of tomato paste

Knead the dough without eggs. Prepare the filling: Cut potatoes and onions into cubes, mix with meat and spices. Thinly roll out the cake, spread the minced meat evenly and roll it into a roll. We put to cook for 40 minutes, and we ourselves are engaged in frying. Fry onion sliced ​​in half rings until golden brown, add flour and tomato paste. Fry with continuous stirring for a couple of minutes. Dilute with water to the consistency of the sauce, salt, pepper. Let it boil for 2-3 minutes. Turn off. Separately, cut the onion, wash. You can cut and green. We take out our products from the double boiler, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with onions. Please to the table!

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Anyone who has tried Poltava dumplings at least once will never be able to forget this taste. Properly cooked dumplings are soft, fluffy, light, they melt in your mouth! Remember the Gogolevskys, who themselves jumped out of the plate? So, write down the recipe.
For test:
5 cups flour
1 tablespoon soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 egg
0.5 l. Kefir or whey
The filling can be anything: cherries, cottage cheese, minced meat, boiled potatoes with fried onions, stewed cabbage, strawberries, cherries, currants, blueberries, and more. others

Serve with traditional Ukrainian kvass. Bon Appetit

Ingredients for Meatball Soup:

Minced meat (meat mixed) - 400 grams,
Potatoes - 4-5 pieces,
Carrot - 1 piece,
Onion - 1 piece,
Any greens
Vegetable oil,

Cooking Meatball Soup:

Salt and pepper the mince. Mix well. Make meatballs out of minced meat. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil. Peel potatoes and cut into cubes. Add potatoes to the pot. Cut carrots and onions and fry in oil. Put vegetables in a saucepan and bring to a boil, boil for about 15 minutes. Add meatballs to the pan, cook for about 25-20 more minutes. Decorate the prepared soup with herbs. Bon Appetit everyone!

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Greek classic: Keftedes.

Cooking time: 30 min.
Servings: 9-10 pcs.

You will need:

250-300 g of beef;
250-300 g of lean pork;
1 zucchini;
1 egg;
2 tbsp tomato trade winds;

1 onion;
2 cloves of garlic;

How to cook:

3. Mix thoroughly.

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Greek classic: Keftedes.

Keftedes are Greek meatballs or meatballs made from minced meat and vegetables that are tender and tasty. Especially with piping hot.
Speaking of kefdes, I would like to note that in Greece every housewife has her own recipe for this wonderful dish. Someone cooks them from lamb, someone from pork and beef. Some recognize only keftedes with potatoes, for others only the zucchini option is acceptable. And the variations don't end there. As part of keftedes, you can also find carrots, eggplant, various herbs (from dill and basil to oregano and mint) and even cinnamon. Well, the size of the cutlets themselves varies from very small to quite large.
Only one thing remains indisputable. Keftedes is always a mixture of minced meat and chopped vegetables, a dish generously seasoned with spices and herbs, prepared with love for your loved ones and food.

Cooking time: 30 min.
Servings: 9-10 pcs.
Dish complexity: #h2_of_5
Similar recipes: #cook_meat #from_beef

You will need:

250-300 g of beef;
250-300 g of lean pork;
1 zucchini;
1 egg;
2 tbsp tomato trade winds;
2 tbsp breadcrumbs;
1 onion;
2 cloves of garlic;
oregano, mint, salt, pepper to taste.

How to cook:

1. Grind the onion. Grate the zucchini.

2. Pass the garlic through a press and add to the vegetables. We also send salt, herbs, spices, breadcrumbs, an egg, tomato passata there.

3. Mix thoroughly.

4. We prepare minced meat from meat. Mix it with vegetables.

5. We form cutlets, put them on a baking sheet and send them to the oven preheated to 250 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Ready-made keftedes are served hot to the table in the company with a sauce, for example, tzatziki.

Bon Appetit!

Cooking Academy - even more delicious dishes!

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Cipiliny (Lithuanian cuisine)

I have a lot of friends from Lithuania and there is a cafe in our city with Lithuanian cuisine. Once I tried this dish in it and was delighted. I asked my friends how to cook it. And it turned out that there are as many recipes as there are housewives. I am sharing with you the recipe I made.

Ingredients (for 4-5 pieces): 5 medium potatoes, 150 gr. minced meat, salt, pepper, onion, 1 tablespoon of starch.

Boil 2 potatoes in their skins, peel and three on a fine grater. We clean 3 potatoes and grate mashed potatoes, put them in a rag or gauze and squeeze out all the juice. We mix the potatoes together, add the starch (I had a young potato, so I added 2 tablespoons of starch).
Mince salt, pepper, add finely chopped onion.

We put a pot of water on the stove, salt well and wait until the water boils. When the water boils, reduce the fire, the water should gurgle a little.

We wet our hands, take the potato mixture and make a cake out of it on the hand, add minced meat to the center, glue the edges to form pies (we glue the seams well so that they do not spread).
We put the cipilina on a spoon and carefully lower it to the bottom of the pan. Cook for 30 minutes. Serve with sour cream and cracklings.

Good appetite!

(115 kcal)

Let's prepare minced meat.

Finely chop the tomatoes.

Let's rub some cheese.

Finely chop the parsley.

Take three beaten eggs.

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For the sauce: a glass of milk, a couple of tables. spoons of flour, juice of half a lemon, lemon zest.

We take potatoes and if anyone remembers, in a post about potato chests, I took out the core of half a potato. We do it here too.

We put it in a saucepan with salted water and let it boil for literally 8-10 minutes.

Let's prepare minced meat.

Finely cut the onion and passivate it until soft.

Then we cut the tomatoes into slices and remove the skin from them in this way.

Finely chop the tomatoes.

Let's rub some cheese.

Finely chop the parsley.

Take three beaten eggs.

To beaten eggs, add onions, cheese, parsley and tomatoes only without juice, one pulp.

All this was well mixed, peppered.

We took out our potatoes, laid them out in a suitable form.

They stuffed it with minced meat, doused it with vegetable oil and put it in a preheated oven. Then they took it out and now they doused it with the juice left from the tomato, you can add more juice separately.

Potato stuffed with cheese and egg
(115 kcal)
Let's take potatoes, 200 grams of cheese, 3 eggs, s ()

Potato stuffed with cheese and egg
(115 kcal)
Take potatoes, 200 grams of cheese, 3 eggs, tomato, butter, 2-3 heads of onions, parsley

For the sauce: a glass of milk, a couple of tables. spoons of flour, juice of half a lemon, lemon zest.

We take potatoes and if anyone remembers, in a post about potato chests, I took out the core of half a potato. We do it here too.

We put it in a saucepan with salted water and let it boil for literally 8-10 minutes.

Let's prepare minced meat.

Finely cut the onion and passivate it until soft.

Then we cut the tomatoes into slices and remove the skin from them in this way.

Finely chop the tomatoes.

Let's rub some cheese.

Finely chop the parsley.

Take three beaten eggs.

To beaten eggs, add onions, cheese, parsley and tomatoes only without juice, one pulp.

All this was well mixed, peppered.

We took out our potatoes, laid them out in a suitable form.

They stuffed it with minced meat, doused it with vegetable oil and put it in a preheated oven. Then they took it out and now they doused it with the juice left from the tomato, you can add more juice separately.

Put it back in the oven until the potatoes are fully cooked.

Then they quickly made a sauce for it, made from butter, flour and milk.

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Surely, every hostess periodically asks the question: After all, you always want something new. At the same time, the dish should be appetizing and satisfying to feed the whole large family. Potatoes and meat. These products, perhaps, are available in stock for every housewife. From this article you will learn, and potatoes. In fact, there are a huge number of recipes for dishes from these simple and affordable ingredients.

Draniki with meat

This appetizing dish is cooked with great pleasure by Belarusian hostesses. Draniki are very tasty, tender and incredibly satisfying. They are served at the table with sour cream or milk. The main ingredients of this dish are minced meat and potatoes. What to cook, we have already decided. So let's get started. In addition to the main components, we need two onions, 30 grams of flour, vegetable oil, two eggs, salt. Minced meat will need about 500 grams, and potatoes - 1 kilogram.


Peel potatoes and onions. Wash the ingredients well in water, then grate them on a fine grater. For these purposes, it is best to use a combine. In the resulting mass, beat one egg, add a little salt and required amount flour. Mix well. You can add a little seasoning if you like. Heat up a frying pan with vegetable oil. Scoop out the mixture with a large spoon and place it in the pan. You should have three to four small pancakes. Put minced meat on top of them. Then - again the potato mass. Wait until the pancakes are browned on one side, and then turn them over to the other. Prepare the second, third, fourth batch in the same way. Recipes and potatoes are very simple. The food turns out to be especially tasty and tender if it is stewed for about half an hour in the oven at maximum temperature. At the same time, a little water should be added to the roaster or a simple heat-resistant form with a lid. Bon Appetit.


Ingredients: 350 fat minced meat, two onions, black pepper, three potato tubers, four cups of flour, paprika, 250 ml of water, vegetable oil (glass), egg and salt.


Mix water, salt, egg and add flour. It should be fresh, almost puff pastry. Wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for fifteen minutes. Peel potatoes and cut into small cubes. Dip it in boiling water for a few minutes. This will cook the potatoes better. Peel the onion and then cut into small half rings. Add it to the mince and stir. Put potatoes, herbs and spices there. Once again, mix well. You can add some melted butter. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and divide into two parts. Roll one into a thin layer and transfer to the bottom of the mold. Place minced meat with potatoes on top. Close the filling with the second layer. Pinch the edges well. Poke a hole in the center of the pie and make a few slits around the edges to release steam. You can even decorate the cake however you like. Cook food in the oven average temperature. Baking time - 50 minutes. When the cake has cooled in the form, cut it into pieces. The dish is very juicy and flavorful. Bon Appetit.


What to cook from minced meat and potatoes? Another option is roast meat. It turns out a very tasty independent dish that can be served at the table with vegetables.

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of potatoes, onions, 500 g of minced meat, salt and vegetable oil, you can also use herbs and spices to your liking.


Peel and then cut the onion into rings. Pour vegetable oil into a cauldron, add onion and sauté it for about five minutes. Then add minced meat. Mix everything well and simmer the ingredients for another fifteen minutes. Peel potatoes and cut into cubes. Stir the mince with a spatula. Pour the potatoes into the cauldron. Add the necessary spices, salt and pour in some water. Close the lid and simmer the food for another 50 minutes. At the end, you can add chopped greens. A dish of minced meat and potatoes is ready. Bon Appetit.


Ingredients: 10 potato tubers, egg, salt, onion, 500 g minced meat, two tablespoons of flour and sunflower oil.


Boil potatoes in salted water. Remove the skin from it and mash it into a puree. In the resulting mass, add the egg, salt and flour. Mix everything well. Saute chopped onion with minced meat until cooked in a pan. Make pies out of the potato mass. Put some meat filling in the center. Roll the pies in breadcrumbs and fry in sunflower oil. Bon Appetit.


What to cook from minced meat and potatoes? Ideal Solution- pots. This delicious dish can be served both at the festive table and at the usual family dinner.

Ingredients (for two servings): 200 grams of minced meat, an onion head, four potatoes, 150 g of frozen green peas with carrots, 100 g of champignons, salt and herbs. For dressing you will need sour cream (four spoons), 50 g of grated cheese and a little milk.


How to cook First, finely chop the onion. Peel potatoes. Then cut it into cubes. Add salt. Mix part of the onion with potatoes, and the rest with minced meat. Also add salt and spices to the meat. Take the pot. Put the minced meat on the bottom, then the potatoes. Put mushrooms, carrots and peas on top. Then mince again. Pour the ingredients with sour cream with milk and sprinkle with cheese. Place the pots in the oven for an hour. Bon Appetit.

French fries with minced meat

A very simple recipe for a delicious dish. To prepare it, you will need 500 g of minced meat, 200 g of cheese, onions, a bag of mayonnaise, a kilogram of potatoes, three tomatoes.


Peel and then cut the onion into rings. Salt the minced meat and season with spices. Cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices. Grease a baking dish with oil. Put the potatoes on top - the meat. Lubricate the dish with mayonnaise. Wash the tomatoes, cut into slices and carefully place on top of the minced meat. Sprinkle the casserole with grated cheese. Bake the dish in the oven until tender (about an hour). Bon Appetit.

Original appetizer

Ingredients: six medium potatoes, three onions, 200 grams of minced meat, 50 g butter, bell pepper, 250 grams of sour cream, herbs, carrots, spices, salt.


Peel the tubers, and carefully cut a hole inside with a knife. Chop 2 onions and add them along with spices to the minced meat. Mix well. Stuff potatoes with meat. Put the butter in the bottom of the pan, then place the potatoes. Cut the remaining onion into half rings, and carrots and peppers into circles. Sprinkle the appetizer with vegetables, add chopped greens. Pour water into the pan so that the potatoes are lightly covered with liquid. Fill the dish with sour cream. Simmer the food until cooked.


Minced meat and potato recipes are so diverse that even the most experienced chef can find a new and interesting dish for himself.

Ingredients: onion, three tablespoons of tomato paste, 4 cloves of garlic, salt, vegetable oil, 200 g of cheese. You will also need 300 grams of minced meat and a kilogram of potatoes.


Season the minced meat with spices and salt and mix with tomato paste. Chop onion and garlic. Add the vegetables to the minced meat and mix everything well again. Rinse in water and peel the potatoes. Grate it on a potato pancake grater. Salt the resulting mass. Cover the form in which the casserole will be prepared, cover with foil and grease with oil. Lay out the potatoes, followed by minced meat. Next up are the potatoes. Sprinkle the top with grated cheese. Preheat the oven. Bake the dish for forty to fifty minutes. Bon Appetit.


For those who have not decided what to cook from minced meat and potatoes, we offer the following recipe. This oriental dish is somewhat reminiscent of manti familiar to everyone. However, khanum, rolled into a roll, is prepared as a whole, and not molded individually.

Ingredients: three potatoes, spices (basil, zira), 1 kg of minced meat, three onions, salt, sunflower oil, water, flour, egg and butter.


Peel the potatoes and then cut the tubers into small cubes. Add spices and salt to minced meat. Drip a little vegetable oil, put chopped onions. Mix well. Then put the potato pieces and pour in some water. So the food will be juicier and more tender. Cover the filling with a towel and set aside. Start preparing the dough. Mix 100 ml of water and one egg. Add some salt. Pour in flour (as much as you need). Mix well. It should be a fairly stiff dough. Divide it into four parts. Roll each into a thin layer. Put a quarter of the minced meat on the resulting cake. Smooth out the filling. Gently roll the dough into a roll and grease it with melted vegetable oil. Prepare the rest of the khanum in the same way. Grease the bottom of the steamer with oil. Form into a roll. Steam the food for about an hour. Bon Appetit.

Before the onset of the holidays, almost all housewives every time try to please their loved ones with something that they have not tried yet. Everyone probably has potatoes at home, and buying minced meat is not a problem, and it’s even better to cook it from meat yourself. It can be beef, pork, chicken, or any mixture of them.

Video recipes

Potatoes with minced meat

Potato cutlets with minced meat

Potato casserole with minced meat

Potato zrazy with meat

Cooking in pots

A very tasty and satisfying dish is obtained by baking it in a pot. To make it juicy, you need to add a tomato or sour cream. Peeled and washed potatoes are best fried in a pan first. Do the same with minced meat, carrots and onions. Potatoes are placed at the very bottom, minced meat is placed on top, and everything is poured with roasted vegetables.

Those who want to have a beautiful crust, sprinkle the dish with cheese, rubbing it in advance. For baking, the oven is heated, the temperature should reach 180 degrees.

Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • minced meat - 300 g;
  • potatoes, onions 4 pcs.;
  • carrot - 1;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • sunflower oil;
  • Bay leaf;
  • water;
  • chicken broth cubes - 2.
  1. Having picked up everything you need, go to the process. The onion is cut into cubes, put in a pan and fried a little. Carrots are added to it, which are chopped on a grater. The mixture is fried for about 10 minutes. Small tubers are put in a pot whole.
  2. Meatballs are made from minced meat, salted and peppered. They are placed on top of the potatoes and poured with cooked roasted vegetables.
  3. IN warm water, one liter is enough, put cubes, pre-chopped, grated garlic and a pinch of salt.
  4. After the mixture dissolves, it is poured into a pot so that it all stews for three hours. Potatoes with minced meat in a pot can be diversified by adding bell pepper.

To do this, take:

  • minced meat - 300 grams;
  • potatoes - 10 pieces;
  • processed cheese and pepper, 2 pcs.;
  • ground black pepper;
  • milk - 1.5 cups.
  • Potato slices are fried in a pan.
  • After removing the seeds of pepper, it is cut into small cubes.
  • Minced meat is fried, slightly not bringing to readiness.
  • Potatoes are placed in a pot; top it with minced meat, and then pepper.
  • All this is salted, seasoned with pepper, covered with slices of processed cheese.
  • It is poured with milk and placed in the oven for about 25 minutes.

Another delicious dish is prepared with minced chicken, potatoes and champignons.

What will you need:

  • chicken breast, champignons, potatoes - 300 g each;
  • sour cream - 350;
  • onion - 200; flour -50.

In addition, you need sea ​​salt, spices, sunflower oil.

The cooking process begins with peeling the onion, cutting it into rings. Mushroom legs are slightly trimmed and wiped with napkins. The mixture is fried in oil until the moisture disappears. Having cooked the breast, it is cut into pieces and sent to the meat grinder. Crushed potatoes are fried in a preheated pan for 10 minutes, covered with a lid, and brought to readiness. After that, sour cream, flour, mushrooms and minced meat are put here. The mixture is seasoned, mixed. After removing it from the fire, lay it in pots. Half an hour later, the dish is ready.

Potatoes have been adored by many since childhood in any form. Roast is no exception. For this, half a kilogram of minced meat is bought, passed through a meat grinder a couple of times, salted and sprinkled with pepper. In addition, take:

  • onion -1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 800 grams;
  • sour cream and mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons each;
  • sunflower oil.

After washing and peeling, the potatoes are cut into slices.

Onion rings are placed in a hot pan, minced meat, dressed in the form of several pieces of steak, and potatoes on top. All this is poured with a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream. It goes into the oven for an hour.

Dishes of Belarusian housewives

Belarusians love potatoes. And he knows how to cook potato pancakes very tasty. It is absolutely easy to do this. After eating a few of them, a person feels full. In addition to potatoes (1 kg), they contain minced meat - 500 g. In addition, you need onions (2 pcs.) And 30 grams of flour.

After washing the potatoes and onions, they are rubbed on a grater. Put an egg, a little salt and flour into the mixture. Who likes dishes with seasoning, you can sprinkle it. Spread the mass on a preheated pan, which is greased with sunflower oil. To do this, use a large spoon. Minced meat is placed on the resulting pancakes, and a mixture of potatoes is again placed on it. It is necessary to turn from one side to the other so as not to burn. You can stew potato pancakes in the oven, and then placing them in a saucepan with a lid. In time, it will take no more than 30 minutes.


One more dish can be learned from Belarusian women - “sorcerers”.

For this you will need:

  • minced meat (beef plus pork) - 300 g;
  • potatoes - 6-8 pieces, depending on the size;
  • one egg and an onion. You can fry the "sorcerers" in lard or vegetable oil.

The potatoes are crushed into food processor. If it is not there, a grater will do. After that, the mixture is placed on a sieve to drain excess liquid. As a result, starch will settle at the bottom of the dish, which will go for the dough. Minced meat is made in a meat grinder. It is seasoned with pepper and salt. Then they collect with a tablespoon, put in the dough and close on all sides. They can be made round or like pies. Fry "sorcerers" in a frying pan. After receiving the crust, put it in another bowl and bake in the oven, pouring sour cream.

Cooking pies

A lot of people love pies. They are made with apples, cabbage, cherries. But not everyone knows how yummy it turns out if you take potatoes and minced meat as ingredients. Now many housewives are too lazy to cook, and even more so to bake. This is the recipe for them. This will take no more than an hour.

Need products:

  • onion -1 pc.;
  • minced meat -350 g;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs;
  • flour - 4 tbsp.
  • sunflower oil, water - a glass.

For seasoning, pepper is taken. And, of course, you can not do without salt. Flour is sifted first. The dough is kneaded with water and sunflower oil is added. After cooking, put it in a cold place. Potatoes cut into cubes and small circles are thrown into boiling water for a couple of minutes.

Thin onion rings are placed in minced meat. Add salt to it and season with spices, mix. The dough is taken out of the cold, where it was placed for a quarter of an hour. Then divided into 2 parts. One is rolled out so that the sides can be left in the form. The filling is placed on top, wrapping the edges of the dough. To prevent steam from remaining in it, a pie is pierced in the center or a small hole is made.

After 40 minutes you can eat.

original dishes

There are a lot of recipes in which minced meat and potatoes are present. These products are also used in cooking in other countries. Maybe you should please your family with an oriental dish called “khanum”. To do this, you need a kilogram of minced meat, 3 pieces of potatoes and onions.

It will not do without eggs, flour and butter - sunflower and butter. To do this, you need to take enough flour so that it absorbs all the water, and the dough becomes “cool”. Four cakes are made from it, on which minced meat is placed. Finely chopped potatoes are also placed, a little sunflower oil and bow. To make the mixture softer, water is added. The stuffed cakes are rolled up and brushed with butter. They are not baked, but sent for an hour to a double boiler. It turns out quite unusual, but tasty.

Women who are not very strong in cooking can be advised to make potatoes with minced meat in French. Thin potato plates are placed at the bottom of the mold, topped with minced meat with onion, cut into rings, and spices. Lubricate everything with mayonnaise, put circles of tomatoes, sprinkle with cheese. Bake in the oven for about an hour.

Not too accurate calculation of the ratio of ingredients - and you have extra stuffing left. What to make of it so that the family is satisfied and it is enough for the planned dish? We remember: we have leftovers, so you can’t start something global. There are also options in which the workpiece in the refrigerator is still left (and in sufficient quantity), and its traditional use has already become boring. Probably, every housewife had to suffer more than once, thinking out what to make from minced meat, except for cutlets. And if the food is needed urgently - it's generally a disaster! The sudden arrival of guests to unprepared hosts will plunge the most seasoned and balanced person into a panic.

accordion tomatoes

Let's start with what to make minced meat quickly - in the time that unexpected guests spend to get from the station to your house. A great appetizer - and almost instantly - can be concocted with only minced meat, tomatoes and onions in the house. First, the tomatoes are cut with three parallel cuts that do not reach the end - to resemble a kind of fan. Chopped onion is added to the finished minced meat, the mass is salted, peppered and knocked out to release excess air. Inner sides cuts are also slightly flavored with salt, after which they are filled with minced meat.

Tomatoes are placed in a greased form, a ring is placed on each tomato hot pepper(if you like it hot), everything is poured with diluted tomato paste and - in an oven heated to 180. After half an hour, the temperature rises to 250, and after another ten minutes the dish rushes to the table for hungry guests. By the way, if you are in a hurry, then you can not make accordions, but simply cut off the tops of the tomatoes and stuff the fruits with minced meat.

snack croutons

This dish is suitable not only for those who are looking for what to make from minced meat for relatives suddenly drawn on the doorstep, but also for those who like to have a delicious breakfast. Pieces of eight large champignons coarsely rub together with a large onion. The mass is combined with a third kilo of minced meat, an egg is driven into it and your favorite spices are poured. Sliced ​​loaf slices are spread with minced meat and fried on both sides. You need to start with the one where the spread is. When serving, put a parsley sprig on top - and breakfast or a delicious snack is ready.


This dish is the best thing you can make from ground beef: it turns out juicy, fragrant and fast enough. A white roll is soaked in milk, slightly squeezed out and combined with minced meat. The base is salted and peppered, an egg is driven into it, and the mass is kneaded until smooth. The other two eggs are beaten with milk, a magnificent omelet is baked. In parallel, frying is done from chopped onions and grated carrots. A headlight is placed on the foil with a relatively thick layer, an omelet is placed on it, and a roast is on top. The roll is rolled up with the release of the foil so that it does not end up inside it. "Sausage" is placed in the oven and baked until blush. Occasionally add water to the pan.


In general, the list of what to make from minced meat in the oven is very long and varied, especially if you combine meat with different vegetables. We offer a recipe that will provide you with a dish that is quite appropriate on the festive table, but also prepared so simply that it is also suitable for an ordinary dinner. A kilogram of eggplant is washed and the cuttings are disposed of. Each vegetable is cut lengthwise; pulp is scooped out of both halves with a spoon. The “boats” are salted and set aside for a quarter of an hour so that excess bitterness comes out with the juice. The onion is crumbled and fried. When it reaches goldenness, chopped eggplant pulp is added. As it turns red - a pound of minced meat is put, fried; turns brown - half a glass of diluted tomato paste is poured in, and the mass is stewed for another ten minutes. The finished filling is distributed among the eggplant halves, sprinkled with grated cheese and put into the oven until the vegetables are cooked. The eggplant is ready to eat when it is easily pierced.

tomato delight

If you don’t know what to make from minced meat, which is not enough for voluminous projects, take large tomatoes out of the refrigerator - they are just in season, they are inexpensive, and there are plenty to choose from. Each tomato is washed, after which a hole is carefully cut out in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stalk. It is desirable to make it not too big, but so that you can take out as many "insides" as possible. Raw minced meat is mixed with chopped onions, crushed garlic and spices - all exclusively to your taste. The filling is sent to the tomatoes; laid out neatly on top small slide grated cheese. a third of an hour spent in the oven - and you can feel like a spoiled gourmet.

Navy pasta

Let's move on to what to make from minced meat for everyday use. And naval pasta is an eternal, beloved and unforgettable recipe. Those who do not like this dish probably cooked it from stew, which spoiled all the impressions and sensations. According to the mind, it is prepared from natural minced meat. First, a chopped onion and a couple of crushed garlic cloves are simmered in vegetable oil. Then the meat component is added to them, about half a kilogram. You need to fry the minced meat, constantly stirring and breaking large lumps with a fork or spatula. When almost ready, tomato paste is added in the amount of one full spoon and half a glass of water, and the minced meat is stewed under the lid. Pasta is cooked, preferably long, hard varieties. IN ready-made they are combined with minced meat, heated together with it, and when served, sprinkled with grated cheese.


Now let's look at what can be made from minced meat and rice. This cereal goes well with meat, so there are a lot of options for using them in the kit. The recipe offered here attracts attention with scope for culinary imagination: main course can be enriched not only with various sauces, but also with the filling put into the “Hedgehog”, and side dishes served with it - usually salads, since our balls are a completely independent dish. 800 grams of minced meat is seasoned with spices, salt, garlic and onions. An incomplete glass of rice (choose sticky varieties such as Krasnodar) is cooked until half cooked. The cooled porridge is combined with minced meat, supplemented with two eggs and mixed until the rice is evenly distributed throughout the volume. The koloboks are floating. The baking dish is smeared with oil, “hedgehogs” are laid out on it and poured with sauce from a bag of medium-fat sour cream (40 ml), half a glass of mayonnaise and three tablespoons of tomato paste. It can be replaced with ketchup, only then you need to add it in a slightly larger volume. Unusual cutlets are placed in the oven for an hour, after which they proudly rush to the table.

Belarusian "sorcerers"

If you ask an ordinary home cook what to make from minced meat and potatoes, many will find it difficult to answer. Meanwhile, there is plenty to choose from. If you are not very lazy, learn from the experience of your Slavic neighbors. Raw potatoes are taken - a lot, not less than a kilogram and a half. It is cleaned and rubbed on a fine or medium grater. The mass is transferred to a colander to drain the juice. The main thing is not to overdo it and not decant the whole thing: the “dough” should remain soft and slightly moist. Starch will precipitate from potato juice when settling. After draining the liquid, it returns to the potato mass. A raw egg is driven in there, the base is salted and kneaded. A good lump of “dough” is taken, straightened into a cake, a spoonful of minced meat is placed in the center (salt, pepper, onion - everything is like cutlets, only without an egg), and rolled into a ball. In a well-heated fat or oil, the “sorcerers” are fried until a good tan, folded into a heat-resistant bowl, poured with sour cream and baked for about forty minutes in the oven.

Roast with minced meat

Those who are reluctant to bother with a grater and rolling can cook an analogue of meat in French. Peeled potatoes are cut into slices, onions (you can do a lot, it will not spoil the taste in this dish) - in half rings. The greased brazier is lined with potatoes - tightly so that there are no gaps, but not in several layers. Onion is scattered on top and sprinkled herbs. Further, minced meat is distributed over the surface and salted to taste. The next layer is onions again, and the final one is potatoes. Mayonnaise with sour cream is diluted in a glass of broth (the ratio is your business), the sauce is poured into a mold, and it is put into the oven. the time of her stay there depends on the degree of loading - from half an hour to an hour. Heating is set to medium, between 160 and 180 degrees.

potted miracle

People, even by chance who once bought pots for themselves, have long been able to appreciate their forethought and culinary literacy - no other processing method can replace cooking in pots. With minced meat in them, it turns out just a chef's masterpiece.

  1. Onion crumbles in half rings, and potatoes in cubes or thin slices.
  2. In a frying pan, onions are allowed to become transparent.
  3. Potatoes are laid and fried (without removing the onion) until a bright blush.
  4. The contents of the pan are distributed among the pots, and minced meat is laid out in its place. It must be fried until dark.
  5. The meat goes on top of the potatoes, peppered and salted.
  6. Each pot is filled with sour cream or mayonnaise. The liquid should not fill the container by more than two-thirds: the products will give their juice during baking, and if there is too much of it, the dish will become boring and boiled.

Forty minutes later, your magic in a pot can be carried to the head of the table. If desired, a variety of vegetables can be added during the cooking process (mushrooms are especially good in such a company). Lovers of Italian cuisine can sprinkle the dish with cheese for about five minutes before removing the pots. And with regard to seasonings, there are no restrictions at all, except for their compatibility - both among themselves and with the ingredients of the dish.

Potatoes with minced meat can be stewed, fried or baked. Depending on the method of heat treatment and the type of minced meat, a variety of dishes are obtained. For example, steaming potatoes with minced chicken or turkey will provide a low-calorie diet meal. And fried potatoes with minced pork will be a very appetizing, slightly high-calorie dish for a hearty lunch. Adding other vegetables and herbs to potatoes enriches the dish with vitamins and also allows you to diversify cooked dishes. You can add, for example, the following vegetables: carrots, tomatoes, broccoli or cauliflower. And if you add cream, sour cream or cheese to the ingredients, you get a dish that will not be ashamed to please guests on a holiday!

Potatoes with minced meat (step by step recipe) - general principles of cooking

Any potato will do. Whether it is young or taken from last year's harvest. The main thing is that it must not be damaged by pests and diseases, not be rotten and frostbitten.

You can peel potatoes with a special vegetable peeler or a regular knife. The first option will be a little more economical. So that the peeled potatoes do not darken, it should be poured cold water.

Potatoes should be chopped before cooking. Can be cut into large cubes or straws. We do the same with peeled onions.

Minced meat for the dish is also suitable for any. Can even be combined different types meat. If frozen minced meat is taken, it needs to be thawed a little when room temperature. At least until the moment when it can be cut into pieces and sent to fry. If you have whole pieces of meat, then they must first be cut, then passed through a meat grinder together with onions. In minced meat, it is better to immediately add salt, spices and ground black or red pepper to taste.

Potatoes with minced meat can be stewed in a saucepan. They can also be baked in the form of a casserole or you can cook a dish in the sleeve. Before serving, the dish should be given time to brew.

Stewed potatoes with minced meat: a step by step recipe


300 g minced meat;

One head of onion;

20 ml of tomato paste or ketchup;

400 g of potato tubers;

40 ml of vegetable oil;

Salt to taste;

Ground black pepper to taste.


1. We always start cooking any dish with the preparation of selected products. Immerse the potatoes in a bowl of cold water and peel each tuber. This can be done directly under a stream of cool water. Put the clean potatoes in a cup of clean cool water. If you leave the tubers on the table, they can quickly darken, due to the high content of starch in them.

2. Then, when the tubers are clean and the dirty skin is removed from the table, you can cut the potatoes. First, we cut each potato into plates about 2 cm thick. Then we cut these plates lengthwise and into medium-sized cubes.

3. Leave the chopped potatoes for now in a cup of cold water.

4. Rinse the onion with cold water and cut off its neck and bottom. Remove the scales and rinse the head again in water.

5. Cut the onion in half with a knife on a cutting board. And now we cut it into cubes or half rings. Any cut will do here.

6. To prepare a step-by-step recipe for stewed potatoes with minced meat, you can take any minced meat. For example, a mixture of pork and beef or pork and chicken.

7. So, pour vegetable oil into a saucepan and set the stove to moderate heat.

8. On the other burner of the stove, we set the water in the kettle to heat up. You'll need it a little later.

9. When the oil is warmed up (it will become a little thinner), put the minced meat into the pan, cutting it into pieces.

10. Do not touch the pan for 2-3 minutes.

11. Add the onion to the minced meat and mix with a spatula.

12. When the onion is a little fried, put the tomato paste into the pan. Stir and fry for a few more minutes.

13. Take a bowl of chopped potatoes. We drain the water from it and fill it with another. Rinse and discard water.

14. Put the potatoes in a saucepan with minced meat. We do not mix.

15. Pour from the kettle hot water in a saucepan so that the potatoes are almost all in the water.

16. We add heating of the plate and wait.

17. When foam appears, you need to remove it with a slotted spoon or an ordinary spoon.

18. Now we reduce the fire so that the broth boils a little. Close the lid tightly and simmer.

19. When the potatoes are almost ready, season them with salt and pepper. We mix.

20. Step by step recipe is over. A little broth should remain in the finished stewed potatoes with minced meat.

21. We use the dish hot. If desired, sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs.

Potatoes with minced meat and vegetables baked in a sleeve: a step by step recipe


400 g of potato tubers;

One bulb;

One carrot;

100 g of tomato;

250 g of minced meat or chicken;

40 ml of vegetable oil;

Salt to taste;

Pepper to taste;

Bunch of fresh parsley.


1. We choose potatoes, you will need clean and not beaten tubers. You can use young potatoes, it is much easier to peel.

2. We clean the selected potatoes and put them in a cup of cold water.

3. Then thoroughly wash the tubers under running water.

4. To implement a step-by-step recipe for potatoes with minced meat, the tubers can be cut in any way, but not large, otherwise it will not bake. For example, you can cut into strips and put them in a bowl of clean cold water for now.

5. Let's deal with onions and carrots. Clean and rinse these vegetables with water. Let's cut them. Onions - in half rings, carrots - in rings.

6. Wash the tomato and cut into small cubes.

7. For baking, you can use a cooking sleeve. This is a special culinary dense film in the form of a sleeve. Then we cut off the desired length of the sleeve, close one end of it with a clip (they are included with the sleeve, but instead of it you can take a dense thread).

8. We put all the prepared products in the sleeve: potatoes, minced meat, carrots, onions, tomatoes, vegetable oil, salt and pepper. You can add your favorite spices if you like. Mix them by hand.

9. We press the sleeve to the table and tie its second end.

10. Put the sleeve on a small baking sheet.

11. And now you will need a toothpick or a sharp knife with a thin blade. We pierce the sleeve once or twice near the edges. This is necessary to release excess hot steam.

12. We turn on the oven or oven for heating up to 180-200 ° С.

13. We put a baking sheet with a sleeve in the oven.

14. In the meantime, the potatoes and minced meat are being cooked, you can do the greens. Wash the parsley in a bowl of cold water.

15. Lay the greens on a cutting board. Finely chop with a knife.

16. After 15 minutes, take out the baking sheet and carefully turn the sleeve over.

17. Set to bake again.

18. After 40-50 minutes from the start of baking, the potatoes should be ready.

19. We take out the baking sheet. Carefully cut a hole in the sleeve with a knife and leave for a minute. Otherwise, you can burn yourself with hot steam.

20. Following the step-by-step recipe for potatoes with minced meat, put the dish on a plate (you can use a large common one) and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Potato casserole with minced meat: a step by step recipe


300 g potatoes;

300 g minced turkey (can be replaced with ground beef);

One onion;

Two cloves of garlic;

30 ml of tomato paste;

100 g of broccoli;

150 ml cream 10% fat;

150 g of Russian cheese;

30 ml of vegetable oil;

Salt to taste;

Ground pepper to taste.


1. Peel the potatoes and rinse thoroughly in cold water.

2. Then cut the tubers into thin strips and leave in a bowl of clean cold water.

3. Onions and garlic are peeled and rinsed in water. Finely cut with a knife. Garlic, if desired, can be passed through a special garlic press.

5. After 10 minutes, take out the cabbage and wash it clean water. Cut into smaller pieces.

6. Cheese can be taken of any name, only it must be hard. Grind it on a grater. There is no difference to pass the cheese through a large or small hole. Cheese in this step-by-step recipe is needed only because the minced potatoes will be under the cheese cap.

7. We collect all our ingredients in layers. We take a small baking sheet with high sides and grease it with vegetable oil.

8. Spread the minced meat in an equal layer on the bottom of the baking sheet, grease it with tomato paste.

9. Then lay out the onion and garlic.

10. The next layer is broccoli.

11. Last layer lay out, evenly distributing, potatoes.

12. Sprinkle salt and ground pepper on top.

13. Drizzle with cream and sprinkle with cheese. If heavy cream will be used, then reduce their bookmark and mix with water, bringing to about 150 ml.

14. Send to the oven to bake at 180 ° C for 40-50 minutes.

15. Let the dish brew.

16. Serve by cutting the casserole into portions. We decorate the dish with fresh herbs and vegetables.

Potatoes with minced meat (step by step recipe) - tricks and tips

Foil can be used instead of a sleeve.

For a potato casserole, you can pre-mash it, so the dish will turn out even more tender.

You can add any other ingredients to taste in dishes. You can add vegetables, mushrooms or even fruits.

A variety of spices and spices will not spoil the dish at all, so you can add any seasonings in moderation.

For holiday table you can cook potatoes cut in half, stuffed with minced meat and sprinkled with cheese.